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the little things Welcome to the Four Club

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The response I get when I tell people “number four is on the way” is actually quite comical. I don’t know if it is the look in their eyes, the drop of their jaw, or the late, “Oh wow, congratulations,” comment, but it is far different from my past baby news announcements. One of my favorite responses was, “You are part of the Four Club now. Welcome to the Four Club!” as the mom of four raised her eyebrows, grinned and sent me off with a silent fist bump. No congratulations, or “Oh my that’s amazing!” For some reason, this didn’t surprise or upset me. I felt like I was now part of a new, happy chaos.

I was never aware of this so-called “Four Club,” but the name is beginning to grow on me. I feel like I am part of some secret society where you have to strategize how to raise four kids sanely. It’s survival time at its finest! I secretly envied the moms with four kids wondering if it really is better than two or three. Studies show that families with four kids tend to be happier for the reason that parents have grown into the beautiful, busy madness. But as we all know, there are pros and cons to having more than one kid (or kids in general). The pros and cons of four:

The Pros:

• Going from 3 to 4 tends to be the easiest: You are already outnumbered, so what’s one more?

• They play together and become best friends. It's not always perfect and there will be fights, but they can play together in pairs of two. It adds a nice balance to the mesh if you are someone who appreciates even numbers.

• They gain confidence with each other: They will follow in each other’s footsteps, outgrow their shyness and try new things.

• Lots of love: There is more love to go around!

• They become more independent: It’s inevitable that the fun bunch will have to learn a little more quickly to use the potty, tie their shoes and get dressed on their own because they don’t have a choice. Independence is good!

The Cons:

• More financial planning is needed: More diapers, more clothes, more events, more sports. Shall I say more?

• Never ending laundry: At this point having designated “laundry days” can help because it literally never ends.

• There will alway be someone unhappy or sick: The more kids you have, the more chances for someone to be sick, unhappy, or just mad about something. It’s just math.

• Harder to plan vacations: An extra kid means extra luggage and an expensive plane ticket; enough said.

• You will need more space: A bigger van, bigger everything (although sharing rooms is a great option!)

In the end, it’s all good stuff. I look at it as part of a new, fun life ahead with a little extra planning and chaos, and I can deal with that. There is something wonderful about being in the Four Club, and I can’t wait to get there. Baby number four due August 1!

By Amanda Hayward EDITOR

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