Rutherford Parent June 2011

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Murfreesboro Medical Clinic & SurgiCenter 1272 GARRISON DRIVE Anesthesiology Dan A. Brown, M.D. Deborah S. Mistler, CRNA Debbie Richmond, BSN, CRNA Margaret Todd, CRNA Comprehensive Breast Center at MMC 867-8040 David A. Beaird, M.D. James T. Carter, M.D. Andrew Fong, M.D. Bradley D. Medling, M.D. Paul Pasarilla, M.D. Sadhish K. Siva, M.D. Deborah L. Williams, M.D. Gastroenterology 867-8070 Lingaiah Chandrashekar, M.D. Roy L. Hood, M.D. Robert P. Ingle, Jr., M.D. Robert L. Knox, Jr., M.D. Kim Dymond, PA General Surgery 867-8040 David A. Beaird, M.D. James T. Carter, M.D. Paul Pasarilla, M.D.

Ophthalmology 867-8050 Joseph E. Boone, M.D. Frank R. Drowota, M.D. Otolaryngology(ENT) 867-8110 Andrew H. Ford, M.D. William E. Gross, M.D. Shanon Kusch, MS, CCC-A, Audiologist Physical Medicine and Pain Management 867-7971 William J.L. Newton, D.O., MS Travis K. Layne, PA-C Plastic Surgery 867-8080 Bradley D. Medling, M.D. SurgiCenter 867-8160 1004 N. HIGHLAND AVE Anti Coagulation/ Diabetes Care Clinic 867-8010

Dermatology 867-8220 Albert A. Kattine, M.D. Angela Higgins, PA Iveylee Trump, PA Endocrinology 867-8130 James K. Rone, M.D. Family Practice 867-8010 Nicholas S. Cote’, D.O. Pamela A. Singer, D.O. Internal Medicine 867-8010 Elizabeth S. Bray, M.D. Amanda Davis, M.D. Michael L. Herlevic, M.D. Kerry J. Kane, M.D. Bryan C. Lewis, M.D. Utpal Patel, M.D. Arundati Ramesh, M.D. Joseph M. Scott, M.D. Kimberly B. Shannon, M.D. Beth Davis, ACNP-BC Kate Patrick, PA Emily Pilote, MSN, FPN-BC Andrea Taylor, NP

Neurology 867-8090 Marivi Niebauer, M.D. John C. Witt, M.D. Paul Foster, PhD Nathan Riley, NP Pediatric Neurology Javier Valero, M.D. NexSlim @ MMC Medical Weight Loss 867-8100 David T. McKnight, M.D.

Obstetrics & Gynecology 867-8030 Colleen Q. Bratsch, D.O. Brad S. Chesney, M.D. Gregory M. Taylor, M.D. April L. Whitfield, M.D. Kelly G. Williams, M.D. Deborah Boling, MSN, WHNP Amy Molder, MSN, WHNP Erin Norman, MSN, WHNP

Pediatrics 867-8020 Tammy H. Adams, M.D. Lee Bigham, M.D. Melita M. Bradley, M.D. Wanda B. Cade, M.D. Marcie S. Castleberry, M.D. C. Glenn Chandler, M.D. Rosanne Coleman, M.D. D. Jerry Collins, M.D. Jeremy B. Harrison, M.D. Robert S. Humphrey, M.D. Derek K. Johnson, M.D. Susan E. Johnston, M.D. Lisa L. Lowe, M.D. Brent Rosser, M.D. Podiatry 867-8170 Martin L. Toy, D.P.M. M. Anthony Wright, D.P.M.

Radiology 867-8150 Sadhish K. Siva, M.D. Deborah L. Williams, M.D. Andy Fong, M.D. Rheumatology 867-8200 Asim Razzaq, M.D. The Vein Center Vascular Surgery 867-8044 David M. Chatman, M.D. Ramesh Gowda, M.D. Urology 867-8060 Robert Knight, M.D.

Gynecology 867-8030 Yolando McGriff-Chatman, M.D. David T. McKnight, M.D.

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Nominate an outstanding coach for 2011 Coach of the Year. Turn to page 29 for details. Join us on Facebook at Nashville Parent Magazine Follow us on Twitter: @parentmag Sign up for our newsletter at

contents what’s news 23

Local timely briefs, non-profit information, reader advice on parenting topics, perfect presents for Father’s Day and a family getaway to the Beaches of South Walton.

family life 36 fun runs for kids

It costs practically nothing, and fun runs are for the whole family!

73calendar the

all about sports 39 top sports know-how

Get all the info on the top sports from costs to time commitments and more.

43 2011 sports directory

Your go-to listing for organizations offering rec and competitive sports for children.

74 89

the dailies

what’s happening each day of the month


classes, activities and destinations


on stage


parent planner

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june 2011 7

VOL. 18, NO. 11 june 2011

company call 256-2158 Publisher Stewart Day, ext. 130 Editor-in-Chief Susan Swindell Day, ext. 110 EDITORIAL Managing Editor/ Entertainment Editor Chad Young, ext. 115 Associate Editor Kiera Ashford, ext. 114 Art Direction The editorial staff Contributing Writers Deborah Bohn; Deanne Haines; F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.; Russell McKissicK, M.D.

19 columns


10 editor’s note

12 feedback

by Susan Swindell Day

15 parent talk

Facebook interaction with fans and It Worked for Me solutions from local parents.

19 on call

Little League Elbow and OsgoodSchlatter disease of the knee.

Share with us on Facebook, send letters, follow our blogs and comments, too.

102 snap shots

Photos of your children and shots from the annual Tennessee Renaissance Festival.

104 snap to remember

Noa is having a swinging good time!

Why kids should wear a helmet.

54 celebrity dad

Christian singer Matthew West.

95 chadderbox

Bring on the summer movies! by Chad Young

Parenting Directories For local resources and support, visit parentworld. com and click on “Directories.”

Special Advertising

51 63 64 66 70 100

Camps and Summer Activities Vacation Bible Schools Meet the Experts Party Pages My Family Coupons Classifieds

Production Director Tim Henard, ext. 120 Ad Design Sheila James, Christopher Teague ADVERTISING, ext. 130 Account Managers Teresa Birdsong, Amy Carter, Paige O’Kelley, Larry Prescott, Dallas Smith, Loni Wilhelms Classifieds Dallas Smith, ext. 132

20 kids’ health


Day Communications, Inc. Mission Statement Our mission is to inspire and encourage engaged, involved parenting. It is our common belief that good parenting comes from understanding and meeting the needs of children and families within a connected community. We want all children to be safe, loved, healthy and supported, and we work each day to support the efforts of our parenting readers who feel the same way.

Office Manager Kenedy Egan, ext. 100 Distribution Manager Tom Guardino, ext. 104

Nashville/Rutherford/SUMNER/Williamson Parent are published monthly by Day Communications, Inc. Offices are located at 2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228. Phone number: 256-2158; Fax: 256-2114. Email to: Although every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy of published material, Nashville/Rutherford/ SUMNER/Williamson Parent cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. Nashville/Rutherford/ SUMNER/Williamson Parent is copyright ©2011 by Day Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Subscriptions are $36 a year. Editorial submissions welcome. THIS PUBLICATION AUDITED BY



8 june 2011



Williamson Parent

Tooth Talk

Q Dr. ASnodgrass and Dr. King, my seven year old had a baby molar tooth removed and our dentist said she needs a space maintainer. Is this really needed?

Q A David J. Snodgrass Pediatric Dentist

John T. King Pediatric Dentist

Yes! If a baby tooth is lost too soon, especially a primary (baby) molar, the tooth or teeth beside it may move or drift into the empty space. Teeth in the opposing jaw may move up or down to fill the gap. When adjacent teeth shift into the empty space, they create a lack of space in the jaw for the permanent tooth or teeth. This will cause the permanent tooth or teeth to erupt in a crowded or rotated fashion eventually leading to orthodontics in the future. Space maintainers are appliances made of metal or plastic that are custom fit to your child’s mouth. The appliance will hold open the empty space left by the lost tooth and prevent unnecessary movement until the permanent tooth erupts into its natural position in the jaw.

Q Dear A Dr. Pete… What do all those letters mean after your name… and what is the difference between DMD and DDS?


Peter Wojtkiewicz Orthodontist

✽ Pediatric dentistry ✽ Free video arcade ✽ Kid-friendly atmosphere ✽ Nitrous oxide sedation ✽ TV’s above every dental chair ✽ Comprehensive braces ✽ Most insurances accepted ✽ Emergencies accepted ✽ Interceptive orthodontics ✽ Adult services available

Those letters represent the degree awarded upon completion of dental school. DMD stands for Doctor of Dental Medicine, and DDS stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery. The training that dentists receive is the same, but some schools grant a DMD while others grant a DDS. Originally all dental schools were independent of universities and they all granted the DDS degree. In 1867, Harvard became the first university to have a dental program. They began using the DMD degree because it translated better from Latin. Some universities also adopted the DMD degree so now we have both, and they are the same degree.

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editor’s note where have all the soccer balls gone?


ust wait and you’ll be asking where the balls have gone, too! And then you’ll teach your child how to hold onto his equipment, because you’ll have lost one ball too many and losing just one ball is enough. I’ve been managing sports equipment for years now; started out as a novice with my first child several years ago, then scrambled through another child or two before really learning how to keep stuff together. Today, with four kids in sports programs, I am the proud mom who has a sports bag in each child’s room with clean uniforms in them. If the uniforms are not in use, they stay in the bag. If a uniform needs to be cleaned, once it is folded and on the bed, it knows to go right back to the sports bag — or at least the responsible set of young hands belonging to that uniform knows that it does. Cleats stay outside always, in the metal tub in the garage. Balls, bats and the like have homes in the garage, too. All of my children play soccer. One plays football. One plays rugby. Two play ice hockey, although it used to be three. One plays little league baseball, although it used to be two. And we all fall down. All kidding aside, I am not here to brag or tell you that I have all the answers, but when it comes to kids and sports, I’ve had enough of my share to tell you a few key things. So, in no necessary order, here’s a nutshell of things you’ll discover along the way: • Snacks are a part of every young child’s burgeoning sports career. They may even be a part of bribing kids to stay in a game when they’re age 4 or so. Once kids get past recreational play though, snacks after games are a thing of the past. • If you don’t mark every single piece of equipment your child owns with his name in a black Sharpie marker, you’ll lose some things, and even if you DO mark his name on everything you will STILL lose some things. • If your child plays recreational sports you might have a chance to have an actual relationship with your child’s coach, but once your child has moved on to “select” sports, forget it. The coach becomes elevated out of your lowly ranks and you have to grin and bear what happens to your child. • You will get frustrated on the sidelines from time to time with what coaches do or what other parents say, but you cannot say anything without regretting that you did. • You are simply along for the ride. Cheer your child, don’t coach from the sidelines and by all means, don’t be a hot head angry parent. • It’s about your child! It’s NOT about you!

Susan Swindell Day Editor-in-Chief

10 june 2011

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june 2011 11

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All letters become the property of this publication and may be edited for length and clarity. Send to

we are not lazy parents Dear Editor, In your April 2011 issue (“How to Avoid the Lazy Parent Trap”), writer Deborah Bohn scolded parents for letting their kids watch too much TV, only eating four meals together a week, not disciplining them enough and failing to monitor what they eat at school. Susan Swindell Day attributed this “lazy parenting” to the swing of the pendulum away from the “helicopter parenting” we all apparently did after 9/11.

12 june 2011

With all due respect, that is truly one of the most asinine things I have ever heard. Did anybody notice we are in a recession? Did you notice that productivity is at an all time high while employment hasn’t been this low since the Great Depression? Did it occur to you that your readers are working longer hours often for less pay if they are even working at all? I’m sorry, but I have to ask, are you really that out of touch? A few years ago I was much more conscientious about making sure my kids ate healthy, natural foods that were low in sodium and other additives. My wife played more with our kids, too. Now, she comes home from her 10- to 12-hour day, more exhausted than ever, because she is doing twice the work than she did before. I spend more of my free time on the phone with insurance companies, trying to figure out how to pay the bills with my ever-shrinking benefits. Did it occur to you that maybe we aren’t really lazy but that we are all working harder than ever? Maybe we let our kids watch a little more television than before because we are exhausted. Bohn was right. Family still is my number one priority. But sometimes making family a priority means you have to work more. It means you have to figure out how to put food on the table and pay the mortgage. Sometimes, quite frankly, it means spending a little less time together in the short term so that you can all make it in the long term. I know I should be spending more time playing

dolls, trucks and blocks. An hour of TV a day IS too much. Our meals should be a bit healthier. But, honestly, like a lot of folks out there, we are doing everything we can with what we have; we are doing our best but with less. You made me and probably a lot of your other readers feel like our best just isn’t good enough. David J. Dunn Ph.D. Candidate: Vanderbilt University

babies in helmets Dear Editor, On August 5, 2010, our family was blessed with the birth of our first grandchild. Birty L. Counts III was born a healthy, beautiful baby. When he was about 4 months old, I noticed that his head was kind of misshaped. I asked my son, his father, Birty L. Counts Jr. to ask questions about his head when he returned for a checkup. His pediatrician noticed what I saw and sent him for some tests. His condition is plagiocephaly, known as flat head syndrome. He was evaluated and sent to be fitted with a helmet. The name of the helmets are Cranial Remolding Orthosis. I used to see babies with helmets and thought that they were subjected to some kind of seizure disorder, and the helmets

were there to protect their heads. But now I know that they too are “Plagio” babies. Birty will have to wear his helmet for about six months. We would like to see an article in your magazine about this syndrome. We would like to hear from other parents who are experiencing the same. Birty III’s parents, Birty Jr. and his mother, Talyia, are awesome parents, but in the beginning there was a lot of guilt. The baby’s mother thought she was a bad mom because of his condition. His father once told me that he was sad because he had a child who was perfect but now he has a problem. I told him that he is still perfect, and to be thankful that he has a problem that can be corrected. This condition is caused by laying on the back of their heads. Parents are told now to put babies on their backs when they sleep. They need to make sure that they rotate their head. “B3” (as we all call him) had a favorite side and always turned his head to that side when he slept. If this happens to another family, please let them know that they are not bad parents. Sometimes things happen in life and we need to always ask questions and seek help. He was fitted with is helmet at Nashville Orthotic and Prosthetic Services. The staff there is wonderful. They have answered all of our questions and concerns. They have been so professional. They put our fears to rest. P.S. I love your magazine. I was a reader before my grandson was born. Your articles are so informative. Mrs. Pamela Counts

Birty III and his mom, Talyia||

ON THE COVER: Cover Kid 2010 Dagan, photographed by Kiera Ashford on location at Brentwood Civitan Park.




THE EDITORS’ BLOG, THE LOCAL PARENT BLOGGER NETWORK and MUST CLICKS including: Dinner 2 Night: Short on ideas? Click here for a fast, family-friendly meals Fun Mom: Tips and tricks for keeping it “light” at home Hot Products: Our Gadget Girl’s always on the prowl for new stuff Parenting Tip of the Day: Solutions in a snap

MUST CLICKS are updated online regularly! So, be sure to check back often to find more great info!

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june giveawayS! win a raskullz 3-d bike helmet OR a playmobil summer house


his month, we have another exciting giveaway for our loyal readers! As the summer heats up, kids will be out enjoying the good weather. Bike riding is a great way to have fun and exercise. Now, your children ages 3 - 7 can look cool and stay safe with unique 3-D helmets by Raskullz. We are giving away a Shark Attack (blue; pictured here) Raskullz 3-D Helmet, valued at $26.99. Learn more about Raskullz at Playmobil recently launched several new play sets for 2011 to further its quest of providing children with creative play. Among the new offerings are Pool with Water Slide, My Take Along 1.2.3. Noah’s Ark, Treasure Temple with Guards, Treasure Hunter’s Camp with Giant Snake and more. We’re giving away the new Summer House, featuring 323 pieces. The $59.99 set features a house with a bathroom, kitchen and bedroom, four figures and a terrace complete with patio furniture, plants and a grill. To register for any of our random drawings, log on to and click on “Giveaways” under the Contests tab. One entry per person per prize. Good luck!

june 2011 13

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parent talk

Answer next month’s question on Facebook for your chance to win. Search Nashville Parent Magazine.



Whether it’s Facebook, e-mail or texts, moms and dads are talking and sharing advice.

Crying Baby on Aisle 5! How would you react?

here’s what our local moms and dads say: Stacie Wall Ignore and move on. Mine stopped within two minutes. Angie Hughes I ignored my son and he doesn’t act like that any more, however it is very hard not to laugh at them when they act so dramatic over things. Every day is a learning day for parents as well as kids. Lane Proffitt Photography I try to ignore mine but he has a seemingly endless scream motor. It is taking a lot of practice but I think the fits are getting shorter. The good thing is that they are almost always at home. He is wonderful when we go out (for now).

Michele Morehead Johnny did that once when he was young. There was a Mickey Mouse sprinkler that he wanted and I wouldn’t get it. He threw the biggest fit to the point that he almost fell out of the buggy. My mom then handed it to him to get him to stop throwing a fit and told him his grandma would get it for him. I put it back on the shelf and said “Nope. When he acts right then he might get a treat but not acting like that.” I think he called me “mean” that day. Dallas Smith More than once I have picked up my child and just walked out of a store. It’s great to be bigger than they are. — Kiera Ashford (please turn the page)

june 2011 15

parent talk

worked for me!

Swallowing Yucky Medicine

sweeten the deal Mary Poppins was onto something when she sang about a spoonful of sugar. Offering children something sweet to offset the bitter aftertaste is often enough incentive to get them to go along with the plan. Stephanie Kerr of Franklin says she lets her young ones have a special drink of something that’s normally off limits, like Sprite or Coke, to wash down the yucky medicine taste. “Sometimes I give them a lollipop or other treat instead,” she says. Is it a bribe? You bet. Does it work? Like a charm.

hide the evidence “It’s not an antihistamine,” jokes mother of three Karen Cartright. “It’s a smoothie!” When the very mention of medicine gets your kiddo foaming at the mouth, a little subterfuge can go a long way to a peaceful evening. Pudding, fruit smoothies, liquid yogurt drinks and full strength fruit juice

16 june 2011

are favorite vehicles for medicine to hide in. One local mom gets really creative and wets a purple Triaminic cough strip, then plasters it to a grape flavored lollipop, so the minute her daughter starts sucking, the strip dissolves in her mouth. *

no smell ... no problem The majority of what we perceive as taste actually comes from our sense of smell. Our taste buds only detect bitter, salty, sweet and sour flavors. Its actually odor molecules that give foods their distinct taste. That’s why Suzanne Gallent asks her son Dylan to hold his nose to take medicine. Chilling meds in the fridge has a similar smell and taste dulling effect. Think about it; you can smell hot brownies in the oven, but you can’t smell ice cream across the room. Although some antibiotics require refrigeration, there’s no harm in chilling Motrin or allergy medicine if your doctor or pharmacist approves.

take a shot If double doses of antibiotics for 10 days add up to 20 major headaches, ask your doctor if the medicine comes in a single injection instead. Mother of two Camie Donohue says she’s had to reorder antibiotics because her son kept gagging and spitting out the liquid. She explains, “Of course it’s tough to watch your child get a shot, but the drama is over in three minutes. Trying to get him to swallow the gross liquid took half an hour every morning and night … and he still threw it up on the floor.” — Deborah Bohn * Combine with caution. Ask your physician before mixing medication with food or juice. The minerals in some foods and drinks (like the potassium in a banana or vitamin C in orange juice) can interfere with the absorption of certain drugs. Experts say to always make sure to watch your child eat or drink all of the medicated food so you know they received the full dose. And never leave a sippy cup of medicated juice unattended. That’s like leaving a bottle of prescription drugs open for any child to ingest.

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MMC Pediatrics Q&A

Question: How much sleep does my child require? Answer: Most newborns require 16 to 18 hours of sleep

in a 24 hour period. A 2 year old child requires about 13 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. About 11 hours is at night and about 2 hours is a daytime nap. Most children stop napping at about 4 to 5 years of age, but they still require 11 hours of sleep at night until around 6 to 7 years old. From 7 to 10 years they need about 10 hours of sleep, and starting at around 11 years old until about 15 years old they need 9 hours of sleep. For those 16 years and older, about 8 hours is required. There are variations in sleep requirements among children however, so parents must be sensitive to their own child’s needs. Difficulty with waking in the morning, falling asleep during the day such as during car rides, irritability, and poor school performance can be symptoms of inadequate or poor sleep in children. Marcie Castleberry, M.D.

18 june 2011


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615.867.8020 1004 N. Highland Avenue Murfreesboro, TN 37130 1.800.842.6692

by Russell McKissick, M.D. Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance in Murfreesboro

on call

Ask us your pediatric health questions on Facebook.

doctor q&a youth sports special

elbow injuries


Our 12-year-old son was recently diagnosed with Little League Elbow and was told he wouldn’t be able to return to throwing for six weeks. What causes this and is there any way to prevent it from happening again in the future? Little League Elbow is an injury to the inner or medial side of the elbow often seen with throwing sports. The medial side of the elbow is placed under great stress during the throwing motion. Too much stress in this area can damage the growth plate and cause pain. The growth plate is an area of cartilage within the bones of children that allows the bone to lengthen with age. X-rays of the elbow can show widening of the growth plate due to the stress. Resting the elbow allows the growth plate and surrounding bone to heal. This period of rest is followed by a slow, progressive return to throwing. Proper throwing mechanics and limiting the number of pitches per game and per week can help prevent recurrence.



My daughter experiences recurring pain in her knee. I’ve heard of something called Osgood-Schlatter disease. Can you explain what it is, and is it something we can treat at home? Osgood-Schlatter disease is an overuse injury to the growth plate of the proximal tibia (lower leg bone) near the knee. It is due to repetitive stress to this area from jumping and running. Symptoms include pain with these activities and tenderness over the front of the knee below the patella (knee cap). It almost always improves with rest and avoidance of running and jumping until the pain resolves. Often, ice and anti-inflammatories can be used to decrease the pain. This is followed by a slow return to the sporting activity. If the pain does not resolve with complete rest or comes back frequently, an evaluation by a physician is recommended. The symptoms can recur until the growth plate closes during the early teenage years.

june 2011 19

kids’ health help prevent

sports End your injuries child’s sugar he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 3.5 million addiction in kids are treated for sports-related injuries annually, while nearly half of the injuries are six months preventable, says Safe Kids USA. Parents can take time a sports injuries. The American steps towith help kids prevent Academy of Pediatrics ( suggests the few simple following tips for athletic kids. steps. • Take time off at least one day a week to allow the body


to recover and take breaks during practice.

• Wear the right gear and make sure it fits appropriately. • Perform conditioning and strengthening exercises before games and during practice. • Stop any activity if there is pain. • Avoid heat injury by wearing light clothing, decreasing or stopping practice during high heat and humidity conditions and by drinking fluids before, during and after practice and games.

why wear a


ore than 70 percent of kids ages 5 - 14 ride bikes regularly, says Safe Kids USA, but not enough kids protect their heads by wearing a helmet. In fact, more than 1,000 people die each year in the U.S. in bike crashes with 62 percent of the deaths due to head injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and yet a large segment of parents and kids are ambivalent about helmet use (currently,

20 june 2011

IF YOU’RE GONNA WEAR IT, WEAR IT RIGHT! What’s wrong with this picture? (The strap is not secured snugly — so it’s basically ineffective)

only 15 to 25 percent of U.S. kids wear helmets when they ride). In Tennessee, bike helmets have been the law for kids ages 16 and younger since 1967 — so make that your ammo for insisting on them with your children. But then, make sure it’s being worn properly: A helmet should fit snugly over the entire top of the head, including the forehead. You should not be able to remove the helmet once the strap is fastened and it should rest levelly on the head.

BeIng pool cool is

following the pool rules and

putting safety


Whether you are at a friend’s house, visiting a community pool or playing in your own backyard, it is important to protect your child from the dangers around a pool. In Tennessee, drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4. We can change that statistic and prevent these deaths by being pool cool and water wise. for more information.

