REACHING THE TOP When minutes count, time management can be the most important factor in a successful mission
GAME CHANGERS The evolution of the Rolex tool watch
A LEAGUE OF ITS OWN Patek Philippe introduces the new Calatrava
pendable watches — have dared to go, revealing
to Moretti’s Fine Jewelry Magazine, which is a great
discoveries that could have enormous impact on the
way for us to share our considerable knowledge
health of our planet. If a look at what’s new in bridal
about fine jewelry and timepieces with loyal cus-
jewelry is more your style, turn to Page 36 for a peek
tomers like you.
at seven new trends.
While our favorite part of the business is getting to
And during the busy days ahead, as we enter the
know you when you stop by our store looking for that
most festive time of the year, we invite you to come
perfect engagement ring, birthday surprise or holiday
into our store and let our team of watch and gem-
gift, we also hope you enjoy flipping through these
stone experts find just the right gifts for everyone on
pages, which will take you to the history of the Rolex
your list. We wish you happy holidays and look for-
“Tool” watch, where you may be surprised by what
ward to seeing you.
passionate collectors prize most. You'll also travel to far-flung places like the top of Mt. Everest, where few people — and yet some super-de-
With kind regards, Jill & Mike Moretti
VOL.3 NO. 1
When minutes and logistics count, time management can be the most important factor in conquering the world's extremes.
REACHING THE TOP When minutes count, time management can be the most important factor in a successful mission
GAME CHANGERS The evolution of the Rolex tool watch
A LEAGUE OF ITS OWN Patek Philippe introduces the new Calatrava
We explore the evolution of the “tool watch,” a category where Rolex is the undisputed star.
Moretti’s is San Antonio’s only authorized Rolex and Patek Philippe Jeweler. Shown: From the Moretti collection.
At the Patek Philippe Museum we explore References with a storied past that have inspired today’s latest introductions.
The new Patek Philippe Calatrava is contemporary, sporty and redefines luxury.
Seven engagement ring trends from that sparkle with unique touches.
The Picchiotti family
STYLE STAPLES Chic and easy jewelry that you can wear every day from Melissa Kaye.
Rings from the Moretti and Picchiotti Collections
Picchiotti combines beauty & style with fit & comfort in the Xpandable™ Collection
Looking for ways to keep your look fresh — start stacking!
Rings from the Moretti and Picchiotti Collections
Installing the highest weather station in the world on Mt. Everest 12 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
Reaching the
When minutes and logistics count, time management can be the most important factor in conquering the world's extremes.
and once climbers pass 8,000 meters they have entered what
to safeguard the environment, particularly ways to stem climate
some call the “death zone.” Oxygen is so limited, temperatures so
change and preserve the glaciers.
eeping track of time is important in everyone’s life, but
seeking to collect data to protect our endangered planet, whether
when it comes to climbing Mount Everest, it is absolutely
the mountains, the rain forests or the oceans. Perpetual Planet is
vital. The summit is 8,848 meters, or 29,028 feet high,
assisting the National Geographic Society in efforts to find solutions
low and winds so high that life is truly endangered. The brain and
In 2019 a National Geographic-led team of 30 scientists devel-
lungs can swell. Ribs can crack. It’s a place to get in and out of fast
oped five weather
— and then begin the arduous descent down the mountain before
stations to be
darkness sets in.
taken to Mount
Every second counts, which is why Rolex has accompanied
Everest and in-
several history-making expeditions, helping mountaineers keep
stalled at various
life-saving track of time. In doing so, Rolex has tested its timepieces
elevations along
under the harshest conditions imaginable, analyzing their perform-
the climb. The
ance. Then experts apply that research to the watches that end up on
team set up
the retail market for watch lovers whose most difficult climb may be
camps and began the ascent, carrying the disassembled pieces of
up the corporate ladder.
each weather station along the way. The higher up the mountain
For the 50th anniversary of the Explorer and in celebration of the
The National Geographic weather station team on Mt. Everest
they went, the shorter the actual time involved in installing each sta-
latest Explorer II, Rolex pays homage to the men and women who
tion grew — because of depleting levels of oxygen, brutally lower
tackled Mount Everest, battling limits on time, the body and the spirit.
temperatures and punishing winds. National Geographic offered a vivid account of the expedition.
