8L61 - LL61 'l 0 0 H J S N 0 I 1. VaN n O.:l S, '] N I V 'd .:l 0 '] N I Z V 0 V JtIJ '] H 1.
Editorial Committee
Lisa Arnold, Julie Dawkins,
Deborah Goode and Geoffrey Newson
assisted by members of the Lower Sixth
Typists The Secretarial Sixth Cover Design Reginald Gurjar, VIU, Sandra Rowley, VG
From the Headmaster This magazine contains an account of our activities over the past year in hoth the Arbour Square and Bethnal Green buildings. It is right that it should be so because we are now one school. We are Raineians in whichever place we spend most of our time. The spirit of understanding and co路 operation that has been shown by all associated with our community over these last twelve months augurs well for the developments that lie ahead. B. P. Stanney
School News 1977-78 1978 marked a fundamental change in the nature of Raine's and its intake. Nevertheless, the same day-to-day routine and high standards of former years have been maintained to the full, and as usual the school year has been eventful and varied . There have been changes amongst the staff, most notably the promotion of Mr Reffold, former head of the Languages Department, to the Deputy Headmaster in charge of the Bethnal Green Annexe, and our best wishes go with him in his new position. Our good wishes also go with other members of staff leaving for pastures new: Mrs Geddes, who is travelLing with her husband to the U.S.A; and Mr Holmes, 'v\'ho will probably be starting a new career in Zambia. Mrs Bucknell, who was a tempor颅 ary replacemen t for lVIr Reffold, has also left us, along wi th the French and German assistan ts, Mrs Sherwood anc! lIerr Leitcrer. We can, however, extend our welcome to some new members of staff: Miss Wolff, who joined the Maths Department, replacing Mrs Frost, who has since her departure from Raine's given birth to a daughter; Mr Jenkins, who has joined the Geography Department, and Mr Monk and Mrs Fleming in the Languages Department. We were especially sorry to hear of the resignation of Father McCurry as Chairman of the Board of Governors due to pressure of work. He has been replaced by the R everend E. E. Slack of St. John's at Bethnal Green . Congratulations are in order for Julie Dawkins the Deputy Head Girl, who was granted on I.L.E.A. Modern Languages Award, which enabled her to stay in France for most of the duration of the Summer holidays. Our warmest congratulations and good wishes for his career are extended to John Tompkins, last year's Head Boy, who won a place at Oriel College, Oxford, to study modern languages. Our congratulations also go to Miss Lewis and Mr Darch on their marriage in January and to Mr and Mrs Crump on the new addition to their family, Robert lvlervyn, and to Mr and Mrs Barnes on the birth of Elizabeth. We were pleased to hear of the recovery of Mr White, the School Caretaker from his recent illness, but were, at the same time, saddened to hear of the tragic death of an ex-pupil, Tracey Hunt. Speech Day this year was graced by the presence of Mrs Susan Varah, wife of the Reverend Chad Varah, founder of the Samaritans, who spoke to us interestingly of her life and experiences. Entertainment was provided on this occasion, by two members of the school, Ching Fun Lee and Ian Crane, who played a delightful piano duet. Remembrance Day was observed with the same traditional respect, by a service held in the School Hall. The O.R.A. were, as usual, represented at the service; this time by the President, Mr John Matthews. The Founder's Day Service was again held in St. George's where we were addressed by Mr V. Nicholas, a former Geology teacher at Raine's, who is now a Deputy Headmaster. We were also regaled with a memorable rendition of the "Hallelujah Chorus" by the school choir. 3
The Harvest Festival once again brought an abundance of food which was later distributed to the old folk of Stepney. The speaker at this service was the Reverend R. Bentley. On Ascension Day, Father George Sidebotham of the Royal Foundation of St. Katharine conducted the assembly. We were also pleased to be able to welcome, the Right Reverend Trevor Huddleston, retiring Bishop of Stepney, now Archbishop of the Indian Ocean and Father McCurry to School Communions in the course of the year. Field trips and holidays were also a prominent feature in this year's outside activities. The Biologists visited Abergavenny in Wales on field work and a group of Geographers/Geologists travelled to Swanage in Dorset for the same purpose. Holidays this year consisted of the usual skiing trip at Christmas, this time to Kranjska Gora in Yugoslavia, under the supervision of Miss Jackson, Mr Nice and Mr Billington. The Second Years were also lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Brittany in the Spring half-term holiday, accompanied by Mrs Pipe, Mrs Byrne, Mr Johnson and Mr Payne. A fifth form party visited Derbyshire and Yorkshire on hostelling and walking holidays. There were also several form outings in the summer term: the first years were taken on a history trip to Dover Castle; second years went on a history tour of the City of London; in addition, third years visited Hampton Court. Surrey University was another place visited, this time by the fifth and sixth years. During the year several expeditions were made to the theatre to see excellent productions of Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra" and "Twelfth Night"; Tom Stoppard's "The Real Inspector Hound"; Priestley's "An Inspector Calls", and Chekov's "The Cherry Orchard", all of which were enjoyed immensely. The School's own dramatic efforts themselves deserved the highest praise. "The Mikado" and "She Stoops to Conquer", both co-operative efforts by staff and pupils were received by enthusiastic audiences. The end of term entertainment by members of the lower school, with some aid from senior pupils and a few staff, also merited the success it gained. Winterton House deservedly succeeded in both the senior and junior sections of the House Play Competition, with their performance of "Bodmin Romp" and "The Man in the Bowler Ha t". Mann tied with Winterton in the senior competition. On behalf of the editorial committee we should like to thank all those who made this magazine possible: those who contributed articles, typists, photographers, and the members of staff who helped, especially Mrs Darch and Mr Blundell whose assistance in production proved invaluable. Lisa Arnold and Deborah Goode, VIL
Notes from Bethnal Green 1977-78 During the past year a number of very important developments have occurred. First, of course, and most basic, has been the amalgamation of the two schools. This has meant a considerable amount of work for everyone concerned and a considerable number of problems to be solved. It was pleasing to see the willing co-operation which everyone has shown in tackling and overcoming these problems. Father Astill's retirement was also a major event which took place this year, at Easter, and it was marked by a very enjoyable reception attended by many colleagues, friends and pupils, both past and present. He had, of course, been in charge of the previous Saint Jude's school since it was first estab足 lished and he was principally responsible for its development, popularity and success over the years and for the creation of its unique atmosphere. We wish him well in what we hope will be a long (and will undoubtedly be a busy!) retiremen t. For some time, everyone has had to put up with the disruption and inconvenience caused by the building of the new classrooms and other specialist rooms. At last, just before the end of the summer term - and, inevitably,just before Mr Wright went on holiday! - the new building was handed over to the Governors, and it is hoped that the benefits gained from it will have made all the bother and delay worthwhile. 4
Several members of staff have left this year and we wish them all well for the future: Mr Bracewell, Mrs Connolly, Miss Crowson, Mrs Scheuber and Miss Smith. We have also welcomed some new mem足 bers of staff to Bethnal Green, as well as a number of staff from Arbour Square: Mr Austin has joined us to teach P.E. and Geography, Miss Fuller to teach Needlecraft and Home Economics and Mr Reffold to take over responsibility from Father Astill. Despite all these changes, life goes on! As well as the normal events of the school year, such as Prize Day and the Carol Service, for example, several visits and trips have taken place - to the theatre, to museums, exhibitions and to other places of interest and entertainment. All of these have to be organised and members of staff deserve thanks for undertaking this extra burden. At the end of the summer term there was a successful - but very wet - camping trip for members of 3B. Particularly pleasing has been the upsurge in sporting activities and the accompanying and increasing success of several pupils, especially in swimming and athletics. I hope that this success will continue in the future, spreading over the whole range of school activities. R.C.R.
The Head Boy and Girl laying a wreath on the tomb of Henry Raine, Founder's Day, 1978
The Governors of Raine's Foundation Chairman
The Reverend E. E. Slack, M.A. [lic e-Chairman
Mrs. P. Bentley, B.A.
Mrs S. Batchelder L. Bernstein, Esq., B.Sc (Eng.), Ph.D. R. W. Bowman, Esq. J Branagan, Esq., K.S.G., JP . Alderman, J. A. Coan, J . P. W. Flory, Esq. E. H. Haywood, Esq. Councillor E. W. Hill
The Reverend M. Johnson, M.A. S. A. Matthews, Esq. The Reverend N. E. McCurry, M.A. Miss H. Morsman Councillor C . Simons Mrs. J. Smith, B.A. Mrs E. E. Townsend Miss C. L. White, B.A., Ph.D. Clerk to the Gov ernors
R. A. Pink, Esq.
Staff-September 1978 /-lead Master
Mr B. P. Stanney, M.A. (Cantab.), lVI.Ed . (Dunelm) Deputy Heads
Mrs A. E. J ohnson, B.A. (Leeds) and Mr R. C. Reffold, M.A. (Oxon.) Senior Master
Mr W. M. Spooner, M.A. (London), B.Sc. (London), F.R.C.S. School Chaplain and H ead of Religious Education
The Reverend P. C. Clynick
Head of Department Mr F. Boyce (College of St. Mark and St. J o hn) (Senior Teach er, Betlmal Green Building)
Mrs D. A. Byrne (Secretarial Studies)
Mr C. Calvert (City of Worcester College) (Nlathematics)
Dr A. Cioci (University of Pisa) (Physics)
Mr E. J Croom, B.Se. (Londo n) (Geograop hy/Geology)
Mr K. R. Crump, B.A. (Liverp oo l) (History)
Mrs M. Darch, B.A. (Wales) (English)
N1r J. S. Everton, M.A. (Oxon.) (Biology)
Mr R. J. Hudson , I3.Sc . (London) (Science)
Miss V. G. Jackson, L.R.A.M. (Music)
Mr H. Long, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Loughborough) (Physical Education, Boys)
Miss A. M. Lowes, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Chelsea) (Physical Education, Girls)
Mr P. Rhodes (Technical Subjects)
Mr R. F. J. Simmons, B.A. (London) (Languages)
Mr P. Spillett, B.Se. (London) (Economics)
Mrs B. Thompson, T.C.D.S. (City of Bath) (Home Economics)
Mr R. Thompson, L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L. (Remedial Studies)
Mr G. Wesley, N. Dip.A.D., A.T.D. (London) (Art)
Assistants Mrs S. Aldous, B.A. (Hull) (English) Mrs S. Auerbach, B.Sc. (Leeds) (Mathematics) Mr M. Austin (Trinity College, Carmarthen) (Geography) Miss C. M. Balls, M.A. (Cantab.) (French and German) Mr A. R. Barnes, B.A. (Birmingham) (English) Mr J. J. G. Blundell, A.T.D. (London) (Art) Mr T. Bye, B.A. (Open University) (English) Mr. J. Carr (Boys' Physical Education) MissJ . Catto, B.A. (Leeds) (Englzsh) Miss G. A. Cleeve, B.A. (London) (English) Mr J. H. Darch, B.A. (Wales), M.A. (London) (History) Mr K. M. Eastman, B.Sc. (Aston) (Physics) Mr P. Field, H.N.C., Teacher's Cert. (London) (Technical Studies) Mrs C. Fleming, B.A., (London) (French and Spanish) MissJ. Fuller, B. Ed. (City of Bath) (Home Economics) Miss P. J. Gosman (Nat. Training College of Domestic Science) (Home EconomIcs) Mr R. C. Hart, B.A. (Nottingham), M.A. (London) (History) Mr P. Holland (Games Coach) Mr J. How, B .Ed. (London) (History) Mr T. Jenkins, B.Sc. (London) (Geography) Mr S. E. Johnson, B.A. (Warwick) (English)
Mrs M. Jolley, B. Ed. (Keele) (R eligious Studies)
Mr J. Kliskey, A.M.LE.E., Dip. E.E. (Math ematics)
Mrs R. Lewis, A.T.D. (Middlesex Polytechnic) (Art)
Miss L. J. Linnett, B.Sc. (Reading) (Ch emistry)
Mr S. Mason (College of All Saints, Tottenham) (G eography)
Mr A. McDonald, B.A. (Newcastle) (German and French)
Mr B. W. Monk, B.A. (Manchester) (French)
Miss A. W. Naylor, B.Sc. (London) (Biology)
Mr C. J. Nice, B.Se. (Southampton) (MathematIcs)
Mr M. K. D. Payne, B.A. (London), A.K.C. (Latin and German)
Mr A. D. Perrett, B.Sc. (Manchester) (Mathematics)
Mrs P. Pipe, B.Se. (London) (Geography)
Mr P. C. Protheroe, B.A. (Wales) (R eligious Studies)
Miss L. Rivett, B. Ed. (Nottingham) (History)
Miss A. Robinson (Newland Park College) (Girls' PhysIcal Education)
Mrs S. Scriven, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Bedford) (Girls' Games)
Mr P. Simmonds, Dip. A.D. (Winchester) (Technical Studies)
MrsJ . Southc o tt, B.Se. (Wales) (Biology and Chemistry)
Miss M. Wolff, B.Sc. (Monash) (Math ematics)
Libran"an: Mrs R. Teteris, A.L.A. School Bursar: Mrs J. I. Evans
Senior Laboratory Technician : Mr S. J. Russell Media R esourc es Officer: Miss M. Bell
School Prefects - September 1978 Head Boy : David Lodemore, Head Girl: Denise Cox
Depu ty Head Boy: Anthony Simpson, Deputy Head Girl: Julie Dawkins
Girls' Gam es Captain : Deborah Goode
Prefects Lisa Arnold Carole Day Toni Fox Alison Harvey Shelley Hurley Helen Kostis Denise Marshall Sub-Prefec ts Kay Perryman Linda Petto Tracy Richter Joanne Aheare Deborah Begent Lynn Bryant Leigh Sandie Monitors Charmaine Ayling Catherine Clark Wendy Curley Jacqueline Davy Jacqueline Defoe Toni Freeman Deborah Goode Jacqueline Goode
Carole Passmore Maddalena Pettenati Jill R eilly Simla Singh Iris Lyddon
Nicholas Beeson Keith Foord Antoni Frangou Robert Gibbs Andrew Lyman Andrew Marks
Gabriella Cas tellini Laura Davies Melanie Foord Ann Marks Gillian O'Brien Anne Small Loraine Tabram Deborah Vine
Malcolm Baugh Dean Bond Robert Taylor Ainsley Ali John Godfrey Daniel Perkins Alan Webber Perry Wri ght
Ruth Graham Teresa Hogan Sally Hughes Tracey Kuyper Lorraine Maloney Geraldine O'Brien Diane Pi ckett Dawn Prentice Tabassam Rashdi
Hilton Armand Yash Chadha Peter Clark Christopher Christou Andrew Dettmar Bryn Dye Michael Eames Ralph Howes
Geoffrey Newson Mich ae l Rush Michael Russell Paul Rutland Andrew Sisso ns Nicolas Themistocli John Youn g
Noor Mer Patrick Mulrenan Stephen Redgrave Earl Singh Allan Subosits Dennis Samuels Paul Szucs
Prize List 1977-78 FORM PRIZES (fl11 form prizes are for achievement unless otherwise stated) IA
Pamela Hopkins Adam Groves Diane Renh am
Sheena Gibbons Demctrios Christou
Susan Goode Teresa Marsan Linda Allen
Deborah Newmeir Caroline Smith Tracey Paradise
Darren Cannon Julie Lee
John Hampshire Richar d Poole
Gregory Ross, Thoweetha Shaah (tor progress) Sharon Fryer lIP Jennifer Harvey Paul Casali Julie Mansfield Sally Clements Carole Boyce
Susan Turner Greta Gm-jar Brenda Duncan
Justine Hershman Carole Py nel Alan Thornton
Ching Fun Lee Brenda Pollack Maxine Brown
Gary Morgan Lynn Charles David Spencer
Sarah Smith David Mould (for progress) Gary Brislcy (for progress)
Debra Harvey Janis Mahony Patricia Collings (for progress)
Ian Crane Lesley Cox Karen Davies
Maria Capper Sharon Jennings Paul Watts
Richard Saleh Fardad Gharabaghi
Gabriella Ca stel1ini Dawn Prentice Leigh Taylor Daniel Perkins Melanie Foord Loraine Maloney Dennis Sam uels
Kenneth Erlis Edmund Cantwell
Joanne Ahearne Wend y Curley John Godfrey Christopher Christou
LOWER SIXTH Deborah Jury, Tracey Potter (Secretarial)
Julie Dawkins Nicholas Beeson Shelley Hurley Robert Gibbs Paul Rutland
UPPER SIXTH English French German History Economics Ge ography Geology
Felicity Smith Tohn Tompkins Evelyn Ondrasek Felici ty Sm i th Graham Law Julie Brown Barbara Boylett
Malh ematics Physics Chemistry Biol ogy Further Mathematics
Tony Lock Gillian Clarke, Tony Lo ck Tony Lock Debra Vincent Gillian Clarke
SUBJECT PRIZES Religious Knowledge
Physical Education
Music Art Co o kery
Senior Intermediate Junior Senio r Boy Senior Girl Junior Boy Junior Girl Senior Junior Senior Junior Junior
Wendy Curley, VS Patrick Burns, III F Michelle Curry, IlL Michael Rush, VIL Deb orah Treadway, VIL David Spencer, IIIM Tina Szucs, IIIF Ian Crane, IVL Ching Fun Lee, IllS Steven Wils on, IVG T eresa Marsan, IC Janet Crudgington, IllS
SPECIAL PRIZES The Id a Samuels Memorial Prizes
Senior Junior
Essay The Mangold Vase The Tong Prize
(for distinction at Advanced Level)
Geology Field Studies The Haugh Prize (for distinction at Ordinary L evel) The John .J acobs Priz e (for distin ction at Ordinary L evel) Th e Ward Prize fo r Endeavour The Chairman's Prize The Goode Prize Th e Staff Prize The Old Raineians' Prizes for Service to the School The Parents' Association Prizes The Grier Memorial Prize [or Servi ce to the Sch ool The Taylor Memorial Pri ze for Service to the School 10
David L o dem ore , VIL Susan Rudwick, IIIW Gillian Clarke, VIU Tony Loc k, VIU Kim Fisher, VIU D eb ora h Begent, Laura Davies, VL Peter Clarke, VL Alison Harvey , V lL Lisa Helm, VIU Raymond Belcher, VIU Gillian Clarke, VIU Kevan Gill, VIU Deborah Treadway, VIL (Sec.) Douglas Marks, VIU Lynda Abbott, VIU Paul a Martin, VIU J o hn Tompkins, VIU
CERTIFICATES University of London Advanced Level: Lynda Abbott (3), Christine Ahearne (3), Raymond Belcher (3), Barbara Boylett (3), Gillian Clarke (3), Kevin Gill (3), Kevin Harvey (3), Terence Holland (3), Graham Law (3), Tony Lock (4), Felicity Smith (3), John Tompkins (3). In addition eleven pupils gained two passes and fifteen gained one pass. (Two of these were pupils in the Lower Six th).
