MITIE Group PLC CR Report 2010

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MITIE Group PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2010

Responsibility at the heart of our business


Keep track of our news and thinking


This year’s Corporate Responsibility Report is different. It tells a simple story that explains why responsibility lies at the heart of our business. We believe that what we do now will shape our business tomorrow. We believe that business today needs to balance success and responsibility. This will help ensure a sustainable future. Our goals are clear, and we constantly measure our progress against them. This detailed information is published online at:


Chief Executive’s welcome


MITIE’s commitment to behaving in a responsible and sustainable way is unwavering. This year we have raised the bar by introducing new SMART objectives across all of our CR pillars to fully align our CR plan to our corporate strategy (facing page). The development of CarbonCare has set new standards in terms of environmental impact management within our own buildings; highlighting further opportunities to drive out unnecessary waste, costs and emissions as well as demonstrating the strength and creativity which exists within MITIE for innovative carbon management. We have maintained our emphasis on our people including the development of our Real Apprentice scheme to provide training and employment opportunities for unemployed people with physical, mental or learning issues. Delivering on our Skills pledge, we continue to help our talented individuals to excel. Our teams have won national awards for our apprentice programmes and received glowing accolades for their charitable fund-raising and volunteering efforts. Please check out our website, which has all the information on our CR performance including detailed case studies and an extensive selection of outstanding achievements by our people. You can also follow what we are up to on Facebook and Twitter.



I hope you’ll enjoy this new Corporate Responsibility report format that highlights some of MITIE’s major achievements in CR over the past year.

I am incredibly excited about the year ahead and relish the challenges and opportunities it offers for our sustainable future. Ruby McGregor-Smith Chief Executive


Our CR objectives People

Service & Delivery


Health & Safety Community

Two Real Apprentice employability programmes with 12 clients, offering 30 placements

Engage with top 50 clients

Demonstrate MITIE capability for delivering environmental improvements

Share best practice with five clients that have significant operational risks

Three FM Skills Centres at client schools

H&S competency framework throughout MITIE

Six World of Work events in schools

Implement division specific requirements of MITIE QHSE strategy

Precautions to mitigate risks with community projects e.g. Real Apprentice, Skills Centres, etc

Four client based Health Awareness Days

Environmental audits of MITIE’s Construction Skills Centres

Business strategy

1. Clients – Satisfy clients – Contribute to business needs – Offer value for money – Maintain quality relationships

Two opportunities for clients to improve their knowledge of MITIE’s environmental capability

Record split of gender and ethnicity through ERP system

Three top 50 client community projects

– Support energy and waste reduction to reduce costs

2. People – Training & support for career development and maximum potential – Develop and reward to improve retention and motivation

10 Diversity awareness training courses

MITIE’s culture, values and CR credentials are communicated via talent management programme, inductions, and CR seminars

Four environmental training courses

Risk assessments, PPE and equipment to MITIE employees for volunteering programmes

Undertake 20 CR audit reviews of suppliers

Impact data monitoring system during 2010

Four CR awareness seminars and five inductions

Climate change event for client participation

Pledge for 100 Apprenticeships, 530 NVQs and 120 Skills for Life qualifications by July 2010

Three environment related volunteer projects

Employee volunteering policy

– Reinforce MITIE’s culture and values

3. Risk – Strategic – Operational – Financial

Quarterly MI impacts reviews across MITIE’s administrative offices

– Compliance – Understand risks and impacts – Manage, mitigate or eliminate risks

4. Responsibility – Maintain good H&S performance – Supporting communities

MITIE family fun day with UN International Year of Biodiversity

– Train, develop and reward our people – Contribute to MITIE’s success

– Integration for improved efficiency and seamless service with common systems and processes

6. Profitability – Continuous profitable growth with improved social and environmental impacts

7. Acquisitions – Selective, value enhancing acquisitions – Acquire quality and complementary businesses

Sustainability inputs for Real Apprentice programme

10% Fleet fuel reduction by 2013 10% telematic tracker systems in Fleet and reduce average CO2 vehicle emissions from 147g/km

– Manage and reduce environmental impacts

5. Integration

15% office energy reduction and 80% recycling rate by 2013

Four joint MITIE and client employee volunteering events

Integration across MITIE for client CR initiatives

Increase financial potential through client participation in four MITIE volunteering projects

CR KPIs to enhance social responsibility, profitability and reduce environmental impact

Run CR reviews of prospective acquisition businesses during due diligence process

Verify CR during 100 day integration

Sustainability guidance for employees

Integrated H&S plan for each multi-service FM contract

Four employee volunteer projects

Develop and expand CarbonCare, TREEHUGGERTM and other MITIE initiatives

Develop best practice for top three significant operational risks

Two Real Apprentice programmes in conjunction with 12 clients

Acquired businesses adopt MITIE’s sustainability commitments

Full H&S due diligence process

Engage acquired businesses in MITIE Skills Centres

New interactive methods via MITIE intranet

CR inductions within three months of acquisition

Environmental legislation analysis in due diligence


CR management and policy

The big questions How important is CR to MITIE’s sustainable profitable growth? Being a responsible business is not optional for us. We want all of our stakeholders to understand that we do things properly and want them to engage with us as clients, employees, shareholders or as members of the wider community. To develop as a business we have to look after the interests of all of our stakeholders to ensure that we have a long term future. We realise that it is important to develop our talented people and have a responsible approach to health, safety and the environment to grow MITIE and support our clients.

