Introduction to EXO-Vaticana pt 4. 14/01/13 The following excellent class by Tom Horn and Chris Putman, who are both dedicated Christians, is indeed not a pleasant subject, and to many it will seem too fantastic, even unbelievable. However if you desperately want to know what is “really going on” behind the scenes in the spirit world, and how the spirit world is merging more and more with the physical realm, then read on. We as Christians are indeed encouraged by scriptures to “dwell on the positive” as much as possible. I would like to add, that we are also admonished to “Be not ignorant of the Devil’s devices”The fact is that millions of Christians will be caught totally un-prepared for what is coming, as they have largely chosen to “stick their heads in the sand” to the following type of issues. Please don’t be one of them, but having been convinced by what you read, and personally discovered by your own follow-up research, which I highly recommend you do, then please pass the following on to suitable persons whom you believe could benefit from it. Best wishes, Peter Brave-Heart 2 Tim 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of