Fourtane Magazine

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Ocean Avenue & Lincoln at the Pine Inn Carmel, California 93921

(831) 624-4684


Ocean Avenue & Lincoln at the Pine Inn Carmel, California 93921

(831) 624-4684

What do you miss most during the pandemic? John – I miss the free time to educate myself on various interests. I was able to take courses on diamond grading with the Gemological Institute of America. I was also able to take the time to teach myself more about investment options for my future.

John and Josh Bonifas Josh – I miss spending most of my day with my fiancé. With both of us home during the pandemic, we were able to share more time together. Also, I was able to cook a lot, and I miss having that extra time to create new and fun meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What is your favorite meal? John – My favorite meal would have to be a seafood linguini in a spicy red sauce. Josh – My favorite meal is lamb chops. But the most important part of dinner is a great dessert — my favorite is a warm apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream. Name something about yourself most clients don’t know about you? John – I was a collegiate baseball player and was the captain of my team during my senior year. I also consider myself a foodie and really enjoy eating out and trying new restaurants and cuisine. Josh – I was a two-sport collegiate athlete playing both football and baseball in college. I am also an avid country music fan and enjoy country concerts, country music festivals, and country radio.

Best concert? John – I went to my first Kenny Chesney concert last summer and had an absolute blast. Definitely my favorite concert yet! Josh – Zac Brown Band and Kenny Chesney at Metlife Stadium in August 2011 as part of the Goin’ Coastal Tour. It was a privilege to see two extremely talented musicians in the same night. Outside of jewelry, what brands do you admire? John – I really admire Apple, Disney, and Harley Davidson due to their ability to have attracted loyal and return clients for generations. They have great brand recognition and success. Josh– I would have to say I don’t have loyalty towards too many brands, but some of the brands I find myself continuously purchasing are Apple, Nike, and Yeti. If not in the jewelry biz, what would you be doing? John – I went to college to study accounting, so I would likely to have had a career in accounting and would have pursued obtaining my CPA. Josh– I always had a passion for small business. I’m not sure what industry I’d wiggle my way into, but I feel as if I would be running a small business of some sort.


What is your favorite watch? John – My favorite is the Rolex Daydate 40 in Everose Gold featuring an Olive Green dial. The Daydate is an iconic watch worn by the most prominent figures around the world. Josh – The Rolex GMT Master II. It’s fantastic for everyday wear and the GMT function is extremely useful during my traveling. What is your favorite business trip? John – My favorite work trip would be the JCK/Luxury and Couture Show. This trip consists of a week in Las Vegas where we are able to explore virtually every brand in the industry. This is where we choose our new product for the year and look for exciting new brands for our clients! Josh – Baselworld 2018 was truly an incredible trip. It was the first time we had been to the famous watch fair in Basel, Switzerland. That trip represented Gerald Peters reaching a huge milestone. What is your favorite vacation? John – I prefer a very relaxing vacation — anywhere with a nice pool or beach with no obligations. I especially like Aruba due to the restaurants and beautiful resorts. Josh – I enjoy a vacation that combines both relaxation and sightseeing. My favorite was a trip to Greece where I visited Santorini, Mykonos and Athens. I can't wait to go back!





VOL.2, NO. 1






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ABC Jewelers is Anytown’s only authorized Rolex Jeweler.

Four noted watch experts weigh in on what to buy now.





Rolex introduces the new reimagined designs for the DateJust 36.

Prince Harry and the Royals fine taste in timepieces.





The Tudor Black Bay 58 — the ultimate dive watch.

$17,752,500 Daytona and more.




Tudor Black Bay Chrono


The VENETIAN PRINCESS COLLECTION reflects designer Roberto Coin’s mastery of the jeweler's art.

Luxury SUVs are bigger, faster and some come with all the comforts of a private jet.



The ABC Jewelers. team share their persona l picks for the jewelry and watch lovers on your list.



