The Raineian
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Editorial Committee Editor:
Assistant Editor:
Cover Des(l{ner:
Susan Sykes Karen Winter Clive Gorman, Keith Adley Annette Bugansky Cheryl Cole Kathleen Fassenfelt Margaret Tompkins
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Stepney Way, 1973, The Parmiterian, 1974
Editorial The main problem which one discovers when attempting to write an editorial for a publication such as this is the choice of subject matter. One must find something which is interesting and yet relevant to all concerned. Perhaps the one thing which affects us all is the way in which our society is developing. When one considers the picture 0 four world which is presented to us via the mass media it would seem at times that there is little hope left for the human race. In our age of science and technology surely this shou ~d not be so. In the past only a tiny minority were able to live in comfort and ease whilst the working classes were subjected to drudgery. The working man, however, has fought for his right to a place in a society where he can express his views by casting his vote in a democratic election. This basic human right has been gained by sheer perseverance and, in some cases, bloody revolution, but the passport to freedom came only with the availability of free edu足 cation. Whilst education was available solely for those with the resources to pay for it, power remained in the hands of the rich alone. Some would say the education of the masses is responsible for the anarchy in our world today but the fact that most people, in the Western World at least, have certain civil rights and com足 fortable homes must show some breakthrough in the fight for class equality. This outward view suggests that we should be striving towards a Utopia where all men are equal but we know this dream to be virtually unattainable. Our society is crumbling at our feet though it need not be so. I do not attempt to present solutions to the world's problems: there are men and women failing in this quest every day. I am simply presenting the situation as I see it. One can only say that a relatively sound education is available to us all and as we will constitute the voting public of tomorrow we should grasp our opportunities and use them to fight towards a better world where some sort of equality Can be reached . Susan Sykes, VILR
Chairman Sir Hugh Munro-Lucas-Tooth, Bart.
Vice-Chairman S_ A_ 1\1atthews, Esq _ Mrs. E. Armsby L. Bernstein, Esq. ,B.Sc.,Ph.D. The Reverend IVI. Bourne, M.A. j. Branagan, Esq., K.S.G.,j.P. A. Hugh Chaplin, Esq., C.B., B.A., F.L.A . ['"Jrs. E. M. Grimes, B.A. T. H. Howgill, Esq.
The Reverend M. Johnson, M.A. The Reverend N. McCurry, M.A. 1. \,V. Roxburgh, Esq., Ph. D. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Stepney.
Mrs_ 1. Seymour-Chalk_
The Reverend A. M. Solomon,B.D.
Clerk to the Governors H.R.K. Broughton, Esq., B.A.
Head Master Mr. B. P. Stanney, M.A. (Cantab.), M.Ed. (Dunelm.)
D eputy Head Mrs. M. C. Rankin, A. T. D. (London)
Senior Mast er Mr. W.M. Spooner, M. A. (London), B.Se. (London), F. R.G.S.
Sch ool Chaplain The Reverend P. C. Clynick
Mr. J.J.G. Blundell, A.T.D.(London) (Art) Mr. G. Calvert, (City of Worcester College) (lvlathematics) Dr. A. Cioci, (University of Pisa) (Physics) Mr. E.J. Croom, B.Sc. (London) (Geology) Mrs. C. Crump, B.A. (Dublin) (Geography) Mr. K.R. Crump, B.A. (Liverpool) (History and Economics) Mr. B.C. Dowling, M.A. (New Zealand) (Enghsh) Mr. T.G. Emes, A.C.P., M.LC.E. (Technical Studies) Mr. J.S. Everton, M.A. (Oxon.) (Biology) Miss P. Gosman, (National Training College of Domestic Science) (Home Economics) Miss I.R. Hoskins, A.L.C.M., L.G.S.M. (Commerce) Mr. R.J. Hudson, B.Sc. (London) (Chemistry) Miss V.G. Jackson, L.R.A.M. (Music) Mr. H. Long, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Loughborough) (Physical Education, Boys) Miss A.M. Lowes, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Chelsea) Physical Education, Girls) Mr. R.C. Reffold, M.A. (Oxon.) (Languages) Mr. R.F.J. Simmons, B.A. (London) (German)
ASSISTANTS Mrs. S. Auerbach. B.Sc. (Leeds) (Mathematics)
Miss C.M. Balls, B.A. (Cantab.) (French and (;erman)
Mr. T. Billington, B.Sc. (London) (Mathematics)
Mr. J .H. Darch, B.A. (Wales) (History)
Mr. S.B. Emes, M. Weld, 1., M.l.C.E. (Technical Studies)
Miss A.M.L. Firth, B.A. (Oxon.), M.Sc. (London) (Physics)
Mrs. J.E. Frost, B.A. (Nottingham) (French)
Mrs. L.A. Geddes, B.A. (Manchester) (French and Spanish)
Mrs. J .M. Gilchrist, B.Sc. (Leeds) (Physics)
Mr. R.C. Hart, B.A. (Nottingham) (History)
Mrs. A.E. Johnson, B.A. (Leeds) (English)
Miss M. Lewis, B.A. (Wales) (English)
Miss L.J. Linnett, B.Sc. (Reading) (Chemistry)
Mrs. H.R. Mars, B.A. (Newcastle) (German and French)
Miss A.W. Naylor, B.Sc. (London) (Biology)
Mr. C.J. Nice, B.Sc. (Southampton) (Mathematics)
Mr. A.D. Perrett, B.Sc. (Manchester) (Mathematics) ;vir. R.J. Pryce, B.A. (Hull) (German and French) Mr. J.1. Rae, B.A. (Sydney) (English) Mr. P. Spillett, B.Sc. (London) (Economics) Mrs. S.W. Scriven, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Bedford) (Games Coach) Mr. J.J. Wallis, B.A. (London) (Latin) Miss P. Webster, B.Se. (London) (Geography)
School Bursar Senior Laboratory Technician Head Master's Secretary
iVIrs. L.M.Creasey Mr. S.J. Russell Mrs. J.r. Evans
Head Boy
Anthony Mole
Deputy Head Boy Gary Lloyd
Head Girl
Helen Beeson
Deputy H ead Girls Lorraine Sims Karen Winter
Prefects Martyn Button Geoffrey Chappell Phillip Clark Colin Croft Laurence Dalton Geoffrey Davis John De'Ath John Forder Garry Green Martin Leonard David Lloyd Michael Murphy Mark Rossi Stephen Salter Roy Singh
Catherine Carlaw Kathleen Crundwell Lorraine Ellicott Christine Gilbey Nimitta Gurjah Gfynis Jenkins Gillian Lamb Lesley Lewis Lucinda May Anne Medlycott Jean Millgate Barbara Morgan Mary Payne Sarah Powell Christine Richardson Susan Sykes 6
Sub-Prefects Keith Adley James Adshead Garry Ainsworth Gary Bishop Paul Burchell Stephen Burton Derek Elliott Peter Gibbins Paul Griffiths Gary Hurst Stephen Kimberley Michael Marks John Newman Gary Smith Kapil Varma
Susan Bowden Linda Buckland Stella Bulevicius Linda Cole Deborah Cowen Janet Goldswain June Hampton Susan Holland Sharon Humphrey Bernadette King Lesley Marshall: Carol Marston Julie McConnell Jillian Rood Kim Sparkes Susan Taylor Barbara Wilsoll
Monitors Keith Bennett Colin Briden David Cain John Clements Christopher Donovan Ian Glasby Michael Holman Paul Jackson James Lewis Anthony Mulrenan Michael Newman Richard Reid Mark Tinkler Michael Vincent Paul White Paul Williams
Pamela Andrews Diane Brown Debra Cole Susan Hopkins Sheri-Lee Jenkins Diane Kendall Susan Lyons Debra Mackenzie Deborah Mills Susan Nunn Karen Rayiru Helen Sissons Christine Smith Gillian Whiteley
Games Captain, Girls
Carol Marston
Prize List 1973-74 FORM PRIZES (All/orm prizes are for achievement unless otherwise stated) IF
Lynn Bryant John Godfrey Martin Bacon Neville Tuck
Joanne Ahearne Ralph Howes Laura Davies
Patrick Mulrenan Deborah Begent Daniel Perkins
Peter Clarke Jane England Dawn Wilkinson
Julie Dawkins Carole Passmore Phyllis Alexander
Maddelena Pettenati Sandra Matthew Carole Day
Loraine Suter Denise Cox Antonio Frangou
Shelley Hurley Robert Gibbs Paul Burton
Kevan Gill Deborah Gardner Paula Martin James Chambers
Karen Petersen Barbara Baker Tracy Nathan
Raymond Belcher Lisa He'lm Debra Vincent
John Tompkins Gillian Clarke Tony Lock
Maria Daniels IVG Patricia Bryant Allan Twynam (for progress)
IVL June David Judy Mulcock Susan Crook
Annette Bugansky Christopher Nolan
Clive Baugh Angela Rossi Jonathan McCoig
Susan Holland John Newman Andre Hardie
Linda Buckland Stella Bulevicius Carol Marston
Debra Mackenzie Anthony Mulrenan Barbara Wilson
Mohammed Ali Derek Elliott Michael Newman Susan Taylor
Lower Sixth
Secretarial Sixth
Geoffrey Davis Paul Griffi ths
Valerie Preston
Kim Hayday (for progress)
Upper Sixth Prizes Economics Geography Geology Music
SUBJECT PRIZES Religious Knowledge
Physical Education
Music Art Needlework
Clemenlino G iglio- Vigna Leonard Rees Geoffrey Chappell John Chappell
Senior Intermediate Junior Senior Junior
Senior Junior Senior Junior Senior Junior
John Newman, VA Gillian Clarke,IIIW Shelley Hurley, IIW Colin Croft, VILR Stephen Mann, IlIM Steven Sims, IllS Kim Hewlett, IllS Paula Martin, IllF Linda Tuck, V A Christine Ahearne, IllS Annette Bugansky, lVG Jacqueline Curry, lW Annette Bugansky, lVG Phyllis Alexander, IIF
SPECIAL PRIZES The Ida Samuel Memorial Prizes Reading Essay
Kim Hurley, IVL Clive Shilson, IllS
Senior junior Senior junior
Susan Crook, IVL Carole Da y, lIS
The Haugh Prize for Distinction at Ordinary Level June Hampton, VL The John Jacobs Prize for Distinction at Ordinary Level Michael Vincent, VS The Mangold Prize for Excellence
Lorraine Sims, VILR Karen Winter, VILR
The Christian Keith Scott Prizes for Perseverance and Progress Phillip Clark, VILR Clementino Giglio-Vigna, VIU The Ward Prize for Endeavour
Michael Holman, VS
The Chairman's Prize
Barbara Page, VIU
The Goode Prize
Terence Chimes, VIU
The Old Raineians' Prizes for Service to the School ~1artin Leonard, VILB Lesley Roscoe, VIU The Parents' Association Prizes
Sarah Cooper, VIU Glenn Cole, VIU Brian Parker, VIU
The Grier Memorial Prize for Service to the School Lynn Ahearne, VIU The Taylor Memorial Prize for Service to the School Stephen Gilbey, VIU
CE RTIF ICATES University of London Advanced Level: Terence Chimes (3), Bra ham Levy (4), Leonard Lewis (3), Stephen Wilkinson (3) . In addition nine pupils gained two pass es and thirteen gained one pass. (Five of these were pupils in the Low er Sixth.)
Ordinary Level: Mohammed Ali (8), Pamela Andrews (6), Keith Bennett (6), Gary Bishop (8), Colin Briden (7), Diane Brown (6), Stella Bulevicius (7), Linda Buckland (7), Linda Cole (7), Gillian Dobson (6), Derek Elliott (9), Peter Gibbins (7), Ian Glasby (6), June Hampton (9), Andre Hardie (9), Susan Holland (9), Paul Jackson (7), Leslie Kelly (7), Stephen Kimberley (7), Donna Laws (6), James Lewis (8), Debra Mackenzie (9), Lesley Marshal. (8), Carol Marston (6), Jocelyn rvlatthews (6), Anthony Mulrenan (9), John Newman (7), Michael Newman (8), Gregory Page (6), Gary Preston (8), Helen Sissons (9), Susan Taylor (9), Mark Tinkler (7) Linda Tuck (7), Michael Vincent (8), Alan Webber (8), Paul White (6), Paul Williams (7), Barbara Wilson (9). Seven others from th e Fifth Forms gained five passes, eight gained four passes, thirteen gained three passes, nine gained two passes and thirteen gained one pass. One Sixth-former gained four p ass es, two gained three passes, six足 teen gained two passes, and eighteen gained one pass. In the Fourth Year, six pupils gained two passes and thirty gained one pass.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music - Pianoforte Grade VI
John Chappell, VIU
The Poetry Society Senior Prose Reading Ccrti fica te
Susan Sykes, VILR (with Honours) Kathleen Fassenfelt, VILB (with Credit) Rosemary Moran, VIU (with Credit) Valerie Preston, VILli Sarah Powell, VILR Anne Medlycott, VILR Lorraine Willcox, VILB
l::honze Medal for Prose Reading Lynn Barrett, VIU (with Credit) Rosemary Moran, VIU (with Credit) Sarah Powell, VILR Silver tvledal for Prose Reading
Lynn Barrett, VIU
Bible Reading Certificate
Glynis J cnkins, VILR (with Credit) Sarah Powell, VILR (roith Credit)
In termeJ iate Prose Reading Certificate
Maddelena Pettenati, lIS Deena Gardiner, lIS Alison Harvey, lIM
Bronze Medal for Prose Reading lVladdelcna Pettenati, lIS Silver Medal for Prose Reading
Maddelena Pettenati, Credit)
Poetry Reading Certificate
Deena Gardiner, liS
ns (with
Bib'ie Reading Certificate Carole Day, lIS
Bronze Medal for Bible Reading Carole Day, lIS (with Credit)
The Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Speech and Drama, Grade IVa Speech and Drama, Grade V
Lynn Barrett, VIU
Lynn Barrett, VIU
Susan Sykes, VILR
Trophies 1973 - 74 ATHLE TIC ACTIVITIES
Athletics Winterton Cup Bu tterfield Cup Luton Cup Aldridge Cup Roden Cup
School School School School School
Raineian Lodge Cup Harvey Martin Cup Fishberg Cup
Mann Winterton Mann
(Boys) Senior In term edÂŁa te Junior
Mansfield Cup Wareing Cup Horn e Cup
Foundation Foundation School
(Girls) Senior Interm ediat e Junior
Head Master's Trophy Middle School Trophy Junior Cup
Winterton Foundation Foundat ion
Senior Interm ediate
Munn Cup Camberley Cup
School School
Netball Senior Int ermediate Junior
Tyler Trophy Leach Cup Mann Cup
School Winterton School
Cadet Cup
Intermediate Junior
Hirtes Cup Jenkins Cup
Mann, School, vVinterton Mann School
Senior Int erm ediate Junior Standards Aggregate Basketball
Senior Intermediat e Junior Cross Country
Swimming Senior Intermediate Junior Aggregate
Lassmal) Shield Wilkins Shield Turnage Trophy Manuel Posey Cup
Mann School School School
Physical Education Boys Girls
Adlam Cup O.R.A. 250th Anniversary Cup
Sc hool School
House Championship Sch ool Shutt Trophy (Final Hou se Points: School 110, Mann 72, Foundation 69, Winterton 56)
ATHLETICS (INDIVIDUAL) Victor Ludorum Senior Intermediate Junior
Stephen Coughlan Godfrey Matthew John Wy att
Victrix Ludorum Senior Interm ediate Junior
Rosemary Moran Su sa n Marks Sandra Matthew
CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Drama SeniOJ足 Sixth Form Cup Junior D.M. Yeomans Trophy
Mann School
Chess Senior Junior
Mann Foundation
Clark Cup Clark Junior Cup
Prose and Verse Senior Aldridge Memorial Trophy Junior Aldridge Memorial Trophy
School Winterton
Ida Samuel Reading Awards Senior
School School
Geographical Projects Junior
Field Studes Senior
George Canning Trophy
Eagle Trophy
Dagger Cup
House Championship Dorothy Broughton Trophy
School Work
(Final House Points: School 56, Mann 39, Foundation 36, Winterton 29) Overall Championship School
School News 1973 - 74 Every year a few familiar faces disappear from the school and a number of new ones take their place. The staff are no exception to this rule. At the end of the Christmas term three members of staff left Raine's: Father Burrows, who had served the school for nine years, six of them as Head of History, and who is now in charge of the parish of St. Clement's, King Square; Mrs. Chisholm, to whom we extend our belated congratulations on the birth of a daughter; and Miss Clarke, who receives our best wishes on her marriage and her subsequent removal to Saint Athan. In July, 1\1r. Copping ended his versatile career at Raine's and moved to the Stationers' Company School as Head of the Religious Education Department. We wish him vvell in his new school and in his marriage. Mrs. Bamford, Mr. Coomber, Mrs Owen-Conway, Frau Eikenbusch and MIle Pejean also left us at the end of the academic year. On the 'credit' side, Mrs Geddes and Mr Hart joined the Modern Languages and History Departments respectively earlier this year; Miss Firth joined the Physics Department, and in September, Mr Darch, Mrs Gilchrist, Mr Perrett and Mr Wallis joined us. We wish all these members of staff success and happi足 ness in their new posts, whether at Raine's or elsewhere. Our congratulations go 1) Mr Crump, who became Head of the History Department on Father Burrow's departure, and our good wishes to Miss Groner, who was married in August and returned in September as Mrs. Auerbach. It was with sadness that the school learnt of the death of Mr Frank Hirtes, early in January. Mr Hirtes was an old boy of the school and a member of the Governing Body for many years.
