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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection


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LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Vowels: Diphthongs /ɑɪ/ (urbanisation), /eɪ/ (scale), /ɪə/ (sphere), /eə/ (where) ... Grammar The subjunctive in that-clauses after certain verbs and expressions The doctor advised that my father cut down on his smoking. The peasants demand that the government supply fertilizer and other assistance for their poor farms. It is desirable that the Council close down the town's own broadcasting station. Vocabulary - Words and phrases related to urbanisation and its features: counter-urbanisation, centralise, densely populated ... - Word formation: Compound adjectives old-aged, downmarket, well-established, long-lasting ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. agree B. interest C. prepare D. demand 2. A. urbanize B. develop C. labourer D. industry 3. A. request B. vital C. urban D. crucial 4. A. imperative B. desirable C. essential D. popular 5. A. urbanize B. develop C. continue D. proposal II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. here B. fear C. clear D. where 2. A. hello B. below C. alone D. come 3. A. poor B. sure C. tour D. pure 4. A. how B. shout C. low D. count 5. A. play B. train C. nation D. urban III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The organization's long-term goal is to gain a strong position in the European market. A. short-sighted B. short-term C. short-handed D. short-tempered 2. The number of young people finding a part-time job in big cities has fluctuated over the past five years. A. increased B. decreased C. levelled out D. fell 3. More and more people are migrating to urban areas to look for better job opportunities. A. crowded B. quiet C. rural D. spacious 4. Urbanization has resulted in massive problems besides the benefits. A. major B. serious C. few D. minor 5. Overpopulation in big cities has severely affected the air and water quality. A. seriously B. insignificantly C. largely D. commonly IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. It is desirable that the hotel manager ____ to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to clean up the air conditioners.










A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers 2. The Principal demanded that the heaters ____ immediately. Winter is coming! A. are repaired B. be repaired C. were repaired D. repair 3. It's vital that the government ____ more on environmental issues. A. focuses B. must focus C. should be focused D. focus 4. The boss insisted that Sam ____ at the meeting as he is too talkative for such a confidential project. A. not be B. isn't C. was D. is 5. The fans proposed that they ____ there when G-Dragon gets off the plane. A. be standing B. stood C. should have stood D. were standing 6. It is recommended the candidate ____ take as many IELTS mock tests as possible before going for the real exam, which cost nearly $250. A. takes B. should take C. must take D. will take 7. The board of executives requested every employee ____ to the meeting this weekend. A. to come B. comes C. come stem D. must comedy 8. We suggested that you ____ to the organization. A. be admitted B. admitted C. admit D. are admitted 9. It is imperative that you ____ ready when the car comes for you. A. be B. will be C. getting D. are already 10. Olga recommends that his brother ____ the job without reading the work contract thoroughly. A. should take B. can take on C. take D. not take 11. The doctor advised that the man ____ to a private room. A. should transfer B. be transferred C. transfer D. must be transferred 12. The lawyer was insistent that the contract ____ in the presence of all the parties concerned. A. sign B. should be signed C. must be signed D. were signed 13. These days, most young people would like to look for ____ the jobs rather than secure ones. A. long-term B. well-paid C. fast-growing D. long-lasting 14. More and more people are moving to live in the city in search of better ____ prospects. A. occupation B. job C. career D. work 15. People migrate to urban areas on a massive ____ for many reasons. A. scale B. level C. extent D. number 16. The rural areas are said to suffer from the lack of natural resources as well as ____ weather conditions. A. rigid B. extreme C. poor D. worsened 17. In some urban areas, it is reported that the population almost ____. A. doubles B. twice C. two times D. twofold 18. If listeners are overloaded with too much information, they tend to ____. A. turn off B. see off C. switch off D. take off 19. Loyalty is key to a ____ relationship. A. long-lasting B. deep-rooted C. short-term D. far-sighted 20. People should be tolerant of other cultures; they should be more ____. A. half-hearted B. light-hearted C. open-minded D. single-minded 21. There have been several in-depth and ____ talks on urbanization and its effects delivered in the university hall. A. thoughtless B. unthinkable C. thought-provoking D. thought-raising 22. To test his theory, the chemist ____ an experiment. A. set up B. set out C. set forth D. set in 23. The manager threw a party ____ the group of computer experts from the United States. A. in honour of B. in favour of C. in welcome of D. in celebration of 24. X: “I saw a film about Africa on TV several weeks ago. It's really hot there, isn't it?"










Y: “____” A. Certainly not. B. I've been there. C. Not all the time. D. Next month. 25. X: "How did your father go to France? By plane or by ship?" Y: “____” A. I don't know. B. Why not? C. To Paris. D. To go sightseeing. 26. We have discussed this problem at some ____, but have not found out the solution. A. time B. energy C. length D . distance 27. I met ____ that I decided to book the room right away. A. such nice receptionist B. so nice a receptionist C. a nice receptionist D. a receptionist so nice 28. ____ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A. Children B. Children, when they C. As children D. For children to 29. Rarely ____ last longer than an hour. A. do tornados B. tornados C. tornados that D. tornados do 30. Your picture is ____ to the picture in my bedroom. A. same B. identical C. familiar D. resembling V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. New technology helped cities grow. Elevated trains carried passengers over (1) ____ streets. In 1887, the first (2) ____ streetcar system opened in Richmond, Virginia. Ten years later, the nation's first electric subway trains began running beneath the streets of Boston. Public transportation gave (3) ____ to suburbs, living areas on the outskirts of a city. People no longer had to live in cities to work in cities. Steel bridges also (4) ____ suburban growth. The Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, (5) ____ the city center in Manhattan to outlying Brooklyn. As a result, New York City was able to spread out to house its growing population. Cities began to (6) ____ upward as well as outward. In 1885, architects in Chicago constructed the first 10-story building. People called it a “skyscraper” because its top seemed to touch the sky. By 1900, (7) ____ skyscrapers up to 30 stories high towered over cities. Electric elevators whisked office workers to the upper floors. As cities grew outward from their old downtown sections, living patterns changed. Many cities took on a (8) ____ shape. Poor families crowded (9) ____ the oldest sections at the city's center. Middle-class people lived farther out in row houses or new apartment buildings. The rich built fine homes on the (10) ____ of the city. 1. A. filled B. crowded C. crammed D. packed 2. A. electronic B. electrified C. electrocuted D. electric 3. A. rise B. raise C. place D. way 4. A. sped B. urged C. discouraged D. accelerated 5. A. related B. associated C. connected D. linked 6. A. expand B. extent C. lengthen D. widen 7. A. steel-framed B. steel-framing C. frame-steeled D. frame-steeling 8. A. alike B. same C. similar D. close 9. A. out of B. into C. at D. with 10. A. suburbs B. corners C. banks D. outskirts VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. If “suburb” means an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior, the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. Before that period the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse and cart. But the early factories built in the 1830's and 1840's were










located along waterways and near railheads at the edges of cities, and housing was needed for the thousands of people drawn by the prospect of employment. In time, the factories were surrounded by proliferating mill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older, main cities. As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases, the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors. In 1854, for example, the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County. Similar municipal maneuvers took place in Chicago and in New York. Indeed, most great cities of the United States achieved such status only by incorporating the communities along their borders. With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress conditions that began to approach disastrous proportions when, in 1888, the first commercially successful electric traction line was developed. Within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected every major urban area, fostering a wave of suburbanization that transformed the compact industrial city into a dispersed metropolis. This first phase of mass-scale suburbanization was reinforced by the simultaneous emergence of the urban Middle class whose desires for homeownership in neighborhoods far from the aging inner city were satisfied by the developers of single-family housing tracts. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The growth of Philadelphia B. The Origin of the Suburb C. The Development of City Transportation D. The Rise of the Urban Middle Class 2. The author mentions that areas bordering the cities have grown during periods of ____. A. industrialization B. inflation C. revitalization D. unionization 3. The word "encroachment" is closest in meaning to ____. A. the smell of the factories B. the growth of mill towns C. the development of waterways D. the loss of jobs 4. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the passage as a factor in nineteenth-century suburbanization? A. Cheaper housing B. Urban crowding C. The advent of an urban middle class D. The invention of the electric streetcar 5. It can be inferred from the passage that after 1890 most people traveled around cities by ____. A. automobile B. cart C. horse-drawn trolley D. electric streetcar VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1860 the United States was predominantly rural. Most people were engaged in agriculture, and about 80 percent of the population actually resided on farms or in small villages. Only 20 percent lived in towns and cities of 2,500 or more, the census definition of an urban area after 1880. New York alone in 1860 had more than 1 million people, and only 8 cities could boast about a population of more than 100,000. Thereafter the transition from a rural to a predominantly urban nation was especially remarkable because of its speed. By 1900, urbanization, with all of its benefits, problems, and prospects for a fuller life, became the mark of modern America. The changing physical landscape reflected the shift to an urbanized society. Railroad terminals, factories, skyscrapers, apartment houses, streetcars, electric engines, department stores, and the increased pace of life were all signs of an emerging urban America. Indeed, the vitality, dynamic quality, variety, and restless experimentalism in society centered in the urban communities where the only constant factor was change itself. Urbanization did not proceed uniformly throughout the nation. New England and the Middle Atlantic states contained the highest percentage of city dwellers. In the Middle West, the growth of cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and St. Louis showed the importance of urbanization in that region. The three West Coast states also experienced rapid urban growth. In the South, urbanization developed much more slowly, although by 1910 the expansion of transportation, commerce, and industry had greatly increased the population of older cities such as New Orleans and stimulated the growth of new urban centers such as










Birmingham. However, the South remained predominantly rural. Only somewhat more than 20 percent of the population in that region was urban by 1910. In some regions the urban impact had a depressing effect upon the surrounding rural communities. Much of New England in the late nineteenth century presented a discouraging picture of abandoned farms and sickly villages as people forsook the countryside and rushed to the larger towns and cities. In the Middle West, particularly Ohio and Illinois, hundreds of townships lost population in the 1880's. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The benefits brought about by urbanization in the 1800's B. The population of large urban areas in the 1800's C. The problems associated with urban areas in the United States D. The history of the urbanization of the United States 2. According to the passage, which of the following was the census definition of an urban area after 1880? A. An area with a population that had recently increased by 20 percent B. A city with a population of 1 million or more people C. A town or city with a population of at least 2,500 D. An area or region with a population of at least 100,000 3. It is implied in paragraph 1 that people were attracted to urban because of ____. A. the existence of public transportation B. the possibility for a fuller life C. the lack of agricultural work D. the availability of housing 4. The word "shift" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. position B. resource C. change D. returns 5. Which of the following are mentioned in the passage as a sign of urbanized society in the United States in the late 1800's? A. Streetcars B. Schools C. Cultural activities D. Roads and highways 6. In paragraph 2, life in urban communities is characterized as ____. A. dangerous B. competitive C. increasingly expensive D. constantly changing 7. Which of the following areas of the United States can be inferred to be the most urbanized at the end of the 1800's? A. The states in the Middle West B. The three states on the West Coast C. The New England and the Middle Atlantic states D. The states in the South 8. The author's main purpose in paragraph 4 is to ____. A. establish that urban areas were important in contributing to the economic growth of the United States B. demonstrate that the population of the United States increased dramatically during the late nineteenth century C. prove that the Middle West was the most adversely affected by large shifts in population D. knowledge that urbanization had a negative impact on some communities in the United States 9. The word "forsook" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. left B. forewarned C . used D. populated 10. Which of the following does the passage support? A. The percentage of the population of the United States engaged in agriculture decreased between 1860 and 1900. B. The economic factors that caused large population shifts in the 1800's were unique to the United States. C. The changing physical landscape that resulted from urbanization created more disadvantages than advantages. D. The number of people who lived in the southern region of the United States in 1900 was significantly less than in 1860.










VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. Some managers require that the secretary is responsible for writing all reports as well as for balancing the A B C D books. 2. It is essential that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure. A B C D 3. It was suggested that Oscar studies the material more carefully before attempting to pass the exam. A B C D 4. It is imperative that a graduate student maintains a grade point average of “B” in his major field. A B C D 5. It is necessary that one met with a judge before signing the final documents for a divorce. A B C D 6. The famous Jim Thorpe won both the pantaloon or decathlon in the 1912 Olympic Games. A B C D 7. Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the learned behaviours of groups. A B C D 8. The most bulkiest of the poisonous snakes is the diamond backed rattler, which reaches 8 feet 8 inches long. A B C D 9. Trees are designed as neither hardwoods or softwoods. A B C D 10. Copper was the first metal used by man and is still of strong demand because it is a good conductor of A B C D electricity. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. How about having these exercises finished before playing games? A. I suggest you play games before finishing these exercise. B. I suggest these exercises be finished before we play games. C. Let's play games before having these exercises finished. D. Why not finish these exercises after playing games? 2. Because the weather was nice, we decided to go on a camping trip. A. Because of the nice weather, we decide to go on a camping trip. B. It was such nice weather that we decided to go on a camping trip. C. In spite of the nice weather, we decided to go on a camping trip. D. The weather was too nice for us to go on a camping trip. 3. Although he felt very sleepy, he tried hard to finish the exercises. A. Sleepy as he feels, he tries hard to finish the excises. B. He felt so sleepy that he tried hard to finish the exercises. C. He felt very sleepy, but he tried hard to finish the exercises. D. He tried hard to finish the exercises, which made him feel sleepy. 4. Because his parents encouraged him a lot, he passed all the exams. A. If his parents did not encourage him a lot, he wouldn't pass all the exams. B. Had it not been for his parents' encouragement, he wouldn't have failed all the exams. C. Thanks to his parents' encouragement, he passed all the exams. D. If his parents had encouraged him a lot, he would have failed all the exams. 5. "Do you still remember Darin, our childhood friend?" Mary asked me. A. Mary asked me to remember Darin, our childhood friend.










B. Mary reminded me of our childhood friend, Darin. C. Mary wanted to know if Darin, our childhood friend, still remembered me. D. Mary asked me whether I still remembered Darin, our childhood friend. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. Şunny Hills is close to public transportation. Sea View is near a beautiful park. A. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, so Sea View is near a beautiful park. B. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, but Sea View is near a beautiful park. C. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, for Sea View is near a beautiful park. D. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, or Sea View is near a beautiful park. 2. I haven't got any milk left. I must go and buy some. A. I haven't got any milk left, but I must go and buy some. B. I haven't got any milk left, or I must go and buy some. C. I haven't got any milk left, for I must go and buy some. D. I haven't got any milk left, so I must go and buy some. 3. We couldn't get a seat. We arrived quite early. A. Because we arrived quite early, we couldn't get a seat. B. If we had arrived early, we could have got a seat. C. Although we arrived quite early, we couldn't get a seat. D. We arrived too early to get a seat. 4. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights. More people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. A. If many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people will be flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. B. Although many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. C. As many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. D. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, or more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. 5. Minh had a terrible headache. He went to school. A. If Minh hadn't had a terrible headache, he would have gone to school. B. Because Minh had a terrible headache, he went to school. C. Minh had a too terrible headache to go to school. D. Despite having a terrible headache, Minh went to school.






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Assimilation (the ending sound of one word blending into the beginning sound of the following word): clean beach, earth science, ... Grammar - Simple, compound, and complex sentences Scientists are becoming more and more concerned about climate change. (Simple sentence) There was a strong wind at the beach, but we managed to have a good time anyway. - Relative clauses with which referring to the whole clause Young people are starting to carry out 3R activities, which will help to save our planet. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the advantages and disadvantages of a 'green' lo lifestyle: Go green, climate change, eco-friendly products ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. lifestyle B. product C. friendly dents D. campaign 2. A. natural B. disposal C. habitat D. neighborhood 3. A. technology B. conservation C. initiative D. environment 4. A. deplete B. delay C. climate D. remove 5. A. clutter B. pathway C. asthma D. effect II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. carbon B. environment C. respiratory D. disposal 2. A. emission B. pesticide C. surface D. soot 3. A. damage B. regional C. growing D. energy 4. A. depleted B. wasted C. reduced D. affected 5. A. width B. healthy C. breathing D. throat III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Scientists are experimenting on ways to dispose of waste safely. A. eliminate B. conserve C. deal with D. get used to 2. The burning of fossil fuels has led to air pollution and deforestation caused land erosion. A. resulted in B. resulted from C. brought about D. caused 3. The air in this city contains a lot of harmful gases, which may do harm to the citizens. A. dangerous B. beneficial C. toxic D. wasted 4. Stockholm dwellers are fortunate to live in one of the greenest capitals in the world. A. lucky B. wealthy C. unlucky D. unhealthy 5. Regular exercise is essential to prolonging longevity. A. Frequent B. Bodily C. Occasional D. Heavy IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The city council is discussing a detailed ____ plan for maintaining clean beaches and parks. A. activity B. action C. measure D. approach 2. To ____ green is to practise simple green lifestyles, which helps save the planet for further generation.










A. go B. act C. make D. get 3. It is advisable that people start using ____ products. A. environment-friendly B. friend-of-environment C. friendly to environment D. friendly environmentally 4. The kids often forget to turn off the lights when getting out of the room, ____ wastes a lot of electricity. A. that B. where C. which D. what 5. People should ____ a green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources. A. adapt B. adjust C. adopt D. adjoin 6. It is important to keep ourselves clean ____ germs can cause infections in parts of our body. A. although B. unless C. while D. because 7. Organic vegetables are considered healthier ____ their high price. A. although B. despite C. in spite D. regardless 8. Environmentalists are worried that our natural resources will ____ if we don't take initiative to go green. A. run B . deplete C. deprive D. end 9. Many companies do not want to spend too much on waste ____ as the cost is really high. A. discharge B. release C. rid D. disposal 10. ____ we stop deforestation, a lot of species will lose their habitats. A. If B. Because C. When D. Unless 11. Animals that are raised on ____ organic pastures provide organic meat. A. verified B. certified C. varied D. censored 12. People should use bicycles instead of motorbikes ____ it will help to reduce exhaust fumes and pollution. A. unless B. although C. since D. while 13. We reuse bags, old clothing and scrap paper at home ____ we can reduce waste. A. lest B. in order to C. for fear of D. so that 14. The local university has recently introduced to students several ways to go green, ____has had huge impact on the community. A. that B. where C. which D. what 15. Sometimes people just focus on the ____ benefits without thinking of the environmental risks of certain economic activities. A. long-term B. short-lived C. immediate D. potential 16. The large carotid artery ____ to the main parts of the brain. A. carrying blood B. blood is carried C. carries blood D. blood carries 17. ____ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. A. Above tundra plants B. Tundra plants C. Tundra plants are found D. For tundra plants 18. Polluted air in the factory ____ the workers' respiratory illnesses. A. results from B. brings up C. causes of D. accounts for 19. Soot emissions might be ____ for the melting of the Arctic. A. responsible B. response C. responsive D. responsibility 20. Soot comes from the ____ combustion of fossil or other fuels. A. completion B. complete C. incompletion D. incomplete 21. Many people tend to be unaware ____ the dangers from soot emissions. A. to B. of C. about D. over 22. In some cities of developed countries, buses and other means of public transport run ____ renewable energy. A. to lend B. on C. by D. over 23. - X: “Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?" - Y: “____” A. As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all. B. I do. I've been excited about it now.










C. However. My parents and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii. D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too. 24. - X: "Would you do me a favour?" - Y: “____” A. I would. B. With pleasure. C. I don't know if I can. D. What is the favour? 25. - X: “It's a beautiful day today! How about a little trip out into the country?" - Y: “____” A. That sounds great. What should I do for the preparation? B. I don't know. I really haven't thought about what we'd do. C. Well, would you like me to pack picnic or to buy something? D. It's all right. That sounds like a good idea. 26. I have ____ to see such a rude receptionist. A. never B. yet C. forever D. not 27. Child Care is the ____ child care manual ever written, and its author is a famous pediatrician. A. widely most read B. most read widely C. most widely read D. read most widely 28. The relative size of an insect's wing is much greater than ____. A. of a bird's wing B. that of a bird's wing C. a wing of a bird is D. that wing of a bird 29. My brother is an authority ____ Chinese cuisine. A. over B. at C. in D. on 30. The building ____ walls are made of glass is the place where I used to work. A. whose B. which C. that D. of which V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A NEW APPROACH TO DESIGNING BUILDINGS Some experts fear that many people are becoming overweight. Adults are encouraged to exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes, five times a week, and the average person is (1) ____ to take 10,000 steps per day to maintain basic (2) ____, but it is a fact that few office workers manage to take more than 5,000. Now architects have (3) ____ 'fit' office buildings which encourage employees to become healthier because they have to walk while they are at work. In these buildings, meeting rooms and car parks are placed a long way from office desks so that workers have to walk to (4) ____ them. In one building the cafe is (5) ____ in the furthest section so that some workers have to walk as (6) ____ as half a kilometer to and from lunch. There is special emphasis on (7) ____ people to use stairs instead of lifts, and long staircases are broken into flights of no more than nine stairs, so that they don't look so difficult to climb. There are also large windows which provide attractive (8) ____over the city. (9) ____, the lifts are not easy to get access to, and in some buildings, they only stop at one floor in three. It's a design policy for a fitter environment which encourages people to walk without making it appear to be (10) ____ work - but will it be successful? Only time will tell. 1. A. recommended B. suggested C. proposed D. approved 2. A. condition B. fitness C. shape D. size 3. A. invented B. modelled C. schemed D. designed 4. A. arrive B. get C. reach D. come 5. A. located B. settled C. discovered D. set 6. A. well B. far C. soon D. little 7. A. making B. letting C. persuading D. bringing 8. A. looks B. sights C. pictures D. views 9. A. On the other hand B. Although C. In spite of D. So that 10. A. tough B. difficult C. hard D. bad










VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. After years of hype and false starts, the shift to clean power has begun to accelerate at a pace that has taken the most experienced experts by surprise. Even leaders in the oil and gas sector have been forced to confront an existential question: will the 21st century be the last one for fossil fuels? It is early, but the evidence is mounting. Wind and solar parks are being built at unprecedented rates, threatening the business models of established power companies. Electric cars that were hard to even buy eight years ago are selling at an exponential rate, in the process driving down the price of batteries that hold the key to unleashing new levels of green growth. “This clean energy disruption has just started and what is striking is how much of a financial impact it is already having on some companies,” says Per Lekander, a portfolio manager at London's Lansdowne Partners hedge fund, who has tracked global energy markets for more than 25 years. “It hit the electricity sector first, in Europe in 2013 and then the US two years later. Now it has spread to the auto sector and I think the oil industry is next.” The shift has come as increased government efforts to curb climate change and smog have driven down costs and spurred technical advances, creating a green energy industry that looks nothing like it did a decade ago: expensive and sluggish. Today, China and India have picked up the baton and are driving a sector that has spread to every continent. The result was a banner year for green energy in 2016. 1. It is stated in the passage that in the past, green energy ____. A. used internationally with great efficacy B. received huge investment from goverment C. was disfavoured at the beginning D. was the main sources of energy using by humans 2. The fear of leaders from oil and gas sector company comes from ____. A. the likelihood of fossil fuel to exhaust by the end of the 21st century B. the sufficiency of enerygy produced by green power C. the changes in manufacturing oil and gas D. green power companies enjoying huge investment from the government 3. The price of electric cars has been ____. A. rising rapidly B. increasing steadily C. falling exponentially D. fluctuating wildly 4. In which year was the electricity sector in US hit by the use of green energy? A. 2013 B.2014 C. 2015 D. 2016 5. The word "sluggish" is closest in meaning to ____. A. inactive B. developed C. promising D. ineffective VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Scientists believe that something very serious is happening to the Earth. It is becoming warmer. Scientists predict that there will be major changes in the climate during the 21st century. Coastal waters will have higher temperatures. This will have a serious effect on agriculture. Farmers will have trouble producing good crops. In warm regions, the weather will be too dry. The amount of water could decrease by 50 per cent. This would cause a large decrease in agricultural production. World temperatures could increase from 1.5 to 5.6 degrees Celsius by the middle of the 21st century. And the increase in temperature could be even greater in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. A rise in temperature could cause the great ice sheets to melt, which, in turn would raise the level of oceans by one to two meters. Many coastal cities would be underwater. Why is all this happening? The Earth and its atmosphere are kept warm by the Sun. The atmosphere lets most of the light from the Sun pass through to warm the Earth. The Earth is warmer by the sunlight and sends heat energy back into the










atmosphere. Much of this energy escapes from the Earth's atmosphere. However, some of it remains. Gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor absorb this energy and create more heat. Then, this heat is sent back down to Earth, and the Earth becomes warmer. Recently, however, an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing serious problems. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents heat energy from escaping. Too much heat is sent back down to the Earth, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase. When oil, gas, and coal burn, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. The destruction of rain forests that absorb carbon dioxide also helps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Some scientists believe that the amount of carbon dioxide in the air will double by the late 2000s. Scientists call this warming of the Earth and its atmosphere “the greenhouse effect”. A greenhouse, made of glass and plastic, is a special place where plants are grown. The sunlight passes through the glass or plastic and warms the air inside. The heat inside escapes very slowly, so the greenhouse remains very warm. This is exactly what is happening on the Earth. Another reason why the Earth is growing warmer is because of the amount of ozone in our atmosphere. Ozone is a form of oxygen. In the upper atmosphere, very far from the Earth, a layer of ozone helps to protect the Earth from 95 percent of the harmful light that comes from the sun. If your skin receives too much of this light, you would develop skin cancer. We need the ozone layer to protect ourselves. But the ozone layer is in trouble. Scientists have observed that the ozone layer is becoming thin, and above Antarctica there is a hole. This allows too much of the sun's dangerous light into our atmosphere and makes the Earth warmer. Scientists say we must start making changes and planning now. We need to continue to do research, so we can predict what will happen in the future. We must burn less coal, oil, and gas. Other scientists believe that the problem is not so serious. They think that the Earth is growing warmer naturally, that we don't need to worry about it now, and that we should just get ready for life in the warmer climate. Most scientists agree that the causes of the world's climate are very complicated. They say that we must continue to measure the amount of carbon dioxide and ozone in the atmosphere. Scientists also encourage people to learn about the changes that are occurring in the world and how we can all help protect our atmosphere. 1. Which of the following will be one of the consequences of a warmer earth? A. Crops will be poor unless they are grown in the green house. B. The amount of water will be decreased by half. C. Farmer will get into trouble because of the heat. D. There will be no winter on earth. 2. A rise in temperature will be more remarkable ____. A. in the Arctic and Antarctic regions B. in the coastal cities C. by the year 2050 D. under the great ice sheets 3. The melting of the polar ice sheets will probably lead to ____. A. a rise in global temperature B. the extinction of many polar animals C. flooding of many coastal cities D. a serve winter all over the world 4. The Earth wouldn't become warmer if ____. A. the heat energy didn't escape from the earth's atmosphere B. sunlight didn't pass through the atmosphere C. the earth didn't send heat energy back into the atmosphere D. carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor didn't retain the heat energy 5. When the rainforests are destroyed ____. A. people have to burn coal, oil, gas instead of wood for fuel B. heat energy fails to escape from the atmosphere C. there is nothing to absorb carbon dioxide D. serious problems are caused for the scientists 6. It is obvious that ____.










A. greenhouses are responsible for the warming of the earth B. what is happening on the earth is comparable to what happens in a greenhouse C. greenhouses should be banned to prevent the warming of the earth D. things wouldn't be so bad if greenhouses were not made of glass or plastic 7. How useful is the ozone layer? A. It protects the earth from the harmful radiation from the sun. B. It absorbs much of the carbon dioxide. C. It sends the extra heat energy back into space and thus keeps the earth cool. D. It helps treat skin cancer. 8. The two factors that directly cause the greenhouse effects are ____. A. the destruction of rain forests and the melting of the polar ice B. the burning of fossil fuels and the changes of the climate C. the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the decrease of the ozone layer D. the ignorance of greenhouse owners and the development of skin cancer 9. There seems to be ____. A. a solution to the problem by the middle of the 21st century B. no need to worry about fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas C. other undiscovered causes of the greenhouse effects D. some disagreement among the scientists as to the danger of the greenhouse effect 10. Which is the best title for the passage? A. The global warming B. The greenhouse effect C. The heat energy D. The change of climate in the poles VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. The prices of organic products are quite high, that may be discouraging to consumers. A B C D 2. The national park carrying out a wide range of conservation activities to save many endangered species from A B C D extinction. 3. The principal who just signed an approval of the youth union’s plan to recycle waste paper. A B C D 4. To adopt a green lifestyle, people who may face some inconveniences at first. A B C D 5. All the shopping centers that in the district turn their lights off to celebrate Earth Hour. A B C D 6. Mike used to work for us, but he once argued with my wife or quit his job. A B C D 7. Ginger is three times as hot as cumin, but not as hot as chili powder. A B C D 8. Children will walk at about the same age whether or no they are taught by their parents. A B C D 9. Charcoal is odourless and tastelessness, and has the ability to absorb a large quantity of gas. A B C D 10. Ants find their way by following scent laid down by their previous ants. A B C D IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. “If I were you, Tony, I wouldn’t lie to Jane again,” said Susan.










A. Susan advised Tony not to lie to Jane again. B. Susan offered Tony not to lie to Jane again. C. Susan warned Tony to lie to Jane again. D. Susan suggested Tony should lie to Jane again. 2. The last time I went to the zoo was 5 years ago. A. At last I went to the zoo after 5 years. B. I haven’t been to the zoo for 5 years. C. I started going to the zoo 5 years ago. D. I last went to the zoo when I was 5 years old. 3. We could not handle the situation without you. A. You didn't help us handle the situation. B. If you had not helped us, we could not have handled the situation. C. If you did not help us, we could not handle the situation. D. We will handle the situation if you help. 4. It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight. A. If there were not the earth's gravity, we would be weightless. B. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything. C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people. D. If there hadn't been the earth's gravity, we would have been weightless. 5. I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend. A. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door. B. I knew it was my friend, but I still answered the door. C. Though I knew it was my friend, I didn't answer the door. D. Had I known it was my friend, I would have answered the door. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment. They are not willing to do it. A. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, but they are not willing to do it. B. Because people know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, they are not willing to do it. C. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, so they are not willing to do it. D. Despite knowing that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, they are willing to do it. 2. The government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago. It doesn't stink any more. A. Before the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it hadn't stunk any more. B. As the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it doesn't stink any more. C. If the government had initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it wouldn't have stunk any more. D. Although the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it doesn't stink any more. 3. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead. Natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. A. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead; however, natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate.










B. As renewable sources of energy should be used instead, natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. C. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead since natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. D. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead; therefore, resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. 4. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations. They don't have to take any actions. A. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations; therefore, they don't have to take any actions. B. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, but they don't have to take any actions. C. Unless some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, they don't have to take any actions. D. While some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, they don't have to take any actions. 5. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. They are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. A. While plastic bags are non-biodegradable, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. B. Because plastic bags are non-biodegradable, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. C. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable; nonetheless, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. D. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, or they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife.







LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Pronunciation of verb ending-ed: /id/ after /t/ or /d/ /t/ after voiceless sounds /d/ after voiced sounds Grammar - Prepositions after certain verbs We rely on the mass media to stay connected and informed. Help Desk requests are stored in a historical database, which can be searched for effective answers to future reader queries. - The past perfect vs. the past simple I had already downloaded the information for our project before you reminded me to. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the mass media: medium, subscribe, website, GPS (Global Positioning System), ...ambition, career adviser, drop out of, get to grips with,...





I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1 A broadcast B. advert C. amuse D. instant 2. A. educate B. entertain C. influence D. consider 3. A. regard B. service C. impact D. programme 4. A. popular B. media C. creative D. audience 5. A. introduce B. develop C. invented D. addicted II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. developed B. introduced C. influenced D. raised 2. A. bully B. introduce C. amuse D. distribute 3. A reduced B. addicted C. distributed D. deleted 4. A. social B. influential C. finish D. mass 5. A. chanced B. believed C. announced D. finished III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a rapidly changing world. A. widespread B. appearing C. serious D. minor 2. Congestion charging is a unique experiment that other UK cities are watching with interest; no other policies receive such public notice. A. normal B. formal C. original D. compulsory 3. It was the advent of television which really transformed sportsmen. A. coming B. going C. increase D. falling 4. Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together. A. loosely related B. closely related C. completely different D. quite similar










5. Educators are complaining that students rely on social media so much that they lose the ability to think critically. A. depend on B. decide on C. insist on D. appear on IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The teacher suspected the student ____ cheating on the test. A. of B. in C. about D. on 2. You really shouldn't boast ____ your success ____ other people on social media. A. with / to B. of / to C. about / at D. over / to 3. I don't know why you insist ____ blaming me ____ all my troubles A. on / for B. in / for C. at / on D. over / for 4. You shouldn't rely ____ getting assistance from Frank. A. at B. in C. on D. about 5. Mr. Green always worries ____ losing his position. A. in B. at C. on D. about 6. Our boss objects ____ using any different methods. A. of B. to C. with D. over 7. My father doesn't approve ____ studying late at night. A. of B. with C. on D. about 8. Forgive me ____ using these taboo words. A. of B. for C. with D. on 9. Why are you laughing ____ me? A. of B. over C. to D. at 10. I don't want to argue ____ you ____ that matter at this time. A. at / over B. with / at C. with / about D. on / about 11. Terry always depends ____ his brother for assistance. A. on B. in C. at D. of 12. Josh ____ televisions for 4 hours since he arrived home. A. has watched B. has been watching C. watched D. had been watching 13. So far Tina ____ in several movies already. It is just the matter of time before she becomes famous. A. appeared B. has appeared C. has been appearing D. was appearing 14. The book is so engaging that my sister ____ it for hours the minute she got it from the library. A. had read B. has read C. has been reading D. had been reading 15. Christine ____ in London for a few years before she moved to Ireland. A. has lived B. lived C. has been living D. was living 16. The benefits of the Internet of social media are ____. A. enormous B. huge C. large D. gigantic 17. It is quite ____ of young people to vent their anger on social media. A. characteristic B. habitual C. customary D. regular 18. Digital media have a great ____ on people's lives and society. A. decision B. dependence C. opinion D. influence 19. Mass media have proven to be a(n) ____ part of people's lives as hardly anyone can live without them. A. unique B. popular C. diverse D. inseparable 20. Red is usually the ____ colour in his paintings. A. dominant B. visible C. fading D. often 21. Most people rely ____ on the mass media as their main source of information. A. increasingly B. heavily C. remarkably D. considerably 22. Because of cyber bullying, many Internet users delete their social ____. A. accounts B. nicknames C. passwords D. profiles










23. - X: "You seem to have a lot of work to do in your office. You've always been working overtime." - Y: “____” A. You are right, but don't you know the meaning of work? B. Sorry, I don't think so. I get overpaid for overwork, you know. C. That's right. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. D. That's right, but the work is interesting. I don't mind some extra hours at all. 24. - X: "George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith." - Y: “____” A. How have you been? B. Pleased to meet you, George. C. Mind if call you George? D. The pleasure's mine. 25. - X:"Excuse me. I don't want to interrupt you..." - Y: “____” A. No, no. It's not right. B. Well, never mind. C. It won't bother me. D. Of course not 26. It is impossible to ____ why so many people go in for that kind of sport. A. account B. explain C. cause D. reason 27. After making a ____ of England, the band is coming again. A. time B. chance C. tour D. date 28. In conferences, speakers ____ the audience mainly in English. A. say B. speak C. talk D. address 29. Have you got any ____ to the present system? A. change B. replacement C. altenation D. alternative 30. He may be ____ to penicillin, so you should give him some test before giving him a shot. A. reactive B. allergic C. resistant D. preventive V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE POPULARITY OF TEXT MESSAGING Why is text messaging so popular, especially with young people? There are two main reasons. One is cost, as many teenagers have to use pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs (1) ____ of contracts, and so it is cheaper to send a text message than (2) ____ a voice call. So texters get better value of (3) ____. But there is a second, less practical reason for its popularity. A generation is growing up happy to communicate (4) ____ by text, and this new form of instant communication is even more relaxed and informal than either email or phone calls. Text messaging has created a completely new language, (5) ____ of abbreviations and unusual spellings. It is a language that is not understood by adults, even though they can buy special dictionaries explaining it, and it has opened up a huge generation (6) ____ between teenagers and their parents. For teenagers, text is convenient and quick, (7) ____ it confuses parents. Text messaging is a teenage (8) ____ to grown up technology and (9) ____ young people with a means of communicating that is always accessible. It is also something that they can call their own, and in spite of some concern in the teaching profession that literacy skills are being (10) ____ text messaging is a form of communication that is certainly here to stay. 1. A. instead B. rather C. other D. afraid 2. A. do B. make C. take D. form 3. A. cash B. income C. money D. earnings 4. A. almost B. mostly C. completely D. rarely 5. A. filled B. packed C. full D. fraught 6. A. distance B. gap C. length D. obstacle 7. A. and B. for C. so D. but 8. A. access B. reply C. response D. attitude 9. A. gives B. brings C. carries D. provides










10. A. forgotten B. beaten C. lost D. overtaken VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Dear Editor, Why do newspapers carry so many advertisements for electronic equipment? Last Sunday I counted ads for seven kinds of televisions and thirteen kinds of radios in the Atlanta Journal. Besides that, there were pages and pages of ads for tape recorders and CD players. Don't you realize what electronic equipment is doing to our daily life? Everywhere you go you may hear loud music and advertisements over radios; this continual noise is doing harm to our ears. Husbands don't talk to wives anymore; they are always watching the news or a ball game on TV. Children ruin their eyes with endless hours of watching not only the programs for children but those for grownups as well. And worse, hidden microphones find out about our private lives, and computers keep records of personal information about us. Enough is enough! I think you should limit the amount of advertising of electronic equipment in the Atlanta Journal; otherwise it will make life unbearable for us all. 1. What does the writer complain about? A. Noise B. Newspapers C. Advertisements D. Electronic equipment 2. What problem does the writer think radio causes? A. It gives too much music. B. It has too many programs for advertising. C. Its noise does harm to our ears. D. It changes our daily live. 3. Why do husbands talk less and less to wives, according to the writer? A. They spend too much time on sports. B. They are always watching TV programs. C. They like to play games on TV. D. They take little interest in their wives. 4. What is the writer worried about most? A. Electronic equipment may invade our private life. B. Electronic equipment may harm our health. C. Electronic equipment may affect children's study. D. Electronic equipment may affect family relationship. 5. What is implied in this letter? A. There are too many programs for grownups on TV. B. Reading advertisements is a waste of time. C. Watching TV may hurt children's eyes. D. Some electronic equipment may cause social problems. VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Cyberspace, data superhighway, multimedia - for those who have seen the future, the linking of computers, television and telephones will change our lives forever. Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia, little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor. As with all new high technology, while the West concerns itself with the "how", the question of "for whom" is put aside once again. Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communications revolution has affected the world economy. Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries, and transnational corporations take full advantage of it. Terms of trade, exchange and interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets - with destructive impact on the have-nots. For them the result is instability. Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine. As futures" are traded on computer screens, developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies.










So what are the options for regaining control? One alternative is for developing countries to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications themselves – so called development communications" modernization. Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries economies Communications technology is generally exported from the U.S., Europe or Japan; the patents, skills and ability to manufacture remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries. It is also expensive, and imported products and services must therefore be bought on credit - credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain. Furthermore, when new technology is introduced there is often too low a level of expertise to exploit it for native development. This means that while local elites, foreign communities and subsidiaries of transnational corporations may benefit, those whose lives depend on access to the information are denied it. 1. According to paragraph 1, the development of high technology is in the interests of ____. A. the rich countries B. scientific development C. the elite D. the world economy 2. The word "utopia" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____. A. unreal perfection B. rapid development C. positive effect D. gloomy prospect 3. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A. international trade should be expanded B. the interests of the poor countries have not been given enough consideration C. the exports of the poor countries should be increased D. communications technology in developing countries should be modernized 4. The word "instability” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____. A. steadiness B. certainty C. uncertainty D. impossibility 5. The word "which" in paragraph 3 refers to ____. A. instability B. result C. countries D. goods 6. The word "constraints" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____. A. limitations B. benefits C. demands D. struggles 7. Why is it stated that the electronic economy may have a destructive impact on developing countries? A. Because it enables the developed countries to control the international market. B. Because it destroys the economic balance of the poor countries. C. Because it violates the national boundaries of the poor countries. D. Because it inhibits the industrial growth of developing countries. 8. The development of modern communications technology in developing countries may ____. A. hinder their industrial production B. cause them to lose control of their trade C. force them to reduce their share of exports D. cost them their economic independence 9. The word "it" in paragraph 6 refers to ____. A. development B. new technology C. native development D. level of expertise 10. The author's attitude toward the communications revolution is ____. A. positive B. critical C. indifferent D. tolerant VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. After many failures, the author has finally succeeded at having his novel published. A B C D 2. I worked on the problem for two days, but I still can't find any solution to it. A B C D 3. Before he took part in that reality show, Novak has appeared on TV several times. A B C D










4. Cameron insisted in getting the contract signed before leaving for the airport. A B C D 5. Mark has never used any social networking sites per him how to create a Facebook account. A B C D 6. He was so careless that he left the work half doing and went to the cinema. A B C D 7. His irresponsibility is endangered his career as a doctor. A B C D 8. It was unfair that the new students were given so low marks. A B C D 9. If not his father's help, Bill couldn't have repaired the roof. A B C D 10. As soon as they were seated, the man began to whisper among themselves. A B C D IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. Joe has not drunk alcohol for two years. A. Joe quitted drinking alcohol two years ago. B. It has been two years since Joe started to drink alcohol. C. Joe started drinking alcohol two years ago. D. It took Joe two years to quit drinking alcohol. 2. The last time Peter saw Mary was two months ago. A. Peter has seen Mary for two months. B. Peter has not seen Mary for two months. C. Peter first saw Mary two months ago. D. Peter saw Mary again two months ago. 3. Jonas came to the party the minute it came to an end. A. Jonas came too late to end the party. B. Jonas came to the party so early that it came to an end. C. Jonas would have ended the party if he came earlier. D. As soon as Jonas came to the party, it ended. 4. Right after the boy got out of his house, it started to rain heavily. A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house. B. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house. C. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily. D. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house. 5. Ursula has been a keen Facebook user for three years. A. It has been three years since Ursula last used Facebook. B. Ursula became a keen Facebook user three years ago. C. Ursula stopped using Facebook three years ago. D. Ursula has not used Facebook keenly for three years. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. National Geographic is one of the most influential magazines in the world. It came into being in 1899. A. National Geographic came into being as one of the most influential magazines in the world in 1899. B. National Geographic, one of the most influential magazines in the world, came into being in 1899. C. In 1899, National Geographic became one of the most influential magazines in the world. D. National Geographic is one of the most influential magazines coming into being in 1899. 2. Schools need to protect students from dangerous materials. The materials come from the Internet. A. Dangerous materials which come from the Internet need protection from schools and students.










B. Schools need to protect students from dangerous Internet from which the materials come. C. Students need to be protected from school against dangerous materials coming from the Internet. D. The Internet from which the materials come need to be protected from students by schools. 3. Mobile phones are a form of mass media. The Internet is also a form of mass media. A. Neither mobile phones nor the Internet is a form of mass media. B. Either mobile phones or the Internet is a form of mass media. C. Not only mobile phones but also the Internet is a form of mass media. D. The internet is a form of media, but the mobile phones are not. 4. Jason has a Facebook account. Ted has a Twitter account. A. Jason has a Facebook account, and Ted has a Twitter account. B. Jason has a Facebook account, so Ted has a Twitter account. C. Jason has a Facebook account, for Ted has a Twitter account. D. Jason has a Facebook account, but Ted has a Twitter account. 5. Parents are concerned about the mass media. Children are excited about mass media. A. While parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. B. Because parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. C. Unless parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. D. Parents are concerned about the mass media, so children are excited about it.






