The Entrepreneur Code Life-changing habits to help you succeed
50 Essential Traits And Beliefs of Top Entrepreneurs Brought To You Courtesy Of : Dawgen Jamaica 47-47 Trinidad Terrace Kingston 5 Email: info@dawgen.global
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The Entrepreneur Code
Table of
Contents Introduction Chapter 1
Health & Fitness
Habit 1: They get up early Habit 2: They work out consistently Habit 3: They eat right Habit 4: They equate fitness with success Habit 5: They get rid of bad habits Habit 6: They get professional help Chapter 2
Professional Goals
Habit 7: They write down their goals Habit 8: They work on them nearly every day Habit 9: They aren’t afraid to dream big Habit 10: They don’t allow setbacks to keep them down for long Habit 11: They never give up on their dream Habit 12: They do things that others won’t Habit 13: They are flexible enough to adjust their goals when needed Habit 14: They don’t procrastinate Habit 15: They do more than what is expected of them Chapter 3
Personal Development
Habit 16: They read a lot of books Habit 17: They teach themselves new things Habit 18: They focus on educating themselves, not getting an education Habit 19: They are aware of their shortcomings Habit 20: They improve a little every day Habit 21: They hold themselves accountable
Chapter 4
Habit 22: They spend time in contemplation Habit 23: They give money to worthy causes Habit 24: They take their own path Habit 25: They develop a solid code of ethics Habit 26: They are open to inspiration Chapter 5
Financial Habits
Habit 27: They make a budget and stick to it Habit 28: They put away more than 10% Habit 29: They keep their credit history pristine Habit 30: They know the value of good help Habit 31: They automate bill pay whenever possible Habit 32: They keep records of everything Habit 33: They cultivate multiple income streams Chapter 6
Personal Relationships
Habit 34: They don’t mind sharing themselves with others Habit 35: They make family a priority Habit 36: They build relationships with like-minded people Habit 37: They build the right team Habit 38: They are kind to others Habit 39: They avoid negative people Habit 40: They listen to people Chapter 7
Creative Outlets
Habit 41: They keep a journal Habit 42: They find hobbies that they enjoy Habit 43: They choose jobs they are passionate about Habit 44: They branch out creatively Habit 45: They don’t deprive themselves of funHabit 46: They aren’t afraid to be eccentric
Chapter 8
Community Involvement Habit 47: They support important causes Habit 48: They inspire others to get involved Habit 49: They volunteer for things Habit 50: They get to know their neighbors
The Entrepreneur Code
Introduction Have you ever wondered why some people are able to become super-successful entrepreneurs while others just dream about it? Have you always wanted to follow in the footsteps of the world’s wealthiest business owners, investors or tech giants? What makes everything turn to gold at their touch? That’s a question that all aspiring entrepreneurs would like the answer to, and we have it here. It turns out that in order to be able to crack the Entrepreneur Code, all you need to do is take a close look at some of the most successful men and women of today’s world. It is immediately apparent by examining their daily habits, and seeing what they focus on, that they do things differently than the average person. If you can copy the same things that these uber-successful people do, you can achieve the same level of success that they have achieved. That’s what this book is about. Each chapter will examine a particular area of life where successful people tend to focus. The information was gathered through extensive research into more than 100 successful entrepreneurs, including everyone from actor & producer Jim Carrey to tech giant and PayPal founder Elon Musk. In each of these life areas, which include health, fitness, personal development, relationships and spiritual pursuits, we have identified several key habits that have turned these people into businessmen and businesswomen that have not only achieved fame and amassed a great fortune, but are actually changing the world around them for the better. Each chapter will not only list and describe these life-changing habits, but they will also profile a successful and well-known entrepreneur that is known for those particular habits, so that you can see how they are applied in the lives of successful people. The 50 habits that we have identified are shared among just about all of the entrepreneurs that we researched, and especially among the entrepreneurs profiled in this book. If you can incorporate just a few of them into your own life, you will have a distinct advantage over other people who are striving for success. The more of these habits that you can make your own, the more in line with what the most successful entrepreneurs in the world are doing in their own lives. Each one will give you part of the key that you need to unlock the Entrepreneur Code, and once you do, the possibilities are limitless.
