David Hathaway No 82 Winter 2016
On Saturday 24 September, thousands of Russian Jews and Holocaust survivors gathered in the historic Roman theatre in Caesarea, Israel, to hear a message of hope and encouragement by David Hathaway. Worship was provided by world-renowned music group Vinesong. This was the first time that such a service has been held in Israel. David writes: Caesarea was a tremendous success, but probably one of the strongest battles of my life! Thank you to everyone who supported me during this battle… …We had very strong opposition, more dangerous than ever before, I even needed bodyguards to prevent a personal attack and the event needed police protection at a very high level. Even as we tried to enter the stadium a wind, stronger than they had ever experienced before at this venue, caused the whole stage structure, TV screens and overhead loudspeakers to rock and swing so dangerously, that for safety reasons, the people couldn’t be allowed in! However, we stood firm
on the Word of God, commanding the wind on the Mediterranean to cease, as Jesus did on Galilee! God answered and the wind calmed so that we could all enter and the programme went ahead with even more people than we had anticipated. The stadium was packed, so full with 4000 Russianspeaking Jews, Holocaust Survivors and their descendants, that another two thousand, who also wanted to come, could not even register to attend – there was no more room! My message was broadcast for 30 minutes, live on national TV to the whole nation! You must watch it to see how powerful it was!
Our organisers in Israel wrote: Caesarea, the Roman port and gateway to Israel, was first introduced to faith in Christ by the preaching of Philip the Evangelist, one of the first seven deacons (Acts 8:40); he later had a house there in which he gave hospitality to Paul the Apostle (Acts 21:8). It was in Caesarea that Peter the Apostle came and baptised Cornelius the Centurion and all his household, the first time a mass Christian baptism was conferred on Gentiles (Acts 10); here Paul’s first missionary journey (to Tarsus) started (Acts 9:30); he also visited Caesarea between his second and third missionary journeys (Acts 18:22), and later, as mentioned, he stayed several days there with Philip the Evangelist. Later still, he was a prisoner in Caesarea for two years before being sent to Rome (Acts 23:23). This region is full of Christian heritage! Yes, in recent years there have been Christian concerts and preaching events for Christian tourists in the Roman theatre in Caesarea. But in September this year we preached the Gospel to over 4000 unbelievers, who came from all over Israel in around 100 buses. Days before the event, we, and those we work
with, were threatened by religious extremists. We survived intimidation, manipulation, threats and actions – tens of thousands of defamatory flyers and extremist media posts were involved. It reminded us of the days of Jesus and Apostle Paul, when they were pursued from town to town. And just three days before the event, all our bus contracts were cancelled! Dozens of militants camped out in tents on the beach of Caesarea to disrupt the preaching (Acts 23:12-14). The leaders of the Holocaust organisations found new buses willing to bring them at short notice. Then, hours before the event, a ferocious wind never experienced before in Caesarea, was threatening at any moment to bring down the whole stage with all the sound and light systems. But God answered prayer. The first historical and Biblical repentance of Gentiles preached by Apostle Peter took place here. Today, after 2000 years, in the same place, we brought the same Message of Salvation back to the Jews!!! The Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed! The God of Israel won!
David’s message to Israel is simple, on the Saturday in Caesarea he said: “You owe your existence to a miracle. Israel was born out of the suffering and desperation of the Holocaust. Your survival as a nation since then is miraculous. Your God is a Deliverer. In Egypt, God saw the suffering of His people and He came down to deliver. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will always deliver Israel, whatever the crisis. Come back to your God. Your hope is in Him, not in your military or your politicians! God loves Israel, He loves you, He sent Messiah to forgive your sin and heal your sickness.” Pastoral care is a vital part of our work in Israel. This is provided by the Russian-speaking Holocaust Organisations
The reason they receive David in Israel with love and melted hearts, despite the opposition of religious extremists, is the love David himself has for Russian-speaking survivors of the Holocaust; – a love which he has proved over more than 50 years of ministry, smuggling more than a quarter of a million Bibles behind the Iron Curtain at the height of the Cold War, serving time in a communist prison in the 1970s for this, and then after his release, preaching the Gospel openly with signs and wonders in the 1980s before the collapse of communism – and when the freedom came – bringing the Good News in mighty crusades across the whole of the former Soviet Bloc until today. The day following the televised event in Caesarea, on the
In the Knesset, David was presented with an international medal for his work for the protection of Human Rights and a certificate in appreciation of his 50 years’ work in missions and social work. Then a meeting with the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, who gave him a letter of thanks for his social work in Israel. She herself had personally participated in our work of distributing aid to needy Russian Jews in Israel – and also specifically thanked him for Saturday in Caesarea! David also had a very significant meeting with the Chief Rabbi, Yona Metzger, who had travelled up from Tel Aviv specially to meet him; he too thanked David for his work for Israel and especially for the event in Caesarea on the Saturday! Their discussion, which was held in private, was interrupted, but he insisted that
and the Organisations caring for single mothers and drug addicts, and by the Russian-speaking Jewish congregations who support them. This work continues non-stop throughout the year since 2011. Russian Jews and their families are now one of the largest ethnic groups in Israel with a population estimated at over 1 million; many of them made Aliyah after the collapse of communism in the 1990s. Israel now has the world’s third-largest Russian-speaking community (outside the former Soviet Union), after the United States and Germany. They once suffered for being Jewish in the Soviet Union, now they suffer for being Russians in Israel.
