September 2014 Dear Ministry Partner I want to express my thanks to you for your tremendous prayers for what has been going on in my ministry and in Poland in particular – God answers prayer! Because of the prayer that has gone up, the mission that we held 5, 6, 7 September was far more successful than anything we could have anticipated or hoped for. We were looking for the impossible – and yet on one day alone in that massive park, the largest nature park in Europe, approximately 60-70,000 passed through under the sound of the Gospel! We distributed all 100,000 of our specially printed evangelistic brochures – we ran out! The participating TV companies estimated that at any one time, 25-30,000 people were crowded in the venue, which was designed to hold up to 30,000 people at a time, and according to the TV crews, the attendance in the park changed about 3 times during the day. It was not like a church or stadium meeting with a constant number of people – it was an outreach with constantly moving crowds – with my Gospel message from the stage and broadcast on the 8 big screens all over the park via special outdoor speakers far beyond the tent, first preprepared short Gospel clips with the call to repentance and healing, then the two main live evangelistic meetings – the worship (by several famous Polish Christian bands), my message, the call to repentance and the ministry of healing – broadcast all across the park – and on this one day, in the tent, I was told thousands personally came to receive Christ. We could only see the response of the 20,000 who came into the tent, but all 60-70,000 heard the Gospel and received the leaflets detailing the way of salvation. The power of God to heal the sick was so great that even before I got up to speak in the first meeting in the tent, one man, a First Aider on duty at the event, was spontaneously healed during the worship. His arm was broken and in a cast – he couldn’t move his hand at all. He was so convinced that God had touched him, he cut off the plaster and showed everyone what God had done! The final healing of these three days was a man with bone cancer for six years, scarcely able to sit, stand or walk without help – he RAN to the front! He said “I felt I was operated on by the Holy Spirit! Also my heart, weakened by years of chemo, is healed!” These healing miracles were spectacular – especially as they were shown on TV! But perhaps the greatest miracle of all during these 3 days in Katowice and Krakow was the fact that the whole festival was broadcast on the national and regional TV, reaching all parts of Poland! Friday night in the ‘Teatr Rozwyki’ and Sunday afternoon in the ‘Opera Krakowa’ were broadcast LIVE! For
two hours they broadcast the whole message, the call to repentance and showed the most important miracle healings live on TV! In addition to these 2 live broadcasts and re-broadcasts, the whole 3 days of the evangelism were filmed by 5 major TV channels and 2 internet channels (covering Poland, the Polish Diaspora worldwide, and Russian-speaking peoples worldwide). While only eternity will reveal the results, for the first time in history, the whole Catholic nation had the opportunity to hear – which exactly fulfils the challenge of Scripture: they all had an opportunity to repent if they wanted. So often, as evangelists get older, their ministry gets smaller as the fire goes out. It is wonderful for me to see that, as time passes, my ministry is just becoming so much larger than ever before and the fire burns brighter. Recently I met the leader of the Korean Prayer Team in London after he finished his prayer tour in Britain – he shared a vision which God had given him. In this he saw covering Britain a heap of ashes; when he stirred them he saw just a little fire left almost buried by the ash. As I shared my vision of evangelism and he saw my passion for souls, he said that perhaps that fire which he saw was in me! I believe that today’s challenge to Christians is the seriousness of the times in which we live – these are the last opportunities to reach the lost before Jesus comes. I am beginning to think that despite all our preconceived ideas, we are actually entering into the ‘Tribulation’ of the last days. The Pope recently met a group of Jewish leaders and told them that 70 years ago they experienced extreme ‘Tribulation’, but now we as Christians are experiencing the same – in Syria, Iraq, the whole Middle East, as well as in Africa. Potentially now also in Europe and the West – the threat is of militant Islam beheading and crucifying Christians. Militant Islam spreading everywhere – even the Government is recognising the threat is here in Britain. The answer is not political but spiritual – Christians must realise that the only answer is to boldly proclaim the positive power of the Christian message. Now Poland is over, our next challenge for this year is Israel in November, provided we can raise enough donations. Then next year I feel strongly led of God to concentrate on the largest outreach to Jewish people for 2000 years! If God will provide the finance, Israel must be the main challenge – while we have an open door – and then continuing into Europe, following the flame of the Holy Spirit. Christians are praying for ‘revival’, but I am experiencing it wherever I go in Europe. After all, seeing so many thousands coming to Christ and powerful miracles of healing, with nations being changed – is the evidence of the Holy Spirit reviving ‘dead’ Christians. 17,000 were won for Christ on the streets of Poland by Polish Christians before our festival – if we saw this here it would be a miracle! I do need your support – you are as important as I am – I can only go when you send me! God honoured your faithfulness in Poland because your extra gifts made it possible to broadcast the whole three days on Polish State TV. Never before in Europe has this been possible – not on Christian TV, but on the State Channels – a tremendous miracle breakthrough! No compromise on the message, salvation only through Jesus Christ. And as I said live on TV on the Sunday afternoon, the only evidence of God is in the miraculous – and God confirmed His Word with signs following – a man healed of cancer in front of their eyes! That’s how your giving makes the difference – thank you in Jesus’ Name – your reward will be to see these new converts in Heaven! Keep praying – keep believing – God will give us victory in Jesus’ Name! Thank You Holy Spirit for what You are about to do…. give us faith to reach out and claim the impossible in Jesus’ Name!
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