How A PEMF Mat Could Change Your Life
Used for decades and supported countless research papers and clinical studies, PEMF therapy has been adopted by many people, from all walks of life, with great success. Improving the quality of life, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing productivity are just a few benefits of a PEMF mat. So, what is PEMF and could a PEMF mat benefit you?
What is PEMF? PEMF is a commonly used abbreviation for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. However, PEMF may also be known as Low Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS) and sometimes Tumour Treating Fields (TTF). PEMF is used in a range of PEMF devices to deliver PEMF therapy. They work by producing pulsed electromagnetic fields around the body. These waves then painlessly pass through to damaged cells to restore the energy in the cells. The energy in the cells can then help to stimulate or promote healing.
You can consider PEMF therapy and PEMF devices as the energy and charge you need to help restore your body’s natural energy or battery. When your battery (or body) is overused or tired, then you need to replenish the energy. PEMF waves help to recharge the cells all over your body for increased wellbeing.
The life-changing benefits of a PEMF mat 1. Arthritis – Some studies have found that PEMF therapy can alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 2. Circulation – A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research has found that iMRS PEMF therapy can promote significant vasodilation which can help to improve circulation. 3. Migraines – PEMF mats can provide short-term relief for those who suffer from migraine headaches. Exposure to PEMF reduced the number of headaches the patients in the study experienced the following month. 4. Anxiety and depression – Studies have shown that PEMF therapy at a frequency of 4-6 Hz can help reduce the adverse reactions leading to fear, anxiety and depression. 5. Pain relief – A PEMF mat has shown to relieve pain symptoms as well as stimulate healing which means athletes and sports players commonly use PEMF treatment.
Want to improve your health, wellness and energy with a PEMF mat? Lifemat is a specialist PEMF therapy provider. We offer expert advice and a range of advanced treatment options using PEMF to treat a variety of ailments and deliver as many benefits as possible. Find out more about PEMF therapy and how a PEMF mat could benefit you by getting in touch with Lifemat.