South Texas Ministers, we love and appreciate each one of you and pray God’s very best for you, your family, and your place of ministry! October is Clergy Appreciation Month, for ways to honor the minister’s in your life CLICK HERE
FALL 2013 September October November Volume 61, Number 4
South Texas Assemblies Review FALL 2013
The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029 Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor
Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714
SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD OFFICERS & PRESBYTERY Executive District Officers Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer Executive Presbyters Steve Weaver and Gene Summers General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion District Sectional Presbyters Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Honorary Presbyters Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, Joseph Granberry
<> 713-455-1221
District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Bailey - "
Roger Bailey -"
HonorBound Men
Tammy Calderon - " Church Ministries/Discipleship Melanie Griffin - "
Women’s Ministries
Phil Jackson - "
Hill Country Camp
Kendall Reavis - "
Church Planting Facilitator
Matt Rule -" "
Youth Ministries
_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.
Send your church news, ministry reports, or other items of interest to the office of Don Wiehe, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, ℅ Sherry Turner. 713-455-1221 - South Texas Assemblies Review
OUR SUPERINTENDENT FROMFROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT Minis ters Es cape October 17C-a19 mp Country l l i H @
Sometimes you just need to get away for a few days. Minister’s Escape is designed to give you the time away you need with options that give you a personally, customized time of renewal. This event is free to all South Texas credentialed ministers. We provide ministry, meals and lodging at our wonderful Hill Country Camp and Conference Center, and offer special deals on area attractions, or you can spend hours enjoying the beautiful hill country any way you like. Take a drive, a walk, a nap, a shopping trip, or sightsee. There’s always plenty to do, and the freedom to NOT do.
This is a free event, but you must register. CLICK HERE for online registration. If you don’t have internet access, call 713-455-1221. Accommodations at HCC are complimentary. Any other lodging arrangements and costs are up to you. If you prefer to stay at a hotel, we have negotiated specials with the following...
Comfort Inn 2001 Sidney Baker Kerrville, TX 78028 Phone: (830) 792-7700 Rate: King / DD $89 Suite $94 Cut Off date: September 30 Limited Rooms
Inn of the Hills 1001 Junction Hwy Kerrville, TX 78028 Phone:(830) 895-5000 Rate: $89 Cut off date: October 3, 2013 Limited Rooms
Optional)Friday)evening)activities )during)the )Minister’s )Escape )include)The )Rock)Box)Theater)in)Fredricksburg) or)Six)Flags?Fiesta )Texas )in)San )Antonio.))We )have )arranged)for)special)group)pricing,)$27)for)the )Rock)Box)and)$30)for)Six) Flags?Fiesta )Texas.) )You)must)register)and)pay)for)either)of)these )optional)activities)ahead)of)time.) )CLICK HERE for online registration. If you don’t have internet access, call 713-455-1221.
Our)guest)ministers)this )year)are)David)and)Elli)Beroth.))He)is)the) lead)pastor)of)First)Assembly)in)Des)Moines,)Iowa. After)30)years)of)full)time)ministry,)Dave)is )best)known)as)a )leader) with)a)coach’s)instinct)and)a)pastor’s )heart.)His)passions)and)gift?set) promote) team?based) ministry) and) empowered) leadership.) This) combination)has)positioned) the) church) with)a) healthy) approach) to) equip)people)to)impact)central)Iowa)and)the)world. He)is)passionate)about)developing)a)safe)environment)where)both) believers)bound)in)religion) and)unbelievers)trapped)in)darkness)can)become)authentic,)followers)of) Christ.)) He)also)serves)the)Iowa)Ministry)Network)as)an)executive)presbyter)with)the)portfolio)of)network)treasure. He)and)Elli,)his)wife)of)37)years,)reside)in)the)Des)Moines,)Iowa)metro)area.))They)have)twin)sons)and)four)grandchildren. - South Texas Assemblies Review
Project O N E In an overcrowded world, it’s easy to underestimate the significance of ONE. Phil. 3:13 says, My friends, I
don't feel I have already arrived. But, THIS ONE THING I DO, I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead.
ONE THING I DO As the Apostle is looking back, he determines that the PAST is not worth taking time away from the PRESENT or the FUTURE! Peter Marshall says, “NEVER LET THE PAST BE SO DEAR T H AT I T L I M I T S T H E FUTURE.!” That’s THING ONE! Thing TWO is…
ONE THING I KNOW John’s Gospel, chapter 9… This familiar story of Jesus caking MUD on the man’s eyes and he received his miracle. The RELIGIOUS FOLKS could accept it because it was OUTSIDE OF THE BOX or OUTSIDE OF the NORM. It was in violation of the SABBATH. They accused Jesus of being a SINNER…definitely not sent from God. They made an accusation against Jesus and, the now SEEING… HEALED man’s response;
- South Texas Assemblies Review
v. 2 5 , “ I don't
know if he is a sinner or not. All I know is that I used to be blind, but now I can see!” First thing I KNOW for certain – “THERE WAS BLINDNESS!” Second thing I KNOW for certain – “NOT ANYMORE!” THIS ONE THING I KNOW…. It’s MY STORY! It’s become my SONG! I have a BLESSED ASSURANCE! I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW!