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Assimilation in fast, connected speech: a cheese shop, a good game Grammar - The present perfect vs. the present perfect continuous I think I've lost my sunglasses. I’ve been looking for them since noon, but I cant find them - Repeated comparatives to say that something is changing The practice of using more and more chemicals in agriculture is harmful to people's health and to the environment. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to cultural identity: multicultural, unique, national costume, …






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. feature B. invade C. express D. unique 2. A. belief B. culture C. custom D. value 3. A. traditional B. identity C. integration D. variety 4. A. establish B. enable C. critical D. successful 5. A. community B. ethnicity C. celebration D. environment II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. culture B. custom C. success D. number 2. A. celebration B. enable C. establish D. invade 3. A. protect B. community C. custom D. becoming 4. A. enabled B. featured C. valued D. invaded 5. A. define B. integrate C. celebrate D. express III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. It's incredible to see him fitting in the new environment such a short period of time. A. creditable B. increasing C. unthinkable D. unbelievable 2. She was angry because he disregarded her feelings in this matter. A. did not ignore B. discharged C. paid no attention to D. considered 3. During the ten years working in Germany he accumulated huge knowledge of German customs. A. made B. expanded C. collected D. increased 4. He did his work reluctantly because he did not like the culture of this company. A. slowly B. unwillingly C. inefficiently D. successfully 5. You shouldn't expect immigrants to assimilate into an a alien culture immediately. A. become accepted B. get rejected C. be alienated D. be identified IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. "Sorry I'm late. ____ for a long time?" A. Did you wait B. Have you waited C. Have you been waiting D. Did you wait 2. I ____ my finger! It really hurts. A. cut B. was cutting C. have cut D. have been cutting










3. ____ Paul Simon's latest record? A. Have you heard B. Have you been hearing C. Did you hear D. Are you heard 4. Laura's tired because she ____ all day. A. shopped B. shops C. has been shopping D. has shopped 5. "Sorry. I ____ one of your glasses." A. have broken B. was breaking C. break D. have been breaking 6. Ian ____ the living room, but he hasn't finished yet. A. has painted B. paint C. painted D. has been painting 7. "Look what Pat ____ me for my birthday! A bike!" A. was giving B. have been giving C. gives D. has given 8. "There's my wallet! I ____ for it for ages." A. have been looking B. looked C. have looked D. look 9. If the school union does nothing about those students with culture shock, their situation will get ____. A. more and more serious B. more serious and more serious C. more and most serious D. the most serious 10. It is getting ____ for teenagers to get along well with their parents. A. the most difficult B. more and more difficult C. as difficult as D. more difficult and more difficult 11. Thanks to globalization, countries around the world are getting ____ to one another. A. the closest B. closer and closer C. as close as D. the closer 12. It is important for young people to ____ the identity of our culture. A. remain B. retain C. maintain D. attain 13. Shortage of land and funding is blamed for the city's ____ green space. A. inefficient B. inaccurate C. inadequate D. indispensable 14. Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8 per cent and 46.8 per cent, ____, over February 1995. A. individually B. accordingly C. correspondingly D. respectively 15. The largest system serving e-mail messengers is the internet, a ____ of millions of computers linked worldwide. A. unity B. combination C. network D. connection 16. The ____ department is planning a training program for the new members of staff. A. personal B. personnel C. professional D. purchasing 17. Jefferson once said that one must be determined and ____ on what he thinks is right. A. stick B. insist C. persist D. keep 18. It is the ____ in that country for women to marry young. A. habit B. action C. condition D. custom 19. He is considered as a leading ____ in the music industry. A. number B. shape C. figure D. character 20. We are very glad to see that all the signs ____ to a successful year ahead. A. point B. suggest C. show D. react 21. "If no one can soon ____ a good solution, we're going to be in trouble,” the board chair warned. A. come up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. check up with 22. Goodness, economy, and honesty are regarded as some universal ____ a man should have. A. habits B. customs C. characters D. virtues 23. X: "I feel nervous. I've got an exam today." Y: “____” A. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! B. That's great. Have a good time. C. Poor you! That happens to me sometimes. D. Good luck! Do your best.










24. X: "I feel really depressed at the moment. Nothing's going right in my life." Y: “____” A. I know. We really need some sunshine, don't we? B. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! C. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he'll be all right. D. That's good. I'm pleased to hear it. 25. X: "I'm really excited. I'm going on holiday to Australia tomorrow." Y: “____” A. Good luck! Do your best. B. Why don't you go home to bed? C. That's great. Have a good time. D. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! 26. I can't tell Peter and Paul apart; they are ____ twins. A. similar B. alike C. resemblance D. identical 27. You are not allowed to drive ____ the influence ____ alcohol. A. under / of B. in / of C. under / by D. by / in 28. She was overwhelmed with honour ____ recognition ____ her bravery. A. with / of B. on / in C. by / about D. in / of 29. The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers ____. A. on the spot B. all in all C. beyond the joke D. within reach 30. The children often make ____ of Charles, which annoys his parents very much. A. allowance B. fun C. way D. consideration V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, (1) ____ an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was (2) ____ to begin at 10 a.m. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived (3) ____, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10 a.m. Several arrived after 10:30 a.m. Two students came after 11 a.m. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, (4) ____ apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students' behaviour. The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in (5) ____ an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in university calls, (6) ____. He gave them an example and asked them (7) ____ they would react. If they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the (8) ____ American student showed clearly lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. On the other hand, the average Brazilian student would be 33 minutes late. In an American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. (9) ____, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12:00; many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, (10) ____ is staying late. 1. A. in B. to C. for D. at 2. A. intended B. scheduled C. meant D. planned 3. A. at times B. over time C. on time D. in time 4. A. many B. few C. several D. no 5. A. neither B. either C. both D. not only 6. A. respectably B. respectfully C. irrespectively D. respectively 7. A. what B. how C. why D. when 8. A. normal B. average C. ordinary D. single 9. A. In addition B. In particular C. In general D. In contrast










10. A. either B. so C. neither D. nor VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Culture shock is the loss of emotional balance, disorientation, or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. When it is a common experience, the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience, and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture. The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation. When an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be, a series of properties have been knocked from under him. This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort: "The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad." Another aspect of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance, and everything becomes irrationally glorified. All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes. These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations; fear of being cheated, robbed or injured: sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more; and a great longing to go home. Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging, of being an outsider. 1. Culture shock is basically caused by ____. A. difficulties in using the language B. being unable to make friends C. feeling desperately homesick D. being away from all that is familiar 2. According to the passage, the degree of culture shock to which one feels varies ____. A. from person to person B. from country to country C. in accordance with a person's age D. in accordance with one's nationality 3. The first response a person tends to have when setting foot on a new land is ____. A. feeling frustrated B. fearing to be cheated C. having a sense of losing something D. having a sense of being abandoned 4. A home-coming trip will ____. A. draw you back to reality B. make you remember all the good things C. make you forget the troubles D. help you solve the problems 5. Which is NOT a symptom of culture shock? A. Longing to go back home B. Longing to travel C. Having fear of being cheated D. Feeling to be an outsider VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in three basic patterns: direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion. In direct contact, elements of a society's culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and then gradually spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive diffusion by direct contact. The invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese Ts'ai Lun in A.D. 105. Within fifty years, paper was being made in many places in central China. By 264 it was found in Chinese Turkmenistan, and from then on the successive places of manufacture were Samarkand (751), Baghdad (793), Egypt (about 900), Morocco (about 1100), and France (1189). In general, the pattern of accepting the borrowed invention was the same everywhere. Paper was first imported into each area as a luxury, then in ever-expanding quantities as a staple product. Finally, usually within one to three centuries, local manufacture started.










Diffusion by intermediate contact occurs through the agency of third parties. Frequently, traders carry a cultural trait from the society that originated it to another group. As an example of diffusion through intermediaries, Phoenician traders spread the alphabet which may have been invented by another Semitic group, to Greece. At times, soldiers serve as intermediaries in spreading a culture trait. During the Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two ways: they carried European culture to Arab societies of North Africa and brought Arab culture back to Europe. In the nineteenth century Western missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific Islands. In stimulus diffusion, knowledge of a trait belonging to another culture stimulates the invention or development of a local equivalent. A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee syllabic writing system by a Native American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with the English; yet he did not adopt the writing system nor did he even learn to write English. He utilized some English alphabetic symbols, altered others, and invented new ones. 1. The passage mainly discusses how ____. A. cultures retain their unique characteristics B. cultural elements transfer from one culture to another C. paper came into general use D. economies grew through trade and manufacturing 2. The word "attributed" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. credited B. presented C. promised D. limited 3. The word "successive" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. specialized B. principal C. prosperous D. subsequent 4. The word "it" in the passage refers to ____. A. diffusion B. contact C. trait D. society 5. According to the passage, a change that occurred in Africa and the Pacific Islands as a result of the arrival of missionaries was ____. A. an increase in the presence of soldiers B. variation in local style of dressing C. the manufacture of paper D. the introduction of new alphabetical systems 6. In stating that the Cherokee writing system is a classic example, the author means that this example is especially ____. A. representative B. understandable C. difficult D. old 7. According to the passage, what did Sequoya do? A. Adopt the English writing system for use in Cherokee B. Study English intensively in order to learn to write it C. Teach English to Cherokee Native Americans D. Create a Cherokee writing system based on elements of the English alphabet 8. The origins of the Greek and Cherokee writing systems were discussed in the passage because both systems ____. A. underwent identical patterns of development in different parts of the world B. influenced the development of alphabets of other languages C. represented distinct ways in which elements could be introduced into a culture D. were introduced by religious missionaries 9. Which of the following statements about direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion is NOT true? A. They all cause changes in cultures. B. They all occur in more than one culture. C. They all involve the interaction of cultures. D. They all require the trading of manufactured products. 10. The author organized the discussion in the passage by ____.










A. establishing a historical chronology from the past through the present B. illustrating specific categories with examples C. identifying important geographic regions D. ranking categories from most to least significant VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. Ice crystals in a glacier tends to melt and recrystalize within a brief moment of travel on a downhill glide. A B C D 2. Either the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a figure of Liberty on one side A B C and an eagle on the reverse side. D 3. A gene is a biological unit of information who directs the activity of a cell or organism during its lifetime. A B C D 4. Photograph was revolutionized in 1831 by the introduction of the collodion process for making negatives. A B C D 5. Because of various gift-giving holidays, most clothing stores in the United States do almost as much business A in November and December as they do in other ten months combined. B C D 6. Cross-cultural misunderstandings often happens between people of different cultures. A B C D 7. Don't go out for lunch until you finished typing these letters. A B C D 8. Each star has a predominant colour, which depend on its surface temperature. A B C D 9. The distribution of copper, like that of gold, does not appear to be related to any particularly type of rock. A B C D 10. At no time she could understand what he really wanted to say. A B C D IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. You used to be more studious two years ago than you are these days. A. You were less studious two years ago than you are these days. B. You study less these days than you did two years ago. C. You aren't so studious these days as you were two years ago. D. You are more and more studious over the last two years. 2. When the robber pointed the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. A. On pointing the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. B. On pointing the gun to his head, she immediately did what he wanted. C. She immediately did what he wanted when the gun pointed to his head. D. When being pointed the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. 3. Driving at that speed is dangerous on this road, whether you are an experienced driver or not. A. No matter how dangerous the road is, you are an experienced driver. B. No matter how experienced you are, driving at that speed is dangerous on this road. C. However experienced you are, driving at that speed on this road is not dangerous. D. As you are an experienced driver, driving at that speed is dangerous on this road. 4. We couldn't relax until all the guests had gone home.










A. Only before all the guests had gone home could we relax. B. Only after all the guests had gone home that we could relax. C. Not until all the guests had gone home could we relax. D. Not until we could relax had all the guests gone home. 5. It was wrong of you not to show any concern for her mom's health. A. You should show concern for her mom's health. B. You should have shown concern for her mom's health. C. It was wrong that you showed concern for her mom's health. D. You shouldn't have shown any concern for her mom's health. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. We had prepared for it carefully. The result was quite bad. A. In spite of our careful preparation for it, the result was not bad. B. Carefully as we had prepared for it, the result was quite bad. C. Whether or not we had careful prepared for it, the result careful prepared for it, the result was quite bad. D. Despite our careful preparation for it, the result is quite bad. 2. What a pity that the TV packed up. We cannot watch the word news now. A. Had the TV not packed up, we could have watched the world news now. B. If the TV had not packed up, we could watch the world news now. C. If the TV didn't pack up we could watch the world news now. D. If it hadn't been for the TV packed up, we could watch the world news now. 3. She asked us to leave quietly. In that way, we wouldn't disturb her. A. We were asked to leave quietly so that we wouldn't be disturbed. B. She asked us to leave quietly so that not to be disturbed. C. We were asked to leave quietly so as not to be disturbed. D. She asked us to leave quietly in order not to be disturbed. 4. His new girlfriend is very lazy. She spends money wastefully. A. Not only was his girlfriend very lazy but she also spent money wastefully. B. His girlfriend is very lazy, but she spends money wastefully as well. C. His girlfriend spend money wastefully but she is also very lazy. D. Not only is his girlfriend very lazy but spends money wastefully also. 5. Alan worked too hard. This led to his illness. A. Alan's illness led to his working hard. B. Alan's hard work resulted in his illness. C. Alan's illness caused his hard work. D. Alan's hard work was the result of his illness.



LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Linking vowel to vowel in fast, connected speech: In danger of extinction, after a few years, ... Grammar - The future perfect The Americans will have built that huge space station by the end of this year. I will have finished painting the living room by the time Dad comes home. - Double comparatives The more money my father makes, the less time he spends with the family. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to endangered animals and plants: evolution, biodiversity, become extinct, natural habitat...









I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. survival B. natural C. vulnerable D. agricultural 2. A. endangered B. died C. evolved D. stopped 3. A. extinct B. evolutionary C. evolve D. rely 4. A. extinct B. species C. special D. ocean 5. A. forest B. extinction C. pollutant D. diversity II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. litter B. protect C. global D. wildlife 2. A. botanical B. responsible C. vulnerable D. endangered 3. A. naturally B. ecosystem C. fertilizer D. conservation 4. A. organic B. tropical C. habitat D. predator 5. A. biodiversity B. evolutionary C. vulnerability D. responsibility III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Efforts are done in the hope of preserving all species and maintaining the ecological balance. A B C D 2. Sea turtles have lived in the world's oceans for more than 100 millions years. A B C D 3. Many animal species are becoming endangered or even extinction due to habitat destruction. A B C D 4. Many nations protect endangered species by forbidding hunting, to restrict land development and creating A B C D preserves. 5. Over forty percents of the world's species are estimated to be at risk of extinction. A B C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. People have always depended on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter and many other ____. A. needs B. demand C. supplies D. provision










2. The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain ____ by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge of our shared lands and waters. A. diverse B. biodiverse C. diversification D. biodiversity 3. By the end of this year, the Wildlife Conservation Network ____ $50 thousand dollars. A. will raise B. will be raised C. will be raising D. will have raised 4. We should focus ____ the conservation of vulnerable species at risk of disappearing. A. on B. in C. about D. with 5. Conservationists have been trying to look for ways to protect ____ areas. A. wild B. wildness C. wilderness D. wildlife 6. Over the past year and a half, the NatureServe Network ____ amazing things such as discovering precious lost species. A. accomplish B. accomplished C. has accomplished D. will accomplish 7. Ecotourism is distinguished by its emphasis on conservation, education, traveler ____ and active community participation. A. responsible B. irresponsible C. responsibility D. irresponsibility 8. Recycling is a popular way to conserve ____ resources. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured 9. The United Nations has recommended that countries ____ all places with more than 20,000 inhabitants living close together as urban. A. regard B. be regarded C. be regarding D. have regarded 10. It is important that ecotourism ____ the level of education and activism among travelers. A. to help increase B. help increase C. helps increase D. helped increase 11. It is recommended that proper actions ____ to protect wildlife and wild places. A. to be taken B. be taken C. to be done D. be done 12. At least 26 species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) ____ as ingesting plastic debris. A. have documented B. had documented C. have been documented D. had been documented 13. In 2013, a ____ three-month-old tiger cub was brought to a rehabilitation center in the Russian Far East. A. starve B. starving C. starved D. starvation 14. Peru's Bahuaja Sonene National Park, a remarkable protected area, is home ____ 174 species of mammals, including rare animals. A. of B. for C. to D. at 15. Many endangered species are moving ____ to extinction, and we are losing our precious places. A. close and close B. closely and closely C. closer and closer D. more closely and closely 16. The traffic was terrible. By the time I got to the conference, the chairman ____ the opening speech. A. finished delivering B. finished to deliver C. has finished delivering D. had finished delivering 17. The more carefully humans mind their daily activities, ____ on the environment. A. the less harmful impact have they B. the less harmful impact they have C. the less impact harmful they have D. the less harmful they have impact 18. 'Different' species ____ by 2050, scientists claim. A. will evolve B. have evolved C. will be evolved D. will have evolved 19. Growth is of very immediate environmental concern because ____ the more pollutants we throw out into the atmosphere. A. the more the world economy grows B. the more economy the world grows C. the more grows the world economy D. the more the world grows economy 20. Wildlife Conservation Society uses science to discover and understand ____ natural world.










A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 21. He is credited for helping numerous endangered species recover ____ certain extinction. A. from B. off C. out of D. away from 22. Some reptile skins - such as crocodile, python and monitor lizard - are highly prized ____ exotic leathers. A. for B. with C. as D. by 23. Ann and Sophia are close friends. They are talking about their study at the start of the semester. Ann: "Then, I'm taking history this semester. How about you?" Sophia:"____. I'm still wondering whether to take history or geography." A. I've made up my mind. B. I'm in two minds about this. C. It doesn't matter. D. It's out of my reach. 24. Peter is talking to his teacher about the upcoming exams. Teacher: "Peter, how have you prepared for the final exams?" Peter: "I've studied for math and English, teacher. I've got literature and history to go. ____.” A. I'm halfway through B. I'm finished C. You're right D. You're telling me 25. Paula and Paul are husband and wife. They are talking about their daughter, a school girl. Paula: "Our daughter is not doing well at school. She's not very good at math." Paul: "____ that I'm going to help her with this." A. I have it in mind B. Mind your own business C. I'm not sure D. It's your turn V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. A. habit B. exercise C. action D. custom 2. Every day there are fewer places left that wildlife can call home. A. habitat B. accommodation C. residence D. house 3. Aquatic species' habitat has been seriously broken by dams and changes in direction of water currents. A. growing watery B. drinking water C. happening in water D. relating to water 4. Wildlife is under threat from many different kinds of human activities, from directly destroying habitat to spreading invasive disease. A. difficult to stop B. easy to transmit C. easy to stop D. difficult to transmit 5. Today, illegal hunting still threatens many species, especially large ammals such as tigers, rhinoceros, bears and even primates. A. allowed by law B. forbidden by law C. introducing a law D. imposing a law VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Some animals go extinct because the climate where they live changes. A. Some animals go extinct due to changes in climate where they live. B. Climate changes make some animals go extinct where they live. C. The climate changes where some animals there go extinct. D. That some animals go extinct causes the climate where they live to change. 2. Some biologists believe the best way to save endangered animals is to save their habitats. A. Some biologists believe that saving endangered animals' best habitats can save them. B. It is believed by some biologists that saving their habitats is saving endangered animals. C. Some biologists believe that to save endangered animals' habitats is the best way to save them. D. It is believed that there is no better way of saving endangered animals than saving their habitats. 3. The more polluted the environment gets, the more animals will have their habitats lost. A. Animal habitat loss is increased with how polluted the environment gets. B. When the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats. C. Because the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats.










D. Increasing environmental pollution have resulted in more animal habitat loss. 4. Governments should take measures to protect wildlife, or more and more animals will become endangered. A. The sooner governments take measures to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. B. Because more governments take measures to protect wildlife, fewer animals will become endangered. C. The more measures governments take to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. D. Governments take measures to protect wildlife, so that fewer animals will become endangered. 5. Wildlife conservation network saves endangered species in 37 countries around the world. A. Endangered species in 37 countries around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. B. In 37 countries, endangered species are saved by wildlife conservation network around the world. C. Wildlife conservation network around the world saves 37 countries of endangered species. D. 37 countries of endangered species around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Fossil fuels come from dead plants and animals. These plants and animals died millions of years ago. A. Plants and animals that died millions of years ago become fossil fuels. B. Fossil fuels come from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. C. Fossil fuels were made from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. D. Plants and animals died millions of years ago to become fossil fuels today. 2. So many animals are now in danger of extinction. Then, a list of them is kept in a Red Book. A. To keep many animals from danger of extinction, a list has been made in a Red Book. B. So many animals are now in danger of extinction that a list of them is kept in a Red Book. C. Many animals are now in danger of extinction, so a list of them is kept in a Red Book. D. So many animals are now in danger of extinction as to keep a list of them in a Red Book. 3. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries. It is a major source of foreign exchange. A. As Australia's fastest growing industry, tourism serves as a major source of foreign exchange. B. Being one of Australia's fastest growing industries, tourism is a major source of foreign exchange. C. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries, so it is a major source of foreign exchange. D. Tourism is a major source of foreign exchange to be one of Australia's fastest growing industries. 4. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth. This has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. A. Plastic debris which can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. B. Plastic debris which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat can now be found in every marine habitat on Earth. C. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth, which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. D. What has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat is the debris that can be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth. 5. "My goal is to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation," said Armiger. A. Armiger taught her students that they should have a goal in conserving wildlife. B. Armiger taught her students how to set themselves a goal in wildlife conservation. C. Armiger said that to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation is her goal. D. Armiger said that her goal was to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. According to Vietnamese legend, (1) ____ giant turtle in Hanoi's Hoan Kiem Lake reclaimed a magic sword given to King Le Loi in the 15th century that he used to win independence (2) ____ China's Ming










Dynasty. The lake was thereafter named 'Ho Hoan Kiem', or 'Lake of the Returned Sword', and Hanoi has been built up (3) ____ it. Margie Mason of Associated Press wrote: "(4) ____ once was a magic golden turtle that lived in Hanoi's most enchanted lake. The giant turtle was believed so powerful, it snatched a divine sword from a warrior king and returned it to the gods of the depths nearly six centuries (5) ____. That tale has long been a (6) ____ among young and old Vietnamese living in the capital city, but folklorists soon may have to rewrite the story to (7) ____ a very sad ending. In real life, the last giant soft-shell turtle (8) ____ in Hoan Kiem Lake probably will die alone, and at least one biologist says the species (9) ____ then be extinct. The elusive creature - with a shell as big as a desk - occasionally pokes its wrinkled head out of the murky waters of the downtown lake to (10) ____ a breath, but few Vietnamese are lucky enough to glimpse it. And certainly no one knows its age." 1. A. a B. the C. that D. where 2. A. of B. from C. away D. against 3. A. above B. over C. around D. along 4. A. What B. That C. It D. There 5. A. ago B. earlier C. formerly D. previously 6. A. favoring B. favorable C. favored D. favorite 7. A. inscribe B. create C. include D. develop 8. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived 9. A. will B. would C. can D. could 10. A. hold B. take C. make D. catch IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. You have learned about dinosaurs in school. Maybe you have seen them in museum. But how much do you really know about these animals? Not all dinosaurs were just big reptiles. For years, scientists thought dinosaurs were big, dumb, and cold blooded - in other words, just giant reptiles. Some dinosaurs were huge. But many were about the size of modern-day birds or dogs. Were dinosaurs warm- or cold blooded? Paleontologists are not sure. But they believe some were intelligent. Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey. However, some smaller dinosaurs - like the two-meter (six-foot) Troodon - had fairly large brains. Was Tyrannosaurus rex a powerful predator? Some scientists think the opposite is true. In the movies, T.rex is often a speedy giant, but in fact, this dinosaur could not run very fast. Physically, it was too large. In reality, T.rex probably moved as fast as an elephant. Also, T. rex had very small arms. Without strong legs or arms, this dinosaur probably wasn't a powerful hunter. It may have been a scavenger instead, only eating animals that were already dead. Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? An asteroid hit Mexico's Yucantan Peninsula about 65 million years ago. It created a 180-kilometer (110-mile) wide crater called Chicxulub. Many believe this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But even before this, dinosaurs were already dying out around the world, for many reasons. At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing uc Earth's temperature was getting colder. Dinosaurs completely disappeared about 65 million years ago. However, scientists believe modern-day birds are descendants of certain dinosaurs. If this true, then dinosaurs' relatives are still walking - and flying among us! 1. The best title for this reading could be ____. A. What Really killed the Dinosaurs C. Dinosaurs Discovered in Mexico B. The Facts and Fiction about Dinosaurs D. Our Favorite Dinosaurs 2. Which statement about the Troodon is probably true according to the passage? A. It was as smarter as a monkey. C. It was warm-blooded. B. It was a huge animal. D. It was quite intelligent.










