Introduction BCDH Architects have gained a considerable range of experience over the last 20 years designing a wide variety of different building types including: commercial developments; retail & fit-out projects; residential developments; cultural & recreational projects; community projects and one off housing designs. We have worked successfully with many clients to understand their specific requirements and we have successfully delivered tailored design solutions that have made the most out of their site, budget and brief. We have selected a small number of different types of projects that have either been completed by, or are currently being worked on by this practice and which we hope will provide you with a taste of the type of service that you can expect from BCDH Architects.
Our Philosophy Architecture is a public art and we believe that the quality of our built environment directly influences the quality of our lives. Our philosophy is based on the creation of a total environment satisfying the various aspects of social, economic and aesthetic considerations. We believe that only through close collaboration with our clients can each project’s needs be fully understood and creatively interpreted. Our design solutions draw their inspiration from what is special and unique about each project, the interests of the client, the setting and the quality of construction. Our projects are distinctive, cost-effective, well-engineered, sustainable and have won national and international awards for quality.
Contents 1
commerical projects
residential projects
small commercial projects
retail & fitout projects
community & social projects
cultural & recreational projects
Our Practice
U2 Tower, Britain Quay, Dublin 2 Client
Dublin Docklands Development Authority
International Competition Winner - 2002
The winner of an international competition run by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority, this proposal was selected from a field of over 600 entries. The location of the landmark tower is the highly visible junction of the Rivers Liffey and Dodder at the sea approach to Dublin. Originally stsanding 78 metres tall, it was decided that the area masterplan would be revised in order to allow an increase in scale to 130 metres whilst retaining the tower’s slenderness and dramatic twisting form.
Selected from an international field, a design team of specialist engineers and cost consultants was appointed in 2005 to develop the design of the tower to realisation. The eventual design employed cutting edge technologies which were utilised in order to realise the both complex form of the building and to maximise the potential floor area of the building within the very restricted site adjacent to two rivers. The building included public functions to the ground floor levels, 182 highly specified apartments which rotated around the central circular core and was
crowned the suite including recording studios for the rock band U2. The design was awarded a Section 25 Certificate in August 2006 and issued for developer tender by the DDDA in November of the same year.
Mixed Use Development, Drogheda, County Louth Client
West End Properties
2007 - ongoing
8.500 sq m
The proposal is for the development of a brown field site behind West Street in Drogheda. This back land development stitches together a composition of sites varying in size and depth into a coherent series of spaces forming a new building intervention. The scheme successfully integrates the historic fabric and invigorates its context by re establishing historical routes and creating new links and courtyards within the town’s historic core. By exploiting the potential of the section across the site ,as well as the use of roof gardens and tall roof lights , the new development allows natural daylight to penetrate deep into the site producing a sequence of calming spaces and courtyard buildings.
Proposed Shopping Centre This proposal, is to create a new shopping centre located within a backland site in a sensitive provincial urban town. The proposal additionally includes for residential accommodation in a new signature building over. The proposal has been carefully considered to respect the surrounding buildings whilst creating a significant new intervention. The design of the proposed development integrates new retail space into the historic town fabric of whilst restoring life to a fragmented and underutilized brown field site.
Name Withheldd
2007 - ongoing
Developer led competition for Drury Street car park site, Dublin 2 Client
Cublin City Council
2007 - 2008
The proposed development was a competition entry prepared, on behalf of Dublin City Council, in conjunction with a team led by Moston Construction Ltd for the redevelopment of a significant city centre location. The proposal, forming part of the strategic intesification of the Dublin retail core would replace the existing multi-storey car park with an an iconic mixed use development. The proposed accomodation would include 3 levels of retail in a dramatic courtyard located over an anchor tenant with office space at the supper levels. A roof top restaurant will act as a beacon and provide views out over Dublin city centre.
Donnybrook Mall, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 BCDH were requested by Mountbrook Homes Ltd to prepare a series of studies for the redevelopment of a prominent site in Donnybrook. The dramatic proposals responded to the particular site condition of the inflection of the Donnybrook Road and the highly visible corner which has been identified as a strategic gateway to the area. Proposals included large retail units and community facilities to the lower levels with flexible office accommodation over. Flexibility of accommodation and the integration of environmental technologies in the design would be important in creating a proposal that would be adaptable to future changes in commercial tenancy requirements.
Mountbrook Homes Ltd
Extensions to Kingspan Insulation facility, Castleblayney Client
Kingspan Insulation Limited
2000 - 2004 3,300sqm and 9,000sqm respectively
Two additional phases of extensions to the existing Kingspan Insulation factory in Castleblayney were designed and constructed to facilitate, what has now become a very successful, rigid phenolic insulant process and the associated storage. The second phase extension doubled the size of the existing building (3,300sqm) and rationalised the on-site insulation storage, with the third phase adding a further 9,000sqm. Particular to the client’s requirements was to create a large un-interupted spaces to accomodate the specific equipment required to carry out the fabrication process, the central bay of which required achieving an uninterupted 60m span in a portal frame.
Decentralised Government Offices, Dundalk, County Louth Prior to the formation of BCDH Architects and on behalf of Brian O’ Halloran Architects, David Craig acted as the Project Architect for the new decentralized government offices project in Dundalk. The development extending to 10,000sqm housed some 8 distinct departments which had been either been relocated from Dublin in the decentralisation process or were already located locally but desperately in need of new premises. The project was won in a design and build competition run by the Office of Public Works by a team fronted by John Sisk & Sons Ltd and was delivered ahead of schedule.
Client For and behalf of Brian O’Halloran Architects for the Office of Public Works Year
2000 - 2004
10,000 sqm
residential developments
Competition: Jurys - Berkley Court site, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Centred around a hierarchy of public and private spaces, this second placed competition design for the Jury’s / Berkley Court site in the heart of Ballsbridge, provided 707 highly specified residential units in addition to 10,000 sqm of commercial accomodation. The invited competition was organised by Mountbrook Homes and was to provide a development of the highest standards within this prestigious location. The scheme utilised the slightly sloping section through the site to provide privacy and seperation between the users of the development and achieve the required density of development.
Mountbrook Homes Limited
Newbury Wood Social & Affordable Housing Client
Dublin City Council in conjunction with Moston
2005 - 2009
BCDH Architects have designed 59 social & affordable houses on this narrow infill site in Clonshaugh for MOSTON building contractors on behalf of Dublin City Council. The proposal represented a challenge due to numerous site constraints which had to be overcome to allow this site to be developed. The project, which was completed in 2009 was awarded 2nd place in the Local Authority Manager’s Awards for social housing.
Centre Point - Residential This proposed development is for a landmark residential building to be located over the second phase of a mixed use commercial development. In a reaction to the current pattern of development drifting from the urban core of the provincial town, the proposed commercial development is located in a backlands site in the centre of the town which has been carefully considered to respect its surrounding context while the residential element creates a significant new intervention on the local skyline. The design of the proposed development integrates new retail space into the historic town fabric of whilst restoring life to a fragmented and underutilized brown field site. The dynamic residential building would provide 72 apartments in a radical counterpoint to the other key buildings in the town.
Client’s name with held
2007 - ongoing
72 apartments
small commercial developments
Refurbishment, Green 19, Camden Street, Dublin 2 Modern Green aquired 19 Camden Street with a view to creating an exciting hotspot to showcase emerging talent in a vibrant cafe atmosphere and locating their office headquaters on the upper floors. The existing mid-terraced building was extensively refurbed and extended and houses the very sucessful Green 19 cafe/resturant over two floors with an external terrace area with views over the Camden Street. In order to cope with the success of the Green 19, BCDH have since been commissioned to extend the restaurant into the adjoining property. This project is currently in the detailled design process
Modern Green Limited
Phase 1: 2007 - 2008 Phase 2: 2009 - ongoing
The Tropical Fruit Building, Dublin Client
Principle Management
The reconstruction of the Tropical Fruit Building on Sir John Rogerson’s Quay in Dublin for Principle Management is widely acclaimed as a quintessential piece of urban regeneration: new uses for old buildings. This work was carried out by Felim Dunne in association with Beardsmore Yauner Byrne Architects and was the recipient of an Award for Excellence from the AAI, a Regional Award from the RIAI and was shortlisted for the prestigious Europa Nostra Award, an annual award presented by the EU
Service Station, Drogheda, County Louth The proposed Service Station at the Charleville interchange will be in an ideal location situated midway between Dublin and Belfast on the M1 motorway. The service station is to be the first of its kind in Ireland and is to be based more on the European model featuring a budget hotel; retail outlets; fast-food restaurants in addition to the petrol station and associated facilites. The proposed design of the facility is to feature a reworking of the traditional service station canopy in to a dramatic horizontal elementst which sails over the entire development linking the three separate service buildings below.