Ordinary Level:
Grade A, Band C and Grade 1 C.S.E.:
The additions represent passes obtained at Ordinary Level in the Fourth Year.
Joanne Ahearne (9+1), Ainsley Ali (8), Hilton Armand (9+1), Charmaine Ayling (6+1), Martin
Bacon (5), Peter Barrett (5), Peter Batters (7), Deborah Begent (10+1), Lynn Bryant (9+]), Edmund
Cantwell (6), Gabriella Castellini (7), Yash Chadha (7), Christopher Christou (9), Peter Clarke (10+1),
David Cronin (5), Wendy Curley (9+1), Loraine Dalton (7+1), Laura Davies (10+1),Jacqueline
Davy (5), Jacqueline Defoe (8), Bryn Dye (5), Michael Eames (8+1), Kenneth Ellis (6+1), Melanie
Foard (10), Toni Freeman (6),John Godfrey (9+1), Deborah Goode (9+1), Jacqueline Goode (6),
Michael Harrison (6), Teresa Hogan (4+1), Ralph Howes (7+1), Sally Hughes (6+1), Paul Lawlor (6),
Blake Lee-Harwood (7+1), Loraine Maloney (10), Noor Mer (8), Brian Morton (8+1), Patrick
MuJrenan (9+1), Gillian O'Brien (9), Daniel Perkins (10+1), Kim Poppy (5), Dawn Prentice (8),
Stephen Redgrave (6+1), Sandra Rowley (5), Dennis Samuels (10+1), Karl Schwarz (7), Kimberley
Seymour (6), Earl Singh (8+1), Anne Small (8+1), Allan Subosits (6), Paul Szucs (8+1), Leigh Taylor
(8+1), Deborah Vine (6), Alan Webber (7+1),Janice Willott (5), Perry Wright (7).
Seven Fifth Formers gained four passes, thirteen gained three, twelve gained two and twelve gained
In the Lower Six th five pupils gained three passes, fourteen gained two and nineteen gained one.
In the Fourth Year thirty-one pupils gained one pass.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Theory
Grade 5
Grade Grade Grade Grade
French Horn Clarinet
3 (With Merit) 5 4 (With Merit) 3 (With Merit) 11
Justine Hershman Ian Crane Ching Fun Lee (full marks) Suzanne Hariton Ian Crane Suzanne Hariton Debra Harvey
Refreshments after Speech Dav at Queen Mary College
Trophies 1977-78 ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES Athletics Senior Winterton Cup intermediate Butterfield Cup Junior Luton Cup Standards (5 star) Aldridge Cup Roden Cup Aggregate Relays Long-Lowes Shield
Foundation School/Foundation School School School Foundation
Basketball Senior Int erm ediate Junior
Raineian Lodge Cup Harvey Martin Cup Fishbcrg Cup
Mann Foundation Foundation
Cross Country (Boys) Senior Interm ediate Junior (Girls) Senior Intermediate Junior
Mansfield Cup Wareing Cup Horne Cup
Mann School Winterton
Headmaster's Trophy Middle School Trophy Junior Cup
Foundation Mann Winterlon
Hockey Senior Intermediate
Munn Cup Camberley Cup
School School
Netball Senior Intermediate Junior
Tyler Trophy Leach Cup Mann Cup
Mann Winterton Mann
Rugby Senior Intermediate Junior
Cadet Cup IIirles Cup Jenkins Cup
Mann Foundation Winterton
Swimming Senior Intermediate Junior Aggregate
Lassman Shield \,I,lilkins Shicld Turnage Trophy Manuel Posey Cup
School Foundation School School
Physical Education Boys Girls
Adlam Cup O.R.A. 250th Anniversary Cup
House Championship
Foundation School
Shutt Trophy
(Final house percentages of total possible points : School 31.03; Mann 26.64; Foundation 23.19 Winterton 19.12).
ATHLETICS (INDIVIDUAL) Victor Ludorum Nicholas Beeson Senior Intermediate Gary Anderson Gregory Ross Junior
Victrix Ludorum Senior Intermediate Junior
Gillian Clarke Kay McEachran Wendy Goode
W.O. Lyons Trophy Staff 42 School 12 Staff 1 School 2 Staff 6 School 5 Staff 6 School 10
The Staff/The School
Sixth Form Cup D . M. Yeomans Trophy
Win terton/Mann Winterton
Senior Junior
Clark Cup Clark Junior Cup
School Foundation
Prose and Verse Senior Junior
Aldridge Memorial Trophy Aldridge Memorial Trophy
Foundation Winterton
STAFF v SCHOOL Basketball
CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Drama Senior Junior Chess
First Year Harvest Festival Poster Competition
Junior Projects
Project Cup
Field Studies
Canning Memorial Trophy
School Work (Credits)
Dagger Cup
House Championship Dorothy Broughton Trophy Winterton (Final House Percentages : Winterton 31.95; Foundation 26.62; School 29 .90 ; Mann 19.53) H.R.K. Broughton Championship Trophy School (Final Percentages: School 26.5; Winterton 25.5; Foundation 29.9; Mann 23.1) 14
The Art Department With re-organisation, both the Arbour Square and Bethnal Green schools have seen increased activi ty; this has resuhed partly from the increased First Form entry_ Both studios at Arbour Square have been used as never before, as some First Year craft groups have additionally been accommodated_ Staff commuting between the two buildings has been minimal at present, only IVIr Wesley travelling from Bethnal Green once weekly_ However, Mrs Lewis will be visiting Bethnal Green from September onwards to take a group of senior pupils for pottery. Those who have never seen their work taken from the kiln after a glaze firing have a treat in store. Informal lunch-time meetings in both buildings continue to be popular; new pupils in particular have been able to work on additional projects. One interesting use of studio facilities led to the production of hundreds of paper flowers for the garden scene in "The Mikado". An unusual challenge came early in the New Year when Mr Leacy, Manager of the famous "Prospect of Whitby", Wapping, organised a picture competition_ For several weeks, groups of pupils could be seen in and around the "Prospect", making sketches. The finished pictures were later displayed in the School Hall prior to judging_ Teresa O'Cavanagh (L6) was winner in the Senior section, and Anthony Murphy (3F) in the Junior. A special runner-up prize was awarded toJane Durrell (4L). Their pictures are to be framed and displayed in the restaurant at the "Prospect" 'v"hile the winners and their families will be invi ted to a meal there. On March 6th, Mr Blundell took some Sixth Formers to the Hayward Gallery to see the large Exhibition of Dada and Surrealist Art. An interesting but quite exhausting show. Quite different in character was the Polyfilla Schools Art Exhibition at Reed House, Piccadilly, which was visited by a Fourth Year group on April 28th. One of the finalists, Jane Durrell, whose "Horse" was exhibited, went with us. Although the visit was a very enjoyable one, we all had some unkind things to say about the number] 5 bus service which involved us in a very long wait on our return journey!
The Design Technology Exhibition
Mrs Lewis has been on various outings to the Museum of Mankind and the London Museum with her Third Form groups. The Bi-centenary of Debenhams Ltd, involved Mr Blundell's Third Year Art Groups in a research visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum on lVlay 10th. Debenhams had organised a Schools' Painting Competition in which pupils were invited to give their impressions of a shopping scene in 1778. Congratulations are due to Wayne Holmes of Form SA (Bethnal Green Building) who has been accepted on the Foundation Course at East Ham Technical College to study Graphics. After success足 fully pursuing this Foundation Course, Kathleen Willott has been accepted for a Diploma Course in the Faculty of Art and Design at Bristol College of Technology. Annette Bugansky, who also left Raine's in 1977, will shortly be starting a course at the London College of Fashion. Well done, girls, we wish you every success in the future! J.J .G.B. THE INDOMITABLE KATHY Kathleen Burke, who established a certain reputation in Gilbert and Sullivan performances in her later years at school (notably as Mad Margaret in 'Ruddigore'), has continued the tradition through the Eltham Operatic Society. Her performances, as the ravishing plaintiH in 'Trial by Jury' and a:, a cheeky, uncouth midshipman in 'H.M.S. Pinafore' at the Eltham Little Theatre in mid-May were extremely well presented. Rehearsals for 'The Sorcerer' arc now in progress for Autumn performances. Kathy is now known as Kate Burke in the Little Theatre; we shall follow her progress with interest.
On August 2nd last year, Mr Blundell took four Fifth Formers to Rye to visit Basil Dowling, fondly remembered by Raine's Staff and pupils. Since his retirement, Mr Dowling has been working part time in the Rye Art Gallery and in a bookshop, both of which help to sustain his wide cultural interests. We arrived in Rye shortly before mid-day, and invited Mr Dowling to join us for a leisurely lunch at the Cheyne Restaurant near the Art Gallery; we all had a most enjoyable time together, and hope that future visits might be arranged. J.J.G.B .
Hat-making for the school film
Once again some Raine's pupils unselfishly gave up their time to travel, on December 21 st, to Orpington Hospital. As in 1977, their task was to decorate Ward 14 in time for the Christmas period. At the end of the day, the Sister in charge echoed the praises of other staff, visitors and most of the patients in this geriatric ward. Special mention was made or the fact that the pupils had been pre pared to give up a whole day from their Christmas holiday period. The girls concerned were: Denise Boylan, Jean Tompkins, Josephine Forbes and Loraine Tabram. Thanks again, everyone.
Presentation of the British Polio Fellowship Trophies at St. Philip Howard School, April 1978. L. to R: Harold C. Wright, Assistant General Secretary and Appeals Secretary, Ann Best, 111 M, R. E. Stephens, Appeals Organiser
Following last year's record total of £I 031 raised for the British Polio Fellowship by Raine's pupils, a total of 91 entered for the 1978 Sponsored Walk on May 13th. Of these, over half completed the full 100 laps (approximately 25 miles) around the track at the East London Stadium. By way of diversion, we were entertained by the colourful Tower Hamlets Redcoats and Majorettes; members of the West Ham F.C. also turned up and were kept busy giving autographs. Several of the R~ine's staff present took turns at pushing a Polio victim in a wheelchair around the track - again to raIse sponsor money. At St. Philip Howard School on April 18th, Ann Best (3M) received two trophies on behalf of Raine's. These awards resulted from successes in the 1977 Walk; Ann herself raised £50.50, the highest indi vidual total for the school. My thanks go to those colleagues who served as recorders this year, and to the pupils who represented the School. J.J.G.B. 17
'([be ftrospect of
THE SCHOOL FILM Further sequences in the "Story of Raine's" film were made at the end of the Summer Term. Locations included the 18th century part of the "Prospect of Whitby" (courtesy of Manager), and the Headmaster's study, where we recreated aspects of the draw for marriage portions. For several days in advance, costumes were being fitted and hats made for the many characters taking part in the story. We hope that we shall reach the nineteenth century next time! J.J.G.B.