Improvising When Every Second Counts
The goal was to install the final station at the summit. The day when
The mission: Install the highest weather station in the world to provide
conditions allowed the climb, the trail was slowed because too
crucial information on climate change. More than one-fifth of the
many climbers were blocking the way. The unanticipated shortage
world’s population, some 1.6 billion people, get their water from
of time meant the weather station would have to be installed at
glaciers in the Himalayas. Within the next 80 years, an estimated
8,400 meters, still in the so-called death zone. With every second
one-third of those glaciers, and the water they provide, will disappear
counting, there was no room for more setbacks. If only…
because of global warming.
No one had anticipated that the batteries for the drill needed for
This is where Rolex steps in. The company introduced its Perpetual Planet Initiative in 2019 to support the explorers and expeditions
assembly might freeze. But freeze they did, until one clever team member stuck them under his armpit to warm them up. It worked.
“My Explorer II is probably the most important piece of equipment I had with me on all these climbs.” —Ed Viesturs The troubles didn’t stop there: The weather monitors had to be attached to a pole, and someone forgot to bring the pole. Again, fast thinking was called for. One man realized that the handle of the shovel
oxygen can become serious issues.” “My watch, and the time it tells, is the key to my safety.” Pushing the Limits of Body and Mind
he was carrying could do the job, if its oval shape was battered into a Dr. Christine Janin was the first Frenchwoman to climb to the top of circle and wrapped in duct tape (to decrease the size of the opening). Mount Everest. A former Rolex Testimonee, she later became the Thanks to that last-minute ingenuity, the world’s highest weather stafirst European woman to reach the top of the highest peaks on all tion was assembled and data was sent by satellite from the mounseven continents. And as if that weren’t enough of pushing her tains of the Himalayas to Washington D.C., in impressive time. body, fortitude and determination to the limit, she next became the first
The Key to Survival: Time Management Ed Viesturs, a Rolex Testimonee, has climbed all 14 of the world’s peaks that are over 8,000 meters high (about 26,000 feet) without supplemental oxygen, and he has
North Pole on skis, without the aid of sled dogs.
climbed Mount Everest seven times.
How does she do it?
Strapped to his wrist on each ascent:
“The key to a successful climb or
his Oyster Perpetual Explorer II, which
expedition is to be in excellent shape
he credits with having a direct impact
when you set off,” she observed. “For Dr. Christine Janin
on his safety and success.
that, you must have trained very thor-
“I have a Rolex Explorer II that I
Ed Viesturs
woman in the world to reach the
oughly and have begun preparing several years earlier in order to
received in 1994 when I had climbed
gain sufficient experience and adapt the body to the conditions you
three of the 8,000-meter peaks,”
are going to face.”
Viesturs said. “I wore my Explorer II every single day, since that mo-
Not only does the body get stronger, but the spirit does, too.
ment, on all my climbs, and I still wear it today. It has never failed
"Summits are conquered meter by meter, breath by breath,”
me. It’s probably the most important piece of equipment I have
Janin said. “On the way we discover qualities we didn't know we
with me.”
had that enable us to get to the top. We then feel immense joy in
“When climbing, time management is the most significant factor in my success, and ultimately my survival,” he continued. “Each half-hour counts.” He calculates timings for the entire day, he explained, including
realizing that we know how to face up to dangers and overcome challenges posed by the environment." This is a philosophy that Janin has shared to help others through her foundation, À Chacun Son Everest! — To Each His Everest! She helps both chil-
the time he needs to begin his descent. “I have a rule of turning around by 2 o’clock in the afternoon at
dren and adults recovering from cancer and has arranged for
the latest, whether or not I have reached the summit,” he said. “Some
more than 6,000 people to climb the French Alps, to discover
climbers have found themselves in life-threatening situations because
how successfully challenging physical limits can make a person
they turned back too late. The cold, darkness, fatigue and lack of
stronger in body and soul.