A quick lesson in safety from:

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22 june 2011




photo credit: Joan Marcus

24 local briefs | 30 giving back | 32 family getaway | 35 hot stuff

Coming in October, get your seats to Wicked early before it sells out! Tickets go on sale Friday, June 17.

wicked returns with tpac’s broadway series


f you missed it in 2009 — yes, it sold out in record time for TPAC — now’s your chance to see it! Broadway’s smash hit musical, Wicked, returns to Nashville Oct. 19 - Nov. 6 as a season special in concert with TPAC’s 2 011 - 2012 Broadway series. The six-show Broadway Series lineup also includes Blast! (Sept. 27 - Oct. 2), Memphis (Nov. 15- 20), The Addams Family (Jan. 3 - 8), South Pacific (Feb. 7 12), Mary Poppins (March 20 - 25) and Rain (May 1 - 6). In addition, a special production of Spamalot takes place Jan. 27 - 28. Season tickets for the six-show series are on sale now for $145 - $390. Single tickets for individual shows go on sale six to eight weeks prior to opening. For more info, call 782-4040 or visit


local briefs


run, bike, run a duathlon for kids egister your kids ages 7 - 14 through Saturday, June 18 for the Duathlon, hosted by The Avenue Murfreesboro on Saturday, July 9:

Juniors: Ages 7 - 10, run a half mile, then bike for three miles then run a three-quarter mile beginning at 8 a.m. Seniors: Ages 11 - 14, run a half mile, then bike for six miles then run one-and-a-quarter mile beginning at 7:15 a.m. The event is open to the first 250 kids. Cost is $20; late registration is $25. Each participant receives a shirt, race belt and medal. The race takes place at The Avenue Murfreesboro located at 2615 Medical Center Pkwy. Visit

murfreesboro’s smallest triathlon Even the youngest ones can enjoy a little competition during Murfreesboro’s Smallest Triathlon, The Small Fry Tri. Kids ages 2 - 6 years can run, bike and splash — through sprinklers, that is — to the finish line on Saturday, June 11 from 10 - 11 a.m. Several races will start every 10 minutes. Each participating child must bring a bicycle or tricycle and a helmet. Cost is $6 and includes a trophy. The event takes place at the Old Fort Park Trailhead. Preregister your child at the Wilderness Station through Friday, June 10. Call 217-3017 or e-mail

24 june 2011

new swim options The Smyrna Town Centre pool now offers Progression to Swimming for ages 6 months - 3 years (with a parent) during seven sessions on Saturday mornings from 9:30 - 10 a.m. on June 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23. The program shows parents techniques that will help their children become more familiar with water. It is not a survival or learn-to-swim class. Cost is $45 per child. Learn To Do A Basic Dive is for swimming children. The program includes four sessions July 20, 27 and August 3 and 10 from 6 - 6:45 p.m. Cost is $45 per child. The Smyrna Town Centre pool is located at 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna (turn onto Nolan Drive). Call 459-9710 to register. Visit for more info.

discovery center’s new exhibit Learn about the teeny, tiny creatures in our daily lives — microbes. The Discovery Center at Murfree Spring opens a new exhibit on Saturday, June 11 called Microbes: Invisible Invaders, Amazing Allies. This interactive exhibition — open through Tuesday, Sept. 6 — teaches what microbes look like, the history of disease, emerging diseases and how research is helping find cures that save lives. The Discovery Center is located at 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro. Hours are Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sun 1 - 5 p.m. Admission is $6 ages 2 and older; children younger than 2 are free. Call 890-2300 or visit


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june 2011 25

local briefs

ascent to open for rock climbing!


limb in the cool indoors when The Ascent Climbing Gym opens at the end of the month featuring rock climbing for all ages. “I hope kids will fall in love with this fantastic and fun sport, learn to face their fears, build their confidence and strengthen their goal setting and conquering abilities,” says Hailey Traver, marketing manager at the new facility. “It’s an excellent opportunity to ‘get big and strong’ and have fun with parents, siblings, and friends,” Traver adds. Admission to The Ascent is $12 adults, $10 students; membership packages for one month are $30 students/$45 adults, three months $45 students/$65 adults and one year $75; family packages include two adults and two student passes (each additional student is $10) and are $210 for three months, $400 for six months and $725 for one year. The facility is also available for groups of 15 for $200, each additional climber is $10. All memberships include gear rental for the first three months, belay lesson and certification (must be 14 or older). The three month membership also includes a 10 percent discount in the pro shop, a guest pass each month and the strategic climbing series which focuses on climbing technique, strength training and flexibility/balance. The Ascent is located at 831 Park Avenue, Murfreesboro. Hours are Sun 12 - 6 p.m., Mon - Fri 2 - 10 p.m. and Sat 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Call 796-6545 or visit

the ticker... FREE BOAT DAY with volunteers from Stones River Watershed Association takes place Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Manson Pike Trailhead (1208 Searcy St. off Medical Center Pkwy. in Murfreesboro). This event gives all ages the chance to get to know different canoes and kayaks with boating basics, paddling strokes and boat safety. Call Rachel Singer at 217-3017 or email her at

SUMMER READING VOLUNTEERS are needed at 26 june 2011

the La Vergne library. Volunteers ages 12 - 18 may pick up an application at the YA section of the library. Call 793-7303 or email

AUDITIONS FOR THE SUNSHINE PLAYERS’ production of Disney’s Cinderella Kids take place Sunday, June 26 from 2 - 4 p.m. and Monday, June 27 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in The Theatre at Patterson Park (521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro). This play’s show dates are August 19 21. Sunshine Players has an annual

$30 membership fee. Call Terry Ann Womack at 893-7439 or email at

MAIN STREET SATURDAY MARKET begins June 4 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the public square in downtown Murfreesboro and continues each Saturday through the end of September. This free market offers a variety of locally grown fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers and more available for purchase. Call 895-1887 or visit

FREE MOVIES UNDER THE STARS takes place June 6 - July 30 at 8:30 p.m. at several locations in Murfreesboro. Movie goers can enjoy free family-friendly flicks and are encouraged to bring a blankets or lawn chairs. Concessions will be available for purchase. Movie lists and locations are available at all Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Departments or you can contact the main office at 890-5333.

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Ages 3-5 (Must be Potty Trained) Begins September 5, 2011, 9am-2pm Our Mothers Day Out program places special emphasis on school year preparation. Participants will build a foundation for life with an introduction to fitness and healthy eating habits. Program dates follow the Rutherford County School Calendar. Monday-Thursday – Rutherford County YMCA Tuesday and Thursday - N. Rutherford YMCA Registration/Supply Fee - $75 Annually Rutherford CO YMCA 205 N. Thompson Lane Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-5995

Rutherford CO YMCA 205 N. Thompson Lane Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-5995

june 2011 27

local briefs



Coach of the Year Award


go online to nominate your favorite coach

t’s time to submit online nominations for Nashville Parent’s 2011 Coach of the Year award! All coaches currently coaching a youth sport (who are in at least their second year with the same organization) are eligible to be nominated for this honor. The recipient will be selected by our panel of editors. When making your nomination, please consider the following: • Sportsmanship of the nominee as well as his players • Team performances during the coach’s year • Past honors and contributions made to sports by the coach SUBMIT ONLINE NOMINATIONS AT PARENTWORLD.COM BY SUNDAY, JULY 31! The 2011 Coach of the Year will be announced in our December issue and will be honored with a special plaque presentation.

Savvy Parent: Little (but big!) things to know about raising kids

Staring Down the Family Budget


t’s not fun but somebody’s got to do it ... budget your spending, that is. Yes, with the recession continuing you are more mindful than ever of your purchases ... but are you making the most of what you have? Welcome to the little-loved world of the budget: finding out what you spend and adjusting so you aren’t spending more than you make. Here are some smart tips for getting a hold of your finances: 1) Track your spending: Do you wonder where your pennies are going at the end of each month? Try writing every little expense down for 30 days. You’ll be amazed at all of the itty bitty small purchases that add up ... maybe you can eliminate some of them? 2) Create a realistic spending plan: Once you know where you spend your money, you can make changes ... but DO build in some flexibility if possible. 3) Talk about money in a new way: Not talking about money just may be more harmful than facing what’s going on together. Try to talk about money in front of your children and lead by example 4) Create some kind of emergency fund: It may not be a lot but small things are going to come up and every little bit you can set aside will help. SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal Financial Guide for New Parents (Three Rivers Press; $14.95) by Stacey L. Bradford.

june 2011 29

giving BACK

get crankin’ for miss martha

Local girls cool off with homemade ice cream during the Purity Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’.


t’s a cool, sweet event taking place on Saturday, June 12 when the 26th Annual Purity Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’ takes place on the grounds of First Presbyterian Church (4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville). Sample more than 500 gallons of local homemade ice cream representing dozens of flavors. Proceeds from the event benefit the Martha O’Bryan Center, a family resource center serving the poorest neighborhood in Nashville by empowering children, youth and adults in poverty to transform their lives through work, education, employment and fellowship. Advance tickets are $10 adults, $8 children; $13/$10 at the gate. For more info, call 254-1791 or visit

project help expands to include 3-year-olds

new therapy resource offers in-home services

Project Help, the early intervention program offering free play-based learning experiences to children ages 6 - 36 months with developmental delays or disabilities in Rutherford County, now offers an extended “pay to stay” program for 3-year-olds. State funding does not provide for a 3-year-old program, but thanks to funds raised from special events, director Susan Waldrop says they can offer the new class at a moderate tuition rate. Families can choose a two-day plan for $40 per week or a four-day plan for $65 per week. Class size is limited, and spaces are expected to fill up quickly. For more information, contact Waldrop at 898-2837 or

Local mom and occupational therapist Andrea Ball, who spent several years providing services within the school system, recently launched a new service for families. Play Ball Children’s Therapy provides home-based therapy services — including occupational, physical, speech and music therapies — to families of children with autism, Down syndrome or other genetic disorders, neurologic and orthopedic disabilities, sensory impairments, and emotional and behavior issues. “Being in the home allows us to work closely with families to ensure that parents and siblings are an integral part of their child’s therapy,” says Ball. To learn more about Play Ball Children’s Therapy, visit

30 june 2011

“ How are the children? ” Kimberly Williams-Paisley

How often do you hear that question? In a recent study, more than 27% of youth in Tennessee reported feeling so sad and hopeless for two or more weeks that they stopped doing some of their regular activities. The next NPT Reports: Children’s Health Crisis examines the social, emotional, behavior and mental well-being of Tennessee’s youth. Please join us.

Mental Health Wednesday, June 29

9:00 PM

In partnership with Alignment Nashville Major Support provided by

Additional Support provided by Orrin H. Ingram Fund

Nashville Public Television

the soothing sands Eager to bask in beach-bound beauty? Well, look no further than the Sunshine State’s glorious Beaches of South Walton for your family’s next fun-in-the-sun vacation.


here are many fun destinations your family can experience on a getaway, but nothing really beats a great trip to Florida’s beautiful Emerald Coast. Soaking up sun on the powdery white Beaches of South Walton and splashing around in the emerald green waters of the Gulf Coast are the perfect relaxation catalysts for busy moms and dads as well as thankful-to-be-awayfrom-school kids of all ages. The Beaches of South Walton boast 26 miles of luxurious white-sand beaches in 15 different, very distinct communities. And that’s the wonderful aspect of the area — you’re family has lots of options for where to stay that run the gamut from quiet and docile to activity-heavy fun. Popular spots to stay include Rosemary Beach, Seaside, Seagrove, Grayton Beach, WaterColor and Sandestin.

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort During my recent trip to the Beaches of South Walton, I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the magnificent Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort ( Sprawling across 2,400 acres, this resort has it all, both beach side and the Choctawhatchee Bay side with 1,400 accommodations nestled amidst 30 communities, ranging from condos and villas to town homes and hotel options. Sandestin offers something for everyone in your family. Four championship golf courses adorn the property along with a family-friendly course for junior golfers to enjoy. Take a dip in one of the 19 pools, or better yet, hop aboard the trolley (or

32 june 2011

reserve complimentary bicycles) and head to the beach for fun in the sand and surf. Kid-friendly activities include a trek to explore the Jolee Island Nature Park, Capt. Joe Lee’s Tree House and Nature Walk, sailing instruction and Club KZ, a day camp for kids ages 3 - 12 offering a variety of indoor and outdoor activities from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on select days ($55 per child). Lunch is included, and programs include a treasure hunt pirate adventure on Jolee Island, beach activities ranging from shell hunting to sandcastle building contests and beach games, pool activities and fun in The Village of Baytown Wharf. In addition, Club KZ offers a Children’s Evening Out on Fridays from 6 - 10 p.m. for $45, which gives Mom and Dad an opportunity to experience a romantic dinner or take in some of the nightlife on their own while the kids enjoy dinner, movies and a variety of activities. The Village of Baytown Wharf is a hopping community filled with eateries, shopping and several fun play opportunities. Make a point to have breakfast at Another Broken Egg Café, which boasts a wide menu with gourmet omelets and bananas foster French toast ... and everything in between! Kids will be quick to have a blast in the Baytowne Adventure Zone. Everyone in your family can enjoy climbing the tower and zooming 300 feet across the lagoon and back via a zipline before testing skills on the massive ropes course. For a real adventure, get rigged up on the EuroBungy and spring into the air. Want to impress the onlookers? Go for a mid-air summersault. Little ones will enjoy a spin on the carousel and everyone will get

a chuckle out of the giant Hamster Water Balls! It’s harder than you can imagine, but it’s great fun — give it a whirl! A fun dining option is the Solaris Dinner Cruise ( Departing from the Baytowne Marina, embark on a three-hour cruise of the bay while enjoying a great dinner (the beef tenderloin and gulf shrimp saute are best bets!) and a spectacular view. The onboard entertainment is infectious enough you and yours might find yourselfves in a conga line!

Nearby Activities While you can easily stay on the Sandestin resort property during your entire vacation and have plenty to do, a few nearby attractions are musts on your things-to-do list. Head up the road to the colorful Seaside community and rent bikes to tool around town. You’ll find lots of great shops and art galleries in this area and if you’re feeling a bit peckish, head to The MeltDown on 30A and choose from a wide option of grilled cheese sandwiches. Take in natural wonders at Grayton Beach State Park with a guided tour by Walco Eco Tours ( and learn about the coastal forest full of scrub oaks and magnolias bent by the salty winds. Kids will have fun searching for animal tracks, and if they’re lucky, they’ll spot a lizard or ghost crab along the way. While you’re there, Walco can hook you up with a kayaking excursion on Western Lake, which is enjoyable for all ages. For a more intense on-the-water experience, try a YOLO (You Only Live Once) Board adventure

and surf of

south walton by Chad Young

( This stand-up paddling sport is a combination of surfing and kayaking/canoeing in that you stand up on a flat board and paddle yourself around the water. It definitely gives you a great core workout, and having a healthy sense of balance is a great ally — YES, I was the one on my trip who wound up going for a swim! Kids as young at 6 can enjoy this sport, and there were lots of them having a ball the day of my excursion. For die-hard nature enthusiasts, a 30-minute drive to Freeport is a must in order to visit the exquisite E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center ( The center is in its second year, and up until now has only been available to school groups in the area. Beginning Saturday, June 4, the facility will be open to the general public on weekends, and you simply must go, because it is absolutely one of the best nature centers I have ever seen. The word “biophilia” was coined by E.O. Wilson and means “innate love for all life.” Each weekend, the center focuses on a different topic, and guided trail hikes are available on occasion. Inside the center, young and old can learn about a plethora of critters indigenous to the area, including bees (visit the live bee hive and watch them busy at work), snakes, birds and turtles. Through exhibits and interactive programs, kids can learn a great deal about wildlife, the ecosystem and the importance of conservation. While exploring, be sure to make a little music at the “Nature’s Symphony” exhibit. Enjoy a show in the theater and be sure to catch one of the live animal presentations where kids can get up close and personal with birds,

snakes and turtles. Turtle Bob, one of the educators, gives a wonderful snake presentation, and with a parent’s permission, kids can have the opportunity to hold one of these creatures. Finally, your visit to the Beaches of South Walton won’t be complete without a dinner trip at Fish Out of Water. This upscale restaurant located at the WaterColor Inn and Resort (watercolorresort. com) is the perfect place for experiencing the fresh catch of the day, and the atmosphere makes for a great romantic evening with your spouse. Hint, this is the time to take advantage of the Club KZ Children’s Evening Out offering at Sandestin, although Fish Out of Water does offer a children’s menu with standard kid-friendly favorites.

Getting There If you’re a road-trip loving family, the Beaches of South Walton is roughly an eight-hour drive from Nashville. The best way to do it is get up early and hit the road by 5 a.m. If your budget affords flying, Southwest now offers a direct flight from Nashville to Panama City. Beachside Express (850-685-3586) offers shuttle service to any of the beach communities you opt for. Sandestin is about 45 minutes from the airport. One thing’s for certain if you go — plan on having an absolute blast that your family will never forget! And I bet you’ll soon be planning your next visit. J Chad Young is managing editor for this publication.

Kids enjoy the ropes course in the Adventure Zone area of Sandestin’s The Village of Baytowne Wharf.

more info Learn more about everything the Beaches of South Walton offers at june 2011 33

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The Turnaround Workshop for Troubled Marriages

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Has “I Do” become “What do I Do now?”

daddy’s DAY

hot stuff

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19. Get something cool for Papa!

Tennessee Titans Men’s Victory Watch $75;

For those Titans fans, Game Time has the perfect watch to let Dad show his support for our home-town team. This beautifully crafted men’s watch has an adjustable sport buckle, stainless steel caseback and is water resistant up to 99 feet.

Nashville Predators Luggage Carry-On $119.95;

Denco Sports Luggage has just the thing for Dad to travel in style while supporting our Nashville Predators. This sporty luggage is not only super durable, it also helps in spotting your luggage at baggage claim with the Predator’s emblem embroidered on the front. With the expandable handle, it can adjust to Dad’s height.

A Dad Ring $79;

Dad rings are growing in popularity, and this tough ring made of scratch-resistant tungsten, a heavy metal that also resists tarnish, might be one he’ll actually wear! Engrave a special message inside (up to 25 letters) ... hmm, now to learn his ring size!

20V MAX Lithium Trimmer & Edger $145;

This easy-to-use, light-weight tool is sure to make Dad happy as he works on the yard. Quieter than the norm, the Black & Decker 20 Volt Max Cordless Lithium Ion String Trimmer and Edger comes with two batteries, a charger complete with Smart Charge Technology, one 30-foot spool and more. It easily adjusts to anyone by changing the angle of the handle and length of the bar — and one more little turn converts this trimmer into an awesome edger with a guard to keep your cuts straight and clean.

Classic Mini Amplifier $26;

Dad can enjoy big sound with retro style. This mini amp connects to iPods, iPhones or any MP3 player with a 3.5 mm jack. Don’t let its small size fool you — the amp cranks out a heathy volume.

Products reviewed by Kiera Ashford, Susan Day and Chad Young

june 2011 35

family life

fun runs:

Find a Fun Run

Locate a family fun run happening this summer! Head to and click on Fun Runs.


36 june 2011

By Deanne Haines

: miles of smiles


s a runner, it’s exciting to cross the finish line of a race with my children cheering me on. It’s even more of a thrill, however, to stand at the tape and root for my 4and 6-year-old kids as they dash to the finish line of their version of “Mommy’s race” — a quarter-mile kids’ fun run. Fun runs provide a unique way to introduce children to the lifelong habit of keeping active. In recent years there’s been a boom in racing events for children, some starting as soon as a baby can crawl. Diaper dashes, toddler trots and children’s fun runs have popped up all over the country offering children of every age and running ability the chance to race. Studies show that one in four U.S. children spend four hours or more watching television each day. As more schools are eliminating P.E. classes, it’s up to parents to help children discover an eagerness for exercise. Why not sign them up for a fun run? Shari Moelenkamp’s 8-year-old daughter, Hailey, loves doing fun runs. “I can tell she feels excited to be a part of the events. She loves picking up her race packet and pinning on her number — it makes her feel important and part of a group.” The excitement and anticipation of running a race, the simple freedom that comes from running, along with a medal, ribbon or T-shirt at the finish line, make fun runs for children exactly what they say — fun! There are many ways your child can benefit from participating in a fun run.

Healthy Fun According to the American Heart Association, childhood obesity is the number one health concern among parents in the U.S. — topping drug abuse and smoking. With childhood obesity rates tripling in the past 30 years, fun runs can help keep your kids physically fit. Moelenkamp says participating in fun runs has improved Hailey’s selfconfidence. “I can tell by the proud smile on her face when she recalls the races to family and friends.” Carol Goodrow, author of the book Kids Running: Have Fun, Get Faster & Go Farther (Breakaway Books; $10.95) encourages parents to get their children excited about running. “Running is natural for children. It allows them to set and reach goals.” That’s a major reason Hailey enjoys running. “The best part of a fun run is that is makes me feel good to accomplish a mile — it makes me feel proud.”

Eye-opening Fun Many children are exposed to sports at a young age. They may start kicking the soccer ball around as a toddler. They may swing a bat and play T-ball as a preschooler. Fun runs open children’s eyes to the world of running as a sport. Whether or not they continue by joining a running team in school, the more active they are as a child, the more likely they’ll keep up with an active lifestyle as they grow up.

Simple Fun Running is an uncomplicated sport. For very young children who have not mastered basic skills such as kicking, throwing or batting, running allows them to keep active in a very simple way. Fun runs also provide an avenue for children who aren’t interested in organized sports. Running only requires a child to be able to put one foot in front of the other and as a result, it can make the child feel good about what he can accomplish.

Inexpensive Fun Without expensive equipment to buy or league fees to pay, a pair of tennis shoes is all your child needs to enjoy running. Organizers of fun runs sometimes charge a registration fee for a race, but the fee is usually nominal.

Family Fun Running is a way for families to build healthy habits together. Parents and children alike can adopt active lifestyles by lacing up their shoes and pounding the pavement. Jen and Tim Ziemer signed their son, Kyle, up for his first fun run when he was 7. “We signed Kyle up because Tim was doing the marathon, and we thought it would be fun for them to share that experience,” says Jen. “We wanted to give him the thrill of racing and hopefully instill a love for running.” It worked. Kyle, now 12, still loves to run. As for me and my family, race days are a great bonding experience and they are creating lasting memories. It’s especially exciting for me to witness my kids having a blast without giving a second thought to the fact that they’re exercising — they’re just having fun. Deanne Haines is a freelance writer and mother of three. She writes about the adventures of parenting in her weekly column, “Parenting in the Village.”

Tips for Your Child’s First Fun Run • Be on time. Fun runs generally don’t last long and you wouldn’t want your child to miss out on all the fun. • Make sure your child has experienced the distance. If running a longer distance, train with your child before the event. A one-mile fun run takes quite a bit of endurance. • Bib numbers are pinned on the front. • Shoes should be double-tied. • Set a meeting place for after the event. • Remind your child it doesn’t matter if he finishes in first, second or third place. Everyone who crosses the finish line gets a medal. • Have fun and praise your child’s efforts. • As soon as you can, put another event on your child’s calendar.

june 2011 37

Dr. Ricafort will be relocating to Grace Pediatrics in Smyrna starting July 25, 2011 699 President Place Suite 402 Smyrna, TN 37167

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38 june 2011



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as kids grow B y s u s a n d ay


You want your child to play ... now know what to expect. arents lugging coolers, collapsible chairs and shade are a familiar sight these days — there’s always a tournament going on somewhere it seems! The popularity of youth sports in the U.S. is undeniable — and word is, the earlier your child can get proper training, the better off he’ll be. But what should you expect as the years go by? We’ve compiled five of the most popular sports to help you navigate your way. (please turn the page)



Age kids can start: Community flag football programs usually begin at age 5 or 6 and Pee Wee football programs begin at the same age. In schools, players often start tackle football in middle school. Kids can play football from age 5 to 16, but must meet strict weight-forage standards. Most middle and high schools have football teams, and most football programs outside of schools offer football camps in spring and summer. Skills needed/used: Strength and/or speed, hand-eye coordination, teamwork. Best for kids who are: Team oriented, disciplined and who like contact. Season/when played: Tackle: fall. Touch/ flag: spring and/or fall. Equipment: Most is provided through leagues or schools. Tackle football requires a helmet, shoulder pads, shoes/cleats, girdle with hip and tailbone pads, thigh and knee pads, chin strap and mouthguard. Many leagues will ask for a refundable equipment deposit (approximately $200). Costs: Team fees for non-contact leagues tend to be lower ($100 - $200/season). Fees for tackle leagues are higher, since they cover equipment, referees and so on. Fees vary greatly, from $150/season to $300 or more. Time commitment required: In tackle leagues or on middle school teams, players practice for two-hour sessions, three to four times a week. In high school, teams practice year round. Games are usually once a week with a season of about eight games Potential injuries: The most common types of injuries in football are sprains and strains, followed by fractures, dislocations and soft tissue injuries. Research shows that football increases a child’s risk for concussion, and the prevention and treatment of concussions are the focus of many discussions at every level of play.