Drumgoan Developments Limited
2006 - ongoing
retail & fit-out projects
Reiss, Flagship Store and Offices, St Stephen’s Green Reiss UK, a premier clothing company had been looking to open a flagship store in Dublin for some time before finding their ideal location at the corner of St. Stephen’s Green and Grafton Street, a location that offered Reiss the visibility they required in terms of location but had several serious setbacks, the most important of these being the narrow street frontage and long narrow nature of the site. The key requirements of the client brief was to provide maximum visibility and to allow light to penetrate deep into the heart of the plan without creating a space that felt like as a corridor. To achieve this, the frontage was extended verticallr rather than horizontally requiring a significant intervention in this protected structure, creating a double height space. Moving from this entry space, the plan opens up to the rear to create a more comfortable shopping experience.
Reiss (UK) Limited
2002 - 2003
Ashtown Gate, Office Fitout Client
Office of Public Works
Completed 2004 6,000 sqm
BCDH Architects recently completed the fit out of Block D Ashtown Gate on behalf of the Office of Public Works with a project value of approximately â‚Ź5.0M. The fit out comprises the creation of cellular offices and open-plan office areas on each floor to accommodate a total of 420 workstations. The architects fitting out strategy is to maximise daylight to all areas of the plan and to bring a sense of clarity to this very large building by using a limited palette of materials (glass, etched glass, painted plastered walls, painted joinery and fibre optic lighting).
DESIGN Yard, Temple Bar DesignYard in Temple Bar was commisioned by Temple Bar Properties Ltd as part of its Cultural Programme. DesignYard is an intensively used exhibition and retail centre for craft industries throughout Ireland. More recently, DesignYard has become home to the Crafts Council of Ireland. This work was carried out in association with RKD Architects and was the recipient of an award for excellence from the AAI, a Regional Award from the RIAI, a Street Architecture Award from An Taisce and was shortlisted for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe International Award for Architecture.
Temple Bar Properties Ltd
The Mall, Drogheda Client
Chandler Properties
2007 - 2009
The proposed mixed use development at The Mall in Drogheda, is in a strategic town centre location facing on to the River Boyne and directly opposite Scotch Hall Shopping Centre. Reinforcing the retail corridor between Scotch Hall and the Laurence Town Centre, the scheme would feature retail to the lower floors with a central public courtyard space. The proposal which is shortly to be lodged for planning to Drogheda Borough Council would also feature a roof top restaurant over the retail and office uses.
Office Fitout, Dublin 4 A penthouse office fitout for Mountbrook Homes Ltd within a speculative office block. The brief was for a state of the art office fitout to take advantage of the spectacular views over Dublin City and Grand Canal Dock. The office is surrounded in floor to ceiling framless glazing with access on to a landscazped roof garden and provides a high degree of flexibility for the future requirements of the company.
Mountbrook Homes Limited
Office Fitout & Space Planning, Nutgrove Business Park Client
P H McCarthy Consulting Engineers
2006 2,000 sqm
An office fitout, for a large national Structural & Civil engineering practice, within a speculative shell and core block. BCDH worked closely with the client in brief development; interior studies; lighting studies and material selection which were tailored to the client’s particular requirements and budget.
community & social projects
Ringsend Community Centre, Dublin 4 Client
Mountbrook Homes Ltd
2007 - ongoing 3,500 sqm
BCDH are currently working with Mountbrook Homes’ and Ringsend Community Centre on a proposal for a new custom designed community facility in Ringsend. The proposed development will include a large mixed use hall suitable for a wide variety of indoor sports, a large community crèche, youth training facilities and other associated community amenities in a state of the art development of approximately 3,000 square meters. The scheme was lodged for planning late 2008.
