Sins of the Presidents: An Exposé

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Sins of the Presidents: An Exposé

The apostle Paul, using the pen of inspiration, wrote the following in Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” You and I are not exceptions to this axiom. The presidents of the United States are not exceptions to this axiom. No one in the world is an exception to this axiom. Simply put, our weaknesses are consequences of our humanity. The weaknesses of the presidents are consequences of their humanity. No one can point the finger of accusation with the intent of saying that I am better than you. When we point the finger of accusation, three fingers point back to us with an accompanying thumbs up of agreement! This great nation has lots to atone for concerning the how and the why for treating its minorities negatively. Now, minorities are rapidly approaching a majority status. The country enslaved Blacks, and then a Black man became its president. The nation blatantly misappropriated the lands of its indigenous Native Americans (in many cases without sufficient reparations). Many leaders surreptitiously engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior with slaves and, in multiple situations, their off-springs were prints of their inappropriate behavior. Ultimately, the rooftops reveal our sins (Matthew 10:27). All have sinned, and atonement comes with the propitiation of Christ. Christ died for our sins yesterday, our sins today, and our sins tomorrow. Propitiation leads to atonement, and atonement leads to forgiveness. We need to embrace the atonement of Christ so that we can be forgiven and, in turn, forgive. All our presidents sinned. This paper is a brief exposé of their sins during the past two-hundred and thirty-one years. This timeline is not long, but the sins of the nation require repentance and reparations. Christ atoned for our sins through His propitiation. So, all we need to do is to ask for forgiveness. Black Americans and Native Americans are waiting for their apologies and reparations. George Washington No Middle Name The First President of the United States No Political Party Served the Nation as President from 1789 to1797 Henry Wiencek’s book “An imperfect God,” says that George Washington married into the Custis family. The Custis family was a part of the “…money elite whose holdings included thousands of acres and countless black and mixed-race men, women, and children”. “Slavery made their world possible.” “…It corrupted them…[so] that the founding fathers could espouse 1

the ideals of liberty and the rights of man while slaves tended to their needs is one of the more curious facts of history.” George Washington inherited ten slaves at the tender age of eleven. He purchased eight more slaves several years later, and after his marriage to Martha Custis, he acquired 84 more slaves as a dowery. Before the Revolutionary war, he added another forty slaves to his repertoire. So, George Washington embraced the concept of slavery with its accompanying theological arguments. It’ has been alleged that, at one time, he made false teeth for himself from the teeth of a slave. Later in his life, George Washington regretted the institution of slavery, and he spoke out against it with family members and others. His final act on his death bed was to will the liberation of his slaves. Though he was born amid slavery with its evil institutions, he realized that slavery is inequitable and religiously awkward. John Adams No Middle Name The Second President of the United States Federalist Party Served the Nation as President from 1797 to 1801 Though John Adams had strong opposition to the institution of slavery and considered slavery as evil and immoral, he never publicly articulated his views. He did not condemn the institution of slavery or join any abolitionist group. In fact, he believed that God created the black race to be inferior to the white race. Thomas Jefferson No Middle Name The Third President of the United States Democratic-Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1801 to 1809 Thomas Jefferson, a resident of Virginia, was an ardent slave owner. It is well documented that Jefferson, married to Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson, had a permanent sexual relationship with Sarah Hemings, a mulatto slave. Sarah, affectionately known as Sally, had six children by Thomas Jefferson. The two paramours (Thomas and Sally) exacerbated the tryst because Sally was Martha’s half-sister. Jefferson had an aversion to slavery and even attempted to write legislation abolishing slavery; however, his efforts failed. Though he advocated the abolishment of slavery, he practiced and participated in its privileges. Thomas Jefferson believed that Native Americans were culturally inferior to Whites; therefore, he advocated for and set in motion the removal of Native Americans from their lands onto 2

