WestchesterParent APRIL 2017
Party-Planning Timeline
Green Your Kid’s Room Tips for Earth Day
Organize the perfect birthday for your child
Amazing Accomplishments
• A Cookbook by a Boy with Autism • How Music Lessons Helped My Son
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April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
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NYMetroParents Helping Parents Make Better Decisions
April 2017 ››
16 The Ultimate Party-Planning Timeline Give your kids the birthday of their dreams— without driving yourself crazy 18 Detox the Toy Box Simple steps to reduce your kids’ exposure to environmental hazards
22 Mindful Games Two activities to help kids practice mindfulness 39 Special Parent Section How a teen with autism overcame his food aversions to create a cooking show and cookbook, and advice to find the right tutor for your child with special needs
6 Editor’s Note 8 New Places, New Programs 10 Quotables 12 NYMP Q&A: Nicole Feliciano talks about being a “mom boss.” 62 Voices: How music lessons helped a child with autism and sensory processing disorder
Fun & Activities 14 15 24 27 36
DIY Corner: Stitching Stars Media Matters: What to Watch for Earth Day Outing: Minnewaska State Park Family Activities Calendar Where-To Guide: Minor League Baseball
Family Activities CALENDAR ››
Meet the Health Care Professional Open Houses Party Central Camp Guide Professional Services Party Planner and Family Resource Guide Advertisers’ Index
Original photo by PhotoOp NYC (photoopnyc.com) Clothing provided by Appaman (appaman.com)
ON THE COVER ›› 16 Party-Planning Timeline 18 Green Your Kids Room facebook.com/nymetroparents
42 47 48 58 60 60 61
40 A Cookbook by a Boy with Autism
62 How Music Lessons Helped My Son
Visit NYMETROPARENTS.COM for family activities updated daily and more than 2,000 parenting articles!
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APRIL 2017 • Vol.16 • No.8
Creative Pursuits by Amazing Kids
y oldest daughter has recently gotten very interested in baking and cooking. She’s progressed quickly from brownie mix with lots of help from an adult to cookies from scratch, on her own (except for putting them in or taking them out of the oven, which we insist a grown-up still do). She follows recipes carefully, and while she occasionally expresses ideas for her own creations, she hasn’t ventured there yet. So I was fascinated to read about another young person who has his own YouTube cooking show and recently published a cookbook of his own recipes—impressive for any teen, but even more so for Chase Bailey, who has autism. As part of our Autism Awareness Month coverage, read an interview with Chase and try out some recipes from The Official Chase ‘N Yur Face Cookbook (p. 40). Chase isn’t the only super-impressive young person with special needs you’ll meet in this issue. For our Voices column (p. 62), Manhattan mom Michaela Searfoorce shares how her son James was transformed by music lessons, even participating in performances he previously would not have even been able to attend. And did you catch the beautiful photo of Ryan on our cover? The 14-year-old Queens resident was one of the finalists in our Kids’ Cover Contest last year. His mom captioned the photo she submitted: “I have autism but it doesn’t have me.” Meeting Ryan in person at our photo shoot, I realized how perfect that statement is. On a related note, this year’s Kids’ Cover Contest launches April 24! Go to nymetroparents.com/cover then to enter for a chance to see your child on our magazine cover. In our family, we’ve made some admittedly half-hearted attempts to practice mindfulness with the kids. Focusing on breathing, we hope to all learn to remain calmer in the face of stress and disappointment, and ideally, help our kids avoid descending into tantrums. The effort has been difficult and spotty, but in this issue, we’re excerpting a book that might help. Mindful Games, as the name implies, offers fun activities for families to do together to teach mindfulness (p. 22). For us, mindfulness would certainly come in handy when we’re planning our kids’ birthday parties. Some parents enjoy and look forward to this, but I know my wife and I are not alone in feeling the pressure of our kids’ expectations and the difficulties of fitting party planning into our already busy lives. If you’re like us, you’ll want to check out our timeline for birthday planning (p. 16), so you can get organized and de-stress the process. April brings us Earth Day, our annual reminder of what we should be doing year-round to ensure our kids inherit a healthier, safer planet. If you’re looking to live greener, how about starting right at home, with your kids’ bedrooms or playrooms? Emma Steven explores some of the environmental dangers lurking in household items and offers pointers on how to eliminate them (p. 18). Of course, this month also brings Easter and Passover. Wishing a happy holiday to all of you celebrating, and a healthy, fun spring to everyone! Michael Kress Editorial Director, NYMetroParents
NYMetroParents Publications EDITORIAL
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Michael Kress MANAGING EDITOR: Katelin Walling DEPUTY EDITOR: Caitlin Berens SENIOR EDITOR: Bethany Braun-Silva ENGAGEMENT EDITOR: Samantha Neudorf REGIONAL EDITORS: Samantha Beranbom (Rockland); Karen Demeter (Suffolk); Rosalind Muggeridge (Brooklyn); Jamie McGillian (Westchester); Dorette Saunders (Nassau); Emma Steven (Manhattan); Gail Warren (Queens) DIRECTORIES EDITOR: Alice Van Dyke EDITORIAL INTERN: Sabrina Sooknanan
ADVERTISING SALES Big Apple Parent 212-315-0800; Fax: 212-271-2239 Jessica Leonhardt, Jeunesse Jackson, Linda Pierce Queens Parent 718-878-4860 Annene Guertin, Ellen Klein Westchester Parent 914-397-0200 Nini DeLuca, Manager Merrill Sugarman, Mary Wender Brooklyn Parent 718-878-4860 Phyllis Crupi, Ellen Klein, Selene Rodriguez Rockland Parent 845-848-8021 Cara Roteman, Jim Russo Long Island Parent, Nassau 516-883-4543 Joan Bergman, Manager, Dani Pollack Long Island Parent, Suffolk 631-472-5437 Lisa Herlihy, Karen Shapiro To Advertise: nympads@davlermedia.com DIR. OF OPERATIONS -- EVENTS: Rebecca Stolcz DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Ray Winn OPERATIONS COORDINATORS: Ray C. Guédez, Leonard Porter DIRECTOR OF TRAFFIC: Heather Gambaro ADMINISTRATION MANAGER: Erin Jordan
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HEAD OF MARKETING: Jacqueline Lachman
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Davler Media Group CEO: David L. Miller
We’re Looking for Great Writing—By Your Kids! Does your child have a great story to tell about something that’s happened in her life? A strong opinion about an issue affecting him? An exploration of overcoming obstacles and achieving her dreams? NYMetroParents is seeking essay submissions from local tweens and teens—and the best ones may be published online or in a future issue of this magazine! Essays can be about virtually any topic of relevance to local children and families, but should be written entirely by your child, with minimal help from Mom and Dad. Submissions should be 600-800 words. Parents should email their child’s submission to nympwriter@nymetroparents.com. Be sure to let us know how old your child is and where you live. And remember: We’re also always on the lookout for great personal essays from moms and dads in our area! Submit your best take on life as a New York metro-area parent to the same email address above.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
General Manager: Thomas K. Hanlon 498 Seventh Ave., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Phone: 212-315-0800; Fax: 212-271-2239 nymetroparents.com davlermedia.com nybarbatmitzvah.com
BIG APPLE PARENT, QUEENS PARENT, WESTCHESTER PARENT BROOKLYN PARENT, ROCKLAND PARENT, BERGEN PARENT, and LONG ISLAND PARENT are published monthly by Davler Media Group, LLC Copyright © 2015, Davler Media Group, LLC No part of contents may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. Subscription rates per year, per publication: $39
Pediatric dentists in multi-specialty technologies & child-friendly play spaces After school & weekend hours available.
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Who: Kids In Sports What’s New: The Scarsdale location, which recently opened in the Archway Plaza. Since 1999, Kids In Sports has been serving the New York area with multi-sports classes including lacrosse, soccer, and volleyball for children ages 12 months to 12 years. “Founders Michael Strutt and Kenneth Colon believe in the long-term benefits that children [receive] from playing more than one sport, and such was the foundation for their program,” says Jess Bogutsky, marketing and sales manager of Kids In Sports. Kids In Sports’ spring break camp for children ages 3-7 takes place April 10-14. Want More Info: Archway Plaza, 365 Central Park Ave., Scarsdale; 917-670-0310; scarsdaleny.kidsinsports.com
Courtesy Kids In Sports
Sports Program Opens Scarsdale Location
Kids In Sports teaches children the fundamentals of sports through classes, day camps, after-school programs, and more.
Who: Longford’s Ice Cream What’s New: A mobile scoop truck, to be reserved for events from March to November, serving ice cream, sundaes, and milkshakes. Longford’s truck is available for a range of events, from weddings to community gatherings. “Our mobile scoop truck is our shop on wheels,” says store owner Christine Vita. Her brother, Bobby Vita, owns the truck. Longford’s Ice Cream store in Rye is open year-round and serves more than 30 flavors, including frozen yogurts, fresh fruit sorbets, ice cream cakes, cookie sandwiches, old-fashioned malts and floats, and doughnut sundaes. Want More Info: 4 Elm Place, Rye; 914-967-3797; longfordsicecream.com
Courtesy Longford’s Ice Cream
Treat Shop in Rye Unveils Mobile Scoop Truck
Longford’s mobile scoop truck will serve ice cream, sundaes, and milkshakes.
Who: Purchase Sports Camp What’s New: A sports camp for children ages 3-15, which will open in the summer and utilize the recreational facilities at Manhattanville College in Purchase. The primary focus of the camp will be tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, cheerleading, and flag football. However, children will also have an opportunity to utilize the pool and to play other field sports. Purchase Sports Camp runs from June 26-Aug. 11; campers can sign up for one week, the full seven weeks, or any combination of time. Want More Info: Manhattanville College, 2900 Purchase St., Purchase; 914-315-7507; info@purchasesportscamp.com; purchasesportscamp.com
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Courtesy Purchase Sports Camp
Sports Camp to Open at Manhattanville College
Purchase Sports Camp will utilize the indoor and outdoor recreational facilities at Manhattanville College.
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UOTABLES That first baby learning curve is steep, and there is no way to relax when, for the first time ever, you are responsible for something as huge as a human life with the tiniest toes you’ve ever seen. —Jill Krause, in a post entitled “if i knew then what i know now,” on her blog babyrabies.com
in an instagram Rainy day women portrait mode?!)
(also anyone else obsessed with the #iPhone
(Posted by @augustabelle, aka Belle Augusta Savransky, an East Village mom and photographer whose website is belleaugusta.com)
in an instagram She’ll be taking herself to school before I know it.
(Posted by @chanynck, aka Chanyn Cheree Kirtman, who blogs at styliststandpoint.com)
“I know many moms have a hard time finding their footing in the career world after they have kids. I’ve already gotten over the fact that I’m not meant to be just a mom. It’s a beautiful life, it’s an unforgiving life and it’s not the life I want. I don’t feel sorry about it. Mama wants a career, kids. Sorry not sorry. —Brittany Minor, in a post entitled “Where the Hell did My 5-Year Plan Go?!” on mom.me
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
“The museum combines the history of cacao and chocolate with hands-on activities to make your own chocolate, and, the best part—chocolate tastings. The kids may want to breeze through the historical part of the museum, but it is definitely worth bringing them to try samples, play in the kids’ area, and make their own chocolate.” —Samantha Neudorf in an article entitled “A Look Into New York City’s First-Ever Chocolate Museum” Read the whole thing at nymetroparents.com/chocolate-museum.
MORE NYMetroParents.com HIGHLIGHTS: FUN IN SPRING: Download a free guide to the top Spring activities in the New York area (nymetroparents.com/spring-activities). PLAN YOUR CHILD’S SUMMER: Find the perfect camp at nymetroparents.com/camp-finder. HOPPIN’ GOOD TIME: Find local Easter events at nymetroparents.com/easter-nyc. MAKE YOUR OWN MATZAH: A Passover activity for the whole family (nymetroparents.com/matzah).
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WestchesterParent 11
Birthday Parties At The Chocolate Factory Have your child’s next party at Chocolations. The package includes two fun filled activities.
• Each child will become a chocolatier and create their own Chocolate Bar • Next will be a cupcake lesson in which each child will transform a plain cupcake into an elaborate one
Lots of add-ons and other options. Contact us for more details. Chocolations | 607 E Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-777-3600 | Party@chocolations.com
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April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
How to Be a ‘Mom Boss’›› By Bethany Braun-Silva
icole Feliciano is the founder of Momtrends.com, which offers trends and tips for moms who want to live a fashionable life. Her book Mom Boss: Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success was recently published. What is a “mom boss”? There are some women who really want to create a brand and do something like I have. If you’re looking to take a skill you’ve already got— say you’re a lawyer or you’re a consultant and you want to start up on your own—my tip would be to start getting some freelance clients before you quit your day job and see what it’s like, see what those hours turn out to be, how much money are you making per hour, could you live off of that salary if you project out what that’s going to look like in six or 12 months. But really focus on, “Where is my income going to come from and how is this going to affect my family life?” It’s a unique proposal when you’re a mom boss because I think a lot of entrepreneurs start and all they need is a great idea and the time and energy to throw into it. When you’re a mom entrepreneur you also have to factor in where your family is going to fit. You can’t work around-the-clock when you’ve got young kids at home. Why do you think so many women, especially moms, are turning to entrepreneurship? I think it’s the deaf ears of corporations and the lack of flexibility in the workspace. So many of the women I spoke to said they just got so tired of asking for permission or for missing out on the moments of childhood and parenting that they were so invested in. A lot of women invest a lot of time and energy into their careers and then when they finally have kids they want to be super present; they’ve waited so long for this moment to happen and they don’t want to miss their memories. And workplaces have not flexed to accommodate the needs of working mothers. And mom boss life allows you to grow at the pace that you want to grow. When my kids were little, I was just kind of keeping the business small, and then as they’ve gotten older I’ve been able to ramp it up, and I’ve got more bandwidth to take on work projects, [so] I’ve been able to grow it at my pace. What advice do you have for moms who want to start their own business? I would definitely suggest making a one-year map for yourself. And that’s going to have the profitability. Where is that going to come from? I think a lot of women figure out products that are sellable that people will be attracted to buy but they don’t build in all of the expenses that go into marketing and building this product. So I’d love to see women spend more time and effort or get a coach or do networking where they can find a business partner who can walk them through the actual expenses of a business.
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WestchesterParent 13
Stitching Stars
Sometimes equations are too hard to solve, even for professionals! For these problems, people invent methods that are easy to compute and approximate the solution. This branch of mathematics is called Numerical Analysis. These numerical algorithms are usually done on a computer, and by doing more calculations you can make your approximate solution as good as you need. Curve stitching is a way to approximate a curve by drawing only straight lines, without any computation needed. The closer you draw the lines together, the better the approximation to the curve you make. We can use the same technique to make a variety of curves and shapes that can be turned into beautiful art. Materials Pencil and eraser Manila folder or very lightweight cardboard Ruler Pushpin
Corrugated cardboard or a bath towel Scissors Thread (embroidery thread, yarn, or other thick thread) Blunt needle
Stitch a Star 1. Using a pencil, lightly draw two lines in the shape of a plus sign on your manila folder. (Don’t press too hard; you’re going to erase them later.) Using your ruler, make even marks from the center point and moving outward along each line. 2. Using the pushpin, carefully poke a hole at each mark on your folder. This is easier to do if you put your folder over something that you can push pins into safely, such as a piece of corrugated cardboard or a thick, folded towel. 3. Lightly number two of the lines as shown (fig. 2). 4. Cut a piece of thread about the length of your arm and thread it onto your needle. 5. Starting from the back of your folder, push the needle through the hole you labeled No. 1. That is at the tip of your star. As you pull the thread through the hole, stop when there are a few inches still sticking through and tape the end of the thread down on the back of the folder very securely. Tug on the thread a little to make sure it won’t slip through.
Fig. 2: Lightly number two of the lines.
Fig. 4: Make a short stitch through the back of hole No. 2. From the front, connect the two No. 2 holes with another long stitch.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
6. Your needle should be on the front side of your folder now. Push the needle down through the other hole marked No. 1 to make a long stitch. Your thread should connect the two dots. 7. Starting on the backside of your folder again, push the needle through the hole right next to it, which should be hole No. 2, making a short stitch. Then, from the front side, you can make another long stitch to connect both No. 2 holes (fig. 4). 8. Continue like this for the rest of the holes. You should have long stitches on the front side of your folder, and short stitches on the back. When you run out of thread, tape the end down on the back of your folder, cut another piece of thread, thread your needle, and keep going! When you’ve finished your curve, tape the end of the thread on the back of the folder and trim any long ends (fig. 5). 9. S titch the other three parabolas in the same way to finish your four-pointed star! You can number the other axes if you need to. Experiment with using different colors for your lines (fig. 6). 10. Gently erase any visible pencil marks. Excerpted from Math Lab for Kids by Rebecca Rapoport and J.A. Yoder with permission of Quarry Books
Fig. 5: Continue like this for the rest of the holes.