Two Places to Visit THE LONDON DUNGEON lance visited a place of interest called the London Dungeon. As 1 walked through the entrance I knew it was going to be frightening. There were bottles of blood, half eaten rats and some heads on long spikes. Further in, I could hardly see, and I wen t through a big, black lace curtain which felt like cobwebs. I came to a model of a lady opening her treasure chest, and in it were her father's bones. There was blood dripping from the ceiling, and in one corner was Dracula, going mad at the sigh t of all the blood. The dim light made everything so effective that the phce was worse than any horror film. There were also several characters out of criminal horror stories. There were models of men being hanged - their shadows were moving but the dummies were not. The eyes of the figures were so life-like they terrified me, and I did not stay at anyone figure more than a couple of minutes. Terry Price, III B
l\1ADAME TUSSAUD'S Madame Tussaud's is good amusement for all tastes. If you like to ':ce historical characters, this is the place to come. You can see Henry V 111 and his six wives, and Elizabeth 1 - and you can take a closer look at the present Royal Family.
If you're not the historical type, you can see some television characters. The most popular television character there is Kojak, standing in an American street. Then again, if you are slightly older you may may want to see some film stars. In that section are Liza Minelli, rVlarilyr:. Monroe and Humphrey Bogart. If you do not care for any of these subjects, you could go to the Chamber of Horrors. It isn't very frightening in there, but you can see famous murderers. Or you could try the Battle Area. Here you can view scenes from the Battle of Trafalgar. The 'ioud speakers' effects are deafening. Below, there are scenes of people pulling, tugging, and loading cannon. This was a super place to visit, and I would recommend it to tourists, pupils, parents, and other members of the public. Edwina Hayes, IIA (B.G.) 19
Geography/Geology Field Trip 1978-Swanage Having learned a rather uncomlorlal)lc lesson from LIst ye ar's field trir ]\11'. Croom in his wisdom decid e d that no exp e n se \vo uld he spared an d the party would sl,IY in d " proper" hote l. However, doubts arose on our arrival when the owner annuun ced there W,IS no iH:a tin g - "oh-;)" [n spite ot' this the hotel proved most comfortC.lblc for the re st of the stay (particularly as the weather was quite mild). Victor Hills, an ex-geologist From the school, ollce again a ccompa nied the part y and lectured to the geologists one evening abuutthings that mere geographers didn'L u nderstand. h)r the majority of the trip, work was cen1 red a r o und the South Dorset coast st udyillg featur es s uch as I,ulworth Cove, Portland and Durelle Doo r , F or the most part, geo graphers and geol ogis ts formed one gro up which gave the former a great chance to sec geological hammers heing used to dcvasLlting crkcl. The only bad weather was encountered on Da rtmoOl', when one of the in['amolls mists descended obscuring every th ing, incl ud in g .vIiss .J Clckson - who t em poraril y disappeared 011 the way down from Hayton to the mini -buses. F urther mish a p was to foll ow o n the way home whell (jilt' mini-hus temporarily drove off the motorway onto a hard shoulder - ill search o[ rock s:'l11plcs - ullCortun足 C.ltely the "hard" shoulder proved to b e a sof t one. Ho wever, much gruntin f-i and :~roaning enabled u s to push the mini-bus back onto the road. At the l'nd of th e week th e: geograp hers separated ['r om the geulogi s ts in order to clrry out a rural and urban survey. The IaLLer took place ill Dorcheste r and de generate d into a spend ing spree. To those wh o took part, the trip proved ver y useful, informativ e a nd entertaining and thanks arc due to ~vlr. Croom, Mr. lIolmes and i'vlissJacksoll for making it so. .'vlichael Russell, Vl L
Biology Field Trip - Abergavenny Wales May 4th - 10th 19 78 After a somewhat delayed start oue to the prolonge d abs e nce of Lhe tea ch e rs bicicling th e ir respective farewells, we se t () rr for Abergave nny. We arrived jus t in time fc r Iunch after wh ich, clad in gre en cago ules, red plastic trousers <11"(\ wellies, we set off for the clistinct h e ights of Sl. Mary's Vale. Throughout the week the minibus found great difficulty in reachin ~ those oizzy hei gh ts and often needed manual aid. We founclthc fooci lip to five star sLllldard a lthough the person sitting furthe st [rom the serving tray often found hims elf with <I diminished portion. Th e kit c hen stan were marc than friendly and eager to provide the se rvi of it shower at 'very meal. We did, however, get O llr own back with the aid of Dean's artillery -- Jif lem o n squeezers . T he highlight of th e trip was our Sunday p ony trek. I think we can say all in all we thorough ly enjoyed OUl" gallop acr oss the slopes. (we are still trying t o convince D avi d Lhat he is not the Lone R;ll1gcr). After a strenuous clay's w ork , we were a ll a ll o wed a IitLle light e nte rtainment. We ventured into the centre 's gro unds for a gam e of mi x e d football. lVIi , s N aylor, som ewhat enthusiastic seemed to get her glasses tangled with tIte ball which resulted in the for mer cracking d own the middle. 20
On our las t full day at the centre we visited :1 ne ig hbourin g stream , and as tb e 'vveather was warm, we decided to have a Ljuick dip, but who woule! be first to take the plunge? N o volunteers? \'\ie picked ,111 un willing reprcsen t a tiv e to te s t th e temperature u r the wa ter. C ilaos followed. Looking like a herd o f drowned rats w e s talked up the bank tuw,mls om two dejected teachers . We bade them join in the fun. However, we decided thaL they might need :1 h e lping hand, ;ll1d w e proceeded to give them a closer look at the riv er organisms. :\0 o lle seemed any worse for th e aciVC'llture. That ni ght several m em bers or the p:lrt y ciisc()vfrf' d m yst erious sprigs of holl y between their bed clothes, but unknown to us, more myst e ri es were to follow. Early in the m UrniJl g, ,I mysterious figure, clothed in recl, paid LIS all unwelcome visit and promptly pro ceeded to anoint us with a decidedly wet substan ce - namely W,ltC'L At breakfast, a late co mer experienced the joys o f' a sug,lr suhstitute - salt, in his tea and on his cornOakes. He was no t amused.
We wouicllike to thank Mi ss :\ayior and Mrs . Southcott for a most enjoyable week.
The Biologists
The Biology Field Trip - Tadpole Expedition, Abergavenny, South Wales
A Day Out Last year, Mr. Bye took our class to the Tower of London, then to H.M.S. Belfast. After w e h ad eaten our lunch we went to the London Dungeon. It was very cold and eerie place under the rail足 way arches. It was dark, with only a few candles so lhat you could see. The things inside inciudeG famous executions of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There were not many people in there though. Before you reach the shop ncar the exit, there are Zodiac signs and a curse circle. There is also a life-si ze model of the Jabberwocky, a huge, monster-lik e creature which talked and moved its head from side to side. Before we went home we stopped at the shop and bought some sweets. They also sold toy rats, spiders and other creatures on a string of elastic , pens, pencils and mugs. I bought a blue pen with a skeleton's head on it and 'London Dungeo n' written on it, and some sweets. When everybody had finished buying we got a tube to Be thnel Green Station and then went home. Judy Birdwhistle, IIIB
Dover Castle and Canterbury (FIRST YEAR HISTORY FIELD TRIP) As we approached the castle, our firsl glimpse was of the huge slopes and the moat which was at one time filled with water. We elimbed up the path to the drawbridge which could be pulled up when enemies were allacking the castle. Just past the drawbridge were two huge rings which showed that at one time there had been a portcullis here. Through the gateway was the keep, situated on a hill. The keep was the safest part of the castle. Inside were great halls where royalty or nobility would have slept or dined. It was very dark, cold and damp, especially upsta:rs. The reason for this was that the only windows were tiny slits. Up on the roof, the view was tremendous; we cou'ld see for twenty-one miles around us. We had to be very careful at the top as we were about J 00 feet from the ground. After looking at the collection of weapons and armour, everyone wandered out of the keep. The castle had two curtain walls on which were many towers. One of the most interesting was the ruin of the Queen Mary Tower; this was to the west of the keep, and many people could not find it. It seems unbelievable that such a castle could start so small and simple in Roman times, and build up to be as impressive as it is today . After visiting the castle, we went back to the coach and drove on to Canterbury Cathe-lral. The original cathedral dated back to Anglo Saxon times but the cathedral we see today dates back to the twelfth or thirteenth century. Once inside, we could see the beautiful stained glass windows. The cathedral was once an abbey, and you can still walk through the cloistns. One of the most famous happenings in the history of the cathedral was the killing o f Archbishop Thomas Beckett by the order of Henry 11. A stone now marks the site of the murder. Terrianne Medcraft, IC 22
Fifth Year Trip to Derbyshire Early on th ~ sixth of July twen ty-seven fifth-formers boarded the train bo und for Derby. We believed, on arrival, that we would have a short walk to the hostel at Youlgreave. Seven miles was the oflicial estimation but our guesses ranged from ten to fifteen! Our first dinner consisting of corned beef, potato and "green and orange bits," confirmed our worst SUspIcIons. The next day there was a short walk to Bakewell. 'vVe were supposed to go somcvvhere else after Bakewell but most of us were far too fatigued by thi s time and stayed in Bakewell all afternoon before returning to Youlgreave by bus. Saturd ay came and most of us travelled to the next hostel at Buxton by bus. Those of us who braved the walk wished w e hadn't! The one night we spent in Buxton seemed too much for the warden who was fa r from pleased to see us. On Sunday we started to walk to Castleton, our last stop, but by Tideswell we had split up into the few who were walking the entire journey and the majority who were getting the bus the rest of the way. There was a long wait however, and we m e t a large group of Kenyan tourists who asked if we were on safari! The next d ay the more energetic members of the party went up Win Hill while the rest took the short route by ro ad to Brough. Then came the infamous trek to Blue John Mines, estimated by Miss Jackson to be two miles (everyone else is now agreed it w as ne arer fiv e) . On th e last full clay of our holid ay the girls, who had got wise to Miss Jackson's idea of a short walk, took tht' short cut over a steep hill, to Edalc. The scenery from the hillt o p was very impressive, as it had been all week, when we were n ot too tired to appreciate it. The last day saw us all exhausted and relieved to go home but we want to thank Miss J ackson and Mr. Croom for putting up with us. Dawn Prentice, VA (A.S.)
Yorkshire Dales, October 1977 For th e Autumn half-term holiday, a well-nannied group of Sixth form hill-walkers discovered the Yorkshire Dales. Our accomodation was in the town square at Masham, conveniently near to Th eakston's brewe ry. The walking was sprinkled with visits to the not able landmarks of Middleham and Pickering Castles, a dusk visit to Mount Grace Priory and a trip to see the Rip o n hornblower, and, most important 足 the coun try pu blic houses. Farmers seemed to be scarce while we were walking, allowing us to plunder a plum tree and some blackberry bushes, and giving time for Davie! Ward to concentrate on his photography. The walk ers will remember this trip if only in terms of unpai d nightly card sessions, and for this, and the wal king, we wish to th ank Miss Jackso n and Mr. Darch for taking the p arty . J o hn Young, VIL 23
Second Year French Trip The unsuspecting inhabitants or lhe Brittany coastland had more than oil to cope with last Whitsun , when there appeared a threat to the beaches of a more human kind: namely, a group of thirty-five pupils from the second year who came to spend four da ys in the up-until-then peaceful seaside town of St. Cast. Having further to travel than previous trips to France, we left school at the unearthly hour of 5-30 a.m.; the first of many 'foreign' experiences during this holiday! Sailing from Southampton to Cherbourg, it was late afternoon before we 'set wheel' in France. It was then a combination of doubtful navigation by the teachers and an extraordinary number of diversions that contrived to make our first introduction to the French countryside a little longer than had been expected! However a warm welcome, meal and comfortable beds at the hotel quickly silenced any discontent. We filled the days well with coach trips as well as local shopping, sightseeing and swimming. Most of the group had the chance to see whether their classroom French actually worked in practice - but if it didn't, a friendly smile seemed to be a successful alternative. The weather was good and it gave us the opportunity of seeing the Emerald Coast at its best. Swimming was a popular option, in the sea or in the St. Malo baths (definitely warmer). We were all very sad when Tuesday came and we had to leave, but all of us had had a memorable time.
(M.P. & S.].)