Sunday, we made a VIP visit to the Ghetto Fighters House Museum, north of Haifa. This is the very first Holocaust Museum in Israel, built as a house by the survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland, to preserve the memory of their families and friends, and of the hundreds of thousands who perished without hope. Today it is a vast and deeply moving treasury of mementos and archives. The Director of the Museum made a special point of thanking David for what he did for Israel in Caesarea the day before. When you go to Israel – please visit this remarkable place. This is the place where, every year, the Holocaust survivors gather in their grand amphitheatre for the climax of the prestigious Holocaust Memorial Day ceremonies.
they must meet again. He said, “In London, Russia or Israel – wherever suits you, but we must meet.” He said, “You Christians and we Jews are both expecting Messiah. Let us get along together until He comes, and let us pray that, when He comes, we will both recognise the true Messiah!” We give thanks to God for a wonderful victory in Caesarea – and in the Knesset, which was actually on holiday, they came specially to meet us! Many years ago the Lord said to David, “I have set before you an open door that no man can shut!” For those of you who prayed and supported – a big ‘thank you’, from Israel and the Jewish people!
Prophetic P rophetic
David Hathaway, Vietnamese Summer Camp 2016, Germany God wants to challenge you to a completely new beginning! Moses had three very different lives. For 40 years he lived in a king’s palace, the adopted son of a princess – you know the story – and then he killed somebody. So he spent the next 40 years in the wilderness looking after sheep. And I’m beginning my new life! Like Moses, I have another 40 years! When Moses was 80 years old, he had a powerful encounter with God. What God did for Moses, He can do for you and me. Moses saw a bush burning in the desert – Exodus 3:2-3. It’s not unusual to see a bush burning in the desert, I’ve seen it. It’s not unusual even in Russia. I’ve travelled right across Siberia on the train. It takes seven days, Moscow to Vladivostok, so to pass the time, the Russians get drunk on vodka and throw the bottles out of the window. There is so much broken glass beside the railway track, that the sun shining on it sets the trees on fire! That’s nothing to do with God, and the only spirit involved is vodka! But the bush that Moses saw did not burn away. The fire was in the bush, but the bush was not burned. When you get the fire of God in your soul, it doesn’t burn your hair! Or your clothes! – It sets YOU on FIRE with POWER! With the Holy Ghost and Fire! When God baptised me in the Holy Spirit, God set me ON FIRE! It’s seventy years since the fire fell in my life and it’s stronger now than at any time! I’m on fire, burning! My soul, my spirit is on fire! My life is on fire! So Moses looked at that bush, he knew that it was God and he turned to one side. If God is dealing with you, you have to come on one side, stop
in Exodus 3 we see the beginning of Moses’ third life! Moses is now 80 years old and God is about to change his life! However old you are – GOD NEEDS YOU! He wants to challenge YOU! He wants you to have a NEW beginning!
what you are doing, stop! And listen to what God is saying. The Holy Spirit wants to speak to every one of you – but you have got to stop in order to listen!!! This is what God said to Moses, Exodus 3:7-8, “I have seen the affliction of My people which are in Vietnam (or wherever you live) and I have heard your cry because of your pain and your suffering” – and God says – “I am come down to deliver!” God is not saying “In the future I will come…” He’s not saying, “I may come…” He says, “I am already come! I have come!” That means NOW! God IS in Vietnam. God IS in Germany. God IS all over the world. God has already come! He sent His Son to live here, then sent the Holy Spirit – HERE! I questioned why God allowed me to spend a year in a communist prison, but when I came out of that prison, I understood the Gospel in a new way – because for one year I had lived with every kind of criminal, my best friend was a murderer – and because I was there, something changed in my heart! I learned to see those men as God sees them – somebody’s son, somebody’s husband, somebody’s brother – and I saw the potential in those men! I saw how God could change them! One time in Siberia I had lunch with a group of pastors and I found out that every one of those pastors had been in prison – except one, whose father had been the secretary of the communist party! God had transformed their lives!!! The reason God had to send His Son into the world was to live with people like you and me. He lived in a world of sin, a world of religious oppression, he lived under Roman occupation – He saw the reality. And the Bible says, God SO LOVED THE SINNER, He so loved the world, that He was willing to send His Own Son to live amongst sinners like us! Only when He lived here
and saw our pain, our suffering, our sickness – His heart was filled with so much love for us, He loved us enough to die… And because I spent a year with the worst kind of sinners, I’ve learned to preach the Gospel with a greater passion, I’ve learned to understand the heart of God! God didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him should be set free! That’s why God said to Moses, “I have come down to deliver! I HAVE come!” That’s why God has delivered you. Why He has delivered me. One of the greatest moments of my life was when I stepped free from that prison – because I saw the power of God to deliver. But now, Moses gets into an argument with God. In Exodus 3:11, Moses says to God, “Who am I? Who am I to go to Pharaoh?” This is the challenge. Who are you?!! Who am I?!! It was the same for Moses. “How can I go?!! And if I go, what shall I say?” Moses began to argue – all the reasons why he could not go. In Exodus 4:1, Moses says, “They won’t believe me!” God replies, “What is it you have in your hand?” This is the challenge – God did not put a powerful gift in Moses’ hand. He didn’t give Moses a gun or a sword. Just the question, what is in your hand? God is calling YOU, just as you are. Whoever you are, whatever you have, God will use YOU. Not because you are different, not because you have some great talent. My own Christian mother said, “You will never be a preacher!” I’m like you, I was born with nothing. Everything I have, everything I am, is what God has put in my life. You are the same. God will use YOU – He will give you the Power, He will give you the Holy Spirit, the Fire – He will change your life! He looks at YOU, just as you are. He does not see your weakness, your failure – He sees who you can become! That’s the miracle! God doesn’t see your age, your education, the clothes you wear –
It’s time to start your new life! God already sees the man or the woman you can become if you give your life to Him! Look what God can do with you!!! Moses had a staff in his hand. And God worked a miracle. When Moses threw the rod on the ground, it became a serpent! And the immediate reaction of Moses was to run away! So many Christian believers are running away from the power God has given them! We become afraid of the very power God has given! God said to Moses, “Pick up that serpent – by the tail!” If you know serpents, you do not pick them up by the tail – it will swing round and bite you! You pick it up by the head. But the moment Moses obeyed, it turned back into the rod – by a miracle. The power of the Gospel is in the miraculous. Everything about the Gospel of God is miracles. Creation is a miracle, the death and resurrection of Jesus – a miracle. When Jesus was on earth – He worked miracles. And this is His challenge: Go into all the world, preach the Gospel – and these signs, these miracles will follow – miracles will follow the preaching of the Gospel! Mark 16:15-18. Everywhere I go, I see the most incredible miracles. Miracles of every kind. And healing miracles of every kind. I cannot heal anybody. I never have. Only God. One time in Germany they brought me a young man who had been in a motorbike accident. So he could walk again, they had put steel pins in his hip, his knee and his ankle. But he couldn’t bend his leg. I laid my hands on him, called on the power of God to heal and deliver him in Jesus’ Name – and I told him to kneel down! But that was impossible because of the steel pins! But he did kneel down. I was standing close to him. He looked at me, and he pulled back his fist – he was a big man, bigger than me, I thought, he’s in so much pain, he’s going to hit me! But he jumped up, threw his arms around me and pumped me up and down like a baby! God had completely healed him! This is the power of God! God will take you just as you are! God wants to use YOU!!!