In the course of the year, many pupils have distinguished them足 selves in different spheres. Particularly worthy of commendation are Gary James, who became the Junior English Champion over 800 metres, and Helen Beeson and Karen Winter who won I.L.E.A. Modern Languages Travelling Awards. Jack Lowe, who won one of these awards last year, deserves our warmest congratulations on his obtaining a place at Oriel College, Oxford, where he will read French and German. The school year has been punctuated by various festivals and functions. Harvest Thanksgiving was celebrated on October 12th in the school hall, which was decorated with gifts of groceries provided by pupils. The Reverend Ellis Slack gave the address and the Choir sang "Thou visit est the earth". Speech Day followed on October 18th. Lady Prudence Louden distributed the prizes
and trophies and once again the Choir supplied various musical items. At the Remembrance Service a lesson was read by Mr. B. Lambert, the President of the O.R.A., and the Choir gave a rendering of "I heard a voice". Carols by candle-light were sung at Saint George-in-the-East, where the Founder's Day service also took place, on May 3rd. On that occasion, the Reverend Canon C.E. Young, an ex-Governor, preached the sermon. The music provided included "Jesu joy of man's desiring" and "The trumpet shall sound". A special Ascension Day assembly was held at the sch~ol, with pupils playing a major part in the conducting of the servICe. The secular side of music and drama has certainly not been neglected in the past twelve months. In December, two highly successful performances of "The Pirates of Penzance" were given by the Senior School, and just before the Spring Bank Holiday the Sixth Form treated us to a May time Revue. House-play com足 petitions were held, as usual, in the Christmas and Spring terms, and in July, to round off the year's dramatic activities, the Junior School presented "The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew" by Robert Bolt. Members of the school have also enjoyed visits to various musical and theatrical productions this year. Third to sixth-formers have attended several concerts, operas and ballets of which "Cinderella" and "The Sleeping Beauty" were particularly ,i mpressive. A party of fourth-formers saw a performance of "Macbeth" at the Shaw Theatre, while fifth-formers were taken to see "\Iuch Ado About Nothing" and "Look Back in Anger" at the Young Vic. The English 'A' Level groups have been to a number of the productions of the National Theatre Company, by courtesy of the Education Authority. It is pleasing to note that the Sixth Form in general have developed a keen interest in the thLatre, the ne'wly formed Theatre-Going Society having attended five evening performances in the course of the year. O,ther school visits have included day trips to Hatfield House, Whipsnade, Winchester Cathedral, IVlarwell Zoological Park, Boulogne and Dover Castle for the juniors. Groups of senior pupils have attended various lectures, including the Annual Ford Lecture, delivered by Lord Hill, visited Windsor Safari Park, the Wellcome Museum of Parasitology, the Science Museum and craft and engin足 eering exhibitions at Shored itch and Paddington Colleges. The Secretarial Sixth have, as usual, visited a number of business con足 cerns in the City in the course of their studies.
Longer excursions and visits were also organised for various groups. In [\1arch, a group of sixth-formers went caving in the South West; Youth Hostelling holidays in Somerset and in the Ardennes were organised for the fifth, fourth and third forms; fifth and sixth足 formers camped and climbed in Wales in October, May and July; the annual skiing holiday in Austria took place at Christmas time, and thirty-five pupils flew to Greece at Easter. '\\ orking parties' also travelled to Lyme Regis in March and St. Agnes, Cornwall, in May to undertake Geo graphical Geological and Biological field work. A new departure was the organisation o f junior Geography field trips for the third and fourth years, who studied selected areas of Derbyshire and South Wales respectively. The sehoul year has also seen much fund-raising activity, enter足 tainment of O.A.P's, the appearance on t elevision of two sixth足 formers and the school chaplain, taking part in a Religious Knowledge competition, not to mention jousting at the Tower of London! Once again we did well out of the Royal Family in November when the school enjoyed an extra day's holid ay to cel足 brate Princess Anne's wedding. Our thanks must be expressed to the Parents' Association for their untiring efforts on our behalf and for the generosity which th ey show towards the school. M.L.
French viola. 17th Century
Frank Hirtes - An Appreciation Every young Raineian carries his or her parents' fondest hopes (or maybe fears at times!), but seldom is the wildest ambition realised and the top of the tree itself reached. In 1917, a baker's son joined the School; in 1969, he became the chief baker in the land, Grand Master of the Worshipful Company of Master Bakers. By coincidence, that year was the School's 250th Anniversary and Frank Hirtes was also honoured, in sligh tly more parochial fashion, as President of the O.R.A. So what more fitting than that the finest baker in the British Isles should make the birthday cake for the finest School in the country - his own, here in Arbour Square? Less than five years later, we mourn his passing, but in the Main Hall, carefully preserved is the evidence of his skill, the School crest and uniformed figures of Raineians of 1719 - the decorations from that cake. But that, like the cup he donated for Inter路House rugby, may be only temporal, so we do well to think of the ways in which Frank assured himself of a permanent place in the School's unpublished but undeniable role of honour. "Entered September 1917, left May 1922", says the Register tersely, as though young Hirtes, like every other Raineian, came in, learned his du ty "both to God and Man" and went his quiet and inconspicuous way. We recall some details - how he and Don Lyons were re>ponsible for the introduction of the House system as we know it (Frank was first captain of School HOllse in 1922); how he was the only boy in the Sixth Form taking Physics (with Frank Luton as his mentor); how so many hilarious incidents took place while he was C.S.M. of the School Cadet Corps under C.O. "Teddy" Horne; how he crowned his school days as Head Boy "tempering discipl'ine with reason". Then, although able enough for University, he opted to join, with his two brothers, his father's business. Study for City and Guilds examinations opened the way to the top: first a Gold Medallist of the Bakers' Company School, then Master Baker, followed by honoured membership of the Worshipful Bakers' Livery Company; later, Freedom of the City of London and finally, in 1969, the honour already chronicled. He had been Chief Domonstrator for the Bakers' Company and was, during World War Two, Bread Officer for the I1ford Area, afterwards gaining wider fame as a broadcasting and television expert in bakery. This still did not prevent his work for the communi ty in other ways, chiefly as a Rotarian and in a consultative capacity with the Citizen's Advice Bureau. His outgoing disposition frequently hid 19
his very sensitive and approachable nature, and many of us treasure the help given by Frank's sympathetic listening and then practical advice, given in his own inimitably cheerful way. With so much public pre-occupation, he must have relished the little private life that was his, either with his family or, more rarely, singing to his own accompaniment at the piano. But from Raine's there was no escaping, even had he wished it. The O.R.A. always had a prior claim to his loyalty and duly rewarded him with its Presidency in the YGlrS 1968 and 1969. Old Boys' SLIppers were not complete without the endless and, it must be admitted, matchless repartee of the Hirtes-Lyons-IVlatthews trio. Presidents' Parties will never be the same again. Nor will the Raineian Lodge of which he was a Past Master. Small wonder that he was duly honoured as a Governor of his own School, joining ;V]rs Grimes and Mr S. !vlatthews as our "guardian angels" on that august body. With Raineians of his calibre, in the company of illustrious names like Earl Winterton, Sir Basil Henriques, Sir John l\'lann and now Sir Hugh Munro-Lucas-Tooth, as its governors, the School's best interests certainly should be safeguarded. That year, 1969, proved to be the peak of Frank's life and the following years saw a decline in his health, but none of us were prepared for his sudden passing in mid-January. We are all bereft in so many ways, and while extending our sympathy to Mildred and their two daughters, we can assure them that thousand of Raineians, unknown to them personally, will sincerely say of Frank Hirtes - "So dearly loved, so sadly missed." W.M.S.
Old Raineians' Association Our new President was invested at the Annual General Meeting in March of this year. Mrs Mansfield has been a very active mem足 ber of the O.R.A. for a number of years now and we hope that she will enjoy what promises to be a very active if not hectic year. Already several new ideas have been put into operation, including some especially for younger members. A party for all members of the Sixth Form held in July to cel足 ebrate the end of exams and the new appoin tments of Head Boy
and Head Girl was the first new activity, and this was arranged with help from John Chappell and Glenn Cole in the Upper Sixth. We hope that this will be the first of many such functions. The Old Boys' Supper was held at the Devonshire Restaurant in November and was. attended by one hundred old Raineians. We weren't very satisfied with the service or the price, hovvever, and so will be changing our venue this year. Needless to say, we made the best of the occasion. It is possible that a similar function will be held for girls and boys this year. Miss Parsons was kind enough to arrange a Garden Party in June. The weather was excellent and the event was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. I would be pleased to hear from any Old Raineians who would like to join the Association or send news for inclusion in the news足 sheet. Our thanks to Mr Stanney, Mr Spooner, Mr White and the various members of the Sixth Form who have done so much to help us with our activities. Richard Tillbrook, Hon. Secretary.
The Parents' Association The Parents' Association - what have we been doing this past year? Well, you may recall that having bought the mini-bus it was our intention to provide garaging facilities for it. For various reasons this project was shelved. The committee approached the School and were presented with a formidable list of ideas which covered such items as travelling scholarships, a covered walk-way for the Language Laboratories on the Roof, video-tape television equipment and an old favourite - toilets for the Sixth Form Centre - which was made a priority and the sixth-formers will be relieved to know that they will have their own toilets as soon as possible. Apart from this, we were able to purchase gem-cutting equipment for Mr Emes, and camping gear for Miss Jackson. Furthermore, the Committee made a donation to enable Mr Long to arrange for a number of boys to attend a Basketball Clinic and grants were made to two pupils who have been awarded Language Scholarships.
Our fund raising activities - Christmas Draw, Derby Draw and Summer Fete - we~e again very successful. The Committee are very conscious of the help given by the pupils and staff, and the overwhelming generosity of the parents, relations and friends. On the social side, we held a most enjoyable St Valentine's Dance in February and are arranging a Fireworks Night Dance in November. The dances are becoming popular and give a number of parel1ts opportunities to meet each other. On behalf of the Committee, I should like to thank all those who have supported us throughout the year, especially Mrs Crump and Mr Hudson who attend the majority of our meetings, to Miss Jackson, rvliss Groner and the "lads and lasses" who presented the musical evening in May and raised nearly £30 for the Association, and to Mrs Creasey and Mr White for their untiring help in our activi ties. I must end with one solemn note, Mrs Cooper, who has been Secretary of the Association for nearly six years, will be retiring at our next Annual General Meeting. Doreen, as she is affection ately known by so many, has worked hard during her term of office and her efficiency has contributed greatly to our success. D.G. Harrison
The Friday Work Out Club The club began life last November with the intention of making its members unbelievably fit. To say that this has been achieved is not very far from the truth and we feel sure that all those who have attended are at least slightly healthier The training (which includes running, cycling, weight-lifting, endur ance exercises and ball-games) is not easy, but one does gain a feeling of satisfaction from doing something difficult fairly well. All the club members, from the first to the sixth year, would like to extend their thanks to Mr Nice, Mr Billington and Mr Copping, for their active support. John De'Ath, VILR 22
Music and Drama Once again the school's interest in drama has been most pleasing. The I.L.E.A. has been as generous as ever ,md the sixth-form Advance Level English group have seen excellent productions of "King Lear" and "Pericles" and Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". Parties of fourth, fifth and sixth-formers have ,tlso visited a number of theatres and it is good to see them enjoying a wide variety of plays. Although the standard in the Inter-House dramatic competition was slightly lower than that of last year, we were provided with two mornings of good entertainment and we congratulate the actors and producers. In the junior section, School House won, while i'v'Iann House's presentation was placed first in the senior section. Both senior and jUllior Foundation HOllse plays were written by Glenn Colc and we look forward to more original work in the future . There have been two school productions in this year. "The Pirates of Penzance" by Gilbert and Sullivan was most successful, enabling both staff and pupils to use their dramatic and musical talents. At the end fo the Summer Term the junior school _ presented "The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew" by Robert Bolt. Despite disappointingly small audiences we all enjoyed this very amusing play and were delighted to sec so much ability for comic acting. A. E.
THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE This year's major production by the Choir was "The Pirates of Penzance" by Gilbert and Sullivan, performed at the end of the Christmas Term. As usual, enthusiasm was at its peak at the beginning of the rehearsals but it waned somewhat at the prospect of singing on Speech Day, and rcached its lowest ebb when it was learnt that we were expected to rehearse on November 14th (Princess Anne's wedding day). However, most of the cast appeared, complete with bags of chips, liquorice allsorts and a bottle of Tizer with which to toast Princess Anne's health!
The first performance went well despite attacks of stage fright and amnesia. The main characters were played by the following in their own inimitable ways: Richard Tillbrook, whose naturally grey hair was an asset, Mrs Crump, who knocked out her front teeth for the occasion, Mr Copping, whose natural ability for playing the great Romeo showed throughout, Barbara Page, who was the only one to succumb to Mr Copping's attractions, John Chappell who was well suited to his role as a villainous pirate king, Glenn Cole, whose masterly control over his police force nearly caused a riot, Sarah Cooper, who nobly stepped in at the last minute, Christine Davidson, whose melodious voice kept the audience awake, and Terry Chimes - well, the least said about him the better!
Members of the Chorus plead with the pirates to ,pare their father, the Major-General. A ct I, "Pirates of Penzance. "
After the seco nd performance, the doddery old policeman, played by Ylartin Leonard, was finally pensioned off - twenty years too late; the first coloured policeman in the Victorian Police Force \,vas offered a contract by George rVlitchell, and Richard Tillbrook was given a place in the GlIiness Book of Records for the greatest number of children in the same age-group! The whole eas t was offered an appearance on "Opportunity Knocks", or was it "Going for a Song"? Our gnteflll thanks go to lVIiss Jackson, Miss Lewis and Miss Groner, who made the production possible. We also thank every足 body who helped backstage, Mr White and his assistants, and the Parents' Association for providing the refreshments. Glynis Jenkins and Sarah Powell, VI LR
Ruth tells of her error in apprenticing Frederick to a pirate. Act I, "Pirates ofPenzance"
THE MAYTIME REVUE Recently there have been certain rumours that various male mem· bers of the sixth-form wear women's clothing in their spare time! These rumours are entirely false, and were started by members of the audience at the May time Revue. No expense or personal embarrassment was spared in this super human effort to entertain. The show opened with a spectacular rendering of "There's no business like show business", which seemed to show the individual personalities of the performers, each doing "his own thing" in time (or out of time, as was often the case) with the music. Minor disasters such as the props fall ing to pieces and a person of dubious sex forgetting its lines were simply brushed aside. Apart from the general hubbub, there were several fine piano duets, and a solo from John ChappeB. At one point, the entire male cast was disguised as Solomon Osbourne. Thanks fo"r pulling the curtains, Solly! Other items included numbers from "Annie get your gun", two Shirley Temple songs, an extract form "Cabaret", some cleaned up field trip songs, "There's a hole in my bucket" and the Hippo potamus Song. The Lower Sixth performed two sketches, Michael Murphy excell ing as Frank Spencer. Gary Lloyd is not realIy a lumberjack! Freecloud opened the second half with a mini-gig and were well received. The Can-Can provided the finale, and met with mixed reactions, as one might expectl Thanks to everybody concerned, especially IVliss J ackson, Miss Groner, Mr Copping, Mr Nice, Peter Doyle, Solomon Osbourne, Mrs Cooper and team, and last but not least, 1\11r. White. George Bellamy VI U
THE THWARTING OF BARON BOLLIGREW Friday 12th of July, 7.30 p.m. The curtain is about to rise. On Stage are the Storyteller, the Duke and Juniper, all desperately trying to remember their first lines. Opening music, lights, cur颅 tain路up. Wake up the audience; the play is on! On the whole, it went quite well until the Duke's first reasonably long line. "Er. ... er. ... Thanks to your untiring efforts over the years ourpeasantrymaynow . . . . . . . eh, what? Do it slower? Rightho! Ahem. Our peasants can now harvest the taxes and reap interference from their profits. . . . . . " Then there was a well-rehearsed gap in the dialogue when Oblong forgot his lines and the Duke refused to go un until he had remem颅 bered them! Otherwise, apart from descending tights, stuttering knights and zombie路like men-at arms, the first half went very well. In the second half, Moloch, the marvellous magician, (who can now be found working the curtains on the David Nixon Show) performed a stupendous tFick - which failed to work only the first three times! Even the Dragon got his lines confused, and he was a tape-recorder! Saturday's performance featured such stars as Graham Law, alias Sir Percival Smoothely-Smoothe, the world renowned off-stage diver, and Peter "memory man" Noble, who held the audience (and cast!) spellbound while he remembered his one line. Of course, Saturday's audience was much more satisfactory than the Friday audience, which left half way through to buy fish and chips! No, the Saturday audience joined in the play by shouting stich encouraging remarks as "Smash him!" . . . . . . "Give it all up." . . . . . "Go home!" No mention has been made of Clive Shilson, who made such an excellent job of portraying the greedy, cruel, unprincipled Baron Bolligrew, because this brief review was prepared by... Clive Shilson, IllS THE SIXTH-FORM THEATRE-GOING SOCIETY On entering the Sixth form, a group of us decided that we should like to form a Theatre-going Society. Since last November, we have been to numerous productions staged in various parts of London.
Our first outing in November was to the Globe Theatre to see Noel Coward's "Private Lives". Set in the Twenties. the play is a situation comedy demonstrating Coward's gift for satire to the fullest extent. Although it was well presented, with Jill Bennett in the leading role, we found that this play was not as much to our taste as thosc we saw later. We were lucky enough to receive tickets for three I.L.E.A. per足 formances. The first was Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" at the Old Vic. The members of the National Theatre Company performed this touchingly sad story of old Russia very well. Shakespeare's "King Lear" was the second of these productions, and was staged at the Wimbledon Theatre. We discovered that the play did not exactly follow the text, although some of the variations were quite eye-opening! The same could be said abou t "Percicles" which, although bordering on the obscene at times, was extremely funny. We visited the Young Vic twice, on the first occasion to see "Much Ado About Nothing", and on the second to see a variation on the Great Bard's "Hamlet". This was a modern play by Tom Stoppard, called "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". This was the most recent of our outings and was marred only by our late arrival and the subsequent necessity for our standing throughout the perfo足 mance. We found the Young Vic's productions full of life and vitality, and the seating arrangements (when available) placed the audience actually among the players. In February, we saw a light-hearted comedy called "Judies", which featured John Alderton and Pauline Collins. In contrast, at the Piccadilly Theatre, in lVlay, we saw the play which we appreciated most of all; Tennessee Williams' portrait of the tragic Blanche Dubois in "A Streetcar Named Desire" was made most memorable for us by an exhausting and moving performance by Claire Bloom. Our visits have all been arranged for us by Mrs Johnson and Miss Lewis and on various occasions we have been joined by other members of staff, who, we hope, enjoyed and benefited from the delights of the London Theatre as much as we did. We express our sincere thanks to Mrs Johnson and Miss Lewis. Susan Sykes, VI LR
Good Causes Once again a record number of pupils took Pdrt in the Annual Walk in aid of the Polio Fellowship from Stanford-Le-Hope to Poplar. Raine's gained the trophy for the largest sum of money raised by a school - £560. Actually £810 was collected, but by arrangement with Fellowship we devoted £250 of this sum to the School Old People's Fund. For the first time we also took part in the REHAB Cross-the-Briclges Walk, some 15 miles, raising the sum of £222.52. All those taking part received a certificate which, if they take part in other walks, will result in medals. The sixth-form played hosts to apart y of Senior Citizens for a Christmas Tea which was enjoyed by all who took part. We were able to send out rather more parcels than usual following our Har vest Thanksgiving, a very real help to the old folk, who look for ward to this addition to their larders. A party of 41 left school by coach for Clacton on 9th July and had a thoroughly enjoyable day by the sea; luckily the weather was kind on this occasion. There have been the usual official flag days and a special collection amounting to £6.70 was taken for the children who are the victims of the protracted war in Vietnam. Since thanking the school for this effort I have had word ['rom Dr Duong Quynh Hoa, the Mini ster of Health thanking the Committee for the latest consignment of medical supplies sent out recently; our money will go towards the next lot of these desperately needed medicines and equipment , and will help to save lives. M. C. R.
The Griffins Venture Scout Unit This has been our most successful yet. last year's most successful year yet!)
(Even more successful than
During the course of the year, the Unit has been on several camps. In October we went to Snowdonia where we stayed at Bryn Bras Castle. On several occasions we joined the school party who were living in the "peasants' cottages". Needless to say, we took pity on them and fed them most evenings! The highlights of the week were the ascent of Snowdon and Glenn's pancakes!
Throughout the year we took part in <l wide range oj activities, including the Lord Mayor's Sho\-v, vuluntary service at Cub meet 足 ings organizing Scout Sports and, of co urse, acceptin g sporting challenges. Lectures and discussions on various topics uf interest took place at Venture meetings during the t<'rm. The main Unit Camp of the yell" was spent on Forestry Commis足 sion land at Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbright shire, Scotland. The week involved visiting Hadrian's vVall and it s fort s, and playing football. We alsu went to castles and abbeys ~It Richard's "request". Whilst we sunbathed, and or course played football, Richard tripped merrily over the various ruins. Finally we decided to take action, and Richard tripped for the last time! Actually, we had a great time. The Unit should thank Richard ('or his efforts in orgal1Jsll1 g our activities _ . . . . . . but, "vve won't! Griffins Venture Unit
"Come up and see me sometime!"
The Griffins Venture S cout Unit at Beaumaris Castle.
The Secretarial Sixth This year's Secretarial Six th training ou tings have been many, and vary from County Hall to the House of Commons. On each occa足 sion we have been accompanied by Miss Hoskins who, indeed, knows much about the City and its institutions. Visiting the Stock Exchange we were all amazed by the amount of activity going on in the "Market". The magnificent pomp of the Mansion House, the Lord Mayor of London's residence, was rather awe-inspiring and the Old Bailey with its stern air of decorum made us all feel guilty! The grandest occasion we have attended, however, must surely be the luncheon at the House of Commons. On arrival we were given a brief welcome by the Rt. Hon. Peter Shore, who is the M.P. for the Constituency in which our school is situated. We were then taken up to the Public Gallery to see the l'vlembers debating. Sev足 eral distinguished guests were present at the luncheon, including D~me Joan Vickers and Mrs Peggy Fenner M.P., both of whom c:lelivered in teresting speeches. In all, the Secretarial Sixth Form have been on twelve visits. We would all like to express our gratitude to our long-suffering teachers for allowing us so much time off from our lessons and also a special thank you to Miss Hoskins for all her hard work in arrange足 ing these visi ts. Gillian Owens, VILB
Field Work THE GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY ' FIELD TRIP, LYME REGIS, MARCH 1974 Needless to say, our departure for Lyme Regis was delayed. We all arrived safely, however, to be greete d by a large spooky·look· ing house ""hie;. resembled Colditz! On closer inspection we found that, unlike previous field-trips, our accommodation was more than satisfactory. This was true as far as the girls were co ncerned but most of the boys were banished to the chalets at the end of the garden to keep them out of mischief - and that included Mr. Croom! Work began the first evening but the weaker of us were revived by the discovery of 'The Rock Point Inn', which, for the unin formed, was the local pub. Day one saw us in Dorchester gen erally pestering the lo ca ls. o nly by a three mile scramble we were barred from th e pub arollnd that there was a party one and all!
carrying out urban studies and Sunday, our day of rest, was marred along the beach and the fact that for an evening, but word got , in Room 16 and fun was had by
Monday intro duced us to the delights of the Isle of Portland; Tuesday to Dartmoor Granite (Whoopee!); Wednesd ay most of us re ally did enjoy as we visited the l'viendip Hills, Woo key Hole and Cheddar Gorge. Thursday we saw the wonders of coastal erosion, and Friday . . . . . . we went home. Assorted memories include the sordid tales of Dave the Coach driver, the three phantom card players, someone's presence of mind in taking a hairdryer (no names men tioned), George's songs, Step hen Burton's ceaseless calamities, Carl's hat, and the Sllccess ful Raine's midnigh t escape party, despi te the staff's attempts to get us to bed by 11 p.m . Although the work was hard and our feet were sore, we all enjoyed ourselves immensely (on reflection!) We should like to thank Mr Croom, lVIrs Jackson and Miss Webster for making it possible, and George for making it more fun. Susan Sykes, Sharon Walsh and Anne Med lycott, VILR
After a long and tiresome journey, punctuated by the mishaps which were not at all unexpected with Miss Naylor driving, we finally arrived at the Biology Field Course Centre at Goonvrea, where we were greeted by Mr Burrows, who was to act as our guide and tutor on our visits to the various types of seashore. Having retrieved our mangled luggage from the roof of the mini bus, we all trooped wearily to our rooms to unpack. Some time later, Mark and john, who had opted to come by train, joined us in a somewhat bedraggled state after hitching a lift from a friendly Cornishman . At approximately 5.30 p.m. ourioviality having been partially restored, we hurried down to the living room where Mr Burrows gave us an introductory talk concerning our .programme for the following six days. This talk was followed by a much needed supper, after which some of us went for a stroll in the fresh air to explore the surrounding area - a necessary step, as the fields were literally covered with bushes which sheltered an assortment of life. That night we slept peacefully, with only the creakinl{ sounds of John'S bed occasionally disturbing our slumber. The following morning, Martyn and [ got up early with the inten tion of getting to the bathroom before th e others. On opening the door, however, we were met by Barbara's voice shouting out, "I'm next in the ba throom !" The next five days were very busy ones for us: we had to make an intensive study of the various beaches we visited, whi ch ranged from the typical sandy shore to the rocky shore of Trevaunance. All this accounted for most of the mornings, and our huge appet ites were only pal'tially satisfied by the "Yuk" packed lunch, as most of us aptly named it. The afternoons were spent in Mr Burrow's very cold laboratory examining and identifying the organ sms which we had collected on the beaches. Although this lab oratory work was distasteful to most ·of us, it was often very wel come because it afforded us a rest · from clambering over rocks and ploughing through sand and mud. Incidentally, nobody fell into a rock pool, although Mark again distinguished himself by dropping a text book into one. In our free time most of us played football and table tennis, and Mr Burrows displayed his stylish use ot the bat by nonchalantly smashing a light bulb while executing a back-hand shot. Some times we indulged in a game of football on a steeply inclined and 35
very fIldimentary pitch. Occasionally, Mr Everton joined in and surprised us by showing some good skills . I\Io nday night from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. was spent by the maj o rity of us sitting rigidly on th e rooftop of the mini-bus , e, ' p ose o to the cold, gust y winds - - vve were badger watching. On the other evenings some of the boys went to The Railway inn ",here they orten defeated the 'Locals' at darts. On Thursday, we went horse-riding, which proved to be a very hair-raising ride for me. I almost indulged unwillingly in a mud bath with my horse, who, while, crossing a muddy patch, sus足 denly decided that this was an opportune moment for him to have a mud bath . Fo rt unatcly, however, I successfully kic ked him into givi ng LIp this idea ! Friday night was quite eventful - lVIartyn and K eith found that the legs of their pyjama trousers had been sewn up. On Saturday, Mr Burrows was presented with a bottle of wine, the inscription on whi c h was the subject of a great d eal of disagreement between Mi ss Naylor and John. That morning we left Goonvrea in a dis足 mal mood to re turn to dismal London. I should like convey the whole party's appreciation to Miss Naylor and Mr Everton, who played a great part in making this trip an enjoyable one. Roy Singh, V 1 LR
. 'Hf. FOURTH YEAR GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIP, CRICK足 IIOWEIL JULY 1974 I should like to start by thanking the five members of staff who acco mpanied the group of fourth formers on the field trip to South vVales. During the \veekend, we studied the features of the Usk valley, saw the Ebbw Vale steel ,;vorks, and climbed the Brec on Beacons. We ~ eached the height of our ascent at Pen-y-Fan, about 3,000 ;' :t above sea-level. We were exhausted but the view was breath足 taking. Many of the party did not notice th e view because they were too busy making sLlre they were n o t blown away. The d ' 0 ',- nt was far more easily accomplished: we were able to roll down! Before starting our climb we visited the building where th e Mines Rescu e Team is based. This was very interesting as we saw most of the equipment and explored the simulated coal-faces.