A message from our Super intende nt
It reads like this in the CEV... I ask only one thing, Lord: Let me live in your house every day of my life to see how wonderful you are and to pray in your temple. What I’m talking about is FOCUS! Bringing all that we do into more manageable means… SPIRITUALLY FOCUSED with PURPOSE and UNITY! Intentionally focused with PURPOSE! One MINISTRY across this DISTRICT… uniquely designed for maximum effectiveness!
Thing 3 –
ONE THING IS NEEDED Luke 10:42, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her. Martha is busy SERVING (DOING)... but Mary is busy WORSHIPPING (BEING)…. If we’re not careful in ministry – we begin doing what’s U R G E N T, n o t w h a t ’ s NECESSARY! The Psalmist said in Psalm chapter 27 and verse 4: One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. (KJV) PAGE 5
DECLARING in UNISON….from the Neches Valley to the Rio Grande, from the Hill Country to the Gulf Coast… From every PULPIT and PREACHING POINT throughout our great district... From every ministry DEPARTMENT within this OFFICE…. ONE THING WE DO… ONE THING WE KNOW…. ONE THING WE NEED…. The ONE THING about this familiar story in the Gospels concerning Martha & Mary…. ONE THING that has always gotten my attention…. (continued on next page)
Project O N E Jesus REBUKED MARTHA for D O I N G …. I don’t want Him to REBUKE ME…." YOU…. US… Instead, I want the reaction that MARY got; that we have chosen what is best! We cannot allow ourselves to become just MAINTAINERS of PROGRAMS, POLICIES & PROCEDURES, or WE WILL LOSE OUR NUMBER ONE FOCUS; TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH IS LOST! That’s why WE EXISIT TODAY!
ONE THING I DO (ONE DREAM) I can’t do it all and neither can you! If I dwell on YESTERDAY, then TODAY WILL PASS ME BY and I’ll NEVER reach my TOMORROW….
If we’re not careful, we’ll allow POLICY….(and we need policy)...
ONE THING KNOW (ONE STORY) I can’t explain to you all the dynamics of FAITH, or HEALING I just know that I HAVE A STORY… it’s only ONE, but it’s MINE!
If we’re not careful, we’ll allow PROGRAMS ….(and we need STRUCTURE & ORDER)...
And, partnered with the thousands OF STORIES across our district, we together become a DYNAMIC FORCE that can reach the unreached within our region!
For me it is best described in the 1970’s song by Andre Crouch, which declares…
If we’re not careful, we’ll allow PRECEDENCE….(thank God for past experiences)...
But, these can misdirect us from THE ONE THING WE NEED…
Oh I need Him like I Never needed someone before; Yes, I really need Him So I won't be alone anymore ONE THING I DO ONE THING I KNOW ONE THING I NEED O N E Tim R. Barker
- South Texas Assemblies Review
AMT 2013
New one weekend format!
Friday & Saturday September 20-21 !
Two locations:
Trinity Worship Center, Corpus Christi & Dominion Church, League City Friday evening from 7 - 10 p.m. and Saturday morning from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Dominion Church, League City
Trinity Worship Center, Corpus Christi
Friday Evening, 7 - 9 p.m.
Friday Evening, 7 - 9 p.m.
7 - 8:20 p.m.
7 - 8 p.m.
James Fields
John Fowler
The Call of God
8:30 - 10 p.m.
Finishing Strong in Ministry
Kendall Reavis
8 - 9 p.m.
Creating a Culture of Honor
Jason Taylor
9 - 10 p.m. Saturday Morning, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Saturday Morning, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Greg Thurstonson What to Expect When You're Expecting
10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sabrina Thomas
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Kathy Moore In It For The Long Haul
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Dr. LeRoy Bartel Learning to Live by the Nudge
K I N GKINGDOM D O M REMINDERS REMINDERS made professions of faith through ministries of the local church, up 5 percent from 881,801 in the previous biennium. One percent more churches (9,464) in 2012 are reporting converts compared to our last biennial report (9,384). New converts outnumber water baptisms through ministries of the local church nearly 4 to 1. Additionally, we have received reports from Assemblies of God U.S. Missions and districts that through their ministries in the U.S. but outside of a local church context, other converts were won and baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit. CHURCHES: Churches (12,722, up 2 percent) reached the highest level on record and had a net gain of 265 compared to 80 in the previous biennium. Church opens totaled 759 while 494 churches closed. For every 2 churches closed, 3 opened. MINISTERS: We currently have 19,362 ordained (up 315 from 19,047); 10,792 licensed (up 428 from 10,364); and 5,713 certified ministers (up 101 from 5,612) for a total of 35,867 (up from 35,023), the highest on record. The net gain of 844 credential holders represents a 2 percent gain.
