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15+ ways to create magical moments & more! MAY 2012
Set foR Summer? Fun Ideas for Kids Inside
Pediatric cancer. Congenital heart defects. Beans in ears. Children, you may have noticed, are unpredictable. But when you spend fifty years building a hospital dedicated to children, you learn to expect the unexpected. As a result, there’s nothing we haven’t seen. And there’s nothing we can’t treat. So whether your child is facing one of childhood’s routine mishaps or something far more serious, we have everything necessary to be your child’s very own hospital.
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contents what’s news
23 Local Briefs
Sky High Sports offers trampolines galore; Portland’s Strawberry Festival; free bowling for kids; auditions for Nashville Children’s Choir and more.
31 Giving Back
The 71st Iroquois Steeplechase benefits Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital; ride for a cure to diabetes; walk for arthritis.
33 Family Getaway
Yellowstone National Park packs in families.
35 Hot Stuff
Take care of Mom on her special day!
party blast! 42 plan the best birthday party for your child Tips for creating your child’s birthday with 15 magical moments.
45 2012 party pages — special advertising section — sponsored by Brilliant Sky Toys & Books
the dailies
what’s happening each day of the month
ongoing events
on stage
100 plan ahead
(registration required)
family life
36 funny bones: how to use your humor in raising kids It’s remarkable how keeping things light works wonders with children.
39 25 old-fashioned activities for kids
Lots of kids will be getting out for the summer this month — be ready with all kinds of fun ideas.
may 2012 7
VOL. 19, NO. 10 MAY 2012
the company on call 19
Getting kids to eat breakfast and swaddling your infant are handled this month in our doctor Q & A.
call 256-2158 Publisher
Stewart Day, ext. 130
Susan Swindell Day, ext. 110 EDITORIAL
Managing Editor/ Entertainment Editor Chad Young, ext. 115
Associate Editor Kiera Ashford, ext. 114
Art Direction The editorial staff
Contributing Writers
Catherine Sipe Bottoms, M.D., Alice Cahn, Kara Ferraro, James Keffer, M.D., Christina Lohse, M.D., Joanna Nesbit, Norman Spencer, M.D., Eileen Wacker, Misty Walters
10 editor’s note
12 feedback
by Susan Swindell Day
Facebook responses from moms who post; Our Favorite Doc nominees; “Like” us then take a shot at WINSdays!
15 parent talk
Local parents talk toddlers slapping and kids counting calories.
20 kids’ health
106 snap shots
Your photos and ours of families enjoying Nashville Parent’s annual Baby Fair at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.
The 5 S’s of soothing an infant.
99 chadderbox It’s musical city! by Chad Young
108 snap to remember
Kaleigh is happy that summer’s coming.
Production Director
Tim Henard, ext. 120
Ad Design Sheila James
Webmaster Brett Thompson
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NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/WILLIAMSON PARENT are published monthly by Day Communications, Inc. Offices are located at 2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228. Phone number: 256-2158; Fax: 256-2114. Email to: Although every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy of published material, NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT is copyright © 2012 by Day Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Subscriptions are $36 a year. Editorial submissions welcome.
Day Communications, Inc. Mission Statement Our mission is to inspire and encourage engaged, involved parenting. It is our common belief that good parenting comes from understanding and meeting the needs of children and families within a connected community. We want all children to be safe, loved, healthy and supported, and we work each day to support the efforts of our parenting readers who feel the same way.
8 may 2012
Williamson Parent
Tooth Talk
Q Hey ADr. Snodgrass and Dr. King, how do you do complicated restorative dentistry on extremely, young children?
Q A David J. Snodgrass Pediatric Dentist
John T. King Pediatric Dentist
There are only three ways to do restorative dentistry on children without harming them. 1. Do tell-show-do. If the child is old enough to reason and you can gain enough trust to give them a shot without it hurting, you might be able to do a less-complicated procedure. 2. General anesthesia - Extremely expensive - child must be hospitalized and put to sleep in an out patient facility. Some medical insurances flat-out deny this coverage. In our practice we reserve this option for medically compromised and/or physically handicapped children mainly. If a parent insists, we do not mind going to the Operating Room but it is often cost prohibited. 3. Mild, Light Sedation - This is by far the best option. Notice the word mild or light sedation. Heavy sedation is too life threatening, and too complicated for most dental practitioners. We use an extremely, light technique that is very safe and allows the child to go through comprehensive, complicated dental procedures without the child remembering it as a traumatic event. The child simply drinks a sedative Kool-aid and one hour later we begin. The child is not asleep. The child does get shots to numb to areas to be treated. He/she simply is in a twilight state during the procedures. We attempt to treat all areas in one visit. It is much easier for the child because he only has to heal once. It is also easier and less costly for the parent.
Q years. A How long do children typically wear braces?
Dr. King, I had braces as a child and was in treatment for almost three
Q A Peter Wojtkiewicz Orthodontist
✽ Pediatric dentistry ✽ Free video arcade ✽ Kid-friendly atmosphere ✽ Nitrous oxide sedation ✽ TV’s above every dental chair ✽ Comprehensive braces ✽ Most insurances accepted ✽ Emergencies accepted ✽ Interceptive orthodontics ✽ Adult services available
I also wore braces for almost three years when I was a teenager and I will be the first to admit that three years is a long time to be in braces. However, my orthodontic needs were complicated. A typical orthodontic case is usually two years in length. It is rare when a case goes over that two year time period. Factors that can increase treatment length are degree of difficulty, breakage, and non-compliance (i.e. missed appointments and failure to wear rubber bands). There are few things that cause a patient to be in treatment longer than average. Keeping regular appointments and taking good care of orthodontic appliances is the best way to get the quickest results.
email to get your questions answered
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editor’s note
Number Two (and again, most importantly): When your child starts telling you who he wants to invite for his party, DO NOT criticize his choices. Even if he wants to invite the kid you despise most in the neighborhood or classroom, say instead, “Oh! That sounds like a great idea! I love your friends! Here ... let me get a pencil!” Then you can head off to get the pencil and forget how to find your way back. Number Three (also most importantly):To avoid pre-traumatic birthday party syndrome, when you give in and have the birthday party at your house, prehang the birthday pinata and premake the balloon swords the day before. That way when you are in chocolate ice cream up to your elbows and the little boy you despise most in the neighborhood asks you to get him a drink, you can quickly grab your own personal balloon sword and turning to him shout “En garde!” Magically, he’ll forget his thirst and run away to join the other hoodlums in the yard. Presto! And you get to stand there licking chocolate off of your arms! This is not a rule, but ... if the above three rules don’t help you warm up to a birthday party that you throw ... do what a lot of moms like me do. Pick up the phone and make a call. Let someone else throw the party. All you have to do is write a check and be there ... grinning all the way.
10 may 2012
10.25 in.
eems to me there are two kinds of mothers when it comes to birthday parties: Mothers who love throwing them and mothers who don’t. Plain and simple, the first kind are also the moms who don’t like having to sew a costume if it’s needed for a school play, and no I’m not pointing fingers, because I will admit I’m a mom who stresses out over birthday parties and costumes! That said, I’ve thrown somewhere around 50 birthday parties over the years for my kids (the math comes from their ages and the fact that yes, birthdays are majorly important to them, so there’s no getting around’em). So I know a thing or two about what makes birthdays work and what doesn’t. Let me give you the top three tips I’ve learned over the years that have helped me survive birthday parties. Number One (and most importantly of all): When your child starts talking about his birthday that’s coming up in three months or weeks or days? Put a broad smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye and act like you can’t wait, too. Say something like, “Oh! Your birthday! It’s going to be such a wonderful day!” then move on as you carry that load of laundry into the dining room for folding. Take it out on the towels.
10.75 in.
happy birthdays: 3 easy rules for moms
James A. Reed, DDS, MSD 200 South Westland Ave., Ste. 2
(615) 461-7491
Start your child off on the right tooth! To prevent oral-health-related problems, teach your child to floss once a day and brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. And most important, visit your pediatric dentist twice a year. Your pediatric dentist provides an ongoing oral health assessment and can help your child’s smile be as bright as her future.
Preventive and restorative care NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
may 2012 11
2270 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228 256-2158 •
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Our editors post and discuss parenting topics with our online parents:
Who’s ready for summer break? Are you planning a family vacation? Kristy Love Poconos! Alyssa Eden Palm Beach, Fla.! So excited for our little guy’s first beach experience! Meranda Fible Jacobs Six weeks till Myrtle Beach! The best family vacation spot! Dawn Garmon Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Va. and Virginia Beach. First time, has anyone who’s been have any tips for us? Anna Sellers We want to head to Eufaula, Al. and head down to Navarre Beach. Nancy Carol Evans We are going to Myrtle Beach. Jessica Boudreaux Going to Florida for family reunion!
12 may 2012
mom talk
Nashville Parent’s
Teresa S. White, M.D. Tennessee Pediatrics, Thompson Station
Dr. White is not only the most phenomenal doctor we have encountered, but also the most amazing person as well. She takes time to actually sit and talk to you about your life, is interested in your child as a person and remembers even the littlest details. You are never just a number on a chart to her, and you never, EVER feel rushed, no matter how many people are in the waiting room. She is so in tune with all of the new “trends” in parenting and gives educated and honest advice without ever judging or preaching her personal beliefs. She is so down to earth, and is not one of those stuffy, white lab coat doctors that think they are better than you are and know your child better than you do. Dr. Theresa White and her staff are all simply the most amazing health care professionals and make you feel like family when you are there. Nicole Stone
Christina Lohse, M.D. Brentwood Children’s Clinic, Brentwood
James Anderson, M.D. Children’s Clinic East, Hermitage
Does your child love his doctor? Does your doctor take time to listen and respond to your concerns or go “above and beyond” in some ways? Has your child’s medical care exceeded your expectations? ———————————————
My son has been seeing Dr. Lohse since he was first born. She always makes him feel so comfortable and treats him like he was her own when we come in for a visit. She is very compassionate, and she never makes you feel like a crazy person for asking all those unsure first-time Mommy questions! We just love her to pieces. My son even has somewhat of a first crush on her and always tells me that “Dr. Lohse is pretty!” I am so thankful we found a pediatrician we can trust and that will hopefully be around to treat my son throughout his childhood years! Laurie Shell
He has a great memory and always knows what to say to put the kids at ease. He understands their personalities and talks to them so they always understand what is going on. And makes them laugh. We have been seeing Dr. Anderson for years. He saw my son when he was just a few hours old and has been special to us ever since. Cathy Eastwood
Brad Greenbaum, M.D. Terrace Pediatrics, Nashville He loves his job and is so easy to talk to. He explains things in detail and answers question efficiently. He is very easy to get a hold of and follows up with parents after a treatment is given. Joelle DePrez
Kerry Ross, M.D. Dickson Medical Associates at Crestview Park, Dickson My daughter was very sick with a 102.3˚ temp. Her former pediatrician did not want to see her. Said wait over the weekend and by Monday if she is still sick with temp bring her back in. Well, mother’s instinct, I was not waiting so I took her to a walk-in clinic. When I got up there they instantly took us to the basement because a tornado was coming. We waited for one-and-a-half hours till it passed. Doctors sent everyone home because another one was coming. Instead of turning her away he said, “I’ll see her and that’s it.” He instantly ordered labs and found she had strep and RSV. If we had waited over the weekend like I was told, she would have been in the hospital. He is a very considerate, passionate doctor who takes his time. So blessed to have found him. Amanda King
Kurt R. Swauger, D.D.S. Pediatric Dentistry, Hendersonville He is very caring toward his patients. He has a manner that really eases children’s fears about going to the dentist. He is simply awesome, and I am always envious of my daughter’s dental experience. Pamela Seats
These are just a few of the doctors that have been nominated for Favorite Docs. Nominations are still open, and we want to hear who you would choose. Cast your vote today for our 2012 list at
On OUR Cover: Cover Kid 2011, Kate, with her mother, Janet, photographed by Rebekah Pope Photography.
may WINSdays & giveaways Like us on Facebook for a chance to win weekly or monthly prizes, including a Rockboard Radiate Skateboard ... and to participate in WINSdays.
his month, we have something for your outdoor sportster. We are giving away a pink Rockboard Radiate Skateboard. This skateboard is different from your typical one because it has lots of LED lights on the bottom of the board. So, as you perform your best tricks, you will be putting off a vibrant glow on the ground — seen especially well when the sun has gone down. The skateboard is made with a hard rock maple deck and paired with low rolling resistance Abec-5 bearings that are connected to high-end casted pro aluminum trucks for ultimate durability. It’s available in 10 different color combinations. It also uses a rechargeable cell phone battery for the lights that you can turn on and off and comes with a charger. Appropriate for ages 8 and older. Valued at $99.99. Learn more at
Also, make time to win a prize during our WINSday events! Here’s how it works: Every Monday, we’ll post the week’s WINSday prize information on our Facebook page. Then, two days later, on Wednesday (get it? WINSday?) at a random time during the day, we will post, “What day is it?” The first fan to reply, “It’s Nashville Parent WINSday!” will win that week’s item. To be eligible to win, you must “Like” our Facebook page, and contestants can only win once every 60 days. To register for our random monthly drawings, log on to and click on “Giveaways” under the Contests tab. One entry per person per prize. Good luck!|| Visit us online for our Digital Edition, Family Calendar, current poll
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More ways to connect: THE EDITORS’ BLOG & THE LOCAL PARENT BLOGGER NETWORK may 2012 13
Follow us on to join our discussions — your input may be included in a future issue!
parent talk we ask, local parents answer
What to do when your 22-month-old starts slapping at people trying to hug him. ANGELIQUE ST.CLAIR This sounds exactly like my 22-month-old! He’s normally so lovable, giving hugs freely and just a happy little guy, but we’ve had some days recently that make you go “what in the world?” I even got a call from his school a couple of weeks ago saying that he had screamed all day, ripped a necklace off of one of the teachers and even pinched the teachers! On the way home, I used my “not so happy” voice and when I looked back to see his pouty face expression, I knew that he understood that I was upset with him. After discussing it with my husband, we agreed to start putting him in time out in his pack
and play when his behavior gets ugly. This has been helping. I always ask him to say, “I’m sorry,” and then we give hugs. For my son, I personally think it’s his teeth. Secondary molars start to erupt between 25 - 33 months, and I would assume that the pain starts before eruption. I find him biting down pretty hard on one side in particular. Nonetheless, I feel they are ready for some discipline at this age and plan to stick with the time out as long as its working.
STACY WILKERSON KEITH It’s a stage they go through, and you just have to tell them they don’t need to act like that. My daughter has done the same thing and gets clingy, even around her grandparents. She will be 3 next month. ISELA LOPEZ Say, “That’s not nice, give hugs.” Hug him with a smile on your face.
— compiled by Kiera Ashford MONIKA BOURGEOIS Tell people he’s not a hugger!
(for more “Parent Talk,” please turn the page)
may 2012 15
parent talk Homework assignment: count the calories you consume in two weeks. How would you feel about your 7-year-old doing this? GALA SPANOGIANS There’s a difference between knowing (and consuming) what is healthy and “body image.” More info on the assignment is needed to form an opinion. SARAH SHOTWELL BERGMAN Unless they mentioned body image in the lesson, I’d say what they’re doing is great! Teaching them to be aware of what they’re eating! That’s a great life lesson. MONICA CARTER SCHARTZ I think if done properly it could be an eye opener for kids ... but I think focusing on food groups and portion sizes would be a more effective path to follow for children. HEATHER MCSHURLEY DAVENPORT I think it’s great. Teaching them about the calorie content of foods and how many calories they need to properly fuel their body sounds like a great lesson. Many Americans need this lesson. I think teaching people (kids) to take care of their bodies is an important lesson to learn. AMY FORD ROTTERO I think the focus should be on healthy, nutritious foods. Not the counting of calories which can’t help but cultivate negative thoughts about body image! MICHELLE LYNN THOMAS We all should have that assignment! We would be alarmed. KELLY SANTOS No! I don’t agree! My son is 10. He had a friend come over the other day. I asked him what he wanted to eat. He said he was on a diet and couldn’t eat anything! They are WAY too young to be worrying about whether they should be eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a freaking salad! CHRISTY WALL It’s probably a good assignment in awareness for parents. Since we have no idea the specifics of the assignment, we can hardly form an opinion. Awareness is always a good thing though.
16 may 2012
Follow us on NashvilleParentMag to join our discussions — your input may be included in a future issue!
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18 may 2012
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By Norman Spencer , M.D. Gallatin Children’s Clinic
Ask your pediatric health questions on Facebook, and we’ll get the answer.
on call
getting your child to
eat breakfast
I can’t get my 13-year-old to eat breakfast. She says she’s just not hungry early in the morning. Any suggestions? Implied in the name, “break fast,” the early morning meal sounds like it should be something everyone should need. Our grandmothers and mothers always told us that it was the “most important meal of the day.” In truth, there are a number of people who prefer not to eat when they first get up in the morning, particularly if they are running around in this busy time trying to get their act together to face school or work for the day. Offer her something that is non-traditional. No, not Pop Tarts, but maybe a granola bar or a string cheese stick. If she is still not interested, send it with her for a later morning “break fast.” As long as her activity and weight is normal, don’t sweat it. Just make sure that she is not missing other meals in a misguided attempt at weight loss.
infant swaddling
My mother-in-law suggested that swaddling would help calm my fussy newborn, but one of my friends warned me that swaddling can harm a baby. Whom should I believe?
It is all in the matter of degrees. Swaddling can be a very effective way of comforting a child, just like cuddling them close to you. But, if you wrap the swaddling clothes too tightly you can restrict their breathing. If you swaddle them all day long, it restricts their movement and exercising of their muscles. Like many things, good common sense will tell you how long and how tight are “just right.”
To learn more about swaddling, turn the page.
may 2012 19
kid’s health
5 S’s
ot sure about swaddling your infant when he’s fussy? A new study published in Pediatrics (from the American Academy of Pediatrics) backs up the claim that the happiest infants may be those who receive the 5 S’s of soothing when they’re upset. The 5 S’s come from Harvey Karp, M.D., author of The Happiest Baby on the Block (Bantam; $15.99 on Amazon). In aforementioned study, 230 2- and 4-month-old infants received either standard comfort from parents or the 5 S’s after receiving shots in both thighs. The 5 S’s calmed the babies significantly better than the parents’ efforts. Try the 5 S’s for your infant the next time he’s upset. They are:
20 may 2012
The art of tightly
Babies are born with
Parents do this natu-
While all babies
Whether in your arms
wrapping your baby
the sucking reflex and
rally when a child is
should be put on their
or in an infant swing,
to provide warmth
sucking can be done
fussy, but Karp says
backs to sleep, when
swinging is highly
and security, swad-
on a pacifier, bottle
shushing loudly is the
Baby is fussy, while
effective in calming
dling is thought to
or breast. Sucking
key. The “shah” noise
holding him, place
babies. Swinging
be one of the most
is natural and allows
mimics the noise of
him either on his left
motions are comfort-
effective ways to calm
babies to work out
the womb, so when
or right side to help
ing to infants, Karp
and quiet an upset
gas and colic pains.
babies hear it, it can
him digest, or even
says, because they
baby. Learn how to
be very effective in
on his stomach. Once
are similar to the
swaddle at You Tube
soothing them.
the baby is asleep,
way the baby moved
by searching “How to
put him in his bed on
from side to side in
Swaddle Your Baby.”
his back.
the womb when the mother would walk before birth.
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what’s news
24 local briefs | 31 giving back | 33 family getaway | 35 hot stuff
sky high sports opens this month
ids of all ages can burn energy and bounce off the walls — literally! — at Nashville’s newest indoor recreation center. Slated to open early May, Sky High Sports is an indoor trampoline park boasting 40,000 square feet of bouncing fun. The main jump court features trampoline floors and walls and a supersize foam pit. There’s also a dodgeball trampoline court and a dedicated jump court exclusively for little ones ages 8 and younger with their parents. A private jump court is available for birthday parties and private events, and when kids need a break, they can head to the arcade where they’ll find the latest games. Preschoolers can partake in Munchkin Mondays from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., and Sky High has plans to begin a designated time for children with special needs. The facility is located at 5270 Harding Place, Nashville. Hours are Sun - Mon 11 a.m. - 10 p.m., Tue - Thu 2 - 10 p.m., Fri 11 a.m. - 12 a.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. Open jump prices are $12 per hour ($6 for a second hour Mon - Fri), and Sky High recommends advance reservations. Learn more and reserve a spot at
local briefs
free bowling for kids
hildren 15 and younger can keep active now through the summer months during the Kids Bowl Free event available at two local lanes. Every day during the specified dates, kids can bowl two complimentary games at both Holder Family Fun Center locations (683 S. Water Ave., Gallatin, and 460 W. Main St., Hendersonville). To participate, register your child on the program’s website and choose which location you prefer. Strike up extra fun and hit the lanes with your kids with the $24.95 Family Pass that lets up to four adults also bowl two games per day. To register or learn more, call 866-798-4502 or visit
myers midway comes to rivergate Let the excitement of the forthcoming summer start early when Myers International Midway comes to RiverGate Mall May 10 - 19. The carnival features rides for tots, families and the bravest thrill seekers in your clan. And who can resist the splurge on fair-style games and food? RiverGate Mall is located at 1000 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville. The Midway is open Mon - Thu 5 - 10 p.m., Fri 5 - 11 p.m., Sat 12 - 11 p.m., Sun 1 - 10 p.m. Ride tickets are $1; rides require two to four tickets. Armbands are available for $20 Mon - Thu. Learn more at
24 may 2012
time to tee up, kids! Girls and boys ages 4 and 5 can take their turns at bat with Goodlettsville Parks and Recreation’s summer recreational T-ball league. All players must be 4 years old by June 1 and no older than 5 on May 31. Practices take place in June and games will be played in July at Moss Wright Park, 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville. Registration takes place online May 7 - 21; fees are $25 residents, $50 nonresidents. Register at For more info about the league, contact Robbie Brigham at 851-2255 or
kids can audition for children’s choir Students in grades 3 - 8 can audition this month for Nashville Children’s Choir on Tuesdays, May 8 and 15. The program, operated through Belmont University’s School of Music, is dedicated to the performance of quality choral music and consists of three choirs: Prep Choir (grades 3 - 5), Concert Choir (grades 4 - 7) and Touring Choir (grades 5 - 8). Prior choral experience is not necessary, and kids who audition will sing familiar songs like “Happy Birthday” along with vocal exercises. To request an audition time, visit http://ncc.belmont. edu and follow the instructions for New Chorister Auditions. For more info, call 460-5400, ext. 1862.
Sumner P
aders Poll Re
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Gallatin Children’s Clinic 648 Hartsville Pike
White House Children’s Clinic 128 Raymond Hirsch Pkwy., Ste 1
may 2012 25
local briefs
celebrate the succulent strawberry
pring’s snazziest fruit takes center stage during the 71st annual Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival on Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. in downtown Portland. The festivities include a colorful parade at 2 p.m., live entertainment throughout the day and several fun activities for all ages. Children ages 3 - 5 can participate in the Heads Up contest at 9:30 a.m.; ages 6 - 9 can compete in a Jell-O eating contest at 10 a.m.; and ages 10 and older can sink their teeth into the season’s signature berry in different age categories during the strawberry eating contest at 11 a.m. For $5, kids can gain entry to Kid Town USA, featuring 10 different inflatable jumps and obstacle courses. Admission to the festival is free. Learn more at 325-9032 or
the ticker... THE PLEASANT GREEN POOL opens for the season on
Saturday, May 26 with an Aloha Summer Luau from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Check out the newly renovated pool, play games for prizes and receive a free lei if you’re one of the first 100 to arrive. The pool is located at 360 Pleasant Green, Goodlettsville. Admission is $5 ages 3 and older. Call 851-2231 or visit
Springs takes place May 4 - 6. All ages can experience different camp demonstrations, craftsmen, merchants, colonial music, shooting matches and games. Admission is $5 adults, $3 children. Call 4610222 or visit
The event for ages 6 - 15 takes place Sunday, June 3 at Centennial
26 may 2012
Park. To learn more or to register, visit
hosted by the Children’s Mental Health Coalition, takes place Saturday, May 5 at Bicentennial Mall in downtown Nashville from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Entertainment and activities promote children’s mental health and wellness. Parents and caregivers can also find a variety of health resources. Admission is free. Find more info at wholekid.
takes place May 3 - 6 at Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashvillle. Parents, teachers, principals and others who want to learn how to increase parental involvement in schools are encouraged to attend. For more information and registration details, call 383-9740 or visit
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may 2012 27
eccentrique backbone dance theatre
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EBDT Dance is a faith based, non-recital dance school. We offer non-mandatory inschool session concerts to teach performance skills.