Health & Fitness
Profile: Barack Obama, Former President of the United States
There is no denying that former president Barack Obama is successful. Even the most undistinguished of the 43 presidents that came before Obama will likely be remembered for the next few centuries, but Obama is in a class by himself, being the first African-American president in a country that was nearly torn apart by racial strife in the 1950’s, and still has elements of that racism even today.
One of the areas of life that Barack Obama tends to focus on is health and fitness. This is probably obvious to anyone familiar with his presidency, as Obama was well known for playing basketball regularly, and for promoting exercise and healthy eating, a message which Michelle Obama spearheaded and took around the country. In an interview with Men’s Health, Barack Obama said that he doesn’t like getting up early in the morning, but he does it anyway to make time for exercise, which he does six days a week, for 45 minutes a day. He does a combination of strength training and cardio, and of course, he has a healthy diet. But Barack Obama isn’t the only successful person who makes health and fitness a priority. Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and many more well-known names can be found making time each day for exercise and taking care of their physical and mental health. There have even been recent studies that shows a direct correlation between physical fitness and success in business. There are many benefits to staying in shape and exercising every day, including better focus and more confidence, as well as the determination to finish what you start. Here are six habits that successful people do to maintain their health and improve fitness. Habit 1
They get up early
You’ll notice that among successful people, one of the key factors that they all share is the propensity to get up early. There are a lot of advantages to getting up early. There have been dozens of studies that have linked getting up earlier with getting more accomplished. Even if you aren’t a morning person – like Barack Obama – you still should consider getting up a couple of hours earlier. You might find that you have time to get more done and will get even closer to your goals. Habit 2
They work out consistently
Another thing that successful people share is consistency. This usually extends to all areas of their lives, but it is especially true in the case of exercise. As a rule, successful people tend to exercise several times a week. They are not only very committed to it, they make it part of their schedule and work around the workout. Doing this has a couple of benefits. Besides the obvious health and fitness bonuses that you get from working out, when the first thing you do is exercise in the morning, you release those endorphins and it makes you more productive the rest of the day. Habit 3
They eat right
Another thing that successful people do. You probably know that if you eat too much, or if you eat the wrong kinds of food, you end up feeling bloated and horrible, making it difficult to do anything. This is one of the reasons that successful people eat right, but it’s not the only one. They also eat right because there are certain foods that are really good for brain power and energy.
Habit 4
They equate fitness with success
Successful people don’t think about fitness as a chore or something that they need to do to impress anyone else. They equate fitness with being successful. There is no doubt that the two are related and that’s why they make this a priority, getting up early in the morning to work out, or making fitness one of the things that they work on no matter what else is going on. Habit 5
They get rid of bad habits
In addition, you will notice that successful people are able to kick most of the bad habits that are out there. Whether that is drinking, drugs, overeating, cigarettes or any other vice that plague humanity, successful people tend to overcome those challenges and they are that much more able to channel their energies into something that is productive and useful. Habit 6
They get professional help
Successful people also know that everyone needs help once in a while, and they get their help from professionals. Whether that professional is a doctor or dietician, or simply a personal trainer to THE ENTREPRENEUR CODE help them at the gym, successful people use the talent around them to improve their own lives.
The Entrepreneur Code
Professional Goals
Profile: Larry Page, Co-founder of Google
In this chapter, we’ll be profiling Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. While you may not be as familiar with his name as Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs, Page is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, surpassing some of those names that you are familiar with through his impact on the present state of technology and potential impact on the future.