reservations. An interesting dichotomy of His advocacy to capture the properties of Native Americans is that he admired them. He read the accounts of Lewis and Clark about the Mandan, Hidatsa, Dakota, Yanktonai, and the Arikara tribes. Also, Jefferson enjoyed reading about the Sioux, Shoshone, and Nez Perce tribes as well. James Madison, Jr. No Middle Name The Fourth President of the United States Democratic-Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1809 to 1817 James Madison, a Virginia native and plantation owner, wanted to count a Black man or a Black woman or a Black child as 60% human and 40% non-human even though he was against slavery. He owned more than one-hundred slaves. It is alleged that Madison, like Jefferson, fathered children by Black women. One descendant, Bettye Kearse, wrote a book about her ancestor’s indiscretions. James Madison considered Native Americans to be savages and disregarded their rights to the lands they occupied. James Spence Monroe The Fifth President of the United States Democratic-Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1817 to 1825 Analogous to the first four presidents of a newly liberated country, James Monroe owned slaves. It is alleged that Monroe, like Madison, fathered children by Black women at his Highland Plantation. John Quincy Adams The Sixth President of the United States Democratic-Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1825 to 1829 John Quincy Adams vehemently articulated his disdain for slavery with the comment that slavery was “a sin before the sight of God” and “the great and foul stain upon the North American Union”. However, these thoughts were written in his diary. He did not publicly speak out against slavery while in high office. In fact, he did not advocate the inhibition of slavery but suggested that it was important to the nation’s economic development. Also, he supported slaveowners in recovering slaves who fled to Canada. Also, he believed that Blacks were morally and culturally inferior to Whites.


Andrew Jackson, Jr. No Middle Name The Seventh President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1829 to 1837 Andrew Jackson, a tenacious racist, was an ardent slave owner! Also, he was responsible for history’s Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was a thousand-mile death march that resulted in the death of 25% of the 16,000 Cherokee Indians forced to participate in that unwanted expedition. Martin Van Buren No Middle Name The Eighth President of the United States Free Soil Party Founder of the Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1837 to 1841 Martin Van Buren rigorously endorsed Jackson’s plan to rob Native Americans of their lands. It’s interesting that he avoided wars with England and Mexico but escalated conflicts with Native Americans. The Second Seminole War of 1835 was one conflict that lasted the entire four years of Van Buren’s administration. He continued to implement Jackson’s Trail of Tears march that escalated the trials and deaths of the Cherokee people. On Van Buren’s watch, thousands of Native Americans died. Van Buren’s record on slavery is also a stain on his administration. He issued an executive order to return the slaves who rebelled on the Amistad to the Spaniards. The Amistad was a Spanish ship on which there was a slave rebellion. The slaves captured the ship off the coast of Cuba, and they attempted to return to Africa, their homeland but landed in Long Island, New York instead. Fortuitously, the Supreme Court overruled Van Buren and set the slaves free. William Henry Harrison The Nineth President of the United States Whig Party Served the Nation as President for only one month (1841-1841 (March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841) William Harrison served one month as President of the United States. He died of pneumonia; therefore, his service to the American people (the shortest of any American president) didn’t allow sufficient time for him to commit too many sins. He was a southerner who fought Native Americans.


John Tyler No Middle Name The Tenth President of the United States Whig Party Served the Nation as President from 1841 to 1845 John Tyler, like many of his presidential predecessors, was a slaveholder. James Knox Polk The Eleventh President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1845 to 1849 James Polk, like many of his presidential predecessors, was a slaveholder. He purchased slaves and separated their children (ages 10 through 17) from their families. He separated children from their parents to advance profits accrued for economic self-aggrandizement. While President, he purchased nineteen slaves from profits earned by his Mississippi Plantation. The Zachary Taylor No Middle Name Twelfth President of the United States Whig Party Served the Nation as President from 1849 to 1850 Zachary Taylor died from a stomach disease sixteen months after he was elected President of the United States. His heroic initiatives during the Mexican-American war established a pathway to his White House victory. Analogous to many of his presidential predecessors, he was a southerner and a slave owner who supported slavery. Knox Millard Fillmore The Thirteenth President of the United States Know Nothing Party Whig Party Served the Nation as President from 1850 to 1853 Millard Fillmore supported the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793. The Act outlined guidelines that allowed law enforcers to levy substantial fines and/or incarceration of officials or private citizens who refused to return slaves to their owners.