Ice Hockey

as kids grow 40 june 2011

Age kids can start: Toddlers of 2 and 3 can begin to learn to skate, sometimes with double-bladed skates for better balance. At about age 4, kids can begin to learn the fundamentals of hockey. Skills needed/used: Flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, balance and coordination; ability to ice skate; stick handling.

Best for kids who are: Energetic, team players, unafraid of contact. Season/when played: Winter; many (but not all) indoor ice rinks are open year round. Levels: USA Hockey youth hockey classifications for boys are: Termites: 7 years old and younger; Mite: 8 years old and younger; Squirt: 10 and younger; Pee Wee: 12 and younger; Bantam: 14 and younger; Midget Minor: 16 and younger; Midget Major: 18 and younger. For girls, the levels are 10 and younger, 12 and younger, 14 and younger, 16 and younger, and 19 and younger. Programs may be recreational, competitive or select (travel). Fitness factor: High. As in soccer, players are almost constantly in motion. Plus, they wear heavy safety gear. Equipment: Skates, sticks, helmets, uniforms, gloves, protective pads and mouthpiece, and a large bag to transport it all. The gear is costly, but parents often swap or sell used items. Skates should be sharpened after about four to six hours of ice time. Costs: Aside from the significant cost of equipment, team or league fees for kids 8 and older can range from $600 to more than $3,000 a year. Time commitment required: Games and practices two to three times a week or more. Families with kids on travel teams will spend additional money and time traveling to and from games and tournaments, paying for hotels and meals. Potential injuries: This is a fast-paced, contact sport, so it can be risky. Most common injuries include sprains (of the thigh, knee and ankle), concussions and facial lacerations. Safety equipment and rules help keep kids in youth leagues safer.


Age kids can start: Recreational soccer (through the YMCA or through a community organization) begins at age 3, 4 or 5. Select soccer, also known as “travel” is for boys and girls ages 8 - 18. Skills needed/used: Teamwork, endurance, speed, agility/footwork (handling ball with feet). Best for kids who are: Team oriented, good at sprinting, disciplined.

Season/when played: Spring, summer, fall; year-round in many areas; indoor soccer leagues also available.

Season/when played: Spring and summer (elite teams or those in warmer climates may play year round).

Levels: Age-grouped and school-affiliated teams, up through high school and college. Starting as early as age 7, kids in many areas have the option to play in either a competitive (traveling) or noncompetitive league. Talented players may be selected for premiere leagues, training camps or development academies. The best players can work in Olympic Development.

Levels: Little League has a series of levels based on age and ability: Tee Ball (for 5- to 6-year-olds or older) Minor and Major Leagues (for 9- to 12-year-olds), Junior League (for ages 13 and 14), Senior League (for ages 14 to 16), and Big League (ages 16 to 18). Both boys and girls can play, and both boys and girls can also play softball. Scholastic teams are also common, with the familiar junior varsity and varsity set-up.

Equipment: Soccer cleats (both indoor and out) are needed yearly as the child grows, shin guards (as the child grows), a team uniform, the right size ball (smaller, lighter balls are available for younger children); Under Armour for fall play, water jug. Costs: League fees (up to $100 for non-competitive leagues; $500 - $1,000 or more for travel teams), equipment, tournament fees (varies significantly, but can reach $500 per tournament per family including fees, hotel and meals). Time commitment required: For the youngest children, an hour or more a week (30 minutes practice, 30 minutes game). As players move up the ranks, practice time and number of games increases significantly. Players on competitive (“traveling”) teams will practice twice weekly, travel long distances to games and may attend at least one out-of-town tournament per season. Potential injuries: Risks include collisions with other players, ground or goalposts; repetitive strain injuries, especially to the ankles and knee; heat-related illnesses; and concussions (from heading the ball, collisions or falls). Precautions taken by player, coach and league can help reduce risk.


Age kids can start: 4 or 5 (tee ball); 7 or 8 (machine-pitch, followed by coach-pitch, followed by player-pitch teams). Skills needed/used: Teamwork, strength; eye-hand coordination; sport- and positionspecific skills such as pitching, hitting, fielding, catching, running and throwing. Best for kids who are: Patient and attentive enough to cope with baseball’s slower pace; have good hand/eye coordination.

Equipment: Glove for fielding balls, batting glove, batting helmet, cleats, uniform. Catchers use special protective gear such as face masks and shin guards. Costs: Minimal for beginning players, approximately $65 for a uniform and a spot on the team; rises much higher for older or elite players — especially those on travel teams (costs can soar as high as $6,000 per season, not counting lodging, gas, etc.) Time commitment required: As with most youth sports, time commitment grows exponentially as players rise up the ranks to elite or travel teams. Beginners may have just one practice and/or game per week, while more accomplished athletes will practice several days a week and devote nearly every summer weekend to games and tournaments. Travel baseball players play 60 - 80 games a season.

Levels: Levels are determined by age; for example, 7 and younger/first grade; 8 and younger/second grade; 9 and younger/third grade; 10 and younger/fourth grade; 11 and younger/fifth grade; and so on. Equipment: High-top athletic shoes, team shirt, uniform, mouthguard, basketball. All of these will need replacing as your child grows and new uniforms are given out yearly. Costs: Minimal for beginning players and at the school level; you may be asked to participate in fundraisers. In leagues outside of school, costs vary depending on number of tournaments entered and travel expenses. For a travel team, plan on spending at least $200 per season on team and uniform fees alone. Time commitment required: One to two hours a week for beginners; requirements escalate as kids grow. If your child plays with an elite team, expect to travel to tournaments several times a season. Potential injuries: Medium. Although most coaches, schools, and leagues have a strong commitment to safety, basketball is a fast-moving game with potential for contact (with other players, the ball or the floor). It also demands a lot of lateral movement, which can stress the ankles, knees and lower back — and is why good shoes are essential. Susan Day is editor for this publication.

Potential injuries: Players can suffer overuse injuries if they throw too many pitches. Coaches and parents need to make sure junior pitchers’ arms get plenty of rest. Risk for head injuries from collisions, getting hit by a ball; risk of ankle sprains and other injuries from sliding into bases.


Age kids can start: Some teams will accept kids as young as 4. Skills needed/used: Ball handling, endurance, teamwork, hand-eye coordination, footwork Best for kids who are: Agile and coordinated. Gracefulness helps. Season/when played: Winter for schools; spring and summer for non-school leagues. Skills camps and tournaments are often held in the summer.

june 2011 41

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Get your child started in sports right here! Listings in this directory are nonprofit organizations only.

baseball, softball & t-ball Season played: Spring and summer. Some travel teams play year-round. Babe Ruth Baseball League • Official website for the largest baseball league in the country. Information on the organization and more. Bellevue Sports Athletic Association T-ball, baseball and softball for ages 5 and older. Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball • 931-296-7203 More than 100 leagues in Middle Tennessee for ages 12 and younger. Players go on to play in the Little League World Series. Select Amateur National Development League for Travel Teams (SANDLOTT) T-ball for ages 4 - 6 and competitive baseball for ages 18 and younger.

Little League Baseball • More than 10 leagues in Middle Tennessee for ages 7 - 18. Mid-State Amateur Baseball and Fast Pitch Associations Largest travel league in the Southeast for ages 10 - 18.

davidson county

Crieve Hall Baseball Baseball for ages 5 - 12 in farm, rookie, minor and major leagues. Donelson Civitan Girls Softball • 884-1998 T-ball and softball for ages 4 - 20. McCabe Park Little League • 297-6843 T-ball and baseball for ages 5 - 18 as well as a challenger league for ages 5 - 18 with special needs. West Nashville Sports League • 376-4700 Spring and fall baseball for ages 5 and older.

rutherford county

Buchanan Community Recreation Baseball Leagues Tammy Patterson • 319-8508 Coach pitch baseball for boys girls ages 3/4 - 8, girls fast pitch for ages 9 - 12 and boys kid pitch for ages 9 - 12. Sign-ups take place January and February. Games run April - June. La Vergne Baseball and Softball Association • 310-1039 Baseball and softball for ages 3 - 18. Murfreesboro Baseball Association • 785-2852 T-ball and baseball for ages 4 - 16. Murfreesboro Optimist Little League Baseball The official “Little League” program for Rutherford and Cannon counties offers league play for boys and girls ages 6 - 15. New in 2011 is t-ball for ages 4 - 5. One Goal Sports 1009 Greenland Drive, Murfreesboro • 896-7309 T-ball for ages 4 - 5 and coach pitch baseball for ages 6 - 7. (please turn the page)


Smyrna Baseball League League play for ages 4 - 18. Smyrna Fastpitch League • 804-4754 Girls softball leagues for ages 3 and older.

Girls Softball Association of Franklin • 791-4363 League play for ages 5 - 17 includes coach pitch, slow and fast pitch.

wilson county

Smyrna Girls Softball Leagues Girls softball for ages 4 and older.

Lebanon Rotary Youth Baseball teams/?u=donnell&s=baseball&t=c Baseball for ages 9 - 12.

Tennessee Youth Baseball Association Murfreesboro • • 890-9382 Coach pitch for ages 3 - 4, kid pitch ages 5 - 6, fast-pitch softball ages 7 - 8.

Mt. Juliet League • 758-8991 T-ball, baseball and softball for ages 4 - 18.

sumner county


Gallatin Leisure Services eteamz/com/gallatinleisureservices • 268-2237 American Legion baseball for ages 7 - 12 and t-ball for ages 5 - 6. Goodlettsville Parks and Recreation • 851-2253 Spring and fall co-ed t-ball for ages 4 - 5. Hendersonville Parks and Recreation • 822-3898 Spring and fall baseball for ages 5 - 15, summer baseball for ages 4 - 12. Portland Dixie Softball and Baseball • 642-0312 Open to girls ages 4 - 15 and boys ages 4 - 18. Portland Little League • 323-9228 Baseball and softball for ages 4 - 19. White House Dixie Youth Baseball for ages 5 - 14 and softball for ages 6 - 16.

williamson county

Brentwood Babe Ruth Baseball • 370-0577 Spring and fall leagues for ages 13 - 19. Brentwood Civitan Club T-ball for ages 5 - 6, baseball for boys ages 5 - 12 and softball for girls ages 5 - 18. Franklin Baseball Club • 573-6465 League play for ages 4 - 18.

44 june 2011

Season played: Winter for schools; spring and summer for leagues; skills camps in summer. Upward Basketball Church Leagues • 800-585-4721 Twenty-two leagues in multiple Middle Tennessee counties for kids in kindergarten through sixth grade.

davidson county

Bellevue Basketball Association • 642-9633 League play for boys ages 5 - 14 and girls ages 6 - 11. Teams play according to the National Alliance for Youth Sports guidelines. Nashville Celtics • 724-2511 League play for ages 17 and younger. Youth Encouragement Services • 315-5333 League for inner-city school-age children runs November - February. Youth Inc. Junior Pro Basketball 1160 Gallatin Road South, Ste. 121, Madison • 865-0003 League play for ages 8 - 14. West Nashville Sports League • 376-4700 Summer basketball league play for children in grades 1 - 9.

rutherford county

Hooptown 1120 Old Lascassas Road, Murfreesboro • 459-7676 Summer basketball leagues for boys and girls in grades 4 - 6.

Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department 907-2251 Offers youth basketball for ages 8 - 17. One Goal Sports 1009 Greenland Drive, Murfreesboro • 896-7309 League play for ages 6 - 12 from November to January. Registration begins in September. Smyrna Junior Basketball League Boys and girls ages 5 - 17 can join a basketball team. Sign-ups are every Saturday in September. Practices start in October and the season runs December - February.

sumner county

Goodlettsville Youth Basketball League • 859-6855 League play for boys and girls ages 5 - 18. Hendersonville Parks Department 101 Maple Drive North, Hendersonville • 822-3898 Youth league play for boys in grades 1 - 9 and girls in grades 1 - 12.

williamson county

Fairview Recreation Complex 2714 Fairview Blvd. • 799-9331 League play for ages 5 - 15. Registration takes place in October with season running November - March. Franklin Youth Basketball Program 370-3471, ext. 17 Basketball for boys and girls ages 5 - 17 through Williamson County Parks and Recreation.

football Season played: Tackle: fall; touch and flag: spring and fall. Summer clinics and camps. Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • League football and cheerleading for kids ages 5 - 14 for several teams throughout Middle Tennessee. Mid-State Youth Football League (MSYFL) 569-3817 • League football and cheerleading ages 5 - 12 years for several teams throughout Middle Tennessee.

(please turn the page)

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june 2011 45

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Upward Sports • 800-585-4721 Offers flag football and cheerleading leagues through church organizations in several counties for kids in grades K - 6.

davidson county

Metro Parks and Recreation • 862-8424 Flag football for ages 10 - 12 and 13 - 15. Mid-State Youth Football League (MSYFL) Football and cheerleading teams include: West Nashville Broncos • Gra Mar Pirates • 299-9092 Inglewood Panthers • 569-3817 Una Bears • • 399-1872 NCS Cobras • 569-3817 Shelby Park Jaguars • 569-3817 Neelys Bend Tigers • Athletic Director • 977-9308 Woodbine Colts • 730-3865 Flatrock Vols • Athletic Director • 585-2410

Murfreesboro Youth League Football • 907-2251 Football for ages 7 - 13.

Williamson County Parks and Recreation • 370-3471 Flag football for boys and girls ages 7 - 13.

One Goal Sports • 896-7309 Flag football ages 7 - 15.

wilson county

Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • Football and cheerleading teams include: Murfreesboro Mustangs • 962-8028 Cheerleading • 962-2203 Smyrna Bulldogs • Cheerleading • 679-6426

sumner county

Mid-State Youth Football League (MSYFL) Football and cheerleading includes: Hendersonville Knights • 293-5209

Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • Football and cheerleading teams include:

Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • Football and cheerleading teams include:

Antioch Falcons • • 513-1903 Bellevue Steelers • Football • 482-4628 Cheerleading • 306-4123 Bordeaux Eagles • • 429-8050 Donelson-Hermitage Warriors 543-6349 • Athletic Director • 349-0495 Cheerleading • 300-5836 East Side Bobcats • Middle Tennessee Bulldogs • • 573-9966 Old Hickory Bulldawgs • Athletic Director • 568-9064 Waverly-Belmont Bulldogs Athletic Director • 668-9015 Cheerleading • 578-4608

Gallatin Green Wave • • 451-3040 Goodlettsville Trojans • Athletic Director • 400-4670 Hendersonville Titans Football • 495-4433 Cheerleading • 715-1626

rutherford county

Mid-State Youth Football League (MSYFL) Football and cheerleading teams include: La Vergne Wolverines • Football • 506-5245 Cheerleading • 306-6308 Murfreesboro Blue Raiders • 346-2822

Portland Youth Football League Football for ages 5 - 12 and cheerleading for ages 5 - 13.

williamson county

Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • Football and cheerleading teams include: Brentwood Blaze Football • 330-1010 Cheerleading • 479-3272 Franklin Cowboys Football • Cheerleading • Grassland Golden Eagles Nolensville Panthers Director • Cheerleading •

Tennessee Youth Football Alliance (TYFA) • Football and cheerleading teams include: Lebanon Blue Devils • 547-4944 Mt. Juliet Bears • • 754-7314

hockey (inline/street/ice)

Season played: Fall into spring, but clinics year-round.

davidson county

Centennial Sportsplex 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville • 862-8480 Ice skating classes for ages 3 and older, hockey leagues. Nashville Youth Hockey League • 862-8480 ext. 261 Fall and winter ice hockey for boys in levels U8, U10, U12 and U14 as well as for girls in levels U12, U14, U16 and U19. Games are played at Centennial Sportsplex in Nashville. Summer clinics also available. Youth Incorporated 1160 Gallatin Road S., Ste. 121, Madison • 865-0003 Inline hockey for ages 4 - 17.

sumner county

Hendersonville Inline Hockey Association • 364-5598 Inline hockey for ages 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U and 18U.

williamson county

A-Game Youth Ice Hockey Year round ice hockey for boys and girls ages 4 - 18. The fall/winter season runs Sept. - March. House leagues, travel teams, adult hockey and more.

(please turn the page)

june 2011 47


Upward Sports • 800-585-4721 Find soccer leagues through church organizations in several Middle Tennessee counties for children in grades K - 6.

sumner county

rutherford county

davidson county

Hendersonville Soccer Club Recreational fall and spring soccer for children ages U4 - U18.

williamson county

Metro Parks and Recreation • 862-8424 Soccer for ages 3 - 17.

Season played: Summer. Indoor leagues year-round. Murfreesboro Lacrosse Summer lacrosse league for youth (grades 1 - 6) and grade 7 and older.

Williamson County Lacrosse • 373-2550 Indoor summer league for boys in grades 7 - 12. Indoor winter league for boys in grades 5 - 12. Summer camps for boys and girls in grades 2 - 6. Indoor lacrosse games are played at the Indoor Arena at Crockett Park.

soccer Season played: Spring, summer, fall. Indoor leagues in winter. Middle Tennessee Futbol Club Recreational soccer for ages 3 and older in division U4 U18. Tennessee State Soccer Association 100 Country Club Drive, Ste. 100, Hendersonville • 590-2200 TSSA governs the soccer clubs throughout the state. Youth Olympic Development Programs available. Tennessee United Soccer Club • Select soccer program for age groups U8 - U19. Competitive travel teams play fall and spring seasons.

48 june 2011

Harpeth Youth Soccer Association 7820 Coley Davis Rd., Nashville • 662-1466 Fall and spring soccer in levels U3 - U18.

Nashville Youth Soccer Association • 268-6349 or 944-4271 Fall and spring recreational soccer for ages 3 - 18. St. Bartholomew’s Soccer Academy 4800 Belmont Park Terrace, Nashville • 377-4750 Recreational soccer for ages 3 - 9.

rutherford county

Murfreesboro Soccer Club • 714-0379 Spring and fall soccer for ages U5 and older. Murfreesboro Strikers are the traveling select team affiliate. North Rutherford Soccer Association • 223-1NRS (1677) Soccer for boys and girls ages U5 - U18. Complex is at the Rotary Soccer Park in Smyrna. One Goal Sports • 896-7309 Soccer for ages 4 - 15.

Gallatin Soccer Club • 451-3116 Soccer for ages 3 - 17.

Portland Soccer Club • Soccer for youth ages U3 - U10. White House Youth Soccer • Soccer for youth ages U4 - U14. White House Soccer Club is the select team affiliate.

williamson county

Brentwood Soccer Club • 844-6290 Brentwood’s select soccer program for age groups U8 to U18. Three seasons (fall/winter/spring). Tennessee Futbol Club P.O. Box 682024, Franklin • 642-4164 Select soccer for boys and girls ages U8 - U18. Williamson County Soccer Association • 791-0590 Open to all U5 - U19 players. Offers indoor and outdoor play, camps and clinics.

wilson county Mt. Juliet Soccer Association PO Box 1685, Mt. Juliet • 754-2380 Recreational league with fall and spring seasons for ages 4 - 18.


sumner county

Season played: Spring and summer.

davidson county

Centennial Sportsplex Tennis Center 224 25th Ave. N., Nashville • 862-8490 Private and small group lessons. Clinics also available for ages 5 and older.

rutherford county

Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Tennis Lessons • 907-2251 Tennis lessons for ages 8 and older through the Murfreesboro Tennis Association.

Gallatin Leisure Services 210 Albert Gallatin Ave., Gallatin • 451-5911 Tennis lessons and clinics for ages 5 and older. Hendersonville Parks and Recreation 101 Maple Drive N., Hendersonville • 822-3898 Tennis lessons for ages 6 - 18.

williamson county

Williamson County Parks and Recreation • Franklin Recreation Complex 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin • 790-5719 Classes and lessons in tennis for all ages.

• Longview Recreation Complex 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill 302-0971, ext. 22 Tennis clinics for ages 8 and older. • Williamson County Indoor Sports Complex 920 Heritage Way, Brentwood • 370-3471 Tennis for all ages.

The YMCA of Middle Tennessee offers numerous programs depending upon branch. To locate sports through the YMCA near you, go to YMCAMIDTN.ORG.

For our additional sports info on cycling, golf, lacrosse, rugby and swimming, please visit and click on “Sports Directory 2011.” There, you will also find our listing of “Sports for Children with Special Needs.”


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june 2011 49

• Ballet • Jazz • Hip-Hop • Tumbling

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50 june 2011

Paintball Climbing Tower Lake Swimming Water Slide Zip Line • Kayaks Aqua Park • Hiking Creek Wading Crazy Games High/Low Ropes Archery BB Guns Crafts • Fun Songs Wiffle Ball • Skits Daily Bible Study

939 Rodney Drive, Nashville 356-9136 Offering camps for children ages 3 - 12. Kick off the summer with a study of children’s literature and puppetry arts. See a show from professional puppeteers then create puppets and a set for a show. Campers also have a chance to become chef. Spend time in the garden to take a close look at soil sciences. New games to share and a treasure hunt with a musical twist. End the summer with a focus on visual arts.

Above The Rim Basketball Academy

in the Holloway High School Gym 619 S. Highland Ave., Murfreesboro 390-0982 Offering year-round after-school basketball programs for individuals and groups ages 6 - 17. We take skills to a higher level, stressing fundamentals and shaping character. Developmental program for boys and girls ages 7 - 16. All skill levels welcome. Travel basketball program also available. AAU Member.

The Academy of Cool Springs

270 Seaboard Lane, Franklin 771-2898 Discover the Adventures of Summer -- with themes like Outdoor Adventures, Wee Chefs, Fiesta Amigos and History Hopping, we’ll have a blast and learn cool stuff, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests and much, much more. A summer program like no other that’s jam-packed and fun-filled for ages 2 - 5 yrs.

The Academy of Maryland Farms

201 Westwood Place, Brentwood 221-5155 Discover the Adventures of Summer -- with themes like Outdoor Adventures, Wee Chefs, Fiesta Amigos and History Hopping, we’ll have a blast and learn cool stuff, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests and much, much more. A summer program like no other that’s jam-packed and fun-filled for ages 2 - 5 yrs.

The Academy of McKay’s Mill

1401 Baffin Lane, Franklin 771-1131 Discover the Adventures of Summer -- with themes like Outdoor Adventures, Wee Chefs, Fiesta Amigos and History Hopping, we’ll have a blast and learn cool stuff, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests and much, much more. A summer program like no other that’s jam-packed and fun-filled for ages 2 - 5 yrs.

The Academy of Heritage Commons

4615 Thompsons Ridge Road, Thompson’s Station 591-4040 Discover the Adventures of Summer -- with themes like Outdoor Adventures, Wee Chefs, Fiesta Amigos and History Hopping, we’ll have a blast and learn cool stuff, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests and much, much more. Don’t forget about our one-of-a-kind school-age program, TASK. A summer program like no other that’s jam-packed and fun-filled for ages 2 - 12 yrs.

Act Too Players

230 Franklin Road, Bldg. 8, Franklin 294-0667 • We believe theater skills are worthwhile, valuable life skills. Our classes, camps and workshops open doors to imagination and self-confidence while holding fast to the discipline and work ethic that is crucial for any craft. We’ve produced over 50 productions in nine years and strive to provide students the opportunity to learn and grow not only as a performer but also as a individual. For ages 3 - 18.

Advantage Talent Development

Ballet Princess Camps and More

1885 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 377-9606 • Our camps introduce children ages 4 - 6 and 7 - 9 to four ballet stories. Students learn ballet technique and explore hair, make-up and costuming of the lead characters. Also offering camps in drama, dance sampler, boys and girls hip-hop and weekly class in our six-week session for ages 3 and up. Visit our web site for more information.

Barfield School of Dance

2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro 896-3118 • Enjoy a fun-filled week of activities including ballet, tap and jazz technique, lyrical, hip-hop, choreography, creative dance, dance history and appreciation, drama, nutrition, arts and crafts. Overnight camp adds swimming, water ballet, movies, outdoor games, putt-putt golf. Day camps 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Mon. - Fri. Overnight camp Mon. 9 a.m. - Fri. 5 p.m. Plan to enjoy the fully-costumed performance on Friday!

Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate

1911 Business Campus Drive, Murfreesboro 890-6755 1820 NW Broad St., Murfreesboro 893-6003 • Let martial arts take your kids to new heights. Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate offers programs in traditional karate from age 3 to adult. Call now to find out how to get two months free!