3. Some paleontologists think T.rex was scavenger (paragraph 3). What does this mean? A. It had small arms. B. It was similar to an elephant. C. It was a powerful killer. D. It ate animals that were already dead. 4. According to the passage, at the end of the Cretaceous period ____. A. some dinosaurs started to fly B. the Earth's temperature was changing C. humans appeared on Earth D. dinosaur numbers were increasing in Mexico 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Dinosaurs were giant reptile and powerful predators. B. Dinosaurs were probably intelligent but less smart than monkey. C. Dinosaurs may have become extinct due to global climate changes. D. Dinosaurs may have become extinct after an asteroid collided with the earth. X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Together, the thousands of scientists and conservation organizations that contribute to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and other systems of assessment provide the world's largest knowledge base on the global status of species. The aim of these systems is to provide the general public, conservationists, nongovernmental organizations, the media, decision makers, and policy makers with comprehensive and scientifically rigorous information on the conservation status of the world's species and the threats that drive the observed patterns of population decline. Scientists in conservation and protected area management agencies use data on species status in the development of conservation planning and prioritization, the identification of important sites and species for dedicated conservation action and recovery planning, and educational programs. Although the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels. In contrast, the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat It is likely that many undescribed or unassessed species of plants, animals, and other organisms have become or are in the process of becoming extinct. To maintain healthy populations of both known and unknown species, assessments and reassessments are valuable tools. Such monitoring work must continue so that the most current knowledge can be applied to effective environmental monitoring and management efforts. For many threatened species, large well-protected conservation areas (biological reserves) often play major roles in curbing population declines. Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit. In addition, large biological reserves may harbor several undescribed and unassessed species. Despite the creation of several large reserves around the world, poaching and illegal trafficking plague many areas. Consequently, even species in those areas require continued monitored and periodic assessment. 1. Which could be the best title for the passage? A. Species Assessment and Management B. Species Assessments and Reassessments C. Conservation Status of the World's Species D. Environmental Monitoring and Management Efforts 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about the IUCN Red List? A. It is the best way to protect individual species. B. It prescribes species conservation actions. C. It helps to determine conservation priorities. D. It requires landowners to take mandatory actions. 3. According to the passage, scientists do NOT use data on species status in ____.










A. developing conservation prioritization B. identifying areas for recovery planning C. designing educational programs D. determining dedicated conservation action 4. The word 'they' in paragraph 1 refers to ____. A. categorization systems B. the listing criteria C. conservation priorities D. species-assessment tools 5. The acronym CITES in paragraph 1 best stands for ____. A. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species B. The Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species C. The Confession of International Trade in Endangered Species D. The Conservation of International Trade in Endangered Species 6. The word "mandatory" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____. A. comprehensive B. important C. reasonable D. compulsory 7. The word "curbing" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____. A. stopping B. affecting C. avoiding D. controlling 8. The word "cited" in paragraph 2 mostly means ____. A. quoted B. mentioned C. described D. defined 9. It is understood from the passage that ____. A. many animals became extinct before being assessed B. governmental agencies best protect threatened species. C. every species living in biological reserves is described. D. there is steady decline in species population in biological reserves. 10. In general, the passage is ____. A. argumentative B. informative C. inventive D. predictive



LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Sentence stress (stress on the most important words in the sentence): I can't decide yet if I will join your team this summer. Grammar The active and passive causatives The chef wanted the other cooks to prepare all the ingredients before he cooked the dish. → The chef got all the ingredients prepared before cooking the dish. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to artificial intelligence: Automated, cyber-attack, interaction, ...









I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. artificial B. remarkable C. smartphone D. carrot 2. A. robot B. controller C. operator D. global 3. A. intelligent B. invention C. image D. survive 4. A. automated B. controlled C. invented D. substituted 5. A. advances B. diseases C. escape D. watches II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. intelligence B. diversity C. automated D. exterminate 2. A. navigation B. application C. incredible D. artificial 3. A. faraway B. combustion C. attitude D. dominant 4. A. hacker B. implant C. deplete D. connect 5. A. resurrect B . activate C. talented D. centralize III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Artificial intelligence is also known for machine intelligence. A B C D 2. Artificial intelligence (Al) is the ability of a digital computer to perform tasks commonly associated with A B C intelligence beings. D 3. Psychologists generally do not characterize human intelligence by just one trait but by the combinations of A B C D many diverse abilities. 4. There are a number of different forms of learning as applied in artificial intelligence. A B C D 5. It is relatively easy to write computer program that seem able to respond fluently in a human language to A B C D questions and statements. IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The earliest substantial work in the field of artificial intelligence was ____ in the mid-20th century by the British logician and computer pioneer Alan Mathison Turing.










A. made B. done C. taken D. put 2. The first true Al programs had to await the ____ of stored-program electronic digital computers. A. arrive B. arriving C. arrival D. arriver 3. ____ earliest successful Al program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, later director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford. A. A B. An C. The D. That 4. The ability to reason logically is an important aspect of intelligence and has always been a major focus ____ Al research. A. on B. about C. of D. at 5. Researchers at the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology in Tokyo have used PROLOG as the ____ for sophisticated logic programming languages. A. basis B. bases C. basic D. basing 6. To cope with the bewildering ____ of the real world, scientists often ignore less relevant details. A. complex B. complexion C. complexity D. complexions 7. Robots may be equipped ____ the equivalent of human senses such as vision, touch, and the ability to sense temperature. A. by B. of C. with D. for 8. Nowadays, automobile manufacturers have industrial robots ____ human workers in factory operations. A. replace B. to replace C. replacing D. replaced 9. As surgeons become more familiar with using robots for surgery, there will come a day when robots are used in ____ every hospital. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. at most 10. Now gardeners find their job easier by getting the grass ____ by automatic lawn mowers. A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. cut 11. The Nanda Clocky is the alarm clock that gives users one chance to snooze before it drives away, ____ the user to get up and find it to turn off its alarm A. forces B. to force C. forcing D. forced 12. Four years ago, the German conglomerate Siemens introduced a robot ____ to iron shirts using hot air. A. design B. designs C. designing D. designed 13. ____ computers in the classroom certainly come with many benefits, there are also some disadvantages to keep in mind when incorporating this technology into lessons. A. Despite B. But C. While D. However 14. Before computers were common in the classroom, teachers ____ in front of the room and talk endlessly about a subject. A. would have to stand up B. will have to stand up C. would have had to stand up D. will have had to stand up 15. ____, the more dependent we are on computer technologies to communicate, as well as, to create, share, and store information. A. The more "automated" we become B. The more "automated" we have become C. The more "automated" we became D. The more "automated" we had become 16. If computers become as smart as humans, ____? A. would they do our jobs better than we can B. will they do our jobs better than we can C. would they do our jobs better than we could D. will they do our jobs better than we could 17. Last month, we had our representatives ____ a conference on environmental pollution. A. to attend B. attend C. attending D. attended 18. Global accountancy firm Deloitte has been hit in a ____ that compromised the data of a small number of its clients. A. cyber-attack B. crisis C. battlefield D. network










19. Robert and Cyber are talking with each other about robots. Complete the conversation. Robert: "Do you think robots could ever control the world?" - Cyber: “____” A. Oh, no. None of such a thing. B. No need to ask, just help yourself. C. Are you saying that? D. It'll take a while, but I'm working on it. 20 Two students are talking with each other at a party. Complete the conversation. A: "What year are you?" - B: “____” A. I'm not sure about that. B. I'm a stranger here. C. I'm a junior. How about you? D. I've finished my examinations. 21. Two friends meet on the first day at school. Complete the conversation. A: "Hey John. I didn't know you were coming to this school." - B: “____. It's good to see you." A. Oh, nice to meet you B. Yeah, what a coincidence C. That's life D. Every now and then 22. At companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google, they help to develop long-term plans and digital ____. A. interacts B. interactive C. interactional D. interactions 23. The seeds of modern Al ____ by classical philosophers who attempted to describe the process of human thinking as the mechanical manipulation of symbols. A. planted B. have planted C. were planted D. have been planted 24. The field of Artificial Intelligence research was founded at a workshop held ____ the campus of Dartmouth College during the summer of 1956. A. in B. on C. by D. for st 25. Investment and interest in Al boomed in the first decades of the 21 century, ____ machine learning was successfully applied to many problems in academia and industry. A. while B. where C. which D. when V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Robots are widely used in such industries as automobile manufacture to perform simple repetitive tasks. A. do B. make C. deal D. take 2. Instead of replacing people, as some earlier industrial robots have, a collaborative robot, also known as a "cobot", is built to work alongside them. A. helping each other B. working together C. combining with each other D. befriending with each other 3. Electrolux introduced the Trilobite in 2001. Since then, the company has made 200 improvements to the vacuum, which relies on an ultrasound system to navigate around objects as it cleans. A. understand how to do something B. sail along the area of water C. find which way to go D. surfing the internet for something 4. The Litter-Robot addresses one of the downsides of owning a cat: cleaning its litter box. The device sifts through kitty litter, removing clumps automatically and storing them in a bag. A. benefits B. interests C. concerns D. disadvantages 5. This type of artificial intelligence would not usurp human team members, but work with them as partners to tackle difficult challenges. A. take someone else's power B. criticize someone strongly C. decide something officially D. determine other's behaviors VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the process of human thought can be mechanized. A. Thanks to the assumption that the process of human thought can be mechanized, artificial intelligence is basic.










B. Artificial intelligence assumed that the process of human thought can be mechanized. C. That the process of human thought can be mechanized is an assumption in artificial intelligence. D. That the process of human thought can be mechanized is the assumption on which artificial is based. 2. An electronic brain refers to a large computing machine depending primarily on electronic devices for its operation. A. An electronic brain depends on a large computing machine for its operations with electronic devices. B. A large a large computing machine depending primarily on electronic devices for its operation is known as an electronic brain. C. A large computing machine depends on an electronic brain for its operations with electronic devices. D. Depending on electronic devices primarily for its operations is a large computing machine as an electronic brain. 3. If intelligence is naturally or artificially selected, each new generation becomes smarter. A. Because intelligence is not naturally or artificially selected, no new generation becomes smarter. B. Each new generation becomes smarter as there is no selection of natural or artificial intelligence. C. Thanks to natural or artificial selection of intelligence, each new generation becomes smarter. D. Each new generation becomes smarter when intelligence is naturally and artificially selected. 4. People cannot have computers solve problems in which the rules do not currently exist. A. Problems in which rules do not currently exist cannot be solved by computers. B. People cannot solve computers problems in which rules do not currently exist. C. Problems in which rules do not currently exist have to be solved by computers. D. People have to solve problems in which rules do not currently exist by computers. 5. After the robots have conquered everything, humans will have to do low-skilled physical and highly skilled, complex mental jobs. A. Having conquered everything, the robots have humans do low-skilled physical and highly skilled complex mental jobs. B. Humans will do low-skilled physical and highly skilled mental job after having the robots conquer everything. C. Letting the robots conquer everything, humans will have to do low-skilled physical and highly skilled mental jobs. D. Before doing low-skilled physical and highly skilled complex mental jobs, humans have the robots conquer everything else. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Artificial intelligence is a study. It's about how to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. A. Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. B. Artificial intelligence studies how to make computers intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. C. How to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions is the study of artificial intelligence. D. Making computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions is the study of artificial intelligence. 2. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks. These tasks are supposed to require human intelligence and abilities. A. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks that require human intelligence and abilities. B. Tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities are transferred to computers.










C. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities. D. All sort of complex tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities must be transferred to computers. 3. We have become too dependent on computers for personal interactions. This makes us spend way too much time on them. A. We have become dependent enough on computers for personal interactions, so we spend too much time on them. B. We have become so dependent on computers for personal interactions that we spend too much time on them. C. We have to spend much time on computers to satisfy our dependence on them for personal interactions. D. We have to spend much time on computers to maintain dependence on them for our personal interactions. 4. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated. It seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. A. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, and it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. B. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, but it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. C. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated because it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. D. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, then it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. 5. Computers can provide valuable information to doctors. However, they cannot match an experienced doctor's ability to his grasp of the intricacies of a patient's condition. A. Although computers can provide valuable information to doctors, they can never match an experienced doctor to his grasp of the intricacies of a doctor's condition. B. However valuable is the information that a computer provides a doctor, it cannot help the doctor grasp the intricacies of his patients' condition. C. Computers cannot match an experienced doctor to his grasp of the intricacies of a patient's condition even though they can provide him with valuable information. D. Being provided with valuable information by the computer, a doctor can match his own experience and ability to the intricacies of his patients' conditions. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A scientist said robots will be more (1) ____ than humans by 2029. The scientist's name is Ray Kurzweil. He works for Google as Director of Engineering. He is one of the world's (2) ____ experts on artificial intelligence (A.I.). Mr Kurzweil believes computers will be able to learn from experiences, just like humans. He also thinks they will be able to (3) ____ jokes and stories, and even flirt. Kurzweil's 2029 prediction is a lot sooner than many people thought. The scientist said that in 1999, many A.I. experts said it would be hundreds of years (4) ____ a computer was more intelligent than a human. He said that it would not be (5) ____ before computer intelligence is one billion times more powerful than the human brain. Mr Kurzweil joked that many years ago, people thought he was a (6) ____ crazy for predicting computers would be as intelligent as humans. His thinking has stayed the same but everyone (7) ____ has changed the way they think. He said: "My views are not radical any more. I've actually stayed consistent. It's the rest of the world that's changing (8) ____ view." He highlighted examples of (9) ____ -tech things we use, see or read about every day. These things make us believe that computers have intelligence. He said people think










(10) ____ now: "Because the public has seen things like Siri (the iPhone's voice recognition technology) where you talk to a computer, they've seen the Google self-driving cars." C. smarter 1. A. intelligence B. intelligent C. smarter D. smartness 2. A. loading B. leading C. loader D. leader 3. A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say 4. A. while B. after C. then D. before 5. A. lengthy B. longs C. long D. longing 6. A. little B. lot C. loads D. less 7. A. others B. other C. else D. rest 8. A. all B. some C. his D. its 9. A. high B. good C. smart D. app 10. A. differently B. difference C. different D. differential IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Automated manufacture arose out of the intimate relationship of such economic forces and technical innovations as the division of labor, power transfer and the mechanization of the factory, and the development of transfer machines and feedback systems as explained below. The division of labor (that is, the reduction of a manufacturing or service process into its smallest independent steps) developed in the latter half of the 18th century and was first discussed by the Scottish economist Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). In manufacturing, the division of labor results in increased production and a reduction in the level of skills required of workers. Mechanization was the next step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made possible by the division of labor also made it possible to design and build machines that duplicated the motions of the worker. As the technology of power transfer evolved, these specialized machines were motorized and their production efficiency was improved. The development of power technology also gave rise to the factory system of production, because all workers and machines had to be located near the power source. The transfer machine is a device used to move a workpiece from one specialized machine tool to another, in such a manner as to properly position the workpiece for the next machining operation. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are now extremely dexterous and are being used to transfer, handle, and index (that is, to position) both light and heavy workpieces, thus performing all the functions of a transfer machine. In actual practice, a number of separate machines are integrated into what may be thought of as one large machine. In the 1920s the auto industry combined these concepts into an integrated system of production. The goal of this assembly-line system was to make automobiles available to people who previously could not afford them. This method of production was adopted by most automobile manufacturers and rapidly became known as Detroit automation. Despite more recent advances, it is this system of production that most people think of as automation. 1. According to the passage, automated manufacture did not result from ____. A. division of labor C. development of transfer machines B. mechanization of factory D. lack of human resources 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Division of labor came from economic forces. B. Division of labor arose out of technical innovations. C. Division of labor led to the reduction of workers. D. Division of labor resulted in simplification of work. 3. It can be understood that the key factor of mechanization is ____.










A. machine design B. machine efficiency C. power source D. power technology 4. The word "dexterous" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____. A. intelligent B. skillful C. efficient D. powerful 5. The auto industry is mentioned in the passage as ____. A. an example of automated manufacture B. a method of automobile production C. an integrated system of production D. an automated system of production X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Making robots work well in the home is incredibly difficult. Their sensory apparatus is limited because sensors are expensive and interpretation (especially common-sense knowledge) is still more suited for research than deployment. Robotic arms are expensive to build and not very reliable. This limits the range of possibilities: Mowing and vacuuming? Sure. Sorting laundry? Hard, but doable. Picking up dirty items around the home? Doubtful. How about assistants for the elderly or those who need medical supervision? This is a booming area of exploration, but I am skeptical. Today's devices are not reliable, versatile, or intelligent enough - not yet, anyway. Moreover, the social aspects of the interaction are far more complex than the technical ones, something the technology-driven enthusiasts typically fail to recognize. Three likely directions for the future are entertainment, home appliances, and education. We can start with today's existing devices and slowly add on intelligence, manipulative ability, and function. Start small and build. The market for robots that entertain by being cute and cuddly is already well established. The second generation of vacuum cleaners is smarter than the first. Sony's dog gets smarter and less expensive with each new version. We don't get think of washing machines, microwave ovens, and coffee makers as robots, but why not? They don't move around the house, but they are getting better and smarter every year. And when the coffee maker is connected to the pantry and dishwasher, that will be a home robot worthy of the name: same for the coupling of sorting, washing, drying, and storing clothes. Education is a powerful possibility. There is already a solid basis of educational devices that aid learning. Today's robots can read aloud in engaging voices. They can be cute and lovable - witness the responses to the multiple quasi-intelligent animals on the toy market. A robot could very well interact with a child, offering educational benefits as well. Why not have the robot help the child learn the alphabet, teach reading, vocabulary, pronunciation, basic arithmetic, maybe basic reasoning? Why not music and art, geography and history? And why restrict it to children? Adults can be willing and active learners. Now this is a direction worthy of exploration: Robot as teacher. Not to replace school, not to replace human contact and interaction, but to supplement them. The beauty here is that these tasks are well within the abilities of today's devices. They don't require much mobility nor sophisticated manipulators. Many technologists dream of implementing Neil Stephenson's children's tutor in his novel The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Why not? Here is a worthy challenge. 1. It is understood from paragraph one that ____. A. Home robots are still expensive even though they can do various technical tasks. B. Home robots are not reliable and intelligent enough for complex social interactions. C. Home robots have not been commonly used as they are still in research. D. Home robots have been recognized by the technology-driven enthusiasts. 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE as discussed in the passage? A. The best home robots are now for entertainment purposes. B. Home robots now are integrated into home appliances. C. Home robots help parents teach their children more intelligently. D. Smart home appliances should be considered home robots. 3. The word "skeptical" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ____. A. doubtful B. unbelievable C. terrified D. threatening 4. The writer mentions Sony's dog as an example of ____.










A. robots doing household chores B. robots entertaining in the house C. clean and intelligent pets D. best-selling robots for entertainment 5. The word "They" in paragraph two refers to ____. A. washing machines B. microwave ovens C. coffee makers D. home appliances 6. The word "engaging" in paragraph three mostly means “____” A. satisfying B. attractive C. sweet D. warm 7. The word "supplement" in the last paragraph can be replaced with “____”. A. strengthen B. add C. assist D. expand 8. The author of the passage may agree that ____. A. Robots nowadays are most beneficial in the field of education B. Home robots are not popular due to the high cost of manufacture C. Robots to entertain will be marketed more and more to children D. Robots have been becoming an integral part of our home life 9. The next paragraph following this passage may include more information about robots as ____. A. toys B. home appliances C. tutors D. active learners 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. conservative B. passive C. skeptical D. radical






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Stressed words (exceptions): stress on auxiliaries in some cases I would have helped you if I could. I wasn't used to the noise, but I am used to it now. Grammar Reported speech: Reporting orders, requests, offers, advice, instructions, ... "Sit down and stop interrupting!" → The woman told the boy to sit down and to stop interrupting. "Come on, children! Use your imagination as well as your knowledge!" → The teacher encouraged the children to use their imagination as well as their knowledge. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the world of work: Entrepreneur, apprentice, job advertisement, ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. apprenticeship B. importance C. specialize D. office 2. A. engineer B. spreadsheet C. employee D. trainee 3. A. motivated B. responsible C. robot D. approachable 4. A. baristas B. managers C. employers D. applicants 5. A. administrator B. applicable C. candidate D. academic II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. unique B. recruit C. employ D. shortlist 2. A. tuition B. specialize C. relevant D. qualify 3. A. advertise B. qualified C. challenging D. impressive 4. A. experience B. curriculum C. interviewer D. certificate 5. A. qualification B. university C. opportunity D. undergraduate III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. A secretary, typical known as personal assistant (PA) or an administrative assistant, has many administrative A B C D duties. 2. Employers offer wages or a salary for the workers in exchange for the worker's work or labour. A B C D 3. You can complain if you think you weren't successful because your treatment in the interview or application A B C process is unfair. D 4. You should learn about the application process that will really help your application stand out and hopefully A B get you through to the interview stage of the processing. C D










5. The best way to get ready for an interview is to take the time to review the most common interview questions A B C you will mostly likely be asked. D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Students can apply ____ an apprenticeship while they are still at school. A. for B. to C. on D. in 2. In general, the company receives hundreds of for a post they offer. A. applies B. applications C. applicant D. applicability 3. To have the competitive advantage in the lob market, students need to have developed their ____ throughout their time at university. A. employs B. employable C. employment D. employability 4. One of the main reasons students choose to study at university is to enhance their career ____. A. prospects B. chances C. advantages D. opportunities 5. Office staff need ____ desks and chairs to feel comfortable in their office space. A. good-designing B. good-designed C. well-designing D. well-designed 6. All staffs are not allowed to use their personal mobile phones during ____ hours. A. office B. official C. officer D. officer's 7. Students' interest is more likely to be maintained if they can see the relevance of their studies ____ their future careers and life beyond university. A. with B. for C. to D. in 8. When students apply ____ a university, they consider their employability upon graduation from the university. A. for B. to C. at D. in 9. Most jobs have a dress code, ____ you should adhere to. A. what B. that C. which D. it 10. ____, but there's something about the perfect outfit that can really make you feel good at your workplace. A. Not only is it fun to dress up B. It is not fun only to dress up C. Not only it is fun to dress up D. Is it not only fun to dress up 11. ____ in a professional phone voice can be tough to get used to, especially if you're working for the first time. A. To talk B. Talk C. Talking D. Talked 12. A LinkedIn profile is similar to a work resume, ____ you display your past education information, work experience, skills, current work position and profile picture. A. which B. why C. when D. where 13. Travis, who oversees the cooking at this restaurant, started ____ with Backer, his grandfather, at the Chicken Coop when he was 19. A. apprentice B. apprenticing C. apprenticeship D. apprenticeships 14. As usual, Mr. Jone's current ____ of dancers is diverse, attractive, strong and supple. A. staff B. crew C. band D. group 15. In UK, if you're practising in someone else's car, you need to make sure their insurance policy covers you as a ____. A. learner driver B. learn driver C. learning driver D. learned driver 16. Only 6 percent of American high school students ____ in a vocational course of study, according to a recent Department of Education report. A. is enrolled B. are enrolled C. was enrolled D. were enrolled 17. The more professionally you practise at the workplace, ____ to create a positive reputation for yourself. A. the better will be your chances B. the better your chances will be










