Vol.1: Old Raineian's Newsletters 1968-1978

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Old Raineians’ Association Newletters Volume I: 1968 - 1978

THE OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIAT!Cfi (President ~F. 'Hirtes, Esq.)

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. '"NEWS" -No. 1 •

IlERsH (1944:.:.i952) .has .returned. to London. ~d is now tecturer :in French at Brunel University. Alan, who' was married in 1962,

, ·has two daughters 'aged 4 years and 1 year. Lynne GRAT (Nee Scott) cne of oUr Vice Presidents - • Son born 13th r.ay. Jean & Reg. PLATT of Cuffley, Herts., maintain contact with a number of Old Raineians, including Bernard GRAYSCtl" 1 Mark DRYER, Bernard WOQJ,F and Mrs. Lily BLACKBROW (Nee FASSENF"t:LT) , Dorn'.y LY<liS - Was unable t~ attend otirlllay Canmittee Meeting - he ~as in Wiltshire "tormenting" poor "O" Level candidates. Mies J .• FOSSE!' (1961/66) -Engaged to John 3rUBBERFIELD also of Hain<es. Y.rs. C.L. SYMMONS {!tee w1UPP) (1955/63) - Husband is an aeronautical engineer and they are emigrating to Canada 1dth their dauehter. They are locking for'tlard to July when their second child is rlue. Mr. M. TRDlAIN Jl!r, 1i,G.P, GOODX~: "Lost Members" - The Secre+.a~· would lilre to Acl!illes SOIIRI kno~< their new. addresses! Mr. H.C.RUSSELt Fhlgh WILSot< Roger ABRAHAMS ~!art in TOLsrn Mrs. QUICK who lE1ft Raines' Staff in 1966 has two child.ren - Delia 1;?66 and. Robert 1968. SEA XOUI'S - Rail"es now has its own Sea Scouts, Are any members interected! or has anyone any "facilities" to assist the. Group, , Miss E. PARSC!1S (191~-27) - Has retired from post of Ser.ior Mietress at Loughton Hill School, July .1967, . . J.l..rs. B. MOODY (Nee King)(l958/63) - Has a. daughter aged 18 months ard is expecting her second child in October. · Mrs. S. PRO~IDERG (Nee Mildiner)(l953/58) -Has 3 boys aged 6, 4 and 2, Martin KIRllY {1955/62) - Is on a "round the world wcrkir.g holiday" and in April ~<at in Sidney 1 Australia, . Mrs• H. BRISKMAN (Nee. Hart) (1956/63) • Ll.B. degree 1966- has a son 6 months old. THE RAINEIAN LODGE - Three Secretaries of the Association hav£ been ' Master of the Lodge in ·the last three yeari\3 1 Cleorge CANNJNG, George OSBO~ and Frank MOPJtiS. · · George CANNDm (PrE>sident of the Aesociation 1964/5) has recently been disoha.rgsd from hospit,a;l ~ we all wish him a speedy ard complete reoov·ery. Rev. George CLO~, E.D.,(Head Bey 1952) has returned to London from Scotland and is now National Stcretar,y of the Methodist Association of Youth Clubs. . ·. Phillip KAY {1899/1902) saw a report of our Fe.~tivc:.l in the East London Advertiser and telephoned the Secretary, · Mr. Kay who was born in. Cable •street, stepneJ 1 is now retired after a very varied and colourful career. He gained a double distinction in the Esperanto National Union of Teachers Diploma and was Esperantist Consul for London in 190S. He founded the st. George's ar,d ~lapping Branches (i) of the National Federation of Woman Workers (ii) of the Dockers Union and {iii) of the Gas and General Workers Union, was a member of the Secret Advisory Comd ttee and a member ~f the ~rtime Jute Conirollers Voluntary Price Control

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<' -2Comm}t'tee. He was also a founder of _the stepne;y Pirates Dirt Track \ Cyclint, Club and a patron of the st. George and stepney A.B.C.l Mrs. L• M. GENEVER (Nee Alberta) (1956/63) -Married 16.3.68. Mrs. R;;A.FISHER (Nee Brieto~)(l959/64)- Daughter born 24.10.67 • .· Mich~l WATSOO (1958/65) - Is waiting to hear f~,Teacher Traini~ College. One of group of Old Boys who meet .e.very week which includes Gerry CARPENTER, KHth cl!A.PMA1l, Peter cox and Ken JONES. Some play for ROCHFORD Rugby ciub with Mr; RODEN). No known inarriage$ or engagements ! Miss M. GOMM (1956/63)- Cert. of Ed; 1967• Teaehing at liilliam Daviee Infant School, Forest Gate. . Miss T. HANSEN (1961/7) -At Ministry of Defence• Raymond HOUSE (left 1965) - called in to see the Secretary in April. ~1orks for Redbridge Council arid is a Youth Leader in his spare time, also organises and runs beat dances. A usefUl contact if anyone wants to run a dance. Miss F.M.DAVIES (1958/64) -Will be marrying_Alfred FLEISHER on 9.6.68. f.rs. K. PECKHAM (Nee EWER) (1954/59) - ARCM 1963- teaching at Bath Grammar School 1965/6. Son born ori 12.5.68. Mr. J.F.KIRVMi who went to Kenya in 1966 has written from Nairobi. His,address is Friends Provident and Century Office, P.O.Box 6307 1 Nairobi, Kenya. Miss F. DANIEL (1958/65) ~ Getting married to a teacher in Liverpool. Richard MA!lSFIELD (1958/65) at Newcastle University. Sat finals end/May for a B.A. Honours Degree in Geography. Miss C.S.CUTHBERI' (1960/67) -Engaged to Mr. S.E.HOi;tETT~ Terry DAY - married to June SMITH also an Old Raineian. l>'.rs. S.E.JlAXEN (Nee COOl-lAY) (1956/61) - married April 1%7. J.liss Karen srEPTOE '- Has 'emigrated to Switzerland 1>1here she iB getting married. V.iss M. sUNDERLAND who is working for Unilever will be emigrating to Melbourne, Australia, in October. giss E.~!.REOORAVE (1959/66) -Training as Physiotherapist• Miss Vera HUNT (1960/65) .:. After 3 years at Westminster Foreign Bank Ltd., has taken up a career in child welfare and is now an Assistant Hoti.semoi her, ~liss Christine CARTER - Engaged; to M married in september• Miss Valerie WOODS - Completes T.eacher Training Course at Bishop. Groeseteste College; Lincoln, in June and is taking up a post as teacher at a school in Scunthorpe. · _ ~\iss Kaye PRmCE (1959/65) ... Is hoping to qualify thiS Sumirier as an Occupational Therapist and to work in a General Hospital ~hich has a small psychiatric unit. . . ~:rs. B. DARRANCE (Nee RAYMENT) (1949/54) ..; che cbild,eeco~d exrected May, i968• Mrs. M. :HLLIAMSOO (Nee SEKLES)(1952/57) - Daughter 5 months old. Kr. f,lec TAltOR (Past President 1950/51) - Retired. and liVing at Leigh-on""-Sea is recovering from a.heart attack; We wish hi~ well. :.':·c • c ;A~LO::t..'LEY (Nee SINCLAlR) {1959/64) .... Married 23•3•68; :.:iss :-;• TAYLOR (1955/60) - Qiui.lified L.c.A.D; ..:.. Teaching al!.d lectliring· . . . sculptor. Fiss F. h'ADE (1953/60) '- At Maria-As8umpta College ,of Education; Kensington. ::rs. J. HODGES (N\'e WADE) (1954/61) '- Daughter2 ;trs•i .Son 1 year. :-:ic'lael WHITmG (1960/67) -. Immigration Officer at. Gatwick Airport. !iiss A. BYERS (1958/65) - Final year i!.t. M<ilieiey Co;Llege of Education, Cheshire. Miss S. CONVIAY (1960/65) - Secretary B.B.C; . .


-3Derek ARCHER (1964/51) -Motor Underwr~ter. Aided by his wife rune own insurance advice sez:vice and agency, .also under-cover car park in Forest Gate. Son born 8.1.65. Allan LEACH {1959/66) - Teleco!J)!Ilunicat~ons Traffic ~perintendent with G.P.O. ""' Married 6 .10.67. Marshma.llow addictl Has a "country" address in Bilborough 1 Nottingham! Douglas WALTCN - our hard working School Liaison Officer and Badge Secretary will be.taking.up:a 'new appointment as Head of Mathematics Department at Cheshunt County Secondary School in September. Mr. SPCJCNER - Has volunteered to take over as School Liaison Ofri6et'. 路 Sandra BRIDEN - whose father is Xayor of Tower Hamlets, is engaged to David DUNCAN, Rose ROBERI' - engaged to fl<l-urice BELL. THE OLD BOYS' SUPPER- ;-/ill be held as usual at The Talbot Restaurant, London Wall. Note the date now1 FRIDAY 15.11.68. ASSOCIATICN TIE - Arrangements are in hand for a new tie - dark blue with motifs in the design of the School badge, It is hoped to have a supply available at the Re-union on July 11th. SUMMER FETE - The Parents' Association will be holding their Third Annual Fete at the School on Saturday, 2oth July at 2.30pm, The object is to raise funds for amenities which the School cannot obtain by other means, Las> year's fete made a profit of C500, Any volunteers for helping should contact the Secretary, Frank Morris, (590- 4680), THE PRESIDENT'S PARI'Y - Saturday 1 1.3.69 1 at the Abercorn Rooms, Great Eastern Hotel 1 Liverpool Street, 25arH ANNIVERSARY FUND - is aire~ nea~ing the ClOO mark. We are hoping to hand the Governors e250, as a birthday gift to the School, . 路 路 SOCIAL &: DANCE- at the Parents' Association.


- 19.10.68. - 7/30pm 2/6d. -_


by the

CRICKET - Parents v. School. The annual match will be held on the School ~at Oakfieid, Fairlop, on 13th July.

Sill!MER RE-UNION - 11.7.68 straight away.


Make a special effort and return the "slip"

THE OLD RAINEIANS' ASSCX::IATICN is in need of your help. We are looking for new Com!dttee Members, Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and a Treasurer, Please contact Frank Morris {590- 4680) {ruu 15/3oth June).

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OLD RAmEIANS 1 ASSOClATICW (President: F. Hirtes 1 Esq.) ,'···,.



Frank Morris, 10 1 Eccleston Crescent,

(01) 590- 4t,8()

ChadWO!ll Heath,

Homford, Essex, 10th June, 19M.

Dear 0ld ;taineian, On Thursday, 11th July, the Association wilJ be hcldir>g i1. s fir~ t Summer R~-union for Old Girls and Old Boys in the School Ha.:ll from

7/0 p,m. to 9/30 p.m. Hefreshments are beins prvv::.ded and the cost will be


JX.r ;-,-erson (payable on the evening).

There have b0en many requests for an informal and ir.e:qEnsive "get together-", so _come along ~x! support your President on this occz.don, Husbands/Wives am friende are 1;)elcc:me. Please return the


slip as soon as possible.

Yom,:.s) sincerely, ' .....__:"'""'---"'<-~-----4' ~ FRANK I«Jfu'US (Hono Sec.)

Please return to F .G. Morris et the above


a .••...••

addrea~: :-

I Vlil1 be coming to the SllliiliEI" Re-union on 11th


t'" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • •

NAME ______________ _ ADDRESS_____________ _


Delete if you are not bringing anyone else with you.


F.-Hi~tes, Esq.)

"NEHS" - No. 2. Dennis l'IACNAHARA has comDleted his first ;year at Essex University and is specialising in Economics. He left England in July for a 13 week v10rking holiday in the United States. Richard NANSFIELD has been m;arded a B .A. (Honours) Degree in Geography. Eve HEi:l.EFORD (left 1964). After a year's Journalism Diploma Course at the Regent Street Polytechnic is now nearing the end of a three year contract ui th the Kentish Express net-;spaper. She has had experience of all types of reporting ranging from crime, court and council meetings to the entertainments page, fashion and travel feature 1'1ri ting •. John HAHSTALL (1956-63). Has been auarded a B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Mathematics and Graduate Certificate in Education by the University of Leicester. Hhilst at Leister he uas President of the University Christian Union and a member of the Hall Committee. He commenced teaching at Roan Secondary Modern Boys School, Blackheath in Sept. Colin_SMITH is now working as a Shift Leader Operator on the new I.C.T. 190E conmuter at Queen J,:ary College, he travels the same route as he did from 1958 to 1965. Al ice EAS'rmr Hho for mEmy years 1-ms s ecretgry of the Girls' side of the Ar;sociation h<:es retired. Th2.nks Alice for all you have done for ·the Association. Grahr,m NORMAN ( 1959-64). Is an Electrical Dro.uehtsrnan. He hope the results of the City & Guilds Inectrical Technicians Final Certificate were to his satisfaction. Carol VENIJ.,OH. (nee GlJ.PTH.IDGE) ( 1950-55). Has returned from Sou-th Africa 2 yeo,rs ago and has one boy. She sees Lynne GRAY occasionally. Nicholas VAnDILL (1961-66). Is an Apprentice Electronics Engineer. Ann BYER.S ( 1958-65). Is noN teaching at Valence ,Junior School, Barking. St~art GIBSCN ~hose last known address is 60 Whitehall Park, Ntl9, has lost contact with the Association as have a number of his contempories. We are anxious to trace them all. J. A. ADAH ( 1926--31). Is 2. Directol' of John Qu8,l i ty L-td. Roger ABJ:.,_'UL\VIS ~ 1959--65). One of tl1e 1 I-lagnificer1·l; :3even 1 vr;o HC'.r~ reported 'lost. in 11 NE\'IS 11 ·-·No. 1, returned from Cano.da in December, 1967 after tuo years. He found himself home-sick for his :Sri tish pintl He '.is now a Management Trainee at Marks and Sparks. David l·JAISSEN- Old Kent Ho2.d, S.E.l. ) 'Lost' ~.Is any member still D. HHfSON - Cousin L-?.ne, E.C.4. ) in contact? John H6GicER (1955-60). Me,rried Joan COOPER in 1964. He is cm Assistant Buyer t-~:ith Allied Sup))liers. John and Jo0-n are friends of r.1r. & l.lrs. H.one.ld HARHAD ( SuzmmQ QUIN'l'OU), Brie.n HEEKS and Alan OA'rES.





Janice CROCICFOTID (1957-63 ). Becn.me enge.ged to Kei-th BELL in August, 1967 2.nd uill be married in Au[!:ust, 1969. Jan & Bob HAHSFD!;LD have 'volunteered' to run the CIUUSTI-iAS DRAil this yee.,r. I 1-rould ask you to give your maximum sU")~iort by selling as many tickets as possible. ASSOCIATION TIE- He never realised how difficult gettinc a new tie m~de could b;!-Hm·rcver, 1-Je no•,; e:nect cleli\Ol'.)' in Irovember. The tie ;-;ill be dc.rk bhc8 •,-::!. -t.h v·hite mo·tifs uoven in. The motif Hill com'l)rise a shield, sheveron e::,nd three eagles heads. The price of the tie Hill be £1 including postage. ...,... . OLD BOYS 1 SUPPER - The annual 1 stag' party is on I~riday, 15th November. The first one 1-ras held on 15th November, 1929. Each year this is a great occasion for meeting up with old friends. This year's supper will be a particularly special occasion for those who left school in 1964/65. PARENTS 1 ASSOCH.rriOH FETI:; - 'l'he President Hith a small p2"rty of O.R.A. ~-;-e;;1);;;;-;p-ent-·-~n~n·j;'yable. clay helping Hi th the Fete at the School on 20th July. The Summer lPete realised a profit in the ree:ion of £400 Hhich uill be used to provide a Recreation Centre/Quiet Room for the use of the Vlth form at the School. SCHOOL 11AGA7.Hm - , THJ_i; IlAIHEIAH 1 - The Raineian Hill be available in ----N;ve-;:r~b;;:--· Y~-;-~1~--;;~-;;v;-y:our copy by sending Ss. Od. to the secretary, Frank r.JORRIS. ~~-TU~P.~~..t-~.2_th __OC'l'.QJ3!1H-= Sj!.Q.!Jl.hl~~ - A Social and Dance has been arranGed by the Parents' Association. It commences at 7.30p.m. and the cosl of admiosion is 2s. 6d.

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T~-Q~ !U~~I !'!:§.IA.!!~~.-~ ss Q~1~1'1 0 B.

(trestdent: F'. IUrtes, Esq.)

Margare t NUHTHEN (19f.Ojl36) who has recently teccrce engaw~d and plans to marry tn 1970 is now secretR.ry to the Agent General for western Australia and works in West..Jrn Aust-.ralia House, London. f'hllllp GOl'W (1957/M) wrote to the Secretary in October from John Horniman Sahccl, Worthing, Maureen 'Ih.tili. is in Geneva aa p3rt of College trnlning. Henry I.llLUrl (lSl0/1.5) US.d a breakdown in health la3t year.Sailed for Gc.q::e town on l5.U.e8 i'or a holiday. ,.e hore he will enjoy tetter health on ms return in Jenuary 1969. Col in TrlOlll~d wi' i te s tt s follows : "I'm in my final year of working for my professional qualification (l.J:L.rLiL), and at the present time I'm working as a engineer in the G •.C:.C. (?~lectronics) design labora to.t·y up here in Coventry. The Group I 'm working with is primarily involved with C.C.T.V. equi.r:ment, although I :mve been working on a t'ost Office contract for schools television for the I.L.E.A. and other ls.t•ge cl ties. I expect some of this equi P.nAnt has been installed at Hs.lnes although I am not sure of the 11.P.0 1 s installation plan. I suppose it could be said that the School is benefl tting from my educa tlon there Patl'icia DIXON- At l)g.rtford College -keeping very busy. Andrew VAHAH is married and teaching ln 6&mbHt for 3 years and doing very well. Margaret wALLif'G .-..Now living at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. vvas married to Dr. G. Tt tmes on 21.9.P8. 'Mike VArlAH is now teaching at hugty School. Mike is still comreting in tntern8tional athletics and only missed going to Mexico with the Olympic team by one tenth of a second'. He now has his sights set on the Euro rean GB.mes in Athens next year. He sends his test wishel! to all who were a t Se no0 1 wi th him . Graham NOiivJH~ f'&ssed his Ctt;y & Guilds Electrical Teohnlclens F'lnnl Cer biflca te with Cl'edi ts and is now s tudylng for two endor•seme nts. Susan bUh1~~'l''l' (l£'57/62}- In 3rd year of <>tudent nurse training ·at King George Hosvi tal, Ilford. Head Girl 1968/9 - Lesley T.2:il.h Head Boy 1968/9 - Gameron i•iAGl'.tEE D9puty fu·ad Jirl 1968/9- NOUrl.lli: fu~TIBB D9puty Head boy 1968/9 - •U~tony sz.uu.: Janlce JHCI]KF'ORD went to Ch.ristine hiliruCK•s wedding in September and on 28ti1 Septemte.t• went to see !vlargare t F'ISlBtl and AIAN J;{!CHAHDSON m!=lrrled, This la yet anot:J.er all O.it. merriage - others that have been noted ar·e :Ml'. & Mrs. G oV'f'. CANNIN'J (Bet ty Le wson) Mr. & r.Irs. H. MAii\SFI.ELD {Jan. l'::.rl':e!') Mr • & Mf s • T • I:A Y (June Sm i t 11 ) Mr. & Mrs. N. DCEEIN3 (Ire ne Nunn) Mr . & Mr s . D. DUflliAN:JE (Ear bar a Ra yme nt;) Mr • & Mr s . tl • PUTT (.;ea n ) Mr. &Mrs. H. HARI'.P.1J {Suzanne ·'.).ulnton) Mr. & Mrs. J. H001\Ett (Joen Joorer) John lilATT.Hi!:W.S- Several Cld Raineians went up to Lancaster to see John married on 30th l~cvember • Andrew HOLLA1;D (Left l9n4) is at present on a postgraduate course at the London Jollege of Furniture studying for the :Jiploma In resign and rroduction. After completin~ his studies he intends going into industry for a couple of years and then wanta to set up as a free-lance. designer on his own. Alan ADLINGTOH and Jean hilLfO'l' (botn Old rlclnelans) are getting married in 19C.9. John ADLii~GTCl'i was married on 21st IBcember, 1968.