Our evenings were spent debating whether we should go to the playground or to the local 'chippie'. On the whole, this was an enjoyable trip and I would recommend it to any form. Candy Sevren, 1 VL
THIRD YEAR FIELD TRIP, DERBYSHIRE, OCTOBER 1973. 3.15 . . . . . and a party of Third Form Raineians clad in the latest fashionable clothes set out by coach to the Ham Hall youth hostel in Derbyshire. After a brief stop we arrived at I1am Hall, rather late and tired, to say the least, as the driver of the coach took the turning for Stoke-an-Trent. On arrival, we were told to meet in the Games Room, where we were to get the questionnaires, which we were to use the next day. Then, after enjoying the facilities of the hostel, which included a quiet room, television room and games room, we went to bed early. Saturday morning. . . . . we split into our groups and set off for Milldale. The first group to set off (and come back) was Group A in which I was included. (We were later to win the group prize for the best field work.) This was quite exhausting and we were all glad to get back again. The rest of the day was spent more or less like the first. Sunday morning, and everyone was busy packing as we were to leave as soon after breakfast as possible. After breakfast some people went for a short walk with the staff while others stayed in the games room playing records till they came back. Finally, at about 12.30 p.m . everyone was hustled into the coach and the long journey back to London began. On the \-vay we stopped at Woburn Wild Animal Kingdom, which was Quite event足 ful and Mr and Mrs Crump will doubtless remember! Forty-five minutes later we were back on the coach and speeding down the M.l to London. . . . . . At approximately 5 0 'clock, a coachload of tired but happy Raineians departed from the coach and, after a lot of "Thank yous" and farewdls made for home. I should like to take this opportunity to thank Nlr and Mrs Crump. Miss Lewis, Mr Hudson, Miss Naylor and Miss Linnett for giving up their time, to come with us and make the trip so much more enjoyable. James Chambers, lllF
School Journeys CYMRU - WALES, AUTUMN 1973 On October 19th, the grollp of Raineians who h ad dared to vell ture into Wales in July set off to tackle the mountains of \fa lc s. This tim e the group was accompanied hy the Griffin Venture Unit, Miss Jackson and Miss Naylor. At 2.00 p.m., Miss Jackson pulled away in the school mini-bus to set out on what was to be h er second Kamakazi raid on Wales. Accompanying us in th e bus was Glenn Cole of the Venture Unit. Behind us we re Miss Lewis and l'vlartin Leonard , who w as also with the venture Unit. ~Iartin was left by lvliss Lnvis .vaiting by a non-existent AA telephone bo o th along the 405 till we came and picked him up. We arrived at Come-we-Go, the village "".. here we stayed for the next seven days, at 11 p.m. On Saturday morning we awoke to find the Venture Unit, R. Till brook, G Chappell and T. Chimes, asleep in our bathroom. During tht morning, we organized ourselves in the cottage while the Ven ture Unit sought accomodation. On their return they announced that they would be staying at Bry-Bras Castle. In the afternoon we proudly huddled behind a fence and watched Bangor City play Boston Utd. On Sunday we saw our first glimpse of Welsh sunlight. Miss Lewis (who was visiting friends and relations in Wales) and a Welsh Nat ionalist friend of hers met us and we all, including the Venture Unit, set off on our first walk of the holiday . After a few miles, however, the Venture Unit were forced to drop out owing to their poor state of health. Monday was a non-event of a kind never before witnessed by any Raineian in one day. The original plan was to do some walking, but torrential rain prevented this, so we decided to visit Conway Castle and Llandudno instead. It is strongly recommended that no one from Rain e's should enter this town ill future. While we were there, it was pointed out to us that a rather strange man wearing a black coat had been 'residing' in the 'Gents' for at least half an hour. Later, I noticed a local woman asking a clay rabbit how it felt that day. At Conway Castle a number of students were to be seen doing very bad imper sonations of Quasimodo. Tuesday was the day we had all been waiting for - Snowdon was to be climbed. Along with us were Richard Tillbrook and Gl enn Cole, but we were minus Michael Stotter who was 'indisposed'.
A group of sixth-form ers at th e summit of Tryfan, North Wales, October 1973
We climbed Snowdon. The climb was not without incic!ent, the most noteworthy being the sighting of a helicopter piloted by a man in a blac k coat, which followec! us for a number of miles, and at one stage attempted to land in front of us! The view from the top of Snowdon is tremendous on a clear day, but unfor· tunately the surrounding mist prevented us from seeing further than about ten yards. Wednesday morning was spent in Caernarvon collec ting ~Iiss Naylor and Lorry (his spelling) Dalton from the coach station. Lorry had attempted to canoe and swim to Wales, but had .iust failed! Thursday was spent climuing the Glyders. On Friday, Tryfan \Ias conquered against all odds: three members of the party "velT too badly injured to start the expec!ition; I almost fell down the mountain; and of all the things to happen, Miss I\aylor forgot the food rucksack! We did reach the top in the end. That evening, Miss Naylor once again called down our wrath' - and a two pound bag of flour - on her head! Clive Gorl11an and Keith Adley bo th fell down the stairs, this being Kei th 's het t- trick. At 12.22 a.I11., when all but Miss Jackson were in bcd, loud knocking was heard on the front door. On answering the door Miss Jackson found no one there. The only clue to the mystery was a piece of string tied to the door knocker and rcaching up to th e window of the room where J'dick and Lorry slept. On Saturday at 10.00 a.m., we bade farewell to the sobbing crowds of Come-we-Go, and at 9.45 p.m., the mini-bus, minus one light, pulled up outside the school building. Wales hreathed again! Our sincere thanks to Miss Jackson, Miss Naylor and Mr Tillbrook for putting up with us for that amount of time. Kapil
Varma, V1 LR
PERTISAU, CHRISTMAS 1973 It is an unwritten convcntion that all Raine's trips depart later than schedul ed. The skiing trip to Austria vvas nu exception to this rule, and it duly set off fift ee n minutcs late. It ,vas not, how ever, the pupils who felt the urge tu keep LIp the tradition, but tw o members of staff whose names I am nut in a position to reveal. On arriving at the hotel we were dumbfounded at its app ea rance. No, not another building site simjlar to that of the year betore, but a first class hotel with a bar. "Too goud for us," we thought, and once inside we soon realised that the hotel owners unfortuna tely th ough t the same.
The food went down well but came up even faster. ldr Billington and I had to postpone our eating competition because of the pos足 sibility of permanent damage to our heahh_ I have tried a variety of Austrian foods but none so unappetising as saurerkraut. The skiing was better than ever and the runs were in excellent shape, although not as varied as in previous years. The instructors were very patient and the Ski School did its best to ensure that we enjoyed our skiing to the fullest by keeping the classes as small as possible. We owe a big thank you to Gary Woods who really showed us what skiing isn't about. A word in support of Christopher Smith: he looked very sm,u:t skiing in a blazer, on his birthday! After one lesson, Robert Connolly decided it was time he should graduate to the bigger drag-lift, and during his speedy return to the bottom which would have delighted any clownhiller, he came into contact with an ice ridge and promptly took off, breaking the Pertisau ski-jumping record! Nearly everyone passed the Grade 3 ski test, and one of us - I believe his name was Peter Doyle 足 manged to go one better and get a Grade 2! All the skiers extend their thanks to Miss Jackson, Miss Linnett and l'vlr Billington for a very enjoyable Winter Sports holiday, and we arc all looking forward to the next one. Finally a tip from Clive Baugh - don't wash your feet in the sink! Peter Doyle, Vl LB
JO URl\;EY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTl-I In April, fourteen people left the school to go to the Sir William Pengelly Caving Studies Centre, at Buckfastleigh, Devon. After loading the baggage on the roof of the minibus and covenng it with a tarpaulin, we set off. While we were cruising down the motorway at 60 m.p.h., the tar足 paulin began to inflate. After stopping many times we arrived at the Centre around midnight to find out that our "five star hotel" was a converted barn! The next day, after a quick tour around a small cave, we ventured down into a larger cave, the entrance of which was in a rubbish tip! On reac hing the bottom of the pit, we were greeted by a pleasant sight: large coloured photographs. . . . . . . . ! ? 42
Creeping through a two foot gap we made our way into the first cavern. It was then that Miss Naylor forgot the way! Taking Michael Stotter, she ventured deep into the caverns. h seemed that they were gone for a very long time; the group called to them frequentry but they did not answer. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, they called to the group to follow the arrows . J\'l aking our way through gaps of a foot and along le dges with a twenty foot drop on either side, we made our "vay to a small gap about two feet by one foot. After most of us had crept through, there seemed to be a hold up. "Er, I seem to have my head stuck," announced Mark Rossi. Everyone laughed at the sight! After releasing Rossi we crept into a large cavern, there discovering that Mr Everton, and Christine Gilbey were missing. After a short rest we made our way back to find the others wait足 ing for us. It wasn't till we reached the surface that we realized how dirty we were. In the caves it was very humid, and although it seemed that we had been down there for hours, we had, in fact, been down for an hour and a half. We all thank Miss Naylor, Miss Linnett, Mr. Hudson and Mr. Everton (not forgetting his squeaky pork chop) for the time and trouble involved in taking us caving. It was very enjoyable, and we look forward to next year's trip. Clive Gorman and Michael Stotter, VILB
GREECE, EASTER 1974 We should like to start with a lively account of our outward iour足 ney but as we were all in a state of semi-consciousness as a result of the 6.00 a.l11. start, we find this quite impossible. On the first evening, after a welcome rest at the hotel in Kalamaki, some of us decided to brave the first of the organizecl trips - this was to a local taverna. After sufficient of the Greek 'retsina' some of the girls were persuaded to join in with the Greek dancers. The second trip took place on the Tuesday afternoon. This included a tour of Athens and an opportunity to visit the Acropolis. Over the next few days the more energetic of the group went on day trips to Delphi and the Greek Islands, while others took taxis to Glyfada and either shopped or soaked up the sun on the beach.
The evenings were spent either propping up the bar at the 'local' or freaking out at a Disco in the area of Athens. On Friday afternoon our courier accompanied us to Cape Sounion. Here we all stripped off, and Mr Universe (alias Mr Everton) led us in to the sea. After a few hours on the beach some of the group went up to the Temple of Poseidon. Saturday was spent in a mad rush to spend the rest of what little money we had, and on Sunday some of us ventured into the Flea Market. Although you can't see our tans now, we were really sore after the sun of our eight days in Greece. We should like to thank all the staff who accompanied us 'in loco parentis', and also we hope that little Hcfen Everton enjoyed herself as much as we did. Diane Brown, Debra Cole, Jacqueline Mackenzie, VL
SIXTH FORf\I CAMPING TRIP TO WALES We were packed and on our way by 9.30 on Sunday morning, ivlay 26th. We travelled in the school mini-bus and reached Pendine in the evenin,g, not before descending on Miss Jackson's friends and demolishing their tea-table. We were to camp on a field of theirs, and when we arrived tlte fun really started - we had to put up the tents (a feat which most of us had never before attempted). Under the expert eyes of our teachers, however, we managed to erect these huge edifices, including one which contained the (dare I say it?) lao, a recent acquisition of the school's. It was at this point that we discovered that our washing facilities consisted of one long black hosepipe with a tap at the end. After breakfast the next morning we began the day with a very quick dip in the freezing cold Alantic. After thawing out we went on to Laugharne (pronounceu 'Larne', Robert, not 'Larfarne') The next few days were spent alternately visiting castles, battling our way up the sides of cliffs in gale-force winds and pounding rain or bronzing ourselves on sunsoaked cliff tops or white sandy beaches and, at Tenby, surfing (or something approaching it) on ivIr Nice's surfboard. During the week we saw some marvellous scenery, especially that on the path from Newgale to Solva and at Manorbier, where we did some cliff walking and Mary made her first unsuccessful suicide bid. That same afternoon revealed some split trousers caused by lethal stiles left carelessly lying around by farmers. We had two
wet days: one we spent visiting a new dam where Val had to be rescued from the side of a cliff by our ever gallant teachers; the other was spent at St Govan's I-lead and the Stacks. where the hardier members of the party ventured down onto the rocks, get· ting thoroughly wet in the process. Those who remained behind witnessed their brave feats on the edge of the savage ocean! In the course of our sojourn, some of the party made the acquain tance of a local inhabitant - Dafydd, the son or Miss jackson's friend. Kath, in particular got on well with him! The weather on the last day matched our spirits and we dismantled the tents in the teeming rain, all done up in our best plastic macs and soggy plimsolls. However, the wet weather did not entirely dampen our spirits, as Chris demonstrated by placing her own ad. in the back window of the mini-bus: 'Men wanted within!' We all had a really 'great' time and we'd like to thank IVliss Jackson and Mr Nice for making our holiday such a success. WARNING: Never get into an embarrassing situation while Mr Nice is wielding his camera! Lorraine Sims and Mary Payne, VI LR YOUTH HOSTELLING IN GERMANY AND BELGIUtvl. We met at Victoria Station at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday 25th of May, and then had to wait an hour before the train left. After an uneventful journey to Dover (no-one got left on the platform), \ve took the boat to Ostend. No-one was sick, and the three teachers spent most of their time "calming their nerves". After this there was a three hour train journey to Aachen, where we were met by German families who took us to the youth hostel. On Sunday we got up about 7.00 a.m. (under pressure), and came down to a breakfast of concrete-type boiled eggs and unsavoury looking bread. Between nine and ten, the German families arrived and each claimed somebody to be their guest for the day. We were all shown around the town individually and taken to the town's tourist spots: the Town Hall (which was shut), the Cathe dral the Museum and the Art Gallery. The people who had gone with the families that lived near the border were taken over into Holland for a while. After dinner, some of us met up with Mr Pryce outside the Art Gallery, while the others went to listen to a group in the market square. We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering round the town taking pictures, and we went back to the hostel at about 8.00 p.m.