We have enjoyed MITIE’s support for Business in the Community for the past five years and in particular the strategic Board level support for our Race for Opportunity and Opportunity Now campaigns that Ruby McGregor-Smith and Suzanne Baxter are closely involved with. We are delighted that MITIE has continued to improve its CR Index score each year and are again featured as one of the Top 100 Responsible Businesses who complete the CR Index. We also congratulate MITIE on receiving another Award for Excellence Big Tick in recognition of their work in developing skills in the workplace. Stephen Howard Chief Executive, BiTC

MITIE’s corporate CR team (left to right): Lynda Simmons, Jane James, John Telling, Stephen Barthorpe.

What are MITIE’s major CR targets? This year we are working towards 51 SMART CR objectives, some of which are shown in the table on page 3, showing our commitment to operating a truly sustainable business. We have now formalised targets to reduce our environmental impacts. We have implemented our CarbonCare programme across our buildings and over three years we aim to reduce our energy consumption by 15%, increase our recycling of waste to 80% and to reduce our fuel consumption by 10%. We know that this will require behavioural change and we’re eagerly looking forward to monitoring our achievements over the coming 12 months.


What commercial benefits does CR bring? Our CR strategy is deliberately designed to deliver complementary CR initiatives that enhance commercial relationships, deliver sustainable profitable growth and add value to our operations. A key differentiator for us is that our CR activity supports MITIE in recruiting and retaining the best people capable of delivering the highest quality services to our clients who in turn value our support for their own CR programmes. Our responsible, holistic approach to managing social, ethical and environmental risks and opportunities provides assurance to our clients and our supply chain partners that we will protect their reputation and add real value to their businesses.

Does MITIE get involved in the big issues that are facing society? Helping people to fulfil their potential is a major part of MITIE’s ethos. Our award winning employability programme the Real Apprentice is designed to cut across social barriers – single parents, homelessness, mental, physical or cognitive issues. Our managers, clients and our supply chain partners facilitate operational placements and support and nurture the apprentices. This gives them the confidence they need to succeed in the workplace. Our Stakeholders appreciate the ever evolving model and the tangible success it delivers. We are also heavily involved in climate change as over 35% of our business is related to carbon reduction and carbon management. We provide vital support to our clients on their journey to operating as low carbon organisations.


People ‘People + Passion’ epitomises our approach to business and is at the heart of our philosophy to provide opportunities and the right environment for our people to achieve their full potential. Our employees really are our greatest asset and our most valuable resource. Our significant investment in the training and development of our people ranges from personal development, literacy and numeracy qualifications to technical, professional and academic qualifications. We make sure that our people have the right skills, training and support to excel in their work. Over the past few years we have increased our focus on equality, diversity and inclusion awareness, and training in this area will continue. We also have a range of internal awards to recognise the efforts our people make in going the extra mile. The MITIE Stars scheme is a way of saying ‘thank you’ for their commitment and dedication. There are lots of examples that show how we value our people on our website but the best ones from this year are in this section.

Thomas Mizuro

Edwin Mensah

tor Steve Foxley at his first interview Edwin impressed Regional Direc work experience that he was week two his on well so did and school at the age of sixteen selected to join MITIE straight from eship. entic appr entry carp a in 2007 to do the MITIE team at the Queen of ber mem d Edwin is a much value skill level and confidence His site. re Elizabeth II Conference Cent to carry out some key sted entru is has grown remarkably and he rns used by VIP speakers tasks such as maintaining the lecte including the Prime Minister! n, said, “Edwin is a key member Contract Manager Anthony Braw high morale with his keen the tain main helps of our team and Tait, Supervisor agrees, David sts”. intere ing attitude and sport ctations of an apprentice, expe ’s MITIE of adding, “Edwin fulfils all rds work is exceptional.” towa de attitu his his standards are high and

Thomas successfu lly completed his heating and ve apprenticeship ntilation and is currently studying for a BEn Building Services g degree in Engineering at Co ventry University. the 2008 New Co Thomas won llege Nottingham award – Incorpora of the Year and ted Engineer he has also won the Ha ppold Trust Bursa the 2009 Nationa ry at l Training Award s, org anised by Summi Thomas, now a tSkills. fully qualified en gin eer, acts as an am for SummitSkills to bassador promote his pro fession. Thomas is excite d with his succe ss and explaine this year’s Natio d “Winning at nal Training Award s gave me a rea I hope that by vis l boost and iting my former sch ool and talking encourage them to others I can to consider a rew arding career in engineering.” SummitSkills Deve lopment Manage r, Michael Reeves, “School visits are told us: a fantastic oppo rtunity to help rai of the heating an se awareness d ventilating ind ustry. We are de has chosen to be lighted Thomas an ambassado r.”


Cream of the crop

Apprentices MITIE prides itself on developing new talent and this is clearly demonstrated through our practice of employing and providing vocational training for apprentices. We are one of the largest employers of trade apprentices in the UK, currently employing 419 across MITIE. This represents an increase of 21% over the last 12 months in typically three/four year engineering, and construction related apprenticeships. It includes 73 from businesses that we acquired during the year but does not include shorter term cleaning and catering apprenticeships.

419 +21%

Apprentices employed across MITIE

Increase in apprentice numbers during the last twelve months

Callum Wilson

of the Year. He started National Apprentice Callum was the 2009 tice at MITIE in 2007 ren App l r old Electrica his career as a 16 yea l into an established wel led bria. He sett ence at one of our sites in Cum out his role with compet ries car now and m engineering tea and confidence. college and is now d academic ability at Callum has shown goo ns. atio lific qua NVQ her going on to study furt

Rachel Green

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Giving our people the right skills We have to make sure that we provide our people with continual learning and development opportunities so they have the right skills to have rewarding careers, meet our clients’ needs and maintain MITIE’s competitive advantage. We make it our responsibility to provide a range of career and personal development programmes using our own internal training professionals as well as externally approved providers. During our last reporting period we spent over £4.4m on training courses, comprising 40,369 delegate days across 470 different courses. For the statisticians this averages out at 4.4 hours training for every employee. In addition 85 of our senior directors and managers attended Corporate Responsibility Awareness seminars to further demonstrate MITIE’s determination to practice its ethical, moral and sustainable business values.