A sparkling sampling of diamond jewelry from our Bespoke collection.




Uncomplicating the world of fine timepiece complications.

“I wore my Explorer II every single day since that moment, on all my climbs, and I still wear it today.” Ed Viesturs

Reaching the


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Mariusz Potacki

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Alain Hubert

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“It’s probably the most important piece of equipment that I had with me on all these climbs.” Ed Viesturs UNC, NON FAUCIBUS MAURIS. NULLA FACILISI. VESTIBULUM


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Ed Viesturs

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non le 13 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

A smart investment opportunity

SWISS Swiss TIMEPIECES Timepieces We ask noted fine watch experts their opinions on owning an icon RIGHT NOW, BUYING A NEW WATCH COULD BE ONE OF THE

Case in point: Patek Philippe’s Nautilus. Their original design, from 1976,

smartest investments anyone can make. It’s a purchase that can be

with the rounded octagonal shape of its bezel, brought a certain ele-

worn and enjoyed, and eventually even sold at a nice profit. The prices

gance to the sport watch category that continues. “It is sought-after

paid at auction for vintage (ie, “pre-owned”) watches are breaking all

today,” Boutros claims, and another reason, besides its good looks is

records. Six figures, seven, even

“it’s recognizable. That’s key to its appeal.” And it’s the key to any status

eight are not uncommon. Buying a

symbol: a design so distinctive it can be instantly identified.

new watch as a money-maker to

Another ongoing classic that could make a good investment, Bou-

sell later is becoming as good an

tros maintains, is “Audemars Piguet’s latest reference of their Royal Oak,

investment as snapping up a

15202, and their Perpetual Calendar Royal Oak model.” These updates

Lamborghini Miura, Birkin bag or

of “original watches from 1970s remain highly relevant in terms of style

πpair of Air Jordans.

and the case shape.” The first Royal Oak shook up the industry with its

Paul Boutros

“It’s a good time to buy a

unique, signature octagonal bevel anchored with 8 hexagonal screws,

great watch,” says Paul Boutros, head of watches, Americas, for Phillips,

and the novel grid pattern on its dial. “Its masculine aesthetic has stood

arguably the global leader in watch auctions. “In times of uncertainty

the test of time; demand for these modern

people look for safe havens for their money. Right now conditions are

versions in boutiques proves that.” It’s a

favorable for putting money into hard assets as a hedge.” And, like gold,

track record that bodes well for the watch

one of the best hedges right now is a new watch.

maintaining if not increasing its value in the

But not just any watch. Knowing which one to purchase now that might reap a huge reward if eventually sold is a tricky business. The

future. Boutros also thinks no one can go

heads of the watch departments at the world’s top auction houses are

wrong buying a stainless steel Rolex.

the likeliest to know, because their job is to evaluate, accept, and then

“They are relevant for today’s lifestyle, as

sell watches that one day were brand new, and have, over time, become

more people are dressing casual, whether on

more valuable. These experts have the most informed advice on the

Zoom meetings or even at the office with busi-

best new watches to buy right now.

ness casual. Rolex’s Submariner, GT Master, and Daytona are graceful

When buying a new timepiece Boutros advises that “blue chip watches may be good investments” and suggest buyers “look for classic, timeless styles from proven brands. They have enduring

Rolex GMT-Master II

evolutions true to the originals that have been produced continually to today.” They have proven to hold their appeal, and their value. Another big fan of Rolex sports models is Richard Lopez, senior

value.” And that’s especially true if they have been given exciting new

specialist of watches at Sotheby’s in New York. “They continue to be

up-to-the-minute twists.

popular among seasoned collectors as well as new collectors just get14 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner

Patek Philippe Calatrava


ting into the watch game.” Meaning, if

that Patek used for this model is intended to resemble handwritten char-

you buy one now, you’ll likely find a col-

acters, something that has not really been seen before.”