Here’s a pop quiz. What is the one way to ensure that your products and services are always at the very top of internet searches no matter what? The answer is – build the world’s most popular search engine first, and then build products and services second. Page read the biography of Nikola Tesla when he was just 12 years old and it changed his life – and ours – forever. From that point forward, Larry Page had a passion for business and technology, and he turned it into the world’s most successful corporation. Most of the advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, automotive technology and the internet at large will likely come from Google in the coming decades. Let’s take a look at the nine habits that people like Larry Page incorporate into their life in the area of setting and achieving professional goals. Habit 7
They write down their goals
The problem with trying to take a journey somewhere that you haven’t been before is that without a map, you have very little chance of reaching your destination. Imagine that you took a trip from Los Angeles to Tallahassee without a GPS or a map – and there weren’t any road signs to guide you. That’s how trying to reach your goals without writing them down is. Luckily, successful people like the entrepreneurs featured here know this, and they make sure they always write down their goals. Habit 8
They work on them nearly every day
Also, entrepreneurs don’t just set them and forget them. They actively work on them every day if they can. The success that they achieve comes with a lot of hard work and they know this is the case. That’s why they consistently do thing to get them closer to their goals. If you want to be successful, then write down your goals and post them somewhere that you can always see them. Then each and every day, try to do something to move yourself closer to each and every one of those goals. Habit 9
They aren’t afraid to dream big
Entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to dream big. Someone else might think that owning a multi-million dollar company or becoming a billionaire is well out of their reach, but the most successful people in the world have no problem seeing themselves achieving any level of success that they desire. They know that anything worth achieving is going to take hard work, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. It just means that it might take a little longer to get there, or it might take more work for them than someone with less lofty goals.
Habit 10
They don’t allow setbacks to keep them down for long
Even when things happen that make it more difficult to reach their goals, they don’t get thwarted for long. Successful entrepreneurs know that failing is part of the journey and when they have a setback they just think of a way around it and then continue on their journey. Setbacks can knock some people down and they never get back up, but that’s not the case with the world’s most successful people. Habit 11
They never give up on their dream
Another thing that can sometimes happen when a journey is difficult is wanting to give up on the dream. For millions of people who do not realize that they really could reach their goals if they put in the work, the dream is just that. But for these entrepreneurs, they never give up, no matter how hard things get. They just keep plugging away until they eventually achieve their goals. Habit 12
They do things that others won’t
You will also notice that successful people will do things that others won’t do. For example, if someone has a dream of creating a video game, they may not be willing to spend ten years reading every book on programming and living on almost nothing while they work towards that dream. Most people don’t have that kind of motivation. But successful entrepreneurs will stay late, show up early, and work for years without pay to achieve their goals. Habit 13
They are flexible enough to adjust their goals when needed
One of the problems that people sometimes run into after they set their goals is that they made them so inflexible and difficult to achieve that they become impossible. While there is nothing wrong with setting a goal to become a millionaire, you are probably going to be disappointed if you put the time limit on your millionaire goal one week. Successful people, on the other hands, create realistic goals and make them flexible enough to bend with the unexpected things in life. Habit 14
They don’t procrastinate
Another thing that successful people refuse to do is procrastinate. Procrastination is one of the worst plagues that humanity faces, and people often fail simply because they put something off till the last minute and didn’t have time to do it. But the entrepreneurs on this list do not procrastinate. In fact, they take the most difficult task and do it first, and then take the other tasks after it and do them too.
Habit 15
They do more than what is expected of them
Do you only do the minimum at work or with your other responsibilities? That might be why you haven’t achieved the level of success that some of our profiled businesspeople have. Successful people do more than what is expected. They always go above and beyond. Whether that means showing up early and staying late, or spending time outside of the office trying to achieve their goals.
The Entrepreneur Code
Personal Development
Profile: Mark Cuban, Investor on NBC’s Shark Tank
If you haven’t seen the NBC reality show “Shark Tank” then you might not be familiar with Mark Cuban. The author, television personality, businessman and investor has earned gobs of money throughout his lifetime, and he did it by following the habits described below.