Bounce U of Nashville

2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville 255-1422 • Bounce U’s Create and Bounce Camp gives kids a chance to enjoy physical activity and creative time in equal doses, promoting the growth of imagination. Complete with arts and crafts, snacks and games, it’s a one-of-a-kind camp experience they’ll never forget.

Camp Idyllwild

3139 Blue Buck Creek Road, Duck River 383-0589 • A unique day camp to inspire children with a love for nature. Eco-science and nature-based programs as well as traditional summer activities. Learn about animal habitats and ecology. Arts and crafts, organic gardening, archery, wall climbing, rappelling, pottery, wood and leather working, and caring for the camp’s three Alpacas. Bus transportation from Nashville and Franklin.

Cedar Crest Camp

7900 Cedar Crest Camp Road, Lyles 931-670-3420 • Theme camps for grades 2 - 8. Week-long overnight camps, camper/parent weekends and a week of day camps. Swimming, kayaking, field games, Bible study, campfires, crafts, archery, hiking, creek stomping, s’mores, new friends and much more. All programs are run under the guidance of caring, well trained staff members. Owned and operated by the United Methodist Conference.

Cedar Tree Day Camp

645 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville 353-0007 • For children ages 3 - 12. We provide a fun, safe environment where children can come play and enjoy the summer. We offer outdoor and indoor games and activities, arts and crafts, water play, field trips, chapel and more. We would love to see you this summer!

230 Franklin Road, Ste. 8, Franklin 790-5001 • An award-winning agency and school. Be a Star Summer Camp: Learn what it takes to be model and an actor. Acting workshop with MGM Casting Director Jun. 11. Professional modeling classes to prepare you in runway, stage presence, photo posing, self-esteem, goal setting and nutrition. On-camera class develops on-camera skills, TV commercial, monologue, scene study and cold read. Ages 3 and up.

Cheekwood’s Summer Camp

Baker Performance Academy

Cox Family Martial Arts Summer of Champions

1411 Mark Allen Lane, Unit D, Murfreesboro 867-2290 • Sing, Dance, Act! BPA offers an exciting and educational way to experience the performing arts. Dance, musical theater, acting and voice classes are taught by professionally-trained instructors in a safe and fun environment. Ages 2 - adult. Enroll now for our summer musical theater camps, dance intensive workshop, Zumba and fall classes. Private lessons available. Call or visit our web site for more information.

1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville 353-9827 • With classes focusing on everything from painting and clay to mosaics and mixed media, campers 2 16 will enjoy fun art and outdoor adventures at Cheekwood. Visit our web site for more information. Register now for camps Jun. 6 - Aug. 5. 2227-B Southpark Drive, Murfreesboro 893-4567 Voted #1 day camp 8 consecutive years. Themed weeks include martial arts, tumbling, dance, sign language, fitness/nutritional enhancement, multi-cultural activities and random acts of kindness. Experienced staff lead campers in life skill, team building and leadership activities. Innovators of after-school martial arts (we transport from 14 schools). “We Build Champions For Life.” continued on page 53 ...

Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at

june 2011 51

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

A New Leaf

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Free Brochure Available Online!

NE Now W!! Enr ages olling 3-4

Ages: 3-12 Daily Hours: 7am-6pm

Cedar Tree Day Camp is on the grounds of Agape Fellowship Church, located at the intersection of Old Hickory Blvd and I-40 West, bordering Charlotte Pike to the north.

Peachtree Farms Equestrian Center

Barfield School of Dance Summer Dance Camp

• Best Instructors for Beginning or Advanced Students • English and Western instruction • Ages 4 and Older • Week-Long Camps • Starting June 6th • Also Spring Break Camp! • Certified approved horsemanship facility with certified instructors and over 45 years experience w. camps

Register NOW for Spring Break and Summer Camp!

Hwy. 96 at Wilson Pike (615)


CAMP DATES June 27-July 2, July 11-15 & July 18-22 Overnight camp July 11-15

RED CROSS SWIM LESSONS June 20-30, 4pm, 5pm & 6pm.


2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro

Priority Registration for Fall Classes July 16th, 10 am-4pm


Thanks Nashville for voting us the best dance studio for 10 consecutive years! tering Now Regis er for Summ es lass Camps & C

NEW MUSIC PROGRAM! Private & Group Lessons

Dance & Music For All Ages! Brand New to Dance Lessons?

Call our 24 hour recorded info line 4 Things Every Parent Should Know Before Choosing a Dance Studio 615-292-4488

Now Registering for Summer Camps & Classes 2011 Nashville School of Dance & Music PHONE 615.298.5271 615.298.5271 2001 Blair Blvd. Nashville 52 june 2011

Mount Juliet School of Dance 615.754.9186 2228 N Mt. Juliet Rd. Mt. Juliet

33 Burton Hills Blvd., Nashville 467-2313 • Make friends. Have fun. Learn cool stuff! Covenant Camps offers something for everyone, pre-K - rising grade 7. Camps in sports, chess, art, cheering, music, drama, cooking and even study skills. Call or visit our web site for more information. Space is limited.

Creekside Riding Academy & Stables


SPANISH! Spanish Language Instruction for Children

Summer Camp

2359 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin 595-7547 Offers beginner, intermediate and advanced riding lessons. Family trail rides are available most weekends during the Spring and daily in the Summer. Children’s summer riding camps are Mon. - Fri., Jun. - Jul. Lessons and camps teach proper riding techniques, safety around horses, grooming, tacking and horse ground handling. Fun and adventure for ages 5 and up!

Explore the Spanish language, customs and cultures this summer.

Dance in Bloom

7982 Coley Davis Road, Bellevue 662-4819 We have great summer programs for all ages. Dance with Dora and Diego, have a hip-hop dance or Princess tea party, or take combo classes. See our website for more exciting details on our camps, workshops and six-week sessions.

The Dancers’ School

2159 N. Thompson Lane, Ste. C-5, Murfreesboro 907-1155 • Now enrolling for summer sessions. Email or call for a brochure and registration information.

David Deaton Karate Studios

Brentwood, 377-1100 • Hendersonville, 824-9111 • Mt. Juliet, 754-6878 Martial arts summer camp! Three four-week sessions will be held in June, July and August. Free tuition. Act now!

David Lipscomb Summer Day Camp

4517 Granny White Pike, Nashville 966-7624 • Offering children from pre-K - grade 5 a chance to learn and play without the homework! Our middle school offers classes for the grades 6 - 8 and Lipscomb University offers classes for elementary to high school.

Deer Run Retreat and Christian Camps

guppies &dolphins swim

American Red Cross swim lessons Smyrna/Mt. Juliet Area Certified WSI Instructor 10 yrs. of teaching experience To register to go: Questions? Call 615-416-3615

Nashville Fencing Club Summer Academy Fencing is a unique sport that combines physical stamina with mental agility and looks great on college applications. • June 13 - 17, 1 - 4 p.m. at the Cool Springs YMCA • Beginner (ages 13 and up), Jr. Beginner (ages 8 - 12) • All equipment provided. • Class size is limited, visit our website to register. To ensure proper equipment size, registration fee must be received by May 30.

see our DELUXE LISTING online

3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station 794-2918 • Affordable! Traditional. Non-denominational. Incredible camper experience. Well-trained camp staff model strong character plus have a love for pouring into camper’s lives. Registration includes t-shirt and DVD of camp week. Discounts available. Day Camp: Fastest growing day camp in Franklin area. Grades K - 8. Bus transportation and extended care. Interactive Bible story, songs, skits and crafts. Recreation: swimming, zip line, aqua park, canoes, kayaks, creek wading, wiffle ball, kickball, BB guns, archery, climbing tower and wild water games. Residential Camp: Five-night. Grades 3 - 12. Excellent accommodations. Healthy meals. Character building. Daily Bible study, worship, skits, paint ball, climbing tower, high/low ropes, lake (see above), archery, BB guns, wiffle ball, crazy games, night hikes and sand volleyball.

Diamond Academy of Dance 587-7903 Coming soon to the Providence area! A new level of dance instruction to Wilson County. We are proud to be serving Mt. Juliet and surrounding areas. Dance instruction for ages 18 mos. to adult. Energetic, friendly, loving instructors certified in all areas of dance, specialized pre-school programs and Zumba. Ready and willing to treat your child like the precious gem they are.

E.T.C. Gymnastics

1137 Haley Road, Murfreesboro 867-6900 • E.T.C. Gymnastics is dedicated to bringing a new standard of excellence in gymnastics through Him. We offer classes in gymnastics for boys and girls ages 2 years and older. We also offer cheerleading and tumbling, as well as competitive teams. Call and ask about our free trial class. We also do parties, field trips and parents’ nights out.

continued on page 57 ... Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at

june 2011 53

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

The Covenant School, Covenant Camps

Hit Christian music singersongwriter and Franklin resident Matthew West’s true passion is his family, which includes his wife, Emily, and daughters, Lulu, 5, and Delaney, 2.

matthew west

By Chad Young

celebrity dad


I have grown a lot as a person, and I have changed so much. Before I had my family I lived for myself, pursuing my life and dreams. Now my greatest desire is to make sure my wife and daughters are taken care of. Looking into the eyes of my children, it’s not about me today, it’s about loving and caring for them. My faith is the foundation of how I approach the way I raise my kids ... in how I’m supposed to live.

How has fatherhood changed you as a person, and do you think your faith in God has made you a better dad?

So many of the stories I read started with a broken beginning ... “My parents divorced when I was 10, or my dad walked out when I was a little kid ...” The kind of wounds people carry into adulthood. As a parent, I would read stories and think of my own daughters and want to run home and hug them and make sure they know that they are beautiful and loved.

How did your songwriting process for your current album change your parenting view?

rammy Award nominee and Dove Award winner Matthew West is a big hit in the world of contemporary Christian music — and he’s also written songs recorded by the likes of Point of Grace, Rascal Flatts and Billy Ray Cyrus. West’s latest CD, The Story of Your Life, came about as a result of the artist receiving 10,000 stories from across the globe of other peoples’ lives and spending two months in a cabin poring over them. He says many of the stories and topics impacted the way he looks at parenting.

First and foremost that they matter to God and that they are precious. I hope to send them the message that they can dream big dreams and that there is nobody like them in the

If you could only instill one thing in each of your children, what is the most important to you?

I was right there in the thick of it with my wife the whole time. I got to be there for all of it, from birthing classes and reading books — Emily would bookmark the pages she really wanted me to read. I found myself writing a bunch of songs thanks to that experience.

How involved were you in the delivery room?

I’ve learned that my career or fame doesn’t define me. I’ve learned about what kind of legacy I want to leave. My family matters more to me. I’m a pretty protective dad.

What have you learned the most about yourself after becoming a dad?

Cell phones that allow you to see each other’s faces have changed the game. We have iPhones that allow me to see their faces and them mine. The biggest thing for us is that we set some immovable rules for myself and touring with a limited number of consecutive days ... no more than four days without being with my family. Either I come home or they come out to me. I need to see my kids, and they need to see their dad. I’ll bring them out on special trips.

How do you stay connected to your family when you’re on the road?

When you’re off the road, what is a typical day like in the West household?

I don’t think there’s a more perfect place to raise a family. I love the peaceful environment here. We love walking through downtown Franklin, driving Natchez Trace to see nature or going to football games. Lulu loves going to TPAC to see the Broadway touring shows.

Chad Young is managing editor for this publication.

Learn more about Matthew West and his music at Find out about Operation Christmas Child at

I want my platform to be a cause bigger than myself. I am passionate about Samaritan’s Purse (the organization that operates Operation Christmas Child) and the work they do. Operation Christmas Child sends shoeboxes filled with toys to children all over the world who otherwise wouldn’t have anything for Christmas. It is an amazing way for parents in Middle Tennessee to teach their children about the importance of giving back. At Christmas time especially, it’s easy for kids to get caught up in a “me-first” mentality. It’s important for them to understand that there are children in other parts of the world who have nothing. Last year, 8 million people put together shoeboxes.

You are a spokesperson for Operation Christmas Child. What drew you to that organization, and how important is it to instill a sense of giving back in kids?

It starts quite early. My daughter seems to wake up at the crack of dawn and is always coming to wake me up. I make breakfast and let Emily enjoy a morning off. We’ll walk through downtown Franklin and get ice cream. The girls love going to the grocery store and pushing their little carts. We enjoy cooking out at home and we go to the pool all the time in the summer. We try not to skip nap time. I have learned the value of a good nap!

world. They are significant because they matter to God. So many kids don’t have anyone cheering them on.

What do you like most about raising a family in Middle Tennessee?

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Horton Haven Christian Camp


Conveniently Located 1 Hour South of Nashville

RockSTAR Summer Camp at BB King’s Blues Club!

Horses | Mtn. Biking | Archery Ceramics | Crafts | Bible Lessons Canoeing | Zipline | Swimming Indoor & Outdoor Climbing Walls

Perform Live at BB King’s Blues Club!

One Week Sessions For Boys and Girls Ages 8-18 Call for Information on our New Day Camp

Coming Soon to the Providence Area

A New Level in Dance Instruction Ballet * Contemporary Lyrical * Pointe * Jazz Tap * Hip-Hop * Cheer Tumbling and more

1st - 8th grade students form a band and learn to play guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, and sing. Classes are held in the afternoon and meet Tuesday through Thursday. No experience required. Classes for all skill levels. Classes start Tuesday June 21st-August 4th (7 weeks) Grand Finale Show at BB King’s Blues Club! Registration information at or call 615.934.0941 •

587-7903 *

join us for our Summer Open House


June 11th, 10am-1pm


Summer Overnight Camping for Boys & Girls • Staff to camper ratio - 1:4 • ESTABLISHED 1923 • Christian Atmosphere • Residential Camp - Ages 7-15 • Adventure Camp Series - Ages 13-17

Come Spend Summer with Us! WHERE

mountain biking • canoe & kayak climbing white water rafting & backpacking


Disney’s Tangled Dance Camp Dance Crew Hip-Hip Camp Pop Star Dance Camp...and more!



56 june 2011


tap • jazz • ballet • modern • musical theater • hip-hop ages 3 - adult • birthday parties Lauri Gregoire, Director, BPA in Dance from Oklahoma City University

103 Confederate Drive, Ste. 1, Franklin 599-7003 • Promoting adult dance, fitness and the performing arts for ages 2 - 70+. Small classes, economical fee, workshops and loft-style classrooms with sprung floors. Faith-based, non-recital school. Non-mandatory in-school dance concerts to teach performance skills.

Elite Martial Arts Warrior Camp

6940 Moores Lane, Brentwood 661-5595 • Kids learn skills of the ninja and samurai warrior. Includes martial arts, tumbling, archery, throwing stars, blow guns, jousting, padded weapons, stealth games, obstacle courses and more. Ages 5 - 12. Jun. 6 - 10, Jun. 20 - 24 and Jul. 18 - 22, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Firstlight Art Academy

1710 Gen. George Patton Drive, Ste. 108, Brentwood 202-6426 Make art! Programs for ages 3 - adult, beginners and experienced artists. Drop in Summer Art Buffet. Camps. Ages 3 - 9 can drop in for fun and experience “Art Park” 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Tue. - Sat. in the Cool Springs area.

Fleet Feet Sports

330 Franklin Road, Ste. 262B, Brentwood 373-1123 At Fleet Feet Sports Nashville, we hope to become more than just a store where you shop. We want to become a place you visit often because you feel comfortable. We want to be a resource for all your running, walking and general fitness needs. We want to be a place that inspires. And we want to be your friend. Come shop for mom and the kids. Dads too!

For Kids Only

3421 Old Anderson Road, Antioch 366-1750 Come and explore during our Summer Quest 2011! With themes like Carnival Fun, Mini Maestros and Young Authors, we’ll have a blast and learn cool stuff, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests and much, much more. Don’t forget about our one-of-a-kind school-age program, Discovery Kids. A fun-filled program for ages 2 - 12 yrs.

Franklin School of Performing Arts

1885 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 377-9606 • Offering unrivaled quality dance and drama training, a conservative dress code, choreography content that will not embarrass the grandparents and artistic integrity that doesn’t give our pop culture more attention than it needs. We are especially proud of our teen-aged student body for projecting themselves with dignity and graciousness, serving as positive role models for our younger students.

Gymboree Play & Music

1731-A Mallory Lane, Brentwood 221-9004 In our new sports program, children build strength, confidence and social skills needed to help them succeed in all areas of life. By introducing children to a variety of sports and skills related to each sport, they have an opportunity to decide which ones they are most interested in. Enjoy helping your child learn sports basics in class or ask us about our one hour drop-off sports program.

Harpeth Youth Soccer Association

7820 Coley Davis Road, Nashville 662-1466 • Harpeth Youth Soccer Association offers both recreational and select soccer for players ages 3 - 18. Players work on fundamental soccer skills and build on those each season. Camps run during spring break and summer for a variety of ages and skill levels. Email us or visit our web site for more information.

Hendersonville Christian Academy Camp Crusader

355 Old Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville 824-1550 Camp Crusader is an exciting summer camp program available to all preschool and school-age children to age 10. Kids will enjoy days packed full of activities and thrilling field trip destinations. Jun. 1 - Jul. 27.

Hermitage Dance Academy

275 Jackson Meadows Drive, Hermitage 231-7100 • HDA offers the highest quality instructors along with a beautiful, spacious studio featuring video monitor viewing of all classes, computers utilized in all dance rooms and a playroom for siblings. We also offer ballroom, drama, voice and karate lessons along with our dance programs. New classes are forming now so don’t miss out on this opportunity to get in on the fastest growing studio in Nashville.

Holly Tree Christian Preschool

1384 Holly Tree Gap Road, Brentwood 377-6636 122 Seaboard Lane, Franklin 371-8091 Come and explore during our Summer Quest 2011: Adventures in Faith! With exciting faith-focused themes, we’ll have a blast and learn lots, too! Kids will also enjoy weekly water play days, visits from special guests, weekly chapel and much, much more. A summer program like no other that’s jam-packed and fun-filled for ages 2 - 5 yrs.

Horton Haven Christian Camp

3711 Reed Harris Road, Lewisburg 931-364-7656 • Conveniently located one hour south of Nashville. Registration available on our web site. Day Camp: Come out and explore! Each day is filled with laughter and adventure. Activities range from inflatable water slides, bible lessons, crafts, guided horseback rides, swimming and much more. Choose from three weeks or come back for all three. Jun. 27 - Jul. 1, Jul. 4 - 8 and Jul. 18 - 22. Space is limited. Residential Camp: One-week sessions for ages 8 - 11, 12 - 14 and 15 - 18. Campers experience horseback riding, archery, air rifles, canoeing, crafts, swimming and other exciting activities. Teens can try our 45 ft. high, 600 ft. zip line. Bible lessons are taught daily.

I.D. Tech Camp

on the Vanderbilt campus 888-709-TECH (8324) • Ages 7 - 18 create video games, web sites, movies, C++/Java programs, iPhone apps, robots and more. Fun week-long, day and overnight programs located at 60 prestigious universities nationwide including Vanderbilt, UNC-Chapel Hill, Emory, Princeton, Stanford and others. Special teen programs in gaming, programming and visual arts. Free year-round learning! Save with code TN22L.

Kristin Butke School of Irish Dance

1710 General George Patton Drive, Ste. 107, Brentwood 499-5720 • Irish dance is great fun for family members of all ages! Spring beginner classes are offered Tue. - Sat. for preschoolers, ages 4 - 6, 7+, teens and adults. Contact Jenny to receive one free month of spring tuition with purchase of one month. Bring your beginner for a free introductory class. Now enrolling for summer camps. Register for a beginners’ camp by Apr. 30 and mention Nashville Parent for a $20 discount!

Langford Farms Club Summer Camp

5219 Rustic Way, Old Hickory 754-8650 • We offer a great day camp experience for grades K - 8. Fun weekly themes engage and entertain with swimming, sports, tennis, rock climbing, arts, music and drama. A mature, energetic staff use six acres of sports fields, an indoor gym and air conditioned clubhouse. Teen Club features leadership building community service and fun field trips. Mon. - Fri., 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Early registration recommended.

Learning Lab - Play Smart

5500 Maryland Way, Ste. 110, Brentwood 377-2929 • Academic enrichment with art, music, technology, cultural exchange and fun. One-on-one and groups, K - 12, Mon. - Fri., mornings and/or afternoons.

Let it Shine Gymnastics

1892 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 377-9154 • Our FUNtastic Summer Camp is an action-packed day camp offering different activities each day including theme days. Campers play on equipment inside including trampolines, foam pits and bounce houses, as well as outside events including our pool.

Lipscomb University BisonBot Robotic Summer Camps

1 University Park Drive, Nashville 966-1340 • Faculty use classroom learning, individual instruction, construction projects and competition events to teach mechanical, technical and electrical principles of robotics. Junior BisonBots, Jun. 20 - 24, ages 8 - 11. Fundamentals BisonBot Robotics, Jun. 6 - 10, ages 10 - 14. Advanced BisonBot Robotics, Jun. 13 - 17, age 12 and older. Robotics Academy, Jun. 20 - 24, age 13 and older

McCallie Sports Camp

500 Dodds Ave., Chattanooga 800-672-2267 • An action-oriented sports camp for boys with an emphasis on fun. Open to boys ages 9 - 15 of all athletic abilities. Along with team and individual sports, boys enjoy off-campus activities that include Six Flags Over Georgia, an Atlanta Braves game, white water rafting and paint ball. continued on page 59 ...

Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at

june 2011 57

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

EBDT Dance and Arts Center - Eccentrique Backbone Dance Theatre

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Painting • Drawing • Clay • Photography Filmmaking • Cartooning & More Classes for ages 4-18 Each class meets for one week, Monday through Friday, for half-day sessions. Week one: June 6-10 Week three: June 27-July 1

Week two: Week four:

June 20-24 August 1-5

Morning Sessions: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. Afternoon Sessions: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Scholarships and Sibling Discounts Available.

Community Education • 615-383-4848 •

Funtastic Summer Camp Where camp is fun & Christ is #1!

May 25-Aug 10 Ages 3-12


Summer Camp T-shirt with coupon! Must present coupon. Expires June 6, 2011

Trampoline Fun Arts & Crafts Rocket Blaster Pizza Party Star Castle Zip Line Rock Wall Climb

Call for your summer schedule of gymnastic classes for ages 12 mos. and up

Sign up for 8 days and receive the 9th day FREE! Must present coupon. Expires June 10, 2011

58 june 2011

Volley Ball Basketball Gymnastics Floor Hockey Football Wiffle Ball Indoor Games Outdoor Games

369-3547 NOW Cool Springs 1892 Gen. George Patton Franklin, TN


MUSIC CAMPS June 19 – July 1 (weekdays only)

Tunes for Tots Ages 3-5 yrs | 1 hour/day | $125

Musical Minds Ages 6-9 yrs | 3 hours/day | $250

Musical Star Ages 10-18 yrs | 5.5 hours/day | $475

To sign up call Emily at 615-509-1753

120 Trott Road, Bell Buckle 931-703-8611 • Children ages 7 - 18 interested in learning about having horses is welcome. Campers learn the basic care of horses, how to safely handle and ride their mount and some general information about horses and their anatomy. Jun. 13 - 17, Jun. 27 - Jul. 1 and Jul 11 - 15. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. daily.

Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 We bring high-quality music instruction from fun, energetic, qualified teachers directly to you. We provide lessons throughout the day and evening for piano, guitar, bass, drums, voice, band and orchestral. Special rates available for lessons before 3 p.m. We teach all ages.

This Summer Art Camp takes imaginations to new heights... June dates & themes:

June 6 - 10 “Wild, Wild West” June 13 - 17 “Masquerade!” Jne 20 - 24 “DinoTime” June 27 - July 1 “Over the Rainbow” Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Sign up for one day or all week! Call for details.

c reate ®

Monkeynastix Summer Camp

Cool Springs (A-Game) and Columbia Academy Spring Hill Campus 319-8854 • An international movement education and fitness program. Ages 3 - 6. Hands-on, structured fun with certified instructors and specialized Monkeynastix equipment. Games, music, adventurous obstacle courses, storytelling, arts and crafts. Non-competitive and not sport-specific. Customized activities for each age group. Healthy snacks provided.

Montgomery Bell Academy

4001 Harding Road, Nashville 298-5514 • More than 100 sports, enrichment and academic camps and classes allow rising first graders to high school boys and girls to fill their summer with activities. Sports, outdoor adventure, art, leadership, study skills, science, crafts, computer and more. MBA faculty, staff and students work with campers, providing a glimpse of the MBA community. Visit our web site for information and registration.



