Rutherford Parent Magazine - Aug 2012

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parent rutherford AUGUST 2012

where every family matters

BACK-TOSCHOOL + new homework rules + parenting playground politics + your child’s top concerns about kindergarten


the arts:

local programs for music, drama, art and dance

Pediatric cancer. Congenital heart defects. Beans in ears. Children, you may have noticed, are unpredictable. But when you spend fifty years building a hospital dedicated to children, you learn to expect the unexpected. As a result, there’s nothing we haven’t seen. And there’s nothing we can’t treat. So whether your child is facing one of childhood’s routine mishaps or something far more serious, we have everything necessary to be your child’s very own hospital.


Jack R. Stalker, DDS, MS Pediatric Dentist

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august 2012 5

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Nashville Public Television

parent rutherford

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contents what’s news

23 Local Briefs

Williamson Parent’s annual Back-to-School Fair, The Academy of Gateway opens in Murfreesboro, La Vergne’s inaugural Baby Show Pageant, nomination deadline for Coach of the Year has been extended and more.

30 Giving Back

I Am What I Am Music Festival benefiting autism, fundraising event planned for Gigi’s Playhouse at Monkey Joe’s in Brentwood and Miriam’s Promise receives accreditation.

the ARTS

45 raise a creative child

32 Family Getaway

Strategies you can employ in your parenting to bring out your child’s unique ideas and capabilities.

A family beach vacation in Tybee Island, Ga.

34 Hot Stuff

Protect your child’s gadgets with back-to-school gear.

49 arts guide — A Paid Advertising Directory —


Find the right place for your child to develop his love of the arts.

36 preschooler concerns




fun at the fair


ongoing events


the dailies


on stage

what’s happening each day of the month

Learn what the top concerns preschoolers have about starting kindergarten and how you can help.

39 playground politics

Emotions rise as children begin to learn how to make friends at school.

42 end homework hassles Seven tips to make homework easier.

august 2012 7

VOL. 20, NO. 1 AUGUST 2012

the company call 256-2158 Publisher

Stewart Day, ext. 130



Susan Swindell Day, ext. 110 EDITORIAL

Managing Editor/ Entertainment Editor Chad Young, ext. 115

on call

Associate Editor Kiera Ashford, ext. 114


Art Direction

Find out what doctors have to say about stomach aches.

The editorial staff

Editorial Intern Julie Wilson

Contributing Writers



Deborah Bohn, Paula Court, Saagar Karlekar, M.D., Mark Krakauer, M.D., Susan Langone, M.D., Christina Lohse, M.D., Joanna Nesbit, Laurel Schmidt PRODUCTION

Production Director

10 editor’s note

by Susan Swindell Day

12 feedback

Letters to the editor; Our Favorite Doc nominees; register for giveaways!

15 parent talk

How you can help ease your child’s fear of the new school year starting.

98 snap shots

Your photos and ours of families enjoying the animals at Lucky Ladd Farms in Eagleville.

20 kids’ health

Common causes to your child’s stomach ache.

95 chadderbox

100 snap to remember Bella and Gabby love playing at the park.

by Chad Young

ONLINE PARENT DIRECTORIES For local resources and support, visit us online and click on “Directories.”

SPECIAL ADVERTISING 49 57 64 69 94 96

Arts Guide Fall Activities & After-School Programs Party Pages My Family Coupons Meet the Experts Classifieds

Day Communications, Inc. Mission Statement Our mission is to inspire and encourage engaged, involved parenting. It is our common belief that good parenting comes from understanding and meeting the needs of children and families within a connected community. We want all children to be safe, loved, healthy and supported, and we work each day to support the efforts of our parenting readers who feel the same way.

Tim Henard, ext. 120


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NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/WILLIAMSON PARENT are published monthly by Day Communications, Inc. Offices are located at 2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228. Phone number: 256-2158; Fax: 256-2114. Email to: Although every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy of published material, NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT is copyright © 2012 by Day Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Subscriptions are $36 a year. Editorial submissions welcome. THIS PUBLICATION AUDITED BY



8 august 2012












EIGHT YEARS IN A ROW!!! Williamson Parent

Tooth Talk David J. Snodgrass Pediatric Dentist

a paid advertisement




our to get y wered! ns ans o i t s e u q

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Peter Wojtkiewicz Orthodontist

Hey Dr. Snodgrass and Dr. King, why should my child receive fluoride?

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✽ Pediatric dentistry ✽ Free video arcade ✽ Kid-friendly atmosphere ✽ Nitrous oxide sedation ✽ TV’s above every dental chair ✽ Comprehensive braces ✽ Most insurances accepted ✽ Emergencies accepted ✽ Interceptive orthodontics ✽ Adult services available

John T. King Pediatric Dentist

One of the local television stations just last week did a news story on the toxicity of fluoride and how environmentalists across the country were advocating the removal of fluoride from municipal drinking water. Fluoridated drinking water along with penicillin probably had the greatest effect of positively influencing human lives during the Twentieth Century than any other development, and now they want to take it away. Have they forgotten how many of their parents wore dentures? Fluoridated drinking water insures that your child’s teeth develop more resistant to tooth decay. The fluoride in your drinking water is referred to as systemic fluoride. As your child drinks water, the Fl- ion is absorbed into the bloodstream. This ion is removed from the bloodstream by the cells, which form enamel (ameloblasts) as teeth develop. The incorporation of fluoride into the internal structure of the tooth makes the tooth harder and more resistant to decay. Another form a fluoride is called topical fluoride. We pediatric dentists apply topical fluoride in high concentrations to children’s teeth every six months. Topical fluoride is applied directly to the outside surfaces of the teeth in the form of a gel or a rinse. To be 100% effective topical fluoride should be applied to the teeth every six months. Having been a pediatric dentist for over twenty years, I’ve witnessed the teeth of children raised on farms with well water and no fluoridation. Their teeth are softer and much more prone for decay. This time history must not repeat itself.

Dr. Pete, my child is 10 years old and still has four baby teeth left. Is it too early for braces and will she need them again in the future if we start orthodontic treatment now?


Every child and orthodontic case is different. However, having four baby teeth left at 10 years of age is not abnormal. It is also not abnormal for starting orthodontic treatment with baby teeth still present. Under normal and ideal circumstances, I like to start female patients around 10 or 11 years of age and 11 to 12 years of age for boys. When orthodontic treatment is started it typically lasts for two years. If children wear their retainers as directed no further orthodontic treatment will be needed. As I always say, it is never too late to have braces and improve your smile. It’s simply easiest to correct orthodontic problems when a patient is growing. During growth spurt times teeth move more efficiently. Furthermore, there seems to be the added bonus of less discomfort while in treatment.

editor’s note taking back childhood


hile being able to see things clearly is often hard when you’re a parent, you become swept away by all the daily tasks that life with a baby requires ... or life with toddlers ... or life with little kids or preteens. As your kids grow you have to hang tough. If you waffle when it’s time to say NO to your children, you can become — and no, it’s not a good thing — a permissive parent. Code word: Wimp! Being a wimp is dangerous today, and I was one for a while, but I don’t think it was my fault. Here’s some backstory: Family life used to be quite manageable, unfolding in nice 10-year increments: The ’50s! The ’60s! The ’70s! The ’80s! The iconic image of mother cooking at the stove in a dress, heels and apron are practically laughable today, but you know, she was paying attention while she stirred the pot and Dad was at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper while the children ate their meals. Fast forward and the Internet age has taken over our family lives. The innocence of the past is now replaced by an era where anything goes. But anything CAN’T go when it comes to kids — they still need our deep attention and tender loving care. They still need parents who are watchful and unafraid to set limits. So what’s my beef, you ask? That I fell victim to today’s culture. That I allowed permissive parenting to seep into my home. I have battled an on again, off again affair with the Xbox for years, but I’ve finally realized it’s not the Xbox I want to break up with but the “M” games that I allowed in my home. You can’t blame kids for being mesmerized by them but you CAN question whether or not “M” games are good for kids. I don’t think they are. I believe that “M” games rob children of imagination and curiosity for other things in life. When a kid wants to do nothing besides sit in front of a machine all day shooting at intensely powerful graphics but he doesn’t want to read a book or call a friend, something’s OFF. A good, healthy culture breaks down if we lose our heads ... and eventually, permissive parenting gives way to other things ... like allowing little children to go to midnight screenings of inappropriate movies. Parents, it’s time to wake up. We have coffee together and wonder out loud, what’s with all of the shootings? What’s with all of the whackos? What’s with all of us saying things like, “Wow, it seems like this kind of thing is happening more and more!” Is it? Or is it just me? Or is it that we just know more of these things now because we have so much access? Yes, yes and yes. The virtual candy store that is life in 2012 aims to make parents think that if they don’t allow their children to participate in everything that’s on the smorgasbord they will somehow be uncool. But you know what? We are cool when we are strong enough to be ourselves and make our own decisions. I’m reigning in the carnival of life at my home starting with the “M” games. I have detested them as long as I’ve known them. Yes,I walked into my family room and carted the “M” games out to the trash. Yep. I want them OUT OF HERE. My 14-year-old will be upset by this, but I don’t care. I’m the mother and he’s the child and no, 14 is not mature, and if my 9-year-old is sitting on the sofa when my 14-year-old is playing an “M” game, that’s playing along by osmosis. Enough. I am taking back childhood one “M” game at a time. It’s just wrong to sit in front of a large screen when you’re a kid, coldly hunting down and shooting. If you want to hunt, go into the beautiful outdoors with your father. My family culture moving forward is about loving to learn, imagination, creativity ... LIFE! That Xbox in there? It’s now deemed for sports and fun games only. And even then, only every once in awhile.


10 august 2012

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2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228 256-2158 •

Like us on Facebook ... Tweet us ... E-mail us ... we’ll share with you! Handwritten or e-mailed letters become the property of this publication and may be edited for length and clarity. Facebook postings are edited for clarity.

Nashville Parent’s

“This magazine is so helpful even for grandparents trying to plan things for the grands.” — Mildred Greene

Dear Editor, Next winter, when the summer camp info is being rolled out, I would love to see some information about which camps may offer “junior counselor” programs — paid or unpaid. I think that would be a wonderful opportunity for teens and ’tweens to develop leadership skills, plus keep them off the sofa during the summer months! My kids will soon grow out of the summer day camp age, and I am already wondering what I will do with them after that. What do working parents do when their kids are too old for camps and sitters, but too young to drive themselves and get a regular job? Thanks, Jennifer Shepard



info wanted on junior counselors


NOMINATIONS STILL BEING ACCEPTED! Does your child love his doctor?

Does your doctor take time to listen and respond to your concerns or go “above and beyond” in some ways? Has your child’s medical care exceeded your expectations?



We want to know who you think provides the best of the best in Middle Tennessee. Vote for them in our 2012 Best of Parenting. Results will be announced in the November issue! VOTE NOW at



Do you know of a coach that has what it takes to be the Coach of the Year? Tell us about him. Nominations are still being accepted for this award. VOTE NOW at

12 august 2012


WHO HAS BEEN NOMINATED SO FAR? William R. Davidson, M.D. Pediatric Associates of Davidson County Nashville He gives each patient and their parents the time they need to be treated and have all questions and concerns addressed. Debbie Davidson

Joel Gluck, D.D.S., M.S. A. Joel Gluck Orthodontics, Nashville Dr. Gluck and his employees are always high energy and genuinely happy to see and deal with their patients. It’s a very friendly and welcoming environment, one that’s great for kids. Dana Schwartz

Geoffrey Smallwood, M.D. Tennessee Women’s Care, Nashville Dr. Smallwood is extremely patient and kind. He helped make our first pregnancy a breeze! Erin Hopkins

Allison Couden, M.D. Pediatrics of Franklin Dr. Couden is amazing in every way. From the moment we met her, the day after my eldest daughter was born, we knew she would be our pediatrician. Her bedside manner is second to none. She takes time to speak with her patients at each and every visit; we never feel rushed and no question is “stupid.” She has always taken time out of her schedule to check on my daughters by making personal phone calls after her regular office hours. When something tricky comes up, she is quick to research the question and immediately follows up with us. Another specific example of Dr. Couden’s desire to go “above and beyond” was when my daughter was prescribed a VERY expensive food supplement by a specialist (it would have cost us $600/month and insurance would not cover it). Dr. Couden researched for us and found a way to receive our entire supply for FREE from the company. This was a huge help to us and we will never forget the efforts she made on our behalf. We love Dr. Couden and will never go to another pediatrician! JS

These are just a few of the doctors that have been nominated for Favorite Docs. Nominations are still open, and we want to hear who you would choose. Cast your vote today for our 2012 list at

On OUR Cover: Cover Kid 2012 Taylor Leigh, photographed on location by Ann-Marie Hensley Photography.

august giveaways This month, we’re giving away two Stephen Joseph rolling backpacks in preparation for the new school year as well as movie screening passes to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green.


our wee one can start back to school in style with a new STEPHEN JOSEPH ROLLING BACKPACK. These cute character-themed rolling backpacks are just the right size for your toddler starting preschool and sized for tiny hands and shoulders being approximately 13” x 8.5” x 4”. Each is equipped with adjustable shoulder straps and a retractable handle. We are giving away two: a Robot and a Cat. Available for $35.99 each. Visit We are also giving away family four-pack movie screening passes for Monday, Aug. 13 at Regal Opry Mills at 7 p.m. to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Academy Award-nominated director/writer Peter Hedges brings enchantment to the screen with a story about a happily married couple, Cindy and Jim Green (Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton), who can’t wait to start a family but can only dream about what their child would be like. When young Timothy (CJ Adams) shows up on their doorstep one stormy night, Cindy and Jim learn that sometimes the unexpected can bring some of life’s greatest gifts. The movie opens nationwide on Wednesday, Aug. 15. Visit to learn more about the movie. Also, make time to win a prize during our weekly Nashville Parent WINSday Facebook contest. Here’s how it works: Every Monday, we post the week’s WINSday prize information on our Facebook page. Two days later, on Wednesday (get it? WINSday?) at a random time during the day, we post, “What day is it?” The first fan to reply, “It’s Nashville Parent WINSday!” will win that week’s item. To be eligible to win, you must “Like” our Facebook page, and contestants can only win once every 60 days. To register for our random monthly drawings, log on to and click on “Giveaways” under the Contests tab. One entry per person, per prize. Good luck!|| Visit us online for our Digital Edition, Family Calendar, current poll

DAILY “MUST CLICKS” including: Recipes Crafts for Kids One-Minute Parent Things We Like

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and coming soon: The All-New Parent Blogs! august 2012 13

14 august 2012

Follow us on to join our discussions — your input may be included in a future issue!

parent talk we ask, local parents answer

How do you help ease your child’s fear of going back to school? RACHEL CLARK ZOOK Start talking about it, get him excited by helping buy supplies, uniforms, etc. JANIE JONES We plan to go school shopping together. She isn’t very excited about it right now but she kind of lives in the moment. Supper, for example, she complains every night, even though it may be her favorite food, but once she sits down to eat she talks about how delicious it is! So, until school actually starts back, I’ll just have to listen to the moaning, groaning and complaining. However, I’ll keep a positive attitude and maybe someday it will wear off on her! ANNA SELLERS Talk about it. Even add it into actual playtime. It’s a great time to teach lifelong lessons here — raising hands, washing hands, sharing, etc. — stuff he takes with him as an independent person is important. Remember, praise him when he gets it right and he’ll always get it right. NICOLE SMITH Take a field trip to the school! Teachers are usually working in their classrooms the week before school starts — stop in and say, “Hi.” — compiled by Kiera Ashford

(for more “Parent Talk,” please turn the page)

august 2012 15

parent talk

Follow us on NashvilleParentMag to join our discussions — your input may be included in a future issue!

get your child to open up When you know something’s up, how do you get her to talk to you?

ANDY HALVORSEN My oldest loves to journal; she is 7. I let her write it all down and then share it with me. I have learned a lot more about her this way than just straight talking. TRACIE MICHELSON We have this issue with our son all the time. I am going to start a journal with him that will be left under his pillow. When he has something that he wants to talk about but just does not want to talk, I am hoping he will write it in the journal and then we can respond by writing him back. Hoping this will give him an outlet to share his emotions. TRACY E. KORTUEM Ask her to help you make brownies in the kitchen, and then she will usually spill it if no one else is around to listen.

16 august 2012

JANIE JONES I would DEFINITELY love to hear advice on this topic! I have a 9-year-old who has a lot to deal with being diagnosed with ADHD, auditory processing dysfunction, generalized anxiety and other sensory issues. She struggles with maintaining it all and has a hard time fitting in. She has issues here at home as well as social outlets, school, park, etc. I have no idea how to cope or help her cope half the time and doctors haven’t been much help other than diagnosing. I’ve taken parenting classes as well as read almost every book possible and had her in counseling. She has a really difficult time conversationally and when I try to get her to journal she writes silly stuff, things about Hello Kitty or a boy at school, etc ... LOL ... So bring on the suggestions please!

AMANDA R ZILL MORSE I have two kids ... A 10-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy who is high functioning autistic. It’s funny, and maybe I take it for granted, but I instilled early on that they can talk to me about absolutely anything and that I’d be there with a listening ear. I’m blessed that my daughter feels comfortable to sit down with me to talk about anything. My son is a little harder. Being autistic, he internalizes so much and has difficulty often verbalizing what’s rolling around in his head. Writing definitely helps. In the end, I think (personally) it hinges on your relationship with your child. Don’t ever make them feel embarrassed or ashamed or it could result in lost opportunities in the future.