Paul wrote in Romans 12:1, “I beseech you, present your bodies as a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service.” What is ‘reasonable service’? It’s when you pay someone to mend your car, clean your house – when they do it, you pay them, that’s reasonable service. But what God expects of you is to GIVE HIM YOUR WHOLE LIFE! And that’s only the start. He wants you to give more, and more. The secret of power with God is when you give yourself in service. Sacrifice is the beginning of service. When God sent His Son to save you from your sin, God gave Him as a living sacrifice. And God expects us to give OUR lives as a living sacrifice, only that will He accept. God is calling you, He wants you. Like Moses you can say, “Who am I? How can God use me?!” Moses was a murderer! Moses in anger had killed an Egyptian! But when God wanted to deliver Israel, God chose Moses! 80 years old, 40 years in a king’s palace, 40 years as a runaway, all he could do was the most menial job. But God knew what He could do with Moses. God is looking at me, He’s looking at you. God has not finished with me yet. However old I am, God is beginning a new life, He’s calling me to something new, I have to give Him my life afresh. God is calling YOU. It doesn’t matter how young or how old you are – God NEEDS YOU! If you don’t answer, who else will?! God is calling YOU to give your life to serve Him. You say, “Who am I?” But Moses was the most unsuitable person in the world! He couldn’t even talk clearly! His brother Aaron had to talk for him! But it wasn’t Aaron, it was Moses – the man with the anointing, the power. You say, “I can’t do it!” – But God needs YOU! What is it in your hand? – God will take just what you have, then He will use YOU! Why? Because God says, “I HAVE COME DOWN TO DELIVER!” It’s God – IN YOU! It’s the Holy Spirit – IN YOU! The Power of God – IN YOU! It’s not me, I do nothing, nothing. All I have is what God has given me, all I have is – God IN me. When I face the world, all I have is the Holy Spirit. When
I preach the Gospel, I cannot convert anybody, I have never saved a sinner, I’ve never healed the sick. Everything that happens – is simply God using me as a channel. God wants to take YOU over! Come to Him and let Him fill you with His power. God will make a miracle of your life. He’ll take your hands and He’ll work miracles. He’ll take your voice and He’ll speak through you. He’ll take your heart and He’ll love the sinner through you. Do you understand? – God can only love the sinner through YOU! It’s the love of God in your heart that will win the sinner. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit through you that will change people’s lives. It’s the voice of God through you that will be the preacher. It’s the voice of God in YOUR voice. It’s the love of God in YOUR heart. It’s the power of God in YOUR hands. Moses was the most unsuitable choice – but with God, NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! If God can use me, He can use anyone. Will you say, “Yes!”? God wants YOU! Oh God, somebody reading this can become Your voice. You want to take their voice and fill it with Your Holy Spirit and with power! Somebody has a heart. Holy Spirit, put the love of God in that heart. Somebody has hands, somebody has feet, somebody has eyes. Holy Spirit, move those feet. Holy Spirit, move those hands. Holy Spirit, touch those eyes. Let those eyes see the need. Let those eyes see the Glory of God, the power of God. Touch us now! Oh God, set that ‘bush’ on fire, that life on fire! Set us so on fire, that ungodly men will turn aside and see God in our lives! NOW! Send the Holy Spirit – change our thinking, change our direction! Now! In Jesus’ Name! Give your life to serve God, let Him take control – and He will set you on fire!
David Hathaway, Belgium, July 2016 Don’t be discouraged – the kingdoms of this world, the political systems we live under today, are not the end! The end is Jesus! He is the beginning and the ending. What did Jesus say? – “My Kingdom is not of this world!” You and I are strangers here on earth, foreigners. Our life, our home isn’t here. Here, we’re tempted by sin, tempted by the flesh. Here, we have battles to fight – against the world, the flesh – and the devil! That’s here. But when we’re in God’s Kingdom there’s no more battle. The devil will be bound in chains for a thousand years!!! Here we need miracles of healing. In the Kingdom of God there is no sickness! No death! No pain! But it’s our faith here today, which gives us salvation, healing, and it’s our faith which takes us into the Kingdom! We need to put that gift of faith into practice in every part of our lives – NOW! Come on – we should live in victory NOW, not in defeat! We can overcome the flesh, we can overcome the devil, you can overcome your sickness – come on! Don’t live in sin, don’t live in sickness – step into faith through prayer and see the miracle – NOW! HERE! Do you understand? – We should be living in victory NOW. Yes, I agree that it’s only in part until we physically get into God’s Kingdom!