BounceU of Nashville

see our FEATURED LISTING online

(615) 255-1422

Reserve a spot today!

Save gas! Let us come to you!

2990 Sidco Drive Nashville, TN 37204

Set Up Your Summer Lessons NOW!

Montessori Academy

6021 Cloverland Drive, Brentwood 833-3680 • Our day camp, Summer Zone, offers 23 acres of fun and educational activities for rising grades 1 - 6. We offer a variety of programs including hiking, swimming gardening, drama, music, art, chess, ballroom dancing, sports, cooking, sewing and team building. Weekly field trips. Register on our web site.

Mpact Sports - Camp Mpact 2011

1647 Mallory Lane, Ste. 102, Brentwood 377-3444 A fun-filled day camp focused on fitness! Children will have a blast learning gymnastics and taekwondo, playing games, doing arts and crafts and enjoying open play in our state-of-the-art facility. Each week offers new activities and adventures that correspond with that week’s theme. Ages 4 - 12.

Murfreesboro Rock Camp

123 E Main Street, Murfreesboro 601-2676 • Week-long camp where music enthusiasts ages 8 - 18 learn all things ROCK: creating, performing, marketing, recording and more. Join a band, perform a showcase and rock the summer away. No experience needed. Beginners to advanced. Jul. 18 - 22.

Music Star Studios

various locations 509-1753 Camps held weekdays from Jun. 19 - Jul. 1. Tunes for Tots, one-hour session each day, ages 3 - 5. Musical Minds, three-hour session each day, ages 6 - 9. Musical Star, five-and-a-half-hour sessions each day, ages 10 - 18. Call Emily for more information and to register.

My Gym

330 Franklin Road, Brentwood 371-5437 204 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville 824-8002 • We build strong, healthy bodies through tumbling, relays, music and gymnastics. High-energy, structured classes improve balance, agility and build self-confidence. Our immaculate facilities and low studentteacher ratios help children 3 mos. - 13 yrs. develop excellent fitness habits in a non-competitive way.

Nashville Children’s Theatre

25 Middleton St., Nashville 252-4658 • Summer Drama camps offer week-long camps for students age 4 - grade 12. Most camps are taught by professional NCT actors. New this summer is NCT’s Emerging Actors Production, where rising grades 6 12 will audition, rehearse and perform a full musical production. Other camps for older students include Musical Dance Theater, Advanced Scene Study and On Camera.

continued on page 61 ... Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at

june 2011 59

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Midland Farms Riding Camp

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

a new experience in dance HEY FOLKS!

this summer

Review the EBDT website for Info on our upcoming Summer Camps & Programs!

ol of Dance! at Fellowship Scho

Sign-up now!

Camps and Intensives for ages 3-20.

It’s first come first serve. EBDT Dance is a faith based, non-recital dance school. We offer non-mandatory in-scool session concerts to teach performance skills.

Beginner through advanced:

EBDT Now Presents Franklin Ballroom


•ballet •modern •hip-hop


eccentrique backbone dance theatre

dance & arts center


• Small classes • Economical fees • Workshops Jazz Johnson, Artistic Director 103 Confederate Dr., Ste. 1 / 107 Confederate Dr., Ste. 2 Franklin, TN 37064








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Y .

Y .

Visit or call 277-9434.


REGISTER NOW for Summer Camp! LA


Limit ed sp a

L TO ces available ... CAL

Summer Camp?

A full day of gymnastics, arts and crafts, story time, music, sports and much more. My Gym Camp was created to enhance physical development and a sense of individual progress. We make our camps easy on parents with our drop-off program and keep things fresh with our weekly themes. Our number one goal is your child’s growth and development.

What age child will benefit?

Our camp program is designed for kids ages 2.5 - 7 years. To challenge the children accordingly, Campsters (ages 2.5 - 7) and Super Campsters (ages 4 - 7) will be divided into age appropriate groups.

Want to join the fun?

SPACE IS LIMITED. Call today to reserve your space or to learn more about our summer camps, summer classes or our fantastic birthdays.


Summer Camp Dates May 31 - July 28 Registration going on NOW! Morning and afternoon camps available. Full camp and class schedules are available on our websites!



(615) 371-KIDS / 5437

(615) 824-8002

330 Franklin Road (Near TJ Maxx)

60 june 2011

204 N. Anderson Lane (Near Wal-Mart) 870-3330 Our mission is to promote running, walking and general fitness as lifelong endeavors for families and children of all ages. To help you achieve your fitness goals, whether they are primarily social or competitive, the Nashville Striders sponsor a broad range of events including weekly fun runs and fitness walks, road races, trail races and track events.

Our Savior Lutheran Academy

5110 Franklin Road, Nashville 833-1500 • Rising preschoolers - rising grade 8. Weekly camps in academics, arts, sports, science and technology. Weekly camps run Jun. 6 - Jul. 29, 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Before-care option starting at 7:30 a.m. Aftercare options until 4:00 or 6:00 p.m. available. Camps grouped as: rising preschoolers - K; rising grade 1 - grade 4; and rising grade 5 - grade 8.

Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary

545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood 370-4672 • Owl’s Hill camps offer “summer as it used to be!” Camps include Screech Owl for ages 5 - 7, Nature Ranger for ages 8 - 11 and Nature Explorer for teens 12 - 15. All feature nature-related activities, catching tad poles, building forts and wildlife programs. Sessions are small so campers get personal attention. 4819 Hwy 96 E, Arrington 419-1089 • Our camp provides extensive time with horses. Campers learn life skills through caring for and communicating with horses. We teach safe and correct riding skills. Beginner to advanced, English or Western. Half-day camps for ages 4 - 8, full-day for ages 6 and older. Aftercare available. Weekly camps in June and July. CHA approved facility and U.S. Pony Club Center offer a chance to excel in competition.

Photography Camp For Kids

Pope John Paul II High School

117 Caldwell Drive, Hendersonville 822-2375 • Summer Camp on the Hill. Camps offered Jun. 6 - Jul. 15. Sports, academics, fine arts and more. Register online and view camp brochure.

Pump it Up

7104 Crossroad Blvd., Brentwood 373-8340 1279 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet 758-5126 Pump It Up offers a summer camp experience for ages 4 - 10. It’s a new adventure every day with different themes so the kids are sure to have a blast! Camp consists of organized activities, crafts and snacks and children are divided by age group. Space is limited.

Ready for Spanish

1506 22nd Ave. N, Nashville 484-0855 • Weekly enrichment camps explore the Spanish language, customs and cultures. Students will develop vocabulary and apply their knowledge through games, songs, dances, crafts, sports, stories and dialogs. Students develop the vocabulary necessary to carry out activities based on the weekly theme. Students also participate in academic sessions that challenge your child to think critically and enhance skills.

Riverview Camp for Girls

see our FEATURED LISTING online

757 County Road 614, Mentone, AL 800-882-0722 • Voted #1 sleep-away camp seven years in a row. Only two hours from Nashville. One- and two-week sessions. Ages 6 - 16. Members of Christian Camping International and accredited by AEE and ACA. Traditional camp activities. Facilities include a pool, tennis courts, climbing tower, bathrooms/showers in all cabins and more. Campers select six daily activities. 5:1 camper-to-counselor ratio.

Robinson Taekwondo

230 Franklin Road, Ste. 809, Franklin 791-6655 • Tiger Rock Taekwondo is a great way for children to gain confidence, coordination and mental strength. Our parents report that their children often increase their grades by one to two levels. We specialize in training leaders of the future. Register now for classes that will have lasting positive effects on your child’s self-esteem and success.

Fun Games & Music * Adventurous Obstacle Courses

y s e k littledoi mngo n this what are your



discover MONKEYNASTIX SUMM Early Bird & more!June 6thER CAMP Special Sign up NOW!

-July22nd Ages 3-8

A Game in Franklin & Columbia Academy Spring Hill Campus

Storytelling * Arts & Crafts

in Franklin 351-5198 Jun. 20 - 24 or Jun. 27 - Jul. 1 for ages 8 - 14. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Children will have a blast learning camera basics, composition, simple indoor/outdoor lighting techniques, candid vs. posed style, photo manipulation and more. Plus a show at the end of each week. Also offering an advanced camp Jul. 11 15 for children ages 11 - 14. Please call or visit our website for more information.

Safe Fun w/ Monkeynastix Specialized Equipment

Peachtree Farms Equestrian Center


“An unparalleled dance education for young children.”



Jimmi Lou Tate, Director

“Dancing Fairy Tales” June 20-June 24 & July 11-15 To Enroll call 907-1155 or email Pre-School Teachers: Experienced Dancers/ College Graduates/ Moms

ballet • pointe tap • hip-hop jazz • modern/lyrical 2159 Thompson Ln., Murfreesboro, TN

continued on page 62 ... Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at

june 2011 61

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Nashville Striders Running Club

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

RockSTAR Music Education

held at B.B. King’s Blues Club, 152 2nd Ave. N, Nashville 934-0941 • RockSTAR Music Education is the most popular camp and after-school rock‘n roll education program. Pro rockers will teach you how to compose songs and perform classic rock‘n roll hits. RockSTAR harnesses the cognitive, social and creative benefits of music education in a program that’s for anyone. Classes held Tue. - Thu. afternoons for 7 weeks (Jun. 21 - Aug. 4). Grand finale show on stage at B.B.King’s.

St. Bernard Academy Summer Camp

2020 24th Ave. S, Nashville, TN 37212 298-1298 • SBA Summer Camp is located near Vanderbilt and Hillsboro Village. We offer camps based on weekly themes. Campers must be 6 years old, but not older than 15. Our weekly registration is limited to 100 students per week. We are open Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., excluding holidays.

School of Dance, Nashville and Mt. Juliet

2001 Blair Blvd., Nashville 298-5271 2228 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet 754-9186 Over 40 years of dance history. Now offering top-quality music instruction. With a focus on quality instruction and customer service you are sure to find something special for your child. Classes in ballet, jazz, hip-hop, tap, lyrical, gymnastics and more. Ages 18 mos. - adult, boys and girls. Private and group music instruction on all popular instruments. Voted #1 dance studio by Nashville Parent for ten consecutive years.

Smartt Steps

123 Stadium Drive, Hendersonville 824-7400 Best of Parenting award winner. Tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, pointe, modern ballroom and music theater classes for ages 3 and up. All boys hip-hop and adult classes as well. Summer camps run Jun. 27 - 30. Call for more information.

Space Camp and Aviation Challenge

One Tranquility Base, Huntsville, AL 800-637-7223 • Space Camp and Aviation Challenge are camp programs of the U.S. Space and Rocket Center located in Huntsville, AL. By focusing on space, aviation and teamwork, you will learn how to become the next generation of astronauts, fighter pilots and leaders. Get ready for a week of non-stop fun and adventure!

Super Science and Soccer Camps

at your location 589-1968 • Our camps are a blast! Enjoy science and fun all day long with activities that are kid safe. Campers work with bubbling potions, launch rockets, make cotton candy, erupt baking soda volcanos, create gooey silly putty and more. Ages 4 - 12. One-week camps in various locations including Bellevue and Murfreesboro. So if you have a science explorer in the house this is the camp for you.

Task Whiz Tutoring

at your location 656-3532 Serving Davidson, Rutherford and Sumner counties. Affordable and convenient in-home tutoring for all subjects, grades K - 12. Catch up or get ahead in math, reading, chemistry, Spanish and more. Prepare for the SAT or ACT. Get homework help or improve study skills and test taking techniques. One-on-one personalized instruction. Sun. - Thu., 9 a.m. - 9 p.m..

Taylor Gymnastics Academy

250 Hancock Street Gallatin 451-2055 Offering gymnastics for ages 4 and up, Tiny Tots for 18 mos. - 4 yrs., boys athletic classes ages 4 and up, cheerleading competition squad, dance (Center Stage Dance: tap, ballet, jazz and more) and kid’s camps (summer camp and school holidays) and birthday parties.

TriStar Gymnastics

2008 Johnson Industrial Blvd., Nolensville 776-8333 Tri-Star Gymnastics boasts a 25,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art gymnastics facility including a foam pit, two trampolines, Tumbletrac and two spring floors as well as all events for boys and girls gymnastics. Classes offered for recreational and competitive gymnastics, pre-school, tumbling and adult classes. Tri-Star is a great place to have your next birthday party. We also offer Parent’s Night Out and Open Gym.

Universal Gymnastics, Dance & Cheer

5003 Market Place, Mt. Juliet 758-4791 We offer co-ed recreational gymnastics, tumbling, cheerleading, and dance as well as women’s competitive gymnastics and co-ed dance teams. We accept gymnastics and tumbling students on a month-to-

month basis, year round. The dance season runs from Aug. - May with an end-of-year recital. Summer sessions also available for dance. Programs accommodate all levels, beginner to advanced.

Upper 90 Soccer Academy

various locations 415-3087 Upper 90 teaches youths of all ages, whether in a competitive full-field game or in pelada (street soccer). Upper 90 provides training, guidance and direction to youths seeking to maximize their soccer potential. Our goal is to help athletes achieve their goals, both on and off the pitch.

USN Summer Camps

2000 Edgehill Ave., Nashville 321-8000 • USN Summer Camps offer a wide range of experiences for students from kindergarten to high school. Many of the camps are led by members of our talented faculty who bring their expertise and passions to programs that cover sports, the arts and technology.

Wado Karate Centers

2444 Morris Gentry Blvd., Antioch 399-3992 406 Two Mile Pike, Goodlettsville 859-9473 667 Presidents Place, Smyrna 399-3992 • Two-week “Quick Start Program” for $19.95. For ages 3 - adult. Designed to instill self-control, selfconfidence and boost self-esteem. Our classes are the product of more than 40 years of refinement and offer life skills along with karate skills. Call or email for more information or to register.

Watkins College of Art and Design

2298 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville 383-4848 Dedicated to providing the finest art instruction, our program sets the stage for students of all ages to learn the process of creating art in a variety of fascinating mediums. Adult courses are also offered.

The Wave Daycamp

106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville (First Baptist Church) 447-1397 • At The Wave, we desire to make disciples out of children (campers), as well as young adults (staff members), by sharing our lives and glorifying God together each summer. We pride ourselves on being Christ-centered, high-energy and unquestionably safe. Campers are constantly moving from one exciting activity to the next.

YEAH Rock & Roll Camps

Murfreesboro locations 849-8140 • Tennessee Teens Rock Camp, Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp and Rock Block. YEAH (Youth Empowerment through Arts and Humanities) is the parent organization of Tennessee Teens Rock Camp and the Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp. Both are non-profit music education day camps for children ages 10 - 17 (SGRRC is girls only). Instrument instruction, song writing and recording workshops, form their own bands and perform at the culminating Saturday Night Showcase.

YMCA Camp Ocoee

see our DELUXE LISTING online

301 W. Sixth St., Chattanooga 423-265-0455 • Located in the mountains of Southeast Tennessee, Camp Ocoee offers a wide range of programs. Traditional as well as specialty camps. One-week sessions. 4:1 camper-to-staff ratio. Strong Christian environment. Activities include traditional camp activities and adventure programs such as white water rafting, kayaking, climbing, backpacking, mountain biking and caving. June - August. Co-ed ages 7 - 17.

YMCA Camp Widjiwagan

see our FEATURED LISTING online

YMCA Camp Widjiwagan

see our FEATURED LISTING online

3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch 360-2297 • Voted #1 overnight camp by Nashville Parent magazine readers. Offering one- and two-week sessions for campers rising grade 3 - grade 9. Serving young men and young women. At Widjiwagan campers will strengthen confidence, forge friendships and sharpen character through programs and activities that build independence and social skills. Activities include: water skiing, Wet Willy water slide, The Blob, sailing, soccer, basketball, alpine tower, zip line, archery, horseback riding and much more. 3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch 360-2297 • Voted #1 Day Camp by Nashville Parent readers 13 years in a row! Serving boys and girls rising grade 1 - grade 8. Camp Widjiwagan is just minutes from downtown Nashville. Bus transportation is available. Activities include water skiing, banana boating, swimming, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, Tom Sawyer swing, The Blob, 150 ft. Wet Willy water slides, equestrian school, street hockey, alpine tower, zip line, fishing, tennis, basketball, soccer, crafts, lacrosse, archery and much more.

62 june 2011 Listings in RED are away/residential camps, BLUE are local/day camps and GREEN are classes/after-school programs. Find these listings online at


E S L CHOOL B I B 2011

First Evangelical Lutheran Church

113 8th Ave. S, Nashville 256-7580 • DATES/TIMES: Jul. 11 - 15, 9 a.m. - 12 noon AGES: 3 - 10 yrs. First Lutheran invites all children to get cookin’ at Shake It Up Café: Where Kids Carry Out God’s Recipe Vacation Bible School. Explore and experience recipes for living out God’s word. Snack and lunch are provided. The recipe at our café includes heaping helpings of Bible fun and special servings of creative crafts, hands-on mission work, food science and great music.

St. Paul Community Church Brenthaven Church

515 Franklin Road, Brentwood 373-4826 • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 26 - 30, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. AGES: 3 yrs. - grade 6 Brenthaven Church presents “Shake It Up,” a free five-night Vacation Bible School with meal provided. Classes will include a Bible story, recreation, music, science and art. We will be studying important meals and festivals from the Bible. Please contact Cheryl Morris for more information.

Cornerstone United Methodist Church

349 Chaney Blvd., Smyrna • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 11, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. AGES: 4 - 11 yrs. Beach Party Vacation Bible School. Join us as we surf through the scripture!


Crievewood Baptist Church

480 Hogan Road, Nashville 832-5968 • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 13 - 17, 8:55 a.m. - 12 noon Big city, bigger fun! Grab a cab and get ready for fun around every corner. As kids explore the big city, they’ll learn how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus ... sharing the message of Christ with their world.

First Baptist Church

200 E. Main St., Murfreesboro • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 6 - 10, 9 a.m. - 12 noon AGES: 4 yrs. (as of 10-1-10) - grade 8 Son Surf Beach Bash – for the younger children, ages 4 - grade 5. Unleashed – for grades 6 - 8: children participate in outside mission projects.


5035 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville 269-4521 • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 27 - 30 AGES: 3 yrs. - grade 3 Come join us on Main Street as we get turned upside down and inside out! In four action-packed days we’ll learn what is behind the changes on Main Street. We’ll learn that God gives us gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and faithfulness ... and can make a huge difference in the lives of everyone around us. Come and be part of the fun and you will learn why Jesus makes a difference every day.

Third Baptist Church

410 W. McKnight Drive, Murfreesboro 893-8192 • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 6 - 10, 9 a.m. - 12 noon AGES: entering Kindergarten - completed grade 5 VBS @ 3BC! Grad a cab and get ready for fun around every corner! We are heading to New York City, the Big Apple, where we will discover how faith and life connect. Our VBS includes our Wednesday night Open House on Jun. 8 at 6 p.m. and our Family Night Pool party at Sports*Com’s outdoor pool on Sun., Jun. 12 at 5 p.m. Register for VBS online!

Tusculum Hills Baptist Church

4930 Nolesnville Road, Nashville 833-6519 • DATES/TIMES: Jun. 20 - 24, 9 a.m. - 12 noon AGES: 3 yrs. - grade 6 Grab a cab and join us on the Big Apple Adventure! We will have fun with crafts, music, games and learning how our faith and life connect. Our family night will be Wed., Jun. 22. This will be a week that you won’t want to miss!

Woodmont Baptist

2100 Woodmont Blvd., Nashville 297-5303 • DATES: Jun. 13 - 17 AGES: 3 yrs. - completed grade 5 Big city, bigger fun! Grab a cab and get ready for fun around every corner. As kids explore the big city, they’ll learn how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus ... sharing the message of Christ with their world.

june 2011 63

2011 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities, Sports & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Kids can strengthen their relationship with God and have a fun time doing it! These churches offer Bible school programs that include games, sports, music and more.

Meet the Experts

Your chance to get up close and personal with a few of our advertisers. training that is designed to mold you mentally... because we understand that weight loss is “mental.” We teach you to “Think Skinny!” You will “love” Taylor and all of her analogies that help you to understand how to change the way that you think about food. You will learn to understand that food is merely fuel! Indian Lake Medical Weight Loss & Wellness, Pllc takes the threat of being overweight very seriously. We understand the daily struggle of consistently maintaining a healthy weight. We take pride in offering evidence based, research driven medical advice given by board certified practitioners with advance training. We also take pride in offering an environment that is non-judgmental and completely confidential. We offer comprehensive plans that focus on behavioral change, goal setting, and accountability.

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If indicated, we also offer FDA approved appetite suppressants, vitamin injections, and supervised low calories diets to help aid in weight loss. You can expect to receive a thorough medical, physical, and cardiac examination at each visit. We also offer the convenience and flexibility of weekly weigh ins and on line appointment request. Our focus is progressive healthy weight loss. Our agenda is helping you regain control of your weight and your life. Our goal is to help you accomplish your goal!

Why Book a Private Party at The Wine & Easel? Top reasons why Wine and Easel is the best place to host a Fundraising, Private Party or Event

5. it’s the same price as a regular class! 1. You get to choose from ANY of 150 paintings or for a onetime $50.00 fee you can create your own 6. The studio is yours 30 minutes before and 30 custom portrait that your party can paint. minutes after your event to give you time to really celebrate. 2. You get entire studio dedicated to your private party. This includes (artist-instructor, 16” x 20” 7. To host a private party you must have a canvas, and paint) minimum of 20 people 3. You can bring in any type of beverages or food 8. Its a blast! 4. No set up, no clean up - just come ready to have FUN!

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Tara Brown

Teen Life Coach

she’s been called

“Teen Whispererâ€? & “Tara the Tigerâ€? Regardless of the title‌ title‌Tara gets results... results...because she ‘gets’ teenagers Navigating the teen years can be emotionally challenging for parents and kids. At times, parents struggle greatly to connect and inuence teens who can be hard to understand, challenging to communicate with, and lacking motivation in both school and life. Course correcting with someone who is caring and skilled in academics and life coaching is vital. Award winning educator, author and life coach Tara Brown brings her expertise to you and your teen to help navigate the tough times. Tara will discover what motivates your teen both academically and in life. Through a combination of compassionate connections and tough love, Tara will help guide them in selfdiscovery and toward the direction of their dreams... holding them accountable every step of the way.

“All I have to say to Sara is “What would Tara say?� Sara responds by quoting, “Would you be proud to put your name on that?� If the answer is no, Sara starts making changes. Tara took Sara from an attitude of doing ‘just good enough to get by� to “if its worth doing, its worth doing right. Thank you Tara!� C. Kubica-Parent “Tara was tough on me, but I respect that. I’ve worked with other coaches and it was too easy to pull one over on them...not Tara. She’s tough but fair.� 14 year old teen “There is a reason young people gravitate towards Tara. She knows how to create and maintain an environment that is respectful, rewarding, and relevant. Most importantly, rele young people know that she cares.� Hal Cato, President & CEO Oasis Center

Tara Brown M.Ed./CMT

X X X M F B S O F S T F E H F D P O T V M U J O H P S H t

june 2011 65

THE PARTY PAGES a festive advertising section ICE CREAM


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865-5336 •

The Best Birthday Party Your Kid Will Ever Have!

Two Weeks Till Party Day ...


lanning is key when gearing up for your little one’s special day. Use this countdown to help keep you on course:

14 Days — Send invitations and secure entertainment if you plan to book it. Start making decorations you plan to do yourself. Order a bakery cake if you’re not feeling like Betty Crocker.

7 Days — Shop for party favors, prizes, decorations, gifts and activity supplies. Check your list of party attendees to learn how many you need to shop for. Invite new friends and those you may have forgotten to include before.

5 Days — Shop for groceries. Check all you’ve planned on. Make any necessary alterations.

1 Day — Decide where to hang your decorations. Pick up any extra chairs, tables, music, etc. you may be borrowing. Assemble party favor bags. Pick up your cake, or bake your homemade one.

The Big Day — Take the lead from the birthday child to embrace a day of casual fun. Remember this is a special day for your child. Don’t let little things get to you. Finish all preparations with food and decorations, enlisting the help of the birthday child. Leave plenty of time to get everyone dressed for fun. Double check, check again, then let it rip! — chad young

66 june 2011

The Glow in the Dark Party Extravaganza Look for our money-saving coupon in the MyFamilyCoupons section of this issue!

121 Seaboard Lane, Suite 8, Franklin (615) 370-4FUN (4386)

a festive advertising section


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THE PARTY PAGES a festive advertising section D&H RAILROAD POTTERY PAINTING Trackless Train, Fire Truck & Trolley Year-Round Fun For All Occasions!