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18 august 2012

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By Susan Langone, M.D. Morgan Pediatrics in Smyrna

Ask your pediatric health questions on Facebook, and we’ll get the answer.

on call

children and stomach aches


My 6-year-old has been complaining recently of stomach aches after he eats, and he’s also had diarrhea. I thought it was a stomach bug, but it’s been going on for a while now. A friend suggested it might be celiac disease. What is that? Could that be the problem?

Celiac disease occurs when the body overreacts to gluten in the diet. The intestine’s lining becomes irritated and is unable to absorb fats, vitamins and minerals that the body needs. This may result in a variety of problems such as bloating, fatty stools, diarrhea and abdominal pain. In severe cases, a person can have weight loss or a child may grow slowly. It can run in families and is more common in people with Type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease and Down syndrome. Gluten comes from wheat products and is found in most pastas and breads. When gluten is eliminated from the diet and the intestines are allowed to heal, the pain and diarrhea will go away. Corn and rice are alternative grains, but you still want to look for products that are labeled “gluten free.” I recommend your child’s physician see your son. Keep a diary when the pain occurs and what foods he’s eating. There may be a pattern of other foods that trigger the pain and would indicate lactose intolerance or a food allergy. Before you remove gluten from your son’s diet, they can run a blood test that can suggest celiac disease. Sometimes a gastroenterologist or intestine specialist needs to perform a biopsy of the small intestines to prove celiac disease or look for other causes if there is no improvement after changing the diet.

ear infections in babies


My 8-month-old daughter had her first ear infection. I’ve heard so much about ear infections leading to hearing loss. Should I be concerned?

Ear infections are one of the most common illnesses in children. When a child has a cold or allergies, the nasal fluid drains down the back of a child’s throat, through the eustachian tube and into the middle ear. Bacteria and viruses grow in this wet environment and lead to fever and pain. In children, it’s difficult for the fluid to drain out of the middle ear because of the eustachian tube’s position. The ear infection itself rarely causes long-term hearing loss. We treat ear infections with antibiotics, however when the fluid doesn’t drain, it blocks sound from traveling to the inner ear and the brain. If sound is continuously muffled or blocked during the first two years of life, this can lead to speech problems. There is no need to worry with your child’s first ear infection. If she develops a pattern of frequent ear infections or on follow up examinations the fluid is not draining, your pediatrician may refer you to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician. When ear tubes are surgically placed in the ear drum, it allows the fluid to drain and hearing is restored.

august 2012 19

kid’s health By Susan Day

“my tummy hurts” Too many gummy worms, or is it a stomach bug? No matter what, when your child tells you her tummy hurts, believe her. Stomach aches are a part of childhood, but sometimes you need to do a little investigating to figure out what’s going on. Here are the top causes of stomach problems in children:

separation anxiety

Recurring complaints of a stomach ache is a key feature of separation anxiety disorder (SAD) affecting up to 4 percent of children, usually between 7 and 9 years old. Aim to reduce your child’s fear and avoidance of separation by increasing her participation in activities and redirecting her attention to her unique abilities to lift her confidence.


Children can become constipated due to lack of fluid and fiber in their diet or because of certain medications they’re on. While it can cause a belly ache, it isn’t usually serious in kids. Increase your child’s intake of fluids and fiber foods. See your doctor if your child has accompanying fever, vomiting, blood in the stool or weight loss.

stomach bug

Gastroenteritis can have a kid feeling pretty sick for a day or two before they feel better, and there’s no cure for it if it strikes. Marked by tummy cramps, diarrhea, fever and nausea, stomach bugs are contagious so make sure your child is washing her hands after getting sick. If she’s throwing up, provide water and popsicles, but stay away from solids until she’s stopped for at least two hours, but stick to bland foods at first.

food intolerance

Food intolerance is related to your child’s digestive system and your child can have stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms. The most common food intolerance is to lactose, affecting about 10 percent of Americans, but plenty of people have a specific food intolerance. Not to be confused with food allergy (which is more rare), diagnosing a food intolerance it done through trial and error. See your doctor if you suspect a problem. Source: Your Child’s Health: The Parent’s One-Stop Reference Guide to Symptoms, Emergencies, Common Illnesses, Behavior Problems and Healthy Development (Bantam; $14.58 on Amazon) by Barton D. Schmidt, M.D.

20 august 2012

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august 2012 21

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22 august 2012

what’s news

24 local briefs | 30 giving back | 32 family getaway | 34 hot stuff


back-to-school blowout

elp your kids get set for another fun-filled year of learning at Williamson Parent’s annual Back-to-School Fair on Saturday, Aug. 25 at Cool Springs Galleria. Students and parents can learn about after-school enrichment programs (including music, dance, tutoring, sports and more); take in a fashion show by the Dan Agency; enjoy live performances by Conductor Jack, Franklin School of Performing Arts and others; register for thousands of dollars in giveaways and more. “Right now, parents are looking for the best and most affordable products and services to help raise their children,” says Williamson Parent Publisher Stewart Day. “The Back-to-School Fair provides a perfect environment for moms and dads to meet one on one with the very best programs available in Middle Tennessee.” The fair takes place from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., and admission is free. Cool Springs Galleria is located at 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin. Call 256-2158 or visit


local briefs

a new educational opportunity is coming to murfreesboro


he Academy of Gateway will soon open another location in Middle Tennessee in order to better serve the community. The Academy of Gateway is a three-star rated preschool for ages 6 weeks - 5 years that utilizes the award-winning and nationally recognized curriculum, High Reach Learning ( The school offers four enrichment classes included in the tuition — Art by Abrakadoodle, Spanish by Bravo Ninõs, music/fitness by KID-FIT, computer by Gigglebytes. Yearly programs are also offered to further your child’s preschool experience and include Discover the Adventures of Summer, Fall is for Your Family, Fitness Fanatics, Green Our Scene and Kindergarten Boot Camp. Enrollment is underway. The Academy of Gateway is located at 1404 Gateway Blvd., Murfreesboro. Hours are 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Schedule a tour to learn more about the facility. Call 890-5885 or visit

sweet treats at angel art bakery café Yummy delights can be found at Angel Art Bakery Café, including pastries, specialty cakes, cupcakes, cookies, salads and boxed lunches (which include a sandwich, side, drink and dessert). Cake decorating classes are available for children and adults. Cost is $20 and includes a meal. Birthday parties for kids are also an option. Angel Art Bakery Café is located at 352 W. Northfield Blvd., Ste. 4E, Murfreesboro. Hours are Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call 295-3435 or visit

24 august 2012

tot time at sports*com While the big kids are at school, spend time with your younger children at the pool at Sports*Com. You and your little ones who are not school age can enjoy Tot Time at Boro Beach, a zero-depth play feature and splash pad, Mon - Thu from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Aug 13 - 31. Cost is $4 adults, $3 children. Additionally, Sports*Com has new outdoor pool hours this month: Starting Friday, Aug. 10 , open swim time is Mon -Thu 4 - 7 p.m., Fri 4 - 6 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Sun 1 - 4:30 p.m. (with the last day to swim being Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 3). Sports*Com is located at 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro. Call 895-5040.

food and fun at taste of stones river Help raise money for health and sample the delicacies of local restaurants at the same time. The sixth annual Taste of Stones River takes place Saturday, Aug. 25 from 4 - 8 p.m. at The Avenue Murfreesboro. All proceeds from the event go to The Primary Care and Hope Clinic, a non-profit healthcare clinic that provides services to the uninsured and underinsured in Rutherford County. Sample signature dishes from more than 30 local restaurants and enjoy live musical entertainment, a Kids Fun Zone area and more. Admission is free; food tickets are 50 cents each (all food booths require between one and five tickets); entrance into the Kids Fun Zone requires a $6 armband that includes all activities and food items in that area. Visit

Rain Date: Oct 20th


6th annual

saturday, october 6 10 am – 3 pm Our Annual Outdoor Festival with: • Local businesses and children’s programs • Live stage performances and kids entertainers • Prize giveaways • Free Inflatables by Space Walk of Murfreesboro • Free Antique fire truck by Fire Truck Promotions • Free face painting, pumpkin decorating and children’s activities • Pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, popcorn and more!

The Avenue® Murfreesboro 2615 Medical Center Pkwy. I-24, Exit 76 For booth reservations call 256-2158 x 135 sponsored by:

august 2012 25

local briefs city of la vergne to host first-ever baby show


o you think you have the cutest baby in La Vergne? Well, here’s your chance to come out and have some genuine fun while you show off your baby’s cuteness during the city of La Vergne’s first-ever Baby Show Pageant for ages younger than 5 years. Girls (Princess) and boys (Prince) compete separately in the following age categories: Baby ages 0 12 months, Toddler ages 1 - 2 years and Pee Wee ages 3 - 4 years. The Baby Show is a natural pageant — no makeup is to be worn on contestants, only one outfit needed — and contestants must live in the city of La Vergne. The Baby Show takes place from 2 - 4 p.m. during the annual Old Timers Festival on Sunday, Sept. 16. Cost is $20 per child. You can download an entry form from the city’s website and it must be mailed with registration fee to City Hall at 5093 Murfreesboro Road, La Vergne, TN 37086. Registration deadline is Friday, Aug. 31 at 4:30 p.m. Call City Hall at 793-6295 or visit

the ticker ... 5K CHALLENGE AND BILL NASH DASH FOR CASH MILE by Smyrna Parks and

Recreation takes place Saturday, Aug. 4 at the Sharp Springs Natural Area. Registration is from 6 - 7:15 a.m. The 5K Challenge begins at 7:30 a.m. and the Bill Nash Dash for Cash Mile begins at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $20 if you register early ($25 on race day). Call Monty Perkins at 459-9742, ext. 2612, or visit Register online at

26 august 2012

THE 74TH ANNUAL TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE NATIONAL CELEBRATION takes place Aug. 22 - Sept. 1. During this event, the breed’s World Grand Champion and 20 World Champions are named. Other activities include a barndecorating contest, a trade fair and a dog show. Admission prices vary depending on days attending and seating. The event takes place at The Celebration Show Grounds (1110 Evans St., Shelbyville). Call 931-684-5915 or visit


place Aug. 3 - 5. Shop tax-free for clothing and school supplies with purchases of $100 or less and for computers with purchases of $1,500 or less. For a detailed list of items available for purchase, visit revenue/salestaxholiday.


Murfreesboro Lioness Club and the Boro Tellers, takes place Saturday,

Aug. 18 from 12 - 4 p.m. This free walking tour down East Main Street in Murfreesboro includes stops at several historical homes. These homes will be hosted by Boro Tellers, giving stories on the homes, neighborhood and people who lived there. The tour begins at the square. Call Jonelle Prince, Murfreesboro Lioness Club at 896-1007 or e-mail at

sign up now for fall session!

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Morning and Evening Classes Available Ages 18 months to 18 Go to

Saturday, August 25th 4:00pm – 8:00pm At The Avenue Murfreesboro for fall schedule details 459-5512 • 871 Seven Oaks Blvd, Smyrna, TN


Over 40 area restaurants sampling their signature dishes. Tastings require 50 cent tickets available for purchase at the door. Live entertainment provided by Mid-South Mobile DJs.

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Kids Fun Zone sponsored by:

CoolSculpting® and the CoolSculpting® logo are registered trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. The “snowflake” mark is a trademark of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. Copyright © 2012, ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. IC0359-C

Purchase $6 armbands at ticket booth for Kids Zone entry. Includes bowling, bumper cars, inflatables, balloon art, face painting, tattoo art, hawaiian shaved ice, food, games and more! For details visit

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U-MediSpa is the only dermatologist owned and operated medi-spa in Murfreesboro. We specialize in medically supervised, state of the art skin rejuvenation procedures and spa services. U-MediSpa is owned and operated by Dr. Albert Kattine who has been in practice over 18 years.

Proceeds benefit the Primary Care and Hope Clinic. The Primary Care and Hope Clinic is a non-profit healthcare clinic that provides quality, affordable health services for uninsured and underserved families in Rutherford County and the surrounding area. Learn more about the Primary Care and Hope Clinic by calling (615) 893-9390 or visit

1004 N. Highland Ave | 615-867-8225 | Located in the Murfreesboro Medical Clinic

august 2012 27

Parents Welcome in Treatment Area!

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28 august 2012

Wishing you a safe and successful school year!

Master Jack Stevens 7th Dan (Over 30 yrs of teaching and serving)



local briefs


Coach of the Year Award go to to

nominate your favorite coach!


t’s time to submit online nominations for Nashville Parent’s 2012 Coach of the Year award! All coaches currently coaching a youth sport (who are in at least their second year with the same organization) are eligible to be nominated for this honor. The recipient will be selected by our panel of editors. When making your nomination, please consider the following: • Sportsmanship of the nominee as well as the players • Team performances during the coach’s year • Past honors and contributions made to sports by the coach


The 2012 Coach of the Year will be announced in our October 2012 issue and will be honored with a special plaque presentation.

august 2012 29

giving back non-profit news


music fest benefits autism

amilies can enjoy a full day of music and other activities during the I Am What I Am Music Festival on Saturday, Aug. 18 at the Shelbyville Agricultural Center (2119 Midland Road, Shelbyville). From 10 a.m. to midnight, live music takes the stage featuring Big Smo, The Ghost Ballerinas, Kyle Kraft and more. The Kid’s Zone features inflatables, face painting, a dunking booth, character appearances and hands-on craft activities. The festival also includes a car, truck and bike show, a live auction, corn hole tournament and motorcycle ride. Advance tickets to the festival are $5; tickets at the gate are $10. Some activities require additional fees. One-hundred percent of the proceeds go to support programs for children and families with autism spectrum disorders. Call 931-492-2771 or visit http://iawiamusicfestival.ticketbud. com/get-tickets.

gigi’s playhouse comes to nashville

miriam’s promise receives accreditation

Gigi’s Playhouse is a Down syndrome awareness and educational center that provides resources, specialized teaching and support to individuals and families. The original facility opened in 2002 by a Chicago mom. A group of local volunteers are working to bring a playhouse to Nashville by 2013. On Sunday, Aug. 5, Jones Speech-Language Pathology hosts a fundraising event at Monkey Joe’s in Brentwood (1648 Westgate Circle) from 4 - 6:30 p.m. Kids can play, and pizza and drinks will be provided. A silent auction will also take place. Admission is $10 per child. Learn more at 861-0718 or

Miriam’s Promise — a pregnancy, parenting and adoption service agency in Middle Tennessee — recently received Hague Accreditation through the Council on Accreditation. This accreditation means that organization is in substantial compliance with the Hague Convention Standards. The Hague Convention is an international treaty created to ensure that intercountry adoptions are in the best interests of children and prevent abduction, exploitation, sale or trafficking of kids. Learn more about Miriam’s Promise at

30 august 2012

8 locations in Middle TN - NOW ENROLLING for Fall THE ACADEMY OF HARPETH VILLAGE Bellevue 646-6171




Mufreesboro 890-5885




get the most

out of a beach vacation onTybee Island By Kiera Ashford From sand castles to lighthouses to animal spotting, you are sure to find something fun to do with the entire family in tow. Plan now for that perfect beach vacation during fall break.

“Are we there yet?”

A common question we hear from the mouths of our anxious little ones while on the road to somewhere fabulous. When we mentioned the word “beach” to our 6-year-old daughter, Lilliana, that question was asked repeatedly as she was itching to get into the ocean. With little brother, 2-year-old Seth, on board, the four of us set out on an adventure we soon won’t forget. Beach time fun on Tybee Island in Georgia.

32 august 2012

Beached on the Beach Our trip took an unexpected twist as we learned we were headed toward a tropical storm. Beryl was making it’s way toward the Atlantic coast, and we didn’t know where it was going to land. But, that didn’t stop us … or any of the other beach goers. We were bound and determined to stick our feet in the sand and have fun. Little did we know that during a tropical storm, the undertow is stronger than usual. Needless to say, the double red flags were flown and the beach was closed to swimming, even when the sun decided to finally show. So, we looked for seashells and still made the most of our beach time. We took a stroll down the pier and watched the fishermen try to get the catch of the day, and enjoyed watching the swirling ocean slam against the pier. We strolled along the streets and enjoyed window shopping. That right there is enough to make someone hungry.

Get Your Grub On! If you want to eat somewhere casual and exciting, you must make your way over to The Crab Shack (40 Estill Hammock Road; 912-786-9857; While you wait for your table, enjoy viewing and feeding baby alligators in front of the restaurant, see a few exotic birds within the Gift Shack or watch for dolphins that sometime swim into the area out by the dock. The Crab Shack is nestled right on the edge of the banks of Chimney Creek. There are a few tables that sit right by the water, and you may be lucky enough to spot a dolphin or two. The seafood here is fresh and phenomenal. I, personally, am very picky when it comes to seafood, but always up for trying new things. The Homemade Deviled Crab Plate is different and very tasty, but the crab legs were my absolute favorite. There’s something for everyone here, so don’t worry about non-seafood eaters — the Pulled Pork Sandwich is yummy! If you’re not up to dining out and your accommodation is equipped with a kitchen, enjoy cooking the fresh catch of the day. We were just around the corner to the most wonderful fresh fish market I had ever been to, Bowie Seafood (801 First St.; 912-786-8211). Here, you can get crabs, shrimp, oysters, pick from a variety of fish and more … all caught each morning. We watched them slice our fish right there. They have all you need to season your dinner, too. It’s also fun watching the live crabs trying to escape from their crate while waiting for your order.

