Davonna bembo

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P I ET R O 1495

Bembo is a serif typeface created by the British branch of the Monotype Corporation in 1928-9 and most commonly used for body text. It is a member of the “old-style” of serif fonts, with its regular or roman style based on a design cut around 1495 by Francesco Griffo for Venetian printer Aldus Manutius, sometimes generically called the “Aldine roman”. BEMBO IS THE NAMED FOR MANUTIUS’S FIRST PUBLICATION WITH IT, a small 1496 book by the poet and cleric PIERTO BEMBO. The italic is based on work by GIOVANNI ANTONIO TAGLIENTE a calligrapher who worked as a printer in the 1520s, after the time of Manutius and Griffo. MONOTYPE CREATED BEMBO DURING A PERIOD OF RENEWED INTEREST IN THE PRINTING OF THE ILALIAN Renaissance, under the in-

fluence of Monotype executive and printing historian Stanley Morison. It followed a previous more faithful revival of Manutius’s work, Poliphilus, whose reputation it largely eclipsed.



Cambridge University Press, the National Gallery,Yale University Press and Edward Tufte. Bembo has been released in versions for phototypesetting and in several revivals as digital fonts by Monotype and other companies. Being a punchcutter meant that Griffo spent his days punching out the shape of a typeface into steel. Bembo is a serif typeTIC FOR IT TO face created by the THE DESIGN British branch of the OF CALLIGRAMonotype CorpoPHER AFRED ration in 1928-9 and FAIRBANK most commonly used BEMBO which also did not for body text. It is a receive the same BEMBO member of the “oldattention as the style” of serif fonts, normal version of with its regular or Bembo. Since its roman style based on creation, BEMBO a design cut around HAS ENJOYED 1495 by Francesco CONTINUING Griffo for Venetian POPUARITY AS printer Aldus ManutiAN ATTRACus, sometimes generwork by Giovanni Antonio Tagliente, a calligrapher who worked TIVE, legible ically called the “Alas a printer in the 1520s, after the time of Manutius and Griffo. book typeface. dine roman”. Bembo Prominent users MONOTYPE CREATED BEMBO DURING A PERIOD is named for ManuOF RENEWED INTEREST IN THE PRINTING OF THE of Bembo have tius’s first publication ILALIAN RENAISSANCE, under the influence of Monotype included Penguin with it, a small 1496 Books, the Evexecutive and printing historian Stanley Morison. It followed book by the poet and eryman’s Library a previous more faithful revival of Manutius’s work, Poliphicleric Pietro Bembo. series, Oxford lus, whose reputation it largely eclipsed. MONOTYPE ALSO The italic is based on CREATED A SECOND, MUCH MORE ECCENTRIC ILA- University Press,

BEMBO BEMBO 1495 - 1960

Bembo is a serif typeface created by the British branch of the Monotype Corporation in 1928-9 and most commonly used for body text. It is a member of the “old-style” of serif fonts, with its regular or roman style based on a design cut around 1495 by Francesco Griffo for Venetian printer Aldus Manutius, sometimes generically called the “Aldine roman”. Bembo is named for Manutius’s first publication with it, a small 1496


1495 1960 GRIFFO

book by the poet and cleric Pietro Bembo. The italic is based on work by Giovanni Antonio Tagliente, a calligrapher who worked as a printer in the 1520s, after the time of Manutius and Griffo. Monotype created Bembo during a period of renewed interest in the printing of the Italian Renaissance, under the influence of Monotype executive and printing historian Stanley Morison.


BEMBO first verison was cut by Francesco Griffo around 1496 for use by Venetian printer Aldus Manutius.

95 Monotype released a new digital version, called Bembo Book, in 2005.

BEMBO one of those classic book types that just need to be present on anyone’s list of interesting fonts.

BEMBO is a serif typeface created by the British branch of the Monotype Corporation in 1928.

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