Ilma Magazine | March/April 2014 | Issue 6

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March / April 2014 Issue 6

Live, Learn & Inspire

Sweetness of Imaan

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04 Editorial

The Islamic Way of Life

06 Sweetness of Imaan

Achieve Sweetness of Imaan

16 Halal Food & Drink Islamic Dietary

22 Food Bites Breakfast

24 Modestyle

Spring and Summer Fashion

Ilma Magazine All praise is due to Allah, The Most High Contribution and Appreciation:

33 Recommended Reading The One God

38 Get Involved Ask the Sheikh


Islam Channel Programmes New Programmes this Spring

Editor-In-Chief: The Dawah Project Team Writers: Anjuma Choudhury, Jana Sharaf & Ghariba Suleiman Visual Editor: Muhammad Abdulmateen Special thanks to Islam Channel For more information about advertising, marketing and sponsoring in Ilma Magazine, email us at ilmamag@ Official website:

Ilma Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Dawah Project. Subscription is free. All rights reserved by The Dawah Project. Reproduction in whole or in part without written consent/permission is strictly prohibited. The Dawah Project cannot accept responsibility for submitted material. Special thanks to Chairman Mohammed Ali Harrath for his unconditional support and contribution. In addition we would like to thank all our readers and supporters.

The Dawah Project Ltd Registered Office - 14 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4BX Company No- 06864768 Registered Charity Number: 1133424 Tel: 0207 330 1744

Editorial In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Compassionate.

The Islamic Way of Life Assalaamu’alaikum Dear Reader, We hope you are in the best of Health and Imaan In shaa Allah. Ilma Issue 6 provides reflective writings for Muslims in the 21st century of ways to incorporate religious duties and recommended practices in everyday life.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

In addition, this issue invites nonMuslims to view Islam in the light of its simplicity, interaction, standards of discipline, peace, hygiene, and healthy lifestyle. Islam is a way of life to guide humanity intended for human beings to live a content life. We hope this edition is an enjoyable read and appreciate any feedback sent to us at:


Sweetness of


March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

again, we have witnessed people admiring selected individuals leading to some form of worship.

“There are three qualities whoever has them, will taste the sweetness of Imaan: To love Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) more than anyone else; to love a slave (of Allah) only for (the sake of) Allah; and to hate returning to infidelity after Allah has saved him from it as he would hate to be thrown into the fire of Hell,” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Al-Muslim).

Islam through its infinite wisdom invites mankind to believe in the One God, Allah. Islam teaches us that unity and understanding of our surroundings is part of belief and that human beings are all creatures of God given dominion over other creatures. In the Qur’an Allah says to the Angels,

Islam is filled with logic and wisdom. The beautiful religion has a simple message and in its practice one finds themself in alignment with other human beings and Allah, The Most High. For Muslims, Islam revolves around their lives and not the other way round. Through the teachings of Islam we become more motivated to expand our consciousness and taste the sweetness and solace of ‘Imaan’ (faith). We have recognised that there are certain practices that we need to develop and abide by in order to accomplish the high status of Imaan.

Unity through Tawheed ‘Tawheed’, is the belief that Allah is ‘One’ is both scientifically logical and spiritually ideal. Yet human beings through the ages have found numerous ways to dispute the Oneness of God and have labelled the various attributes of God as separate deities. In certain ancient civilisations, polytheism was widely practiced such as the belief in the Egyptian god Horus and the Grecian goddess Athena. Even to this day people worship other hierarchical human beings whether they are living or not. Time and time

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

“….Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?” Allah said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know,” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:30). Humans and Jinns have been created by Allah only to worship Him. We are tested in life and given the ability to make decisions in every situation. This ability renders us to have a better understanding of our actions and to take responsibility; whilst Angels are only intermediaries to deliver the Decree of Allah, The Most High. All of us have the right to be here on earth because we are entering and leaving this world with the Permission and Grace of Allah, The Most High. We liberate ourselves from judging and labelling others; only to love one another for the sake of Allah. This is a very important concept that Prophet Ibraheem (peace and blessings be upon him) implemented, the united belief in ‘One God’. This is further explained in the Qur’an, “The night, the day, the sun, the moon, are only a few of His signs. Do not bow down in worship to the sun or the moon, but bow down to God who created them, if it is truly Him that you worship,” (Surat Al- Fussilat, 41:37).