From a Bird’s Eye View If you are not afraid of heights, then a climb to the top of the lighthouse at Tybee Island Light Station and Museum is in order (30 Meddin Ave., 912-786-5801;; $8 adults, $6 ages 6 - 17, free ages 5 and younger). Be ready for a 178 step climb up because it won’t be just the view that will take your breath away. We went the day after the storm cleared and the sky was blue as can be. You can see for miles around. This lighthouse has been around for more than 270 years providing guidance to mariners coming to the Savannah River. Once you get to the top, hang on to the little ones as it can get pretty windy. Seth was a little scared, but Lilliana loved every minute of it, including the climb!

I Spy … For a more leisurely outing, there are several opportunities to play a game of I Spy with your children. Captain Mike’s Dolphin Adventure Tours (Lazaretto Creek Marina; 800-242-0166;; $15 adults, $8 ages 12 and younger) is a fun way to get up close to our finned friends. It was only minutes after we were out in the ocean that we spied several dolphins. Lilliana was amazed to see so many and thrilled to keep yelling out, “There’s another dolphin!” Even Seth was pointing and beaming with excitement to see so many. I don’t know if it was because of the shrimp boat near by, but we came across nearly 20 dolphins all at once. We were even so lucky as to see one jump completely out of the water! The dolphins came very close to the boat and the guide was quick enough to keep us near them without interfering with the waterways and other boaters. The guide also gives a little history behind the area and how to spot a baby dolphin. This was the most spectacular encounter we were so blessed to have enjoyed together as a family. For those of you who are into more scary sorts of creatures, you should take a drive over to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. There is a free four-mile drive at the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive ( and it’s filled with wild alligators and beautiful birds of all kinds. It’s open from sunrise to sunset and is located 35 minutes north of Tybee Island (seven miles north of Savannah). Get your cameras ready because it’s hard to spot an alligator and they soon disappear. We were fortunate enough to spot several, and some even just a few feet away from the car. This was the most exciting part of our adventure for our son, Seth, as he recently learned to say “alligator” and he knew what he was looking for.

Where to Stay Even though the beach was closed to swimming, we were still able to wet our imaginary fins at the cottage’s private pool. The Splash Shack, a vacation rental home from Tybee Cottages (877-524-9819;, is the place to stay. We were so at home here that the storms didn’t keep us from sleeping soundly. This quaint little cottage is the perfect size for a small family and it’s filled with all the amenities including a laundry room, full kitchen, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, one bath and a fenced-in-yard. Because most of our days here were spent inside due to the storm, we played games and had great family bonding time. This house had toys in the living room for the toddler set, board and card games for the older kids, books for parents to read, a few family movies and, of course, the private pool (pictured above). As if that isn’t enough, this little home away from home is walking distance to Tybee Island Light Station and Museum and a local park. If you’re looking for a great fall break getaway, make plans now for this great destination. Kiera Ashford is associate editor for this publication and mother of two children, ages 6 and 2.

august 2012 33

hot stuff

back to school Gear to help protect your child’s gadgets while at school. Big Grips Frame

by KEM Ventures, Inc. • • $49.95 (frame and stand) Now that your child has grown to love your iPad, protect it from any accidental falls with Big Grips Frame. This squeezable case is super thick, durable and lightweight — making the iPad less likely to slip out of your child’s hands, but protective enough if it does. — ka

Coated Canvas Cyan Messenger Laptop Bag

by Altego • • $69.99 With a soft quilted lining for a 13- or 15-inch MacBook and an interior padded iPad pocket, this ultra sleek messenger bag is perfect for students carrying high-tech electronics. If you’re just carrying your iPad around, use the extra space for notebooks and folders. It’s fold-over flap closes with metal self-locking twist buckles for quick access. — ka

Vacuum Dock + WhaleTail

by Octa • • $49.99 It can get tiring to hold his ereader or iPad and sometimes you just need another option. TheVacuum Dock + WhaleTail from Octa is an adjustable stand that holds on to the back of your device via suction. Just five easy pumps will keep the tail on for days yet it’s easy to remove. Compatible with all iPads, e-readers and netbooks, the tail will keep your child’s device sturdy on the desk at school. — sd

34 august 2012

Seoul Large Backpack with Laptop Protection by Kipling • $109 Don’t let the simple style fool you. This large backpack has a built-in laptop pocket that features a padded back and bottom panel. Not only that, your child can stay organized with many other components such as the zip-front pocket that contains two pen sleeves, a cell phone pocket, iPod pocket and a large internal zip pocket as well as external zip pockets. — ka

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august 2012 35


Kid Concerns & Kindergarten To help my daughter prepare for kindergarten, I encouraged the children in her preschool class to talk to me about transitioning to “big school.” Believe me — counting and reading are on the bottom of their list of concerns. Children don’t worry about not being able to read — they want to know how to find the bathroom! By Paula Court


How will I get to school? If you plan to carpool or drive your child to school,

Will lunch be the same as at preschool?

do a practice ride from your house to the school.

Probably not. Many preschoolers eat lunch in their

Pull up to the designated drop-off spot and pretend

own classroom, whereas in kindergarten, lunch-

saying a quick good-bye. To encourage your child

time is spent in a big, noisy cafeteria with many

to step out of the car quickly in the mornings (a

children. Often, even kindergarten teachers eat

good idea just in case you’re caught with a line of

in the teachers’ lounge instead of in the cafeteria

cars behind you), make up a special way to say

with their students. Each week a certain number

good-bye such as the familiar line — “See you

of teachers are assigned to lunchroom duty and

later, alligator, after while, crocodile.”

it’s their responsibility to keep the cafeteria under control.

Mom & Dad Tips Make Bedtime Count A week before school starts, establish your child’s routine by going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, too.

Start Mornings Right Wake your child early enough to have

How do I find my class?

Getting around a new school seems to be chil-

overwhelming, so teach your child a few simple

dren’s single biggest fear. To calm anxiety:

tasks to build confidence. Practice opening milk

sustain him, such as eggs and bacon

Visit the school beforehand as many times as

cartons. It sounds easy, but opening a milk carton

or yogurt and granola. The night

possible. Even if the school is closed for the sum-

can be hard for a child who has never tried it. Car-

before, help him lay out clothes and

mer, allow your child to walk around the school;

rying a tray can also be a real challenge. Visit a

create a space where he can store his

and if possible, play on the playground. Just being

cafeteria-style restaurant and allow him to carry his

backpack every day.

familiar with the building can calm many jitters.

loaded tray to the table.

If the school offers an open house before the

Walking into a large, noisy cafeteria can be

If you pack a lunch from home, be sure your

a leisurely breakfast of proteins to

Layout the Plan

first day of school, be sure to attend. Usually at this

child can open food containers, stick the straw in

Make sure your child knows the plan

time you can find out your child’s classroom as-

the juice box without soaking his neighbor, etc.

for the first day. Tell him, “I am going

signment and meet the teacher. Show him how to

Teachers may not be around to help him with these

to walk you into school and together

walk from the front door of the school to his class-


we will find your cubby. We’ll both say ‘Hi’ to your teacher, and then all

room. Feeling lost in a crowded hallway is not what

How will I get home after school?

the moms and dads have to leave the

someone will be at the front door of the school the

Once again, go over the game plan several times

meet him right at the door later.

first few days to help him to his classroom. Many

with your child. If you plan to pick up your child af-

schools use older kids from the student council for

ter school, caution him about darting out in front of

Don’t Minimize Fears

this purpose.

other cars. To avoid this, most schools like carpool

Acknowledge and validate feelings

parents to line up after the buses leave and pick

and remind your child that “but-

What if I have to use the bathroom?

the children up one at a time. If your child rides the

terflies” will go away as he learns

bus, meet him at the bus stop the first day with a

the school routine and makes new

Show your child how to raise his hand if he needs

big hug.


the teacher’s attention. Also reassure him it is OK

to ask to go to the restroom if he really needs to

listen to everything you say, so if you’re worried or

Plan Playdates

go. If you have an opportunity to walk through the

apprehensive about anything concerning kinder-

Listen to your child about who he’s

school, locate the restroom and point out which

garten, don’t show it. This can be hard, especially if

playing with on the playground and

one he needs to use. Teach him how to recognize

it’s your first child, but don’t let him see you cry on

make a point to set up playdates

the words “girls” and “boys” to avoid an embar-

his first day of school. My daughter’s school has a

outside of school. You’ll be amazed at

rassing mistake. Dress him in comfortable clothes;

special room set aside stocked with coffee, donuts

how getting connected to his peers

tricky buttons or zippers can lead to a mortifying

and boxes of Kleenex just for that purpose. I know

will boost his confidence.

accident at this age.

I’ll be there. J

you want for your child on his first week of school.

If your child is still apprehensive, assure him

classroom.” Remind him that you’ll

Remember: children watch you carefully and

Paula Court is a freelance writer.

— Joanna Nesbit

august 2012 37

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38 august 2012

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parenting playground politics If your child bursts through the door shouting something like, “I hate that girl!” take heart. But avoid trying to be the one to fix things. By Deborah Bohn


enneth A. Dodge, Ph.D., professor of public policy and psychology at Duke University and director of the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy, paints a verbal picture of a normal day during recess at elementary school: “A large group of boys are playing a game of kickball. Several leaders are establishing teams, and others are going along. A few boys are watching from the periphery. The girls are in smaller clusters of twos and threes. The girls are less likely to be running around. They are talking a lot more.” Elementary school children suddenly become picky about friends. Translation: Girls have cooties, and boys are gross. “Opposite gender disdain is strongest during the late elementary school years (grades three and four),” Dodge explains. Even kids who have a best friend of the opposite sex in their neighborhood will often alter their behavior at school and only sit with girls at the lunch table or stick to sports on the playground. Fortunately, in communities where large numbers of girls play sports, the genders may co-mingle in a (please turn the page)


playground politics

“We need to be there to bandage the skinned knee and soothe the wounded

game of soccer during recess, and by the fifth grade, some of the more mature kids start hanging around the opposite gender to satisfy their budding romantic curiosity. A lack of social skills equates to a lack of friends. Dodge says that kids who “have not learned how to enter groups and negotiate conflicts” are the ones who get excluded. Boys tend to have a harder time with these skills, but if they can play sports well, fourth grade teacher Carla Puckett says their poor communication skills will be ignored on the ball field. “On average, girls score better on tests of social competence and skills than boys do,” according to Dodge, “but some girls are indeed inept and awkward.” Those girls are usually found reading instead of chatting in groups with the others. Sadly, kids who don’t fit in often misbehave or cause conflicts in a misguided attempt for any kind of attention, which just aggravates the problem and solidifies their label as outcasts and troublemakers. On the other hand, the same qualities that make a leader at age 3 are found in the most popular 10-year-olds, too: self-confidence, good communication skills, assertiveness and a good sense of humor. By 10, size in boys and style in girls play an important role in popularity, too. Dodge says, “Athletic ability and size make a difference” as early as the first grade. Puckett agrees, “The boys who are best at sports are the most popular in the classroom, and the boys who are into books are pretty much loners.” By the fourth grade, girls begin to place value on looks and fashion, while boys “lag behind in the attention to clothes and attractiveness,” according to Dodge. The most popular kids tend to possess a mixture of all those traits. Puckett describes the “Queen Bee” in her classroom as “very outgoing, well-rounded, athletic, cute-as-a-button and smart in school — she has it all.”

Middle School: Chicks in Cliques and Dudes with ‘Tudes The good news about middle school is that larger mixed-gender crowds start to appear on the playground because the yucky factor regarding the opposite sex goes away ... in fact, the opposite sex

40 august 2012

starts looking pretty interesting at this age. The bad news is that the small all-girl or all-boy cliques that remain are more exclusive and hierarchical than ever. Jessica Giles, Ph.D., and assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College says, “Girls are more relationally focused — talking about friendships and who likes who. You start seeing alpha girls (the most popular ones) putting a lot of energy into making their way up the pecking order.” Some of the ways girls gain status among their peers is by making friends with a queen bee, by gossiping about other girls or even by possessing material wealth like expensive clothes or fancy braces. Interestingly, though, while a girl can quickly rise to power through money, gossip and rumors, the most popular middle school girls are those Giles describes as “assertive and confident with something interesting to share like sports, music or art.” She goes on to say that those qualities, “may not make you homecoming queen, but they’ll give you solid lasting friendships — girls want that kind of trust and intimacy.” Outward appearance in the form of clothes and haircuts isn’t as important for boys, but muscular development and physical prowess displayed in basketball, football and skateboarding certainly are. Smaller boys still have a chance though, if they’re exceptionally funny and quick-witted. The wiry wisecracker won’t rise to the top of the heap, but he will definitely be included in the popular gangs because he provides comic relief without physically threatening to topple the alpha male. Giles says, “Adolescents are very sensitive to hypocrisy and are constantly questioning the status quo, so if someone can use that to their advantage by exposing adults as hypocrites or buffoons, it may be attractive to their peers.” If it seems like your child is consumed with being part of the cool group, rest assured that you haven’t lost all your influence. “Adolescents look to their peers for what to wear, hair, make-up and what music to listen to, but they tend to go to their parents for politics, religion and values,” explains Giles. And it’s

spirit, but we shouldn’t try to remove all the dangers, nor should we try to help our children avoid all the pitfalls of their relationships.”

those values that ultimately help get them through the competitive middle school years.

Put it in Perspective Experts say that the majority of children gravitate toward students who share their interests and that most kids make solid friends — many who will last a lifetime. Even the kids who don’t seem to fit in anywhere one year usually find a niche the next when the class composition changes. As tempting as it is to try to fix hurt feelings or actively encourage friendships with children you think are appropriate playmates, even the smallest kids need to manage playground politics by themselves. Part of their emerging self identity depends upon learning these important social skills that they will continue to develop and hone throughout their lives. Tina Locke, preschool teacher and co-owner of Step Forward Day School in Franklin, waxes poetic when she says: “I see play as the truest form of who a child is at any given time. It’s through play that children work out all these roles and feelings. As adults, we need to be observers. We need to be there to bandage the skinned knee and soothe the wounded spirit, but we shouldn’t try to remove all the dangers, nor should we try to help our children avoid all the pitfalls of their relationships. It’s a tough world out there, and children learn to cope by practicing all these things during their opportunities to just ‘go play’.” J Deborah Bohn is a mother and writer residing in Williamson County.

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HOMEWORK! By Laurel Schmidt

Make your home a pleasant “school” when it comes to homework, so everyone gets in on the learning.

S 42

42 august 2012

ometimes there’s no end to the supply of tricky spelling words that must be learned each week. That’s what you may be thinking mid year in the middle of homework with your child on any given Wednesday night. Homework’s the equal opportunity disappointment: grueling for struggling students, a time-consuming bore for the eager learners, a hassle for parents everywhere. While your kids may have a few teachers who assign homework sparingly, for the most part, you’re looking at years of at-home tutorials, so think of your homework central as your homeschool. Concentrate on improving your family’s aptitude for homework by implementing seven “DO” rules:

HANDS ON, MOM Seven “Do Rules”


DO let your kids find their most comfortable study position in a central, public place at home where the work will get done faster and with less fuss.


DO let your kids have background music on if it helps them, however, avoid listening to music on ear phones — a child can’t concentrate on his work if he’s concentrating on the song.


DO make it fun for your little ones. If your child needs to memorize math fractions or spelling words, instead of grinding away with a pencil, try smearing some shaving cream on a cookie tray. This smooth, silky surface is perfect for writing, erasing and writing again. You’ll be amazed at how eager your kids are to practice when the syllabus calls for fun.


DO save editing for final drafts. Don’t worry about spelling and handwriting when your child is working on a first draft of a writing assignment. Ideas and creativity flourish outside the “rule box.” With second drafts and a little coaching, they’ll enjoy rooting out common words and replacing them with juicier images. Run becomes sprint or dart. Eat turns into gobble or nibble. Then it’s time for editing — after the brain work is done.

You know your child better than anyone ... here are some ways you can positively impact his learning.


DO let kids move, snack, sing or shoot baskets between homework tasks to recharge their batteries. Little breaks pump energy to the brain, driving away fatigue and boredom. Other kids respond very well to the “Beat-the-Clock” approach to homework. Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes, and see how much they can complete before the time is up.


DO avoid the word “BUT” when checking over your child’s work. Kids listen for your “BUT” and hear little else as their confidence and self-esteem plummet. Point out the positives, beginning by saying, “It’s good, especially this part. I love they way you described the dog howling.” Then ask, “What part do you think is best?” Supported by your praise, kids can assess their own work and hear suggestions without getting defensive.


DO let your kids do their own work. If your child doesn’t understand his assignment (and neither do you) send an e-mail to his teacher.

Laurel Schmidt has been in education for more than 30 years as a teacher and principal. She is also the author of Seven Times Smarter: 50 Activities, Games and Projects to Develop the Seven Intelligences in Your Child (Three Rivers Press).


Some parents enjoy taking a “we’re studying this together” approach, literally working on a subject together. Your involvement will depend on the age of your child, but no matter what, ask questions and keep up to date on forthcoming projects as well as daily assignments. Check your child’s assignment book daily even when he tells you he has no homework.

Teach organization

Starting at a very young age, encourage your child to keep a homework assignment notebook or folder. Often elementary grades will have assignments listed for the week on one sheet or the teacher will send an e-mail home. Make sure you check your child’s backpack for loose papers, too. If his efforts to be organized need an overhaul, help him out with a homework folder system.