But by faith, you are ‘born again’ and can receive your ‘Heavenly Inheritance’ NOW! (Ephesians 1:10-23). By faith, you are not living in Belgium, you are not under the EU – or any other world system. Our home is Heaven. Our Kingdom is the Kingdom of God! By faith, the devil is under our feet, NOW! I’m an evangelist so I try to follow Jesus and preach the same Gospel Jesus preached! Jesus preached one Gospel – the Gospel of the Kingdom! The Kingdom of Heaven! He didn’t preach Babylon, He didn’t preach Rome, or the EU. Or political correctness, or religion. He preached the Kingdom of God! On earth! Here! By faith – now! But the only way the Kingdom of God will finally come here on earth is when God destroys the ungodly kingdoms!!! Look at the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream in Daniel Chapter 2. Every kingdom of man is destroyed! Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold – destroyed. The Medo-Persians, the shoulders of silver – destroyed. The Greeks – destroyed. The Romans – destroyed. The EU, the feet of iron and clay – destroyed, when? By the coming of Jesus, the ‘Stone not made with hands!’ So I’m not troubled, I’m excited! Jesus is coming! To deliver!!! One hundred years ago, one of our famous British preachers said, “Every time you have an election, you throw one lot of sinners out, and you vote another lot of sinners in!” Our human governments are not godly! Our leaders are not godly men! Yes, we have some born-again Christians in politics. But our governments, our nations, our laws – everywhere, including Israel – are controlled by ungodly men and women! But God is going to bring His Kingdom! Here! On earth! The devil is going to be in chains! Until this happens, what must we do? We’ve got to preach the Gospel of Jesus – NOW! If only politicians would read the Bible! The Bible tells us the Truth! Your Bible is more important than what the politicians tell
you! We are living in Bible prophecy today! It tells us the future – and the end – of the EU! And of ALL world systems! In the end, they don’t win! Don’t be afraid! This is a challenge to you, Christian! Your Bible says, you are the head and not the tail! We are the leaders, the most important people in whichever nation you may live! We’ve got to take our place, we’ve got to rise up and be strong! I want to shake you out of your lethargy!!! When Christ comes He’s going to be King – and we’re going to rule the world with Him as kings and priests! One of you will rule Brussels, another Berlin... I’m not joking. Jesus said it! “I will make you rulers over cities!” – Luke 19:17-19. You are NOT the tail, you are the HEAD. We are the ones with the power and authority. I want to show you the power and the authority that we have...! I have something greater than anointing. I have authority. What did the Roman Centurion say to Jesus when he wanted Jesus to heal his servant? He said, “Jesus, You are a man under authority! As a Roman officer, I too have authority.” – He recognised the authority Jesus had!!! The Bible tells us that we have the same authority in Jesus’ Name! “Father, we come in Jesus’ Name. You have told us in Your Word, we are the head, not the tail – we have authority in Jesus’ Name! We are Your representatives! We are the Ambassadors of the NEXT EMPIRE! We are the representatives of the Coming Kingdom – the Kingdom of God on earth! The Kingdom of JESUS! Oh God, show us what power and authority we already have in Jesus’ Name!!! Make us victorious!” Christian believer, we need a spiritual awakening – let it begin today!!! I’m impatient! Come on! Rise up in Jesus’ Name! In power and in authority! Oh God, bring a spiritual REVOLUTION! And let it begin in us, in the weakest person!!! Let the weak say, “I am strong – because my strength is in Jesus!” Amen!
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David Hathaway, Germany, Vietnamese Summer Camp 2016 Flying into Kiev earlier this year, I watched as our aircraft made its final turns and manoeuvres before straightening up for the final approach to landing. I didn’t know how long it would be till touchdown, but I Acts 2:17 says, ‘It shall come to pass, in the last days, says God, I will pour out My Spirit on ALL flesh... On My servants and handmaidens I will pour out My Spirit in those days and they shall prophesy... And I will show wonders in Heaven, signs in the earth, blood, fire and vapour of smoke, the sun will be turned into darkness, the moon into blood, before the great and notable Day of the Lord comes. And whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved!’ This is the prophecy of the days coming up to the return of Christ! The days we are living in NOW. God has been speaking to me very strongly in these last months. As an evangelist, I do not follow the example of another man, I look to Jesus, the first evangelist – and I look to see what His message was. I find He brought a message of a personal forgiveness and salvation, a new birth – but His strongest message was the Kingdom of God! And that He would be coming again, back to an earthly Kingdom, here! His teaching about the coming Kingdom was so strong that the disciples believed Jesus would come back in their lifetime! To them it meant the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel, because in the time of Jesus Israel was under Roman occupation and was part of the Roman Empire (as prophesied in Daniel Chapters 2 and 9). The Jewish people were not in control of their own nation, they were not free. Europe was part of the Roman Empire too, and fifty years before the birth of Jesus, the Romans came to Britain. So the disciples asked Jesus, “When You send the Holy Spirit, will it be at this time that You restore the Kingdom to Israel?”
knew that we were on the final flight path. And it was as if the Lord said to me, we’re now on the final flight path to the return of Christ. No more turning.