His political party (the Whigs) rejected him. Then, he joined the Nativist American Party (the Know-Nothings) who were anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic white supremacists. Franklin Pierce No Middle Name The Fourteenth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1853 to 1857 Franklin Pierce lost his faith after the tragic death of his son, Benny. He was so angry with God that he refused to swear on the Bible during his inauguration. He was a heavy imbiber of alcohol, and the large consumption of alcohol eventually ended his life (cirrhosis of the liver) almost a decade and a half after he left office. James Buchanan No Middle Name The Fifteenth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1857 to 1861 James Buchanan was a victim of circumstances. Historians consider him to have the dubious title of the worst President of the United States. Historians allege that he set the tone for southern states to succeed from the union; therefore, he initiated the imminent onslaught of the Civil War. Before, the end of his term, three states succeeded from the Union. Analogous to many of his predecessors, he supported the rights of future western states not to embrace the institution of slavery. His sin was his inactivity and unwillingness to intervene during the succession battle. He idly stood by while southern states fought for the right to succeed from the union based on their belief in human servitude for financial gain. He thought that succession was illegal but he did nothing to stop the rising tide of dissent. Abraham Lincoln No Middle Name The Sixteenth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1861 to 1865 Historians consider Abraham Lincoln as one of the best presidents who led the United States. He preserved the Union but at an enormous cost. Almost 0.7 million soldiers were killed or wounded in the Civil War. Lincoln’s sin was his belief that Blacks were inferior to Whites. He advocated sending slaves to Central America rather than integrating them into American societies. He believed that the emancipation of Blacks from slavery would never result in equity with the White race. He


believed that the Black race was responsible for the Civil War. His support of the Civil War was to preserve the Union rather than to liberate the slaves. Lincoln’s predecessors, abolitionists or non-abolitionists, believe that Blacks were inferior to Whites. That was their mindsets during the latter part of the eighteenth century and well into the nineteenth century. It is unclear to many that separating people from their language and culture, putting them in an alien environment where they do not have the opportunity to learn to read, write, and develop cognitive thinking skills is problematic. Would a white man fare well in an alien environment if removed from his knowledgeable culture and language and immersed in an unfamiliar language and culture, and refused the opportunity to learn to read, write, and associate within that alien environment? The game plan was to subjugate Blacks, not give them the opportunity for educational advancement, limit them to menial tasks that would economically benefit their oppressors, and not compensate them for their diligent work. Now, the Nation is into its sixteenth president, and, besides its multitude of sins, there are the overt sins of slavery and inequity accentuated by every sitting president from Washington to Lincoln. Lincoln invited some key Blacks to join him in Washington for a discussion concerning slavery. In his address, he said, “We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. …this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them living among us, while ours suffer from your presence….it affords a reason at least why we should be separated…when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race….not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of ours…without the institution of slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have been an existence. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.” Like his predecessors, Lincoln believed in the inferiority of the Black race. However, unlike his predecessors, Lincoln wanted to separate Blacks from Whites by relocating them to Central America -an approach that was antithetical to the thinking of southern whites who wanted to continue to subjugate Blacks for economic purposes. Andrew Jackson No Middle Name The Seventeenth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1865 to 1869 Andrew Johnson was impeached unjustly for “high crimes and misdemeanors”. However, after being falsely accused, Congress exonerated him. His only sin was his rhetorical techniques. He enjoyed a great argument using language that irritated many of his critics. This one-time president greatly agitated Congress.