£4.4m 470 4.4 hours Spent on training courses

Different courses

Average training for each employee


The real deal Giving everyone a chance MITIE’s Real Apprentice programme has been running successfully since 2005. This multi-award winning programme has helped remove the barriers to employment faced by people from disadvantaged communities. This year the focus has been to broaden the scheme’s appeal by providing training and employment opportunities to unemployed people with disabilities. We have launched programmes to “Raise the Game” on wellness and mental health in partnership with Jobcentre Plus, London Employer Accord and Working for Wellness to provide training and employment opportunities to unemployed people with physical, mental health or learning difficulties. Those currently benefitting from the programme range from 19-57 years of age, representing a diverse ethnic mix and a broad range of disabilities including dyslexia, clinical depression, diabetes, Aspergers and limited limb movement. “So far ‘Raising the Game on Disability’ has seen our disabled apprentices develop confidence, communication skills and belief in themselves. I see this as a way forward to achieving employment for the hardest to help” explained Margo Baxter, Jobcentre Plus Disability Employment Advisor. A major achievement is an agreement by JobCentre Plus for anyone undertaking the programme on a part-time basis to switch to full-time, if applicable, without any negative impact on their benefits. Employers from JobCentre Plus and Working for Wellness will interview alongside MITIE for vacancies within the final two weeks of the operational placement with the aim to minimise the gap between ending the programme and commencing work. Those who do not complete the programme or secure employment will be supported with further training by their advisers. To date over 82 unemployed people have successfully completed the Real Apprentice programme and secured employment either with MITIE directly or with one of our clients. The model has been very well supported by our clients, many of whom have enthusiastically shared the virtues of the scheme with their other suppliers. The Real Apprentice has won numerous prestigious awards including the BiTC Award for Excellence 2007 – 2009, Edge Employer Award and a National Training Award.

Danny Lewis Real Apprentice

MITIE’s Employment Regeneration Director, Jane James who devised and manages the Real Apprentice, has recently qualified as an instructor with Mental Health First Aid England to run their two day mental health programme and is now in the process of training all placement managers and mentors. Jane’s efforts have recently been recognised by winning the highly prestigious Opportunity Now awards, in the Directing Diverse Talent Award category for 2010.



Supporting gender equality Our continued investment in the diversity and inclusion agenda has attracted a number of highly prestigious accolades in the past year including an award in the Times Top 50 Where Women Want to Work 2009 and coming second (out of 297) in The Observer’s Good Companies Guide Gender Survey 2009 – an independent survey researched by Co-operative Asset Management into how women were represented in FTSE 350 businesses. We are committed to supporting Opportunity Now, Business in the Community’s gender diversity campaign where our Group Finance Director, Suzanne Baxter is an advisory Board member. In 2009, we attained the Silver standard in Opportunity Now’s gender benchmarking exercise and were acknowledged as the most improved company. Race for Opportunity, which is chaired by Ruby McGregor-Smith, recognised our fresh and innovative approach to employability by awarding us the Widening the Talent Pool – Recruitment award.

“From a personal perspective, the best bit of my job involves working with so many amazing, talented and creative colleagues. I feel very privileged to play my part to ensure that MITIE remains at the forefront of current thinking on the diversity agenda”. Karen Govier Equality and Diversity Manager, MITIE

Supporting disability MITIE is also a Gold Member of Employers’ Forum on Disability and Ruby McGregor-Smith, our Chief Executive is a member of its Presidents Club. “Working in partnership with EFD, we have learned that there is an overwhelming opportunity for employers who embrace diversity and inclusion to harness the talent that exists in the UK today. Encouraging all of our employees to reach their full potential ensures that MITIE remains at the forefront of innovative thinking in ways that honour ethical values and respect people of all abilities and their local communities.” Ruby McGregor-Smith

Suzanne Baxter has been awarded the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales “Inspiring Confidence in Business Award”. It recognises Finance Directors who make an exceptional contribution to their business through combining sustainability with overall performance.


Out of this world

MITIE Stars scheme Recognising and rewarding the efforts of our people is essential to ensure that they are valued and appreciated for going the extra mile in the line of their work. The MITIE Stars scheme recognises how talented and committed our people are and is a way of saying ‘thank you’ for a task extremely well done. There are a vast number of intermediate monetary prizes in the scheme but the overall MITIE Stars £15,000 winner for 2009 was Derek Bates. Derek’s motivated and impressive customer focused attitude and selfless dedication to his work and clients helped him secure the overall award. Derek also acts as a mentor to apprentices in his region and is keen to impart his considerable knowledge and skills to young aspiring engineers. Such dedication to providing a world-class service is what MITIE’s reputation is built on, and it’s thanks to people like Derek that we have been so successful.


Service delivery MITIE works hard to develop responsible business relationships with our clients and suppliers. We are committed to developing and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with all our commercial stakeholders, engaging in responsible business practice and delivering excellent levels of service. Our clients increasingly appreciate the added value of MITIE’s CR capabilities and we have a track record of supporting their CR programmes. Clients and suppliers often join in our employee volunteering project teams, which not only consolidates commercial relationships but also increases the value of the support we offer to our communities.