The Jewish people as a whole still do not recognise Jesus as Messiah because He did not, at that time, restore the Kingdom to Israel. They did not understand, Messiah had to come first to die – in order to prepare for the Kingdom! But they still believe Messiah IS coming! A few years ago, the orthodox Jewish taxi driver who was taking me to the airport, from the moment I got in his taxi all the way to the airport, was asking me, “Did we kill HIM, Jesus? Was He Messiah?!! He healed the sick, He only did good. The whole of Israel is asking this question, did we kill Messiah?!!” But many churches, many Christians no longer expect Christ to return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth... Whether you live as Christians under persecution in Vietnam, or you live in the EU, or wherever you live, we are not children of this kingdom down here, we are ALREADY citizens of the Kingdom of God! Whatever your language, wherever you live, our hope is not here. All our hope is in Jesus! And when He comes back, He will bring, immediately, complete freedom! The first disciples believed that after the Holy Spirit was come, within a short time, Jesus would come back. But Jesus said, “It’s not for you to know the time when I will return. But after the Holy Spirit is come, you will receive power and you will be My witnesses. Preach the Gospel, heal the sick!” The early Church, the WHOLE Church, was FILLED with the Holy Spirit! There was no such thing as a ‘State Church’ and a ‘Charismatic Church’! There wasn’t a ‘State Religion’ and a ‘Pentecostal Religion’. Two thousand years ago, Judaism was the ‘State Religion’ of
Israel, and that religion has not gone away, they still have it. Jewish people need to find Jesus. Here in Germany, you Vietnamese are not living in a ‘Christian’ country – the only hope for Germany is salvation in the Name of Jesus! The only hope for Vietnam, the only hope for England – is in Jesus! England is not a ‘Christian’ country! Many of our churches are empty, some have been converted into mosques! Our only hope is – Jesus! My whole life is to work for Jesus, I’m employed by Him. Every one of us, from the moment we give our lives to Jesus, we are His servants, we work for the Kingdom of God! Our hope is not here. We’re not working for our pension here – we’re working for God! You don’t have to be an evangelist like me; every one of us, we’re all the children of God, our Kingdom is in Heaven, not on earth. But while we are here, we are ‘salt’, we’re here to ‘keep’ the world – if we were not here, I think God would destroy the world... God has put us here for a purpose and that purpose is the Kingdom of God! That is our priority! My priority? – I live for Jesus, I give my life to Jesus! We have to DIE to this world, to the kingdoms of this world, and be BORN AGAIN into the Kingdom of God! When Jesus said this to Nicodemus, the Jewish ruler, he took it so seriously, he asked, “How can a man be born again when he is old?” Jesus said that to become children of God, whether you are six or sixty years old, we have to DIE to this world. Water baptism is a picture of this. Jesus died and was buried in the ground. DEAD. After three days He came out of the grave. ALIVE! He will never die! It’s a miracle! We are BURIED in water with Him.
Prophetic P rophetic
DEAD! When we come up out of the water, we are resurrected to – NEW LIFE! So we already have RESURRECTION LIFE!!! When I was baptised in water, I died, and now I have a NEW LIFE – which belongs to Jesus! Your life belongs to Jesus!!! No matter what language you speak, or where you were born, or where you live, you are now the sons and daughters of God! There is no difference between me and you, TO GOD YOU ARE IMPORTANT. You can all do what I do, pray as I do, preach as I do, understand the Word of God, know Jesus as I know Him. God does not have favourites!!! Coming back to Acts 2:17, these are the Words of God: “I will pour out My Spirit on ALL flesh!” That includes Vietnam! That’s why I knew, fifty years ago, I could go to communist Russia and I could believe that God would pour out the Holy Spirit. I could go to Ukraine. God would pour out the Holy Spirit. Every country I go to, God will pour out His Holy Spirit! If I go to Israel! If you go to Vietnam, God will pour out the Holy Spirit! Wherever you go in the Name of Jesus, God will pour out the Holy Spirit. Miracles will happen. People will repent. Lives will be changed. Because that is the promise of God! Wherever I go, I know, every time, God pours out the Holy Spirit! God cannot fail! We have to SEE what God says and we have to BELIEVE Him! Wherever I go, I go in faith. I believe God for the impossible! When I was in a communist prison, beaten, tortured, denied food, I KNEW God would pour out His Holy Spirit; and one day, in my prison cell, I had an experience with God that I’ve never had in any church. It was the most powerful experience I‘ve had in my life! Something of the fire and the power that I have today – it didn’t come from England or America – I received it in a communist prison. So it doesn’t matter where you are. If you are in prison, or in Vietnam, in Germany or in Britain, if you are suffering – God will pour out His Holy Spirit and baptise you with fire and power! That’s the promise of God! Wake up!