Ulysses S. Grant His actual middle name is Ulysses He was born Hiram Ulysses Grant The mistake was made by congressman, and he decided to keep the name. The “S” represents nothing The Eighteenth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1869 to 1877 Many historians label Ulysses S. Grant as a chronic alcoholic. He imbibed excessively, but in a manner that would not interfere with his duties as a general or a president. Many historians label Grant as being anti-Semitic. During Lincoln’s administration, Grant banished Jews via General Order Number 11 from his war zone. He accused them of being smugglers when actually most of the smugglers were non-Jewish. Consequently, he made extraordinary efforts to counter the label of anti-Semitism imposed on him. Grant’s second term as president resulted in considerable graft within his administration. Graft impacted his personal life when his partner made some illegal investments. Grant was rich one moment, then penniless the next. He and his family had $211.00 between them. He was an avid cigar smoker, and his smoking resulted in throat cancer. He didn’t want to leave his family without financial stability. He had no way to turn until Mark Twain encouraged him to write his memoirs. Grant was a meticulous storyteller, and in less than a year he wrote nearly a 400,000-word tome that Mark Twain helped to sell. The profits from the tome nearly reached a half-million dollars. The money accrued allowed his family to live in comfort for the duration of their lives. Incidentally, Grant's two-volume memoir of his role in solidifying the nation was well-written memoirs, and is still in print today. Rutherford Birchard Hayes The Nineteenth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1877 to 1881 Rutherford B. Hayes’ presidential election was bitterly contested. Many Americans believe that Trump’s disgruntled protest of the 2020 election is historical. However, the contest between Hayes, a Republican, and Tilden, a Democrat, lasted until March 02, 1822. Hayes was the nation’s weakest and meekest president. His colleagues and others knew him as an honest man with an unmarked character. He exhibited few sins and possessed a high moral character.


James Abram Garfield The Twentieth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881 James Garfield served as the nation’s president for six months. Born in a log cabin, he came from humble parentage. He was an advocate against extending slavery beyond the south. In a weak moment, he had an extramarital affair. He was a dark horse nominee in the 1880 Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. He died from an infection incurred by the non-sterile removal of a bullet lodged near his pancreas. He passed eighty days after serving as president for four months. Analogous to Zachary Taylor and William Henry Harrison, he spent a brief time in office; therefore, his short service to the American people didn’t give him sufficient time to commit too many sins. Chester Alan Arthur The Twenty-first President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1881 to 1885 Chester Arthur was an honorable man who supported government positions based on merit, not patronage. Also, he advocated for reducing the government’s twenty-year moratorium on Chinese immigration. He was loved by the American people but lost his bid for a second term because he supported civil service reform. Stephen Grover Cleveland The Twenty-Second President of the United States And He Twenty-fourth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1885 to 1889 Served the Nation as President from 1893 to 1897 Stephen Grover Cleveland was the only president who served two nonconsecutive terms. (Something that Donald Trump would like to do.) Grover Cleveland fought against political corruption, and he advocated for the rights of Native Americans. However, he opposed the federal support of needy American citizens. His premise was that people should support the government, but the government should not support the


people. He advocated that the more affluent citizens should support the less affluent citizens, not the government. Peter Benjamin Harrison The Twenty-Third President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1889 to 1893 Peter Benjamin Harrison was a just man who supported the principles analogous to Grover Cleveland for Native Americans, civil services, and Chinese immigrants. He was a deeply religious man with deep moral convictions. Like Trump, he lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College votes. William McKinley No Middle Name The Twenty-Fifth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1897 to 1901 William McKinley exhibited genuine compassion as a law-maker. He cared about people, and he advocated for tariffs to protect American workers. He was an advocate for the independence of Cuba and sought approval for what was the Spanish-American war. It was a four-month war that resulted in the acquisition of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Theodore Roosevelt No Middle Name The Twenty-Sixth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1901 to 1909 Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist who advocated for the preservation of America’s natural land resources. Also, he was recognized for his ability to resolve domestic and foreign issues. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiations that led to the end of the RussoJapanese War. Also, he initiated the construction of the Panama Canal. He was the first president who invited a black man (Booker T. Washington) to dine with his family in the White House.