sz Mill 'JUeJJe:J a!uuar Aq (Ju!Jd OI./J17) ,ssaJO DU07 aI/../.,
Lower Sixth Visit to Surrey University July 1978 True to form, the Raine's party made its entrance into the Main Hall of the University ten minutes after everyone else, having been lucky to arrive at all! (For further details see P.S) The Lectures were generally informative and interesting, although the impression given was one of all play and no work _.. very encoura~ing, but probably untrue! The campus accommodation appeared very inviting, until on entering we found out it was really rather slovenly, especially the kitchen areas - which required gas masks as additional domestic appliances. The sightseeing tour of the campus, which included the former experience, was in fact the highlight of the day. Breathing in the fresh scent of manure we entered the sports facilities which were amazingly good. Not daring to accept our guide'S offer of a cup of tea in his room we returned home. Any future visitors please don't be deterred - it was a valuable experience to any university applicants and well worth the visit. P.S. We are wondering if maybe our chauffeur is an "Elvis" fan since he so obviously wanted to be "All shook up" - as we certainly were on our arrival back at school. P.P.S. Condolences to Mrs Darch. Lisa Arnold, Debbie Goode, Jill Reilly, Denise Cox, VIL
Secretarial Sixth Report Here we are si tting in the Secre taria! Six th room now all fully trained efficien t secret aries (!), look足 ing back over a year which has been both enjoyable and beneficial. It only seems like ye,terday that we first came into the class not knowing what to expect. Apart from the general Secretarial Duties, Typing, Shorthand and Commerce, we have also had the chance to visit various places - the Business Library, Nat-West Bank, the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, the Houses of Parliament, IBM and Gestetner. In between taking an interest in these places we have also had some laughs, such as the time we had to retrieve a certain member of our class (no names mentioned) from a Nat-West 'W.C.', and the chilling experience we had outside the House of Lords when we stood in the snow, wind and rain for two hours waiting to get in for what turned out to be a five minute visit. Other hilarious moments have been spent in class whilst typing to music ('William Tell' and 'Carmen' would you believe?) and also finding mysterious footprints and several moved objects which led us to suspect the presence of a ghost, which we appropriately called 'Tih e Creeper', but were rather disappointed to discover that it was only the window cleaner. The annual 'Day in an Office' scheme was once again a success, the places visited this year were the Cancer Research Headquarters, the Spastics Society, the Na1ional Westminster Bank and Computer Services. We all agreed that we benefited greatly by this visit and a most cnjoyab1le time was had by all. Last but not least, we would like to say a big thanks to Mrs. Byrne for putting up with us ancl doing such a great job, not forgetting ML Spillett too. We much appreciate everything they have clone for us throughout this important part of our school li fe. We hope that all future secretarial students will obtain as much knowledge ancl enjoyment as we have gained this year. Secre tarial Sixth 26
Skiing - Kransjska Gora, 19n It must be said that this year's skiing trip was a tremendous success and was thoroughly enjoy ed by everybody who took part. or course, there were the: usual complaints about the food, but I have never becn involved in a school trip (or evell beard of one!) in which the food had been enjoyed by an yone under th e age of eighteen. In fact " the food was quite good, although it must be admitted that the menu dicllack such continental cuisine as Bangers 'n Mash, Egg and Chips, and Beans on Toast. With a foot of snow falling on the first night, everybody made very rapid progress. In fact, it was a pleasure to be with a gro up nearly all of whum were determined n o t to waste a moment's sk 'iing time. Of course, the beginners had early problems, chiefly falling over and ski trouble. The non-beginners were sorted into separate groups on the first morning by climbing the moutain, and then, in Michael Russell's words, 'demonstrating their best skiing technique before the wonderfilled eyes of the be ginners, and the laughter-filled eyes of the inst ructors.' MissJackson apart, we all showed that a thin layer uf rust had affected our style. Michael continues: 'On Friday, we were taken to the chair lift by the instructor, 'Dan - Dan, the Skiing man', and in the afternoon th e same ski-run resounded with the screams and yells of five male memb ers of the group tearing down the slope, hell-bent on self-destruction. ' Inevit ably, the 'apres-ski' on a school trip is limited; n ev erthel ess, ther e was more to do in the evenings there has bee n on any other trip. Bryn Dye comments, 'The added extra of floodlit skiing w as very goo d, not least because it removed the fear of going over tricky bumps - since they couldn't be seen!' We all ventured onto the skating rink in th e evening. The girls had all skated before, which quickly became apparent, but equally appare nt was the fact that th e remainder were complete novices, most of them being laid out on the icc at ve ry frequ ent intervals. The success of a trip depends upon the spirit allci responsibility shown by the members of the party, and the' abundance of this more than compensated for the small number of people actually taking part. I hope that next year's trip will be enjoyed just as much by our large ski-party as this year's was by our small but keen group. C.J.N.
The Mikado This year the Raine's Music and Dntma. Society travelled East of Poplar to Titipu for a great success in Gilbert and Sullivan's 'i'vlibdo'. The 'old pro' Mr. l\ice gained more valuable experience posing as the strolling minstrel Nanki-Poo. Ag;!inst all obstructions his 'charms' won over Hazel Paul as Yum-Yum - one obstruction being the not-so-blooc\ thirsty Lord High Executioner's intention o[ marrying Yum路Yum. Mr. Holmes' unwillingness suited the part admirably. Loraine Tabram's entry as Katisha to expose Nanki路Poo's former betrothal \V;IS all the more well-received when she tripped over her dress. Douglas :,vLtrks as the Mikado (despite a cold) sorted all things out, including the pompous Pooll路Bah (the ever-improving John Young). All the chorus sang as well as ever, with Lynn Bryant, Ann Marks and Glenn Colc playing their roles well. The audience also performed well on all three nights, seeming to i-,rrow more delighted as did the performers. Grateful thanks are given to Mr. B1llndell and his te"m for their professional work on the scenery, to Mrs. Auerbach for make-up and to Mrs. Darch for stage-management. Most important of all, thanks go to l\liss Jackson for all her work over the many months of preparation .
.J ohn
Young and Andrew Marks, VIL
'Chinaman' (Litho print) by Tracy Baker, IIIW
IShe Stoops to Conquer
l -
by Oliver Goldsmith
Last year's school play was a mixed success. Though well produced and performt:d in a lively manner, the intricate word play and the antique language posed prohlems for the actors and audience. How ever, Paula Martin, Loraine Tabram, Toni Fox, Nicholas Beeson, Tony Simpson and Graham Law coped very well and did not let the spint 01 the comedy lalter. SpeCl~t1 mention must be made 01 Stephen Drew who made a fine show as Mr. IIardcastlc despite being a lowly third year amongst seniors; and Clive Shilson got the oafish Tony Lumpkin so naturally we wondered whether he was acting at all. Fina!Iy I must thank the pe ople who acted minor characters so efficiently: Edmund Cantwell, Nlichele Still, Ian Jenkins and l.yn Baker; thanks als o to the many helpers amongst the staff and the pupils without whom ... S.E.J .
Eighteenth Century Silhouette
H3nDN03 01
Sd001S 3HS
Retribution No one's looking, The street's deserted; A swift look round, The key's inserted. No alarm has rung; The door swings wide Still no one looking As I steal inside. No key in the ignition, One must surely fit; Try them all, one by one, The last one, that's it! Nobody's looking, Yet I wait for a shout; People should take more care When there's a thief about. No sound as I turn the key, The engine's on ....... . An explosion , flames, The car is gone . 'No identity found on the body inside' 足 Too charred, too marred to tell. The I.R.A. didn't mean to get him, Who rang the retribution bell? Shelley Hurley, VIL
Patterns Is there a pattern to life itself? Why are we here at all? Do we appear on the scene Like bieeps on a radar screen Just to disappear without recall? The sun has its course each day, The stars their orbits all; The ebb and flow of the sea cleans The beaches daily; and it seems Amazing that this could happen at all. It's also this way with the seasons, Spring, summer, and after the fall The winter is seen. I'm sure that this must mean That there is a pattern 足 And Ii fe doesn't stop at all. Alison Harvey, VIL 32
The Door As the cart carrying their daughter's body trundled away, the Haywards' feelings were mixed. Jennifer was dead, but that was no surprise: so were 673 others in Stepney Parish that week in early October, 1665. All dead. All of the plague. But the Haywards could not be completely miserable, for with their ailing daughter finally dead and gone, perhaps they and the rest of their family had a better chance of surviving. Jennifer was dead, sure enough, but not gone as far away as her parents thought. She, who had been, until the plague, a happy, healthy, teenage girl, running through the London streets like one of the rats which were to carry the plague from Europe to England, had found, without knowing it, a door to survival.
In July 1745, the Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, landed in Scotland with a force ready to fight for a Stuart restoration. Donald Cameron, the "gentle Lochiel", was ready to fight for the Jacobite cause, but in the event of failure he would not risk his daughter Flora's safety. Therefore, he sent her to London to stay with friends of his. She would be safe there, he knew. His friends were trustworthy, and his daughter was a fine, spirited girl in her middle teens. Flora was spirited enough to be annoyed at her father's decision to send her to London, but once there she felt curiously at home. Her father's friends had children, and by day they would show her through the town. To their surprise Flora needed very little instruction before she knew her way around the town as well as they themselves did. They told their parents about Flora's uncanny knack of direction, and how she was fascinated by the studded wooden door down near the waterfront. The news from Scotland was not good: by December the army, which had been advancing south足 wards in to England, had had to retreat to Scotland. The need for French help was stressed in all the messages from Donald Cameron which reached his daughter. One night in January 1746 Flora dressed herself well and warmly, took several bags well filled with gold, and some food from a downstairs room, and crept away from her friends' house. As she made her way down to the waterfront she did not notice the cut-throat who had observed her fine clothes and well-filled money bags. These things, it seems, had dulled her instincts in dark London streets, and she fell dead by a murderer's knife just before the studded wooden door. As she died, the door opened, and she realised why Flora Cameron had known Jennifer Hayward's terri tory so well.
When next she took existence, she was Russian. The door had opened in Moscow in 1800, and the old crone who served as a midwife often swore that Natasha Kennikin had laughed aloud as she was brought into the world in her parent's one room lodging near the great city gates. That had been twelve years ago. Now it was September 1812. Napoleon and his French soldiers were just outside Moscow, and just inside l'vloscow the buildings were in flames, and people were preparing to leave, but Natasha's rather was not among them. Napoleon and his men entered the city on the fourteenth of September. Two days later Natasha saw one of her friends being attacked by three French soldiers. She was spreadeagled against the wooden door of the house where the soldiers were lodged, and seemed to be in dreadful pain. The door was open, and for Natasha it was all too easy. She ran forward and begged them to spare her friend. The soldiers were only too obliging, and Natasha died, as she had been born, with a smile on her face. 33
The youth crouching in a trench near the Somme was enjoying himself, although the 'he' was a 'she'
who had managed to disguise herself and get out to the war. It was fun being the only female among
so many men, but it was more fun being the only one there who was not afraid.
Natasha, one hundred and four years on, was equally fearless , and just as fascinated by doors as Flora
Cameron had been in her time.
An officer interrupted the youth as he tried to make a model of a door from matchsticks. A volun足
teer was needed, it seemed, to cross the enemy lines carrying a coded message which would throw
them into confusion. To undertake the mission would mean certain death ... .... the youth broke into
hysterical laugh ter.
As she approached the lin es, the first part of Natasha to be struck was the model whi ch she carried
in her breast p ocket.
Then, bullets struck her whole body, and she felt the delicious sinking feeling of death.
But something was wrong. She was sinking too far, and the door remained closed. She hammered
and kicked it, screaming through her teeth, but nothing would open that heavy studded wooden
Julie Dawkins, VIL
Who am I? I am whoever I am,
Wherever I go reflects me,
Whatever I do detects me.
I am an artist,
A musician,
A great athlete,
A genius,
But really a liar
Because I am myself
I am whoever I am.
Sometimes foolish,
Sometimes lazy,
At other times kind,
And helpful.
I do not swear,
I do not fight
Because I am me.
I am whoever I am.
With the will-power of a horse,
The cunning of a fox,
The speed of a hare
And the mind of a monkey.
I keep in trim
Exercising my thoughts
And fe elings with care.
And because of this
I am who I am .
Kerry Jose, IlL 34
My Estate In the area where I live there are blocks of flats. They are built in all shapes and sizes. There is also a seed warehouse, an electrical contractor, and a textile manufacturer's workshop. Queen Mary College is nearby and it has an observatory on top of the building. It is rather a cosmopolitan area as far as people are concerned. There are many nati o nalities and religions. T he re is a community centre here for the elderly and a park for the youngsters. There are lots of dogs, cats, and rats, so we get plenty of mess around. Birds are plentiful in this area, such as sparrows, blackbirds, pigeons, and many others that I cannot identify. In St. Dunstan's Churchyard there is a family of kestrel s. Being a cosmopolitan area, there are many different cooking smells. One of the nicest smells I know around here is when the grass has just been cut. But the canal which is nearby, and the council incin足 erator leave a lot to be desi red. Havi ng so many dogs around makes it a very noisy place. The dogs are continually fighting and barkin g at ni ght. We live just off the main road and the traffic is continuous day and night. Many juggernauts usc thi s road going t o and from the docks_ There are also sounds of children playing, radios and televisiuns. john Hampshire, IP
Balsawood 'village' - first formers' work
Ice Skating I glide around the rink,
I feel happy and free Nat a care in the world,
I think, 'World, look at me!'
I feel graceful and rich
Like a lovely princess;
I think about time
Less and less.
I dream I'm· so good
That a star I shall be
Performing 'Swan Lake'
Before Royalty.
A crowd is approaching,
My terror I hide;
What if they push me over?
I rush to the side.
I wonder what the time is,
How long I have to skate,
For I'm due home for my dinner
And I mustn't be late.
The lesson has ended,
The rink bare and quiet;
It looks rather lonely,
No hustle or riot.
And me? I am me,
Plain Linda as before Until I get back on
The ice once more.
Linda Allen,
'Skateboarder' (Litho print) by Anthony Murphy, /lIF
The Special Day The children and I walked down the road towards the station. We were meeting someone very
special. As we reached the platform the train was just coming in. The kids ran towards him; he held
their hands as they walked towards me.
As we walked out of the station, I stared at him, noticing how much he had changed. He had aged
quite a bit, and his long hair had been cut short. I had always thought being old would suit him. He
looked at me and smiled; his eyes wrinkled, and I knew we were at last one family again - but for
how long?
I slipped my arm through his, and we carried on walking.
'Weren't you in hospital a long time?' asked the youngest child. 'Are you better now?'
He looked at me and smiled.
'Well, I had to tell them something,' I said.
I had missed him so much. I hadn't been allowed to see him, but letters came often enough. I used
to have nightmares about what the neighbours said: 'You know she's getting letters from Dartmoor?'
'What's at Dartmoor?'
'There's only one thing I can think oL'
I used to stay awake at night, thinking of things to say. But now it didn't matter - we were all
together again. That night we had lots to talk about after the children had gone to bed, and later, I lay awake, glad to hear his breathing next to me. Once again the four of us were together. Corinne Rummell, IlIA
The Patrol A platoon of soldiers cautiously patrolled the streets of Belfast. They had been on their third tour of duty, and were getting weary of this undeclared war. The fear of getting shot, the feeling that every day might be their last was affecting them. On this last day of their tour, they felt that they could cheat fate. They were patrolling a deserted area surrounded by large warehouses, and were less cau tious than usual. Sudden~y a shot rang ou t and a soldier fell. Another man crawled bravely to his fallen com足 rade, and then back to the Sergeant in charge. "He's dead," he said regretfully. "Shot in the head." "It must have been that building over there - third building on the left," said the Sergeant, pointing at the warehouse. He told half his men to run to the entrance, while the others gave covering fire. The men ran to the entrance while the others fired at the window. The Sergeant kicked the wooden door open and, with his men, ran up the stairs to the foreman's office. The office door flew open with the force of the Sergeant's boot, and then the office echoed to the sound of his sub-machine gun as he sprayed it with bullets. But the sniper was gone, and only an empty cartridge shell remained lying on the floor. Trevor Impey, IVA (B.G.) 37
Moonlight From its celestial mother flowing
For the death of sunset vvoeing,
Emerging from a blackmed cloud
Engulfing night with pale white shroud.
As gentle tears from a sobbing eye,
Cascading through the misty sky.
Rellected on the inky seas
And streaming through the black-leafed trees.
Night hunters' friend and smugglers' foe,
The searching beams as spotlights go.
In the hills and valleys creeping
While all nature is a sleeping.
Falling, falling, never ending,
Ever on father sun depending,
Slender beams of silvery grey
Piercing through the dark blue way;
And from the rising sun take flight,
To appear again the coming night.
Ian Crane, IVL
The moon radiates its shimmering light around,
Casting black, satin shadows along the ground.
It kisses the woodland with a white sparkling lace,
And the forest becomes an enchanted place.