Fig. 6: Stitch the other three parabolas in the same way.
Media Matters: Movies & TV Shows
One Big Ocean (PBS)
Recommended age: 3+ H
Featuring biodiversity, environ
What to Watch for Earth Day
mental concerns in marine
Dr. Seuss: The Lorax (DVD, Stre
Recommended age: 5+
An outstanding 1970s Dr. Seu
ss parable about protecting
Planet Earth II (BBC America)
Recommended age: 6+
This nature documentary seq
uel is a visual triumph.
Boy and the World (DVD, Stre
Recommended age: 7+
This poignant hand-drawn
story promotes family and env
Chasing Ice (DVD, Streaming)
Recommended age: 13+
A beautiful, affecting docum
entary about glacier retreat
In Theaters April 7: Smurfs: The Lost Village
Our Partner: Common Sense Media An independent nonprof it that helps families make smart media choices. Check out thousands of ratings and reviews at commonsensemedia.org
Parents need to know that Smurfs: The Lost Village is an animated comedy that—unlike The Smurfs and The Smurfs 2—doesn’t appear to have any live-action characters. Instead, this movie focuses solely on the Smurf world, where Smurfette (voiced by Demi Lovato), the only female Smurf in the whole village, struggles to find her purpose. She decides to set off on a quest into the Forbidden Forest to find the legendary Lost Village, accompanied by three other Smurfs—Clumsy (Jack McBrayer), Brainy (Danny Pudi), and Hefty (Joe Manganiello). Expect plenty of comic peril thanks to evil wizard Gargamel (Rainn Wilson), plus plenty of potty humor. But kids love these tiny blue people, and parents who liked the original Smurfs animated series may enjoy watching this movie with them.
See more at NYMetroParents.com/media
We Like to Party.
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The Ultimate Party-Planning Timeline ›› How to give your kids the birthday of their dreams—without driving yourself crazy in the process By Bethany Braun-Silva
ids may look forward to their birthday parties all year long, but let’s face it: For many of us, planning that party can be stressful, yet another project in our already hectic lives. It can feel overwhelming even before you consider kids’ high expectations for the perfect birthday. But don’t panic— we are here to help! To keep you organized, here’s a timeline of everything you need to make the planning process run smoothly, whether you are hosting the party at home or at one of the many local birthday party places. From when to book the venue to when to buy supplies (hint, not as early as you may think!), we’ve got you covered.
Six Months Prior
This might seem like a very long time in advance to start planning your child’s birthday party, but if you’re thinking of doing it at a party venue, it can book up fast. Now is the time to start getting an idea of what your child wants, including themes, places, and the size of the guest list. It wouldn’t hurt to start calling possible venues about availability.
Three Months Prior
Book the venue! Better to be safe than sorry.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Start thinking about a theme. If your child is old enough, discuss it with him. You can start putting together a Pinterest board to collect all of your ideas and inspiration. This is also a great way to get the birthday boy or girl involved, says Seri Kertzner, owner of Little Miss Party Planner, a party planning service in New York City and the Hamptons. “Kids love talking and planning for a specific theme especially when it comes to the look of the cake,” she says. “Let your little one help you sketch a picture of the cake to show your bakery.” Do you want entertainment at your child’s party? Now is the time to start thinking about booking clowns, magicians, or any characters that will make an appearance. Be sure to ask all entertainers about set-up requirements and backups in case they are sick.
Two Months Prior
Confirm the date with the venue and go over the details. Be sure to find out what they will they be providing in the way of food, cake, decorations, and favors. Pick menu items and décor and make a list of anything additional you will need to buy or prepare. Make arrangements to get whatever is not provided by the venue.
This is also a good time to start thinking about the guest list. If your child’s in school, there might be a policy in which all children in her class must be invited. If not, decide on the size of the party and be sure to keep your budget in mind. Many venues offer parties for 10-12 kids and can charge a hefty price for additional guests.
One Month Prior
Mail (or email) invitations and make sure they have a clear RSVP date. This is also another prime opportunity to get your child involved. The experts at MarthaStewart.com suggest, “Have him or her draw on paper (or a blank puzzle) and color in the designs, cut out pictures to glue onto blank invitations, or put stickers on cards.” Make sure you line up help for the day of the party. Confirm that a babysitter, close friend, or relative will be on hand to help in whatever way you need. Start shopping for supplies. “You don’t want to shop too far in advance for kids ages 3-6 years old—that may be too early,” says Marla Mase, of owner of Party Poopers, a party planning company in NYC. “Remember, kids change their minds a lot— and what they liked three months ago may be very different than what they like today.”
Two Weeks Prior
Order the cake if you don’t plan on baking it yourself. And if you are baking it yourself, check the recipe, make your shopping list, and get the necessary ingredients. If the party is at home, start thinking of games and activities for the children to play. There are plenty of online resources with ideas, and be sure to ask your child because he may have a very specific idea of what he wants to do at the party.
One Week Prior
The party is getting close! This is the time to start tying up loose ends and confirming all details are correct. Follow up on any unanswered invitations. Prepare the goodie bags. You’ll need the bags themselves, of course, and the contents to go in them. And remember, you can give small games, pencils and erasers, or even small books in addition to, or instead of, candy, to cut down on the sugar. Make sure you have enough storage on your phone for pictures. Time to make some tough decisions! But better than being caught without a camera available at the party. Get the space ready. If you are having the party at home, now is a time to clean, clear space, and move valuables and breakable things out of the way. If the party is not at home, confirm the timeline with your venue. What is the order activities? When should the food arrive? And so on. Have a back-up plan. “If you’re hosting a party outdoors you must have a back-up plan, including a space indoors. Check the weather and two days out make your call. Board games,
snacks, and movies, and you’re set if you find you need to make a last-minute change,” Kertzner says.
The Day of the Party
Deep breaths! Hopefully, you have planned far enough ahead to only need to take care of a few minor details and do prep work on the big day. Here are some things to consider: • Get the house ready for the big day. • Decorate, set the table, prepare activities, and confirm with entertainment that morning. • Bake or pick up the cake. • Know where the candles and matches are. • Set up the food. • Clear a table for presents. • Make sure to have a pad and pen on hand when you open presents to record who gave what. Finally, “Be relaxed!” Kertzner says. “The most important thing is for your kids to have a good time. If you chose a good venue they will take care of every detail so you can be a guest and enjoy your child’s party.”
Several Days After
Write thank you notes. Have your child assist you in thanking her guests for coming to her party. Younger kids can dictate their message to you or draw a picture on the notes; older kids can sign their names, while those who can write their own notes should do so themselves.
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WestchesterParent 17
Detox the Toy Box
Simple steps to reduce your kids’ exposure to environmental hazards where they sleep and play By Emma Steven
he majority of Americans have at least 300 different environmental chemicals in their blood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These include flame retardants in crib mattresses, formaldehyde in furniture, bisphenol A (BPA) in food, and phthalates in toys and toiletries; it’s enough to make even the most laid back parent anxious. Feeling overwhelmed? Here are some simple things you can do to help green your home, starting with kids’ rooms and playrooms.
Reality Check
The most common dangers at home are lead, pesticides, flame retardants, endocrine disruptors, cleaning products, and air pollutants. Before you start freaking out, give yourself a break— you can’t possibly stop your children from coming into contact with these chemicals completely. “I know that feeling of being the frontline of protection for your family, and it’s exhausting,” says Sonya Lunder, senior analyst at the nonprofit Environmental Working Group. “It’s not possible, and it’s not necessary.”
Beware of Lead Paint
If your home was built before 1978, have it inspected for lead 18
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
paint. Dust and flakes are dangerous to children, who breathe in more than adults and put their hands in their mouths a lot. Make sure any renovations are properly sealed, and check paint regularly for chips. Vacuum and wipe down surfaces weekly, using a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. My son’s lead levels became elevated last year after a workman scraped off lead paint from a door in his room without taking precautions.
Don’t Use Bug Treatments
A 2015 study found that use of household insecticides was connected to increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma in kids. Look for natural ways of controlling pests, such as blocking off access and vacuuming regularly. Never use pesticides in children’s rooms, and if you have to use them on your pets, keep them away from your kids and high-traffic areas for at least 24 hours.
A Safe Night’s Sleep
“The one thing you should do in your kid’s room is buy a new non-toxic mattress,” says Maia James, founder of the website Gimme The Good Stuff and a healthy home consultant. Many conventional mattresses are made from petroleum-based
polyurethane foam covered with vinyl containing phthalates and sprayed with flame retardants. All of these things off-gas while your child is asleep. Don’t use hand-me-downs; mattresses made before 2005 may contain polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), highly toxic fire retardants that are now banned. There are lots of manufacturers who now make mattresses without flame retardants, and if you want to go even further, buy one made of natural materials such as cotton and wool and that has been certified by an independent body such as GreenGuard or Oeko-Tex. Don’t use pillows or changing pads that contain foam; replace them with organic wool or cotton instead. Finally, make sure you wash any new bedding, as lots of textiles are processed with dyes and formaldehyde.
Beds, Dressers, and More
When buying kids’ furniture, the best choice is solid wood rubbed with oil and made with non-toxic glues. However this isn’t an option for everyone due to budget or decor. The biggest dangers are flame retardants in foam and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde from composite wood, paint, furniture glue, and varnishes. The good news is that all furniture is becoming safer, thanks to laws that limit off-gassing. Look for brands with low emission standards such as California Air Resources Board (CARB or European equivalents) and foam without flame retardants. Avoid products with stain- or water-resistant finishes, which can contain perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). There are lowor no-VOC paints and varnishes available, and if you have already renovated you can buy sealants to stop off-gasing.
Get a Wool Rug
Choose solid wood floors and natural flooring, as some carpets and their glues can off-gas formaldehyde and acetone. Avoid vinyl tiles (which can contain phthalates) and don’t forget rugs. “One simple thing I tell people to do is get a wool rug,” James says. Studies have shown that wool flooring absorbs formaldehyde and nitrogen, making it a great choice for kids’ rooms.
Use Air-Cleaning Plants
Put a spider plant or peace lily on your kid’s dresser—not only will it look good, it will also improve the air quality. “Houseplants are surprisingly effective,” James says. In 1989, NASA conducted a now-famous study that revealed many common houseplants were able to filter VOCs such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene.
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Swap Plastic Toys for Natural Materials
The good news is you don’t have to throw away all of your kids plastic toys, Lunder says. “The really toxic phthalates have been banned from kids’ toys, and plastics are pretty hard to avoid,” she explains. “It’s nice to minimize plastic, but it’s almost impossible to avoid.” Some plastics are marked with a recycling symbol and a number, to tell you what sort of plastic they are; avoid anything marked with a “3” or made from polyvinyl chloride or PVC (such as beach balls), as these often have phthalates in them. Get rid of soft plastic bath toys and books, and don’t let young kids put plastic toys in their mouths. Use toys and teethers made of natural materials, such as wood and cloth, instead of plastic. Don’t let kids play with polycarbonate water bottles or containers (marked with a “7” or PC), as these are most likely to contain BPA, or chew on electronics such as phones and remotes, as they can contain flame retardants. Finally, be careful with kid’s jewelry; it can contain lead and cadmium. continued on next page ››
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Clean Up Safely
Break out that vacuum regularly in kids’ rooms and play areas to get rid of toxins that collect in dust. Choose one with a HEPA filter and follow up with a wet mop as often as possible. With cleaning products less is more. “Disinfecting products are simply not necessary outside a clinical setting,” Lunder says. Many contain strong chemicals that cause asthma, skin irritation, and even cancer. Warm water and soap is enough for daily cleaning. For something stronger, look for active ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide or citric acid. Using microfiber cloths and mops will also make it easier to clean up without chemicals.
ct nt a t C o vi s i to us la s s! ac
Wash Your Hands
Get rid of the hand sanitizer by the changing mat and don’t use it on your kids’ hands. It may contain triclosan, trilocarbon, or fragrances, which are suspected carcinogens and endocrine
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April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Flame Retardants Found in polyurethane foam, such as nursing pillows, mattresses, changing pads, and car seats, as well as electronic items such as remote controls. Known carcinogens, neurotoxins, and endocrine disruptors. A recent study found that levels in the bodies of children were nearly five times higher than their mothers. Phthalates Found in personal care products, soft plastic toys (especially polyvinyl chloride, or PVC), teethers, vinyl clothes, some paints, air fresheners (parfum), food, and plastic food containers. Linked to a variety of health problems, including asthma, allergies, male infertility, and abnormal hormonal development. Bisphenol A (BPA) Found in plastic bottles and utensils, sippy cups, teethers, bottled formula, and canned food. Known endocrine disruptor that has been linked to breast cancer. Its replacement, bisphenol S (BPS), is also thought to be toxic. Formaldehyde Found in composite wood, furniture and carpet glues, and cleaning and personal care products. Known carcinogen. Causes asthma, eye and throat irritation, and allergies. Triclosan Found in antibacterial soaps, toothpaste, and hand sanitizers. Linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, liver toxicity, and thyroid dysfunction. Recently banned by the Food and Drug Administration for use in hand soaps. Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) Found in waterproof and stainproof shoes and clothes, furniture, and carpets. Suspected to be carcinogenic and to cause liver and thyroid problems. Parabens Used as preservatives in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals Some have been linked to endocrine disruption, sperm damage, breast cancer, and neurological and hormonal conditions.
disruptors. Triclosan was recently banned by the Food and Drug Administration and is also found in antibacterial soap.
Lose the Air Fresheners
Throw away the air freshener, as it may contain phthalates among other nasties. James recommends a low-fi option: activated charcoal bags. Charcoal is a natural air purifier and may absorb some toxins, as well as bad odors. If you want to go one step further, buy an air filter such as the Austin Air Healthmate, which filters gases, odors, and particles. Finally remember to open windows often, as indoor air often contains higher levels of VOCs such as formaldehyde.
Activism for Change
Now for some good news: “Levels of BPA, triclosan, parabens, and some phthalate levels in blood have gone down between 2003 and 2014,” Lunder says This is thanks to increased awareness and new laws and regulations. So speak up and support groups such as the Environmental Working Group that is campaigning to change legislation, and educate your friends and family to make smart choices. “It’s not a job that one person can do on their own, we have to change it on a national level,” Lunder says.
Useful Resources: • EWG.org • EPA.gov • CDC.gov
• GimmeTheGoodStuff.org • visual.ly/nasa-guide-air-filtering-houseplants • ceh.org/residential-furniture
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Mindful Games
Activities for kids to help them practice mindfulness, awareness, calmness, kindness, and compassion
indfulness is a popular buzzword these days. It is being used everywhere from the home, to the workplace, to how we parent and deal with other personal relationships. Now kids can get in on the action, too. Susan Kaiser Greenland is a mediation practitioner and an expert when it comes to teaching mindfulness to kids. She wrote the book Mindful Games as a way for children to develop focusing skills and respond in a calm way to situations. The games are simple and fun to play and Greenland suggests they are as equally beneficial for parents to play as well. Below is an excerpt from the book that includes two “mindful games.”
Drop the Monkeys
Drop the Monkeys is a remarkably useful visual demonstration of how kids work with the thoughts, emotions, and sensations that bubble up during anchor games. It is also a wonderful group facilitation tool that brings playfulness and a sense of humor to the check-ins that follow introspective practices. Using a children’s toy called Barrel of Monkeys as a prop, children joke about the thoughts that grabbed their attention. With the help of a colorful plastic toy, we build a chain of monkeys to demonstrate how we can notice thoughts and let them go. Life Skills: Focusing, seeing Target Ages: Young children, older children
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Leading The Demonstration 1. Talking points: Do you ever notice that instead of paying attention to what’s happening in the moment, you become distracted by a thought about something that happened in the past or something that might happen in the future? What are some examples? 2. In this game, each monkey represents a thought, emotion, or sensation that has grabbed our attention. Offer an example of a distracting thought and hold up a monkey. 3. Now you give me an example. For each distraction we think of, I’ll add another monkey to the chain. Take three to four examples from children, and add a monkey to the chain for each example. 4. These are all monkeys we can let go of, right? We don’t need any of these thoughts and emotions distracting us right now, so let’s drop them. Drop the monkey chain back into the plastic barrel. 5. That was fun. Let’s try it again. Can you think of more examples? Tips 1. Although the barrel of monkeys is used more like a toy with younger children, it can be a helpful visual aid when working with older children (and adults!).
