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Kapiti Coast District Council Kapiti Lights Paraparaumu February 14 2013 Dear Mr. Dougherty, I am writing in reference to two issues: 1. Consultation Process regarding Coastal Erosion prior to August 2012 2. Managed Retreat Policy of KCDC Consultation Process First, I would like to inquire as to dates and times of when any consultations (meetings, workshops, information exchange etc.) were held regarding Coastal Erosion and specifically hazard lines. I would also like to request the minutes of all of those consultations. You have recently reported in the press as saying that there was consultation on hazard lines and coastal erosion, but you referred back to 2003-2004. I am aware from correspondence to certain individual coastal property owners that there was some direct consultation until 2005. That correspondence stated that the coastal rate payers would be kept informed of future developments, but I have seen no evidence of that. As secretary of CRU, I am aware that over 600 people have had no such consultation since 2005. I write to seek confirmation that after 2005, there was no direct correspondence with the 1800 affected property owners advising them as to progress concerning the hazard lines and its impact I would also appreciate copies of adverts between 2005 to date, that the Kapiti Coast District Council placed requesting members of the public to participate in a consultation process regarding coastal erosion issues specifically hazard lines. Managed Retreat Secondly, I have understood from various press releases by Mayor Rowan that managed retreat, including the withdrawal of various services is no longer the policy of the Kapiti Coast District Council. Can you advise as to whether there has been a specific resolution to this effect by the elected Councillors. As this appears to be the new policy, the abandonment of managed retreat, can you advise as to why there has been no notification of any variation in the proposed district plan to reflect this change of policy. This is vitally important as rate payers do not wish to be wasting their time making submissions on the PDP relating to managed retreat if it is no longer the policy and therefore, one would assume that should no longer be a part of the PDP.

Your response on this particular matter is urgently required given the impending dates of filing of submissions. As a ratepayer I would like to ensure, like all ratepayers that their rates are not being wasted on unnecessary hearing time and engaging experts if it is no longer an issue.

Yours faithfully, Salima Padamsey CRU Secretary

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