William Howard Taft The Twenty-Seventh President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1909 to 1913 William Howard Taft is the only president who became a supreme court judge. During his presidency, he was significantly obese and less physically vigorous than his predecessor. Also, he was not as charismatic in his leadership as Roosevelt, and he was not as tenacious as Roosevelt in trust-busting legislations. Thomas Woodrow Wilson The Twenty-Eighth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1913 to 1921 Dr. Woodrow Wilson, a former president of Princeton University, was a racist and segregationist. He promoted the KKK and supported segregation of the federal workforce. He encouraged violence toward Blacks. A Virginia native and Georgian citizen, he praised, without substantive evidence, the confederacy in his historical analyses of the civil war. His works supported slavery rather than condemning it, and he protested the reconstruction period and considered it a failure. His works defined blacks as “ignorant negroes”, and he identified the KKK as an organization that protected the southern way of life. He made statements like “a negro’s place is in the cornfield”. Wilson threw political opponents in prison and targeted political dissenters. Trump would like to do the same. People of this great nation could lose their freedom and mobility if this nation does not become more vigilant. So, be careful who you elect as president. Although Wilson received a Nobel Peace Prize, he is undoubtedly one of the worst Presidents who have set foot in the Oval Office, and Donald Trump followed in Wilson's devious footsteps. Warren Gamaliel Harding The Twenty-Ninth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1921 to 1923 Warren Harding discovered that his administration was froth with scandals. He consulted with his Secretary of Commerce, Hubert Hoover, to determine if he should confront those in his administration who were scandalous. However, he was reluctant to upset the political machinery of his administration.


He died shortly after discovering his administrative inconsistencies from an alleged heart attack. Harding had extramarital affairs with two women. One woman, Nan Britton, alleged that her daughter, Elizabeth Ann, is Harding's child. The other woman in Harding’s life was Carrie F. Phillips, a married woman. Carrie threatened to expose Harding, and the Republican National Committee paid her $50,000 and a monthly stipend for her silence. Some historians suspected that Florence, Harding's wife, played a role in his alleged heart attack. Florence Harding knew about her husband’s multiple affairs. John Calvin Coolidge The Thirtieth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1923 to 1929 John Calvin Coolidge addressed the Washington scandal issues under the Harding administration. He brought back honor into the political process by surreptitiously addressing the Washington scandals. His actions earned him the trust of the American people. Herbert Clark Hoover The Thirty-First President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1929 to 1933 President Herbert Hoover lead the nation into the great depression! Under the Trump administration and the COVID-19 crisis, the country was on the periphery of another great depression. It was Hoover's lack of action that resulted in the great depression. He inherited a disruptive banking system that led to the nation’s economic downfall. He idly stood by while the financial systems collapsed. Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Thirty-Second President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1933 to 1945 Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 that interned 120,000 Japanese-Americans in concentration camps. He signed Executive Order 6102 that made it illegal for American citizens to own gold. Roosevelt admired Mussolini, and he frequently communicated with him. Also, his key White House officials were supportive of Russia. This scenario is suspiciously similar to what existed in the White House under Trump.


Finally, he mistrusted the press and attempted to muzzle its free speech. Sounds similar to what is occurring in Washington today. Roosevelt had affairs with five women. His wife’s secretary, Lucy Mercer; His cousin, Margaret Suckle; Princess Martha of Sweden; the publisher of the New York Post, Dorothy Schiff; and Marguerite LaHand, his personal secretary. Regardless of these misfortunes, Roosevelt was beloved by the American public. He is the only president elected to the Oval Office for four terms. He healed the nation from the great depression, and he guided it during the second world conflict. He contracted poliomyelitis, but he fought diligently to overcome its deleterious effects. He was a formidable governor of New York. Harry S Truman No Middle Name The “S” has no meaning The Thirty-Third President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1945 to 1953 Harry Truman authorized the release of devastating atomic weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945, two bombs killed approximately 214,000 Japanese died. Some citizens died instantaneously. Some citizens died from radiation poisoning. Some citizens died from injuries sustained in the explosions. The 214,000 deaths are estimates because the exact number is difficult to ascertain. Thousands more died years after the explosions. These deaths are consequences resulting radiation. It is difficult to realize that an individual can be responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. However, denial is generally a way to appease one’s conscience. Dwight David Eisenhower The Thirty-Fourth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1953 to 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower, a formidable military strategist, started a long term extramarital relationship with his personal driver, Kay Summersby. This affair started during his European campaign. He was dissatisfied with his wife, Mamie, who was aware of his illicit affairs. He attempted to divorce Mamie, but his commanding officer refused to permit him to do so. Eisenhower used his strategic planning abilities to push his agenda for “Atoms for Peace”. He diminished the tensions of the atomic age by promoting the peaceful use of the atom rather than for destruction and devastation. Also, he helped bring peace to the Korean conflict.