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You have the fun - we do the cleanup! Voted Nashville’s # 1 Party Spot! green hills court 4004 hillsboro pike Pottery Studio


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other offers. Not valid on prior parties. Expires 06/30/11.


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68 june 2011









Huge treehouse, art area, and lots of creative play Bellevue 8074 Hwy 100 Nashville, TN 37221



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a festive advertising section

Notable Events • 25 different styles of bounce houses • bounce/climb/slide combo • GIANT OBSTACLE COURSE • karaoke • carnival games • interactive DJs • cotton candy • snowcones • popcorn • 16 ft waterslides with wading pool • costume characters & costume rentals • 4 in 1 combo • rock climber/slide • clowns and magicians • singing telegrams • tents • tables • chairs • dunk tanks


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$25 OFF any Weekday Party and $50 OFF any Weekend Party Booked in June

Weekdays are Mon-Thu and Weekends are Fri-Sun. Not valid with Mini Parties. May not be combined with any other offers. May be used at Cool Springs and Rivergate TN locations only. Expires 6/30/11.

Family Fun Night $20 includes 1 large pizza and 2 regular price admissions

$5 admission per child for additional kids. Not valid with under 3 pricing or to be combined with other offers. May be used at Cool Springs and Rivergate TN locations only. Expires 6/30/11.


Rivergate Cool Springs 1580 Gallatin Pike North 1648 Westgate Circle Madison, TN 37115 Brentwood, TN 37027 615-915-0561 615-377-5900

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june 2011 69

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Not valid with other offers or with under 3 pricing. Limit one per group per visit. Valid only at Cool Springs and Rivergate TN locations. Offer expires 6/30/11.

Cool Springs (now open!) 615.377.5900 Rivergate 615.915.0561

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TuTankhamun Upcoming FREE EvEnts:

Saturday, June 4, 1:30 p.m. Walk Like An egyptian A guided tour of the Egyptomania section of the exhibit and of The Downtown Presbyterian Church with TSM curator Jim Hoobler.

Saturday, June 4, 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday evening Art Crawl Saturday, June 18 egyptian Film Festival presented by Nashville Arts & YELP 10:15 a.m. – Cecil B. DeMille’s 1934 version of Cleopatra starring Claudette Colbert 12:30 p.m. – The 1963 epic production of Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Rex Harrison

Saturday, July 16, 1 to 4 p.m. egyptian Family Activity Day presented by Nashville Parent Visitors will learn about the process of mummification through examination of a real mummy and will explore the lives of ancient Egyptians. Other activities will include arts, crafts, and hands-on activities. Tutenstein cartoons will be shown.

Sunday, August 28, 2 to 4 p.m. “Pharaohs & the Patriarchs (and Matriarchs) of Israel” Jack M. Sasson, Ph.D., Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Judaic and Biblical Studies, Vanderbilt Divinity School will present a lecture.

by Chad Young Follow me on Twitter @MyCalendarGuy


74 the dailies|89 ongoing: classes & destinations|93 on stage|95 chadderbox|96 parent planner

cirque du soleil june 15 - 19


ake in an evening of sensory delight when critically acclaimed Cirque du Soleil brings Alegria to Nashville. Alegria — meaning “jubilation” in Spanish — contains themes of power through the ages — from ancient monarchies to contemporary democracies. Kings’ fools, minstrels, beggars, old aristocrats and children make up this universe. During the journey, enjoy an array of performers flying through the air, dancing with fire and manipulating their bodies in outstanding ways. Alegria takes place at Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville. Show times are Wed - Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri - Sat 3:30 and 7:30 p.m., Sun 1 and 5 p.m. Tickets range from $35 - $94 adults, $28 - $76 ages 12 and younger. Call 782-4040 or visit


the dailies wed 1 FREE Movies in the Park Watch a screening of 500 Days of Summer. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; movie begins at sunset; FREE Open House Day All ages can tour the observatory and learn about available programs. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; 373-4897 or dyer.

Snack Attack! Kids can make a cool cubes fruit drink. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

explore the world with summer reading School’s out, but the local library encourages kids of all ages to keep their minds sharp during the 2011 Summer Reading Program in June and July. Readers can set goals and earn prizes for reaching them. This year’s theme is “World Culture/ Travel.” Area library branches host hundreds of events ranging from storytimes and craft workshops to guest appearances by local children’s entertainers, including Rachel Sumner and Mr. Bond, The Science Guy. Participation in the program is free. For a complete list of events at your local branch, visit one of the websites below:

Davidson County

Rutherford County La Vergne • Linebaugh, MGL, Smyrna, Eagleville

Sumner County Gallatin • Hendersonville

Williamson County Bethesda, College Grove, Fairview, Franklin, Leiper’s Fork, Nolensville Brentwood • library Spring Hill •

Wilson County Lebanon Mt. Juliet Children’s artist Rachel Sumner performs at several locations this month during the Summer Reading Program. Find her complete schedule at

74 june 2011

the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96. FREE Tricycle Take Over Ages 3 - 5 can bring a riding toy

and pedal in a safe area and then have fun with sidewalk chalk. Delmas Long Community Center, 200 Memorial Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m.; 851-2255 or

thu 2 Creation Station Kids of all ages can make beaded spider

webs. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Family Night Out Conductor Jack performs music for families with kids of all ages. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about animals with scales and

skin. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

of books they read during the summer and learn how to receive a free book. Barnes & Noble, 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood (3779979) and 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro (895-8580); 11 a.m.;

SunTrust Classical Series: Giancarlo Conducts Mahler’s Second Please see Thursday, June 2 listing.

FREE Big Band Dance All ages can receive dance instruction with the music of The Moonlighters. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 - 10 p.m.; 862-8400 or

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided tour of

the wetland. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

sat 4

FREE Centerstage Concert Series Billy Block hosts an

evening of live music featuring Nashville’s hottest up-and-coming artists. Providence Marketplace, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet; 6 - 8:30 p.m.;

35th Annual Tour of Homes Tour historic homes in Wil-

FREE Children’s Picnic All ages can have fun outdoors with several family activities like puppet shows, nature-related games, crafts, face painting and more. Warner Parks Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; while admission is free, guests are asked to make a donation of $5 per person/$20 per family to benefit Friends of Warner Parks; 370-8053 or

FREE Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program Kick-Off Kids in grades K - 5 can participate in a special

FREE Eagleville Main Street Festival Enjoy live music, craft and food booths, and a motorcycle and car show. Main Street in Eagleville; 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.;

liamson County with proceeds benefiting the Heritage Foundation of Franklin & Williamson County. Tours run Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; $25 in advance, $30 day of tour; 591-8500 or

storytime where they will receive summer journals to keep track

(please turn the page)

SunTrust Classical Series: Giancarlo Conducts Mahler’s Second Enjoy an evening of music when the Nashville Symphony performs Mahler’s “Symphony N. 2 in C Minor (Resurrection).” Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $39 - $109; 6876400 or

Telling Tales: A SHELebration Where the Sidewalk Ends This fundraiser for Nashville Children’s Theatre (NCT)

is geared toward adults with a silent auction, cocktail party, live performances and appearances by Mayor Karl Dean, John Seigenthaler, Bobby Bare, Marshall Chapman, Marcus Hummon, Shooter Jennings and favorite actors who regularly grace the NCT stage. NCT, 25 Middleton St., Nashville; 6 p.m.; $100; 2524675 or

fri 3 Cheekwood Nights Spend the evening on the grounds of

Cheekwood and enjoy the Trains! exhibit, live music and cash bars throughout the gardens, the museum of art and more. Dinner in the Pineapple Room and Parents’ Night Out activities for ages 5 and older require reservations and additional fees. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6 - 10 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or

FREE GLOBE: Water Monitoring Ages 6 and older can participate in a water monitoring project in Stones River. Meet at the Overall Street Trailhead in Old Fort Park, Murfreesboro; 1 - 3 p.m.; 217-3017. FREE Nashville International Book Festival Local, national and international authors will sign and sell their books during this event aimed at educating and encouraging youth to read and author books. RiverGate Mall, 1000 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 12 - 6 p.m.; 313446-2262 or FREE Tales at Twilight Families can enjoy a juggling

performance by Playing By Air. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South and Colice Jeanne Road, Bellevue; 7 - 8 p.m.; 862-8400 or

franklin theatre’s grand re-opening friday, june 3

The historic Franklin Theatre re-opens on Friday, June 3 with a free street party starting at 6 p.m. featuring outdoor screenings of The Wizard of Oz, King Kong and Swing Time. In addition, the Downtown Franklin stores will adopt movie themes and have extended hours. All indoor screenings during opening weekend — including Gone with the Wind, Charlotte’s Web and Casablanca — are sold out. All movie tickets during the first 90 days are $5. In addition to movies, the theater will also host concerts. This month, catch Amy Grant and Vince Gill, Keb’ Mo’ and The Memphis Boys. The facility will also be the resident space for Studio Tenn Theatre Company’s 2011/2012 season. The Franklin Theatre is located at 419 Main St., Franklin. Learn more at 538-2075 or

june 2011 75

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the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

FREE GLOBE: Water Monitoring Ages 6 and older can participate in a water monitoring project in Stones River. Meet at the Wilderness Station, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 9 - 11 a.m.; 217-3017. FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop Ages 5 - 12 can make a wooden valet organizer for Father’s Day from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Find a store near you at Opera on the Mountain Enjoy a Nashville Opera perfor-

mance under the stars. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 7 p.m.; $25 table seats, $20 concert seats; 832-5242 or

Saturday AM: Trains & Tennessee Landmarks Families

can explore the Trains! exhibit then hit the studio to recreate a memorable state landmark. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger); 356-8000 or

Secret Garden Tour All ages can have fun visiting different

private gardens in the Murfreesboro area. Proceeds benefit the Discovery Center at Murfree Spring. Garden tours take place from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $10 adults, $5 children 2 and older;

Seeds of Hope Garden Tour Visit eight gardens in Oak Hill,

Belle Meade and Green Hills. Proceeds benefit Monroe Harding’s mission to provide services to at-risk youth and families. The tour is from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and can start at any location; $20 tour only, $25 tour plus lunch (children are free); 298-5573, ext. 115, or

FREE Shakespeare Allowed All ages can participate in

(or just listen to) a live reading of Antony & Cleopatra. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 1 - 4 p.m.;

SunTrust Classical Series: Giancarlo Conducts Mahler’s Second Please see Thursday, June 2 listing. FREE Super Saturday All ages can play on the kids’ activity table, participate in craft projects and enjoy cookies and lemonade. Parent-Teacher Stores: 2214 Bandywood Drive, Nashville (292-3533); 203 Williamson Square, Franklin (599-3477); 131 John Rice Blvd., Murfreesboro (895-6131); and 780 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville (859-3007);

regal summer movie express june 7 - aug. 3 Chill out during the summer months with Regal Entertainment Group’s Summer Movie Express. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. (at participating theaters), you and your kids can enjoy G- and PG-rated movies for only $1. Among the offerings are Despicable Me, Marmaduke, Chronicles of Narnia, Yogi Bear, Shrek Forever After, Charlotte’s Web, Tale of Despereaux, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, How to Train Your Dragon and more. Participating theaters are Green Hills Stadium 16 (3815 Green Hills Village Drive, Nashville), Providence Stadium 14 (401 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet) and Streets of Indian Lake Stadium 16 (300 Indian Lake Blvd., Building T, Hendersonville). For a detailed list of movies at each location, visit

FREE Taste of Music City This benefit for the Martha O’Bryan Center allows visitors to sample food from 50 of the area’s best eateries along with samplings from local breweries. Live music takes place all day along with street performers and a family-friendly Kids Zone. Public Square and Deaderick Street, Nashville; 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.; admission is free, but food/beer tastings require tickets sold in strips of 12 for $15; Walk Like MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving hosts this

fundraising walk. Bicentennial Mall, 600 James Roberston Pkwy., Nashville; 9:30 a.m.; $20 adults, $15 ages 5 - 21 (plus pledges raised);

sun 5 35th Annual Tour of Homes Please see Saturday, June 4 listing.

(please turn the page)

june 2011 77

the dailies mon 6 FREE Green Hills MOMS Picnic Enjoy a picnic in the park getting to know other stay-at-home moms in the Green Hills, 12th South, Hillsboro Village, Sylvan Park and West Meade areas. Green Hills Park, 4498 Belmont Park Terrace, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can embark on a hike through the wetland. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! Kids can make vegetable flowers. Discovery

Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

tue 7 Amy Grant & Vince Gill All ages can enjoy an evening of

pop, Christian and country music with Amy Grant, Vince Gill and special guests. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $100 - $150; 538-2075 or

Animal Antics All ages can meet the screech owl. Discovery

Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Idina Menzel Tony Award-winning Broadway superstar Idina Menzel joins the Nashville Symphony for an evening of musical theater favorites. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 8 p.m.; $32 - $96; 687-6400 or FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expect-

ant mothers can learn more about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 10 a.m.; 834-3287.

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about fish. Discovery Center at

Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Chinese Dance Academy. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South and Colice Jeanne Road, Bellevue; 7 - 8 p.m.; 862-8400 or

FREE Preschool Storytime Ages 3 - 5

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided tour of

can listen to a reading of Growing Vegetable Soup, followed by craft activities. Brenthaven Church, 516 Franklin Road, Brentwood; 10 a.m.; 373-4826.

fri 10 FREE Fun Friday: Touch a Truck All ages can climb on and

explore a variety of vehicles including fire trucks, cop cars, ambulances and more. Moss-Wright Park, 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 851-2253 or goodlettsvilleparks. com.

FREE Movie in the Park Bring lawn

chairs or blankets and a picnic and enjoy a family-friendly movie outdoors. Pinkerton Park, 405 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin; 8 p.m.; 550-6947 or franklintn. gov.

FREE Nashville Symphony Families

can enjoy an evening of live classical music. Bicentennial Mall, 600 James Robertson Pkwy., Nashville; 8 p.m.; 684-6400 or

FREE Tales at Twilight Enjoy a

performance by Van Divas with Little Eagle

the wetland. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300.

sat 11 FREE Big Band Dance Dance instruction with the music of The J. Bradley Big Band for all ages. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 - 10 p.m.; 862-8400 or FREE Bledsoe Creek State Park Fishing Rodeo Ages 14 and younger

can cast a line and enjoy a morning of complimentary angling. Bledsoe Creek State Park, 400 Zieglers Fort Road, Gallatin; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 347-3639 or http://

FREE Centerstage Concert Series

Billy Block hosts an evening of live music featuring Nashville’s hottest up-and-coming artists. Providence Marketplace, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet; 6 - 8:30 p.m.; http://

City of Hope Celebrity Softball Challenge Music and sports stars take to the

field to raise money for research, treatment and education for cancer and other diseases at City of Hope. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 9 a.m.; $15 - $50;

Parents & Tots Please see Monday, June 6 listing.

wed 8

murfreesboro’s movies under the stars june 6 - july 30

FREE Movies in the Park Watch a screening of Harry Potter. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; movie begins at sunset;

Your family can enjoy five nights of free family films for the next two

Snack Attack! Please see Monday, June 6 listing.

kets and lawn chairs and obtain the list of movies by calling the

months courtesy of Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation. Bring blanparks’ office or by visiting any of their facilities. Movie locations are:

thu 9

• Mondays: Cason Lane Trailhead, 1100 Cason Trail

• Tuesdays: Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St.

• Thursdays: Siegel Neighborhood Park, 515 Cherry Lane

Family Night Out Families can enjoy an evening of music

• Fridays: Mitchell Neilson Primary, 1303 Jones Blvd.

with Coal Train Railroad. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or

• Saturdays: Hobgood Elementary, 307 S. Baird Lane

FREE Nashville Symphony Enjoy an evening of live classi-

Movies begin at 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 890-5333 or

Creation Station Kids of all ages can make beaded spider

webs. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

cal music. East Park, 700 Woodland, Nashville; 8 p.m.; 684-6400 or

78 june 2011


For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

Local kids have fun with free arts and crafts activities in the Family Fun Zone area during the CMA Music Festival. Deaf Day Special presentations and programs are designed to cater specifically to the deaf and deaf/blind community. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $14 adults, $9 ages 3 - 12, free ages 2 and younger; 833-1534 or Exhibit Opening Microbes: Invisible Invaders, Amazing

Allies is an interactive, 3,000-square-foot exhibit that examines what microbes are, what they look like, the history of disease, emerging diseases and how research helps find cures. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE Hendersonville Fishing Rodeo Ages 14 and younger can bring their poles and fish for free. Memorial Park, 149 E. Main St., Hendersonville; 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 822-3898 or FREE Kidaroo This child-friendly alternative to Bonaroo is a full day featuring live children’s entertainers, including Conductor Jack and The Zinghoppers, Ka*Pop, Taft Brown and more. Learning Express Toys, 420 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin; 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 771-3434 or

the dailies

music & fun at cma music festival june 9 - 12 Four days of live music, country artist meet and greets, exhibits and family fun are on tap for the 40th annual CMA Music Festival. Kids can enjoy the free Family Zone located in Hall of Fame Park on Demonbreun filled with all sorts of fun like inflatables, hands-on art activities and special presentations. The Smurfs will be on site daily. Nightly concerts at LP Field are another big draw for the local crowd. General admission seats are $35. Artists performing this year include Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley, Lady Antebellum, Reba, Martina McBride, Josh Turner, Rascal Flatts and more. The four-day festival pass starting at $115 includes a seat at each nightly concert as well as access to the autograph signings at the convention center. Find more information and get tickets at

(please turn the page)

june 2011 79

Where Children Learn Through Discovery Now Enrolling for 2 & 3 yr old Programs!

The Learning Garden (615) 895-6400 Voted #1 Preschool by Rutherford Parent Readers 3 Years in a Row! 1760 S Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130

80 june 2011

the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

Keb’ Mo’ Enjoy an evening of music spanning several genres,

including pop, rock, folk and jazz. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $60 - $100; 538-2075 or

FREE Live at The Avenue The WannaBeatles perform for families. The Avenue Murfreesboro, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 6 - 8 p.m.; 893-4207 or FREE Second Saturday Celebration at Fiddlers Grove All ages can step back in time with demonstrations of life at the turn of the century. The theme is “Cures” with a focus on medical practices of the past. The day ends with live bluegrass music. Fiddlers Grove Historical Village, 945 E. Baddour Pkwy., Lebanon; 4 - 9 p.m.; 443-2626 or

sun 12 Metros Soccer Cheer for the Nashville Metros when they challenge the New Orleans Jester. Ezell Park Stadium, 5135 Harding Place, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $5; 832-5678 or nashvillemetrossoccer. com.

FREE Nashville Symphony Families can enjoy an evening of live classical music. Crockett Park on Crockett Road, Brentwood; 7 p.m.; 684-6400 or

Purity Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’ Please see “Giving Back,” on page 30.

mon 13 Daniel Amos One of Christian rock’s earliest bands perform live. Springhouse Worship & Arts, 14119 Old Nashville Hwy., Smyrna; 7:30 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 students (a $50 VIP ticket includes reserved seating, a choice of a CD or T-shirt and a reception with the band prior to the concert); FREE Folkfest All ages can enjoy an evening of international

folkdance with live music. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 - 9 p.m.; 862-8424 or

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can learn about woodland animals. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! Kids can make tie-dye cookies for their dads. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

tue 14 Animal Antics All ages can meet the uromastyx dragon. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Parents & Tots Please see Monday, June 13 listing.

Kids of all ages can explore several interactive areas in the new Microbes: Invisible Invaders, Amazing Allies exhibit which opens Saturday, June 11 at Discovery Center at Murfree Spring.

(please turn the page)

june 2011 81

the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

STOMP comes to TPAC’s Jackson Hall June 17 - 19. Please see “On Stage,” page 93, for details. Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Special Needs Night Families with special needs

FREE Nashville Symphony Families can enjoy an evening of live classical music. Moss-Wright Park, 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 7:30 p.m.; 684-6400 or

Snack Attack! Please see Monday, June 13 listing.

children ages 6 months - 8 years can enjoy an evening of play. Peek-a-boo Playtown, 300 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville, and 3252 Aspen Grove Road, Franklin; 5 - 8 p.m.;

play the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

wed 15

thu 16

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Please see page 73.

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Please see page 73.

FREE Dairy Day All ages can learn all there is to know about

Creation Station Kids of all ages can make bottle cap mag-

the dairy industry through hands-on learning stations. Lane AgriPark Community Center, 315 John R. Rice Blvd., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; 889-7710.

International Folkfest All ages can enjoy live music and

dance performances from groups around the world. Central Christian Church, 404 E. Main St., Murfreesboro; 7 p.m.; $5;

FREE Movies in the Park Watch a screening of Sherlock Holmes. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; movie begins at sunset;

82 june 2011

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they

nets. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300.

Family Night Out Nashville Public Library and Wishing Chair Productions present the puppet show, Hansel & Gretel. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or Nature Nuts All ages can learn about fish. Discovery Center at

Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Splash Out! Children 12 and younger with a parent can cool off with outdoor water play. Barfield Crescent Park, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 1:30 - 3 p.m.; 893-2141 or

fri 17 FREE American Artisan Festival This 41st annual event

features more than 160 artists from around the country who show and sell their work in wood, blown glass, jewelry, stained glass, photography and more. Children’s art activities round out the event. Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; Fri 12 - 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.;

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Please see page 73. Full Moon Pickin’ Party All ages can enjoy live bluegrass music under the light of the full moon. Warner Parks Equestrian Barn, 2500 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville; 7 - 11 p.m.; $15 in advance/$20 at the gate adults, $10 ages 7 - 15, $5 pickers with an approved instrument, free ages 6 and younger; 370-8053 or

the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

International Folkfest All ages can enjoy live music and dance performances from groups around the world. Patterson Park Community Center Theatre, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 7 p.m.; $5; FREE Just Me & My Dad Kids can enjoy an evening at the

museum with their dads. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 5 - 7:30 p.m.; 890-2300 or

FREE Shaker Oval Box Demonstration Dale McLoud

demonstrates the techniques and tools used to make 19th century Shaker boxes. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 3 p.m.; 244-3340 or

Spanish Nights Enjoy an evening of music when the Nashville Symphony performs music from the opera Carmen as well as Nights in the Gardens of Spain. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m.; $29 $79; 687-6400 or FREE Tales at Twilight Conductor Jack and The Zinghoppers

entertain families during a hula night concert. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South and Colice Jeanne Road, Bellevue; 7 - 8 p.m.; 862-8400 or

FREE Third Friday Outdoor Concert All ages can listen

to live music outdoors. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 7 - 9:30 p.m.; 890-0355.

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided tour of

the wetland. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad

St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE Murfreesboro Bird Club Hike Ages 6 and older can hike and look for spring migrants and resident birds. Cason Trailhead, 1100 Cason Trail, Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; 217-3017.

sat 18

FREE RC and Moon Pie Festival Celebrate two of the South’s greatest traditions — RC Cola and Moon Pies — during this family-friendly festival which includes live music, food and games. Sample the world’s biggest Moon Pie, participate in the RC Dash, Moon Pie toss and watermelon seed-spitting contest. Arts and crafts booths are on display. Downtown Bell Buckle, located off Exit 97 from I-24 East between Murfreesboro and Manchester; 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.; 931-389-9663 or

FREE American Artisan Festival Please see Friday, June

17 listing.

FREE Big Band Dance All ages can receive dance instruction with the music of the Rory Partin Big Band. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 - 10 p.m.; 862-8400 or Bluebird on the Mountain Local singer/songwriters perform under the stars. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 8 p.m.; $95 per carload of eight; 800-745-3000 or dyer.

FREE Centerstage Concert Series Billy Block hosts an

Roller Derby Cheer for the Nashville Rollergirls when they challenge the Chicago Outfit Syndicate. Municipal Auditorium, 417 Fourth Ave. N., Nashville; 5:30 p.m.; $10 adults in advance/$15 at the door, $7 ages 7 - 12, free ages 6 and younger; Saturday AM: Dad’s Day Kids of all ages can visit the studio

evening of live music featuring Nashville’s hottest up-and-coming artists. Providence Marketplace, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet; 6 - 8:30 p.m.;

to create a one-of-a-kind card for their daddies. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger); 356-8000 or

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Please see page 73.

