GoggleWorks Urban Design Charrette

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A vision to nurture the arts, foster creativity, promote education, and enrich the community.

Urban Design Charrette Delaware Valley University Department of Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV Spring 2019

Michael Fleischacker, RLA, ASLA, LEED AP Jeffrey Charlesworth, RLA, ASLA, LEED AP

Shaine McKeever Alexander Weisgerber David Turcich Quinton Paulsgraf


15 years as an art institution and 150 years of history.

Contents Preface 3

Methodology 6 Culture People Urban Ecology Charrette Organization Art Education Community Development


Visionary Schemes Campus Map Washington Street Alleyway Gravel Lot Lower Courtyard Trestle Bridge


GoggleScope What’s Next?




A Beacon of Creativity GoggleWorks was originally built in 1871 as Thomas A. Willson & Company, was a safety goggles factory. In 2005, the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts opened, just three years after the factory closed. Today, GoggleWorks brings in more than 250,000 visitors a year and puts on many different classes including ceramics, drawing/painting, hot glass, metalwork, woodworking, and more. One of their motto’s, “follow your nose, you can go in any open door.” This shows that GoggleWorks strives to include the community and peak the curiosity of anyone who is willing to learn new skills. This project was brought to Michael Fleischacker and Jeff Charlesworth, who both work as instructors at Delaware Valley University as a side job from owning their own company “Charlesworth – Fleischacker Landscape Architects LLC”. The job was first introduced in the beginning of 2019 and after deliberation, the project was brought upon the Design Studio IV class to design with a one day charrette where the students would meet with members on the board of directors. The landscape architecture students had to produce a design concept after only two hours of thoughtful discussion with the stakeholders. The student’s task was to create a comprehensive vision of the present site, engage as many of the stakeholders in the design process as possible, establish an overall theme for the design, and present their findings with the stakeholders to receive feedback. After the meeting day, the prospective landscape architects revised their ideas. Inside this book is a collection of the work that the students have produced for the GoggleWorks campus.


What is a Charrette?

The word charrette comes from the French word for “cart.” The term originated in the 1800’s at the famous Parisian art school, Ecole Des Beaux Arts in Paris. Professors would circulate a cart to collect final artwork while students rushed to meet the deadline. The word has since broadened in meaning to describe an intense, short-term design project. These meetings involve all stakeholders in the project to resolve conflicts and map solutions.


Participants enjoying themself while discussing ideas mentioned during the one-day charrette.

Methodology The charrette began with the creation of three areas of research to learn more about the surrounding community in Reading, PA. Each topic was then analyzed to develop specific calls to action. During the preparation for the charrette we questioned, how can GoggleWorks benefit culture, people, and urban ecology? The result, to design a sustainable, multi-use campus to improve the overall well-being of the city.




The culture of Reading used to be heavily impacted by the industrial era. Unfortunately, many factories were not maintained to the present day. Resulting in degrading property values and low quality of life. Luckily, we have can leave the conditions of the past and plan for the future. The history of Reading is clearly visible, as well as the diversity of people and features of the city. One of the most difficult things to see how the city is changing to foster the growth and development of the communities across the city. GoggleWorks looks to be the beacon of creative culture in Reading to enrich the quality of life through the arts.

History Diversity Change 7



No longer is Reading the Railroad capital of the East Coast. Missing its historic industries, the city is at a crux to redefine itself and move forward. The people of Reading are culturally rich, vibrant, and proponents of various art forms. With a growing Hispanic population over 60%, there is an impetus to embrace a lush culture of festivals, art, family, tradition, and hard work. GoggleWorks sits in the heart of Reading. Given its mission to further community development through art and education, there are boundless opportunities to engage, enlighten, and enrich the people of Reading. GoggleWorks can bridge gaps between individuals and serve as a catalyst to develop skills, experiment freely, and investigate the human spirit.

Engage Enlighten Enrich 8

Urban Urban Ecology Ecology

Urban ecology is the study of how living things interact with each other and the surrounding environment. The benefits of a green city are endless. Green spaces foster social interaction, spark curiosity, and provide better quality of life. Bringing nature to the city gives residents and visitors the opportunity to relax from the city life. It provides an outlet for people to connect with nature and investigate the benefits of nature. Urban landscape design can improve the air quality and reduce heat island effect of the city. Therefore, promoting outdoor lifestyle and community development.


Connect Explore Learn Grow

Students share ideas with participants of the charrette, looking for feedback.

Charrette Organization Charrette Organization The mission of GoggleWorks is to nurture the arts, foster creativity, promote education, and enrich the community. The history and dedication of GoggleWorks aims share the belief that the arts can strengthen and enhance quality of life, spur economic growth, and contribute to the cultural vitality of our region. After careful analysis, we chose three words to connect each design solutions to the overall mission. Respectively, we focused our charrete message around art, eduction, and community development.



An important part of GoggleWorks culture is their passion for the arts. The dedication of outdoor spaces to showcase artwork as an extension of the indoor exhibits causes people to think and feel. Visitors begin to forget they are in the heart of the city but rather experiencing some of the best exhibits in the country. Art can bring communities together and make people ask, Why? A question that may never be answered. Unless, you experience the great joys of creativity. The beauty of art is in the eye of the beholder.