Clockwise from top left: Ed Viesturs, Dr. Christine Janin, the National Geographic weather station team at work on Mt. Everest 15 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
GAME CHANGERS The evolution of the tool watch
atches can do so much more than tell time. They help climbers get to the top of the world’s highest peaks, and divers to the oceans’ deepest depths. These
marvels of engineering are known as "tool" watches, and Rolex is the category’s undisputed star. Like all tools, these devices enable humans to accomplish goals,
and in Rolex’s case those have often been record-breaking and historymaking. To aid in the success of these missions, tool watches require the highest levels of technology, engineering, science and watchmaking, which the team at Rolex unequivocally possesses. Over the years, Rolex has been in the enviable position of being able to use the many explorations it has supplied watches for as laboratories to test those very same timepieces. Upon completion of each mission, Rolex was able to examine and probe the watch’s performance and improve and adapt it accordingly. The original tool watches became templates to develop, refine and update, creating the watches that are available today for anyone to put on their wrist and enjoy, even people whose biggest adventure may be entering the boardroom or signing into a Zoom chat. The 1950s were the golden age when three of Rolex’s most famous tool watches were born. That first full decade after World War II was a time of unparalleled optimism, and out of that spirit came an attendant desire for expansion and the exploration that precedes it. Rolex was there with watches that enabled ground-breaking adventures on land, air and sea. The Rolex GMT-Master was created in 1955 in response to changes in air travel. Long-haul flights were becoming more and more common, and the airlines needed a watch for its pilots that would clock the time back home as well as the time while traveling across oceans and foreign lands. The GMT-Master was one of the few watches that could display the time in any two zones around the world, keeping both pilots 16 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
1953 THE SUBMARINER Launched in 1953, the Submariner was the first divers’ watch waterproof to a depth of 100 meters (330 feet). Its rotatable bezel allowed divers to read their immersion time.
1953 THE EXPLORER Inspired by knowledge gained from this fascinating chapter of human adventure, the Oyster Perpetual Explorer, launched in 1953 to celebrate the victorious ascent of Everest, immediately acquired iconic status.
1955 THE GMT-MASTER The GMT-Master was developed to meet the specific needs of airline pilots. It became the official watch of several airlines, among them the famous Pan American World Airways, better known as Pan Am. Its most distinguishing visual feature was the two-tone bezel which marked daytime from nighttime hours.
1971 THE EXPLORER II Rolex presented the Oyster Perpetual Explorer II, dedicated to polar explorers, speleologists, and all those pushing the boundaries of exploration. The watch featured a distinctive 24-hour hand, an invaluable aid around the poles and beneath ground when you can't tell night from day. 17 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
In 1953 Rolex introduced the Explorer, inspired by the historic conquest of Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. and their globe-trotting passengers up to the minute, no matter
spend in decompres-
where they were.
sion stops. The Sub-
An extra hour hand was added to the innovation that made this
mariner was so
multizone capability possible: a rotating two-tone bezel. The watch
ground-breaking and
expert and historian Gregory Gardinetti explained the advantage. “If
respected that it soon
you don't touch the rotating bezel, the GMT hand will simply indicate
cemented Rolex’s
the local time on a 24-hour scale. And if you move the bezel, you can
position as the watch
choose the time zone you want. This is very useful information for pi-
brand for water explo-
lots flying through different time zones." Rolex’s goal for the airlines
ration. Once again, Rolex
was accomplished and the GMT became the official watch for Pan
continued to refine the watch, and the latest version of the Subma-
American Airways. Because Rolex continually improves on its
riner can descend to a depth of 300 meters, or 1,000 feet.
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on Mount Everest.
watches, the GMT-Master available today is able to keep track of the time in three different time zones.
Rolex has a history of supplying Oyster watches for expeditions climbing the various peaks of the Himalaya Mountains. In 1953
Another iconic tool watch to come out of the 1950s is the
Rolex introduced the Explorer, inspired by the historic conquest of
Submariner. Introduced in 1953, the Submariner was the first dive
Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Their
watch waterproof to 100 meters (about 330 feet). It also sported the
expedition was the first to reach the 8,848-meter (29,028-foot)
all-important rotating bezel, which enabled the watch to keep track of
mountain’s summit. The Explorer inspired by their achievement was
immersion times and to calculate the varying amounts of time to
constructed of rugged stainless steel and featured a clear, very
This year Rolex introduced an all new Explorer . 18 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
legible dial as well as a waterproof case that could withstand not just
revised the Explorer II. The version introduced in 2011 grew a bit in
the moisture from melting snow and ice but also extremes in tem-
size, from 39mm to 42mm and enlarged its luminescent hour
perature as well. Despite the absence of any bells and whistles (like
markers and 24-hour signature orange arrow-tipped hands.
rotating bezels), the result of Rolex’s tool-making skill was just what
Which brings us to today. To celebrate its 50th birthday in 2021,
the adventure-minded needed: “a very strong and accurate watch,”
Rolex has revamped the Explorer II yet again. It now features a new
Gardinetti said.
luminescing process that increases the brightness of the watch’s
Fast-forward nearly two decades, to 1971, when Rolex introduced
hands for better readability. It also incorporates the multi-patent-
the Explorer II. Rather than being designed to aid mountain climbers,
winning caliber 3285, which provides better precision, shock resist-
the new watch was created with other types of expeditions in mind
ance and power reserve.