The nex t morning we hurriedly packed ollr rll c ksacks , and, after breakfast were taken to the German school by coac h. We left all ou r unnecessary luggage in the school, and th en the fourth and third years split up, the fourth years (and a party o f Germans) started their 'walk from the school, but the third years we nt in the coac h to the Belgian border. There were about fifteen Germ an boys with us and they led the way with their teacher, Herr Schmit z-Flode r, famous for his yellow wellingtons a nd his lumberj ac k shirt. \'1'e walked twelve miles throu gh beau ti ful co untrys ide and pine forests, but most of us were too busy co mpl a inin g about blisters and sore shoulders to n o ti ce anything else in detail. We stopped after about six mile s for dinner, which co nsisted o f c heese and salami sandwiches. The new yo uth hostel at Beverce, was more like a luxury hotel, with a ' posh ' ca nt ee n a nd a bar. On Tuesday we went for a t en m ile walk through the surrounding countryside, and again we h ad the unbelievable salami and cheese sandwiches, This walk vvas not t oo bad, as we did not have the rucksacks. In the evening some 0 f us went down to the village, lVIalmedy, and when we came back we had a bonfire. Barbara and Debbie were sharing a room with Miss Lewis, and there was quite a funny scene when Miss Lewis discovered itching powd~r in her bed! The next day we were cleliriously happy to discover that our ruck 路 sacks were going to Eupen by bus, though we were walking. During the walk we all we nt paddling in a stream, even Miss Lewis, though she hid behind a tree when she saw Susan armed with a camera. I think Herr Fl6der t h oug ht we were all mad, but h e just took off the yellow wellics and went to sleep for a while. The hostel at Eupen was right o n top of a hill - the last straw for some walkers! On Thursday we went for "a short stro ll", as Herr Fl6der d esc rib ed it, round a gigantic reservo ir, but we c ut the walk a bit short and spent most of the time sunba thin g. In the evening we all troop ed down to the town aga in and scared the natives. We were meant to walk thirteen miles back to Aachen on Friday, but we hatche d a plan inv olving Christine and her world-reco rd blisters. In fact, the plan was not necessary, because we really were all exhausted and it poured with rain anyway, so after about four miles w e caught a bus to Aachen. Well, the girls did, but the boys walked, excep t J oac him, who came along to 'show th e way'.
In the evening we had a bit of a party, arranged by Mr Pryce. By then the third and fourth years had met up again, and so it was a sort of reunion. When we went to bed, eight of us took a full litre bottle of Coke which we promptly dropped on the floor, so then we spent half an hour mopping up the mess, nobley aided by Miss Lewis and Miss Linnett. We must not forget to add that when Miss Linn ett returned to her room she found boot polish and to o th paste on the door handle, Elastoplast over the li ght switch, and an apple-pie bed. On Saturday, the German families took liS to Aachen station, where there was a tearful farewell and promises to come hack next year, and then at 10.45 th e train left. Not much happened on the journey home, and we were met at Victoria by our parents with cries of, "Gosh aren't you brown!" "Haven't you grown!", "Thanks for the postcard!" "Where's my present?" We all had a fantastic time, and we should like to thank lVIr Pryce, Miss Lewis and Miss Linen, who arranged everything ancl put up with so much for a week. Deborah Gardner, III F
HOSTELLING IN SOMERSET The journey began well with someone nearly mlssmg the train. There was only one absence due to a very grave injury. (Fortu足 nately not too grave!) The train journey was pleasant and on reflection Taunton was quite a nice town. The walk from Taunton to Crowcombe, the first hostel we stayed at, was made more interesting by the torrential rain, which we all enjoyed very much. Struggling through the undergrowth we heard a cry from the rear. One of the girls had pulled a muscle in her arm, trying to jump a fence while laden with a rucksack. It was a crafty dodge, and from then on, anyone who fell foul of Mr Croom was forced to carry a double pack. Crowcombe was by far the best hostel and we stayed there for three nights. Two inciden ts happened on the second nigh t. One girl from Raine's was surprised in the shower by a Dutch intruder and one young man (or was it two) decided to go sleepwalking. The less said about these occurrences the better. During the stay a nearby quarry was visited. Also seen was an adder which the fearless Mr Croom chased into the undergrowth .
The next hostel we stayed at was at which, incidentally, has a holiday resort with a Butlin's camp and private fishing l\iLmy happy incidents occurred and many friends were made.
VVe did all our own cooking and unusally light.
up etc. these du ties
We walked along the coast towards the next hostel and some inte足 fossils were (no, not the teachers! Afterwards, -足 well that is and are a small party was allowed inland and The holiday as a whole was enjoyed by all concerned and we should like to thank the teachers for that did. In fact it was so pleasant that quite a few of the party wanted to the Youth Hostel Association, a though t that would never have occurred before the Christine Smith and Mohammed Ali, VS
the ninety-third time.
"Are we in Wales " asks Kenny "Don't know," says Peter false nose. He opens
the rear window and shouts, TaHy!" at every man, woman
says Nicky.
"I haven't seen it rabbit At the Centre we met 'appy Jack, a very nice bloke almost all of
the time. After up like twelve penguins we started ! We struggled climb - just to tone up to fifty miles an visibility was so bad that While opposite sexes \vere we were attacked by the local - or was
There was always a battle of the sexes for the showers, but the girls won after protesting against communal showers. The food was excellent, mainly because we cooked it ourselves. The only damage to be paid for was a broken window, the work of Peter Thake, who m<1rte a profit after receiving donations from sympathetic admirers. . Camping at Llyn Call was an unforgettable experience. Linda, who had never been fishing before, caught a trout. Was it luck or skill? We _h ad one or two snags putting up the tents, Sue and Till for足 ~etting the essentials. Never mind, it all added to Jack's exper足 lence. "No fish'n chip shops! What 'II we do for food?" We were pre足 sented with primuses, some of the which were temperamental. Those who were not banned were aUowed to climb Cader Idris with Miss Jackson. When they returned they thought IVIoira had been playing commandos. On the last day we went rock climbing and left Miss Jackson and Clive to stand guard over the equipment while we ventured into the sea. The highlight of the week was Sue's birthday party which turned into a pyjama party. Nightdresses were presented to Kevin, Peter G., Dave and Paul, but the votes for the prettiest went to Peter T. Clive is now blackmailing people with photographs taken on that night. "How you say" thank you to Miss Jackson, the navigators, the photographer, the barman and the nose and wig suppliers? Linda Cole and Susan Taylor, VS, Peter Thake, VG and Paul White, VL.
On Looki,n g at Trees in Autumn In Autumn the leaves fall Where the shadows fell in Summer. George Bellamy, VIU
The Castle In the depths of the Wiltshire countryside I came across an elegant stone building with a host of battlements above. It had a character that one cannot describe. Its worn face looked down upon me as I entered its huge oak mouth. Inside, I looked around circumspectly. Gingerly, I climbed its stone stairs, watched approvingly by three suits of armour. On the walls hung war-worn spears crossed in a Celtic fashion. I stopped; I looked down and saw the cenotaphs of dead warriors, which gave the place an eerie atmosphere. I ventured another five steps up the stairs to a balcony where a bat hung motionless on the spears. I came upon a crozier which lay upon a velvet cushion on a highly polished cedar table. I picked it up and swung it at the bat, whieh swooped around my head making a weird noise which echoed in an abnormal way. I replaced the crozier on the cushion. A cluster of highly-strung rats scurried across the floor: the noise of the bat must have disturbed them. I climbed the remaining steps until I reached the battlements, where a most enchanting sight met my eyes. The golden midday sun shone upon the silver weapons which lay on the blood足 stained stone as if there had been a battle the day before, fearless warriors with chariots and battering-rams Wling the countryside with haunting war-cries. I returned down the stairs past the crozier on the cushion, past the crossed spears, and past the suits of armour, turned round to take one last look and then walked slowly out through the oak door. The castle bade farewell to yet another enchanted visitor. John Tompkins, IIIW
The Lake District Green downliness and valley slope 足 Up wanderingly to rest on summit. Blue wetliness and hummock isle 足 Down gazingly to float on surface. Brown mudliness and spiky fence 足 Over flounderingly to speak to farmer. George Bellamy, VlU
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The Bird The sun was sinking behind a huge bank of clouds, pillowy, feather-like tissue paper floating on a gentle but cold breeze. She stood transfixed, unmoved by the tranquillity of the October sunset. She remained in this state, this ponderous wonder, for a moment, then, as the sun di sappeared from her view, she shivered with distaste; the spell was broken. Automatically, she turned round, and humming softly to herself, began to clear aw ay the mess left after the evening meal. But tonight it was different: the movements that came so naturally to her on any other night seemed stilted and unreal. Her spirit yearned to be free of this repetitive monotony; she longed to unburden the cares that were strapped so tightly to her back. She felt as if her soul, her inner being, were craving after some forbidden pleasure, but a stone wall held her back, encasing her, and a black mist descended; she groped for but could not quite grasp the apple, the very source of wonder which disturbed h er mind and flung her reasoning into wild disorder. Some strange bird soared above the rapidly darkening mantle of the sky and, as the powerful movements of the creature sent it gliding across the wide expanse of nothingness, she raised her eyes in wonder at its freedom of will. She bitterly despised the thing, loathed its very existence, its right to live. She hated herself, her body, her mind, her sex. The seeds of despair had been sown within her and in this dangerous frame of mind she viewed her life and marvelled at its simplicity, its sh eer unimportance in the whole order of life. The final act had been committed and had been completed long before she realized the force of her power, but she was mentally dead: the very life- breath had been drawn from her, leaving her indifferent and empty. It was quit e dark now; they were late. She felt no anxi ety, just a strong wave of indifference, despair even. She sat in the dark, a small, frail crea ture, now a t peace with herself; th e mood had come and had passed in a moment, leaving her empty. No anger, no resentment, just a mute indifference: she was nearer the light. In the blackness she heard a sharp cry, far off but clear. She knew it even in her dark, abstracted mood; she recognised the sound. Her heart stirred within her; the blood flowed more warmly through her veins; she was elevated, life restored . He r spirit rose to m eet her dark despair; they struggled for a brief moment, but her gloom was too deep to be reach ed, too firmly encased in icc. She sank into the fathomless depths; sh e was not to be revived.
The sounds grew nearer, more urgent; she faltered for a moment, then strained her eyes to see into the night. The cry pierced the air, then abated. She experienced a mild sensation of disappoint ment: they would not be long now. The air was filled with wild shouts, rhythmic chanting. Summon ing every ounce of courage within her, she raised herself from the fire, the warmth of which had been lost on her, and with mild expectancy, she stepped out into the cold air, exhilarated by the cruel shock. She watched them draw near in the darkness, their torches shedding light on the sleeping landscape. Struggling to suppress her urgent and inexpficable desire to laugh, she pulled the furry skin more tightly around her and watched the men dragging the huge animal over the ground. Then, turning abruptly, she made her way back to the cave dejectedly, and, finishing her preparations for the inevitable feast, wondered if this indeed had been woman's lot in bygone ages. Karen Winter, VILR
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"The Stallion ", a picture poem by Carole Passmore, IIF
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The Head Boy, Anthony Mole, and Gary Lloyd, Deputy Head Boy.
The Bird and the Cat Run, Ii ttle bird, run. The ca t is coming. Can you no t see him Stalking you ? He is lying fl at o n his stom ach In th e grass, watching.
You, little bird, are his prey
You want t o see another day.
Don't you?
Then flee, little bird, fle e
Up into the highest tre e
Ha! pussy cat 足 Catch him now if you can.
Hey, that wasn't part .of the plan.
You're not supp osed to climb th e tree.
Come down!
Little bird, flyaway,
Return anoth er day.
Can't you get down, pussy cat?
Justice has been do ne:
That was part of th e plan !
Hazel Paul , IVA
The End of the World Where will it end?
Where will it end?
Where will this sorrow
And death end?
In self-destruction?
I don't know 足 But surely the Lord
Didn't mean it so?
Shelley Hurley, lIW 55
The Fire Imps They begin as one small spark Glittering and Haring in the dark, Then dance and leap among the coals Bringing light to the darkest holes. Then on their small, magic feet They leap from the depths to bring light and heat,
And on the logs they happily play
Quickly chasing the darkness away.
Merrily they dance and leap in the air
Lightening any gloom that's there,
Illuminating the dark and conquering the cold
Fighting with courage, like the Gods of old.
Then, when all the land is won
They sing and dance and leap and run,
Their golden swords brightly gleam
And their hair cascades in a fiery stream.
Clad in their armour so bright and gay
They lighten the dark, till the break of clay,
Then w-ith the grace of their noble birth
They return to their palaces beneath the Earth.
Teresa Mussenden, IIIF
Thoughts The moonlight through my window
Throws shadows on the wall;
Pen creaks across the paper,
I hear the raindrop fall.
Wind wildly shakes the tree-tops,
Shutter starts to knock;
Little green hands start climbing
Up to twelve o'clock.
I've been sitting here for ages 足 Nearly half the night.
Now I think I'll go to bed
For I can't think what to write!
Clive Shilson, IllS 56
A Street Scene The church clock strikes eleven. The wind is blowing, and it is bitterly cold. The moon shines on the deserted alley in the East End of London. Nothing can be heard but the far-away screaming of the alley cats and the gentle pattering of their paws running along the roof of the old houses, and a faint singing from the pub on the corner. A rustling can be heard as the wind gently blows papers along the deserted road, and the leaves of a solitary tree whisper quietly, as if it were moving in its sleep. Everything is peaceful, as if a great calm had come over this little
alley and all troubles were far away.