What do our clients tell us? MITIE recently commissioned a client research project with Moira Clark, Professor of Strategic Marketing at Henley Business School, asking our top 50 clients to explore with us their views on the future of the market and how we can further enhance our strategic partnerships. We asked them ‘What are the most important areas of Corporate Responsibility to your business?’ The answers were clear; clients consider improvements to the environment need to go hand in hand with associated cost savings. They want strategic partners like MITIE to help them understand the implications of environmental legislation and deliver visible operational benefits. Reduced energy consumption, sustainable/renewable energy sources and waste recycling are also important priorities. Our clients also feel that Corporate Governance and Social investment are important. Here are some great examples of where we have supported our clients. There are more on the website.


The perfect match Developing the best people for our clients Matching the right people to the right job for the right client gives the best quality service. A good example of this is Gary Crook who joined MITIE in 2007 on a 12 month work placement from university as part of a business management degree with a desire to focus on different areas of the business and develop a broad set of management skills. Gary played a key role in two major business projects during this time and upon completion of the placement Gary was asked to remain in the business on a part time basis. Graduating in 2009, Gary said “I’m positive the experience gained during my placement contributed to my final degree result and has launched my career.” Gary is now a full time employee on the ONS contract and is again looking to further his development by signing up for his next programme of MITIE sponsored study with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Mark Davies (MITIE’s Account Director) explained “Since joining the ONS contract Gary has been a pivotal part of the central team driving process and procedure in a very successful FM solution for our client. Now a Commercial Manager, Gary shows leadership skills beyond his years and can always be depended on to deliver any project given to him, on time and to a very high level of customer satisfaction.”


Service delivery

Generating benefits

Helping our clients meet carbon targets and end fuel poverty Our clients value our support in helping meet their carbon targets. We are delivering small-scale off-site wind farms which will help achieve a 60% carbon reduction in 46 Derbyshire BSF schools. Each site will generate approximately one third of the electricity consumed by the schools. In addition to the design, installation, operation and maintenance of the turbines, Derbyshire County Council gains the environmental and financial benefits of owning these energy-generating assets, while providing landholders and rural communities with a secure, long-term income. MITIE has also been working with E.ON UK to help tackle fuel poverty and meet local authority carbon reduction and renewable energy targets. Under a framework agreement we have completed a number of projects to replace traditionally expensive coal and oil heating systems with new, affordable low-carbon ground source heat pumps. For a housing estate in Gloucestershire, MITIE has designed and installed heat pump systems. This technology has the ability to convert one unit of energy into more than three times that amount of renewable heat, saving 620kg CO2 per year, per household, which is enough to keep a house warm all year.

-60% x3

Reduction in carbon in 46 schools from our off-site wind farms

Conversion factor created through our ground source heat pumps


Making sure we buy from responsible suppliers

Guaranteeing service for our clients

The way we manage our procurement and supply chain is increasingly important to our reputation and to our clients. Our approach to supplier evaluation ensures that we collect critical information on insurance, health and safety and quality standards.

Our clients want to know that they can rely on our services. We have robust operating processes with 99% of our businesses (excluding recent acquisitions) accredited to ISO 9001 for quality management, BS OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management and ISO14001 for Environmental Management.

During 2010 we introduced ‘MITIE sourcing’ an e-procurement web enabled platform to collect critical supplier data at the start of the procurement process. It makes sure that we only use suppliers that are transparent and meet our CR criteria. If suppliers don’t quite make the grade we have a Supplier Improvement Programme that uses a CR Review to help improve our supplier’s social, ethical, environmental and economic credentials by evaluating their accreditations, policies, ethical business practices, environmental performance and community involvement. This year we completed CR reviews with over 40 key suppliers equivalent to more than 10% of our total annual spend. Only two were served with ‘improvement notices’ and offered assistance to improve their performance.

This year our focus was to formalise a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) which is applied across MITIE. It ensures the continuation of critical activities for the delivery of our service making sure we can operate ‘business as usual’ in the face of any significant incident.

Our Incident Management Plans (IMP) are implemented across MITIE and reflect the requirements of British Standard 25999:2007, the benchmark standard for business continuity management. Our IMP covers such areas as: access denial, pandemics, environmental or health & safety incidents and supply chain interruption. Our This was put to the test during 2009 with the swine flu pandemic. During the initial outbreak as infection numbers peaked, we were able to provide A great example of where this works is with building products advice, guidance and maintain services to our clients. supplier Wolseley UK. We buy building and engineering products We will keep working on our Incident Management Plans from them and we provide security services to their head office to make sure that we are ready for any crisis. and they help with construction materials for our skills centres. Rebecca Lascelles, Environmental and CR Coordinator, Wolseley says, “Over the years, Wolseley UK and MITIE have worked together to share elements of their CR strategy so that both companies can benefit from each others’ experience and knowledge in various areas of their CR work, especially around Health & Safety, Environment and Community Engagement. MITIE has given invaluable guidance on the practicalities of issues such as the BITC CR index and CR reporting.”

16 Environment Environment The environment plays a major role in our CR Strategy. Our environmental KPIs measure the carbon associated with the five key impacts of electricity, gas and water consumption, transport emissions and waste creation. This year MITIE’s focus on environmental sustainability has been strengthened with the acquisition of Dalkia FM and the CarbonCare approach, bringing extensive skills and strategic expertise allowing MITIE to benchmark its office facilities, prepare carbon management strategies and prioritise buildings for attention. We are targeting carbon savings in electricity and gas consumption through heating, cooling and lighting of our premises of 15% by 2013 against our 2010 footprint. This is a significant undertaking which exceeds the expectation for workplace emission reductions set by the UK Transition Plan of 2009 towards the 2020 UK Carbon Budget. We have also developed an impact management system to provide robust management reporting to monitor and report impact data on water, waste, transport and energy consumption across MITIE’s entire UK office base. This aligns with the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol for emissions reporting. The system is also able to identify successes in our current recycling programme and pinpoint areas for further improvement as we strive to meet our ambitious target of 80% recycling. CarbonCare will reduce our own impacts on the environment and empower each of our people to make a difference. Our experts in energy and waste management have also delivered innovative solutions to ensure our clients stay fully compliant with all the latest environmental legislation and save money.