Con tlnued

- 2 -

Paul T~!IH'L~ (Head .boy 1964) went to .bir•mlngnam 18 montns ago to tske up o. pOsition a3 iJompany Ins[Bctor for the 'Legal and General'. nlll be gettins married on lst Marchand extends an open invitation to any old friends (VIho are des.[)'3rate enough for a dl•ink to travel to Ewell) to the evening reele ptio n ~' t tiwe ll Court House , Ewe ll, Surrey. Paul says his main interests in Sutton Coalfield are rugby, drinkin;;, singing e_nd. drinkins'•\. OLD EOYS 1 SUt'P.illi - The 'fulbot 1 s s[Xli8.llty, steak ann kidney pudcUng, was en,ioyed by the 99 old boys present on t'1e 16ti1 Novemter. KE~EMBKANTS DAY S::I:n VI:::JE. Tll.e Fresident placed n wre!? th on the - - - School ;,:emorfal-and read the lesson s t the School Serviele. Paullne BA.Ki'EK i.:; in flnql year at; •;:entworth Jaatle Jollege of Educa tlon ,3 tninborough, Yorkshire, r9oing Teaching it' ne ttce. HofBs tote teaelhin;::; in the Ilford area in 19"'9. GOlWitATUf.ATICNS to the Vlth Form leav8l'S who took up places ~t Universities and Jolleges in October: AlFJn EALBES Essex Economics 1)3. vld EOliD Lancas te.l' History/ Poll tlca Robert Brady wales(Cardiff) Jivll Engineering Andrew BlJKTT Sussex Electronics Mar tin F'IAX!viAN Birmingham Music Salford Electronics Stevhen GOHON A1an J.OHl.SOl~ vvales(Swansea) Geology Ir vi ng LB.l;Jirt Kee le Nw tnema tics/Economics J.illchae l .i:'li: 'bfL) Middlesex Medicine Hospital Alan R~Il~L L .S .E. An thro po logy ;,ales(Bangor) German Douglan wiLLM.C:NT .Pe ter WIU~i Srt1Jn0 T .Mancnes teL' Medicine Alexande.1· Wt.il~G Ma ne h3 s te.1· German Ge or ge f1 1-lJ lU'iE 1. ·~ueen Mar y Geology (;olle ge Ke vln Don ne lly School of' Arc hi tee ture Glennye JE:NKINS Hen don Go lle ge of' 'l.\9c hno logy Geo gr<J f.Jh y/C.f"l o 1 cgy John REEVES Institute of 'l.\9chnology, Cnr•dlff Business 3conomics College of St. Mar·k snd St. John Handicrgfts The Association is !'lnxlcus to trace the following members who have recently moved to oow addresses :Mrs D. dT.£Rl~ (Nee Weiner) - HBnwell Linda Pfi.OuDFOOT- Jahlr ot., Millw11l1 Jlll KObbiNS - 37, Ford 1td, .!; .3 Dlane HOLME,3 - 6, Maroon St •, E .14 Miss B o HUN 'Bit - Ar, Somer ford J t., E .1 fu ter OR,.ELL - 25, Mills Grove, E .14 M.A. JACOBS -3, Princes G::tte Court, s.:.v. 7 Ian lliil. .PH:1t - Sou thsea , Han ts Miss 1. DA VI~3 - 30h Gr0a t Sutton St., E.::: .1 Richar· d .t~ r.t~rl - 9, .Reo tory il!iCe, noolwic h Den.nis W~LLS - Rotne1·hithe J. b~h.:;;TEAD - Ro tnerni tne Hi ta 1<1.:3rl.c:rl - Horncnurch .Susan .tL.;J.Jd'D - 98, Jnurch rload, iS .12 Llnda Irl VIhG - 27, rle yno lds l'laoe, 3 .ili .3


c.it'lt;;_iZAl:> ·


Con tlnued





(President! F. llhi;es Esq.)

Rita FISliFlH (1958/65) is working as a secr<'tnry to a Solicitor in Leatherhead where she is also Vice Chairman of the Young Conservatives Branch, organising the social events. In 1967 Rita visited an American pen friend in Richmond, Virginia and toured round the east coast from New York, Philadelphia, Daltimore, Washington D.C. to Cincinnatio,. Ohio, up the the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls, and on to Montreal for Expo. 67. Last summer l.er parents gave her, as a 21st birthday present, a cruise ticket to visit the Azores, ~1adeil'a and Casablanca with the P. & Oo line. Rosemary CQ_LLINGS (1955/62) is in tbe Computer Section of the Greater London Council - and hopes to become a programmer and also to return to New Zealand in the near future, having spent a year (1967) in Wellington worl,ing for the Department of Education. David BROWNE (left 1964) is on an Advanced Design course in visual communication and graphic design and in May will be going to work for Thames Television at Teddington in the Design "Department doing scenic design and graphics. In September David hopes to join a course in Film and Television at Bulmersche College of Education near Headiug and then go into educational T.V. on teaching. He would be very interested to hear from other Raineians working, or interested in, the new science of educational T.V. and visual commun~ation media. ~Donald WALLER (1947/52) is Chief Clerk to Hr. ColiP Duncan Q,C's

chambers in the Temple, Has two sons, the elder being a south London footballer and a member of the Chelsea F.C. Youth Squad Training Scheme. Sends news of :Mr. A.K. L~VIS, former Chemistry Master who left Raine's some time after 1952. Hr. Lewis is now one of the leading "Patent" Specialists at the Dar, a highly successful Darrister. Thomas II •. JIOWGILL (1920/24) feels too young at 60 to retire! •••• was retired from the Shell-Mex and B.P. Group in February, 1968, having been with them since 1928 serving in several of their companies and finally returning to Shell-Hex House as a member of National Denzole's General Management. He thoroughly enjoyed it and say!O he had a good army war period too - volunteered as a Trooper and reached Lt. Colonel rank. He was twice mentioned in despatches. Tom has now joined Volkswagen motors Ltd., a Thomas Tilling Company, where he undettakcs special duties and is also Group Purchasing Manager. lie is now in line for a second pension too! )

In his spare time he revels in family life, is Chairman of the Local Conservatives Dranch and serves on a number of political committees. Geoq~DULf:SlC~ (1912/23)

is a Liaison OfficH and 'rraining Officer in Essex. Hemembers that when he was in the VI th form (with Frank llirtes) it had the reputation of being the worst behaved of any form inthe School. lie thinks, however, that the School Mo·tto "Cot~e in and learn your duty· to God and man", has worked out for them all.

; ....


A. R. BUNTING (1908) remembers he subscribed to the Board of Old Scholars who served in the 1914/18 War.


(1927/33) is Sales Hanager with Neron Lamps Ltd.,- still alive and very much kicking!

Mrs. E. lJECJCEH (1924/31) attended the Thanksgiving Service with a group of-Old Raincian friends. Susan NORTH (Nee ACELAND) (1953/60) was married in April 1967, teaches at Drew Hoad, Silvertown, and ll.ves at Stanford-le-IIope. Iler.husband teaches at the same school and has a post of responsibility for Art and Craft. C. L. JWilTli (1927/33)- Susan's father-in-law is Headmaster of the Lansbury E.S.N. School, Newham, E.G. II. D. UPSON (1917/21) a retired Local Government Officer wishes to

be remembered, with his brother Dill, to all his contemporaries and especially to the President. Judith H.AltniS finds worl>ing in the heart of Soho fascinating - she is helping to run the financial affairs of a firm of manufacturers and is looking forward to getting married. I"inda FREL'Dl!.AN is teaching at a comprehensive school in Putney. ~§ON

who worlced for some years with Barclays Dank is now with the Hong Kong and Shang Hai Ban]( in the City.

Seymour FREED Kent.

is a lecturer in Biochemistry at Bromley College,

}l£!? 1f.ANSYIELD has been made a London Knight as a result of gaining the "Best Engineer." award from his employers, llanlc Xerox. Bertha 1!. FOWLEil (Nee BL.I\ND) (1916/19)) who were at the School's IIarold J. FOLWER (1917/19) ) bicentenary, have rejoined the As.:nciation. cTim who has been with the same Company for 48 years is a Planning Engineer. Ile recalls being a bugler in the ·Cadet Corps of Haines, being the Captain of the Soccer 2nd Eleven playing at Rectory Field, Manor Park, and was present when King George V visited the School. l<'rances MO'l'T (1960/67) is filling in time working fo a firm of Chartered Accountants prior to going to •reacher Training College at Saffron Walden in ~ptember. Billy HICIIi\lillS(1961/68) is a Computer Operator with Columbia Pictures - still playing plenty of cricket, basket-ball and rugby. Hie!{

HULHF.~~!\N is world.ng temporarily at School as tbe Laboratory Assistant waiting to go to Middlesex Medical School to study medicine.

Pete WIU.lHUlGT - studying medicine at Manchester




- 3 -

Hargaret ANDERSON (nee GOODEY) was married during the Summer of 1968 and is now teaching in a Primary School at Chipstead. Nina THOHPSON (nee BAILEY) is teaching in Balham - is expecting her first baby in May. Frances DANIEL (1958/65) has completed a 3 year course at Sunderland College of Education and is now P.E. Mistress at Stockwell Manor .School. She will be married on 29.3.69. Eric MORRIS is to be an usher at the wedding. l1aureen HULL (1960/65) is in the final year at Sheffield College of Education., Janet DULSON (1960/65) who is working at an Insurance Brokers is keen on riding and has owned her own horse for two years. Janet is expecting to get married soon and sends her congratulations to June and Terry DAY on their marriage. Janet lives at 67 Hall Road, East Ham, E.G. and would like to hear from any of her old school friends. Raymond HARRIS is very disappointed at having to miss the Thanksgiving Service at St. Pauls Cathedral. He is the Swimming Captain of London University and of Kent County and on the lst May was at the Centenary Gala of the Amateur Swimming Association which was graced by Her Majesty the Queen. Henrietta LEVY is continuing her studies in a Medical Laboratory by day and as a student of Medical Laboratory Technology in the evening. Margaret KIDDLE (nee GlUFFITHS) (1958/65) 1 aquired' S .R .N. at London Hospital with Gill ARHSTRONG. She was married in October, 1967 Gill ARMSTRONG was married on 15th March, 1969. Barbara DANIELS (1960/67) who is on a two year course in Librarianship at Ealing Technical College is engaged to Tony RUSH. Helen BISHOP (nee BENHETT) (1923/35) was elected a member of the Association1s Execcutive Committee at ,the A.G.M. in March. Stan BENNETT F.R.I.c.s. (1927/38) is Senior Assistant Surveyor, Pearl Assurance Go. Ltd. Seymour MYERS (left 195Lt) married recently and is now living in Salford, Lancs. Pamela HOLLAND has a degree in Law. Peter KELLY (1958/65) is married and teaching 1lloodv10rk to immigrants in , . _ Bexley. Evelyn PEAR (nee CANNING) (1928/35) is living in Nottingham. R.G.C. TAYLOR (1939/46) is Head of Hodern Languages and Careers Master at Sir Halter St; John's Grammar School, Battersea and also Go-Treasurer of the Modern Language Association and Secretary of the Home Counties Branch. Harvey FELDHAN (191~6/54) is lecturing Physiology at the University of Surrey, he is married and living in Wembley with one daughter, Carole, 18 months and another baby due in the Summer. c. R. HAYTON (nee NICHOL30N) (1955/62) was married in August 1967 and in September 1968 had a baby son, Alastair. Joseph J. CLARK (1938/41) spent 15 years abro~d (1946/61) in India, Burma, Malaya and Kenya. He married in 1952 in Kenya and has two sons. He still suffers occasionally from wonderlustl Is a Graduate Member of the Institute of Works Managers. Elizabeth HARTY (1959/65) is an Associate Hember of the Justitutional Management Association. Since September 1968 she has been working as Assistant Matron at St. Fauls Preparatory School at Barnes and is engaged to be married in 1971. 路 A. M. FoX (left 1955) a Vice President of the Association, has been appointed to the post of Solicitor to the Basildon Urban District .Council.


OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION (President : F. Hirtes Esq.) Hon. Sec. (Girls)

Hon. Sec. (Boys)

Sandra Ashdown, 258 Princes Road, Dartford, Kent.

Frank Horris, 10 Eccleston Crescent, Romford. RH6 4QU. (01-590-4680) AUTUMN


News No.s_

~ .e~///




Frank Barnard (1912/16) of Rout 20, New Lebananon Centre, New York, 12126. Went to the States in 1947 as Sales Hanager for Austins and later for Jaguars - covering the whole of the eastern seaboard. He was one of the leading importers of foreign cars into the u.s.A. and has just handed over the business to his son upon retirement. Sandra ~ and David Jl~mbe married 3/5/68. Barbara Britten and Dennis ~q (both Old R.aineians) engaged. Jessie Capper (1956/63), who is employed as an Executive Officer in the Home Office, married Mr. P. H. P. Hullan on 12/7/68. They will be going to Northern Ireland to live. Roy Catley (1960/66) is a Civil Servant in the Legal Branch of the Department of Education and Science. Is engaged in preparing a collection of peetry and would be pleased to hear from any member with a sjmilar bent - or in publishing, literary agents etc. David


- accepted for Hanchester College of Commerce.

Peter Garside - recently engaged. Harold



lost again l

David (Ted) ~ - London University, Bedford hopes to do research for a Ph.D. starting October 1969. Carol Kempster (nee Scott) has one son and is moving to Wollaston, Northants in September. Joy Kinsman (nee Catling) 1957/63 has been married for four years and has one son (2J). Joy lives at 303 Beechings Way, Rainham, Kent and would like tn hear from any of her contemporaries. Hichelle




Ann Levy and Terry Plummer - both Old Raineians - engaged.

Victor Lowry (left school 1959) is now in Australia. His son, Simon, was born on 27th April. Has met Raymond Goode and Richard Bates "down under". Lynne Newman (1960/66) is working for Barclays Bank and will be married on 20th September to Hichael Mallery, a heating and ventilation designer. Is in touch with:Linda Irving ( 1960/6 5) and Linda Smith (1960/65) who recently became engaged to Flying Officer Ian Travers Smith. Ian is at present serving in the Persian Gulf. Lynne and Linda(Smith) won a free 3-week tour of the u.s.A. in July/August 1968 through the Girl's Venture Corps (Air Wing). Pat Riley(nee Wilson) is now living at Wickford. Matrreen Shea and Keith Howells (both Old Raineians) were married in April. Anita Smith (1961/69) is working at the Bank of England. She is undergoing a 2-year-training course and is studying for the Institute of Bankers Exams. John Smith (1953/59) is an architect - now studying Town Planning and married to:Christine (nee Hoe) who is a Computer Programmer for C.E. G.B ••


Rcger Smith (b-other vf J;l;;-~l~~;;e)-i~-;ervj~ng with the R.A.F. in the Persian Gulf and h<l.:s ,1 1 year old. ,son. Maureen ~ (1960/67) coinpleted a. twc路-year Secretarial Course at City of London College in July., fJt'~ciL'lle ;:n.gageci. last: Christmas, Jocelyn Thorv.E::."'.2!!. (nee (fatley) 'Nas married this year. degree from Cardiff and is no\楼 teach:iJ.<p;. recently ma.:rried.

Mick Truma.n Jumbo


She obtajned her

- is a Chartered Accountant.

David and jean Waisson (nee Holland) have a 1 year old son. jenefer ~ (1966/7) has been working for the M.inistry of Overseas Development since leaving school. Linda Beresfor<! (nee Irving) is nO\i living in Sidcup but hopes to move to North Londori soon. Gladys


(nee Norman) has two children and is livil1g in Singapore.

Keith Hilliard (1961/66) Emigrated to Australia, assisted by the British l.klys' Mov.ement, to be an excavator driver. Sandra Dorris and Allan Johnson (both Old Raineians) - engaged. Rose Roberts and Morris


(both Old Ra:ineians) - married recently.



now Hrs. Jolmson

Rosemary and Viv Nicholas recently became parents of a baby girl. John Williams - got married on Good Friday. NEWS FROM OLD RAINEIANS Sap_dra Ashdown (nee Hammond) ( 1953/8) lffOte to the Secretary in February. Here is an extract from her letter:111 noticed in your last notice Susan Acland's name. She was :in my class during our "reign" at the School and often wonrler what happened to her and indeed others of that period.. It m ight be of interest to some members who knew me that I married the boy I met when at Raines. We met at County Hall at a lecture for Physics and Chemistry arranged by L.c.c. (as i t was then) for pupils studying for 'O' levels. It did 1 nt help me pass the exam but I did meet my husband! He passed and went on to London University. He is n<."" Lecturer in Statistics at Woolwich Poly. and studying part-time at University of Kent at Canterbury for his Ph.D. We have two children - a boy and a girl. Hy little boy was born in 1965 in London hospital where I met another Old Raineian, Pat JEAKIN (nee BARRA'IT) who also had a son - she lives in Romford. Sandra was appointed as the Association's Girls' Secretary at the Annual General Meeting on 17th Harch.