S E C R E TA R Y / T R E A S U R E R REPORT OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY, James T. Bradford. As the general secretary, it is my privilege to report to you the statistics of our Fellowship gathered from the Annual Church Ministries Report (ACMR) and other sources as of 2012 and comparisons to the prior biennium. The biennial trends below compare year-end 2012 data to year-end 2010 data (or the total for 2011 plus 2012 to the total for 2009 plus 2010 for cumulative indicators such as baptisms). Data are for the U.S., unless specified otherwise. CHURCH ADHERENTS AND MEMBERSHIP: Adherents and membership reached record highs. Worldwide we increased from 64,100,671 to 66,383,778 adherents (up 4 percent). The U.S. Fellowship grew to 3,095,717 adherents (including members, all of whom consider an Assembly of God to be their regular church home), a gain of 64,773, up 2 percent. Membership totals 1,780,468, up 26,587 (2 percent) over 2010. WORSHIP: Attendance in major worship services (formerly called "Sunday AM") averages 1,880,269. This represents a slight decrease of 6,516 attendees or -0.3 percent since 2010. Sunday evening worship attendance also dropped from 399,728 to 332,727 during that same period, a loss of 17 percent. DISCIPLESHIP AND EVANGELISM: During the current biennium, water baptisms (258,487) rose 5 percent from the previous biennium total (245,090) and Holy Spirit baptisms (165,119) fell 4 percent (from 171,805 previously). Nearly a million people (924,175) - South Texas Assemblies Review
Age: The median age of ail ministers is 54 years, up from 53 in 2010. Ordained median age increased from 58 to 59. Ministers under age 40 number 7,836 (22 percent of the total, the same percentage as last biennium). Senior ministers, age 65 and older, number 9,375 or 26 percent of the total (compared to 25 percent in the last biennium.) They are listed in active or retired categories. Thirteen are age 100 or older. Deceased ministers; During the past biennium, 806 ministers went on to their reward, joining the 743 who went to be with the Lord in 2009-2010. Female ministers: There are 7,815 female ministers or 22 percent of total ministers. Of these, 2,467 serve as church staff; 529 are lead pastors; 760 are U. S. or world missionaries; 185 are evangelists; and 3 are district executive officials, The percentage of women ministers increased steadily almost every year during the 1990s and continues to the present time. United States A/G Adherents 2011-2012 2011
2011-2012 % change
+ 1.8%
South Texas A/G Adherents 2011-2012 2011
2011-2012 % change
2002-2012 % change
+ 5.6%
+ 24.5%
Access South Texas Keeping our district ministers & ministries connected!
Have you tried your ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS account yet? If not, then you are missing some great tools to help keep you connected! Just click on the Access South Texas link on our website. If you have never used the online giving or logged in before then you will need to set up your log in. Just use the email address you have on file with the District Office and create your password. Need help? email: Screen shot of Access South Texas Home Page.
To use the directory and the calendar on your smart phone, download the Church Life App. Log in with your username and password. Type in 3 or more letters to look up people. Select Calendar to see STXAG events calendar.
Register for an upcoming event. Your Name
Look up a minister, enter 3 letters & search.
Keep up with the district events calendar. For a full screen view click â&#x20AC;&#x153;calendarâ&#x20AC;? from the drop down under the events tab. Check your giving or click to give now.
View/edit your registrations.
- South Texas Assemblies Review
U PUPDATES D AT E S Use$your$ACCESS$ SOUTH$TEXAS$ account$ to$ get$ the$ latest$ minister’s$ changes$of$ addresses$ and$other$helpful$informa>on. Transfer$Out Jerry)Cryer)to)the)Appalachian) District Byron)Ellis)to)New)York)District Mathew)Janessens)to)North) Texas)District Abby)Nitchols)to)Rocky) Mountain)District Michael)Winters)to)New)Mexico Transfer$In$ Richard)&)Katherine)GianeWno) from)the)Potomic)District Coleman)McDuff)from)So)Cal Jerry)L.)Miller)from)Alabama Brandon)Morgan)from)N.)Texas Lori)Beth)Moyer)from)N.)Texas Duke)T.)Marshall)from)Northern) California/Nevada Troy)O’Quinn)from)Illinois Thomas)Elias)from)Southern) Idaho Church$Name$Change New)Life)Assembly)of)God)in) Batson)to)New)Life)Church. New$Cer>fied$Ministers Aaron)Flynn)–)San)Antonio Jason)Goldsberry)–)North) Houston