2. Extend the demonstration by adding a discussion at the end. Here are some talking points: How often does your mind wander away from the present into the past or future? Do thoughts and emotions stay the same, or do they change over time? 3. Drop the Monkeys helps children turn distractions into success stories. Hold up the monkey chain and ask children what to call the moment when they notice they’re distracted. Kids shout, “Mindfulness!” because they know where their minds are at that instant. 4. Occasionally, children bring up a serious topic that merits further inquiry. If the timing and venue are right, there’s no better time to talk about what’s bothering them. But sensitive topics are sometimes raised at inappropriate times. If that happens, acknowledge the topic and the child’s concern, then shift the tone and subject matter of the discussion. Be sure to revisit the topic with the child privately at a more appropriate time and place. Next, young meditators choose a breathing anchor by noticing where they feel their breath most easily—near their noses, in their chests, or inside their bellies.
Tips 1. Choose Your Breathing Anchor can also be practiced lying down or standing. 2. When leading more than one child, ask them to put one hand on their head when they’ve chosen an anchor. Wait for everyone to choose an anchor before you continue. 3. It can be helpful to start the activity with a relaxing body scan. For example, “Feel your eyelids closed, feel your shoulders relaxed, feel your hands touching your knees, feel your legs touching the floor or the chair . . .” 4. When children have had some practice sitting for longer periods, you can extend this activity with a few minutes of Mindful Breathing. 5. To vary the game, ask children to choose another simple, neutral object to anchor their attention: a sound, a sensation, or counting, for example. Susan Kaiser Greenland is an internationally recognized leader in teaching mindfulness and meditation to children, teens, and families. She is the author of The Mindful Child and Mindful Games, and has studied meditation with teachers from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition since 1997.
Choose Your Breathing Anchor
We pay attention to the feeling of breathing where we notice it most—near the nose, chest, or belly—to help us relax and focus on the present moment. Life Skills: Focusing Target Ages: All ages
From Mindful Games by Susan Kaiser Greenland © 2016 by Susan Kaiser Greenland. Illustrations © 2016 by Lindsay DuPont. Reprinted in arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Inc. Boulder, CO.
Leading The Game 1. Sit with your back straight and your body relaxed, resting your hands gently on your knees, and close your eyes if you’re comfortable. Notice what it feels like to breathe in and out right now. 2. Place one finger under your nose and feel your breath going in and out. Can you feel it? 3. Next, place your hand on your chest, above your heart. Can you feel your hand moving when you breathe? 4. Now place your hand on your belly and feel the movement of your breathing there. 5. Put your hands back on your knees and breathe naturally. Notice where you feel the movement of your breath most easily. Is it just beneath your nose, at your chest, or at your belly? 6. Now I’m going to ask you to make a choice and focus on your breathing where you feel it most. Wherever that is, that’s the place I’ll be talking about when I use the word “anchor.” We’re going to use this anchor for the rest of the game, so if you need to check again to see where it’s easiest to feel your breathing right now, go ahead. 7. Great. Let’s try this for a few more breaths together. See if you can keep your body relaxed and lightly rest your attention on your anchor at the same time. This is how we rest in the feeling of the movement of our breath.
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WestchesterParent 23
OUTINGS: Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Adventures with a View in Kerhonkson
Take in waterfalls, stunning cliff-edge views, and activities for everyone at the Minnewaska State Park Preserve. ›› By Melissa A. Kay
Courtesy New York State Parks
Courtesy Nicholas Margin
Courtesy New York State Parks
Courtesy New York State Parks
Courtesy New York State Parks
1 An aerial view of the vast landscape of Minnewaska State Park Preserve. 2 Guided hikes provide a group environment to take in the surroundings, including numerous waterfalls, while community conservation days provide an opportunity to clean up the park and give back. 3 Mountain laurels bloom in abundance during the early summer in Minnewaska State Park Preserve. 4 Nature-focused and family-friendly events take place year-round, giving kids of all ages an opportunity to interact with and learn more about their natural surroundings. 5 Minnewaska State Park Preserve is home to a Bird Conservation Area and has an Early Morning Birders program from April to October.
panning more than 23,000 acres of wild and scenic land, Minnewaska State Park Preserve in Ulster County is the largest of six New York state parks holding the distinction of being classified and protected as a park preserve. Take a hike, take a swim, and take in the picturesque views.
Year-Round Fun
Minnewaska State Park Preserve rests on land that used to hold a thriving mountaintop resort, dating back to the late 1870s. The park was founded in the early 1970s, and gained distinction as a park reserve in 1993. Set on the Shawangunk Mountain ridge, the park includes several waterfalls, sheer cliffs, dense hardwood forests, and four crystalline sky lakes fed by rainwater. Rock climbing is permitted and visitors can swim and scuba dive in the lifeguarded swimming areas of Lake Minnewaska and Lake Awosting in the summer. The park has a total of 85 miles of carriage roads, footpaths, and wood roads, on 24
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
which families can enjoy horseback riding, biking, hiking, snowshoeing, or even crosscountry skiing. The Shawangunk Ridge, a 500-foot tall prominent cliff, is home to rare plants and animals. Peregrine falcons are known to nest along the cliff lines of the ridge. Stop by the 3,000-square-foot Sam’s Point Visitor Center to learn more about the area.
Annual Events
A guided outing, Tuesday Trek, is offered the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from October to May. Depending on the weather, participants may rent snowshoes. Kids who are home-schooled can join others for an afternoon of nature and discovery through the Homeschooler Programs, offered the first Thursday of each month from March to June and September to December in the afternoon. I Love My Park Day, held on May 6, will mark the sixth year of the statewide event to improve and enhance New York’s state parks and historic sites. Volunteers will clean
up parklands and beaches, plant trees and gardens, restore trails and wildlife habitat, and more. Volunteer Trails Day on Sept. 17 is another opportunity to show the park some love by volunteering to help clean up.
April Highlights
Minnewaska State Park Preserve is home to a Bird Conservation Area. The Early Morning Birders program is designed for birding enthusiasts or those just looking to learn the basics and will be led by experienced birding volunteers and park naturalists. The family-friendly program runs Tuesday mornings from April to October. Bring your binoculars to see what you can find!
Address: 5281 Route 44155, Kerhonkson Directions: Approximately a 1-hour, 30-minute drive from White Plains Hours: Visit the website for seasonal hours Admission: $10 per vehicle For more information: 845-255-0752 or parks.ny.gov/parks/127
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Ideas When You Need Them:
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CALENDAR 28 Editor’s Hot Tickets 30 We Can’t Believe It’s FREE!, Special Needs, On Screen, Crafty Kids 31 Must-Sees in NYC
nymetroparents.com/submitevent UPDATED DAILY AT nymetroparents.com/calendar EDITOR: JAMIE MCGILLIAN calendared@davlermedia.com
32 Smarty Pants
33 Animal Lovers, Show Time! 34 The Great Outdoors, Holiday Fun 35 Movers & Shakers, Once Upon a Time
Our calendar is full of great ideas. First, here are the 10 events we consider can’t-miss—the ones we’re taking our own kids to. Consider it your cheat sheet to the best of what’s great this month!
‘Pete The Cat’
WHEN: Saturday, April 8, 11am WHERE: Paramount Hudson Valley Theater, 1008 Brown St., Peekskill AGES: 3-5 WHAT: A pioneer in children’s music over the last twenty years, the legendary Laurie Berkner will bring such well-loved hits as “Bumblebee (Buzz Buzz),” “Victor Vito,” “We Are The Dinosaurs,” and “Pig on Her Head” to her Peekskill show. WHY WE LOVE IT: Your child will want to get up and dance! WANT TO GO? $25-$35. 914-739-0039. paramounthudsonvalley.com.
Easter Egg Hunt
Golden Dragon Acrobats
WHEN: Saturday, April 1, 10:30am WHERE: Bartow-Pell Mansion, 895 Shore Road, Bronx AGES: 3-12 WHAT: This is the one day when it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket! Children will hunt for eggs, enjoy arts and crafts, and have photos taken with the Easter Bunny. Bring your own basket. WHY WE LOVE IT: A hunt in a beautiful garden. What could be nicer? WANT TO GO? $15. 718-549-3200. bartowpellmansionmuseum.org.
First Friday: Music and Trolley
WHEN: Friday, April 7, 5:30-8:30pm WHERE: Bartow-Pell Mansion, 895 Shore Road, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Back by popular demand, the Kenn Morr Band performs from 6-8pm. Enjoy the music, explore the museum, and stroll the garden; light refreshments available. WHY WE LOVE IT: A spectacular venue for family fun. WANT TO GO? $12; $10 children. 718-549-3200. bartowpellmansionmuseum.org.
Laurie Berkner, Solo!
WHEN: Saturday, April 1, 11am and 1:30pm WHERE: The Emelin Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck AGES: 3-12 WHAT: Jimmy Biddle never strays from his routine. That is, until cool and groovy Pete the Cat moves in. Can cat and boy ever be friends? This TheatreworksUSA production is based on the bestselling book series by Kimberly and James Dean. WHY WE LOVE IT: All you have to do is say, “Pete the Cat,” and you will get a rise out of your little one! WANT TO GO? $15. 914-698-3045. emelin.org/event/family/pete-cat.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 3pm and 7pm WHERE: Paramount Hudson Valley Theater, 1008 Brown St., Peekskill AGES: All WHAT: World-renowned impresario Danny Chang and choreographer Angela Chang combine award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, spectacular costumes, ancient and contemporary music, and theatrical techniques to present a show of breathtaking skill and spellbinding beauty. WHY WE LOVE IT: This is a wow! WANT TO GO? $25-$35. 914-739-0039. paramounthudsonvalley.com.
Spring Fun
WHEN: Through April 21: Tuesday-Friday, 1:30-5:30pm; Saturday-Sunday, 10am-5:30pm WHERE: New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Watch the garden’s plants and animals wake up from
winter with buds bursting, birds nesting, and seeds sprouting. Investigate the ways that nature signals spring and help feathered friends build their nests with special nesting bags to take back to your neighborhood. WHY WE LOVE IT: A nice way to celebrate the coming of spring. WANT TO GO? Weekdays: $20; $8 children ages 2-12; weekends: $25; $10 children ages 2-12. 718-817-8700. nybg.org.
‘The Little Mermaid’
WHEN: Sunday, April 23, 2pm WHERE: Tarrytown Music Hall, 130 Main St., Tarrytown AGES: All WHAT: The classic tale of The Little Mermaid is brought to the stage by the internationally acclaimed Panto Company USA. With stunning scenery, eye-catching costumes, original songs, plus up-to-date chart songs, not forgetting loads of audience participation, this show makes for a thoroughly entertaining family day out. WHY WE LOVE IT: A Disney princess comes to life! WANT TO GO? $28. 877-840-0457. tarrytownmusichall.org.
Sheep Shearing Fest
WHEN: Saturday, April 29, 10am-3pm WHERE: Stone Barns, 630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills AGES: All WHAT: At Sheep Shearing Fest, enjoy activities, crafts, live music, and seasonal fare from local vendors for the whole family. When the shearing is done, you can help herd the sheep to pasture for the season. WHY WE LOVE IT: This is a full day of fun for you and your little one! WANT TO GO? $40; $20 children. 914-366-6200. story.stonebarnscenter.org.
WHEN: Saturday, April 29, 11am and 1:30pm WHERE: The Emelin Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck AGES: 3-8 WHAT: “Oh the thinks you can think” when Dr. Seuss’s best-loved stories collide and cavort in an unforgettable musical caper! Adapted from the Broadway version, Seussical is an incredible crazy-quilt adventure, in which the power of imagination and the most miraculous “think” ever save the day. WHY WE LOVE IT: Seuss fans will love this! WANT TO GO? $15. 914-698-0098. emelin.org.
‘Mamma Mia!’
WHEN: April 1-June 25, Wednesday-Sunday, 8pm WHERE: Westchester Broadway Theater, 1 Broadway Plaza, Elmsford AGES: 9 and older WHAT: A 20-year-old woman named Sophie wants to have a traditional wedding and hopes her father will walk her down the aisle, but there’s one problem: She has no idea who her father is! With help from her mother’s journal, she narrows the possibilities down to three men. Based on the catchy songs of the Swedish pop group ABBA. WHY WE LOVE IT: A fabulous show and soundtrack for tweens and young adults! WANT TO GO? $50 show only. 914-592-2222. broadwaytheatre.com. ››
WestchesterParent 29
Think a freebie has to be ho-hum? Don’t let the price tag (or lack of one) fool you. Here are the five no-cost events we’re excited about now. You’re welcome. Gan Shabbat Family Service FREE
WHEN: Saturday, April 1, 10:30am-12pm WHERE: Bet Torah Synagogue, 60 Smith Ave., Mount Kisco AGES: 3-8 WHAT: Come for Gan Shabbat, a program of children’s Sabbath services for nursery school age students and families. This interactive introduction to Shabbat songs, stories, and prayers includes a kid-friendly Kiddush of refreshments to follow each service. WANT TO GO? 914-666-7595. bettorah.org.
Cherry Blossom Festival FREE
WHEN: Saturday, April 1, 2-4pm WHERE: Pelham Art Center, 155 Fifth Ave., Pelham AGES: All WHAT: Create a traditional Japanese flower arrangement (ikebana) and enjoy a performance by a Taiko drumming group at this annual celebration. WANT TO GO? 914-738-2525. pelhamartcenter.org.
Big Truck Day FREE
WHEN: Tuesday, April 11, 10am-12pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 South Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: All WHAT: See big trucks in the parking lot! WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
Japanese Taiko Drumming FREE
WHEN: Thursday, April 27, 7pm WHERE: Warner Library, 121 N. Broadway, Tarrytown AGES: All WHAT: Taiko is an ancient form of drumming that has its roots in Japanese culture and is prominent in ceremonies and celebrations and is accompanied by movements that identify with Japanese martial arts. Come for the experience and the opportunity to share and participate in an interactive presentation. WANT TO GO? 914-631-7734. warnerlibrary.org.
Comic Con at Lewisboro Library FREE
WHEN: Saturday, April 29, 10am-4pm WHERE: Lewisboro Lirbary, 15 Main St., South Salem AGES: All WHAT: Activities include cosplay, crafts, and cartooning for kids and teens, a massive comic book sale, and the return of the Westchester Geeks and the Star Wars characters from the Empire City Garrison. WANT TO GO? 914-875-9004. lewisborolibrary.org.
SPECIAL NEEDS Saturday Specials FREE
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 1:30pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: All WHAT: A program for children with special needs and their families, with stories, songs, sensory activities, and socializing. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 12pm WHERE: Jacob Burns Film Center, 364 Manville Road, Pleasantville AGES: 5 and older WHAT: Legendary filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki created the story of Ponyo, a spirited goldfish who lives a mundane life under the sea. She knows she’s not supposed to leave home—and she’s certainly not supposed to explore the world above—but one day, her curiosity gets the best of her, and off she goes. Hands-on activities will follow the screening. WANT TO GO? $13; $7.50 children. 914-773-7663. burnsfilmcenter.org.
‘Journey to Space’ 3-D Movie
WHEN: Through June 30: Monday-Friday, 12pm and 3pm; SaturdaySunday, 1pm and 4pm WHERE: New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, Queens AGES: All WHAT: Moviegoers will learn about the important role of the International Space Station, uncover what NASA and the space community are working on, and the challenges they face to carry out bold missions such as capturing asteroids and landing astronauts on Mars. WANT TO GO? $6; $5 children with admission: $15; $12 children, students, and seniors. 718-699-0005. nysci.org.
‘A Beautiful Planet’
WHEN: Through Dec. 1: Check the website for specific dates and times WHERE: IMAX Theater, Maritime Aquarium, 10 N. Water St., Norwalk, CT AGES: All WHAT: Made in cooperation with NASA, the film features a breathtaking portrait of Earth and the effects humanity has had on it over time, captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station. WANT TO GO? $9.50; $7 children ages 3-12. 203-852-0700. maritimeaquarium.org.