— those exploring regions like caves or polar caps, where light is
The Explorer and the Explorer II have always been produced in
scarce or irregular. To meet the needs in those darkened or dis-
stainless steel. Until now. For 2021, the Explorer took on a new look.
tanced environments, the Explorer II offered an extra 24-hour hand,
First, it’s been downsized, from 39mm back to its original 36mm.
a 24-hour marked bezel and an extremely luminous dial. The new
And while it’s being offered in the traditional stainless steel, in an
design made it possible to know whether it was day or night, no
alloy that provides unrivaled strength that Rolex calls Oystersteel,
matter where the wearer might be. “On the Explorer II, you have an
this year the case and bracelet also come in handsome new two-
indication of the 24 hours on the bezel,” Gardinetti said. “It helps to
tone versions. The bracelet features center links of a new 18-karat
know, for example, if it's 5 a.m. or 5 p.m. This is useful if you're in a
gold material called yellow Rolesor. The new 41mm Explorer II in
submarine or in space, as you don't know whether it's morning or af-
Oystersteel features a completely redesigned case and bracelet.
ternoon. Or let’s say you are stuck in a tempest for days and losing any notion of time.” The Explorer II would come to the rescue. In its continuing quest to adapt, evolve and improve, Rolex
The new Explorer and Explorer II offer ruggedness and refinement, reliability and good looks, providing the best of all worlds in one watch. From Rolex, of course.
The new Explorer II 19 MORETTI’S MAGAZINE
Above: The Patek Philippe Museum, Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 7, 1205 Genève, Switzerland. Ref. P0884 from the museum collection. The new Ref. 7234G Caletrava Pilot Travel Time 20 MO MROERTETTI T’ SI ’ SM A MGAAGZAI ZNIEN E
TIME and again At the Patek Philippe Museum we explore References with a storied past that have inspired today’s latest introductions
ew companies can claim the historic archive of
latest version of the Calatrava, Ref. 6119G, retains the distinctive
renown watches that Patek Philippe possesses, and
bezel but enlarges the case size to a more modern 39mm while
visitors to Geneva can see them on display at the
keeping the watch a slender 8.1 mm thin. The dial has been up-
Patek Philippe Museum in the city’s center. There are time-
dated as well; there are now sleek 18K gold “obus” hour markers
pieces more than 500 years old, as well as one of the first wrist-
with tapered,
watches, and also the remarkable Calibre 89, the watch with an
astounding 33 complications that made it the most complicated
shaped “dauphine” hands. Perhaps the biggest difference lies inside: a new manually
Above: Calatrava Ref. 96 from 1932, from the collection. At right: Calatrava Ref. 6119G
wound, high performance movement (30-255 PS caliber) with twin barrels that The Calibre 89 is on display at the Patek Philippe Museum
ensures a 65-hour power reserve. So you can wind your watch on a watch ever when it was unveiled in 1989. There are also the three watches here, originally designed in the 1920s and ‘30s.
Friday, and come Monday morning it’s still ready to go. With the new Ref. 7234G-001 Calatrava Pilot Travel Time, Patek
They have inspired new renditions that pay homage to the best
Philippe rounds out its watch family that is inspired by the manufac-
of the past while updating the watch’s design and functions
ture’s aviator's watches from the 1930s. The very typical and highly
for today.
recognizable design was launched in 2015 and has already estab-
Few watches are as iconic and admired as the Calatrava.
lished itself as a modern classic. Patek Philippe has a long and illus-
The refined, elegant watch, a tribute to classic beauty, was intro-
trious history with aviation. Perhaps none more so than the
duced in 1932, the same year the Stern family acquired Patek
timepieces that reflect input from the great aviator Charles Lind-
Philippe. There have been various interpretations of the watch
bergh. The first development in creating a timepiece for aviators
over the years, the most famous being Ref. 3919 with its white
was to take the watch out of their pocket and put it on their wrist.
dial, black lacquered Roman numerals, and its bezel decorated
The second, to create an hour-angle, or siderometer, wristwatch,
with guilloche in a hobnail pattern known as Clous de Paris. The
which determines the plane’s position based on a complicated
Few companies can claim the historic archive of renown watches that Patek Philippe possesses
formula of angles and degrees with the time difference in Green-
the harnesses that allowed pilots to keep their survival kits read-
wich, England where time 0 starts. Used together with a sextant
ily deployable in emergencies; Ref 7234R-01 has a rose-gold
and radio signal, the watch helped allow simpler, faster and more
buckle and vintage brown calfskin strap; Ref 7234G sports a
precise positioning. Two particularly noteworthy exemplars of
white gold buckle on a shiny navy blue calfskin strap.