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Martha)Jordan)–)Neches)Valley Kris_n)R.)Hill)?)North)Houston Lisa)Lamey)–)Neches)Valley Rose)Montelongo)–)Rio)Grande) Valley Abby)Nitchols)–)North)Houston Walter)Payne)–)Neches)Valley William)Schneberger)–)Gulf) Coast) R.)Cullen)Williams)–)North) Houston New$License William)Birkline)–)Houston Christopher)Brothers)–)San) Antonio Vanessa)L.)Hall)–)North)Houston Upgrade$to$License Shannon)Lewis)–)North)Houston New$Churches Faith)Worship)Center)A/G 192)CR)4045 Newton,)TX))75966 Interim)Pastor)Bob)Kucker True)Vine)Fellowship 110109)Clark)Road Houston,)TX))770786 281.847.5100) Pastor)Daniel)J.)Vasquez,)Jr. New$Pastors Bloomington)Assembly)of)God Pastor)Mary)Bailey PAGE 9
CrossRoads)Assembly)of)God)& Cross)Community)Church)of) Cleveland Pastor)Troy)O’Quinn First)Assembly)of)God,)Dayton Pastor)Wes)Foster Journey)Church,)Katy Pastor)Jeremiah)Hill First)A/G,)Nederland Pastor)Michael)D.)Branson First)Assembly)of)God,)Shepherd Pastor)Jeremy)Nichols Victory)A/G,)Kirbyville Pastor)Darrell)Brown Ministers$&$Spouses$who$have$ gone$home$to$be$with$the$Lord Reverend)Dan)Milbrath)?) 09/09/2013 Reverend)Ray)Pinson)–) 09/07/2013 Reverend)Gerald)Sanders)–) 09/03/2013 Mrs.)Corrine)Cameron,)Spouse)–) 08/02/2013) Reverend)Mrs.)Rachel)Perry)–) 07/22/2013) Reverend)David)Berkheimer)–) 07/17/2013 Reverend)Mar_n)Jones)–) 06/30/2013) Reverend)E.)Ruth)Hay)–) 06/20/2013 Mrs.)Velma)Sellers,)Spouse)–) 04/25/2013
2013 South Texas Special Missions Project
THE WARRIOR’S BIBLE A Life Application Bible for the Military Community
e now Click to Giv South with Access unt. Texas Acco
Sou th TX A/G Mi nisters Ava ilable to Pre ach
Ava ilable to Pre ach, con ...
Janice Akers, Tomb all – 281.516.7419 David Baca, Hum ble – 859.948.4177 Vivi an Boyles, Hous ton – 281.804.9338 Darrell Brow n, Bats on – 936.536.3154 P.H. Colli ns, Porter – 281.824.0119 David Enni s, Katy – 832 .570.3303 Greg Garrett, Texa s City – 409.256.7716. Stephen Gatl in, Spri ng – 281.288.4220 Tom Gour ly, Hous ton – 281.458.6812 James Haze lton, Spri ng – 281.443.4437 Don Hick man, Ang leton – 979.319.2463 Reag an Jack s, Pear land – 281.997.3362 Bob Kuck er, Buna – 409.994.5563 Fern Lanc aste r, Kerr ville – 830.895.4971 Floyd Mile s, Mag nolia – 317.714.5711 Greg Min assia n, Hous ton - 940.594.5085 Greg Mutchler, Kerr ville – 830.739.3000 Kenneth Mye rs, Vict oria – 361.582 .4907 Wilb ert Olive r, Hous ton – 713.205.3361
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Dona ld Pare des, Spri ng – 832 .764.0468 (Spa nish Spea king , wife inte rpre ts) Donny Phill ips, LaPo rte – 713.885.2568 Tom Proc tor, Mis sour i City – 281.835.8036 Rich ard Reye s, San Ant onio – 210.884.290 8 Jack ie Rich ards on, Spri ng – 281.350.4142 Edward Row ls, Spri ng – 281.353.1894 Mar y Sanders, Alvi n – 281.331.2325 Russell Skinner, Mon tgomery – 936.449.4378 Stephen Sowell, San Anto nio – 361.985.688 0 David Tosten, Corpsu Christi – 361.563.3293 Marsha Touchsto ne, Hous ton – 713.981.068 7 Juanita Trev ino, Port Lavaca – 361.935.7202 Tim Verden, Leag ue City – 832 .545.0868 Aliso n Ward, King woo d – 281.361.7966 LeyAnne Ward, King woo d – 281.361.7966 David Washbur n, Kerr ville – 830.896.2171
ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT ASSISTANT What Do You See? What See? Finally God spoke into my heart. He said, “Get your eyes off of what I am not doing for you and begin to see what I am doing for you.” WOW! A whole new world opened, a world of God’s multiple blessings. They were there all the time. While not necessarily the same blessings as everyone else, God’s blessings in my life were no the less glorious. I didn’t see those blessings because I wasn’t looking for them.
There is a song we used to sing in church as I was growing up, Count Your Blessings. “Count your blessing, name them one by one. Count your many blessings see what God has done.” In the song is the phrase, ”and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” How true!
SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT LEAD PASTOR, BRAESWOOD CHURCH WHAT DO YOU SEE? It is amazing how two people can witness the same event and describe it in completely different terms. From their descriptions one might think they saw two completely different events. Hindrances to our walk with God evolve because of what we see or what we don’t see.