Making a stand on UK Plc carbon footprint The ability to convert waste to energy is emerging as an important opportunity for MITIE, and one which will also make a contribution to the UK government’s target to achieve a 34% reduction of CO2 emissions against 1990 levels, as set out in the Carbon Budget for 2020. Waste to energy conversion technologies provide low carbon means of converting a wide variety of waste streams into usable heat and electricity. Advanced thermal treatment processes, such as pyrolysis or gasification, and anaerobic digestion qualify for Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) making investment in such technologies financially viable.


Tonnes of general waste can be processed in our pyrolysis and gasification facilities, which will also have the ability to generate…

27,000 14,600

MWh of electricity per annum, which will also offset

Tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise come from grid-based electrical generation.

Over the past twelve months, MITIE has invested extensively in understanding both the technologies and the economics of this new market sector. We have recently agreed terms on a contract to design, implement and operate the first of a planned series of new pyrolysis and gasification facilities, each capable of processing 75,000 tonnes of general waste material to deliver over 27,000 MWh of electricity per annum. This will not only displace a significant quantity of waste to landfill but also offset 14,600 tonnes of CO2 which would otherwise be generated by conventional fossil fuel power plants. The first of these facilities is expected to come online in Q2 2011.


Small impact.

Big hit.

Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme is a government initiative designed to force relatively high energy consumers to improve their energy consumption, instigate carbon management strategies and bring carbon to the boardroom agenda. The scheme began in April 2010 and has introduced some thought provoking economic and reputational drivers for consumers of more than 6,000 mega watt hours of electricity which is the equivalent of a ÂŁ460,000 spend per annum. Participating organisations will have to monitor their emissions and purchase allowances for each tonne of CO2 they create. However reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency will save money. MITIE is actively providing consultancy energy management and project support to clients.


Environment Fire-fighters blaze a trail on CO2 reductions As part of a London-wide initiative, The London Fire Brigade has been working to reduce carbon emissions across its fire stations. An energy saving competition produced fast results and was supported by MITIE’s CarbonCare team which has been selected to work on the London Fire Brigade buildings with the aim of reducing carbon emissions by 25%. In a recent competition to reduce energy waste across 112 London Fire Stations, Romford came out top for energy savings thanks to the conscientious efforts of the fire-fighters across a full watch rota. By doing simple things like switching off unnecessary lights and turning televisions, kitchen and office appliances off stand-by, they delivered an instant 4% saving on electricity in just 8 days. The impact is two-fold, reducing the station’s carbon footprint and saving money.

Blazing a trail

The Fire Brigades has embarked on an Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Programme which is championed by the London Mayor’s Office and the Clinton Climate Initiative. It involves London Fire Brigade and MITIE in a range of energy saving measures including insulation, double glazing, building fabric and draft proofing, building management systems, lighting, heating, more efficient air conditioning, solar panels and Combined Heat and Power energy generation systems.

19 Sustainable Waste Management

Environmental employee volunteering projects

Organisations are increasingly aware of the risks and costs associated with waste management and recognise the need for strategic management of the quantity and sources of waste created.

During the year we organised a number of volunteering projects to get our people involved. For World Environment Day on 5th June 2009 MITIE organised and participated in four school events with some of our clients. The events included environment awareness road shows that were attended by many school pupils and raised their environmental awareness and commitment to sustainability.

This year has seen MITIE successfully secure a fully outsourced waste management contract with a leading pharmaceutical organisation occupying several locations across the UK. We have introduced a clear set of strategic client objectives such as waste minimisation, recycling, harmonisation, transparency, and relationship management rather than the traditional price and service focus. To date, the benefits identified and achieved go far beyond what would have been reasonably expected. Financially and environmentally our client is significantly ahead of the commitments made and is currently in the process of sharing this best practice globally with their colleagues. We have also delivered a range of recycling and best practice systems to clients across the UK. In the past year we have successfully implemented our programmes in over 2,000 locations, reducing embedded carbon emissions and diverting recyclable wastes away from landfill. These projects have successfully diverted over 6,500 tonnes of waste from landfill making a real difference to our clients sustainability.

2,000 6,500

We’ve installed recycling and best practice systems in over 2,000 locations

These projects have diverted 6,500 tonnes of waste from landfill

Biodiversity Wetlands provide numerous benefits including supporting a vast range of species and offer recreational and educational opportunities, flood and storm protection and significant carbon storage capabilities. In commemoration of the UN International Year of Biodiversity, seven MITIE people volunteered their services at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire in February 2010. The WWT priority project given to us was to build 40 mud nests for the Greater Flamingos breeding programme. Some of the four species of Flamingo at WWT Slimbridge are endangered in their natural habitat and are CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) listed; hence every chick reared there is a valuable addition to the global flamingo population. Eco Schools The ‘Schools and sustainability, a climate for change’ report published by OFSTED in 2008 found that most of the schools visited had limited knowledge of sustainability and work in this area tended to be unco-ordinated, often confined to special events rather than being an integral part of the curriculum. MITIE Energy Manager, Ken Heaton and colleagues have volunteered their time and resources helping schools around the UK improve their environmental awareness and performance. They assess schools across a range of criteria including, waste, energy, water, transport, biodiversity and healthy living. This assistance has already helped several schools attain the prestigious ‘Eco School’ status.