is what you do, faith is action! 1 Corinthians 12 tells us, there are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. And we should desire the best gift! Which one do you want? The Apostle Paul said God will give you the best gift! So choose, which gift do you want?!! Seventy-one years ago, as a boy, I made the decision, I wanted the gift of faith! – Because I knew that, with the gift of faith, nothing is impossible, NOTHING! You’ve got to make a decision!!! If you have received the Holy Spirit, which gift do you want?!! Ask God to show you!! I asked for faith, because I believe that if you have the gift of faith, you have ALL the other gifts!!!! All the things that happen in my life, happen because I chose to TRUST GOD! Faith is trusting God – for EVERYTHING! I’ve had to put it into practice! Yes, I see people healed, I see miracles. But it begins in the everyday things. When God called me to leave my church in 1964 to go to Israel and Russia, whilst they looked for another pastor, I worked for three months without any salary – so they could save up to provide for the new pastor! In those three months I still pastored the church, but I took no salary. Did I live in poverty? No, I TRUSTED GOD! I bought a piece of land, built a house! Not only that, I bought a tour bus (to take tours to Israel) that cost twice as much as the house! And I had no money! I had asked God for the gift of faith! And faith is only faith if you put it into practice! Faith isn’t sitting in your chair, in your church pew and doing nothing! If you have faith, prove it by what you do! Faith without works is – DEAD!!! Faith to me was building the house, buying the tour bus, smuggling Bibles into Communist East Europe, going into prison – it was all part of faith! If you have the gift of faith, absolutely nothing is impossible! I grew up in a preacher’s family. I had two brothers and a sister. My mother looked at the others – they would serve God, she said. Then she looked
at me and said, “David, you’re the youngest, you’ll never be a preacher!” And that was what made me so determined!!! If someone tells me I can’t, that’s exactly what, with God, I will do! It’s a simple lesson: WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Who was Israel’s greatest king? – David. When Samuel the prophet came to David’s family to choose the king, all the sons were brought to the prophet – but not David! Why? The family was wealthy, but David was the outcast, an illegitimate son, who was only good to keep the sheep! But who did God choose? God chose the reject! The Bible says, God did not choose the rich, the powerful and the mighty. God has chosen the outcast. God will use the youngest, the weakest. God can use the lowest amongst you, because with God, nothing is impossible! God is not looking at your wealth, your education – He’s looking at your heart!!! I would not ask you, where were you born, what kind of house do you live in, what kind of a job do you have? The whole question with God is, what is in your heart?!! Has God been speaking to you? Is He challenging you? Are you going to stay the same person as you were? God is searching, His eyes are searching the whole world, looking for someone. You may be that one. I had no idea when I was evangelising in my school, when I was preaching the Gospel in the street as a teenager, that one day God would work so many miracles in my life… But right from the earliest day, God saw my heart. And I’ve stepped out in faith. I’m challenging you to pray, to ask God for a gift of faith – and then, prove you have that gift by what you do!!! Oh God, change our hearts and give us the gift of faith to change men, to change nations, to change the world! Oh God, let our life be a life of faith, of service, of power. Oh God look on our hearts and do the impossible!
I see incredible miracles in my ministry – because I believe God! Hebrews 11:1-3 says faith is ‘substance’ and ‘evidence’. Fact. Faith is not just something theoretical in your mind. Faith is in your heart, in your feet, in your hands, faith is where you go, faith
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This is a critical time. God is moving strongly in prayer – and God needs us to respond to His challenge, He has something for you to do. For me, I am at a time of a new beginning, a whole new phase like Moses! My first life until I was 40 was evangelising, planting churches, seeing incredible miracles of healing – including my own from throat cancer – adventures pioneering the overland route through the communist countries to Israel, smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain – all this before I was 40! Aged just 40 I was put in a communist prison – and that was a turning point, I came out of that prison to a completely new life, everything of the past had gone! The next 40 years are impossible to describe, I moved into a period of evangelism, of seeing the most phenomenal miracles, in Russia and Eastern Europe. For 40 years I have seen the power and the glory of God! But I am absolutely convinced that I have now moved into a new phase. Britain, Europe, all the nations of the world are moving into a whole new phase. God is in control. I’m excited at what God is going to do in these coming years. Isaiah 59:1 says, ‘Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear!’ And verse 19, ‘So shall they fear the Name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in, (let’s get the punctuation right here), like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him!’ This has been the busiest and most critical year of my life. In June I was in Kiev. At the end of last year, looking at the serious situation in Ukraine with the fighting – Russia, having taken Crimea in the South, then invaded East Ukraine, so many killed, even pastors I had worked with in evangelism – I saw that there was no military, political or diplomatic solution. So I challenged Ukraine to come together for a National Day of Prayer. And something happened in Ukraine that was absolutely unique. I said, “This has to reach the whole
nation!” The only definition of a ‘National Day of Prayer’ is when the whole nation comes before God. I set out to bring together the heads of every single denomination. I started with the pastors that I knew, but you very quickly come up against the barriers! Churches don’t work together! It doesn’t matter which country! But to call a nation to prayer, it HAS to touch the whole nation! And because the civil war in Ukraine was so critical, we invited the leaders, one by one. First the independent leaders. Then the Pentecostal leaders. I was told they would not work with the Charismatics. But the Holy Spirit melted their hearts. Then there was another problem: the Baptists and Pentecostals have been bitterly divided ever since the days under communism when they were forced to be registered together and share the same buildings – I was told that it was 95% certain that they would not work with us. I spent so much time in prayer, because we had to win every single group, every single denomination, in order for the Day of Prayer to succeed. When finally I met the Baptist leader, he threw his arms round me and said, “Why has it taken us so long to meet?!!” In the end, praying on the platform, we had the leaders of every confession, including the Orthodox and the Catholics! And when they came together (I was the only foreigner allowed to speak), there was such a great move of God! If only you could know their prayers, how they prayed for forgiveness. If only you could have seen their hearts. One after the other they said, “Oh God, if we had been right before You, we would not have bloodshed in our nation, Oh God, forgive!” There were 6500 in the Sport Palace with us, uplinks all over the nation, nationwide broadcasts on three channels, coverage on National State TV. Such a spirit fell when these senior men took the responsibility – it’s humbling to read the transcript of what those men prayed. And at the end, I prayed for Russia, for the persecutors, for the enemy – and when I did, you should have seen the tears and the way God moved. Within hours we got the report that the