What do you see? If you are not witnessing the blessings of the Lord in your life, maybe you are looking at the wrong things. Ask God to give you the corrective lenses of the Holy Spirit that you may see clearly. God IS blessing you! What do you See?
Years ago, at the beginning of my ministry, I was complaining to God. I listened to all the glorious things that were taking place in other ministries and churches and I was excited for them. I just didn’t see that kind of fruit in the church I served. It seemed that God was blessing every other pastor except me. The more I witnessed their blessings the less I observed the blessings in me and the more discouraged I became. What a vicious cycle.
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Is this a picture of white arrows pointing up, or black arrows pointing down?
Ministerial Credential Renewal Information From the desk of...James T. Bradford, General Secretary, Assemblies of God, We have a few items regarding credential renewals that we would like to bring to your attention. 1. Online Renewal System improvements: The online renewal submission site (for participating districts) has been re-designed to make it much more user-friendly for you. More details to come on this later in the fall. 2. Online submission change: Ministers who owe 2013 dues (other than those on recurring payments (like auto-deduct)) must either (a) pay the balance of General Council dues online with a credit/debit card (you may do this while completing the renewal online); or (b) be paid in full, before your renewal may be submitted online. We are requesting those who plan to pay by check, to do so by the end of October, in order to process your renewal in a timely fashion. Hardcopy forms will continue to be mailed to all (except AGWM personnel.) Districts will still have the ability to print pre-populated renewal forms. Ministers who cannot pay their dues in full will have the option to mail a hardcopy form. 3. Dues Increases: As a reminder, the dues increases (for active ministers) approved at the 2013 General Council in Orlando, Florida, will not go into effect until January 1, 2014. Those yearly dues will be: ordained ($300), licensed ($240), and certified ($120.) For information on setting up, or increasing the amounts on recurring payments for 2014, please email; or call our toll free number (1-877-840-4800), Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., CST. Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at, or call us at 417.862.2781 ext. 3235.(Monday–Friday, 8:00a.m.–4:30 p.m. CST.)
★Remember the $30 processing fee payable to the South Texas District Council. - South Texas Assemblies Review
Church Ministries and Discipleship Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director CHURCH MINISTRIES AND DISCIPLESHIP South Texas had an amazing summer of Kids Camp!!! We are excited about what God did in the lives of the children. Our Evangelists, David & Mary Boyd were AMAZING!! We had a total of 302 saved for the first time, and 367 kids rededicated their lives to Christ. There were 308 children filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time, and 140 kids were refilled!!
As of June 30, 2013 the South Texas District has given a total of $98,229.00 to BGMC. Remember to send your offerings directly to the National Office in Springfield, MO. Keep up the good work South Texas!
Save the Date Minister’s Wives Getaway
It’s All About You - Let the Pampering Begin!
Friday & Saturday January 17 - 18, 2014 Hill Country Conference Center 1325 Harper Road Kerrville, Texas 78028 This event is for all Minister’s Wives, including Staff Pastor’s Wives. Early arrivals are welcome on Thursday - Free of Charge.
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Around South Texas
Make a donation to the Dan Milbrath Memorial Fund at
Congratulations, Pastor,Tim,Smith! The$ 100$ Club$ of$ Matagorda$ County$ held$ its$ Annual$ Awards$Banquet$on$Friday,$August$16$at$the$Fraternal$ Order$of$Eagles$Lodge.$Tim$Smith$of$SeadriD$received$ the$ 2013$ Palacios$ Police$ Department$ OďŹ&#x192;cer& of& the& Year&Award.$Smith$was$selected$for$the$honor$by$the$ OďŹ&#x192;cers$of$the$Palacios$Police$Department. Ministry Openings at
Cornerstone Church in Winnie, TX is seeking a full time Worship Leader. Contemporary style Worship. Keyboard a plus. This is a full time position with medical and other benefits. Cornerstone Church in Winnie, Texas is also seeking a Children's Pastor. Salary, Housing and other benefits provided. - South Texas Assemblies Review
Inquiries to or call church office at 409-296-2481. Cornerstone Church P.O. Box 387 Winnie, TX 77665 ·
2014 Theme and Mission
http:// www.
Ministry Update
South Texas Royal Rangers is proud to announce that our 2014 Theme will be “FORGED, by the Hand of God”. Inspiration comes from the book of Romans Chapter 5 verses 3-4 where we are exalted to shout our praise even when we are hemmed in with troubles. As Paul notes, we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit. Our guest speaker for this FORGED weekend will be Pastor Matt Rule, Director of Youth Ministries for South Texas Assemblies of God. In addition to this incredible theme we are pleased to support Japanese Fire Bibles as our 2014 Missions Emphasis. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to equip Pastors and lay workers in Japan with 1,500 Fire Bibles.
Medal of Excellence Congratulations to John Bailey & Allison Bailey of Humble First Assembly of God! Humble First (OP 144) has had 4 MoE recipients in the past 12 months! Pastor Pool’s team is doing an outstanding job! * The Medal of Execellence is awarded to outpost commanders who have completed their Advanced Leader Training and taken a boy completely through his advancement levels to the highest medal for his age group.