Health & Safety Our philosophy with health and safety is “work safe, home safe”. We do everything we can to make sure that all of our people and everyone that is affected by what we do gets home safely at the end of the working day. Health and safety is of utmost importance to us and we strive to improve our performance every year. We operate appropriate management systems and controls, provide comprehensive training programmes across all levels of the organisation and control key risks. With a team of over 90 dedicated health and safety professionals we are well resourced to operate a formal health and safety management system meeting the needs of the OHSAS 18001 standard, providing a framework to apply site specific risk management tools to identify, minimise and manage risks in the workplace. We set high standards and we expect everyone to play their part in maintaining them.

Health and Safety Leadership training We recognise the importance of training people across all areas of the businesses, but particularly in health and safety management. As effective health and safety management relies on the support, drive and commitment of senior managers, we target our senior operational managers for focussed leadership training. Building on the success of a board level programme launched last year, an operational senior managers workshop was introduced this year. The purpose of the training is to update our people in modern health and safety management and provide them with a series of leadership tools. Our people have many priorities to deal with at any given time, and the workshop focused on providing techniques to ensure health and safety management was given the right priority and action every time by understanding which areas need focus and which should be delegated.

Health and Well-being – Health Awareness events A healthy workforce is really important, we want our employees to be fit and healthy at work and at home. We therefore provide a comprehensive health and well-being programme for all our employees. In addition to a range of health surveillance activities associated with the workplace, we provide our people with the opportunity to meet with trained medical staff during work hours and gain professional advice on all healthy lifestyle aspects including: – Blood pressure; – Cholesterol levels; – Diet and healthy eating;

The workshops also introduced core health and safety values and key behaviours linked to MITIE’s overall values. Core values are an increasingly important tool, underpinning the way in which we carry out our business, work in teams and interact with all our stakeholders.

– Alcohol and smoking cessation and

The workshop proved hugely successful and was attended by nearly 200 senior operational managers throughout the year, providing a new approach to drive improvement

We have received extremely positive feedback from our employees on this service and our objective is to increase the coverage of our health awareness days in 2010-11 and introduce contract site specific days for our site based teams.

in health and safety performance in the future.

– Stress management. Additionally, specific medical concerns can be brought to the attention of an attending doctor.


Collective energy BNG Resident Engineers Safety Award The Sellafield Contractors Safety Award is awarded each year by the Sellafield Resident Engineers department who are responsible for managing and controlling all subcontractor activities at the site. This award is based on site visits and detailed audits of contractors work to assess conformance and compliance with procedures. MITIE won the top award for demonstrating exceptional management of its health and safety performance on-site over a 12-month period including compliance, areas of innovation and outstanding performance. The inspection also looked at other issues including leadership, competence, employee involvement and development, learning from experience processes, environmental awareness, sub contractor management as well as safety, health and welfare conditions with respect to MITIE’s work areas, compounds and offices on site. Gary Savage, Account Director for MITIE at Sellafield said: “This award really means a great deal to the team at MITIE as it recognises our excellent performance and all the hard work and effort the entire team has put into the contract.” John Taylor, Resident Engineer for Sellafield Ltd commented: “The performance of our contractors on site is extremely important to us at Sellafield. Their successes and failures reflect directly on us as the managers and operators of the site on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and ultimately the public. The Zone 1 Award for contractors with more than 200 employees given to MITIE is reward and recognition of its management of the contract and associated works to consistent standards that exhibit good or best practice.”


Community MITIE actively supports the communities where we operate in various ways including giving financial support and sponsorship to selected charities and causes, providing in-kind material support and sharing our skills and expertise through our employee volunteering programme. During prequalification and tendering stages, clients expect businesses to be able to prove that they engage with and invest in local communities. We passionately believe in supporting the communities where we operate. Our impressive 100 % score in the community category of Business in the Community’s CR Index 2009 is an external endorsement of our community investment credentials. Construction Construction Skills Centres MITIE has construction skills centres at seven high schools in the UK. They represent our most visible commitment and significant investment in supporting young people in their vocational education and career development. Most of the skills centres are also made available to students from neighbouring collaborative schools and members of the community.

Supporting communities with work experience and employment MITIE is working with the Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT) to provide valuable work experience and employment opportunities to some of their tenants as part of a community training and employment initiative. The 13 week programme includes three weeks induction with health and safety training leading up to the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card qualification.

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Slimbridge, Gloucestershire Employer supported volunteering The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust is a leading conservation organisation saving wetlands for wildlife and people across the world. Our volunteering activity with WWT in February 2010 not only helped their flamingo breeding project but also provided an excellent team building opportunity for us.

Manchester to Blackpool sponsored bike ride for the Christie NHS Foundation Trust 14 MITIE people participated in a 63 mile sponsored cycle ride from Manchester to Blackpool on behalf of the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, MITIE’s North regional charity. Some of MITIE’s suppliers and subcontractors also generously sponsored our intrepid cyclists who managed to raise more than £1,500.

23 MITIE supporting – Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL) Project MITIE’s Property Management business has just taken on their first female trainee from the Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL) Project. This project is a six month paid work placement for young people leaving school with few or no qualifications. The placements are with local firms and give trainees real experience and skills that employers are looking for to enable them to secure apprenticeships or full time work.

Cardervale High Airdrie

2010 Tough GuyTM Challenge in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital and CLIC Colin Goodwin, Regional Director and Matthew Goddard, Commercial Manager completed the 2010 Tough Guy Challenge on a freezing cold Sunday 31st January 2009. With MITIE matched funding, nearly £3000 was raised for Great Ormond Street Hospital, CLIC Sargent and Help for Heroes charities.

