1 minute read


Making up a choreography and teaching it to the group

Jordanna Masse


Lucía Taylor De Leon

It’s too hard to pick just one! I wrote in my journal a few days after we arrived in Cuba that “girls nights, girls walks, girls bedroom talks, are keeping me somewhat sane There is so much beauty in femininity and all the women I am surrounded by. Their strength and kindness provide me with energy and hope.” So I’d say something I’ll never forget is the gentle moments we spent together learning about each other and about others.

Sebastien Rempel

The Che Guevara monument, as it made me learn more about his life and personality. Much of the information I learned was new to me, which seemed odd to me, given that I felt his larger-than-life status should have made what we learned about him more commonly known. Our tour of the museum within the monument made me reflect on how people who become global icons of his stature are seen more as symbols than as people and tend to, in a sense, lose their humanity in the eyes of society at large, as they are defined less by who they themselves were than what they mean to other people

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