The owl hoots his song in the dead of night,
The shining moon provides his spotlight,
And by the light of its silvery glow,
Swoops on the field mouse running below.
Th e poacher silently creeps through the wood,
Cursing the moonlight - it does him no good,
For the gamekeeper loves that luminous beam,
Poacher and fox are so easily seen.
Soon the moonlight will fad e peacefully away,
To be replaced by the sunshine of day.
Jan e Durrell, IVL
'Night Ow/' (Litho print) bV Terrv Price, /1/8
The Moon The cheeky grin laughs as the world watches the midnight movie;
The rosy face observes the electric blankets being switched on;
The glowing countenance watches the kettles boil for hot water bottles;
She smiles.
Her Her Her She
silvery rays miss the black cats squashed under tyre;
precious ligh t escapes the murder victim's frigh tened eyes;
gentle glitter sobs at the sight of the still corpses.
Carole Day, VIL 38
An Encounter with a Difference The sun beat down relentlessly from a cloudless blue sky as Carole ran across the veldt that afternoon. She ran blindly, not bothering to look around her as she usually did. The vast open beauty of the veldt did not impress her today. She had taken the bus out of Johannesberg on an impulse, a longing to escape from the big, ugly, sprawling city. The journey had been hot and uncomfortable, and Carole had been glad to get off
at the long-deserted roadside. She left the road behind and began to run across the flat, scrub足
covered veld t.
It was three weeks now since the tragedy had occurred. Three weeks since the peaceful demon足
stration by Bantu students in Soweto had ended in a bloodbath. Three weeks since Carole's beloved
elder brother, Luke, had been shot through the head by the South African Police.
Sometimes her own feeling of bitter hatred terrified her. Since Luke's death, she had felt murderous
towards every white person she saw. Her hatred was slowly poisoning her life.
Carole paused for breath, noticing for the first time that she was heading towards the river. It would
be cool there and she could rest and maybe think. Her mind felt jumbled and confused. It was
impossible to think straight in the tiny, cramped basement which was her home.
It was like a tiny oasis in the veldt, to be beside the river. Tall grass grew abundantly. There were
aloes with fleshy purple-blotched leaves and waxy red or yellow flowers. Fish flashed past in the
stream, quicksirver and beautiful.
Carole seated herself beneath a huge baobab tree, with a broad distended trunk. She gazed around
her in wonder, at the loveliness of the South African springtime. She was so engrossed that she failed
to hear the approach of a second person until a voice said, "Hello".
Carole was on her feet in an instant, spinning round to face the newcomer. He was a good deal taller
than she was, slim with reddish hair and hazel eyes. But Carole did not notice any of this. All she
saw was that his skin was white.
"Hello," the young man repeated. "Where did you come from? I didn't notice your horse anywhere."
"I walked," she said shortly. It was a brusque enough reply to make anybody with sense go away.
Evidently this boy was short on sense, because he made no attempt to leave.
"Walked? From where?"
"I caught a bus, got off and just ran!" Carole said. "Why?"
He regarded her thoughtfully. "I'm curious by nature."
"You're nosy!" She told him.
"That too," he admitted. "What's your name? I'm Simon."
"My name is Carole," she said. "Will you go away and leave me alone!"
"Hey, what did I do to upset you?" Simon asked, frowning. "I don't even know you!"
"A fact which pleases me greatly," Carole said.
"Are you always so charming?" he said laughing.
"Only to my friends."
He regarded her thoughtfully for a moment.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
She did not reply. Her gaze fell, and she shifted uncomfortably. Quietly, insistently, he repeated
his question. "Where are you from, Carole?"
"Soweto," she said softly.
He was silent for a moment, then he said, "I see".
"No you don't!" she snapped, looking up. Her brown eyes blazed ansrrily. "You don't see at all. Your kind are all the same ." "My kind?" he asked quietly. "What kind is that, Carole?"
"You whites!" she hissed.
He laughed shortly. "You're more prejudiced than any white person I ever knew."
She rose. Hatred blazed [rom her huge dark eyes. "I should have known you'd say that! How would
you feel if you were treated as a second-class citizen? Forbidden to ride on certain buses or trains,
not good enough to go to the same school as white children? How would you feci if' somebody you
loved was shot dead, for no reason?" She was hysterical now, half-sobbing at him. "How would you
like it if ...... " Her words were cut short sharply as he slapped her across the face. She stared at
him in angTY astonishment, holding her face. It had not been a hard slap, but very effective.
"That's enough!" he said coldly. "I apologise, but I can't stand hysterical femaks." His good·
natured grin was gone, and it made his face look hard and bleak. "I'm sorry to have troubled you."
He turned on his heel and stalked over to his horse. She watched him go, half-angry, half-puzzled.
Then, much to her horror, she felt tears welling up, stinging her eyes. She spun around ancl ran
blindly through the gTass, determined not to let him sec her crying.
Carole ran for a few yards, not caring where she she was going. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her
leg. She glanced down, and her eyes widened in fear as she saw the thin, evil shape of the snake glid
ing away. Clearly visible on her calf were the twin marks of the creatures fangs. Carole gave a low
cry and sank to the ground, unsure of what to do next. She began to sob again.
Suddenly she was aware of a horse beside her. Simon sprang lightly to the ground. "What is it?"
"Cobra," she said. His capable hands WTenched off her sandal and pushed up the leg of her jeans.
"This is going to hurt," he told her, taking out his pocket knife. "Scream, and I'll hit you!"
He cut a thin line in Carole's skin. She screamed and tried to pull away. True to his word, he shoved
her down unceremoniously. "Keep quiet," he said, and bent over to suck out the poison. He spat,
then sucked again. Carole felt sick and dizzy. She closed her eyes, stubbornly refusing to faint.
Simon's voice roused her from blissful oblivion. "Carole! Carole, wake up!" She opened her eyes.
"Simon? Is it .... alright?"
"I don't know, I'm no doctor. Can you ride a horse?"
"No. "
"I hope you're a fast learner!" He said. He picked her up effortlessly and carried her over to the
horse. He lifted her into the saddle and sprang up behind her.
"Where are we going?" Carole asked. She had a vision of them riding through Johannesberg on
"Back to my farm. I can take the car then, and get you to a hospital."
He dug his heels into the horse's flanks and they set off at an easy canter, which was very uncom
fortable for Carole, although Simon seemed to have no difficulty maintaining his balance. They rode
across the veldt in silence.
Simon's home came into sight. It was a large spreading homestead, painted white. Carole tried hard
to focus on it, but it kept on blurring before her eyes. She was only vaguely aware as Simon lifted
her from the horse and into a car.
A girl, blonde and pretty, ran out of the house. She stopped short as she saw them.
"Si - who's she?"
"A girl. She's been bitten by a cobra. I'm taking her to hospital."
"But Simon - she's a .... a .... "
"A person, Louisa," Simon said.
"She's black!" Louisa gasped.
"So she is! You're observant, Lou!" Simon got into the car. He started it up, and drove away,
leaving his horrified sister staring after him.
Carole come to a Ii ttle in the car. She opened her eyes painfully, because her head ached.
"Simon, you're going the wrong way! This is the white hospital."
"I know," Simon said. "Well, actually, it's painted a muddy grey, but ... "
"Don't be so flippant!" Carole snapped.
Simon chuckled. "You're recovering," he said. "That's the first time you've snapped at me for a
long time."
He carried her up the steps and into the hospital. A doctor, looking no older than Simon himself,
came rushing over.
"You can't bring her in here!" he said.
"ljust have!" Simon said.
"But .... "
"She's been bitten by a cobra ", Simon said with exaggerated patience. "That's a poisonous snake."
"I know what a cobra is," the doctor said. "But .... "
"I'm tired of arguing," Simon said. "Go and find the chief consultant. Tell him that Simon Van
Doorten wishes to speak wi th him."
"Van DOOl路ten?" The young doctor frowned. "Oh -- yes, of course. At once, sir." He hesitated.
"Well, maybe just this once .... " He waved to a nurse, and presently Carole was being wheel\e d
away on a troll ey.
Simon watched, a half-smile on his face. Then he turned and left the hospital. As he went, people
turned to stare at him. The eldest son of the police chief in Soweto was rarely seen in a hospital,
and nobody could understand how he came to be bringing in a coloured girl. Simon could have told
them, but he didn't bother. He was used to being stared at. '
The hospital orderly called out after him: "Mr Van Doorten, won't you wait?"
Simon paused. "No - I don't think so."
"But she'll want to know who helped her."
Simon shook his head sadly. "I don't think so," he said, and walked out into the sunlight.
Lynn Bryant, VL
All Sorts Houses on top of it,
Surveyors talk of it,
Concrete 足 I hate that stuff.
Pictures on top of it,
People admire it,
Wall paper 足 I like that stuff.
People look round them,
Goods are bought in them,
Shops 足 I like these things.
Nigel Harding, IP
The Night Prowler The cat lies in front of the fire as the embers grow dim. The woman gives him one last stroke. She gets out of her armchair and turns off the light. "Goodnight, Tibby," she says. The house is quiet and dark. The cat springs up onto his four velvet paws. He leaps onto the window sill. The window has been left half open, so he slips out and jumps down into the long grass which is wet, and as he sweeps slowly through it, beads of water cling to his fur. Like a mysterious shadow, he jumps over the garden wall and runs towards the newly built estate. The moon, like a luminous globe, shines down on him as he walks. His black silhouette climbs the dark grey buildings, over walls and under arches until he reaches the rooftops. Tibby now feels at home. He knows where he is as he looks down at the back yard of a fishmonger's shop. He looks behind him. What does he see? Nothing but the rooftops of a massive concrete jungle. He looks ahead of him; he sees the bright, flashing lights of the city. Tibby had been here once, but he didn't like it. The car's hooters had almost deafened him and there were dangers lurking round every street corner. He looks up to the sky. The clouds begin to mingle, engulfing the moon like a great ghostly hand. Tibby screeches. It is a weird sound that echoes around the fishmonger's yard. And oh, how differ揃 ent it is from his usual friendly purr! The sly, yellow twinkle in his eyes disappears, and they glow a mysterious green. His soft fur becomes stiff and coarse and his velvet paws become hard as he stretches out his claws, and takes one tremendous leap off the roof and down onto the ground. He makes his way to a box. He sniffs around and grabs a headless fish and runs. Across the yard and up onto the roof he runs, still with the fish in his mouth. The wind blows the fur away from his face, and blows back his ears. Along the rooftops, leaping from slope to slope, building to building, he goes, through the concrete estate, and back to his own familiar garden, and then in through the open window. He jumps down and pads across the soft warm rug. Tibby puts the fish down in front of the fire and curls up beside it. Now and then he nibbles it. The cat feels at home, safe and warm, even though the embers have now grown cold. Pamela Hopkins, IA 42
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'Horse' by Jane Durrell, 1 VL
The Foal Just been born, wet and tired,
Eyes screwed up, cold and damp;
~IIother licks him, he feels better,
He knows he must try to stand.
He totters to his feet, unstable and afraid,
He falls heavily onto the hay;
He's stunned, but up he gets again,
For longer this time 足 But still falls down.
Third time lucky, up he stands,
He feels proud and strong
And tries to walk.
His mother licks him
And is proud of her foal.
Madeleine Hershman, IIJ
Sickroom : ... He soared upward to the Heavens and woke as the figures at the end of the bed were disappear足 mg. The office was in a sham bles. Medical journals were piled in every available space, and the desk was littered with pens, pencils and medical files. Doctor Winston, however, was the room's exact oppo足 site. The ideal 'T.V. doctor', he wore his hair short, ahd immaculate clothes were visible beneath his white surgical coat. Even so, Jane Keary felt uneasy in his presence. Doctor Winston consulted some notes, then said, "It's been two months since the accident and your husband's condition has scarcely improved. I'll be honest with you, Mrs. Keary, it's a wonder he's still alive " . He waited for a reply, got none, and carried on. "My guess is that his problem is psychosomatic. Brought on by a feeling of guilt over his parents' deaths, perhaps? Were they especially close?" Kathy saw now that Winston had been working round to this. She nodded. "They idolised him. As far as Kevin was concerned , they could do no wrong." Her voice began to falter as her eyes filled with tears. "They made life hell for me, though. I wasn't good en ough for him. He's their only son, you know. Nothing I did for him or them, was right. They said .... they said I made him unhappy." He was driving a car. The fine rain made the dark night even blacker. He stopped at the traffic lights, looked up and squinted - now they looked like cats' eyes. His father tapped him on his shoulder. The lights had changed. He accelerated away, turned, and joked with his mother about missing the light change, wondering why he couldn't hear his voice. He turned back, and saw that the car in front had gon e into a skid. He stood on the brake, but the stationary wheels just slid on the wet road. The car spun onto the pavement, carried on and lunged through the window of a department store. He went through the windscreen; heard the car burst into flames behind him and braced himself for the landing. It never came. Invisible hands pulled him upwards, upwards, ever upwards, he soared towards the Heavens .... and woke bathed in sweat. Kathy woke with a start. Someone was in the house. Slipping out of bed, she put a dressing gown over her nightdress. She walked across the landing and satisfied herself that the children were asleep. An element of doubt bega n to creep into her mind. Perhaps there was no voice; perhaps she had been dreaming. But she had to check. The bulb in the living room blew just as she reached out to turn it on. She turned, startled, and felt '1 hand between her shoulder-blades push her to the centre of the room. She fell amongst the broken glass of the bulb, felt it bite into her knees. Something ran through her long blond hair. Across the room a vase fell. Panic overcame her, she tri ed to get up, but something wa, holding her down, forcin g her into a foetal position. Great sobs began to shake her body, th en she heard it. She heard a swishing nois e, people moving. Then she heard a voice, a hoarse, croaking voice. "We shall ... have . .. him. You ... make him ... unhappy." She heard the children crying upstairs. The change was remarka ble. She could hardly believe that the thing lying on the bed was her husband. Joints stuck through Keary's skin, trying to escape. His face was a pale, dea thly white. Dark rings made spectacles around his eyes. He was having trouble breathing. Kathy bent over him. His eyes opened, he managed a 'Hello', then suddenly stared, wide-eyed, at the end of the bed. "Kev, what is it?" "Oh n o !~' 45
Kathy looked to where her husband was staring. There stood his par ents, the disfiguring burns now gone. They looked at Keary and smiled.
"Oh my God, they've come to get me!"
"No Kev! Hold on, fight it!"
She grabbed his hand and held it up, their fingers linked.
"No. You can't have him," she said. "Can't you see he loves me?"
It was several moments before she realised that the silence meant that Keary had stopped breathing.
Release was glorious. An intense feeling of contentment came over him as he felt himself lighten
and leave his body. He heard voices all around him as hands pulled him ever upwards. Then he saw
his parents. They were standing at the foot of the bed, a smug look of satisfaction on their faces.