lector who will want to buy it from you in

Richard Lopez

He singles out some other brands as well to invest in, zeroing in on

the future. Examples that Lopez be-

“specific models that have the potential to hold

lieves will hold or up their value include

or even grow in value.” From Tudor he rec-

“the Steel Green Submariner ‘Hulk’, the

ommends “the Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight

Steel Ceramic Daytona Ref. 116500LN, Steel GMT Ceramic "Pepsi"

Navy Blue that was recently introduced

126710 BLRO, and the Steel GMT Ceramic "Batman" 126710BLNR.”

could also be a good contender. Collectors

Steel models from other watch houses are good investments too,

love blue dials, in my experience, and this

Lope z maintains. “Steel models by Patek Philippe and Audemars Pi-

could be a long-term winner – even the origi-

guet are extremely sought after and rare, yielding the highest returns. Ex-

nal black-dialed Fifty-Eight is still a good po-

amples of current Patek Philippe models to invest in include the Steel Aquanaut Ref.

Patek Philippe Aquanaut

tential variant.”

Tudor Black Bay 58

When buying a new watch with its long-

5167, Steel Nautilus Ref. 5711, and Steel

term investment value in mind, Rebecca Ross, Christie’s watch special-

Calatrava Ref. 5522. Audemars Piguet

ist in New York, says “rarity is a big factor. If there are fewer of the

examples include the Steel Royal Oak on

watches made, the watch will keep its resale value.” She singles out “the

bracelet and Steel Royal Oak Chrono on

independent watchmaker F.P. Journe which makes less than 900


watches per year, which compared to other brands is very low. F.P.

Brandon Frazin, plays the same role at

Journe is also having a significant moment right now with a number of

the influential watch website Hodinkee as

his older watches, so I would not be surprised if some current models

do the pros at the auction houses; he is the

from the brand go up in the future.”

vintage manager and must decide which

Ross also says “look for watches that

watches to accept for sale, and he knows which watches sell well. Fra-

are not run of the mill productions, that

zin is another believer that sports watches are good investments these

have details others do not.” And keep all

days. As more people are working from home, a business suit and tie

paperwork at the point of purchase. “All

are becoming things of the past.

modern watches should have their doc-

Within the sports watch category, Frazin put his faith in Rolex. He

umentation, so make sure you keep the

advises new purchasers to “consider

Rebecca Ross

the models most everyone is aware of,

increases the value of the watch down the line when it’s sold.

including sport models like the Day-

boxes and papers.” Documentation

More good advice, from Ross: “Look after the watch you buy.

tona, the GMT-Master II, the Subma-

Service it regularly, every 3 to 5 years, and change nothing. You want

riner, and the Sea-Dweller.”

all the parts, the case, the dial and the movement to be as original as

And he believes in another blue chip

possible.” Also, she points out that before purchasing any new watch,

Brandon Frazin

industry leader, Patek Philippe. “Look

especially if it’s hoped it will be a good investment, it’s important to

for sport watches from other prestigious Swiss brands like Patek Phi-

educate yourself. “Come to auctions, take a seat and read the cata-

lippe, with the Nautilus and Aquanaut,” he advises. “And the Patek Phi-

logues. That’s a great way to learn about the market, and it’s a lot of

lippe Calatrava ref. 5212. It's an interesting design that is cased in steel

fun. You’re always welcome.”

and features a unique complication: the weekly calendar. The typeface

And she advises, as do all the pros: buy what you love.




most expensive wristwatches ever sold at auction

The most expensive watch ever sold at auction was the

for wristwatches at regular auctions,

$31 million paid for the one-off Patek Philippe Grandmaster

which have reached incredible highs as

Chime sold at the 2019 Christie’s-run Only Watch auction

well. The top prices ever paid for watches

in Geneva. That was a charity event, and prices are

sold at auction should inspire any watch

always unusually high in the name of doing good.

lover to buy a new one with the potential

The prices that interest most collectors are those paid

to sell it later, and retire.

