Leisure and entertainment
Starting off
Listening | 1BSU
1 What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Choose which of these types of activities you prefer and give examples of specific activities you enjoy. Then compare your preferences with other students.
Activity types
t indoor t c ompetitive sports or games t lone activities t a ctive: being creative or productive t u sing electronic technology
t outdoor t non-competitive sports or games t s ocial activities (with other people) t passive: watching others doing things t w ithout technology of any kind
2 Discuss these questions. How have people’s leisure activities changed over the last fifty years? What can people of your generation do that your parents and grandparents couldn’t do? Do you combine work or study with leisure? For example, do you listen to music, text friends, or spend time on social networking sites while you are working or studying? How, when and where do you listen to music?
19 You are going to hear ten snippets of music. Listen and match each with one of the types of music in the box. Which of these types of music do you enjoy listening to? classical disco rap rock
opera pop
3 You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about an aspect of music which is important to them. Before you listen, look at the photos and discuss what the people are doing. Read through Tasks One and Two in Exercise 4. Can you match the people listed in Task One (A–H) with any of the photos? 1
2 What is it that you particularly like about the music you listen to? Exchange ideas with a partner.