FREE Shake, Rattle & Roll Tribute to the ’50s and ’60s

FREE Jefferson Street Jazz & Blues Festival Local jazz

and blues musicians perform all day, and families can enjoy food, vendors and more. The festival takes place on Jefferson Street between 26th and 28th Avenues North in Nashville; 2 p.m. - 12 a.m.; 726-5867 or

Steve Jerrel and Sons of the Beach perform music from classic decades. Sumner Crest Winery, 5306 Old Hwy. 52, Portland; 6 9 p.m.; 325-4086 or

(please turn the page)

Root for the Nashville Rollergirls when they challenge the Chicago Outfit Syndicate at Municipal Auditorium on Saturday, June 18.

june 2011 83

Casual Day To benefit United Cerebral Palsy

June 24, 2011 (or the date of your choice) Celebrating

Summer Fun In Tennessee

Casual Day 2011 Summer Fun In Tennessee Bonaroo Ferris Wheel, Adventure Science Center, Fair Park Carousel, Liberty Land Roller Coaster, Nashville Shores Waterslide Memphis Zoo Panda, Dollywood Waterslide

Your donation can make a huge difference in someone’s life! $5.00 Donation = UCP Button and the 8 X 10 print of Summer Fun In Tennessee $20.00 Donation = T-shirt and 8 X 10 print with the Summer Fun In Tennessee design, UCP Button and other items provided by our sponsors!

Predators Announcers Pete Weber and Terry Crisp

How Will Your Donation Be Used? Casual Day donations are used for the following: Wheelchair Ramps, Home Modifications, Education, Medical Equipment, Recreation, Information & Referral, Summer Activities and other programs.

Who Does UCP Help? People of all ages throughout Tennessee with: cerebral palsy, arthritis, spina bifida, diabetes, autism, strokes, brain injuries, heart disease, kidney diseases, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, and a long list of other types of disabilities. 1200 9th Avenue North, Suite 110 - Nashville, TN 37208 Telephone: 615-242-4091 Facsimile: 615-242-3582 Web: Email:

the dailies

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

The Color Purple comes to TPAC’s Jackson Hall June 21 - 26. Please see “On Stage,” page 93, for details. FREE Songwriting 101 Kids ages 5 - 11 can learn songwriting fundamentals, including the basics of song form, rhyme scheme and meter, and secrets behind the creative process from veteran songwriters Jerry Vandiver and Tim Buppert. Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 p.m.; 416-2001 or Spanish Nights Please see Friday, June 17 listing.

sun 19 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! FREE American Artisan Festival Please see Friday, June

17 listing.

FREE Artful Tales All ages can construct artistic musical

instruments and use them to join in an interactive retelling of the Haitian folk tale, Many Hands Make a Lighter Load. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 2 - 4 p.m.; 244-3340 or

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Please see page 73. FREE Community Concert Band Enjoy an evening of

traditional music. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or

FREE Concert in the Park Bring lawn chairs or blankets

and a picnic and enjoy a children’s show followed by a concert by The Chillband. The Park at Harlinsdale Farm, 239 Franklin Road, Franklin; 4 p.m. children’s show, 6 p.m. concert; 550-6947 or

Father’s Day Special Dads receive free studio fees with a painting child, plus 25 percent off any one platter. Brushfire Pottery Studio, 4004 Hillsboro Pike, #150, Nashville; 1 - 6 p.m.; 385-5334 or

mon 20 Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can learn about nature things from A to Z. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! Kids can make “Rainy Day Cloud Nines.” Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Symphony on the Lawn The Nashville Symphony performs

an evening of live music. Cumberland University Memorial Lawn, 1 Cumberland Square, Lebanon; 7 p.m.; $5 adults, free for students and children; 444-2562.

Sunday Series of FUN Families can make pieces of art for jackets, backpacks, overnight bags and more. Old Fort Park Pavilion 3, 1025 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 2 - 4 p.m.; admission is a bag of non-perishable food items; 893-2141 or (please turn the page)

june 2011 85

the dailies tue 21 Animal Antics All ages can meet the water turtles. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expectant mothers can learn more about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 6:15 p.m.; 834-3287.

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

FREE Nashville Symphony Families can enjoy an evening

FREE Preschool Storytime Ages 3 - 5 can listen to a read-

New Kids on the Block & Backstreet Boys Have fun with an evening of boy bands from the ’90s. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $32 - $92; 770-2000 or

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 6904487 or

of live classical music. Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; 684-6400 or

Parents & Tots Please see Monday, June 20 listing.

Sounds Baseball

Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

wed 22 FREE Movies in the Park Watch a screening of Despicable Me. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; movie begins at sunset; Snack Attack! Please see Monday, June 20 listing. Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when

they play the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

thu 23 Creation Station Kids of all ages can make bottle cap magnets. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

ing of How are you Peeling?: Foods with Moods, followed by craft activities. Brenthaven Church, 516 Franklin Road, Brentwood; 10 a.m.; 373-4826.

Vince Gill Enjoy an evening of award-winning country music. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $26.50; 800-745-3000 or

fri 24 Frist Friday All ages can enjoy the museum exhibits and live

music in the outdoor courtyard by The Long Players. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 6 - 9 p.m.; $10 adults, free for ages 18 and younger; 244-3340 or

FREE Fun Friday: Summer Olympics Ages 2 - 15 can participate in various events like sack racing, ball throwing, the 50-yard dash, long jump and more. Moss-Wright Park, 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 851-2253 or Sesame Street Live: 1-2-3 Imagine! Elmo, Abby Cadabby,

Big Bird and friends take kids on an imaginative journey to far away places. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; Fri 7 p.m., Sat 10:30 a.m., 2 and 5:30 p.m., Sun 1 and 4:30 p.m.; $15 $65; 770-2000 or

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 6904487 or FREE Tales at Twilight Nashville Ballet presents its family show, Borreguita & the Coyote. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South and Colice Jeanne Road, Bellevue; 7 - 8 p.m.; 862-8400 or Trombone Festival Trombonists from around the world

perform with the Nashville Symphony. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m.; $29 $79; 687-6400 or

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided tour of Kids can see Elmo and other pals during Sesame Street Live: 1-2-3 Imagine! at Bridgestone Arena, June 24 - 26.

the wetland. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

sat 25 Family Night Out Nash-

ville Ballet presents a family performance of Borreguita & the Coyote. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about different aspects of

nature. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.

86 june 2011

FREE Big Band Dance All ages can receive dance instruction with the music of the Jerry Vinett Big Band. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 - 10 p.m.; 862-8400 or FREE Boat Day with SRWA Volunteers from Stones River Watershed Association will bring several types of canoes and kayaks for all ages to try. Manson Pike Trailhead, 1208 Searcy St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 217-3017.

FREE Centerstage Concert Series Billy Block hosts an

evening of live music featuring Nashville’s hottest up-and-coming artists. Providence Marketplace, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet; 6 - 8:30 p.m.;

For June events requiring advance registration, turn to page 96.

the dailies

New Kids on the Block perform at Bridgestone Arena on Tuesday, June 21 with the Backstreet Boys. In the Artist’s Studio All ages can learn Chinese calligraphy. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 2 - 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Saturday AM: Playful Patterns Families can hunt for

patterns on the grounds then visit the studio to create a piece of art with their own fun patterns and textures. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger); 356-8000 or

Sesame Street Live: 1-2-3 Imagine! Please see Friday, June 24 listing.

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 6:35 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 6904487 or FREE Tickle the Strings The Williamson County Youth

Orchestra performs, and afterward, kids can explore the instruments during a musical petting zoo. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road; 1:30 p.m.;

Trombone Festival Please see Friday, June 24 listing.

mon 27

wed 29

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can learn about nature things from A to Z. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE Kids Hour Rachel Sumner performs interactive music for families. Whole Foods at McEwen Town Center, McEwen Drive and Mallory Lane, Franklin; 9:30 a.m.; 778-1910 or

Snack Attack! Kids can make Independence Day pops. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE Movies in the Park Watch a screening of Ferris Buel-

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the New Orleans Zephyrs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

Snack Attack! Please see Monday, June 27 listing.

tue 28 Animal Antics All ages can meet the chinchilla. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

ler’s Day Off. Centennial Park Bandshell, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; movie begins at sunset;

thu 30 Creation Station Kids of all ages can make mosaic flower

pots. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Family Night Out Families can get on board the “Music Train”

of live classical music. Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; 684-6400 or

during a musical performance by Rachel Sumner. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or cheekwood. org.

Metros Soccer Cheer for the Nashville Metros when they

FREE Preschool Dance Party Ages 8 and younger can enjoy a musical morning with The Zinghoppers. Peek-a-boo Playtown, 300 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville, and 3252 Aspen Grove Road, Franklin; 10:30 a.m.;

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about different aspects of nature. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.

Sesame Street Live: 1-2-3 Imagine! Please see Friday,

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the New Orleans Zephyrs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

FREE Splash Out! Children 12 and younger with a parent can cool off with outdoor water play. Richard Siegel Park, 515 Cherry Lane, Murfreesboro; 1:30 - 3 p.m.; 893-2141 or murfreesborotn. gov/parks.

FREE Nashville Symphony Families can enjoy an evening

sun 26 challenge Fort Lauderdale Schulz Academy. Ezell Park Stadium, 5135 Harding Place, Nashville; 9 p.m.; $5; 832-5678 or June 24 listing.

Sounds Baseball Root for the Nashville Sounds when they play the New Orleans Zephyrs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 6:35 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or

Wait, Wait … Don’t Tell Me! The NPR news quiz show broadcasts live. TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $30 - $60; 782-4040 or (please turn the page)

june 2011 87




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ongoing classes & activities|destinations

Elana Surgener of Smyrna has fun zipping through the canopy at AdventureWorks in Kingston Springs.

classes & activities

1160 Otter Creek Road, Nashville. See complete schedule at or call 373-3467.

Classes listed here are free or nonprofit only.

rutherford county

davidson county Bellevue Community Center Ongoing art classes and

recreation take place at 656 Colice Jeanne Road, Nashville; 862-8435.

FREE Fairytales Storytime Stories and crafts Mon - Fri at 3:30 p.m. and Sat at 10:30 a.m. Fairytales, 1603 Riverside Drive, Nashville; 915-1960 or FREE Family Bike Ride Enjoy an hour-long bike ride

through East Nashville every Saturday at 9 a.m. Depart from Eastside Cycles, 1012 Woodland St., Nashville; 469-1079 or

Metro Parks Cultural Arts Classes Visit

parks/classes for a complete listing of visual arts, music, theater and dance opportunities.

Nashville Ghost Tours All ages can embark on a walking

tour of downtown Nashville’s haunted history. Tour begins at the corner of Sixth Avenue North and Union Avenue across from the Hermitage Hotel; daily 7:45 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 7 - 11, free ages 6 and younger; 884-3999 or

FREE Pottery Barn Kids Preschoolers can participate

in Book Club every Tuesday at 11 a.m. at 2126 Abbott Martin Road, Nashville; 385-2567 or

FREE Radnor Lake Natural Area Nature programs at

FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 895-8580 or

FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime for ages 2 - 7 is every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at 1720 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 995-7112.

FREE Hendersonville Cruise In Every Friday through Oct. 28, all ages can view a variety of classic cars and have fun with live music, children’s activities and more. Glenbrook Shopping Center, Vietnam Veterans Parkway and New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville; 6 - 9 p.m. (weather permitting); FREE Special Sports Saturdays Children ages 2 and

older with autism and other special needs, along with their typical siblings and peers, can play indoor soccer and hockey on the second and fourth Saturdays every month. Faces of Hope, 185 W. Franklin St., Gallatin; 9 - 11 a.m.; 206-1176 or

Patterson Park Community Center 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 893-7439. Ongoing programs are: • Wee Play: Ages 12 months - 2 years can enjoy stories, crafts and more every Monday; 10 - 10:45 a.m.; $3

Sports*Com 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 895-5040.

Ongoing programs are: • Toddler Time with Thomas: Ages 5 and younger can participate in motor-skill development activities every Friday; 10 - 11 a.m.; $3 • Water Polo: Ages 13 and older can play every Tuesday; 7 8:45 p.m.; $3 adults, $2 youth • Youth Volleyball: Ages 8 - 15 of all levels can play every Thursday; 4:30 - 6 p.m.; $3

sumner county FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related

activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 300 Indian Lakes Blvd., Hendersonville; 264-0183 or

williamson county FREE Art Smarts: Blending Children’s Literature with Art School-age children can learn about art and design through

children’s books on the first Saturday each month. Spring Hill Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 1 - 2 p.m.; 931-486-2932 or

FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood; 377-9979 or

FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime is every Tue and Sat at 10:30 a.m. at 1040 Crossings Blvd., Spring Hill; 931486-0113. FREE Borders Books Children’s storytime activities take place every Friday at 10 a.m. at 330 Franklin Road, Brentwood (221-8805), and 545 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin (771-2870). (please turn the page)

june 2011 89

ongoing FREE Taekwondo for Preschoolers Ages 3 - 5 can learn self-defense, self-discipline and safety during an introductory lesson the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday every month at 11 a.m. Robinson Taekwondo at The Factory, 230 Franklin Road, Bldg. 8, Ste. 809, Franklin; 791-6655.

FREE Teach Your Baby to Sign Parents can learn sign language techniques to communicate with their babies on the first and third Fridays of each month at 9:30 a.m. Spring Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 931-486-2932 or

destinations cheatham county Adventureworks The Eco-Zip Line Adventure allows

participants to glide through the forest on nine zip lines. Guides point out native trees, plants and wildlife during the hour-anda-half tour at 1300 Narrows Road, Kingston Springs; $49.20 adults, $38.27 youth (family discounts available); to make reservations, call 297-2250 or visit

davidson county Adventure Science Center Hands-on science activities.

Also home to the Sudekum Planetarium. 800 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 12:30 - 5:30 p.m. (the planetarium is open from 6 - 9 p.m. on the second Saturday each month for after-hours showings); $12 adults, $9 ages 3 - 12, free for ages 2 and younger; Planetarium tickets are $4 members, $6 non-members on top of museum admission (laser shows are $2 more); 862-5160 or

Belle Meade Plantation Early 1800s house and stud farm

at 5025 Harding Road, Nashville; Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (final tour at 4 p.m.); $16 adults, $10 ages 13 - 18, $8 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger; 356-0501 or

Belmont Mansion Tour the summer home of Joseph and Adelicia Acklen, built in 1853, at 1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sun 1 - 4 p.m.; $8 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12; 460-5459 or

BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 2990 Sidco Drive; 2551422; Visit website for open bounce times. Centennial Sportsplex Fitness, ice skating, swimming and

more at 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville; times and prices vary; 8628480 or

Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; Tue - Sat 9:30 am. - 4:30 p.m., Sun 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 356-8000 or • Fitness Fridays take place every Friday in June. Choose an activity: Hiking along the Carrell Woodland Sculpture Trail with personal trainer Susan Cooney is at 8 a.m. (call 4965208 to make reservations for the hike); Yoga in the gardens with Cindy Smythe is at 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.; Stroller Strides for new moms is at 9:30 a.m. (call 800-682-0420 to make reservations for Stroller Strides) • The Matilda Geddings Gray Collection of Fabergé is on display through Sunday, June 5 • Modern Masters from the Smithsonian American Art Museum is on display through Sunday, June 19 • Temporary Contemporary: Jiha Moon is on display March through Sunday, June 19 • Trains! Tennessee in G is on display through Saturday, Dec. 31 • William Edmondson: The Hand and the Spirit is on display through Sunday, Aug. 17

FREE Cooter’s Place Memorabilia representing Dukes of

Hazzard at 2613 McGavock Pike, Nashville; Mon - Thu 9 a.m. 5 p.m., Fri - Sat 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 872-8358 or

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum A variety of exhibits featuring stage costumes, instruments, art, photographs and multimedia displays at 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $19.99 adults, $11.99 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 416-2001 or • Family Tradition: The Williams Family Legacy is on display through Saturday, Dec. 31 • Hosts with the Most: Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood is on display through Thursday, June 30

• Tammy Wynette: First Lady of Country Music is on display through Sunday, June 12

FREE Fort Negley Visitors Center Self-guided exhibits

and interactive stations detail Nashville’s Civil War history. 1100 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville; Tue - Sat 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; 8628470 or

Frist Center for the Visual Arts Local to international art, plus hands-on fun in ArtQuest at 919 Broadway, Nashville; Mon Wed and Sat 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Thu - Fri 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; $10 adults, free ages 18 and younger; 244-3340 or Ongoing: • FREE Art Making in the Lobby: Make a Shaker Quilt Square every Thu and Fri through June 23, from 6 - 8 p.m. • FREE Music in the Grand Lobby every Thu and Fri from 6 - 8 p.m. • Connecting Cultures: Children’s Stories From Across the World is on display through Sunday, March 27, 2012 • Gather Up the Fragments: The Andrews Shaker Collection is on display through Sunday, Aug. 21 • Warhol Live: Music and Dance in Andy Warhol’s Work is on display June 24 - Sept. 11

The Hermitage Home of President Andrew Jackson. 4580 Rachel’s Lane, Nashville; daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $17 adults, $11 ages 13 - 18, $7 ages 6 - 12; 889-2941 or Lane Motor Museum More than 150 unique cars and

motorcycles at 702 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville; Thu - Mon 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $7 adults, $2 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 742-7445 or

FREE Musicians Corner Live music and kids’ activities every Saturday through July 2, at Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 3 - 6 p.m.; Nashville Shores Cool off with water slides, pools, beaches, a wave pool, lazy river and the new Kowabunga Beach attraction at 4001 Bell Road, Hermitage; Sun - Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fri 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.; $29.99 those 48 inches or taller, $24.99 those 47 inches or shorter; 889-7050 or Nashville Zoo Animals

from around the world at 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; daily 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $14 adults, $9 ages 3 - 12, free ages 2 and younger; 8331534 or

FREE Tennessee Agricultural Museum Farm artifacts at the

Ellington Agricultural Center, 440 Hogan Road, Nashville; Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; 837-5197 or

The Nashville Zoo’s new Wilderness Express train offers scenic rides through an area of the zoo previously undeveloped. The electric-powered, trackless train takes riders on a winding path offering views of the zoo’s zebra, ostrich, eland and off-exhibit animal holding areas. Each ride lasts four to five minutes and costs three attraction tokens ($1 per token).

90 june 2011

ongoing Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame and Museum College football and basketball exhibits, sports videos, interactive games, NASCAR video games and more at 501 Broadway, Nashville; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $3 adults, $2 children; 242-4750 or FREE Tennessee State Museum Explore the history of Tennessee at 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Tue - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; 741-2692 or • Egyptian Relics, Replicas & Revivals: Treasures from Tutankhamun is on display through Sunday, Sept. 4 Travellers Rest Judge John Overton’s 1799 plantation at 636 Farrell Pkwy., Nashville; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sun 1 - 4 p.m.; $10 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12; 832-8197 or Wave Country Beat the heat with the wave pool, water flumes, playground, volleyball and speed slides at 2320 Two Rivers Pkwy., Nashville; Mon - Thu 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $12 adults, $10 ages 3 - 12, free ages 2 and younger; 885-1052 or

rutherford county BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 1222 Park Ave., Murfreesboro; 893-8386 or Call for open bounce and preschool play date times.

The Rippavilla Plantation House in Spring Hill.

FREE Cannonsburgh Village A re-creation of Rutherford County’s historic village at 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; Tue Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; self-guided tours are free, guided tours are $2.50 adults, $1.50 ages 6 - 12; 890-0355.

Drakes Creek Activity Center Laser Adventure, mini golf,

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring Hands-on activities

Kids Party Jumps Kids can bounce on inflatables at 134

batting cages, game room and more at 130 Cherokee Road N., Hendersonville; Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sat - Sun 10 a.m. 11 p.m.; 822-0232 or

for all ages at 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; $6 ages 2 and older; 890-2300 or

New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville; Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $5; 826-8010.

FREE The Heritage Center Rotating exhibits of Rutherford

County history at 225 W. College St., Murfreesboro; Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; 217-8013.

at 511 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; Mon - Thu by reservation only, Fri 3:30 - 10 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sun 12 - 9 p.m.; prices vary; 859-7753 or

Jumper’s Playhouse Inflatable fun at 6600 New Nashville

Mansker’s Station A reconstructed 1779 log station and the

Hwy., Smyrna; 220-7575 or Call for open bounce and toddler storytime information.

Lucky Ladd Farms Barnyard Adventures and Family Fun

Laser Adventure Laser tag, aeroball and a rock-climbing wall

Bowen Plantation House at 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; Tue - Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $8 adults, $6 ages 6 - 12; 859-3678 or

FREE Monthaven A Greek Revival plantation house at 1154

adults, $8 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger; 791-1861 or

Glow Galaxy Weekly open play times feature inflatables,

mini-golf, air hockey, an interactive game floor, football toss, soccer kick and basketball in a glow-in-the-dark setting at 121 Seaboard Lane, Ste. 8, Franklin; $8 per child (adults are free); for times, call 370-4386, opt. 2.

Jump!Zone Open play is Tue, Wed and Fri 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Thu 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 - 7 p.m.; $7 per session. 1725 Columbia Ave., Franklin; 866-2021 or FREE Lawnchair Theater Families can enjoy Classic Movie Nights every Friday from June 10 - Aug. 26. Bring blankets and lawn chairs to 4144 Old Hillsboro Road, Leiper’s Fork; movies begin at dusk; 870-8870 or

My Gym Brentwood For pay-to-play, open gym and

W. Main St., Hendersonville; Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; 822-0789.

Saturday morning class times and fees at 330 Franklin Road, call 371-5437 or visit

My Gym Pay-to-play, open gym and Saturday morning classes take place at 206 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville; call 824-8002 or visit for a complete schedule and fees.

Peek-a-boo Playtown Open play hours are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m. at 3252 Aspen Grove Road, Franklin; $7 per child; 771-8099 or

Peek-a-boo Playtown Open play hours are Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m. at 300 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville; $7 per child; 822-7099 or

Pump It Up Play Time Pop-in playtime Tue, Wed and Fri

Rock Castle Early 1800s historic house at 139 Rock Castle

Rippavilla Plantation 5700 Main St., Spring Hill; Thu - Fri

Lane, Hendersonville; daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $5 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12; 824-0502 or

3 - 10 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sun 12 - 6 p.m.; $7 adults, $5 ages 6 - 12; 931-486-9037 or

Civil War hero at 1399 Sam Davis Road, Smyrna; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun 1 - 4 p.m.; $8.50 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12; 4592341 or

williamson county

FREE Stones River National Battlefield The

Bowie Park and Nature Center Nature programs and

Sodium Located at 1725 Columbia Ave., Ste. 100, Franklin, the facility includes a children’s indoor play area, and a variety of classes and workshops are available for kids and families. Call 260-5916 or visit

takes place every Saturday through July, featuring more than 25 activities including a petting farm, playgrounds, hay rides, games and more. Located at 4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville; 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $8 ages 2 and older; 274-3786 or

FREE MTSU Mineral, Gem and Fossil Museum

Displays of gems, minerals, fossils, petrified wood and fluorescent specimens. Room 122 in Ezell’s Hall, Blue Raider Drive, Murfreesboro; Sat 1 - 5 p.m.;

Oaklands Museum Historic plantation home from the 1800s

at 900 N. Maney Ave., Murfreesboro; Tue - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sun 1 - 4 p.m.; $7 adults, $6 seniors, $5 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger; 893-0022 or

Sam Davis Home Historic home dedicated to the Tennessee

battleground museum is open daily 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at 3501 Old Nashville Hwy., Murfreesboro; 893-9501.

sumner county Cragfont This historic, late Georgian period home is located

at 200 Cragfont Road, Castalian Springs; Tue - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m. (by appointment); $5 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger; 452-7070.

events at 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; Tue - Sat 9 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Sun 12 - 4 p.m.; 799-5544.