Salah and Remembering ‘The One’ ‘Salah’ (ritual prayers) is an essential practice in Islam. It is obligatory upon a Muslim to offer their prayers intended for protection, mercy, and guidance from Allah, The Most High. Performing the daily prayers demonstrates the love one has for Allah and the willingness to sacrifice their time to remember Him. Salah has many benefits such as serenity

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

and rejuvenation; this can only be attained if we are able to engage in our prayers. Allah, The Most High justifies the importance of prayer in the Qur’an and says, “Verily I, I alone am God; there is no deity except Me. Hence, worship Me alone, and be constant in prayer, so as to remember Me!” (Surat Al-Taha, 20:14). Salah is part of the daily routine for a Muslim and remembering Allah is clarifying that our existence is dependent upon Him only. Praying five times a day connects us to the Qur’an. We must make effort in


understanding and pondering on what we are reciting to our Lord. Only then we are able to have a deeper relationship with Allah, increasing our Imaan. Extending on from Salah is the practice of ‘dhikr’. Dhikr is commonly translated as “remembrance” or “invocation.” Many Muslims use the specified ‘remembrances’ or supplications that are authentically attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For instance, when Fatimah (May Allah be pleased with her) went up to her father, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and requested for a war detainee to help her

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

out at doing chores. He advised her, “Recite the tasbih (Subhanallah) thirty three times in the morning and thirty three times in the evening, recite the tahmid (Alhamdulillah) thirty three times in the morning and thirty three times in the evening and say takbir to Allah (Allahuakbar) thirty three times in the morning and thirty three times in the evening,” (Sahih Al-Bukhari). These prescribed actions should provide comfort to the believer and make one feel more connected to Allah, The Responsive.


“Every act of goodness is charity.” (Sahih Al-Muslim)

Give Charity It is absolutely central to the Muslim identity to feel care and compassion towards fellow human beings. Being charitable is a great virtue and a form of purification for the heart and soul. Helping a fellow human being, who is facing hardship is In shaa Allah rewarded by Allah, The Most Generous. Allah says several times in the Qur’an that He is most Merciful and that our Messenger (peace be upon him) was sent as a mercy to all of

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

Mankind and so Muslims must manifest mercy upon humanity. ‘Zakat’ is the compulsory giving of a set proportion of one’s wealth (2.5%) to charity and is the Third Pillar of Islam. Zakat can only be given to eight types of people which are detailed in the Qur’an. Giving Zakat is part of obeying Allah and benefits one to have self discipline, behave honestly and being free from greed. Apart from Zakat, ‘Sadaqah’ is another form of charity, which means to donate on a voluntary basis revealing ones


generosity and compassion to Allah, The Most High. Giving charity is commonly associated with donating money, which is correct, but Islam sees charity holistically. Good and beneficial advice could help someone who is being decisive about a life changing decision. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has stated,

Charity is to be done with humility as Allah is the witness and our deeds will be accounted for on the Day of Resurrection. Being charitable for the sake of Allah attaches us to Him even more. After all, we are helping His servants. “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity,” (Al-Tirmidhi: 1925).

“Every act of goodness is charity,” (Sahih Al-Muslim).

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Adab and Haya ‘Adab’ in Islam is described as good manners and without good manners we are not able to connect with people and build relationships. Muslims are encouraged to have courtesy, respect, and should behave appropriately at the right time in the right way. Allah, The Most High not only judges us on steadfastness in religious practices, and our March / April 2014 / Issue 6

character. The character of a Muslim affects their Imaan. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) personified the best of manners. He was always fair and honest in his dealings with other people. He invited people to Islam with a lot of wisdom, and humanising the divine knowledge revealed to him. Allah has clearly stated in the Qur’an, “O Messenger of Allah! It is a great Mercy of God that you are gentle and kind to-


wards them; for, had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would all have broken away from you,” (Surat Al-Imran, 3:159). ‘Haya’ can be translated into many definitions, but the terminology can generally be defined as “modesty” and “self respect”; this is essential to a Muslim’s character. Haya is is virtue, which pushes the believer to avoid anything distasteful or abominable. A sin is easily avertable if one adopts haya.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

Today much of our manners stem from etiquettes and morality that we have been brought up within the Islamic environment; initially this starts with the family. We are all born with a natural disposition to be good and tolerant. Islam encourages the individual to develop these respectable virtues of modesty and good manners, which are part of one’s Imaan.


Respect your parents, be kind and look after them

Do not waste time

Be clean and organised

Treat others the way you like to be treated

Helpful Reminders: Become a Better Muslim

Seek beneficial knowledge Perform Salah and supplicate regularly

Be calm and content

Recite the Qur’an and contemplate over it

Rely on Allah, The Guardian of us all

Act and speak with good intentions

Give Charity

Many of us have heard of this phrase, “practice makes perfect� and this can be applied to following the Islamic way of life. The team at Ilma has compiled some reminders to help all of us in fitting Islamic practices into our lives.