Len Goss residing at:has written:-

19 Ernald Place, Uplands, Swansea, Glam., Wales

"! have for many months been deeply involved in the organisation of the 1969 International Assembly of the non-political, non-sectarian International Friendship League, held in Swansea. The International Chairman called it the biggest and best Assembly to date, which is gratifying.n Len is now vice chairman of the International Committee, and continues as editor of the International magazine. He was awarded the Scout Medal of Herit earlier this year.

Norman Kindler (1943/48) of 5 Biscoe Way, Lewisham, S.E.13. who is a Company Director of Retail Fashion Shops writes:"Nothing very exciting. Present age 36. Ma.rrjed in 1963. One child 8 months (daughter). Predicted as a complete and utter failure by Mr. Dagger - sometimes when tr'ade is bad I am inclined to agree with him! Rarely see any. of my old class mates. They are either in prison or reaching the giddy heights of success in the professions. We were a mixed bag. One small item that was interestinr.- to me was that some few years ago on a visit to relations in Ne~ Zealand I came across a chap in Wellington wearing an Old Raineian 1 s tie. I stopped and chatted to him and sure enough he was an Old Raineian who had emigrated (a doctor). For the life of me I just can't remember his name. Small world really!"

..., 0"







"' "'












,'>1 ~:;·








/ David Hall now living ,;t 11 Terrington 11 , 63 .'tacecourse Road, Swinton, Yorks, has recently been appo1nted Deputy :-J.eadmaster at a Junior School in Mexborough and writes "I would ahrays be willing to offer hospitality to any member, young or old, who might be passing this \-.ray. 11 NEWS OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS The academic record of Old Raineians at University make interesting reading:John Bishop - Southampton - Chemistry - First Class honours, David Brown - (left Jan. 1967) will be studying Accountancy at Culham College of Education from September 1969. John Gattaway - BSc. in Pharmacy from Portsmouth School of Pharmacy. David (Ted)


J ames McCombie -

- London Bedford -

Kenneth Montague - Exxex - English. Gareth

Oxford - P.P.E.


jean Philpot - Bristol - French, Duncan Pott LOOKING

Geomorphology - Upper Second Hons.

\vales - Economics - Upper Second Honours. First Class Honours.

First Class Honours. Upper Second Honours.

London Imperial - Physics.

Upper Second Honours.


Willie G. Pickering (1912/1916) who has been retired since 1965 reached his 69 birthday on the 27th June and wrote to the Secretary earlier this year. The following is an extract from his letter:"! have never married or attained any position of distinction. Served in Royal Navy during 1914-18 War. Also on ammunition work in school metalwork shop during that war so escaping many impositions. Strangely enough, worked as a Bus Conductor for 42 years mainly along Commercial Road, sometimes picking up my old form Master Mr. H,S,Browning, for whom I had a great regard, who once added ";.,Juch too talkative" to my report. Naturally I began my time in the old school in Cannon Street Road when we did Cadet drill with wooden rifles under the instruction of Mr. Sergeant. One silly thing I used to do. I always wanted to be a help to my form Master and chose to do it in a peculiar way. I deliberately talked to be detained after school hours and therefore was given jobs to do - but Mr. Browning did not see through this ruse and thought he was punishing me! It was a sad time however when our fin.e fellow and Gym. Instructor Capt. j.P.P. Walker was killed on active service. You must admit I have a good memory, even to the initials and I can also remember the master's voices! All in all it was a wonderful time in my life and I have done my utmost to ljve up to our Motto - 11 Come in and learn your duty to God and man 11 • 11 Alec D. Taylor (1917/1922) writes:11 I have before me diaries which I have 1-.rri tten up daily for 50 years from 1919/1969 and in case some entries will awaken memories for Old Boys I quote a sample:-


Prize day.


Lord Mayor's Show. With School Cadets I marched in procession through London.

30.10. 22 - 23 16. 2.25

Sir Edward Mann in the Chair.

Left Raines after five years plus. Listened in all day on wireless on School roof. Toppli1g results with 2 LO. Old Taineians 1 Dramatic Society formed at School. 11

Raffles 11 at Cripplegate Theatre,

8. 5.26 Old Boys 1 Festival li1 the Hamilton Hall postponed on account of Railway Strike. 11. 3.27

7. 4.27 I I

Elected Secretary O.R. Tennis Club. A.G.M. of O.R.A. Shears takes Bobe.g's place as Hon.Sec.

17. 5.27 At }a.,st Old Boys l blazer is ready.

Some blazer! (let me explain that I was responsible for the introduction of the Old R.::d~1eians 7 orig·:na1 colours. Light and dark blue, silver and golci, t0 be incorporated in blazers, with school badge in gold and 2i.1ver wire~ For blazers- a minimum number of ·fourteen 1vas essential and the names of the applicants were Taylor, Doris Odling, Wally Luton, Frank Hirtes and brother, Gerry Lanm1as, Sybil Lammas, Har.old Walker (died last year), :ffiss · Sed\vell, Johnson, Wally Roby, Eric Eames, Harshall and Sparrow. O~R.A.


Elected Captain


.The Chinese PuzzJeu at Cripplegate. Truly our best show ever. Full house! (Press comment: It is no exaggeration to say that the Old Raineians never gave a better· performance. Indeed it seems a pity that so much trouble should have been taken for one performance. The outstanding performance was that of Hr. Claude T. lvalter).

. 23.3.29


Raines .dance.. happened~ · A.G.H. O.R.A.


7.. 12.29

Tennis Club.

About 20 people therel

· What the H .• L has

Elected Secretary.

Old Boys 1 Supper at the Talbot. \Vhat a success in spite of only 39! (Hay I be permitted to sat that this was the very first Old Boys' Supper. I instituted this after 11 11 attending a similar do upon returning from Anti-Aircraft Annual Camp) • · The Cheerful Knave 11 at the School in aid of the Girls' School Country Cottage Fund. Very funny. 11

Miss Haugh (Headmistress) thanked us. 4.10.30

Princess Mary presented prizes at Raines!

27. 5.31 Hr. R.S. Taylor died (Mr. Taylor had been Headmaster for 48 years and Clerk to the Governing Body of Raines for 8 years. 30. 5.31

1. 6.31 10.10.31

Went over to Mrs. 'faylor 1 s with Laurie Olding to take the flowers. What a badgel (This refers to the huge floral tribute consisting of a replica in flowers of the School crest some four feet square).

Hr. Taylor 1 s funeral service at St. Mary's Church, Lewisham. Tennis Club Wind-Up at Frascati 1 s.

7. 5.32 12th Annual Festival O.R.A. 29.10.32 3.12.32



86 there.

Unveiling of Memorial at School to Mr. R.S.Taylor. by O.R.D.S .. at School. (As far as my records show this was the Society's swan song at the school before winding up after having put on two to foUr shows a year since 1923~ 11 Ann 11

A.G.M. O.R.A.

Elected President

Vice Mr. Home.

Alec Taylor concludes, "these reminders of many happy times have been with me for years together \vith manyphotosof the 1922 Matric Form, the Cricket Team in Victoria Park, Annual Festivals since the early 30's and last but not least a 4' long panoramic photo dated the 19th October,1919, with Mr. Richard Strange Taylor in the centre, masters on either side, surrounded by the whole school with everybody in a stiff white collar."

1ST O.R.A. 'MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR' Twenty five people in eleven cars took part in this first event rnn for and by the 11 yonnger 11 Old Ra:ineians. Starting from the school the competitors spent several happy hours exploring the lesser !mown parts of Epping Forest guided by cryptic clues and neurotic navigators. The course \vas split into two,sections;the first part of 21 miles taking approximately 70 minutes - few people achieved this, some clocking 2 hrs. 30 minutes and covering only 40 milesl The second section finished at "The 01vl Pub 11 in Eppi:1g Forest where all competitors eventually arrived for well-earned refreshment. The weather was kind to us and everybody agreed it vras a thoroughly enjoyable day out. Two cash pr zes were awarded to the winner and rnnners-up. The first three places were as follows:lst Alan Choat/Pete Martin (£2.) 2nd Peter and Sandra Ashdown (£1.) 3rd Tony Rush/Barbara Daniels. Subsequent 11 rallies 11 will be held in the future and it is hoped that even more Old Haineians will support 1vha t turned out to be a very successful event. BOB SIMMONS AND li'RANCIS MOTT. LOOKING FORWARD Secretarial Session 30th September 1969 at 7.30 in School. welcome provided that they can read and write! 28th October 1969 Friday 21st November

All are

Speech Day! Old Boys' Supper - Talbot Restaurant.

Saturday 7th March 1970.

President's Party- Abercorn Rooms.

Saturday 4th April 1970

' Mid-Easter Vacation Dance at the City Pri.de, Liverpool Street. Tickets 7/6d. single, · 12/- double.

MISCELLANEOUS 250th Anniversary Fnnd

Donations may still be made to the Fnnd which 1vill remain open nntil the end of the year. The total at present is £302.15.10.

Ties and Blazer Badges

From Doug Walton, 7 Oxford Close, Cheshm1t, Herts. Ties - £1. Badges - gold wire £2.5.6. Cloth 10/6d. (Proces include postage)

Raine's Retrospect

A number of copies of our special commemorative magazine are available to members. Price 7/6d. from Frank Morris.

We have tried to incorporate news from Old Raineians of all ages. Please help to make the next bulletin as interesting as possible by forwarding any ne1vs to Frank Morris.


OLD RAINEIANS 1 ASSOCIATION (President: Miss E.Parsons) Hon. Sec rete ry: Frank Morris, 10, Eccleston Cres., Romford, RM6 4QU (01-590-4680)

NEWS OF OLD RAINEIANS. -=~-=r::====-1lC.=-====J::!:t=-

Ian ADLINGTON : is working for 2 years prior to going to College to train to be a Baptist Minister. R.E. BOURNE (1924~31) : is living in East Anglia and writes regularly to staff he knew at Raines. For the past 20 years he has been Headmaster of a County Primary School and at present has 168 boys and girls between 5 and 11 at his School. Rev. George CLOKE : is the Executive Editor of a new Youth Magazine entitled "Youth" supported by the major churches in Great Britain and Ireland. It will be sold through Youth Organisations from January 1970. Janice CROCKFORD (1957-63) : was married last August and is now living in the wilds at 26, Rainsborough Gds., Market Harborough, Leics. Sandra DORRIS (1962-8) and Alan JOHNSON (1960-8) : were married on 13th December, 1969. Janet DULSON (1960-5) : recently married to become Mrs. Hawthorne and is now living at Waltham Abbey, Essex. Rite FISHER (1958-65) : is living in Leatherhead, Surrey. She was engaged on 9.10.69 and is getting married on 3.10.70 at Leatherhead Parish Church. Rita is the Vice-Chairman of the Leatherhead Young Conservatives and is attending Evening Classes ~ for the study of creative writing. William H. FRANKLIN (1931-6) : was probably best known for his rugger and swimming whilst at School. He has been Manager of the West Croydon Branch of the Westminster Bank for the last 5i years. Any Old Raineians passing by are welcome to pop in to see him. Stephen FOSTER (1953-60) : went to Hull University when he left School and then to Cambridge. It \'\aS there he met the lady who w~e to become his wife. They now live at Hornchurch, Essex, a mile from the Technical School where he is the Senior Physics Master. G.S. GARDINER : joined the Army in October 1969 and is based at Arborfield, nr. Reading, Berks. G.R. GILLON (1959-64) : was married on 23.8.69 and now lives in Oxted, Surrey. He attended the 250th Anniversary at St. Paul's but was disappointed that he saw few of his classmates there. Lynne GRAY (Nee SCOTT - 1950/56) : a second son was born in December 1969. Nargaret YOUDLE is the Godmother. Eve HEREFORD : now.Mrs. Thomas, has been living abroad with her husband. Dick MANSFIELD : became engaged to a 'Yorkshire Lass' in August and hopes to marry next summer at Skipton. Silvia MARKOVITCH (1944-8) : now Mrs. Berch, is living in Ealing. She was remarried in 1967 and has a new baby daughter, making three daughters and a son. She is attending a part-time Teachers Training Course and hopes to teach some time in the near future . • ROBER!S-BUTLER (1928-32) : is living in Seven Kings, Essex. He would like to know whether there are any members of the Association who did their stint in Burma, in the Kabaw Valley be~ween Tamu and Kalewa before going to Rangoon and home.


2 -

Michael SAUNDERS : is a Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police and is living in Chadwell Heath with his wife and three children. Bob SMITH : was married on 8.11.69 at Harpenden, Herts., to an Australian Air Hostess. He works at Australia House. Railton ST. DENNIS-KELLY (1960-7) :has moved to the University of Nottingham where he is studying Economics. Ernest TARLING : started working at Australia House just before Bob Smith. Nine months ago he was transferred to the Air Attache's Office of the Australian Embassy in Paris. NE~S FROM NA!!i!~!· On leaving School, John F. KIRVAN (1953-60) took Mr. Shivas' ad~ice and went to work in the West· End Branch of the Friends Provident and Century Group, a large composite Insurance Group. In 1966 his application to go to the Nairobi Branch was accepted and he is now in charge of the ~ife Assurance side of his office. Once a week he lectures at the Kenya Polytechnic where the Insurance Institute have a Course for new' recruits. He enjoys the lecturing immensely. Last year John and his brother went on a 1,000 mile Safari and had many hair-raising experiences including getting his car stuck in the mud in a river and meeting with a pride of over 20 lions while collecting wood for the camp fire. If any Old Raineians are in Nairobi he would be most pleased to meet them. He can usually be found at the Friends Provident, or at Nairobi Cathedral where he sings with the Choir. His telephone number is Nairobi 23738. REW2_FR~_[EW ZEALA!~· (Source Ted and Harry SCOTT) To their knowledge there are only four Old Raineians in New Zealand - Bob ATTWELL (known as Ginger in the days of the O.R. Rugby Club), Ted SCOTT (1922-9), his brother Harry (1914-19) and Harry's son Don SCOTT (1939-44). Bob has settledin the South Island at ChristchuPch. He has a· numerous family and lives on a couple of acres of land which he works as a small market garden. Harry SCOTT moved to New Zealand in 1952 and lives in St. Hilliers, a seaside suburb about 15 minutes drive from Auckland. He works with the other member of the family, Ted, for the Shaw Sav{lle Line - an English Shipping Line. Ted lives in Hawick, also a marine suburb which is reminiscent of the London green belt. Don lives in yet another marine suburb within easy reach of Auckland. He has, with some assistance from his wife, acquired four children. Motoring is still a pleasure in New Zealand with petrol at 39 cents (3/7d) per gallon, registration at 17 dollars (£7-10-0) and Comprehensive Insurance at 25 dollars (£12-10-0) for £700 cover. Once clear of the City congestion, which takes 5 - 10 minutes, a drive is unimpeded to destination. One setback is that the standard of driving is appalling. fONGRATULATIONS T~_LSamuel BREWER : St. Andrews University - Astro Physics. Martin DURNE : Kent - Maths/Physics. Eric FARLEY : Cardiff - Geography. Cameron MACPHEE : Loughborough - Aeronautical Engineering. Michael MULRENAN : Middlesex Hospital - Medicine. Bob SI}rnONDS : Christs, Cambridge - Maths/Economics. Fred GROOM : Reading - History. Lesley TEAR : Reading - Sociology. Linda BELLAMY : Glamorgan College of Education. David BROWN : Culham College of Education. David DRAKE : Manchester College of Technology - History. Joan NUNN : F.L. Calder College of Education, Liverpool. Tony PICKFORD : Enfield College of Technology - Chemis,ry. Dennis WICKS : Manchester College of Technology - Economics.



Vi vi en WAELAND - Head Girl William MACKENZIE - Head Boy Francis ROBERTS - Deputy Head Girl Stephen SOLLY - Deputy Head Boy. LOST!! Sid HILSON - Rayleigh ) Gillian ARMSTRONG - E.l. ) Ang~la MULLER - E.? ) Recent correspondence has been Robert WILLIAMS - Hornchurch ) returned marked 'moved away•. Elizabeth STEWART - S.W.l ) The Secretary would be interested Olive BUSH - Maidstone ) to hear from any Member who knows ) Monica CAWTE-SIMS any new addresses. Lesley TREMLETT ) Pamela DAWSON ) MQ.!lli.Jill.WS OF OLD RAINEI!li§.. John BARRY and Donald EAST (1962-9) are working for a firm of Chartered Accountants near Aldgate. Geoff CLARKE (1961-8) : is working as a trainee Accountant with Lambeth Borough Council. David COLLIER (1961-8) : is working as an articled clerk for a firm of Chartered Accountants at Liverpool Street. George DALTON (1960-8) is studying Mechanical Engineering on a Sandwich Course. Susan HIBBARD (1964-9) : is working as an audio-typist at the Bank of England. Alan KINGDOM (1964-9) : is working in an Insurance Office near th~Monument. David McDONNEL~ (1961-8) : is an assistant chemist in the Assay Office Laboratory of a scrap metal merchant. He is an active member of a South London Motoring Club. Wayne BURTT (1958-65) : has gone to Uganda to teach Chemistry for 2 years. Shelley GODFREY (1964-9) : has started a 2 year course in hair-styling and beauty culture. Albert LIPKA (1964-9) : is training to be a Policeman at Hendon. Richard TILLBROOK (1961-8) : is at the College of St. Mark and St. John and has just completed his second teaching practise at Buckingham Gate School. Gillian MANTLE (Nee ARMSTRONG - 1958-65) : was married on 15.3.69 and moved to Dundee in August where she is likely to stay for 2 years. Manuel POSEY (Menachem POSEKOFF - 1930-5) : and his wife called in at the School just before the Christmas holiday. After a tour conducted by Mr. Spooner, Manuel ordered a tie and a gold wire badge, paid a Life Membership subscription, mad~ a contribution to the 250th Anniversary Fund and presented the School with a Trophy. He is a stock broke~ on Wall Street. Margery SCOTT (Nee TAYLOR) : has a son, Daniel. George TYLER : is in Greenwood Nursing Home, La Roque, Jersey, Channel Islands. A month ago his son wrote : 1 He is very comfortable and well looked after - he seems to be settling down although of course he misses his friends'. Joan and John HOOKER : are now the proud parents of a son - Julian Russel born on 28.11.69. One of his Godparents will be Ron HARRAD. Anthony TOBIN (1958-63) ; now living at 12, Shelley Close, Pound Hill, Crawley, Sussex, would be ~ased to hear from any of his contemporaries. Anthony has been married for 2 years and has . . an eleven months old daughter. M~tyn ARMITAGE (1958-63) : is in the Data Processing Department of Peak Frean Ltd., of Bermondsey and hopes to become a Systems Analyst. Often recalls his stay at Rainespnd has many pleasant memories. His brother, Alan (1956-61) is also in •Computers• at Lloyds Bank Computer Centre, Cannon Street, and is getting engaged to Liz

- 4 Dr Henry WILKINS : has been compiling a list of the names of Head Boys since 1912. The list is almost complete and the Secretary would be pleased to hear from anyone who can help fill in the blanks :1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 ~925-26

1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30

J.Ellowitz - Martin - Francie - P.R.Jones - Turner R.J.H.Banks S.A.Coase F. Hirtes J. Dawson & W.D.Lyons I.Schreiber W.N.Thorpe L.V.Ferminger c. Clark - Harvey A. Lee

19301931 1932 1933·1934 19351936 1937 19381939 1940 19411942 1943 1944 -

1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

R.T. Bourne - Ketoher E.H. Blacker M. Guter K. Maton P. Jarvis V. Dennison

Manuel POSEY - an extract from a letter received by the Secretary dated 27-2-70: 'Dear Frank, Your letter and that of Mr. Spooner overwhelmed me. Please accept the additional contribution to the 250th Fund - but please no fanfare. I left Raines to go to America - the four years at the School meant more to me than you can imagine. I eeek no honour, but just the ability to repay a great debt. The School gave me a sense of justice and taught me a code I try to maintain in this ~jungle in which we live. My regards to all of you. Manual Posey.