IT IS TIME TO CHARTER! It is time to re-charter your outpost! Each year charters expire on August 31st and should be renewed by October 31st using the Official Chartering System from the National Royal Rangers Office. You can get more information from our website. Would you like to start an Outpost in your Church? We would love to meet with you and/or come visit your church to answer any questions you have about Royal Rangers. You may contact us via email at or by calling (832) 422-7110. South Texas Royal Rangers is also 2.0! We recently rolled out a new website to support our growing ministry. Our new website features dates, events, and general information about South Texas Royal Rangers.
Our Pledge With God’s help, I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the Ranger Code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule. READY. Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live, and obey God’s Word.
National Rangers Ministry Camp (NRMC) October 25-27, Maypearl
TEXAS http:// www.
National Rangers Ministry Camp will give instruction in basic outdoor skills and activities providing leaders with the skills needed to take their Ranger boys on exciting outpost activities outside their normal weekly meeting times. Instruction in effectively implementing the team/patrol method will be offered as a means to facilitate junior leadership development. Also, leaders will be challenged to connect with God and explore spiritual manhood. South Texas will have an incredible presence at this camp, you don’t want to miss it!
2013 Texas Independence Chapter Fall Trace October 11-13, Rosharon The Texas Independence Chapter FCF Fall Trace will take place October 11-13 in Rosharon Texas. Our guest speaker will be decorated retired Army Sergeant “Sarge” Summers. In addition to an incredible speaker we will host blackpowder shooting, tomahawk, knife, and archery competitions along other favorite FCF events. Visitors are welcome to attend this fellowship, see our website for more details.
Dates To Remember... 2 0 1 3
October 6-12 October 11-13 October 25-27 November 23
National Royal Rangers Week FCF Fall Trace (Visitors Welcome) National Rangers Ministry Camp Youth Convention
2 0 1 4
April 11-13 May 17 August 1-2
District Powwow (FORGED) District Ranger Kids Day Camp EDGE14 Conference (Humble, TX)
CLICK HERE for the latest news from Southwestern Assemblies of God University!
- South Texas Assemblies Review
- South Texas Assemblies Review
GRANITE HARBOR ADVISORS 2013 Annual Golf Benefit September 23, 2013 at 10:30am Riverbend Country Club 1214 Dulles Avenue • Sugar Land • TX • 77478 Featuring Jeff Maggert & Bobby Wilson
All Proceeds to Benefit
Tournament Sponsorship Levels Platinum - $5,000 •Two Foursomes of Golf •Hole Sponsorship •Company Logo on Promo Materials •Special Recognition throughout event •Company name/logo on gift bags
Gold - $3,000 •One Foursome of Golf •Hole Sponsorship •Company Logo on Promo Materials •Exclusive Company Logo Scorecards
Ball Sponsor - $1,800 Hat Sponsor - $1,800 All Carts - $1,200 Beverage Cart - $1,000 Tent Sponsor - $500 Hole Sponsor - $200 Sports Memorabilia Auction
Silver - $1,500 •One Foursome of Golf •Hole Sponsorship •Company Logo on Promo Materials
Foursome - $600 •One Foursome of Golf •Gift Bag •Breakfast and Lunch provided
Register at Granite Harbor Advisors is not affiliated with Home of Hope Texas. PPG-86116 (06/13)
- South Texas Assemblies Review
serving the local community and connecting with area churches to serve and love like Jesus. The AIM add-on is only $30 and includes lunch on Saturday and an AIM TShirt. (Students who register for the AIM Outreach do not need to purchase a pre-ordered lunch)
Converge You won't want to miss one minute of Converge this year. We will be at Shoreline Church in Austin, TX on November 22-23. Our Friday Night Worship Experience will be lead by Ascend the Hill. Saturday morning Chet Caudill will be challenging us to engage in the Mission of the Gospel through STL, and Dan Hunter will close out Converge Saturday afternoon with a powerful message. Worship on Saturday will be lead by Clayton Brooks. Early Registration for Converge will begin next week. The registration costs are: Early Reg- Aug 23-Sep 20 $45, Regular Reg- Sep 21-Oct 18 $55, Late Reg- Oct 19-Nov 15 $65, At the Door Reg- Nov 16-Nov 22 $75 In order to help facilitate lunch on Saturday, we are offering pre-ordered lunch meals for Nov 23rd. Meals cost $5 and are available to purchase at the time of registration. All preordered meals must be purchased no later than Nov 15th. Students will also have an opportunity to participate in an AIM Outreach on Saturday beginning at Lunch and continuing through the afternoon service. Students will be
- South Texas Assemblies Review