John Fitzgerald Kennedy The Thirty-Fifth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1961 to 1963 Like Theodore Roosevelt, John Kennedy was a young president. America adored and worshipped this beloved president who lived a double life. He was a womanizer who had multiple sexual partners. He used the secret service to assist him in having and covering up illicit affairs. He had affairs with famous actresses, secretaries, girlfriends of questionable gangsters, hookers, spies, and White House help. One Texas woman claimed that John Kennedy was the father of her son. The entire world heard the sounds of the assassin’s bullets, and, to this day, mysterious circumstances surround Kennedy’s assassination. Lyndon Baines Johnson The Thirty-Sixth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1963 to 1969 Lyndon Johnson stepped into the presidency after the tragic assassination of John Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald. Like Kennedy, he was a womanizer, with the exception that he was more discrete than John Kennedy. Allegedly, he had a twenty-one-year affair with one of his paramours, Madeline Brown. Madeline gave birth to Johnson’s son, Steven. Richard Milhouse Nixon The Thirty-Seventh President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1969 to 1974 Richard Nixon was confrontational and argumentative. He functioned in a manner that gave the appearance that his executive decisions overrode the Constitution. That perception gave his administrative staff a false picture of presidential invincibility. The perception ultimately led to Nixon’s impeachment and resignation. He was the only US president who resigned from the Oval Office. Analogous to Trump, Nixon walked a slippery slope pathway that eventually resulted in the demise of his presidency.


Gerald Rudolph Ford The Thirty-Eighth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1974 to 1977 Gerald Ford assumed the presidency after Nixon’s resignation early in his second elected term. He was a president during trying times and unusual circumstances. He was caught in a cyclonic episode of a depressed economy, an energy crisis, and a world in turmoil. Ford was a man with ethics and integrity. Jimmy Carter No Middle Name The Thirty-Ninth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1977 to 1981 Jimmy Carter was a conscientiously spiritual president and an exemplary humanitarian. However, the challenges of the Oval Office created stumbling blocks for his presidential success. Some of these challenges included a declining economy, unemployment, and an energy crisis. Eleven years after leaving the Oval Office, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in advocating peaceful solutions to international conflicts. Ronald Wilson Reagan The Fortieth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1981 to 1989 Ronald Reagan exhibited a cinema projection persona. He coordinated an administration plagued with questionable activities. For example: He was instrumental in creating homeless conditions for hundreds of thousands of mentally challenged patients. He channeled five billion dollars to the mujahideen (a militant Islamic jihadist group). Bin Laden was a part of that group. He had inextricable connections with the HUD Grant Rigging Scandal. The Scandal involved funneling money into the Reagan campaign by inappropriately rigging housing bids so that specified contributors would have an advantage over more qualified bidders.


He initiated the Office of Public Diplomacy to spread fake news to perpetuate deceptions about domestic and international issues. The Office of Public Diplomacy made journalists feel uncomfortable. Déjà vu with the Trump administration! His administration was responsible for “Sewergate”, the descriptor of a scheme to use taxpayer money to fix elections. He funded right-wing South American terrorists (Contras). Congress passed a law to make such an initiative illegal; however, Reagan looked for ways to circumvent the law. He initiated untraceable methods to launder money to the Contras. Oliver North was the architect of this deceptive plan that included cocaine smuggling. So, Reagan armed the South American Contras and inadvertently supported genocide. He supported South African apartheid. He opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the 1958 Fair Housing Act. George Herbert Walker Bush The Forty-First President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 1989 to 1993 George H. W. Bush was critical of Donald Trump. He referred to Trump as a “blowhard” (an unpleasantly boastful individual). George Bush believed that Donald Trump did not exhibit a presidential image. George Bush wanted to make America great for the sake of his family and his overt patriotism as an American politician. However, he displayed an array of sins. Some sins include: Endorsing racism in his campaign advertisements. Accusing Iraq of possessing and storing weapons of mass destruction. This accusation turned out to be a prevarication. He accused Saddam Hussein of stockpiling weapons of mass destruction so that he could justify the invasion of Iraq. His actions resulted in the creation of a plethora of war crimes. Escalating efforts to deter the use of drugs. The escalation of the “war on drugs” resulted in the incarceration of millions of individuals (mostly non-white), a waste of billions of tax-payer dollars, and the generation of unmeasurable AIDS deaths.