Then he saw Kathy. She was lying across his empty body, her head on his chest, tears streaming
down her cheeks. He had never loved her more: had never ha tcd his parents more, never realised
how wrong they could be. He looked at his parents, smil ed, and returned to his body.
He had too mueh to live for. John Godfrey, VS
Public Tragedy Blazing headlines drumming into my brain, No, it isn't true -- it can't be! It never happens to people, like LIS, Only to obscure names on bland paper. Until .... Until it is us, we're the ones on show, Our personal trauma exposed to all, Our tragedy is the world's to gloat over. Our tragedy, a public tragedy. Tracy Richter, VIL
Paradox Anna Sandalson Born nineteen-hundred-and-twenty-one, Born to marry, Born to have a loving son. Alan Sandals on Born nineteen-hundred-and-fifty-one, Born to kill, Born to be a loving son; Sent to war and lost his mind, Killed his mother in 'seventy-one. Born a loving son. Born to carry a gun. Keith Foord, VIL 46
The Butterfly It flutters to a flow er
And dances to a tree,
And then it lands upon a bush
That 's growing next to me.
Its flitter-flutter wings
That carry it so light,
Its beautiful soft colours
That ma ke it look so bright.
A gently gust of wind blows
Which lifts it to the air,
And plays upon its wings
With gentle, loving care.
Down again it comes
To land upon the grass,
Sitting on a stem,
Watching the stream pass.
Up again it goes
And quickly darts away,
Fluttering up and up
Until another day.
Teresa Popely, IV A (B.G.)
'Butterflv' bV Linda Johnson, 11J
In the Country In the country you always see
A buzzing bee,
A hill so high,
And maybe even a butterfly.
The woodpecker knocking at a tree,
The nightingale singing for you and me;
The leaves and grass are rich and green,
A small wild rabbit is often seen.
The cows in the meadow - they give us milk,
Their coat is like a sheet of silk.
The shiny streams flow across the field
Which ripened harvest to the farmer yields
Nicola Bartlett, IIA (B.G.) 47
Flying Soaring high in the sky,
The wind in my face,
Wind filling my lungs
With a new strength;
Up, up, then I fly low,
Floating on the air around;
Lazily I descend,
Dropping onto the grass
Then I awake 足 Only a dream,
Another wish to be fulfilled.
Karen Chadwick, IIA (B.G.)
'Bird of Prey'
A Graveyard at Night As you enter the iron gates with the reflection of the cloudy moon on them, you enter the mysteri足 ous field of the dead. The grave stones are pale grey, chipped, and tilted as if someone had been trying to open them up and get out. The ruin of what was once a church stands still with squeaking door. One dare not walk across the graves of the dead, but the exit gate seems such a distance away. The sound of rustling leaves gives one a sudden icy tingle all over. Steven Dent, IP 48
Television - The most Disastrous Invention of the Twentieth Century? Television as recreation is a national pastime. It climbed to popularity decades ago, and has remained on the pedestal ever since. Despi te warnings from doctors that too much television causes bad eye揃 sight, backache, heart disease, obesity and any number of other ailments - some of which are fatal 足 it has never fallen from grace. But why hasn't it? Surely the novelty has had enough time to wear off Baird 's invention? We continue to buy television sets for one another, knowing full well that they may damage our health. Do we all have Freudian motives behind our generosity? No. We have become a nation of T. V. addicts, even though most of us are capable of more than just si tting in an armchair all evening. When programmes which hold no specific interest for us are broadcast by each different channel, a large percentage of our population does not bother to move or do something else. This dependence cannot be condoned if we are able-bodied or young. I'm not suggesting we should not watch television; I'm simply stating the fact that the continual use we make 0 f our sets is not justified in an age when there are no end of other interesting forms of rec足 reation. T. V. planners have to cater for a wide audience. Shows range from 'high-brow' culture to low and rather basic comedy. Between these extremities we are provided with news, drama, light entertain足 ment, and other subject matter that the rest of the media cannot cover. As for the violence which occupies a great deal of time on our T.V. screens, and which has caused many debates about the effect it may have on the society of the future, J think it is fair to say that most people of my age are able to differentiate between the world of spies and intrigue and the ordinary, mundane lives that most of us lead. Despite all the problems that television has inadvertently brought, I do not see how it can be classed as the most disastrous invention of the twentieth century. True, television can cause death, in extreme cases, but we are the decision makers; we control the buttons - unlike the part we play in that most deadly game of all - nuclear war. Susan Rudwick, IIIW
Christmas "Santa Claus is coming," Little children say. "I wonder what I'll get When he comes on Christmas Day?" But what happened to Jesus, Discarded, out of mind? Santa's our new Saviour, So jolly and so kind. \h/e just send more presents, Gifts and cards galore; But what about -our Jesus? He's not remembered any more. Shiny baubles, decorations, Gleaming, flashing brigh t We don't want Lord Jesus; His birthday wasn't white!
Jesus didn't send presents
From His humble manger.
We forgot Him years ago,
To us He is a stranger.
And that the golden star
Perched upon your tree
Once shone on Baby Jesus
Means nothing to you and me.
They say Santa's more jovial
Than the Baby Jesus;
He lay there calmly, doing
Nothing that would please us.
We forget, we forget
What He did for us.
So come, let us remember
Holy, holy Jesus.
Jonathan Doherty, IC 49
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'Toucan' by Donna Hart, lilA
My Hero Long ago there was a hero
Whose name was Captain Long,
He led a famous army,
Which was brave and fierce and strong.
They were sent to fight the Martians,
Who had come from outer space,
The object of their mission
To destroy the human race.
They were landing in their spac e-ships,
About two hundred, more or less,
Up by the lakes in Scotland,
Somewhere around Loch Ness.
After many days of fighting,
Many of the men lay dead,
The Martians were surrounded,
In their space-ships made of lead.
The fighting nearly over,
The end was now in sight,
The Martians would be beaten,
And their space-ships set alight.
To Captain Long's amazement,
When he awoke that final day,
Came reports that all the Martians,
That night had flown away.
The Martians have all gone now,
But they've left for us to see,
A creature roaming in Loch Ness,
Whose nick-name is 'Nessie'.
Susan Carpel, IA 50
. .
, .
~ I :. .
Time Tick, tock, another second gone,
Another second of my life,
Another second waste d.
The hands fly round
the clock face It seems the two hands are In a race ; It seems there is not enough Enough time in the day To do the things you want to 足 Tick, tock, another secon d gone. Julie .Johnson, IVA(B.G.)
Head Girl and Head BoV, 1978 - 1979
Denise Cox and David Lodemore
Summer The rain clo uds have cleared ,
Our umbrellas put away,
The suncream's been bought,
We'r e hoping for a sunny day.
The sun was out early
With hot rays beating down,
But now the day is over And everyone's homeward bound.
No lo nger is it daylight,
The s tars are b righ t and clear,
The deckchairs have been put away Un til another year. Tracy Lockwood, IIA(B.G.)
:J Deputv Head BoV and Deputy Head Girl, 1978-1979 Anthony Simpson and Julie Dawkins
The Prisoner Alone I sit, condemned, frustrated, Four white-washed walls staring at me Emitting the scorn o f Society. An icy silence fills the air Broken occasionally by the sOllnd Of a p rison warder on hi s round Making sure each one of us there. Behind the bars the moribund sun Casts long, lazy, lugubrious shadows Which around this tiny hovel prowl Until the day is finally done. The night draws on, and with it brings A temporary solace which soothes my mind To swee t slumber, where we find Our fertile fancy spreads its win gs. Thus constrained am I, a usel ess drone, To remain h ere for an indefinite time 足 Society'S vengeance [or my crime; Frustrated, condemned, sit I alone.
Dream During a Drought
John Tompkins, VIU
From the sky it came
Splattering d?wn the window pane,
That great mIracle maker
Nature calls rain.
The Runaway Through the dimly lit street,
When all was asleep,
I he ard the sound of a tiny pair of feet
Running fast through the dead of the night,
It gave you the fee lin g some-one was t aking flight.
I rose out of bed, pushing my blind aside
To see who was running in the co ld outside.
A shadow fell upon the wall,
But I could tell it was someo ne small;
I opened the window and looked up and down, .
There I saw him running through the town;
I watched him through the dim of the night
Till the small boy ran o ut of my sight.
Mandy Coakley, lA 53
Lighting up the sky at night,
Illuminating all so brigh t,
Thor's thunderbolt flew
Shedding a fantastic light.
Across the sky rolled the thunder,
Splitting the h eavens as und er
Whilst the rain ran rio t
And rodents burrowed under.
For twelve days it continued to pour,
Life to the plants to restore;
Then God's go ld en gi ft
Gave way to drought once more.
Ainsley Ali, VS
The Titanic Sailing through the rough seas,
Land out of sight,
Till a ghostly object appeared,
On that cold and windy night.
It was a giant iceberg,
At the ship's right,
There was a great disaster,
On that cold and windy night.
The ship sailed past,
The fit was very tight,
Then it all happened,
On that cold and windy night.
The captain gave his orders,
Engines pulled with all their might,
Then there came that crash,
On that cold and windy night.
The flares went up,
And the sky was full of light,
But no one was there to help,
On that cold and windy night.
When the helpers did come,
They saw the terrible plight,
For many people had died,
On that cold and windy night.
Susan Turner, IlL 'Tropical Sunset' bV Janet Larkins, lilA
The Birthday Present It's my mum's birthday in a few days,
No money, no presen t, not even a card 足 What shall I do?
My sister has bought her a purse;
I want to get her something she will remember.
What can I get her?
The flowers in the shop look so bright and gay
But it's not really enough for her special day,
What can I do?
As I pass by the shop window an ornament catches my eye 足 'To the World's greatest mum' printed
On the side,
So here goes my pride; I shall have to borrow,
But at least I have something
For her birthday tomorrow,
Tracey Groom, IlIA 54
Equality of the Sexes Speaking as a self-confessed male-chauvinist pig, I don't believe a husband should help in the home at all. Apart from deserving household duties for demanding: -足 (1) the Vote, and (2) Liberation, women are better suited to a life of endless drudgery and toil : they are so good at complaining about it. Many people (most of them women) might argue that marriage or indeed, 'living together' (I'm as permissive as the next man, sorry, 'person'!) is a partnership in which the two people must share the responsibility equally, which most couples do: the husband fathers the children and the wife raises them; he eats the meals after she has bought and prepared them; and he lives in the house which she cleans and cares for - a perfectly balanced relationship! Another reason for women to run the home is that a man is so poorly suited to the job; how many men, I wonder, could persuade the milkman to waive the milk bill by opening the front door in a pink negligee? Precious few, I'll wager, and those who could ought to see a doctor. And as for children how many men know how to feed a baby? How many have the right equipment? And would 'Snow White' or 'Little Red Riding Hood' SOUL1d as credible when it is read by a man 足 who is too intelligent to believe it! All in all, women are more suited to housekeeping, and whoever said man is just a woman with less reason and less responsibility was probably drunk and lying (and probably female). After all does it not say in the good book when referring to Eve: "In pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you". It has been that way ever since, and with a bit of luck it will go on being that way; the women bringing up children and caring for their husbands and homes, and the man earning a wage (or social security) - the proper order of things. Peter Barrett, VS
'Model 'TN (Litho print) by Bradley Smith,
Family Outing It was to be a family outing,
And therefore before eight
We all piled into the family car 足 We really couldn't be late.
Mum filled the boot with food and drink
Till Dad said, 'Look here, mate,
How do you think I can drive this car
With all that extra weight?'
We had gone only half a mile
When Grandma shouted, '",.rait!
I'll have to go back to fetch my teeth,
I can't eat without my plate.'
We made a hasty turn about,
Then said my sister Kate,
'I really do feel si ck, Mum,
Please stop by that meadow gate.'
We travelled on, and all seemed well,
We kept a steady rate,
But just what lay before us
We didn't anticipate.
Paula Martin, Head Girl 1977 - 1978, reading at St. George-in-the-East on Founder's DaV
Soon the car bumped up and down ,
Dad couldn't steer it straight;
All of a sudden, the wheei fell off,
For the A.A. we had to wait.
It was nearly half-past two o'clock,
And after some debate
We decided we'd have our picnic then
Our spirits to elevate.
Soon the rain came down in buckets
And splashed on Grandpa's pate;
Our picnic was washed right out,
And we were in a dreadful state!
As we travelled home, I wished I could
From memory wipe that date;
The prospect of a family outing
Another time I'd hate!
Debra Harvey, IVA (A.S.) 56
Scarecrow There he stood, very still,
All alone on the hill
Watching the crops in their rows
Trying to scare away the crows
He's stuffed with straw
And wears an old hat,
And a jacket that's torn
Which makes him look fat.
Jayne Mason, IVA (B.G.)
The Last Journey The old tank engine trundles
Slowly to its fate.
For fifty years it has served
Its fireman and driver
Without complaint, working hard
And never late.
For such devotion, its reward
The breakers' yard.
It's old, it's slow - it must go;
Diesel will take its place.
Thrown aside, a lump of metal,
Instead of the reliable old soldier it is.
For its driver and fireman
It will be dead but
Not forgotten.
Trevor Impey, IVA (B.G.)
Animal Weather A lion's breath is the wind,
It roars and a great gust goes by,
It sneezes, and your umbrella turns inside out.
A rabbit's fur is the snow,
It trembles and it falls in nutters,
It jumps and covers all the roads.
The tongue of the snake is lightning,
It flickers, and a fork appears,
It wriggles about and flashes through the air.
Brenda Duncan, IlL
Goldfish I like to watch my goldfish,
As he swims around his bowl,
His scales are very shiny,
His eyes are black as coal.
What do you think of, goldfish,
While swimming round and round?
Perhaps you're wondering what it's like,
To walk upon the ground.
It's very soothing watching you,
All worries drift away;
A feeling of peace and happiness,
At the end of a busy day.
John Hampshire, IP
'Hippo ' by Glenn Kirkpatrick, JlIF
The teacher drones on about the area of a prism
vVhile 'he' abstractedly finishes his dream of mas ochism.
"Anarchy rules, O.K!" he cries,
This teenage punk with the made-up eyes.
He looks out of place in his weird clothes,
His dog-collar necklace and pin through his nose.
Yet in the eve nings, when h e's 'down the pub'
He's in with the 'i n-cro wd' - "Sch oo l ain't worth a rub".
He's an educated punk, the worst kind,
Who'll t alk to you for h ours and turn your mind.
"Punk's me way of life, it's n ot just a fad,
But adults don't und erstand, and you're just like my dad!
Punk ain't bad, it's the air we breathe;
Society's got me wrong, I don't kill or thieve;
But I'll tell you straight, I ain't n o queer,
I'll figh t any man, I've got no fear. "
The girls all adore him when he spits and swears,
He's a true punk, he's got no cares.
