1 minute read
Case 26 – 21st November 2022
Elephant Arrow Kulalu Ranch
The big elephant bull was spotted from the air by an SWT pilot on routine patrol, the bull had 2 wounds on the left side of the abdomen.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
After a long search, the bull was found browsing among a massive herd of elephants. It was darted from a helicopter with 20mg Etorphine, and 9 minutes later the drugs had taken effect with the elephant assuming left lateral recumbency. Since the wound was on the left side, the bull was turned over for ease of treatment. Two tennis ball sized wounds were observed on the left side of the abdomen, both wounds had formed draining abscesses and the slightly larger abscess was deeper. An incision was made on the deeper wound to facilitate flushing and later drainage. Both wounds were flushed with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, disinfected with Iodine and infused with Cloxacillin antibiotic ointment. Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were then administered parenterally before anaesthesia was reversed. The bull rose 2 minutes post-reversal and re-joined the elephant herd.
The elephant bull has a good prognosis