Create a Blogger Account 1. Go to BLOGGER.COM 2. Click CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW
3. Sign up, BUT be sure to make your username something that a stranger will not be able to follow back to you. For example: for me, using “davisbg” would be a bad idea because it has my initials. However using something like “e142teacher” would be good because there is neither a gender nor a name attached to it. RULES: (For your protection) 1) Don’t use your name in the username (not even your initials) 2) Do not use something gender specific 3) Nothing associated with the school can appear on your blog 4) You cannot post your email address on your blog 5) You cannot post your real name on your blog Allow your blog to be public so I can add you to my RSS feed (so my computer notifies me when you complete an assignment) Record the following below: YOUR NAME: First_________________________________ Last________________________________ Period__________ USERNAME:
Blog address: http://_______________________________________________________________________
Get this signed by your parent/guardian:
I give permission for my son/daughter to create an anonymous blog on which they will respond to course material/assignments. I also acknowledge that when following the rules above, a blog can serve as great learning tool when used properly. Lastly, I know that it is my responsibility (as parent/guardian) to monitor my student’s web use to make sure that they are not doing something that may endanger them. Name (print)_____________________________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________________________Date_____________