$17,752,500 $9,008,856 $5,937,500

Rolex Paul Newman Daytona, $17,752,500, Phillips New York 2017 Arguably, the most famous timepiece in the world.

Patek Philippe World Time in 18K pink gold with double-signed dial, $9,008,856, Christie's Hong Kong 2019 One of only seven 2523 dualcrown world time wristwatches believed to have been issues in pink gold. and only the fifth to be offered at auction.

Rolex Cosmograph Daytona ref. 6265 “The Unicorn”, 5,937,500, Phillips Geneva 20 being the only known white gold manual-winding Daytona ever produced.


Patek Philippe 18K gold perpetual calendar chronograph with moonphase, $5,708,885, Christies Geneva 2010. Only one other single-signed example is known to exist.


Patek Philippe ref. 1518 perpetual calendar chronograph in stainless steel, CHF 11,002,000, Phillips Geneva 2016. It's the first perpetual calendar with chronograph functions. 17 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

TIME and again At the Patek Philippe Museum we explore References with a storied past that have inspired today’s latest introductions


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Duis nisl libero,

maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi.

placerat vel

Above: Calatrava Ref. 96 from 1932, from the collection. At left: Calatrava Ref. 6119G

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porta vitae, sol-

egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.facilisi. Vestibulum so-

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maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi.

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maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi. Nam sollicitudin turpis tortor, in sodales enim scelerisque ac. Integer egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.facilisi. Vestibulum so-

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porta vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer maximus, erat in blandit


Proin id augue massa. Morbi efficitur est eu nunc lobortis vaugue massa UNC, NON FAUCIBUS MAURIS. NULLA FACILISI. VESTIBULUM

orttitor urna eget fermentum. Ut sem velit, tincidunt facilisis neque

sodales porttitor urna eget fermentum. Ut sem velit, tincidunt facilisis

ornare, pulvinar aliquam massa. Duis nisl libero, placerat vel porta

neque ornare, pulvinar aliquam massa. Duis nisl libero, placerat vel

vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer maximus, erat in blandit maximus,

porta vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer maximus, erat in blandit

orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi. Nam sollicitu-

maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi. Nam sollicitudin Above: The first Nautilus Ref. 3700 from 1976. At right: Nautilus Ref. 5711/1A-014

turpis tortor, in sodales enim scelerisque ac. Integer

egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna eget fermentum. Ut sem velit, tincidunt facilisis neque ornare, pulvinar aliquam massa. Duis nisl libero, placerat vel porta vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer maximus, erat in blandit maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi. Nam sollicitudin turpis tortor, in sodales enim scelerisque ac. Integer risque ac. Integer egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.risque ac. Integer egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.egestas elit eget urna posuere c onsequat.

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Above: Perpetual Calerdar Ref. 3448 from 1962. At right: Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5236P

posuere con-

maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel posuere mauris dui vel nisi.

sequat.facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna eget fermentum. Ut

Nam sollicitudin turpis tortor, in sodales enim scelerisque ac. Integer

sem velit, tincidunt facilisis neque ornare, pulvinar aliquam massa.

egestas elit eget urna posuere consequat.facilisi. Vestibulum so-

Duis nisl libero, placerat vel porta vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer

dales porttitor urna eget fermentum. Ut sem velit, tincidunt facilisis

maximus, erat in blandit maximus, orci eros convallis erat, vel po-

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porta vitae, sollicitudin eu tortor. Integer maximus, erat in blandit