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*Individual results may vary. These are typical results, but results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Rapid weight loss may be associated with certain medical issues and should only be considered by those who are medically appropriate. David McKnight, M.D., nexSlim @ MMC Medical Director, Brian Beatty, M.D., nexSlim Hermitage Medical Director. **Initial medical exam with the purchase of a one month program. Expires 05/31/12
local briefs
parent f nashville MARCH 2012
growing a girl Family, Friends, Fun, Fear, Facts and Fictions: The Joys and Challenges of Raising Daughters Today
FINAL CALL!! for the allnew Cover Kids 2012 riday, May 11 is the final day to register your children for our ONLINE 15th annual Cover Kids! One child in each of four age categories — 0 - 12 months, 13 - 24 months, 3 - 6 years and 7 - 10 years — will be selected to appear on a cover of this magazine. Here’s how it works: Through May 11, upload your child’s photo at (there is a $20 non-refundable submission fee, a portion of which will be donated to the local chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation). After the submission period ends, a panel of judges — including Nashville Parent staff and local talent agents — will select 10 finalists in each age group who will be announced in our June issue. Public voting will run June 1 - 13 — have all your friends and family get online and vote for your child. At the end of the voting period, the child who wins the most votes in each age category will be the Cover Kid for his group, guaranteeing him a Nashville Parent magazine cover! For a complete list of rules and to enter your child in Cover Kids 2012, visit nashvilleparent. com/coverkids.
summer fun with shrek at gaylord opryland
reamWorks Animation characters spring to life this season with Gaylord Opryland Resort’s “Summer Fun with Shrek & Friends.” The themed vacation package includes a two-night stay for a family of four in one room; a DreamWorks welcome amenity; ShrekFeast
interactive character meal; Splash ‘N’ Screen Movie; DreamWorks Parade; meet and greets with characters from Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda; scavenger hunt; and daily self-parking for one vehicle. We are giving away one of the $600-value packages, good for any Saturday and Sunday from May 26 - Sept. 2 (excluding June 8 - 30). To learn more about “Summer Fun with Shrek & Friends,” visit To register for the giveaway, visit
may 2012 29
InvestIng In Your ChIld’s lIteraCY Bank aCCount Long before your child learns to read, he or she is soaking up the basics of more complex grammar and vocabulary needed for school and literacy activities. Toddlers and preschoolers may only be using three or four words in a sentence, but their brains are busily collecting the words, concepts, and sentence structures they will use as they grow older. Research has shown that children with stronger language skills become better readers and better “decoders”—they have a better ability to sound out unfamiliar words because they have a better understanding of how language and speech sounds work. Parents can increase the benefit of these critical preschool language learning years by creating an environment full of new ideas and vocabulary. This helps build your child’s toolbox for learning to read and starting school. Here are a few ideas for investing in your child’s literacy bank account: Use a wide range of words – Using sophisticated vocabulary and synonyms exposes your child to more words. A preschooler may not be ready to use words like “continent” or “allergy” but her
brain will store the sounds and concepts. Similarly, using “painting”, “picture”, and “artwork” to refer to the same item will build not only vocabulary, but the concept of synonyms. Play word sound games – Letter puzzles, rhyming games, breaking words into sounds, and other phonological play helps your child build a foundation that will later be used to decode words. Ask questions and discuss stories – Research has correlated language skills not only with reading aloud, but with analytical discussion of the story during and after. Asking your child, “Why do you think Piglet did that?” helps him develop a better understanding of context and backstory. Seek out new experiences – Going to the zoo, taking a different route on a walk, visiting a different area of town, or taking a drive in the country can all provide opportunities for using new vocabulary and discussing new concepts. Watch TV together – Educational television—like Word Girl, Super Y, and Reading Between The Lions—are wonderful literacy skill builders. Science, travel, and nature programs can provide new contexts and vocabulary without leaving home, as long as you take the time to talk about the content and answer questions. Continue to read aloud to children after they start reading themselves – Reading chapter books aloud introduces vocabulary and ideas your child may not be ready to read alone. It also allows you the opportunity to discuss the story together and answer questions.
reaching school and learning to read. For children with normal language skills, this can make the difference between being an average reader and an above average reader. For children with a diagnosed language disorder, investing in their literacy bank can improve their language skills and lessen the struggle to learn to read. Literacy building activities can also help signal potential trouble before school begins. If you have created a language-rich environment for your child and he or she has any of these red flags, it may be time to seek help: • Late preschoolers (4 year olds) who cannot tell you about an experience, such as visiting the circus • Beginning Kindergarteners who don’t know at least half the letter names and sounds, or who make frequent grammatical errors (“Yesterday I jump off my bike.”) • Beginning First-Graders who are not able to sound out simple words Investing in your child’s literacy bank today is a small amount of effort now for a huge payoff later on. If you are concerned about your child’s language and literacy skills, talk to your pediatrician or your child’s teacher. To find out more about language and literacy, visit Vanderbilt’s Language and Literacy Lab website at or the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association at For an appointment with a speech-language pathologist specializing in language and literacy in children, call the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at 615-936-5000.
The more varied the experiences your child has as a preschooler, the more vocabulary and context he or she has to draw on once
Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences 1215 21st Avenue South • Nashville, Tennessee 37232 615-936-5000 •
giving back non-profit news
giddy up for steeplechase
our family can enjoy a day of equestrian delights while helping raise money for the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt during the 71st running of the Iroquois Steeplechase on Saturday, May 12 at Percy Warner Park’s stable area on Old Hickory Boulevard in Nashville. Proceeds from the event support Children’s Hospital’s vital research that assists in providing cutting-edge critical care services to children. Gates open at 8 a.m., and the first race begins at 1 p.m. Tickets are $15 adults, free ages 12 and younger. For more info, call 591-2991 or visit
Father Ryan High School sophomore Steven Henry is this year’s Iroquois Steeplechase child ambassador for the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. When Steven was 14, he was diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, a rare electrical disorder of the heart. He received his post-operative and follow up care at Children’s Hospital and is expected to have no further cardiac issues.
ride for a cure
plan now for arthritis walk
The work of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is critical as the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes continues to rise (currently 25.8 million). You can help raise money for research, advocacy and education during the organization’s largest fundraising event, Tour de Cure. On Saturday, May 19, families can hop on their bikes and pedal the 8.7-mile fun ride at 9 a.m. More experienced riders can choose the 30-, 62- or 100-mile course. All routes start at Barfield Crescent Park, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro. Registration to ride is $15, and there is a $150 minimum of pledgeraising expected ($50 for ages 16 and younger). For more information or to register, visit
According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis is America’s leading cause of disability, and in Tennessee alone, 1.2 million adults and approximately 6,000 children live with it. All ages can help raise funds for the local Arthritis Foundation chapter by participating in the Middle Tennessee Arthritis Walk on Saturday, June 2 at the Nashville Zoo. This year’s honoree is 3-year-old Melissa “Bee,” who has juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the most common form of persistent arthritis in children. Registration takes place from 7:30 - 8:45 a.m., and the walk is 9 - 10 a.m. The event encourages participants to raise at least $25 to help fight the disease and raise awareness that regular movement can limit its impact. To learn more or to register, call 254-6795 or visit
may 2012 31
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HELPFUL WEBSITES Reservations & trip planning: 1-866-GEYSERLAND (439-7375) Park fee: $25 per vehicle (7-day entry to Yellowstone and Grand Teton)
ROAD TRIP! horsing around in
yellowstone By Joanna Nesbit
The nation’s most famous national park offers views most families only see in picture books.
ellowstone National Park is busy with more than 3 million visitors annually. Spanning 2.2 millions acres across Wyoming’s northwest corner, the majority arrive in summer, yet for most families, summer’s the only time they can visit, so don’t let the prospect of crowds deter you. Ninety percent of visitors stray less than one mile from their cars, and it takes very little effort to escape the hordes. Try a hike to get away from the main road (few visitors hike), and visit popular sights at off-peak times of day. Perhaps most importantly, book your accommodation early — several months in advance for camping and even earlier for motels. But call the park even if you’re not ahead of the game. You might get lucky. The lodging/camping staff are helpful, and they’re happy to help you plan your visit. Wondering how to prioritize? Here are some of our family’s highlights: HORSEBACK RIDING: Rides are available for one or two hours in length in the Mammoth, Tower-Roosevelt and Canyon regions. Yellowstone horse riding became a family affair for us — including my eager 8-year-old son who’d never ridden before. NORRIS GEYSER BASIN: Yellowstone contains the world’s largest concentration of geysers, and you don’t have to visit Old Faithful to appreciate the underground cauldron. Norris is reputed to be the hottest geyser basin in North America, and offers an enjoyable mile-long boardwalk to stroll around Porcelain Basin where you’ll see hissing steam vents, hot pools and small geysers. Be sure to hold your little one’s hand so he doesn’t misstep! MOUNT WASHBURN LOOKOUT: Mount Washburn offers an easy sixmile, round-trip hike on a gravel trail that even our 8-year-old hiked with little
complaint (and we saw younger visitors on the trail). The trail terminates at a large lookout that offers a 360-degree overlook of the park as well as on-site rangers to answer questions. Highlight: panoramic views, sighting bighorn sheep and carpets of wildflowers. UNCLE TOM’S TRAIL: This trail, featuring 328 steps down to a viewing platform for the “Grand Canyon of Yellowstone” and a thundering waterfall, turned out to be a family favorite. Because the viewing platform is small, I recommend an early morning visit to beat the crowds. Back at the top, walk the canyon rim along the paved one-mile path to Artist Point for stunning views of the waterfall and canyon. Few people seem to know about the trail — we encountered fewer than five along the way. OLD FAITHFUL: We couldn’t miss Old Faithful, although my kids decided it was overrated (I didn’t). Old Faithful’s eruptions are predictable, about every 90 minutes — hence, the name — and there’s no avoiding the crowds. But while you’re there, don’t miss walking the boardwalks of the surrounding thermal area, which turned out to be more interesting to my kids. Old Faithful Inn’s lobby, with a 75-foot high ceiling and a massive stone fireplace, is also a must-visit. Not only is it a stunning building, the inn is one of the largest log structures in existence. We allotted three-and-a-half days for the park, but if you’re traveling with younger children, consider allowing more time or picking an area of interest to avoid too much driving. Yellowstone is big, and animal viewing traffic jams can extend travel time considerably. Joanna Nesbit looks forward to road tripping every summer.
may 2012 33
Your Nashville experience isn’t complete without a visit to Tennessee’s top outlet, value-retail, dining and entertainment destination. And now, we now have More for kids! Visit our brand new Tennessee ® Treasures Play Area and join the Simon KidgitsClub ! ® Stop by Simon Guest Services for event dates and details. Opry Mills is shopping and so much more!
34 may 2012
hot stuff
queen for a day drop plenty of hints before May13!
By Pouchee; $24 - $26.40 Switch purses with ease with the Pouchee. This is the ultimate purse organizer that holds your cards, checkbook, phone, pens, just about anything small that you usually keep in your purse. Organize the items you use most in your Pouchee, and when it’s time to switch purses, all you have to do is take it out and put it in another purse. No more forgetting the important things in your other purse. Available in cotton, posh and outback fabrics in a variety of colors. — ka
By Apple; $499 and up This may be a bit far fetched, but maybe if you plant the seed ... The new iPad lets you access easy recipes with ease come dinner time, explore educational apps for the kids and so much more. If you think your laptop is great, wait till you get your hands on this. It offers the stunning Retina display, a 5MP iSight camera and ultrafast 4G LTE. — sd
By Hadaki; $50 Keep your iPad protected with this beautiful wrap of padded, coated cotton. Featuring a magnetic grooved closure, when you open it, fold the front cover back to rest on the groove. The wrap even has an opening in the back to allow you to use the camera while still in the wrap. There is also an inside slip pocket. Available in a variety of patterns/colors. — ka
By The SOI Company; $5.95 - $24.95 These all-natural soy candles offer soot-free burning that lasts 40 percent longer than regular wax candles. Aside from that and the fact that they smell wonderful, these candles are also moisturizers. The candle doesn’t burn and melt as hot as your typical candle, which then allows you to pour a little into your hands and rub in like lotion — leaving your hands feeling silky smooth. They are available in a variety of scents. — ka
By Lisa Leonard Designs; $42 This hand-molded cloud made from oneand-a-half-inch long pewter boasts sun rays stamped with the phrase your children believe you are. Hanging on a lovely 24” chain, this is a nice gift for you or Grandma. — sd
may 2012 35
family fun
funny bones:
By Alice Cahn
how humor helps your kids Your ability to “keep it light” as you parent will benefit the kids and you. Here’s how a sense of humor helps to make everyday family life that much better.
e all know the par-
Laying the Groundwork
ents — the ones
Humor, laughter, intelligence and creativity de-
who push, push,
velop hand-in-hand in a young child. If you’re a
push their children
1-year-old, you need to know that a sock goes
to strive for more,
on a foot in order to laugh when Mommy puts it
more, more. And, typically, the pushier the par-
on her nose. If you’re 8, you need to under-
ent, the sadder the face of the child. Sure, we
stand the double meaning of “foot” to know
all want our children to say the alphabet, count
why it’s funny that a mother sent her son three
to 100, name colors and read and write their
socks when he wrote and told her he’d “grown
names as early as possible. But perhaps more
another foot” at camp.
importantly, we also want our children to smile
and laugh, to have good friends, to handle
a wonderfully fun way for them to demonstrate
stress with grace and confidence, to walk tall
new skills and knowledge. Try calling Daddy
and be proud, to take on life with joy, pleasure
“Mommy” or Grandma “Grandpa” and watch
and optimism — to be happy. In a culture that
how your 3-year-old howls in delight. Encour-
demands so much and puts so much pressure
age him to show what he knows — call the dog
upon us all — even our youngest — how are
a “kitty” or the tree an “apple.” And then laugh
we to do that?
along with your child so they know that a sense
of fun and humor is a good thing. Your jokes will
Experts agree: our children need a healthy,
Children love to make jokes because it is
well-developed sense of humor if they are to
improve as your child gets older — I promise.
successfully and happily manage everyday life.
Humor helps with getting kids over difficult mo-
Our children are not born with a sense of humor
ments, too.
— it is something they learn; and their ability
to “find the funny” is based upon what they
it helps for me to defuse the situation with
know. As parents, we play the most critical role
humor,” says Cammie Ely, a Brentwood mom
in this happy chore ... starting with the tickling
of three kids. “With my 1-year-old, I can nibble
and the peek-a-boo games in the early months
on her belly and help her get over a bad mood
of a child’s life and continuing with the jokes
... of course, my older son takes more skill than
and funny stories shared, and the books and
that,” Ely adds.
other media provided to the child throughout his
growing years. Children with a sense of humor
for him — that child works and lives to advance,
grow up to be adults with a sense of humor.
grow and develop. J
And adults with a sense of humor enjoy life more — their relationships are more successful, they enjoy better health and they are better able to deal with stress and difficulties.
“Laughter is one of the most important
elements to maintaining a happy family,” says Brenda Allen, a Bellevue mom of two. “It really is good for the soul, no matter how old you are,” she adds.
“When one of my kids has a meltdown,
A sense of humor in a young child is good
Alice Cahn is vice president of social responsibility for Cartoon Network, focusing on original entertainment programming for preschool-aged children and is the former director of children’s programming at PBS. Cahn has more than 30 years experience in early childhood education and preschool television and is a mother of three.
Ways to Build your Child’s Sense of Humor
here are lots of way to build your child’s sense of fun and humor. To lighten up the atmosphere in your home, here are some techniques to use:
Fortunately/Unfortunately Begin a story such as the following: “One day, a boy was walking along the street. Fortunately, it was a nice, sunny day. Unfortunately ...” The next player adds an unfortunate occurrence, and then says, “Fortunately ...” The next player continues with a fortunate event, which is reversed on the next turn with an unfortunate. Continue as long as you like ... and toss in your own, wacky ideas to show them the way to make it even more fun.
Story-Go-Round Start a story and stop at an exciting point. Let your child continue the story until he runs out of ideas. Then you can take up the story again. You might begin with something like, “Once there was a little girl who went for a walk with her mother. All of a sudden they came to a meadow. The girl saw a beautiful flower and began to pick it. ‘Wait!’ said her mother, ‘it might be magic!’ but it was too late. The girl picked the flower and ...”
Story Bag Put some unusual objects in a bag, for example: a button, a rubber animal, a clothing tag, an eraser, a ring, a piece of chalk or a magnet. Then let your child choose three things and tell a story that includes them. Your child will also enjoy making story bags for you.
More ideas: • Make puppets for storytelling from using socks or paper plates with sticks. • Make a book of your family’s favorite jokes. • Read fun books together including Dr. Seuss’s collection. Try making rhymes together. • Search “knock-knock” jokes on the Internet and print them out for your child. Source: Your Child at Play (Newmarket Press; $17.95) by Marilyn Segal, Ph.D. and Betty Bardige
may 2012 37
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38 may 2012
old-fashioned summer activities by Mindy Walters
When the kids are out of school, don’t let electronics rob them of their childhood! By Misty Walters (please turn the page)
may 2012 39
old-fashioned summer activities
1. Construct a house of cards. Pull out the playing cards and see who can build the tallest card condo. Or, two or more children can work on the same house, each taking turns adding the next card.
2. Create a nature collage. Collect small, natural objects in your backyard: grass, sticks, flower petals, seeds, nuts, leaves. Glue the objects to cardboard to create a collage. Make a picture of them or have the kids make their own original design. Add paint or marker designs as you wish.
3. Befriend the birds. Spread peanut butter over the outside of an empty toilet paper tube and roll in bird seed. Use a piece of string to hang it from a tree as a yummy treat for feathered friends. 4. Create a lemonade stand. Set up a table at the end of your driveway. Let the kids make a big sign. Provide lemons and make lemonade together. Serve in paper cups for a small fee — decide together. Provide change and talk about good salesmanship. Keep an eye on the kids, but let them do it themselves.
13. Go fishing. If your kids don’t have fishing poles, now’s the time to get them. Bamboo or something more fancy makes no difference. It’s high time to spend a day on the Little Harpeth or a local creek with a picnic lunch and a can full of worms the kids have dug up from your backyard. And while you’re at it, make sure the kids know how to find crawdads under the creek bed rocks. 14. Take ’em out to the ballgame. Families love heading out to Greer Stadium to watch the Nashville Sounds play baseball. Visit nashvillesounds. com for a schedule of games. 15. Organize ongoing activities. Sticking with a routine will keep everyone on track. Make Monday library day, Tuesday play with friends day, Wednesday picnic day and so forth.
16. Make your own play dough. Mix one cup flour, one-half cup salt, one-half tablespoon cooking oil, two tablespoons cream of tartar, one cup water and food coloring (if desired). Cook over medium heat for two-to-three minutes. When cool enough to handle, knead until smooth. Store in an airtight container.
5. Visit a Tennessee farm for pick-your-own. Call ahead to make ar-
17. Study science around you. Check out a book on children’s experi-
rangements. Visit for a list of various farms, what they offer and how to get there.
ments from the library. Do a few with your kids. After each experiment, talk about what happened and why.
6. Tour a local dairy. Nice to do on a hot day, because they give you free
18. Enjoy reading every day. Let it be fun and let them pick the spot in your yard, porch or house where they want to read, what they want to read. Just let them know it has to happen every day!
samples of ice cream! Visit Mayfield Dairy online for tour info at mayfielddairy. com. Purity Dairy doesn’t publicize tours, but they can be made by special arrangement. Head to
7. See a sunrise. Get the day going right by rising early with the kids to watch the sun rise together. Have a breakfast picnic with easy take-along foods like bagels and fruit.
8. Hang pictures in your “Hall of Fame.” Designate one hallway in your home as the Family Hall of Fame. With your kids, go through those bins and drawers of photos and select the ones you want to hang. This makes for a treasured activity.
19. Water works wonders. There are so many great items for water play at home! Let kids loose on a hot summer day with lots of friends in the yard — that maximizes the use of water.
20. Tinker in a tent. Throw a large blanket over a table and let kids play underneath or pitch a real tent in your backyard. There’s nothing like “camping” outside.
21. Videography fun. Kids can create their own commercials, music vid-
9. Ignite imaginations. Plan activities that will stimulate creative thinking.
eos or skits to perform as you or an older child records. Start with a blank tape and add to it throughout the summer. Be sure to label.
Visit the Frist, Cheekwood, Adventure Science Center or Discovery Center at Murfree Spring. Journal or draw about what you saw.
22. Worldwide letter writing. Check the Internet for information on chil-
10. A party “just because.” Help your kids host a “just because” party for
dren’s pen-pal clubs. What could be more exciting than getting mail from someone in another country?
neighborhood friends. Let your kids decide who to invite, what foods to serve and which games to play.
23. Take a daily bike ride together. With helmets in-tow, ride in your
11. Paint rocks. Transform ordinary rocks into garden markers, paperweights or gifts. Collect medium size rocks and wash them in a big bucket. Use tempera paint or markers to bring designs to life.
12. Make a worm terrarium. Use that old aquarium in the basement to make a composting ecosystem. Tear black and white newspaper into strips and moisten with water. Line the bottom of the aquarium. Cut vegetable and fruit scraps and rinsed eggshells into small pieces and add about a one-inch layer of the mix, stirring into the paper. Purchase red wiggler worms and gently add them to the top of the mixture — they will wiggle down. Keep a lid on the container but provide an air hole. Watch the wigglers transform the mixture into compost for the garden and house plants. Keep it moist — not wet.
40 may 2012
neighborhood or take the bikes to a local park.
24. Park it. Enjoy the great outdoors at your local park. Have fun on the playground, embark on a nature hike or visit a nature center. Davidson:; Rutherford:; Sumner:; Williamson: 25. Theme days. Kids will love it when Mom gets into the day with a theme in mind: Mon: camping; Tue: Media-free; Wed: Fancy pansy; Thu: Slumber party day; Fri: Backwards day. Mindy Walters is a mom of three. She lives in Nashville and loves, loves, loves summer vacation with her kids.
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party blast!
plan the
best party ever for
your child
It’s a special day for your little one, here are tips to help make it something to remember.
hibachi restaurant. I was in the mall but let them go to the stores on their own. They roamed around Claire’s, Forever21 and the Apple store and had a great time.
By Eileen Wacker
I TRY TO REMEMBER, IT’S NOT ABOUT ME. Too many times, I used to insist my child
with Birthday Parties
have four children and two of them have summer birthdays. They seem to get the short end of the birthday-party stick with very small parties or just celebrating with family. But now we are back to school and the birthday parties are starting up again. So I started thinking about birthday parties and the economy and what are some modern-day considerations. In these times of tighter budgets, large lavish birthday parties are a thing of the past. In the last decade, birthday parties had started to make a statement about the family throwing them and less about a simple childhood celebration. Now it’s back to the birthday child and back to basics. Here are some adjustments we are making:
spend a lot of money on food. One Costco or Wal-Mart run is enough to get the snacks and other food we need. Bake the cake if you can; otherwise a supermarket cake is plenty. Only get a sheet cake if you plan to eat the majority of it yourself.
KEEP IT SIMPLE AND AGE APPROPRIATE. My 8-year-old had four friends meet us at
the movie theater to see Spy Kids 4D. I bought them all snacks and let them sit by themselves. Then they came back to our house for cake and ice cream and played basketball in the driveway. We skipped the decorations, elaborate goody bags, over-the-top food and bloated invitation list.
LET THEM HAVE A SAY IN THE PLANNING. For my daughter’s 12th birthday, she
wanted to go to the mall and shop with her friends. We agreed she could invite three friends, and I would give them each $20 to spend and then take them to an early dinner at a Japanese
invite a friend’s child because I feared it would be awkward if the child was not invited. Now, we’ve adjusted the size down and I just explain, when I feel I need to, that we are skipping the fanfare of a party and just having a few kids over. And I let my child choose.
system to create and send the invitation. Your child can help type in the information. Its fun and very inexpensive and they can check the status and comments daily. And, the invited kids enjoy getting the e-mail and reminder.