Do not despair when facing hardship

Protect your chastity and lower your gaze

Do not judge and be wise

Implement good manners

Be around good company all the time

HALAL EATING and DRINKING The Arabic word ‘Halal’ means ‘permissible' involving an object or action according to Islamic Law. Generally people associate ‘Halal’ with food and drink, but essentially it affects every aspect of a Muslim’s daily life. The opposite of this word is ‘Haraam’. The subject of Halal and Kosher Dietary Laws has come up in the national media with mixed viewpoints. Those against this method express that the slaughtering process is cruel to animals. Thus, in this issue we shed light on Islamic Dietary Laws that came from the Divine. What is required for food and drinks to be halal?

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


March / April 2014 / Issue 6


it is HAraam! ”O those who believe, eat of the good things We have provided you and be grateful to Allah, if (really) you are to worship Him alone. He has only forbidden you: carrion, blood, the flesh of swine and that upon which a name other than ‘Allah’ has been invoked. So whoever is compelled by necessity, neither seeking pleasure nor transgressing, then there is no sin on him. Verily, Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful,” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:172-173).

There are clear guidelines on Islamic Dietary in the Qur’an prohibiting Muslims from consuming the following: • • • • • • • • •

Pork and anything that comes from the animal Animals that were dead prior to slaughtering Animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah, The Most High Animals sacrificed for idols Products with blood because it is harmful to consume Alcohol is an intoxicant that is forbidden Carnivorous animals Birds of prey Land animals without external ears

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


The Slaughtering Method ‘Dhabihah’ is the method of slaughtering meat except sea food. It is halal if the animals are slaughtered ritually. The method of slaughtering in Islam is based on certain clear guidelines found in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the traditions practised by the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah be pleased with them all). 1. Slaughtering must be performed manually by a mature Muslim who fully understands the fundamentals and conditions relating to slaughtering according to the Islamic Law. 2. At the time of slaughtering the name of Allah must be invoked by saying: Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar (I begin the slaughtering in the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest). 3. The animal should be slaughtered using a very sharp knife, penetrating the throat of the animal. 4. Windpipe, food-tract and two jugular veins should be cut, preferably in one stroke. 5. The blood of the slaughtered animal must be drained as much as possible. 6. The neck of the animal should not be disjoined during slaughtering intentionally; even the knife should not go deep into the spinal marrow. 7. Slaughtering from the back of the neck is not allowed. 8. Animals must not be subjected to any brutality or unnecessary suffering.

Beyond Halal Sadly, the Muslim discourse on food has mostly revolved around the practice of Islamically slaughtered meat. There are numerous Qur’anic verses that deal with the topic of food and eating and a great many of them emphasise “the good”, in Arabic known as ‘tayyib’. Allah commands us in the Qur’an, “Eat from that which is good from what We have provided for you,” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:57). Eating food that has not been tempered with chemicals is healthy for the body internally and externally. Nowadays more and more of us are eating processed, packaged food combined with additives and stripped of nutrients. Does anyone understand the E Codes? Thus, it is important for us to be careful what we put in our mouth. Allah, The Sustainer has deposited wonderful fruits and vegetables on earth as gifts from Him for us to consume. Therefore, implement an organic diet in your daily lives. Incorporating a healthy and balanced diet is just as important as eating halal food as Allah states in the Qur’an, “O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess,” (Surat Al-Raf, 7:31). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived a simple life and encouraged Muslims to not to waste food, and share your bounty with those who are less fortunate.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


It is acknowledged that when reciting Ayatul Al-Kursi, one is protected from the evil effects of the Jinn from morning until evening.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Allahu la ilaha illa Huwa, Al-Haiyul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatun wa la nawm, lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma baina aidihim wa ma khalfahum, wa la yuhituna bi shai'im-min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard, wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma Wa Huwal 'Aliyul-Adhaeem “Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.“ (Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse: 255). March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Food Bites Breakfast Eating a healthy breakfast every day gives your brain and body a boost. Ful Medames is a delicious spicy stew that is traditionally eaten for breakfast with fresh hot pitta bread and consumed in places such as Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia to break the fast. It is also ideal for home freezing.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Ful Medames for Breakfast Preparation Time: 25 Minutes


Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

1. Soak the beans overnight. Drain, place in a pan, cover with plenty of water and cook for around one hour until tender. 2. Chop the onion and garlic until very fine then fry gently in a little oil. 3. Meanwhile, chop and mix herbs, oil, lemon juice, chilli and spices. 4. Add this mixture to the onions and garlic, then cook for a few minutes. 5. Add the passata, tomato puree and 100ml of water. 6. Cook for a few more minutes and then add the beans. Leave to simmer and then taste. Adjust the seasoning adding sugar, salt or pepper. The beans will be ready as soon as the seasoning is balanced, although you can leave them if you prefer a thicker sauce. 7. Eat straight away or allow it to cool, divide into portions and freeze.

