Something is about to happen in the world that affects your future. Please carefully read this booklet so that you will know what to do.
A PROPHECY FULFILLED: 2000 years ago, a prophecy was given, stating that a mark was going to be enforced upon the world in the last days. That mark has now been enforced. The information you are about to read is of vital importance, as God’s Word in the Bible confirms that all who receive the mark of the beast will be eternally lost
THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING! IN THE BEGINNING..A MEMORIAL TO CREATION: During the creation of this world, God set up an eternal memorial to His creative work. In 6 days God created the heavens and the earth, and rested the 7th day. Then God blessed the7th day and made it holy (Genesis 2; Exodus 20:8-11). The 7th day is our Saturday today.
IMPORTANT POINT: The 7th day Sabbath was setup during creation week BEFORE sin came into this world. This means that God set it up to last forever, never to be changed or abolished.
THE 7TH DAY SABBATH IS OUR SATURDAY! SATAN SETS UP A COUNTERFEIT: The Bible told us that Satan would set up a counterfeit religious system that would think to change God’s time (the Sabbath) and His law. This system is commonly known as the “antichrist”. In the Bible it is THE LITTLE HORN of Daniel 7, THE MAN OF SIN in 2 Thess 2., and THE SEA BEAST of Revelation 13. And they all point to the one apostate religious system which Satan setup to counter God’s truth.
The word ‘ANTI-Christ’ in the original language (Greek) actually means someone who tries to TAKE THE PLACE OF Christ. It doesn’t just mean someone who is openly opposed to Jesus. It means someone who is IN PLACE OF Christ. Anti-Christ = IN PLACE OF-Christ The Devil is the main antichrist who tries to take the place of Christ in people’s hearts. But he has also set up a religious system on earth to take people’s worship. Once we find out who the beast is, we can know what the MARK of the beast is.
Daniel 7 in the Bible confirms the LITTLE HORN ..... Received it’s power from the old Roman Empire Would think to change God’s time and laws Magnifies itself in place of Christ on earth Would replace God’s truth with it’s own teachings Would rule the world for a period of 1260 years 2 Thessalonians in the Bible confirms the MAN OF SIN ....sits in the ‘temple of God’ (professed church) acting like he is “god on earth”
Revelation 13 in the Bible confirms the SEA BEAST .... Would receive a ‘mortal wound’ which would heal Would receive the worship of the whole world Would persecute true Christians throughout history Has a number which is 666
Dear reader, there is only one system that fits the above:
The title of the Pope is ..... Vicarius Filii Dei
If you use the Roman Catholic Church official language (Latin), each of these letters represent a number. And by adding up those numbers, you come to ..... 666 The Bible said the number of the beast is the number of A MAN! .... the pope! So what is the MARK of the Roman Catholic Church? “Of course the change (from Sabbath to Sunday) was her act .... and the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters." (signed by H.F.Thomas, Chancellor for Cardinal Gibbons, in a letter dated Nov. 11, 1895) Sunday observance has no Biblical authority whatsoever! Rome’s MARK is changing the 7th day Sabbath (our Saturday) to the 1st day (SUN-day) But it only becomes the mark of the beast when the false Sunday Sabbath is enforced by law.
Now Revelation 13 tells us that another beast kingdom enforces the mark (Sunday law) and that other beast is the nation of AMERICA. America is soon to enforce the national Sunday law. Then our country will follow in enforcing the Sunday law too. Please do not accept the Sunday law (MARK OF THE BEAST). But keep God’s TRUE Sabbath day - 7th day Sabbath as God commanded us to keep in the 4th commandment. For more information, please see: