Ps002f course handbook 2013 14

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Public Services Welcome to the Public Services department at Swindon College. We are thrilled to have you within the department and look forward to you experiencing a positive learning environment and having fun whilst learning with your friends.

(PS002F) student handbook

(PS002F) student handbook PUBLIC SERVICES

Contents Page Overview of program The overview of the program includes credit values for units, progression routes, and unit certification

Meet the Team Public services staff and contact details

Induction information All the information regarding your induction into Swindon College

Health and Safety information Know the basic Health and Safety information required

Curriculum Plan Your selected units throughout the duration of the course

Functional skills Information regarding functional skills qualifications, lesson times and exams

Assessment/Assignment schedule Take a look to see when your assignments are due in!

Assessment Information Read about plagiarism, malpractice, and appeals procedure

Tutorials Information regarding your tutorial sessions

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(PS002F) student handbook

Overview This handbook is intended as an introduction to the college and its facilities, as well as a source of information about the College as a whole. It is recommended that you read this handbook fully in order to gain an understanding of the nature of the work undertaken in the School and an awareness of the simple rules necessary to make the School function in the correct manner.

While we have tried to include all details relevant to new students, if you feel further information would be of benefit, please make your suggestions to your course tutor.

We hope your time at College proves both enjoyable and beneficial to your future career. WELCOME TO SWINDON COLLEGE Welcome to Swindon College and to your chosen programme of study within the public services department. We hope you will enjoy your time at College and take advantage of the opportunities the College offers.

Our aim is to help you complete your programme successfully. We ask you to share this responsibility by working hard and taking part in the management of your own learning.

All information was correct at the time of printing; however some details may have changed since then.

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Meet the team‌ The Public Services team consist of teachers with a passion for education and industry related learning. The staff are always on hand to help you with lessons, course work, UCAS applications, trips and future career pathways. The staff are located in the Pegasus building 7.9 (Staff Room) The Public Services lecturers are:

Hattie Cogger Dawn Greenberg Sam Bramfitt You can contact the staff members using the following details: 01793 498241

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Induction Information The Edexcel BTEC Nationals in Public Services are targeted at learners who would like to gain employment in the public services sector and have been developed to provide further training and education within this sector. The qualifications will develop learnersâ€&#x; abilities through the knowledge and skills gained in the programme and are suitable for learners who would like to know more about employment in uniformed or non-uniformed public services.

Monday 9-12 (college) Wednesday 10-2 (Fresher’s fayre) Friday 9-5 (trip)

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Health and Safety Information HEALTH AND SAFETY

Swindon College is committed to providing a safe and healthy work place for its staff and students and will endeavour to ensure that it meets the requirements of all applicable Health and Safety at Work Regulations. All students have a legal duty to co-operate in the operation of the College‟s Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.

FIRST AID / ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS You should contact a member of staff in an emergency. There is a team of qualified “First Aiders” on each site, who can be contacted by reception. More information on Health and Safety matters can be seen on the College Intranet.

SMOKING POLICY From 1st July 2007 it became illegal to smoke in any public place. The college currently provides smoking shelters which can be located to the side of phoenix buildings and outside the Student Enrichment Centre. These are the ONLY places which you smoke at college. If students are caught smoking outside of these areas disciplinary actions will be taken. DRUGS POLICY Swindon College is committed to tackling drug problems in line with the national strategy. We not only aim to provide appropriate prevention, counselling and support services, but also an efficient and comprehensive drugs education programme to all learners and all learning environments. It is our aim to help all students to be able to take their place safely in a world where a wide range of drugs exists. We recognise that some drugs have beneficial effects, but also that every drug has potential harm. For this reason, all drugs need appropriate and responsible care and management.

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(PS002F) student handbook Curriculum Plan for Course: Extended Diploma Public Services Course Tutor: Dawn Greenberg Course Code: PS002F Year 2 Tri 1 Unit Number and Title

QCF Credits

Delivering teacher

Unit 4: Understanding Discipline (Core)



15-Planning and management of major incidents



31-Exercise, Health and Lifestyle



Year 2 Tri 1 credits


Year 2 Tri 2 Unit Number and Title

QCF Credits

Delivering teacher

29-Security Procedures in the PS



30 – practical team sports



Police powers






Year 1 Tri 2 credits


Year 2 Tri 3 Unit Number and Title

QCF Credits

Delivering teacher

32-Instructing physical exercise



14-Responding to emergency incidents



Volunteering in the Public Services



Year 2 Tri 3 credits



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(PS002F) student handbook

Functional Skills As part of your experience in college you will complete functional skills. Functional skills courses could consist of ICT, English or Maths.

