Next Sabbath – 29th Nov Next Sabbath is Family Day here at Harlestone Road. We look forward to welcoming a church full of family members. We have a special Sabbath programme planned, ending with a Praise and Worship concert. We will continue to pray for family members who you have invited to attend. May God bless and guide us as we faithfully do our part.
Pastoral Team
Pastor Paul Dhanaraj
07445 318778
Elders Lloyd Sterling
07971 161940
Nigel De Vos
07823 331714
Deacon Moses Malopa
07891 554573
Head Deaconness Juliette Fuller
07972 267323
Church Clerk Davina Sylvan
07951 664311
Communications Ana Morris
01604 764761 07445 641361
Sabbath School Joan Fuller
07958 662158
Prayer Ministries Sheryl Lawrence
07958 567887
Personal Ministries Maxine Barrett
07881 992328
Sabbath School Leading Out – Christian & Abbey Sabbath Lesson – Sheryl & Creswell Mission Story - Davina
Sabbath 22nd November 2014
Divine Service
Preaching – Eld R McKenzie Leading Out - Ingrid & Lori Musical Item –Agape Singers Children’s Story – Jasmine If anyone named above can no longer fulfil their duty, please let Nigel or Joan know.
Harlestone Road Seventh-Day Adventist Church St James CEVA Primary School Harlestone Road, Northampton NN5 7AG
Please send any Bulletin items in to David Wells by 9pm Wed evening.
To our members, regular visitors and especially our first time visitors, we would like to extend a very warm Harlestone Road welcome and hope you all have a truly blessed day. All are welcome to stay for fellowship lunch also.
Sabbath School (10am–11am) Leading out – Juliette & Donia Opening Hymn - 538 ‘Guide Me Oh, Thou Great Jehovah’ Scripture Reading – James 4:1-4 Lesson Study – Emel & Joe Woodburn Mission Story - Maurice Closing Hymn – 570 ‘Not I But Christ’
Divine Service (11:15am–1pm) Announcements Lamb’s Offering (collection for church building fund) Worship in Song
Prayer Events
Today’s study will be Consecration. A prompt 2pm start in the Foyer. All are welcome to attend.
It's time again to order Sabbath school lessons for the children. Issues for one year cost £30. Please write down whether you want Cradle Roll (age 0-3), Kindergarten (4-6), Primary (7-9) or Junior (10-12) and enclose your payment in an envelope and hand to Josephine or Angela.
Platform–Eld Onesimus, Eld Nigel & Bro Maurice Introit - 479 ‘Tread Softly’ Call to Worship Prelude – 694 ‘Praise God From Whom’ Invocation Welcome Opening Hymn – 608 ‘Faith Is The Victory’ Scripture Reading – Hebrews 11:1-3
Bro Joseph has asked if anyone has any books that they are willing to donate to him for school children back in Zimbabwe. They are in need of any teaching books (for all subjects) for children aged between 5 and 12. Please speak to Bro Joseph if you are able to help.
If you have anything to contribute to the next Newsletter, please get your articles into David Wells by 1st December. So church, get your thinking caps on!
Intercessory Prayer Tithes & Offerings Children’s Story –Pamella Special Item - Ana Sermon – Eld Onesimus ‘Faith Our Victory’
Please can those who have borrowed books from the Church Library (that’s the books taken from the table at the back of the main hall) remember to bring them back once they have finished with them? Also, we still need people to donate books. So please do have a look at home and see if there are any books that you would be willing to give to the Church library.
Closing Hymn – 517 ‘My Faith Looks Up To Thee’ Benediction – Eld Onesimus Hymn – 690 ‘Dismiss Us Lord’
Fellowship Lunch Served – All Are Welcome
A reminder that in order for our fellowship lunches to continue to be sustainable, we are asking our members to donate £5 a month (where possible), so that we can keep on providing plates, cutlery etc. Please see Heather Malopa if you have any questions/suggestions or want more information.
AYS @ 3.30pm ‘Studies In Daniel’ Chapter 2–Part 1
Why not join us at our weekly Football or Badminton sessions. Indoor football is every Tuesday at 7pm. Badminton is every Thursday. If you are interested in joining us, please let David Wells know.
Sunset today is 4:02pm
. The church would like to say a word of thanks to the Prayer Ministry team for their efforts with the recent Week of Prayer. Those who attended were truly blessed by the readings, testimonies and time spent in prayer. We can now look forward to the 10 Days Of Prayer that has been arranged for January. For more information visit