Toxoplasma Gondii Trichomonas Vaginalis
Description: Human Toxoplasmosis- Primary problem is a congenital infection of fetus, stillbirth or severe vision or severe brain damage. About 98% of cases of Toxoplasmosis are acquired through Congenital Toxoplasmosis. Definitive host- Domestic and wild cats. Intermediate host- Human, birds, pigs, rodents, and sheep. OOCYST in the feces of cat- Cat ingests tissue cysts containing bradyzoites. Parasites (sporozoites) multiply in enterocytesParasites rupture enterocytes & transported via lymphatics and disseminated hematogenously throughout the tissue. Cats (Mainly domestic and wild cats)- Asexual and sexual division is intracellular, Oocysts in feces. Humans (Mammals)- Asexual tissue cycle, tachyzoites and tissue cyst = bradyzoites. Congenital: transmission to the fetus only occurs during an acute infection of the mother.
Reference URL: ondii-trichomonas-vaginalis