One of those is reading, and it is a trait that is shared by every single success story in this book, as well as nearly all of the 100+ entrepreneurs that we researched. Cuban says that he growing up he read every book and magazine that he could get his hands on. He didn’t always get good ideas from them, but he got enough to make it well worth it. Plus, he notes that all of this reading material that he procured was available to the public. Anyone could have gotten the same information and made the same choices he did. But, as he says, most people didn’t want it. Let’s check out some of the personal development habits that Mark Cuban and other successful people have incorporated into their lives to help them build their business. These may not be the only personal development habits that successful people like Mark Cuban have honed, but they are a good start for anyone that is just starting the journey to becoming successful. Habit 16
They read a lot of books
One of the things that successful people do more than any group out there with the possible exception of librarians is read books. They also read very specific types of books. The entrepreneurs in this book have discussed some of their favorite books and they are all books that teach some kind of self-improvement, whether that is through education, through motivation or learning new skills and honing abilities. Habit 17
They teach themselves new things
In addition, successful people teach themselves things. If they can’t find it in a book, then they roll up their sleeves and get to work. Think about some of the Silicon Valley pioneers like Steve Jobs. They didn’t know how to create a personal computer that could be used in the home. There wasn’t a book to teach them the skills they needed. So, they went into the garage and started taking computers apart and learned how to do it themselves. Look at the company Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac founded now. Apple is the leader in smartphone technology and a whole lot more. Habit 18
They focus on educating themselves, not getting an education
Another thing that stops some people from pursuing their dreams is a lack of education. People think that you can’t become a millionaire or run a successful company without a college degree. While it is true that many of the people on this list have a degree – usually in business – there are others who haven’t even finished high school and taught themselves everything they know.
Habit 19
They are aware of their shortcomings
Successful people are acutely aware of their shortcomings. Some people go through life not realizing that they have that particular shortcoming. But successful people not only know about their faults, they are actually embracing them and taking steps to not let those faults keep them from achieving their goals. Everyone has faults and you need to figure out what they are and have a plan to conquer them if you want to achieve your goals. Habit 20
They improve a little every day
In addition, entrepreneurs know, in order to achieve the level of success that the people profiled in this book have, that personal development isn’t something that ever stops. You must continue to improve yourself a little bit each day if you want to reach your goals, especially if they are as high as some of the goals that the successful people profiled had. Habit 21
They hold themselves accountable
Another thing that entrepreneurs do is refuse to blame someone else when they don’t meet a goal. They hold themselves accountable when they make a mistake or come up short and then get back to work trying to achieve that same goal. If you hold yourself accountable each and every time you make a mistake, then you cannot fool yourself into thinking that it wasn’t your fault or it was out of your control.
The Entrepreneur Code
Profile: Ellen DeGeneres, American TV host and businesswomen, actress, philanthropist
Ellen DeGeneres is a Hollywood rags-to-riches story. When the television host and businesswoman came out as gay on national television in 1997, Hollywood treated her as a pariah. She lost her television show due to advertisers pulling their ads and was at a very low point in her life. She didn’t know where to go from there. She knew she wasn’t a failure, but as she says, “it certainly gave me a lot of time to sit still and go, ‘Who am I?’”
One of the areas of her life that she began to look closely at during this period of her life was spirituality. She discovered an interest in the vegan lifestyle and in yoga. In 2011, she began to practice transcendental meditation. This quest to find spirituality is something that a surprisingly large number of entrepreneurs share. Some of them believe in God or are involved in a specific religion, while others have different spiritual beliefs that span everything from ancient Buddhism to New Age. If you feel like you don’t have time for spirituality in your life, you may want to reconsider. There must be a reason that so many of these entrepreneurs have made it a priority. Let’s take a look at five spiritual habits of successful people. Habit 22
They spend time in contemplation
One of the things that successful people do is spend a great deal of time in introspective contemplation. They think about what they can change to make their goals a reality. They consider all of the options. They rarely leap before they look. Spirituality is one of the best ways that someone can get to know themselves better. Habit 23
They give money to worthy causes
You will also notice that these people are extremely generous when it comes to worthy causes. Whether that is feeding the homeless, or just paying the tithing that their church teaches on, successful people have no problem contributing to charitable causes. Some of the most successful people in the world gave nearly their entire fortune to help those who needed it, with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as prime examples. Habit 24
They take their own path
You will also notice that successful people will often take their own path. While everyone else is lining up to be Catholic, Christian, Muslim or Mormon, the most successful people in the world will often forge their own spiritual path. That is a direct result of them knowing who they are and being able to discern which spiritual path will give them the enlightenment that they seek. They may take elements from certain belief systems and create their own spiritual understanding of the world, and if that works for you, then you should definitely do it. Habit 25
They develop a solid code of ethics
In addition, the successful people on this list develop their own moral code. They may not do everything the way that you or I would, but they follow this moral code very strictly. It is usually a pretty good one too, and makes them better people who know what they will do and won’t do. These ethics often guide successful people to the right opportunity, or introduces them to the right people, to allow them to reach their goals.