such hour-angle – or siderometer – wristwatches were developed
Perpetual calendars are amongst the most complicated of any timepiece, requiring a movement composed of hundreds of parts arranged in layers, which is why these large complications were historically housed in the bigger dimensions of a pocket watch. In 1925, Patek Philippe changed all that when the company introduced its first perpetual calendar wristwatch. The watch presented the month, date and day in three separate windows. As a result, the case to accommodate it had to be rather thick. But once again, the experts at Patek Philippe went to work to come up with a technicallyfeasible, aesthically-attractive solu-
Above: Ref. 37234G-001 Caletrava Pilot Time. At right from the museum: Ref. P0844A-100 and Ref. P1655A-200
tion. For the first time,
by Patek Philippe and are now both on display at the Patek
Patek Philippe
Philippe Museum.
features a Per-
The advent of GPS put an end to all that, but Patek Philippe
petual Calen-
pays homage to those glory days with the Calatrava Pilot Travel
dar wristwatch
with a com-
It is a precise and dependable timekeeping instrument with a
Above: Perpetual Calendar Ref. 3448 from 1962. At right: Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5236P
pletely in-line
time-zone function that is a boon for today’s travelers. It keeps
perpetual calendar display that had
track of time in two zones, and is designed to be worn by women
previously only existed in pocket watches that were originally
as well as men thanks to its medium-sized format (37.5mm.)
created for the American market. Ref. 5236P features a new
A self-winding movement (324 S C FUS caliber) and skeleton
self-winding movement (31-260 PS QL caliber) as well as the
hands display home time while a solid hand indicates local time.
three patent pending applications that were necessary for the
There’s also day/night indication for both the local and home time.
innovations embedded in the mechanism, all within the small,
Another nod to history is its clevis prong buckle, reminiscent of
thin, wearable confines of a wristwatch.
In a
LEAGUE of its own
The new Patek Philippe Calatrava is contemporary, sporty and redefines luxury
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Ref. 4997/200G
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Ref. 6119R
Italian Style 2022
Playful, colorful and bold Pomellato’s jubilant designs are the motivation you need to get dressed up again.
color stone Turn up your style with these elegant gemstone and diamond rings and earrings — custom made, just for you
pearls Playful, sexy and fun, this timeless accessory is always in style
If you think pearls are reserved for your grandma’s jewelry box, this season’s take is sure to change your mind. Everyone, from music superstars like Harry Styles to Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman, is reviving the retro pearl jewelry trend. Whether you decide to incorporate pearls by way of classic and elegant drop earrings or take a nouveau approach with a wraparound necklace that drips down your décolleté, these pieces are ones to incorporate into your wardrobe for an air of preppy sophistication.
diamonds Don’t save diamonds for a special occasion. Here are the key outfit making pieces you’ll wear with everything!.
You don’t have to wait for a night on the town to add a little sparkle to your go-to wardrobe pieces. Diamonds can take your basics up a notch, says Genevieve Yraola, a fashion contributor and stylist for numerous magazines including People Style Watch. Here are some essential pieces shown here which you can wear every day to any occasion and feel just right.
7 engagement ring trends that sparkle with unique touches This coming engagement season prepare to see something different. As more brides seek to express their individuality, you’re going to see many more unique touches, says Severina Ferrari, founder of Engagement 101, who curated these looks for us. Even if you're work ing with a stone passed down in your family, you'll find plenty of ideas here for giving it your own special look. And if you can dream it, our expert jewelers can design it.
YELLOW GOLD is making a major return
A HALO is still a great way to make any stone appear larger.
THE CLASSIC SOLITAIRE, which took a backseat to the halo for a few years, is on top again.
THE OVAL CUT is unique, contemporary and right now the trendiest cut of all.
FANCY SHAPED CENTER STONES — radiant, pear, emerald — continue to rise in popularity.
STACKING BANDS are still going strong.
COLORED GEMSTONES and YELLOW DIAMONDS are on the rise for brides wanting to break tradition.
