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3 Mistakes Guys Make When Learning How To Date Women... It's easy to walk across the scary landscape of dating and trip over a mine. Before you know it BOOM! You've blown yourself out of the game and you don't know how to date women anymore. I've found that there are some simple mistakes that guys make all the time dealing with how to date women, and I want to reveal them to you right now. These three traps that I'm about to reveal to you are related to the three key points of setting and executing the date. If you can just avoid these three pitfalls, you're probably going to do better than about 80% of the men out there. So let's go straight into how to date women: The 3 Hidden Mistakes How To Date Women - Mistake 1: The Rushed Close This first one is probably the biggest mistake I see guys make that either gets them flaked on - or rejected on the spot. It goes something like this: The guy works up his nerve to approach a woman, and he starts a conversation. He gets her to smile, and there seems to be a little interest there. Then he pulls out the big guns. He says, "Hey, you want to go out on a date with me sometime?" And that's when everything goes wrong. You see, when you're learning how to date women, you have to realize that most guys rush to close a woman on a date way too soon. It's like they're trying to just make it past this check-point. After all if she says YES - that means that she's interested and it's all clear sailing! Rejection avoided, sir. Uh, no. What you're doing is putting her in the tough position of having to make a decision - based on about 3 minutes of talking to you - whether or not she thinks you're a candidate to father her children. Oh, I know YOU didn't mean to make it that serious, but in a woman's mind - that's just exactly what she's wondering. Is this guy a possibility for marriage. Just so you're aware: Most men are flaked on because the woman just didn't want to be rude or have to reject him when she first met him.
So you have to make her investment a little easier to swallow. Instead of trying to sell her on the Lifetime Plan, why don't you give her something that's EASY to say yes to. Like a cup of coffee... or just ask her for her email so that you two can "re-connect." She'll find that MUCH easier to say yes to, and your closing ratio will go WAY up. How To Date Women - Mistake 2: The Mindless Plan So - after a time - let's say you get that hot Swedish woman to agree to the date. The next big mistake that guys make is this: They take her out for dinner and a movie. Or dinner and drinks. Not the worst plan, but it's also not the best. You see, a woman is looking for one thing when she meets a man - the gut feeling that he's going to be fun to be around. Not a drain on her emotions, but FUN. And you need to communicate that you can give her that fun. Unfortunately, a "traditional" date of dinner and a movie is not going to cut it anymore. It's like you're saying: "I'll show you that I can provide for you and give you an offering of food. Then we'll both go sit in the dark, not talk to each other, and I will hope that the movie gives you positive feelings that will rub off on me." I may be a bit cynical with that, but when you want to know how to date women so that they are interested in you, you have to stay away from the Mindless Plan. Instead, come up with something a little more creative. Like taking her to a video arcade. Or the Go-Karts. By doing something out of the ordinary, not only will you avoid her flaking on you, but you'll also drive up her attraction by standing out from the crowd. How To Date Women - Mistake 3: The Slow Fizzle Another one of the big traps guys fall into when learning how to date women is what I refer to as the Slow Fizzle. And it goes something like this: Guy goes out on a date with a woman, and he starts out with good energy. He's excited, she's excited. They go somewhere to eat or grab some drinks, and the conversation flows... But it never goes anywhere. The Slow Fizzle is the way that the entire date pans out over the course of the night. She is hoping for sparks and maybe (though she'd never admit it) a nice fireworks show at the end of the night. What she gets is a slow fizzle of a fuse that just never really goes anywhere or ignites anything. This happens when a guy is too busy looking for signs that she's into him, and he ends up coming across as a bit approval-seeking in the process. Or he fails to escalate the sexual energy of the evening into something that she can get excited about. You see, a woman is looking for the man to take the lead in making this little "date event" interesting. And if it isn't getting more fun - it's dying. So you have to keep things interesting, and you have to keep them moving forward. You want the
date to end on a high note, and the best tip I can give you for that is this: Keep the first date short! No longer than a few hours. YOU end the date. It's cheaper, it's easier, and it's more fun. And you can bet your next paycheck that she's going to go out with you again if you just repeat that pattern. How to date women and be successful at it really isn't all that complicated. It just requires that you avoid some of the traps that are out there, and these three mistakes are ones you don't ever have to make again.
Carlos Xuma For more dating tips and a free e-book... You can also get a free newsletter on dating tips for guys.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carlos_Xuma
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