William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton The Forty-Second President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 1993 to 2001 A plethora of American voters supported and loved Bill Clinton. In 1998 (the year of Clinton’s impeachment), his followers deified him. Does that sound familiar? Clinton miraculously escaped the imperial clutches of impeachment. The House of Representatives impeached Clinton for lying during a Congressional investigation of his inappropriate indiscretion with Monica Lewinsky. Bill Clinton was a contemporary presidential womanizer. Unfortunately, his indiscretions are fresh in the minds of the American public. During many years, eyewitnesses alleged that they observed Bill Clinton in multiple compromising situations with women other than his wife, Hillary. His reputation as a womanizer is on par with that of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Bill Clinton had multiple indiscretions. The most publicized are with Gennifer Flowers, Sally Perdue, Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinsky. Other than Donald Trump, Bill Clinton’s inappropriate behavior with a twenty-one-year-old intern is the most graphically described affair in the history of any US president. The Lewinsky encounter included Monica performing oral sex on the president in the Oval Office, Clinton’s infamous sperm stain on her blue dress, and Clinton inserting a cigar tube in Monica’s vagina. His actions were meretricious to the Office of the President. George Walker Bush The Forty-Third President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 2001 to 2009 The Twin Towers in New York collapsed during George W. Bush’s presidential watch. After 911, he initiated a war that has lasted for almost two decades. Thousands have died because of a lie. He idly sat in the Oval Office when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. He did not support specific protective groups. Some historians say that Bush’s presidency was froth with issues even to the point that his administration was complacent with war crimes.


Barack Hussein Obama The Forty-Fourth President of the United States Democratic Party Served the Nation as President from 2009 to 2017 Barack Obama made history by being the first Black to be elected to the top office in the country. He exhibited a presidential persona and his elocutions were inundated with words expected of a president attempting to unify a nation. He was the third sitting American president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on international diplomacy. Obama donated 100% of his Nobel Prize money to six of his favorite charities. Obama’s administration was challenged by the Republican-led Senate with members who vowed to block his every move and make him a one-term president. Ironically, Republican senators and representatives could not unit to help unit America. Mitch McConnell took meticulous measures to inhibit Obama’s presidential success. McConnell’s uncooperative stance led Obama to make excessive Executive Orders. Barack Obama’s health care reform was revolutionary. He attempted to provide health insurance for every American, but partisan jealousies and bigotry complicated the outcome. He left the evolution of his health care reform bill in the hands of Congress, and the House and the Senate radically altered his vision for American health care. However, something was better than nothing! Barack Obama was responsible for an almost 800 billion dollar stimulus package that significantly reduced the Gross Domestic Product. For some inexplicable reason, ill-advised and self-proclaimed prophets attempted to demonize the name and personage of Barack Hussein Obama. Like many radical groups and selfproclaimed prophets have done with the successful Joe Biden campaign. But these false prophets who couldn’t pass the test for a true prophet. They should turn their talents elsewhere by demonstrating that 666 can also apply to the Trump campaign. For example, the name Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 can be shown to be 666. Donald /John Trump born June 14, 1946 6 6 6 So, it is possible to take multiple situations and make the infamous number 666. The teams and the administration of Barack Hussein Obama assiduously attempted to make conscientious efforts to address world hunger and poverty as delineated in Matthew 25:35-40.