Make WORK Routine

Find a plan that works for each of your kids and stick with it. With after-school activities, you may need to hammer out routines individually, but routines are extremely helpful in completing homework with the least amount of resistance. Your child’s personality and strengths will come into play considering his best time to accomplish homework. Developing a set time will help to avoid procrastination and the power struggle every day with “when” homework will be done.


Distractions for kids are endless today with cell phones, Facebook and iPods. This is why many parents conduct homework in a central location (dining room table) so Mom or Dad can monitor work and be sure kids aren’t drifting off topic.

august 2012 43

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Family O Since 19

How to Raise a Creative Child

How to Raise a Creative Child If your child can think “outside the box,” he will have a skill that works beautifully for his future.


By Susan Day hile you may want your home to look like something out of Martha Stewart’s Living magazine, seeking decorative perfection’s not in your best interest if you want to raise a creative child, says author Amanda Blake Soule in her book, The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections (Roost Books). Soule says that at the heart of every mindful and loving family lie the seeds of endless creativity. She says that when we give children

the space and encouragement they need to explore their creativity, they can become the most inspiring of artists, the most inquisitive scientists, the most original thinkers. Short of letting them color on the walls and paint in the carpeted living room, teach your children early how to prepare a workspace with newspaper and how to clean up after themselves. In between, encourage them to be creative without worrying about messes. No, children should not be allowed to destroy your home with wacky pursuits, but if you want to raise creative children — kids who think “out of the box” to come up with unique solutions and who call on their imaginations to envision new ways or fresh ideas — they need to feel as free as possible to create and experiment, and there are several things you can bring into your parenting. (please turn the page)


Steps to

cre • a • tiv • i • ty  Unscheduled Time

Invent and Create

Busy, busy and always on the go, families are often hurrying kids out the door

The term open-ended means that there is no end product expected. Open-end-

bound for soccer fields or dance classes, but wait a minute. All that stress

ed play allows children to create whatever they can imagine. Don’t insist, for

actually kills creativity, Soule says. You may need to examine your desire to

example, that your child must follow the Lego kit directions to the “T.” Sure, it’s

keep your children busy which is the trend of the last decade. The excessive

good to build the design as the instructions show, but afterward, encourage him

schedules of today’s families create mental exhaustion. For children (and

to create new things with those little pieces all on his own. Let him construct

adults) to be creative, downtime is required. Time to read, walk, paint, dream.

new, unique designs on his own — this leads to divergent thinking (generating

Our most creative ideas come to us when we are unwound, untethered and

many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into

uncluttered in our schedule.

the best result). So buy blocks, paints, fabrics, open-ended types of toys for imaginative play, and let your kids figure out how to use them and create. You

Let Them Fail

can encourage your children by asking questions like “Why?” and “What if?”

Being creative starts with taking risks. Risk taking leads to being fearless in

and teaching them to ask those same questions.

trying new things. In nurturing your child’s adventurous mindset and attitude, you must allow him to fail so he can pick himself up and, as they say, get back

Share Ideas

in the saddle. Research shows that when children fail, they learn more than

Children can come up with things to do on their own, but often it’s parents who

when they succeed. When your child fails, use that experience as a teaching

lead the way with new ideas of interesting activities, so do it. Think back to

opportunity. Many successful creative companies focus on their failures as it

what you did as a kid. Did you write in a diary, create elaborate puppet shows,

allows them to learn from each other’s mistakes which leads to more creative

sing and dance for relatives, play restaurant? Exposure to creative pursuits

ideas, says best-selling author Jonah Lehrer of Imagine: How Creativity Works

early in life is key to helping children get motivated to do creative things

(Houghton-Mifflin). The highly imaginative Pixar company is one such group

themselves as they grow, says Shelley Carson, author of Your Creative Brain:

that functions this way.

Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life (Harvard Health). Be open-minded and encouraging about the interests your

Pretend Play

child genuinely displays, though, rather than trying to push him in the direction

This one’s easy ... want to foster creativity in your child? Get in on the fun —

YOU want him to go.

and don’t stop when your kids get big. According to Po Bronson, best-selling author of What Should I Do With My Life? (Ballantine), engaging in pretend

Freedom’s Essential

play builds imagination and creativity. In early childhood, role-playing is associ-

Once you’ve encouraged your child with suggestions and supplies, step back

ated with high creativity: voicing someone else’s point of view helps develop

and see what he chooses and where he goes with them. In other words, pro-

the ability to analyze situations from different perspectives. So supply your

vide freedom that allows unstructured play time so they can stretch.

child time, props and ideas for pretending. Bronson’s research shows that mov-

Chances are, if you’re a creative person, your children will be, too. Creative

ing into middle childhood (ages 9 and 10), kids who continue to engage in fan-

individuals come up with more good ideas than others and grow up to be

tasy play are actually displaying a high level of creativity, so keep encouraging

entrepreneurs, inventors, college presidents, authors, doctors, diplomats and

it and be careful as children get into fourth grades and higher, Bronson adds.

so forth. So while creativity is a prized idea in America, it’s also misunderstood

As schools overload kid brains with complex information, creativity can suffer.

and often squelched in the pursuit of sports and academics. Know that the very

Bronson says an excellent teacher — one “tolerant of unconventional answers,

essence of creativity is what gives individuals the chance to excel in whatever

occasional disruptions or detours of curiosity,” — will help older children excel.

they pursue.

Without that freedom? A kid’s curiosity can wane and his creativity will actually diminish.

46 august 2012

Susan Day is editor-in-chief of this publication and the mom of four amazing kids.


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48 august 2012


the 2012


GREATER NASHVILLE ART Brushfire Pottery Studio

4004 Hillsboro Pike #150, Nashville 385-5334 Brushfire is a paint-it-yourself pottery studio with over 400 items ranging from $3 - $50. A flat $6 per person studio fee includes instruction, supplies, paints, glazing, firing, and all the time needed to create your masterpiece. Weekly discount days and group/party discounts with pizza and ice cream cake specials are available.

Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art

1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville 353-9827 Make learning fun at Cheekwood! Cheekwood offers a variety of classes in art, horticulture, pottery and more. Classes offered year-round for all ages. If you would like a complete listing of youth and adult classes, call 353-9827. Only at Cheekwood.

Frist Center for the Visual Arts

919 Broadway, Nashville 244-3340 Committed to helping all ages and backgrounds become more familiar with, knowledgeable and appreciative of art. The center’s ArtQuest offers 30 hands-on art stations, each focusing on a specific art concept. Programs include films, lectures, concerts, gallery talks, storytelling for kids and other youth and family programs, which present perspectives on current exhibitions and related topics.


46 White Bridge Road, Nashville 915-0764 OriJENals is a fun place to come and create an “OriJENal” piece of art while having fun with friends. It’s easy ... all you have to do is visit our website to choose your date, select your painting and reserve your seat. No experience necessary. One of our instructors will guide you step-by-step, helping your create your own original piece of art. All supplies are provided. Classes for kids and parties, too!

Watkins College of Art, Design and Film

Community Education Program, Young Artists and Adults 2298 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. 383-4848 • Watkins College of Art & Design’s Community Education Program brings the finest art instruction to ages 4 - 18. Small classes focus on developing students’ artistic skills, emphasizing both the finished product and the process of thinking, designing, communicating and creating. Community Education courses offered for adults and youth year round.

DANCE Bellevue Dance Center

7097-J Old Harding Pike, Nashville 662-8553 Offering tap, jazz, ballet, musical theater, private voice lessons, hip-hop for ages 3 to adult. Offering birthday parties too!

Dance in Bloom

7982 Coley Davis Road, Nashville 662-4819 • Located just of I-40W in Bellevue, Dance in Bloom offers classes for ages 2 and up in the disciplines of ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, tumbling, pointe, modern/lyrical, pom and yoga. Classes are up-beat and fun! Summer class registration is going on now. A dancewear boutique is located on-site. Ask about our birthday parties! (please turn to page 51)

august 2012 49

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50 august 2012


EBDT Dance

Academy eccentrique auditions on backbone August 11th, 2- 4pm dance theatre

dance & arts

PROGRAMS OFFERED: • Adult Dance & Fitness Creative Movement (ages 3 - 5) • Pre-Dance (ages 5 - 7) • Basic Dance Classes (new-beginner ages 8 and up) • EBDT Dance Academy for the serious technical dancer (a Pre-Professional dance program for 8 on up)


NOW OFFERING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT LOW FAMILY RATES • Small classes • Economical fees • Workshops EBDT Dance is a faith based, non-recital dance school. We offer in-school session concerts to teach performance skills.

Dance Theatre of Tennessee

2710 Old Lebanon Road, Ste. 15, Nashville 391-5500 • The Academy at Dance Theatre of Tennessee offers an exceptional, caring approach to training that seeks to enrich its students with the joy of dance while allowing them optimal performance opportunities. Students are offered the very best instruction by world class professionals. Programs are provided in both recreational and pre-professional dance and offer a wide variety of choices ranging from classical ballet to hip-hop to adult classes.

Elite Dance of Nolensville

7177 Nolensville Road, Ste. B1, Nolensville 776-4202 Easily accessible from Williamson, Rutherford and Davidson County. Disciplines offered: tap, ballet, pointe, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, musical theatre and acrobatics for ages 2 yrs. - adult. We offer quality training with an emphasis on proper technique and terminology. Our goal is to inspire students with positive teaching methods that build character and self assurance. Extensive adult fitness program featuring Zumba six days per week, bootcamps and Piloxing. Ask about our new Talented Tots and Mothers’ Day Out programs and birthday party packages!

School of Nashville Ballet

3630 Redmon St., Nashville 297-2966 ext. 20 500 Wilson Pike Circle, Ste. 119, Brentwood School of Nashville Ballet offers the highest quality of training for children and adults of all ages. Artistic director Paul Vasterling leads an outstanding faculty comprised of highly respected professional teachers from around the world, providing a complete dance experience that is challenging and fun for all students, whether they simply love to dance or aspire to a professional career. Students may have the opportunity to perform in Nashville Ballet productions.

MUSIC Belmont Academy

1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville 460-6346 Belmont Academy offers private instruction in piano, strings, guitar, percussion, woodwinds, brass, banjo, mandolin, harp and all vocal styles for all ages. Group classes, including group and private Suzuki violin, are now available! Please see our website for more information. Fall registration is now open.

Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 Mobile Music Academy offers private music instruction from fun, qualified teachers in your own home. We teach piano, guitar, bass, voice, strings, brass, and most other instruments. We offer competitive rates and flexible scheduling with special daytime rates available. We teach all ages, styles, and abilities. Serving the Middle TN Area.

Music Playhouse • 777-9314 The Music Playhouse offers high-quality, high-energy and fun music classes for children ages birth - 7 to enjoy with a parent or caregiver. Most offerings are mixed-age so children of different ages (such as siblings) can enjoy the benefits of class together. To schedule your free visit to a “Bunny” class (birth to 10 mos.), “Pups” class (birth through 4 yrs.), “Cats” class (4 yrs. - 6 yrs.) or keyboarding class (5 yrs. - 7 yrs.), call our office.

Pro Music Academy

2801 Bransford Ave., Nashville 615-200-0604 Pro Music Academy is a one-of-a-kind music school that offers a unique learning experience in guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and vocals for ages 5 and up. All teachers are professional musicians with significant experience playing with the biggest bands and recording artists in the business, such as Carrie Underwood, The Rolling Stones, Ben Folds, Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Kenny Chesney, Sheryl Crow, and many more – over 30 instructors in all! Right now we are offering 40% off all lesson packages but only for a limited time. Please call or visit our website for more information.

the 2012


THEATER Nashville Children’s Theatre

25 Middleton St., Nashville 254-9103 Founded in 1931, NCT is the country’s oldest professional theater for youth and was ranked as one of the top five children’s theaters by Time magazine. NCT presents age-appropriate plays from the classics to contemporary. Saturday and Summer drama workshops are offered for children of various ages. For a complete listing of the 2012-2013 season or for more information about drama workshops, visit our website or call the theater.

RUTHERFORD CTY. DANCE Baker Performance Academy

1411 Mark Allen Lane, Unit D, Murfreesboro 867-2290 • Sing, dance, act! BPA offers an exciting and educational way to experience the performing arts. Dance, musical theater, acting and voice classes are taught by professionally-trained instructors in a safe and fun environment. Ages 2 - adult. Enroll now for fall classes. Open House Aug. 6, 1 - 3 p.m. Classes begin Aug. 15. Private lessons and sibling discounts available. New Zumba Fitness on Monday and Thursday. Call or visit our web site for more information.

Barfield School of Dance

2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro 896-3118 • We offer dance instruction in ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, hip-hop, Irish, leaps and turns technique, creative movement, and Kindermusik, ages newborn - adult. Come and enjoy learning in a family friendly atmosphere with well educated staff who are enthusiastic about developing each individual to reach their highest potential! It is our goal to provide high-quality dance instruction and instill in each student a lifelong passion for the art of dance.

Dance Academy

117 S. Academy St., Murfreesboro 849-8263 • We offer ballet, pointe, lyrical, tap, jazz, acrobatics, hip-hop and toddler programs. Teachers are certified through and members of Chicago National Association of Dance Masters, Southern Association of Dance Masters and Tennessee Association of Dance. Furthering dance education, performance opportunities, conventions and master classes are offered throughout the year.

The Dancer’s School

2159 N. Thompson Lane, C-5, Murfreesboro 907-1155 Excellence in dance education and performance. Educated, experienced adult teaching staff. Structured, stimulating classes. Age-appropriate music, with clean lyrics. Cost effective costume pricing. In-town recitals featuring our ever-popular “Wee-cital” for preschoolers. Classes include ballet, pointe, lyrical, tap, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary and featuring The Dancers’ Wee-School. Ages 3 - adult. Boys and girls. Call to enroll, classes begin Aug. 13. Wee-School begins Sep. 4. More information on our web site. Other services include sound editing and mixing for dance teams and other events – ask for Jordan Tate. Serving our community for over 30 years, what matters to you matters to us! (please turn to page 52)

august 2012 51

the 2012


arts directory



Smartt Steps Leslie Hall School of Dance

1431 Battleground Drive, Murfreesboro 849-7886 • Leslie Hall School of Dance is a fun, safe and nurturing environment for your dancer. Offering day and evening classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, pre-pointe and pointe for ages 3 to adult on our 1,200 square foot floating dance floor and our new pre-school dance studio. Private classes available. Kindermusik for infants and toddlers. Dancewear available on premises.

MUSIC Serving All of Middle Tennessee 715-1232 Offering individual and group music therapy services, regular and adaptive guitar and piano lessons, parent-child music classes and musical birthday parties. Drumming classes designed to improve communication and leisure skills for children with developmental disabilities starting soon in Murfreesboro and Franklin. Our mission is to use music to look beyond limitations and discover the ability of each child. 2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro •

Kindermusik at Leslie Hall School of Dance

1431 Battleground Drive, Murfreesboro •



Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 Mobile Music Academy offers private music instruction from fun, qualified teachers in your own home. We teach piano, guitar, bass, voice, strings, brass, and most other instruments. We offer competitive rates and flexible scheduling with special daytime rates available. We teach all ages, styles, and abilities. Serving the Middle TN Area.

Music Playhouse • 777-9314 The Music Playhouse offers high-quality, high-energy and fun music classes for children ages birth - 7 to enjoy with a parent or caregiver. Most offerings are mixed-age so children of different ages (such as siblings) can enjoy the benefits of class together. To schedule your free visit to a “Bunny” class (birth to 10 mos.), “Pups” class (birth through 4 yrs.), “Cats” calss (4 yrs. - 6 yrs.) or keyboarding class (5 yrs. - 7 yrs.), call our office.

Music Together Now at Bolton Music Therapy

THEATER Paradigm Players, LLC

Bolton Music Therapy

Kindermusik at Barfield School of Dance

123 Stadium Drive, Hendersonville 824-7400 • Smartt Steps – voted one of Sumner County’s best – offers day and evening classes in ballet, tap, pointe, hip-hop, jazz, modern, ballroom and all-boys hip-hop. For ages 2 - adult. Our emphasis is teaching the correct technique in a fun, nurturing environment. We also have award-winning competition teams. 796-6162 Bolton Music Therapy is now offering Music Together®, an early childhood music program for children ages birth to five years. Our mixed-age, inclusive classes provide a rich, active music making experience. Each family receives a songbook and two recordings each semester. Contact us to attend a free demo class! Please call for locations or visit our website.

227 Island Drive, Hendersonville 686-7810 • Our performing arts classes are designed to be both fun and educational; increasing a student’s confidence and self-esteem, improving their ability to work with and trust in others, and providing invaluable experience in public speaking. Weekly classes are located in Hendersonville for grades 1 - 12. Come join us in “building character one line at a time.”

WILLIAMSON CTY. ART Firstlight Arts Academy

1710 Gen. George Patton Dr., Ste 108, Brentwood 202-6426 Art Instruction for enthusiastic kids, teens and adults. Our 3-dimensional art learning method, developed by Dennas Davis, takes a long-term nurturing approach; guiding artists from beginners through advanced, building skills and knowledge, so they can pursue their dreams with confidence. We don’t teach style, but try to help each student find their own form of expression. The instructors work with each student individually in small classes of 10 or less.

Third Coast Clay

230 Franklin Road, Franklin 599-2200 • Come to the coast ... where imagination rules and everyone’s an artist. We are a drop-in ceramic studio with over 200 fun and functional items to paint. We specialize in painting parties and field trips for kids of all ages. Visit our website for more information.