LODGE John MATTHEWS (1956) was installed as Master by hie father, Stanley MATTHE~lS (1919-24) at the Meeting held on 21.2.70.

NEWS FRO:f1 AROUND THLWORLg Mrs Elsie P. WILLIAMS (Nee DALY - 1933-8) of 3751, Alma Drive, Memphis, Tenn., 38127, U.S.A.· has 5 sons and 3 daughters and longs to get back to hospital work having got almost half-way through Nurses Training at Millers General Hospital, Greenwich, when she married. She is now doing an L.P.N. Course (Nursing). Ann WINN (1960-4) : left England for Australia on 24.10.69. Her address is 8/47 Egan St., Newtown, Sidney, N.S.W. Aust., 2042. In a letter to the Secretary dated 27.1.70, Ann says she has an interesting job with the Post Office. Mrs Lilian R• STATTERS (Nee COSEY - 1947-52) : has 4 children and is hoping to enter University, join the Faculty of Education and eventually become a teacher. Her address is P.O. Box 256, 6laresholm, Alberta, Canada_ Leslie s. GREEN (1911-20) ; writes from Flat 5, 61 Milan St., Mentone,~ Victoria, Australia, 3194. His wife saw a report of the Duche~ of Kent's visit to the School in an Australian W~men's Magazine. Leslie emigrated to Australia in 1947 and is now retired. Richard BATES : of Flat 17, Illawong Ave., Bondi, N.S.W., 2026, had an exciting trip overland and sold his van in Singapore •. He is now working for Westinghouse.

- 5 Dr. Harold FENTON (Head boy 1956/?) : has 2 children and lives at 58, Rehor Uziel, Bayit V1 gan, Jerusalem, Israel. In 1968 he was appointed Head Pharmacologist of the Institute of Pharmacology atbched to the Prime Minister's Office and is concerned with the development of new drugs, their pharmacology and toxicology. VictoT-LOWRY: writes from Irobb St., Revesby, N.S.W., Australia, 2212. He is on a 4 year course of study for a Management Certificate. He works for a plastic's company and is the assistant to the Factory Manager, responsible for production planning and co-ordination. The ~retary has long letters from all of the above. They all hold fond memories of Raines and would like to hear from any Old Raineians. Copies of their letters are available from Frank Morris. !4TE_ADD!,IIQ.N.. David c. BROVffiE (1964) ; Since leaving Thames Television, where he was employed as a designer, has been doing a Course in Films and Television Studies with reference to Education at the Berkshire College of Education, Reading, with the object of bee teacher. David writes : 1 We hope to initiate a B.E in this subject in 2 year's time and i£ so Reading wi the only University in Britain to have such a degree. Many people have been pushing for such a degree and I feel some of the pupils at School might have an interest in such a subject, especially those in the Arts Section of the VIth Form.' David, who will be spending the summer in Canada and America says he would like to know how the friends he made at School~re getting on. !&.Q.KING BACK Ih~_Sch~ol_~~~~~~

Several Old Raineians assisted by 'running' the plants stall on 6.12.69 and realised a profit of £11.4.0d for the Parent's Association and the School Scouts.


Donations may still be made to the Fund.


From Doug. Walton, ?, Oxford Close, Cheshunt, Herts. Ties £1 Badges Gold wire £2.5.6d. Silk 10s. 6d. (Prices include postage) A number of copies of the School's special commemorative magazine are available to members. Price ?s. 6d. from Frank Morris.


If you have any news about yourself or other Old Raineians please write. Written by

GEOFF. CLARKE and DAVID COLLIER. Typing errors contributed by : RICHARD TILLBROOK

, April, 1970


' OLD RAINEIANS' .ASSOCIATION . ·(President: Mise E. Pareone). Hon. Secretary: Frank Morris, 10 Eccleston Crescent, Romford, ilM6 ltQu.

(01-590-4680) NEWS No. 7 July, 1970 At the Annuill Gener~l Meeting held on 25th March, GEORGE OSBORNE wee J1ected as President Elect ·for 1971. MARGARET YOUDLE end GEOF RIDGWAY were elected as Vice Presidents of the Association and JAN MANSFIELD wea'apPointed ea Assistant Secretary. DEREK ARCHER (1946-51) called in et ·th~ School in March. District Super-Visor for Sun Alliance.

Be is now.the·

SANDRA ASHDOWN hed e baby boy on 6th. June, 1970. GILIJAN BARKER Heed Girl in 1966/7, takes her B.A. et Manchester College of Technology this summer and is going into Banking. MICBAEL BISHOP Head Boy in l960 was the Best Man et ALAN THOROUGHOQD'S wedding• Miehael is now precticing as a gynaecologist ·in Newb~ry.

A. F. BROWN who was et the School for 21 years {5 years as 8 pupil end 16 years on the s~aff) is the Senior· Admin. Assistant in the Barking Education Office and· sends his regards to all who remember him.

ROSEHARt·cox ~ taking Fin~ et Somerville College 0 Oxford this year end is going on to take the Dip. Ed. et Oxford. JULIUS GINSWICK (1928-35) L.S.E. 1935-38 ill now Professor of Economic History at the University of Sydney, N.s.w. Julius .married AMY KAHN - one of Old Reineian twins. Their two children are· reading Geology. at the University of Sydney. EVELYN KAHN the other· twin is married .to Prof. Righerd Pear 0 Professor of Government at the University of Nottinghiun. Juliu.e OinJswick visited th~ School in March being on a year's sabbatical. leave. He is touring America, Europe end Japan and will be returning to Australia in October. As a eontemperary of Welly Spoonere et L.S.E. they were able to exchange news. J.O. has met MUSHIN who is now Professor of Anaesthetics at Cardiff Medical School, also ALFRED MAIZELS who is with the U.N. et Genen and has ju5t published another book on 'World Trade and Me~ufacturere•.

ot ~1.3. 70 reperting on the Easter COnference of the International Friendship League carried en article oft the Movement'& International Vice-Chairmen, Len Goes. "ten has been a .ember ~f the Motem~nt for 20 years. Last year he we~ Honorety Director of the International Assembly, held for the first time ever in Wales and· for the first tiee in a decade in Britain. Len in speaking of the League said 1 We of different ages, eolouri, creeds, and beliefs,.but ve ere united by our e.i• to spread international understanding, friendship lil!d eventu8.ll;t lie hope peace, t~ ill!proved personal relationships vhich ilay ultiutel:r spread to gove~ental . levea.• ten vho is Inforution Officer e.t Unberaity College, Swansea, is alao President ot the Jevish Students Society. !EN OOSS The Brighton Evening Post



- 2 -

- 3 -

SMrrR (l96o-66)'are

active membera o~ the Girl.s Venture Corps (Air Wing) Woolvi.ch and both play in the Unit's Band which ha!! been _sal~cted ~o.play in the Royal 'Tournament at Earls Court this year.

LY.N KALIER! (nee liE'o'MAH and


Dip. Ed. at Goldsmiths' College.

Micia:EI.LE P!!ILIP~( (Head 'Girl 1965/66) grduated in languages last ;year .and is going to settle iri Israel.

THE llR!FFINS AMATEUR BASKETBAU. CLUB - 'l.'ERRY DAY, the Hon. Sac. reporta the Club has again been selected to represent 'rover !r&mlets in an inter-area tournament to be pla:yed ea !!.ll exhibition 1113teh on the opening day o~ the East Herts Teclmical College and also in a triangle metch at Brighton. The Club reached the last sixteen in the .England Championships.

NIGEL PHILPOT - In February 1970 ha was working for the Berlitz School of


languages in Casablanca, Morrocco. R. St. DENIS-KELLY - Left in 1966 and is 'reading for his degree in Sociology at Leicester University. CRRISTI_NE (nee HOE)·. and JOlrn 'sM:m -: Ne'w address 22 &yez: Hou~e. Go1de.n Lane, E. C.l. Ne_w baby: A,lexander born 2.3. '20. PAutrNE SMITH (nee JOEL) (1955-61) has a little boy of 4 years ~d e baby girl aged &months. ANNETTE O•SULLIVAN.(nee ASHCROFT) an old school. friend is a Godmother to her. daughter.

BOYS -·A number o~ the blanks.tn the list of Head Boya 1912-45 published in NEWS No. 6 have been filled in, but it is still incomplete.. ·

LIFE MEMBERSHIP CARDS - New cards heve now been received ~rom the printers. is hoped they vi.ll be enclosed with this News Letter, i ! not they vi.ll be distributed to Life Members as soon as possible.


TIES AND lli.AZE:R BAOOES - From DOUG \IALTON, 7 Oxford Close, Cheshunt, Herts. Ties are £1, Badges made of gold wire are £2 5s. 6d. and Badges made of silk are 10s. 6d. All prices include postage,

RAINE'l RErROSPECT ~ A nUlllber of copies of the School •·s special COIII!IIetiOrative magazine ere still available to members. Price 7s. 6d. from Frank Morris

ROBERr HALL of Il:ford - I.DST! CLARE HAYWARD complet.es a three year _.course a.t

Trent this summer.

RICHARD ROLT is the Secretary of the ll.H.U. Office Cleaning SerVices, llO"'riiA ' fifrDSoN (1961~67)' w~~ married on l4th February,. 1970 in the Guards' Chapel, Wellington llarrack.6 'to Trooper Paul MALIA of the Royal Horse Guards and is now in. ~erma.ny •.


JOY KINSMAN (nee'·cATUNG). (1957-6.3) 1ol%'ote the Secretary in April. as follows: When I left Raines in 1963 I went to work for the West End branch of the Royal Insurance Group •...;I:t· was ,here that I met Peter, my husband and we were married in 1965. He is still with them arid is a Claims. Inspector. When we \o/ere married \o/e \o/ent to live in Southend, Essex where I worked ss a cashier with &relays Bank until our :first son, Jeremy was born in 196.7, We moved to 303 lieechings Way, Re.inham, Kent et the end of 1968 and .have a second son, Mark >~ho waa born on 20, 2. 70.. I would deerly love to hear from any of my eontemparies, especially Margaret Fisher, Sandra Karter, Pet Jerdine·and Chris Parriek with ·whom I seem to have lost touch. I wonder whether Miss Eileen Munn, \o/ho was Games Mistress while I ·was there remembers myself end Lee Georgia des and our et tempts to win e place in the Olympic Team!!!! I w:onder, too, whether Miss Hazel Griffen (German Mistress) remembers the 'Pie and Mash' meal we .had and how Pet Jardine.and myself used to plague the life out of her. I won't say my school days were my happiest days, but I do have some :fond memories of my 6 years spent at Raiues end shall alveys hold e special affection for Rsines and the staff and all they did for me.


o~ S.E.l4 -


ALAN THOROUGHGOOD (M.I.E,E.) is in charge o~ the lightiug at London Ail'p()rt and . has recently eompleted the lighting .arrangements !or the rtlllway !or the '747•.• IESIEY 'J;~. ~o:dt&<l in an insurance ~!!ice !or three years after learlng School and !or .the past two :rears has been .t.ach.in« in a !n~anta School in ~nhAII.,,

. _.

PM' ofRtnwf ~, bHJi ~illg.'feaching Practice (in Engliah) at Stratford~·­ School. Pat graduated at th!inrsit:r o! Reading laat year and ill nov doiDg a

lst SEPrD-IBER, 1970 - A reminder to girls in 5A in 1965 to meet under Nelson's Column at 8.0 p.m. 6th SEPTD!EER, 1970 - Car Rally 12th SEPTEMBER, 1970 - Dance at the City ·Pride, Liverpool Street. 20th NOVEMBER, 1970 - The Old lloys' Supper 6th MARCH, 1971 - The President's Party at the Abercorn Rooms,


OLD RAINEIANS• ASSOCIATION (President: Miss E. Persons) Hon. Secretary: Frank Morris, 10 Eccleeton Crescent, Romford, RM6 4QU.


GEO:FFilEY CLIIRKE has been apPOinted Tre~v;r•n· of the Association. Our grateful thanks are due to RON 1:rn:EELER who for tlw lel!lt two years has looked after our accounts. We wish him every success in hh new ap:poi.ntment in Birminghalll. THE NEW PIN BADGE in silver with blue !'lll!!llel is now availeble. safety grip fe.atening for use as a t\ll vin oll' coat b~dge.

It he.s a special

rd. -

This really is exceptional velue for J.Oa, obtaiMble from Fr:'lnk. Uorris or Doug Walton. (Mothers and girl/boy friPodF etc, ple-ase note cheques/p.o.•s to be made payable to the Old Raineiene' Af:,sor.:htion.) ROSEMARY COLL!NS (1955/62) wrote to th~ S~cr~tary on 6th August:- I thought I had better give you my New Zec>lnnd Eddrees AS I don't >re.nt to miaa out on Old Reineian News. I arrived in N.z. in January Ynd efter working for Air New Zealand in Aucltland I came down to Wellinl!ton to join Datebenk. S:y'Eltem Ltd. ss a Trainee C<JIIIputer Programer. I must Bfi<Y r :find the loiOrk ~ntereeti.ng if a little ha:rd at times. If you know of anyone over here or llkely tp be here I should be only too willing to see them or put up any wandering pommes - we have a apare bed! We are right on the sea front and beve a 30sec walk to the beach and heated awil!!llling pool. We are slao close to work lllld I have the unlr.no1m luxury of bei.ng able to stay in bed until 8 a. m. Even .,hen T W'lS at School I ceught the 7. 40 a.m. train! Is anyone in touch >rith GILLIAF BRYf.llT or KAY JEFFERSON please? ROSEliJ\RY wants to contact them.


G. (BILL) BOWGILL Cl92l/ZJ is now e. Life Member. Bill retired as Sub Maneg,?r of a b~k and is now the Employment Officer for Pleeeeya, He ia en Associate Hel!lber of the Institute of Bankers ~.nd hes two sons, two grllJldsons and a grand · daughter. KELVDI H. BROWN (1959/64) works in a Trsvel Agency end travels aro1md the country extensively. PHILIP KAT (83 last July) who wM awarded to echolar6hip from Bernare Street Council School (after two goes!) in 1899, >rrote to the Secretary in August starting with the following quotation: 1 0ft in the still night when slumber's chain !lath bound me Fond me111'ry brings the light of other days around me'. Mr. A. BROCKWELL S.E.l. (Life Member) - Moved - Address not kn.own.

- 3 -

- 2MICHAEL RAWKINS (19.59/67) recently got married. University.

He met his vi.fe while at Swansea

THERESA REID is at the City of Birmingham College of Education studying Geography. GLYNDER GRIFFITRS is at Kent University studying Maths.

TON! RUSH (1960/67) recently married. BARBARA DANIELS (1960/67) and. they now have a PETER PRESS is at Sussex University studying Maths.

flat at Kings Cross.

JOHN REEVE3 (1960/67) is to marry JUtiE SPENCER (1961/67) on 30th October. RAWKINS is to be best man.


NOEMAN EVANS (196o/67) recently emigrated to Australia for health reasons. EDWAllD Mt1Ili'HY (1960/66) 'went along for the ride'· KIETH DYlKO (1960/67) who is now married and lives in New Zealand. reports that all is going well and he has just recently purchased a house. ROBERr HALL new address:-

18 Southbourne Gardens, nford, Essex.

llENNIS J.I.AC NAMARA (1960/67) has gained an upper 2nd B.A. Sociology degree this year at Essex University. He hopes to go on to obtain his M.A. SEYMOUR MYEllS now living L"l 1-ihitefield, Manchester, has a son (8 months) and works for a civil engineering firm mainly concerned with building houses and flats. GEORGE O•SULLIVAN graduated from Cambridge as a Senior Optime and is going to the University of Birmingham (October) to study for one year for an M.Sc. in mathelllatical statistics. GEORGE spent part of the summer vacation doing statistical work with the Civil Service. NOURYE RATIBB is working for the Guardian Royal Exchange Insurance Group in their Personnel Department and finds the work very interesting. She passed the first part of the Institute of Insurance Examinations this year. CRRISTINE BAim! (nee CU'l'l!BERl') (1961/67) was llla.Tried earlier this year and is living in Plaistow.

JE!'IEFER WYETH is now at Avery Hill College training to teach divinity.

STEl?EEN BEWI'l'T is at Lancaster University studying History.


Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed

Head Girl Deputy Head Girl Head Boy Deputy Head Boy

TEE BASKETBALL CLUB eventually finished last season winning Div. 2 of their league, the league knockout cup and the Grammarian Trophy presented by Enfield Grammar School. They hope to begin this season in the Essex League Premier division and reports of all their matches can be found regularly in the East London Advertiser. It is also hoped that_ they will hold their first dinner ar.d dance this Christmas. CAR 'RALLY' - GEOF CLARKE our rally enthusiast who organised the outing on Sunday, 6th September thanks all these who turned out. The weather was perfect and he hopes they all enjoyed themselves as >l!UCh as he did! The drivers and navigators of the first seven oars were:lst ALAN CHOAT & PETER MARriN 2nd RICHARD TILIJ3ROOK & BARRY QUIRK 3rd RICHARD TASSEL & DAV!D COLLIER 4th COLIN CLARKE & DAVID MCDONNEL 5th DAVID STUARr & FHILIP SELWAY 6th MICHAEL COIE! & SANDRA SISEMAN 7th NORMAN WOOD & PAULINE SIS])Wq REUNION AT TEE SCHOOL - for many years the girls have held an Annual Reunion. The 1971 Reunion will be held at the School on Friday, 19th March from 6 p.m. and on this occasion invitations will be sent to both male and female members. We hope you will come along and meet again some of your friends of school years as well as present and past members of the staff.

ROBERr MATrl!EWS is working as a G.P.O. Telephone Apprentice. STEPEEN CHAPLIN is training to be a draughtsman, PETER RAY and GEOF BAIBAM are training to be G.P.O. Telecanmnications experts. RICHARD LANGm! is working as a Shop Assistant in the Sports Depart111ent. DAVID 5KEETS is working in an In.surance Brokers. ANITA SMITH passed Part I of the Institute of ~era Examinations and is now studying for Part n. ANITA is also studying German follovi.n.g a holiday in Austria BILL EVERE'l'T is teaching at Cardinal Griffen School, East


WILLIAM QUJGm! is at Berkshire College of Education reading German. RCTH CROMARrY is at Battersea College of Education studying Art. RITA B:llTTON is at Rachell McMillan College of Education studying English.

ASSOCIATION ACCOUNTS It was not possible for the accounts to be a.udited prior to their being presented to the Annual General Meeting on 25.3. 70. The audit has now been carried out and copies of the Balance Sheet and of the Income and Expenditure Account as at 31.1. 70 can be obtained on request from the Treasurer, Mr. G. Clarke, 141 New Cross Road, London, S.E.l4.


AS S 0 C I AT I 0 N

President: Hiss E. Pnrsons Hon. Secretary: Frenk Morris, 10 Eccleston Crescent, Romford, RH6 4QU. 01 590 1+680

!fE\-{搂__ No_<;.......2_ February


THE OLD RAINEIANS' PIN BADGE: This is still available from Fra.nk l1orris or Doug Wa.lton. It is in silver and blue enamel with a special sefety grip fe.stening for use os e. tie pin or coet budge. This &. must for all members male and female and exceptional value nt 55p. Don't m:tss this oppertunity. Send for your Pin Badge NOH. C.'heques Bnd post8l orders payable to the Old Raineians' Association. VIAY1ill BUI\'TT is in Uganda. He vTould like to henr from any O.R. 1 s especially ERIC HORRIS, ACHILLES SOTIRI, PAUI, TENPIE and ROGER CRAHER. His E>.ddress is P.O. Box 26 ~ Kisul1i, Entebbe, Ugandn. BARBARA NE1t.TON (1964-70) is v;orking e.s P sccretery in a. Petents Agent at Chancery L:me. She became engaged to MICK COr.TJilW in September. Both her sisters are viell. CHERYL (1963-76) is \路larking as a Shorthand Typist end JANET (1961--67) is a Secretnry, !1ICHPJ.n, lEE (left 1964) l~res m2rried to SUSAN BRACKEN in October~ He is at present \路Jorking at the Hidland Bank in Coleman Street, E. C. 2. as a Security Clerk. He uov: lives in Hornchurch.

DAVID TUCKER (left 196l1) no\.,r works with HICRAEL LBE after living for two years in \.Jhi tstable. COLIN PHILLIPS (1959-66) has tal<en a B. Tech. at lough borough and obtained a 2(!) .. He is now Harking at Hawker Siddeley' s a.t Kingston. IAN HOPE (1964-70) is '<'larking for a firm of Solicitors as a Trcdnee I.egnl Executive., DAVID NacOONNELL is novl Harking as a Computer Operator. RAYNOND HAR~IS grnduated v.rith 1st Class Honours in Hathematics nt Imperial College and is now doing research in the Statistical I..::J.boratory at Ccombridge University. He gained a Bronze Hedal when swimming for British Universities in the vlorld Student G,:?lmes"

DAVID BARFORD also graduated v<i th 1st Class Honours in Mathemntics with RAYHOND. ALAN KINGOOH (1964-69) no\'' works for t:m Insurance Broker at the Honument and is getting engaged in Hay. JOHN HALL (1964-70) hopes to become an Insurance Surveyor. working in Leadenhall Street for en Insurance Broker.,

At the moment he is

Dr .. NARK GUTER (1927-34) has been appointed Professor of Chemical Engineering at

University College London from Hay 1971. Chemical Industry.

'l'his a_ppointment is o.fter 30 yee_rs in the


- 2-

N., I,ICBFIELD (1927--34) is e.lso a Professor at University College London. t.he Department oi Tovm Planning.

He is in

LHIDJ\. st·UTH m.<lrried a l!'lying Officer in October cmd is going to live in Germany at R,.A.F. Briggen. LINDA hc:s recently been mv'&.rded the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award. SYLVIA HYDE (left 1967) is no'~<l Mrs .. FINCH. CHRISTINE LANE (left 1964) is nmr Hrs., PORTHOUSE. HAUREEN TAHR (left 1967) is no\'< Hrs., NEIL. RITA FISHER is now Mrs. BL.l\YDON. I.DST ... CHRIS GRIFFITHS, BO\·! - Gone Aw:::.y. KEITH Cill~ONG, He,ckney - Demolished. MIGHE!IL vlHI'fiNG, Hotherhi the - Demolished., Hrs. I,IJmA BERESFORD (nee IAVIHG), l.t-0 Halton Road .. Noved. Hiss HIT A HUTTON, 206 Brunst-d eh Road - Hove d. I. D.I\INON, T...auriston Road - Hove d. Any news please?



held at the Chicken Inn, Victor:i <l on the 20th November.

The attendance It ;-ws a real treat to see Dr. BIIJ~;y UIJJGNS, FRMTK LU'l'ON, GEORGE I..OUGRBOROUGH, DUDL'SY HERRIOT sll(l ~JO!{N RC~DJ~II O[)Et.ir... ~'}1r~ t·?~nir1g ''!f.:f: a ~)it sl1o:r~t: Ch1e to th.t:~ b~Jr c.!_os1~r1[3; n-t lOp .. r:-:.~ lmt some members m1maged to fincl c\ pub somevrhcre to finish off the evening in. Qur thonks goes to FP..ED COLTJIN.S Nho did an excellc-mt job a.s C,'hairnwn.

i<ms a bit dissnppointing in spite of good support from the School Stc:ff..

GP..IFF,INS BASKETI3AIJ. TEl\H The Griffins Basketball Temn l?.re having another successful seasonc They noH have a membership of 3J., <m increr..,,se of 2l~ in hro years due to the fonn?tion of a colts team. I·kny of the members of the Colts team t>.re still nt the School. Unfortun;:;.tcly they only avE:re.ge 12 speetators at home nwtches, although they have seating for 200! Anybody \·;ho has 10 minutes to spa.re Ylould be welcomed. The Griffins plo.y on FRIDAY nights <:1t POPLAR BATHS, t.ip-off 8.0pcm~ FIXTURES are as follov;s: SEHIOR TEAH - ·Feb 26th Home Y.H.CftA. Nar 5th Home Cheete.hs Mar 8th Aw.:cy Avenue (Chingford) Har 19th Home Y.H .. C.A., Seniors Har 22nd -- Har 31st Somi--l"inels Cup COI1l'S . - l1a.r· lot i\iri&.y I~ewll&:fi ( C:::zlt!J i11g !fot.,l11, E.l6) ~ Details of away fixtures t=md cup matches c0.n be obtained from 'rEl\HY DAY by 'phone, Hornchurch 48073. SUPPORT THE O.. :R.A. buy your tie-pin br::dge now. See front p8ge for dete.ils. forget they can be used t?S n cod be.dge. Also availDble E~re Blezer B~1dges Broaches at 25p, end ties e.t £1. HAVE YOU ANY NEUS of yom·self or other Old R:::d.neinJO. to FRANK HOHIHS.


If you have then ple8se v;rite

OLD RATI!EIAI'S ' ASSOCIATION ------· President: G••l'. Osborne, Esq.

Hon Secretary Richard Tillbrook, Ke~~ngtcn Rd., lD!lfiJN, S.E.l.


01-92.8-6470 NE',·/8 No. 10 Augu~;t,


FRA?-1:\ HORRIS is retiring after 12 yea:m as Secretary of the Association. He has been appointed to the Railways OO(trd and es this entailo a lot of extra work and tr~rvelling he feais that he vmst give up the secretl'ryship. Every Old Rcdneian o-,;es FRAN:.>\ a debt of gratitude for the interest be hst:J shown and the assistance he has given to us all. He hao never stopped working to eMu• re the success and smooth running of the Association. We wish him all the best of luck i.n his new position. ft.£ FRANK leaves so we have a now Secrl!•tery RICHARD (DICK) TIIJ,B.F:OOK. 1-'.ay we welcome him to his new post and wish him every success. Please send all correspondence to DICK whose address is at the top of the paee. DICK has junt left college and is ta.l(ing up an appointment as Handicraft Haster at Davenant Foundation Grammar School, Loughton.

Mr. H.R.K. BP.tJUGHTON, Senior }lnster at the School retired on 2nd April after 36 years on the staff. BOB SIHHONDS :presented Hr. BROUG~ITON with a che<Jue from the Old Raineians' Association at a special 'Bree>king Up' ceremony arranged by the EeD.dmaster to give 'Biffer' a good send off. FRED GREGORY who ~ras, in the first place, going to make the presentation to Hr. BROUGHTON ·.vas unable to do so due to a buisness comoitment. Sending his apologies he wrote ••• 'Biffer, although failing to impress me with historical facts, taught tne the f'undall)ent~>.ls of rugr,er, thus opening a field which gave m'!! great enjoyment over a period of years'.

Hrs. BERYL iiOOLDRIOOE Inspector of T~xes.

Nee CADHA.l\1 - 1933/38 is working in an office of E.H.

Prof. DAVID GLASS, elected Fellow of the Royal Society in March became famous when his questionaire for the Royal Commission for Population was answered by one million women giving details of t11eir family and marriage. He has ·'- ~1crld reputation for scientific studies of population.

¥.rs. MARGAfu-""T YEI.LINGTON - Nee N1JRTRFJ1 was married in June 1970 Md n~• lhe~ in South ~looclham Ferrers. Old R<~ineians 1 present at the )ledding I>'<? re Hiss T CliTIL'IO!f 11rs. HARGARET KliOPE (Nee IHVINE) and Hiss M.ARGAit:.""T HO'IIARD. HAF.G,~RET and VIG'T03 KNOPE ha·re a baby girl~ JULIA.

IESLEY TEAR who is studying Psychology at Reading University is enjoying the course and joined the Association Ccrr'llittee at the A.G.M. in March. :OOB SH!HONDS and FRANCIS }'OTT •,;ere er. e;aged to be ml'!rried on Good: Fri.d.ey, 1971. Congratulations also to BoB on being aw!'lrded a hslf blue for basketball.

- 3 - 2 XAF.GARET YOUDLE is working with the Glynebourne Festival Opera until

ELIZABETH TAYLOR has recently been voted as a Borough Councillor at Redbridge. ALF HOLLAND met the President recently.

He is now the Assistant Bishop of

Western Australia. llOWENA HALIA - 1961/67 gava birth to NICOLA RO\-IENA on 25-l-71.

IN l-0lORIAM - Dr. E:E:liRY HITh'TI!S died <02-3-71 - Mr. A. W. DAC-Gl::R died 17-3-71. At tha P..nnu:tl Genere.l Heeting on 29th



EILEEN GURNEY - 1964/70 is working as a secretary. ROSHARY !'.ARKS is a secretary '<lith 2-0th Ce!ltury Fox.


(,'lJL7.!!. NE\.TDN is a secretary and is getting ensaged to PATRICK H!u'lNAl'.

GILLIAN WARD is a Secretary at the Banque Belge, Bishopsgate.

on May 29th. PATRICCLA FOLEY - 1961/67 is a secrecary to the Administrator of the Mermaid TheatM. She was engaged to COLIN ;;;LDrORE in Hay, 1971.

ALEC DOUGLAS - 1961/68 is an Aasistnnt Hanager at Harks and Sp<>ncera in Belfast. SAJ>'DRA SISEHAN - 1961/58 is Executi-re Officer with the G.L.C. ITousing Denart.~ent Developnent Brance. She was engaged to MICRAEL COLLEY in February on her 21st Birthday. SUS~'i BR.~~

engaged to

- 1961/63 is a easting Assistant in an advertising agency. She was




in Decer.:lce·r.

PAT :SOYD:."'!T 1964/70 is a secretary «t rillro:: and Hardy Advertising Agents.


President Elect Secretary Ronorary Treasurer Honorary Assistant Secretary Achools Liason Officer


Executive Committee




Vice President



E"e.B.d Girl

t!ead E-oy




Deputy Ee~d Girl :!le'puty Head Boy


Gold wire blazer Badges - Cost £2.30.


st~te wheth~r



made un on blu& end ~e+...-e the

or black serge or b['lr9.theB,. or :?ou m5y send the pocket of your blazer badge ma.de up on that.

AilDREE C!IAMBEPS - 1964/70 is nov Hr,:. WESTKOOD.

Boys blazer badges, cloth and gold wire and ties may be obtained from DOUG at 7 Oxford Close, Cheshunt, Rerts.-

BONITA CL\.!(X is engaged to be married.

Tie pin/lapel badges may be obtained from the Secretary for 55p.


BA..r.\NES is engaged and •.rill. be emigrating to Australia soon.

JOEN CH!MSS who is now in the Unner Sixth at School has baen chosen to play with the Iondon S~~ool S 0~houy Orche;tra. JOEN will be travelling to Chicago with the Orchestra and playing in concerts there. On returning to England a concert will be given at th~ P~yal Festival Eall on September 24th, 1971. and Ro:l EAP~D - 1955/60 >Tote to the secretary recently with the following new: They are pleased to announce the arrival o£ their baby daughter, 7HERE.SA IRENE on Mro:ch 18th, 1971. They aro living in Norfolk and vould like to 'bear from old friends.

SUZM;?lE - Hee QUI!r:Gll



Blii'lTEN and DENN... .LS LAY are ;;etting :narried at St. C-eorges in the East

ANN BL.'VTEZ - 1961/66 married in Apr-'.1 and ia no" living in Rutland.

inv~stad as foll~Aing mecbers



BRITTE!! is a secretary a,t a T'r.avel Agents.



President cf the Association with the jewel of office. elected to the offices shown:

NICROLAS VARDILL vas married in March this year and is living with his wife TB:ERESA near Lea Bridge Road.





who wish to join the Association may do so by contacting the Subs are as follows: 17p (full time students lOp) l yea: 3 years 50p Life £5



Dl\'r;:S ':'0 TID!Dffi'SR Old B<.ws Su"OTJer Old Raineia.~;, Car Rally

~o·.,isional date Novemb~~ 5th S1:.nda:r, Septereber 5th. It etarts at th& at 2.30p.m. pror.rpt. See back pa~e.


- 4-






A8 1ou will no doubt_ remember we have now held two very successful 6ar Rallies and we hope that this yeari, will be equally successful. You don't have to be an expert with map aad <c<:m~pess, nor do you need to be a racing d.riv~r. Hhy not come along with y·,,ur friends and relations and enjoy a pleasant afternoon drive. W<~ look fowa:rd tu s.<Jeing you.

