==== ==== Discover the singing secrets they don't want you to know at http://new-vital.info/For/Improving-Singing ==== ====
I've been singing in choirs for 25 years. It's one of the most amazing hobbies you can have. When I joined my first choir and took my first audition I was so convinced that I wouldn't get into the choir that I wasn't even nervous. I did get in. That first audition is the only time I haven't been reduced to a quivering jelly on entering the audition room. If you are a choir singer, you'll know exactly what I mean! After a few years in the choir I realised that although I really enjoyed being there my singing wasn't as good as most of my friends and fellow choristers. I needed to learn how to improve my singing. My father agreed to pay for a course of six singing lessons. I found a friendly local singing teacher and that began eighteen months of hard work. I soon realised I had a lot of vocal problems. But I persevered and so did my long suffering tutor. At last, after months of hard work and practise I learnt how to sing properly. My singing improved out of all recognition. The next time I auditioned for the choir I was instantly elevated to the status of automatic semi-chorus member. A great surprise to me. Working on your singing technique takes time and practise, but it can be done. I know, I did it. I have learned many techniques for improving singing. To get you started, here are a few simple techniques. Always start by relaxing the muscles and standing correctly. A few simple stretching exercises are the way that most choral conductors start rehearsals - if you sing in a choir, remember the stretches that your conductor teaches you and start your home practice sessions with them. Vocal placement makes a big difference to your singing (it turned out to be my biggest problem). Learn to raise the soft palate - if you curl your tongue backwards in your mouth, the soft palate is the bit you can feel at the back of the roof of your mouth. Learning to raise this will help you sing in tune and improve the quality of sound. One of my singing teachers had a theory that you could sing higher than you think (I'm an alto) if you are distracted - she made us sing bent double and in all sorts of strange positions. She was right - although it could look a little odd in performance if you suddenly bend over or stand on your head just because there's a high note coming. Tongue placement also makes a difference. We all have a tendency to hold our tongues back. The tongue should be relaxed and forward in the mouth, resting on your just behind your bottom teeth.
Not everyone has the time and the money to pay for singing lessons every fortnight for 18 months. Looking back, I dread to think how much the lessons cost me. There is an alternative to expensive singing lessons. A comprehensive course that you can do in your own home, which will teach you how to improve singing. This course takes you from the basics through to advanced techniques.
You don't even need to own an instrument to practise with. This amazing course includes your own computer based piano as well as your own recording studio software. Record yourself, accompany yourself, listen to yourself - all from your computer and all the software you need is included. Start learning how to improve singing [http://www.howtoimprovesinging.com] today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Poppy_R_Smith
==== ==== Discover the singing secrets they don't want you to know at http://new-vital.info/For/Improving-Singing ==== ====