C. will the better your chances be D. your chances will be the better 18. She ____ at the same company, in increasingly senior roles, for the past 18 years - almost all her working life. A. has worked B. is working C. has been working D. works 19. In the UK, after finishing secondary education, students ____ the choice to go onto further education or go into the working world. A. have B. take C. make D. select 20. When he was a student, he ____ part-time as a bartender in a night club. A. worked B. was working C. has worked D. had worked 21. If his family had not been so poor that he did several part-time jobs when he was at university, ____ now. A. he would not be so experienced B. he will not be so experienced. C. he would not have been so experienced. D. he would be so experienced. 22. The company I ____ is owed by much a larger company, which helps me learn a lot about a big organization. A. work for B. work at C. work in D. work on 23. Two students are talking with each other about the job interview: A: “I didn't think the interview went well.” – B: “____” A. But you got the offer, finally B. Don't worry. You always did well in school. C. Oh, come on. You'll make it. D. What types of questions do you think they will ask? 24. Two students are talking about their friend Tim: A: “Tim has a very easy job. He's paid a lot of money to do little.” – B: “____” A. It's a game of luck. B. It's an incredible piece of luck. C. Wish him good luck. D. He crossed his figures for luck. 25. Two colleagues are talking with each other: A: Your day was just like mine. B: “____” A. So was I. B. It sure is. C. Of course it was. We work together! D. We have to work for 30 years! V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Teenagers may have a few ideas about what jobs they want to do when they leave school. If so, it's important they learn more about them so they can make informed career decisions. A. knowledgeable B. ignorant C. updated D. understandable 2. One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get a feel for what a job is all about. A. to have an understanding about B. to touch with one's own hands C. to have the faintest idea about D. to do something on purpose 3. Most young people, independent as they seem, do not feel ready to make big decisions. They may feel immense pressure trying to decide what to do when they leave school. A. strong B. great C. little D. tiny 4. At the start of the course you will get a course overview explaining exactly what is expected of you. A. a general review B. all the details C. a short description D. a brief summary 5. The secret to remaining in the workforce is to be multi-skilled and to be able to transfer skills from one area of your life and work to another. Continue to learn new skills and keep your employer notified. A. officially tell someone B. formally inform someone C. make unknown to D. miscommunicate with










VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. He received a letter saying that his application has been rejected. A. The letter he received said that his application had been rejected. B. His application has been rejected by the letter he received. C. It is said in the letter he received that his application has been rejected. D. That his application has been rejected is why he received with the letter. 2. "Your application must be submitted before the end of the month," said the secretary to applicants. A. The secretary told the applicants not to submit their application before the end of the month. B. The secretary said that the application had to be submitted before the end of the month. C. The secretary asked that the applicants submit their application before the end of the month. D. The secretary reminded the applicants to submit their applications before the end of the month. 3. "Have your seat, please," said the interviewer to him. A. The interviewer invited him to sit down. B. The interviewer offers him a post. C. The interviewer asked him where his seat was. D. The interviewer left him a seat. 4. “Never leave any gap unfilled in your application form," the student consultant said. A. The student consultant said he never left any gap unfilled in his application form. B. The student consultant advised the students not to leave any gap unfilled in their application form. C. The student consultant told the students to leave any gap unfilled in their application form. D. The student consultant helped the students leave gap unfilled in their application form. 5. “You should learn about the company before you come for the interview,” said the teacher to class. A. The teacher suggested that the students learn about the company before coming for the interview. B. The teacher asked the students to learn about the company before coming for the interview. C. The teacher requested that the students learn about the company before coming for the interview. D. The teacher warned the students to learn about the company before coming for the interview. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. It's a big company. It employs two hundred people. A. It's a too big company for two-hundred people employed. B. The company is too big to employ two hundred people. C. Two hundred people are employed by the company. D. The company is big enough to employ two hundred people. 2. Sam has a new job title and he gets a higher salary now. This means, she has been promoted. A. Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now, which means she has been promoted. B. Sam has been promoted because she has a new job title to get a higher salary now. C. Getting a higher salary after having a new job title had made Sam promoted. D. Having been promoted, Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now. 3. Ann can't use her office this week. The painters are working there. A. Ann is not working at her office because the painters are working there. B. Ann can't use her office this week because her office is being painted. C. The painters who are working at Ann's office ask her out during the week. D. The painters are using Ann's office this week as they are working there. 4. The company will read your CV and application letter. If it is interested in hiring you, you will be invited to an interview. A. If the company, after having read your CV and application letter, is interested in hiring you, you will be invited to an interview. B. If the company is interested in hiring you, your CV and application letter will be read and then you will be invited to an interview.










C. If the company invites you to an interview, it is interested in hiring you and reading you CV and application letter. D. If the company reads your CV and application letter, it means it is interested in hiring you and inviting you to an interview. 5. We have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world. People in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. A. Having mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world, people in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. B. We have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world as people in the workplace adapt to changes on a daily basis. C. That we have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world makes people in the workplace adapt to changes on a daily basis. D. After mostly moving from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world, people in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Dear Sir or Madam, I am sending you this letter of (1) ____, together with my CV, in view of the possibility of obtaining a job inside your company. (2) ____ very well aware of the fact that you will choose the best, I would be honoured (3) ____ myself among them in order to occupy an intermediary position between your company and your clients. Considering that my experience and my education are appropriate (4) ____ the job you could be offering and for the competence of your company, I decided to (5) ____ my CV to your attention. I have a very high interest in becoming a competent person in a (6) ____ company (7) ____ experience, motivation and ambition will be proven to be the strongest points for the best interest of the company and for my future experience. You will find details (8) ____ my education, my (9) ____ experience and my skills in the attached CV. I would be very glad with the opportunity of an interview, (10) ____ you consider it necessary and useful, in order to analyze the possibility of me being a part of the team. For any explanations that will be necessary please do not hesitate to contact me at the following number: 0723.456.789 Yours faithfully, George Airinei! 1. A. apply B. applicability C. applicant D. application 2. A. Be B. To be C. Being D. having been 3. A. to find B. find C. finding D. found 4. A. with B. for C. to D. in 5. A. submit B. address C. attract D. draw 6. A. good-organizing B. well-organizing C. good-organizes D. well-organized 7. A. that B. which C. where D. what 8. A. concern B. concerns C. concerning D. concerned 9. A profession B. professor C. professing D. professional 10. A. will B. would C. could D. should IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Social media can be a way of keeping in touch with people you already know, and can sometimes be used to expand your network. Some people limit who they will connect with using these sites. There are a










growing number of professional networking sites that will help you to expand your network. Following are some sites that can help expand your network: Facebook - is a social networking site that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. One third of employers check the Facebook page of potential candidates. Many people use Facebook for private use only, but employers also look at Facebook to get a broader understanding of the people they are considering hiring. LinkedIn - strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts. LinkedIn is a professional networking tool that helps you develop inside connections to a company or sector and is primarily used for professional jobs. On LinkedIn you create a professional profile, similar to a resume that includes employment history, education, and keywords and skills. You can invite people to join your network on LinkedIn or ask a mutual contact to introduce you to someone in your field. You can sign up for sector specific groups and add to the discussion to build your professional profile and develop a broader network. A Working Centre Employment Counsellor can help you to build your profile if you are having difficulty completing this task. Additionally, you can tie your work on the internet into your professional profile. Create a website or blog where you discuss issues related to your profession. Tweet links to articles and events that others in your sector may find useful. You can integrate your blogging and tweeting with your LinkedIn profile to create a more prominent, professional online profile. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Mass media is a helpful tool for people to expand their social network. B. Facebook keeps people staying connected with friends and colleagues. C. LinkedIn helps people develop and expand their professional connections. D. Blogging and tweeting help generate a prominent, professional online profile. 2. The word "potential" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ____. A. likely B. prospective C. probable D. unexplored 3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Facebook users can be able to find good jobs thanks to a broad circle of contacts. B. LinkedIn users are of more professional contacts, helping them develop their profession. C Websites or blogs are the most convenient channels for internet users to stay connected. D. Internet users should never place their personal information onto social networks. 4. Which of the following statements would be most likely to occur according to the passage? A. One internet user can join and use more than one social network. B. Internet users are very susceptible to the risk of unemployment. C. Online professional profiles draw more attention from employers. D. Companies can find their potential customers from social networks. 5. The word "integrate” in the last paragraph mostly means ____. A. join B. combine C. merge D. unite X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. There is a natural balance to all things: life and death, good and bad, happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain. The very idea that you should focus on positives and ignore negatives, likewise with strengths versus weaknesses, is not only delusional; it's a recipe for disaster. Let me tell you a couple of stories to show how dealing with reality as openly and genuinely as possible is the path to success and happiness, while focusing only on the positives and strengths can destroy your career and your company. It's no secret that Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1984 because his management style had become toxic to the company. Much later, Jobs would come to realize that getting fired from the company he cofounded "was the best thing that could have ever happened” to him. He called it “awful-tasting medicine" that "the patient needed." He also likened it to life hitting him in the head with a brick.










That forced Jobs to look in the mirror and see the truth - that he wasn't as capable or as strong a leader as he could be. And as he addressed the issues that stood in his way, the result was the founding of NeXT and Pixar, his eventual return to Apple, and the greatest turnaround in corporate history that built the most valuable company on Earth. It's easy to miss the obvious connection staring us right in the face, that it wasn’t just Apple that had hit a wall, fallen on hard times, and found itself in need of a turnaround. The same was true of Jobs. And there was an undeniable connection between the two. It's also easy to miss the insightfulness of Jobs' realization that none of his later achievements would have occurred if he hadn't faced reality. That sort of introspection only comes from someone who's had some sort of intervention and gone through gut-wrenching change as a result. Not to compare myself with Jobs, but the truth is I've gotten a couple of those bricks to the head myself. I've been fired more than once and lost my wife early in our marriage. But in every case I looked in the mirror, faced what I saw, made some changes, and bounced back stronger than ever. If I'd just tried to stay positive, focused on my strengths, and searched for the silver lining in the clouds, I never would have figured out what was wrong and become a better person, a better husband, and a better leader. I never would have achieved so much in my career or won my wife back. While life is full of ups and downs, one thing is certain: If you attempt to filter your consciousness and disallow negative thoughts or make believe the weaknesses holding you back don't exist, you'll never get past those hurdles and get to the next stage in your personal and professional development. And neither will your business. 1. What could be the best title for the passage? A. Being Successful: Ignore the negatives. B. To Be Successful? Quit Being So Positive. C. Being Successful: Facing with Disasters. D. To Be Successful? Stop Being So Negative. 2. The writer uses the phrase “a recipe for disaster” in paragraph 1 to stress that ____. A. focusing on positives can make the worse become the worst B. ignoring negatives can be the key to dealing with any problem C. focusing on positives and ignoring negatives destroy the reality D. ignoring negatives goes against the natural balance to all things 3. The word “likened” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____. A. link B. associate C. compare D. relate 4. The writer uses the phrase "the two" in paragraph 5 to refer to ____. A. strengths and weaknesses B. life and death C. hard times and turnabouts D. happiness and sadness 5. The writer uses the "bricks" (as Steve Job did) in paragraph 6 to describe ____. A. weaknesses he had at the times of being fired B. hardships he faced with during his professional life C. changes he led in order to make turnabouts D. interventions he made in his own introspection 6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Steve Job according to the passage? A. He got fired from Apple because of his poor management style. B. He founded NeXT and Pixar to be able to return to Apple. C. He made Apple the most valuable company in the world. D. He considered being fired from Apple the best lesson learnt. 7. What is true about the story teller when facing failures according to the passage? A. He tried to stay positive to bounce back stronger. B. He focused on his strengths as the motivation for turnabouts. C. He looked into the way Steve Job did to find his own solution. D. He examined the situation, making necessary changes to better.



8. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A. Only when you admit the negative as part of your life, you can proceed. B. Positives and negatives can never go along with each other in reality. C. It's our weaknesses that save us in hardships and calamities. D. To earn happiness, one has to experience the feeling of sadness. 9. The phrase "filter your consciousness" in the last paragraph mostly means ____. A. release negative feelings from one's heart B. clear one's mind from worries C. push negative thoughts out of one's mind D. stay away from possible dangers 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. informative B. preventive C. persuasive D. argumentative Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best



fits each of the numbered blanks.

It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however (106) ____ you are. One


thing you have to be (107) ____of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (108) ____ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don't let the negative criticism of others (109) ____ you from reaching your target, and let constructive criticism have positive (110) ____ on your work. If


someone says you're totally (111) ____ in talent, ignore them. That's negative criticism. If, however, someone (112) ____ you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (113) ____ their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars who were once out of (114) ____. There are


many famous novelists who made a complete (115) ____ of their first novel - or who didn't, but had to (116) ____ approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a certain extent. But things are more likely to (117) ____ well if you persevere and

B. invested

C. mixed

D. workable

107. A. alert

B. clever

C. intelligent

D. aware

B. brain

C. thought

D. idea

B. remove

C. avoid

D. prevent

110. A. outcome

B. result

C. effect

D. consequence

111. A. lacking

B. short

C. missing

D. absent

112. A. suggests

B. advises

C. proposes

D. explains

113. A. think

B. consider

C. look round

D. take

114. A. career

B. business

C. job

D. work

115. A. mess

B. rubbish

C. trash

D. garbage

116. A. put off

B. bank on

C. keep on

D. drop in on

117. A. turn out

B. come into

C. deal with

D. sail through


106. A. talented


stay positive.


109. A. cease

108. A. mind











LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Unstressed words: No stress on most function words: articles, prepositions, subject pronouns ... There is a job advertisement column in this newspaper. (The underlined words are not stressed.) Grammar - Phrasal verbs (consisting of a verb, an adverb and a preposition) Some students have to drop out of school and go to work. Looking back on it, I think I had a really happy childhood. - Adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner and results If you want to study abroad, you should think about saving money from now. She spoke with such a heavy accent that we could hardly understand her. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to leaving school and choosing a career: ambition, career adviser, drop out of, get to grips with,..








I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. teacher B. experience C. cashier D. interview 2. A. astronaut B. salary C. manager D. librarian 3. A. chef B. machine C. mechanics D. brochure 4. A. scientist B. artist C. fireman D. pilot 5. A. hired B. employed C. worked D. offered II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. boring B. workforce C. downside D. mature 2. A. rewarding B. demonstrate C. malfunction D. apprentice 3. A. fascinating B. professional C. security D. traditional 4. A. university B. opportunity C. information D. adventurous 5. A. unemployment B. efficiency C. capacity D. vocational III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Find out what you like doing the best, and get someone to pay you for doing it. A B C D 2. If students are going to an open day they should familiarize themselves with a range courses in that institution A B C D 3. While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers, most A B C of us do not. D 4. A career is a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your skills, knowledges and experiences. A B C D 5. Apart for college open days, many other types of career events are organized internally within schools and A B C D










colleges. IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will ____ in life. A. do B. make C. take D. solve 2. Career ____ is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development. A. plan B. plans C. planning D. planned 3. Once you ____ about where you are at now and where you want to be, you can work on getting to know your skills, interests and values. A. think B. are thinking C. are thought D. have thought 4. Those who are engaged ____ an occupation can provide you ____ a truthful account ____what it's really like to work ____ it. A. in/ with/ of/ in B. in/ in/ of/ with C. with/ in/ of/ in D. of/ with/ in/ in 5. Your personality type, interests, values and aptitude make you ____ for some occupations than others. A. well suited B. better suited C. more well suited D. best suited 6. You should consider ____ before you begin to prepare for it. A. whether does a career have a promising future B. whether or not a career has a promising future C. whether if a career has a promising future D. whether a career has a promising future 7. The two students are talking with each other: A: "I'm not sure whether to accept the offer." – B: “____” A. Why don't you take it off, then? B. You can look it up. C. I think you should turn it down. D. Yes, why don't you try it on? 8. Hellen started a course at college, but she ____ after a few weeks. A. dropped out B. went out C. turned out D. fell out 9. The club committee is ____ of the president, the secretary and seven other members. A. set up B. made up C. set out D. made out 10. "Why did you decide not to apply for the job? What ?" A. put you out B. put you off C. turned you off D. turned you away 11. All the applicants have to ____ the application form and sign it. A. fill in B. fill up C. fill to D. fill with 12. Steve was very happy in his job until he fell ____ with his boss. After that, it was difficult for them to work together. A. out B. down C. away D. over 13. A computer science degree can be used in ____ number of careers because of the variety of skills that graduates learn. A. а B. an C. the D. no article 14. Your network is like gold ____ it comes to your job search. A. when B. while C. as D. since 15. It's important to move ____ any shame or anxiety you're feeling about losing your job. A. to B. in C. past D. away 16. There was a nice atmosphere in the office ____. Everyone gets on with everyone else. A. where I work B. which I work C. I work D. when I work 17. If he had done better at the interview, ____. A. he might have got the job B. he may get the job C. he will get the job D. he would get the job 18. A: "What shall we do tomorrow?" B: "Well, if ____ a nice day, we can go to the beach."










A. it was B. it will be C. it's D. it would be 19. "I need a new job because ____ the same job for too long." A. I'm doing B. I do C. I did D. I have been doing 20. Unemployment is growing. It's getting ____ to find a job. A. as difficult as B. so difficult as C. more and more difficult D. most difficult 21. "I'm working as fast as I can. I can't work ____ faster." A. any B. anymore C. any longer D. no longer 22. The higher a person's income, ____ tax he/she has to pay. A. the much B. the more C. the most D. the 23. Applications for the job must be received ____ 15th April. A not later than B. no later than C. as late D. late as 24. A: "Sometimes I wish I was back in school." – B: “____” A. Me, too. School was fun. B. I thought school was hard. C. Me, too. I couldn't wait to graduate. D. Life is hard. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. It is an ideal opportunity to make yourself memorable with employers for the right reasons by asking sensible questions. A. theoretical B. silly C. practical D. burning 2. Apprenticeships are one type of workplace training. You can do workplace training in a range of hands-on industries. A. doing by hand B. doing by oneself C. doing what others say D. doing manual work 3. Whether you recently lost your job or are ready to jump ship from your current one, the chances of your getting a new position through the want ads is next to nil. A. leave an organization for another B. change from a form to another C. convert from one system to another D. turn from this state to another 4. Finding a suitable graduate job can be a long process, so discover how to ensure your effort is rewarded and it leads to that all-important offer. A. bring about positive result B. offer high quality C. offer economic prospect D. grasp lucky chance 5. It can be easy for a part-time working student to fall into the trap of working all the hours he can, often to the detriment of his degree, because he gets so used to raking in the green. A. earning a fortune overnight B. earning enough for living C. earning money in an easy way D. earn too much money VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Before committing yourself to a position, have a talk with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week. A. After having a talk with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week, commit yourself to a position. B. Having talked with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week, you should commit yourself to a position. C. You should not commit yourself to a position before talking to your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week. D. No sooner have you talked to your potential employer about how many hours per week you can do than you commit to a position.










2. The company sent me a brochure containing all the information I needed. A. All the information I needed was sent to me in form of a brochure by the company. B. All the information I needed was contained in a brochure sent to me by the company. C. The company sent me all the information I needed with a brochure. D. A brochure containing all the information I needed was sent to me by the company. 3. Having lost his job recently, James is now unemployed. A. After losing his job, James has been an unemployed. B. As he has lost his job recently, James is now unemployed. C. James has lost his job recently to be now unemployed. D. James was an unemployed after he had lost his job. 4. Students who earn their own money tend to spend it wisely. A. Earning their own money encourages students to spend it wisely. B. As they earn their money by themselves, students tend to spend it wisely. C. Earning their own money tends to make students spend it wisely. D. Students earning their own money tend to spend it wisely. 5. Many students feel that a part-time job will be to the detriment of their studies. A. It is felt by many students that a part-time job will be to the detriment of their studies. B. Many students will think of their part-time jobs as the detriment to their studies. C. A part-time job will be thought of as the detriment to many students' studies. D. Many students feel that it is a part-time job that will be detrimental to their studies. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Never lie in a job interview. It's too easy to get caught out. A. Don't ever lie in a job interview as it's too easy to get caught out. B. It's never too easy to get caught out for lying in a job interview. C. If you lie in a job interview, you'll never get caught out easily. D. Never lying in a job interview is too easy to get caught out. 2."Good luck in your new job. It will work out well for you," said his mother. A. His mother wished him good luck and said his new job would work out well for him. B. His mother wanted him to get good luck in his new job as it would work out well for him. C. His mother wondered whether he got luck in his job or it would work out well for him. D. His mother ascertained that his new job would work out well for him and bring him luck. 3. "I definitely didn't want to work. Yet, I needed to," said the student. A. The student said that he definitely didn't want to work, but he needed to. B. The student said that he definitely hadn't wanted to work, but he had needed to. C. The student said that he definitely didn't want to work, but he had needed to. D. The student said that he definitely hadn't have wanted to work, but he needed to. 4. Working part-time helps students learn how to budget their money. It also helps them improve their time management skills. A. Students should work part-time to learn how to budget their money and improve their time management skills. B. Learning how to budget their money and improving their time management skills help students work part-time. C. Working part-time helps students not only learn how to budget their money but also improve their time management skills. D. Besides learning how to budget their money, students improve their time management skills after working part-time. 5. Working part-time is a good way for a student to grow mentally. Working part-time makes the student step out of his comfort zone.










