6 minute read

Case 34 – 4th January 2023

Elephant Arrow Naibosho Conservancy

Two elephants were reported injured in the Naibosho and Mara North Conservancies. The elephant at Naibosho had pus oozing from the flank and an arrow hanging from the thoracic region while the one at Mara North was suffering from a spear and arrow wound. The Vet Team was airlifted from Nairobi by the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and then a helicopter from the Mara Elephant Project to Oleseki airstrip.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant was darted from the MEP helicopter with 17mgs Etorphine and went down after about 8 minutes The elephant had a wound on the left flank and hind quarters close to the spinal region with plenty of oozing pus. The elephant was lying on the arrow necessitating the team to flip over the elephant to remove the deeply embedded arrow head then the necrotic tissue was debrided and the pus drained. The wounds were cleaned using water and Hydrogen Peroxide, then lavaged with Iodine. Topical antibiotic cream and green clay were also applied into the wound to facilitate healing and prevent further infection. The elephant was then injected with 200ml Biocillin L.A and 100ml Dexamethasone.


It took about 5 minutes to fully recover from anaesthesia. Prognosis is favourable.

Elephant Spear Mara North Conservancy

This elephant was spotted by the Mara Elephant Project while on routine patrol. The vet team had been attending to another case in Naibosho so were flown by helicopter to Mara North for the intervention.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant was in a herd of about 15 elephants. The elephant was darted from the helicopter with 17mg Etorphine and once the elephant was fully immobilised the herd were driven away by the helicopter.

The elephant had spear wounds to both the right and left flank. There was plenty of pus oozing from both wounds which were quite deep despite the fact that the spears had fallen out. Once the first wound was treated the elephant had to be flipped to access the second wound. Both wounds were debrided of necrotic tissue, drained of pus then cleaned with water, Hydrogen peroxide and Iodine. Topical antibiotic cream and green clay were applied into the wounds to facilitate healing and prevent further infection. The elephant was then injected with 200ml Biocillin L.A and 100ml Dexamethasone


It took about 3 minutes to fully recover from anaesthesia. Prognosis is good

Elephant Natural Causes Tsavo East

An adult elephant bull was reported to be limping with carrying lameness on its left front leg near a watering point at Aruba lodge in Tsavo East National Park.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant was darted from a vehicle with 18mgs Etorphine and the drugs took effect after 7 minutes

The elephant was in good body condition but had a deep penetrating wound through the sole affecting muscles, nerves and blood vessels creating a lot of pain and causing the elephant to limp. The wound is suspected to have been caused by a sharp stump of a tree.

The elephant was treated with 40mls Flunixine meglumine and 100mls Amoxicillin intramuscularly. The wound was debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, flushed with Iodine, sealed with green clay paste and then sprayed with Oxytetracycline.


The prognosis was good due to timely detection and intervention.

Elephant Arrow Enoonkishu Conservancy, Masai Mara

The adult female elephant was spotted by the Rangers on patrol around the Enoonkishu area roaming with her calf which later joined a group of other elephants and left her mother behind.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant was found in a thick forested area grazing alone with a noticeable swollen left forelimb. She was approached quietly on foot and darted with 17mgs Etorphine. She didn’t attempt to run but stayed calm under a tree and was fully immobilised after 6 minutes.

When the swollen forelimb was lifted, a foul smell was noticed which was a sign of a possible traumatic injury to the medial aspect of the forelimb. On the second attempt to lift the limb, an arrow wound was seen distal to the elbow joint. The wound was cleaned with water then disinfected with Hydrogen peroxide and Iodine Antibiotic clay was applied on the wound before Tetracycline spray was used as a fly repellant. The elephant was also systemically administered with 35000mgs Tetracycline and 15mgs Dexamethasone.


Good the adult female had minor injury and hence recovery expected in short time

Cheetah Natural Causes Masai Mara National Reserve

This cheetah was reported by the Mara/Meru Cheetah Project Manager on patrol around the Talek plain. It was moving with difficulty and with limping.

Examination and treatment

The animal had good body condition with a score of 3.5/5. When the cheetah was distracted and made to move it was noted that the animal had minimal lameness on the left forelimb and on relaxing the animal tended to avoid lying on the left forelimb . It possibly got an injury while hunting.

Clindamycin 600mgs was adminstered through three darts. Clindamycin is an antibiotic medication used for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections, including osteomyelitis (bone) or joint infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, strep throat, pneumonia, acute otitis media (middle ear infections), and endocarditis.


Good the animal is in good body condition and expected to recover fully.

Lion Human-Wildlife Conflict Masai Mara National Reserve

The report describes the veterinary intervention of a lioness which had an injury on the hind limb. The lioness was about 6-8 years old. The lion was spotted in Masai Mara by the Mara County Rangers and Game Reserve Personnel who reported the incident to the vet officer who was in the Mara to attend other cases


The lioness was observed to have been lame after a spear injury in 2015. The injury had caused permanent nerve damage hence the lameness.

The lioness was not immobilized hence no clinical intervention was carried out.


The lioness has lived with the injury for a long time so the prognosis is good.

Unfortunately there are no pictures available for this case

Zebra Snare Siana Conservancy

The Elephant Awareness Rangers on patrol spotted a common zebra with a wire around the neck. The animal kept head shaking in an attempt to take it off thus couldn’t concentrate on grazing.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

It was within a group of three so the candidate was easily identified. A 3ml dart was prepared composing of 5mgs Etorphine and 60mgs Azaperone. A vehicle was used to get closer to the candidate and within a short time it was in good position for darting. It was darted successfully after three minutes of approach. It was startled and kept walking away for five minutes before attaining full immobilization. It fell down on lateral recumbecy then manually placed in the rightful position while blindfolded.

The wire was a plain steel wire fixed on the neck. The wire was removed and no significant injuries were seen on the nuchal ligament and the entire neck. The zebra had slightly lost the body condition as a result of the discomfort.


The zebra had no significant injuries .It is expected to recover fully thus it has good prognosis.

Giraffe Spear Masai Mara National Reserve

This masai giraffe with a spear sticking from the right side of the para lumber fosa was reported by the County Rangers while on patrol. They then called the Mobile Vet Unit for intervention.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The giraffe was found browsing along the river and it attempted to cross but was blocked by a vehicle and driven to a nearby plain for darting. After ten minutes it was in a good position and darted with 15mgs Etorphine and 25mgs Azaperone. It made an effort to run away but it was immobilized in seven minutes and remained in a standing position. It was physically restrained using a long rope and brought down. The animal went down smoothly but unfortunately on the right lateral recumbecy so it had to be rolled over to expose the hanging spear. Immediately, the revival was administered through the jugular vein and the animal manually restrained. Butophanol was given to enhance the effectiveness of the respiratory system.

The spear was pulled out and immediately reddish tint exudates came out of the wound suggestive of an infection as a result of the penetrating wound. The wound was disinfected with Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine then sprayed with Tetracycline. Systemically it was injected with 15000mgs Tetracycline into two muscle sites and 40mgs Dexamethasone into the gluteal muscles.


The penetrating wound had not gone into the abdominal cavity hence there is a good chance to recover well within very short time thus a good prognosis was given.

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