1 minute read
TheAtelierisacenterforwomenwhohavelived throughdomesticabuseandarenowtryingto getbackontheirfeet.Itsgoalsaretosupport eachotherandtomakemoneythusgaining financialindependencethatisneededtofight thepatriarchy.Moreover,theworkshopcenters aroundanideathatcannoteasilybefoundin capitalistcountries:popularsolidarityeconomy.
Education plays a fundamental role within this project. These women have delivered workshops on domestic violence and how to battle it in every municipality of Havana. They utilize education as a form of preventative care as they aim to limit cases of abuse by educating the younger population.
Popular Solidarity Economy
A popular or solidarity economy is a “business” that stems from people who work to benefit the collective community. People pay what they can, and if they cannot afford the services, payment isn't necessary. If someone in the community is in trouble, the community will help them. This popular economy, though it has the word “economy” in it which is often associated with money, seems to be much more axed on collaboration and unity. That is a very powerful ideal, as it portrays that an alternative system is possible.