Carnton Plantation This home was a field hospital during

the Civil War at 1345 Carnton Lane, Franklin; Mon - Sat 9 a.m. 5 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger; 794-0903 or

Carter House A Battle of Franklin museum at 1140 Columbia

from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. for preschoolers, Tue 6 - 7:30 p.m. and Thu 1 - 3 p.m. for ages 2 - 12. Pump It Up, 7104 Crossroads Blvd., Ste. 128, Brentwood; $7 per child; 373-7867.

wilson county FREE City of Lebanon Museum Take a visual tour of the history of Lebanon and hear audio descriptions by famous residents at 200 Castle Heights Ave. N., Lebanon; Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; 443-2839 or

Ave., Franklin; Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $15

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on stage

Bravo Creative Arts Center presents The Wizard of Oz, June 24 - 26. Accomplice (June 13 - 18; Ages 12 and older) Encore

Theatre Company, 6978 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 ages 11 and younger; 598-8950 or

Always ... Patsy Cline (June 17 - July 24; Ages 8 and older)

Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; Fri - Sun 7:30 p.m.; $29.50 - $36.50; 800-745-3000 or

The Andersonville Trial (June 17 - 18; Ages 12 and older) Lamplighters Theatre and The Battle of Nashville Preservation Society at Downtown Presbyterian Church, 154 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 3 and 7:30 p.m.; $15; The Bad Seed (June 10 - 26; Ages 10 and older) Street

Theatre Company, 1933 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville; Fri - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 5 p.m.; $16 adults, $14 students;

The Color Purple (June 21 - 26; Ages 12 and older) TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Tue - Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 and 8 p.m., Sun 1 and 6:30 p.m.; $25 - $70; 782-4040 or Crazy for You (June 10 - July 2; Ages 10 and older) Towne

Centre Theatre, 136 Frierson St., Brentwood; Thu - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $20 adults, $16 students; 221-1174 or

Dearly Beloved (continues through Saturday, June 11; Ages

12 and older) Pull-Tight Theatre, 112 Second Ave. S., Franklin; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $16 adults, $12 students; 791-5007 or

Deathtrap (June 10 - 19; Ages 12 and older) Murfreesboro

Little Theatre, 702 Ewing Ave., Murfreesboro; Fri - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $10 adults, $5 students; 893-9825 or

Everybody Loves Opal (June 16 - July 23; Ages 10 and older) Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, 8204 Hwy. 100, Nashville; Tue - Sat 6 p.m. doors open for dinner, 8 p.m. show begins; $50 adults, $35 ages 13 - 18, $25 ages 12 and younger; 646-9977 or

Sailor’s Song (June 3 - 12; Ages 10 and older) Actors Bridge

Ensemble at Belmont’s Black Box Theatre, 2100 Belmont Blvd., Nashville; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 4:30 p.m.; $18 adults, $15 students; 460-8500.

STOMP (June 17 - 19; Ages 8 and older) TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 and 8 p.m., Sun 1 and 6:30 p.m.; $35 - $60; 782-4040 or

older) Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Tue 8 p.m., Thu 8 p.m. (June 2 only), Fri - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. (June 5 only); $27 adults, $21 ages 11 and younger (Sunday shows are $2 off, Tuesdays are two-for-one night and all tickets on Thursdays are $15); 794-7744 or

A Streetcar Named Desire (June 24 - July 23; Ages 12 and older) Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Tue 8 p.m., Thu 8 p.m. (June 30 and July 7 only), Fri - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. (July 10 and 17 only); $27 adults, $21 ages 11 and younger (Sunday shows are $2 off, Tuesdays are two-forone night and all tickets on Thursdays are $15); 794-7744 or

Jack’s Tale (June 10 - 26; Ages 6 and older) Nashville Children’s Theatre, 25 Middleton St., Nashville; Friday, June 10 at 6:30 p.m., Sat 2 and 4 p.m., Sunday, June 19 at 2 p.m.; $17 adults, $12 children; 252-4675 or

To Kill a Mockingbird (June 10 - 26; Ages 8 and older) Center for the Arts, 110 W. College St., Murfreesboro; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $8 ages 12 and younger; 904-2787 or

M*A*S*H (June 2 - 12; Ages 10 and older) Steeple Players, 260 W. Main St., Hendersonville; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 students; 826-6037 or

The Wizard of Oz (June 24 - 26; All ages) Bravo Creative

I Do, I Do (continues through Saturday, June 11; Ages 12 and

The Rainmaker (continues through Saturday, June 11; Ages

Arts Center at The Father Ryan Center for the Arts, 700 Norwood Drive, Nashville; Fri 7 p.m., Sat 2 and 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $10 reserved, $8 general admission; 599-5314 or

12 and older) Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, 8204 Hwy. 100, Nashville; Tue - Sat 6 p.m. doors open for dinner, 8 p.m. show begins; $50 adults, $35 ages 13 - 18, $25 ages 12 and younger; 646-9977 or (please turn the page)

june 2011 93

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by Chad Young

Follow me on Twitter @MyCalendarGuy

hooray for summer movies


y favorite thing about summer, aside from vacations, water parks and roller coasters, is the ushering in of a new season of big screen blockbusters. It’s great fun to duck into a movie theater for a day and catch a couple of flicks. This year, there are a lot of highly anticipated movies coming out that I can’t wait to see, and several of them are family friendly. Already in theaters now are Thor, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and a sure-to-be favorite with youngsters, Kung Fu Panda 2. July will bring the final installment to the most successful franchise in movie history, Harry Potter. (Bet your bottom dollar bunles of the complete DVD set are being readied for Christmas 2011!). June and July promise a few more goodies. In June: • Cars 2 (June 24) • Green Lantern (June 17) • Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (June 10) • Mr. Popper’s Penguins (June 17) • Super 8 (June 10) • X-Men: First Class (June 3)

July 29 marks the opening of The Smurfs, starring Neil Patrick Harris.

In July: • Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22) • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (July 15) • Project Nim (July 8) • The Smurfs (July 29) • Transformers: Dark of the Moon (July 1) • Winnie the Pooh (July 15) I’m most excited about the superhero films, especially Green Lantern. It’s about time Hollywood has taken note of this cool hero too often overshadowed by the likes of Batman, Spider-Man and Superman (though they’re cool, too). And what boy doesn’t want to have that power ring?!?! I’m eager to discover Director Martin Campbell’s take on this hero who first made his DC Comics debut 71 years ago in July 1940. And fine ... I’ll admit it. I’m super excited to see The Smurfs. There. I said it. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Popcorn and Junior Mints, please! See you at the movies!

june 2011 95

Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.)

parent planner Unless otherwise noted, registration is ongoing until programs are full.

Blue Heron Nature Cruises at River Bluff Park 175 Old Cumberland, Ashland City; 385-7007 or

• Kids Adventure Cruise Wed - Fri. All ages. Enjoy a float down the river seeing spring in bloom, wild birds and more along with waving bubble wands, splashing in water, playing games and more. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $10 • Family Fun Cruise Sunday, June 19. All ages. This narrated cruise highlights mama and papa birds and Cherokee Indians. 1 and 4 p.m. $10 adults, $8 ages 2 - 12 • Nature Cruise Wed - Sun. All ages. See spring in bloom, wild birds building nests and miles of homes, horses and barns along the Cumberland River. 1 - 3 p.m. $10 adults, $8 ages 2 -12

BounceU Nashville 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 255-1422 or

• FUNcation Adventures Monday, June 13. Ages 2 - 12. Have fun during an adventure bounce and receive a treat. 3 - 6 p.m. $8 ($7 siblings) • Parents’ Night Out Friday, June 17. Ages 3 - 12. Make a Father’s Day craft, bounce on inflatables and eat pizza. 6 - 9 p.m. $18 ($15 siblings) • Pizza Pisa FUNcation Monday, June 20. Ages 2 - 12. Wear a goofy hat and receive a gift. 3 - 6 p.m. $8 ($7 siblings) • Road Trip to Hollywood Monday, June 6. Ages 2 - 12. Dress up like your favorite celebrity for a Hollywood bounce and receive a treat. 3 - 6 p.m. $8 ($7 siblings) • Tropical FUNcation Monday, June 27. Ages 2 - 12. Wear your favorite tropical clothes and enjoy a popsicle. 3 - 6 p.m. $8 ($7 siblings)

Brentwood Barnes & Noble 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood; 377-9979 or • FREE American Girl Club Friday, June 17. Registration deadline is Thursday, June 16. All ages. This month’s featured character is Samantha. 7 p.m.

Brentwood Library 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 371-0090

• FREE Movie Matinee Saturday, June 11. Ages 12 and older. Watch a screening of Place in the Heart, starring Sally Field and Ed Harris. 1 p.m.; ext. 838, to register

Cedars of Lebanon State Park 328 Cedar Forest Road, Lebanon; 631-6268 or

• FREE Family Day Camp Saturday, June 11. All ages. Enjoy nature hikes, a scavenger hunt, face painting, arts and crafts, a wildlife program, stories and more. Plate lunches will be available for $4. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

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Delmas Long Community Center 200 Memorial Drive, Goodlettsville; 851-2253 or

• Dad Rocks! Wednesday, June 15. Registration deadline is Tuesday, June 14. All ages. Make a special gift for Father’s Day. 2 p.m. $2 • Make-it-Take-it: Summertime Journal Tuesday, June 14. Create a simple journal craft to keep track of family vacation, camp and other summer activities. 3 p.m. $1

Fairview Recreation Complex 2714 Fairview Blvd., Fairview; 799-9331 or

• American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Saturday, June 18. Ages 11 - 15. Learn to become good babysitters. 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (bring a sack lunch). $50. Call 585-9055 to register • Customized Picture Frames Friday, June 10. Ages 12 and older. Transform old picture frames into creative, unique pieces. 3 - 4 p.m. $10 • Family Relay Day Saturday, June 18. All ages. Enjoy a day of fun with relay races, tug-of-war and other “field day” games, a picnic, prizes and more. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. $10 per family • Father’s Day Craft Friday, June 17. Ages 5 - 8. Make a handmade craft for Dad. 3 - 4 p.m. $4 • Guitar Lessons Fridays, June 3 - 24. All ages. Learn to play the guitar. Choose a one-hour increment from 5 - 8 p.m. $90 • Incredible Insects Tuesday, June 21. Ages 5 - 8. Make your own “glowing” fireflies. 3 - 4 p.m. $4

Franklin Recreation Complex 1120 Hillsboro Road; 790-5719, ext. 10, or

• Camp Champ for Kiddos: Healthy Kids are Happy Kids Mondays and Wednesdays, June 6 - 15. Ages 7 and older. Learn how to get proper nutrition, exercise and rest every day that will lead to a healthy weight, mind and body. 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $50 • Jitter Bugs Tuesdays, June 9 - 30. Ages 2 - 5. Improve motors skills, coordingation, listening and language skills while exploring rhythm and expressing creativity. 2:30 - 3 p.m. $25 • Mexican Fiesta Friday, June 24. Ages 7 - 14. Learn how to create a south-of-the-border meal. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. $18 • My Tunes: Beginner Songwriting for Teens Monday, Wednesday and Friday, June 6 - 17. Ages 14 - 18. Learn the nuts and bolts for songwriting and recording. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. $120 • Piano Lessons Fridays, June 3 - 24. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play the piano with private lessons. Choose a 30-minute slot between 12:30 - 8 p.m. $80 • Voice Lessons Fridays, June 3 - 24. Ages 5 and older. Private studio lessons stress notation reading skills, artistic interpretations, proper breathing and phrasing. Choose a 30-minute session between 12:30 - 8 p.m. $80

Frist Center for the Visual Arts 919 Broadway, Nashville; 744-3357 or

• FREE Kids Club: Draw, Blot, Color and Repeat Saturday, June 11. Ages 5 - 10. Participants will play with a style of printmaking called “blotted line” to draw, color and reproduce their own artistic creations. 10:30 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m.

Hillsboro-Leiper’s Fork Community Center 5325 Old Hwy. 96, Franklin; 591-9274 or

• Bird Feeder Friday, June 3. Ages 3 and older. Paint your own bird feeder. 6 - 7 p.m. $5

Indoor Sports Complex 920 Heritage Way, Brentwood 790-5719, ext. 10, or

• Piano Lessons Wednesdays, June 1 - 29. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play the piano through private lessons. Choose a 30-minute slot between 12:30 an 8 p.m. $100 • Voice Lessons Wednesdays, June 1 - 29. Ages 5 and older. Private instruction covers notation reading, proper breathing and phasing, and artistic interpretation. Choose a 30-minute slot between 12:30 an 8 p.m. $100

Life Assembly 555 Pleasant Grove Road, Mt. Juliet; 758-7779 or

• FREE Buddy Break Friday, June 17. Ages 2 - 16 with special needs. Parents of special needs kids can drop off their children for fun and recreation while they enjoy respite time. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Longview Recreation Center 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill 302-0971, ext. 10, or

• Adventures in Sewing Saturday, June 18. Ages 9 - 12. Learn sewing machine basics like sewing straight lines, curved lines, button holes, zippers and more. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. $45 • American Red Cross Babysitter Training Saturday, June 25. Ages 11 - 15. Learn the skills and confidence to become a great babysitter. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (bring a sack lunch). $50. To register, call 585-9055 • Deb’z Doodlez Thursdays, June 9 - 30. All ages. Transform a drawing into a work of art. 6 - 7:30 p.m. $45 • DJ on the Deck Saturday, June 25. All ages. Wear your favorite tropical attire and hula the night away while the DJ plays summer time hits. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $4 per person, $10 per family • FREE Gotta Play Monday, June 13 and Wednesday, June 22. Ages 4 - 6. Participate in a variety of games and circuit training courses that strengthen gross motor and listening skills. 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. or 9:15 - 10 a.m. • Introduction to Manga Drawing June 7 and 9. Ages 8 and older. Learn the basics of drawing Mango Shoujo and Shonen characters in the traditional big-eyed” style of Japanese cartooning. 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. $30

Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.)

Kids ages 2 - 6 can participate in the Small Fry Tri on Saturday, June 11 at the Old Fort Park Trailhead. • Longview Martial Arts Mondays, June 6 - 27. Ages 8 and older. This program combines judo and karate in an exercise program that builds confidence and self-esteem. 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. $40 • Longview Self-Defense Mondays, June 6 - 27. Ages 8 and older. Learn the basics of self-defense through martial arts skills and their practical applications. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. $40 • Manga Drawing June 14 and 16. Ages 8 and older. This intermediate class teaches the fundamentals of cartoon drawing from body proportion, facial expression, clothing and costumes in the “big-eyed” style of Japanese cartooning. 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. $25 • FREE Me and My Muscles Monday, June 13 and Wednesday, June 22. Ages 7 - 9. Use different kinds of equipment to learn about muscle conditioning. 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. • Oil Painting Studio Tuesdays, June 7 - 28. Ages 12 and older. Learn oil painting techniques. 1 - 3:30 p.m. $50 plus an optional $25 supply fee • Polynesian Dancing Wednesdays, June 1 - 22. All ages. Learn to dance like the island natives of Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand and Tahiti. 5:15 - 6 p.m. $25 ($20 each additional family member) plus a $5 supply fee

Mansker’s Station 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 859-3678

• Saturday Morning Woodworking Saturday, June 18. Ages 6 - 12. Make and take home a wooden birdhouse. 9 a.m. $5

Nashville Zoo 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 833-1534 or

• Art with Animals Wednesday, June 22. Registration deadline is Tuesday, June 21 at 12 p.m. Ages 6 and older. Capture animal subjects through a variety of art styles while learning basic form, value, color theory and different techniques. 10 - 11:30 a.m. $25 members, $40 nonmembers • Backstage Pass: Elephant Barn Saturday, June 4. Registration deadline is Friday, June 3 at 12 p.m. Ages 5 and older with a parent. Join zoo staff on a behind-thescenes tour of the anteater barn where you can learn about animal care, behavior and conservation. 9:30 - 11 a.m. Members: $25 per person (limit two children per adult); Nonmembers: $50 per person • Yoga Kids Wednesday, June 15. Registration deadline is Tuesday, June 14 at 12 p.m. Ages 8 and older. Kids can learn a special animal pose and then meet that animal up close. 2 - 3:30 p.m. $10 members, $25 non-members • Zzzoofari Slumber Saturday, June 18. Ages 4 - 12 with a parent. This overnight camp sessions includes campfire fun and outdoor play. 4 p.m. - 9 a.m. Members: $30 per person, Non-members: $40 per person

Old Fort Park Trailhead 1025 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 217-3017 or

• Small Fry Tri Saturday, June 11. Registration deadline is Friday, June 10. Ages 2 - 6. This triathlon for preschoolers includes running, biking and splashing through sprinklers, and every child receives a trophy. Participants need to bring their own bikes or tricycles and a helmet. 10 - 11 a.m. $6

Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 370-4672 or

• First Monday Hike Monday, June 6. All ages. Discover what Owl’s Hill has to offer during a guided hike through the property. 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. $7 in advance, $10 at the gate • Mommy and Me: Meet a Queen Friday, June 24. Ages 3 - 5 with a parent. Study the honeybees in the observation hive and learn about their special jobs, and then “meet” the queen. 10 - 11:30 a.m. $10 per child/adult pair in advance, $15 at the gate • Mommy and Me: Visit the Big Trees Friday, June 10. Ages 3 - 5 with a parent. This gentle hike will introduce you to trees older than 350 years old; collect a leaf along the way to make a pressing after the hike. 10 - 11:30 a.m. $10 per child/adult pair in advance, $15 at the gate • Music in the Meadow Saturday, June 25. All ages. Enjoy an evening of live music featuring Barbara Bailey Hutchison and Gene Cotton. 5:30 - 9 p.m. $75 per carload of six • National Trails Day Guided Hikes Saturday, June 4. All ages. Embark on guided trail hikes. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. $5 in advance, $10 at the gate • Solstice Summer Night at the Hill Tuesday, June 21. Ages 5 and older. Bring a picnic and enjoy a nature program followed by a twilight hike identifying sounds of a southern summer night, listening for owls. 6 - 8:30 p.m. $10 in advance, $15 at the gate

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Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.)

Paige’s Pantry 123 S. Church St., Murfreesboro; 424-9622 or

• FREE Jr. Naturalist Summer Kick-Off: All About Birds! Wednesday, June 8. Ages 6 - 12. Enjoy a bird-themed slide show, games, activities and crafts to start earning the 2011 Junior Naturalist patch. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Night Sounds Friday, June 24. All ages. Hike to a quiet place in the park where you can listen for night sounds. 7 - 9 p.m. • FREE Picnic at Hodge House Saturday, June 25. All ages. Bring a picnic lunch and hear stories about the families who lived in Warner Parks before they were parks. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. • FREE Solstice Salutations Tuesday, June 21. All ages. Celebrate the longest day of the year by hitting the trails and working to get them in shape for the summer season. 6 - 8 p.m. • FREE Time Travel on the Natchez Trace Wednesday, June 22. Ages 6 - 12. Meet colorful characters from the past while strolling along the Natchez Trace. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

• Paige’s Play Day: Father’s Day Cookies Saturday, June 18. All ages. Learn to use royal icing and decorate your own Father’s Day cookies. Call for time. $25 per person or $35 per pair • Parent/Child Cupcake Class June 5, 13 and 26. All ages. Practice basic piping techniques and decorate your own cupcakes. June 5 and 26 at 3 p.m., June 13 at 10 a.m. $30 per parent/child couple • Teens Take the Cake June 6, 12 and 27. Ages 13 - 18. Learn decorating tips, how to color icing and decorate your own cake from start to finish. June 6 and 27 at 10 a.m., June 12 at 3 p.m. $25

Patterson Park Community Center 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 893-7439 or

• A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 ... Let’s Go Every Tue and Thu. Ages 2 - 5. Sing songs, play games, hear stories and do crafts. 10 10:45 a.m. $3 • Busy Bees Every Tue and Thu. Ages 3 - 5. This class focuses on following directions, participating in a group environment, improving coordination and practicing good sportsmanship. 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. $3 • Flip-Flop Friday Friday, June 10. Girls ages 6 - 12. Bring a plain pair of flip-flops to decorate. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. $3

Shelby Bottoms Nature Center 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 862-8539 or

• FREE Bats on the Wing Friday, June 17. Learn about bats, listen to their vocalization and maybe event see one. 8 - 10 p.m. • FREE Birds, Birds, Birds Saturday, June 18. Ages 6 - 12. Learn cool info about birds for your Jr. Naturalist patch. 10 - 11 a.m. • FREE The Great American Backyard Campout Saturday, June 25. All ages. Learn basics about camping, fun camping activities, treats to make and more. 3 - 4:30 p.m. • FREE Growing in the Garden Saturday, June 25. All ages. Find out what plants are growing in the Nature Center teaching garden. 10 - 11 a.m. • FREE National Trails Day Saturday, June 4. All ages. Take a mile-long hike and discover what’s happening during this time of year. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Papa Nature Saturday, June 18. All ages. Learn about the roles that plant and animal “dads” serve in nature. 2 - 3 p.m. • FREE Summer Celebration Saturday, June 25. All ages. Celebrate the cool things about summer, especially things found in nature. 2 - 3 p.m. • FREE Sunset Picking Party Friday, June 3. All ages. Bring a string instrument and play with other musicians. 7 - 8 p.m.

Sports*Com 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 895-5040 or

• Tumbleweeds Mon and Wed. Ages 3 - 5. Learn the basic techniques of tumbling while improving balance, coordination and overall fitness. 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. $3

98 june 2011

The Wellness Center at Baptist Hospital 2021 Church St., Nashville; 284-2348 or • Strong Mommy Tuesdays and Thursdays. Expectant moms. This pre-natal fitness/wellness program includes water aerobics, personalized fitness coaching sessions, preand post-natal massages, fitness workshops, a three-month center membership and more. 5:30 p.m. $125

All ages can learn about lightning bugs during the Firefly Campfire at Warner Parks Nature Center on Friday, June 10.

Tennessee State University’s Keen Hall 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville; 355-8383 or

• Music City Open Saturday, July 16. Ages 5 and older in all forms of martial arts. Compete in weapons, forms and sparring (including team sparring) divisions. 8:30 a.m. Registration before Thursday, June 30 is $45 for up to three divisions; registration July 1 - 15 is $45 for one division only, with $5 for each additional division

Warner Parks Nature Center 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 352-6299 or

• FREE Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights: Learn to Swim Saturday, June 18. Ages 6 and older. Discover Nashville pool locations where kids can learn to swim. 1 - 3 p.m. • FREE Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights: Play Outside Wednesday, June 15. Ages 6 - 12. Wear play clothes and get dirty while building a fort, playing in the mud and splashing in the creek. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights: Splash in the Water Wednesday, June 29. Ages 6 - 12. Get wet in the Little Harpeth River while exploring for snakes, bugs and other wildlife. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights: Watch Wildlife! Saturday, June 11. All ages. Join naturalists to see and hear bluebirds, hummers, cardinals and more. 9 - 10:30 a.m. • FREE Firefly Campfire Friday, June 10. All ages. Watch emerging fireflies while hanging around a campfire. 7 - 9 p.m. • FREE Geocaching in Warner Parks Tuesday, June 21. Ages 8 and older. Discover the outdoor game of treasure hunting by using a GPS. 10 - 11 a.m.

The Wilderness Station 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 217-3017 or • FREE Creatures of the Night: Summer Night Hike Tuesday, June 14. All ages. Embark on an evening hike looking for critters who are active at night. 7:30 p.m. • Wild Things Every Wednesday (no program on June 8 and 29). Ages 1 - 4 with a parent. Toddlers and preschoolers can enjoy programs to spark a love for the wilderness. 9:30 a.m. $3

Send us Your Events! Deadline for the July Calendar is Monday, June 6! All events must be submitted in writing. Submit event info to: Please include the following info: Event Name • Date • Time • Venue (with street address and ZIP) Age-appropriateness Brief description of event/activities Admission fee • Is advance registration required? • Contact info for publishing



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Need motivated, hard working parents

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6. This publication reserves the right to refuse any ad at any time. 7. Classified ads that offer products or services competing with display ads in the main body of the magazine are not accepted, and may be rejected by the publisher.

specializing in lingerie, lotions, novelties, enhancers & more! No Charge to host a party, plus you get FREE MERCHANDISE! Contact Susan for party bookings or more info!


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Vacation Rental 2 Bdm 2 Ba w/bunks • Sleeps 6-8 Brand New Gulf-front condo in Panama City Beach

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snap shots - yours

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Gabbie and Cupcake


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102 june 2011


snap shots - ours

Families enjoy entertainment and food at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival.

The fairies gather and perform a skit at the Renaissance Festival.

Aimee Janzen, Jamyson H., Reaghyn W. and Kyleigh G.

Angela Johnson, Kaeleigh and Kloeigh Heston

Ema and Allenia Duncan

Ithamu, Emily, Zachie, David and Katie

James, Ashley, Aiden (hiding his face), Brenda and Richard Devon

Kateena, Joscelynn and Joseph Seales

Michelle, Scott, Ayden and Ethan Brandt

Sarah Fritsch, Rogin-August F. and Gwen H.

Sean, Samuel, Isabelle, Nathaniel, Renee and Ed Beebe

june 2011 103

snap shot of the month

Noa loves a good swing in the summer breeze. 104 june 2011

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