Cherry Orchard Daycare Centre BCDH Architects were appointed by Dublin City Council and Cherry Orchard Childcare Service to create an integrated childcare facility for 96 children from small infants up to 14 years of age. The new facility is to be located on a currently greenfield site and is focused around a series of courtyards into which each of the relevant age groups spill over from the internal spaces. Current best practice in relation to childcare facilities has been closely researched and the centre will meet all current childcare design guidelines/ statutory requirements, providing a child and staff friendly environment.
Cherry Orchard Childcare Services
2006 - ongoing 530 sqm
cultural & recreational projects
The Irish World Performing Arts Village Short listed from the first stage, to one of 6 entries from an international field, BCDH’s developed design for a new drama, dance and theatre department at the University of Limerick was eventually placed second overall.
University of Limerick
International 2 stage design competition - 2004 Second Place
New Community Centre & Creche for LYCS, Dublin 2 Client
LYCS, NCCCAP, Dublin City Council
2008 - ongoing 1,600 sqm
This Community Centre & child care facility in Dublin city centre, is formed from the amalgamation of two distinct organisations into a new single entity with a purpose built facility. The new facility is located at the heart of the community area. The scheme provides a custom designed building that accommodates child care facilities for 60 children, as well as after school and sessional services. Youth programme, adult education, long term training initiatives and community training centre facilities are also catered for within the new centre. The centre also offers a welcoming public facade by providing the potential for public community multi-function rooms in addition to a cafĂŠ
Special Olympics Commemerative Centre The development is for a new multi-purpose exhibition space over the existing sports centre at Stewart’s Hospital. Consolidating the existing developments on the site, the scheme provides a new entrance hall to the sports centre and doubles as the entrance to the new 900sqm exhibition centre which sits atop the existing swimming pool. The location of the exhibition space provides a focal point for the campus and with generous outdoor spaces at the uppermost levels offers fantastic views down the Liffey Valley and across to the nearby Phoenix Park. The adaptive reuse of the existing building has also offered the opportunity to rejuvenate and improve the environmnetal
Stewart’s Hospital Foundation
2008 - ongoing
Department of Hotel Catering & Tourism Studies, AIT Client
Athlone Institute of Technology (for and on behalf of BDP Dublin)
This proposal was for a purpose built department for AIT which formed the entrance gateway to the campus. The accommodation comprised 5 teaching kitchens and associated accommodation; teaching rooms; 100 seater lecture theatre and a main servery kitchen with ‘restaurant’ for 200 seats. To maximise the tight budget on the project, opportunities for natural ventilation and lighting were exploited to create an attractive internal environment.
St Patrick’s GFC, New club facilities at Brides Head Lands, Wicklow In conjunction with Wicklow Town Council and St. Patrick’s GAA, BCDH are considering the feasibility of relocating the club to a portion of land of approximately 80 acres located in the Brides Head area, to the south of Wicklow Town. Proposed facilities could include: a full size GAA pitch, running track, all weather pitch, landscaping, a spectator stand and a club house with gymnasium. The overall masterplan for the site allows for future expansion of the club.
Wicklow Town Council
BCDH Architects - Our Practice
contemporary, open plan workspace.
Burdon Craig Dunne Henry Architects (BCDH) is an
levels of the design and construction process remains our guiding principle. The technical infrastructure at our Grand
architectural practice providing a comprehensive consultancy
Canal Wharf office underpins the core work of the practice.
service for the design of buildings and urban environments.