A. Working part-time is a good way for a student to grow mentally as it makes him step out of his comfort zone. B. Stepping out of his comfort zone is a good way for a student working part-time to grow mentally. C. Working part-time makes a student step out of his comfort zone as it is a good way to grow his mentality. D. A student should work part-time as it is a good way for him to grow mentally while stepping out of his comfort zone. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. To really figure out what a CV is, we first have to talk about what CV means. The letters CV stand (1) ____ curriculum vitae which is Latin for "course of life." When used in a job (2) ____ context, a CV (also sometimes (3) ____ to as just a vita) is a detailed accounting of not only a person's past history of education, experiences and (4) ____ but also related accomplishments and is generally used when an individual is looking for a job. (5) ____, a CV is a thorough and comprehensive document, detailing not only your education and work history, but also your achievements, awards, any honors you've been (6) ____ and any and all of your publications. A resume, on the other hand, is not so long. Ideally a good solid resume is about one page in (7) ____ and can be submitted for almost any type of job (8) ____ the market. When you type up a resume, you're usually just covering your work and educational history. You might include certain professional affiliations and possibly highlight (9) ____ major awards that relate to the job you're applying (10) ___, but it's usually a concise document. Short and sweet. 1. A. for B. by C. up D. out 2. A. seek B. seeks C. seeking D. sought 3. A. be referred B. is referred C. being referred D. referred 4. A. qualifies B. qualities C. qualifications D. qualitative 5. A. In other words B. In a word C. By word of mouth D. to put it into words 6. A. to confer B. confer C. conferring D. conferred 7. A. long B. length C. lengthy D. lengthen 8. A. in B. on C. at D. of 9. A. specify B. specifically C. specific D. specifying 10. A. for B. to C. at D. into IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Vocational training in the UK is intended to give people the skills and knowledge they need to perform a particular job, and involves practical instruction as well as theory. Most vocational training takes place not in universities but in colleges of further education and in colleges specializing in art, accountancy, etc. some secondary schools now also offer an introduction to vocational training. NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) are qualifications that can be obtained by people already working in a particular industry. Colleges of further education run courses to provide a theoretical background. NVQs are awarded on the basis of practical work, spoken and written test, and coursework. There are five levels, from Foundation to Management. Since 1992 many students in schools and colleges have been working for GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications), as an alternative to GCSEs and A levels. GNVQs cover similar areas to NVQs and are intended as introductions to a particular field of work and the skills required. Students can choose from over 500 subjects. At the lowest of its three levels. Foundation, a GNVQ is equivalent to a GCSE and from 2002 they are being replaced by new vocational GCSEs. In the US there are no national qualifications like NVQs, though some professional organizations decide on their own qualifications and some of these have become widely accepted. Much vocational training is done by private institutions which are sometimes called proprietary schools. Although many of these are good, in










general they have a bad reputation. This is partly because there are no controls over who can operate such a school. Some proprietary schools try to get as many students as possible, including some who will probably not be able to complete their training. Most US secondary schools programs do not provide a choice between an academic and a practical track (a program of study), but most do give students an opportunity to take some practical or vocational classes. Large school districts may have magnet schools, schools that attract students with certain interests, and some of these may have a large choice of vocational courses. 1. The passage provides readers with ____. A. how students in the US earn qualifications to work B. the information about vocational training in the United States C. how vocational training is carried out in the United Kingdom D. the information about vocational training in the UK and the US 2. What is true about vocational training according to the passage? A. Vocational training is not applicable for those who are having a job. B. Vocational training focuses only on the practical side of a particular job. C. Vocational training is an integral part of the secondary education program. D. Vocational training is conducted mostly in colleges rather than at universities. 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Students taking vocational courses in the UK are awarded with official certificates. B. Students in the UK can take a GNVQ in replacement of a GCSE or A levels. C. Vocational training have not been conducted as official state training program. D. US Students have no choice in taking vocational courses at state-owned schools. 4. The word "its" in paragraph 2 refers to ____. A. of NVQS B. of GNVQs C. of GCSE D. of A levels 5. It can be inferred from the reading about the vocational training in the US that ____. A. students can take vocational training regardless of their academic records B. vocational schools are not any popular among students for the high course fee C. secondary schools programs have nothing to do with vocational training D. only at magnet schools do students develop interests in a vocational class X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A _ The name of this benefit says it all. By doing an apprenticeship, you get to earn a wage whilst gaining a qualification - the best of both worlds, if you like. It's worth noting that most apprenticeships tend to start on the National Minimum wage for an apprenticeship - which currently stands at £3.40 an hour - but there are plenty of opportunities for you to increase your wage by working hard and building up your skills, be it that you find a job elsewhere afterwards, or are kept on and trained even further by the company you completed your apprenticeship with. B _ By going to both work and college, you'll get double the amount of support than you would get just going to one or the other. The support from both your tutor and your colleagues will have you gain plenty of knowledge, putting in you in a positive position for the future. C _ Apprenticeships are hard work when compared to school or college alone, but they're the ideal way to prepare yourself for the world of work, as well as putting you in the right place to build a successful career in your chosen field. D _ As well as gaining a year or more worth of valuable work experience, you will also get a qualification at the end of it all. This qualification can open up several different career pathways - regardless of the apprenticeship you have chosen - and will always, always look great on your CV. E _ Depending on where you live, there are all manner of apprenticeship courses for you to take part in - you're bound to find a subject that you will be keen to build a career in.










F _ You'll find learn-on-the-job apprenticeships for Plumbing, Hairdressing, Customer Service, and Health and Social Care, which are pretty commonplace, but some places may offer more obscure apprenticeships, such as Horticulture, Optical, and even Sea Fishing! G _ There is one benefit that often lures people in! Unlike a university degree, there are no loans needed to undertake an apprenticeship. Seeing as you'll be earning money while you learn, there'll be absolutely nothing to pay back over the next 20 years. H _ A lesser-known fact is apprentices can benefit from student discounts too! Seeing as you're still a student at college, it only makes sense that you should receive the same benefits that other college students do. The NUS Apprentice extra card - which can be purchased for a one-time cost of £11 - offers you discounts and special rates on everything from fashion websites, to days out, to doing the weekly shop. I _ Just like any other job, apprenticeships offer paid holiday. It may vary by employer and job title, but the general rule is that you will be entitled to at least one and a half days' paid holiday for every month of work. So, if your apprenticeship lasts 12 months, you'll have 18 days of the year to yourself - as well as bank holidays. 1. Which of the followings can be the heading of paragraph A? A. Get qualified B. Earn and learn C. Build a career D. Paid holiday 2. The phrase "be it that" in paragraph A is used in replacement of ____. A. if B. either C. unless D. whether 3. Which of the following statements is true about the passage? A. The passage provides all necessary information about doing apprenticeships. B. The passage explains how students can derive benefits from apprenticeships. C. The passage clarifies the positive as well as the negative side of apprenticeships. D. The passage gives evidence of how students can benefit from apprenticeships. 4. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. A qualification in apprenticeship can help students broaden their career pathways. B. Students doing apprenticeships earn enough to support their life while learning. C. Students doing a university degree have no chance to earn money for their study. D. A degree for university study ensures that students take better job opportunities. 5. The phrase "all manner of" in paragraph E can be best replaced with ____. A. a variety of B. all types of C. all levels of D. a series of 6. The word "lures" in paragraph G is closest in meaning to ____. A. enables B. forces C. attracts D. obliges 7. "Big choice of subjects” can be the best heading for which of the following paragraphs? A. Paragraph B B. Paragraph D C. Paragraph E D. Paragraph F 8. The phrase "be entitled to" in paragraph I is closest in meaning to ____. A. to be allowed B. to be offered C. to be enabled D. to be done 9. This passage is most likely to be taken from ____. A. a magazine B. an advertisement C. a brochure D. a textbook 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. informative B. descriptive C. persuasive D. predictive




LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Intonation of questions: I hear the Health Centre is expanding. So, is that the new doctor? What invention doesn't get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world? Grammar - Conditionals Type 3 He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the right tools. - Mixed conditionals of Type 2 and Type 3 If you had spent all your money, you wouldn't have enough to buy your air ticket now. He would have a better job now if he hadn't dropped out of the university. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to lifelong learning: e-learning, employable, pursuit, self-motivated, ..





I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. ultimate B. study C. pursuit D. funny 2. A. adequate B. private C. facilitate D. candidate 3. A. interaction B. initiative C. hospitality D. interaction 4. A. overwhelming B. compassionate C. collection D. opportunity 5. A. voluntarily B. prioritize C. potential D. hospitality II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. probation B. adequate C. talented D. specialize 2. A. website B. worship C. unique D. lifelong 3. A. directed B. motivate C. confident D. paperwork 4. A. interaction B. flexibility C. facilitate D. hospitality 5. A. certificate B. knowledgeable C. prosperity D. development




III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The key competencies to promote lifelong learning don't focus on knowledge acquisition and test score A B results, but in developing skills for longer term learning. C D 2. The development of technology and access to internet has brought huge opportunities to our children and A B C young people but has also brought threats. D 3. A sense of initiative and entrepreneurship will assist students with becoming creative, proactive and wellA B C D organized young people. 4. A recent report in Neurology noted that while cognitive activity can't change the biology of Alzheimer's, A B










learning activities can help delay symptoms, preserve people's quality of life. C D 5. Every person, at every stage of their life should have lifelong learning opportunities to acquire the knowledge A B C and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations and contribute for their societies. D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The entire education system ____ to facilitate lifelong and 'lifewide' learning. A. designed B. designed C. is designed D. is designing 2. A skilled population is the key ____ a country's sustainable development and stability. A. for B. to C. by D. in 3. Two ground-breaking reports on lifelong learning by UNESCO ____ in 1972 and 1996 articulated fundamental principles of lifelong learning. A. to publish B. publishing C. published D. having published 4. Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us ____ more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life. A. for B. of C. with D. by 5. Lifelong learning involves the use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster the ____ development. A. continuing B. continuous C. continual D. continued 6. "Anyone who stops learning is old, ____. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." _ Henry Ford A. either at twenty or eighty B. neither at twenty or eighty C. neither at twenty nor eighty D. whether at twenty or eighty 7. "The more I live, the more I learn. ____.” _ Michel Legrand A. The more I learn, the more I realize that the less I know B. The more I learn, the more I realize that I know the less C. The more I learn, the more I realize to know the less D. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know 8. "Curiosity is one of permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect." _ Samuel Johnson A. a B. the C. its D. those 9. “Education is the process ____ we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced." _William Glasser A. which B. in which C. that D. by which 10. Rohit Sharma is digital marketing consultant and ____ on digital media and marketing projects with several major brands. A. works B. is working C. has worked D. worked 11. “Educating yourself does not mean that you were stupid in the first place; it means that you are intelligent enough to know that there ____ plenty lent to." _ Melanie Joy A. is B. are C. will be D. would be 12. “If I ____ and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes." _ Albert Einstein A. have an hour to solve a problem B. had an hour solving a problem C. had had an hour to solve a problem D. had an hour to solve a problem 13. If he had not spent his youth not learning anything, he ____ himself for his lack of knowledge now. A. will not blame B. would not blame C. would not have blamed D. would blame 14. If he ____ this homework to do, he would have gone out with his friends.










A. had not B. didn't have C. had had D. hadn't had 15. Uneducated people, the kind ____ lack information about life, themselves, and the world, make poor choices in their life that take away from themselves and society. A. who B. that C. Ø D. whom 16. If you feel ____ you are easily swayed in life, then education is your answer to become stronger. A. as B. like C. for D. with 17. "I strongly suggest ____ yourself on the things that interest you most in all areas of your life." A. educate B. to educate C. educating D. to be educated 18. I have so much to do that I can't stay on schedule to complete my work. A. carry on with B. put up with C. keep up with D. come up with 19. She finally finished the backlog of emails that had accumulated over the vacation period. A. put up with B. go on with C. carried on with D. got through with 20. Even though English is a hard language to master, you must keep trying! A. stand up to it B. face up to it C. stick to it D. talk back to it 21. The Professor ____ his ideas clearly in the lecture. A. ran across B. put across C. cut across D. came across 22. Were my grandfather alive, he ____ learning something new. He was really a studious. A. will be B. would be C. would have been D. will have been 23. Two students are talking with each other. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: A: "I'm going to take a course in first aid skills." – B: “____” A. Welcome you! B. You did it? C. Can I join you? D. Sure it is. 24. Two teenagers are talking with each other. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: A: "Have you decided on your future job yet?" – B: “____” A. I'm thinking about being a teacher. B. I'm doing well at school now. C. I'm trying my best to fulfil my ambition. D. Definitely good for you. 25. A student is talking with his professor about his missing the midterm. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: Student: "What can I do to make up for the missing midterm test, professor?" – Professor: “____” A. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure to do this. B. Thank you very much for accepting the invitation. C. You are supposed to write a chapter review. D. I agree to some extent with this statement. V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Trying a variety of ways to learn will help you to find the way that sticks. A. being most reliable B. being the most suitable C. being a favorite D. being a secrete 2. Teachers are in the business of molding our youth into the citizens that will eventually run this country. A. fitting closely to the shape of B. influencing the way one develops C. changing the appearance of someone D. transforming the state of spirituality 3. Roosevelt was what we might call a "lifetime learner." Learning became, for him, a mode of personal enjoyment and a path to professional success. It's a habit many of us would like to emulate. A. to do in the same manner B. to look up to C. to follow someone's directions D. to come up with 4. There are two main reasons for learning throughout life: for personal development and for professional development. These reasons may not necessarily be distinct as personal development can improve your employment opportunities and professional development can enable personal growth. A. contrasting B. separate C. different D. various










5. Effective learning requires that you acquire information through reading, listening, observing, practising, experimenting and experience. Information is all around you: the trick is to acquire relevant and meaningful information and develop this into knowledge and skills. A. a habit of doing something B. the most intelligent way of doing something C. the best solution to a problem D. a practice of making a joke to study funnily VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. The security guard looked at me suspiciously and said: "Open your bag". A. The security guard suspected me and opened my bag. B. Opening my bag, the security guard looked at me suspiciously. C. Looking suspiciously at me, the security guard asked me to open my bag. D. Because the security guard looked at me suspiciously, I opened my bag. 2. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. A. Dr. Mercer would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he were not going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. B. Dr. Mercer would accept the research grant at Harvard if he were not going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. C. Dr. Mercer would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he had not been going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. D. Dr. Mercer would accept the research grant at Harvard if he had not been going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. 3. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal groups. A. Professor Schmitz would not talk so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. B. Professor Schmitz would not have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. C. Professor Schmitz wouldn't have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. D. Professor Schmitz would have not talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she had not been an expert on African tribal groups. 4. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow because she is not giving a speech. A. She will be worried about the conference tomorrow if she is giving a speech. B. She will not be worried about the conference tomorrow if she was giving a speech. C. She would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she is giving a speech. D. She would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she were giving a speech. 5. Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg snowboarding last week. A. Frank would go to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week. B. Frank would be going to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week. C. Frank would not be going to the graduation ceremony if he had broken his leg snowboarding last week. D. Frank would have been going to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be. This quote should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.










A. That the whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. B. It's the whole point of education that gives students the knowledge to be who they want to be, which is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. C. Because whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, this is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. D. Not only is the whole point of education to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, but also a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. 2. A teaching career is something that never ends. Teachers themselves continually learn and grow each day. A. If teachers continually learn and grow each day, their teaching career will never end. B. A teaching career never ends because teachers themselves continually learn and grow each day. C. A teaching career would never end if teachers themselves do not continually learn and grow each day. D. That teachers themselves continually learn and grow themselves makes their teaching never end. 3. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy. If I were you, I might do the same. A. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy; however, if I were you, I might do the same. B. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy that if I were you, might do the same. C. If I were you, I might do such a crazy thing that I myself can't believe that you would do. D. If I were you, I couldn't believe you would do something so crazy, but I might do the same. 4. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students. The request is to leave cell phones at home. A. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students that they leave cell phones at home. B. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students to make sure that they leave cell phones at home. C. The principle made all the school's students at a request of leaving their cell phones at home. D. There has been a request made by the principal that all the school's students leave their cell phones at home. 5. She teaches children with special needs. Many of them have severe learning difficulties. A. She teaches children with special needs and whoever have severe learning difficulties. B. She teaches children with special needs and severe learning difficulties. C. She teaches children of severe learning difficulties and with special needs. D. She teaches children with special needs, many of whom have severe learning difficulties. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A little while ago, the European Parliament recommended a list of 8 key competencies which they believe all (1) ____ institutions should provide their students with, to promote lifelong learning. These key competencies consist (2) ____ knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are central to the development of (3) ____ children, young people and eventually adults. Finland isn't the first country to recognize the value of ‘lifelong learning’ but Finland is the first country to base their teaching curriculum (4) ____ the eight key competencies. Instead of focusing on classic academic subjects, (5) ____. History or English, Finnish schools will now structure lessons around broader, crosscutting and interdisciplinary "topics". Speaking on why Finland decided to (6) ____ this shift towards lifelong learning. Pasi Sahlberg. Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Education Harvard University, said: “educators in Finland think, quite correctly, that schools should teach what young people need in their lives...(7) ____. Finnish youth need more than before are more (8) ____ knowledge and skills about real world issues”.










As Professor Sahlberg explains the key competencies don't focus on knowledge acquisition and test score results, (9) ____ on developing skills for longer term learning, with an (10) ____ on social and emotional development. 1. A. educate B. educating C. education D. educational 2. A. by B. of C. with D. in 3. A. good-rounding B. well-rounding C. good-rounded D. well-rounded 4. A. in B. for C. over D. round 5. A. like B. as C. either D. whether 6. A. cause B. push C. make D. pull 7. A. that B. it C. what D. which 8. A. integrate B. integrative C. integrating D. integrated 9. A. rather B. instead C. but D. than 10. A. emphasis B. attention C. investigation D. approach IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. As a teacher, every day is a new day, you never get bored. When you enter your classroom you have no idea what is going to happen. One minute you can have a parent yelling at you, and the next you can find out that your whole class passed their exam with flying colors. There is always something going on, from lesson plans to field trips, to planning holiday parties and holding teacher conferences. Teaching allows you to express yourself. You can be silly and do things that you would never do in front of other adults. Your classroom is your domain, a place where you are free to show off your personality and craft and create anything that you wish. Now how many jobs allow you to do that? A lot of graduate students like the idea of a teaching profession because most of the time teachers only work about 180 school days a year (notice I said “school days” because we all know we work a lot more than that). Teaching is a very stressful and demanding job, but it also allows for time off over the holidays. This “time” gives you a great opportunity to travel, have fun with friends, and spend time with your family. One of the best reasons to love your job is that it gives you the time off that you deserve. Unlike most careers, a teaching career has the opportunity to inspire students, not only academically but personally as well. If you think back to when you were a child, I'm sure you can recall at least one teacher that really stood out and made a difference in your life. Teaching is touching the lives of your students, making connections that will last a lifetime, and providing them with inspiration that will take them places in their lives. When you are passionate and compassionate for something that you love, it will shine through. When you love what you do, not only will you make a difference in your students' lives, but you will make a difference in your own as well. 1. The passage could best be written by ____. A. a teacher B. a student C. a professor D. a researcher 2. From the first paragraph, you can understand that ____. A. a teacher's life is full of ups and downs with a lot of pitfalls B. a teacher's life is like an exciting journey with a lot of events C. a teacher can never feel bored because he/she is not allowed to D. a teacher can enjoy a life of peace and relaxation all the time 3. The word "domain" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____. A. discipline B. stage C. home D. field 4. Which of the followings can serve as the best heading of paragraph 3? A. It keeps You on Your Toes. B. You Can Express Your Creative Side. C. You Get a Lot of Family Time. D. You are an Inspiration. 5. The phrase "stood out" in paragraph 4 describes the teacher who ____. A. performed best among your teachers B. provided you with greatest inspiration










C. worked most excellently at your school D. tried his/her best to do anything for you X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The old belief was that you had to go to school to get educated, but there are plenty of people who have educated themselves outside of school and become successful. They followed their passion, educated themselves as they went along, and found success despite not actually going to a school where you sit down, learn from a teacher, and take tests. I think that the first 12 years of education are critical. Primary and secondary education teaches you the basics, helps you get into a mindset of learning, exposes you to a variety of areas that you can pursue after school, and gives you some real world experience with socializing and working with other people. All of those things are important, but after that, you can't rely on a school to really educate you in life. You can go to college and learn about whatever field you want to go into. But, that school education isn't going to give you the knowledge you need to really be successful in your career and your life. For example, I have a friend who is an accountant. He hasn't finished all the courses in school that he needs to get his Bachelor's degree, but he has more knowledge and ability than anyone who has finished their courses in school that he works with. He reads up on what he needs to know as he works. He is passionate about what he does. He can figure stuff out that his fully-schooled peers can't. And he is a shining example of why going to school doesn't automatically mean you are more educated. The point is that you can educate yourself in the real world. Obviously, there are some programs that you have to take if you want to be accepted into a specific kind of job. Even though you can educate yourself outside of school, many professions still require you to finish an education and have a piece of paper proving it so that you can get hired. But, for many other things, you can educate yourself by doing things related to your career or passions. You can educate yourself online by taking courses, learning from experts, buying eBooks, and having discussions with like-minded people. You don't need a school to be educated in life. As Mark Twain said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." 1. It is stated in paragraph 1 that ____. A. It is not always necessary for a person to go to school to be educated B. Most of those who do not go to school are very successfully educated C. Education has nothing to do with a school teachers, classes and tests D. People will no longer go to school to be officially educated and succeed 2. Which of the following can serve as the title for the passage? A. Schooling Does not Mean Education B. Being Educated Doesn't require School C. Going to School Will Soon Be out of Date D. Being Educated Outweighs Being Schooled. 3. The word "critical" in paragraph 2 mostly means ____. A. having a decisive or crucial importance for B. taking on a considerable importance to C. assuming enormous significance for D. exerting a great influence on 4. With the phrase "that school education" in paragraph 3 the writer refers to ____. A. the education people receive from primary schools B. the education people receive from secondary schools C. the first 12 years of education people receive D. the education people do for a degree or the like 5. The phrasal verb “reads up on" in paragraph 4 mostly means ____. A. to read a lot about something B. to read something very carefully C. to read only what interests you D. to read closely from beginning to end 6. The word "automatically" in paragraph 4 can be best replaced with ____. A. normally B. necessarily C. definitely D. always 7. The example described in paragraph 3 refers to the fact that ____.










