Irrigation and Its Process? Irrigation is different dry land farming which relies mainly on direct rainfall or referred to as rain-fed. Dust suppression, disposal of sewage and mining are some of the other uses of irrigation. The process of applying artificial water to the soil is known as Irrigation. This gives assistance in growth of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas especially during times where we experience inadequate rainfall. Irrigation helps in crop production. It protects plants against frost, suppresses weed growing n the grain fields and prevents soil consolidation. Land Irrigation Pretoria has different general methods: Surface Irrigation occurs when water is dispersed over the surface of the soil. Consequently, water is applied under strain like virtual rain, in Sprinkler Irrigation. The fraction of the population that needs irrigation are farmers. However, there are different characteristics between agribusiness and farming families. The word farmer refers to those of share tenants who may be transferred by their landlord from time to time from one location to another. The variance in quantity and quality of soil and water are known to be the Impacts of Irrigation on Environment. This is the result of irrigation that targets the effects on natural and social conditions of the irrigation scheme To apply enough water to fully wet the plant's root zone while minimizing overwatering and then allow the soil to dry out in between watering, to allow air to enter the soil and encourage root development, but not so much that the plant is stressed beyond what is allowable is the goal of Irrigation Scheduling. Soil moisture sensing devices and rain sensors such as tensiometers, capacitance sensors, and gypsum blocks are other materials that help in irrigation scheduling. The changed hydrological conditions unsettled to the mechanism and process of the scheme is the root impact. Water is drained from the river and distributes it over the irrigated area during the irrigation scheme. Yet, as a hydrological result it is established that there is a raise in the desertion and groundwater recharge in the scheme, a decline in the downstream river, a rise in the level of the water table and, the drainage flow is increased. These are straight effects.