We are also offering a Leader's Lunch during the Saturday lunch block. If you are a youth pastor or leader, you don't want to miss this opportunity to grow, connect, and discover a new passion for the ministry God has called you to. Seating is limited, so make sure to purchase your Leader's Lunch Ticket for $10 when you register online. Early Promotional Materials are available on our website now, and new posters and videos will be uploaded continually between now and the weekend of Converge. and We want to help you connect new students and get them to Converge. Last year we had almost 100 students register under the 20% rule. We are offering this again this year. Here's how it works: Whatever your total registration number was for last year's Converge including adults (Example 20 Total Registration) We will give you 20% (Example 4 free spots which is 20% of 20) for free after you register the same number as your Previous Year's Total Registration. If you brought 20 total to Converge last year, and register at least 20 for Converge this year, we will give you 20% of your last year's number for free. I know it's a little confusing, but it's a great way to help scholarship students who cannot afford to go. If
you have questions regarding the 20% rule, please email or call her at 713-455-1221. PK Ski Retreat February 14-17 we will be taking South Texas PKs on a Ski Retreat to Ruidosa, NM. The plan is to fly from Houston to El Paso on Fri Feb 14th, then Drive to Ruidosa to the New Mexico District Campgrounds. We will ski on Saturday and Sunday, and then fly home on Monday the 17th. We will be having service times and connection times in the evenings following our ski days. Because Monday is President's Day, most schools will be dismissed for Monday classes. The District is splitting cost with each PK for the retreat, as we have done in the past. We will get full details, costs, and registration out by the end of September. This is always a great retreat for our PKs to get away, connect with each other, and meet with Jesus. Check at the end of September for more Information. Youth Leader's Conference February 21-22 will be our annual Youth Leader's Conference. Yo u s p e n d e v e r y week pouring into the lives of students, leaders, parents, and volunteers. It's time for you to recharge. This is a weekend that is designed just for that. We will be in Houston, TX for a weekend full of practical training, meaningful connection, and intentional fun! Early Registration begins in November.
This year was one of our most successful camping seasons yet! Going into the month of June, all 4 weeks of camp were filled to capacity. Each week 460-480 students/leaders were in attendance. All the way through camp our continual prayer was that God would Awaken hearts to His purpose and grace. Everyone from our weekly managers and their staff, the rec team, leadership camp students, worship bands, and camp speakers all did a phenomenal job to ensure that the camp was exciting, fun, and memorable. But at the end of the day, with everything else aside, our goal was that students would encounter Jesus in the altars and that He would impress on their hearts and do what only He can do. We would love feedback from youth pastors and leaders that came to camp this year. If you have a moment please fill out this simple online questionnaire: http:// Also, we made available to you a free sermon series we created as a camp follow up for your students. If you didn't have an opportunity to take advantage of this resource it is still available on our website under "Awaken Series Resource." Our team just returned from an impacting AIM trip to Germany to work along side our South Texas based missionaries Matt & Stacey L e i g h t y. T h e t e a m h a d a n opportunity to hand out gifts to girls being trafficked on the streets of Berlin as well as participate in various service projects within the community. We also had a team of students working with South Texas based - South Texas Assemblies Review
missionaries Roger & Debbie Audorff in Mexico at the Yucatan Peninsula. The group was led by recently ordained minister Josh Bingaman who serves as the youth pastor at Fortress Church in San Antonio.
Gospel through Creative Communication and Essential Transportation. Here is a link to a Video to help promote the Tablets for India Project: h t t p s : / / w w w. d r o p b o x . c o m / s / bbv1ffy7wp6vp0y/STL%20India %20Final%20HQ.mp4
A third team of South Texas students went on an annual AIM trip to minister in the Miami Outreach in Florida. Each year teenagers from all over travel to Miami for a week of outreach and ministry to local apartment complexes and low income families. There the students serve the community by passing out food and shoes to those in need. This group was led by Pastor Jason Burroughs from Faith AG in Pasadena.
