February Sample

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Does Sarcasm Have a Place in Real Estate? Written by David Snodgrass Sarcasm can be a very effective way to acquire friends, followers, and an audience — for a comedian. But, what about a REALTOR®? In the past most coaches would probably tell you that it’s best to leave those sarcastic quips at home and not bring them to the workplace. Yet, this could be totally wrong! Apparently, sarcasm doesn’t just make you happy, it can also make you more creative and successful. Turns out sarcasm is a pretty effective mental workout, and according to the study, The Highest Form of Intelligence: Sarcasm Increases Creativity Through Abstract Thinking for Both Expressers and Recipients, “To create or decode sarcasm, both the expressers and recipients of sarcasm need to overcome the contradiction (i.e., psychological distance) between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic

expressions. This is a process that activates and is facilitated by abstraction, which in turn promotes creative thinking.” The report concluded “Those in the sarcasm conditions subsequently performed better on creativity tasks than those in the sincere conditions or the control condition. This suggests that sarcasm has the potential to catalyze creativity in everyone.” So, perhaps it’s OK to let the snide-buthilarious slings fly from time to time. Science has proved it! But be warned! You should not use sarcasm in new relationships as it’s an easy way to burn bridges and sour people’s moods. For sarcasm to be successful, the relationship needs to be built on a fair amount of trust so that sarcasm is not offensive, but amusing. After all, real estate is an industry of relationships and building trust is key.

Meridith Monroe

Julian Dillard

Marketing Development Representative

Marketing Director email@email.com 913.492.0377 800.458.8245

Meridith.Monroe @personalmarketingco.com 800.458.8254


9 Ways Your Clients Can Add Privacy to Their Yard Spring is right around the corner. It’s likely that your clients will start thinking of ways to spend more time outside and, as the old saying goes, “good fences make good neighbors.” If your clients are looking for a little backyard privacy, here are 9 landscaping solutions to keep wandering eyes and noise pollution out of their yard. 1. Privacy plants. Property-line planting can provide yearround privacy. If space is tight, look at using fast-growing evergreens like Italian cypress or arborvitae. 2, Plant some shade trees. Shade trees can grow from 25 to 60 feet tall, so they’ll obscure even secondstory windows. Position them over a deck to provide a natural canopy for the summer. 3. Container gardens for deck privacy. Potted plants can make a great natural barrier around a conversation pit on your deck. For long-lasting displays, use annuals with ornamental grasses and shrubs that change color seasonally. 4. Build a privacy fence. A barrier fence is the fastest way to get some backyard privacy, especially if your client’s yard is small. Fences have a smaller footprint than plantings.

5. Stone wall. If your clients want a wall that’s going to last, stone is probably the best. 6. Masonry walls with ornamental ironwork. A 5- to 6-foot masonry wall of stone or stucco can be a great way to create privacy in the yard. The wall will look less imposing with windows in it that are decorated with ornamental ironwork. 7. Wooden pergolas. Are your new homeowners trying to section off a small deck or outdoor eating space? Suggest they create an intimate entertaining area with a slatted top wooden pergola covered in climbing vines. 8. Lattice work and climbing vines. This will give your client’s yard the same natural feel as the pergola and is much more affordable on a larger scale. 9. Fountains. Maybe your clients live next to a busy road and want to block out sound. Fountains and water features are a great way to add some relaxing noise to their backyard and cancel out noise pollution. Be sure your clients are aware of any restrictions set by homeowners associations or local municipality before beginning any of the above projects.

10 Goof-ups Savvy People Never Make Twice You shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes, they are made by the best of us. Instead look at them as investments in your education of “life advice.” Just as you wouldn’t throw good money after bad, so you shouldn’t keep making the same mistakes over and over. Here are 10 that you should be on the lookout for. 1. Believing in something (or someone) who’s too good to be true. There’s a reason the old saying exists. It’s important to ask smart questions when you’re getting involved in a new project. Make sure no one is too good to be true.

2. Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. This is the very definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein. Take time today to look at your marketing results. If you’re not happy with them, then it’s time to change your approach. 3. Failing to delay gratification. Today we live in a world of now, where results are seen almost immediately. But, sometimes the best things in life require due diligence and you’ll need to stay motivated to have them pan out. 4. Delaying showing gratitude. We live

in a world of instant communication. Forgetting to express your appreciation just isn’t acceptable. Plus, a simple thank you can go a long way.

do it. To be successful you’re going to need the courage to call the shots and sometimes give answers people won’t want to hear.

5. Losing sight of the big picture. It’s far too easy to be consumed by our daily task or what’s right in front of you. That’s why it’s important to take a breather from time to time, and keep the end goal in sight.

8. Trying to be someone you’re not. Success in real estate requires authenticity.

6. Not doing your homework. Always do your homework. If you don’t, you won’t learn anything and that’s sure to slam on the brakes of your career. 7. Trying to please everyone. You can’t

10. Trying to change someone. People will only change if they want to. Don’t waste your time trying to change others, it never works.

9. Playing the victim. It might get you ahead in the short term, but it’ll eventually lessen your credibility.

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You’ve spent months helping a client find their dream home. The papers are signed and you hand them the key. Your job is complete! So what’s next? Many REALTORS® just fade off into obscurity, but you’re not like most REALTORS®. You know that this is a terrible waste of your time and a huge potential loss of profits — especially when it’s so easy to turn a satisfied client into a lifetime client. Here’s how. 1. Send a closing gift. It doesn’t have to be huge but showing your gratitude is a great way to keep the “after closing” relationship going. 2. Be their resource. We’re not just talking real estate, we’re talking about homeownership. You sell houses every day, but your clients might be settling into their first home. You have a network of connections and

trustworthy resources, don’t be afraid to leverage them on your client’s behalf. 4. Invite them to an open house in their area. Even if they’re not in the market to buy, they may simply want to compare houses in the area with their own. Plus, you never know whether they have any friends who might be looking. 5. Call them occasionally. People like it when you check in from time to time, but don’t be eager for a sale. Just make sure they’re home is still meeting their needs. Add them to your holiday contact list. The holidays are a great time of year to strengthen a relationship. Don’t be afraid to send them a warm “Season’s Greetings” card. Remember, the golden rule of client follow-up is simple, “stay in touch.”

5 Ways to Keep Clients for Life!

Marketing Director email@email.com 913.492.0377 800.458.8245

Julian Dillard

Meridith.Monroe @personalmarketingco.com 800.458.8254

Marketing Development Representative

Meridith Monroe

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