4 Ways to Standout as a Young Executive

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4 Ways to Stand Out as a Young Executive

The big promotion always comes with a couple of things to carefully consider. First, it is always an exciting time and any young executive should feel good about their accomplishments. Second, however, is the reality that as a young executive, you have to deliver. The results you produce will make the difference between an adequate performance and a great career. Here are some things to keep in mind. Manage Expectations

Like any retail company offering a new product, it is up to you to make sure your superiors and your reports don't get the wrong idea about what you plan to accomplish. Make few promises. Don't over-sell your ideas and whatever you do, don't obligate yourself to specifics before you know all the details of your job. The absolute worst option is to flatly announce you will or will not do something, only to find the circumstances of your new position make what you just promised impossible. Underpromise, Overdeliver

Most people believe they will suffer worse if they promise too little rather than deliver to little. Nothing could be further from the truth. Results are everything. Anyone can make unrealistic promises. The practical reality of the situation is those promises may obligate you in ways you can't foresee. It is far better to underwhelm your superiors with your plans and then overwhelm them with your results. You will rapidly acquire a reputation as a "straight shooter" and your career will benefit. Your People

As an executive, your job is to go to bat for the people who work for you. Get them what they need and make sure everyone else stays out of their way. Turning your reports into fanatics is the fastest path between your promotion and the results that will earn you even more accolades. Make sure your reports get promoted as often as possible. Get them raises. Get them equipment and ongoing education. These are the things that will lead to long-term success for you and your team. When You Are In Command

One of the biggest stumbling blocks new executives run in to is understanding the difference between leadership and camaraderie. Your job is to lead, not to be friends with everyone. Your reports are looking to you for orders and delegation, so be certain they get the direction they need.

When you're in command, command. Sometimes leadership can seem overwhelming. It is an acquired skill, like everything else. The more you invest in it, the better leader you will become. David Milberg is a financial analyst in NYC. He is a long-time owner of Milberg Factors, a factoring and finance company with locations in New York, California, and North Carolina.

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