Brochure: Child's Brain Development_2022

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Child’s Brain Development


Frontal Lobe


Parietal Lobe

Processes complex thought, movement, language, working, memory, and self-control (Ch.5, p.143)

Brain Architecture Brain architecture is divided into two specialized hemispheres and consists of billions of connections between individual neurons across different areas of the brain. These connections enable lightning-fast communication between neurons that specialize in different types of brain functions. Especially, plasticity and the brain’s ability to reorganize and adapt, peaks during the first years of life and declines with age.

by David Boi Huynh

Processes sensory input and spatial awareness (Ch.5, p.143)

2 1 3 Occipital Lobe


Processes visual information (Ch.5, p.143)


In early brain development, synaptogenesis forms connections between neurons, and myelination improves the efficiency of the neural impulses. Unused synapses are pruned, but when an individual encounters typical experiences, experience-expectant brain development occurs and those synaptic connections are retained. When an individual encounters unique experiences, experience-dependent brain development occurs and new synapses are formed. (Ch.5, p.175)

Brain development is a lifelong process. When babies are born, their brain development begins already. A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to three. During the first year of life, the brain doubles in size. By the age of three, a baby’s brain is twice as active as an adult’s. During this time the brain is preparing the foundation for a life of learning and future academic success.


4 Temporal Lobe

Active in hearing, language, memory for facts, visual memory, and emotion(Ch.5, p.143)



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According to research, scientists have confirmed that the first 3 years of life is a very important period of brain development, specifically during this period, the brain completes 70-80% of the connections between cells at the back of the brain. From the age of 4 onwards, cellular connections take place in different, less important parts of the anterior lobe of the brain. They also show that the right-to-left development of children’s brains in which from 0 - 2 years old is the development period of the right brain; 3 - 4 years old is the transition period to the left brain period; from 6 years old is the period of the left brain. By the age of eight, intelligence is no longer markedly developed, and after that, a person can only develop skills and knowledge.


Disabilities Affected Brain Development

Nutrition plays an extremely important role for children to develop their brains and living bodies, especially participating in the neuro-brain maturation stage and comprehensive intellectual development in children. Eating high-quality foods contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will nourish the brain well in order to enhance the IQ and learning ability.

Cerebral palsy results from damage to the brain before or shortly after birth and is characterized by problems with body movement and muscle coordination. (Ch.5, p.175) Autism spectrum disorders may be caused by different patterns of brain development such as failure to prune unnecessary synapses. Symptoms include impairment in social communication and interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities. Severity is classified by how much support the individual needs to function effectively. (Ch.5, p.175)

Parents, grandparents, and caregivers have an important role for children because they can make a huge difference in this early brain growth. Babies and young children learn best through warm, affectionate care. Holding, talking to, and reading to your baby helps form connections in the brain. Scientists noted that stimulating an infant’s or young child’s brain can be accomplished with simple actions such as singing baby songs, talking about the colors and textures they see found in the grocery store, holding and reading to children every day; especially “playing” with kids. The simple action with amazing results.

Serve and return interactions form brain architecture. When an infant or young child babbles, gestures, or cries and an adult responds appropriately with eye contact, words, or a hug, neural connections are built and strengthened in the child’s brain to support the development of social and communication skills.


Early detection of children with development problems with motor skills and brain development is really essential to be able to get treatment in time. Physical therapy is one of the most important forms of treatment for children with cerebral palsy. Most doctors recommend physical therapy for all children with cerebral palsy, regardless of whether the disorder is mild or severe.



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