SLEEPOVER PARTIES ARE A LABOR OF LOVE AND A TIMELESS TRADITION. I do not know one parent who enjoys hosting a sleepover party, and kids often come back tired and cranky. However, kids live for these. Set a few ground rules with your child beforehand and
give the night a theme. We ask every parent to pick up their child at 10 a.m. or before so we know there is an ending.
KEEP YOUR CAUSES TO YOURSELF. Somewhere along the way, presents became politically incorrect and more and more invitations started to state “no gifts please” or “bring a book and we will donate it.” This is fine for adult birthdays but I say, let the kids get presents. They love them. My favorite birthday gift of the moment is an Apple gift card. Every child I know has an iPod, iTouch, iPhone or other device and they use their cards every time. Some kids want a party at home and others want to go somewhere special … do your best to make it what the child wants, but ensure they understand the budget and adjust the size based on expense. Bottom line: cake, presents, four friends or less at home or an outing. So maybe the small summer birthdays were fine after all. But I have to admit my kids said jumpy castles are the bomb. I’ll leave that for parents with an only child. Eileen Wacker lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, with her husband and four children. She is the author of the children’s book, Pink Hamster and the Birthday Surprise, the fourth installment of the award winning Fujimini Adventure Series. For additional information on the series, please visit
birthday traditions
child’s birthday is one of the most anticipated days of the year. If your child is like most, as soon as the party is over, he is already talking about what he wants to do or get for his next birthday — 364 days away! I know every parent wants their child’s birthday to be spectacular, and each year, as your child gets older and his wants become greater, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of trying to outdo the previous year’s birthday. Growing up with three siblings, one of which has his birthday only two days after mine, my parents tried their best to make our birthdays special.
Each year on our birthdays, we would arrive home from school and there would be balloons, gifts and handmade cards around the “Birthday Chair.” As soon as we finished dinner and gobbled up our cake, the birthday child was directed to sit in the birthday chair and would proceed to open his gifts. It was a magical moment for which I waited all year. On my 10th birthday I received a blue threespeed bike. Aside from that, the only other gift I remember receiving was a small, wooden trinket box my mother had polyurethaned with random magazine pictures and a groovy picture of me with a “shag” haircut and the date 1976 on the inside. That was 36 years ago — and I still have my trinket box today. Now that I am a mother of two children, I look at birthdays in a whole new light. I think back on my own childhood memories and realize that I now have the control to create family birthday traditions for my children. We are all so busy these days, and finding simple, inexpensive ways to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary birthday celebration may take a little time and creativity, but it certainly doesn’t have to empty your wallet. What children want more than anything on their birthday is to feel like it is their own special day, so find ways to help celebrate it with them. Here are 15 ways you can start your own birthday traditions to create some magical moments that your children will remember for years to come.
The night before your child’s birthday, decorate the house or his room with balloons, confetti, flowers or a homemade banner.
2 3 4
Wake up your child by singing “Happy Birthday”. Start the day by making a special birthday breakfast.
Pull out some baby pictures or other birthday pictures from years past and decorate the house with them.
5 6
Stick a special birthday snack or note in your child’s lunch box.
Have lunch with your child at school and bring cupcakes. He may not like this when he is older, but during the elementary years, you and that box of cupcakes will be more popular than Taylor Swift, i-Carly or BeyBlades!
Have your child help you make his own birthday cake. It’s more fun for him to decorate the cake and get sugared up on eating the extra bat-
ter, frosting and sprinkles than it is actually eating the cake — regardless of age.
Plan a family outing that you will do each year: a trip to the beach, a picnic in the park or a trip to your favorite pizza joint.
Start a scrapbook each year on your child’s birthday, and decorate the cover with a picture that was taken on his birthday.
Take a picture each year of your child at the exact time he born or as soon as he wakes
Let your child pick out all of the meals that day. If he wants spaghetti for breakfast or pancakes for dinner — go for it — it’s his day!
Give gifts that reflect the same number as your child’s birthday. For example, if your child is 5, consider five markers, five coloring books, five lollipops, five pairs of socks, etc.
Make something for your child each year. A special pillow, frame, jewelry box or toy chest. He may not appreciate it now, but in years to come those handmade mementos are going to be the gifts he cherishes.
Create a time capsule. Each year on your child’s birthday, put a photo of your child, a newspaper, perhaps a drawing your child made and a note of all that is going on in your life. File away for the next year or for years to come.
The Birthday Chair. It’s been a tradition in my family for years, and to this day I still get to sit in the Birthday Chair complete with balloons and handmade cards — and now, so do my lucky kids! Regardless of your children’s age or interests, birthdays are a special day. Even if their birthday falls on a school day or they have extracurricular activities, the key to making them feel special is that you remember the whole day is their birthday — so celebrate and let them enjoy it. By taking some time out to create your own family birthday traditions, you will be giving your child something to look forward to all throughout the year and perhaps for a lifetime. Kara Ferraro is a publisher and mother of two elementary school children. She is always looking for clever and inexpensive ways to start new traditions with her family as well as carrying on the traditions from her childhood.
may 2012 43
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It’s a scientific fact that birthday parties at Adventure Science Center are super fun! When you celebrate at the Science Center, you get admission for your guests all day long, a private party room for one hour and a live science presentation just for you and your guests. AND…Mention Parent Magazine when you book a party to receive one free child admission to add a guest to your party.
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The 2012 Party Pages
A Special Advertising Directory
Arcades, Fun Centers Adventure Science Center
800 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville
Celebrate at the Adventure Science Center and get admission for your guests all day long, a private party room for one hour and a live science presentation just for you and your guests. Mention Nashville Parent magazine when you book your party and receive one free child admission to add a guest to your party!
Glow Galaxy
121 Seaboard Lane, Franklin
370-4FUN (4386)
The original glow-in-the-dark party place. Glow Galaxy delivers awesome parties in our glow-in-the-dark play area, featuring the famous Glow Galaxy Party Pros, glow-in-the-dark inflatables, glow miniature golf, interactive lighted dance/ game floor, along with soccer, football, basketball and air hockey games.
Goofballs Family Fun Center
1113 Murfreesboro Road, #360, Franklin 861-3668
Now open in Franklin. A totally new, totally fun, totally goofy place to play – and party! 12,000 sq. ft. of indoor fun including Laser Frenzy, bumper cars, Route 66 bowling lanes and a state-of-the-art arcade. And we’re parent friendly, providing you with free WiFi and a parents lounge.
Incredible Dave’s
1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville
Have your awesome party at Incredible Dave’s where we take care of everything! Packages include a private party room with two Party Hosts so mom doesn’t lift a finger. Each child receives a $5 Players Card as well as incredible activities like Cosmic Bowling, inflatables and obstacle course, bumper cars and euro bungee. Call for pricing information.
Lanes, Trains & Automobiles Depot 450 Butler Drive, Murfreesboro
Lucky Ladd Farms
4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville
At Lucky Ladd Farms unforgettable parties are always in season! Explore acres of excitement at Tennessee’s largest petting farm with over 70 activities for the entire family. Pony rides, mega slides, playgrounds, wagon rides, fossil mining and more. Can’t make it to the farm, ask about our Mobile Petting Zoo packages.
Malco Smyrna Cinema
100 Movie Row, Smyrna
Let your child party like a star at the Malco Smyrna Cinema! Malco Theatres birthday parties are an excellent way to celebrate your child’s special day. Package includes party room, movie ticket, drinks and popcorn for up to 25 guests (10 guest minimum). For reservations, visit our website.
Paddle Dog Adventures, Pirate Parties Westhaven Lake
Boats, treasure maps and pirates! What could be more fun for a birthday party? For three hours, the party gets exclusive use of the Paddle Dog Adventures boats. Plus, we sink four pieces of a coded treasure map around the lake. Buried treasure awaits those who successfully decipher the code. Bring your food and cake and enjoy the two picnic tables and shady umbrellas.
Arts & Crafts Brushfire Pottery Studio
4004 Hillsboro Pike #150, Nashville
Kids love painting pottery! Several packages range from $12 - $22 per child and include invitations, balloons, commemorative birthday handprint plate, party assistant and a free painting coupon for each guest. All items glazed, fired, gift-wrapped and ready for pick up in one week. Discounts available on pizza and ice cream cakes.
46 White Bridge Road, Nashville
OriJENals can provide everything you need to host a fabulous birthday party, from the invitations to the cake. Choose from an array of children’s paintings or customize your own painting for no additional cost. The birthday boy or girl, along with the guests, will paint a 16 in. by 20 in. canvas. No need for party favors, because everyone will leave with their very own “OriJENal” piece of art. continued on page 47...
Strike & Spare Family Fun Center 90 Volunteer Drive, Ste. 300 Hendersonville
Offering multiple, age-appropriate birthday party packages. Each package includes at least two hours play time, 45 minute pizza party with hostess, paper goods and birthday cake. Our most popular package is the Extreme package which includes all Circus World attractions, one game of bowling and pizza party ($19.75 per child, minimum of 6).
Build your own birthday parties starting at $11.99. One of the largest and most exciting party venues in middle TN. All parties include a party host and 45 minutes in a party room. $5 in game play plus two slices of pizza and drink. You can add a bumper car ride for just $4 more, $5 bowling per person, or a round of laser tag for $6 per player.
Find our party listings online anytime at!
are sponsored by...
VISIT OUR STORES: in Cool Springs 1705 Mallory Lane 309-0557 in Green Hills 2002 Richard Jones Road 800-7754 may 2012 45
Kim’ s Pony Rides Loving Ponies, Reasonable Rates, Dependable Service! Parties or private pony rides at The Farm (indoor barn available) or we’ll bring the ponies to your event!
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46 may 2012
GET 10% OFF!
The 2012 Party Pages Athletics, Gymnastics, Movement Creative Me Gymnastics
871 Seven Oaks Blvd., Smyrna
The instructors at Creative Me Gymnastics host children’s birthday parties on Saturdays. Choose the Tumblebear party for ages 3 - 5 or the Superstar party for ages 6 - 12. More details available on our website. Book your party now to secure your party date before it’s gone! Swimming parties offered on Saturdays during the summer months.
4004 Hillsboro Road, Ste. 180-R Brentwood
Choose your child’s favorite theme and we’ll create a private, personalized party experience filled with kid friendly activities guaranteed to be 100% fun with zero clean up! We specialize in first birthday parties all the way through to fifth birthday parties. Gymboree parties are available to members and non-members.
My Gym
330 Franklin Road, Brentwood 371-KIDS (5437) 206 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville 824-8002 •
Celebrate your child’s birthday with captivating, age-appropriate games, organized activities, rides, songs, puppets and more! All parties are designed and supervised by our caring staff, ensuring a fun, safe and enriching experience. Pick a date, send invitations and grab a cake. It will be a blast!
A Special Advertising Directory
Bounce and Play BounceU Nashville
2990 Sidco Drive, Nashville
Inside Out Play Park 255-1422
615 Baker’s Bridge Ave., Franklin 778-TREE (8733)
The ultimate party and play experience now featuring Cosmic Glow parties and open bounces, Parents Night Out, Moms Day Out options. Fun, private and always clean. Providing superior service and awesome memories. A spectac-U-lar indoor play arena featuring warehouse-sized giant inflatables. Conveniently located on the corner of Armory and Sidco Drives.
Wonderful parties for younger kids. We offer three kinds of parties: – it’s your party, do it your way. No worries, we do it all. We also do fullfacility private parties and after park hours. Amazing face painting, photography and videography services. Themed parties for all ages: princess and superhero parties (with appearances by your favorites); scavenger hunt parties; pajama parties; karaoke parties; camp-outs in the park. You can register for our parties online and see options and prices.
BounceU Murfreesboro
Monkey Joe’s
1222 Park Ave., Murfreesboro
893-8FUN (8386)
Bounce U is the largest indoor inflatable playground in Rutherford County. BounceU offers one-of-a-kind birthday parties that are completely private and are assisted by wonderful party pros who help with every party detail. The whole meaning of having a party for your child is to enjoy it with them, and at BounceU we allow you do that. We also offer open bounce sessions and summer camps. Call today for more information.
Hoppity Hop Inflatable Play Center 143 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville
Fun times happen at Hoppity Hop Inflatable Play Center. The Birthday Party Package includes private party room and jump room just for your guests, pizza and beverages, present for the birthday child, invitations and clean up. We make the party easy for the parents and fun for the kids.
1580 Gallatin Pike, Madison 1648 Westgate Circle, Brentwood
915-0561 377-5900
Monkey Joe’s is an indoor, inflatable-filled party and play center that provides families with engaging, interactive activity and entertainment. We offer wild inflatable slides, jumps and obstacle courses to keep kids happy and healthy – plus a parent’s lounge equipped with televisions, computer stations, and free WiFi.
Pump it Up
7104 Crossroad Blvd., Brentwood 1279 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet
373-8340 758-5126
Pump it Up, now with two locations, is an indoor inflatable party place filled with enormous inflatable slides, obstacle courses, bouncers and a state-ofthe-art climbing wall. All parties are supervised and are completely private. See our ad for open jump times, parent’s night out and summer camp info. continued on page 49...
Find our party listings online anytime at!
Abbey Blake at (615) 513-1418 www.enchantedentertainmentnash
CHECK ONLINE FOR OUR CURRENT SPECIALS 24/7 Easy Online Ordering; Inflatable Licensed Jumpers, Combos, Slides and Many More! Se Habla Espanol
may 2012 47
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The 2012 Party Pages Entertainers, In Your Home Copycats for Kids
10,000 happy customers since 1995! Fun characters including clowns, super heroes, princesses and TV and movie look-a-likes for birthday parties, company picnics, grand openings, corporate events and church functions. We also have costume rentals, bounce houses, magicians, singing telegrams and face painters. Best of Parenting 2011 winner!
Enchanted Entertainment Of Nashville, Premier Princess Party, Inc.
Transform your party into a royal ball with our professional princesses and customized packages ranging from singing telegrams, half-hour, one-hour and two-hour events. Packages may include picture with Princess (printed on site), craft, face-painting, story time, dance time, hair and nail spa (two-hour event only), goodie bags for guest and more! Moms, order the cake, send the invitations and leave the rest to Enchanted Entertainment!
FADDs Entertainment, Mobile DJ
er Majestic, the Celebrity and our Trolleys. The party is on the bus. Plus, the new Nashville Game Bus is 36 ft. and 12 video screens of fun. Great for parties, events, school carnivals and more.
FADDs Party Bus
At FADDS Entertainment, we can tailor a package to make your special event one you and your guests will remember for years to come! We have the experience and the equipment to provide the entertainment for all those milestone events including:birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Sweet 16, graduations, proms, special achievements and more.
FADDs Party Bus, Nashville Game Bus 754-2221
Stationary and traveling parties in the Glow Bus, the double deck-
The party is on the bus! FADDs comes to your home, office, church or school with one of their great selection of buses. Your party includes live DJ, music, dancing, contests and more. Have a party your kids, family and friends will talk about for years.
Fox’s Pizza Den
235 E. Main St., Hendersonville
822-FOXS (3697)
Make your child’s birthday special with The Big One! A 30 in. round pizza with 50 plus slices. Mix and match your toppings. Never hum-drum with The Big One! (6 hours notice, please, when ordering.) Delivery available in the Hendersonville area.
GamesOnTheSpot 444-6835
A Special Advertising Directory
Our mobile video game trailer (five screens, 11 game systems, premium sound and lighting) allows up to 20 simultaneous players on our five 47 in. HD LCD televisions. Includes X-Box 360, Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3. Enjoy comfortably in our climate controlled, limo-style trailer. Great for any event.
Moonlit Cinema
Moonlit Cinema specializes in producing outdoor movies for individuals, parks and community organizations. We aim to provide a high-quality outdoor movie experience with the best picture quality and surround
sound to your backyard or event with outstanding one-on-one service. Perfect for large or small birthday parties for kids of all ages!
Mr. Bond, Science Guy
Great themed party show for boys and girls. One hour of cool hands-on science fun. Explosions, bubbling potions, chemical reactions, lie detectors and dry ice. Shows for preschoolers, school-agers, tweens and teens. Clean, safe, fun! Ask about Volcano Cake, Rocket Launch or DIY Cotton Candy.
Party Pals
Party Pals offers all your favorite TV and movie lookalikes, including superheroes. Available for birthday parties, festivals, picnics, church functions and corporate events.
Pint Sized Pampering
Let’s Get Pampered! Mobile spa partes in your area. The best mobile spa experience for girls ages 4 - 14. Let our professional staff turn your space into a fun spa-tacular oasis. All parties include our worry-free Pampering Promise. We handle it all ... you simply sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Rolling Video Games, Mobile Video Game Theater
We bring the party to you with the best video games! We offer time for kids of all ages in our action-packed game trailer featuring Nintendo Wii, Playstation, and Xbox 360. A fully self-contained, climatecontrolled, surround sound experience with rumbling seats for 16 players.
Find our party listings online anytime at!
continued on page 51...
Rent a Backyard Movie Theater! * 473-1327
Check out our new games including Ball Blaster Air Cannons The Glow in the Dark Party Extravaganza
birthday parties!
Boats, treasure maps and pirates! Smashbucklin Birthday party on Westhaven lake.
The Best Birthday Party Your Kid Will Ever Have! 121 Seaboard Lane, Suite 8, Franklin (615)
(615) 975 0732
Front Street and Westhaven Blvd Franklin
may 2012 49
COpyCats for kIkIDS BEST OF PARENTING 2011 WINNER Costume Rentals only $59! BOUNCES AND SLIDES TOO!
865-5336 •
#1 Party Destination
Nashville’s Only 12 Screen Gaming Bus
t • Ann ren u Pa
aders Po Re ll al
Where all your events are totally private.
12 players 12 XBox 360s * Play Others or Play Solo Climate Controlled Because the Action is HOT! Game Coaches to Enhance Your Skills * Birthday Parties * Events * School Carnivals * School Reward Programs
Brentwood 373-8340 Mt. Juliet 758-5126 754-2221 *
The 2012 Party Pages Super Science
Exciting science show with bubbling potions, explosions, chemical reactions and rocket launches! Kids participate in all the experiments. Everyone loves our parties where kids learn amazing science secrets.
Rentals/Inflatables Balloon Media
uniformed site managers, liberal rain policy and two million dollar insurance policy are designed to put your mind at ease. Call for our FREE party-planning guide.
Grand Central Party Rental/Bounce House
Firetrucks 4 Hire Parties and Events
Nashville’s best party rental source. Inflatable jumps, obstacle courses, water slides, boxing, games, concessions, party planning, tables, chairs, tents and more. Rental includes free delivery and set up in Nashville area.
Balloon Media means selection and service. We offer extreme sports, such as rock wall and bungee power jump, as well as slides, jumps, multi-piece obstacle courses, slip-and-slides and professionalism that is second to none. Our trained,
Children’s birthday party packages including fire truck rides, inflatables and much more. Now offering a full line up of inflatables.
Games On The Spot
A Special Advertising Directory
Jump for Fun 888-405-GOTS (4687)
Imagine a 30 ft. trailer filled with five video screens, 11 game systems, premium sound, lighting and seating pulling up to your house for your next party. Our unique video game trailer is perfect for birthdays, team parties and more.
Jump for Fun has various licensed jumpers, dunk tanks, snow cones, cotton candy, hot dog machines, built-in safety steps. Open 7 days a week. We accept major credit cards. Se hable español.
Kim’s Pony Rides
Loving ponies, reasonable rates, dependable service. Parties at the Farm (indoor barn available) or we’ll bring the ponies to your party or special event. Serving families since 1995.
SpaceWalk Party Rentals Nashville/Mt. Juliet Murfreesboro
For all your party rental needs. houses, wet and dry slides,
884-2727 867-3422 Obstacle courses, bounce concessions and more.
Sporting Event Parties Nashville Sounds at Greer Stadium 523 Chestnut St., Nashville
Celebrate your special day with a Nashville Sounds Birthday Party! Our birthday packages include hot dogs, drinks, cake, souvenirs as well as a jersey and first pitch for the birthday child. Call to reserve your party today.
PARTIES & CIRCUS WORLD Middle Tennessee’s Indoor Amusement Parks!
Hendersonville Strike & Spare 90 Volunteer Drive 824-5685
t • Ann ren u Pa
aders Po Re ll al
Roller Skating Bowling Laser Tag Bumper Cars & Much More!
20 OFF
ANY PARTY PACKAGE! expires 5/31/12
(615) 771-0707
430 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin, TN 37067 may 2012 51
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs AWAY/RESIDENTIAL CAMPS
A Paid Advertising Directory
Animal Camp at Cub Creek
16795 Hwy E, Rolla, MO 573-458-2125 • Home to over 250 animals. Our 26 week-long courses include Jr. Vet, Adopt an Animal, culinary science, survival skills, crime science, pottery, arts and crafts, and much more. Our facility is top-notch with spacious, air-conditioned cabins, swimming pool and great food, all on more than 240 acres. Junior camps for ages 7 - 11. Senior camps for ages 12 - 16. see our expanded listing online at
Camp Laney
916 West River Road, Mentone 256-634-4066 • Camp Laney is an independent, traditional boys’ camp located on Lookout Mountain in northeastern Alabama. Camp Laney is accredited by the ACA and offers four two-week sessions for ages 8 - 14 and a one-week junior camp session for boys finishing grade 2. Activities include canoeing, water slide, swimming, team sports, ropes course, climbing wall, mountain biking, bouldering, archery, riflery and tennis. see our expanded listing online at
Camp Wekeela
1750 Bear Pnd Road, Hartford, ME 201-612-5125 • A coed residential camp nestled on Little Bear Pond in the beautiful state of Maine. Water skiing, tennis, outdoor adventure, land sports, water sports, creative, performing and culinary arts are core components of our programs. We also offer an Outdoor Adventure Tripping program. Our campers may cycle in Acadia National Park, explore Bar Harbor or camp out under the infinite Maine starlit sky. see our expanded listing online at
Camp Woodmont
381 Moonlight Drive, Cloudland, GA 706-398-0833 • On Lookout Mountain in northwestern Georgia. A traditional, overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6 14. Just 30 minutes from Chattanooga, we feature horseback riding, high ropes/climbing, sports, dance, crafts, canoeing, archery and more. Founded on Christian principles in 1981, Camp Woodmont is the perfect place to build lifelong friendships and memories. Open House May 20, 2 - 5 p.m. see our expanded listing online at
Deer Run Christian Camps
3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station 794-2918 • On 100 wooded acres just south of Franklin. Campers grow in character, respect, leadership and build life-long friendships. Six nights (Sun. p.m. - Sat. a.m.). Preteen to high school (completed grades 3 - 12). Activities include horseback riding, aqua park, kayaks, zip line, ropes course, climbing tower, paintball, night hiking, BB guns, archery, wiffle ball, wild water games, skits, worship, small group Bible study. Campers receive a t-shirt and DVD of their week. see our expanded listing online at
52 may 2012
Horton Haven Christian Camp
3711 Reed Harris Road, Lewisburg 931-364-7656 • FB: HortonHavenChristianCamp Affordable and conveniently located one hour south of Nashville. One-week sessions for ages 8 - 11, 12 - 14 and 15 - 18. Campers participate in horseback riding, archery, air rifles, canoeing, crafts, swimming and many other exciting activities. Teens can experience our 45 ft. high zipline that spans 600 ft. Bible lessons are taught daily. see our expanded listing online at
NCS Chinese Immersion Camp
at Vanderbilt University, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville 410-2284 • The first Mandarin Chinese immersion camp in Nashville. Camps held on the Vanderbilt campus. Taught by certified native speakers from the Nashville Chinese School. Beginners to advanced learners, ages 8 17. Experience authentic culture from language to martial arts to traditional cuisine. Camp registration starts Mar. 1. Space is limited.