"Punk is good - whareve r you say;
Don't argue with m e, Anarchy rules, O.K.!"
Shelley Hurl ey, VIL
'Face' by Teresa O'Cavanagh, VIL
'Ow/' by Mark Waxham, 1118
In the Forest All was quiet and still
In the forest one chilly night;
All was quiet and still
As the moon shone with brilliant light.
Crunching with every step
Were the leaves beneath my feet,
Then suddenly a crack! 足 And I turn as white as a sheet.
Then an eerie sound
As an owl hoots in the trees;
My heart beats hard and fast,
And I tremble at the knees.
Of all these eerie sounds
Grim stories I've been told;
I think of ghosts and witches 足 It makes my blood run cold.
But now the wind is dropping,
The moon begins to fade;
I run out of the forest,
And home - to safety's shade.
Sharon Fryer, IIJ 59
Life After Death If there is life after death
There must be death before life;
In that case no one is born
But has simply died.
Tony Gibbins, IVA (B.G.)
'Bird in Flight' bV Terrv Mahonv, IE
I Wish I Was Free See the bird in that tree,
He looks so happy and so free;
If he wants to, he can flyaway,
Or if not, he can stay there all day.
Oh, how I wish I was free!
The sun is shining on his nest,
He sits there lazily having a rest,
His beautiful colours show up so bright,
Especially his red wing on the right.
Oh, how I wish I was free!
He has some chicks sitting next to him,
They are all awake and have started to sing,
How I envy him sitting in that tree
Surrounded by his family!
Oh, how I wish I was free!
Debbie Kingston, IIA (B.G.) 60
The Tramp With eyes like saucers full of pity
He sits on a bench in a park, in the City
Drinking alcohol, all on his own,
No one to love him, and no one to care;
He has dirt and tangles in his silvery hair,
Children laugh and call him names
As he covers his head in sorrow and shame,
Thinking of days long gone past
When once he thought happiness would last.
Christine Ryan, IIA(B.G.)
'Old Man' bV Mark Hunt, 118
The Old Lady Next Door There is an old lady Of countless years Whose face is illustrated Like a river running dry, Whose body is like a skeleton With rake-like features . Ian Emberson, IVA(B.G.) 61
'Japanese Warrior' by Mandy Coakley, 1A
The Vandal The vandal in the football ground
Against his team will hear no sound,
If so, he'll fling a rabbit punch,
And bring up someone's big packed lunch.
The vandal on the high-perched ladder
Makes the Council sadder and sadder,
For on all bridges he will draw
'KILROY RULES' - no less, no more.
The vandal in the handcuffs sits,
He denies his crimes, and has hidden his kits;
He didn't like to reveal the fact,
But, alas! 'VANDAL' was scrawled on his back!
Carole Day, VIL
Stop Press! SCHOOL TRIP TO RUSSTA,JULY 1978 After an uneventful trip from Victoria to Ostend and a sleepless, overnight train journey to West Berlin, most of the next morning's coach tour was spent snoozing while the guide lectured us on architecture, waking only for occasional stops to see the Berlin Wall and other less memorable sights. The long wait in the evening on East Berlin station was enlivened by a party of boys from Leeds Grammar School who accompanied us for the rest of the trip. In Brest, on the Russian bordc:r, we were shown a ruined fortress and several monuments dedicated to an extraordinary number of Russian heroes. We were repeatedly informed that twenty million Russians died in the last war; unfortunately, the guide seemed to forget that the British also lost people in the war. To say that the Hotel Bucharest in Moscow, with its rock-hard beds and faulty plumbing, was primitive might be to flatter it. Not that the swarms of cagle-eyed, shrill-voiced Russian floor maids dampened our enthusiasm - caused by Graham's birthda y and the discovery of telephones in each room which could be used at all times of the day - and night! The eoach ride to the restaurant where we took our meals seemed to grow longer every da y. We were escorted around Nloscow by some brain-washed Russian children and our main guide, Natasha, who believed that shouting would aid our understanding of her erratic English. We toured the Kremlin, with its historical treasures and strictly regulated queues; the Metro, with its art treasures and wall mosaics and limb-crushing doors; the Museum ot t:conomlc !\ctllevements With Its huge room tull at satellites and sputniks. In the Pioneer Palace, the only place for Russian children to go in their spare time, our guide was one of the few cheerful Russians we met. We visited Lenin's tomb on the last day; when we finally saw him, looking more like a waxwork than a human, some of use wondered if Madame Tussaud's had had an y unusual orders recen tl y! The weather in Leningrad more than compensated for the extreme dampness of Moscow. Our hotel was an enormous building with modern (by Russian standards) facilities. Unfortunately, the chef was obviously not of 'cordon bleu' standard and indigestion tablets were badly needed at times. The visit to the Winter Palace turned into a disappearing act: when the guide said, "If you get lost, make your way to the entrance hall" the previous night's party-gael's promptly got lost. One of the most interesting excursions was to the Museum of the Russian People, where we saw the costumes and pottery of various Russian races. We also saw the Summer palace on Navy Day. Altogether it was very enjoyable, but more of an experience than a holiday. Our thanks go to
Mr. Everton, Mr. Barnes, Miss Balls and Miss Linnett for putting up with our nocturnal activities. AJexine Horsup, Linda Hall and Amanda Malpass, IVL
Girls' Physical Education, 1977-78 HOCKEY This has been a sad season as far as school hockey is concerned. We have never been selected for a whole season, except for the 1 st XI L) play the staff. No tournaments or competitions were held at either Sports Centre and I hope that next season this will be rectified. One such competition was cancelled at the last minute but as we had five hockey teams standing by who were eager to olay, we ran our own tournament: two second year teams; two third year teams and a fourth year team. Honour went to the fourth year, who played hard to set the standard for the other years. It was good that the girls had the opportunity to meet teams fr:)m other years besides their own and enjoy the tournament with spirit and enthusiasm. We also held our own Inter House competition. This provided the girls with a little more in the way of competition and incentive to improve their tactical play. The school gave the staff a very good 3ame, winning by two goals to one. Well played school! Colours Junior: Tracy Maloney, Michelle Longworth, Joanne Marshall, Ani ta Selby, Carla Marshall, Pat Turner,Joan Roberts, Jayne N eighbour, Dawn Malcolm. Half:
Sharon Simpson, Barbara Boylett, Margaret Poole, Denise Cox, Julie Brown, Paula Martin .
No full colours awarded.
NETBALL The East London League provided our main source of competition. We fielded four teams who all played keenly and well but the fourth year are to be especially commended on their prowess and enthusiasm. With skill and determination they remained undefeated throughout the seas o n win足 ning the East London Championship. Match analysis 2nd Yr. 3rd Y r. 4th Yr. 5th/6th Yr.
P 9 9 9 6
W 4 6
8 3
L 4 3 0 3
1 0 1 0
*.1 unior: Dawn i'vlalcolm, Carla Marshall, Anita Selby, Maria Capper, Joanne l'vIarshall (captain),
Laura Smith, Pat Turner, Michelle Longworth. Half:
Denise Cox, Deborah Goode, Laura Davies, Julie Dawkins, Simla Singh.
Lisa Helm, Margaret Poole, Paula Martin.
*East London Champions Disappointingly there were no other tournaments at the Sports Centres. Our own Inter House matches provided keen competition throughout the school. The staff defeated the Sixth Form girls in their annual competition to raise money for the Old People's Fund. 64
The Third Year Netball Team. L. to R. 路- J. King, S. Coster, D. Edmead, J. Fox, K. Wollaston, D. Poole, M. Douglas
The Fourth Year Netball Team, East London Champions. Back, L. to R.- L. Smith, D. Malcolm, M. Longworth, P. Turner Front, L. to R. - C. Marshall, J. Marshall, A. Selby
SWIMMING We entered teams in the Scoll Lidgett Trophy Inter School Swimming Le~lgue again LIS we find this
is an opportunity Cor regular competition. With team s from first to sixth year we managed to win
the same number of competitions as Sir John Cass School and in the final ga la, drew on points
with them. The two winning schools go through to thc next round and we had an e xciting swim-off
aga in st three schools from South London are a. V/e won this compet ition and went through to the
Final Gala where Raine's were th e runners-up to Garrett Green Schoo!. j\ splendid performance all
ro und and girls are to be co ngratulated not only for their performance but also for their loyalty to
the school and each other in putting out full teams for these c o mpetiti ons .
in addition to the Scott Lidgett Leagu e , we also enter ed teams in the East London Championships.
Once again we came away with the runners -up trophy but we are encouraged in dOll1 g so well with
no swimming pool of our own and with no swimming instruct ion above th e second year. We are
pleased that may girls from Bethnal Green Annexe represent the school re g ularly and feel true
Raineians as the y swim as m embers of the swimming teams.
We took the follovving final positions in the East London Championships ;
1st Yr. were se co nd; 3rd YI'. were first;
2nd Yr. were second; 4th Yr. were fOULh;
5/ Gth Yr. were seco nd.
The First Year Swimming Team. Back, L. to R. - J. Barnes, G. Newbury, S. Oefevre, L. Manners, S. Spencer Front, L. to R. - J. Muncer, J. Penticost, O. Trew, G. O'Connor
Deborah Treadwav, London Schools' Swimming Champion
Deborah Treadway and Tina Szucs have set high standards throughout the year and as a result of their hard work both girls reached the All London Swimming Finals. As this is the last season for Deborah at Raine's, w e are sad to see her go. She has been an ambassador for Raine's wherever she has gone in the swimming world, winning the ~IJiddlesex 'backstroke and both the backstroke and individual medley eve nts at the London Championships. We congratulate her on her outstanding performance. She has done so much to encourage the young svvimmers at Raines. Deborah has not only been an asset to the school as far as swimmin g is concernecl she has represented the school d.istrict in Cross Country running and athletics and is a member of the school hockey team. We wish her well in the future. Colours Junior: Lesley Cox, Wendy Selby,.J uannc Rickenberg, Gwen foley, Lisa Mansfield (BG), Michelle Still,Joan Roberts,Jayne Mason (BG). Half: Mandy Elliot (BG), Ebie IIughes, Tracy Parker, Denise Cox, Margaret Poole, Deborah Goode (5th). Deb orah Treadway. Full: 67
CROSS COUNTR Y With the rules of the competition !lOW in lin e vvith tht: London rt:guiations only one team is selected from first to third years as a representative Junior tcam : one team hom the fourth and firth years
as Intermediate and sixth years as Seniors.
We entered a team in each section and were pleased to take fi"al third place in the Junior compe足
tition; the first place in the Intermediate and first place in the Senior. Wendy Goode was tile win足
ner of the Junior race,Jayne Neighbour was fifth in the Int erme diate and Julie Brown first in the
As a result of these champi ons hips the following girls were selected to represent East London at the
London Championships.
Junior: Wendy Goode.
Jayne Neighbour, Anita Selby,Jacqueline Anderson, Shirin Qureshi.
Senior: Margaret Poole, Deb o rah Goode, Deborah freadway, Gillian Clarke,Julie Brown, Angela Fitzgerald, Tracy Parker, Di?nise Marshall. At the London Championships, the Intermediate and Senior teams took first place and we can be proud that so may girls [rom Raine's represented the District and gave good p :rformances. Colours Junior: Jacqueline Anderson, Shirin Qureshi, Jayne Neighbour, Anita Selby. Half:
Tracy Parker, Gillian Clarke, Angela Fitzgerald, Denise !VIarshall.
Margaret Poole, Deborah Goode, Deborah Treadway, Julie Brown.
ATHLETICS There was more time this year to get teams ready for the East London Championships held just before half term. With their usual ioyalty and co-operation each year put out full teams [or third, fourth, fifth and sixth year competitions. Th e fifth year arc t o be specially commended as a new team had to be formed following the absence of the usual athletes. Thi s meant many girls rep足 resented the school for the fir st time and they entered into the competitio n apprehensively. Their fears were allayed as they performed, gaining points in all events, backing up the main athletes to win the fifth year championship. The third year did well to come second in their competition, the fourth years were first as were the sixth years. A splendid perfor mance throu gh out the middle and upper school. At the Junior Championship held later in the term, some fin e performances were recorded. The first year were third and the second year were second. It was fitting that after a high standard and throughout the school, that Raine's won the overall championship trophy by more than ninety points. 68
wea.1 sJIJa/IjJ'rl' JeaJ.. puoJas 81j.1
wea.1 SJIJ8/IjJ'rl' Je8J.. JSJ1::J alj.1
As a result of the year competitions, the [,ol lowing girls were selected to represent East London at the London Championships.
Junior: Wendy Goode (800m) (first place). Janet King (iongjump). Kay McEachran (hurdfes).
Intermediate: Ani La Sel by (long jump). iVlelodie Cargill (hurdles) (third place). Sharon Simpson (dis cus).
Gillian Clarke (400m).
Deborah Goude (800m). Cox (discus).
Denise Lucy (long jump).
Julie Brown (1 5OOm)
It was announced at the London Championships that East London had won the Junior Champion颅 ship to find after a recount of points that they had been n,urowly beaten into second place; never颅 theless a creditable performance. East London won the overall relay trophy so they didn't come away empty-handed. There were no Oakfield individual year competitions this year owing to an industrial work路to路 rule at the Sports Centre. This is the second season when children have not had the opportunity to compete in these competitions. The Oakfield Trophy, howev er, has held in school time. This is a competition for years one to four. At this meeting the first year were first; the second year w ere seco nd; the third year were first; the fourth year were fourth. We lost the trophy to St. Paul's Way School by four points. Sports Day was the climax to the en d of the season with eleven new records set up (field and track events), three of these being set by the first year in Field events.
Colours Junior: Melodie Cargill, Maria Capper, Joanne Marshall, Wendy Selby, Tracy Maloney, Anita Selby, Jayne Neighbour. Half: Denise Cox, Ann Marks,Jaqueline Goode, Denise Lucy, Laura Davies, Jacqueline Defoe, Deborah Begent, Toni Freeman. Full: Julie Brown, Gillian Clarke, Sharon Simpson, Deborah Good e. Special mention should be made of TeriaJ1l1e Medcraft (1 C) who has represented ILEA schools in the gymnastics squad and reached a very high standard of performance. Well done Terianne! It is encouraging to see the keen interest the girls take in all aspects of the programme through the school, but while there arc industrial disputes at the Sports Centre and unreliable coach transport, we arc in danger of the children losing interest. With so little competition available now at hockey, netball, and athletics enthusiasm will be killed and spirits dampened. Competition is not everything in physical education but it is an encouragement to reach higher standards.