Habit 26
They are open to inspiration
Whether you believe in a God or not, there is no denying that inspiration can come along and give you an idea that will change your life. J.K. Rowling was riding on a train when she got the idea for Harry Potter. If she hadn’t been open to inspiration, she might not have recognized it for what it was and the world would have never heard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The Entrepreneur Code
Financial Habits
Profile: Shaquille O’Neal, NBA player, actor, businessman, investor
One of the unfortunate truths about professional athletes is that they can lose their millions just as quickly as they earned them. There are dozens of examples of athletes who have burned through money so fast that they ended up broke, but Shaquille O’Neal is not one of them. The NBA star is estimated to be worth around $140 million. He’s made almost $300 million throughout his career and he’s done that by endorsement deals, acting, investing in real estate and starting businesses. He owns stake in major companies like Vitamin Water and Muscle Milk. He also took the time and money to get his MBA from the University of Phoenix.
Good financial habits are something that every single successful person in the world can agree on. Here are seven financial habits that entrepreneurs like Shaq and everyone else on our list practice. Habit 27
They make a budget and stick to it
One of the traits of the successful people on this list that you would notice if you spent time with them is that they make a budget and stick to it. Of course, the people on this list have so much money now that making a budget is wholly unnecessary. But this was true long before they became so rich and successful. They stuck to their budget no matter what and didn’t spend extravagantly. Habit 28
They put away more than 10%
You have no doubt heard that you should put away 10% of your income for emergencies. This is definitely good advice, but there are many people who simply do not make saving a priority. However, for the world’s most successful people, 10% isn’t good enough. They put away more than 10% and they make sure that if a financial opportunity comes along, they have the money to take advantage of it. Plus, they have an emergency cushion if anything happens. Habit 29
They keep their credit history pristine
You will also find that these success stories have amazing credit. While this might seem obvious, since they are rich and never have to worry about missing payments, the truth is that they have had those pristine credit histories most of their lives. Successful people know the value of having good credit, and they work hard to make sure that theirs stays as clean as possible, in case a financial opportunity comes along that they want to take advantage of. Habit 30
They know the value of good help
In addition, you will find that successful people don’t mind spending money when it is going to get them something valuable in return. They hire talented and highly skilled people and pay them what they are worth. Successful people know that having good help is worth the extra money that they’ll spend, and many of the teams that they have put together have helped to vault them to the success that they enjoy today.
Habit 31
They automate bill pay whenever possible
If you do a poll among the world’s most successful people, you will find that they automate bill pay whenever they can. If they don’t have to worry about paying a bill, it frees up time for them to work on their goals and making even more money. But also, they don’t have to worry about the bills not getting paid either. While there may not be much money left over after the bills have taken their cut, they don’t have issues like internet or cellphone getting shut off. This is a habit that our success stories here cultivated long before they had become rich. Habit 32
They keep records of everything
One of the things that everyone should do is keep records of all of their expenditures, purchases and anything else related to finances. Not only does this help with taxes and loans, it also gives you something to look back on later and learn from. Successful entrepreneurs keep records of everything relating to their finances or business. It is an excellent habit to get into and the way to make it a lifelong one is to start when you are young. Habit 33
They cultivate multiple income streams
Another thing that successful people do is create multiple income streams. This is a smart idea because if you have several different income streams bringing in money, especially if those income streams are bringing in money without you having to do much work to maintain them, then not only do you have more money to spend, but you aren’t going to be up the creek without a paddle if something should happen to your primary income stream. Whether it is writing a book or getting into real estate, consider setting up multiple streams of income in order to reach your goals even sooner and protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances.