Designer Spotlight Picchiotti combines beauty & style with fit & comfort in the Xpandable™ Collection
Founded 54 years ago, PICCHIOTTI is today the preeminent and most respected name in the world of Italian fine jewelry. To reach that pinnacle requires innovation, merging exciting design with new technology, precision, and old-world craftsmanship. This meticulous combination of know-how and modern science have been instrumental in the creation of the popular and revolutionary XPANDABLE™ COLLECTION. The XPANDABLE™ designs incorporate innovative technology that, ingeniously and invisibly, solves a myriad of fit and comfort challenges, allowing rings and bracelets to expand and contract with ease for comfortable, durable wear. A vast array of bands, rings and bangles smoothly fits all fingers and wrists, thanks to a groundbreaking hidden spring mechanism. The collection has been manufactured with the utmost care and the highest standards of perfection for durability to give the wearer many years of enjoyment. The success of the PICCHIOTTI Xpandable™ rings and bracelets has been nothing short of remarkable since its introduction in early 2016. “I consider it a proprietary triumph of high jewelry design and technology. It really is revolutionary!” says Giuseppe Picchiotti, founder and president of the Italian-based company. “We started solving comfort and fit challenges out with about 10-12 designs. Today we have more than 250 with the main PICCHIOTTI style signatures characterizing the vast assortment. From the extensive use of baguette-cut stones to precious center gemstones that make each ring an exclusive one-of-a-kind, to stackable and colorful fashion-forward creations, the Xpandable™ rings and bracelets have been embraced all over the world… not only by women who have fit and comfort challenges, but also by women who appreciate freedom from bracelet clasps and poorly fitting rings,” Picchiotti continues. At PICCHIOTTI, old-world craftsmanship and modern technology set new standards of elegance, beauty and innovation, creating heirloom jewels that fit for generations.
LAYER UP Looking for ways to keep your look fresh? Start stacking! The layering craze, which made its grand entrance a few seasons ago, shows no sign of slowing down. It's a great way to make a statement with your jewelry and change up your look. But if you're new to the technique or if you struggle with mixing, matching and stacking, fear not. Here the designer Melissa Kaye shows us exactly how to do it using some of her favorite pieces.
Layering necklaces=easy chic Wearing multiple necklaces creates that easy-chic vibe that can elevate any outfit. Start with mixing and matching necklaces in varied styles, that way, each individual piece stands out. Just be sure to keep the one closest to your neck simple, so it doesn't overwhelm you.
Bracelets=endless styling possibilities Bracelets are easy to stack, easy to collect and easy to master because you aren't playing around with different lengths. For visual harmony and comfort, try to keep the weight of each bracelet consistent. And for maximum punch, pile on a few or arm each wrist with a different look —a bold cuff or stack on one and a more delicate bangle or two on the other. Keeping bracelets in the same metal unifies the look.
Mix-and-match rings= a one-of-a-kind look Stacking rings come in all manner of shapes, sizes and designs — and that's what's great about them. One alone makes a pretty accent, but worn together they have maximum impact. And it's fun to grow a collection.
Jewelry shown: From our Melissa Kaye Collection
From our Pomellato Collection
Look for a resurgence of lariat necklaces because they're a style that hasn't been in the spotlight lately. But lo and behold, 2021 is the year lariats are getting a chic upgrade. Instead of the dainty chains of the past, these feature bold chains for a wholly fresh take.
Style Staples Jewelry you can wear every day from Melissa Kaye Melissa Kaye discovered a passion for design as a student at FIT in New York. She has a background in engineering, which shines through in the unique way she crafts her fine jewelry. Here are some of her latest styles, selected by the Moretti Fine Jewelry staff. Stackable cuffs Crisp, clean and Melissa Kaye
timeless, these are the season’s must have accessories. In 18K gold with
diamonds and elegant enamel, a great way to complement any look. A pendant necklace A 18K gold and diamond Aria necklace is a classic — but also something that will mix and match with other necklaces you own. Statement-making rings 18K gold rings, also in pumped-up sizes, have an air of effortless cool. It's the fastest way to elevate any outfit — no matter how casual. It's also fun to wear a few together.
Zea Cuff
Lola Cuff
Aria Cascade Necklace
One of my favorite style staples is
the Aria Necklace. Not only is the long, slender shape neck-flattering and sexy, you'll find it very versatile. These pendants won't look out of place during the day and are equally appropriate if you're going to a more formal event."
Aria Stiletto Earring
Aria Moon Ring
I love the way the cocktail ring
has transitioned to something you can wear every day. While it should be big and catch the eye, it should also feel like an extension of your hand and not a clunky piece weighing you down. It's also fun to wear a bunch together." Aria Fan Ring
Aria Belle Ring