A. a person going to school is not always educated B. a person can educate himself in practical life C. courses at colleges are merely for the degree D. knowledge acquired at colleges can be read elsewhere 8. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. degree-holding person should still go on self-educating for a successful career. B. Many professions require that employees acquire official courses. C. Doing things in relevance to profession or interest is one way of educating yourself. D. Doing things in passion has nothing to do with taking official degree courses. 9. This passage is most likely to be taken from ____. A. a magazine for teachers B. a journal of education sciences C. a textbook for university students D. an article for the public 10. The tone passage is ____. A. descriptive B. affirmative C. negative D. creative






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Homophones (words having different spelling but the same pronunciation): piece – peace, higher – hire Grammar - Review: the past simple and the past continuous Einstein was one of the most intelligent people in the 20th century. What was he doing in his garden when you came? - Definite and indefinite articles The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial. A koala was first recorded to encounter a European in 1798. - Omission of articles Koalas are found only in Australia. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to people's life stories: achievement, successful ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. impact B. inspire C. decide D. prefer 2. A. stimulate B. amputate C. determined D. talented 3. A. considerate B. priority C. influential D. experience 4. A. campaign B. waiver C. gossips D. knowledge 5. A. interpret B. stimulate C. determine D. distinguish II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. diagnose (n) B. distinguish C. dedication D. figure 2. A. wavered B. talented C. respected D. awarded 3. A. diagnosed B. distinguished C. passed D. launched 4. A. mission B. gossip C. boss D. jobless 5. A. amputate B. alive C. impact D. talented III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The film was so successful that the main actor became a household name afterwards. A. a well-known person B. an unknown actor C. an experienced director D. a house owner 2. The wound had become so infected that the doctors had no choice but amputate the soldier's arm. A. cut off B. bring around C. recover D. replace 3. Despite all the obstacles, Mariah's determination to become a famous singer never waivers. A. becomes stronger B. gets better C. becomes weaker D. get destroyed 4. From humble beginnings, sales have rocketed and are set for further high growth in the next three years. A. promising B. poor C. impressive D. unexpected 5. It is quite common for students to gather at the canteen and shoot the breeze during the break. A. enjoy fresh air B. check the homework C. gossip about unimportant things D. fight with each other IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.










1. ____ Arctic tern is ____ unbelievable bird which can migrate thousands of miles every year. A. The /the B. An/an C. An/the D. The /an 2. In ____ 1950s, many people moved from ____ West Indies to ____ England because their life was so hard there. A. the / the / Ø B. the / Ø / Ø C. Ø / the / Ø D. Ø / Ø / Ø 3. While the guests were having dinner upstairs, the thieves ____ in and ____ the most valuable bikes in the garage. A. broke / stole B. were breaking / stealing C. had broken / stolen D. were broken / stolen 4. A musical diva, according to many, should be able to have a(n) ____ on the next generations of artists. A. inspiration B. decision C. reliance D. impact 5. The new teaching method is supposed to ____ students' creativity. A. dedicate B. inspire C. stimulate D. distinguish 6. A new campaign has already been ____ by all high schools in the district to help disadvantaged children go to school. A. stimulated B. achieved C. launched D. determined 7. Richard Byrd was ____ first person in history to fly over ____ North Pole. A. the / a B. the / Ø C. the / the D. Ø / Ø 8. When I ____ at the party, everyone ____ a good time. A. was arriving / had B. arrived / was having C. arrived / had D. arrived / were having 9. ____ a good time last night? A. Did you have B. Were you having C. Will you have D. Are you having 10. While I ____ to work this morning I ____ an old friend. A. went / meet B. am going / met C. go / was meeting D. was going / met 11. The kids ____ to get up this morning. It ____ and it was cold, and their bed was so warm. A. don't want / is raining B. are not wanting / rains C. weren't wanting / rained D. didn't want / was raining 12. I ____ to the news on the radio when the phone ____. A. listened / was ringing B . am listening / was ringing C. was listening / rang D. listen / is ringing 13. Ms. McGonagall is such a ____ woman that we all respect her. A. respectful B. respecting C. respectable D. respective 14. The Beatles ____ in 1970 and its members followed their individual careers. A. fell out B. got over C. let down D. split up 15. After quite a(n) ____ starting point, the contestant gained confidence and delivered an impressive performance. A. ordinary B. humble C. inferior D. normal 16. Different people would ____ the Luke's message in different ways; it's hard to know which one is right. A. figure B. interpret C. translate D. distinguish 17. The students admire Prof. Marshall not only for his also his ____ knowledge but also his dedication to work. A. wit B. wide C. large D. enormous 18. Many students opted for English 101 ____ to History 101. A. with respect to B. with reference to C. in preference to D. in view of 19. Daniel inherited the whole legacy of his grandma when she ____ last week. A. brought up B. passed out C. passed away D. brought around 20. The villagers rumoured that the boy was ____ by his uncle and aunt not his parents. A. brought in B. brought up C. grown up D. raised up










21. A(n) ____ friend never tells lies to his friends. A. truly B. truthful C. true D. untrue 22. What a ____ sight! It may make a child cry. A. fearsome B. fearless C. fearful D. fearing 23. This soup ____ more pepper will taste better. A. with the exception of B. with the addition of C. in conformity with D. in connection with 24. - X: "What's the problem, Harry?" -Y: “____.” A. No problem B. No trouble at all C. Thank you for asking me about it D. I can't remember where I left my glasses 25. - X: "What kind of TV program do you like best?" - Y:“ "____.” A. I like them very much B.I only watch them at weekends C. It's hard to say, actually D. I'm too busy to say 26. A doctor, together with two nurses, ____ sent to that faraway village to help the sick people. A. have been B. has been C. has D. have 27. He hurried to the bus stop, ____ the last bus had already left. A. only finding B. only having found C. only to find D. only to have found 28. ____ he known my address, he would have come. A. Were B. Did C. Had D. Should 29. If only I ____ not so nervous at the important interview. A. am B. has been C. be D. were 30. While the robbers ____ from the building, the alarm went off. A. was escaping B. had escaped C. were escaping D. are escaping V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE PRICE OF FAME Charlotte Church looks like a normal teenager, but she is far from average. She has an amazing voice. Her fan stands in (1) ____ for hours to get tickets for her concerts, and she is often on television. Charlotte's singing (2) ____ began when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11. The head of a record company was so impressed by her voice that he (3) ____ her up on the spot. Her first album rose to number one in the charts. Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can. (4) ____, she is often away on tour for weeks at a time. She doesn't miss out on lessons, though, because she takes her own tutor with her! She (5) ____ three hours every morning with him. Her exam results in all the (6) ____ she studies are impressive. But how does she (7) ____ with this unusual way of life? She (8) ____ that she has the same friends as before. That may be true, but she can no longer go into town with them because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (9) ____. It seems that, like most stars, she must learn to (10) ____ these restrictions and the lack of privacy. It's the price of fame. 1. A. rows B. files C. ranks D. queues 2. A. profession B. job C. career D. labour 3. A. wrote B. signed C. made D. picked 4. A. However B. While C. For D. Although 5. A. takes B. spends C. utilises D. uses 6. A. titles B. materials C. lessons D. subjects 7. A. cope B. adjust C. bear D. tolerate 8. A. denies B. refuses C. insists D. complains 9. A. letter B. autograph C. signs D. writing










10. A. look down on B. make do with C. run out of D. put up with VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. David Beckham is an English footballer who has played for Manchester United and Real Madrid, as well as representing his country 100 times. He moved to the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 to increase the profile of football in America. He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has become a worldwide celebrity, an advertising brand and a fashion icon. Beckham was born in London in 1975. His parents were fanatical Manchester United supporters. His talent was obvious from an early age and he signed with Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday. He helped the youth team win several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995. He helped his team achieve considerable success in his eleven seasons with them. Beckham has been runner-up twice as world football's best player. He won many trophies with Manchester United, including the Champions League, and won a league title with Real Madrid. He also captained his club and country. He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services to football from Britain's Queen. Beckham has many interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely out of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage and children. He has established football academies in Los Angeles and London. In 2006 he was named a judge for the British Book Awards. He lives near Tom Cruise and the two are best buddies. Beckham is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. 1. What is the main idea of the reading passage? A. The life and career of David Beckham B. Beckham's family background C. Beckham's life before and after getting married D. Beckham's marriage with a Spice Girl's member 2. According to the passage, Beckham has played 100 times for ____. A. Real Madrid B. Manchester United C. the national team of America D. The national team of England 3. The word "fanatical" is closest in meaning to ____. A. inspired B. enthusiastic C. realistic D. idealistic 4. When did Beckham receive the royal award for his contribution to football? A. In 1995 B. In 1998 C. In 2003 D. In 2006 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Beckham? A. He contributed to the success of the youth team of the Manchester United. B. He made England lose the match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. C. He was voted one of the best football players of the world more than once. D. Some of Beckham's interests are not related to football. VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984, in New York, into a prosperous, professional family. He developed an interest in computers at an early age and when he was twelve, he created a messaging program which he named "Zucknet". His dentist father used it in his surgery so that his receptionist could inform him of the arrival of a patient without yelling across the room. Together with his friends, Mark spent much of his spare time as a boy designing and making computer games just for fun. In 2002, Mark enrolled at Harvard University. By his second year at the institution, he had acquired a reputation on the campus as a developer of software. It was at that time he invented "Facemash" which compared pictures of female students and allowed users to vote on which one was the most attractive. The program became very popular on campus, but was later shut down by the university authorities who deemed it ‘inappropriate’.










Based on the buzz of "Facemash", three of Mark's fellow students, Divya Narendra, and twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, asked him to work with them on an idea for a social networking site called "Harvard Connection". This site was designed to use information from Harvard's student networks to create a dating site for the university's elite. Mark was initially enthusiastic about the complex project but boredom soon set in and he backed out of it to work on his own social networking site. He created a site that allowed users to produce their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other people beyond the confines of the university. He called the site "Facebook" and he operated from one small college room until June 2004 when he finally abandoned his studies to devote himself fully to Facebook and moved the company to California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had one million users and Mark was climbing high. However, in 2006, the multi-millionaire business mogul faced his first big hurdle. The creators of Harvard Connection claimed that he had used their idea, and insisted that he should compensate them for their business losses. Mark maintained that the ideas were based on two very different types of social networks but, after lawyers searched his records, incriminating emails revealed that he may have intentionally stolen the intellectual property of his former partners. Although an initial settlement of $65 million was reached between the two parties, the legal dispute over the matter continued well into 2011, after the Harvard Connection creators claimed they were misled with regards to the value of the Facebook stock. Since amassing his sizeable fortune, Mark has used his millions to fund a variety of philanthropic causes. He has put lots of money into the deteriorating schools system in deprived parts on New York and he actively encourages other wealthy, young entrepreneurs to follow his example and put back something into society. 1. As a child, Mark Zuckerberg ____. A. created a software package for dentists B. developed a communications program C. sold computer programs to his friends D. was mainly interested in playing computer games 2. According to the passage, during his time at university, Mark ____. A. was known for developing unsuitable software B. made a program that was disliked by the authorities C. developed an unsuccessful program D. produced education programs 3. The Harvard Connection network was ____. A. originally Mark's idea B. a site for all university students C. for exchanging academic information D. not interesting enough for Mark 4. The Facebook social network developed at Harvard ____. A. was a collaborative project with other students B. could only be accessed by Harvard students C. became Mark's full-time job after completing university D. became really successful after June 2004 5. What does the word “mogul" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to? A. tycoon B. thief C. manager D. inventor 6. The creators of Harvard Connection were unhappy because ____. A. Mark was more successful than they were B. they had lost a lot of business C. they thought Mark had used their original concept D. Mark had stopped working for them 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Mark did not copy the idea behind Harvard Connection. B. The two parties in dispute were unable to come to an agreement.










C. Mark stated that the two websites were not in any way alike. D. The Harvard Connection team were unaware of the value of Mark's company. 8. The word "philanthropic" in paragraph 5 can best be replaced by ____. A. failing B. moral C. problematic D. humanitarian 9. Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the passage? A. Some of the creators of Harvard Connection used to be Mark's fellow students. B. Mark has deliberately taken the ideas of the creators of Harvard Connection. C. Mark has been investing in improving education in less developed areas of New York. D. The legal dispute that Mark faced started in 2006 and continued well into 2011. 10. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage? A. The Inventor Of Facebook B. The Legal Dispute Over Facebook C. The Harvard Connection Creators D. The Success of Facebook VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. To be effective, an advertisement must first attract an attention. A B C D 2. Arthritis, a painful swelling of the joints, is often associated with elderly people, but can afflict young as A B C D well. 3. About the third of the earth's land surface is covered by relatively flat plains. A B C D 4. While the workers stood on the scaffold, it suddenly collapsed. A B C D 5. My mother was coming across a ring that she had lost months ago when she was cleaning the attic. A B C D 6. The police were trying to put end to the motorbike race among teenagers. A B C D 7. Dry farming is a type of agriculture used in areas which has less than 20 inches of rainfall. A B C D 8. Candles which are made from a beeswax burn with a very clean fame. A B C D 9. After years of war, we tried to keep in the touch with our relatives. A B C D 10. I have no difficulty in making the good use of the plans you have prepared. A B C D IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. He knows nearly everything there is to know about whales. A. There's nothing that he knows about whales. B. Little does he know anything about whales. C. There is nothing that he doesn't know about whales. D. Hardly does he know anything about whales. 2. I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn't thinking. A. Had I been thinking, I wouldn't have made that terrible mistake. B. If I was thinking, I wouldn't make that terrible mistake. C. I wasn't thinking, which resulted from that terrible mistake. D. The terrible mistake is caused when I am not thinking. 3. John has played the guitar since he was twelve.










A. John has started to play the guitar since he was twelve. B. John began to play the guitar when he was twelve. C. The last time John played the guitar was at the age of twelve. D. It has been twelve years since John played the guitar. 4. When we asked the Minister about the strike, he declined to comment. A. On asking us about the strike, the Minister declined to comment. B. When asked about the strike, the Minister declined to comment. C. We declined to comment when the Minister asked us about the strike. D. Declining to comment, the Minister asked us about the strike. 5. The film star's behaviour was a shock to the fans. A. The fans are shocked by the film star's behaviour. B. The film star's behaviour took the fans by surprise. C. It is a shock to the fans to see the film star's behaviour. D. The film star was too shocked to behave well to the fans. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. I prefer to go out for a meal. I really don't want to eat at home. A. I'd rather to go out for a meal than to eat at home. B. I prefer to go out for a meal than eating at home. C. I prefer going out for a meal to eating at home. D. I'd rather go out for a meal than eating at home. 2. You are spending money recklessly. Others are saving. A. You are spending money recklessly, so others are saving. B. You are spending money recklessly, for others are saving. C. You are spending money recklessly, but others are saving. D. You are spending money recklessly, or others are saving. 3. Mike's uncle is interesting. He always has stories to tell us. A. Because Mike's uncle is interesting, he always has stories to tell us. B. While Mike's uncle is interesting, he always has stories to tell us. C. Mike's uncle is interesting as he always has stories to tell us. D. Mike's uncle is so interesting that he always has stories to tell us. 4. Laura didn't know many people at the party. She felt uncomfortable. A. Because Laura felt uncomfortable, she didn't know many people at the party. B. If Laura knew many people at the party, she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. C. Provided that Laura had known many people at the party, she would have felt uncomfortable. D. Laura felt uncomfortable, for she knew few people at the party. 5. Mariah sings well. She writes good songs, too. A. Mariah can either sing well or write good songs. B. Mariah can neither sing well or write good songs. C. Not only does Mariah sing well but she also writes good songs. D. Well as Mariah sings, she writes good songs.






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Homophones (words having different spelling but the same pronunciation): piece – peace, higher – hire Grammar - Review: the past simple and the past continuous Einstein was one of the most intelligent people in the 20th century. What was he doing in his garden when you came? - Definite and indefinite articles The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial. A koala was first recorded to encounter a European in 1798. - Omission of articles Koalas are found only in Australia. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to people's life stories: achievement, successful ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. impact B. inspire C. decide D. prefer - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2 2. A. stimulate B. amputate C. determined D. talented - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 1 3. A. considerate B. priority C. influential D. experience - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 3, các từ còn lại trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2 4. A. campaign B. waiver C. gossips D. knowledge - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2 5. A. interpret B. stimulate C. determine D. distinguish - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2 II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. diagnose (n) B. distinguish C. dedication D. figure - Đọc là /ai/ các từ còn lại đọc là /i/ 2. A. wavered B. talented C. respected D. awarded - Đọc là /d/ các từ còn lại đọc là /id/ 3. A. diagnosed B. distinguished C. passed D. launched - Đọc là /d/ các từ còn lại đọc là /t/ 4. A. mission B. gossip C. boss D. jobless - Đọc là /ʃʃ/ các từ còn lại đọc là /s/ 5. A. amputate B. alive C. impact D. talented - Đọc là /ə/ các từ còn lại đọc là /ӕ ӕ/ III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The film was so successful that the main actor became a household name afterwards. A. a well-known person B. an unknown actor C. an experienced director D. a house owner










- a household name = a well-known person: một người nổi tiếng 2. The wound had become so infected that the doctors had no choice but amputate the soldier's arm. A. cut off B. bring around C. recover D. replace - amputate = cut off: cắt lìa bộ phận cơ thể 3. Despite all the obstacles, Mariah's determination to become a famous singer never waivers. A. becomes stronger B. gets better C. becomes weaker D. get destroyed - waivers = becomes weaker: trở nên yếu đi 4. From humble beginnings, sales have rocketed and are set for further high growth in the next three years. A. promising B. poor C. impressive D. unexpected - humble = poor: (khởi đầu) kém, không suôn sẻ 5. It is quite common for students to gather at the canteen and shoot the breeze during the break. A. enjoy fresh air B. check the homework C. gossip about unimportant things D. fight with each other - shoot the breeze = gossip about unimportant things: chém gió, tán gẫu IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. ____ Arctic Tern is ____ unbelievable bird which can migrate thousands of miles every year. A. The /the B. An/an C. An/the D. The /an - Chin Nhạn Bắc Cực - Arctic Tern là tên cụ thể, xác định nên dùng giới từ “the”; một loài chim “đáng kinh ngac, khó tin” không xác định, và “un” trong “unbelievable” là nguyên âm, nên dùng giới từ “an” 2. In ____ 1950s, many people moved from ____ West Indies to ____ England because their life was so hard there. A. the / the / Ø B. the / Ø / Ø C. Ø / the / Ø D. Ø / Ø / Ø - 1950s là những năm 50, cần dùng giới từ “the”; West Indies là tên một vùng biển, nên cần giới từ “the”; England là tên một quốc gia, không cần giới từ. 3. While the guests were having dinner upstairs, the thieves ____ in and ____ the most valuable bikes in the garage. A. broke / stole B. were breaking / stealing C. had broken / stolen D. were broken / stolen - Một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ, thì có hành động khác chen vào. Chia quá khứ đơn. 4. A musical diva, according to many, should be able to have a(n) ____ on the next generations of artists. A. inspiration B. decision C. reliance D. impact - impact on SB (n): sự ảnh hưởng đối với ai đó 5. The new teaching method is supposed to ____ students' creativity. A. dedicate B. inspire C. stimulate D. distinguish - stimulate ST (v): khuyến khích cái gì phát triển 6. A new campaign has already been ____ by all high schools in the district to help disadvantaged children go to school. A. stimulated B. achieved C. launched D. determined - to be launched: được thực hiện. Đi theo collocations với chữ “campaign/chiến dịch” 7. Richard Byrd was ____ first person in history to fly over ____ North Pole. A. the / a B. the / Ø C. the / the D. Ø / Ø - Người đầu tiên làm việc gì/The first person to do ST, danh từ xác định, nên dung giới từ “the”; The North Pole/Bắc Cực, tên vùng đất xác định, dùng giới từ “the”. 8. When I ____ at the party, everyone ____ a good time. A. was arriving / had B. arrived / was having C. arrived / had D. arrived / were having - Vế đầu chỉ thời điểm, chia quá khứ đơn; vế sau chỉ hoạt động đang diễn ra, chia quá khứ tiếp diễn. Lưu ý: everyone tính là ngôi thứ 3, số ít, nên dung “was”.










9. ____ a good time last night? A. Did you have B. Were you having C. Will you have D. Are you having - last night/tối qua, hành động xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ, chia thì quá khứ đơn. 10. While I ____ to work this morning I ____ an old friend. A. went / meet B. am going / met C. go / was meeting D. was going / met - Đang đi làm/was going to work thì gặp/met: một hành động đang xảy ra thì bị hành động khác chen vào. 11. The kids ____ to get up this morning. It ____ and it was cold, and their bed was so warm. A. don't want / is raining B. are not wanting / rains C. weren't wanting / rained D. didn't want / was raining - Chú ý: this morning/sáng nay, hiểu là việc này đã xảy ra rồi, chia quá khứ đơn “didn’t want”. Diễn tả một hoàn cảnh/trời đang mưa, chia quá khứ tiếp diễn “was raining”. 12. I ____ to the news on the radio when the phone ____. A. listened / was ringing B . am listening / was ringing C. was listening / rang D. listen / is ringing - Hành động đang nghe tin tức trên radio/was listening to the news thì bị chen bởi hành động khác – điện thoại rung/the phone rang. 13. Ms. McGonagall is such a ____ woman that we all respect her. A. respectful B. respecting C. respectable D. respective - respectful (a): đáng kính trọng 14. The Beatles ____ in 1970 and its members followed their individual careers. A. fell out B. got over C. let down D. split up - split up (v): tan rã 15. After quite a(n) ____ starting point, the contestant gained confidence and delivered an impressive performance. A. ordinary B. humble C. inferior D. normal - humble (a): bình thường mang nghĩa khiêm tốn (a humble person), trong ngữ cảnh này, mang nghĩa “không đặc biệt, không ấn tượng”. 16. Different people would ____ the Luke's message in different ways; it's hard to know which one is right. A. figure B. interpret C. translate D. distinguish - interpret ST (v): hiểu cái gì theo một cách nào đó 17. The students admire Prof. Marshall not only for his also his ____ knowledge but also his dedication to work. A. wit B. wide C. large D. enormous - wide (a): rộng, đi theo collocations với “knowledge” 18. Many students opted for English 101 ____ to History 101. A. with respect to B. with reference to C. in preference to D. in view of - in preference to: bằng với “rather than ST/SB”, khi thích cái gì hơn cái gì. 19. Daniel inherited the whole legacy of his grandma when she ____ last week. A. brought up B. passed out C. passed away D. brought around - pass away (v): qua đời 20. The villagers rumoured that the boy was ____ by his uncle and aunt not his parents. A. brought in B. brought up C. grown up D. raised up - bring SB up (v): nuôi ai đó khôn lớn. Chú ý: “raise” không có “up” mới có nghĩa tương tự. 21. A(n) ____ friend never tells lies to his friends. A. truly B. truthful C. true D. untrue - truthful (a): chân thật 22. What a ____ sight! It may make a child cry. A. fearsome B. fearless C. fearful D. fearing










- fearsome (a): đáng sợ 23. This soup ____ more pepper will taste better. A. with the exception of B. with the addition of C. in conformity with D. in connection with - with the addition of (phr): với sự them vào 24. - X: "What's the problem, Harry?" -Y: “____.” A. No problem B. No trouble at all C. Thank you for asking me about it D. I can't remember where I left my glasses - Trả lời câu hỏi “Có vấn đề gì vậy, Harry?” 25. - X: "What kind of TV program do you like best?" - Y:“ "____.” A. I like them very much B.I only watch them at weekends C. It's hard to say, actually D. I'm too busy to say - Trả lời câu hỏi “Chương trình TV nào bạn thích xem nhất?” 26. A doctor, together with two nurses, ____ sent to that faraway village to help the sick people. A. have been B. has been C. has D. have - “has been” – động từ chia với chủ ngữ là “doctor” ở số ít và chia ở dạng bị động 27. He hurried to the bus stop, ____ the last bus had already left. A. only finding B. only having found C. only to find D. only to have found - “only to find” – “Anh ta vội vã đến trạm xe buýt, chỉ để biết được là chuyến xe cuối đã rời khỏi trước đó” 28. ____ he known my address, he would have come. A. Were B. Did C. Had D. Should - Phép đảo ngữ trong câu điều kiện loại 3 – cần đưa “had” lên đặt ở đầu câu theo sau là chủ ngữ và quá khứ phân từ. 29. If only I ____ not so nervous at the important interview. A. am B. has been C. be D. were - Cấu trúc “If only” nghĩa là “giá mà” và cần sử dụng cấu trúc past subjunctive ở sau, do đó bắt buộc dung “were”. 30. While the robbers ____ from the building, the alarm went off. A. was escaping B. had escaped C. were escaping D. are escaping - “Khi bọn cướp đang tẩu thoát khỏi tòa nhà, chuông báo động reo” – hành động của bọn cướp phải chia ở past continuous và chủ ngữ “robbers” ở số nhiều nên dung “were escaping”. V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE PRICE OF FAME Charlotte Church looks like a normal teenager, but she is far from average. She has an amazing voice. Her fan stands in (1) ____ for hours to get tickets for her concerts, and she is often on television. Charlotte's singing (2) ____ began when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11. The head of a record company was so impressed by her voice that he (3) ____ her up on the spot. Her first album rose to number one in the charts. Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can. (4) ____, she is often away on tour for weeks at a time. She doesn't miss out on lessons, though, because she takes her own tutor with her! She (5) ____ three hours every morning with him. Her exam results in all the (6) ____ she studies are impressive. But how does she (7) ____ with this unusual way of life? She (8) ____ that she has the same friends as before. That may be true, but she can no longer go into town with them because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (9) ____. It seems that, like most stars, she must learn to (10) ____ these restrictions and the lack of privacy. It's the price of fame.










