What is Laptop Radiation and how you can Protect Yourself Laptop radiation is a major concern as it can lead to a lot of health issues. You will be surprised to know that there are certain cases in which laptop radiation has led to infertility in men. As it is a serious matter, here is a brief introduction about laptop radiation.
What is laptop radiation and how it can harm you? Though all the electronic devices and appliances such as computers/laptops, microwave ovens, televisions, emit radiation which are really main concerns. Most often we operate laptops by placing it on our laps. If you noticed, your laptop starts emitting heat when you use it for some time. This heat goes on increasing as you continue using the laptop. As this heat is emitted due to the harmful electromagnetic radiations, it can have dangerous effects on our body. Most common effects are skin rashes, skin allergies and muscle soreness, whereas infertility can also occur in rare cases. In addition to these, there is threat of decreased sperm count, depression, irritability, fatigue, tumor, cancer and other issues. Here are some more possible damages of exposure to laptop radiation.
Harm to blood cells Causing damage to nerve cell Possibly accelerate the onset of autism Trigger Alzheimer’s disease Damage to DNA Can cause electromagnetic hypersensitivity Cause headaches, sleep disruptions and fatigue
Lead to decreased bone density, especially in the pelvic region Can increase the severity of salivary gland tumors Affect your blood pressure levels Can lead to increased heart rate
So, in order to remain safe and prevent these dangerous effects, you should try to block the laptop radiation. Here, we are going to provide you some valuable tips that will help you to protect yourself from laptop radiation. 1. Don’t place the laptop on your lap. No doubt that you are required to do so, but avoid it as much you can. You can place it on a table, chair, bed or desk. 2. Turn off the Wi-Fi connectivity from router when you are not using it. It will help you to reduce the exposure to EMF Radiations. However, the above methods will not ensure full protection from laptop radiations. The most effective way for reducing the exposure from laptop radiations is using a shield. There are many such shields available in the market, which provide you full protection from laptop radiations. Here, we would like to recommend you a Laptop Radiation and Heat Shield which is produced by DefenderShield which you can get at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00U1USJEI. The shield is really simple to use. What you need to do is just place it under your laptop. The pad will block all the emitted radiation and heat from your laptop. Rest assured that this shield is FCC certified. Moreover, this super slim and lightweight shield can be easily placed on your lap and is really less expensive as compared to other shields in the market.