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Assessment Information ASSIGNMENT COMPLETION INFORMATION This is your record of how your work will be assessed. It will enable you to understand how you will be awarded marks for internally assessed assignments. It is your responsibility to understand the process – do not expect staff to explain it or “bend the rules” should you fail to abide by them. If you do not understand any of the information, ask now. The policy is:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

You will receive an initial deadline date for all internally assessed units. Work which is completed by the initial deadline will be marked by staff and you will receive feedback on how to improve your mark within a three week timescale. A new (and final) deadline will be set – this will normally be during the study week of the corresponding trimester. Staff will re-mark work (if you decide to improve it) and the best mark will be submitted to the examination board. It should be noted that staff will re-mark this work at a time convenient to their own assessment plans and schedules. You must not miss and lectures in order to improve or complete outstanding work. If you miss the initial deadline, you are penalizing yourself as your work will not be marked by staff, prior to the final deadline – hence, you will have no opportunity to improve your work for at least one trimester. You will not be entitled to any extensions on final deadlines unless there are extreme circumstances. The extension must be agreed with the lecturer responsible for the unit and your tutor (if necessary).

These rules are to enable you to achieve the highest possible marks for each piece of work, without affecting the rest of your studies. You must make maximum use of class time as well as free periods. If you waste time, you cannot expect to achieve a good final grade. If you waste time in class and distract other students, you will be asked to leave the classroom and will face disciplinary actions. Staff will offer as much support and guidance as possible, but will not tolerate behaviour which affects the progress of others.

I have read and agree to abide by this policy Student‟s Name …………………………………………………………..

Date …………………………

Printed name of student ……………………………………………………………………… Tutor‟s signature ………………………………………………………..

Date ………………………….

Printed name of tutor …………………………………………………………………………..

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GRADING OF ASSESSMENTS The BTEC Extended Diploma qualification will be awarded an overall grade of a „pass‟, „merit‟ or „distinction‟. The overall grades will be calculated on the total points achieved from internally assessed units combined with the grade points from the external assessment. The following rules will be used as a basis for awarding each qualification. Assessment The course is assessed by coursework/assignments. These will be marked either  Pass  Merit  Distinction You will receive a deadline for when your assignment is due in. You MUST stick to this. If you have a valid reason why you cannot submit on time you MUST contact your tutor and ask permission for an extension. To gain the overall grade for the unit:   

To achieve a „pass‟ a learner must have satisfied all the pass assessment criteria To achieve a „merit‟ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the merit grading criteria To achieve a „distinction‟ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the distinction grading criteria

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(PS002F) student handbook

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma

Points range above pass grade


















1590 and above



Points per credit







How to work out your grade: Unit




Grade points

Points per unit = credit x grade

Unit 1

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10 Ă— 8 = 80

(PS002F) student handbook

WHAT DO I DO IF I DON‟T AGREE WITH THE GRADES I HAVE BEEN GIVEN? There is an appeals procedure to follow should you not agree with the grades you have been given for your coursework. Firstly you should meet with the lecturer who marked your piece of work to discuss the reasons why you were given the grade and in what ways you disagree with the grade given. At this point you may agree that you were given the correct grade. If however you still do not agree then a meeting will be arranged between you and an internal verifier – this is a different lecturer who will look at the piece of work and talk to you about the grade. At this stage the internal verifier may agree with the original assessor‟s decision. If the verifier doesn‟t agree with your given grade they will then arrange a meeting with members of the College Moderation Team who will look at the grading of the piece of coursework. If the College Moderation Team agrees with the grading of the work they will then inform you of their decision. If the team do not agree with the original grading of the work they will then meet with the Sport course team who will review their grading procedures.

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PROGRESSION Following successful completion of the Extended Diploma qualification students may gain employment in a variety of careers within the public services or may wish to progress to Higher Education courses such as Foundation or Full Degrees. METHOD OF TEACHING/LEARNING How will you study? You may find that the methods you use to study will be considerably different from those you have used in the past. Much of the work you do will be activity-based, encouraging you to develop a wide range of learning skills using a variety of learning materials. In some tasks and assignments you will be required to work independently; however, in others, you may work in pairs or in groups. The assignment programmes will enable you to develop progressively the skills you need and identify skills which need strengthening. Your skills development and progress will be carefully monitored and recorded. STUDY TIME

To study effectively it is very important to plan your workload carefully to ensure that deadlines are achieved. A careful work plan should: Set out your main goals Spread your study over the time available so that you don't end up doing it all at once Help you concentrate on one task at a time Stop last minute panics.

INDIVIDUAL ACTION PLANNING You will be introduced to the process of action planning early in your programme. It is a very useful process which will enable you to determine, manage and review your own learning as you progress from the outset through to the conclusion of your programme.

Your action plans will be regularly reviewed with your Personal Tutor. This will enable you to discuss openly together your progress with respect to the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding. This process enables both you and your Personal Tutor to set realistic targets for each stage in the learning process.