enim scelerisque ac. Integer risque ac. Integer egestas elit eget urna


In a

LEAGUE of their own

The new Patek Philippe Calatrava is contemporary, sporty and redefines luxury LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, A CONVALLIS MAECENAS LIGULA, NATOQUE MAURIS A AC A. BIBendum vestibulum, scelerisque sollicitudin pellentesque laoreet magna, mi sodales massa torquent per exercitationem ac, maecenas donec maecenas ipsum elit enim wisi. Risus suscipit anean sit, facilisi tristique nunc, cras hac, felis praesent ac sem ut amet, bibendum in in. Morbi penatibus elementum dolor, viva=mus adipiscing non nec, nonummy ut porta urna non congue. Enim vel. Potenti velit sit enim pellentesque turpis. A eget nunc cras, ut in, a aptent metus blandLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, a convallis maecenas ligula, natoque mauris a ac a. Bibendum vestibulum, scelerisque sollicitudin Ref. 6119G pellentesque laoreet magna, mi sodales massa torquent per exercitationem ac, maecenas donec maecenas ipsum elit enim wisi. Risus suscipit aenean sit, facilisi tristique nunc, cras hac, felis praesent ac s em ut amet, bibendum in i Morbi penatibus elementum dolor, vivamus adipiscing non nec, nonummy ut porta urna non congue. Enim vel. Potenti velit sit enim pellentesque turpis. A eget nunc cras, ut in, a aptent metus blandm elit enim wisi. Risus

Ref. 4997/200G

suscipit aenean sit, facilisi tristique nunc, cras hac, felis praesent ac sem ut amet, bibendum in in. Morbi penatibus elementum dolor, vivamus adipiscing non nec, nonummy ut porta urna non congue. Enim vel. Potenti velit sit enim pellentesque tur21 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

Ref. 6119R


STYLE The Tudor Black Bay 58 is the ultimate dive watch


Tudor dive watches have a heritage that the celebrated Swiss watch company continues to honor and elevate to this day


more comfortable, wear-all-day

of the most popular watches

fit for many wrists.

sold today, most often to

Another feature of the Tudor

customers who will never

Black Bay 58 Navy Blue does

wear them with a wetsuit.

double duty as well; its strap

But the watch’s combination

also offers retro appeal and

of handsome good looks,

wear-today comfort. There are

durable design and extreme-

three options: One is a riveted

ly accurate movement

steel bracelet, with removable

appeals to everyone. And in

links that allow for a personal-

the category of dive watch-

ized fit. Another is a leather

es, Tudor is one of the lead-

strap, made from a material so

ers — always was, always

soft it’s been said to feel like

will be.

flannel. And the choice that’s a Tudor signature is a fabric

Tudor dive watches have a heritage that the celebrat-

Black Bay Dark

strap made in the St. Ètienne

ed Swiss watch company continues to honor and elevate to this day

region of France by a century-old family business using traditional

with new renditions that respect their illustrious past but bring them

jacquard shuttle looms. In Tudor blue, of course.

up to the minute. The latest version, introduced this year, is the

The new watch features other Tudor signatures, such as

Tudor Black Bay 58 Navy Blue. The first Black Bay 58 was intro-

“snowflake” hands with angular tips and a distinctive large winding

duced at Baselworld in 2018; the big news in today’s rendition is the

crown. But there’s big news, too: a brand-new movement. The cali-

color. The blue. But not just any blue. Tudor blue.

bre MT5402 is certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official

Tudor introduced its first dive watch, waterproofed to 200 meters,

Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC), and was made in-house, as

or 660 feet, in 1958 (hence the homage in the name of the current

all Tudor movements have been since the company started making

model). Some 10 years later, the company gave it a blue dial and

their own in 2015.

bezel. The French Navy loved the result, and throughout the 1970s la Marine Française commissioned their dive watches in what came to

The Black Bay has become so popular that in recent years Tudor has introduced several versions of it: The Black Bay Dark features a steel case finished with black PVD-

be known as Tudor blue. Today’s watch pays its respects to Tudor’s renowned past in other ways as well. The case measures 39 mm in diameter, the scale used in the 1950s. This move is making critics and customers happy because the new sizing delivers a handsome vintage look and is a

treated coating, adapted from technology developed by NASA for space programs. The Black Bay 32, 36 and 41 offer a choice of dials — lacquered black, deep blue or satin-brushed champagne.