Gillian Clarke, IIIW
( ),), ~.
~ "A nimated Mincer" by Eileen Maloney , lIIW
A Loyal Friend Black, vicious-looking clouds began to gather in the sky. They hovered over the city making it dark and depressing. People began to scurry for shelter as the small droplets of water fell from the sky. On the doorstep of a desolate house sat a lonely little dog wait足 ing for his master, who would never come. He lifted his front paw and began to scratch at the old weather-beaten door. As the rain trickled off of his black button nose he gave a feeble bark, but nobody heard him. Nobody heard his whimpering cries except for the wind, who answered him in some strange language. The leaves blew down the cobbled street like waves rushing to the shore, but they were soon devoured by the heavy downpour of rain. It beat against the windows of buildings like bullets. The rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance and streaks of lightning were painted across the landscape. The dog flinched as the lightning lit up the lampless street, and he scampered off in search of his master. The storm was soon over, and the cold of the night quickly penetrated the body of this frail creature. He was cold, hungry and lonely. He barely had the strength to shake the surplus water from his scruffy coat. Neon lights now flashed about him and the noise of the main street made his eardrums throb. He continued walking until he found himself outside the gates of the local cemetery. He squeezed under the huge wrought iron gates and began to sniff the air for the scent of his master, but the only smells the air carried to his nostrils were those of incense burning in the nearby church and the smell of decaying bodies. Eventua~ly he traced his master's grave and began to scratch at the wet brown soil. Suddenly, he collapsed like a pack of cards and gave a contented whimper, for at last he had found his master and was now reunited with him. Jacqueline Surridge, I1IF
Beginning of a Storm The air was quite still; No wind rustling trees Makes you gasp for your breath even though you're not ill. Sweat running down,
Open your collar.
People's footsteps on the pavement the only echoing sound.
Then in goes the sun;
A flash of brightness 足 CRASH! ! comes the thunder as loucl as a drum .
Dancing trees,
Windswept people,
Torrential rain on foaming, angry seas.
J illian Reilly, lIM
Outcasts Sad and lonely
Depressed and forlorn,
Looking for shelter
Before the dawn.
The streets are deserted,
No people to meet,
Dustbins are empty,
Nothing to eat.
Just on the corner, in the dark
A thin, shaggy dog appeared by the park,
Head on one side,
He heard a faint sound
Of shuffling footsteps
Upon the ground.
A soft spoken word
Pat on the head,
Troubles are shared足
A new life ahead?
Susan Mole, lIIF
A Spider's Story I had decided to pay a call on my good friend, Horace Hedge hog, who lived on the opposite side of the garden, when a sudden sharp shower of rain forced me to seek shelter inside a convenient pipe that stuck out from the side of the house where the humans live. While I was waiting patiently for the rain to stop, a delicious smell drifted down the pipe that stretched in to darkness above me. Th e smell reminded me vaguely of the summer flowers in the garden and as we were now in win ter I decided to ascend the pipe and discover for myself th e source of th e smell. The climb was steep and rather eerie as I was in complete darkness. Soon, however, I saw light gleaming just around a bend and, rather wearily, I emerged into daylight once again and found to my sur prise th at it was snowing. A fine white snow was descending on and around me, and it was the snow that smelt so sweet. Soon 1· was covered with it and found that not only did it smell pleasant but it was warm and dry, not cold like our garden snow. I was quite overcome, and ran around in it until I was white all over. Suddenly, I heard a human noise above me and, looking up, I saw a small human busily shaking the scented snow all around. How amazing! Humans had much nicer snow than ours. But wh at was this? A large human now app eared and with a voice like thunder, stopped the small human from making more snow. The large human came lower until I could see its face quite clearly and then it di::! something to the wall where I now saw more pipes sticking out. Help! The pipes began to rain and all my snow was washed away and I with it. Looking around for a way of escaping, 1 saw a strange shiny plant which cl.imbed up the wall and seemed to offer me a way out. I struggled, panting and wet, to the top of the hard, shiny plant, which, strangely, had no leaves and was quite unlike any of our garden plants. At the top I took a breather and got my bearings. 1 seemed to be standing on a narrow path and to my joy I saw someone who must be a relation of Horace Hedgehog. Happily, I ran up to him and introduced myself, but the rude fellow ignored me. His head was nowhere to be seen, although his brisdes were standing up quite well, so I came to the conclusion that he must still be in hiberna tion and I determined to tell Horace about it when I saw him next. Passing further along the path, I saw so me strange flowers standing up very straight in a plant pot. They were not very pretty although each was a different colour. The petals were white and stiff and stuck out only on one side of the stem and unfortu
nately they had no smell. Although I liked the humans' snow, I must say I preferred our flowers. While I was examining them, my eye chanced to fall on the most beautiful worm I have ever seen. She was a beautiful blond with a bright red stripe down her middle and was wearing the most refreshing perfume. Shyly, I asked her it she knew anyone in my garden, but what she gained in beauty she lacked in manners, because, like the hedgehog, she was too arrogant to speak to me. I suppose that's what comes of living in a humans' garden. Perhaps I was not good enough for them. By now I was feeling rather peck ish and I remembered the succu足 lent fly I had only that morning paralysed for lunch. I descended the shiny plant after saying a polite farewell to wormy and hedge足 hog and was making my way to the pipe that led home, when a large human once again loomed above me uttering the horrible noise that I have noticed humans make when they see me. The pipes once again gushed out rain and swept me kicking and struggl足 ing down the pipe and out into the garden, more dead than alive. Luckily for me, Horace happened to be passing and after a brief kiss of life escorted me home where we shared the fly for lunch while I recounted my adventures in the humans' garden. Horace said that his relation up there must have been Humphrey Hedge足 hog, the black sheep of the family, who had not been seen for years. We had a good laugh about him but I must say I didn't tell Horace about the lovely worm - that is one little encounter I prefer to dream about on my own. Tracy Richter, IIF
,D eepest Sympathy Your life once filled with rays of light Is now a darkened tomb; No gleam of hope or happiness Can pierce the dismal gloom; And so you sit, a saddened soul, Bereft and all alone, Because you've learned to your despair Your T.V. tube has blown! Anthony Mole, VILR
"Funny Faces" by Timothy Marney, liS
Super Spy Spider Sam Super Spy Spider Sam Comes up plug holes All he can. Slides on soap, Swims in shampoo, But don't think that's all he can do. Through the jungle of the green toothbrush,
Scaling tooth paste-
Sticky mush,
Talcum powder,
Soft as snow-
Over the radiator and on we go!
Malcolm Simpson, IIF
The White Lady An old house in a deserted town,
The walls are crumbling and falling down
If you go there at dead of night
They say there's a lady dressed in white;
They say she is looking for her beau
Who died there many years ago.
She calls his name as she passes by,
If you listen you can hear her cry.
She calls and calls but calls in vain
His failure to answer must cause her some pain.
Although this story is very old
The ghost still walks, or so I am told.
John Coakley, IF
Come to my Party Come to my party, come at four,
Come when you're ready, and knock at my door;
The cakes are baking, the jelly is done,
I know you will all enjoy the fun.
There's icc-cream and jelly, and cakes and buns,
Orange juice, cokes, paper plates for the crumbs,
There's my birthday cake, as big as can be,
I won't tell you more, just come and see!
Blind man's Buff and IVlusical Chairs,
Choose your partners, dance in pairs,
Pin the tail on the donkey, and bob the apple,
We even have a tombola raffle.
Half past three, now I must go
And get ready to start the show,
The music's on, the places are set,
The first to come will be Sandra, I bet!
Deena Gardiner, lIS
Couples A man, A woman, In this world of strife . He offers, She takes; Together they build up a life.
First one,
Then two -
They increase the population.
Kids grow,
At eighteen,
Decide they've enough education.
One slacks,
Two works,
Doesn't know what to do with his brother.
Pa dies,
One leaves,
Two must take care of mother.
Time go es,
Ma's ill,
She won't be much longer in this life.
Two loves,
She smiles,
Knows she'll soon be his wife.
Another man,
Another woman,
A couple in this world of strife.
Mary Payne, VILR
Is it fun? Oh, how sad it is to sec
The world in such disharmony:
Fighting here, famine there,
Great destruction everywhere.
But nol just this; other things too:
Mugging, robbing, hit-and-run 足 All these terrible things are done
Sometimes in the name of fun.
Diana Hockley, IIW
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A Change of Season The last of the birds have flown away And the golden leaves are gone. Just one snowdrop peers out of the snow, Timid, shy, alone. A change of season has come again To the rambling hills and the fields Where the animals grazed and the crops once gTew To produce their harvest yields, Where chirping robins sing their songs On the doors of the well-lit barns, And in the farmhouse sits Uncle Tom Telling uncanny yarns. Icicles hang from the branches of trees Like an echelon of troops, Where the river is now a sheet of ice And a lone kingfisher mopes. The air is cold and the north wind blows Across the pale grey sky, And the sun has gone down south again足 Hello Winter; Summer goodbye! John Tompkins, IIIW
The Norfolk Broads One bright Spring day my family and I set off in our old blue Popular heading for Lowestoft, where we would be starting our holiday. Despite our getting lost a few times we finally arrived. This place should not be missed. The river on which we would be cruising was full of the sparkling scales of sticklebacks, roach, bass, and perch rummaging around in the densely packed weeds looking for scraps of food. The pike just barged around scanning the water, waiting for his next meal to come swimming along. Meanwhile, small, scruffy boys bent over the water with pieces of string and rusty bits of metal bent into hook-like shapes, trying to catch some fish. Further inland, on the meadows, were some cows, fat bovine creatures, chewing the cud beneath the shade of the green oak trees, waiting to be called in for milking.
We started th e engine and cruised on for about two hours, taking turns at steering. It was dark and the birds were making their way"' home into the tall trees, not knowing whether next day would bring joy or sadness. The moon came up from behind the muffled windmills and shone its misty light around the sleeping shadows of breathing creatures. The next days were 'scorchers'. The burning yellow sun blazed down on the golden rushes. Herons stoQd on one leg, taking forty winks before lunch. Owls waited restlessly in their cavities for dusk, when they could swoop on unsuspecting voles. Water rats swam around looking for some tasty delicacy for their young. The sun grew more fierce every minute. The green grass was now be足 coming dull and parched. The once-picturesque scene had become grotesque. Every animal seemed to pray for rain. The day wore on slowly. Everything moved wearily, like sloths. The evening came. The air became cooler once the sun had hidden itself below the horizon. Suddenly, the sky was full of dark clouds. Rain had come. It is strange to say that it was a blessing to have rain on one's holiday! The rain broke up the moonlit ripples and quenched every dry throat and seed. The next day seemed more full of life than the previous five. Birds sang with livelier spirits. The boys seemed more energetic and h ad brought friends to fish with them. The bass started to bite the big, juicy maggots. One boy caught a huge pike off his guard and pulled him in. It was a pity that we had to pack. I awoke the next morning and found the suitcase which I had packed the night before at the end of my bed. All dressed and ready, the four of us got into our old car and started off for home after seven lovely days of sleep, sun, and watching nature. Carole Day, lIS
Gossip Time in Story - book Land Dormouse: "Do you know the old woman who lived in a shoe足 "Well, she's in a fine state, "Don't know what she'll do!" Witch:
"Do tell me what's happened," Said the Witch full of mirth. "Has the shoe blown up "Or been filled with earth?"
Dormouse: "Don't be silly! Why, fancy that! "She's been told by the Council "She must live in a nat." Witch:
"A flat!" echoed the Witch With a false cry of horror, But the Dormouse's eyes Filled with compassion and sorrow.
"Why must she leave? "Was she behind with the rent?"
Dormouse: "No, nothing like that, A messenger was sent." Witch:
"What did he say "Don't make me wait. "I've an appointment at ten "And I must not be late."
Dormouse: "He spoke very 'posh' "And he said with a hoot, " 'You must leave tomorrow " 'And not return to this boot.' " '] beg you,' she cried, " 'Ptease let me stay. " 'Why are you making us " 'Move right away?' " 'Your home is so dirty " 'With dust and with soot, " 'And it rightfully belongs " 'To the Giant's left foot.' " Witch:
"Did it hurt her much," The old Witch said, "To leave her home "And her comfy bed?"
Dormouse: "She cried so much "When she left the shoe, "And all her children "Wept bitterly too. "Now she must live "In a Council flat "Full of her children足 "Not to mention the cat." Witch: "What a sad tale, "But it's nearly ten "And I must be "On my way again. "So long, fareweH; "I'll see you tomorrow. "I must tell Ethel "Of the old woman's sorrow!" Shelley Hurley, IIW
The Young Girl and her Sapling The young girl, slender, upright as a sapling,
With years ahead, newly-wed;
In her garden she plants the young tree.
Her children, their offspring,
Its roots and branches grow together
In the garden where both belong.
The years pass, the young woman is old,
Senile, shrunken, and bent double;
The tree gnarled, withered and decaying.
Her husband is dead, children gone;
She dies and is buried in her coffin 足 The wood is her tree - it remained faithful.
Barbara Boylett, IIlF
Devil Masks made by Kimberley Seymour, Kenneth Ellis Blake Lee-Harwood, Kenneth Constantine, Timothy Weller, Asha Farma and Patrick Mulrenan, of 1M
The Devil's Lair Hello and welcome to the Devil's lair,
I'll tell you the things that make him care:
There's blood and brimstone
And fire from hell,
Each with it's own particular smelL
Gunpowder, darkness,
Death and despair
Lurk below in the Devil's laiL
Terence Roberts, IIF
The Death of a Devil The fire engulfed the building,
Eating away the brick walls with his red hot teeth.
The fire slowly scaled the walls
Showing the whole city his brilliance
While laughing at the death and destruction
He, the devil, had wrought.
This devil, who had caused the chilly night air to be warm
With his burning, glowing eyes,
Wi th h is devilish laugh,
Now prepared to attack the next building.
Suddenly, from amidst the crowd,
Stepped the people's champion - water.
He charged at the fire
Attacking the burning mass,
With his blue crystal sword.
Fire defended himself with his forked tongue
Of orange and yeUow brilliance.
The combatants fought for an hour or more,
Then, all at once,
The crystal blue sword plunged forward
Into the devil's fiery heart.
The fire stumbled and shrank into a corner
And with a final blow from the crystal sword
Slowly and painfully died.