DANCE Ann Carroll School of Dance

1121 Harpeth Industrial Court, Franklin 790-6468 • Offering dance, voice and acting for children grade 1 - college. Students study ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, voice, monologue and a play. Guest teachers teach vocal and acting audition training and more.

EBDT - Eccentrique Backbone Dance Theater

103 Confederate Drive, Ste. 1, Franklin 599-7003 • A family dance center promoting adult dance, fitness and the performing arts for ages 2 - 70+. Small classes, economical fee, workshops, loft-style classrooms with sprung floors make your dance experience like a home away from home. Fall classes begin Aug. 22. (please turn to page 54)

52 august 2012

Classes beg 1st. Please callinthAugust or visit our webe studio register for clasisste to es

"Come back to an age of innocence . . . where dance is grace and beauty. . ."


more information at • 615.383.4848

“The stage is a fairy tale world. Dance your imagination.” Ballet/Point Lyrical Tap Jazz Hip Hop Contemporary * Featuring the Dancer’s Wee-School

Barfield School of Dance 896-3118

Dance Lessons Ages 15 months-Adult

Newborn-Age 2 yrs

2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro

Elite Dance VOTED IN HE TOP 3 D STUDIOSTIN NASHVILALNCE E! 7177 Nolensville Road Suite B-1 Nolensville 615-776-4 202


NOW REGISTERING FOR FALL CLASSES. Classes begin August 20th NEW! TALENTED TOTS Mother’s Day Out Program Wednesdays & Fridays 9am-12pm, ages 3 & 4

The Dancer’s School

2159 N. Thompson Ln. C-5&6 - Murfreesboro - 907-1155 - Call today to enroll Classes begin Aug 13/ Wee-School Sept 4th


Zumba, Bootcamps & Piloxing

Adult Zumba 6 Days a Week

august 2012 53

the 2012


Elite Dance and Fitness

7177 Nolensville Road, Ste. B1, Nolensville 776-4202 Easily accessible from Williamson, Rutherford and Davidson County. Disciplines offered: tap, ballet, pointe, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, musical theatre and acrobatics for ages 2 yrs. - adult. We offer quality training with an emphasis on proper technique and terminology. Our goal is to inspire students with positive teaching methods that build character and self assurance. Extensive adult fitness program featuring Zumba six days per week as well as Pilates, adult tap and adult ballet classes. Ask about our birthday parties!

Fellowship School of Dance

Music Playhouse • 777-9314 The Music Playhouse offers high-quality, high-energy and fun music classes for children ages birth - 7 to enjoy with a parent or caregiver. Most offerings are mixed-age so children of different ages (such as siblings) can enjoy the benefits of class together. To schedule your free visit to a “Bunny” class (birth to 10 mos.), “Pups” class (birth through 4 yrs.), “Cats” class (4 yrs. - 6 yrs.) or keyboarding class (5 yrs. - 7 yrs.), call our office.

Music Together Now at Bolton Music Therapy 796-6162 Bolton Music Therapy is now offering Music Together®, an early childhood music program for children ages birth to five years. Our mixed-age, inclusive classes provide a rich, active music making experience. Each family receives a songbook and two recordings each semester. Contact us to attend a free demo class! Please call for locations or visit our website.


1210 Franklin Road, Brentwood 277-9434 • The school serves students of all ages, understanding that each have varying goals and aspirations. Our commitment is to offer top-quality instruction at affordable prices within a Christ-centered, nurturing environment. We aim to develop excellent people, not just excellent dancers, and to foster an environment of respect between dancers, teachers, faculty, and parents alike. We also believe it’s important to promote an atmosphere of camaraderie, not competition. Students achieve their maximum potential when they know they are in a safe, loving community.Classes offered include ballet, pointe, hip-hop, jazz, stretch/ flex, tap, modern, ballet/tap/jazz combo, and adult modern/worship!

ACT Too Players

Franklin School of Performing Arts

230 Franklin Road, Ste. 903, Franklin 599-1757 Classes in singing, acting, dance, guitar, and piano. Our staff is focused on teaching proper technique and helping each student reach their own personal goals. An atmosphere of fun, high energy, and performance is a major component of the experience. With our in-house state-of-the-art performance venue, students train and perform on stage regularly throughout the year. Our programs give students the skills and confidence they need to pursue their dreams.

1746 Gen. George Patton Drive, Ste. 104, Brentwood 377-9606 FSPA offers dance, drama and movement education for ages 3 and up. Featuring the highest caliber faculty for acting, classical ballet, creative movement, modern, jazz, tap, hip-hop and break dancing for boys, girls and teens. Classes designed and scheduled to support all levels of interest. See our class schedule and registration on our web site.

J Kelley Studios - School for the Performing Arts

230 Franklin Road, Suite 903, Franklin 599-1757 Classes in singing, acting, dance, guitar, and piano. Our staff is focused on teaching proper technique and helping each student reach their own personal goals. An atmosphere of fun, high energy, and performance is a major component of the experience. With our in-house state-of-the-art performance venue, students train and perform on stage regularly throughout the year. Our programs give students the skills and confidence they need to pursue their dreams.

MUSIC J Kelley Studios, Inc.

230 Franklin Road, Ste. 903, Franklin 599-1757 Classes in singing, acting, dance, guitar, and piano. Our staff is focused on teaching proper technique and helping each student reach their own personal goals. An atmosphere of fun, high energy, and performance is a major component of the experience. With our in-house state-of-the-art performance venue, students train and perform on stage regularly throughout the year. Our programs give students the skills and confidence they need to pursue their dreams.

Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 Mobile Music Academy offers private music instruction from fun, qualified teachers in your own home. We teach piano, guitar, bass, voice, strings, brass, and most other instruments. We offer competitive rates and flexible scheduling with special daytime rates available. We teach all ages, styles, and abilities. Serving the Middle TN Area.

54 august 2012

230 Franklin Road, Franklin 294-0667 Act Too Players strives to provide students the opportunity to learn and grow not only as a performer but also as an individual in a fun, exciting, and musical environment. Classes for all ages (4 - 18). Fall semester begins in September with performances in January. Fall semester classes: musical theater (Grease, Legally Blonde, Anne of Green Gables), group voice, private voice/piano, improv, Little Act Too, and musical theatre dance styles.

J Kelley Studios, Inc.


1275 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet 758-4993 Mt. Juliet’s finest educational supply and toy store is also your first stop for art supplies. We carry supplies for students, teachers, homeschoolers and crafty Moms. Featuring products by Melissa & Doug, we stock crayons, clay, art kits, finger paints, poster paints, watercolors, markers and easels. We special order hard to find products.

DANCE Diamond Academy of Dance

639 S. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet 587-7903 • We are proud to serve Mt. Juliet and surrounding areas. Dance instruction for ages 18 mos. - adult. Energetic, friendly, loving instructors certified in all areas of dance, specialized pre-school programs and Zumba. Ballet, contemporary, lyrical, pointe, jazz, tap, hip-hop, boy’s hip-hop, competitive dance team, Twinkle Toes pre-school program, Mommy and Me, zumba, cardio dance, adult ballet, cheerleading and tumbling. Fall Classes start Aug. 15.

Building A Strong Foundation For A Bright Future

Dance Academy 615-849-8263


Classes Begin - August 13

Ages 2 and Up.

Ballet, Pointe Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tumbling Lyrical




Music Lessons Singing - Acting - Dance Piano - Guitar

AwArd winning Competition teAms

All instructors are certified and active members of Chicago Fall Classes National Association begin of Dance Masters, Aug 6. NOW Southern Association Registering! of Dance Masters and Tennessee Come let your child try a class for Free! Association of Dance. 117 S Academy, Murfreesboro


ALL IN ONE C O N V E N I E N T L O C AT I O N ! Lessons are first come, first serve....

Call NOW to reserve your spot!


5 Top Benefits for YOU:

University Trained Teachers Small Class Settings 7 Fully Equipped Studios Month to Month Performance Opportunities 230 Franklin Rd Suite 903 Franklin, TN 37064

A Paid Advertisement


Sign up for any class and receive a $35.00 registration for FREE!

Expires - 8/30/12 Can not be used for cash or refund. Can not be combined with any other offer.


Dance Ages 3 & Up, Drama Ages 6 & Up

(615) 377-9606 august 2012 55



“Our Broadway bound kids are working professionally and performing in Nashville and all around the country!” Sondra Morton. Act too founder.

Group Voice * Private Voice/Piano Improv Little Act Too Musical Theatre Dance Production/Technical Training Weekly Performance Classes (Grease, Legally Blonde, Anne of Green Gables)


(615) 294-0667 ACTTOOPLAYERS.COM

Vote now in the 2012 Best of Parenting poll! The poll will be open for voting through August 31, 2012. The results will be announced in the November issue. Remember – only one ballot per household, please. See additional rules on the website.

56 august 2012

2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs

Your Guide to Fall Activities & After-School Programs Abacus Math Club

Above The Rim Basketball Academy

Holloway High School, 619 S. Highland Ave., Murfreesboro 390-0982 Offering year-round after-school basketball programs for individuals and groups ages 6 - 17. We take skills to a higher level, stressing fundamentals and shaping character. Developmental program for boys and girls ages 7 - 16. All skill levels welcome. Travel basketball program also available. AAU Member.

Barfield School of Dance

2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro 896-3118 • We offer dance instruction in ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, hip-hop, Irish, creative dance and Kindermusik, ages newborn - adult. All programs are developmentally appropriate and designed to meet the needs of each dancer. Our goal is to develop within each dancer a love for and a skill in the art of dance providing a sound dance education. see our expanded listing online at

Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate

1911 Business Campus Drive, Murfreesboro 890-6755 1820 NW Broad St., Murfreesboro 893-6003 • Let martial arts take your kids to new heights! Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate offers programs in traditional karate from age 3 - adult. Call now to find out how to get one month free with uniform. see our expanded listing online at

Bolton Music Therapy

Serving All of Middle Tennessee 715-1232 Offering individual and group music therapy services, regular and adaptive guitar and piano lessons, parent-child music classes and musical birthday parties. Drumming classes designed to improve communication and leisure skills for children with developmental disabilities starting soon in Murfreesboro and Franklin. Our mission is to use music to look beyond limitations and discover the ability of each child. see our expanded listing online at

Creative Me Gymnastics

871 Seven Oaks Blvd., Smyrna 459-5512 • Creative Me offers a variety of programs in gymnastics, fitness and cheerleading for ages 18 mos. - 18 yrs. Our goal is to bring out the champion in every child in a fun environment that builds self-esteem and character. We encourage and reward trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Now enrolling for fall classes. Also offering birthday parties and kids’ night out.

continued on page 58 ...

august 2012 57

A Paid Advertising Directory

845 Bell Rd., Ste. 115, Antioch 656-3532 7105 Peach Ct., Ste. 107, Brentwood • Discover your child’s math potential through a unique, fun learning tool – the abacus. Children learn to do math operations on an abacus and then in their own minds ... without a calculator! Strong and struggling math students have fun doing math through hands-on activities and games. They will develop mental math skills and right brain thinking. Classes Sun. - Thu. for ages 5 - 15.

2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs

Dance in Bloom

7982 Coley Davis Road, Bellevue 662-4819 • Located just off I-40 and Hwy. 70 in Bellevue, Dance in Bloom offers excellent classes for ages 2 and up. Quality training (with an emphasis on proper technique and terminology) is offered in a fun and upbeat environment. Classes available in creative movement, ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, hip-hop, pom and tumbling. Fun and affordable birthday party packages are also available!

The Dancer’s School

2159 N. Thompson Lane C-5, Murfreesboro 907-1155 • Fall classes begin Aug. 13. Wee School begins Sep. 4. Email or call to request registration information. Ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern, contemporary. Ages 3 - adult. Disciplined, fun classes. 40 year tradition of stellar service.

Deer Run Christian Camps

3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station 794-2918 • Grades K - 5 and Adventure Day Camps grades 6 - 8. On 100 wooded acres just south of Franklin. Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., extended care available. Bus service from six locations. Aqua park, kayaks, zip line, kickball, BB guns, archery, crafts, climbing tower, creek wading, worship, interactive Bible study. Adventure Camps include 3-D archery, Leap of Faith, paintball, tree climbing with ropes and harnesses, outdoor education and survival skills. Campers receive a t-shirt and DVD of their week. see our expanded listing online at

A Paid Advertising Directory

E.T.C. Gymnastics

1137 Haley Road, Murfreesboro 867-6900 1932 Almaville Road, Smyrna 617-7644 • E.T.C. Gymnastics is dedicated to bringing a new standard of excellence in gymnastics through Him. We offer classes in gymnastics for boys and girls ages 2 years and older. We also offer cheerleading and tumbling, as well as competitive teams. Call and ask about our free trial class. We also do parties, field trips and parents’ nights out. see our expanded listing online at

EBDT Dance and Arts Center - Eccentrique Backbone Dance Theatre



Life-changing, Bonding ExpEriEncE & Some High-powered owered guy Stuff! Stuff tournament & archery practice

FiSHiNG tournament

7177 Nolensville Road, Ste. B-1, Nolensville 776 - 4202 Voted one of the top three studio’s in Nashville! Classes in tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, acrobatics and musical theater for ages 2 - 18. Adult fitness program: Zumba, piloxing and bootcamp six days a week, morning and evening classes. Summer camps, competitive dance team, performance troupe, birthday parties. First class free!

Fellowship School of Dance

Franklin School of Performing Arts (FSPA)

FOOTbALL ALL challenges & flag football

WiFFLE bALL home run derby & father-son game


E noW to Reserve Your Space! inE rEgiStEr onLin ingEvents PSALM 42:1


58 august 2012

Elite Dance and Fitness

1210 Franklin Road, Brentwood 277-9434 Dance this summer at Fellowship School of Dance! We are pleased to offer a variety of dance camps and intensive training opportunities for students ranging from ages 3 - 20. Class size is limited, so register early.



103 Confederate Drive, Ste. 1, Franklin 599-7003 • Promoting adult dance, fitness and the performing arts for ages 2 - 70+. Small classes, economical fee, workshops and loft-style classrooms with sprung floors. Faith-based, non-recital school.

1885 Gen. George Patton Drive, Brentwood 377-9606 FSPA offers dance, drama and movement education for ages 3 and older. Featuring the highest caliber faculty for acting, classical ballet, creative movement, modern, jazz, tap, hip-hop and break dancing for boys, girls and teens. Classes designed and scheduled to support all levels of interest. See our class schedule and registration information on our website.

Harpeth Youth Soccer Association

7385 Old Harding Road, Nashville 662-1466 HYSA has an array of camps and clinics available to soccer players of all ages and skill levels. Great coaches and great facilities.

1892 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 369-3547 • New! Parent/child classes. Come have fun as we play on trampolines, tumbletrack, pit, rope swing and super slide, obstacle course, exploration, bubbles, peterpan swing, circle swing and group activities. Call or visit our website for more information.

Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 We bring high-quality music instruction from fun, energetic, qualified teachers directly to you. We provide lessons throughout the day and evening for piano, guitar, bass, drums, voice, band and orchestral. Special rates available for lessons before 3 p.m. We teach all ages.



Mpact Sports

1647 Mallory Lane, Ste. 102, Brentwood 377-3444 MPACT your child’s school year with the right balance of athletic training, character building and social/ team outlets. Gymnastics for 10 mos. - adult, cheer for 5 - 18 yrs. and martial arts for ages 4 - 104. Competitive teams and proper training. Low teacher/student ratios. Our goal is to help your child develop to their fullest within their sport of choice and encourage learning. Come see why Mpact is the best kept secret in Cool Springs!

Music Together Now at Bolton Music Therapy 796-6162 Bolton Music Therapy is now offering Music Together®, an early childhood music program for children ages birth to five years. Our mixed-age, inclusive classes provide a rich, active music making experience. Each family receives a songbook and two recordings each semester. Contact us to attend a free demo class! Please call for locations or visit our website.

(615) 796-6162


Equipping students in the art of dance to the glory of God.

2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs

Let it Shine Gymnastics

My Gym

A Paid Advertising Directory

330 Franklin Road, Brentwood 371-5437 204 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville 824-8002 • We build strong, healthy bodies through tumbling, relays, music and gymnastics. High-energy, structured classes improve balance, agility and build self-confidence. Our immaculate facilities and low studentteacher ratios help children 3 mos. - 13 yrs. develop excellent fitness habits in a non-competitive way. continued on page 61 ...

Claire Quint, In Motion Dance Company Photo courtesy of Creative Sync

Register now for Fall Classes online or call 277-9434 august 2012 59

2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory

Parent & Child Classes Ages 1-3 & Pre-School Ages 3-5

FREE TRIAL CLASS with this ad.

Must present coupon. Expires June 10, 2012

Cool Springs 1892 Gen. George Patton Franklin, TN

369-3547 NOW


Now Enrolling!

Save gas. Save time. Save mom.

2012/2013 classes begin August 6th

In-home Music Lessons.

School, sports, play dates, shopping and doctors' appointments Isn't that enough driving for one day? Be the hero with in-home music lessons. Learn more at

Any instrument, any skill level. All teachers background checked Accredited, friendly instructors.


tap • jazz • ballet • modern hip-hop • ages 3 - adult • birthday parties

Lauri Gregoire, Director, BPA in Dance from Oklahoma City University

60 august 2012

Sylvan Learning Centers

1227 Lakeview Drive, Unit 4, Franklin 790-8775 2000 Richard Jones Road, Ste. 178, Nashville (Green Hills) 292-3900 860-9111 110 Glancy St., Ste. 211, Nashville (Rivergate) 810 Medical Center Blvd., Ste. C, Murfreesboro 893-3542 Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of tutoring and supplemental education services to students of all ages and skill levels. Our tutors tailor individualized learning plans that build the skills, habits and attitudes students need to succeed in school and in life. Affordable tutoring instruction in math, reading, writing, study skills, homework help and test prep. Visit one of our centers or call for a free consultation.