The Black Bay has proven to be so popular in recent years that Tudor has launched several versions of it. The Black Bay Bronze features a 43 mm case in bronze, recalling the brass used in old ships and diving equipment. The Black Bay GMT, with its luminescent hour markers set against a black dial, clocks local time as well as that in two other time zones.

which Tudor had been supplying with dive watches since the late 1950s. The project was so hush-hush it had a code name: Commando. There’s a Tudor Black Bay for everyone. As the reviews are coming in, the latest launch in this long line of options, the Black

The Black Bay P01, which stands for prototype 1, is modeled

Bay Fifty Eight Navy Blue, just might turn out to become its

on a 1967 project to develop a new watch for the US Navy,

most popular.

Black Bay 32, 36 and 41

Black Bay Bronze

Black Bay GMT


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna


WATCH Lorem ipsom dolor sit amet ad

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urnasan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales porttitor urna Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna 26 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales port-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non leo vel turpis eleifend posuere vel quis urna. Mauris accumsan nibh vel ligula aliquet volutpat. Etiam urna purus, viverra ac turpis ut, cursus lobortis sapien. Cras non consectetur nunc, non faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sodales


Some things never go out of style, which is just what you should expect in a piece of fine jewelry. It should be something you love and will wear forever — and like you— never lose its ability to dazzle. This goes to the core of John Bonifas’s jewelry philosophy. “I don’t think jewelry should have an expiration date,” he says. “I like it to have real lasting significance." Here he takes us through some of his favorite forever pieces.





REACTION CHAIN NECKLACES, BRACELETS AND EARRINGS — the bigger and bolder and the more the merrier — are the accessories of the moment. Wear one alone or mix it up and layer on a few. It's a look that's easy enough to wear daily and a great way to refresh your jewelry game. Shown: Antonio Papini 18K yellow gold oval and round-link necklace Verdura 18K yellow gold "I Love You" bracelet Verdura 18K yellow gold Curb-Link earrings Betteridge Collection 18K yellow gold threerow bracelet Antonio Papini polished and brushed 18K yellow gold circle bracelet Betteridge Collection 18K yellow gold and white ceramic club-link bracelet


The plumage of a bird lends itself to be captured in gemstones like this demantoid garnet and diamond brooch which makes any season sparkle. Set in silver-topped gold, it is from our estate collection.


Bees have been a symbol of luck in attracting wealth and prosperity since ancient times. If one bee isn't enough, we have two beautiful suggestions: Verdura honeybee earrings and an 18K gold and diamond bee pin from our estate collection.


Capture the feeling of the beach with these stunning marine-themed pieces from our estate collection: Both the goldfish necklace and the shell link bracelet are exquisitely crafted in 18K gold.



Captured in diamonds and gemstones, these botanical beauties will bloom forever. Why not start a garden combining Aletto Brothers white enamel flower earrings with a few of these other gem-set or diamond flower designs.

WONDERS Inspired by flowers in full bloom and wildlife that slithers, buzzes and splashes in delightful designs. Here are just some of our favorite jewels to celebrate nature while brightening up your wardrobe.


The slithery snake is a jewelry motif that has been worn and adored for centuries. Queen Victoria wore a continuous snake engagement ring signifying everlasting love. Continuing this tradition, we suggest this gold and ruby snake ring by Peggy Stephaich Guinness. 33 F O U R T A N E 36 MAGAZINE


Watch Speak

The world of watches is complicated. In fact the word for all that goes on inside a watch to make it tick is “complications.” Complications are intricate mechanisms that enhance a watch movement, also known as a caliber. They provide information other than simply keeping time. To try and uncomplicate the complications, here's a quick guide to some commonly used terms illustrated from our Patek Philippe Collection:

GUILLOCHÉ The decorative art of guilloché is one of the traditional crafts of watchmaking. It consists of engraving a dial or case with intricate patterns, from sunbursts to geometric shapes. It adds eyecatching flair to a timepiece and depth to the dial.