The Entrepreneur Code
Personal Relationships
Profile: Matt Damon, actor, activist, philanthropist
If you’re a movie buff, then you are almost certainly familiar with the next name on our list. Matt Damon is a terrific actor who has been in some of the biggest movies of the last 20 years. His film credits include The Martian, The Bourne Identity, Elysium, The Departed and Good Will Hunting, just to name a few.
One of the things that Matt Damon attributes to his success is the support of his family. He has a wife and kids, and makes spending time with them a priority. In fact, the Damon family has a rule: they cannot be apart for more than two weeks, no matter what is going on in their lives. This means quite a bit of travel and inconvenience, but Matt Damon considers it vital enough to his success to make it his number one priority. Other entrepreneurs also value personal relationships. Whether it is the relationship that they have with their co-workers or employees, or the kind of people that they choose to be friends with, they make having and developing those personal relationships a priority. That includes family, which nearly all successful people tend to make the number one focus in their life – above even their business. Here are seven habits in the category of personal relationships that you should be following. Habit 34
They don’t mind sharing themselves with others
Matt Damon and many other successful people in the world don’t mind sharing their talents, time and knowledge with others. Matt Damon has many actor friends and they can count on him for help and advice if they need it – especially when it comes to acting. But Matt Damon also spends time with strangers as often as he can. Habit 35
They make family a priority
As previously mentioned, Matt Damon and his wife have a rule that cannot be broken. They cannot spend more than two weeks apart. That means that if a movie was going to keep them more than two weeks apart, it is highly unlikely that Matt would accept the role. He makes his family a priority and it is something that he shares with most of the other successful people that we researched. Habit 36
They build relationships with like-minded people
If you want to be a musician, the best way to improve yourself and get feedback that is going to help you hone your craft is by hanging out with other musicians. Successful people know that they need to hang out with people who share the values and goals that they do – people that are active in making things happen and consistently reaching their goals.
Habit 37
They build the right team
Successful people know that they could not achieve success without the help of some very skilled and talented people. That’s why they make sure that they are surrounded by the right team. For example, Matt Damon would not have the movie career that he enjoys today if it wasn’t for his talent agent, his directors, the screenwriters and a thousand other people that all worked together to make the best movie possible. Habit 38
They are kind to others
The most successful people in the world are actually pretty nice people. While there are some exceptions to this, in general, successful people go out of their way to be kind to others and to help them whenever possible. It costs nothing to be nice to someone and while it may not be altruistic to think about a reward for being nice, the fact is that sometimes being nice can come back to help you in the future. Habit 39
They avoid negative people
Successful people also tend to avoid negative people. If someone negative is around you, even if they aren’t actively talking or doing anything, the entire atmosphere tends to change. Negative and positive energy are real energies that other people can feel, and if you hang around with negative people, you aren’t going to be successful. That’s why successful entrepreneurs will get rid of people in their lives that are having a negative influence and then replace them with people that view the world like they do. Habit 40
They listen to people
You will also notice that successful people tend to listen to others. They value what comes from people around them, and they don’t think that they know everything. Someone who wants success very badly will get information from as many sources as they can, and that includes listening to people that they don’t know to see if they have any nuggets of wisdom to offer. Of course, once you get the information, then you have to decide whether or not it is valuable and if you want to incorporate it into your life.
The Entrepreneur Code
Creative Outlets
Profile: Warren Buffet, investor and businessman
Warren Buffet is the 20th richest person in the world and the 14th richest American businessman. The Berkshire-Hathaway CEO started investing long before most people even think about their future – at age 11. He is one of the most successful businessmen ever to sit in a board meeting and one of the factors that he attributes to his success is his creative pursuits.