Task Whiz Tutoring

at your location 656-3532 Serving Davidson, Rutherford and Sumner counties. Affordable and convenient in-home tutoring for all subjects, grades K - 12. Catch up or get ahead in math, reading, chemistry, Spanish and more. Prepare for the SAT or ACT. Get homework help or improve study skills and test taking techniques. One-on-one personalized instruction. Sun. - Thu., 9 a.m. - 9 p.m..

Wado Karate Centers

2298 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville 383-4848 Dedicated to providing the finest art instruction, our program sets the stage for students of all ages to learn the process of creating art in a variety of fascinating mediums. Adult courses are also offered.


Williamson County Parks & Recreation – Rhythm & Sprit Dance, Cheer & Tumbling

1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin 615-370-3471 ext. 17 Rhythm & Spirit is an affordable, full-scale dance, cheer and tumbling program offered by Williamson County Parks and Recreation. Providing skilled instruction in tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop and break dance for children and teens in Franklin/Brentwood. Fall sessions begin mid-August. Please call or visit our website for registration information. continued on page 62 ...




LEARNS Thank you Nashville Parent readers for voting us your Best Tutoring/Learning Service

• Annu ent a ar

ders Pol ea l lR

Watkins College of Art and Design

11 Vaughns Gap Road, Nashville • Please visit our events page on our website.

Sylvan Learning of Franklin 1227 Lakeview Drive Unit 4 (615) 790-8775

Sylvan Learning of Rivergate 110 Glancy Street Suite 211 (615) 860-9111

Sylvan Learning of Green Hills 2000 Richard Jones Road Ste. 178 (615) 292-3900

Sylvan Learning of Green Hills 810 Medical Ctr Blvd. Suite C (615) 893-3542


A Paid Advertising Directory

2444 Morris Gentry Blvd., Antioch 399-3992 406 Two Mile Pike, Goodlettsville 859-9473 667 Presidents Place, Smyrna 399-3992 • Two-week “Quick Start Program” for $19.95. For ages 3 - adult. Designed to instill self-control, selfconfidence and boost self-esteem. Our classes are the product of more than 40 years of refinement and offer life skills along with karate skills. Call or email for more information or to register.

Westside Gymnastics

Nashville P

3630 Redmon St., Nashville 297-2966 ext. 33 • Dance camps and junior intensives for students ages 3 - 15. Half- and full-day options are available with locations in both Nashville and Brentwood. Students bring their own sack lunch and drink. Have fun, make new friends and learn from the best.

2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs

School of Nashville Ballet

Classes offered year-round!

1137 Haley Rd. Murfreesboro 867-6900

gymnastics cheerleading martial arts tumbling

1932 Almaville Rd. Smyrna 617-7644

• Girls and Boys • Ages 2 and up • Birthday Parties • Cheerleading • Tumbling • Parents Night Out

find us on


w w w. e t c g y m n a s t i c s. c o m

open gym preschool programs nerf wars

N rth offe ow da rin yP g ar tie


Your child’s best opportunity to learn music is now.

The most favorable time to learn music is from birth to four years. Help your young child achieve his or her full musical potential with an innovative, developmental music and movement program. Parent and child classes are playful and creative and each family receives the acclaimed CDs and song books. Fall classes start August 20. Call for information and to schedule a free class observation. 615•777•9314 Nipper’s Corner • West Meade • Franklin



2012 Guide to Summer Activities & After-School Programs


t • Ann ren u Pa


aders Po Re ll al

A Paid Advertising Directory


1647 Mallory Lane, Ste. 102, Brentwood, TN

YMCA Camp Widjiwagan

3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch, TN 37013 360-2267 • Voted #1 Day Camp by Nashville Parent readers 14 years in a row! Serving boys and girls rising grade 1 - grade 8. Camp Widjiwagan is just minutes from downtown Nashville. Bus transportation is available. Activities include water skiing, banana boating, swimming, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, Tom Sawyer swing, The Blob, 150 ft. Wet Willy water slides, equestrian school, street hockey, alpine tower, zip line, fishing, tennis, basketball, soccer, crafts, lacrosse, archery and much more. see our expanded listing online at

YMCA Day Camps 259-9622 Camping at the Y is about learning skills, developing character and making friends. Our camps are also places where kids become a community as they engage in physical, social and educational activities that teach how to be more independent and contribute to a group. Each week includes swimming and field trips.

YMCA Summer Adventure

Camps offered at participating school locations 259-3418 The summer component of the YMCA’s Fun Company out-of-school time program, Summer Adventure offers campers daily fun in a safe, supervised environment. Offering full-day excitement, campers will learn skills, develop character and make new friends, all while engaging in physical, social and educational activities.

These listings and more are available online anytime at 62 august 2012

WHERE EVERYBODY COMES TO PLAY Good things come together at the Y. It’s a class for yourself or a sports league for the kids. Support your goals with world-class facilities, or support your neighbors’ desires to live healthier lives. There’s a little something for everyone and a lot for your community. Stop in and let us surprise you. Find your Y at!

GRAB A SLICE OF SUMMER Bring the whole family and join in the fun!

Saturday, Aug. 11

Kid’s 1/2 mile Fun Run starts at 7 a.m. 5K starts at 7:30 a.m. Corner of South 10th Street and Woodland Street, in East Nashville’s Historic Five Points



& KIDS’ FUN RUN The East Nashville Tomato 5K and Kid’s FunTHE Run is a fun, upbeat, family-friendly MAFIAoZA'S RUN FOR HILLS PUTNAM COUNTY TURKEY TROT race held in conjunction with the East Nashville Tomato Arts Fest. To learn more, call 615-228-5525 or visit



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64 august 2012


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PARTY LIKE A SMARTIE! It’s a scientific fact that our birthday parties are super fun! When you celebrate at Adventure Science Center, you get admission all day, a private party room, and a live science presentation. AND…Mention Parent Magazine when you book a party to receive one free child admission to add a guest to your party.

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3 FREE Pizzas

with any party booked in August ($40 Value)

May not be combined with other offers. Mention coupon at time of booking and present to redeem. Not to be used on previously booked parties. Valid only at Rivergate and Cool Springs TN locations. Party may be held at any time but must be booked by 8/31/2012.

Wild Wednesday $5 Admission + A Free Popsicle (all Wednesdays in August)

May not be combined with other offers. Limit one coupon per visit. Valid only at Rivergate and Cool Springs TN locations. Expires 8/31/2012.

spa parties in


Birthday Parties, Mothers’ Day Out, Girls’ Night Out, Bachelorette Parties Bring your balloons & cupcakes and pamper your guest of honor and friends. Manicure & Pedicure Parties are all the rage!



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august 2012 67


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august 2012 69


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august 2012 71


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For booth information, call (615) 256-2158 x139

By Chad Young

THINGS•TO•DO 74 fair fun |76 the dailies | 91 ongoing | 93 on stage | 95 chadderbox



get strong with the wiggles

amed preschool band, The Wiggles, return to Nashville Tuesday, Aug. 7 for their Getting Strong tour, which promises to bring healthy fun to the Ryman Auditorium stage. Tots can “Follow the Leader” and dance the “Hot Potato” with Anthony, Jeff, Murray, Greg, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry the Octopus, Wags the Dog and the Wiggly Dancers. The Ryman is located at 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville. Show time is 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $17 - $77.50. Call 889-3060 or visit


fair fun

Keep summer going at one of these local county fairs this month.

The Dailies begin on page 76.

Sumner County Fair

Williamson County Fair

Wilson County Fair

When: Aug. 1 - 4 Where: 200 Fairground Road, Gallatin Admission: TBA Highlights: Highlights include pet shows and bicycle races on Wednesday, the Teen Miss Beauty Contest on Thursday and the Walking Horse show on Saturday. Contact: 452-3172 or sumnercountyfair. com.

When: Aug. 3 - 11 Where: 4215 Long Lane, Franklin Admission: $6 adults, $3 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger; check website for daily specials. Highlights: The Children’s Barnyard, agricultural displays and competitions. New this year is The X-Factory, TAF (Thank a Farmer) Magic Show and an Elvis tribute show (additional $10 ticket required). Kids can meet Spider-Man Aug. 3 - 7 and Captain America Aug. 8 - 11. Contact: 794-4386 or

When: Aug. 17 - 25 Where: 945 Baddour Pkwy., Lebanon Admission: $7 adults, $5 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger. Highlights: Kids Night is Thursday, Aug. 23 and features a battery power ride toy race and tractor pull ride toy race. New this year is Timmy the Tractor, a taxidermy exhibition and Rhinestone Roper. Contact: 443-2626 or wilsoncountyfair. net

74 august 2012

25 minute ride with a full size Thomas the Tank Engine Meeting Sir Topham Hatt Storytelling, Live Music, Build with Mega Bloks® and Much More! TM

Tennessee Central Railway Museum 220 Willow Street, Nashville

September 1-2 & 8-9 For tickets and information, visit or call 866.468.7630 Tickets are $18 for ages 2 and up. Advance purchase is recommended. Ticket sales are final. Events are rain or shine.

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Day Out With ThomasTM Thomas the Tank Engine & FriendsTM Based on The Railway Series by The Reverend W Awdry. © 2012 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, Thomas & Friends and Day Out With Thomas are trademarks of Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas & Friends and Design is Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. HIT and the HIT logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited. © 2012, MEGA Brands Inc. All Rights Reserved. MEGA BLOKS and the MEGA BLOKS logo are registered trademarks of MEGA Brands Inc.

august 2012 75


wed 1

FREE Open House Day All ages can tour the observatory

and chat with local astronomers. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; 373-4897 or dyer.vanderbilt. edu.

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can learn about shapes. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! All ages can make snacks in the kitchen. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

thu 2 Nature Nuts All ages can learn about mammals. Discovery

Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Summer Kid Series All ages can enjoy a screening of Monsters vs. Aliens. Thoroughbred 20, 633 Frazier Drive, Franklin, and Wynnsong 16, 2626 Cason Square Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m.; $2; Thursday Crafternoons All ages can make sun prints.

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 SE Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

fri 3 FREE Family Movie Night Enjoy a family-friendly movie outdoors. Lawnchair Theatre, 4401 Hillsboro Road, Leiper’s Fork; 8 p.m.; 870-8870 or

FREE Tales at Twilight All ages can

enjoy live music by The Zinghoppers. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or nashville. gov/parks.

Wetland Walk All ages can join a natu-

ralist for a guided walk through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

sat 4 FREE Alert CDC Back-to-School Bash Students of all ages can enjoy giveaways, get health and hygiene info, and more. Free haircuts for kids will take place from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Living Truth Christian Center, 102 Ridley St., Smyrna; 12 p.m.; 459-9017 or FREE Animal Encounters All ages can meet resident animals that are native to Tennessee. The Wilderness Station, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 1:30 - 2 p.m.; 217-3017 or FREE Big Band Dance All ages can enjoy dancing and

music with Lynn Beal. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or parks.

76 august 2012

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

FREE Chicks with Sticks All ages can participate in a

knitting club. Spring Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 9 - 11 a.m.; 931-486-2932 or

FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop Ages 5 - 12 can make cork bulletin boards from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Find a store near you at FREE School of Nashville Ballet Open House All ages can meet faculty, tour the dance center, get fitted for uniforms and more. School of Nashville Ballet, 3630 Redmon St., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 297-2966 or

FREE School of Nashville Ballet Open House — Brentwood Campus All ages can meet ballet faculty, tour

the facility and get fitted for uniforms. School of Nashville Ballet — Brentwood Campus, 500 Wilson Pike Circle, Brentwood; 2 - 4 p.m.; 297-2966 or

FREE Shakespeare Allowed All ages can participate in

(or just listen to) a reading of The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 12 - 3 p.m.;

Smyrna Parks 5K Run and Bill Nash Dash for Cash All

ages can do a 5K run/walk with Overall, Masters and Grandmasters awards given three deep in five-year increments. A one-mile run follows for cash prizes. Sharp Springs Natural Area, Espey Drive, Smyrna; 7:30 a.m.; $20 in advance/$25 race day; 4599742, ext. 2612, or

Sunrise Saturday Bounce All ages can spend the morning

bouncing on inflatables. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 8:30 - 10 a.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or tn.

See a screening of Monsters vs. Aliens for $2 (including snacks) at Carmike Cinemas in Franklin and Murfreesboro on Thursday, Aug. 2

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

the dailies

Children can participate in hands-on arts and crafts activities during the Frist Center’s Kids Club on Saturday, Aug. 11. For event details, visit and click on “Planning Ahead.” FREE Super Saturday All ages can play on the kids’ activity table, participate in craft projects and enjoy cookies and lemonade. Parent Teacher Stores: 2214 Bandywood Drive, Nashville (292-3533); 203 Williamson Square, Franklin (599-3477); 131 John Rice Blvd., Murfreesboro (895-6131); and 780 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville (859-3007); 10 a.m.; 292-3533 or

mon 6 Parents & Tots Parents and preschoolers can participate in a “How Many do You See?” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! All ages can make Italian pasta salad. Discov-

ery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Summerland Tour All ages can enjoy a musical extravaganza

featuring Everclear, Sugar Ray, Gin Blossoms, Lit and Marcy Playground. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $45; 770-2000 or

tue 7 FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expectant mothers can learn more about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 10 a.m.; 834-3287. FREE National Night Out The cities of Antioch, La Vergne,

Nashville, Old Hickory and Portland will all participate in this national event stressing crime and drug prevention along with strengthening neighborhood spirit. Contact your local City Hall or visit the website. 6 - 9 p.m.;

Parents & Tots Parents and preschoolers can participate in a

“How Many do You See?” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Summer Nights at the Hill Ages 5 and older can bring a

picnic and learn about the sounds of a southern summer night during a hike in the twilight. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 6 - 8:30 p.m.; $10 in advance, $15 at the gate; 370-4672 or

The Wiggles Please see page 73.

Murfreesboro; 3:30 and 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

wed 8 Parents & Tots Parents and preschoolers can participate in a “How Many do You See?” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! All ages can make Italian pasta salad. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

thu 9 Knee High Naturalist: Summer Series Preschoolers with a parent can enjoy a themed nature program. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 10 - 11:30 a.m.; $10 per adult/child couple in advance, $15 at the gate; 370-4672 or

Zumbatomic All ages can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St.,

(please turn the page)

august 2012 77

a baby is... wonderment

Let Nashville’s best photographer capture your joy! 615.248.7815

Add Quality Healthcare to Your Shopping List • Open 7 days a week, including week nights • No appointment necessary • Family healthcare - ages 18 months and up (24 months in Kentucky)

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Allergies • Colds • Flu • Sinus Infections • Sore Throat • Physicals • Ear Infections • Vaccinations • Prevention • And more 78 august 2012

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

the dailies

Ages 5 and older can learn about letterpress printing from Hatch Show Print staff on Saturday, Aug. 11 at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. Nature Nuts All ages can learn about lizards. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Summer Kid Series All ages can watch a screening of

Megamind. Thoroughbred 20, 633 Frazier Drive, Franklin and Wynnsong 16, 2626 Cason Square Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m.; $2;

fri 10 Cosmic Bounce Night All ages can bounce on inflatables

with cosmic lighting and receive a glow bracelet. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or

FREE Family Movie Night Enjoy a family-friendly movie

outdoors. Lawnchair Theatre, 4401 Hillsboro Road, Leiper’s Fork; 8 p.m.; 870-8870 or

Let the Miracles Roll Old Hickory Credit Union hosts this fundraiser for the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt that includes bowling, bingo, games, prizes, guest appearances a silent auction and more. Hermitage Lanes, 3436 Lebanon Pike, Nashville; 4 p.m.; $12; 847-4043, ext. 7115, or

FREE My Gym Enrollment Night Families can check out the offerings at this development play place, and kids can participate in gymnastics stations, games and puppet shows. My Gym, 206 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville; 5:30 - 7 p.m.; 824-8002 or FREE Smokin’ in McMinnville Barbecue Festival This

family festival features live entertainment, food, sports competitions, a children’s play zone, several vendors and access to the Gilley Swimming Pool. McMinnville Civic Center, 500 Garfield St., McMinnville; 4 p.m.; 931-473-6611 or

Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Salt Lake Bees. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Tales at Twilight All ages can enjoy a family-friendly

performance. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided walk

through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

sat 11 FREE Big Band Dance All ages can enjoy dancing and live music with Merchants of Cool. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or nashville. gov/parks. Dive-In Movie Families can watch an outdoor screening of Real Steel. Nashville Shores, 4001 Bell Road, Nashville; 8 p.m.; $26.99 - $31.99; 889-7050 or FREE Family Program: Make Letterpress Art with Hatch Show Print Ages 5 and older can learn about letter-

press printing from staff of Hatch Show Print. Participants will pull a limited edition Elvis Presley postcard on a vintage letterpress and also use block images to create their own Bakersfield Sound poster. Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 p.m.; 416-2001 or

FREE Firstlight Open House Families can visit the studios, meet teachers and get answers to their questions. Firstlight Art Academy, 1710 General George Patton Drive, Brentwood; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 202-6426 or

(please turn the page)

august 2012 79

the dailies

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

FREE Kidz Kompany Orientation Children ages 7 - 14 can learn about this musical theater group that meets twice weekly and performs throughout the school year. Auditions will follow until 3 p.m. Spring Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 11 a.m.; 931-486-2932 or FREE Movie Matinee All ages can watch a screening of To Kill a Mockingbird, starring Gregory Peck and John Megna. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 1 p.m.; 3710090, ext. 8510, or Music in the Meadow All ages can bring a picnic dinner, meet the owls, then enjoy the music of Elizabeth Eckerd. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $75 per carload of six; 370-4672 or FREE Smokin’ in McMinnville Barbecue Festival This family festival features live entertainment, food, sports competitions, a children’s play zone, several vendors and access to the Gilley Swimming Pool. McMinnville Civic Center, 500 Garfield St., McMinnville; 9 a.m.; 931-473-6611 or

mon 13

tue 14

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a “What Goes Up ... Must Come Down” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE La Leche League of Rutherford County Get support and answers about breastfeeding. Crossway Baptist Church, 4194 Shelbyville Hwy., Murfreesboro; 6 - 8 p.m.; 931-308-9817.