Ref # 5230R-012

GRAND COMPLICATION Grand complications include timepieces with the most complicated functions including minute repeaters, split-second chronographs and perpetual calendars. Ref # 5270J-001 (shown at right) also includes moon phases, leap year and day/night indication.

Ref # 5270J-001

MOONPHASE In the 16th century the need for a moonphase watch dial arose for travelers. A full moon meant a lighter sky and safety when planning an overnight journey. The moonphase mechanism consists of a 30-toothed disc. The disc has two gold-colored moons opposite each other on the disc, surrounded by gold- colored stars on a blue background. As the days pass, the moon will appear from the left side of the window. Ref # 5146G-010


Ref # 5960/01G-001 (detail)

The first wristwatch with the power reserve mechanism was created by Breguet in 1933. However, this was only a prototype with only one watch assembled. Today certain models like the Flyback Chronograph (shown) have an extended power reserve of 45 hours. The power reserve indicator on the dial lets the wearer know how much energy the watch still has, like the gas gauge on your automobile.

CHRONOGRAPH A chronograph, the most common complication, is a type of watch with a built-in stopwatch feature. A separate hand can be started, stopped and returned to zero to measure elapsed time to one-fifth, tenth or even hundredth of a second. A chronograph typically has two to three subdials and a return- to-zero button, or pusher, on the side of the case. The top pusher starts and stops the chronograph; the bottom pusher resets it.

PERPETUAL CALENDAR A perpetual calendar displays the date, day, month, an d year, automatically adjusting for leap year and the length of the month. It will only need adjusting for the rare years in which a leap year is due but doesn't take place, the next being the year 2100 and then 2400.

Ref # 7150/250R-001 34 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

Ref # 5327G-001

Luxury SUVS OUR 2021 2022 PREVIEW OUR

Bentley Bentayga Hybrid 36 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

Luxury SUV's are bigger, faster and some come with all the comforts of a private jet

Lamborghini Urus THE SUV SCRAMBLED UP 5,000 FEET AND AROUND 164 CORNERS AVERAGING 66 MPH to the top of historic Pikes Peak in 10 minutes and 49 seconds. A world’s record for any vehicle in that climb. And the SUV was a Bentley. A what? Yes, the Bentley Bentayaga, one of the world’s most expensive SUV’s with a starting price of $300,000, a top end of 190 mph on the highway and a head-turning 3.8 seconds in 0-60 with an optional 626-horsepower 12-cylinder engine Bentley is just one of the big-name, top-dollar luxury-car manufacturers turning out SUV’s that 37 FOURTANE MAGAZINE

SUV’s are outselling sedans two to one, with all the luxury add-ons and safety features of sedans plus more cargo space and better views. with new technology can jam up and down hills, win highway drag

bounce a bit while drinking a glass of Champagne from the $47,000

races or coddle you as you drive around town in extreme luxury and

optional cooler, while sitting in specially padded $27,000 “sanctuary

with the ultimate in safety add-ons.

seats” in the back.

Luxury SUVs offer an extraordinary driving experience combined with more cargo space and better views. That’s why SUVs are out-

The wildest and crazy-cool looking SUV is the $222,004, 664 hp Lamborghini Urus in outrageous orange paint it calls Arancio Borealis

selling sedans two to one. Seats that massage, heat and ventilate with 22-way power set-

Lamborghini Urus

tings (an extra $11,855 on the Bentley) along with 20-speaker sound




systems, 10.2-inch touch-screen infotainment displays, self-parking,

2.7-liter, turbocharged V-8

654 hp

170 MPH



3.8 sec


Bluetooth, GPS navigation and a multitude of safety features like pedestrian detectors that will slam on the brakes if you don’t — are all available with the top-end models. Some have hybrid assistance. All that, in addition to the extra bulk, typically means mileage of between