Buffet can not only pick a stock with the best of them, he is also an amazing ukulele player. In fact, he performed a ukulele duet with one of the coolest musicians in rock music – Bon Jovi. Warren Buffet makes channeling his creative juices towards interesting pursuits a priority, and that’s something that many of the people that we researched share. Quite a few of them have written books, while others get involved in music, art or various other passions. Here are six habits of successful people when it comes to being creative. You definitely want to make room for creative expression in your life. It worked for them, and it will work for you as well. Habit 41
They keep a journal
One of the best creative outlets is also one of the most useful things that a person can do in their life. Starting a journal and writing in it regularly can help you work out things in your mind. In addition, when you get discouraged in the future, you can look back at your journal entries and see how far you have come. These days, you might want to start a blog instead, if you feel comfortable sharing that much of your life with strangers. Otherwise, a writing privately in a journal (whether online or offline) is still something many people choose to do. Habit 42
They find hobbies that they enjoy
You will also notice that successful people are not boring. They have hobbies that they enjoy and they work on them passionately. Whether that is painting, woodworking, music or computer games, successful entrepreneurs make time for their hobbies regularly so that when it comes time to work they are not completely burned out. Participating in your hobbies can recharge you for the week and make you a more productive person. Habit 43
They choose jobs they are passionate about
If you want to be happy in life, then choose a job that you love. This is exactly what the success stories profiled here have done. With Ellen DeGeneres, she has an afternoon talk show where she does comedy and makes people laugh, as well as gives away prizes and changes lives. Bill Gates started Microsoft because he was passionate about the future of computing. Find out what your passion is, and then use it as a vehicle to help you achieve your goals.
Habit 44
They branch out creatively
Another thing you’ll notice with successful people when it comes to finding creative outlets is that they tend to branch out creatively, but only in ways that are productive and get them closer to their goals. For example, someone who does internet marketing might write a book about their success at ranking websites because they love to write. They don’t just write a book for the enjoyment. They actually channel that creativity into something that will make them money or move them further down the road of progress. This may turn into a regular income stream if they continue publishing books and they become popular. Habit 45
They don’t deprive themselves of fun
Don’t think that successful people avoid having fun so that they can work harder. Successful entrepreneurs know the value of cutting loose and having fun once in a while. Having fun ensures that you enjoy your work more and that you don’t get burned out. Reward yourself for your successes and take a break once in a while to enjoy life. While having success is important, you don’t want to forget to live while you are working towards it, otherwise you may get there and realize that you missed the best years of your life. Habit 46
They aren’t afraid to be eccentric
Successful people can sometimes be eccentric. Take Francis Bacon for example. He drank not because alcohol helped him paint better, but because the hangover afterward did. Successful people aren’t concerned with what other people think; they are concerned with doing what works and if that means that people think that they are eccentric, then they’re okay with that. So, don’t hide your eccentricities. Whatever helps you to achieve success is perfectly fine.
The Entrepreneur Code
Community Involvement
Profile: Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, philanthropist
You can’t live in our modern, digital world and not have heard of the next name on our list. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft, the operating system series that has powered personal computers almost since they first began. One of the things that Bill Gates is famous for is his Philanthropy. Not only did he put nearly all of his gargantuan fortune into charities, he quit running the software giant to focus on the work that is being done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization that he started with his wife.