Riverview Camp for Girls
757 CR 614, Mentone, AL 800-882-0722 • Voted #1 sleep-away camp seven years in a row in the Best of Parenting reader’s poll. Only two hours away from Nashville. One- and two-week sessions available for girls 6 - 16. Members of Christian Camping International and accredited by AEE and ACA. Traditional camp activities offered and facilities include a heated pool, tennis courts, climbing tower, horseback riding, bathrooms and showers in all cabins and more. Campers select six activities to take daily. 5:1 camper-to-counselor ratio. see our expanded listing online at
TPGA Junior Golf Academy
400 Franklin Road, Franklin 790-7600 • The TPGA Junior Golf Academy is an overnight camp for ages 10 - 17. Located at the Golf House TN Learning Center, the Academy is for players of all ability levels. The Golf House TN Learning Center also offers day clinics for ages 4 - 17. see our expanded listing online at
YMCA Camp Ocoee
111 YMCA Drive, Ocoee 423-338-5588 • Located in the mountains of southeast Tennessee, Camp Ocoee has been providing children with wilderness adventures since 1923. One-week sessions for boys and girls ages 7 - 17. 4:1 camper to staff ratio. Strong Christian environment. Activities include paintball, whitewater rafting, kayaking, climbing, mountain biking, camp outs and much more. see our expanded listing online at
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
YMCA Camp Widjiwagan
3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch 360-2267 • Voted #1 overnight camp by Nashville Parent magazine readers. Offering one- and two-week sessions for campers rising grade 3 - grade 9. Serving young men and young women. At Widjiwagan campers will strengthen confidence, forge friendships and sharpen character through programs and activities that build independence and social skills. Activities include: water skiing, Wet Willy water slide, The Blob, sailing, soccer, basketball, alpine tower, zip line, archery, horseback riding and much more. see our expanded listing online at
LOCAL/DAY CAMPS Academy Child Development Centers and Preschools
201 Westwood Place, Brentwood 221-5155 1401 Baffin Lane, Franklin 771-1131 104 Prospect Ave., Franklin 790-6737 270 Seaboard Lane, Franklin 771-2898 151 Saundersville Road, Hendersonville 824-1159 1404 Gateway Blvd., Murfreesboro (coming soon) 890-5885 7836 Old Harding Pike, Nashville 646-6171 4615 Thompson’s Ridge Road, Thompson’s Station 591-4040 This summer your kids can GROW, LEARN, PLAY! The Academy “wows” with a non-stop summer program that includes special weekly guests, adventurous themes and our exclusive Kindergarten Boot Camp. Wellknown for our incredibly creative seasonal activities, Summer at The Academy is no exception! Voted Best Child Care Centers in Williamson County for ‘08, ‘09, ‘10 and ‘11.
The Arts Place
A Paid Advertising Directory
15354 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville 294-1041 • At The Arts Place, experience ways to unleash your creativity! Join us for workshops, camps, productions and more. “Punchinello” an original musical based on Max Lucado’s Wemmicks books, Mar. 16 and 17, 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Nashville, Wallace Chapel. Tickets are $10, children under 12 $5.
Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies, Belmont University
1900 Belmont Ave., Nashville 460-6431 • Our 20th year. 2- or 3-hour day camps introduce children to the biology of insects and other arthropods. Short field trips to collect and observe insects taken daily. Children are encouraged to bring in insects for discussion. Materials such as collecting equipment, field guides and refreshments will be provided. Class sizes range from 10 - 20 students. All classes will meet on Belmont University campus.
Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate
1911 Business Campus Drive, Murfreesboro 890-6755 1820 NW Broad St., Murfreesboro 893-6003 • We have been holding summer karate programs in Murfreesboro since 1973. Our summer program will use your child’s natural enthusiasm about martial arts training to teach focus, discipline and listening skills. Register early and ask how to get our summer program absolutely FREE! Martial arts is ideal for your whole family. see our expanded listing online at
Enter Code “Locker” for $20 off
Boy Scouts of America Day Camps
Various locations 383-9724 The BSA offers 23 Middle Tennessee day camps for rising grade 1 – 5 boys. Non-scouts are welcome to attend. This Mon. – Fri. camp offers activities such as water excitement, archery and bb shooting sports, crafts, nature projects, scout skills and other themed activities. Overnight camps are also available for boys ages 7 – 18.
EACH CAMPER RECEIVES: Over $150 in FREE merchandise; • Opportunity to meet and interact with Jake Locker • Expert instruction • Exclusive camp T-shirt • Autographed photo with Jake • Opportunity to participate in contests and win prizes
Brentwood Academy Summer Camps
219 Granny White Pike, Brentwood 373-0611 x165 • Brentwood Academy offers summer day camps for boys and girls beginning in Kindergarten through high school. We offer over 25 camps in the areas of sports, fine arts and academics. We have something to interest every child. Join us for a summer of fun! see our expanded listing online at
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ProCamps is a registered trademark of ProCamps Worldwide, Inc. ©2012 ProCamps Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
continued on page 55 ...
may 2012 53
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Parent & Child Classes Ages 1-3 & Pre-School Ages 3-5
with this ad.
Must present coupon. Expires June 10, 2012
Cool Springs 1892 Gen. George Patton Franklin, TN
369-3547 NOW allergy-friendly camp
JULY 9th-27th
ss fitne fun friends
Monday thru Friday 9:00am–4:00pm Aftercare until 5pm
age 3 to college
t • Ann ren u Pa
aders Po Re ll al
A Paid Advertising Directory
Ages 4-12
Classes offered year-round!
1647 Mallory Lane, Ste. 102, Brentwood, TN 615-377-3444
An Award Winning Camp Experience!
Call 800-882-0722
for a FREE catalog and video Taking reservations for summer! Call or go online to reserve your award winning camp experience for your daughter today!
• Susan & Larry Hooks, Owners and Directors • Donna Bares, Assistant Director
54 may 2012
Riding English,Western, and Jumping Swimming Heated Pool Ropes Course Good News: Spaces are still available for summer! Tennis • Canoeing Call now to hold a space! Golf • Archery More Good News: You can enroll on-line: Riflery • Gymnastics Cheerleading • Dance Great Location: Only 2 hours from Nashville on top of Sports • Soccer Lookout Mountain in Mentone, AL on the banks of Little River! Basketball Excellent Accommodations: Heated pool, Beach Volleyball great tennis courts and climbing tower, and more! Bathroom and showers in every cabin. Chorus • Drama Session Options: Both 1- and 2-week Arts & Crafts sessions for ages 6 to 16! Outdoor Living Skills We’re here to serve: Registered nurses Aerobics on staff, entire full-summer staff is first CIT Program aid and CPR certified. Carefully selected Campfires every night qualified activity instructors and Christian Optional trips “My favorites include the counselors, who are sensitive to the And more! climbing tower, the 400 needs of children!
Camper/Counselor Ratio is 5 :1
ft. Zip Line, the awesome V-swing and the Water Blob!”
Accredited by American Camping Association Members of Christian Camping Int.
506 Legacy Drive, Smyrna 378-7845 • Need a place where you can be active, creative and dramatic? Spring Break and Summer Arts Camps by Carpe Artista/Actors Point Theatre, located in Smyrna and Hendersonville. Children grades 3 – 12 will experience dramatic theater, visual arts and a rock band experience. Registration information is available online.
Camp Idyllwild
3139 Blue Buck Creek Road, Duck River 383-0589 • A unique day camp to inspire children with a love for nature. Eco-science and nature-based programs as well as traditional summer activities. Learn about animal habitats and ecology. Arts and crafts, organic gardening, archery, wall climbing, rappelling, pottery, wood and leather working, and caring for the camp’s three Alpacas. Bus transportation from Nashville and Franklin. see our expanded listing online at
Camp St. Cecilia
4210 Harding Road, Nashville 298-4525 • Camp St. Cecilia offers camps in arts, athletics and academics for girls ages 4 - 17. New camps this year include lacrosse, babysitter training, science olympics, core conditioning, dance and service. Come be a Scarab this summer at St. Cecilia Academy! Morning and afternoon sessions available. Visit our website for more information. see our expanded listing online at
Cheekwood Summer Camps
Chess Camp and Game Builder Camp • 888-65-CHESS (652-4377) Camps held at Currey Ingram Academy in Brentwood, Jul. 16 - 20. Chess Camp: Campers experience chess instruction and play in a fun-filled environment designed to improve their skills. Includes a mix of classroom instruction and practice sessions. Ages 5 - 15. Video Game Creation Camp: Starting with basic commands, campers will be taught in a step-by-step progression how to build a game that they design. Ages 8 - 15.
May 25th - August 17th
Monday - Friday, 9:30am- 2:30pm (before & after care available) Create and Bounce Art Camp includes: • Arts & Crafts • Exercise, games & bouncing • Snacks • Special guest speakers
c r e at e ®
BounceU of Nashville
(615) 255-1422
2990 Sidco Drive Nashville, TN 37204
Reserve a spot today!
SUMMER RIDING CAMP Weekly During June & July
• Safe Horse Handling • Riding Lessons • Trail Rides • Grooming & Games
CREEKSIDE Riding Academy & Stables Hwy 431 at Duplex Rd., 2359 Lewisburg Pk., Franklin, TN 37064
615-595-7547 *
The Covenant School Summer Camp Program
33 Burton Hills Blvd., Nashville 467-2313 • We’ll be digging into science and nature, cooking southern style, exploring the arts, going on an Indiana Jones adventure, sports of all sorts and more! Covenant camps will run from the week of Jun. 11 through the week of Jul. 16. Call or visit our website for more information.
16th Annual National Chess Summer Camp Tour Tuition includes tee-shirt, trophy, chess board & pieces & much more. • Beginners thru Advanced Welcome! • Group & Sibling Discounts • Co-ed, ages 5-15 • Morning, Afternoon & All-day Sessions
Creative Me Gymnastics
871 Seven Oaks Blvd., Smyrna 459-5512 • We are offering seven themed one-week day camps for Summer 2012! Each camp offers swimming lessons, special themes, and field trips. Registration starts Mar. 1. Before- and after-care available. Number of students is limited so register early. See our website for all the details.
Creekside Riding Academy Horse Camp
2359 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin 595-7547 • Offers summer riding day camps, Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. every week during June and July. Lessons and family trail rides also available. Lessons and camps teach proper riding techniques, grooming, safe handling and tacking up. Fun and adventure for ages 5 and up.
Register Online: 888•65•CHESS
Currey Ingram Academy, Brentwood July 16 -20 • Chess-Intro-Sequel
Currey Ingram Academy Summer Camps
6544 Murray Lane, Brentwood 507-3176 • Summer is around the corner, and the fun awaits at Currey Ingram Academy. Whether it’s rock-and-roll, theater, sports, arts, adventure or horses, we’ve got you covered. Our camps are held on our 83-acre campus just 8 - 10 miles form downtown Nashville and Cool Springs. Summer with us in Beech Creek Valley.
Your child will actually design, develop and create a one-of-a-kind video game. • Intro Video Game Creation • Video Game Creation - The Sequel See website for details. Register Online: 888.652.4377
continued on page 59 ...
may 2012 55
A Paid Advertising Directory
1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville 353-9827 • Give an experience of a lifetime in Cheekwood’s museum of art, botanical garden and art studios. Cheekwood brings hands-on fun into our educational programming. Make creative artwork or get your hands dirty gardening. Our staff provides interactive projects and quality materials for your camp to explore and have fun.
This Summer Art Camp takes imaginations to new heights...
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Carpe Artista
O P E N I N G M AY 2 6
at C h e e k w o o d The magic of some of literature’s most SPONSORED BY:
beloved works will come to life in Cheekwood’s stunning botanical gardens this summer. Treehouses features seven imaginative, life-sized structures artfully designed to transport visitors of all ages to fantastic settings from our favorite stories. O N D I S P L AY T H R O U G H S E P T E M B E R 3
M AY P O L E D A N C I N G Plan to visit Cheekwood in May to learn a traditional Maypole dance with the Nashville Ballet! The fun kicks off May 1 at 11:30am with a May Day Celebration and continues every Sunday at 2:00 pm.
MATHILDE ROUSSEL: ANATOMIA BOTANICA Through May 13 In Anatomia Botanica French artist Mathilde Roussel works with natural outdoor elements. One of the features of her installation is two Lifes of Grass sculptures that are growing on site.
SIGOURNEY CHEEK L I T E R A RY GA R D E N Opening May 19, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm We’ll celebrate the opening of this amazing garden with performances, programs and special readings throughout the day.
F A M I LY N I G H T O U T Coming next month! Thursday nights in June & July, 6:30 pm Thursday, June 7: The Happy Racers Thursday, June 14: Nashville Public Library Puppet Truck Thursday, June 21: The Groove Club Thursday, June 28: Coal Train Railroad Thursday, July 5: Conductor Jack and the Zinghoppers Thursday, July 12: Nashville Public Library Puppet Truck Thursday, July 19: Nashville Ballet Thursday, July 26: Farmer Jason
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs A Paid Advertising Directory
nce u o b camps, 2012
Crafts Swimming Zipline Canoeing Bible Lessons Climbing Walls
Funtastic Summer Camp Where camp is fun & Christ is #1!
May 24-Aug 9 Ages 3-12
Summer Camp T-shirt with coupon! Must present coupon. Expires June 10, 2012
Trampoline Fun Arts & Crafts Rocket Blaster Pizza Party Star Castle Zip Line Rock Wall Climb
Must present coupon. Expires June 10, 2012
58 may 2012
Volley Ball Basketball Gymnastics Floor Hockey Football Wiffle Ball Indoor Games Outdoor Games
Call for our summer schedule of gymnastics classes for ages 12 mos. and up
Sign up for 8 days and receive the 9th day FREE!
SUMMER CAMPS start in JUNE. SIGN UP TODAY to reserve YOUR SPOT! Ideal for Kids 4-10+ years of age All classes sorted by birth years. Low Camper-Counselor ratios
Boys and Girls ages 8-18
Mtn Biking
It’s a new adventure every week! Full of bouncing, creative play, games, arts and crafts, and much more!
Brentwood: 615-373-8340
Horton Haven Christian Camp
369-3547 NOW Cool Springs 1892 Gen. George Patton Franklin, TN
Conveniently located 1 hour south of Nashville
(931) 364-7656
Trevecca Summer Institute: College Prep for Band and Piano Students
this event, featuring conductor and composer Brian Balmages, you will learn how to prepare for college, build your resume, prepare for auditions, find scholarships, develop leadership skills, participate in an ensemble experience, have private and group instruction, gain introductions to musical composition and recording, and make new friendships!
FOR: Students in 9th through 12th grade COST: $400 (limited scholarships available) $350 Early Bird Registration (Through April 1) DATES: June 4-8 (Monday through Friday) TIMES: 8:30 to 5:00 daily THEMES: Preparation for applying to colleges and auditioning for scholarships For more information contact the Department of Music at 615-248-1291
1885 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 377-9606 • Featuring one week summer camps: Ballet Princess (ages 4 - 8); Dance Sampler (ages 6 - 10); Jazz and Tap (ages 7 - 12); and Hip-Hop and Street Dance (age 6 - 13). Also offering weekly classes in acting, creative movement, ballet, jazz, tap, modern, fitness for kids (ages 8 - 12) and stretching (ages 10 - 18). Celebrating our 21st year! View our website for camp details.
The Dancer’s School
2159 N. Thompson Lane C-5, Murfreesboro 907-1155 • June/July Summer Dance dates TBA April 2. Email or call to request registration information. Ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern, contemporary. Ages 3 - adult. Disciplined, fun classes. 40 year tradition of stellar service.
Discovery Center at Murfree Spring
Swimming Lessons taught by a Certified Red Cross Instructor at
guppies &dolphins swim
Mt. Juliet/Smyrna area. Register at:
• Individual Music Therapy • Music Together™ (ages 0-5) • Social Skills Groups • Regular and Adaptive Piano and Guitar Lessons • Birthday Parties
Serving children of all ages with special needs
502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro 890-2300 There’s something for everyone at our hands-on summer camps! From science survival to art to game show camps, there’s something for every child. Member registration begins Feb. 1. Non-member registration begins Mar. 1. Call or visit our website for more information.
David Deaton Karate Studios
Brentwood 377-1100 Hendersonville 824-9111 Mt. Juliet 754-6878 Martial arts summer camp! Three four-week sessions will be held in June, July and August. Free tuition. Act now!
Summer Camp is here! My Gym Summer Camp
A full day of gymnastics, arts and crafts, story time, music, sports and much more. Created to enhance physical development and a sense of individual progress. Our camps are easy on parents thanks to our drop-off program. And we keep things fresh with weekly themes.
Save gas. Save time. Save mom.
In-home Music Lessons.
School, sports, play dates, shopping and doctors' appointments Isn't that enough driving for one day? Be the hero with in-home music lessons. Learn more at
What age will benefit?
Our program is designed for kids ages 2.5 - 7 years. Children are divided into age-appropriate groups: Campsters (ages 2.5 - 7) and Super Campsters (4 - 7).
Want to join the fun?
Fitness Made Fun For Kids My Gym of Brentwood
SPACE IS LIMITED. Call today to reserve your space or to learn more about our summer camps, summer classes or our fantastic birthdays.
When? May 29 - Aug. 2
Morning and afternoon camps available. Schedules are online.
My Gym of Hendersonville
330 Franklin Road (Near TJ Maxx)
204 N. Anderson Lane (Near Wal-Mart)
(615) 371-KIDS / 5437
Any instrument, any skill level. All teachers background checked Accredited, friendly instructors.
(615) 824-8002
may 2012 59
A Paid Advertising Directory
continued on page 60 ...
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Dance and Drama at Franklin School of Performing Arts
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Deer Run Christian Camps
3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station 794-2918 • Grades K - 5 and Adventure Day Camps grades 6 - 8. On 100 wooded acres just south of Franklin. Mon. Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., extended care available. Bus service from six locations. Aqua park, kayaks, zip line, kickball, BB guns, archery, crafts, climbing tower, creek wading, worship, interactive Bible study. Adventure Camps include 3-D archery, Leap of Faith, paintball, tree climbing with ropes and harnesses, outdoor education and survival skills. Campers receive a t-shirt and DVD of their week. see our expanded listing online at
Dr. Friday’s Entrepreneurship Camp for Kids For 4th Grade & Up (Child needs to know multiplication tables.)
One Week Camps Offered June 11th, June 18th, July 9th 9am-Noon Monday — Friday Cost: $150 (Includes Workbook) (2nd child from same family $25 discount)
A Paid Advertising Directory
Now enrolling for summer dance and drama online.
(615) 377-9606
211 Ensworth Ave., Nashville 301-5353 • Camps on the Ensworth Red Gables campus offer summer fun for elementary children. Our week-long sessions in June include robotics, knitting, geocaching, young writers, and more. To register online, visit our web site, hover over Camps and select Camps and Leagues from the list.
Father Ryan High School
700 Norwood Drive, Nashville 383-9056 Sessions begin May 28 and run through July 20. Camps offered for rising K – grade 12 in activities like sports, art and web design. New offerings include a strength training camp. After-care available. Registration and schedules available online. Early registration discount available through Feb. 15.
1210 Franklin Road, Brentwood 277-9434 Dance this summer at Fellowship School of Dance! We are pleased to offer a variety of dance camps and intensive training opportunities for students ranging from ages 3 - 20. Class size is limited, so register early.
Franklin Road Academy
Elite Dance Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. exp. 5/31/12
60 may 2012
Ensworth School – Red Gables Camps
1710 Gen. George Patton Drive, Ste 108, Brentwood 202-6426 Art instruction for enthusiastic kids, teens, & adults! Drawing, painting and cartooning for ages 4 - adult. Summer camps & classes, as well as ongoing school-year programs. In Cool Springs.
Zumba, Bootcamps & Piloxing
7401 Hwy. 100, Nashville 301-8916 • Big E Sports Camps offers a fun opportunity to improve skills and more! Various camps and leagues offered to boys and girls grades K – 12. Excellence in teaching and coaching. Up-to-the-minute facilities and equipment. A welcoming community of coaches, counselors and campers.
Firstlight Arts Academy
Summer Performing Arts Camps June 18-Aug 3 One-Week Themed Camps Include Dance Explosion, Fairy Princess, American Girls, Broadway Bound, Butterfly Ballet, Dance/Cheer Ages 3-4 • 9:00-12:00 Ages 5-7 & 8-12 • 9:00-3:00
7177 Nolensville Road, Ste. B-1, Nolensville 776 - 4202 Voted one of the top three studio’s in Nashville! Classes in tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, acrobatics and musical theater for ages 2 - 18. Adult fitness program: Zumba, piloxing and bootcamp six days a week, morning and evening classes. Summer camps, competitive dance team, performance troupe, birthday parties. First class free!
Fellowship School of Dance
Elite Dance and Fitness
Ensworth School – Big E Sports Camps
To Sign Up or for More Information: 615-440-8686 mikeevans@
7177 Nolensville Road Suite B-1 Nolensville 615-776-4 202
5115 Maryland Way, Brentwood 367-0819 • We provide real situations that reward focus, determination, teamwork, creativity, communication skills and self-esteem. The children enjoy participating in hands-on activities to learn the business basics and have fun doing it. Children ages 8 - 14 yrs. Visit our website for prices, dates and times. see our expanded listing online at
Adult Zumba 6 Days a Week
4700 Franklin Road, Nashville 831-0769 • With new and exciting camps, Summer FRA is the place to be for your camp experience! Camps for preK - grade 8, as well as adults. Offering the ultimate in scheduling flexibility with week-long, half-day camps including sports, enrichment, arts and academics. Half-day camps can be combined to make a full day and create a one-of-a-kind camp experience. Extended day service offered for before and after camps. see our expanded listing online at
Goofballs Summer Camp
1113 Murfreesboro Road, #360, Franklin 861-3668 Your camper will have a blast at our one-week day camps. Sessions run Jun. 11 - 15, Jun. 25 - 29, Jul. 9 -13, and Jul. 23 - 27 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Activities include arts and crafts, Nerf battles, tie-dye t-shirts, trampoline, bumper cars, lazer frenzy, arcade fun, make your own pizza, movies, goofball olympics and much more. continued on page 63 ...
More than 100 caMps, courses, and creative ways to spend a suMMer, including:
a ll - sports c aMp s uMMer l eague l acrosse F ishing • t heater F ootball • s cience b aseball • l eadership i Mprov • g raMMar b asketball • s occer c ooking • w restling l atin • t ennis s tudy s kills • g olF d river ’ s e ducation r eading c oMprehension r iFle • t rack d odgeball • c heerleading r owing • d isc g olF For more information and to register, log on to www.montgomer
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Developing talent in gifted students‌
Saturdays Jan 21 – Feb 25, 2012
Session I: July 9 – 13 Session II: July 16 – 20
March 3 – 4, 2012
Session I: June 10 – 15 Session II: June 17 – 29 Session III: July 8 – 27
A two-day residential program for students in grades 7–10
A residential summer program on Vanderbilt’s campus for rising 8th –12th graders
Summer and Saturday academic programs for students in grades K– 6
A Paid Advertising Directory
(615) 322-8261
Summer Dance Camp & Junior Intensive
SummEr daNCE CamP
SummEr daNCE CamP
Ballet Fairy Tales 3 5
Dance Discoveries 6 8 Explore your own creativity in
Elementary & 9a-1ge5s Intermediate
make ballet stories come
choreography workshops; learn
Maintain your momentum,
to life through dance,
about movement and music in ballet,
improve technique and perform
imagination, music and mime.
jazz, hip-hop and character classes.
for family and friends.
Interactive and fun classes
Full and half-day camp options for ages 3 to 8, and one or two-week camp options for ages 9 to 15. Summer Dance Camps are offered to boys and girls at both Nashville and Brentwood campuses. Enroll Today In Person or Online.
Campuses in Brentwood and Nashville.
Nashville Campus: 3630 Redmon Street • Nashville, TN 37209 • (615) 297-2966 x20 Brentwood Campus: 500 Wilson Pike Circle • Brentwood, TN 37027 • (615) 661-0460 • NashvilleParent_SchoolofBallet_SummerCamp.indd 1
62 may 2012
1/17/12 3:46 PM
7385 Old Harding Road, Nashville 662-1466 HYSA has an array of camps and clinics available to soccer players of all ages and skill levels. Great coaches and great facilities.
ages 2 & up
Holly Tree Christian Preschool Summer Quest
3421 Old Anderson Road, Antioch 366-1750 1384 Holly Tree Gap Road, Brentwood 377-6636 122 Seaboard Lane, Franklin 371-8091 Holly Tree schools are about faith, family, and summer fun. Featuring cool fun for hot days as well as special guests and water fun too. Summer themed weekly chapel and JAM classes (Jesus and Me!) with experienced children’s minister on staff. The summer is no time to slow down at Holly Tree where they kick into overdrive to make the most of the summer season.