In addition to the competitive side, there arc many other ventures which the girls pursue in the P.E. programme: senior girls have the opportunity to take part in badminton, volleyball, squash, judo ice skating, table tennis, keep-fit and horse riding. 70
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who make such a wide curriculum possible especially the staff who assist on games afternoons. A special 'thank you' too to the Headmaster and Mr. Spooner for their interest and encouragement. Furm and House staff have also played important roles by taking an interest in the prog1'ess of individual pupils. Finally I would like to thank Margaret Poole, the school games captain, for her efforts on my behalf especially with senior teams. A. 1v1. Lowes
The Second Year Netball Team Back row, L. to R.- G. Gurjar, J. Laudat, W Holland, D. Reeves Front row, L. to R. -W Goode, K. Jose, S. Turner
The First Year Stamp Club
Boys' Games, 1977-78 ATHLETICS
Despite the very poor ,,,eather conditions this summer, the School enjoyed its most successful athletic season ever. This was a fitting reward for all those boys who worked exceedingly hard to improve their individual performances and also supported the school team during the year. The East London Senior Championships began the season. Our fifth year, never a strong athletic side, did very well to take second place by just one point, Eddie Cantwell in the shot putt being our only champion. The Sixth Year boys, however, were very strong in their section, winning ten out of the fourteen events. Michael Rush and Nicholas Beeson were double winners, with Andrew and Douglas Marks dominating the middle-distance events. The North London Grammar Schools' Championships at the West London Stadium are always a stiff test of our calibre. Again, the competition was fierce with countless fine performances among our junior and intermediate athletes. The only winner in these sections was Mark Attwaters in the 1500m., but again a steady team effort kept us just behind Parmiters, our old rivals. Usually, our senior section is the weak link, but this time, in Andrew and Douglas Marks, Michael Rush, Tony Simpson, Nicholas Beeson and David Lodcmore we had athletes capable of winning their events and taking the Senior Shield, which we last held in 1972. With this fine display by the seniors we scored enough points to win the Grand Challenge Shield for the fourth time in ten years. As this completed the season for the seniors, it was now the turn of the younger boys to contest the East London Championships. The intermediates did not have a good day, not winning a single event, and our fancied third year rela y team dropping the baton a t the first change-over! More significant in the continuing competition to decide the overall champion school was our 35 point deficit to St. Bernard's, which meant that the Championship would be decided on the final result of the first and second year competition. That our junior athletes rose to the occasion goes without saying. During the day, our first and second year boys won eleven events including three of their four relays. Paul Smith (100m and 400m) and Mark Gerbaldi (hurdles and javelin) were double champions, whilst Paul Whitnell was 72
a high class winner in the second year 1500m. David Hermitt (800m), Gregory Ross (triple jump) and Darryl Anderson (shot) showed in winning their championships that we have fine athletes coming up in the first year. Gregory Ross, Andrew Tarrant, David Windley and Errol Mann also combined to give us an excellent sprint relay team . In the first and second year championship we placed first, and by winning the overall First to Fourth Year Section we were able to prove we were true East London champions, with the senior score as a pleasant bonus. The season concluded with the annual Oakfield Trophy meeting. The fourth year boys improved to third this time, whilst the third year team closed the gap on St. Bernard's to ten points. The juniors put on their usual sterling performance and to the great delight of the assembled team Raine's were declared the Trophy winners by a mere three points over Stepney Green. Pa ul Smith was again a double winner, and what a fine prospect for the future he is! Errol Mann won the first year high jump, br eaki ng a school record, took the 200m and also anchored the sprint team to equal the school record ... David Hermitt (800m) and Gregory Ross (triple jump) won their specialities. Finally, Richard Erskine, Thomas Denis , Paul Whitnell and Michae'l Griffiths combined to set a new school record in the second year 4 x 100m relay. At the annual school sports, the boys set fourte en new records. In the following list of Five Star Awards, it can be seen that we have a depth of talent which is reflected in the general high standard of athletics in the school. 5 STAR ATHLETIC AWARDS - 1978
First Year D. Hermitt D. Windley G. Ross E. Mann J. Protheroe
Second Year T. Denis P. Smith P. Whitnell M. Gerbaldi M. Griffiths M. Dowden S. McDuell
P. Thienel M. Hunt T. Seabrook G. Butler M. Lake M. Naraidoo S. Callaghan R . Erskine
Bai ley D. Collins B. Lewis A. Oliver R. Poole J . Nash K. Uddin A. Goodall J. Haysman E. Haysman P. Harvey J. Morgan R. Morgan G. Perry M. Holder
5 Star Third Year D. Beater J. Shaw J. Meredith D. Spencer J . OrgIes G. Anderson
Fourth Year M. Alabaster D. Fletcher S. Perry M. Gittos D. Hodges S. Wilson
4 Star G. Kirkpatrick P. Sullivan G. Trinnaman G. Commons J. Green D. Bellett P. Brand N. Mer P. Martindill
M. Hatton C. Lendor P. Hayes W.Yems M. Jacobs P. Lodemore F. Gharabaghi M. Attwaters M. Redington P. Watts P. Griffin
Total Awards
5 Star 24 boys
4 Star 43 boys
3 Star 83 boys 73
2 Star 65 boys
1 Star 26 boys
MILOCARIAN ATHLETIC COMPETITION Under 15 Junior Boys The Milocarian Trophy competition based on the depth of athletic talent in anyone year. Fifteen percent of the boys in the year must be entered with a minimum of ten boys to a team. Each boy competes in three events with the subsequent performances awarded points from the Five Star Award tables. The total points are then added up, divided by the number of boys in the team and this final figure is the school team score. Last year, our third year were entered for this competition and scored an average of 209.6. This was good enough to place Raine's first in a competition which is open to every school in the country. This year we will again enter our third year and there is every reason to believe that these boys will do just as well as their predecessors. MILOCARIAN UNDER FIFTEEN TROPHY
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Raine's Foundation School (London) King Edward's School (Coventry) Preston School (Yeovil) Highgate School (London) Oakham School (Rutland)
Raine's Team D. Fletcher S. Perry D. Hodges 1. Hatton M. Gittos P. Watts M. Alabaster S. Wilson M. Jacobs P. McCurry
209.6 207.8 207.4 203.5 200.1
222 points 220 214 " 210 " 210 " 210 " 208 " 206 " 200 " 196
'Termite' by Stephen Perry, IIA
BASKETBALL Our senior basketball team has been in 'the doldrums' recently and the 1977 - 78 season was not a very noteworthy one. Although undefeated in local league competition, we did not win a game in the pool of four teams in the England Schools' Na tiona I Championships, and so made an early exit. The Under Sixteen team did rather better, winning their first three rounds before losing to Hounslow Manor when trying for a place in the last sixteen. Perkins, Constantine and Sims all made significant contributions to the success of this team. Also helping out were Hodges, Atkinson, and Jacobs, who were prominent members of the Under 15 team. This team competed in the new South East England Fourth Y car Competition and did well to reach the semi-finals. Our mos t sllccessful team at junior level was the under 13, which reached the semi-finals of the London competition. Thomas Denis, Mark Gerbaldi, Martin Lake and Paul Thienel are all players who could help this team to progress in the future.
1st Year 2nd Year 1. Hermitt (F) 1. Griffiths 2. Samuels 2. Erskine (S) 3. Mann 3. Gerbaldi 4. Protheroe 4. Everton 5. Ross 5. Perry (M) 6. Tarrant 6. Barry (S) 7. Morgan R . 7. Pyne (W) 8. Harvey (M) 8. Lees 9. Holder 9. Scott (W) 10. Perry 10. Butler (W)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Winterton School Mann Foundation
86 127 143 209
1. 2. 3. 4.
School Winterton Mann Foundation
(S) (S) (M) (F) (W) (F) (S) (F) (W) (W)
]. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Senior Marks D. Rush Ellis Cronin Si-mpson Weller Grout Neighbour Young O'Reilly
4th Year 1. Attwaters
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Hodges Gittos Hill Watts Perry Vincent Lendor Ayres Greeno
1. 2. 3. 4.
School Founda tion Winterton Mann
(W (M) (F) (S) (F) (S ~
1~V) M)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
3rd Year
Spencer Commons Martindill Mould Gardiner Kirkpatrick Brand Collier Pallott House
1. 2. 3. 4.
Mann School Winterton Foundation
]27 136 164
~~~ S
S) (F) (S) (S) (S) (M)
68 128 173 185
Aggrega te Resul t
(M) (M) (M) (M)
1. 2. 3. 4.
School Mann Winterton Foundation
(F) (M) (S) (M)
106 118 137 193
1. 2. 3. 4. 75
Mann Foundation School Winterton
] 03 110 128 170
600 643 692 786
SWIMMING In February, we had our usual excellent annual swimming ga la at the Highway Baths; but, as the East London Boys' Swimming League was cancelled, it was left to the District Swimming Gala to provide the highligh ts of the year. These East London Championships gave us the opportunity of seeing our new first year swimmers for the first time. Indeed, they did us proud. Stephen Samuels won the free-style and breast-stroke championship, and Michael Fox the back-stroke. We also won the first year relay, and were easily the year group champions . Apart from the seniors, our o th er year groups were somewhat disappointing. In the second year, Martin Lake performed well to take second place in the hack-stroke, and Mark Gerbaldi placed third in the butterfly. Without our top swimmers, the third year team was sadly depleted, although the substitutes swam manfully. Peter Lodemore stormed home to win the fourth year free-style, and with Scott Perry coming second in the breast-stroke, this year-team placed second overall. Of the seniors, Denis Samuels won the free-style and was narrowly second in the breast-stroke . David Lodemore won the senior butterfly, and the senior team won the medley relay. The seniors a lso placed second in their section. Altogether, this was a most creditable performance. Apart from the third year group, all our teams were well supported and up to expectations. When the points were added up, Sir John Cass were the overall East London Champions wi th 141 points, whilst Raine's were second with 131 points. Considering that how close the final result was, it is a bonus for us that every swimmer is available again next year. Given some adequate performers in our new first year, we should really give our local rivals a fight in next year's gala.
Score-keeping at the School Swimming Gala
- - -
- - - - - - -
RUGBY Under 13 Team Played 12 \\'on 2 Drew 4 Lost G Although from looking at the figures it might be inferred that this is the weakest of the school teams, it must be saie! that it made up iil spirit and endeavour what it lacked in size and ability; often play足 ing against much higger teams, our Under 13 team never capitula tee! or complained. It was often a privilege to watch these' yuung men battling against all odds only to lose narrowly in the last few minutes. A[ter a term of athletic success this team could come gooe! next season.
Players: Smith, JI.'lcDuell, Erskine, Denis, Dowden, Naraidoo, Driscoll, Lake, Butler, Kennard, Corbett, Pyne, Scott, Whitncll, Griffiths, Hunt, Vickers, Brown, Clark. Under 12 Team Played 14 Won 8 Drew I Lost 5 When the new first formers arrived in the school, they knew very little of the game of rugby. Within two months they were playing the game against other schools ane! doing it successfully, and with flair. It was good to see so many young players taking to the game so well, and showing that the tradition of the school is in gooe! hands for many years to come. Richard Poole, the serum-half and captain, together with Terry Mahony, the pack leader, arc two fine prospects, but there are several boys listed below who will develop into very fine players. Players: Poole, Mahony, Anderson, D., AndersonJ. (1H), AndersonJ. (1C), Haysman E., Haysman .J., Morgan R., Morgan.J., Oliver, Medcraft, Ross, Protheroe, Mann, Hermitt, Brown, Collins, Tarrant, Gumbs, Groves, Lewis.
RugbV: the Under Twelves team
The Under Fourteens Rugby Team
Under 14 Team Played 12
Won 10
Drew 1
Lost I
This is without doubt one of the strongest rugby sides ever to represent the school. With several big, strong, athletic individuals in its ranks it was able to over-power most of its opponents. The one loss was due to an equally powerful Wanstead side when several of our pIa yers were unavailable. When in full flow there is no more exciting side to watch and we expect great things of this team when its players add expertise to their awesome athleticism.
Players: Shaw, Beater, Green]. (3F),]ohnson, Sullivan, Anderson, Rellett, Ellis, Meredith, Spencer, Higgins, Mould, Orgies, Lefevr e, Green]. (3M), Drew, Antoine.
Under 15 Team Played 8 Won 5 Drew 2 Lost 1 Compared with previous years, this team did very well indeed. Although not always able to fidd its best side, it was inspired to compete at the highest level by its captain, Mark Gittos, who played well enough to be selected for the East London Team. The one defeat was in a keenly fought contest with Stepney Green, who fielded six members of the East London team!
Players: Gittos, Wilson, Perry, Hodges, Watts, Ayres,Jacobs, Cantwell, McCurry, Lodemore, Alabaster, Hatton, Atkinson, Vincent, Leung, Stratford, Bird, Yems, Todd. H.L. 78
------ - -- -----
The Under Fifteens Rugby Team
First Fifteen The 1st XV enjoyed a surprising amount of success this year. After a poor season last year, and with a completely new squad of players, the team settled down quickly to restore Raine's rugby to its traditionally high standards. The key to this success was founded on great team spirit and 100% determination to win shown by every player in the team. What the pack lacked in size they amply made up for in effort and aggression. Behind the serum, the ability of players like John Wyatt, Nicholas Beeson and Tony Si.mpson was invaluable and during the season each of the backs proved himself a potential match wmner. Among many fine results, the close wins over old rivals Coopers and Stepney Green proved the most satisfying. The team was selected from the following: Russell, Cahill, Gibbs, Cantwell, Dye, Purvis, Perkins, Lee-Harwood, Lodemore, Neighbour, Marks, Wyatt, Beeson, Simpson, Ali, Armand, Constantine, Watts and Jenkins. The season finished with Lodemore and Wyatt representing Essex Schoolboys. The whole team wishes to thank Mr. Croom, Mr. Holmes and Mr. Johnson for their great help and support throughout the season. David Lodemore (Captain), VI L
227.25 235.45 222.00
Pupils ' Contributions Autumn Te rm 19 77 Spring Term 19 78 Summ er T erm 1978
390.42 579.99
Balance at bank
Balance in Deposit A/c
Interest o n Dep osi t Account
Donation to School Magazine
504.84 82.12 337.4 9 44.87
T otal
Gene ra l Account Governors' Acco unt Minibus Acco unt Interest Acco unt
Balances B/F
£ 1,688 .64
27 .1 2
470.81 82.12 337.49 71.99
192.20 103 .85
£ 1,688 .64
47 .98
296 .0 5
SCHOOL YEAR 1977 /78 Expenditure
The magaz ine for 197 7/78 will cost approximately £900.
Balances c/f General Accoun t Governors' Account Minibus Account Interest Account
Contributions t o Form Ou tings
Sundries - Examination Fee etc.
Games - Fares Expenses
Magaz ine - Hobbs & C o. (H alf cost)
Magazine and Amenities Accounts