Ingredients (Serves 1) 1kg whole dried fava beans 1 garlic clove 1 red onion 45g fresh coriander 20g fresh parsley Juice of 2 or 3 large lemons 1 small hot chilli ¼ tsp paprika ¼ tsp cinnamon 3 heaped tsp cumin 500-700ml jar passata 2 heaped tsp tomato puree 100ml sunflower oil (plus oil for frying) Salt and black pepper

March / April 2014 / Issue 6

Can be served with pitta bread, tomato salad and a fried or poached egg.


By Fashion Blogger

Ghariba Suleiman

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Sisters Spring / Summer

Style Tips Nowadays it is not a far-fetched idea to dress modestly and still be chic. Modest clothing can keep up with the latest fashion trends, but the most important thing is that you are true to your identity and feel comfortable wearing the clothes.


March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Maxi kaftans Much like tunics, can be worn as a dress or a longsleeved shirt dress. Modern Kaftans are understated in their design. The Kaftan is an excellent choice for attending a party of any scale. Choose a lightweight fabric to stay cool.Â



Printed hijabs are ideal in the sun! Wrap your head in a sweet flower print or a paisley print. Hand-woven, handspun bamboo, silk and chiffon hijabs look great in any prints and they keep your head cool!

Tunics never go out of fashion especially for the Summer. The length can vary. Wear them as a dress made from lightweight cotton or sheer linen with a shirt underneath. Tunics can be worn as a smart shirt with silk pants.

Maxi Dresses



Maxi dresses are long and flowy. Solid or printed, these lengthy dresses can be teamed up with heels or sandals with jewellery. For coverage, wear a cardigan or cropped boxy jacket.

Long skirts are must haves! Whether you're dressing for the office, party or looking for something for a weekend away, invest in a versatile skirt. Wear them with chic flats or sandals, long-sleeved tops, and a sleek looking hijab.

Wide leg trousers should play an important role in the Spring/Summer season. Looser clothing is not only modest, but also helps you keep cool. A long top with a complimentary hijab, handbag and pair of heels can make the perfect work to evening outfit.

Style Advice stay cool It is important to keep the body as cool as possible during the hot Summer months, which can be sometimes an “uphill task” for Muslim women that wear the hijab. The obvious tip is to suggest light weight fabrics, but it is also important to wear absorbent materials such as georgette, chiffon and lace. Clothes with “air holes” allows air circulation. Lace under-caps and loose crocheted caps are both effective. Headbands are a useful alternative to under caps covering the forehead with less material and you can still pin your scarf!

accessories Invest in accessories to wear in the Spring/Summer season such as necklaces, rings, bangles and sunglasses! Wearing a necklace whether it is long or around the collar length is a perfect way to enhance your outfit. Look out for costume jewellery!

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Brothers Spring / Summer

Too many T-shirts? There is no such thing! T-Shirts have become one of the most essential pieces of clothing during hot conditions. T-Shirts made from thin cotton material will create ventilation and plain bold colours are perfect to mix and match with items such as jeans and trainers.

BLAZERS Blazers are very versatile and they can be worn as evening wear combined with a pair of jeans, trainers and T-Shirts for casual and formal wear.



Shirts in pastel colours are perfect to wear in warmer conditions. From short sleeved to long sleeved shirts and from patterned collars and cuffs to plain shirts. Invest in simple cool grey, sky blue and oatmeal shades.

Trousers come in various different style options. a black pair of jeans always works as it goes with anything. It makes a bold statement with your favourite T-Shirt. Cotton styled trousers such as chinos will be the perfect fit for evening and day wear depending on how you style it!

shoes This Summer, we want to keep it smart for all the working men. If you are thinking black leather shoes... Why not change it up and wear boat shoes? A smarter and cooler way to mix it up and not to mention the comfortability and air space it can offer your feet! Vans, Converses and Nike Airforces are the main footwear for men this Spring and Summer season.