Horton Haven Christian Camp
3711 Reed Harris Road, Lewisburg 931-364-7656 • Come out and explore! Each day is filled with laughter and adventure. Activites include inflatable water slides, bible lessons, crafts, guided horseback rides, swimming and much more. Choose from three oneweek sessions or come back for all three (Jun. 25 - 29, Jul. 19 - 23 and Jul. 16 - 20). Space is limited. see our expanded listing online at
iD Tech Camps and iD Teen Academies
Jan Williams School of Music and Theatre
500 Wilson Pike Circle, Ste. 104, Brentwood 371-8086 Serving Middle Tennessee since 1984. Kindermusik Adventure Camps for ages infant - 5 yrs. Keyboard camps for ages 4 - 8 yrs. Music theater camps for ages 4 yrs. - teens. Partnership/performances with beautiful Town Centre Theatre in Brentwood. Programs performed at the end of each camp.
7982 Coley Davis Rd (Bellevue) 615.662.4819 *
Ask about our $175 Birthday Party Package
SUMMER CaMpS aT CURREY INGRaM aCaDEMY IN BRENTWOOD! Theatre, Music, Sports, Art, Equine and Adventure! For details, call 615-507-3176 or visit
Let it Shine Gymnastics
1892 Gen. George Patton Drive, Franklin 369-3547 • We offer a super funtastic summer camp. Ages 3 - 12. Camp is 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. with extended care available from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Kids will have a funtastic time on our trampolines, zip line, rocket blaster, star castle and rock wall, as well as participating in volleyball, basketball, floor hockey, swimming and gymnastics. see our expanded listing online at
Mr Bond the Science Guy Summer Camps
Multiple locations including MPA, Harding Academy, GJCC and BGA 573-2702 Energy Camp, CSI-Nashville, Space Camp, Crazy Chemistry Camp, Bizarre Science, Mini Bizarre Science (perfect for 4 - 5 year olds) and Environmental Science. Come have fun and learn. As Mr. Bond says, “Just Goo It!”
My Gym
SUMMER CAMPS! Parent’s Night Out 1st & 3rd Saturday Drop-Off Daycare!
330 Franklin Road, Brentwood 371-5437 204 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville 824-8002 • Morning and afternoon camps for ages 2.5 - 7 yrs. Age-appropriate activities include gymnastics, arts and crafts, story time, music, sports, and more. Weekly themes keep things fresh. Ask about our drop-off program to help make things easier on you. Camp schedules available online. Space is limited.
Montessori School of Franklin
244 Noah Drive, Franklin 794-0567 • Offering a summer program open to all students. Children ages 2.5 to 12 yrs. can participate in a program that maintains the elements of a traditional Montessori atmosphere while enjoying enrichment activities such as music and movement, Spanish lessons, yoga, cooking, and art.
Franklin, TN 615 Baker’s Bridge Rd.,
continued on page 64 ...
may 2012 63
A Paid Advertising Directory
Camps held on the Vanderbilt campus 1-888-709-TECH (8324) • Gain a competitive edge! Ages 7 - 18 create iPhone apps, video games, movies, and more at week-long, day and overnight programs held at Vanderbilt, UNC-Chapel Hill, Emory, Stanford and others. Also 2-week, teen-only programs held at Yale, Duke, Harvard and other universities: iD Gaming Academy, iD Programming Academy, and iD Visual Arts Academy (filmmaking and photography). see our expanded listing online at
REGISTER NOW for Summer Classes, Camps & Workshops in a variety of dance styles.
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Harpeth Youth Soccer Association
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
NOW ENROLLING FOR SUMMER CLASSES! * 639 S. Mt. Juliet Rd. (Publix Shopping Center) 615.587.7903
Montgomery Bell Academy Sports Camps
4001 Harding Road, Nashville 369-5368 • Montgomery Bell Academy’s more than 100 different camps and classes allow rising kindergartners to high school boys and girls to fill their summer with activities. Sports, outdoor adventure, art, cooking driver’s ed, leadership, study skills, and computer are just a few of the myriad offerings. Check out our website for all the information.
Our Savior Lutheran Academy Camps
5110 Franklin Road, Nashville 833-1500 Weekly camps begin Jun. 11. More than 20 camps (both half- and full-day options) in a great Christian environment at an affordable price.
Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary
545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood 370-4672 • Owl’s Hill Camps offer “Summer As It Used To Be!” Camps include Screech Owl (ages 5 - 7), Nature Ranger (ages 8 - 11) and Adventurers (ages 5 - 11). All feature nature-related activities, catching tadpoles, building forts and wildlife programs featuring live animals. Sessions are small so campers get personal attention.
School of Nashville Ballet
3630 Redmon St., Nashville 297-2966 ext. 33 • Dance camps and junior intensives for students ages 3 - 15. Half- and full-day options are available with locations in both Nashville and Brentwood. Students bring their own sack lunch and drink. Have fun, make new friends and learn from the best.
Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp/TN Teens Rock Camp A Paid Advertising Directory
Murfreesboro and Nashville • Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp is a summer day camp for girls ages 10 - 17. SGRRC’s mission is to support a culture of positive self-esteem and collaboration among girls while building community through music. SGRRC recognizes the potential of every young woman to be a strong, talented, creative and empowered individual while providing a safe space where all girls rock.
Tap Root Farm
4104 Clovercroft Road, Franklin 794-3358 Children will learn about farm life, where real food comes from and how it grows. They will work with large and small animals, understanding what it takes and how to care for them. Campers will be a member of a farm family team in which they will have responsibilities. Tap Root Summer Farm Camp is about young people taking an opportunity to get back in touch with themselves.
Tennessee Foreign Language Institute
227 French Landing Drive, Ste. 100, Nashville 741-7579 • Spanish Camp from the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute is a fun, exciting way for your child to learn a new language! With small group sizes and fluent instructors experienced in working with children, kids learn Spanish through games, songs, role playing, arts and crafts, food and more. Details online.
Tennessee PGA Junior Golf - Golf House Tennessee
400 Franklin Road, Franklin 790-7600 The TPGA Junior Golf Academy is an overnight camp for ages 10 - 17. Located at the Golf House Tennessee Learning Center, the Academy is for players of all ability levels. The Golf House Tennessee Learning Center also offers day clinics for ages 4 - 17.
Travellers Rest Plantation
Offering camps in clay, cartooning, book making, printmaking, painting, sculpture, fiber arts and more!
636 Farrell Pkwy., Nashville 832-8197 • Travellers Rest’s summer camps are one of Nashville’s best hidden treasures full of adventure, creativity, mystery, and fun! Learn the mysteries of the past with History’s Mysteries camp. Put a stitch in time with our great sewing camp. Become a museum leader in the Junior Docent program. Or embark on an adventure with Civil War and Frontier Adventure camp! see our expanded listing online at
more information at • 615.383.4848
continued on page 67 ...
64 may 2012
Ready for Summer ?
We are! n
June 4-July 20 weekly offerings for grades K-12 half day and full day sessions
University School of Nashville
mention this ad exp. 5/31/12
2000 Edgehill Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Day, Adventure,
Day Camps: Grades K-5 aDventuRe Camps: Grades 6-8 oveRnight Camps: Grades 3-12
2001 Blair Blvd.
615.298.5271 •
Day Camp & aDventure Day Camp OptIOnS
extenDeD CaRe & bus tRanspoRtation
6 bus locations including FRA, Brentwood, Murfreesboro, Franklin, & Spring Hill 10 miles south of downtown franklin
may 2012 65
A Paid Advertising Directory
Nashville School of Dance & Music
Classes - 6 wks - walking & walking to 2 yrs Classes filling up fast, reserve your spot today!
USN Summer Camps n
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
University School of Nashville
Joe C. Davis Outdoor Center
CONFIDENCE FRIENDSHIP CHARACTER Overnight & Day Camp One week overnight sessions now available! 615-360-2267
Our Mission: A worldwide charitable fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people grow in spirit, mind and body.
66 may 2012
2000 Edgehill Ave., Nashville 566-7046 • Make USN Summer Camps your choice for a fun and enriching experience this summer. Many of the camps are led by members of our talented faculty who bring their expertise and varied passions to diverse programming in sports, academics, the arts and technology. Flexible morning and afternoon scheduling allows either full- or half-day experiences. After-care available from 4 - 5 p.m. see our expanded listing online at
Vanderbilt Tennis Camps
2601 Jess Neely Drive, Nashville 322-4193 • Three one-week camps, taught by Vanderbilt varsity tennis coaches. Open to ages 7 - 17.
Watkins College of Art and Design
2298 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville 383-4848 • Watkins’ Summer of the Arts programs provide art-making experiences that engage and inspire youth ages 5 - 18 to find their inner artist. The fundamentals of art are taught while individual creativity and self-expression are encouraged. Class topics include clay, cartooning, bookmaking, printmaking, painting, fiber arts and more.
The Wave Daycamp, First Baptist Church of Hendersonville
106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville 447-1397 • In the Wave, our primary focus is to encourage each camper in their relationship with the Lard and to have a blast while doing it. We are a high-energy summer program where campers move from one exciting activity to the next. We pride ourselves in being unquestionably safe.
YMCA Camp Widjiwagan
YMCA Day Camps 259-9622 Camping at the Y is about learning skills, developing character and making friends. Our camps are also places where kids become a community as they engage in physical, social and educational activities that teach how to be more independent and contribute to a group. Each week includes swimming and field trips.
YMCA Summer Adventure
Camps offered at participating school locations 259-3418 The summer component of the YMCA’s Fun Company out-of-school time program, Summer Adventure offers campers daily fun in a safe, supervised environment. Offering full-day excitement, campers will learn skills, develop character and make new friends, all while engaging in physical, social and educational activities. continued on page 69 ...
★ Ages 7-17: All Levels Welcome! ★ June 4 - June 8 ★ 10 Outdoor & 5 Indoor Courts ★ June 11 - June 15 ★ Taught by Vanderbilt Coaching ★ June 18 - June 22 Staff ★ 9am - 3:30pm daily ★ Camp Fee - $375/wk
Call 322-4193
N rth offe ow da rin yP g ar tie
Your child’s best opportunity to learn music is now.
The most favorable time to learn music is from birth to four years. Help your young child achieve his or her full musical potential with an innovative, developmental music and movement program. Parent and child classes are playful and creative and each family receives the acclaimed CDs and song books. Summer classes start June 11. Call for information and to schedule a free class observation. 615•777•9314
Nipper’s Corner • West Meade • Franklin
* Monthly Workshops * Summer Camps & Productions * Drama * Singing * Dance * Photography * Painting * Fibers
15354 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville 615-294-1041 | may 2012 67
A Paid Advertising Directory
3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch, TN 37013 360-2267 • Voted #1 Day Camp by Nashville Parent readers 14 years in a row! Serving boys and girls rising grade 1 - grade 8. Camp Widjiwagan is just minutes from downtown Nashville. Bus transportation is available. Activities include water skiing, banana boating, swimming, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, Tom Sawyer swing, The Blob, 150 ft. Wet Willy water slides, equestrian school, street hockey, alpine tower, zip line, fishing, tennis, basketball, soccer, crafts, lacrosse, archery and much more. see our expanded listing online at
Vanderbilt Tennis Camp!
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
USN Summer Camps (University School of Nashville)
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Allergies • Colds • Flu • Sinus Infections • Sore Throat • Physicals • Vaccinations • Prevention • And more
A Paid Advertising Directory
Visit for our 13 Nashville locations.
The Little Clinic is a convenient affordable healthcare clinic located right inside select Kroger stores. n Open 7 days a week, including weeknights n No appointment necessary n Most health insurance plans accepted n Staffed by Board Certified Nurse Practitioners n Family Healthcare – ages 18 months and up
2012 SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS Hockey * Basketball Volleyball * Football Lacrosse REGISTER TODAY! 215 Gothic Ct. Franklin, TN 37069
(615) 771-2444
68 may 2012
Abacus Math Club
1321 Murfreesboro Road Nashville 656-3532 • Discover your child’s math potential through a unique, fun learning tool, the abacus. Children learn to do math operations on an abacus and then in their own minds ... without a calculator! Children learn math in an intuitive, tactile way. They will develop mental math skills and right brain thinking all while having fun! 10 classes meet once per week for two hours in the evenings or on Sundays. Ages 5 - 12.
Above The Rim Basketball Academy
Holloway High School, 619 S. Highland Ave., Murfreesboro 390-0982 Offering year-round after-school basketball programs for individuals and groups ages 6 - 17. We take skills to a higher level, stressing fundamentals and shaping character. Developmental program for boys and girls ages 7 - 16. All skill levels welcome. Travel basketball program also available. AAU Member.
Advantage Models and Talent
230 Franklin Road, Ste. 802, Franklin 790-5001 • Be A Star summer camp at Advantage. Dream of being on TV, a Fashion Model, on Broadway? Start experiencing your dream! Weeks of Jun. 18 - 22 or Jul. 16 - 20. Register early for discounted price rate. Ages 7 - 14. New on Tuesdays: Weekly acting for film/TV classes for ages 7 and up. Weekly modeling/ acting class for ages 3 - 6. Registering for Saturday modeling classes or acting workshops.
Enroll now for one of our Spring Break or Summer Camps Beginner Camps Weekly, Call for Specialty Camps Jumping, Dressage, etc
Highway 96 Arrington, TN | East of I-65, South Brentwood - Wilson Pk
Barfield School of Dance
Serving All of Middle Tennessee 715-1232 Offering individual and group music therapy services, regular and adaptive guitar and piano lessons, parentchild music classes and musical birthday parties. Drumming classes designed to improve communication and leisure skills for children with developmental disabilities starting soon in Murfreesboro and Franklin. Our mission is to use music to look beyond limitations and discover the ability of each child. see our expanded listing online at
Dance in Bloom
7982 Coley Davis Road, Bellevue 662-4819 • Located just off I-40 and Hwy. 70 in Bellevue, Dance in Bloom offers excellent classes for ages 2 and up. Quality training (with an emphasis on proper technique and terminology) is offered in a fun and upbeat environment. Classes available in creative movement, ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, hip-hop, pom and tumbling. Fun and affordable birthday party packages are also available!
E.T.C. Gymnastics
EBDT Dance and Arts Center - Eccentrique Backbone Dance Theatre
103 Confederate Drive, Ste. 1, Franklin 599-7003 • Promoting adult dance, fitness and the performing arts for ages 2 - 70+. Small classes, economical fee, workshops and loft-style classrooms with sprung floors. Faith-based, non-recital school. Non-mandatory in-school dance concerts to teach performance skills.
The Goddard School
1101 Moher Drive, Franklin 595-2525 108 Cinema Drive, Hendersonville 822-9300 The summer program at The Goddard School is a unique blend of fun and learning. Energetic teams of teachers plan summer days filled with developmentally appropriate activities to foster children’s skill building, self-confidence, and cognitive development. Children learn about creepy crawlers, send letters to pen pals, and ‘travel’ to the stars in a positive atmosphere that offers the ideal balance to the school year. continued on page 70 ...
One flat price to address all of your academic needs for 90 days. Attend as many sessions as you want in any subject. Includes Sylvan personalized instruction, an initial skills assessment, progress reports, and post assessments to report achievement. Your student will develop a love for learning as he or she gains the skills for success with our talented and engaging teachers for one flat rate for 90 days. Call today to find out how your student can learn all they can in the next 90 days! Thank you Nashville Parent readers for voting us your Best Tutoring/Learning Service!
• Annu ent a ar
ders Pol ea l lR
1137 Haley Road, Murfreesboro 867-6900 1932 Almaville Road, Smyrna 617-7644 • E.T.C. Gymnastics is dedicated to bringing a new standard of excellence in gymnastics through Him. We offer classes in gymnastics for boys and girls ages 2 years and older. We also offer cheerleading and tumbling, as well as competitive teams. Call and ask about our free trial class. We also do parties, field trips and parents’ nights out. see our expanded listing online at
Nashville P
Bolton Music Therapy
MAKING A DIFFERENCE, ONE STUDENT AT A TIME Sylvan Learning of Franklin Sylvan Learning of Rivergate 1227 Lakeview Drive Unit 4 110 Glancy Street Suite 211 (615) 790-8775 (615) 860-9111 Sylvan Learning of Green Hills 2000 Richard Jones Road Ste. 178 (615) 292-3900
A Paid Advertising Directory
2298 Barfield Road, Murfreesboro 896-3118 • We offer dance instruction in ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, hip-hop, Irish, Kinderdance and Kindermusik, ages newborn - adult. All programs are developmentally appropriate and designed to meet the needs of each dancer. Our goal is to develop within each dancer a love for and a skill in the art of dance providing a sound dance education.
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
2012 Guide to Camps, Summer Activities & After-School Programs
Mobile Music Academy • 301-8589 We bring high-quality music instruction from fun, energetic, qualified teachers directly to you. We provide lessons throughout the day and evening for piano, guitar, bass, drums, voice, band and orchestral. Special rates available for lessons before 3 p.m. We teach all ages.
Mpact Sports
1647 Mallory Lane, Ste. 102, Brentwood 377-3444 MPACT your child’s school year with the right balance of athletic training, character building and social/ team outlets. Gymnastics for 10 mos. - adult, cheer for 5 - 18 yrs. and martial arts for ages 4 - 104. Competitive teams and proper training. Low teacher/student ratios. Our goal is to help your child develop to their fullest within their sport of choice and encourage learning. Come see why Mpact is the best kept secret in Cool Springs!
Music Together Now at Bolton Music Therapy 796-6162 Bolton Music Therapy is now offering Music Together®, an early childhood music program for children ages birth to five years. Our mixed-age, inclusive classes provide a rich, active music making experience. Each family receives a songbook and two recordings each semester. Contact us to attend a free demo class! Please call for locations or visit our website.
Peachtree Farms Equestrian Center
Kids can strengthen their relationship with God and have a fun time doing it! These churches offer Bible school programs that include games, sports, music and more. Covenant Presbyterian Church
383-2206 4819 Hwy 96 E, Arrington 419-1089 • PFEC offers afternoon and weekend lesson programs for those who want to learn how to ride safely and correctly. Both English and Western lessons are offered in a great environment where children can have fun The King is Coming! In five packed days, the children will get a broad overview of the history of redempand fresh air after a stressful day at school. For the serious rider, the CHA-approved facility and USPC Riding tion, from Creation and the Fall to Jesus’ return: the King was promised, has come, and is coming again. Our VBS includes live music, skits, storytelling, bible memorization, crafts, snacks, a mission focus, and Center offer a chance to excel in competition. recreation.
School of Dance and Music A Paid Advertising Directory
2001 Blair Blvd., Nashville 298-5271 2228 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet 754-9186 Over 40 years of dance history. Now offering top quality music instruction. A focus on quality instruction, and customer service. Dance classes available in ballet, jazz, hip-hop, tap, lyrical, gymnastics, and more. Ages 18 mos. - adult, boys and girls. Music instruction on all popular instruments, private and group. Voted #1 dance studio by Nashville Parent readers for 10 consecutive years! see our expanded listing online at
Stevens Family Taekwondo
440 Rice Street, Murfreesboro 893-5304 805 Commercial Court, Murfreesboro • Offering day and evening classes for children and adults. Classes include traditional taekwondo, yoga, cardio kickboxing, Krav Maga and tumbling. Home of the area’s only structured Martial Arts After School Program. see our expanded listing online at
Sylvan Learning Centers
1227 Lakeview Drive, Unit 4, Franklin 790-8775 2000 Richard Jones Road, Suite 178, Nashville (Green Hills) 292-3900 110 Glancy St., Suite 211, Nashville (Rivergate) 860-9111 Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of tutoring and supplemental education services to students of all ages and skill levels. Our tutors tailor individualized learning plans that build the skills, habits and attitudes students need to succeed in school and in life. Affordable tutoring instruction in math, reading, writing, study skills, homework help and test prep. Visit one of our centers or call for a free consultation.
Trevecca Summer Institute
33 Burton Hills Blvd., Nashville Jun. 4 - 8, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Rising K - grade 5
Cross Point Church
4301 Charlotte Ave., Nashville 7675 Hwy 70 S., Bellevue • Jun. 5 - 8 • Rising K - grade 5
Summer LIghts is a VBS experience at Cross Pointe happening for kids going into kindergarten to those who have completed grade 5. This will be a week filled with fun, games, worship and studying God’s word. We encourage your kids to invite all of their friends, neighbors and classmates. Register online.
First Baptist Church
200 East Main St., Murfreesboro • Jun. 11 - 15, 9 a.m. - noon • Pre-K - grade 8
Pre-K - 5th graders will enjoy crafts, music, bible stories, games and more. 6th - 8th graders will participate in bible study and community mission projects. Visit our website for information and registration.
River Oaks Community Church Mega Sports Camp 2012
Blackman Middle School, 3945 Blaze Drive, Murfreesboro May 29 - 31, 6 - 9 p.m. • For children finishing K - grade 5
Free quality instruction (collegiate experienced coaches) on a variety of sports as well as Biblical lessons in an un-intimidating, hands-on, action packed environment. Includes high energy rally with music. Snacks and t-shirt for every camper also. Space is limited to first 300 registrants.
Third Baptist Church
410 W McKnight Drive, Murfreesboro • Jun. 4 - 8, 9 a.m. - noon • Entering Pre-K - grade 5
333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville 248-1545 • College pre for high school students featuring Brian Balmages. Performance in a large ensemble. Group instruction. Private instruction. College prep symposium in: building a resumé; and preparing for an audition; identifying and applying for scholarships. Electives in composing, theory, and music technology.
VBS @ 3BC! VBS 2012 is cleared for takeoff! We will see lives changed as kids tour the wonders of God’s creation and explore his awesome power. Our VBS includes our Wednesday night Open House, Jun. 6, 6 p.m. Our VBS is open to entering Kindergarteners through completed 5th graders. Register for this free event online.
Wado Karate Centers
2303 Jones Blvd., Murfreesboro • Jun. 10 - 15, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. • 3 yrs. - grade 6
2444 Morris Gentry Blvd., Antioch 399-3992 406 Two Mile Pike, Goodlettsville 859-9473 667 Presidents Place, Smyrna 399-3992 • Two-week “Quick Start Program” for $19.95. For ages 3 - adult. Designed to instill self-control, selfconfidence and boost self-esteem. Our classes are the product of more than 40 years of refinement and offer life skills along with karate skills. Call or email for more information or to register.
70 may 2012
Trinity United Methodist Church
Join Trinity United Methodist Church as we go “Fishing on a Mission with Jesus” for our VBS. We will fish our way through crafts, bible stories, music, and snacks. For questions or more information, please call the church office.
TAKE ON SUMMER Summer can be a time of inspiration, exploration and learning when you take on summer at the Y. We provide families the tools they need to grow and achieve. Visit your local Y or to learn more.
Our Mission: A worldwide charitable fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people grow in spirit, mind and body.
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may 2012 73
By Chad Young
THINGS•TO•DO 76 the dailies | 95 ongoing | 97 on stage | 99 chadderbox | 100 plan ahead
Jousting knights are one of the many attractions at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival.
family fun at ren fest
weekends in may
edieval magic takes over the grounds of Castle Gwynn during the annual Tennessee Renaissance Festival taking place every Saturday and Sunday this month as well as Memorial Day. Opening weekend (May 5 - 6) is the Family Celebration sponsored by Nashville Parent. This weekend only, two grandparents and all children 12 and younger are admitted free with two paid adults. Remaining weekend themes are Mother’s Day weekend (May 12 - 13), Pirate Invasion weekend (May 19 - 20) and Royal Jousting Tournament weekend (May 26 - 28). The festival is located at 2124 New Castle Road, Arrington-Triune. Hours are 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission is $20 adults, $7 ages 6 - 12, free ages 5 and younger. Weekend passes are $35 adults, $12 kids. Call 395-9950 or visit
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles runs at TPAC May 1 - 6. See page 97 for details.
tue 1 FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expectant mothers can learn more about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 10 a.m.; 834-3287. May Day Celebration Enjoy art activities, listen to a spring
story and take part in an interactive Maypole dance. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 11:30 a.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can learn about gardening. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Tuesdays for Tots: Priceless Prints Preschoolers and parents can learn about print-making techniques while getting messy with washable inks. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 and older); 356-8000 or Zumbatonic Kids ages 4 and older can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m. ages 4 - 8, 4 p.m. ages 9 and older; $6; 890-2300 or
wed 2 FREE Kids Concert Ages 12 and younger can enjoy music
Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles This Broadway touring
production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
and movement with The Groove Club. Whole Foods, 1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m.; 567-6387 or grooveclubkids. com.