Best wishes,

~~~ )JJ,lr<'"'"' btv~ WHERE TO MEEr ••••••• ••• ........... •


&_w 'k 1

the School

\1IE.N,.. ••• •••••• •••• •• , •• ••• .. ,.,_ •••• - ~)tmda_y-,

5th Saptomber

AT•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;~.m. (Rally begins at 2.30p.m.) COST ...... •• -· •••••••••


,2:)p p-er eer

BRING••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• )'(ln or poncil and food and drink !or the break :tf required CONTACT ............................


Secretary immediately for entry forms. School may contact Berry Quirk

)iembera at the

OUR ADDRESSES•••••••••••••••••••••


j,ONDON s.E.l,.


lOUOON S.B.l6.





·(President: -G. Osbourne ·Esq.) Hon.Secretary. R, !L Till broolt,

t6,Kennington Rd., London,S.E.t. ·

01-928 6470 . News No.11. Christmas 1971.

OLD BOYS SUPF8R 19]1. Eighty five 'Old Boys' enjoyed a very pleasant eV"'!ning,a~ the City Volunteer,Crosswall,on friday Nov~~Ler 5th.~Je meal was excellent and we hope to peturn to the City Volunteer Dgain.Our tltanl{S is due to \11r.Calvert,r-1r,McBahon arut.:.:,N!!H~rtes, Hr.Adlington,!'k,Gregory and the President for tlH! unenv!atle task of proposing toasts. C.\H 1Ul LY. The people ~ho tooY. part in the Car lh\lly enjoyed an eveutf'ul afternoops clrhd.ng.The Rally ended ;:-t a Pul:lic House ne~1r n f;Jrd in 8ynsfcrd 1 I··~nt.·· . Geoffr~y Clarke \~as the drivE-r of the w.innillg car arirj .litno"lf Gilbey ~as the navigator. Ol•J ~~•dn~.inns Rug~~; '~i.ltcll.(Sund<:~y Nov.:?Cth,1971.) Some ~oyal Raineians turned out to play Rivcrsmea~ 01~ Boys,at Cheshunt.The turnout \vas disappoiuting,and ,rlr.snite a valiant effort by the considerably reduced team Rain~s' lost hy eight points.to sixteen. NE~-TS


Iun Ho•:e ( 1 ')Git-69) is \~orking for a firm of Sol:i~i tor$ in the Cit).T!e is writing a book ln his .spare time. ' Btifrv ~val l"h ( 1960-li3 \ is the Puulic i ty ~1unagcr '' t the M~rm:dd The;;ttre.Thc picture on the pro:.,ramme of n rPcent perform;:n\'ce 1•/i\S of i!1e Raines 1st. fift~en Hu~by lf!rtf.1 1928'7.'3~ . ·Sl1~:ll2'. C::tl>le ( 19G~-67) ~,,arri-~d D!t•rid Sater in ,Junf'.Slt~ is livin,\1; Lt Alackheath. Johu nmding ( 1961-C6) is ·~~~~<~g.:~d to be :aarrierl. RoL•ert nra<.ly { 1961-(;'8) ::-pent ,, l>orl.(i•.'::; !wlld<ty in Au~tral~a und i;;; cont:tnu.i.n.; his cout·s•c! 11t C.:rclif'f University. P :1 t I.[ a:r d ( 1 ') Gn - G6 ) w "'- .s 111 a r r i •) d i o 1\\1 g u s t • . · .\~::.;·=L.t S•r·it!-1 '"ar-rjed David '!'wo~fF!Y aud .i~ living at BraintreP.. ~tllonj· Mo;:~· ( 19.5D.-IJ3.)was tllarricd in 1;>fi9 to Sally Laur<?nce. Elnln·~ l·lcyiv<u~r1. w;.~s rnnrried To111 Hu.nt "·ho play~ for the Griff·ins .T:\.:.ls}te L~).:lll ~:1. · · · Ro:_;;er Donuolly ( 196:!-66) is ,1;0i:1g to livt> in Norway -'llld 1..-ill; l:·r) n.ar.ri<Jd tlJ.ere.

Rctymond HarriEl obtaine rl" a Blue :for S;drnming at c;mbridge. Allan ,\dlin:;ton loa;; co.upl-::ted his Diploma in Echtcation .:>nd is nO\~ teachin:; itt S. Alban.s• ~:orris R"'ll is followin-:; a degree course at Oecl.ford College in Geology. . . . · , ~:;e 0'Su2.1ivan is now at Birmin;;ham 1Jniversity' and stu<iying

for nn



~ys JenLi1:s

( 1')61-68) is taldnr; a 'JiplaMa in Education at having completed her B.Sc.at thH North west Polytechnic. · Nicholas Vnrdill (1961-66) ann his wife Tberesa are the proud parents of a baby girl called Em~a Jacqeline.She was born on August 16th.1971. Tonv E:lliot ( 1960-.§.§) married Suscm Hay~ \ 1961-.§_S)in June, the: are livi~g in Du1wich. ~lan Le~c!1 wrote to the School recently,he is now married and has been accepted at S.ir Jolln Cass Co1.1ege to study a B.Sc. joint honours in Geograp~y and Geology.He keeps in touch with John Riehop an~ AckSotiri. .John Ri~hop is wor:iiu:; for RoP. 3.nd hns travelled to Norway, s,v e!! en, Holland, Denm:'lrk 1 Spain, and Portugal.. ,\J.<m Ho,,,.( 196'J-6')) is training to drink" a'Yard of Ale' .He downs n pint in two seconds and i:f he wins the,coMpetition in Battersea Park next year he will reciive a Firkin (72 pints.) Der,,k Faul:kner is< new at King Alfreds Colle.o;e,Winchester ~berystwyth

studying to



HRndicraft teacher.

Paul Sees (1967-71) has been signed up by the Chelsea Football Club. David Bono ( 1960-68) gained a Lm<er Second in Politics at L;mC"aster University. He has >l.pplied for tlHl post. of'" Housef'ntL<"r at the Roval Cross School for the tl1e Deaf. r;'r;or((c"' Pi.r:.k~1ey saineU a Lo,._er first in Geology at Queen Mary Cv~le2e.He ila!::i gained a ~runt to study f'or hi.5 Fh. D. H.obcr·t P-L<.1hney is tourin·~ the t.••or.J_d \;ith tl'.e R •.\ . f .. on Aerial. plloto~rapl·aic

survPys.He is tlow in the far Enst •

.John ~-!;-\~::jnt: II (i.i) at Loughborotl.~h in .\utow.otive Engine~ring. ~r l>iil~:lshurst ( 1960-60) h'ls l{Ualifier! a.;; a Doctor. Dous,l:"' 1vtl1""""" (!:!" ") !I(ii) in Languages at Ban,;or • .To.nct Dos ton i.::. :;t.1.rtin~ <, t L·Jt!d.t5 Polytt~chnic to .5tudy Lrn;. 'Rai.!tt.·~ t·.;.:)..!.l l""c.::"pl'>.:;.S0.nt Lun·Jo:.t. · Et;:;ht rr:.:!tnLers of th·~ Six:ll f'orrr. reprosf~llt(;d London recently in .\mstordc.:..:n.Thc Uoys play-2d Rns~-.etball and Volleyball and to(.)k pdrt in 5w-i:~~r.!inrr ~;:.;.;.l,:.~..s a~-;~i:r"!.st severnl gnropean Cii..ies. Th~y wC>re Bnrry 11uirL,B.'lrPy Chappell,Jim Coley,Fliu·ry SmLth, Lynto>.:Nicholson,Jim Gilb.;y,Ji,.., 'Jalton anrl John ~1.:ac¥enzie.

D0ctor J.f~rry F"enton "'ha; was a He,,d Boy of tho;> !"chool wrote to t·he O\iUs hi.::;: o·..-HResearch Pharmacology ancf Toxicolo;z:y In:;titu::e.Tt is situ.,Led at the entrance to J"'o:usaleu::

S~rrctary rec•- ntly.He noh~ 1

G'ongrQtulations are due to \.1r.nr·nug~ havin[t reCently bP,~n aproinC.cd a.s Clerk to th~ ~oyt:rnors of' Rai.ne's Foundalion. The Presid<>nt .,tt.,nd~•1 a S<>rvice of FlememLraroce a~ tlt"' School on Nove·ucer 11th • .\ wueuth was placed on t!1e ~.f.,morial taf.lct. in th"' hall which was p~t up in honour oC Raineian~ w~o ~ave th,.ir lives

in tbe two



F'or S3le. Gold.',>ire R;;.d;,;es-Cost f2.30.Pl<"ase sti\te whether to be made up on ~lue or Llack serge or barathea,or you may send the poci-"et of your blazer and 1lqve tl1e bil(f~e r.;.,_,!e up un t:hC\t_. Boy-5r' .hla?er b~d.;es.,8lot~ an·~ ~·tir1~ aiHi ties may be obtained from .1)pug loo'alton a1; ?,Oxford CJo,.e,C~t>sh'unt.~Herts.

:;ie/l<lpel batl,.;es

(pin type)


ot·'tained 'r·rom 'th'e

Sub s"cr''i'p t·iohs to the Secretnry:..1 yea"· 17p (Full time si~d~nts 3 years 30p Li:f"e·. ~5



"•··· ~-·"~w~•-··="""••~-·-----··-


-·- -----··

__.. ..,.....










"7? #i -."l

- 2 OLD Il.AHJ:;r:5S' i.3SOCIL'1'I0l'I

the cost, the secretnry \•rill be nleased to 1J2.SS it on. Qhe~ues and P.O. ·s sh •u~d be me.de payable to RAINTI:'S l"OUNDATIOH SCHOOL, and crossed !IF~\DF,A:i·rE:ns ACCOUNT.


!-'I'lil returned- Pat \1ard, Mrs. PoppleH"-Y, Kiss Holden, R. Choat, K. Q\;eu,


Selhmy and N. Stemhill.

Does any one knm; Hhere they are?

D8nnis H.::.cnam2.ra \'Jhen last heard of he tJas travelling to Kuthmandu, Singapore Lnd into Australia in the hope of finding Hork. L·1cie Ehrmann 1964-69 Is a nrivate secretary at a firm of international photoconying ser_vices. .fher~rl

1:iiller Is now living and


THE OLD 110YS SUPF'TI ':I as held again at. the City Volunteer in Novembet'. Seventy Old Boya enioved a most entertnining evening. The Mana,o;E>r of the Volunteer told the secretary th8.t the members Dres·ent ha.d drunk: twice the amount that th0y had drunk last year! Some axcellant .speeches Nere made by FathP.r Cl,ynich, ~lr. Gildeson, Mr. S1m:nonds and 1.\r. Helligam. School Concert The School Concert this year consisted of a one act play Clnd " one act Ope::-etta, the pGrformances were a great success and we look foward to more concerts in the future. The Secretary Hould like to thank Jan and Bob lf,ansfield on behalf of the .A.ssocia tion for r.:aking the ChristmaS -DraH ;;-successful o Their hard. work and enthusiasm is invaluable.

in Madrid.

Kim Itobinson Is ><orking for the Bank of Ne1;South '.fales. Paul ine Barker 1959-66 Is nou teaching at Chad1-1ell Junior School, Chad>rell Heath. She sees Lind.a r~:orris (nee Clark) T;Jho l:lc.s married in 1969 and has a. son called Ste~-·hen. ---

The School is buying a ne'" Jltini Bus Hhich should be delivered by June. prove very useful for the many activities \'lhich take place regularly.

It \·till

D()ro"!):v Perry (nee )·lelland)Is living in Net-I South Hales, and had a son in llov'Zr~'h~r, 1971. She 1.rould like to hear from old friends at 371 Green Lanes, Seven Kings.

For Sale School Na,o;azine. 25P· Including all details of the last school year and a complete list of staff and Speach Day programme. Ties, Blazer Badges and 'l'ie/Lapel Badges from the Secretary or Doug \·lal ton.

Ra.y·r;;nnci Rt:trris R:;atired from the Captaincy of the Great Britain SHimming team 2.n 1~71. Ee Has invited to 8 internationals and to tour South Africa and

Hembership Life £5 3 years 50p

Ilhoclesia for three


all expenses paid.

Vivien il2.ela.nd and Martin Durne Here married last year.

SteHart MoHsen ;;as the

best man.

Il! M::raniAM

Dr Mark Guter died recently.

John Sanders 1961-68 Has married on 16th September, 1972. His best man Has F'rcd Groom. John and his ;,ife snent their honeymoon in Jersey and strange ~itma;y seem 'the weather was fine 1 • They are no~1 living in Torquay, S. Devon 2.nd John is Horking for a firm of quantit;y surveyors in Neerton Abbot.


has noH qualified as a Doci;or.

Lind" Della>QY Has comnl etcd a course at Barry Training College and no« teaches 2. t BcD.n Infr.u1ts .School, Dagenham. Stenhcn Coo}: 1964-69 Is serving Hi th the Army in Northern Ireland. mru-r1c:d. and has a baby daughter.

Hailing List You may have noticed that the letters you receive no\4 have nrinted n0.meo and addresses. This has saved the secretary and his loyal supportero a c.;nr.iderable amount of time when addressing ;your mail. Hor,rever :-:oome name0 may he.ve been left off the master shee-t by accident. If you kno-r;'J' of any r:lembc:r Hho is not receiving mail please let the secretary knoH immedj_ately. Subs are usufllly due on the 3ls t !·larch each year. Although He try 'tO send out reminders it e10uld be greatly appreciated if you Hould c0nsul t your membership card and send the subs due on or before that date if membership has expired.

Conr-ratulations are due toFred G roof!! V"Jho attained a 2 .1 in .dl.s tory ~~r Hho attained a 2.2 in Psychology.

B;tr'l''T :·Jal:>h is the Press Publicity Officer for the lfler:na.id Theater. f.-.tnr

l year 17p.

He is

The Athletics ·:'earns Won the North London Grammar Schools Championships. Rnine's Baskctbc,l.l Te2.ms Hon the England Schools Individual Basketball crw.npionshi·.::,s and the London Schools Basket-oall ChamPionships, and as a result have the opportunity -to tr2.vel to Luxemburg this Easter to reprEsent England in an international tournament. This ;~ill naturall,)" cost a considerable amount of money, and if anybody Hould like to contribute something to>~ards

Bel a tcd Co:wrats toTh3 Head Boy Colin Johocnneson ~rhe Hr.~cid Girl Hill :::.r:r 1l1ear and the JP.nuty Head Do;y and Girl .. Our bcs t HishFOs go >li th all Hho have enterod in to highe:c education during the ac~·,demic yearRichard Atkinson Borough Road Coller;e- Chemistry Janiee I3nrn~s Chelsea Colle~e, Eactbourne - P.E. Stenhen Bennett :Cssex University - 3iochemistr~· Ian Surchell City Univ8rsi ty - Civil Engineering Jo~n Chimes Royal College of Music - Performers Course. Timpani

- 3 'i:J,?id ::Jn 1 ::: l:h

Sheffield University- Geology Polytechnic - I>faterinlr; SciencfJ :;.u7.~.:mc F 1?<1 thers tnne s t. Os,yth Is Coll ere •• Junior Teaching ~}~::n(•:O Cilb::.v Sur,;,ex Univcrsi:t;y- Electronics :;,·,,, Cr·8:·:ny Aoton Univcrsi ty - Behavioral Science y;:;·hn j.);·r.T··,::-;:7ie K€nt Univsn;i ty - Pure f.Jatf. s 8-;7:'·.n r·.,~": i~t-BrentHood Collr~r:e - Junior 'l'ea.ching £J.!..~..li;-i'-cflir~:~n City of Lon·'!.on Polytr::d.nic- Accountancy ·lC::'!.:.?G :}_r.:_;:r~c:;~ London Univerd ty - Siochemistry · ~yn l~2._j~~cholcon L2.nches ter Pol:rtechnic - Physics ]~.'.::_0)(~·':2:}_Ij~ Portsmouth Polytechnjc - Geolocy L2f~':V :~ ~C..~ Reading University - French . 11n'thonv ·~·rodd. Eastbourne College - 'reaching 1;:;-;-J:;:m....,~F,iJo-St. Gabriels College -Junior Teaching i~yz,~Jhj~tcomb Klcnt Un<.versi ty - Pure Maths •.

:2__02.0. 'l:;:.rlc





\ !


Hon. Secreta:t''Y., n. h. 'fi.llbrook, t6.henui:ngton H.d., •




,\TLLA'l l {):,.;

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/dd,; !H E.

__.,.-... , , , ..... ..,~~ ... ,,.. ......... .,..,~ ._


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'rO ~ ".


E.nl~!..l.~.~~~c ... l~~:2.~.~;:E:

:-!:1 in Applied \;.::th::?i !:,t S.AndreH<'.'lG 1 '(.'t ,>1' I 1··cu13 2:1 in f.~·lt. H''n·tjc·<J l-~_... ....~_ ... .,:..........--.-...-···;,.·..-·......... - r.: ~ .. /- l~ . ~ CJ,dll<'t'<..JlJ Hncl'll•::e ::-!:ii Jlonr>e in Ae:conoHt1c;a1 Ens~i.lH':dring ut -·-T·i::;;;·[,~T;[;;;~.:-~:;·::;·::·i) ~ C umeron w :t 11 bt1 ~~ tra..t. i ng H or k \d. tf1 Hu t~l{ er! Si tldoly 1\\.r:i ntion nt Hnt:f:i.old .. Q"



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C<)].ill .Jt)l1al·~.;·t{:~~--;c!~iQla.st ,_.,..,_,...,,.. .......... ...-......_ .....,................... ... .-

')"eal:'S ""Tlnn{J 1J{)y l:tEJ.U to C<:~--olyn C:1l'1toa~ 19LtJ·~7:Se. ,,.;~r·~ 1 t h-··1;)(~·~;:::nr·:c~-;;·- ·;;;;~;·,:q~ C! c~ to ...Sl'lat· c.n r-l:iiclunl.. ~'\... i ...l"' ....... ..,,... ...,_... ......~iw _.._....,.............. ..... ...--.. ,.." .....""'-·

' n__








'"'~"'"'"--~- ,.,..,~ ,~..,.;.-.~ "~


.:.J..!!!:~:i..Y...J~!!:.L~ . 5?.1:.'. li){",:;.,,'?~~ :is en~pl!<,J~d to b•3 r<I<HTi<Hl to l~.i}~!!._:Ii:?:}~!?!::.Y l 1')1i(>-~::5.Li1ccu i.f3 at pret:;ent Hnr-·idng; tU] n 1ah-tcclndc::ian nt 'tbe hchooleJim i~ worlri!l£~ at u lHood bed!!; in Cletph<~m.


IJo cong:r.c:ltulni.t:e the :follovd.n.g; on thoi:e re<~~'~nt appointnHnl.tg <H1d utsh th('::;u \Hdl :ln theilc yu.':lt' of' o:f:ficoe St tf}::~1H~rt G:U.hoy Lynne AhtHn~n BrJ <Ul F.-... rh\3r



Sarah N ..____ h.~} .___ OF ,_,...._,... OLD _""' ...


Head t:oy,. Head Cirlo lh~rnt t.y

U eo:.td Hoyf;;


D<:puty Bend (drlc.

1<;\ltiLlA!-;:;" ......-.,.,.,,_,_...___.


Lorr·tdtH~ Tovr;y 196?. ?:~ :ts about to et:!hack on n eourse of 't;;;I;;.I~,g;-,~t--the London GoJ.le,g::o of FatlihJc•n. E£.t2!LJ.2.£.22..!!! 1')61-69 lHH:> notv Jort ll(~adiug Univnrsit:y hav:i.n~; cowplf~t•,~d a Po!ut Grildua·t._; Ten.:;hing Gourgo.IJee bc-Jri.IH!l t(~acldug: ll:istory and lh:i.tisll Coru.st:l.t.ut:i.on at Ohena Gramnuu:-· School next