This may come from his mother, who read a letter at the wedding of Melinda and Bill saying something similar to what Uncle Ben told Peter Parker in ‘Spiderman:’ “From those who are given great resources, great things are expected.” The passion for philanthropy and community involvement is something that nearly all of the entrepreneurs that we researched shared. Here are five ways that those successful businesspeople get involved in their communities and make the world a better place. Habit 47
They support important causes
As we have already discussed, Bill Gates gave up almost his entire fortune to the foundation. He now spends his time and energy making the world a better place. This is a legacy that will last for centuries after his death, but that’s not why he is doing it. He truly wants to make the world a better place and this is the best way that he knows how. Of course, no one is suggesting that you give away all of your savings to charity, but do try to support causes that are important to you, and never forget that if you become successful, you have the responsibility to help change the world, even if it is only in small ways. Habit 48
They inspire others to get involved
You will also notice that successful people make other people want to be involved. When someone is doing something for their community, or for the world in general, people notice and it makes them want to help as well. But successful people like those on this list actually take it a step further and actively try to inspire others to help out in their community. Many of the people on this list are known for trying to get others to help out as much as for helping out worthy causes and people in need themselves. Habit 49
They volunteer for things
You might not realize it, but the people that you respect because of how much money they make or how successful they are often know how to be humble too. In fact, many of them people on this list actually volunteer for things. Volunteering is a way that someone can give back when they are feeling pretty blessed themselves. Whether it is volunteering to give a speech, helping to mentor a young person or volunteering at the local soup kitchen, successful people want to give back. Habit 50
They get to know their neighbors
Successful people also get to know their neighbors. This doesn’t necessarily mean the neighbors on either side of their home. It simply means the people that share the same space, or perhaps even the same goals. You’ll notice that a lot of successful people will be very active in their local community. They will give money to save historical sites, build libraries or do any number of things that benefit the town they live in as a whole.
Conclusion We have discussed a number of people in this book, and dozens of habits that have made these people as successful as they are. But in order to achieve the level of success that they have achieved, you cannot just incorporate one or two of these into your life. You must be doing most of them. It is a good idea to concentrate on a specific area that you want to change first. So, for example, if physical fitness was something that you wanted to focus on, you would start incorporating those habits into your life. You would start waking up earlier. You might try learning more about healthy choices when it comes to eating. You might even get a gym membership and commit to going three times a week. Once these habits are deeply ingrained and you don’t have to force yourself to do them anymore, then it is okay to move onto a different life area. But if you try to incorporate all of these areas at once, you will get overwhelmed and frustrated, and you’ll end up failing or quitting. If you want to be successful, sometimes you have to make it before you fake it. Some of these habits will be difficult to master. You might not feel as if you are being genuine in some cases, such as many of the habits in the personal development or relationships category. But just keep acting as if you truly felt that way, and you’ll find that eventually, you’ll be in that space automatically, without having to fake it.
Not everyone can be a success story like Larry Page or Bill Gates. There are billions and billions of people on this planet and unfortunately, not everyone can achieve the level of wealth or fame that these two have. But that doesn’t mean that some won’t. In fact, it is guaranteed that in the next decade or so, new names will begin to distinguish themselves as success stories. The only thing that is stopping you from being one of them is the roadblocks that you put in front of yourself. These habits will help to eliminate many of those roadblocks and keep you moving forward towards your goals. So, decide which of these categories that you want to start with and begin building habits that will put you on the same road as some of the entrepreneurs that we have profiled here. If you do the same things that these wealthy and successful people did to get where they are, chances are good that you will end up somewhere similar. You just have to have the courage to take the first step. Then the next, and the next, and the one after that. Keep doing that and you’ll eventually get there.
About Dawgen Global
Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit, accounting, tax, Information Technology, Risk, HR Solution, Performance, M&A, corporate finance and other advisory services. Our Caribbean regional network covers Jamaica. Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Eastern Caribbean (Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia, Grenada, and St Kitts & Nevis), the Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, and St Maarten) and Aruba and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Our regional focus is to improve services to local, regional and international clients. Through our affiliation and membership in other Global Networks and Associations, we offer a global perspective while maintaining our regional insight by seeking alternatives for you – we tap the power of both. Our multidisciplinary teams of professionals leverage a wealth of industry-tailored, practical approaches to help you discover opportunities for your business. Whether your organization is strong and healthy, under stress or facing difficult choices, we work with you to find financial, strategic and operational solutions that improve your liquidity, financial flexibility and stakeholder returns. We’re here to help you build a sustainable business – in the short and long-term. Contact Information: Regional Head Office : Dawgen Towers, 47-49 Trinidad Terrace, Kingston 5 | Jamaica Telephone: (876) 929-2518| (876) 926-5210| (876) 630-2011| Fax: (876) 929-1300 Email: dawkins.brown@dawgen.com
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