Kim Hurley, IVL
The Nightmare Darkness slowly crept into the bedroom through the open window. It was like an eerie mist pervading the land, hiding sievilish demons that lurked in the corners waiting to get you, me or anybody that was foolish enough to pass near them. Quickly I put my head under the covers, and my mind took a step into the unknown. Suddenly, the covers were torn away from my face. My nerveless fingers gripped the edges of the blankets, trying to pull them back over my head, but all was in vain. A hideous witch stared down at me, her face like an old and wrinkled piece of leather, her hair like wire and teeth like splinters. Her eyes were motionless; an evil expression was on her face. Her identical twin slowly emerged beside her from nowhere. I could stand no more; with a sudden 71
burst of energy I leapt out of bed and started lashing out at these monstrous creatures. Their crude laugh echoed through the room and they pointed at me with. their boney fingers as though I were some inferior being. Imps, gnomes and goblins scratched and bit my legs as I continued to lash out at these two witches. There was a loud crash. I looked up to see that the bedroom window had been smashed. A large bird of prey glided towards me, its talons open, ready to catch its victim. Saliva dripped from its pointed beak and a terrible screeching sound came from within its mouth. My legs gave way beneath me and I fell to the floor. When I eventually opened my eyes I saw that it was daybreak. A mysterious sort of silence filled the room; all that could be heard outside was the faint singing of birds. I sat on the floor for a moment. "How did I get here," I wondered. My whole body ached. The bottom parts of my legs fclt as though I had run through a bed of nettles and my knuckles were bleeding as if I had been striking something - but what? Jacqu eline Surridge, IIlF
A Storm The sky, dark, brooding, angry,
Black as midnight;
A warm and heavy atmosphere
Fills th e air,
Building up, building up its anger
To let loose upon the earth.
A slight sliver of raindrops,
A small rumble.
Then it vents its anger
Lashing out with fury upon all things
That get in its way.
A crackling streak shows upon the sky.
Thunder roars like a wounded lion.
Th en it lessens and passes by.
The sky is clear and so is the air.
A quiet stillness, calmness;
Peaceful tranquillity descends like a blanket足
The storm is over.
Lisa Arnold, IIF
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Tawau The small junks and fishing boats drifted along silently except for the swishing sound of the water rising against the sides of the match-like boats. I walked along down by the water's edge and looked across at the small shops with their once brightly coloured canopies shading them. I felt a little chilly as I walked towards the pier. Squinting into the distance I could see the end of the pier and the fishermen with their early morning catch of fish, which was to be sold in the market place. I walked still further; I neither heard nor saw any birds; I was completely oblivious of my surroundings, except for the distant laughing of the fishermen as they worked. There I was, alone on my last day in Tawau, the small town I had become so much a part of - that small, half-primitive, half足 glamorous town on the East coast of Sabah, once part of Borneo. It had seemed such a wonderful idea to come back to look at the sea, but it had only made me feel worse as I reflected that I had only a short time left. This was my sanctuary from the busy, industrialised, polluted and noisy West to which I would shortly have to return. Life in Tawau went on at a slow and gentle pace. Time seemed to be balancing on a tightrope, as if waiting for me to make a decision. I listened to the chatter of the men. How gently they spoke, how simply they expressed themselves, yet they made everything so cleac. I would rather be there than anywhere else where I would have to listen to the quick, incoherent, melodramatic outbursts of sophisticated circles. The water shimmered and raced in the sun, a perfect underwater haven to which I might escape. The boats, vividly coloured, looked antique as they tried to pull away from the pillars of the pier. I turned away from the scintillating reflections and tried to see if I could catch a glimpse ot the island Sebbatic on the horizon. Half of this island belonged to Indonesia and half to Malaysia. I looked down into the water and saw my reflection. I looked so distant and unfamiliar. Was that me? "Fame, would I fathom thy nature specific . . . . . . " I woke up from my daydream and saw that life was once more starting a new day. Put it on the conveyor belt and the world goes round. Or was this true of my life only?
* 74
As I looked out of the window of the aeroplane, the fishing boats looked smaller and less colourful. The water was darker and greener as we went further away. I felt happy, knowing that I had had the opportunity of experiencing the utter serenity and tran路 quillity of that small fishing town, and I knew that the experience would never be lost. Candice Wyman, IVA
"Bowie" by Christine Oxley, IVG
The Windmill The windmill in my dreams is desolate, Decaying and condemned to death. Its roots are embedded deep in the earth's crust Like those of an ancient tree. The rickety sails turn slowly in the wind Like the hands of a clock, Turning but ge tting nowhere. Loneliness is slowly devouring it Like some incurable disease. It is a clock without a key. Age quietly creeps into its framework Like water into the ground Making it damp and unstable Layers of paint flake onto the fenny ground Like the serpent's cast-off skin. Its distorted figure blackens the landscape around. Jacqueline Surridge, IIIF
What is red? Red is fire, Red is blood, Red is when You fall with a thud; Red is shyness, Red is anger, Red is the sign Of great danger; Red means stop, Red is a rose, Red is when You have cold toes; Red is Foundation, The early sun, Red is when You've been shot with a gun. Nicolas Themistocli, IIF
The Deserted House There was a poor old cottage
Once full of merry folk,
But now it's sad and lonely,
Softly to me it spoke:
"They have all gone and left me,
"My rooms are damp and bare,
"The doors are locked and bolted
"And the windows seem to shake.
"No smoke curls from my chimney,
"No sign of grass at all,
"Only the ivy hides me
"In a green and shining shawl.
"Nobody ever visits me,
"No name is on my gate
"Which is probably all rotted;
"I shall shortly meet my fate.
"The garden is old and weedy,
"The trees won't leaf again,
"But although I fall to ruin
"The ivy will remain."
Sharon Moulton, IF
Lino-cut by Gary James, IIlS
Girls' Games Report 1973 - 74 HOCKEY We fielded three teams this season but suffered from lack of com足 petition . With the unsettled situation at Oakfield, matches were limited and there were no Oakfield Tournaments. Two teams were entered in the Open Hockey Tournaments at Goresbrook. The third year ,von their section and semi-final and reached the final. Our fourth vear won their section and semi-final, thus making an all Rain'e's final! The fourth year showed their skill and prowess and won by five goals to nil. A week later both teams went through to meet the Barking finalists but with a few key players missing and lack of hockey facilities at school, both tearns were outplayed by Barking Schools. In the Middlesex Hockey Trials, Genieve Ali and Helen Beeson reached the finals, Helen being selected as a reserve for the Senior XI. There is a promising future for our hockey teams if they continue to playas keenly and as well as they have this season. Match Analysis 1st XI UI5 XI U14 XI
P 3 4 3
2 3 2
1 0 1
o 1 o
Colours Junior:- Denise Carvell, Theresa Sims, Kathleen Burke, Angela Protain, Tracey Wilby, Genieve Ali, Janice George. Half:Tina Pam, Jean Gilbey, Kathleen Fassenfelt, Kim Hayday. Full:Helen Beeson. NETBALL Four teams played regularly in th e East London League, and the first year also had occasional matches. We were disappointed that the fifth and sixth year team had little opposition and that their matches were few and far between. Such a situation did not encourage girls to practise and to give up their own time after school. Throughout the season there was a keen spirit in all teams. The third year are to be commended on their team effort even though they realized at the beginning of the season that they could not match the skill of the opposition. The second year are also to be commended on th e ir efforts but in a different vein: they had
all the skill and the match technique, and, in using these qualities to the full, they emerged as the eventual winners of the East London League - undefeated. We entered the Goresbrook Open Netball Tournament and gained the following positions:足 2nd year - won section - won semi-final - runners-up in final 足 received silver awards 3rd year - final third place 4th year - final third place. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr Page and his staff at Goresbrook for organising tournaments and for inviting Raine's to participate. Without these opportunities, our match experience would be very limited. Match Analysis P W L D 5th/6th year 5 2 2 1 6 4th year 0 2 4 13 3rd year 6 6 1 2nd year 17 15 1 1 (B team lost, D team drew) 7 1st year 7 0 0 Colours Junior:- Kim Broadis, Deborah Castle, Sharon Coughlin, Yana Vale, Theresa Sims, Kathleen Burke, Genieve Ali, Elaine Pontin, Susan Whitnell. Carol Marston, Barbara Wilson. Half:足 Lynn Ahearne, Jean Gilbey, Beverley Crow. full:CROSS COUNTRY Sadly, there were no East London Championships this season but we had some competition in the Goresbrook Open Championships. With limited time for training our teams did very well. 1st year took 3rd place, winning bronze medals. 2nd year took 1st place, winning gold medals. 3rd year took 3rd place, winning bronze medals. Owing to lack of communications and correspondence, East London were unable to organize teams for the London Champion足 ships. Deborah Goode did, however, have the opportunity of participating, and won the Junior Title, eventually going on to represent London at the National Championships at Cheltenham.
With another year to go in the same age group, Deborah is obvi颅 ously a very promising athlete for the future.
Our own Inter House competitions took place at Oakfield. Fifty
girls per House took part on a yearly basis.
Colours Junior:- Claire Whiteman, Angela Protain, Genieve Ali. Half:-
Rosemary Moran, Jean Cowan, Jacqueline Farmer, Kathleen Fasscnfclt.
No full colours awarded.
Junior Girls' Cross路Country Team.
SWIMMING Once again, we had the East London Championships as our only means of competition. Local schools who had offered swimming matches had to withdraw their offers owing to swimming pool construction diffi culties. We entered a ful l team, ranging from first to sixth years in the Open Championships and took final third place, losing the Runners-up Trophy, which we had held for five years. There were forty girls representing the school at the championships. Our congratulations to Deborah Treadway, ""ho reached the finals of the All London Swimming Championships and took fourth place in the U14 Backstroke. (Our congratulations must also go to t\VO boys who distinguished themselves in the London Championships. They are Dennis Samuels, who won the U14 Breast-st roke, setting up a new London record, and David Lodemore, who won the U14 Backstroke.) Colours
Junior: - Carole Clark, Ann Swift, Sharon Coughlin, Valerie Cole.
Half: -
Sharon Twyman, Susan Lyons, Susan Eales, Kim Ward.
Full: -
J acqucline
ATHLETICS The season was under way very soon after our return to school in 1\'Iay, and an early competition at the East London Championships gave us a sense of urgency. Teams responded quickly and go t down to hard training. Their efforts were well rewarded. The third year took first place as did the fourth year. As a result, we won the Intermediate Trophy. The Sen iors put out a full team and won the Senior Trophy. These results were particularly pleasing as we have few first class athl etes in these [our years. Consistent effort throughout each team, and determination to reach the finals gave us the good results. At the Junior Championships, we put up some outstanding per足 formances, but there is not the depth of ability in the first year, so we did not reach the same level as at the other championships. The second year took first place, while the first year were third. We were runners-up in the Junior Championships.
Intermediate Girls' A thletics Team.
As a result of their performances, four girls represented East London at the London Championships: Claire Whiteman was third in the 1500m Rosemary Moran was fifth in the 400m Deborah Goode was first in the 75m hurdles, with a new London record. Sandra Matthew was first in the 100m. All four girls set up new school records with their performances. Deborah and Sandra were also in the Relay Team which was placed second in the final, and were selected to represent London at an Inter County meeting. Deborah Goode travelled to the National Schools' Athletic Championships at Shrewsbury (0 represent London. Com bining Deborah's success at cross country with her track ability, we realize we have a gifted athlete at Raine's, and we wish her every success in her career in th is field. We were pleased to enter year te ams in th e Oakfield Champion足 ships. After keen competition, th e girls returned with some good results:
1st year were 2nd. 2nd year were 1st (winning six out of nine events, setting up five new school records at the one meeting.) 4th year were 3rd. All four teams were combined for the Oakfield Trophy. This competition is a fitting climax to the season. With its good organi足 zation and friendly atmosphere, there is a keen team spirit all round. With so many absentees at this stage of the term, we were pleased to put out full teams with girls stepping in at the last minute to represent the school. We took final third place. As usual, our own Sports' Day was keenly supported and some good performances put up. Many thanks go to the staff who work so hard to make this occasion a success. At least the rain held off until afterwards. Throughout the season, nine school records and seven Sports' Day records were broken. Colours Junior:- Claire Whiteman, Genieve Ali, Susan Marks, Pat Bryant, Shirley Coult, Tracey Wilby, Theresa Sims, Hazel Paul, Susan Pain, Janice George, Susan Whitnell. Half:-
Deborah Cowen, Jocelyn Matthew, Jacqueline Farmer.
There has been a most encouraging interest throughout the school in all aspects of the programme. It is hoped that girls with an aptitude for a particular sport have been able to pursue it at some point in the year at a competitive level, although it is sad to report that the tennis standard has not reached the same level as other aspects of the programme. After pursuing a wide curriculum of physical Education, the girls in the senior school have opportunities to take part in badminton, sailing, horse-riding, ice-skating, volleyball, squash, swimming and judo. I should like to thank the lady staff at Oakfield Sports Centre for their assistance at all East London Championships and trials and also for their keen interest and encouragement shown in East London girls' performances. Thanks too to Mr Stanney and Mr Spooner for their backing in all that we do, and a special thank足 you to the staff who assist on games' afternoons, not forgetting those who kindly give up their own time to escort teams to matches and trials, especially mini-bus drivers. A.M.L.
Boys' Games Report 1973 - 74 ATHLETICS Senior Team After a couple of lean years the Senior team did very well this season. Although time is very short between Easter and Whitsun, the athletes really got down to work and turned ou t full teams for the North London Grammar Schools' and East London Championships. For the first time in five years we took the East London Senior trophy. This was mainly due to a good solid all足 round performance as we lacked 'stars' of the calibre available to one or two other schools. Altogether the Sixth Form provided six individual winners and a relay victory with the outstanding performance from Gary Palmer, who won both Discus and Javelin events, throwing almost 50 metres in the latter. As only two of this team were Upper Sixth boys this does augur well for the retention 0 f this trophy next year. Another good solid performance in the North London Grammar Schools sports saw our Senior team placed third with another good win by Palmer as the highlight. Gary finally crowned a most successful athletic season by placing fourth in the London Schools' Senior Javelin Final. He has really been a credit to the sport over the years and we can only hope that he finds time to keep up this event when he leaves school. Colin Croft also hurdled well in the District sports and went on to place second in the London Schools' 400m Hurdles Final. But for slipping from tiredness near the end, he could have been another winner. Good support for the team also came from Gary Lloyd, Michael Murphy, David Lloyd, Gary Smith, Anthony Mole and John Chappell.