Top 3 Kelsey WilliamsSign Language Solo Gerson Cayes- Spanish Male Solo Sterling Polnick- Spoken Word Lydia Martinez- Spanish Female Solo Jacob Keddy- Digital Photography
We are believing for great things for your students and ministry as you approach the start of another school year. Our Youth Alive missionary Stancle Williams is here to serve you in reaching the schools in your area for Jesus. Connect with him through email:
Award of Merit Winners Spanish Vocal Ensemble- Eldad from Family Life A/G in Katy Woodwind Solo- Maddie Corkran from Encounter Church in Groves Sign Language Group- Family Life in Katy Dramatized Quoting- Katie Perez from Mid Valley A/G in Weslaco
STL Giving Opportunities STL does more than just meet the needs of missionaries. It connects students to the Global Mission of Jesus and cultivates a heart for the church and for giving. We encourage you to set a goal for STL this fall. Here is a link to a current list of Giving Opportunities. givingopportunities/
Dozens of South Texas Churches participated in the Festival and received tremendous marks. We are proud of our Fine Arts Participants and continually amazed to see students develop and deploy their God-Given Talent for his Kingdom. A full list of the festival results is available at
One critical need is for the Tablets for India Project. We are partnering with the India A/G to equip and release 10,000 church planters in t h e n e x t s e v e r a l y e a r s . To accomplish this we are purchasing Tablets that will be loaded with Bible School Materials, Leadership Materials, and Church Planting Resources. Each church will potentially reach 50-100 people in India with the message of the Gospel. Help us equip the Global Church to Speed the Light of the PAGE 21
National Fine Arts Festival from South Texas
STXYM is striving to create resources for your Health, Growth, and Development through Gospel Focused, Bible Centered, and Mission Driven Events, Resources, and Relationships! We are proud to serve the people of South Texas! Matt Rule and the STXYM Staff
- South Texas Assemblies Review
- South Texas Assemblies Review
Now you can complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $70 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/ Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Sherry Turner at (713) 455-1221, or email
2013/2014 COURSE SCHEDULE Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Class Date
Level 1 Courses (Certified)
Level 2 Courses (License)
Level 3 Courses (Ordained)
September 7, 2013
THE 142 Assemblies of God History, Missions & Governance
MIN 251 Effective Leadership
MIN 311 Prayer & Worship
October 5, 2013
MIN 181 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry
November 2, 2013
BIB 112 Synoptic Gospels
THE 211 Introduction to Theology
MIN 311 The Corinthian Correspondence
January 4, 2014
THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
BIB 212 New Testament Survey
BIB 322 Poetic Books
February 1, 2014
BIB 117 Prison Epistles
BIB 215 Romans
BIB 318 The Pentateuch
March 1, 2014
BIB 115 BIB 214 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work Old Testament Survey in the Believers Introduction to Missions
May 3, 2014
BIB 121 MIN 223 Introduction to Hermeneutics: Introduction Homiletics How to Study the Bible
MIN 325 Preaching to the Contemporary World
June 7, 2014
MIN 191 Beginning Internship*
MIN 391 Advanced Internship*
MIN 291 Intermediate Internship*
*Internships are not taught as classes, students do this on their own with a mentor. June 7, 2014
MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism
- South Texas Assemblies Review
THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come PAGE 24
MIN 327 Church Administration, Law & Finance
A New DSOM optional site, San Antonio: The South Texas Ministry Training Center is located on the campus of First Assembly of God , 13435 West Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78216
Call 210-496-9977 to register or for more information.
- South Texas Assemblies Review
T h e S o u t h Te x a s D i s t r i c t E v a n g e l i s t Department invites you and your congregation to the two night services of our Signs of the Times Conference, October 14-15, 2013. Our speakers for this conference are South Texas District Evangelist Representative Evangelist Rod Vincent from Dayton, Texas and Rev. Andy Harris, Pastor of Central Assembly of God, in Bossier City, Louisiana. We appreciate Pastor Sidney and Gwen Woods for hosting this years conference at First Assembly of God in Silsbee, Texas. This conference was birthed by Pastors, Ministers, and Churches who were aware of the Signs of the Times in which we live. Having been the Evangelist of south Texas for 18 years, it is the burden and concern of this department to fulfill our callings of the 5 gifts Jesus gave to the church. Due to the urgency of the hour in which we live, our hearts desire is to see the 21st century church revived and challenged to reach our communities with the gospel to reap an end-time harvest. With all due respect, we do not desire to mimic past revivals. Our goal for a last days revival is not a time of emotionalism or sensationalism. These manifestations can be fruit of revival, but these are is not our goal.
vessels filled with real power of the Holy Ghost, bodies healed, and that the Bride of Christ be made ready for the soon return of Jesus. My sincere question is, do we have enough time? The days of grace are quickly coming to an end. We must understand and revive our mandate, message, mission, mantle, and methods. Superintendent Tim Barker, along with the South Texas Evangelist Department, would like to invite every Pastor and every congregation to attend this very important event. Please advertise this event on your web sites, church bulletins, info booths, and communication centers. We would love for the churches to load up those buses, vans, and automobiles and venture out on a pilgrimage to a 21st Century, last day's Revival. Again, thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing all pastors and churches. May God continue to bless your family and fields of Harvest.
In His Service, South Texas Assemblies of God Evangelist Representative Rod & Cathy Vincent
The bottom line is that we would not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and that we would see the church revived, souls saved, - South Texas Assemblies Review
October 14-15
First Assembly of God Silsbee, Texas
- South Texas Assemblies Review
At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714
The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 61, Number 4, is published quarterly by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX
ST R FA L L 22001 12 3
October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Get creative and express your thanks to those whose work is to watch over your soul. (Heb. 13:17) Some churches encourage the ministers from their church to attend the Minister’s Escape in Kerrville at Hill Country Camp & Conference Center, October 17-19. Send them with some extra spending money, a special meal, hotel, gas, etc... Maybe even give them an extra couple days off before &/or after the retreat.
2013 South Texas Special Mission’s Project
BIBLE THE WARRIOR’S Military Community A life application Bible for the
CLICK HERE for more information from the publisher. Give now using your Access South Texas Account.