CRAFTY KIDS Organic Collagraph Collections
WHEN: April 1-2, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-1pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Work with Glyndor Gallery Winter Workspace artist Michael Kelly Williams to create your own printing plate by collaging original abstract designs and your own organic forms made with cardboard and found synthetic and natural materials. Ink up your collage and make a collagraph series. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
WHEN: April 1-2, Saturday-Sunday, 1:30-3pm and 3:30-5pm WHERE: New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, Queens AGES: 5 and older WHAT: This workshop with tinkering activities encourages families to build, explore, and create together. Children younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult. WANT TO GO? $16; $13 children ages 2-17. 718-699-0005. nysci.org.
CityBound Must-Sees in
N Y C Courtesy TBC
Tinkering Weekend
Pastel Eggs in Watercolors
WHEN: April 15-16, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-1pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: See the differences between a speckled turkey egg and the cool, blue eggshell of the American robin. Hear from storyteller Rama Mandel as she shares the story An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston. Then, make your own poetic painting. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
Make It: Custom Wood Lego Heads
Maker Space Friday FREE
WHEN: April 7-28, Fridays, 2:30-5pm WHERE: New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, Queens AGES: All WHAT: Familes can explore different materials, concepts, and ideas while making and tinkering together. Activities cover a wide range of topics including simple circuits, wind-powered racers, hand sewing, and more. WANT TO GO? 718-699-0005. nysci.org.
See the real-life Kratt brothers live on stage.
Wild on the Upper West Side April brings another hit TV show to the stage. This month it’s the Emmy-award nominated PBS show, Wild Kratts. In Wild Kratts Live! kids learn about the natural world and have fun —with puppets, animation, and the Kratt brothers themselves. Your kids will come away excited about nature and animals, and they might learn something new, too. April 30, 2pm and 6pm. Age: All. $45-$65. Beacon Theatre, 2124 Broadway, Upper West Side. 212-465-6225. beacontheatre.com. Courtesy New York International Auto Show
WHEN: April 8-23, Saturday-Sunday, 1:30-2:30pm, 3-4pm, and 4:305:30pm WHERE: New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, Queens AGES: 5 and older WHAT: Kids will combine Legos with simple woodworking tools to create their own custom wood minifigure head. This workshop is a great introduction to woodworking for beginners and a fun way for more advanced makers to hack their favorite toy. WANT TO GO? $3 with admission: $16; $13 children ages 2-17. 718699-0005. nysci.org.
Clay Art Center Spring Youth Classes 2017
WHEN: Through May 18: Sundays, 10am-6pm WHERE: Clay Art Center, 40 Beech St., Port Chester AGES: 5-17 WHAT: Build your inner artist while creating picture perfect pottery. Work with clay to develop creative problem solving skills and building confidence while making new friends and having fun. WANT TO GO? See website for prices. 914-937-2047. clayartcenter.org. ›› The show is a fun day out if you have little car fans in your family.
Automobiles for All Buckle up and head on down to the Javits Center. If your kids like cars you won’t want to miss the New York International Auto Show, which is the oldest and one of the most famous automotive shows in the U.S. In addition to the new cars on display, many exhibitors have activities specifically for kids. Last year’s show included diggers, teen safety education, and interactive displays. Strollers are welcome, making it a great day out for all ages. April 14-23; Monday-Saturday, 10am-10pm; Sunday, 10am-7pm. Age: All. $17; $7 for children (ages 2-12); free for children 2 and younger. Javits Convention Center, 655 W. 34th St., Chelsea. autoshowny.com.
WestchesterParent 31
Teen, Tween Coding FREE
WHEN: Wednesday, April 19, 6:15-7:30pm WHERE: Somers Library, 82 Primrose St., Katonah AGES: 9-17 WHAT: Discover how apps such as Minecraft and websites such as Facebook are created and learn the basics of languages such as C# and Java. Beginners are welcome. WANT TO GO? 914-232-5717. somerslibrary.org.
Lego Club FREE
WHEN: April 10-24, Mondays, 4pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: 3-12 WHAT: Children will enjoy building with Lego bricks. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
Science Fiction, Science Future
Author’s Spotlight
WHEN: Sunday, April 2, 2-3pm WHERE: Bartow-Pell Mansion, 895 Shore Road, Bronx AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Hidden Waters of New York City offers a glimpse of the forgotten past and the ever-changing present. Sergey Kadinsky is an analyst at the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation and an adjunct professor of history at Touro College. WANT TO GO? $10. 718-549-3200. bartowpellmansionmuseum.org.
Junior Garden Club FREE
WHEN: Wednesday, April 5, 4pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: 7-10 WHAT: Children will enjoy making their own herb garden. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
The Westchester Poetry Festival
WHEN: Saturday, April 8, 12:30-5:30pm WHERE: Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow AGES: All WHAT: Co-sponsored with The Masters School, The Westchester Poetry Festival features readings from a variety of poets in a day of appreciating the art and craft of poetry. WANT TO GO? $10. 914-332-5953. writerscenter.org.
Michael McGregor Presents The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax
WHEN: Sunday, April 9, 4:30-5:45pm WHERE: Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Michael McGregor will be lecturing on both Robert Lax and Thomas Merton. McGregor is a professor of English and Creative Writing at Portland State University, and he is a member of the Biographers International Organization and the International Thomas Merton Society. WANT TO GO? $10. 914-332-5953. writerscenter.org. 32
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
WHEN: Through April 30: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-5pm; SaturdaySunday, 10am-6pm WHERE: New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, Queens AGES: All WHAT: This temporary exhibition gives visitors a deeper understanding of how science fiction ideas and concepts might become the science reality of tomorrow. Hands-on exhibits incorporate robots, holograms, and augmented reality. WANT TO GO? $16; $13 seniors and children ages 2-17. 718-699-0005. nysci.org.
WHEN: Through Aug. 13: daily, 10am-5:45pm WHERE: American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and 79th Street, Upper West Side, Manhattan AGES: All WHAT: A bilingual exhibit exploring Cuba like never before, in partnership with the Cuban National Museum of Natural History, featuring live animals and a chance to explore recreations of the island’s wetlands, as well as a typical Cuban street and interactive zones that kids will love. WANT TO GO? $27; $17 students and seniors; $12.50 children ages 2-12. 212-769-5100. amnh.org.
WHEN: April 22-Oct. 29, Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-6pm WHERE: The New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx AGES: All WHAT: CHIHULY will spotlight world-renowned artist Dale Chihuly’s bold innovation and experimentation in a variety of media throughout his celebrated career. CHIHULY will feature approximately 20 installations as well as drawings and early works revealing the evolution and development of Chihuly’s artistic process. WANT TO GO? Weekdays: $20; $8 children ages 2-12; weekends: $25; $10 children ages 2-12. 718-817-8700. nybg.org.
What in the World is a Herbarium?
WHEN: Through Oct. 31: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm WHERE: NY Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx AGES: All WHAT: This special exhibition in Ross Gallery celebrates the Steere Herbarium as the centerpiece of the garden’s botanical research program, and a priceless resource for scholars from around the world. Through this exhibition, learn some of the many ways that garden scientists are working to study and save the plants of the world. WANT TO GO? Weekdays: $20; $8 children ages 2-12; weekends: $25; $10 children ages 2-12. 718-817-8700. nybg.org.
Birthday Howl
Caemrata Chamber Players: Sonorous Classical Favorites
WHEN: Saturday, April 8, 11am WHERE: Wolf Conservation Center, 7 Buck Run, South Salem AGES: 9 and older WHAT: Join the WCC staff to celebrate the birthdays of three popular wolves: Zephyr, Alawa, and Nikai. Learn about the mythology, biology, and ecology of wolf families. Registration required. WANT TO GO? $14; $11 for children younger than 12. 914-763-2373. nywolf.org.
Spring Birding
WHEN: Sunday, April 9, 9:30am WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: 9 and older WHAT: Welcome migratory birds back to Wave Hill. Explore the gardens and woodlands with naturalist Gabriel Willow on a quest to spot some favorite feathered friends as they return to the Hudson Highlands. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
Pack Chat for Kids
WHEN: Sunday, April 9, 10am WHERE: Wolf Conservation Center, 7 Buck Run, South Salem AGES: All WHAT: The best introduction to wolves. Dress for cold weather. WANT TO GO? $14; $11 for children younger than 12. 914-763-2373. nywolf.org.
Earth Day for Protecting Pollinators
WHEN: Sunday, April 2, 3pm WHERE: Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla AGES: All WHAT: Explore the afternoon joys and intimate ambience of classical music presented by the Camerata Chamber Players. WANT TO GO? $20; $18 seniors; $14 children. 914-606-6262. sunywcc.edu/smartarts.
The Drifters and a Tribute to The Platters
WHEN: Tuesday, April 4, 8pm WHERE: Westchester Broadway Theater, 1 Broadway Plaza, Elmsford AGES: 9 and older WHAT: Enjoy your favorite music in a nostalgic night of fabulous hits. WANT TO GO? $50 show only. 914-592-2222. broadwaytheatre.com.
Peter Frampton
WHEN: Thursday, April 6, 8pm WHERE: Paramount Hudson Valley Theater, 1008 Brown St., Peekskill AGES: 13 and older WHAT: After an overwhelming response from audiences nationwide, Peter Frampton will resume Peter Frampton Raw, An Acoustic Tour with more dates. The new dates follow the release of his latest album, Acoustic Classics. WANT TO GO? $60 and up. 914-739-0039. paramounthudsonvalley.com.
Lou Gramm
WHEN: April 22-23, Saturday-Sunday, 10:30am-1pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Celebrate Earth Day by learning how to protect and support the environment and essential pollinators, such as honeybees. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
WHEN: Friday, April 21, 8pm WHERE: Paramount Hudson Valley Theater, 1008 Brown St., Peekskill AGES: All WHAT: Lou Gramm’s unique vocals and hit songs have placed Foreigner, among Billboard’s Top Artists of all time. “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Juke Box Hero,” and “Feels Like the First Time,” are a few of his songs. WANT TO GO? $45 and up. 914-739-0039. paramounthudsonvalley.com.
Wings and Wolves
Charlie Daniels Band
WHEN: Sunday, April 23, 11am and 2pm WHERE: Wolf Conservation Center, 7 Buck Run, South Salem AGES: All WHAT: Guests will meet feathered ambassadors, including the European Owl, Barn Owl Lanner Falcon, Ring Necked Raven, and Harris’s Hawk during the educational and interactive bird of prey experience. WANT TO GO? $20; $15 for children younger than 12. 914-763-2373. nywolf.org.
Meet the Farmers, Greet the Season
WHEN: April 1-Nov. 19, Wednesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm WHERE: Stone Barns, 630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills AGES: All WHAT: Participate in hands-on activities and drop-in tours. WANT TO GO? $20; $10 children. 914-366-6200. story.stonebarnscenter.org.
WHEN: Saturday, April 22, 8-10pm WHERE: Paramount Hudson Valley Theater, 1008 Brown St., Peekskill AGES: 13 and older WHAT: See Grammy Award-winning country musician Charlie Daniels and his band. Daniels was inducted into the Grand Old Opry, Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum, and Country Music Hall of Fame. WANT TO GO? $59.50 and up. 914-739-0039. paramounthudsonvalley.com.
Magic of Motown
WHEN: Saturday, April 22, 8pm WHERE: Academic Arts Theater at Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla AGES: 5 and older WHAT: This dynamic tribute spans more than a decade of Motown classics—every song is among the most recognizable and culture-defining in pop music history. WANT TO GO? $22; $20 students and seniors; $16 for children younger than 13. 917-606-6262. sunywcc.edu/smartarts.
Pamela Frank and Christian Tetzlaff
WHEN: Sunday, April 23, 3pm WHERE: Caramoor Center, 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah AGES: 9 and older WHAT: See Pamela Frank, a music mentor and violin virtuoso, and the world-renowned Christian Tetzlaff. WANT TO GO? $10 and up. 914-232-5035. caramoor.org. ››
WestchesterParent 33
Barking Up a Wave Hill Tree
WHEN: April 29-30, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-1pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Visit some of Wave Hill’s most treasured trees with wax crayons and paper. Observe, touch, and make simple bark rubbings. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
The Butterfly Conservatory
WHEN: Through May 28: daily, 10am-5:45pm WHERE: The American Museum of Natural History, 200 Central Park W., Upper West Side, Manhattan AGES: All WHAT: One of the museum’s most popular, annual events, this exhibit features up to 500 live, iridescent, tropical butterflies. WANT TO GO? $27; $22 seniors and students; $16 children ages 2-12; free for children younger than 2. 212-769-5100. amnh.org.
Getting Grounded FREE
THE GREAT OUTDOORS Eels and Hudson River Theaters
WHEN: April 8-9, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-1pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: All WHAT: Hear about the relationship between eels and the health of the river and our role as good river stewards. Create drawings, maps, and images of river residents, then create a diorama with movable parts. WANT TO GO? $8; $4 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
Sketching Spring
WHEN: Tuesday, April 11, 1:30-3:30pm WHERE: Wave Hill, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx AGES: 5-12 WHAT: Participants will study spring and spend one, two, or three afternoons exploring the grounds and gardens. WANT TO GO? $25; $15 children. 718-549-3200. wavehill.org.
Conservation Camp
WHEN: April 11-14, Tuesday-Friday, 9am-3pm WHERE: Westmoreland Sanctuary, 260 Chestnut Ridge Road, Mount Kisco AGES: 5-17 WHAT: Budding conservationists, outdoor kids, and nature lovers can partake in epic adventures. Campers will hike and conduct water testing, amphibian surveys, measure tree growth, remove invasive plants, band and release wild birds, conduct game camera studies, and more. WANT TO GO? $50 per day. 914-666-8448. westmorelandsanctuary.org.
The Orchid Show: Thailand
WHEN: Through April 30: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm WHERE: New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx AGES: All WHAT: The Orchid Show celebrates its 15th year with a tribute to orchids and the history of Thailand, home to more than 1,200 native orchid species. Round out your visit with tours, orchid care demonstrations, expert Q-and-A’s, traditional Thai dance performances, and films on select weekends. WANT TO GO? Weekdays: $20; $8 children; weekends: $25, $10 children. 718-817-8700. nybg.org. 34
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
WHEN: April 7-Sept. 29, Wednesday-Sunday, 1-1:45pm WHERE: Stone Barns, 630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Tour the field and engage in a conversation about farming. Learn why soil is key and what being a food citizen is all about. WANT TO GO? 914-366-6200. stonebarnscenter.org.
Insider’s Tour
WHEN: April 7-Oct. 7, Saturday-Sunday, 11am-12:30pm WHERE: Stone Barns, 630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Enjoy a behind-the-scenes view of the farm. As you stroll through the pastures, talk about farm innovation and how to build a healthy and sustainable food system. WANT TO GO? $20. 914-366-6200. story.stonebarnscenter.org.
Family Farm Tour
WHEN: April 7-Nov. 17, Saturday-Sunday, 11:15am-12pm WHERE: Stone Barns, 630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills AGES: All WHAT: On this family-friendly tour, explore the farm and some of the seasonal highlights. Then walk around the farm to have a look at the animals and the vegetable gardens. WANT TO GO? $10. 914-366-6200. story.stonebarnscenter.org.
HOLIDAY FUN Whimsies 7th Annual Miniature EggHunt FREE
WHEN: Friday, April 14, 10am-4 pm WHERE: Whimsies Dollhouse Shop, 39 Lewis St., Greenwich, CT AGES: All WHAT: Search for miniature eggs throughout the enchanting display cases, play a game of I Spy in a dollhouse all set up for spring, and guess how many “mini” jelly beans there are. WANT TO GO? 203-629-8024. whimsiesdollhouseshop.com.
Egg Hunt with the Wolves
WHEN: Sunday, April 16, 11am WHERE: Wolf Conservation Center, 7 Buck Run, South Salem AGES: All WHAT: An egg hunt with a twist will follow a discussion about the mythology of wolves. Instead of looking for eggs, guests will help hide them from the wolves. WANT TO GO? $14; $11 for children younger than 12. 914-763-2373. nywolf.org.
MOVERS & SHAKERS Indoor Mess Fest
WHEN: Monday, April 3, 12:30-3:30pm WHERE: Somers Sports Arena, 245 Route 100, Somers AGES: 3-8 WHAT: Jump in puddles in the parking lot all day long to celebrate National Jump in Muddy Puddles Day. Enjoy splatter paint, mad science experiments, preschool gymnastics, glow in the dark fun, Slime Time, bubbles, relay races, a meet-and-greet with celebrity ambassador Peppa Pig, and more. All proceeds benefit childhood cancer research. WANT TO GO? $10; $25 children. 845-519-0045. muddypuddlesproject.org.