Education surrounds you on a daily basis We are unkowingly surrounded by educational value. The spaces should not simply act as a lecture hall. Instead, the entire space should act as a living classroom, displaying how natural systems function. Humans are innately curious. Appropriately, we ask the question, ‘Why?’ We want to find the answer. The GoggleWorks campus will make you follow your nose until you find the open door with your answer. The campus exhibits thoughts and feelings into a medium to feed your curiosity.


Community Development

Community is a vital part of any design. A human community is defined as a group of people who live within close proximity of one another, but in reality it’s much more than that. Community is what makes the world work together. GoogleWorks is provided an opportunity to strengthen the community by showcasing the benefits of the arts.


Visionary Schemes The charrette provided us with the keys areas to improve. A collection of notes were reviewed after the one-day meeting and used to compile a list of concerns for each area. We listed the concerns, opportunities and value of each space. The sketches and renders will help to visualize different views of the campus.



Campus Map

Charrette Focus Areas

1. Building 1 Information Desk, Theatre, Wood Studio, Galleries, Cafe, Store,Classrooms, Artist Studios, Arts Partner Offices

A. Washington Street Entrance

B. Alleyway

2. Building 2 Coming Soon: Artist Living/ Work Spaces

C. Gravel Lot

3. Building 3 Ceramics Studio 4. Building 4 Studio Annex

D. Trestle Bridge

5. Building 5 Hot Glass Studio

E. Lower Courtyard

6. Building 6 Warm/Cold Glass Studio, Metal-smithing


Washington Street Concerns



Vehicle traffic makes it dangerous and uninviting for pedestrians to cross the road from the parking garage.

Align crosswalk with the main entrance to a covered doorway for visitors to know where to enter.

Improved curb appeal and traffic volume will improve people’s interest to engage with the property.

Lacks curb appeal and does not display the impact of art.

Turn the drive lane closest to the building into parking to slow traffic.

Community members will realize how art can impact their well-being.

The entrance for ‘concept c’ on Washington Street.




Concept A The concept to the left shows the corner of Washington street and 2nd Avenue which features on-street parking with restrictions during specified hours that allow for a loading zone.

Concept B The concept to the right shows the corner of Washington street and 2nd Avenue with a crosswalk directly across from GoggleWorks’ entrance. As a result, slower traffic will promote pedestrian circulation and create a street presence for the campus.

Concept C The concept to the left shows a combination of the above. It creates a central promenade to highlight the main entrance and create a street presence, while allowing for on-street parking and a loading area with restrictions.

Alleyway Concerns



Lack of lighting and seating leads to crime and litter.

Extend the cafe to have outdoor seating and entertainment.

Provide a safe place for the community to gather and enjoy the outdoors.

The space invites homeless people rather than families.

Use additional lighting to bring more night life to the campus.

Increase the street presence of the cafe to improve business.





The South view of the alleyway, a comfortable passageway from Washington Street to the center of campus. The concept of an urban beer garden allows the cafĂŠ to have an outdoor presence.

Gravel Lot

Concerns Vacant lot creates a sense of urban neglect and decay. The area is underutilized and not giving GoggleWorks a positive return on investment. Opportunities An outdoor performing arts center on campus will take advantage of the existing topography for an amphitheater.


Sustainable storm water management solutions can be used to spark curiosity and foster education. Value Community engagement will increase and create a safe space for students to practice the arts. The new performing arts building will improve the street view and property values on North 3rd Street. 24


The East view of the gravel lot, a multi-use performing arts center for the community to experience the arts and socialize. Visitors will have the opportunity to attend daytime or nightime performances and educational seminars. The space promotes sound and lighting designers to gain experience for outdoor venues. Before


GoggleWorks Center for the Arts is a place to develop skills, ask questions, experiment freely, and investigate the human spirit.

Trestle Bridge Concerns



Outdated, hazardous, and an eye sore.

Edible planting can be used in the cafe.

Provides a space for artist and visitors to take a break.

Serves little to no purpose and could be better utilized by creating a unique destination.

Great potential for to display art, education and community.

Promotes re-purposing abandoned pieces of history.




The southeast view of the trestle bridge, a space for visitors and artist to enjoy while learning about the history of the bridge.


Lower Courtyard

Concerns Not an attractive entrance for visitors and users of the campus. Large amounts of runoff enter the courtyard where it pools and infiltrates into the basement. Before

Opportunities Create an outdoor gathering space for visitors and artists to socialize. Building facade can exhibit art work to soften the built environment.

Value Your first impression is your last impression. Allows visitors to experience nature and art even in the built environment.



The southwest view of the lower courtyard, a space for artist to exhibit their work. This courtyard promotes community gatherings and brings nature into the built environment. Before


GoggleScope The possibilities of GoggleWorks to improve the overall well-being of Reading, PA are endless. We have an opportunity to bring new life to the city with the power of art. But, in order to have the greatest impact on the community we must celebrate the past, envision the future, and most importantly act now!


What’s Next? Celebrate Envision Act

The GoggleWorks Charrette A Vision of Community

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