Communications If you would like a home visit/prayer/bible study or anything else that you think we could help you with, please do let us know. Use this section to give us your contact details and we will be in touch. Simply hand this section to one of the Ushers or place it in the offering bag when it comes around.
Pastoral Team Pastor Paul Dhanaraj 07445 318778 Elders Lloyd Sterling
07971 161940
Nigel De Vos
07823 331714
Deacon Moses Malopa
07891 554573
Email Address:_______________________________
Head Deaconness Juliette Fuller
07972 267323
Brief Details of Request:________________________
Church Clerk Davina Sylvan
07951 664311
Phone No:____________________________________
Communications Ana Morris
If you have anything to contribute to the next Newsletter, please get your articles into David Wells by 1st December. So church, get your thinking caps on!
The next Communications Team meeting is on Monday 8th December at 7pm at the home of David Wells. All team members are requested to attend.
01604 764761 07445 641361
Sabbath School Joan Fuller
07958 662158
Prayer Ministries Sheryl Lawrence
07958 567887
Personal Ministries Maxine Barrett
07881 992328
Sabbath 29th November 2014 For our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages, search for ‘harlestoneroadsda’
To be added to the Prayer Group and/or Harlestone Road Community on WhatsApp, send a text to 07958 567887 For other previous sermons, testimonies and children’s stories, check out ‘truthforfreedom7’ or ‘harlestoneroadsda’ on YouTube. For our new Twitter feed, search for @HR_SDA
Harlestone Road Seventh-Day Adventist Church St James CEVA Primary School Harlestone Road, Northampton NN5 7AG
Please send any Bulletin items in to David Wells by 9pm Wed evening.
…To Family Day here at Harlestone Road Seventh Day Adventist Church. We pray that as we worship and fellowship together, we will receive the many blessings God has in store for us. After Divine Service ALL are welcome to join us in fellowship lunch. To end this special programme we have a Praise & Worship concert this afternoon between 2.30 and 4.30pm.
Sabbath School (10am–11am) Leading out – Christian & Abbey Opening Hymn Scripture Reading Lesson Study – Sheryl & Creswell Mission Story - Davina Closing Hymn
Divine Service (11:15am–1pm) Announcements Lamb’s Offering (collection for church building fund) Worship in Song Platform–Robert McKenzie, Nigel De Vos, Sarah De Vos Introit - 479 ‘Tread Softly’ Call to Worship - Nigel Prelude – 694 ‘Praise God From Whom’ Invocation - Robert Welcome - Sarah Opening Hymn – 469 ‘Leaning On The Everlasting Arms’
Upcoming Events
Last Sabbath afternoon the fire alarm at the school was inadvertently set off by the children playing unsupervised. As a result the caretaker and the fire service were called. The kitchen shutter was lowered and the gas supply was cut. The cost to the church to reset the alarm, reconnect the gas and the call out of the caretaker is likely to be in the region of £100 . Had the fire service arrived it would have been in excess of £400. The cost to our reputation is more worrying.
The church would like to say a word of thanks to the Prayer Ministry team for their efforts with the recent Week of Prayer. Those who attended were truly blessed by the readings, testimonies and time spent in prayer. We can now look forward to the 10 Days Of Prayer that has been arranged for January. For more information visit
The school has not yet responded to this latest incident but we do need to show that we are proper worthy stewards of their property and not place our tenancy at risk. Parents must ensure that their children are supervised by an adult at all times. Playing and running in the corridors must cease.
It's time again to order Sabbath school lessons for the children. Issues for one year cost £30. Please write down whether you want Cradle Roll (age 0-3), Kindergarten (4-6), Primary (7-9) or Junior (10-12) and enclose your payment in an envelope and hand to Josephine or Angela.
Scripture Reading – Genesis 12: 1-5 Intercessory Prayer - Sarah Tithes & Offerings - Nigel Children’s Story –Jasmine Special Item – Agape Singers Sermon – Robert ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ Closing Hymn – 304 ‘Faith Of Our Fathers’ Benediction –Robert Hymn – 690 ‘Dismiss Us Lord’
We will be having a special collection for ADRA Ebola efforts next Sabbath. Please come prepared to make a small donation on 06/12/14 which can help to support ADRAs work in Masanga Leprosy Hospital in Sierra Leone. Ebola is threatening lives in West Africa. Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are hit hard. Masanga Leprosy Hospital in Sierra Leone needs our help. This hospital has a long history with the Seventh-day Adventist church even until today. Your donation will go towards help for providing running water to the hospital, reliable solar powers and repair of the fence. Masanga can fight Ebola right now with YOUR help. For further details please visit the ADRA website:
Fellowship Lunch Served – All Are Welcome
Praise & Worship Concert @ 2.30pm Feat. Reiss & Naomi, Sherri-Lee Galloway, Agape Singers, Essence of Grace, Kevin & Kevani, Kevanni.
Choir Practice will be Saturday 6th December. 2:45 -3:15pm. Please arrive on time. See Nadine for further details
Sunset This Sabbath is : 3:55pm