Custom Made Rifles Take The Cake There is often confusion while choosing a gun. People are confused between the regular rifles and the custom made rifles. A person who is not well versed in using a gun should not opt for the custom rifle as he would not be able to understand and appreciate the difference. Moreover a novice would not be in a position to understand what are the changes required that would allow him to enhance his performance. Those using rifles regularly should certainly consider the option of using a custom made rifle.
There are various reasons to choose a custom made rifle over a regular one 
A custom made rifle can turn out to be the most accurate rifle. This is because of the fact that one can choose a lighter weighing rifle with a strong grip. The scope attached would also be suited and easier to use. A heavy rifle often creates a slight angular difference while firing; this may cause a person to misfire at his target. A good custom made rifle would also allow reduction in the level of jerking at the time of firing. In cases where there is no support for the rifle at the time of offering, there could be a possibility of the person losing control at the time of firing. Thus reduced jerking could solve this problem to a great extent.
A custom rifle can be specifically designed to suit your purpose. There is a difference between sports rifles and hunting rifles. Even while hunting, different rifles are used. A light air gun type of rifle is to fire at birds, while different rifles are used to fire at fast moving animals, while a high impact rifle is required to fire at thick skinned animals. A person would be able to know about the quality of wood or chemicals used in making the rifle. He can also make the design of the rifle based on his taste and preference. Generally there is absolutely no scope for a person to get a rifle with his choice of material and design. A rifle is something that people would certainly want to flaunt. A boring looking rifle would be a huge turnoff.
A custom made rifle is a sign of luxury and people want to flaunt it. However, if a custom rifle was to made available at a reasonable price then it would certainly be an offer that cannot be refused.