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds as they
FREE Open House Day Tour the observatory and ask
challenge the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
Spring Concert The Music City Youth Orchestra and the
Nashville School of the Arts perform an evening of music featuring the Mozart Requiem, Masatoshi Mitsumoto’s Concerto for Cello and String Orchestra, and more. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $10 adults, $5 children; 2006296 or
76 may 2012
astronomers questions. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; 373-4897 or
Parents & Tots Please see Tuesday, May 1 listing. Snack Attack! Kids can make cherry berry smoothies. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 12:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
thu 3 Nature Nuts Kids of all ages can go wading in the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Pink Trash Ball Women Rock for the Cure hosts this event
to raise funds and bring awareness to breast cancer initiatives. Activities include a fashion show and live music by Tiffany and others. Mercy Lounge, 1 Cannery Row, Nashville; 8 p.m.; $35 general admission, $50 VIP (includes goodie bag and two drinks);
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Omaha Storm Chasers. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Strollercoasters Parents with children ages birth to
5 years can enjoy a stroller exercise activity followed by poststrolling fun. Cason Trailhead, 1100 Cason Lane, Murfreesboro; 9 - 10:30 a.m.; 893-2141 or
SunTrust Classical Series: Tracy Silverman Premieres Terry Riley Electric violinist Tracy Silverman joins the Nash-
ville Symphony for the debut of a new concerto by composer Terry Riley. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $39 - $109; 687-6400
Thursday Crafternoon Kids can make magnetic flower pegs. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or (please turn the page)
Swim, bike & run D ANNUAL NAS HVILLE THE 2N
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the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Kids can participate in a variety of hands-on art activities during the TACA Tennessee Craft Fair May 4 - 6.
fri 4 FREE 41st Annual TACA Tennessee Craft Fair View
and buy the works of 160 of Tennessee’s best craft artists, enjoy demonstrations of craftsmen and merchants, have fun in the children’s tent with hands-on arts activities and entertainment, and more. Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Bledsoe’s Fort Colonial Fair Experience different camp
demonstrations, craftsmen, merchants, colonial music, shooting matches and games. Bledsoe’s Fort Park, Highway 25, Castalian Springs; Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; $5 adults, $3 children; 461-0222 or
FREE Friday Night Cruise-In View a variety of hot rods. The Avenue Murfreesboro’s Belk parking lot, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 5 - 9 p.m.;
Full Moon Pickin’ Party All ages can enjoy live bluegrass
music under the light of the full moon. Warner Parks Equestrian Barn, 2500 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville 7 - 11 p.m.; $15 in advance/$20 at the gate adults, $10 ages 7 - 15, $5 pickers with an approved instrument, free ages 6 and younger; 370-8053 or
Hairspray This Circle Players production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
FREE Jazzfest Local, regional and national jazz artists perform during this family-friendly event including a large children’s activity area on Saturday. Downtown Public Square, Murfreesboro; Fri - 6 - 11:30 p.m., Sat 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. (the children’s area is open on Sat from 12 - 6 p.m.); 895-1887 or
sat 5
FREE Kids Concert Ages 12 and younger can enjoy music
Bird Awareness Day All ages can listen to keeper chats, participate in activity stations and watch amphitheater shows focused on feathered friends. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; free with gate admission ($15 adults, $10 ages 2 - 12); 833-1534 or
and movement with The Groove Club. Whole Foods, 4021 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville; 9:30 a.m.; 567-6387 or
The Last Five Years This Street Theatre Company production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details. Memorandum This Act 1 production opens today. Please turn
to page 97 for details.
SunTrust Classical Series: Tracy Silverman Premieres Terry Riley Please see Thursday, May 3 listing. Wetland Walk Kids of all ages can explore the wetlands with
a naturalist. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
Women’s Work This Tennessee Women’s Theatre Project production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
FREE 41st Annual TACA Tennessee Craft Fair Please see Friday, May 4 listing.
Bledsoe’s Fort Colonial Fair Please see Friday, May 4 listing.
Cinco de Mayo Celebration All ages can celebrate Cinco de Mayo during the opening day at Nashville Shores with mariachi bands, live performances, ethnic food, games, inflatables and more. Nashville Shores, 4001 Bell Road, Hermitage; 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $19.99 ages 3 and older; 889-7050 or FREE Comic Book Day Ages 8 - 18 can celebrate comic
books with superhero fun and games. Gallatin Public Library, 123 E. Main St., Gallatin; 12:30 p.m.; 452-1722 or
Coppelia: The Girl with the Enamel Eyes This Dance Theatre of Tennessee production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
(please turn the page)
may 2012 79
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Tots can enjoy playing at Kowabunga Beach during the Cinco de Mayo celebration on opening day at Nashville Shores on Saturday, May 5. Eric Church All ages can enjoy an evening of live country music. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $34.75 - $42.50; 770-2000 or FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop Ages 5 - 12 can build planter boxes from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. To find a location near you, visit FREE Mayor’s Field Day Families can join Nashville Mayor
Karl Dean for a tournament-type field day promoting health and fitness. Activities include games, entertainment, an obstacle course and scavenger hunt. LP Field, 1 Titans Way, Nashville; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.;
Maypole Dances and Demonstrations All ages can learn a traditional Maypole dance with the Nashville Ballet. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
FREE Mt. Juliet Spring Community Yard Sale Find used items during the city’s big yard sale. Charlie Daniels Park, 1075 Charlie Daniels Pkwy., Mt. Juliet; 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 758-6522.
FREE Music in the Forest David Coe and Jim Wood perform Celtic music. The Wilderness Station, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 1 - 3 p.m.; 217-3017 or murfreesborotn. gov/parks.
80 may 2012
New Balance Girls on the Run Nashville 5K This race
FREE Southern Nights Opry Mill’s grand opening finale fea-
NF Walk This walk raises funds for the Children’s Tumor
FREE A Stones Throw Away All ages can help clean up
raises money for Girls on the Run, a nonprofit that uses the power of running to equip girls in grades 3 - 8 with a lifetime of self-esteem and healthy living. Shelby Park, 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 8:30 a.m.; $25; Foundation, which provides research and services to children affected by neurofibromatosis (NF). Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 9:30 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. walk; $25 plus pledges raised;
The Princess and the Pea — and — Pierrot Goes to the Moon This Olde Worlde Theatre Company production
opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
FREE Round Pen Demonstration Families can enjoy a
tures an outdoor concert with Josh Turner followed by fireworks. Guests are encouraged to bring food donations for Second Harvest. Opry Mills, 433 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 6 p.m. festivities begin, 8:30 p.m. concert; 800-393-1305 or along the greenway. Old Fort Park Pavilion 3, 1025 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 893-2141.
SunTrust Classical Series: Tracy Silverman Premieres Terry Riley Please see Thursday, May 3 listing. FREE Super Saturday All ages can play on the kids’ activity table, participate in craft projects and enjoy cookies and lemonade. Parent-Teacher Stores: 2214 Bandywood Drive, Nashville (292-3533); 203 Williamson Square, Franklin (599-3477); 131 John Rice Blvd., Murfreesboro (895-6131); and 780 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville (859-3007);
two-hour horsemanship training demonstration at the outdoor arena (bring lawn chairs) with a horse auction following the event. Spring Creek Farm, 5023 Carters Creek Pike, Franklin; 6 p.m.; 595-0353.
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
FREE Shakespeare Allowed All ages can participate (or just
FREE Whole Kid Festival The Children’s Mental Health
listen to) a reading of Titus Andronicus. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 12 - 3 p.m.;
Coalition hosts this event promoting children’s mental health and wellness through music, entertainment, games, food and resources for parents and caregivers. Bicentennial Mall in Downtown Nashville; 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.; (please turn the page)
Summer Camp begins June 4th, 2012 • Weekly themes throughout the summer. • Full and half day programs available. • Montessori School of Franklin serves children ages 30 months to 12 years.
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Additional funding provided by:
Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission
Tickets: (615) 782-4040 or Season tickets and group discounts: (615) 297-2966 x10. The Martin Center for Nashville Ballet • 3630 Redmon Street • Nashville, TN 37209 NB_NashvilleParent_Princesses and Frogs.indd 1
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may 2012 81
Drills &Shots!
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(615) 975-1325 82 may 2012
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
tue 8 FREE La Leche League of Rutherford County Get support and answers about breastfeeding. Crossway Baptist Church, 4194 Shelbyville Hwy., Murfreesboro; 6 - 8 p.m.; 931-308-9817. Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 7 listing. Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or Tuesdays for Tots: Flower Fun Preschoolers and parents can create a flower craft in the studio. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 and older); 356-8000 or FREE Turtle Search Ages 8 and older can participate in a box turtle research project. Nickajack Wetlands (call for directions), Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; 217-3017 or FREE Universe Symphony Support the Nashville Symphony as it prepares for a Carnegie Hall performance during this dress rehearsal of Charles Ives’ Universe Symphony. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 6876400
Zumbatonic Kids ages 4 and older can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m. ages 4 - 8, 4 p.m. ages 9 and older; $6; 890-2300 or
wed 9 Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 7 listing. Snack Attack! Kids can make fruit salsa. Discovery Center at
Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 11:05 a.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
Country star Josh Turner performs a free concert during Southern Nights, the final event of Opry Mills’ grand reopening celebrations, on Saturday, May 5.
sun 6
mon 7
FREE 41st Annual TACA Tennessee Craft Fair Please
Esperanza Spalding Enjoy an evening of music that fuses jazz with everything from classical to hip hop. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $44 $74; 687-6400
see Friday, May 4 listing.
Bledsoe’s Fort Colonial Fair Please see Friday, May 4 listing.
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75. FREE Williamson County Community Band Enjoy an
afternoon of live music, featuring marches, show tunes, patriotic favorites, jazz melodies and more. Longview Recreation Center, 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill; 3 p.m.; 302-0971, ext. 10, or
Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can participate in a Mother’s Day program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
thu 10 13th Annual Golf Classic Tee up and help raise money for Special Kids, the organization in Murfreesboro that serves children with special needs. Indian Hills Golf Course, 405 Calumet Trace, Murfreesboro; 8 a.m. or 1 p.m.; $125; 893-4892 or 41st Annual Days on the Farm PreK students and older
can learn about farm life 100 years ago through living history demonstrations like blacksmithing, sheep herding, butter churning, lye soap making and more. Sam Davis Home, 1399 Sam Davis Road, Smyrna; Thu - Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $5; 459-2341 or
Snack Attack! Kids can make fruit salsa. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or (please turn the page)
may 2012 83
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Historic Rural Life Festival All ages an see and touch
farm animals then enjoy farm-life demonstrations like butter churning, quilting, sheep shearing, basket making, storytelling and more. Individuals should note there are many school groups in attendance. Tennessee Agricultural Museum, 440 Hogan Road, Nashville; Thu - Fri 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $2; 837-5197 or
Myers International Midway Enjoy rides, carnival games,
food and more. RiverGate Mall, 1000 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; Mon - Thu 5 - 10 p.m., Fri 5 - 11 p.m., Sat 12 - 11 p.m., Sun 1 - 10 p.m.; Ride tickets are $1 each or $20 for $18 (rides require two to four tickets), $20 armbands are available Mon Thu;
Nature Nuts Kids of all ages can participate in a catch-and-
release program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Strollercoasters Parents with children ages birth
to 5 years can enjoy a stroller exercise activity followed by post-strolling fun. Thompson Lane Trailhead, 2240 N. Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro; 9 - 10:30 a.m.; 893-2141 or murfreesborotn. gov/parks.
Sweeney Todd: The School Edition This Act Too Players production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Thursday Crafternoon Kids can make magnetic flower pegs. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
fri 11 41st Annual Days on the Farm Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
FREE Barfield Beach Party All ages can play in more than
60 tons of trucked-in sand creating a beach environment with music, dancing and games. Barfield Crescent Park, 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5 p.m.; 907-2251 or
The Color Purple This Center for the Arts production opens
today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Don’t Mention My Name This Lakewood Theatre Company production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Kids can meet period re-enactors during the 41st Annual Days on the Farm at the Sam Davis Home, May 10 - 11. National Public Gardens Day Families can enjoy live
music, guided garden tours and conversation with Cheekwood’s President/CEO Jan Offenbach about environmental stewardship and awareness. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 11a.m - 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Relay for Life All ages can garner pledges and raise money
Emmylou Harris Enjoy an evening of music with Emmylou Harris and guests Blackhawk and Carrie Elkin & Danny Schmidt. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $29.50 $39.50; 800-745-3000 or
for the American Cancer Society by participating in a walk or relay team; the event includes live entertainment, food and more. Charlie Daniels Park, 1038 Charlie Daniels Pkwy., Mt. Juliet; 6 p.m. - 6 a.m.; $10; 308-3557 or
FREE Friday Night Cruise-In View a variety of hot rods. The
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
Avenue Murfreesboro’s Belk parking lot, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 5 - 9 p.m.;
Historic Rural Life Festival Please see Thursday, May 10
Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing This Arts Center of
Cannon County production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
a naturalist. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
Zoovie All ages can participate in games, bounce on inflatables, listen to music and watch a movie at dark. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 6 - 9:30 p.m.; free with gate admission ($15 adults, $10 ages 2 - 12) or $5 after 6 p.m.; 833-1534 or
sat 12 The 71st Running of the Iroquois Steeplechase All ages can enjoy a day of equestrian races with proceeds benefiting the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Percy Warner Park, Old Hickory Boulevard, Nashville; 8 a.m. gates open, 1 p.m. first race begins; $15 adults, free ages 12 and younger; 591-2991 or
Try Boro Kids Run Ages 5 - 14 can run a 2.5K or 5K
professionally timed race. Gateway Island, 1875 W. College St., Murfreesboro; 6:30 p.m.; $15;
84 may 2012
Wetland Walk Kids of all ages can explore the wetlands with
(please turn the page)
SUBMIT ENTRY ONLINE AT RULES & OBLIGATIONS: $20 entry fee (non-refundable). One photo per child. Twins/triplets will be considered one entry. The only group photos permissible are multiples. One child in each of four age categories — 0 - 12 months, 13 - 24 months, 3 - 6 years and 7 - 10 years — will be selected to appear on a cover of this magazine. From Feb. 1 – April 15, you can upload a photo of your child. After the submission period ends, a panel of judges — including Nashville Parent staff and local modeling/talent agents — will select 10 finalists in each age group. Once finalists are announced online, public voting beings. At the end of the two-week voting period, the child in each age category who receives the most votes will be the Cover Kid for his/her group. In the event of a tie within an age group, both names will be put in a hat and the winner will be chosen at random. Children of employees and independent contractors of Day Communications, Inc., are not eligible to participate.
Jessica, featured on the March 2012 cover. photo by Rebekah Pope Photography
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Families can have fun playing in 60 tons of sand during the free Barfield Beach Party on Friday, May 11. FREE Bird Club All ages can search for spring migrants and resident birds of Tennessee. Gateway Trail, 111 W. Vine St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; 217-3017 or FREE Family Program: Introduction to Thumbpick Guitar Ages 6 - 18 can learn to play guitar like Chet Atkins and
Merle Travis through a hands-on workshop with provided guitars. Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 p.m.; 416-2001 or
FREE Franklin Rodeo Parade Enjoy a parade commemorating the 63rd annual Franklin Rodeo (taking place May 17 - 19). Historic Downtown Franklin; 12 p.m.; 478-2451 or franklinrodeo. com. FREE Gaming Day Ages 8 - 12 can play Wii and other games. Gallatin Public Library, 123 E. Main St., Gallatin; 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.; 452-1722 or
Great Tennessee Air Show All ages can experience aviation up close and personal through displays, children’s activities and the U.S. Navy Blue Angels along with other aerobatic acts. Smyrna Airport, 278 Doug Warpoole Road, Smyrna; Sat - Sun 8 a.m.; $20 adults, $8 ages 4 - 12, free ages 3 and younger;
FREE Irish Celebration All Irish setter dogs and their families
86 may 2012
can participate in a celebration of Irish culture featuring traditional music, song and dance, and a parade before the Irish Consul General who will welcome Irish setters to A.I.C.E. Team Ireland. MTSU’s Wright Music Building, 1439 Faulkinberry Drive, Murfreesboro; 5:30 p.m.; 781-4050 or
Maypole Dances and Demonstrations All ages can learn a traditional Maypole dance with the Nashville Ballet. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Reno Aces. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 6:35 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or FREE Spring Festival and Garden Tour Wilson County master gardeners will host garden demonstrations. Enjoy speakers, vendors, tree tours and more. James E. Ward Ag Center, 945 E. Baddour Pkwy., Lebanon; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; 444-9584.
Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10
FREE Storytelling Magnificent Magda hosts a storytelling pajama party. Fairytales Bookstore and More, 114-B S. 11th St., Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; 915-1960 or
Princesses and Frogs This Nashville Ballet production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
Ranch Rodeo All ages can enjoy rodeo competitions and
participate in activities like sack races, wheelbarrow races, horseback riding, apple bobbing, stick pony races and more. Tap Root Farm, 4104 Clovercroft Road, Franklin; 11 a.m.; $5 ages 4 and older; 594-3210 or
FREE Second Saturday Celebration at Fiddlers Grove
All ages can step back in time and enjoy demonstrations of life at the turn of the 20th century, including guided tours, food, and live bluegrass music. Fiddlers Grove Historical Village, 945 E. Baddour Pkwy., Lebanon; 4 - 9 p.m.; 443-2626 or
A Toast to Tennessee Wine Festival Ages 21 and older
can sample Tennessee wines, listen to live music, sample gourmet food, listen to seminars, view the work of artisans and embark on a lake cruise. Nashville Shores, 4001 Bell Road, Hermitage; 12 - 6 p.m.; $20 ($10 for non-wine tasting tickets); 758-3478 or
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
the dailies Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Reno Aces. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 2:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
mon 14 Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can learn about tadpoles. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Snack Attack! Kids can make microwave mug cakes. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Reno Aces. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
tue 15 FREE La Leche League of Williamson County Expectant mothers can learn about breastfeeding and the services provided by La Leche League. Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1153 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 6:15 p.m.; 834-3287. Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 14 listing. Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Reno Aces. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 11:05 a.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or Tuesdays for Tots: Precious Puppets Preschoolers and
parents can learn about the art of puppet making while making a puppet of their own. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 and older); 356-8000 or
FREE Turtle Search Ages 8 and older can participate in a box Samuel Whited III and Peter Vann star in the Nashville Children’s Theatre production of Click, Clack, Moo, continuing this month through Sunday, May 13.
Train Robbery Excursion All ages can ride the rails to
Watertown and watch a mock train robbery unfold along the way. Tennessee Central Railway Museum, 220 Willow St., Nashville; 8:30 a.m.; $21 - $75; 244-9001 or
Yanni Contemporary composer Yanni presents an evening of live music. TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $45 - $100; 782-4040 or You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown This Act Too Players
production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
sun 13 Happy Mother’s Day! Flat Stanley This Act Too Players production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Great Tennessee Air Show Please see Saturday, May 12 listing.
Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10
turtle research project. Nickajack Wetlands (call for directions), Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; 217-3017 or
Zumbatonic Kids ages 4 and older can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m. ages 4 - 8, 4 p.m. ages 9 and older; $6; 890-2300 or
wed 16 Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 14 listing.
(please turn the page)
may 2012 87
the dailies
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
Kids can enjoy water exploration every Friday during the Wetland Walk at the Discovery Center at Murfree Spring in Murfreesboro. Snack Attack! Kids can make microwave mug cakes. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
thu 17 Bank of America Pops Series: Chris Botti Jazz trum-
peter Chris Botti joins the Nashville Symphony for an evening of instrumental music. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $54 - $139; 687-6400
Emergence This Nashville Ballet production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
post-strolling fun. General Bragg Trailhead, 1540 W. College St., Murfreesboro; 9 - 10:30 a.m.; 893-2141 or parks.
FREE Third Thursday on Main All ages can listen to live music by The Wooten Brothers. Gallatin’s Public Square; 6:30 - 9 p.m.; 452-5692 or Thursday Crafternoon Kids can make tin can pencil holders.
Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
fri 18 Bank of America Pops Series: Chris Botti Please see
Franklin Rodeo Professional cowboys and cowgirls compete in bronco riding, roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing and bull riding. Proceeds benefit charities in Williamson County. Williamson County Ag Expo Center, 4215 Long Lane, Franklin; Thu - Sat 7 - 10 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 12 and younger; 591-7959 or
can enjoy an evening of free music outside. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 7 p.m.; 890-0355.
Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10
FREE CoolSprings Festival of the Arts This three-day
Nature Nuts Kids of all ages can meet the center’s resident
animals. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
FREE Strollercoasters Parents with children ages birth to 5 years can enjoy a stroller exercise activity followed by
88 may 2012
Thursday, May 17 listing.
FREE Cannonsburgh Outdoor Concert Series All ages
festival combines arts and crafts, music and books. CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.;
Franklin Rodeo Please see Thursday, May 17 listing. FREE Friday Night Cruise-In View a variety of hot rods. The Avenue Murfreesboro’s Belk parking lot, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 5 - 9 p.m.; Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
FREE Pickin’ Night All ages can enjoy fun and music by the
Larry Stephenson Bluegrass Band. Richland Park, 301 Portland Blvd., Portland; 7 p.m.; 325-9032.
TN52 Yard Sale Tennessee’s second longest yard sale features approximately 500 vendors, spanning 95 miles and four counties, from Portland to Celina, along Highway 52. Hours are up to individual sellers, but most are set up from early morning to late afternoon; Trace Adkins Take in an evening of country music. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $29.50 - $75; 800-745-3000 or Wetland Walk Kids of all ages can explore the wetlands with
a naturalist. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
Fish Fry & Silent Auction This fundraising event features a
catfish dinner, live music and a silent auction. Historic Buchanan Log House, 2910 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville; 4 - 7 p.m.; $8 adults, $3 ages 7 and younger; 871-4524 or
(please turn the page)
Join forces with the Cybersquad at Adventure Science Center for an action-packed adventure to save Cyberspace from the villainous Hacker in a new, out-of-this-world exhibit Cyberchase — The Chase is On! based on the award-winning math mystery show from PBS KIDS GO! CYBERCHASE: The Chase Is On! was created by the Children’s Museum of Houston in partnership with Thirteen/WNET New York with major funding from the National Science Foundation
may 2012 89
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90 may 2012
INTRoduCTIoN To THuMbpICk GuITAR Learn the basics of thumbpick guitar in this hands-on workshop. Led by versatile guitar player Sean Weaver. Guitars provided. Offered as part of the special exhibition Chet Atkins: Certified Guitar Player Made Possible Through the Generous Support of the Gretsch Company.
Saturday, May 12 • 1:00 p.m. FREE. at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum Ages 6 to 18. No reservations required.
Saturday May 19 • 2:00 p.m. FREE.
at Nashville Public Library, Goodlettsville Branch 205 Rivergate Parkway, Nashville. Ages 13 to 19. No reservations required.