FREE Snack Attack! All ages can make orange smoothies.

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; 890-2300 or

music of The Beatles by The WannaBeatles. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.; library.

Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Salt Lake Bees. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a “What Goes Up ... Must Come Down” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time. Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Tacoma Rainiers. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 6904487 or

FREE Library Courtyard Concert All ages can listen to

Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Salt Lake Bees. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 6:35 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or

Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time.

Sunrise Saturday Bounce All ages can

Zumbatomic All ages can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 and 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

spend the morning bouncing on inflatables. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 8:30 - 10 a.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or

FREE Tomato Art Fest The

whole family can enjoy this costume-friendly event celebrating all-things-tomato. Festivities include children’s activities and contests, a parade, live music, a recipe contest, booths featuring artisans and local businesses, and more. East Nashville’s Five Points, 1106 Woodland St., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.; 226-2070 or

Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

wed 15 FREE Label the Collections Day All ages can help label

antiques. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.; 890-0355 or parks.

sun 12 American Idol Live All ages can

enjoy a live concert by American Idol finalists Colton Dixon, Skylar Laine, DeAndre Brackensick, Elise Testone, Erika Van Pelt, Hollie Cavanagh and more. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $33.50 - $66; 7702000 or bridgestonearena. com.

Families can celebrate allthings-tomato during the annual Tomato Art Festival in East Nashville’s Five Points area on Saturday, Aug. 11. (please turn the page)

80 august 2012

LAUNCHING IN AUGUST! THE ALL-NEW AND EXCITING “Best family calendar in town!” “Smarter and more intuitive!” Additional certifications offered * Nitrous Oxide Monitoring * Sealants * Coronal Polishing

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Learn about letterpress printing, pull a limited edition Elvis Presley postcard on a vintage press, and use block images to create your own Bakersfield Sound poster. For ages 5 and up.


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82 august 2012

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

the dailies

All ages can enjoy a performance by The Zinghoppers during Tales at Twilight on Friday, Aug. 17 at Red Caboose Park in Bellevue. Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a

“What Goes Up ... Must Come Down” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Snack Attack! All ages can make orange smoothies. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 SE Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time.

Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

thu 16 FREE Cheaper by the Dozen Auditions Children ages

6 - 14 can audition Thursday and Saturday. Ages 15 - adults can audition Monday and Tuesday. The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury; 6:30 p.m.; 563-2787 or

FREE Creative Movement All ages can enjoy a movement program led by The Tennessee Dance Arts Conservatory. Spring

Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 11 a.m.; 931486-2932 or

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about summer constellations.

FREE Family Movie Night Enjoy a family-friendly movie outdoors. Lawnchair Theatre, 4401 Hillsboro Road, Leiper’s Fork; 8 p.m.; 870-8870 or

Thursday Crafternoons All ages can create pine cone owls.

FREE Music With Mommie Preschoolers and mothers can bond during this introductory music and movement class. Spring Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 10 a.m.; 931486-2932 or

Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time.

FREE Tales at Twilight All ages can enjoy live music by The Zinghoppers. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

fri 17 Cosmic Bounce Night All ages can bounce on inflatables

with cosmic lighting and receive a glow bracelet. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or

FREE Third Friday Night Concert Series Families can bring lawn chairs, blankets and picnic dinners while enjoying live bluegrass music. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.; 890-0355 or murfreesborotn. gov/parks. Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided walk

through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

(please turn the page)

august 2012 83

the dailies

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

Join Nashville Opera singers for a sing-along screening of The Sound of Music at the Franklin Theatre on Sunday, Aug. 19.

sat 18 FREE Back-to-School Bash Students entering grades K - 5

can have fun with inflatables, face painting, music, games, school supply giveaways and more. Proceeds from a silent auction will benefit schools in the Goodlettsville area. Connell Memorial United Methodist Church, 113 Church St., Goodlettsville; 5 - 8:30 p.m.; 859-5915 or

Agricultural Center, 2119 Midland Road, Shelbyville; 10 a.m. - 12 a.m.; $5 in advance/$10 at the gate; 931-492-2771.

sun 19

In the Artist’s Studio All ages can join artist Leslie Roberts and make mosaic candlestick holders. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 2 - 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

FREE Artful Tales: A Walk in the Country: A Not Too Cirri-us Romp through an English Landscape Painting All ages can listen to a story about clouds and sheep,

FREE Peter Pan Auditions Children ages 7 - 14 can audi-

FREE Big Band Dance All ages can enjoy dancing and music

tion for a show running Nov. 2 - 17. The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury; 12:30 p.m.; 563-2787 or

Bluebird on the Mountain All ages can enjoy a night of local

Ranch Rodeo All ages can enjoy rodeo competitions and participate in activities like sack races, wheelbarrow races, horseback riding, apple bobbing, stick pony races and more. Tap Root Farm, 4104 Clovercroft Road, Franklin; 5 p.m.; $5 ages 4 and older; 594-3210 or

with the Pall Ross Band. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or parks.

singer/songwriters performing outside under the stars. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 6 p.m.; $95 per carload; 373-4897 or

FREE Chicks with Sticks All ages can participate in a

knitting club. Spring Hill Public Library, 144 Kedron Pkwy., Spring Hill; 9 - 11 a.m.; 931-486-2932 or

I Am What I Am Music Festival This autism benefit includes live music, an auction, a karaoke contest and a children’s zone featuring face painting, inflatables, a dunking booth, Star Wars characters and more. Certain activities require additional fees.

84 august 2012

then do a landscape project. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 2 p.m.;

Sound of Music Sing Along Join Nashville Opera singers

for a screening of The Sound of Music, complete with subtitles so you can sing along. The Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 1:30 p.m.; $15 - $20; 832-5242 or

FREE Williamson County Community Band Enjoy an afternoon of free music, including marches, concert pieces and jazz. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 3 p.m.; 790-5719, ext. 30, or

Sunrise Saturday Bounce All ages can spend the morning

bouncing on inflatables. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 8:30 - 10 a.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or tn.

mon 20 Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can listen to a reading of Banana Moon. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or (please turn the page)

Create a legendary getaway with Shrek & Friends! Summer Fun with Shrek & Friends Select Weekends through September 2, 2012 Create the vacation tale of a lifetime when you meet favorite characters from DreamWorks Animation films like Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda at Gaylord Opryland® Resort. Become an honorary ogre at the scrumptious ShrekFeast and train in the art of awesomeness at the Kung Fu Panda Academy of Awesomeness. Enjoy DreamWorks-themed games, treats and surprises for the entire family. Summer Fun with Shrek & Friends: It’s epic!

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Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda and all related characters and properties © 2012 DreamWorks Animation L.L.C.

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Celebrating Tennessee Crafts


Saturday, August 25 • 1 to 4 p.m. • FREE






7/20/12 7:08 AM





Tennessee State Museum Area Girl Scouts, along with museum staff, will lead children in craft activities. Tennessee Association of Craft Artists (TACA) will provide live demonstrations.

The Best of Tennessee Craft: 2012 TACA Biennial Exhibition August 24 - October 21, 2012

August 24 - October 31, 2012

Photo: Fall 1950 Girl Scout Equipment Catalog

Louis Colombarini

Tennessee State Museum 5th Ave. & Deaderick Street Downtown Nashville 615 •741•2692

august 2012 85

the dailies

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

FREE Peter Pan Auditions Ages 15 - adult can audition for

this production that runs Nov. 2 - 17. The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury; 6:30 p.m. today and tomorrow; 563-2787 or

Snack Attack! All ages can make cheesy ranch Chex mix.

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time.

Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

tue 21 FREE Creatures of the Night: Summer Night Hike All

ages can embark on a hike in search of owls, bats and other nocturnal creatures. The Wilderness Station, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 7:30 p.m.; 217-3017 or murfreesborotn. gov/parks.

FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expectant mothers can learn more about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 6:15 p.m.; 834-3287. FREE Library Courtyard Concert All ages can listen to

blues music by Nick Nixon. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.;

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can listen to a reading of Banana Moon. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Tot Time Preschoolers and parents can enjoy pool time.

Sports*Com, 120 Dejarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children; 895-5040 or parks.

Zumbatomic All ages can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 and 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

wed 22 Jason Mraz Enjoy an evening of pop music with Jason Mraz and special guest Christina Perri. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $25 - $59.50; 770-2000 or

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can listen to a reading of Banana Moon. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! All ages can make cheesy ranch Chex mix.

Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

(please turn the page)

86 august 2012

Fathers and sons can enjoy fishing and other activities during the Deer Run Father-Son Adventure Weekend Aug. 24 26. Visit and click on “Planning Ahead.�

Our Heritage Pediatric Team Keeps Growing.

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*** 1



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for information call august 2012 87

the dailies

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

thu 23

sat 25

Knee High Naturalist: Summer Series Preschoolers with a parent can enjoy a themed nature program. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 10 - 11:30 a.m.; $10 per adult/child couple in advance, $15 at the gate; 370-4672 or

FREE 13th Annual Grape Stomp All ages can have fun stomping grapes, then enjoy a concert by Skip Bond & the Fugitives. Sumner Crest Winery, 5306 S. Old Hwy. 52, Portland; 2:30 - 9:30 p.m.; 325-4086 or

Nature Nuts All ages can learn about wide-eyed owls. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Titans Football Cheer for the Tennessee Titans when they challenge the Arizona Cardinals during this preseason game. LP Field, 1 Titans Way, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $55 - $69; 565-4200 or

fri 24 Cosmic Bounce Night All ages can bounce on inflatables

with cosmic lighting and receive a glow bracelet. BounceU, 2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville; 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $7.95; 255-1422 or

FREE Tales at Twilight All ages can enjoy a performance of Borreguita and the Coyote by the Nashville Ballet. Red Caboose Park, Highway 70 South, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided walk

through through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

back-to-school cool


ids might not be all that thrilled that summer break is over and they have to go back to school, but they can buck up and find lots of interesting fare at Williamson Parent’s Back-To-School Fair on Saturday, Aug. 25 at Cool Springs Galleria. Students and parents can discover myriad enrichment program opportunities, including dance, music, tutoring and sports offerings. Take in a fall fashion show and enjoy live entertainment along the way. And, hey, it’s FREE! Cool Springs Galleria is located at 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin. The fair takes place from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call 256-2158 or visit for more info.

88 august 2012

FREE Animal Encounters All ages can meet resident animals that are native to Tennessee. The Wilderness Station, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 1:30 - 2 p.m.; 217-3017 or Best Buddies 5K This run/walk features chip timing and a

Kid Zone. Proceeds benefit Best Buddies Tennessee, a nonprofit that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships between people with intellectual disabilities and their non-disabled peers. Healthways, 701 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin; 7:30 a.m.; $30 in advance/$40 race day adults, free ages 12 younger ($10 if kids opt for chip timing); 504-6713 or

FREE Big Band Dance All ages can enjoy dancing and music with The Moonlighters. Centennial Park Event Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; 862-8400 or

FREE Celebrating Tennessee Crafts Area Girls Scouts, along with museum staff, will assist children of all ages with arts and crafts activities. The Tennessee Association of Craft Artists will provide demonstrations. Tennessee State Museum, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 1 - 5 p.m.; 741-2692 or

FREE Firstlight Open House Families can visit the studios, meet teachers and get answers to their questions. Firstlight Art Academy, 1710 General George Patton Drive, Brentwood; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 202-6426 or FREE Frosty Party All ages can share stories and enjoy a frosty treat. Gallatin Public Library, 123 E. Main St., Gallatin; 10:30 a.m.; 452-1722 or

Garden Tales Children’s entertainer Rachel Sumner presents a program about garden friends through music, stories and dance for ages 2 - 8. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 11 a.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or

FREE HEART Back-to-School Picnic Homeschool families and those considering homeschooling can learn about the Home Education Association of Rutherford Tennessee (HEART), meet other families, connect with resources and more. Guests are asked to bring food and drinks to share. Barfield Crescent Park, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.; 867-4034. FREE Hillsboro Village Pup Crawl Participating merchants will have special treats and activities for dogs. There will be live entertainment, dogs up for adoption, a microchip clinic and more. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Nashville Humane Association. Hillsboro Village, 21st Avenue South, Nashville; 2 - 8 p.m.; FREE Living Green Expo Keep Williamson Beautiful

hosts this eco-friendly family event featuring children’s activities, live performances, products and services that inspire reuse, sustainability and green living. Ag Expo Park, 4215 Long Lane, Franklin; 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; 786-0166 or

Taste of Stones River This fundraiser for the Primary Care and Hope Clinic features menu items from 50 of the area’s finest restaurants, live entertainment from local bands and a Kids’ Fun Zone, including inflatables, face painting and more. The Avenue Murfreesboro, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 4 - 8 p.m.; food sampling tickets are 50 cents; admission to the Kids’ Fun Zone is $6 and includes all activities; The B-52s Enjoy live music by The B-52s with special

guest Brandon Jazz & His Armed Forces. Ryman Auditorium, 116 5th Ave N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $25 - $125; 889-3060 or

sun 26 Carnton Summer Concert Series Fami-

lies can bring a picnic dinner and hang on the lawn listening to live music from the 1980s. Carnton Plantation, 1345 Carnton Lane, Franklin; 6 - 8 p.m.; $10 in advance/$12 at the gate adults, $5 ages 6 - 12; 7911861 or

Predators Day The Nashville

Predators will be at the zoo offering games, giveaways and more. Kids can play on an obstacle course and inflatables. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 1 - 5 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 children; 833-1534 or nashvillezoo. org.

the dailies

For August events requiring advance registration, visit

FREE Williamson County Community Band All ages can enjoy an afternoon of live music featuring the Dance Band Ensemble. College Grove Artsitorium, 8601 Horton Hwy., College Grove; 3 p.m.; 790-5719, ext. 30, or

thu 30 Nature Nuts All ages can go wading in the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

mon 27

Thursday Crafternoons All ages can create safari binocu-

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a “Lily Pond” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Titans Football Cheer for the Tennessee Titans when they

Snack Attack! All ages can make Greek yogurt dip. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or

tue 28 Ethan Bortnick with Kidz Bop Eleven-year-old Ethan

Bortnick entertains families with a live musical show that can range from Beethoven to The Beatles to Bieber. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25.50 - $50.50; 782-4040 or

FREE Library Courtyard Concert All ages can listen

to jazz/swing music by the Gypsy Hombres. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.; library.

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a “Lily Pond” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 SE Broad St, Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300. Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or Zumbatomic All ages can participate in a zumba class. Discov-

ery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 and 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

wed 29 Meat Loaf Enjoy an evening of classic rock music. Ryman Auditorium, 116 5th Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $59.50 - $89.50; 889-3060 or

Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can participate in a “Lily Pond” program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! All ages can make Greek yogurt dip. Discovery

Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or

Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Iowa Cubs. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 690-4487 or

lars. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or challenge the New Orleans Saints during this preseason football game. LP Field, 1 Titans Way, Nashville; 6 p.m.; $55 - $69; 5654200 or

fri 31 Full Moon Pickin’ Party All ages can enjoy live bluegrass music under the light of the full moon. Steeplechase Barn at the Equestrian Center, 2500 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville; 7 - 11 p.m.; $15 in advance/$20 at the gate adults, $10 ages 7 - 15, free ages 6 and younger; 370-8053 or Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Memphis Redbirds. Greer Stadium, 534 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance/$14 game day; 6904487 or

hands-on kids Olympic Rings

Wetland Walk All ages can join a naturalist for a guided walk

Here’s a simple and fun Olympic rings craft. This collage craft is made from tissue paper.

Zoovie All ages can watch an outdoor screening of Horton

What You’ll Need

through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Hears a Who, play on inflatables, enjoy games and listen to music. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 6 - 9:30 p.m.; free with park admission or $5 after 6 p.m.; 833-1534 or

• Olympic rings cut from card stock • blue, yellow, black, green, and red tissue paper • glue

Send us Your Events! Deadline for the September Calendar is Monday, Aug. 6. All events must be submitted in writing. Submit event info to: Please include the following info: Event Name • Date • Time • Venue (with street address and ZIP) Age-appropriateness Brief description of event/activities Admission fee • Is advance registration required? • Contact info for publishing

• thin brush or Q-tip

What You’ll Do 1. Make the Olympic rings template onto white card stock and cut out five identical rings. 2. Cut the tissue paper colors into 1 inch square pieces. 3. Paint glue on the rings one by one with a brush or Q-tip. 4. Crumple up tissue squares and glue on the rings one by one. Be sure the ring colors overlap correctly.