Morning Yoga in the Parlors
WHEN: April 5-26, Wednesdays, 9-10am WHERE: Bartow-Pell Mansion, 895 Shore Road, Bronx AGES: Adult WHAT: Join Carolyn Frost of Balance Yoga & Wellness every Wednesday morning in April for vinyasa yoga in BPMM’s double parlors. Bring a yoga mat. Space is limited, registration requested. WANT TO GO? $15. 718-885-1461. bartowpellmansionmuseum.org.
Run for the Wild
WHEN: Saturday, April 29, 8am WHERE: Bronx Zoo, 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx AGES: All WHAT: This is an anuual 5K run. Pick an animal to run for and run through the zoo. Runners will start at 8am and families will begin at 8:45am. WANT TO GO? $30 and up. 718-220-5100. bronxzoo.com.
ONCE UPON A TIME Poetry with British Poet Alice Oswald
WHEN: Sunday, April 2, 4:30-5:45pm WHERE: Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Enjoy an afternoon of poetry with critically-acclaimed British poet Alice Oswald, as she reads from her new collection, “Falling Awake.” WANT TO GO? $10. 914-332-5953. writerscenter.org.
Parent and Child Book Talk FREE
WHEN: Sunday, April 2, 2pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: 8-9, adult WHAT: Parents and their children will love chatting about books and sharing a snack. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
Poetry Out Loud! FREE
WHEN: Monday, April 3, 7pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: 5 and older WHAT: Share verses of your favorite poems. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
Author Randy Siegel FREE
WHEN: Wednesday, April 5, 4pm WHERE: Scarsdale Library, 54 Olmstead Road, Scarsdale AGES: 3-8 WHAT: Meet Randy Siegel author of Grandma’s Smile, My Snake Blake, and the newest title One Proud Penny. Register online. WANT TO GO? 914-722-1300. scarsdalelibrary.org.
Reading with Rachel Hadas, Sarah Plimpton, and Andres Cerpa
WHEN: Sunday, April 23, 4:30-5:45pm WHERE: Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow AGES: 13 and older WHAT: Three poets will be reading from their collections during this wonderful afternoon of poetry. Rachel Hadas, a Guggenheim Fellow and author of many books of poetry, prose, and translations, will be reading her most recent poetry. Sarah Plimpton and Andres Cerpa will read poetry from their forthcoming collections. WANT TO GO? $10. 914-332-5953. writerscenter.org.
Multlingual Mother Goose FREE
WHEN: April 6-27, Thursdays, 2:30pm WHERE: Chappaqua Library, 19 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua AGES: 3-5 WHAT: Learn and share songs and rhymes in other languages with an adult. WANT TO GO? 914-238-4779. chappaqualibrary.org.
Reading with Helen Phillips and Jess Row
WHEN: Sunday, April 30, 4:30-5:45pm WHERE: Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow AGES: 13 and older WHAT: You won’t want to miss this wonderful reading with awardwinning authors Helen Phillips and Jess Row. Phillips is the author of the widely acclaimed The Beautiful Bureaucrat, and Row is the author of the story collections The Train to Lo Wu and Nobody Ever Gets Lost. WANT TO GO? $10. 914-332-5953. writerscenter.org.
Interactive Story Time FREE
WHEN: Through Aug. 9: Wednesdays, 11am WHERE: North Castle Public Library, 19 Whippoorwill Road E., Armonk AGES: Newborn to 5 WHAT: Come listen to stories, sing songs, and play games with an interactive felt board every other week. WANT TO GO? 914-273-3887. northcastlelibrary.org.
Graphic Novel Author George O’Connor FREE
WHEN: Monday, April 3, 7pm WHERE: Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road, Scarsdale AGES: 5-17 WHAT: Meet George O’Connor, author of the Olympians series and more. Register online. WANT TO GO? 914-722-1303. scarsdalelibrary.org.
Coming up next month: MAY 12-13: Mary Poppins at Irvington Town Hall Theater, Irvington MAY 13: Mothers and Others Musicale at Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Katonah MAY 14: Mother’s Day Brunch at Wave Hill, Bronx
WestchesterParent 35
Catch a Minor League Baseball Game ››
Research by Sabrina Sooknanan
John Koolery/Rockland Boulders
Take the family out to a ball game! For a fraction of the cost of a Mets or Yankees game, you can check out some of the sport’s up-andcoming big hitters at a local minor league game and soak up tons of fun perks for kids, such as hanging out on the field before the game, meeting the players, and free admission to some games. Please note that dates and prices are projected for the season. We recommend confirming details before heading out to the ballpark.
Kids are allowed to play catch on the field and run the bases after Rockland Boulders games.
Southeast New York Hudson Valley Renegades Class A Short-Season New York-Penn League (Tampa Bay Rays) Dutchess Stadium, 1500 Route 9D, Wappingers Falls hvrenegades.com Season begins June 19; home game June 21 See website for ticket prices. The Renegades offers special discounts and packages 36
for groups of 15 or more. There will be an All-Scout Sleepover on June 1. Rockland Boulders CanAm League Palisades Credit Union Park, 1 Palisades Credit Union Park Drive, Pomona rocklandboulders.com Season begins May 18 Tickets: $11-$16 Kids ages 12 and younger can get on the field every Sunday
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
and run the bases after the game. Kids are also allowed to play catch on the field after the games.
Connecticut Hartford Yard Goats Double-A (Colorado Rockies) Dunkin Donuts Park, 1214 Main St., Hartford yardgoatsbaseball.com Season begins April 6; home game April 13 Tickets: $6-$22 Kids ages 12 and younger can become members of the Red Robin Kid’s Club (free membership). They’ll also get a chance to receive invitations to special events, exclusive Yard Goats giveaways, a 10-percent discount at the team store, and club ticket packages for parents of members. See the website for details. Connecticut Tigers Class A Short-Season New YorkPenn League (Detroit Tigers) Dodd Stadium, 14 Stott Ave., Norwich cttigers.com Season begins June 19 Tickets: $10-$20; groups of 15 or more receive a discount rate Fun birthday parties and group outings available at Connecticut Tigers games. There will be a baseball clinic for aspiring players ages 6-15, the date is TBD at the time of publication.
New York City Brooklyn Cyclones Class A Short-Season New YorkPenn League (New York Mets) MCU Park, 1904 Surf Ave., Coney Island, Brooklyn brooklyncyclones.com Season begins June 17 Tickets: $10-$17 in advance Through the Field of Dreams program, youth baseball, softball, and Little League teams can stand side by side, in uniform, with the Cyclones while the national anthem plays at the start of the game (you must purchase a minimum of 15 tickets to participate in this program). Fireworks are free after every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday home game. On Sunday Fundays, kids can run the bases after the game and get the chance to play catch on the field before the game. Staten Island Yankees Class A Short-Season New York-Penn League (New York Yankees) Richmond County Bank Ballpark, 75 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island siyanks.com Season begins June 19 See website for ticket prices. The stadium offers group tickets that include discount ticket prices, fan gear, a chance for kids (ages 12 and younger) to run the bases after the game, and the opportunity to join Scooter’s Kids Club.
Find the full guide at ›› nymetroparents.com/ballparks.
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WestchesterParent 37
IS YOUR CHILD DIAGNOSED OR SUSPECTED TO HAVE AUTISM? IS YOUR CHILD BETWEEN 6-9.5 YEARS OLD? • Your child may be eligible for a 24-week study on behavioral treatments to improve functional skills in children with autism • Participants receive autism diagnostic testing, assessments of functional skills and sensory behaviors. • The study also uses EEG to observer brain activity • Participants are compensated. • We are located at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.
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April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Ryan, age 14, is a Nassau County teen who has autism. He was one of the finalists in the 2016 NYMetroParents Kids Cover Contest.
ONLINE EXTRAS Children with autism have and show feelings in their own ways, even though it might not seem like it. Find four tips to connect with a child with autism at ›› nymetroparents.com/autism-feelings.
Why teaching children difficult skills is worth it for parents—and some ideas for making the process a little bit easier ›› nymetroparents.com/special-skills.
Going out to dinner with a child who has autism can be very stressful—tips from a mom who’s been there ›› nymetroparents.com/autism-dining.
Autism Awareness Month brings a variety of activities for children on the spectrum. Check out events near you at ›› nymetroparents.com/autism-activities.
PhotoOp NYC; clothing courtesy Appaman
40 Chasing His Dreams: How a teen with autism overcame his food aversions to create a cooking show and cookbook 44 1 5 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Special Needs Tutor: Advice on how to find the right one 62 P owerful Tunes: How music lessons helped a child with autism and sensory processing disorder
Robert Dahey
Chase Bailey, a 15-year-old chef with autism who is host of his own cooking show on YouTube.com, recently published The Official Chase ’N Yur Face Cookbook.
Chasing His Dreams
How a teen with autism overcame his food aversions to create a cooking show and cookbook Interview by Katelin Walling; recipes by Chase Bailey
hase Bailey is a 15-year-old chef with his own cooking show on YouTube and a recently released cookbook, The Official Chase ‘N Yur Face Cookbook—and he’s using part of the proceeds to set up his Chase Yur Dreams Foundation. That is a huge accomplishment on its own, but what makes it even more impressive is Chase was diagnosed with autism as a toddler, a diagnosis that includes severe food aversions, speech delay, and other developmental and physical issues. “Some doctors told my mom that I would probably never speak, and would not be able to take care of myself,” Chase said in his cookbook introduction. He goes on to reveal that when he was 8, he started watching cooking shows with his grandfather—Eat Street is a favorite— which helped him overcome his food aversions. “These cooking shows helped me to see that food could actually be fun, and a big part of traveling—which is one of my favorite things,” he said. Chase took a minute to tell us about his inspiration, how he overcomes challenges, and advice he has for others. Plus, he shares three of his own recipes with us.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
What inspired you to write your own cookbook? I didn’t plan on doing a cookbook. But someone asked my mom if I would be interested, so she told me about it and all the amazing stuff that doing a cookbook would be. I already had a journal of recipes, so I thought, why not bring it to the world, right? How do you come up with your recipes? Sometimes ideas literally just pop in my head. Sometimes when I’m eating something or see food on a show, I start thinking about how I would make something like it with different ingredients. Are there any challenges you’ve had to overcome—both with your YouTube channel and cookbook—as a young man with autism? One of the challenges I have is speaking. I know the words I want to say but it takes time for me to put them in order. I have an acting coach who helps me speak properly for my shows and interviews. I also have challenges with fine motor skills. Sometimes my hand strength is not very good, so l use tools like a
chopper and food processor to help me in the kitchen. Everybody has challenges to overcome. We all do life with a little bit of help. Can you tell me about the Chase Yur Dreams Foundation (ChaseYurDreams.org)—its mission and goals? There are a lot of kids with autism who have challenges and dreams like me. I want to help them with education, jobs, and things they need to make their dreams come true. Do you have advice for other children on the spectrum, or with other disabilities, about pursuing their passion? Find out what you love to do and go for it! And ask for help! If you could say anything to those without special needs about having an autism diagnosis, what would it be? People with autism have dreams and can do things, too. Autism is like having something special or an extra body part. You just have figure how to make it work for you.
Jessica Nicosia-Nadler
Ingredients 4 Waffles (recipe below) 12 thin slices of uncured maple honey ham 8 slices of provolone cheese ½ cup breakfast slaw (recipe below) Directions 1. On a warm waffle, add 2 slices of provolone cheese, 3 slices of ham, and ½ cup of breakfast slow to 1 side of the waffle. 2. Gently fold over to make a sandwich. 3. When serving to guests, add a 4-inch toothpick to keep the sandwich closed. Waffle Recipe Ingredients 1¾ cup flour ¼ cup cornstarch 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1¾ cup milk ½ cup canola oil 2 teaspoons almond extract
Directions 1. Preheat waffle iron. 2. Combine all of the ingredients together in a bowl and whisk until smooth.
3. Use cooking spray to grease waffle iron. 4. As waffle irons vary in size, follow the instructions for your waffle iron to determine how much batter to pour onto the waffle iron. Breakfast Slaw Mix Ingredients 2½ cups green cabbage rough shred ½ cup Fuji apples diced 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1½ tablespoons chopped walnuts 1 tablespoon dried blueberries 2-3 tablespoons ranch dressing (use your favorite)
Directions 1. Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl and stir together. continued on next page ››
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Recipes excerpted from The Official Chase ‘N Yur Face Cookbook by Chase Bailey with permission of Chase ‘N Yur Face Media LLC
Pigs In A Waffle
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WestchesterParent 41
PBNA Panini (Peanut Butter, Nutella, & Apple) Has your child been injured at school?
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Meet the Health Care PROFESSIONAL Caring for Kids Dr. Ivis Getz 140 Lockwood Ave., Suite 315, New Rochelle 914-355-2265 caringpediatricdentistry.com caringpediatricdentistry@gmail.com
Dr. Ivis Getz, a board-certified pediatric dentist, is committed to providing the highest quality dental care to infants, children, adolescents, and those with special needs. Dr. Getz recognizes that each child is a unique individual who deserves compassion and respect, which is evident in her friendly manner and calm demeanor. The dental team truly enjoys working with kids and will treat your child with warmth and compassion. The practice participates in many dental insurance plans and has convenient after-school and Saturday appointments available.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Ingredients Cooking spray or 1 teaspoon of butter 2 slices of whole-wheat sandwich bread or gluten-free sandwich bread 1 tablespoon Nutella 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 small whole green apple Directions 1. Use a peeler to remove the skin from apple 2. Use a knife or slicer to slice thin slices of apple. 3. Spread Nutella on one slice of bread. 4. Spread peanut butter on the other slice of bread.
Sloppy Chase’s Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 small yellow onion chopped 1 tablespoon minced garlic ½ cup chopped yellow pepper ½ cup chopped orange pepper ¾ cup chopped cremini mushrooms 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 1 pound ground lamb 2 tablespoons sloppy Joe seasoning 1 6 ounce can of tomato paste 1 cup diced fire roasted tomatoes with the liquid ½ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano 3-5 French Brioche hamburger buns or regular hamburger buns Directions 1. In a medium pan, heat oil on medium-high heat and sauté onions for 3-4 minutes. 2. Add in garlic, yellow peppers, orange peppers, mushrooms, salt and pepper. 3. Sauté for an additional 2 minutes. 4. Add ground lamb into sautéed vegetable mixture and cook until meat is done. 5. Drain excess grease. 6. Pour vegetable and ground lamb
Jessica Nicosia-Nadler
‹‹ continued from previous page
5. Place desired amount of apple slices on top of the peanut butter and place the Nutella slice on top. 6. Brush a small amount of butter on the top and bottom half of the sandwich or spray the top and bottom of the Panini maker with cooking spray. 7. Place the sandwich in the Panini maker and cook until golden on both sides.
Jessica Nicosia-Nadler
mixture back into pan. 7. Stir in the sloppy Joe seasoning, tomato paste, and roasted tomatoes, and return to heat. 8. Blend all ingredients well and turn heat down to simmer. 9. Cover and let simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 10. To make a closed faced Sloppy Chase sandwich, put ½ cup of mixture on ½ of the hamburger or brioche bun and top with ParmigianoReggiano. To make an open faced Sloppy Chase put ½ cup mixture on each half of the hamburger or brioche buns and top with Parmigiano-Reggiano.
COOKING CLASSES FOR KIDS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS If your child has expressed an interest in learning to cook, check out these programs in Westchester that offer cooking programs for children and teens with special needs. Amy Rosen Cooking by Design 917-903-1451 amyrosencookingbydesign.com amyrosencookingbydesign@gmail.com Amy Rosen, a third-generation Westchester chef, offers cooking parties, cupcake war parties, and lessons for children and adults in the comfort of your home. Rosen welcomes children with special needs, and will customize recipes for various dietary needs. JCC on the Hudson Melanie Fields: 914-366-7898 shamesjcc.org Part of Keeping it Real in the Neighborhood, a program for high school students and graduates with special needs held at a model apartment, the JCC offers Saturday in the Neighborhood and Sunday in the Neighborhood, programs that help build life skills, including cooking, as well as Friday Drop-In Program, during which teens cook and eat dinner, watch movies, and hang out with friends. Kids Cookery 914-937-2012 lovekidscookery.com kidscookery@yahoo.com This program offers classes and events for children with special needs, as well as after-school classes in area schools, which welcome students with special needs. LilChefs.com Special Events Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, New Jersey 516-338-0552 lilchefs.com paula@lilchefs.com Chef Paula offers hands-on workshops and birthday parties at your location for ages 3-14 that include chef hats and aprons, as well as a personalized recipe booklet specific to the event, for each young chef. All parties and workshops are conducted in an inclusive environment, and Chef Paula can customize an event specifically for children with special needs, geared toward different abilities. Recipes can also be created for various dietary needs, and every event includes multi-sensory components relating to sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. SPARC Inc. Elmsford 914-243-0583 sparcinc.org In Now We’re Cooking, teens and young adults with special needs will develop skills in food preparation, kitchen safety, and table setting, as well as learn healthy recipes for snacks, entrees, desserts, and more. The class is held Thursdays, and participants must meet with SPARC staff before enrolling.