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For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
the dailies
sat 19
Bank of America Pops Series: Chris Botti Please see Thursday, May 17 listing.
more. Fellowship Church, 2511 Hwy. 99, Murfreesboro; 12 - 5 p.m.;
FREE 71st Annual Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival Celebrate spring’s fruit with a variety of activities,
Bluebird on the Mountain Enjoy the music of local singer/
Maypole Dances and Demonstrations All ages can learn
contests, live entertainment and more. Downtown Portland; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 325-9032 or
songwriters under the stars. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 8 p.m.; $95 per car; 373-4897 or dyer.
a traditional Maypole dance with the Nashville Ballet. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Antique Appraisal Fair Local, certified appraisers will be on
Borovino This inaugural wine-tasting event for ages 21 and
Miranda Lambert All ages can enjoy an evening of live country music. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $28.25 - $52.25; 770-2000 or
hand to evaluate antique items (fine jewelry, coins, stamps and weapons not permitted). Historic Buchanan Log House, 2910 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $10 per item/$15 for two; 871-4524 or
All ages can have fun at the 71st Annual Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival in Portland on Saturday, May 19.
over benefits Power of Pink, a non-profit breast cancer awareness and early detection organization. The Avenue Murfreesboro, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 3 - 7 p.m.; $40 in advance, $50 day of event;
FREE Community Outreach: Introduction to Thumbpick Guitar Ages 13 - 19 can learn to play guitar like Chet
Atkins through a hands-on workshop with guitars provided. Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 p.m.; 416-2001 or
FREE CoolSprings Festival of the Arts
Please see Friday, May 18 listing.
FREE Movies at the Library All ages can watch a G-rated
family movie and have mermaid fun. Gallatin Public Library, 123 E. Main St., Gallatin; 10 - 11:30 a.m.; 452-1722 or gallatinlibrary. org.
Myers International Midway Please see Thursday, May 10 listing.
Pet Adoption Event The Nashville Humane Association will
have dogs and puppies available for families to adopt. Brentwood Place Shopping Center, 330 Franklin Road, Brentwood; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; adoption fees range from $45 - $160; 620-0540 or
Run United 5K All ages can walk, job or run the race course.
Franklin Rodeo Please see
Proceeds benefit the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties. The Avenue Murfreesboro, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 7 a.m.; $35;
FREE Free Day in May Families
Sigourney Cheek Literary Garden Grand Opening
Thursday, May 17 listing.
can enjoy free admission today at the following Rutherford County attractions: Bradley Academy, Cannonsburgh Village, Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, The Heritage Center, Oaklands Historic House Museum, Sam Davis Home and Stones River National Battlefield. For more info, call 893-6565 or visit
Grad Night Dive-In Movie
High school students can enjoy water park activities and a screening of Twilight: Breaking Dawn. Nashville Shores, 4001 Bell Road, Hermitage; movie starts at 8:30 p.m.; free with gate admission ($31.99); 889-7050 or nashvilleshores. com.
FREE Hershey’s Track and Field Local Meet Ages
9 - 14 can participate in track competitions. Riverdale High School, 802 Warrior Drive, Murfreesboro; 8 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. track meet; 907-2251 or
FREE Mayfest Families can
enjoy arts and crafts, live music, children’s activities, carnival games, inflatables, barbecue and
Visit the new garden and participate in activities including a book lecture at 10 a.m., family story time at 11 a.m. and writer performances and readings at 1 p.m. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75. TN52 Yard Sale Please see Friday, May 18 listing. Tour de Cure Please see “Giving Back,” page 31.
sun 20 FREE Artful Tales: Davy Crockett and the Frozen Dawn This interactive family program includes a tale about
Tennessee hero Davy Crockett followed by a craft project. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 2 - 3 p.m.; 244-3340 or
FREE Author Signing John Carter Cash reads and signs his new children’s book, Cat in the Rhinestone Suit. Fairytales Bookstore and More, 114-B S. 11th St., Nashville; 4 p.m.; 915-1960 or FREE CoolSprings Festival of the Arts Please see
Friday, May 18 listing.
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
mon 21 Parents & Tots Preschoolers and parents can take a walk through the wetlands. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or (please turn the page)
may 2012 91
the dailies Snack Attack! Kids can make pepperoni spirals. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
FREE Friday Night Cruise-In View
tue 22
Next to Normal This Boiler Room
FREE A Day After School This kindergarten production opens today at Bill Rice Christian Academy. Please turn to page 97 for details.
Playing By Air Take in a family
Tuesdays for Tots: Sweet Treat Preschoolers and their
FREE Turtle Search Ages 8 and older can participate in a box
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 7:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
parents can use paper, shaving cream paint, confetti and other materials to create a non-edible sweet treat craft. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 and older); 356-8000 or turtle research project. Nickajack Wetlands (call for directions), Murfreesboro; 3 p.m.; 217-3017 or
Zumbatonic Kids ages 4 and older can participate in a zumba
class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m. ages 4 - 8, 4 p.m. ages 9 and older; $6; 890-2300 or
wed 23 Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 21 listing. FREE Kid’s Hour Family entertainer Rachel Sumner performs interactive music for ages 10 and younger. Whole Foods, 1566 McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m.; 550-5660 or rachelsumner. com.
thu 24 Nature Nuts Kids of all ages can participate in a Birding 101
program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
FREE Side-by-Side Concert The Nashville Symphony,
Curb Youth Symphony and featured performer, Maryville High School student Yusuke Yamanaka, perform an evening of music. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 7 p.m.; 687-6400
Thursday Crafternoon Kids can make tin can pencil holders. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
fri 25 Dive-In Movie Enjoy the park after hours and watch an outdoor screening of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part II. Nashville Shores, 4001 Bell Road, Hermitage; movie starts at 8:30 p.m.; free with gate admission ($31.99 those 48 inches and taller, $26.99 those 47 inches and shorter); 889-7050 or
92 may 2012
ages can learn a traditional Maypole dance with the Nashville Ballet. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or
Theatre production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
performance of action, comedy, music, juggling and circus-style feats. Belmont University’s Black Box Theatre, 2100 Belmont Blvd., Nashville; Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 and 8 p.m.; tickets TBD;
Parents & Tots Please see Monday, May 21 listing.
Maypole Dances and Demonstrations All
a variety of hot rods. The Avenue Murfreesboro’s Belk parking lot, 2615 Medical Center Pkwy.; 5 - 9 p.m.;
FREE Music in the Cedars Bring lawn chairs and
enjoy bluegrass, country and gospel music by local musicians. Cedars of Lebanon, 328 Cedar Forrest Road, Lebanon; 6 p.m.; 286-1390 or
Purple Cow Moograss Jam
This fundraiser for Radnor Lake State Natural Area includes live music and children’s activities. Granny White Market, 5301 Granny White Pike, Nashville; 4 - 10 p.m.; $20 adults (includes T-shirt), free for kids; 373-1395 or
Wetland Walk Kids of all ages can
explore the wetlands with a naturalist. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
sat 26 Aloha Summer Luau All ages can enjoy the newly renovated pool, play games, win prizes and more. Pleasant Green Pool, 360 Pleasant Green, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $5 ages 3 - 59; 851-2231 or Boro Beach Opening All ages can relax by
the pool, swim, play games, listen to music and more. Sports*Com, 120 DeJarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 youth; 895-5040 or parks.
Exhibit Opening Tree Houses: Look
Who’s Living in Those Trees! Opens today and is on exhibit through Friday, Sept. 7. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 1 - 5 p.m.; $6 ages 2 and older; 890-2300.
Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 6:35 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
sun 27 Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville
Sounds when they challenge the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 2:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or
Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
Garden Tales Ages
2 - 8 can learn about seeds and flowers as Rachel Sumner uses songs, dance and interactive reading to entertain. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 11 a.m.; $12 adults, $5 ages 3 - 17; 356-8000 or cheekwood. org.
See balancing acts, juggling and other feats during Playing By Air at Belmont University’s Black Box Theatre May 25 - 26.
For May events requiring advance registration, turn to page 100.
the dailies
See Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 during the Dive-In Movie at Nashville Shores on Friday, May 25.
mon 28 Memorial Day Madness All ages can spend the holiday swimming, listening to music, playing games and more. Sports*Com, 120 DeJarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 youth; 895-5040 or Sounds Baseball Cheer for the Nashville Sounds when they challenge the Round Rock Express. Greer Stadium, 524 Chestnut St., Nashville; 2:05 p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 game day; 690-4487 or Tennessee Renaissance Festival Please see page 75.
tue 29 Parents & Tots Preschoolers and their parents can participate in a program about tree houses. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $6; 890-2300 or Tuesdays for Tots: Beautiful Butterflies Preschoolers and
parents can examine bugs and blooms, make a butterfly craft and listen to a reading of Herman’s Story at 10, 10:45 and 11:30 a.m. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; free with gate admission ($12 adults, $5 ages 3 and older); 356-8000 or
Zumbatonic Kids ages 4 and older can participate in a zumba class. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m. ages 4 - 8, 4 p.m. ages 9 and older; $6; 890-2300 or
thu 31 Fiddler on the Roof This Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
wed 30
Heaven Can Wait This Steeple Players production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details.
FREE Kids Concert Ages 12 and younger can enjoy music
Nature Nuts Kids of all ages can go participate in a catch-and-
and movement with The Groove Club. Whole Foods (1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m.), Smyrna Public Library (400 Enon Springs Road W., Smyrna; 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.) and Linebaugh Public Library (105 W. Vine St., Murfreesboro; 1 p.m.); 567-6387 or
FREE Movies at the Library All ages can watch a PG-rated family film. Gallatin Public Library, 123 E. Main St., Gallatin; 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 452-1722 or
Parents & Tots Please see Tuesday, May 29 listing. Snack Attack! Kids can make PB&J sushi. Discovery Center
at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
release program. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 4 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or
The Sound of Music This Studio Tenn production opens today. Please turn to page 97 for details. SunTrust Classical Series: Carmina Burana The
Nashville Symphony Chorus and Blair Children’s Chorus join the symphony for an evening of music. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $39 - $109; 687-6400
Thursday Crafternoon Kids can make tin can pencil holders. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3 - 4:30 p.m.; $6; 890-2300 or discoverycenteronline. org.
(please turn the page)
may 2012 93
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1700 Medical Center Parkway inside MTMC Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm
ONGOING cheatham county Adventureworks The Eco-Zip Line Adventure allows
BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 1222 Park Ave., Murfreesboro; 893-8386 or Call for open bounce and preschool play date times.
williamson county
Jumper’s Playhouse Inflatable fun at 6600 New Nashville
activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood; 377-9979 or
participants to glide through the forest on nine zip lines. Guides point out native trees, plants and wildlife during the hour-and-ahalf tour at 1300 Narrows Road, Kingston Springs; $54 adults, $42 ages 17 and younger (family discounts available); to make reservations, call 297-2250 or visit
Hwy., Smyrna; 220-7575 or Call for open bounce and toddler storytime information.
davidson county
than 70 activities for all ages is located at 4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville; Tue - Thu 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $9; 274-3786 or
Bellevue Community Center Ongoing art and recreation
take place at 656 Colice Jeanne Road, Nashville; 862-8435.
BounceU Bounce on inflatables at 2990 Sidco Drive; 255-
1422; Open play times are Tue - Fri 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 3 - 6 p.m., Sat 8:30 - 10 a.m. Cost is $6.95 ($5.95 siblings); cosmic glow-in-the-dark bounces are Mon 3 - 6 p.m. and Fri 6:30 p.m. Cost is $8 ($7 siblings).
Centennial Sportsplex Fitness, ice skating, swimming and
more at 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville; times and prices vary; 8628480 or
FREE Fairytales Storytime Stories and crafts every Saturday at 11 a.m. at Fairytales Bookstore and More, 114-B S. 11th St., Nashville; 915-1960 or FREE Family Bike Ride Enjoy an hour-long bike ride
through East Nashville every Saturday at 9 a.m. Depart from Eastside Cycles, 1012 Woodland St., Nashville; 469-1079 or
Metro Parks Cultural Arts Classes Visit
parks/classes for a complete listing of visual art, music, theater and dance opportunities.
Monkey Joe’s This inflatable play center is located at 1580 Gallatin Pike N., Madison; Mon - Thu 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $9 Mon - Thu, $10 Fri Sun (ages 2 and younger are $5.50); 915-0561 or monkeyjoes. com. Monkey’s Treehouse An indoor play center located at
Lucky Ladd Farms Tennessee’s largest petting farm with more
FREE Outdoor Kids Ages 1 - 4 can explore the greenway and
enjoy activities every Thursday at the Cason Lane Trailhead, 1100 Cason Lane, Murfreesboro; 1 - 4 p.m.; 893-2141.
Patterson Park Community Center 521 Mercury Blvd.,
Murfreesboro; 893-7439. Ongoing program: • After School at Patterson Park: Ages 8 - 17 can participate in various activities Mon - Thu and enjoy free time on Fri; 4 - 6 p.m.; $2 • Gymboree: Ages 3 - 5 with a parent can enjoy playtime and energy-burning activities every Monday; 11 - 11:45 a.m.; $3 • Morning Water Aerobics: All ages can hit the pool Mon Fri; 8 and 9 a.m.; $4
Sports*Com 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 895-5040. Ongoing programs: • Early Bird Swim: All ages can start their day in the pool Mon - Fri; 6 - 8 a.m.; $3 adults, $2 youth • Toddler Time with Thomas: Ages 5 and younger can participate in motor-skill development activities every Friday; 10 - 11 a.m.; $3 • Water Polo: Ages 13 and older can play every Tuesday; 7 8:45 p.m.; $3 adults, $2 youth • Youth Volleyball Class: Ages 8 - 15 can learn volleyball skills every Thursday; 4:30 - 6 p.m.; $3 FREE Stones River National Battlefield Ranger talks
take place 2 p.m. weekdays and 11 a.m. weekends at 3501 Old Nashville Hwy., Murfreesboro; 893-9501 or
8074 Hwy. 100, Nashville; open play times are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 11; 646-5002 or
sumner county
FREE Musicians Corner Outdoor music and a children’s activity area every Saturday through June from 3 - 6 p.m. at Centennial Park, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville;
activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 300 Indian Lakes Blvd., Hendersonville; 264-0183 or
Nashville Ghost Tours All ages can embark on a walking tour of downtown Nashville’s haunted history. Tour begins at the corner of Sixth Avenue North and Union Avenue across from the Hermitage Hotel; daily 7:45 p.m.; $15 adults, $8 ages 7 - 11, free ages 6 and younger; 884-3999 or FREE Pottery Barn Kids Preschoolers can participate
in Book Club every Tuesday at 11 a.m. at 2126 Abbott Martin Road, Nashville; 385-2567 or
FREE Radnor Lake Natural Area Nature programs at
1160 Otter Creek Road, Nashville. See complete schedule at or call 373-3467.
rutherford county FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related activities for all ages every Mon and Sat at 11 a.m. at 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 895-8580 or
FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime for ages 2 - 7 is every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at 1720 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 995-7112.
FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related
FREE Books-A-Million Preschool storytime is every Tue and Sat at 10:30 a.m. at 1040 Crossings Blvd., Spring Hill; 931486-0113. Bowie Park and Nature Center Nature programs and
events at 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; Tue - Sat 9 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Sun 12 - 4 p.m.; 799-5544.
Glow Galaxy Weekly open play times feature inflatables,
mini-golf, air hockey, an interactive game floor, football toss, soccer kick and basketball in a glow-in-the-dark setting at 121 Seaboard Lane, Ste. 8, Franklin; $8 per child (adults are free); for times, call 370-4386, opt. 2.
Inside Out Several indoor play structures mimic an outdoor
environment at 615 Baker’s Bridge Road, Franklin; open play hours are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $9 (pre-walkers are free with paying sibling), $5 pre-walkers without sibling, free for parents; 778-8733 or
FREE Lifeway Christian Store Ages 2 - 8 can enjoy stories and songs every Friday at 10 a.m. at 1725 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 771-9050. Monkey Joe’s This inflatable play center is located at 1648 Westgate Circle, Brentwood; Mon - Thu 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; $9 Mon - Thu, $10 Fri - Sun (ages 2 and younger are $6); 377-5900 of monkeyjoes. com. Monkey’s Treehouse An indoor play center located at 91
Seaboard Lane, Brentwood; open play times are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 11; 646-5002 or
My Gym Brentwood For pay-to-play, open gym and
Saturday morning class times and fees at 330 Franklin Road, call 371-5437 or visit
Pump It Up Play Time Pop-in playtime Tue, Wed and Fri
FREE Barnes & Noble Storytime Stories and related
from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. for preschoolers, Tue 6 - 7:30 p.m. and Thu 1 - 3 p.m. for ages 2 - 12. Pump It Up, 7104 Crossroads Blvd., Ste. 128, Brentwood; $7 per child; 373-7867.
FREE Delmas Long Community Center Tot Time for ages birth - 5 to enjoy social time and gym play takes place every Thursday from 10 - 11 a.m. at 200 Memorial Drive, Goodlettsville; 851-2253 or
Shipwrecked Playhouse An indoor play area for ages 1 - 9, featuring a 30-foot wooden pirate ship at 99 Seaboard Lane, Cool Springs. Open play hours are Mon - Fri 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Admission is $7. Call 866-9358 or visit
Drakes Creek Activity Center Laser Adventure, mini golf,
batting cages, game room and more at 130 Cherokee Road N., Hendersonville; Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sat - Sun 10 a.m. 11 p.m.; 822-0232 or
Sodium Located at 1725 Columbia Ave., Ste. 100, Franklin, the facility includes a children’s indoor play area, and a variety of classes and workshops for kids and families. Call 260-5916 or visit
Laser Adventure Laser tag, aeroball and a rock-climbing wall
Storybook Village This indoor play center features storybook
at 511 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; Mon - Thu by reservation only, Fri 3:30 - 10 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sun 12 - 9 p.m.; prices vary; 859-7753 or
My Gym Pay-to-play, open gym and Saturday morning classes take place at 206 N. Anderson Lane, Hendersonville; call 824-8002 or visit for a complete schedule and fees. FREE Special Sports Saturdays Children ages 2 and
older with autism and other special needs, along with their typical siblings and peers, can play indoor soccer and hockey on the second and fourth Saturdays every month. Faces of Hope, 185 W. Franklin St., Gallatin; 9 - 11 a.m.; 206-1176 or
themes. Located at 3015 Belshire Village Drive, Ste. 114, Spring Hill, open play hours are Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun 12 - 5 p.m.; $7 ages 1 - 12, free ages 11 months and younger along with parents and kids 13 and older; 614-1424 or
FREE Taekwondo for Preschoolers Ages 3 - 5 can learn self-defense, self-discipline and safety during an introductory lesson the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday every month at 11 a.m. Robinson Taekwondo at The Factory, 230 Franklin Road, Bldg. 8, Ste. 809, Franklin; 791-6655.
may 2012 95
Volunteers Needed!
Think Your Child May Stutter?
Who: • 3- to 5-year-old children and their parent(s) • Girls and boys who do or do not STUTTER Benefits of Participation: • Speech-language scores, consultation, and service referrals • Monetary compensation Activities: • Watching videos, storytelling, measurement of speech and language • Parent questionnaires To participate, contact
Interested in Your Child’s Speech and Language?
Photo ©TatyanaGl, Graphic services by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, NICHD Grant P30 HD15052, 02/2010.
stuttering@ (615) 936-5126
*** 1
Receive half off tickets when you show a church or community bulletin at the Sounds Box Office. Only redeemable on the day of game. Limit eight (8) tickets per bulletin.
SUNDAY, MAY 13TH & 27TH - 2:05PM
THROWBACK THURSDAY $2 Sodas and Select Concession Items, $5 General Admission ticket with College ID or Taco Bell® receipt and Sounds wear Throwback Jerseys.
for information call 96 may 2012
Take in some theater with your family this month and read reviews online at Click on “Things • To • Do.”
The Color Purple (May 11 - 27; Ages 10 and older) Center
FREE A Day After School (Tuesday, May 22; All ages) The graduating kindergarten class at Bill Rice Christian Academy, 627 Bill Rice Ranch Road, Murfreesboro; 7 p.m.; 893-2767 or
Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type (continues through
Dearly Departed (continues through Saturday, May 5; Ages 10 and older) Towne Centre Theatre, 136 Frierson St., Brentwood; Thu - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m., $20 adults, $16 students; 221-1174 or
for the Arts, 110 W. College St., Murfreesboro; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $12 adults, $8 ages 12 and younger; 9042787 or
Sunday, May 13; All ages) Nashville Children’s Theatre, 25 Middleton St., Nashville; Sat - Sun 2 p.m.; $19 adults, $12 children; 252-4675 or
Coppelia: The Girl with the Enamel Eyes (May 5 - 6; Ages 5 and older) Dance Theatre of Tennessee at MTSU’s Tucker Theatre, Champion Way, Murfreesboro; Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $20 adults, $15 children; 391-5500 or tuckertheatre.
Don’t Mention My Name (May 11 - 27; Ages 10 and older) Lakewood Theatre Company, 2211 Old Hickory Blvd., Old Hickory; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $14 adults, $10 students; 847-0934 or Emergence (May 17 - 19; All ages) Nashville Ballet at The
Martin Center, 3630 Redmon St., Nashville; Thu - Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2 and 7:30 p.m.; $28; 782-4040 or
Fiddler on the Roof (May 31 - July 8; Ages 8 and older)
Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, 8204 Hwy. 100, Nashville; Thu - Sat 6 - 7:30 buffet (8 p.m. show), Sun 12 - 1:30 p.m. buffet (2 p.m. show); $60 adults, $45 ages 13 - 18, $35 ages 12 and younger; 646-9977 or
Flat Stanley (May 13, 14 and 16; All ages) Act Too Players
at the Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; 7 p.m.; $12 adults, $10 students; 794-7744 or
Hairspray (May 4 - 20; Ages 10 and older) Circle
Players at the Larry Keaton Theatre, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $18 adults, $15 students; 332-7529 or
Heaven Can Wait (May 31 - June 10; Ages 10 and older) Steeple Players, 260 W. Main St., Ste. 204, Hendersonville; Thu - Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2 and 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $15; 826-6037 or
I Hate Hamlet (continues
through Saturday, May 12; Ages 12 and older) Encore Theatre Company, 6978 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 ages 11 and younger; 598-8950 or
Dance Theatre of Tennessee presents Coppelia: The Girl with the Enamel Eyes May 5 - 6 at MTSU’s Tucker Theatre.
The Last Five Years (May 4 - 26; Ages 12 and older)
Street Theatre Company, 1933 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville; Thu - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 5 p.m.; $16 adults, $14 students; 554-7414 or
Little Shop of Horrors (continues through Saturday, May
19; Ages 10 and older) Tennessee Repertory Theatre at TPAC’s Johnson Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Tue Thu 6:30 p.m., Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.; $42.50; 782-4040 or
Next to Normal (May 25 - June 16; Ages 10 and older) Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Tue, Fri and Sat 8 p.m. Thu 8 p.m. (dates TBD), Sun 2 p.m. (dates TBD); $27 adults, $25 students, $21 ages 11 and younger (Tuesdays are two-for-one nights, Thursdays are $17 all tickets, Sundays are $2 off); 794-7744 or
The Odd Couple (continues through Sunday, May 27; Ages 12 and older) Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, 8204 Hwy. 100, Nashville; Thu - Sat 6 - 7:30 buffet (8 p.m. show), Sun 12 - 1:30 p.m. buffet (2 p.m. show); $60 adults, $45 ages 13 - 18, $35 ages 12 and younger; 646-9977 or Of Mice and Men (continues through Saturday, May 5; Ages
10 and older) Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Tue, Fri and Sat 8 p.m.; $27 adults, $25 students, $21 ages 11 and younger (Tuesdays are two-for-one nights); 794-7744 or
The Princess and the Pea — and — Pierrot Goes to the Moon (Saturdays, May 5, 12, 19 and 26; All ages) Olde
Worlde Theatre Company at the Belcourt Theater, 2102 Belcourt Ave., Nashville; 10 a.m.; $8;
Princesses & Frogs (May 12 - 13; All ages) Nashville Ballet at The Martin Center, 3630 Redmon St., Nashville; 2 p.m.; $18 adults, $12 children; 782-4040 or Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles (May 1 - 6; Ages 8 and older) TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Tue - Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 and 8 p.m., Sun 1 and 6:30 p.m.; $25 - $57; 782-4040 or The Sound of Music (May 31 - June 10; Ages 8 and older) Studio Tenn at The Franklin Theatre, 410 Main St., Franklin; Thu - Fri 7 p.m., Sat 2 and 7 p.m., Sun 2 and 7 p.m.; $47.50 $57.50;
Spring Performance (Saturday, May 12; All ages) School
of Nashville Ballet at Belmont University’s Troutt Theatre, 2100 Belmont Blvd., Nashville; 2 and 7 p.m.; $12 in advance, $15 at the door; 297-2966 or
Sweeney Todd: The School Edition (May 10 - 12; Ages
13 and older) Act Too Players at the Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Thu - Fri 7 p.m., Sat 12 p.m.; $12 adults, $10 students; 794-7744 or
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (May 11 - 12; All ages)
The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Highway, Woodbury; Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2 p.m.; $8 adults, $5 students; 800-235-9073 or
Women’s Work (May 4 - 20; Ages 12 and older) Tennessee Women’s Theater Project at the Looby Theater, 2301 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville; Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $5; 681-7220 or You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (May 12, 13 and
15; All ages) Act Too Players at the Boiler Room Theatre, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; Sat and Tue 7 p.m., Sun 1 and 4 p.m.; $12 adults, $10 students; 794-7744 or
The Memorandum (May 4 - 19; Ages 12 and older) Act
1 at the Darkhorse Theater, 4610 Charlotte Ave., Nashville; Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m.; $12; 726-2281 or (please turn the page)
may 2012 97
Nashville Public Television
By Chad Young
it’s musical city
Follow me on Twitter @MyCalendarGuy
Disney’s The Lion King returns to TPAC May 7 - June 2, 2013.