septomLer. !~!...t.~!.-~E!~l2.;;.l.i 1')67-'12 llt~S rec(:n.tly bc'gu:n to \Wrh: as {i trcdnon b u i 1 <l i 1 1g s u c v fly or • Stc;phen Cot~r 19G'7~··l~~ vor·i;,g :fo.\· D; COFipitHY of tn-.p:ravers at Ai:::f;.'ii-~brp.Htrt;-~;itl tht:' (~Jty~ (A:~1ong h:I s wore notable Cusl.;s has been thi~ {!fl~.rav iug or a Hl~:,dnl for i}t'i !'oH LucldlUr'St t t hn t.uglund


r )

He 1 en Nobl o an.d Hi ehurd ,.l\1 ~H~ell wt:n~li'1 redi'?ntl y e11gag:ed. ( ~ro each ~;·t h:;::-f)[i7.:1~;n is a-"i";~~i~t;l}~~~;;;i l i:i'ry n t N~~1i¥' Cl'" OS u llospi tal 0 Hi clwrd Js f~ Social i..:o:r·lu::r bu.t intm1ds to embc~rJ.{ on n cml.cs~:. of' Te.aclwr Tra:irlingctConp:atulal:lonn 011 their eng<l}~mrn'::nt,I apolOJ:;:iGe l'tl:C tht•} c.t.Jbtgu:ity rdJOVt~.(i,.r~:.T)




il)ld-6B \dll marry El:D.!:L9..£~L.t:~g.tt 1960···67 Jn

Sv·p \ ..:.:l,ih c:r t ic::i. ::::~. yc11r .. L~:..0J~.h.~L2!:S! l.966c•'?:5~ Congrttiliulat.lollS on hfa hard-v;·on f}t:~ployment \'dth Ck:trT.Ln;!:ton:s Ur·fi,h't~~··y,~1i.lc~ t:nd Hdo\io hope that h<~ w:lll IH:1

f'\n·tltorJ:H'. his kaoHJ ocko at a mortJ} lr:a::ned :i.nutitut:ion noxt t1~rmo n.t:tendi111\: City Un:i.vr•rBity nnd roc:.::ntly succt-;cH.lt:<d ld.ctqn·d Tillbrooh (H1 Scout L'.H:tdtn:" of thn Schoc1. TrQop 0Hichnrd lw,ving; l>ocouH:t VGnturc.~ Scout Lc~ader.h'o (~Ont:ra.tu.lat.e

1-::!'L.i,~~~!.~~h:.::.Ll 196::>-?Z~ :1.;~ still

J.:ul and S:J:.£:~_,!2_:!;_ _:!:_!!_!;___ !2::<YL!::!l:!.'2l! f>H tiH:h' l'O,GHHt .I:.!:l::.s.J.!L~..,..:::!.~;;J:.~:S'l!.."_ 19 Z1 '? ~, ·r:~ hn ~s 1oft .l:H: lwol 'to


boe 0111 e a e t'Cl." wtHJ~y • L~5:~.!:.:.I:Y...f.t:~~.:~:;r:.5~~:u.;. 19(,)-'/~~ :is HC]i:'·L:ing l'oc no~:.sctti Ltd ... ~iur_dc deai(·rs.

l!.!~Y..l::!.. tL~l2~!!UJ.gJ;..l 19h1-U.I itil noN U<H'l~int: i'or· f:)p:Ulers Ltd • .:'.t Cro} J on D.!'> << C(Jntpu >.: ;~;li.~ p.l'Oi:;rar:mlor .. I l a...... v i d n nx~ \· n I ;,.1 1:1 o L t n i n •: d <l U .. E d n c a t J. o a d o p.. . r e c~ ___ .................. ·E:!.:<:.l!~!_:_~L~E::._;: ~:1!..::..:3: 1 ') :) (, ··· (; :; vt s.d. Le: d t lH?! tH-:: h o o 1 r ec (;Jl t 1 y and is now nn "xport" Ui.l10G1:l;:.;n ;:,ngin<:·o;:- t:tnd VlfdL1J (~.(:T'nwnyit\.ust):ia ctrul". Yu,t~_G:.:1uv:ia in conJJC:ctiou with hi~E• wol'L.• Ilc l:iVfHJ nt Narlovr. Ja.H-it~(: ,l1n·y ·1')67-7:5 :i::> H\.IH fi g~;,1.:ret::~ry h} th Col,;:o.tc~-Pnrmolive Ltd. ....... "'"""' ............ ........ ,............,.. Ll:;nil.-l ; :u! r:::oel; 1 1)67·<·':) is iHH:l a bocrc,tar'y \·d tt·· a f:i.rm of Soli.clto:cM." -:j:·:·,:-:.;)7 . ·-~··:,-;·j';·::;~~"'' 1' ''(: '?-'""<~.f ., ~·1 "'O .., '"'""'r<''t£1'-~\, ~:...:. .:.. :!--!_~: ...:: ~ . . ~:.,~.::...::,.,..,.,.. .J ..' --~



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o:f '1'encl1e·r

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.::':.~~'.:.9~~!-.. ~:~C\Y.Ls.





is: at 11latn(1S Polytc:;chnic studying; l'laterial

!I.~l~!.~_l:::::t1.<2_19ti3·~70 is \iorhing :for A. T.V. \d.Ll so or! b r~ movi n.g to Br:i p-h ton •


publislw:co. Ho

.:!!li..!·.E!_.~i.:~.L~.l! 1(1C1-6H is no"' HOI~Idng for hliggilH'J-T~apo .Sttttioners 1.1 d. nnd l.s living: in· Basin.Ft;sto!·u:~. ~·l::i.srl.(;,.,ynotll Jacluoon 19- ... ---'l h<H3 ptH'>lHHi hor t:dnibu.s test!! .. -......,.·-..........--·... • ..,.,_...,_..._.__ ..,.,..__..,_.,__ "'"'!'..._ . to her t:irelcs.s

eff'orta,a ti1o.6t enjoyai.ll.e c<Hicart \HHll l~n.st£;r. 'fhe prog;ruromo :i nclud"~d excerpts .i'com P:i.rat.<:Jo of Penzanc~,Porpy and ''cBs and }ly !{air Lady.] t iH hopGti that PirateH of' FonzaiH:>9 wLll b(i! porf'orl;l~.:d in its f.~nt:i..r-·&ty Timnhs



at the acllool nt


t t <n:"m.,.


Hemhort3 may not




11 cn:e.~}i(~r thiS< I honpi.tt.•l on mor(;;'. operat:lor.1 on her to Beeing hnr

Hro.Rnuldn h·as

1nvolv0d Lu a very !!'t~x~ious ncc.idc·nt ou th.e H.l. Y•.-:<,.r.ThiH has rt~st.llt~I•d in her hn:i.ng ndmi.ttod to U>«n c,,.,,,; occ.::.d.nimto\i€.1 h.opa it:<'\t het· r:1ost recent. .; njurccl 1~~~,; has been aucccwrJI.f'ul. he J ook fot"HHrd

.!li.l'l£t:mn. ~~!:! It i.s wtth r0g:r<•t that. I

1.nforni you of the death o:f


of onr


The He·v~n--end Georg,~ Lou~rhh(n~ogbh., Alfred !.Sr'i.<.~ !Jnrvey died llt:h.April


l~~~D5!.~:E~".-~l~!~~ Y.t. iJ<:>ld



di.(HJ nee(.cir>!






Hn:rd:h'g once



gc:h.ool g;:nre the fH~rn•ml.!'e uo';J lecturer:> nt the Col:l.et';<'~ of s.B,.I'lnrl~: a.n:d Joltll Hhiclr ld.ll :,;ocn !:·:: j)'iOV].ng to PJymouth-



LnrFo school <:lt




v1ll t:.o the nbove er;te•.bJJdmHJnt ou the; of

rh·1.nJd.n}~ t'ollo~·d.ng

the lleoJ.th o:f the HV(~rdn(p;;.,.

21stoll(;f::C!nlH,'!:' 1973 9tll.,Apt·i1 l()(lt 1 9 t h .. .J 1.! 1 y :i ':rl 1: " \:\<:•

loolc fo:nvard to




P :n·t: .,_, LmJly ~;ru:-rr.ons prov:ldr:3\1. r;)::zceJ..lent J.'Pf':rc~;p,l)m,:nt at •':I g:ardon party held at; l\c'r llor:w OH ,1nnn ;,rr,rd~'fhe ~·rcathis-:r. l>UH4 f1ne iddcb addocl cons:i.d·3rnbly t.o i.:ho plnn.snnt.: of't.eT·noo;,i dur:i.Fl.p,: ;·:llich ov·cr-:' th:tr·cty Old Ha:irl{d<:1.11S uet a.n.d ~.;..lv.\ttod"' G:~xdcn

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Pl'!H:d.dentn Pnrtv

197) •

... ~...........)"')';j~·r;.."·;~;;;·-·};·;;jJ"~;.; the Col onJcd. ilotH? e tn t h <'I City t hi~., yc•nr. 'J'h(;\' Fe!"'t:Lvn:l attendt~d hy ovr.;r e:t.shty pr,oplc- \<'elf:: :~n houout·· of our Lady 1 re.<; .i dent .'.'r~:;.,IJ:,rgaret l~:tche Ql.:.::L!L9J:.0. _:S.!!:J1I!..~n:: '"LL1 lH~ held at tho C:l. ty Volux';tcwr on Fr:tday J\'ovem!H•r 1bth. 1.(1'/5.Hol:"'O dcto.iln to :f'oll.Oh".,

!l.!!lb.!;.~~i~~ 'IlH' ec.hool no\·1' IHn~ :tt!· O\;"U i:dnLl!ttN.J.t ;;J)1· cul'.!:'Y rn.:.;-v;~nt.;•(H1 jH~(•ple· and wiLt cmn~l dorably ld. d(Hl. the 8eopc :for· out oft'!lchool ac t.lvi t :l <:u. t·loinb l'.l!:' HhJ lJ.

· - - -..... --~· ........,..... .w.. .. _,......t.


The sub~'>eription cha.rg;e~:; n.rr" ag flo.11m1s.Chnquel3/P.O' s me.de paynble to the ().t~.A. L:Lflb memher:~hJ.p £:;.. 3 yearn )Op. 1 yen.r 17p .. Full tit1H.~ !'lttHI':'nh~ 10p pt'r yr:ar.

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S eJ~ool i·1ng a;', :i.J;e Tir>~t>

t~hould lH.'l

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A:1., Hhilo t:~tocl"s·~ l.ar:;;t.,(The nH11• 1H•ave 1·r:i.ll be .~~1..50 fW buy now.,) Ti.o pin/lnpci badJC:c :5:)p., Ult•;zcu' bud::-;nt'! c1oth or ·Gold wire uvrdlt•bl.e on rcHpHH~ta. G.L.- ::?.::i'l •

VJ}lO hE,_ve left _..Stnff . . . . --··-------,...,.-. . _. .,.. . ,_....,...._ __:-'. .thh~ .. lliss J~ Blnke nfter 9 yem:·.s Mr_ A. Bmnos nfter 3 years ~

Art L01.t:i.n



Hr. Hurphy l.JiGs Nead Hn:::. Herd

V!o wish thom all v:ell in the futur<;"




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GOOD LUCK. The Association would like to take this opportunity to wish all mefubers who have impehding examinati6nn the very best of luck .l.V e lool< forward to· hearing of n.ll the suces s es soon.

FOUN.CEHS' DJ\Y. This l'/as cc-!lebrated on friday Hay 3rd. 19?4 at S. Geon)'e 1 s in the East where Henry Raine is buried.It was a most impressive occasion and ·one certainly felt proud to be a Raineian.The Griffins' Venture Unit presented their new colours·for dedicatidn by Father Clyni~k,the School Chaplain.The Sermon was given by the Revd. Canon C.E.Youn~~Chaplain of the ~ueen'~ Chapel of the Savoy. A REJUNION. . The annual reunion at the School waE? held on thursrlay May 9th. Approximately 40 people attended.Our thRnks to Miss.Parsons. for her hard work in organisi11g the function and providing excellent refreshment~


Since Jan Mansfield came to office in March we have undertaken sever~l new ventures which we hope will have your supnort.Forthcoming eveqt~ are listed below,Please let the secr~tary.know if you will be coming to any of the functions. ********FORTHCOMING t£VENTS * * * * * * * * COMNIT_!.!f!f_ME~TI~

will be held on July 2nd.,September 24th.~nd December 6th.1974.If you have any business for discussion please let the secretary know,It is possible that these dates may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances,you are therefore advi~erl to check beforehand.

GARDEN PAHT.:G_ A t·epeat of last years' sucessful party.This ,.,ill be held at 12,The· Meadw·ay,Buckhurst Hill,Essex,COST )Opa Please write to Miss.Parsons at the aforementioned address if you intend to be there.DATE. 22nd.JUNE. TIME .• 3pm.-6pr-~~o PARTY • * * * * *Ni~W ID 1~A * * * * * -------------------~---A part~ will ~e hold for

members of the Sixth Form on July 5th. in the .Sixth Fort;!l Centi-e.(7pm.-11pm.)The party is being held fo celebrate the A6cession of the new Head B6y and Head Girl .~nd also to .telebrate the end of their examseWe hone that this will 'ericqu~age More young neqnle to join the o.R.A.John Chappell and Glenn Cole ~re in charge of arrangements at School. REUNION****** NEW IDEA*******

---------------Areunion will be held at

the School in the Sixth Form Centre on F~y September 6th.1974.from 6.30-11pm,CHEi~SE,WINE AND BEER will be provided COST 50po(Pn:yable on the night or in adv;;:nce) This is the second of our new ideas intended to encouraee O.R;'s to meet.Please bring any of your Old Raineian friends even if they're not members.It is yo:ur Association and these functions can only be a success· if you sunport them.Please let the Secretary know if you are coming.If this is a success we will repeat the ideas and introduce new ones.We look forward to seein~ you.




This will be held in the Sixth Form Centre at the School on JULY 17th.1974. at 6~30pm.R~freshment will be provided.The evening is being organi~ed By Seymour Freed ~ho will remember the late Donny Lyons and .'Nobby'Clarke and invites you to join him for a Musical soiree of miscellaneous iternse of recorded ~o:~usic."Admission free.There will be a silver collection to assist the costs.Please bring your friends al~ng. If possible,let the Secretary know if you are comins. w~D~bSDAY


The followihg metnbers wer1':! elected as Officers of the Association at the A.G.M. huld ihn Narch. Mr.Frank Vorris. a.President Elect. b.Vice Presidents. J·1esdam.es: Lammas, vi ood s, W<?ingart en, Hank in, Grey, Creasy and Bishop. . Messers:H.Scott,~.Scott,Attwell,Kendler,Stanney,Fox,Walton

and Mansfield. c.Hon.Trensureer. Geoff.Clarke. d.Hon.Secretary. Hichard Tillbrook. e.Hon:Ass.Secretnry. Mrs.Jan Mnnsfield. f.Hon.Liason Officer .. Mr.Wallie Spooner. g.Executive Committee. Mesdames:Hnmilton,H.Tear and Cooper. Messers:J.Matthews,S.Freed,J.Chappell and







.tvl!!.:lvtB t:RSHIP







50p •

55p £1. 1 YEAR 17p (sturlents lOp.)

All cheques payable to OLD 1U\INt.clid'iS 1 ASSOCIHTICN. The subscriptio~ rate will be raised in the near futu~e (You will be notified) because the present rate does not cover the cost of postage~i **** ** * **** **** ****** ** ** ** *** NE\'1 S. ----- - - - Pfi.UL~~~!:i.Q!::DS _ _!.2_.§.1-§.f..:!.wrote t.o the secretary recently an(l is now working as a Public health. Inspector in Coventry where he is specialising in noise and air pollution.He is sturlying to. become a member of the Royal Society of Health.During his travels he met ALEC DOUGL/\S 1961-6B. who is running a Boutique in Coventry e~nd Ray Gr~_go.!:.Y. 1964-71. who is studying at Aston University.Paul's arl~ress is 3~8,Lythals Lane,Coventry,Warwickshire,he will be pleased to hear from old friends. , _lCHl'l-~AT!HE~~ met .)iQHI1AN_~.Q~~ at a me<~ting recently. Norman has now beco~e a life member of the ~ssociation. J~AN & H~G FLATT 1945-51 wrote to the secretary and ask that their r-er:;;dsbesent-t~ll-;ho h:nmv them.Reg is te~ching maths at S.ALBANS College of E(lucation rmd HJ\TFIELD Folytechnic. ~1\N~_!_HA~THOgNE n!:;5:._Q~LSQ!i 1960-65 is expecting a b:::lby lV"hich should be born in July.She sends best wish~~s .to old frienrls. Pi\~!:,~~YNQ!::DS.1961-68. Congrats on )!Dining '2.2 at 1\ston. THANl;S ==== helc so

The Secretary v;oulrl like to thank all those ~eo:qle who willingly with the rnunrlane tasks of·folrling newsheets and acldressiri~ envelones, especially Members of the sixth forr.:1,new to the association but,none the less hardworking_





The Secretary is aJways plensed to receive news of old Raineians fer inc Jus ion in the nc:w she':: t. S:.!:!.hi~T'INi:~TC:~~~S:--l.!_i{E _ _!962_.:.~§..!.. studied

at college oh leaving school and then: became ~ 1 temp' .• s~H:: nmv worirs for a company of t:iPttch importcrs.Recently she returned from a holiday in Ai:lcri·c·a,She hope to take A le~els and become involved in arlvert~sing.she would like to hear from Old Raineians' .(31,Brittania Rd. ,Westcliff on Sea,Essex.) VAL~~IE COGP~R 1962-67.is helping with War ne0ds in Israel. ~i!:r<:_!IoN'=}2:§':g:=::§'z-:-is working in the <;ivil. Service 'at Southampton How 1 Holborn. · Bi\!3:HY_~Hf~!::t ;:!;_b1_1.2~2.=1_g_ ·is nowstudying at Plyr:1outh Polj':technic taking a course in Business Studi~s. " HI.':N.KJ.:<;'1?.:£~!:~VY_.!.2~Q-6.§. wns last seen presenting the flowers at the Last Night of the Proms! J AClU ~~LINE LUGG is nm.,r s tudyinrr at Tee si de Polytechnic • A-:fi-:-coi8s-191b-is now living i~ New Zenlanrl, P~f~AU~-}:2~}~~Q g:ained her ~~;.f\.in J~rlucation at Lon0on Univ.She is worldng at a school for ooN ('elica te children teaching maladjusted boys. ,l~~ET HOQ.§§.§_E;~~-~~_!2.!);____!..2.2.!:!:-61. hns three children.PeneJone,Patrick anrl Sara.h. CH~~_IL N~~_!Q!':!_ married Jl1r,Pat Hannan on July 28th.1973 and emigrated to Toronto,Canarla~ in October. Il~ htC:t-WHI AN


It is :, i th regret that we inform you of the death of Mr.Frank Hirtes.He was MUch loved and greatly respected by young and old.He died on tuesday 15th.January 197lt. R • 0 • J r~N 1\ IN S • I re;>::r:et to inforr:1 you of the death of l'!lr.H. Jenkins who passed away on the Bth.Mnrch 1973.




passed away in October

1973. Geonre was at School

* ***** * ** * * * * ** * ** ** • ** * * ** ** *• * ** * ** * HILJ\RY FO,'L~LL nee GATES l96lt-70 is now married to the brother of RI CHA Li.D-F o:;::EL'L'- 1 J 6 2-=69-:--s~~-;;-:;~ J. i v e s in c 1 apt on. Belated news of the marriarre of FHJ\NCES HOBEHTS to BIUAN REi'.:VES.


joine:~: th•~ H":J\-:-r-:---;~-le;ving sch-;-;l.H;-~~


contempO¥Y of DOUG at Preston • .§..!t!ON_STAJJ!;_~g__!_227-_2_g_


now works with British


