Best Food to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction There are a couple of vegetables which can help you to avoid erectile dysfunction. Now, vegetable salad is the perfect thing in order to boost your performance in bed. It is well recommended for you to consume at least 2 ½ up to 3 cups of vegetable salad every day. You have to make up half of your diet with vegetables. But you have to choose a couple of vegetables that will make you health in bed. Apart from helping your waistline and your heart and also avoiding prostate cancer, eating vegetable salad can be useful in order to avoid erectile dysfunction. The real fact is that there is no relation between heart health and sexual health because arteries which have been clogged will be huge problems for a men’s sexual health. A lot of vegetables can be used in order to prevent erectile dysfunction and also prostate health. Men can be affected by erectile dysfunction since a couple of years ago, but it is expected that between 15 percent up to 25 percent of men with 45 years of age have affected by Erectile Dysfunction on a long time period. You have to keep in mind that fresh vegetables are contained with phytonutrients that will be very useful in order to reduce inflammation including polyphenols, antioxidants, and also vitamins which will help to avoid enlarged prostate which is the condition that has been connected to erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory issues. Vegetables which are contained lycopene, nitrates, folate are very useful in order to help men that are affected with erectile dysfunction. Golden and red root vegetables are contained nitrates which are very good for your sexual health. Your tongue contains bacteria that will convert those nitrates into nitrites which are converted to nitric oxide in your stomach.
There are a couple of medications which can be used in order to treat erectile dysfunction work by enhancing the levels of nitric oxide that will increase the flow of your blood to your penis by dilating your blood vessels. Beets are one of the useful vegetables that perhaps solve your sexual problems. You can add this vegetable to your diet menu in order to help your performance in bed. Beets have been researched for erectile dysfunction shows that the blood flow, exercise performance, and blood pressure can be influenced by beets. The research team from British studied on blood pressure and beets. They found that the blood pressure will improve for 24 hours when people drink beet juice. But the study found that people who drink 2 cups of beet juice, the blood pressure will start to decline one hour after the drink the juice. There are no clinical researches about erectile dysfunction and beets, so the real fact is that the blood flow and nitric oxide which have been increased will be benefit erectile strength. You have to consider that the natural nitrates which can be gotten from the whole foods are safer than any supplement that you can find in the market. And also you will get the benefits from the phytonutrients that can be found in the foods. According to men’s health books, in fact you are what you eat, because what you eat directly influences your lifestyle and your body and mind functions. The food you consume can have a direct impact on your love relationship, affecting your hormones, brain chemistry and increase your stress levels. Some foods have psychoactive properties, others arouse because they are psychologically suggestive, and some can boost histamine production and increase blood flow to the genitals. And if it does not have all that aphrodisiac effect, at least it’s healthy and it will do you good and lead you to wellness!
Resource BOX You can find out more about foods that prevent erectile dysfunction from Men’s Health Books, a step by step illustrated guide about your health, happiness, wellness and longevity written by Nzumba Nsole.