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Recommended Reading

The Fundamentals of Tawheed By Dr Bilal Philips This book is a must read for anyone wanting to truly understand the religion of Islam. Islam is centralised around the belief in tawheed and the book ‘The Fundamentals of Tawheed’ clarifies in detail what Islam means when it says “He is Allah, the One and Only” by identifying and explaining examples of the violation of the unique Oneness of God within many cultures and beliefs. In this book, Dr Bilal Philips beautifully explains how monotheism is the true path to Allah.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


ADOPTION Whenever a story breaks out about a Muslim child being adopted by non Muslims, this provokes a heated reaction from the Muslim community. But why aren’t Muslim families coming forward to offer hundreds of Muslim children lingering in care, a permanent and loving home. In this ground breaking documentary series by Islam Channel (Sky 813), we speak to scholars and experts in the field to get a picture of the reality on the ground and explore what our duty is as a Muslim community in Britain.

Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 5: Episode 6:

Welcome to My World: Losing My Religion: Adoption & Islam (Part 1): Adoption & Islam (Part 2): The Adopters (Part 1): The Adopters (Part 2):

26/03 at 9pm and repeated on 30/03 at 7pm 02/04 at 9pm and repeated on 06/04 at 7pm 09/04 at 9pm and repeated on 13/04 at 7pm 16/04 at 9pm and repeated on 20/04 at 7pm 23/04 at 9pm and repeated on 27/04 at 7pm 30/04 at 9pm and repeated on 04/05 at 7pm

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This series can also be viewed live on For comments and feedback email adoption@i

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The Wind of Change The wind does come, and with it brings change. No foresight or wisdom we have to engage, Whatever the fate, let us patiently bear. Some will be happy, while others despair. Happy are those content with decree, despair do those, who do not believe. And with this life, we follow the path. Some tread carefully, while others do stray. The prayer of the believer is not made to waste, and patience is best, not panic and haste. Glance at those who do suffer, No food, no clothes or shelter to sleep. Their faith is strong, a bounty for the weak. Love this life seeking joy and treasure, Immerse yourself in temporary pleasure. The morrow is better and a lasting life, A promised gift for all the trouble and strife. By Zahid Majid

Jan / Feb 2014 / Issue 5


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We are always looking for volunteers and charity assistants to help us! Whether it is administration work, leafleting, call centre, working at events and much more. We are always in need of some assistance! Your support is greatly needed. Age requirement for volunteers is 16 years and above. Food and travel expenses will be covered. Send your CV and covering letter to

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


Ask the Sheikh A regular feature in Ilma Magazine releasing in May 2014. Send your questions to with the subject heading ‘Ask the Sheikh’. Alternatively, tweet @TheDawahProject Only 3 questions will be chosen at our discretion and will be published bi-monthly in the magazine answered by our well learned scholars. Deadline: Friday 25th April 2014

SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TODAY! *The opinions expressed are prepared with the best effort and intention to help the community.

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


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Every month there is an opportunity for all talented writers out there to submit an article on a topic of their choice that includes Islam as a frame of reference. Send us the article with your name and contact number at

Online Donation We will select and publish at our discretion in future publications.

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March / April 2014 / Issue 6

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Islam Channel Programmes

Watch the latest Islam Channel promotional videos and programmes at:

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


One Brick at a Time Funded by The Dawah Project Subscribers

A short set of talks delivered by the enigmatic Nouman Ali Khan, ranging from love in marriage to advising the youth. Telecasts (BST): (Airs Friday, 14th March 2014 - 7 episode series)

The Best of Men

Legacy X

Funded by The Dawah Project

Funded by The Dawah Project



The life of the greatest man who ever lived, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is conveyed by an array of internationally renowned speakers.

A one off narrative documentary of the life and legacy of Malcolm X, explored through the eyes of Imam Siraaj Wahhaj, a former member of the Nation Of Islam and a veteran in the field of dawah.

Telecasts (BST): (Airs Tuesday, 18th March 2014, 18 episodes)

Telecasts (BST):

The Report

In Conversation With...

The weekly news programme takes a look at the stories that matter to you, looking at both global and local news we make sure we keep on top of your news stories. Telecasts (BST): Every Friday 9:00pm

(Airs Thursday, 20th March 2014)

A brand new series, watch reporter Yasmin Khatun interview prominent figures from across the globe, in our exclusive interviews we get behind the surface. Interviews include Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Zain Bhikha and many more. Telecasts (BST): (Programme Launching in March 2014)

March / April 2014 / Issue 6


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