— activity provided by the Parent-Teacher Store

august 2012 89

Volunteers Needed!

Think Your Child May Stutter?

Who: • 3- to 5-year-old children and their parent(s) • Girls and boys who do or do not STUTTER Benefits of Participation: • Speech-language scores, consultation, and service referrals • Monetary compensation Activities: • Watching videos, storytelling, measurement of speech and language • Parent questionnaires To participate, contact Chagit Clark at:

stuttering@ or

(615) 936-5126

90 august 2012

Interested in Your Child’s Speech and Language? Photo ©TatyanaGl, Graphic services by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, NICHD Grant P30 HD15052, 02/2010.

CLASSES & ACTIVITIES cheatham county Adventureworks The Eco-Zip Line Adventure allows

participants to glide through the forest on nine zip lines. Guides point out native trees, plants and wildlife during the hour-and-ahalf tour at 1300 Narrows Road, Kingston Springs; $54 adults, $42 ages 17 and younger (family discounts available); to make reservations, call 297-2250 or visit

davidson county Bellevue Community Center Ongoing art and recreation

take place at 656 Colice Jeanne Road, Nashville; 862-8435.

BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 2990 Sidco Drive; 255-

1422; Open play times are Tue - Fri 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 3 - 6 p.m., Sat 8:30 - 10 a.m. Cost is $6.95 ($5.95 siblings); cosmic glow-in-the-dark bounces are Mon 3 - 6 p.m. and Fri 6:30 p.m. Cost is $8 ($7 siblings).

Centennial Sportsplex Fitness, ice skating, swimming and

more at 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville; times and prices vary; 8628480 or

Cheekwood Fitness Fridays take place in June. Choose Yoga

in the Gardens at 7:30 a.m., Sculpture Trail Hike at 8:30 a.m. or Stroller Strides at 9:30 a.m. Located at 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17); 356-8000 or

FREE Fairytales Storytime Stories and crafts every Saturday at 11 a.m. at Fairytales Bookstore and More, 114-B S. 11th St., Nashville; 915-1960 or FREE Family Bike Ride Enjoy an hour-long bike ride

through East Nashville every Saturday at 9 a.m. Depart from Eastside Cycles, 1012 Woodland St., Nashville; 469-1079 or

Metro Parks Cultural Arts Classes Visit

FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime for ages 2 - 7 is every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at 1720 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 995-7112.

williamson county

BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 1222 Park Ave.,

activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood; 377-9979 or

Murfreesboro; 893-8386 or Call for open bounce and preschool play date times.

Jumper’s Playhouse Inflatable fun at 6600 New Nashville

Hwy., Smyrna; 220-7575 or Call for open bounce and toddler storytime information.

Lucky Ladd Farms Tennessee’s largest petting farm with more

than 70 activities for all ages is located at 4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville; Tue - Thu 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $9; 274-3786 or

Patterson Park Community Center 521 Mercury Blvd.,

FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related

FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime is every Tue and Sat at 10:30 a.m. at 1040 Crossings Blvd., Spring Hill; 931486-0113. Bowie Park and Nature Center Nature programs and

events at 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; Tue - Sat 9 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Sun 12 - 4 p.m.; 799-5544.

Franklin on Foot Kids can participate in the “I Spy

Downtown Franklin” scavenger hunt every Tue and Fri at 9 a.m. on Franklin’s Public Square; $9; 400-3808 or

Murfreesboro; 893-7439. Ongoing programs: • Busy Bees: Ages 3 - 5 can learn to follow directions, participate in a group environment, improve coordination and practice good sportsmanship Tuesdays and Thursdays; 10:45 - 11:15 a.m.; $3 • Gymboree: Ages 3 - 5 with a parent can enjoy playtime and energy-burning activities every Monday; 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $3 • Wee Play: Ages 1-and-a-half to 2 can enjoy a variety of activities like puppets, crafts and stories every Monday; 10 - 10:45 a.m.; $3

Glow Galaxy Weekly open play times feature inflatables,

Sports*Com 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 895-5040. Ongoing programs: • Toddler Time with Thomas: Ages 5 and younger can participate in motor-skill development activities every Friday; 10 - 11 a.m.; $3 • Water Polo: Ages 13 and older can play every Tuesday; 7 8:45 p.m.; $3 adults, $2 youth • Youth Volleyball Class: Ages 8 - 15 can learn volleyball skills every Thursday; 4:30 - 6 p.m.; $3

FREE Lifeway Christian Store Ages 2 - 8 can enjoy stories and songs every Friday at 10 a.m. at 1725 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 771-9050.

mini-golf, air hockey, an interactive game floor, football toss, soccer kick and basketball in a glow-in-the-dark setting at 121 Seaboard Lane, Ste. 8, Franklin; $8 per child (adults are free); for times, call 370-4386, opt. 2.

Inside Out Several indoor play structures mimic an outdoor

environment at 615 Baker’s Bridge Road, Franklin; open play hours are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $9 (pre-walkers are free with paying sibling), $5 pre-walkers without sibling, free for parents; 778-8733 or

Monkey Joe’s This inflatable play center is located at 1648 Westgate Circle, Brentwood; Mon - Thu 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $9 Mon - Thu, $10 Fri - Sun (ages 2 and younger are $6); 377-5900 of monkeyjoes. com. Monkey’s Treehouse An indoor play center located at 91

parks/classes for a complete listing of visual art, music, theater and dance opportunities.

FREE Stones River National Battlefield Ranger-led

Monkey Joe’s This inflatable play center is located at 1580 Gallatin Pike N., Madison; Mon - Thu 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $9 Mon - Thu, $10 Fri Sun (ages 2 and younger are $5.50); 915-0561 or monkeyjoes. com.

bicycle tours take place every Saturday at 11 a.m. at 3501 Old Nashville Hwy., Murfreesboro; 893-9501 or

Seaboard Lane, Brentwood; open play times are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 8; 942-7911 or

sumner county

My Gym Brentwood For pay-to-play, open gym and

Monkey’s Treehouse An indoor play center located at

activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 300 Indian Lakes Blvd., Hendersonville; 264-0183 or

8074 Hwy. 100, Nashville; open play times are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 8; 646-5002 or

Nashville Ghost Tours All ages can embark on a walking

tour of downtown Nashville’s haunted history. Tour begins at the corner of Sixth Avenue North and Union Avenue across from the Hermitage Hotel; daily 7:45 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 7 - 11, free ages 6 and younger; 884-3999 or

FREE Pottery Barn Kids Preschoolers can participate

in Book Club every Tuesday at 11 a.m. at 2126 Abbott Martin Road, Nashville; 385-2567 or

FREE Radnor Lake Natural Area Nature programs at

1160 Otter Creek Road, Nashville. See complete schedule at or call 373-3467.

rutherford county FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 895-8580 or

FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related

Saturday morning class times and fees at 330 Franklin Road, call 371-5437 or visit

Pump It Up Play Time Pop-in playtime Tue, Wed and Fri

FREE Delmas Long Community Center Tot Time for

from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. for preschoolers, Tue 6 - 7:30 p.m. and Thu 1 - 3 p.m. for ages 2 - 12. Pump It Up, 7104 Crossroads Blvd., Ste. 128, Brentwood; $7 per child; 373-7867.

Drakes Creek Activity Center Laser Adventure, mini golf,

Shipwrecked Playhouse An indoor play area for ages 1 - 9, featuring a 30-foot wooden pirate ship at 99 Seaboard Lane, Cool Springs. Open play hours are Mon - Fri 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Admission is $7. Call 866-9358 or visit

Laser Adventure Laser tag, aeroball and a rock-climbing wall

Sodium Located at 1725 Columbia Ave., Ste. 100, Franklin, the facility includes a children’s indoor play area, and a variety of classes and workshops for kids and families. Call 260-5916 or visit

ages birth - 5 to enjoy social time and gym play takes place every Thursday from 10 - 11 a.m. at 200 Memorial Drive, Goodlettsville; 851-2253 or

batting cages, game room and more at 130 Cherokee Road N., Hendersonville; Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sat - Sun 10 a.m. 11 p.m.; 822-0232 or at 511 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; Mon - Thu by reservation only, Fri 3:30 - 10 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sun 12 - 9 p.m.; prices vary; 859-7753 or

My Gym Pay-to-play, open gym and Saturday morning

classes take place at 206 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville; call 824-8002 or visit for a complete schedule and fees.

Storybook Village This indoor play center features storybook themes. Located at 3015 Belshire Village Drive, Ste. 114, Spring Hill, open play hours are Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 12, free ages 11 months and younger along with parents and kids 13 and older; 614-1424 or

FREE Taekwondo for Preschoolers Ages 3 - 5 can learn self-defense, self-discipline and safety during an introductory lesson the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday every month at 11 a.m. Robinson Taekwondo at The Factory, 230 Franklin Road, Bldg. 8, Ste. 809, Franklin; 791-6655.

august 2012 91

photo credit: Jeff Frazier


Take in some theater with your children this month, and don’t forget to read reviews online at Click on “Things to Do”.

The Nashville Shakespeare Festival’s production of Much Ado About Nothing is set in post-World War II America. The production runs Aug. 16 - Sept. 16 in Centennial Park. Aida (Aug. 10 - 25; Ages 10 and older) The Larry Keeton

Les Miserable: School Edition (Aug. 3 - 6; All ages)

Anne of Green Gables (continues through Saturday, Aug.

The Little Mermaid (Saturdays, Aug. 4 and 11; All ages) Olde

Theater, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $18 adults, $15 students, free ages 6 and younger, all tickets are $11 on Thursdays; 332-7529 or

4; Ages 8 and older) Encore Theatre Company, 6978 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 ages 11 and younger; 598-8950 or encore-theatre-company. org.

Bye, Bye Birdie (Aug. 3 - 25; Ages 8 and older) Pull-Tight

Players, 112 Second Ave. S., Franklin; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $16 adults, $12 students; 791-5007 or

Act Too Players at Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Fri - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 1 and 7 p.m., Mon 7 p.m.; $12 $15; 794-7744 or Worlde Theatre Co. at The Belcourt Theater, 2102 Belcourt Ave., Nashville; 10 a.m.; $8; 383-9140 or

The Miss Firecracker Contest (continues through

Saturday, Aug. 4; Ages 10 and older) Lakewood Theatre Company, 2211 Old Hickory Blvd., Old Hickory; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $14 adults, $10 students; 847-0934 or

Dear Edwina Jr. (Aug. 24 - 26; All ages) The Sunshine Players at The Theatre at Patterson Park, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; Fri - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $7.50 adults, $6 youth; 867-7244 or

FREE Much Ado About Nothing (Aug. 16 - Sept. 16; All

Evita (Aug. 10 - 26; Ages 10 and older) Center for the Arts, 110

The Nutty Professor (continues through Sunday, Aug. 12; Ages 8 and older) TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Tue - Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 and 8 p.m., Sun 1 and 6:30 p.m.; $50 - $60; 782-4040 or

W. College St., Murfreesboro; Fri 7 p.m., Sat 2 and 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $15 adults, $13 students, $11 ages 12 and younger; 9042787 or

ages) Nashville Shakespeare Festival at Centennial Park Band Shelter, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; Thu - Sun 7:30 p.m.;

The Odd Couple (continues through Sunday, Aug. 19; Ages 12 and older) Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, 8204 Hwy. 100, Nashville; Thu - Sat 6 - 7:30 p.m. buffet (8 p.m. show), Sun 12 - 1:30 p.m. buffet (2 p.m. show); $60 adults, $45 ages 13 - 18, $35 ages 12 and younger; 646-9977 or The Real Inspector Hound (Aug. 3 - 25; Ages 10 and older) Towne Centre Theatre, 136 Frierson St., Brentwood; Thu - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $20 adults, $16 students; 221-1174 or Steel Magnolias (Aug. 17 - Sept. 1; Ages 10 and older) Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Tue, Fri and Sat 8 p.m., Thu 8 p.m. (dates TBD), Sun 2 p.m. (dates TBD); $27 adults, $25 students, $21 ages 11 and younger (Tuesdays are two-for-one nights, Thursdays are $17 all tickets, Sundays are $2 off); 794-7744 or Xanadu (Aug. 10 - 25; Ages 8 and older) The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $10 students; 563-2787 or

(please turn the page)

august 2012 93

Tara Brown

Excellence in Pediatric care for over 30 years

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It is our pleasure to bring you this in-depth look at some of our advertisers.

FAMILY CARE CONNECTION Family Care Connection is Middle Tennessee’s oldest, largest & most trusted childcare agency. Serving customers with unmatched care for 19 years, our clients include families, churches, organizations and businesses. Our caregivers serve newborns, children and teenagers. We also serve both children and adults with special needs and/or disabilities. From full-time to part-time or just a few hours, Family Care Connection has provided families with wonderful nannies and caregivers, who become more like family members. We understand that your children and loved ones are your most valuable asset and therefore; they are our first priority. We work with our customers to provide services that meet your needs including childcare, housecleaning, pet sitting, overnights, traveling with your family & even party planning. You need it, we work to provide it.

a paid advertisement

A paid advertising section.

At Family Care Connection, we believe your needs are different from everyone else. We specialize in jobs outside the norm. We work to fulfill your needs. Whether you need full-time, part-time or sporadic care, we look forward to serving you. If you already have a nanny or your children are in daycare, use us as a back-up. Keep our on-call urgent line, which we respond to 24/7, in your phone. Date night or overnight or weekend travel – whatever your need, we work hard to meet your needs and exceed your expectations! Treating you like we want to be treated makes you special to us. Family Care Connection has received the Best of Parenting Award, chosen by readers of Nashville Parent, Williamson Parent and Rutherford Parent Magazine. We are a member of the International Nanny Association and carry an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

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By Chad Young


Follow me on Twitter @MyCalendarGuy

music’s magic


hile all genres within the arts stand alone with equal importance, it’s my own personal belief that none of them are more magical, personal or powerful than music. Music not only connects us to ourselves but to others as well who share the same passion for it. I was reminded of this a while back when I went to see my favorite singer, Amy Grant, during a reunion concert with her pal, Michael W. Smith, at the Ryman Auditorium. Dubbed the “2 Friends Tour,” the night was a musical treat for their die-hard fans. I grew up listening to Grant’s music. Her debut album was released with I was 6 years Amy Grant during the summer leg of her “Lead Me On Tour” at Six Flags in St. Louis, June 1989. old in 1977. It wasn’t until I was in my early teens, however, that I really connected with her music in a way that to this day means something deep and personal to me. Prior to this particular concert, the last time Grant and Smith toured together was 23 years ago during the initial stretch of her monumental “Lead Me On Tour.” And this recent one was a nearly three-and-a-half hour blast from the past. Lots of classic material with a few newbies thrown in for good measure. A total walk down memory lane. The kind of stuff to hear live that magically took me back to my teen years when life was more innocent. A time before all the responsibilities. Before the college loans. Before the mortgage. Before the car payment. I’ve attended myriad concerts in my day, this this one, hands down, was the best ever, particularly because of the personal connection I have with Grant’s music, having listened to it practically all of my life. The collective connection in the auditorium with everyone else was amazing. What was even more intriguing to me, however, was realizing how many folks brought their kids to the concert with them. And how much fun their kids were having alongside all of us “geezers” in the room. It goes to show that really good music is timeless and transcends generations like no other art form. There’s a reason why Barney, The Wiggles and a lot of other children’s entertainers these days are becoming a dying breed ... or at the very least, they have a pretty short shelf life with kids. Children, too, want something real, meaningful and long lasting. Something truly artistic provides sustenance, even if it is feel-good pop songs we grew up with in the ’80s. Introducing them to real music at a young age has a lot of merit that extends much further than offering the average kiddie entertainer who recorded another lame version of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” And when kids at any age share a genuine musical vibe in a live setting right beside Mom and Dad, well, there’s nothing cooler than that!

august 2012 95

Aug. 17 for Sep. 2012 issue. Online classifieds can be placed at any time.

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96 august 2012

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Call Mandy 850-685-1021 august 2012 97

snaps — yours Show off your kids! Share them on our Facebook page






Madelynn Rose


Names of those in photo (Please print)

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(parent or guardian)

________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ EMAIL ________________________________________ *Photo publication cannot be guaranteed due to the large volume of photos received. All submitted photos are considered for “Snap to Remember” (see page 100).

One photo per entry, please. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. Submitted photos via form, e-mail or on Facebook serve as a “photo release,” allowing Day Communications, Inc. one-time rights for use of photos within the publication. Send to Snap Shots, 2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228 or e-mail a high resolution version of them to kiera@daycommail. com, subject: Snap Shots. Please include your name, names of those in photo and phone number.

98 august 2012

Sponsored by:

Snaps — Yours is sponsored by Incredible Daves. Incredible Daves will award a $10 Player’s Card to each of the monthly photos that appear in the Snaps — Yours or Snap to Remember pages (one award per photo). Incredible Daves will also host a pizza party once every six months for the finalists from the previous six months and award a FREE birthday party (for 10 guests) to one winner drawn at random. For complete rules, visit Nashville Parent magazine on Facebook.

snaps — ours

Families enjoyed petting the animals at Lucky Ladd Farms in Eagleville.

Austin Bailes takes a pony ride.

Sarah Cate Butler

Reese Redmond

Harper and Heather Redmond

Gavin, Georgia and Grady Harrison

Isabella Simon

Ruthee Pullias

Brylee Pullias

Cole Butler and Ingram Parks

Griffin Harrison

august 2012 99

snap to remember

Bella and Gabby love playing at the park. 100 august 2012

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