Faringdon Sunderland

Fred Longworth

Christmas lunch for Marylebone drop-in centre London


Employer supported volunteering MITIE delivers a wide range of facilities services for our client, IMS Health in London and at one of the monthly team meetings it was decided to offer the elderly and vulnerable members of the community who visit the Marylebone drop-in centre a free Christmas lunch.

Castle Vale Birmingham

Chantry High Ipswich

Stoke Newington Hackney, London

Merchant’s Academy Bristol

Naomi House walk Colin Elcock, Business Development Manager and Gary Cronin, Regional Operations Manager coordinated MITIE’s Southern region businesses in supporting Naomi House Children’s Hospice on one of their primary fund raising walking events along the Clarendon Way – a 26 mile long path that links the cathedral cities of Winchester and Salisbury. Our supply chain partners generously provided assistance and support to reduce the costs of organising and managing the walk which attracted over 950 walkers and raised in excess of £163,000.

Warm Hugs appeal – supporting homeless people Employer supported volunteering Due to the exceptionally cold weather experienced last winter, MITIE linked up with some of our clients and collected nearly 1,000 items of warm clothing for The Passage, a London based homeless charity.


Tables Environmental targets and emissions

BiTC CR Index 2009 Our overall score in the index was 88.7% this year up from 81.5%. MITIE’s performance across each of the main components of the CR Index continues to be excellent with improvements across every component and notably each one ahead of our benchmarking sector. All tables are available at with an illustration of our performance across the Management Areas illustrated below. Corporate strategy

Average score 2008

Assurance and disclosure

Average score 2009

% 100






Total Revenue





Average number of employees





Total CO2 emissions





Normalised CO2 emissions per employee





Normalised CO2 emissions per £m revenue









Total water consumption


Normalised water consumption per employee


Social impact

Community management

Total waste













Total waste per employee Environmental impact

Marketplace management

Workplace management





Percentage of recycled total waste





Percentage of recycled waste (principal buildings)





Total waste recycled

Environment management

Employee Profile Ethnic Origin Bangladeshi

Black AC






Ethnicity not disclosed



















<2 years

2 to 4 years

5 to 9 years

10 to 19 years

>20 years

Grand Total

Length of Service













40 to 49 years

50 to 59 years

60 to 69 years

> 70 years

Age not disclosed

Grand Total

Age Range <20 years

20 to 29 years

30 to 39 years





























Gender/Ethnicity Salary Profile

Community Investment

Salaried employee seniority based on salary band; gender profile Gender/Salary



20K– 40K

40K– 60K

60K– 80K


2,142 4,023







Female 2,193 1,171 120 20 Salaried employee seniority based on salary band; ethnicity profile Gender/Salary

White Black Asian and Minority Ethnicity Ethnicity not disclosed

Community Investment KPI’s trend analysis £ >100K

40K– 60K

60K– 80K

80K– 100K


3,131 3,630









228 976

316 1,248



99,045 184,018


Match-funded donations to charities* 11,755* 21,097


Value of employee time volunteered

90,419 103,160


Value of gifts in-kind donated




114,204 151,816


Donations to charities etc.

Value of expenses and leveraged funds

20K– 40K




% FY2009/10 FY2008/09 difference

Community Affairs management costs Total Community investment Community Investment as % of profit before tax *Great Ormond Street Hospital. It is not MITIE’s policy to contribute political donations.




415,567 603,659



0.77 –32pp

How we performed over the last 12 months


People Objective: To provide opportunities and the right environment to enable our people to develop to their full potential. How we performed

How we performed

We will continue our Skills Pledge commitment to offer access to Skills for Life and other learning and development opportunities within our Talent Management programme to all of our employees.

MITIE’s dedicated full-time Skills Pledge Development Manager co-ordinates three external training providers that deliver a range of nationally accredited training courses, principally for our Cleaning and Security operatives. The on-the-job courses include; Train to Gain NVQ level 2, Skills for Life (literacy and numeracy) and Apprenticeships.

Deliver eight CR Awareness training seminars for employees by April 2010.

Eight CR Awareness Seminars were delivered by April 2010 throughout the UK. The interactive seminars provided 85 of our senior management with an overview on corporate responsibility and emphasised how we fulfil the CR commitments to our various stakeholders.

We will deliver a suite of bespoke diversity training courses to our people by April 2010 including; seven managing and valuing diversity courses, three diversity in bids courses and at least two recruitment and selection programmes that have an emphasis on disability.

Equality & Diversity related training courses were delivered by specialist external consultancy ‘Equality Works’. 5 diversity in bids courses and 6 managing and valuing diversity courses were delivered during the year period.

During 2009 we will run a pilot employability programme in conjunction with Working for Wellness, London based on our successful Real Apprentice model for people with mild to moderate mental health issues.

Our partnership with JobCentrePlus (JCP) and London Accord continues to work well. 16 out of the 17 Real Apprentice applicants from the pre-placement week secured operational placements. Ages in this cohort ranged from 19-57 with a wide ethnic mix and range of physical and mental disabilities. The Working for Wellness programme proved more challenging and additional training and preparation was undertaken to accommodate this cohorts particular needs. The achievements of Jane James, Employment Regeneration Director and the success of the RA programme was recognised with two national awards; Opportunity Now-Directing Diverse Talent Award 2010 and Race for Opportunity – Widening the Talent Pool Recruitment 2009.

Service & Delivery Objective: To demonstrate responsible business practice and enhance relationships with our clients and supply chain stakeholders. ‘Service delivery’ Targets 2009/10

How we performed

Conduct a further 10 CR reviews with key suppliers as part of our supplier improvement programme by April 2010.