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15 Questions to Ask When Looking For a Special Needs Tutor ›› There are lots of considerations when looking for a tutor for your child with special needs. A mom of six—two of whom have special needs—offers advice on how to find the right one. By Michaela Searfoorce
f your child is struggling in math, spelling, or reading, you might be considering a tutor. If so, there are a lot of options to consider: Home or tutoring center? What can you afford? How often can you meet? When you add into the mix a child with additional special needs, things can quickly become overwhelming. Fortunately, many tutors and tutoring services are experienced in working with kids who have special needs. Finding the right one may require a little more research on the parent’s part, but those seeking clients who have special needs should be happy to spend the time answering parents’ questions to ensure they are the right fit for your child. I spoke with two experts—Carol Lovallo, an educational development supervisor from Huntington Learning Center, and Emily Levy, Ed.D, the founder and director of EBL Coaching—who were friendly, knowledgeable about the field, and helped me come up with this list of 15 things you may want to consider when seeking out the right tutor for your child with special needs:
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
What disabilities do your tutors have experience with? As all of us parents are painfully aware, different disabilities are not created equal. A tutor who has experience with dyslexia may not know what to do with learning issues caused by autism, ADHD, or OCD. Instead of starting with, “My child has _________,” or “Do you have experience with __________,” I have found it more helpful (and enlightening) to simply ask, “What disabilities and special needs have you had experience with?” Lovallo, for instance, touted Huntington Learning Center’s special ADHD program, in which the centers offer individualized help to children diagnosed with ADHD from teachers who have had specific training. Do you have any special qualifications, certifications, or credentials? Dr. Levy says parents should be asking about what specialized and research-based techniques are being used. As just one example, her company specializes in the OrtonGillingham method for students who struggle with reading. How long have you been tutoring? This apparently means
“how old are you?” in our house. Tutors come in all ages and experience levels, but it’s important to consider who your children will enjoy learning from and listening to—with whom they’ll click. My children have made their preferences known loud and clear and we do our best to accommodate. My oldest son and daughter prefer someone “not old like mommy,” and do very well with young, energetic, qualified college students. One of my middle boys, however, responds best to a woman closer to my own mother’s age who has more experience and a calm, quiet demeanor (to balance him bouncing off the wall, perhaps?). How do you handle disruptive behavior, acting out, and attention issues? What’s your discipline strategy? Look, I love my kid, but when he starts rapidly clicking his pen for the 90th time after being asked to make change for a dollar, I can lose my cool. In calmer moments I’m redirecting, using mini M&M’S as positive reinforcement, or offering extra screen time for a successful finish to our homework session. It’s comforting to know the tutor’s (or tutoring center’s) strategies. What’s your expertise in the content area my child is studying? Now that you know the tutoring center specializes in ADHD, make sure it has tutors who also are knowledgeable in Spanish, calculus, or whatever subject(s) your child is struggling with. Do you have special needs references I can speak to? “Special needs” is the key phrase here, because while Joe’s mom might rave about this place, Joe might be a B student who needed some basic math test prep. How does Maria’s mom, whose daughter has an autism spectrum disorder and is upset easily by certain noises, feel about their approach? Even better, do they have any clients with your child’s specific disability who would be willing to speak with you? Do you tutor at my home or only on-site? You should be able to find what you need fairly easily, and don’t need to compromise on this; do what is best for you and your child. Huntington Learning Center offers on-site tutoring with locations nationwide along with a search function on the website that will bring up a map of its nearby centers. EBL Coaching has tutors at several locations around the New York City area, as well as tutors who travel to students’ homes. What will the environment be like? If tutoring won’t be taking place in your home, it’s important to understand the surroundings where your child will be learning. Since my son has sensory processing disorder it’s important that there aren’t loud electric pencil sharpeners being used while he’s around. During his lessons, distractions and loud noises from sources such as gum, bubble wrap, or balloons need to be avoided. Will you be tutoring my child alone or in a group? Think about what approach might be best for your child. Is he motivated by a group and enjoys being around other children? Or does she struggle with social issues and is easily distracted? Many tutors and tutoring centers have different approaches. Some may start with a 1-on-1 approach and then increase the number of students per teacher (a practice which can help promote independence in the classroom). If you only want 1-on-1 tutoring, let it be known. How much do you charge per session? Is there a sliding scale? Are other fees involved? Make sure your budget includes the extras, such as possible fees for materials or assessments. How long is each tutoring session? What hours are sessions available? If your child struggles with attention issues, you
might want to seek out a place that offers shorter, more frequent sessions. But if you’re trying to squeeze meetings into an alreadypacked schedule of extracurricular activities and therapists, perhaps fewer, longer sessions are what you’re looking for. What’s your policy for cancellations and make-up sessions? Don’t forget to check the policy both ways. What happens if your child is sick? How much notice is required to be able to reschedule without a penalty? What happens if the tutor can’t make it? At a larger center, perhaps a substitute is available, but ask: Will the substitute be brought up to speed on your child before you arrive? How do you evaluate progress? And what happens if my child doesn’t make progress? While you as a parent need to be clear on what progress you’re looking for your child to make, it should also be made clear how the center or tutor evaluates progress. Is it through test scores and report cards, or anecdotes gathered from your child’s teachers? Huntington Learning Center uses more than one approach to form a baseline against which progress is measured, including interviews with parents and teachers as well as research-based tests. Lovallo says Huntington Learning Center actually uses hundreds of different curricula so there is always another way for a student to learn the material. At EBL Coaching, Dr. Levy says each student is constantly measured against his or her original baseline. She assures me that if a student isn’t making progress or responding, the plan is tweaked immediately. How will you communicate with me, and how often? How can I contact you with concerns? Some places opt for in-person meetings, while others include written reports for parents. Will you work with and communicate with my child’s teachers? With six kids, in my house a unified front is sometimes the only way we get through dinner, time-outs, and especially school work. Lovallo says tutors should be in touch with teachers as often as parents—they try to meet with or reach out to teachers at least once a month to make sure progress is being carried over to the classroom.
Getting What You Need
This might seem obvious, but make sure that you explain your goals and ask for concrete steps on how they will be met. At the end of our conversation, Lovallo remarks, “You need to understand who is going to be working with your child. When you’re looking for a tutor, you want to make sure the person is qualified, and at our center what is important about us is that we are a research-based, professional institution.” This particularly hit home for me. Many excellent tutors and centers focus primarily on academics and their ability to raise your child’s test score and report card grades. However, this might not always be the main focus for a parent of a child with special needs. My oldest child is seven grade levels behind in math, exempt from New York state testing, and has an IQ hovering in the mid-70s. I just want him to be able to tell time and make change as he gets older. Make sure you and any potential tutor have the same vision for what your goals are and what progress you are seeking ahead of time.
Michaela Searfoorce is a home-schooling mother of six children. She makes time to write in the wee hours. You can find more of her stories at thefoorce.com or thecentralparkzoo.com.
WestchesterParent 45
Jimmy Vejar Summer Fun
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The Bridge School program is a New York State Department of Education approved non-public school serving ages 5 to 21 with IEP’s in a dynamic and individualized learning environment.
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April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
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Incarnation Camp
Purchase Sports Camp at Manhattanville College
253 Bushy Hill Road, Ivoryton, CT 860-767-0848 incarnationcamp.org; info@incarnationcamp.org Come and take a tour of our beautiful 700-acre property and learn all about our summer programs for campers ages 6-15. April 8 and 29, 10am-4pm, with refreshments provided. Please RSVP to info@incarnationcamp.org.
2900 Purchase St., Purchase 914-315-7507 purchasesportscamp.com; info@purchasesportscamp.com Join us for an open house on April 15 from 2-4pm in the Richard A. Berman Student Center at Manhattanville College, and on May 6 from 2-4pm in the East Room in Benziger Hall.
Oasis Summer Day Camp in Dobbs Ferry at Mercy College
Thornton-Donovan School
Upper Camp: Mercy College, 555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry 646-519-5057 Lower Camp: Masters School, 49 Clinton Ave., Dobbs Ferry oasischildren.com; dobbs@oasischildren.com Join us for an information session for Lower Camp, ages 3 to entering first grade, on April 8 and 29, and May 13 and 20, from 1-2pm at Masters School Middle School.
Purchase College Summer Youth and Precollege Programs in the Arts Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase
100 Overlook Circle, New Rochelle 914-632-8836; td.edu Join us for Thornton-Donovan School’s open houses on Sunday, March 26 from 2-4pm, and Sunday, April 23 from 2-4pm.
Westchester Reform Temple
225 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale 914-723-5224; wrtemple.org Meet our talented staff and our experiential kindergarten-second grade program. Sunday, April 30 at 9:30am.
Attention Parents of Babies, Kids, Teens
Your Child Could Be on Our Cover
EASY STEPS TO ENTER: 1. "Like" at www.facebook.com/nymetroparents 2. Select 1 favorite photo of your child (ages < 1-16) 3. Upload the photo (jpg or png) to Facebook 4. Share with friends and vote daily!
For a complete list of rules: http://nymetroparents.com/CoverContestRules Promotion period 4/24/17 - 6/9/17
WestchesterParent 47
PartyCentral BIRTHDAY GIFTS AFFORDABLES A QUALITY CHILDREN’S CONSIGNMENT STORE 10 Main St., Dobbs Ferry 914-627-9462 affordablechild.com We are a quality consignment store, offering children’s clothing, maternity clothes, baby equipment, and toys. A great place to shop for a birthday gift! GIRL AGAIN 4 Martine Ave., White Plains 914-358-1460 girlagain.com girlagain@yesshecaninc.org Girl AGain is a resale boutique for gently used American Girl dolls and books, which make great birthday gifts! TILLY...A DEER’S TALE 914-764-5564 tillyadeerstale.com Tilly...A Deer’s Tale is about a real deer that lives in upstate New York and faces challenges after an accident. This powerful story is meant to inspire children living with physical challenges or limitations. The book makes a great birthday gift! PARTY ENTERTAINMENT AMANDABEAR PARTY RENTALS 347-326-5567 amandabearpartyrentals.com AmandaBear Party Rentals provides everything you need for an unforgettable party. AMY ROSEN COOKING BY DESIGN 917-903-1451 amyrosencookingbydesign.com amyrosencookingbydesign@gmail.com Have a cooking party for your child’s next birthday. From Cupcake Wars to Pizza Creations to chocolate melting, molding, and decorating, your kids will enjoy the fully hands-on experience. CLOWNS.COM Proudly serving Westchester, Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx 516-577-0000; 718-971-5862 clowns.com We are a family-owned and -operated entertainment company, offering a wide range of party and entertainment 48
services including clowns, inflatable bounce houses, characters, magicians, princesses, magic shows, face painting, and party concession rentals. DAVE’S CAST OF CHARACTERS 914-235-7100 davescast.com Make your party a special one! Dave’s entertainment services include more than 100 costumed characters. From princesses and superheroes to pirates and tea parties, there’s something for everyone. KIDS COOKERY 914-937-2012 lovekidscookery.com kidscookery@yahoo.com Kids Cookery’s passion is to make your child’s birthday a memorable, unique, exciting, and creative cooking experience! LONGFORD’S MOBILE SCOOP SHOPPE 197 Lakeview Ave., West Harrison 914-804-6969 Longford’s Ice Cream 4 Elm Place, Rye 914-967-3797 longfordsicecream.com Westchester’s first mobile scoop shoppe serving our award-winning ice cream at all of your parties, celebrations, and private events. Book your event today. Also, visit our retail store in Rye to order one of our custom cakes for your next party celebration. OUTDOOR LASER TAG, USA 914-413-7138 oltusa.com lasertagisfun@gmail.com Tired of the same old party? Outdoor Laser Tag plays like paintball but without pain or mess. We transform your property into an exciting, outdoor mission field. Our mission: create an action-packed, memorable experience for all! PARTY PLACES A-GAME SPORTS 856 Main St., New Rochelle 914-278-9477 agamesports.net info@agamesports.net A-Game Sports offers a variety of birthday party packages for children of all ages. Each 90-minute party includes supervised playtime with two coaches on a private section of turf.
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Your local guide to entertainers, party places, activities, and other resources.
ARTISTREE PERFORMING ARTS 114 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck 914-835-2200 artistreearts.com heather@artistreearts.com Artistree Performing Arts creates amazing birthday parties for children ages 1-10. Have your party in our beautifully renovated studio or let us come to you with just the entertainment. BACH TO ROCK MAMARONECK 130 Mamaroneck Ave., Mamaroneck 914-341-1457 mamaroneck.bachtorock.com mamaroneck@bachtorock.com Looking for a fun birthday party at a reasonable price? We have three different parties: Rock Star, Karaoke, or Rock City, for an unforgettable experience! BLUE MOON MEXICAN CAFÉ 7-27 Pondfield Road, Bronxville 914-337-4000 42 Kinderkamack Road, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 201-782-9500 23 E. Palisade Ave., Englewood, NJ 201-541-0600 327 Franklin Ave., Wyckoff, NJ 201-891-1331 595 Broadway, Norwood, NJ 201-784-3311 bluemoonmexicancafe.com Looking to spice up your child’s next birthday party without sending your savings south of the border? Your party guests will revel in a fun-filled celebration with a mouth-watering menu. Call today to find out more! CHOCOLATIONS 607 E. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck 914-777-3600 chocolations.com maria@chocolations.com Have your child’s next party at Chocolations. Each child will become a chocolatier and create their own chocolate bar, and have a cupcake lesson in which they will transform a plain cupcake into an elaborate one. CREATIVE CORNER OF LARCHMONT 7 Addison St., Larchmont 914-833-2880 creativecornerlarchmont.com creativecornerlarchmont@gmail.com
Creative Corner is the perfect place to celebrate a birthday! Art party options include wood toys, treasure boxes, canvas bags, ceramic piggy banks, and canvas paintings. We will help every step of the way. DAVE AND BUSTER’S PELHAM MANOR 881 Pelham Parkway, Pelham Manor 914-380-8506 daveandbusters.com/specialevents beatriz_peneda@daveandbusters.com Dave & Buster’s of Pelham Manor is the best place for birthday parties, with great food and games all in one place, it’s the perfect party space. FASHION ARTS STUDIO OF WESTCHESTER 168A Irving Ave., Port Chester 917-995-3191 fashionartsstudio.com Have a fashion design theme party with The Fashion Arts Studio. It offers three themes: a Fashion Drawing Party, a Fashion Tote-Making Party, and a Fashion T-Shirt Decorating Party! FUNFUZION AT NEW ROC CITY 29 LeCount Place (Exit 16 off I-95), New Rochelle Party Central: 914-637-7575, option 1 funfuziononline.com Calling all birthday superstars! You and your guests will be dazzled by a unique, interactive party experience! GYMCATS GYMNASTICS AND BIRTHDAY PARTY CENTER 1 Odell Plaza at Equalize Fitness, Yonkers 914-965-7676 gymcats.net We are famous for our unique private birthday parties. Our enthusiastic, interactive staff will have partygoers laughing and yelling as they swing on rings, jump, bounce, climb, and roll through our super obstacle course. HOMMOCKS PARK ICE RINK Boston Post Road and Weaver Street, Larchmont 914-834-1069 hommocksparkicerink.org Have your birthday party on ice! Host your next special party at the coolest place in town, Mamaroneck’s popular enclosed Hommocks Park ice-skating rink.
HOUSE OF SPORTS WESTCHESTER 1 Elm St., Ardsley 914-479-5419 houseofsportsny.com The House of Sports is Westchester’s ultimate birthday party zone for children of all ages! Give your child the party of their dreams by hosting a sports-themed bash at Westchester’s premier athletic facility. THE HUDSON CREAMERY 55 Hudson Ave., Peekskill 914-293-7811 thehudsoncreamery.com Westchester birthday parties with a sweet twist! Let us host your next birthday party. We provide the fun, a whimsical place, and all the ice cream you can eat. JODI’S GYM 25 Hubbels Drive, Mount Kisco 914-244-8811 244 E. 84th St., Manhattan 212-772-7633 jodisgym.com Kids run, jump, climb, tumble, slide, bounce, and giggle to their hearts’ delight at Jodi’s Gym, at which action-packed parties and unmatched experience have won children’s hearts for 35 years.