Donald John Trump The Forty-Fifth President of the United States Republican Party Served the Nation as President from 2017 to 2021 On Friday, January 20, 2017, the 45th President, Donald Trump, swore on the Bible that he would conscientiously lead this great nation by maintaining the quality of excellence traditionally established by this nation’s forefathers. In protest, the following Representatives did not attend the inauguration: Katherine Clark (Democrat from Massachusetts) Luis Gutiérrez (Democrat from Illinois) Mark DeSaulnier (Democrat from California) Jared Huffman (Democrat from California) Barbara Lee (Democrat from California) Raúl Grijalva (Democrat from Arizona); and John Lewis (Democrat from Georgia and a Civil Rights Activist) These Representatives had specific reasons for their decisions that ranged from concerns about Trump’s temperament and qualifications for occupying the Highest Office in the country to questions concerning Russia’s alleged interference with the US democratic election process. Nevertheless, our democracy peacefully transferred to the candidate that was endorsed by the free will of the people. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 2,865,075 more votes than Donald Trump. CNN reported that “more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history”. President-elect Donald Trump received 306 Electoral College votes, and Hillary Clinton received 232 votes. President-elect Trump received 35 more Electoral College votes required to catapult him into the CEO chair. So, what happened after eight years of the Obama Administration? Did racism play a role in the 2016 election? Did middle America retaliate because the country had eight years of Black leadership? Did specific sections of our American communities become disenchanted with their socio-economic status? Did certain regions of middle America become disgruntled with the political rhetoric in Washington, DC? Did middle America use the democratic process in an insanely irresponsible manner to affect an ideological revolution in hopes of establishing a more transparent government? Did the country go too far in selecting a politically incompetent individual for the highest job in the country? If race and bigotry were the issues, this nation took a giant step toward dismantling itself as the standard-bearer for “justice”; “domestic tranquility”; “common” defense; “general welfare”; and “liberty” that promote and secure “Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. The four years of Trumpism clearly demonstrated that Mr. Trump did not have the temperament to hold the most important public office in the free world. Past presidents may have groped women, but it may have been in private and not publicized around the world. Past Presidents did not record their actions on audiotapes using expletives and lewd quid pro quo comments. Past presidents did not openly exhibit their misogyny, inappropriate comments, overt racism, and intentional meanness. They disguised their


negative behaviors; however, in some cases, leaks brought them from darkness into the light. But Donald Trump continued his inappropriate behavior regardless of public opinion. His flawed character brought a multitude of other flawed characters from darkness into the light. Past presidents may have had other serious issues, but not with the language, demeanor, and questionable actions that were prevalent with President Donald Trump. Regardless of their private lives, past presidents maintained presidential dignity and, as such, secured domestic and international respect. Donald Trump used state-of-the-art communication vehicles to reveal his: • narcissistic behavior • inappropriate and malicious criticisms of people who disagreed with him • public discredit of government entities entrusted with pertinent information that ensured the democratic tranquility of this great nation and its standing in the international community. In 2016, more than 62 million Americans supported Donald Trump. In 2020, about 72 million Americans supported Donald Trump. The increase in 10 million supporters didn’t alter the inevitable demise of his unusual hold over many Americans. Donald Trump created his- story that resulted in a cog that disrupted our-story as a first-class world-leader that embraced all those who would be free. In 2020, just the opposite occurred that occurred in 2016. Joe Biden received 306 Electoral College votes, and Donald Trump received 232 Electoral College votes. Yet, Donald Trump refused to concede the race and insisted that Joe Biden stole the election. In 2021, Joe Biden will reverse that unfortunate picture, and this great nation will no longer be the recipient of quiet laughter. In 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 160 million Americans voted. That many people have not voted in several decades. Forty-eight percent of Americans voted for Donald Trump, and 51.2% of Americans voted for Joe Biden. Fifty-five percent of white women and 18% of black men voted for Mr. Trump. Those voters, intoxicated with the promise of increased wealth or their ingenuous hopes for white supremacy, hung onto the prevarications of a madman. As usual, the President duped the public. In 2020, Joe Biden was the clear winner by seventy-four Electoral College votes and 6,047,904 popular votes. In 2016, President Barack Obama cooperated with the transfer team of a voracious expellant of inappropriate Twitter comments; however, in 2020, Donald Trump refused to do the same for Joe Biden. This single act revealed the character of the man! On November 23, 2020, Trump acquiesced to entertaining Biden’s transition team.


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