Intermediate Team No school in East London has won both Intermediate and Senior Championships in the same year for twelve years which says some足 thing for the standard of competition at these levels. This run was broken this year, however, as our Intermediate team joined the Seniors in taking the trophy. This is a combined Fourth and Fifth Year Championship and was only possible because of the strength of the Fifth Year team in winning their section convincingly. The .Fourth Year team had a sterling battle with Stepney Green, win足 ning 5 individual titles and one relay and ending in a tie. The
Fifth Year team, however, with Gary Hurst playing a captain's part in winning 800m and Long Jump and Stephen Coughlan dominat ing the throws gained the points to head our local rivals. After the finals, Joseph Church went on to 'Fosbury Flop' over 6ft in the High Jump and was placed third in the London Schools' Final. The Fourth Year Athletic team also had an excellent season, plac ing third in the North London Grammar Schools' and then winning their section of the Oakfield Championship, taking first place in 11 of 14 events. Individually Godfrey Matthew had an outstanding season, winning London, East London, North London and Oakfield hurdles championships and also performing well at Long and Triple Jumps and running storming relay legs when required. Michael Gowers was the top sprinter during the season whilst Denis Hayes, John Stevens and Stephen Davidson contributed a great deal to the middle-distance events. Paul Read was an ex cellent all-rounder and David Hamilton regularly dominated the Triple Jump. Good support, too, came from Anthony Cable, Peter Howell, Grant Sibley, Michael Knibbs, Andrew Fullerton, Wayne Massett and Anthony Purvis. When this team moves up to the senior ranks the talent available should provide the strongest team we have ever had. Junior Team For the purposes of the East London Championships the Junior team consisted of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year sections combined and again we had a very exciting struggle with Stepney Green School. In the third year section we had some bad luck when James Chambers - previous champion in both jumps - could not com pete through injury and this seriously depleted our team. Never theless, helped by two wins by Gary James in the 400m and 800m and a High Jump victory by Patrick Dixon, we held on to finish only six points down for the championship. Supported well by Stephen Sims, Stephen Mann, Douglas Marks, Kevin King and Ian Jeffs the team did well in its own section of the Oakfield Championships and can only but show improvement next year. The second year had an outstanding season starting with an excellent win in the Junior section of the North London Grammar Schools' Sports actually winning only one event - Paul Shaw in the 100m - but gaining enough seconds and thirds to gain suffi cient points to win. The team then went on to win their section of the East London Championships by eleven points to regain the
lead over Stepney Green. Finally the team did well in the Oakfield Championship fielding a full side despite two classes being on a school journey. John Wyatt, the captain, had an out足 standing season as an all-rounder but especially in the J avc!in event. Paul Shaw dominated the sprint events but will not have things quite as easy next year when the big competitions come up. We hope that Paul will provide our first top-class sprinter if he shO\vs the enthusiasm and determination necessary. David Lodemore, too, was supreme in the hurdles and also doubled in the Shot Putt. A better stylist than Tony Simpson in the 400m it would be difficult to find, and Tony is an athlete determined to get to the top. Keith Foord, John Barrett, David Grout and Andrew Marks shouldered all the work of the middle-distance events and performed very well throughout the season. All four are dedicated athletes and run their best every time they step on to a track. Excellent support also came from Alan Edmond, Stephen Silverlock, Ian Skeels, John Archbold and Michael Johnson. Finally, the first year team started well with a fine win over John Cass by 147-94 and looked forward enthusiastically to the East London sports where their contribution would have such a bearing on the outcome of the Junior Championship. Unfor足 tunately, performances were not very good in the District Championships and with only a 2nd place in the sprint relay to show for our efforts it was a very disappointed team which finished six th overall. Stepney Green also had a bad tim e but scored enough points to finish ten points ahead of us and take the Junior trophy. Despite this setback the first year athletes started the long climb up the ladder with much better perfor足 mance towards the end of the season coming third in their section of the Oakfield trophy and providing winners in Ainsley Ali in the hurdles, Martin Bacon in the Discus and Hilton Armand, Kevin Knock, Ainsley Ali and Dean Clark in the sprint relay. That this year's team will continue to climb up from their present position is a certainty because in the athletes already mentioned and in Tony O'Reilly and Ian Jenkins (400m), Timothy Weller, Kenneth Ellis, Dennis Samuels, David Cronin, Earl Singh and David Lashmar (Middle Distance), Michael Church, Richard Sims, Allen Subosits, Perry Wright and Neville LIck (All-rounders) and John Coakley and Michael O'Neill (Field Events) they have a group of boys who are very keen on athletics and will reap the rewards of their endeavours in the years to come.
This review would not be complete without mention of the win by the whole four year team of the Broughton Trophy - instituted to mark outstanding contribution of Mr Broughton, the former Senior Master, to School and London athletics. All years per足 formed very well with the 2nd and 4th Years winning their sections and the first year losing by only one point.
Mr. Long with the Junior Boys' Athletics Team
Raine's Under-Nineteen Basketball Team with Mr Long
Raine's Under-Sixteen Basketball Team with Mr Long
BASKETBALL Senior Team For a change this team had only a short run in the National Championships. After two rounds we came up against a talented Beaufoy School side which proved too good for us. For the rest of the season we were undefeated including a good win over the touring Carrickfergus School from Northern Ireland, until the London Schools' Cup Final. After a narrow semi-final victory over Hampstead School we once again met Beaufoy and just lost a very hard-fought match . Throughout the season Stephen Gilbey was an excellent captain and showed how he has become an accomplished aI/-round player. He also captained the London Schools' senior side which reached the England Schools' Inter-County FinaI before losing by 4 points to Nottingham. At the end of the season Steve also led the party which travelled to Rome to participate in the European Capital Cities tournament and was an exemplary leader in every way. Colin Croft also had an outstanding season, for as well as travelling to Rome - where he was the tournament's leading scorer - and playing for London, he also represented South-East and the South of England in trials and was then selected for the third year run足 ning to play for England Schools. He played in all the Inter足 national matches against Ireland, Scotland and Wales - all of which England won - and then played a major part in the team's successful tour of France. The team was very well supported during the season by Roger Crawford, who improved with every match, Gary Lloyd, Gary Palmer, Richard Reid, Michael Murphy and Stephen Heron. Although Steve Gilbey and Roger Crawford will be missed in the coming season there is no doubt but that with the addition of several of the Under 16 team the Seniors will uphold the excellent tradition of Raine's basketball in London and National com足 petitions.
Under 16 Team This team probably worked harder than any other team in the school and only lost one game all season. This was in the third round of the National Schools' championship which was lost by 7 points to William Collins School. The East London League was won easily and the team played attractive basketball throughout.
Richard Reid was a very good captain with a great deal of ability and was himseif selectcd to play for the South East against thc East of England in an England trial. Adrian Giles, too, contributed much with his enthusiastic organisation and other players who supported the team were Gary Bishop, Christopher Smith, James Adshead, Joseph Church, J ames Richardson, Barry Gittos and Fourth Year boys Paul Read, Godfrey lVlatthew, Michael Gowcrs and John Stevens.
The Under路Fifteen Bashetball Team with their coach, Mr H. Long
Under 15 Team This was another team which suffered only one defeat throughout the season. A very talented squad, a gTeat deal is expected of them in the coming season when they will be taking part in the National Under 16 championship. In the very last game the team lost in the North London final to William Collins School by 4 points. Everyone who watched this game was impressed by the speed and skill of the Raine's players but poor shooting in the closing minutes was our undoing. If this is corrected next season this could be another team which goes all the way to the National
Final. The players who contributed most to the team during the season were Michael Gowers, Paul Read, Godfrey Matthew, John Stevens, Anthony Cable and Peter Howell. Under 14 Team A disappointing season for a team which promised much at the beginning of the season but was unable to sustain its initial mom足 entum. Most East London league matches were won, but a cup defeat in the London Championship by one point to John Cass was a major upset especially when the team was not at full strength. To prove that the team docs not lack c'lass, three boys 足 Stephen Mann, Stephen Sims and Patrick Dixon - were selected for the London Schools' Under 14 team and played against Rochdale in the England Schools' National Piate Final and won. With these three players as a nucleus and with more support from other members of the year this team could have a more successful time next season. Other boys who played during the season were Kevan Gill, Ronald Bender, Christopher Long, Kevin Harvey and Tyrone Simpson. Under 13 Team The East London league championship was won convincingly without defeat and the team did '-'v el I to reach the London Schools' final before losing narrowly to a very big Brooke House team. This was the team's sole defeat and if the whole team had shown the skill and determination of the captain John Wyatt, the London Championship would have been won easily. The team has a lot of ability and some very enthusiastic players and will not lose many games during its school career. Apart from John Wyatt other prominent players were David Lodemore, Paul Shaw, Alan Edmond, Michael Johnson, Stephen Silverlock, Nicholas Beeson, David Grout, Anthony Simpson and Robert Gibbs. Under 12 Team It is obviously very early days to assess this team but again we have a very enthusiastic group of first year players wbo show a lot of potential to do well. The team played four games ncar the end of the season, winning two and losing two - both narrowly - to St. Philip Howard. Next season there will be the first taste of real competition with East London league and London cup games and the opportunity to develop individual and team skills against stronger opposition. H.L.
Colin Croft, member of the Under-Nineteen England Basketball Team
The First Fifteen The season started well with a resounding victory over Tottenham, this traditionally being the hardest fixture of the season. A couple of very good victories followed, but the side was firmly put in its place by Sweyne, a bigger and better drilled side. The result was a defeat by 60 points to nil. As the season progressed, the team played erratically, producing some good wins but also some narrowly lost matches. It seemed that when the pack played well, the team played well. Good examples of this were seen in the games against Woodbury Down, Tottenham and Leyton County. Players who deserve a special mention are G. Bishop, P. Clark, G. Lloyd, M. Murphy, G. Palmer, J. Adshead and A. Giles . The prospects for next season are very good, with the nucleus of the side remaining intact, and supported by some good up-and足 coming fourth years. The team would like to thank Mr Croom for his coaching and his unfailing support - undoubtedly, much of last season's success must be attributed to Mr Croom. Match Analysis P W D L 16 11 1 4 Gary Lloyd, VILR
Under Fifteens The team started the season well by winning the first four games. After a bad patch in the middle of the season the team brought the season to an end with a very exciting match against Barking, which resulted in an eight point draw. I should like to thank 'Mr Long and Mr Nice for all the time and effort they have put into coaching our side. The team was selected from Cable (Captain), Bean, Frampton, Fullerton, Gowers, Hamilton, Hayes, Hilditch, Howell, Jacks, Kostis, Leung, Long, Massett, Matthew, Morse, Oxley, Purvis, Ray, Read, Sibley, Woods. Match Analysis P W D L F A 10 5 2 3 136 156 Anthony Cable, IVS 97
Under Fourteens The Under Fourteens had quite a good season with about the same number of wins and losses. The team had a full turn out most of the time and everyone always did his best. We should like to thank Mr Long and Mr Emes for all their help. Stephen Mann, lIIM Under Thirteens This season was a bad one for injuries, but on the whole the team effort was good, with players stepping in at the last moment. A league table of our matches looks like this: P
Our thanks go to the teachers, Mr Hudson and Mr Long, who encouraged us when we were down. John Wyatt, lIM Under Twelves We had a mixed season with regard to scores but luckily we won most of our matches. Our best match was against St. Aloyisiu5, which we won easily . Our heavi es t defeat was against Campion School. On b ehalf of the team, I thank Mr Long, NIr Crump and Mr Copping for all their help during the season. Michael Church, IS
Lino-cut by K evin Harv ey , IIIS
Gary James - England Schools' Junior Champion - 800m The whole school was thrilled at the success in the England Schools' Athletic Championships of Gary James of the Third Year. It comes to very few schools to provide National Athletic Champions and we are fortunate at Raine's to have had athletes of the calibre of Tony Rush --- National Intermediate Triple Jump Champion in 1965 - and Gary James. Apart from some running in his primary school Gary first became seriously involved in athletics in his first year at this school. He did not look anything special in his early races sprinting reasonably well and running 70 seconds for 400m in his first race over this distance. But as the season went by and Gary did a lot of run足 ning in the Stepney Green park and in various athletics meetings his times began to improve dramatically until he was running 400m in 61 secs and the 800 in just outside 2 mins 20 sees. At the end of the season, Gary's family moved to Dagenham and fortuitously their new home was very close to Mayesbrook Park. Gary was advised to join the Essex Beagles Athletic Club - which has its Headquarters in this park and is, strangely enough, the same club to which Tony Rush also belonged ten years ago. With Essex Beagles Gary became much more involved in athletics as a sport, running cross-country and road relays which have pro足 vided the basis for his present strength at middle-distance running. In his second year, Gary improved his times to 57 secs for 400m and 2.10 for 800m and was undefeated in all races for the school. He ran in the London Championships in the 800m although a year under age, and placed second. For this performance he was selected to run against Essex and Surrey in a triangular match and trailed in, a poor last of six, which was probably the last time this happened to him. During the winter, Gary again supported his club team in cross足 country and road relays, leading the team to an outstanding season. He also ran in the London Cross-Country championships and did well enough to be selected for the England Schools' Champion足 ships although this sport is not really his first love. In the early part of this season, Gary won the East London Schools' 400m title in a very fast 54.6 and then took the North London championship over the same distance in 54.5. He did not really shine at 800m until the day of the London Championships when he really showed the power of his running in destroying 100
the opposition with a scintillating 2 mins 2.5 sec win. The follow足 ing week he reversed the order in the triangular meeting of the previous year by winning against Essex and Surrey easily. Then off to Shrewsbury with the London team and although his time was 'only' 2 min 5.2 secs - which is slow by his own standards - Gary has beaten the best in his age-group at the 800m. It did no t happen by chance. Gary has worked and trained hard for three years for this success and reflects his deep love of athletics. It falls to few youngsters to have the talent that Gary has and we hope that this success is just the prelude to greater things in the future and that his example will act as a spur to other young athletes in the schoo!.
Gary James, England Schools' Junior Champion - 800m.
Receipts Balances BIF General Account Governor's Donation Account
Pupils' Contributions Autumn Term 1973 Spring Term 1974 Summer Term 1974 R.E. Dept. B.B.C.
488,76 92.12
242.85 242.30 238.55 10.00
ÂŁ200 has been put on deposit. 102
Expenditure Magazine Hobbs and Co. Less donations
309.05 1.50
Contribu tions to outings, field studies and theatre tickets etc. Autumn Term: Derbyshire Field Trip
Summer Term: Boulogne (Seconds) Wales Field Trip (Fourths) (ÂŁ100 was contributed from ILEA funds) Hatfield and Whipsnade (Seconds) Dover and Canterbury (Firsts) Winchester (3 F and 3 S) Theatre and Concert tickets Fares - Games Refreshments - Games matches Expenses - Games (Referees, entries, kit etc.) Balances cjf General Account Governors' Donation Ajc R.E. Dept.
22.52 15.15 3.78
4.!'i1 39.82 19.22 14.40
119.40 150.63 5.10 35 .38
594.40 92.12 10.00
696.52 1314.58
It is expected that the magazine for 1973j74
will cost approximately ÂŁ350. 103