LIFE THE PLACE TO BE 2 Lawrence St., Ardsley 914-591-4400 lifetheplacetobe.com/kids-parties/ steven@lifetheplacetobe.com LIFE turns children’s parties into lifelong memories. Choose from a wide array of exciting themes, from laser tag to dance parties, runway glamour to inflatable madness to bowling, karaoke, and createa-furry-friend parties!
courses, trampoline, sports, and music are tailored to your child’s interests!
THE LITTLE GYM 777 White Plains Road, Scarsdale 914-722-0072 tlgscarsdaleny.com 2121 Broadway, 2nd Floor (between 74th and 75th streets), Upper West Side, Manhattan 212-799-1225 tlgupperwestsideny.com 207 E. 94th St. (between Second and Third avenues), Upper East Side, Manhattan 212-787-1124 tlguppereastsideny.com 28 Franklin Turnpike, Waldwick, NJ 201-445-4444 tlgwaldwicknj.com A private party at The Little Gym is a perfect way to celebrate your child’s next birthday. Gymnastics, games, obstacle
MUSICAL MUNCHKINS 167 Scarsdale Road, Tuckahoe 914-771-7000 musicalmunchkins.com Musical Munchkins is the perfect birthday party activity for babies through age 5! Enjoy group drumming, funny favorite sing-along songs, fabulous dancing scarves, and more!
MUSIC CONSERVATORY OF WESTCHESTER 216 Central Ave., White Plains 914-761-3900 musicconservatory.org Celebrate your child’s birthday at the Music Conservatory with an introductory music skills class, or perhaps treat them to a trial lesson in any instrument or voice!
PLAYLAND ICE CASINO 100 Playland Parkway, Rye 914-481-5941; playlandice.com Kids and families love PlayLand Ice in Rye. You and your guests can have the ice all to yourself. Visit us online for more information. SPORTIME USA 380 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford 914-592-2111 x2
sportimeusa.com Birthday parties? That’s our specialty! Celebrate your birthday at Sportime USA, the coolest place to have a party in Westchester. STUDIO B DANCE CENTER 277 White Plains Road (entrance on Prospect Avenue), Eastchester 914-793-2799 studiobdance.com Each party at Studio B is uniquely designed to give the birthday child an exciting, personalized experience. Boys and girls ages 2 and older enjoy dancing and playing games to their favorite music. WESTCHESTER SKATING ACADEMY (WSA) 91 Fairview Park Drive (Route 9A), Elmsford 914-347-8232; skatewsa.com Westchester Skating Academy: the coolest place to have your party! All parties include ice-skating, skate rentals, a private party room, a party facilitator, pizza, and beverages. YOUNG AT ART WORKSHOP INC. 1088 Central Ave., Scarsdale 914-723-9229 A unique birthday party experience—each child brings home a personalized piece of art!
TWIN LAKES FARM "Where Westchester Learns To Ride!"
Riding Camp! Girls & Boys Age 6 and Up Offering full- and half-day options Monday-Friday for campers Indoor and Outdoor Arenas • Daily Riding Instruction • Arts & Crafts Stable Management • Horsemanship • All In The Heart of Southern Westchester! Contact Us: 960 California Road Bronxville, NY 10708 (914) 961-2192 • Camp@TwinLakesFarm.com • www.TwinLakesFarm.com A Facility of the County of Westchester Department of Parks and Recreation
WestchesterParent 49
Summer at
• Land Sports • Fine & Performing Arts
277 White Plains Rd Eastchester, NY
• Pools & Lakes • Adventure Course
For Children 3 to 13 Call to schedule a tour 914-367-1936
-Ages 3 & Up -Daily & Weekly Drop in Camp -Saturday Dance Classes Available -Ages 2 & Up -Teen Intensives -Camps through Aug. 26th
914-937-2012 Summer Cooking Camp in Scarsdale One week camps in July and August Upcoming Classes: Spring Strawberry Shortcake Bake Italian Festa Mother‛s Day Cupcake Decorating Taco Saturday Father‛s Day Cookie Making For information about our programs and Birthday Parties, please check our website at lovekidscookery.com or send us an email at kidscookery@yahoo.com
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Family Owned & Operated Since 1973 Experienced Teachers • Serving Children 2 months–14 years • Field Trips • Stimulating Environment • Flexible Schedules • Beautiful Campus Setting
www.annandandychildcare.com • 914-592-3027 2170 Saw Mill River Rd, Elmsford
dobbs ferry @ mercy college & the masters school.
Premier camp in every way! »Programs for ages 3-16 »8:30am - 5:30pm »Extended hours available »Healthy, hot lunch option »AC transportation available »Low staff/child ratios »Flexible enrollment
Fun For Everyone!
register today! 646-519-5057 www.oasischildren.com @oasisdaycamps
»Sports, games & outdoor adventure »Visual arts, crafts & performing arts »Special events & theme days »Carnivals & color war »Traditional camp activities » Red Cross Swim Instruction
Join us for an info session! Upper Camp at Mercy College (555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522) April 8, 2017 at 11:30 am Main Hall Room 204/211 April 29, 2017 at 11:30 am Victory Hall Room 107 Lower Camp at The Masters School (49 Clinton Ave, Dobbs Ferry NY 10522) April 8, 2017 at 1:00 pm April 29, 2017 at 1:00 pm Both in Middle School Bldg
WestchesterParent 51
Junior Golf Camp
June 5 - September 1 / Ages 6 - 16 Multi-Week Camps - Best in New York Multi-Week and Multi-Golfer Discounts Register Online Today! Full Swing • Short Game • Putting • Course Play Games • Challenges • Prizes • Tournaments • Contests Small Groups - All Skill Levels and Abilities Advanced Video Analysis & Stat Tracking Special PeeWee Camps - Age 4 & Up!
GOLF INSTRUCTION IS WHAT WE DO www.spearmanjuniorgolf.com / (800) 733-1653 Located at Doral Arrowwood in Rye Brook, Westchester
“The best thing about Mosholu Day Camp is everything!”
Destination Science The fun science day camp for curious kids 5-11!
Save $20/wk! Ends 4/30/17
6 Westchester Locations
RegISTeR Now & SAVe 100! Full Summer. offer ends Apr 30, 2017. $
destinationscience.org 888-909-2822
Mention Coupon Code: MDC20 Located at Lake Cohasset in Harriman State Park Mosholu Day Camp/MMCC 261 Arden Valley Road Bear Mountain, NY 10911 CALL: 845.243.0751 VISIT: mosholudaycamp.com
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Saving money on a New York City family day is easy! Cityguideny.com has coupons and discounts for NYC sightseeing attractions, restaurants, stores and more. Great New York deals, savings, special offers and deep discounts—for you and your family—are yours with just a click of the mouse.
Affordable rates, 2,4,6 & 8 week sessions available. Beautiful 700 acre property with mile long private lake
Many activites to choose from including; Sports, Arts, Ceramics, Music, Woodworking, Ropes Course, Culinary & Waterfront options.
Open houses on April 8th & th, 10am to 4pm. Contact us for more info and a brochure www.incarnationcamp.org - info@incarnationcamp.org - 860-767-0848
Weekly: 6/26/17 – 8/11/17
Located on the outstanding facilities of the scenic campus of Manhattanville College. Top-notch coaches will help children ages 3–15 years old of all levels feel at home developing athletic skills while enjoying a well-rounded camp experience.
April 15th 2:00 – 4:00pm Richard A. Berman Student Center Lobby May 6th 2:00 – 4:00pm East Room (Benziger Hall)
info@purchasesportscamp.com • (914) 315-7507 Register by April 15 for $75 early bird discount (Use code NYMP4) CAMP ADDRESS:
Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577
WestchesterParent 53
Westchester’s BEST Summer Camp!
Summer Camp 2017
FRIDAY IS... WATER INFLATABLE FUN! H Grades 1–9 CAM H Early Childhood TOUR P H Enrichment Program AVAIL S ABLE H Sports Program H Basketball Camp H Conservatory Music Programs H Early Drop-off & Late Pick-up
Begins June 26
Continuing Education
Go wild and roam free Teatown Natural Science Day Camp At Teatown, kids learn by exploration and creative play, and grow respect for each other and all living things. Four 2–week sessions for kids ages 4 to 14. 1600 Spring Valley Rd. Ossining, NY 10562 (914) 762-2912 Register at www.teatown.org
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
Youth & Precollege Programs in the Arts
Open House is Saturday April 22
Architecture, Creative Writing, Digital Arts Journalism, Music, Performing Arts, STEM, Visual Arts
10 a.m.
YOUTH: Grades 4-8
1, 2, & 4 Week Programs
PRECOLLEGE: Grades 9-12
June 26 – August 4, 2017
Questions? Call 914-251-6500 or email pre.college@purchase.edu Register Today! www.purchase.edu/youth
Call and about ou ask r Sc Break Ca hool mps!
SPORTIME U10 Ages 3-7
Tennis Ages 8-15
EXCEL Tennis Ages 12-16
JMTA Tennis Training Ages 7-18
Two Great Locations! SPORTIME HARBOR ISLAND, MAMARONECK 914-777-5050 | www.SportimeCamps.com/HI SPORTIME LAKE ISLE, EASTCHESTER 914-777-5151 | www.SportimeCamps.com/LIsle
Camp programs vary at each SPORTIME location.
Ask About Our Toddler Open Gym Programs! A walk in, non-instructional playtime for crawlers to 4 year olds
Harvey Cavalier Camp A Summer Camp as Extraordinary as Your Child! A day camp for Pre-K–Grade 9 with over 50 courses from fine arts, theater, ice skating, science, gymnastics, sports, technology, swimming, music, and much more! Harvey’s 125 acre campus of open fields and woods provides a perfect setting for an extraordinary summer camp experience. The Harvey School • 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 914-232-0581 • harveycavaliercamp.org
A few spots remain. Call now to learn more!
Private Birthday Parties
Air castles • Obstacles Courses • Trampolines & more
All of our famous parties are private. Our interactive staff will make your child’s party a very special one. Gymnastics Classes Boys & Girls • Ages 20 months & up Beginner-Advanced • Competitive Teams Cheer Tumbling • Private lessons
Gymnastics Benefits Your Child's:
Skills to enhance other sports Strength • Flexibility & More! Self Esteem • Coordination
One Odell Plaza, Yonkers/Hastings border Located At
(exit 9 off Saw Mill River Pkwy)
914-965-7676 gymcats.net
WestchesterParent 55
WWW.SUMMERATMCW.ORG Wagon Road Camp is part of The Children’s Aid Society a non-for-profit charitable organization
-Half, Full and Extended Day Options The most flexible summer program in Westchester!
MUSICAL THEATRE & VOICE ARTS, CRAFTS & MUSIC DANCE & MOVEMENT HIP-HOP, ROCK, SALSA & MORE... Choose all or some of our four exciting sessions:
June 26 - July 7 July 10 - July 21 July 24 - Aug 4 Aug 7 - Aug 18
914-761-3900 216 Central Ave. White Plains, NY 10606 musicconservatory.org
Reserve Your Spot NOW!
For information, tour appointments & registration: 914.238.4761 janetl@childrensaidsociety.org • www.childrensaidsociety.org/wagon-road-camp
Learn and Grow at Windward School.
Summer 2017 Camp Sessions Session 1: June 26th–July 21nd • Session 2: July 24th–Aug 11th Offering Stimulating Courses Like...
• Computers • Theater • Robotics • Swimming • Digital Photography • Sports • Extended Day Available • Hot Lunches Included • Transportation Available Hartsdale, NY • Call: 914.328.3798 Email: Squirecamps@gmail.com
Windward School Summer Program is designed for students entering third through ninth grades who want to improve their skills in reading, writing, study and organizational skills, math or science. Classes are taught by Windward instructors at the Westchester Middle School in White Plains. The summer program offers public and private school mainstream students an opportunity to learn from a multisensory, direct instruction model.
July 5- July 28, 2017 Half-Day and Full-Day Sessions Available Space is Limited! Register by June 9, 2017
Contact Christopher Eberhard
Director of the Summer Program • ceberhard@thewindwardschool.org or Christine Teahan, Co-Director of the Summer Program cteahan@thewindwardschool.org • (914) 949-6968, ext. 1250 www.thewindwardschool.org (Select summer program from the menu)
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
CORBIN’S CRUSADERS DAY CAMP A sports and adventure camp with a traditional sense of belonging!
• Daily Swim lessons and a free swim • Lunch and transportation included • Various sports & adventure programs all day long!
471 North Street, Greenwich, CT • (914) 939-2969 or (212) 875-8174 Info@CorbinsCrusaders.com | CorbinsCrusaders.com SPECIAL OFFER for Westchester Parent readers. Sign up by April 15, 2017 and save 15%. New families only and cannot be used with any other discount or coupon.
For Boys & Girls, 4-14
Days Filled With Fun & Excitement!
2-8 Week Programs Available Operated by Licensed Teachers & Administrators We Accept All Union Rates Field Trips to Movies, Bowling & Magic Shows Sports & Games, Swimming, Soccer & Basketball Arts & Crafts, Face Painting & Talent Shows And More!
OPEN HOUSE CALL 1-914-792-6555 OR 1-800-DAYCAMP Visit us online at www.KineticSportsClub.com 872 Pelham Parkway, Pelham Manor, NY 10803 â&#x20AC;¢ 914-738-4000
We offer door to door transportation.
WestchesterParent 57
camp GUIDE 2017 Acres of Adventure Summer Camp at Ann and Andy
2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford 914-592-3027 annandandychildcare.com
Artistree Performing Arts
114 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck 914-835-2200 artistreearts.com heather@artistreearts.com
Badger Day Camp
Nassau, and Suffolk counties 888-909-2822 destinationscience.org info@destinationscience.org
Fashion Arts Studio of Westchester
The Little Gym
168A Irving Ave., Port Chester 917-995-3191 fashionartsstudio.com
Breezemont Day Camp
Golf Camp at the Mitchell Spearman Golf Academy
56 Bruceville Road, High Falls 855-707-2267 camphuntington.com dfalk@camphuntington.com
Camp Ramaquois
30 Mountain Road, Pomona 845-354-1600 ramaquois.com
Camp Young Judea Sprout Westchester
500 Yorktown Road (Route 129), Croton-On-Hudson 914-271-7563 cyjsproutlake.org/daycamp/ sprout-westchester/ cathy.deutchman@youngjudaea.org
Campus Kids Weekday Sleep-Away Camp 973-845-9260 campuskids.com
The Chapel School Summer Program
172 White Plains Road, Bronxville 914-337-3202 x1030 thechapelschool.org info@thechapelschool.org
Concordia Summer Camp
171 White Plains Road, Bronxville 914-395-4848 concordiadaycamp.org
Corbinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crusaders Day Camp
471 North St., Greenwich, CT 914-939-2969; 212-875-8174 corbinscrusaders.com info@corbinscrusaders.com
Destination Science - The fun science day camp for curious kids ages 5-11!