visited tl'le school recent]_y.He o'nts a company of Cleaning Contractors. _b~SLEI_:f~~g is to be ma.rried on July 6th.l97lt. She hones to live in the Hounslow area. MICHA~L J.L~~ 1960-64. is a bank offici~l at the Oxford Street branch of the Midland Bank.He is an Officer in the Boys'Brigade. Bii:£NDA TREE 1961-67 was engaged to Robert Burrid,e;f; in 1973. They ;;1-;:;-~-to mMry in 197ll.Th.ey t~ave hought a house in Par~dock \·Jood, Kent., RITA BLAYDON gave birth .to a b~by :girl n0~ed Qianft Clair~ on l3th.Oct-;ber 1973~She Has orily 6lb.9oz.at birth but is progressing well.She would love to hear from old frienrls.(Adrlress from Sec.) ST~FH~N FOSTER 1953-60 has recently returned from U.S.A. where he taught in sT-:-Iotiis :'He-was awarded an H. Se. in Astrophysics v,ri th distinction at Queen Mnry College.He recently ~iscovered that his neighbours Arthur and Gwen Smith are old Raineians' .(1930-36.)

NEWS CONTINU~D ..... RAY RAWLINSON 1962-67 was married in september last y~ar. APOLOGIES . . . . . . . . • we announced the engagement of Ian Burchell to Chtistine Davi~son in the last newsheet,this was,we have since learnt,untru~.We ~pologise for any problems this may have caused. CONGH1\TULATIONS to ''l'ony Mole and Martin Leonarrl on gaining the Ch:i,.ef Scout's Award.This is the highest award that a Scout can gain before his 17th.birthday. JOHN CHAPPELL wants everyone to knOlv that he is the East London 400 metres champion.So now you know! vliLLIAM WALKER 1966-71 was knockea. down. in the Mile End Rd,on saturrlay 11th.May by a hit and run driver.At the time of writing Bill is in Morris Ward of the Mile End RN Hospital. DAVID ELIAS is nbw working with the Post Office Telephones.He has travelled abroad recently in connection with European telecommunications.

CONGRATULATIONS. The Association would like to onfer sincere congratulations to the newly 'appointed Head Boy and Head Girl. HEAD .BOY TONY MOLE HEAD GIRL DEPUTY HEAD BOY





,. The Si~th For~ held a Revue on wednesday 22nd.May.in which most of the S:rxth formers took· part.Items included Annie Get your Gun, There's a hole in my bucket and the immortal J.C and G.C.sineing 'Anythine you can dq 1 John was suitably attired as the dame and had a marvellous soprano voicel Needless to say it was a hilarious evening.Thanks are due to their encouraeement~


and other members of staff for

. . Michaei. Muirenan and Michael Peters , , I 961-68 are now qualif~ed Doctors.

The Fifth and Sixth forms took part in the East London



Championships and emerged Victorious.Well done1 • We ~wou,ld ·like to put more news in this letter so please write to the s.ecretary whenever possible and tell him the news. We hope you all enjoy your summer holidays. NEW SCIIOOL JllGAZIP TO :BE PWLISHED. :tlf SEI'TDBER ...... ..



50p FROM JOHN and GtENN.




H6n. ~.ecretary. H.It.Tillbrook, 16 ,JCennington Road, Lon'0on,S.;E.1 •


!, '

. !_;.;



N t!:~iSHE.C:T NCVEMBER ·, i974.,





wHEN ..•• ? TIMri: •..• ? t·iHERi!: ..• '?







8th. 1974


COST .... ?

Ht<~S 'f1~lJHANT, STON !!:HOUSE, El SHOP SGJ\TE, LGNDON,E.C.2. COQ AD VIN. £2.50 (Members of s6hool £1.50.)



Mli:N U •••• '?



H. M. S. F INI\lr'OJ:d:'~ The School nroduction this Christ':':'ns ldll ·he H. M. S .Pinafore by and Sullivan.The two nRrf'orm~nces w~ll be held bn frid~y and saturday 13th~ & 14th.December.If you are inteiested in seeing the show plehse write to the secretary or tp the scho61 • Gil~ert

SPEECH DAY 1974.' '

SpAech day ''"as .held a.t Qu~en Mary College on thursday 17th.Oct'. The following is, .extracted fro"' the latest f-1di tion. of the RJ\INEIAN ~ Congratulations tu: Stephen: G;il b~y. University of' Sussex Physics Janet.' Leaves ~ Reading French ,, KAilt I3rabam Levy,,· Maths/Physics ,u , London Leonard Lewis Accountancy 11 ~Jack J-.~.Ol>Te Frenbh Oxford-Oriel B~rbara. Pagt:l -Leed$ Latin " .·~'laths. Brian Parlcer Sussex " College of SS:Mark & John. Manchester Folytecnic Psycholo~y 11. Hudder.s~_:_t::ld H.N.D.Building Liverpool H.N.D.Elec.Eng .. "

Leslie Gibbins Sylvia Barry earl 9ridg;.1an Robin H.udwicl<

111 nunils passed 412 papers at 0 le~el 27 punil~ offered 69 A levels passed ~8%-Associ~ted Board of Royal Schools of ~usic




John Chappell

Guilrlhall School of' Music and Drama Speech and Drama Grade V

·Lynn Barrett and Susnn Sykes.




The Royal Schools of' Chfurch Music have pr6~ose~ that a special fund be set up to be known 6s the George Loughborough·Btirsary Fund. The money would be used to forther Georr;e's good work in the field of church music and especi:1lly to aid .Choirboys in the furtherauce of their musical sturlies. You are invited to contribute towarns this worthy cause,.If you would like to contribute,please send a cheque made payable to the O.R.A and this will bw sent on to Mrs.Loughborough in order th~t she might pay the joint contributions into the BursaryoAll corresuondence on this subject to the Secretary.

( 6th.S~~T~Mt~R 1974,) We ware very disannointed by the ·rAs~onse to the reunion,Only 40 people turned up and most of these we~e members of the sixth form without whose sunnort the evening w6U!C have been a very expensive flop.Those who a.ttenr~ec~a 1 had ·a Vel:'y gooc' eve:nlng.The festivities ending nt eleven~· ur thanks ar~ ~ue to Mr.White for his help an~ especially for keeping the school open until such a late hour. !ii_r;>y_S OF CLD Hi\l!::!__!f.!_ANS~ llrtYBOI~D

Hr\HHIS is nm·r a lecturer in ~1athemntics .nt the .University of J£xet er •. DCUG \'Ji\LTON. 1950-57 anc~ Has_b~r .from 1964-68. l1as given up teaching to become a member o~ the. staff At the Institute of Mathematics and its ~~plication.He will becom~ the .As~istant Secretary. Lil'·JDA BELLA.f\1Y is now teachinp: at a school in Dagenham~ JOHN HORS~Y i~ entering his final year at ) niversity of Bradford. He hones to see old friends at the Old Bo~rs Sun-per th:ts yea.r,He still s£Jes K;nTH I-Ii\HHIS 1963-70 and COLIN 1\LDHIIJC~E. HOBSHT HEDGEW~LL wrote to the Headmaster rerently to tell him of his recent success in obtaining a Lower Second in Electronic Engineering at University College,London.He is s6on to join the staff of Internat:i,-onal Computers Ltd.at Stevenar,:e as a Conmissioning Enp:ineer. D.ARTER recently joinerl the O.R.A. having visited the Secretary at Davensnt School.He is living near the school at Deb~en,Essex. l~LIZABETH Ti\YLOR was reJturned at the last local el•~ction in Redbridge Council" Shf~ is Vice Chair,J::an of the Education and General pur,:oses C Committee •. She· belonp-s to 3 co•1vdttees,5 sub committees and 5 Governing Bo~ies.~his coPied with her harrl work with O.AJP 1 s rnakes life very full and quite hectic. COLIN ;~.Si·TTH.195B-65 still keens contact with several O.R's mainly a s'a result of. oCAltual int~~rsets ( 1Jrin1rin.rr: & Rugby) CCLIN, Hi:Gl·JHY STii.NLEY, Pr,:Ti~l{ COX •\ND :r EYJ.'H. CHAHJAN. have all married wittd.n the last year or so a nd KEN JCNi~S has a son callecl Owen Simoh ~~N ~3Xzkas* has now ioined the Royal Navy. PAUL GkiFFITIIS a me~ber of the Sixth form wrote to the Secretary with news of AL~X CCfLAND ...•. I quote .•. , Alex Corland .•,ras last seen in 2nd.·place at the Burdett Rrl, E•;rr-loyment 1.i;xchnn~~e rlole queue. I am nl~~as~~d, to t1~ll you that he recently received'an increase of 70p in his weekly benefit anrl woulrl like, throup;h this neh'sheet, toconvey his het1rtfeJt. amTeciation to the Minister of ~ealth for his most ~enerous gesture. '' '\Y ZAI:.AIUJA nee J:.-:.FFl~HSON '1955-62.' wrote to tlw school recently. She now lives in Austr0lia.She woul~ ]ove to henr frdm ol~ frien~s­ Address avai;Lable from the Sec. FHILIP FUTTICK is Senior·Bngineer with I.B.M.nnd a qualified Ten Fin Bo,vling ins true tor, He is no"' married an(~ li Yes in Gloucester Rrl. , ,,, elling, l' ent. JILLIAN FUTTICK is a secnetary at an :~stai;:e 1-\gents in Bexley Heath. SUBSCRIPTIONS .....• LIFE £5 •• , 3 YEARS XXP 50p ...• 1 YEAR 17p Students lOp. · TI~.£8 .......• £1 BADG~s:. . .CLOTH 5<)p •.• ·'Hi~.E £3~ •• FIN BADGES •••• 55p. HAFFY C'iHI STMA.S AND FHOSFri:HOlJ S Nl£1tl


, ..... .



. ~ .. . 1 ~

, i ;_, . >~:/~,·:.1~ ~··.:~-!-.i·_',', ~ J: .. ·,,··: ,---~~\.i'


I~f\ somewhat b·elsd~e·d.

'; , > ;~'


, r·:. /,


"' ·._;,'

~ •.

. , ..

Happy\N.ew Year•·:·to you all. '.I trus;t'.tha · \·J:.:hat. 1978 ,has ,p~:mred,;

l·';enjoyed~'the";Christmas .season ,an

fq~f~~~~·~f~'6~~'~,fY"~~/Ji;li:~;~~~~i[1 ,:f:; :~ .··~)~~~f~:·/1·;,~,\~




-· ... ·. '; ..



:t·I}a~ ~p~E!a,sJ~d to_' SftY' thnt· the Association is


1 :_

hea:Lthi.er.'<stat·~/t.~a~ . - ·_.·-·"tf" ~.,· .r;:.,;~_~;-:,:1'•


•, .. : .. ·-·· '•,.


~~s w~~n


. •

·\:·;·~··~'~7\;:\}~f; ,' .

a sO:m,ewhat.

,T last. '-wrote· to you. Your gener.a:L


-on,13,.e;~to our' pleas has..been gratifying.l~ernember ,tbt:f' Asso~iation-''wil+~ ··~·::.??[;::·(


' . : ' ,·.






):.ollll~~;~:tast'.~'~$ :,..o:g.g :as you are interest.ed.,



l~w~;',wouldLli.ke 1 pu;ring


Ol~,:;JIU~i~~ 'of th~ ~~~ool, I ea·~-·p~:,;~a:~;-'~·)g~p~p 11:.,~ho ;•;;.;~·'·,<~"- . . . ',


--·:. ,'·


.·· •. '


should, ~





t~> 'act

wi.lLing '







.. ·

v;~lunieer''(i'"''~;;,ii:(. '· ·~·

from oNE

as a year



the. coming. year, to 'improve·

b~. '


secreta;j~Thi~ '





· wi~l'consi,.d~r.ab~y imp~ov.e communi<;:a tion b~tween th~ Associatio:ri: and> '_.,.:' ·,<._Y·t_·_,:·:~")·-~;:: .·., :-·_;·::.'·;.·, ,·· ". ~~;\~· ..•.:>··· .-' ·.,.· __ · .<.. _·:. ,..:~~--~ its membe~.~·''·apd{would, I ...:f~.el' .sur~ ,incr..eCJ.Se the membership~ . I wotild ''·b '











! ' '"

provide:::~the.' n~mes

·able to .-,~














~' ~








and. addres,see of year groups' etc,. to year· 1)li'(,












· s ecret~ri es :.who{ would ?ih turn, commu~icate "W"i th me. THINK ABOtYr I'r.Ple<l;:'e write i(o m~,th;is ,is pha,.,'?e two of the 'Keep tlie ORA~ alive campaignt.; r:?:f','... "


hop~ .....that'••r.~hall.. see m~ny ofi·y~u' •



du:ting the




. Vwry he~·t w:l.'shes ·to you .all

'' '


... ':'···

':Hi chard ''Till brook 1961-68. Hon.Secret~~i• ..: . : '·.



r'/wa:8,.de·li'ghted ·by. the :turn out for the OH ·Sup-per this year • . .,,,, .'

Over :one hundred,;people sat down to Supper i:tj November,including a '




large and verywelcom~ conting;ent from the 1966-73 era.The guest Honour was Mr.Reff'old,Head of Modern Language whose speech in reply ·to :t,he To~st >to The School· was greatly enjoyed by all present!.~.ONGRAT-.::;; '-ULATIO:t~~. f'\~.~ <d1!,e


·:MX: .,Ref'f'old

pn, hi.s appointment., as Depufy



:of a~.e .:new Ra,;il1~i:~ .s Found0tion R!l~p:mH:. (Sorry, fore.e of habit) Comprehe;... nsive. School. ~


. :,'·;~?~,, .,.T:;,~.!he

'!.3\}PPer, f'or 1978 will be 'held inthe SCHOOL HALL on

.SATURDAY'hith;NOVEMBER·1978~ . . Tl:').e.Guest qf Honour will be ,;;.;;;;:...:.:.;.;:..;.;.;;=• Mr •.Wa:Lly: -~';,,>·-'~•..: ';':~;'







Spoo~et_:.~i~,·~:~ti;, ~e Mx;.Spooner' s






las;t. a.cademic :rear at


:. :;,n:'.'. 1~"~\t~ji1~~~. n~h~tf;lf~~ e;t ~~.·full ·.. hote'"-~ . \ . s:/>-~,;'1 .; ;

d e:t9;~1~' ~n. s.eptember.•• ~in the. .sure that all your friends know.



. _-.:_.-·

~ :~-_~_,.i""·.i:"t/_,.,·..:-

., .








Ji!:NSEN (nee Tear)


t.o.. U .. ,P.a.gisters R9ad,


Abingrlon,Oxon.~esley ,is now working,temporarily,for the.U.B.I .. This

is Understanding Biitish Industry and aims to help Teachers and pupils to understand the intricases of the British Inrlustrial Scene.Lesly '"ill be plet~tsed to send information to anyone interested. Hilary SELBY (nee Tea£_L who left in 1973 was married in June to Peter·· Selby, an office cJesi,gner" They live in Shortlands, Kent. .








artd Lesley Roscoe are to be married on SATURDAY June 3rd. --1978:" Frank gair;:ed ~272-c ombined Honours, B. Se. from Sll:rrey~He . . : is a re spec table ? ? ?? working man now in the employ of Wig girt···&- eo--~.:~---: ..

Jfennifer and Preston Cater "1965-72 ·'·afeh.ippilymEJ,:pr:tect and living


They v:j_si tep; .the Scl1oo:t rec~h'tly to i·ra:tch the production of Nikado. Ia:rn Eu.rchelll and Christine Davidson

-vnere recently engaged to be married'. You may

recall announcement about three years ago, •• this time I'm r1 ·that . I made · • a similar · . ~r~~ht:;.. ~ _: , · · · · · · 1 Dav:td' De Ai:1J....:.l.964-71 'and his wife have recently gone try Zambia where they will stay

~: '

' . •


.. -~· ..... :...•~ :...: ~ ..

for two years.D,qcvi?- was a very regular attendetir at O.R.Suppers.His job is ·as a.Jll:. informa;bion Sci<t!ltis·t vli th the Nationalised Copper mining, Companieso.He has just

r.I~Scoat City,Universlty and eagerly avmits the resuJ,ts.



Ba:r;cy Henderson and .Una Reed '( 1963-71}were married

:in July, 1977 .They are now living·

in Ho:enchur,c:p.. Barry vTorks for the Nidland Bank -and Una, is a. Primary· School teacher. · · ' ''' ·' '




Una·' s ~,sister~,!heresa is marri~d to B:iJ:l'l-1acke:rikci:e, (Head BQY_1970), they live· in Ilford. Steve Sol~;{,W:!J-9,wa,s Deputy Hlead~to Bill ,lives

G~Jll .·~.9q~68




with his idfe in Petts Wood.

to 'become a Father soon •• ·.(I think that's righH)

Dich and Heib,en T§.fCo:u >mll:!e due· td become' parents for .t;he second time in November of ·'

. .

. .


.. : ..•.· ..•·..

. r!:,:

last ye§,r•u: Terry C~ime~·:1967·-74


is,enjoying contihued publicity as a

some considerable r::nrc;'!ss~ ~udsess;

as: a

JI1uslhmian1 .Terry has en'joyed

'HeW· 1m:ve 1, music.ian and has been on a number o:f

European tou:rs .He also plays regularly in dance •and. nightclub bands >vhen he is in • '


' .! ' . ~ : ' .





DT !{ErfORIMi. ;

-.. ,.


It is 1-vith the greatest regret that I inform you of the death of Reg. Platt:. '


Reg left Raine 1 s in 1948 having studied for some three o:fr four years.At the tima of his death Reg v7as a Senior Lecturer in Jl1athematics at the Hertfordshire Collegeof Bu'ilding,St.Albans.A tree was recently planted there in his memory. .


. .




Jea.n Platii. (Reg' s . •vife) was also an OlC!. Raineian 1945-52~ and she and Reg have· been


of the Asso-ciaticiii, ·f-or many yrgar,s .• ,

Sea:n 1 s lettet ends •.•• ,:'.'I do. hop.e. :that the Ass~ciation t-iill flou:dsh as both my·

: . ~.. i ,. ) .;_.( . . - .





·, : . .


. ;_ ., ; .:·i -.·

: :.






.. . ~ate. husband arid myself' 1-vere prou& ~o. h9-YE? received our early education at what ;I , .I ~;. ·•·.;

,. ·, ·•




. •.


' ..._.. '··"



novr_ know to·· b(3 'a 'first class .• grannar sc,hool. (At the time I was naive enough~h- think -



; . : __

.~ i:':'(


. ' .




:- . .







tha:t all graniina:b 'schools off.e;reQ. .a, sim~la:p_ standard of education"-~ '



;' :· ·.: 7·


:' ~

l •

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