Standardization and Innovation within the Green Buildings field: Insights from Europe
Description: The Building Sector in Europe- Buildings in Europe consume around 40% to 50% of all enduse energy as heating and electricity (Palmer & Cooper, 2011; Bourdic & Salat, 2012; Troy, 2012). Buildings in the EU have the greatest energy saving and energy efficiency potential, approx. 27% for residential houses (Ardente et al., 2011).Buildings have had a 50% growth rate over the last 50 years in the UK (CPA, 2010). 72 % of the 150 million dwellings in Europe were built before the year 1972 (Gaterell and McEvoy, 2005). Why do standards and R&D need each other- Building design become ever increasingly complex.Corporations working in the construction industry are becoming more specialized (Ma, Cooper, Daly, & Ledo, 2012). A professional structure in code implementation where scope of work and accountability are commensurable is of vital importance (Lam, Zhang, Wang, Dong, & Zhang, 2013). Demand for compatibility and inter-operability of various technologies, as required by new technical standards (Dickson & Fang, 2008).
Reference URL: on-and-innovation-within-the-green-buildings-field-insights-from-europ