Multiple locations in Westchester,
914-937-2012 lovekidscookery.com kidscookery@yahoo.com
Kinetic Sports Club
75 Brook St., Scarsdale 914-472-0600 dickerreading.com
Fin 2 Swim
Camp Huntington
Kids Cookery
Dicker Reading Center of Westchester
119 Rockland Ave., Larchmont 914-834-1084 badgersportsclub.com info@badgerdaycamp.com Gordon A Josey, owner and director 62 Cox Ave., Armonk 914-367-1936 breezemontdaycamp.com matt@breezemont.com
914-244-8811 244 E. 84th St., Manhattan 212-772-7633 jodisgym.com
858-539-3209 fin2swim.com info@fin2swim.com
800-733-1653 spearmanjuniorgolf.com
Gymcats Gymnastics Summer Camp 1 Odell Plaza, Yonkers 914-965-7676 gymcats.net
Harvey Cavalier Summer Camp at the Harvey School 260 Jay St., Katonah Off-season: 845-677-0491 Summer: 914-232-0581 harveycavaliercamp.org cdelcampo@harveyschool.org
Hoff-Barthelson Music School 25 School Lane, Scarsdale 914-723-1169 hbms.org hb@hbms.org
Hudson Country Montessori School 340 Quaker Ridge Road, New Rochelle 914-636-6202 hudsoncountry.org
iD Tech Camps held at Manhattanville College, Fairfield, Yale, NYU, MIT, and 150+ More (888) 709-8324 idtech.com/WCParent
Incarnation Camp
253 Bushy Hill Road, Ivoryton, CT 860-767-0848 incarnationcamp.org info@incarnationcamp.org
872 Pelham Parkway, Pelham Manor 914-738-4000 kineticsportsclub.com 777 White Plains Road, Scarsdale 914-722-0072 tlgscarsdaleny.com 2121 Broadway, 2nd Floor (between 74th and 75th streets), Upper West Side, Manhattan 212-799-1225 tlgupperwestsideny.com 207 E. 94th St. (between Second and Third avenues), Upper East Side, Manhattan 212-787-1124 tlguppereastsideny.com 28 Franklin Turnpike, Waldwick, NJ 201-445-4444 tlgwaldwicknj.com
The Masters School: June Program at The Masters School
49 Clinton Ave., Dobbs Ferry 914-479-6400 mastersny.org/mastersofsummer admission@mastersny.org mastersofsummer@mastersny.org
Mosholu Day Camp
261 Arden Valley Road, Bear Mountain 845-323-5794 mosholudaycamp.com
Music Conservatory of Westchester 216 Central Ave., White Plains 914-761-3900 musicconservatory.org
MVP Basketball Camp
John Nemsick, director of basketball operations 29 Homeside Lane, White Plains 914-946-1231 mvpbasketballcamp.org nmuyskens@mvpbasketballcamp.org
Oasis Summer Day Camp in Dobbs Ferry at Mercy College
Iona College Day Camp
Upper Camp: Mercy College, 555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry 646-519-5057 Lower Camp: Masters School, 49 Clinton Ave., Dobbs Ferry oasischildren.com dobbs@oasischildren.com
Jodiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gym
The Pre-School Dicker Reading Center of Westchester
715 North Ave., New Rochelle iona.edu/about/iona-in-community/ summer-camp.aspx mreddington@iona.edu 25 Hubbels Drive, Mount Kisco
April 2017 | nymetroparents.com
75 Brook St., Scarsdale
914-472-0600 mommyicanread.com
Purchase College Summer Youth and Precollege Programs in the Arts
Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase 914-251-6500 www.purchase.edu/youth youth.pre.college@purchase.edu
Purchase Sports Camp at Manhattanville College
2900 Purchase St., Purchase 914-315-7507 purchasesportscamp.com info@purchasesportscamp.com
Special Program and Resource Connection (SPARC)
3045 Gomer St., Yorktown Heights 914-243-0583 sparcinc.org
SPORTIME Camps - Westchester
SPORTIME Lake Isle 660 White Plains Road Lake Isle Country Club Tennis Courts, Eastchester 914-777-5151 sportimecamps.com/lisle campslisle@sportimeny.com SPORTIME Harbor Island Tennis Courts in Harbor Island Park, Mamaroneck 914-777-5050 sportimecamps.com/lisle campslisle@sportimeny.com
Squire Camps Inc. at Maria Regina High School, Hartsdale 914-328-3798 squirecamps.com squirecamps@gmail.com
Starlight Starbright Music
78 Garth Road, Scarsdale 914-924-0995 slsbmusic.com jackie@slsbmusic.com
Steffi Nossen School of Dance
216 Central Park Ave., White Plains 914-328-1900 Church of St. Mary the Virgin South Greeley Ave., Chappaqua steffinossen.org
Studio B Dance Center
277 White Plains Road (entrance on Prospect Avenue), Eastchester 914-793-2799 studiobdance.com
Summer Kids College at Westchester Community College Extension Centers
Multiple Locations in Westchester Ossining: 914-606-7400 Peekskill: 914-606-7300 White Plains: 914-606-7500 sunywcc.edu/locations/ extension-centers-course-schedules jeanne.maloney@sunywcc.edu
Summer Stars at Mazel Tots Scarsdale Synagogue
914-238-4761 childrensaidsociety.org/wagon-road-camp vincec@childrensaidsociety.org
2 Ogden Road, Scarsdale 914-723-3001 mazeltots@sstte.org
Sylvan Learning Centers: Westchester
Sylvan Learning Center of Bronxville 850 Bronx River Road, Bronxville 914-237-4396 sylvanlearning.com/bronxville bronxville.ny@sylvanlearning.com Sylvan Learning Center of White Plains 180 S. Broadway, White Plains 914-948-4116 sylvanlearning.com/whiteplains sylvan4202@msn.com
Teatown Lake Reservation
1600 Spring Valley Road, Ossining 914-762-2912 teatown.org
Thornton-Donovan School
Westchester & Fairfield Swim Camp at Pace University in Pleasantville 914-588-2971 westfairswim.com kpalladino@westfairswim.com
Westchester County Parks Sports Camps and Programs 914-231-4673 westchestergov.com/parks
Westchester Reform Temple Early Childhood Center 225 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale 914-723-5493 wrtemple.org sue.tolchin@wrtemple.org
The Windward School Summer Program
Twin Lakes Farm
960 California Road, Bronxville 914-961-2192 twinlakesfarm.com camp@twinlakesfarm.com
40 West Red Oak Lane, White Plains 914-949-6968 x1250 Christopher Q. Eberhard, director of the Summer Program ceberhard@thewindwardschool.org Christine Teahan, co-director cteahan@thewindwardschool.org thewindwardschool.org, select summer program from the menu
Wagon Road Camp
Young At Art Workshop Inc.
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Vince Canziani, director 431 Quaker Road, Chappaqua
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ACROBATICS / GYMNASTICS Gym Cats Gymnastics..........................55 Jodi’s Gym - Westchester.....................21 BIRTHDAY / PARTY SERVICES Amy Rosen Cooking by Design............17 Artistree Performing Arts......................50 Blue Moon Mexican Café ....................26 Bounce! Trampoline Sports..................13 Chelsea Piers - CT...............................19 Chocolations LLC.................................12 Dave & Buster’s Pelham Manor...........26 Fashion Arts Studio..............................23 Gym Cats Gymnastics..........................55 Hommocks Ice Rink..............................20 Hudson Creamery................................23 Jodi’s Gym - Westchester.....................21 K & A House of Bounce........................12 Kids Cookery........................................50 Life The Place To Be............................21 Little Gym - Westchester......................64 Rockin’ Jump - Mount Kisco...................7 Saw Mill Club........................................15 Sportime USA Inc.................................25 Westchester Parent Party Planner.......60 CAMPS Ann & Andy...........................................50 Artistree Performing Arts......................50 Badger Day Camp................................57 Breezemont Day Camp........................50 Camp Huntington..................................43 Camp Ramaquois.................................59 Camp Young Judea Sprout Westchester..........................................54 Campus Kids Summer Camp...............55 Chapel School / Village Lutheran.........13 Chelsea Piers - CT...............................19 Computer Adventure.............................29 Concordia College................................54 Corbin’s Crusaders...............................56 CPW’s Jimmy Vejar Summer Fun & Respite Program...................................46 Destination Science..............................52 Fashion Arts Studio..............................23 Harvey School Cavalier Summer Camp........................................55 Hudson Country Montessori...............3, 9 ID Tech Camps..................................... 11 Incarnation Camp.................................53 Jodi’s Gym - Westchester.....................21 Kids Cookery........................................50 Kinetic Family Sports Club...................57 Little Gym - Westchester......................64 Mosholu Montefiore Community Center................................52 MVP Basketball Camp..........................52 Oasis Children Services.......................51 Play Group Theatre..............................25 Purchase College: Youth & Pre-College Program............................54 Purchase Sports Camp........................53 Spearman Golf Academy......................52 Sportime...............................................55 Squire Advantage Camps.....................56
Studio B Dance.....................................50 Teatown Lake Reservation...................54 Thornton Donovan School......................2 Twin Lakes Farm..................................49 Wagon Road Camp..............................56 Westfair Camp @ Pace Aquatics.........53 Windward School..................................56 Young At Art..........................................17 Young People’s Day Camp Westchester.................................................57 CHILD CARE / DAY CARE Ann & Andy...........................................50 CLASSES Alcott Montessori..................................26 Amy Rosen Cooking by Design............17 Artistree Performing Arts......................50 Easter Seals Project Explore................21 Fashion Arts Studio..............................23 Fin 2 Swim............................................15 Gym Cats Gymnastics..........................55 Harvey School Cavalier Summer Camp.....................................55 Hommocks Ice Rink..............................20 Kids Cookery........................................50 Kinetic Family Sports Club...................57 Music Conservatory of Westchester.....56 Sportime...............................................55 Starlight Starbright Music.....................20 Steffi Nossen School of Dance.............46 Studio B Dance.....................................50 Twin Lakes Farm..................................49 Westchester Community College: Extention Program................................13 Westchester County Parks...................51 Westchester Elite Flag Football League....................................25 Windward School..................................56 Young At Art..........................................17 DANCE Steffi Nossen School of Dance.............46 Studio B Dance.....................................50 DEVELOPMENTAL Creative Wonders Therapy Center.......46 Developmental Steps...........................41 G&G Counseling Services....................41 Huntington Learning Center.................43 Westchester Creative Arts Therapy Services..................................12 Westchester Therapy Solutions............38 EDUCATION Alcott Montessori..................................26 Bakshi Law...........................................46 Camp Young Judea Sprout Westchester..........................................54 Chapel School / Village Lutheran.........13 Children’s Jewish Education Group......37 Dicker Reading Method..........................5 Gina DeCrescenzo Law Offices...........42 Hudson Country Montessori...............3, 9 Huntington Learning Center.................43
Sylvan Learning Centers......................59 Temple Israel of Northern Westchester..........................................12 The BRIDGE School: A Division of Cerebral Palsy of Westchester.............46 Thornton Donovan School......................2 Westchester Community College: Extention Program................................13 Westchester County Parks...................51 Westchester Creative Arts Therapy Services..................................12 Westchester Reform Temple: Religious School...................................25 Windward School..................................56 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT / EVENTS / OUTINGS Bounce! Trampoline Sports..................13 Chelsea Piers - CT...............................19 Dave & Buster’s Pelham Manor...........26 Hudson Creamery................................23 K & A House of Bounce........................12 Life The Place To Be............................21 The Palace: Stamford Center for the Arts...11 Rockin’ Jump - Mount Kisco...................7 Sportime USA Inc.................................25 Temple Israel of Northern Westchester..........................................12 Westchester Children’s Museum..........26 FITNESS Jodi’s Gym - Westchester.....................21 HEALTH Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry....................9 Caring for Kids Pediatric Dentistry........42 Einstein College of Medicine/ Montrefiore...........................................38 G&G Counseling Services....................41 One Dent................................................7 LEGAL SERVICES Bakshi Law...........................................46 Gina DeCrescenzo Law Offices...........42 MUSIC Artistree Performing Arts......................50 Music Conservatory of Westchester.....56 Purchase College: Youth & Pre-College Program............................54 Starlight Starbright Music.....................20 PERFORMING ARTS / ACTING Artistree Performing Arts......................50 Play Group Theatre..............................25 Purchase College: Youth & Pre-College Program............................54 RELIGIOUS Children’s Jewish Education Group......37 Westchester Reform Temple: Religious School...................................25 RESTAURANT / FOOD SERVICES Blue Moon Mexican Café ....................26
RETAIL Affordables...........................................37 Chocolations LLC.................................12 Sportech...............................................26 Tilly...A Deer’s Tale................................37 SERVICES Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth...............................................26 Geico Insurance...................................63 SPECIAL EVENTS Dave & Buster’s Pelham Manor...........26 Jewish Week (The)...............................37 The Palace: Stamford Center for the Arts................................................. 11 Westchester Children’s Museum..........26 SPECIAL NEEDS Bakshi Law...........................................46 Camp Huntington..................................43 CPW’s Jimmy Vejar Summer Fun & Respite Program...................................46 Creative Wonders Therapy Center.......46 Developmental Steps...........................41 Dicker Reading Method..........................5 Easter Seals Project Explore................21 G&G Counseling Services....................41 Gina DeCrescenzo Law Offices...........42 Huntington Learning Center.................43 Miracle League of Westchester............46 SPARC Inc............................................41 The BRIDGE School: A Division of Cerebral Palsy of Westchester.............46 Westchester Creative Arts Therapy Services..................................12 Westchester Therapy Solutions............38 SPORTS Badger Day Camp................................57 Bounce! Trampoline Sports..................13 Camp Ramaquois.................................59 Fin 2 Swim............................................15 Kinetic Family Sports Club...................57 Miracle League of Westchester............46 MVP Basketball Camp..........................52 Purchase Sports Camp........................53 Rockin’ Jump - Mount Kisco...................7 Spearman Golf Academy......................52 Sportech...............................................26 Sportime...............................................55 Squire Advantage Camps.....................56 Twin Lakes Farm..................................49 Westchester Elite Flag Football League....................................25 Westfair Camp @ Pace Aquatics.........53 THEATER Play Group Theatre..............................25 TUTORS Dicker Reading Method..........................5 Sylvan Learning Centers......................59
WestchesterParent 61
Melissa Errico
Powerful Tunes
How music lessons helped my child with autism and sensory processing disorder By Michaela Searfoorce
s a former music teacher, I pride myself on all of the musical ways my children learn in our household. We have mastered the continents, days of the week, months of the year, and even our phone number and address through songs. My kids still can’t say their phone number without singing it. My oldest son, James, was born with a chromosome defect and multiple disabilities, among them autism and sensory processing disorder. Needless to say, his sensory issues and my knack for singing loudly in the car or playing Christmas carols on the piano at home didn’t make for a peaceful household. Instead of me passing on my love for music, we stopped attending concerts and started avoiding birthday parties just to circumvent the pre-song anxiety and the post-song meltdown. At school, I was called in more than once after James had become overwhelmed by a choir concert or classmate’s birthday. It reached a point where it became a given that if his class was performing in an assembly, James would stay back in the classroom. Even movie soundtracks or church hymns were enough to make him put a blanket over his head and start crying. As a musician, this music-phobia was particularly upsetting for me. When James turned 7 we moved to Manhattan. New York City was chock-full of special needs everything, integrated classrooms, sports teams—and as I would soon discover, music classes. After being called several times to pick James up early due to birthday songs, fire alarms, and choir assemblies at school, I decided it was time for drastic measures. With minimal searching online I found Daniel’s Music Foundation, which provides music classes to children and adults with disabilities. When I contacted DMF we were asked to come in for an interview, after which James was formally invited to join in on a drumming and percussion class as well as a recreational music and movement session. Incredibly, James seemed at ease both during the interview and the initial classes, in which he was able to participate as much or as little as he felt comfortable. The volunteers were helpful and friendly, and the other students were eager while not without their own struggles, which seemed to comfort James. It was as if he knew that music was being explored and shared in a safe space, which made the exposure to it less frightening. It wasn’t until several weeks later, when James made it through his first classmate’s birthday without tears, that I realized something incredible was happening. Later that
month, he did not hesitate when we broached the topic about participating in a performance. “Do you want to sing with your class? Up on a stage in front of a crowd?” I asked. “Sure, why not? Everyone in my class will be there,” he reasoned. But even considering this amazing progress, it was with no small amount of anxiety that I headed to his first winter concert at the end of the semester. The auditorium was packed and the audience was very enthusiastic throughout the show. As James walked onto the stage for the last number, people began to cheer and clap along and I could see him starting to lose his composure. I felt a thrill of dread in my stomach—what had I been thinking putting James up on stage when he couldn’t even sit through his own birthday cake? As I watched James grow more and more agitated and began formulating his escape route, a young man hopped up onto the stage next to James and whispered something into his ear. It was Michael Trush, one of DMF’s founders. Within moments he and James were high-fiving and the song reached its conclusion, with Michael and James still standing together. James stood on stage wearing a nervous, but triumphant smile. That miraculous moment occurred eight years ago. I want to make the story more interesting and say it was a long road with detours and U-turns, with setbacks and trials, but it was nothing so dramatic. It was more like finally finding the right exit off of the highway and smooth sailing to our destination from that point on. Many semesters later, James has performed on stage with DMF nearly a dozen times, including with the New York Yankees during HOPE Week and on the field at a Brooklyn Cyclones game. He sings hymns loudly at church and “Happy Birthday” to his siblings. There is a continuous stream of Michael Jackson and John Williams blasting out of his room, and I still can’t help but smile when I ask him to turn it down a little.
Michaela Searfoorce is a home-schooling mother of six children. She makes time to write in the wee hours. You can find more of her stories at thefoorce.com and thecentralparkzoo.com
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