Nashville entertains the Great White Way.
ne of my favorite things about this time of year — aside from the impending summer stretch and trips to the beach! — is the influx of theater announcements around town to learn what’s coming next season. It’s always an interesting reveal ... sometimes baffling ... occasionally a mixed bag ... and once in a while, such an exciting, stellar list of shows that I can barely wait for the summer to fly by and new seasons take the stage. The latter is certainly the case with TPAC’s 2012-13 season! Playing on the fact that Nashville is Music City, local audiences are in for a treat of a season full of nothing but musicals, and some amazing ones are coming. The regular lineup includes Anything Goes (Oct. 23 - 28), Irving Berlin’s White Christmas (Nov. 13 - 18), Catch Me if You Can (Jan. 22 - 27, 2013), Traces (Feb. 19 - 24, 2013), Flashdance (March 19 - 24, 2013) and the long-awaited return of Disney’s The Lion King (May 7 - June 2, 2013). There are also two, short-run, add-on specials, American Idiot (March 5 - 7, 2013) and Rock of Ages (April 19 - 20, 2013). If that’s not enough to get you excited, wait, there’s more! All Broadway shows start somewhere, and this summer (July 24 - Aug. 19), Nashville will be home to the world premiere of a brand-new musical, The Nutty Professor. Comic legend (and star/co-writer of the 1963 film) Jerry Lewis himself is directing and will be in town for the entire run to tweak, polish and sculpt as needed. With book and lyrics by Rupert Holmes and music by the sensational Marvin Hamlisch, The Nutty Professor is sure to be a memorable experience for families. After all, it’s extremely cool that we get to be the first to see it before it makes it on the Great White Way!
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Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.)
Unless otherwise noted, registration is ongoing until programs are full. Beaman Park Nature Center 5911 Old Hickory Blvd., Ashland City; 862-8580 or
• FREE Family Night Hike Saturday, May 5. All ages. Take a walk through the woods under the light of the full moon. 7 - 9 p.m.
Belle Meade Plantation 5025 Harding Pike, Nashville; 356-0501, ext. 26, or
• Nothing but HORSE! Play Wednesday, May 9. Ages 2 - 5. Make apples out of yarn, participate in pony tosses and stick pony riding, then head to the paddock to visit real horses. 10 - 11 a.m. $5
Blue Heron Nature Cruises at Riverbluff Park 175 Old Cumberland St., Ashland City; 385-7007 or • Nature Cruise Fri - Sun. All ages. See wild birds, boats and waterfront homes during a 90-minute cruise on the Cumberland River. 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. $9 ages 2 - 12
Brentwood Library 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 371-0090 or
• FREE After School Explorers Tuesdays. Grades K - 2. Enjoy reading, games, crafts and a snack. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. • FREE Movie Matinee Saturday, May 12. All ages. Watch a screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey, starring Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood. 1 p.m.; ext. 851, to register
Carnton Plantation 1345 Carnton Lane, Franklin; 794-0903 or
• Hands on History Saturday, May 26. Ages 5 - 10. Head to the McGavock Cemetery to discuss the origins of Memorial Day, what it means and its importance. 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. $10
Cheekwood 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 356-8000 or
• Andy & Co.: American Pop Art Thursday, May 17. All ages. Enjoy lunch while hearing a lecture about the beginnings of American pop art in the 1960s. 12 - 1 p.m. $15 members, $25 non-members • Mother’s Day Tea Friday, May 11. All ages. Celebrate motherhood with tea, finger sandwiches, scones, desserts and live piano music. 3 p.m. $39
College Grove Community Center 8607 Horton Hwy., College Grove; 302-0971, ext. 10, or • Bark Painting Tuesday, May 8. Make a Mexican papel amate (bark paper) painting. 4:30 - 6 p.m. $4
100 may 2012
Dyer Observatory 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 373-4897 or
• Scout Night Tuesday, May 1. Scouts of all ages. Learn about the stars from local astronomers. 8 - 8:30 p.m. $5 per person, $10 per family • FREE Second Friday Telescope Night Friday, May 11. All ages. View the night sky through the giant telescope. 8 - 10 p.m.
Fairview Recreation Complex 2714 Fairview Blvd., Fairview; 799-9331 or
• American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Saturday, May 19. Ages 11 - 15. Learn to become good babysitters. 9 a.m. 2:30 p.m. (bring a sack lunch). $85. Call 585-9055 to register • Children’s Pottery Tuesdays, May 4 - 29. Ages 6 - 12. Create boxes, bowls, mugs, animals and more. 5 - 6:30 p.m. $40 • Customized Picture Frames Thursday, May 17. Ages 12 and older. Transform old picture frames into creative, unique pieces. 5 - 6 p.m. $10
The Fellowship at Two Rivers 2800 McGavock Pike, Nashville; 924-7496 or
• FREE Buddy Break Friday, May 25. Ages 5 - 18 with special needs. Parents of special needs kids can drop off their children for fun and recreation while they enjoy respite time. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Hendersonville 106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville 447-1323 or
• FREE Buddy Break Friday, May 18. Registration deadline is Friday, May 4. Ages 5 - 18 with special needs. Parents of special needs kids can drop off their children for fun and recreation while they enjoy respite time. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Franklin Recreation Complex 1120 Hillsboro Road; 790-5719, ext. 10, or
• Art Connections: Optical Illusions in Art Wednesdays, May 2 and 9. Ages 7 - 12. Learn drawing techniques that trick the eye. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. $20 • Children’s Pottery Tuesdays, May 2 - 29. Ages 6 - 12. Create pottery projects using coils, slabs and pinch pots. 1 - 2:30 p.m. $45 • Guitar or Bass Guitar Lessons Mondays, May 7 - 21. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play the guitar or bass via private instruction. Choose a 30-minute session between 12 and 8 p.m. $66 • Mighty Tikes Triathlon Saturday, June 2. Ages 3 - 6. Participants can “swim,” bike and run through an obstacle course. Bring a bike or tricycle no larger than 16 inches and a helmet. 7:30 a.m. $8 (includes T-shirt and medal)
• Piano Lessons Fridays, May 4 - 25. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play the piano with private lessons. Choose a 30-minute slot between 12 - 8 p.m. $88. Call 268-2296 to register • Sticky Fingers Preschool Club Tue/Thu, May 1 - 17 or Mondays, May 7 and 14. Ages 3 - 6. Enjoy a variety of crafting experiences to enhance fine motor and development skills. 9:30 - 11 a.m. $36 Tue/Thu, $14 Mon • Voice Lessons Fridays, May 4 - 25. Ages 5 and older. Private studio lessons stress notation reading skills, artistic interpretations, proper breathing and phrasing. Choose a 30-minute slot between 12 - 8 p.m. $88. Call 268-2296 to register
Frist Center for the Visual Arts 919 Broadway, Nashville; 744-3357 or • FREE Kids Club: Scary Monsters, Super Creeps Saturday, May 12. Ages 5 - 10. Create a monster mash-up inspired by your favorite fairy tale villain. 10:30 a.m., 1 or 3 p.m.
Hutton Hotel 1808 West End Ave., Nashville;
• FREE REVIVE Her Health: Summer Soiree Tuesday, May 8. Registration deadline is Thursday, May 3. Ladies only event. Baptist Hospital and Hutton Hotel host this event for women that includes health screenings, presentations, hors d’oeuvres, wine, chocolate and a chance to ask personal health questions to local experts. 5 p.m.
Indoor Sports Complex 920 Heritage Way, Brentwood; 268-2296 or
• Piano Lessons Thursdays, May 3 - 31. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play piano through private lessons. Choose a 30-minute session between 1:30 and 4 p.m. or 5:30 - 8 p.m. $110 • Voice Lessons Thursdays, May 3 - 31. Ages 5 and older. Learn to play piano through private lessons. Choose a 30-minute session between 1:30 and 4 p.m. or 5:30 - 8 p.m. $110
Longhunter State Park 2910 Hobson Pike, Hermitage; 885-2422 or
• FREE The Nature Circle Every Monday (no program May 28). Ages 3 - 5 with a parent. Enjoy stories with a nature theme and hands-on craft activities. 10 a.m. May’s themes are: • May 7: Ladybug, Ladybug • May 14: Crickets up Close • May 21: Fishing for Fun
Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.)
Kids can learn to clean clothes the old-fashioned way during Days of Washing, Churning at Learning at Oaklands Historic House Museum, May 17 - 18. Longview Recreation Center 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill 302-0971, ext. 10, or
• American Red Cross Babysitter Training Saturday, May 12. Ages 11 - 15. Learn the skills and confidence to become a great babysitter. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (bring a sack lunch). $85. To register, call 585-9055 • Cake Decorating: Mommy and Me Cookies Tuesday, May 22. Ages 3 and older with a parent. Make decorative cookies using buttercream and rolled fondant icing. 9:30 - 11 a.m. $20 • Cake Decorating: Mommy and Me Cupcakes Tuesday, May 29. Ages 3 and older with a parent. Bring a dozen unfrosted cupcakes and learn decorating techniques. 9:30 - 11 a.m. $20 • Children’s Pottery Workshop Sunday, May 6. Ages 6 - 12. Create a pottery piece. 2 - 4 p.m. $40 • Deb’z Kid’z Art Thursdays, May 10 - 31. All ages. Create art using a variety of methods, including markers, colored pencils, pastels and watercolors. 6 - 7:30 p.m. $45 per month or $11.25 per class • Judo Karate Mondays, May 7 - 21. Ages 8 and older. This exercise program combines Judo and Karate. 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. $30
• Little Fingers Mondays, May 14 - 21. Ages 2 - 4 with a parent. Create season-themed art projects. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. $6 per class • Manga Drawing May 15 and 17 or May 22 and 24. Ages 8 and older. Learn the basic layout and proportions of drawing Japanese Mango cartoon characters. 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. $30 • Martial Arts Fitness Mondays, May 7 - 21. Ages 8 and older. Participate in a kick boxing, karate and judo fitness program. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. $40 • Picking Strings Saturdays, May 5 - 26. All ages. Learn the musical alphabet, basic chord shapes, strumming patterns and finger picking. 1 - 4 p.m. $30 • Polynesian Dancing Wednesdays, May 2 - 23. All ages. Learn to dance like the island natives of Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand and Tahiti. 5:15 - 6 p.m. beginners, 6 - 7 p.m. intermediates. $30 ($25 each additional family member) • Sticky Fingers Preschool Club Mondays, May 14 - 21 or Wednesdays, May 16 - 23. Ages 3 - 6. Enjoy a variety of crafting experiences to enhance fine motor and development skills. Mon 9:30 - 11 a.m., Wed 8:30 - 10 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. $12
Moss Wright Park 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 851-2255 or
• Love Grows Tuesday, May 8. Registration deadline is Friday, May 4. All ages. Paint a flower pot for Mother’s Day and fill it. 4 - 5 p.m. $5 • Summer Recreation T-ball June and July. Registration is open May 7 - 21. Ages 4 - 5. Practices take place in June, games are in July. $25 residents, $50 non-residents
Nashville Children’s Theatre 25 Middleton St., Nashville; 252-4675 or
• Telling Tales Thursday, May 17. Adults. This fundraiser for the theater features childhood stories and song by Kathy Mattea, John Prine, Jonell Mosser, John Carter Cash, Minton Sparks, Titans wide receiver Marc Mariani, NCT actors and more. 6 p.m. silent auction/reception, 7:30 p.m. performance. $100 (only 150 tickets are available)
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Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot! (These events require advance registration.) Nashville Zoo 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 833-1534 or
• Backstage Pass: Anteater Barn Saturday, May 5. Registration deadline is Friday, May 4. Ages 5 and older. Join zoo staff for a behind-the-scenes tour of the anteater barn and learn about animal care, behavior and conservation. 9:30 - 11 a.m. $25 members, $50 nonmembers • Homeschool Days May 17 - 18. Registration deadline is Sunday, May 13. Grades K - 8. Enjoy animal presentations, and learn about conservation and recycling. 10 - 11 a.m. grades K - 1, 12 - 1:30 p.m. grades 2 - 4, 2 - 3:30 p.m. grades 5 - 8. $6 members, $13 non-members • Zzzoofari Slumber May 26 - 27. Ages 4 and older. Camp overnight on the zoo grounds and enjoy outdoor play and traditional camp activities. 4 p.m. - 9 a.m. $30 members, $40 non-members
Oaklands Historic House Museum 900 N. Maney Ave., Murfreesboro; 893-0022 or
• Days of Washing, Churning and Learning May 17 - 18. Grades PreK - 6. Learn about chores of the mid-1800s through hands-on activities, candle making, clothes washing, butter churning, quill writing, rug beating and more. Crafts and games round out the fun. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. $5 per child, free for teachers and parents with a paid child
Old Fort Park Pavilion 3 1025 Old Fort Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 893-2141 or
• Beads and Animals with Sculpty Clay Tuesday, May 8. Ages 5 - 9 with a parent. Wear clothes you can get dirty and have fun with a creative project. 4:30 - 6 p.m. $3 per child
Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 370-4672 or
• Knee High Naturalist: Big and Little! May 7 or 8. Ages 3 - 5 with a parent. Decide on a favorite big and small animal to share and discover. 10 - 11:30 a.m. $10 per child/adult in advance/$15 at the gate
The Park at Harlinsdale Farm 239 Franklin Road, Franklin
• FREE The Growing Kids Education Garden Tuesdays and Wednesdays in May. Ages 5 - 11. Children can learn about gardening through different activities and themes. May’s schedule is as follows (check website for times): • May 1: The Spring Green Fling • May 2: Way to Grow! • May 8: Which Seed You Be? • May 9: To Seed or Not to Seed • May 15: Mind Your Own Bees-ness • May 16: Germination Domination • May 22: Compost Happens • May 23: The Scoop on Garden Poop • May 29: Global Worming • May 30: Garden Heroes • Run Like a Mother 5K Sunday, May 13. Regisration deadline is Monday, May 7. This 5K race’s mission is to fuel a woman’s journey toward health and wellness. 8 a.m. kids’ one-mile run,
102 may 2012
8:30 a.m. 5K. $45 for the 5K, $15 kids’ run. To register, visit
Patterson Park Community Center 521 Mercury Blvd. Murfreesboro; 893-7439 or
• A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 ... Let’s Go Every Tue and Thu. Ages 2 - 5. Sing songs, play games, listen to stories and do crafts. 10 10:45 a.m. $3 • Wee Play Every Monday. Ages 1-and-a-half to 2. Enjoy stories, puppets, instruments, crafts and more. 10 - 10:45 a.m. $3 • Busy Bees Every Tue and Thu. Ages 3 - 5. This class focuses on following directions, participating in a group environment, improving coordination and practicing good sportsmanship. 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. $3 • Homeschool P.E. Mon, Tue, Wed or Thu. Grades 1 9. Participate in physical education activities. 1 - 2 p.m. $3
Pleasant Green Pool 360 Pleasant Green; 851-2231 or
• Mother/Son Splash & Dash Saturday, June 9. Registration deadline is Friday, June 1. All ages. Enjoy pool games, pizza and ice cream. 5 - 7 p.m. $20 per couple, $10 each additional son
Saint Thomas Hospital 4220 Harding Road, Nashville; 800-588-3270
• FREE Heart Healthy Cooking Class Tuesday, May 1. All ages. Learn how to cook healthy food for Father’s Day next month. 3 p.m.
Girls can learn how to be princesses at Sports*Com on Saturday, May 5.
Shelby Bottoms Nature Center 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 862-8539 or nashville. gov/parks
• FREE Back Porch “Mammal” Movie Marathon Friday, May 25. All ages. Watch movies about mammals and get started on Jr. Naturalist badge requirements. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. • FREE Camouflage in the Wild Saturday, May 26. All ages. Learn how animals hide themselves in nature. 10 - 11 a.m. • FREE Intro to Nature Play Friday, May 25. All ages. Play in the mud, sand and gravel pits and discover the new Nature Play area. 10 - 11 a.m. • FREE Sunset Picking Party Friday, May 4. All ages. Enjoy string instrument music (bring an instrument if you play) surrounded by nature. 5 - 7 p.m. • FREE What Predator are You? Saturday, May 12. All ages. Go on a hike looking for signs of predators and prey, take a ferocious predator test, then make a treat for wild animals. 10 - 11 a.m.
hands-on kids Mother’s Day Handprint Butterfly What You’ll Need Kids can learn about bluebirds at Warner Parks Nature Center on Saturday, May 5. • FREE Wild About Flowers Saturday, May 19. All ages. Embark on a short hike to discover common flowers of the season. 2 - 3 p.m.
Sports*Com 120 DeJarnette Lane, Murfreesboro; 895-5040 or
• FREE Drown Proof Murfreesboro Saturday, May 19. Ages 5 - 13. Take free swim lessons, learn CPR and participate in other safety awareness activities. 1 - 5 p.m. • Princess Training Class Saturday, May 5. Registration deadline is Friday, May 4. Ages 3 - 6. Learn the basics of being a true, strong princess. 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. $3 • Tumbleweeds Mondays and Wednesdays. Ages 3 - 5. Learn tumbling basics. 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. $3
Warner Parks Nature Center 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 352-6299 or
• FREE Bluebirds in My Backyard Saturday, May 5. All ages. Ten-year-old Nathan Lewis will present a PowerPoint program about his experience monitoring and maintaining 15 eastern bluebird nest boxes in 2010 and 2011. 9 - 10 a.m. • FREE Get LOST in Percy Warner Park Saturday, May 26. All ages. Join a naturalist to explore the closed road in Percy Warner Park. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Mushrooms in May Saturday, May 19. All ages. Spend time discovering mysterious fungi. 10 - 11:30 a.m. • FREE Nature Storytime Friday, May 4. Ages 3 - 5. Listen to stories under the giant beech tree. 10:30 - 11 a.m. • FREE A Rotten Place to Live Tuesday, May 8. Ages 6 - 12. Explore the various microhabitats, like rotting logs, that exist in the park. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • FREE Stay FOUND in the Woods Saturday, May 12. All ages. Learn about summer safety, basic family hiking and camping, and staying found in the woods. 10 - 11 a.m. • FREE Wiggly Worms Friday, May 18. Ages 3 - 5. Discover worms and their importance. 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m.
The Wellness Center at Baptist Hospital 2021 Church St., Nashville; 284-2348 or • Strong Mommy Tuesdays and Thursdays. Expectant moms. This pre-natal fitness/wellness program includes water aerobics, personalized fitness coaching sessions, preand post-natal massages, fitness workshops, a three-month center membership and more. 5:30 p.m. $125
The Wilderness Station 697 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 217-3017 or • FREE Bat Night Hike Saturday, May 12. All ages. Learn bat facts then go on a two-mile hike to the river to see them in action. 7 p.m. • Fairies and Forests Saturday, May 5. Ages 4 and older. Embark on a 30-minute guided hike using all of your senses while looking for signs that fairies leave behind. 1 - 3 p.m. $3 children, free for adults • Wild Things Every Wednesday. Ages 1 - 4 with a parent. Toddlers and preschoolers can enjoy programs to spark a love for the wilderness. 9:30 a.m. $3
Send us Your Events! Deadline for the June Calendar is Monday, May 7! All events must be submitted in writing. Submit event info to: Please include the following info: Event Name • Date • Time • Venue (with street address and ZIP) Age-appropriateness Brief description of event/activities Admission fee • Is advance registration required? • Contact info for publishing
• Construction paper (three or more colors) • Pipe Cleaner • Googly Eyes • Computer paper • Markers
Here’s What To Do
1. Trace your child’s handprints on construction paper and cut them out. 2. Trace a long oval for the body and cut it out — use a complimenting color, different from the wings. 3. Glue the handprints to the back of the body for the wings. 4. Using markers or paper, make a design on the wings — like the dots above. 5. Cut the pipe cleaner in half. Glue them to the body for the antenna. Try wrapping the ends around a pencil to make a curl design. 6. Stick the googly eyes on the body and draw a smile. 7. Include this poem with your butterfly for the perfect Mother’s Day gift: This isn’t just a Butterfly As you can plainly see. I made it with my hand Which is a part of me. It comes with lots of Love Especially to say I hope you have a very Happy Mother’s Day! 8. Be sure to sign and date this special keepsake. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 13. — activity provided by the Parent-Teacher Store
may 2012 103
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“Junie B.” Actress
Brooke Bryant offers: Drama Coaching Singing Coaching Theater Games for Parties
Call Brittany Wilson (615) 352-2801
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MISS DAISY! 20 years of music industry experience! Age 5 through teens (615) 504-7732
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Perfect for Parents, PTA Groups, and Workplace Training Perfect for Call Parents, PTA Groups, Workplace Training Grace @ and 626.840.2420 Call Grace @ 626.840.2420
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Part Time/ MDO- 1 & 2 yr olds, Preschool - 3 year olds, PreK 4 and 5 yr olds Hendersonville, 615-824-3004
Tues/Thurs program from 8:30-2:15. Loving, Christian and educational environment. Ages 6 months to 5 years. Contact 896-0413 or for info
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TN 3 Star***Rated School
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106 may 2012
Snaps — Yours is sponsored by Incredible Daves. Incredible Daves will award a $10 Player’s Card to each of the monthly photos that appear in the Snaps — Yours or Snap to Remember pages (one award per photo). Incredible Daves will also host a pizza party once every six months for the finalists from the previous six months and award a FREE birthday party (for 10 guests) to one winner drawn at random. For complete rules, visit Nashville Parent magazine on Facebook.
*Photo publication cannot be guaranteed due to the large volume of photos received. All submitted photos are considered for “Snap to Remember” (see page 108).
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snaps — ours
Visitors to the Baby Fair are ready to answer the next trivia question for a chance to win a prize.
Families had a blast at Nashville Parent’s annual Baby Fair at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.
Tiffany Luster (right) answers Arebbia Graham’s questions at the Baptist Hospital Baby Boot Camp section
Clayton and Guinn Shropshire
Cynthia with Phillips Toy Mart plays with Sadie Hawkins and Derrica Donelson
David, Sarah and Rachel Case
Emma Noman and Blin Numan
Jena Harris, Renae Williams and Marcus Harris
Kendri and Chrissy Davis
Korey, Lucas and Ashley Kemper
Prince and Shu’ Nerika Carney
may 2012 107
snap to remember
Kaleigh is happy that summer’s coming. 108 may 2012
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Bringing Dedicated Pediatric Care toYou Sumner Regional Medical Center is proud to provide a specialized Pediatric Care Unit for infants to children age 18 under the guidance of our well-known, board-certified,Vanderbilt-trained physicians. The Pediatric Care Unit was designed with children and families in mind. Featuring kid-friendly decor, comfortable accomodations for mom and dad, an activity room designed to take the focus away from being in the hospital, and in-room entertainment, we are taking a new approach to pediatric care.
For more information about the Pediatric Care Unit, visit
Sumner Regional Medical Center - 555 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin - 615-328-8888 -