guns in the East had suddenly and unexpectedly fallen silent. That was June. The latest news we had from Ukraine, was that Russia had changed its focus from East Ukraine to Crimea in the South, to dangerous but diplomatic issues there. I do believe God is going to completely answer our prayer. When I called the leaders in Ukraine to prayer, I told them, “My life is on the line, we HAVE to get the Russians out of Ukraine not by military, political or diplomatic means, but by PRAYER.” What we saw in Ukraine in June was the highlight of my ministry so far. I’ve seen 80,000 gathered together on one day to hear the Gospel in Poland. In Russia, my evangelistic broadcasts covered 80% of that vast land mass. But I think what happened in June in Ukraine, when the leaders of every denomination gathered together as one before God – touched God’s heart. Unity. The last prayer of Jesus in John 17 before He went to the cross was not for the world! It was not for the lost for whom He was about to give His life! No, He prayed for His own disciples, that ‘they may be One as we are One!’ That is His prayer now, for unity. This unity is already having a tremendous impact in Ukraine. When I evangelise there in the future, I will have the support of every denomination. But we have only started the battle. The battle is not yet won. We’re in a fight, we’re in spiritual warfare. People have strange ideas about spiritual warfare. To me it is two things: calling on the power of God – then going out to defeat the devil. In Ukraine we won’t rest until the devil is defeated and every enemy soldier is out. We HAVE to win this battle. After all these years in which I have been evangelising in Russia, Russia is now totally closed – as God showed me it would be. You cannot rent any venue for evangelism, you cannot even share the Gospel in your own home! That’s the law – it’s being enforced. There is a powerful move in Russia to destroy all evangelical faith. They are destroying evangelical churches deliberately. This is a colossal attack from the enemy – but we have to rise up in strength and in power! 3000 years ago God destroyed the most powerful army in the world when He delivered Israel out of Egypt. If God could do that, there is absolutely nothing impossible to God! That’s why I quote Isaiah 59:19, ‘So shall
David Hathaway, North Wales, July 2016
they FEAR the Name of the Lord from the west, and they will SEE His glory from the rising of the sun in the east.’ We HAVE to declare the Glory of God! We have to SHOW the power of God! What we are doing in Ukraine is an attempt to demonstrate in one nation in Europe, that when we call the whole nation to pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, we can CHANGE THE WHOLE NATION! We CAN! I’m not resting. They have challenged me to come back on 3 June next year, this time to take the Dynamo Stadium, seating 25,000. We will continue in prayer and continue to meet in unity until God delivers the nation! You don’t pray once and say, “Oh, it didn’t happen!” We have begun a spiritual battle in which God can never be defeated! Whether you like it or not, we are all engaged in a spiritual battle, even in our own lives. The Ukrainians identified three enemies. One, the enemy from the East, the Russians. Two, the enemy from the West, the European Union. Why? Because, as a condition of future membership, the EU is trying to impose ungodly, unbiblical values on Ukraine. On the Sunday before we had the Day of Prayer, the Ukraine government was forced to allow the first ever Gay Pride Parade. Until then, the government had been Christian enough in tradition to refuse. But the EU said, if you want to become a member state, you have to accept European values – ‘tolerance’. The Christians saw a floodtide of evil coming in, not just from Russia in the East, but also from the West! And the third enemy? The enemy within, their own corruption. We’re all in a battle. I’m in a battle in my ministry, in evangelism, in Ukraine, in Israel, in Russia. – I don’t accept defeat in Russia! Who says I can’t have an evangelistic meeting in Russia? I don’t believe God said it! The enemy has thrown down a gauntlet, the law says you cannot evangelise in Russia. I’m taking this before God and saying, “Who is the final authority? The Russian government – or You?!!” This is a practical issue. This is how I have to live! The enemy says, “You can’t!” And I say to God, “Who’s Boss?!!” The reason they support me in Ukraine, why they came together in unity under my initiative, is because they say, “We know the price you have paid for 50
years.” After Communism fell, I was the first person to go in and take the Dynamo Stadium in 1992 and 1993 to evangelise. The KGB were so angry, they passed a law (after the event) to forbid this, and they sent assassins to kill me. After the attempt in 1998, when they stole my car and everything in it at gunpoint, it became a murder enquiry. I met with the government – they told me, “If you break our law, you should expect common criminals to kill you!” I said, “I did not break your law, you passed that law after I ‘committed the crime’!” God is not mocked. And they then gave me freedom to preach the Gospel! We HAVE to get the victory! God cannot be defeated! It’s your responsibility and mine to engage in spiritual warfare! In Ukraine we have won the first battle, but we have yet to win the war! But Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords! I have a whole new life, a whole new challenge in front of me! Isaiah 59:1-2,15-16 says, ‘The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear. BUT YOUR iniquities have separated between you and your God, and YOUR sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear… Judgement is turned away, justice is afar off, truth has fallen…’ Look at the world today! It’s true! And in v16, ‘God saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor!’ God asks, why has no one stood in the gap as the intercessor?! There HAS to be an intercessor! Jesus had to die and rise again and go to His Father in Heaven – in order to make intercession for us! We only get into the Kingdom – because of the Intercessor interceding on our behalf! Jesus ever lives in order to present His perfect sacrifice before His Father, saying, “Forgive them!” We ALL need forgiveness. We need to humble ourselves according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land...” This is how the
great and mighty spiritual leaders in Ukraine prayed. They humbled themselves. There has to come a time when we confess our weakness and failing and say, “Oh God, this wouldn’t have happened if we had been right before You!” We’re living in the most dangerous time when, at any moment, Antichrist is going to be revealed. We’re living in the time when one world government will be introduced and will bring the mark of the Beast. We’re in the final countdown to the return of Jesus! Father, put Your Spirit within us, let Your Holy Spirit POSSESS us, every part, in Jesus’ Name. Say with me, “Oh God, EMPTY my life of myself and POSSESS me, fill me with the Holy Spirit! Oh God give us the fire, fill us with passion and love for Jesus! Teach us how to pray! And then, teach us how to put it into action!” 1 Corinthians 4:20 says, ‘The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power!’ Anyone can talk, but the Kingdom of God is not in empty words! We should be the Power House – but you get the power on your knees! Where did Jesus get His power? Before He worked the miracles, where did His power come from? Up on the mountains, on the lake – to receive the power from His Father! What a challenge! I’m on a learning curve! Can we pray like Elijah and call down fire from Heaven?! But one of us is going to do it! Words are easy. Words are cheap. But the Kingdom of God doesn’t come with words. It comes with power, the demonstration of power. And you can get that power – on your knees! Red-hot from the Throne!
