R&I opportunities for the Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling (GLOREAM) community

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R&I opportunities for the Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling (GLOREAM) community

Description: R&I opportunities for the GLObal and REgional Atmospheric Modelling (GLOREAM) community. Europe 2020 Strategy-Flagship Initiatives A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Horizon2020. What’s new? single programme, bringing together three separate, programmes/initiatives, Coupling research to innovation, from research to retail, all forms of innovation, Focus on societal challenges, facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy, climate change and transport, Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond. Bottom up, European Research Council (ERC), Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions Societal Challenges, Top down, focused on results, Active ageing, food security, clean energy, green transports, climate action, inclusive societies Industrial Leadership, Leadership in key enabling, technologies (ICT, Space, NMP, Risk capital and innovation for SME. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials. Fighting and adapting to Climate Change, Main proposed activities, Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems, Sustainable supply of nonenergy and non- agricultural raw materials Transition towards a green economy through eco, innovation Global environmental observation and information systems. Societal Challenge Climate Action.

Reference URL: http://energy.wesrch.com/paper-details/pdf-TR1AU1VO2IQAA-r-i-opportuni ties-for-the-global-and-regional-atmospheric-modelling-gloream-community

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