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All evidence submitted and evaluated for work assessed by your lecturers is maintained in a Portfolio of Evidence. You will be introduced to the concept of keeping a Portfolio of Evidence at induction; it is, however, an ongoing and extremely important activity. Both you and your subject tutors should be able to track the progress on achievement throughout the programme, via your Portfolio. It is essential, therefore, that you keep your Portfolio up-to-date and accessible.

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU Obviously your regular attendance is essential if you are to gain maximum benefit from your programme. You need to attend all classes both punctually and regularly. If you are unable to attend College or may be late you must telephone the Public Services staff room (7.9 Pegasus Building) on 01793 498205. You will be expected to behave appropriately at all times whilst in College or during educational trips and visits and work experience. A basic copy of the student code of conduct can be found within this booklet.

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The programme includes a number of assignments which you should hand in to your unit lecturers by the agreed completion date. It is important to complete all work by the agreed deadlines to benefit from the course, and enable you to obtain the qualification within the allocated time. It must also be stressed that discipline procedures may be followed if you are unable to meet agreed deadlines and you may put your place on the course in jeopardy.

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CONFIDENTIALITY Any problems of a personal or serious nature will be treated with confidentiality and every effort will be made to give you appropriate help and advice in line with your needs. Your Personal Tutor is always willing to help but you may need to make the first step of asking for some guidance.

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ABSENCES If you are unable to attend lectures, you are required to telephone t………………………………….

TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL FROM THE COURSE Please notify your personal tutor immediately either, if you feel you are on the wrong course and would like to transfer to another course, or if you intend withdrawing from College. Residential and Trips You will also be expected to participate in trips to support your studies. In the past, students have had the opportunity to visit Army regiments, RAF Brize Norton, Marines Look at Life, Army Look at Life, Houses of Parliament, Imperial War Museum, Go Karting and many more! Please note that some activities may require a financial subsidy from the student.

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STUDENT LEARNING AGREEMENT At the start of your course you will be given a Student Learning Agreement which you are required to sign. This will inform you of your rights and responsibilities as a student. You will also be given a copy of the Grievance Procedure for students. A copy of the Student Disciplinary Procedure and Appeals Procedure is also available to you on request. Code of Conduct Mobile phones must always be switched off in classrooms and other designated areas.

Eating and drinking in classrooms is not permitted unless in special circumstances which should be agreed with the tutor.

Show consideration to lecturers and fellow students.

Avoid language which can cause offence to others.

Respond to and comply with directions from members of College staff.

Keep all areas tidy and free from litter.

Treat the property of students and College staff with respect.

Abide by the rules of the Swindon College Computer Code of Conduct.

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY There are a number of PCs available for students to use for course related work. (Some of the machines can be booked, so that you can be sure a PC will be available when you need one – otherwise it‟s first come first served.) Main packages include Microsoft Word, Excel and Access.


This is based in the Learning Resources Centre. Staff will give help and guidance to any student experiencing work difficulties. Opening times will be published at the beginning of term.

For more information ask your personal tutor.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES There is a well-established student counselling service within Swindon College. If you have any problems of a personal, accommodation or financial nature which you feel you cannot discuss with your personal tutor, then there is a Student Experience Manager attached to the department to support you with any issues regarding your pastoral or welfare needs. For Public Services students your Student Experience Manager is Jo Heaven and she can be found in room ???????? of the Pegasus Building. The contact number for Jo is……………..

Counselling, Welfare and Health Services Counselling is about meeting and talking with a professional counsellor about yourself and your worries in a confidential way. The counsellor will listen to you carefully so that together you can try and make sense of difficult situations and confusing feelings. Meeting regularly with your counsellor gives you time and space to think about what is bothering you.

You can be sure that your counsellor will help you to think about your concerns at your own pace.

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Tutorials PERSONAL TUTOR Your Personal Tutor holds the front line responsibility for making sure that you maximise your chances, and of progressing to the next stage of your career. The Personal Tutorâ€&#x;s job is to support, advise, guide and sometimes chivvy you along.

Specifically your Personal Tutor will arrange the following services:

Regular group tutorials. In addition to providing the opportunity for the exchange of information about what is going on in your course and the college, your tutor will introduce a programme of topics such as study skills techniques and career development activities. Details of this programme should be negotiated and agreed between all members of the tutor group. One to One interviews. These private tutorials are designed to help you monitor and plan your progress. They take place at least once a term. In addition you will receive unit tutorials from your unit tutor, this will feed in to your eILPs and your overall progression on the course.

Drop in Times. Make sure you know the times during the week when your tutor is available for informal consultation.

Writing References. Your Personal Tutor will write your academic references. In order to do this effectively he or she will need to know as much as possible about you and your progress in College.

Referral to Other Services. Sometimes you may require additional specialist information, support or advice. Your Personal Tutor will be able to put you in touch with the range of services available in the College, in particular the Student Experience Manager.

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