Katie Morris
Up in the mountains this summer, making my way down, wondering whether perhaps to cross the flower-filled slopes or follow the winding looping path I could see in front of me, some words appeared my heart, ‘better than any known way’... Not exactly a Scripture, but as if spoken by the Holy Spirit... What was it? I mustn’t lose the thought...
as Britain faced war with Germany. They are the words of a woman called Minnie Louise Haskins who wrote: ‘I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And the watchman said, “Put your hand into the hand of God. That will be better than a light and safer than a known way.”’
I was surprised to find out later that this thought had already passed through my mind a few days before, when I was anxiously praying – and I had written my thoughts down in order not to forget them!!! I was battling at the time with some very vocal internal reactions and emotions, I guess we all fight these at times?!! Anyway, I do. They were like knives inside me. Facing an apparent dead end, this is what I wrote down: “Not my words, not my spirit, but let it be Your Words in my mouth and Your Spirit in my heart, so help me God. Your Word is always near me, in my heart and in my mouth that I may do it. Your Word in my heart is my light, my salvation, my way out, my peace. I can easily tell the difference between the words of my flesh and Your Word! I am Your somewhat stupid sheep, but You are my Shepherd. When I hear You call, I come. I know Your Voice leads me into the Way of Life. Full of feelings as I may be, I can easily recognise the voice of destruction!!! How stupid of me even to think of following it!!!” – And then this is what I wrote: “Lord, my hand in Your hand, Your Word in my heart and mouth, is better than a known way…”
There on the mountain, without understanding all this, I felt an excitement... ‘Better than any known way’... I repeated these words over and over, ‘better than any known way’ and they seemed more wonderful than the vista in front of me...
Better than a known way… I asked David what this was, since it wasn’t a Scripture. He knew at once… It comes from the words of a poem that King George VI spoke to the nation in 1939
Something far, far better than any known way! Deep inside I understood, God offers us something better, more effective than anything we could ever imagine or figure out! If only we would listen to Him and do it His way!!! As the poem says, when you step out into the dark of the unknown, when you put your hand in the hand of God, this is not just better – it’s safer for you! For me, the ‘known way’ is my own natural thinking, the way I figure things out. But what a privilege to walk with Jesus and trust Him! Trust Him to do something that will never ever happen my way. Just trust Him. With my life. Do as He says! My thoughts aren’t His, my ways aren’t His. He has the best plans. He knows them. I don’t. Plans ‘better than any known way’… A truly different way, beyond our understanding. His way. Whether it’s personal things, ministry things, global things, I must just talk with Him, listen to Him, and put my hand in His! It’s safer and it’s better…
As we flew into Israel in September for the great event in Caesarea you can see on p2-5, I heard these words in my heart, “You are going into the unknown!” I remembered, if I will put my hand in God’s hand, this will be safer than any known way… Within hours of landing we were to find out that every well-made plan had been turned on its head, could the event in Caesarea even go ahead?!! Truly we were ‘in the unknown’! How we cried out to God, day and night! But you have seen the pictures, read the story. Facing the unknown, God worked a great miracle in Israel! Every day we face spiritual darkness, evil of every kind – nation against nation, rich against poor, breakdown in society, at work, in the home. We must make it our focus to know and to love the Word of God above all things. Put your hand in God’s hand – this is safer and better than any other known way. The verse David is living by in these days is Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me and I will answer you – and I will show you great and mighty things WHICH YOU DO NOT KNOW!” Beyond your dreams, beyond your imagination. God is going to show His Power, His Glory – NOW! On earth! It has begun!
Kat ie
The Ministry of
David Hathaway
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Come to the Father (To God be the Glory) Come Home (Lamb of God) If from where you are (I Worship You & Sheltered in the Rock) A glorious future (Let Your Living Water Flow) God is my Father (Holy Spirit move me now) Prayer & Revival (Holy Ghost Fire) God’s Healing Power (Peace like a River) Healing (Holy, You are Holy) Rejoice! (I behold Your Glory)
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God’s plan for your life is for good and not evil, to give you a hope and a future. Come to Jesus just as you are, He will heal your sickness, forgive your sin, take away every hurt and pain. This new devotional CD, containing 9 short encouragements from David combined with the beautiful worship ministry of Vinesong, features the classic songs: To God be the Glory, Let Your Living Water Flow and Peace like a River. Download today from iTunes, Google Play and Amazon CD can be ordered using the order form in this magazine
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PROPHETIC VISION© is published by Eurovision Publications Tel: + 44 (0)1924 453693 Fax: + 44 (0)1924 465326 email: uk@propheticvision.org.uk This is a prophetic ministry of David Hathaway Editorial Director: David Hathaway Editor: Katie Morris ISSN 1358–698X
www.propheticvision.org.uk eurovisiontv.org.uk Twitter: @DavidGHathaway facebook.com/DavidGHathaway google.com/+EurovisionMission YouTube.com/EurovisionMission
All intellectual property rights however arising in relation to this publication including its name which may exist in any law throughout the world are vested solely in David Hathaway