Our extensive up-to-the-moment technical, architectural and
Our expertise includes architecture, interior design, master
environmental databanks and support information are fully
planning, product design and graphics. The driving focus
integrated with our IT systems and are subject to continuous
of the practice is design excellence achieved through
close collaboration with our clients, other consultants and
We actively pursue new technologies to
ensure our effectiveness in project design and delivery and
specialists. Our experience covers a wide range of building types including: office developments; community buildings;
Teamwork at all
to make communication with our clients more rapid and
residential developments including private and public
Our Directors
housing; one-off bespoke houses; mixed-use urban renewal
Please click the photos below for more details on our directors
an integral part of our work. The office pursues a thorough
projects; industrial buildings and business parks; shopping
Felim Dunne has been in private practice in Dublin
and innovative approach to planning and design where
centres; sporting facilities; retail fit outs; educational facilities
since 1990, designing custom-tailored buildings
and childcare facilities. We have established a reputation
for diverse clients in both the public and private
both for the quality of our design work and the efficiency
of our management of complex building projects.
commitment to excellence and client satisfaction is reflected in the large quantity of repeat business secured.
Andy Burdon was responsible for delivering substantial and complex multi-user projects in the private sector prior to establishing an independent practice in 1998. David Craig had experience in winning and running large and prestigious iconic projects in Ireland and the UK prior to establishing an independent practice. Niall Henry won awards for his design work while working for both large multi-disciplinary practices and smaller design-led practices before forming a private practice with David Craig.
Our Office The ethos of the practice is reflected in the open plan layout of our offices at Grand Canal Wharf. Here directors, associates and all staff share identical desks in a bright,
effective. Research into new and emerging technologies is
each project is treated as an on-going dialogue with the client and alternatives are presented and evaluated on the basis of maximum lifecycle benefit. We would welcome you to visit our website www.bcdh.com to find out more about us and to discover more about the latest projects that are being undertaken by this practice.
bcdh Awards
1999 Invited Competition for design of the Irish Pavillion at Expo 2000 - Second Place
BCDH Architects is very much a design orientanted practice and this is evident in the prize winning competition entries and the awards and recognition that the practice has received for their work.
1996 An Taisce – Annual Shopfront Award Designyard in Temple Bar 1996 Mies van der Rohe International award for Architecture - Designyard in Temple Bar Ireland nominee - Commendation.
Recent awards and commendations include: 2009 Newbury Wood Housing included in the RIAI Housing Exhibition 2009 and commended in 2010 LAMA Awards.
1995 RIAI Regional Awards - Designyard in Temple Bar - Commendation. 1995 AAI Awards - Designyard in Temple Bar Commendation.
2008 Invited participant in the EMT Symposium, Farmleigh House 2007 Louth County Council Design Awards – 3 short-listed entries 2007 Awarded tender to prepare overall strategic masterplan for 10ha of lands bounded by the proposed realigned N32 and the Malahide Road. 2007 Invited competition for the development of a new museum for Derry - Currently under review. 2006 Invited competition for the phase II development of the Laurence Town Centre, Drogheda - Winner
2006 Invited participant VIA Paris International Exhibition of Irish design. 2005 Invited landscaping competition for Fokker Business Park in conjunction with Diarmuid Gavin Designs Second Place 2004 International Design Competition for the Irish World Performing Arts Village at University of Limerick. Entry was short-listed to Stage 2 of the competition and eventually awarded Second Place 2004 International Open Tender for Iarnrod Eireann – Station Design Standards - Winner 2004 RIAI Irish Architecture Awards - Commendation. 2003 International Design Competition for a Landmark Tower for the DDDA, The U2 Tower. - Winner from a field of over 500 entries 2003 RIAI Irish Architecture Awards - Commendation. 2003 Invited design competition for a new sports and leisure centre for LMFM, Drogheda – Second Place 2000 Invited Competition for design of Centre for Film and Drama at University College Dublin - Short listed
1992 Europa Nostra Awards - Reconstruction of the Tropical Fruit Company Ireland nominee - Commendation 1991 RIAI Regional Awards Reconstruction of the Tropical Fruit Company - Award 1991 AAI Awards Reconstruction of the Tropical Fruit Company - Award
bcdh architects 4 Grand Canal Wharf South Dock Road Dublin 4 Ireland Tel: +353 1 618 5055 Fax: +353 1 618 5090 E-mail: info@bcdh.com
30 Underwood Street London N1 7JQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 560 302 1093 E-mail: london@bcdh.com
Rath Ardee Road Dundalk County Louth Ireland Tel: +353 42 9335284 Fax: +353 42 9337769 E-mail: dundalk@bcdh.com