CR reviews with 42 of our key suppliers were carried out by April 2010. This exercise enabled us to assess these supplier’s CR credentials and also gave us an opportunity to share knowledge and good practice with them for mutual benefit. The CR review questionnaire is incorporated into MITIE’s new supplier prequalifying E-sourcing tool which provides a more rigorous and transparent assessment outcome.

Continue to engage with our key clients, sharing best practice and providing CR guidance and support.

In addition to our contracted services MITIE has engaged with several key clients in delivering added-value CR related initiatives including; joint employee volunteering community projects, carbon foot-printing the impact of our services, energy and waste reducing projects, participating in MITIE’s Real Apprentice scheme and jointly hosting Skills Pledge related training.

Exhibit best practice sustainability solutions at the London Climate Change Marketplace event on May Day 2009.

MITIE were the major exhibitors at this prestigious event, sharing good practice and demonstrating sustainability solutions across a range of services to help our clients improve their environmental performance. The event was attended by HRH Prince Charles, Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and Ed Milliband the then, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.

Support relevant Government, professional and industry bodies, engaging with our stakeholders to promote CR best practice.

MITIE’s senior management continue to make a significant contribution to various organisations including; Business in the Community, Business Services Association, Cleaning and Support Services Association, Confederation of British Industry, British Quality Foundation, British Institute of Facilities Management and Asset Skills as well as participating in the Associate Parliamentary CR Group, All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group and the All Party Parliamentary Urban Development Group.

Environment Objective: To demonstrate continuous improvement in our environmental performance. ‘Service delivery’ Targets 2009/10

How we performed

Organise, in conjunction with a client, a road show on 5th June 2009 celebrating World Environment Day.

MITIE organised four separate events commemorating World Environment Day with our clients. The events included environment awareness roadshows hosted by schools and clients.

Reduce replaced vehicle CO2 emissions by 10% by purchasing at least 100 low emission vehicles as part of our replacement programme, and by further investment in on board vehicle telematic tracker systems.

Investment in low emission vehicles is on-going as well as the installation of telematic tracking devises to optimise travel distances to reduce costs and CO2 emissions. We have replaced 219 vehicles with ‘EcoFlex’ low emission vehicles and purchased 7 hybrid vehicles. This is double the target set and has been assisted with our continual approach to purchase fit for purpose vehicles with the lowest emissions. We have also changed our fuel provider to maximise the benefit of lower cost fuel within the supermarket network, and our average vehicle CO2 emission level is 147g/km well below the industry benchmark of 160g/km. This has reduced our CO2 on the replacement vehicles by an average of 10.5%

Develop a consistent approach for electricity, gas and waste reduction in MITIE offices through improved monitoring, measurement and targeted projects.

Closer integration of property, waste and fleet functions are improving the monitoring and measurement of energy and fuel consumption. 100% renewable tariff electricity was procured from October 2009 (except for the recently acquired EPS business).

Continue our environmental management certification programme in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

ISO 14001certification of MITIE operating businesses is currently 99% (based on employee numbers).

Health & Safety Objective: To demonstrate continual improvement in health and safety performance. ‘Service delivery’ Targets 2009/10

How we performed

Develop a set of key performance indicators to improve health and safety performance measurement and management and implement across all MITIE divisions by April 2010.

A combination of reactive and proactive key performance indicators are now in place to effectively measure and therefore manage H&S performance. Proactive KPIs focus on training plan completion, training attendance, audit schedule completion and audit close-out completion.

Develop health and safety related values and related standards to support MITIE’s corporate strategy, vision and values and implement across all MITIE divisions by April 2010.

Values and standards, supporting MITIE’s overall values, are in place for health and safety management under the Work Safe Home Safe! umbrella. A values matrix containing key behaviours in support of MITIE’s overall values was launched and supported with a film, poster campaign and management assessment pack – making up the information available for use within the businesses.

Deliver a health and safety leadership programme to 80 operational managers by April 2010.

The second phase of MITIE’s senior management leadership programme was developed and implemented in 2009/10. Nearly 200 Senior managers attended the workshop during the year.

Review, revise and implement three key Group health and safety related training courses to secure key competencies by April 2010.

Three training courses were revised and implemented during the year. These were Managing Work at Height, Work at Height and H&S risk management leadership.

Community Objective: To provide support to the communities where we live and work. ‘Service delivery’ Targets 2009/10

How we performed

We will maintain our support of, and develop MITIE’s Construction Skills Centres.

Together with our supplier partner Wolseley, we continued to support the seven MITIE Construction Skills Centres throughout the UK. This investment enables over 500 (14 – 19 year old) students to gain nationally accredited vocational qualifications; one year Certificate, two year Diploma or three year Advanced Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment or equivalent.

We will continue our financial and in-kind support for MITIE’s elected six UK Regional Charities.

Fund raising events and in-kind support continued throughout the year. A fund-raising walk between Winchester and Salisbury cathedrals and a major shop refurbishment on an in-kind basis for Naomi House Children’s Hospice were very successful. Total community investment for the period was over £400,000.

We will carry out four employee volunteering team projects in the community by April 2010.

Many more than four employee volunteering projects were undertaken by April 2010. We participated in two conservation projects with our client RWE Npower. A team of volunteers did useful conservation work at the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge. Some of our employees initiated a ‘Warm Hugs’ appeal, donating and distributing clothing at a London homeless shelter during the winter. They continue to serve food to homeless people there throughout the year.

We will deliver ‘World of Work’ events in at least six schools by April 2010.

Nine ‘World of Work’ events were actually undertaken by April 2010 to schools throughout the UK involving over 100 of our employee volunteers. These events delivered a range of challenging activities that helped over 1,100 students to develop their employability skills, business skills and environmental awareness.

Memberships and affiliations

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