Bentley Bentayga Hybrid ENGINE:



4.0-liter, turbocharged V-8

641 hp

190 MPH



3.2 sec


with a matching interior. It still looks like a Lambo racing sedan, very sleek and mean, but it can tow 7,000 pounds and it can equal Bentley’s 190 mph top end. Plus it has an adjustable suspension and can raise or lower itself by six inches to accommodate terrain. Another luxurious and very popular all-terrain SUV is the Mercedes AMG G63, starting at $259,000. It has three different locking differentials and a low-range gear, which means it can tackle any 12 and 20 per gallon, so prepare to open your wallet at the gas tank. And if the Bentley Bentayaga doesn’t suit you, how about a Rolls Royce Black Badge Cullinan? It’s named for the largest diamond (3,107.6 carats) ever discovered, found in 1906 in South Africa, now

steep grade very, very slowly, or turn that off and zip from zero to 60 in under five seconds while all five of you are sitting in contoured Nappa leather seats and enjoying a massage. And opt for the roof with obsidian black metallic paint for $1,100

safely locked up in the Tower of London and worth about $2 billion.

extra, and a matching obsidian black ring around the spare-tire

The Rolls has a bare-bones starting price of $382,000.

housing on the back for an extra $1,000, and a carbon fiber engine

It’s not as fast as the Bentley with a top end of only 155, but with a plusher ride and almost equal off-road capability if you’re willing to

cover for $1,500. When you lift the hood, this Mercedes should look serious.


Mercedes AMG G63

machine, a PlayStation and the most luxurious seating imaginable. But it is so heavy — over nineteen feet long and eight feet wide — the




4.0-liter, turbocharged V-8

550 hp

150 MPH



4.8 sec


top end is a meager 87 miles an hour. If you’re not worried about getting attacked by an infantry platoon, you can always settle for offerings by Maserati, Ford, Porsche, BMWX7 and just about every other manufacturer. But most do not have much standard off-road capability and are typically used around town or for long-distance travel. For example, the $100,000+BMWX7 needs a $1,650 optional off-road package with skid plates and

Karlman King TOP SPEED:



6.8-liter, twinturbocharged V-10

360 Hp

87 MPH




$1.9 million

There are many other SUV’s to choose from, far less expensive than the ultra-luxurious and super-fast, among them the all-American Jeep, nastier-looking than ever in the $43,895 Gladiator Rubicon model, which is bigger than the Wrangler you’re used to seeing. It comes with extra storage capacity and an optional three-piece $2,295 body-paint-coordinated hard top. An unusual feature is the $595 forward-facing camera so on the 8.4-inch touch screen, you can see objects on the trail or forest floor as close as two feet in front of you and provide a view of distance as well. And how about going camping with your SUV? Hit the trail in a $72,895 Ford King Ranch with an optional $369 9-foot by 9-foot

push-button driving modes labeled sand, gravel, rocks and snow.

Sportz Tent by Napier that attaches to the cargo rear and sleeps four

Now that is entitled luxury.

to six people. It has a waterproof floor, lantern holder, two entrance

And here’s an unexpected entry.

doors, storm flaps and mesh windows. And the SUV seats eight,

Ferrari. Yes, the renowned racecar and hypersport manufacturer

with power folding heated rear seats.

will be coming out with an SUV, the Purosangue, in 2022. Specifica-

Meanwhile, if you want to buy the most expensive SUV ever

tions have not been announced, but the word is it’s likely to have a

made, the $1.9 million Karlmann King, designed in China and assem-

turbocharged V-8 with hybrid assistance and to pump out around

bled almost completely by hand in Italy can be ordered from the

650 horsepower.

company, but only about 10 have been made so far. It’s a beast at

Starting price is estimated at $350,000.

10,580 pounds, has optional bulletproofing, a refrigerator, a coffee

Get in line.


Ocean Avenue & Lincoln at the Pine Inn Carmel, California 93921

(831) 624-4684

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