1. A. rows B. files C. ranks D. queues - queue (n): hàng người 2. A. profession B. job C. career D. labour - singing career (n): sự nghiệp ca hát 3. A. wrote B. signed C. made D. picked - sign SB up (v): ký hợp đồng với ai đó để tuyển dụng 4. A. However B. While C. For D. Although - however: tuy nhiên. Lưu ý, về mặt cấu trúc ngữ pháp, chỉ có “however” thỏa mãn. 5. A. takes B. spends C. utilises D. uses - spend (time) (v): dành thời gian làm việc gì 6. A. titles B. materials C. lessons D. subjects - subjects (n): môn học 7. A. cope B. adjust C. bear D. tolerate - cope with ST (v): đối phó với cái gì 8. A. denies B. refuses C. insists D. complains - insist that … (v): khẳng định là 9. A. letter B. autograph C. signs D. writing - autograph (n): chữ ký 10. A. look down on B. make do with C. run out of D. put up with - put up with ST (v): chịu đựng chuyện gì VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. David Beckham is an English footballer who has played for Manchester United and Real Madrid, as well as representing his country 100 times. He moved to the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 to increase the profile of football in America. He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has become a worldwide celebrity, an advertising brand and a fashion icon. Beckham was born in London in 1975. His parents were fanatical Manchester United supporters. His talent was obvious from an early age and he signed with Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday. He helped the youth team win several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995. He helped his team achieve considerable success in his eleven seasons with them. Beckham has been runner-up twice as world football's best player. He won many trophies with Manchester United, including the Champions League, and won a league title with Real Madrid. He also captained his club and country. He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services to football from Britain's Queen. Beckham has many interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely out of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage and children. He has established football academies in Los Angeles and London. In 2006 he was named a judge for the British Book Awards. He lives near Tom Cruise and the two are best buddies. Beckham is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. 1. What is the main idea of the reading passage? A. The life and career of David Beckham B. Beckham's family background C. Beckham's life before and after getting married D. Beckham's marriage with a Spice Girl's member - Ý bài viết về cuộc đời và sự nghiệp của David Beckham. 2. According to the passage, Beckham has played 100 times for ____. A. Real Madrid B. Manchester United C. the national team of America D. The national team of England - Đoạn thứ 1, òng thứ 2 “…representing his country 100 times”.










3. The word "fanatical" is closest in meaning to ____. A. inspired B. enthusiastic C. realistic D. idealistic - fanatical (a): very enthusiastic/rất nhiệt huyết 4. When did Beckham receive the royal award for his contribution to football? A. In 1995 B. In 1998 C. In 2003 D. In 2006 - Đoạn thứ 3, dòng cuối cùng “In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services to football from Britain's Queen.” 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Beckham? A. He contributed to the success of the youth team of the Manchester United. B. He made England lose the match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. C. He was voted one of the best football players of the world more than once. D. Some of Beckham's interests are not related to football. - Đoạn thứ 3, dòng thứ 3 “He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina”. VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984, in New York, into a prosperous, professional family. He developed an interest in computers at an early age and when he was twelve, he created a messaging program which he named "Zucknet". His dentist father used it in his surgery so that his receptionist could inform him of the arrival of a patient without yelling across the room. Together with his friends, Mark spent much of his spare time as a boy designing and making computer games just for fun. In 2002, Mark enrolled at Harvard University. By his second year at the institution, he had acquired a reputation on the campus as a developer of software. It was at that time he invented "Facemash" which compared pictures of female students and allowed users to vote on which one was the most attractive. The program became very popular on campus, but was later shut down by the university authorities who deemed it ‘inappropriate’. Based on the buzz of "Facemash", three of Mark's fellow students, Divya Narendra, and twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, asked him to work with them on an idea for a social networking site called "Harvard Connection". This site was designed to use information from Harvard's student networks to create a dating site for the university's elite. Mark was initially enthusiastic about the complex project but boredom soon set in and he backed out of it to work on his own social networking site. He created a site that allowed users to produce their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other people beyond the confines of the university. He called the site "Facebook" and he operated from one small college room until June 2004 when he finally abandoned his studies to devote himself fully to Facebook and moved the company to California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had one million users and Mark was climbing high. However, in 2006, the multi-millionaire business mogul faced his first big hurdle. The creators of Harvard Connection claimed that he had used their idea, and insisted that he should compensate them for their business losses. Mark maintained that the ideas were based on two very different types of social networks but, after lawyers searched his records, incriminating emails revealed that he may have intentionally stolen the intellectual property of his former partners. Although an initial settlement of $65 million was reached between the two parties, the legal dispute over the matter continued well into 2011, after the Harvard Connection creators claimed they were misled with regards to the value of the Facebook stock. Since amassing his sizeable fortune, Mark has used his millions to fund a variety of philanthropic causes. He has put lots of money into the deteriorating schools system in deprived parts on New York and he actively encourages other wealthy, young entrepreneurs to follow his example and put back something into society. 1. As a child, Mark Zuckerberg ____. A. created a software package for dentists B. developed a communications program










C. sold computer programs to his friends D. was mainly interested in playing computer games - Đoạn thứ 1, dòng 2-3 “… when he was twelve, he created a messaging program which he named "Zucknet" ...” 2. According to the passage, during his time at university, Mark ____. A. was known for developing unsuitable software B. made a program that was disliked by the authorities C. developed an unsuccessful program D. produced education programs - Đoạn thứ 2, dòng 4-5 “…was later shut down by the university authorities who deemed it ‘inappropriate’. ” 3. The Harvard Connection network was ____. A. originally Mark's idea B. a site for all university students C. for exchanging academic information D. not interesting enough for Mark - Đoạn thứ 3, dòng thứ 4-5 “boredom soon set in”. 4. The Facebook social network developed at Harvard ____. A. was a collaborative project with other students B. could only be accessed by Harvard students C. became Mark's full-time job after completing university D. became really successful after June 2004 - Đoạn thứ 4, dòng thứ 1 “Facebook had one million users and Mark was climbing high”. 5. What does the word “mogul" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to? A. tycoon B. thief C. manager D. inventor - mogul (n): một người thành công, giàu có, quyền lực - tycoon (n): một người giàu có trong một lĩnh vực nào đó 6. The creators of Harvard Connection were unhappy because ____. A. Mark was more successful than they were B. they had lost a lot of business C. they thought Mark had used their original concept D. Mark had stopped working for them - Đoạn thứ 4, dòng thứ 2-3 “The creators of Harvard Connection claimed that he had used their idea”. 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Mark did not copy the idea behind Harvard Connection. B. The two parties in dispute were unable to come to an agreement. C. Mark stated that the two websites were not in any way alike. D. The Harvard Connection team were unaware of the value of Mark's company. - Đoạn thứ 4, dòng thứ 3-4 “Mark maintained that the ideas were based on two very different types of social networks”. 8. The word "philanthropic" in paragraph 5 can best be replaced by ____. A. failing B. moral C. problematic D. humanitarian - philanthropic (a): liên quan đến việc từ thiện, giúp đỡ người nghèo - humanitarian (a): mang tính nhân văn, giúp đỡ người nghèo, khổ đau 9. Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the passage? A. Some of the creators of Harvard Connection used to be Mark's fellow students. B. Mark has deliberately taken the ideas of the creators of Harvard Connection. C. Mark has been investing in improving education in less developed areas of New York. D. The legal dispute that Mark faced started in 2006 and continued well into 2011. - Đoạn thứ 4, câu 4 “…he may have intentionally stolen the intellectual property of his former partners”.










10. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage? A. The Inventor Of Facebook B. The Legal Dispute Over Facebook C. The Harvard Connection Creators D. The Success of Facebook - Dựa trên ý chính của đoạn văn, chọn A. VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. To be effective, an advertisement must first attract an attention. A B C D - Sửa thành “attention". "Attention” là danh từ không đếm được. 2. Arthritis, a painful swelling of the joints, is often associated with elderly people, but can afflict young as A B C D well. - Sửa thành “the young”. “The young" cùng nghĩa với “young people”. 3. About the third of the earth's land surface is covered by relatively flat plains. A B C D - Sửa thành “a third", mang nghĩa một phần ba. Hai phần ba là two-thirds. 4. While the workers stood on the scaffold, it suddenly collapsed. A B C D - Sửa thành “were standing". Hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ, bị hành động khác xen vào. 5. My mother was coming across a ring that she had lost months ago when she was cleaning the attic. A B C D - Sửa thành “came across : bắt gặp. Không chia V-ing với động từ này. 6. The police were trying to put end to the motorbike race among teenagers. A B C D - Sửa thành “put an end” 7. Dry farming is a type of agriculture used in areas which has less than 20 inches of rainfall. A B C D - Sửa thành “which have” 8. Candles which are made from a beeswax burn with a very clean fame. A B C D - Sửa thành “beewax” – do beewax là danh từ không đếm được. 9. After years of war, we tried to keep in the touch with our relatives. A B C D - Sứa thành "in touch" - cum tu "keep in touch with” nghĩa là giữ liên lạc với, 10. I have no difficulty in making the good use of the plans you have prepared. A B C D - Sửa thành “good use - cụm từ "make good use of" có nghĩa là tận dụng. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. He knows nearly everything there is to know about whales. A. There's nothing that he knows about whales. B. Little does he know anything about whales. C. There is nothing that he doesn't know about whales. D. Hardly does he know anything about whales. - "know(s) nearly everything" bằng với "nothing that SB don’t/doesn’t know”. 2. I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn't thinking. A. Had I been thinking, I wouldn't have made that terrible mistake. B. If I was thinking, I wouldn't make that terrible mistake.










C. I wasn't thinking, which resulted from that terrible mistake. D. The terrible mistake is caused when I am not thinking. - Câu gốc là quá khứ, nên phải dùng điều kiện loại 3. Had I been thinking" bằng với "If I had been thinking". 3. John has played the guitar since he was twelve. A. John has started to play the guitar since he was twelve. B. John began to play the guitar when he was twelve. C. The last time John played the guitar was at the age of twelve. D. It has been twelve years since John played the guitar. - Bắt đầu chơi từ năm 12 tuổi, bằng với "đã chơi từ năm 12 tuổi". 4. When we asked the Minister about the strike, he declined to comment. A. On asking us about the strike, the Minister declined to comment. B. When asked about the strike, the Minister declined to comment. C. We declined to comment when the Minister asked us about the strike. D. Declining to comment, the Minister asked us about the strike. - Dạng rút gọn cùng chủ ngữ. “When asked about the strike" bằng với "when the Minister was asked about the strike". 5. The film star's behaviour was a shock to the fans. A. The fans are shocked by the film star's behaviour. B. The film star's behaviour took the fans by surprise. C. It is a shock to the fans to see the film star's behaviour. D. The film star was too shocked to behave well to the fans. - take SB by surprise = to be a shock to SB. Chú ý, câu viết lại phải cùng thì quá khứ đơn với câu gốc. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. I prefer to go out for a meal. I really don't want to eat at home. A. I'd rather to go out for a meal than to eat at home. B. I prefer to go out for a meal than eating at home. C. I prefer going out for a meal to eating at home. D. I'd rather go out for a meal than eating at home. - prefer doing ST to doing ST;S + would rather + V-bare + than + V-bare 2. You are spending money recklessly. Others are saving. A. You are spending money recklessly, so others are saving. B. You are spending money recklessly, for others are saving. C. You are spending money recklessly, but others are saving. D. You are spending money recklessly, or others are saving. - Mối quan hệ tương phản, chọn câu có chữ “but/nhưng”. 3. Mike's uncle is interesting. He always has stories to tell us. A. Because Mike's uncle is interesting, he always has stories to tell us. B. While Mike's uncle is interesting, he always has stories to tell us. C. Mike's uncle is interesting as he always has stories to tell us. D. Mike's uncle is so interesting that he always has stories to tell us. - Mối quan hệ nguyên nhân, hậu quả. Chọn câu có chữ "as/vì”. 4. Laura didn't know many people at the party. She felt uncomfortable. A. Because Laura felt uncomfortable, she didn't know many people at the party. B. If Laura knew many people at the party, she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. C. Provided that Laura had known many people at the party, she would have felt uncomfortable. D. Laura felt uncomfortable, for she knew few people at the party.









- “for” đóng vai trò như chữ “because” trong câu này. 5. Mariah sings well. She writes good songs, too. A. Mariah can either sing well or write good songs. B. Mariah can neither sing well or write good songs. C. Not only does Mariah sing well but she also writes good songs. D. Well as Mariah sings, she writes good songs. - “not only ... but also” mang nghĩa “không những ... mà còn...".






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Vowels: Diphthongs /ɑɪ/ (urbanisation), /eɪ/ (scale), /ɪə/ (sphere), /eə/ (where) ... Grammar The subjunctive in that-clauses after certain verbs and expressions The doctor advised that my father cut down on his smoking. The peasants demand that the government supply fertilizer and other assistance for their poor farms. It is desirable that the Council close down the town's own broadcasting station. Vocabulary - Words and phrases related to urbanisation and its features: counter-urbanisation, centralise, densely populated ... - Word formation: Compound adjectives old-aged, downmarket, well-established, long-lasting ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. agree B. interest C. prepare D. demand - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 2. A. urbanize B. develop C. labourer D. industry - (Nhấn ấm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 3. A. request B. vital C. urban D. crucial - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 4. A. imperative B. desirable C. essential D. popular - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ Còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 5. A. urbanize B. develop C. continue D. proposal - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. here B. fear C. clear D. where - (âm /eə/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪə/) 2. A. hello B. below C. alone D. come - (âm /ʌ/, các từ còn lại âm /əʊ/) 3. A. poor B. sure C. tour D. pure - (âm /jʊə/, các từ còn lại âm /ʊə/) 4. A. how B. shout C. low D. count - (âm /əʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɑʊ/) 5. A. play B. train C. nation D. urban - (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /eɪ/) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. The organization's long-term goal is to gain a strong position in the European market. A. short-sighted B. short-term C. short-handed D. short-tempered - “long-term”: dài hạn trái nghĩa với “short-term”: ngắn hạn










2. The number of young people finding a part-time job in big cities has fluctuated over the past five years. A. increased B. decreased C. levelled out D. fell - “fluctuated”: biến động, trái nghĩa với leveled out”: giữ mức ổn định, không tăng không giảm 3. More and more people are migrating to urban areas to look for better job opportunities. A. crowded B. quiet C. rural D. spacious - “rural”: thuộc về nông thôn, trái nghĩa với "urban”: thuộc về thành thị 4. Urbanization has resulted in massive problems besides the benefits. A. major B. serious C. few D. minor - “minor”: nhỏ và không quan trọng, trái nghĩa với "massive”: lớn và nghiêm trọng 5. Overpopulation in big cities has severely affected the air and water quality. A. seriously B. insignificantly C. largely D. commonly - “insignificantly”: không đáng kể, trái nghĩa với "severely": một cách nghiêm trọng IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. It is desirable that the hotel manager ____ to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to clean up the air conditioners. A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers - (cấu trúc subjunctive “it is desirable that ..." chia nguyên mẫu cho "remember") 2. The Principal demanded that the heaters ____ immediately. Winter is coming! A. are repaired B. be repaired C. were repaired D. repair - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “demand”, chia nguyên mẫu cho thể bị động “be repaired”) 3. It's vital that the government ____ more on environmental issues. A. focuses B. must focus C. should be focused D. focus - (cấu trúc subjunctive “it is vital that ...", chia nguyên mẫu cho “focus”) 4. The boss insisted that Sam ____ at the meeting as he is too talkative for such a confidential project. A. not be B. isn't C. was D. is - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “insist”, chia nguyên mẫu ở thể phủ định "not be") 5. The fans proposed that they ____ there when G-Dragon gets off the plane. A. be standing B. stood C. should have stood D. were standing - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “propose”, chia nguyên mẫu tiếp diễn "be standing") 6. It is recommended the candidate ____ take as many IELTS mock tests as possible before going for the real exam, which cost nearly $250. A. takes B. should take C. must take D. will take - (cấu trúc subjunctive “it is recommended that ...”, hoặc chia nguyên mẫu, hoặc dùng should+V-bare, nên chọn “should take”) 7. The board of executives requested every employee ____ to the meeting this weekend. A. to come B. comes C. come stem D. must comedy - (cấu trúc subjuctive với động từ "request”, chia nguyên mẫu cho "come") 8. We suggested that you ____ to the organization. A. be admitted B. admitted C. admit D. are admitted - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “suggest”, chia nguyên mẫu ở dạng bị động, “be admitted”) 9. It is imperative that you ____ ready when the car comes for you. A. be B. will be C. getting D. are already - (cấu trúc subjunctive it is imperative that ...", chia nguyên mẫu cho động từ to-be, “be ready”) 10. Olga recommends that his brother ____ the job without reading the work contract thoroughly. A. should take B. can take on C. take D. not take - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “recommend”, chia nguyên mẫu ở thể phủ định, “not take”). 11. The doctor advised that the man ____ to a private room. A. should transfer B. be transferred C. transfer D. must be transferred - (cấu trúc subjuctive với động từ advise”, chia nguyên mẫu ở thể bị động, “be transferred”).










12. The lawyer was insistent that the contract ____ in the presence of all the parties concerned. A. sign B. should be signed C. must be signed D. were signed - (cấu trúc Subjunctive với tính từ "insistent", chia nguyên mẫu ở dạng bị động “be signed" hoăc dùng should+V-bare, "should be signed") 13. These days, most young people would like to look for ____ the jobs rather than secure ones. A. long-term B. well-paid C. fast-growing D. long-lasting - (“well-paid jobs" là một collocation, mang nghĩa “công việc lương cao") 14. More and more people are moving to live in the city in search of better ____ prospects. A. occupation B. job C. career D. work - (career prospects” là một collocation mang nghĩa “cơ hội, triển vọng nghề nghiệp”) 15. People migrate to urban areas on a massive ____ for many reasons. A. scale B. level C. extent D. number - ("massive Scale” là một collocation, mang nghĩa “ở quy mô lớn”) 16. The rural areas are said to suffer from the lack of natural resources as well as ____ weather conditions. A. rigid B. extreme C. poor D. worsened - (“extreme weather conditions” là một collocation, mang nghĩa “điệu kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt”) 17. In some urban areas, it is reported that the population almost ____. A. doubles B. twice C. two times D. twofold - (chú ý, nếu chọn B hoặc C phải là "twice/two-times higher", nếu chọn D thì phải là “has increased twofold”, chọn “doubles" thì bản thân nó đã đủ nghĩa, là “tăng gấp đôi”). 18. If listeners are overloaded with too much information, they tend to ____. A. turn off B. see off C. switch off D. take off - ("switch off" có nghĩa “ngừng chú ý, ngừng quan tâm” trong ngữ cảnh này) 19. Loyalty is key to a ____ relationship. A. long-lasting B. deep-rooted C. short-term D. far-sighted - (“long-lasting” có nghĩa “lâu dài”) 20. People should be tolerant of other cultures; they should be more ____. A. half-hearted B. light-hearted C. open-minded D. single-minded - (“open-minded” có nghĩa “tư tưởng thoáng, rộng mở”) 21. There have been several in-depth and ____ talks on urbanization and its effects delivered in the university hall. A. thoughtless B. unthinkable C. thought-provoking D. thought-raising - (“thought-provoking” có nghĩa "mang tính thời sự, gây suy nghĩ”) 22. To test his theory, the chemist ____ an experiment. A. set up B. set out C. set forth D. set in - ("set up” mang nghĩa "cài đặt, sắp xếp”, ở đây đi với chữ “experiment, mang nghĩa "thí nghiệm”) 23. The manager threw a party ____ the group of computer experts from the United States. A. in honour of B. in favour of C. in welcome of D. in celebration of - (in honour of" mang nghĩa “vinh danh” ai đó) 24. X: “I saw a film about Africa on TV several weeks ago. It's really hot there, isn't it?" Y: “____” A. Certainly not. B. I've been there. C. Not all the time. D. Next month. - ("not all the time” mang nghĩa “không phải lúc nào cũng vậy”, ý nói ở châu Phi không phải lúc nào cũng nóng) 25. X: "How did your father go to France? By plane or by ship?" Y: “____” A. I don't know. B. Why not? C. To Paris. D. To go sightseeing. - (chú ý câu hỏi hỏi về phương tiện, chọn “I don't know" mang nghĩa “tôi không biết")










26. We have discussed this problem at some ____, but have not found out the solution. A. time B. energy C. length D . distance - "at some length" = for some time 27. I met ____ that I decided to book the room right away. A. such nice receptionist B. so nice a receptionist C. a nice receptionist D. a receptionist so nice - “so nice a receptionist, sử dụng công thức “so + adj + a/an + singular noun" 28. ____ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A. Children B. Children, when they C. As children D. For children to - “As children get older” : khi trẻ em lớn lên 29. Rarely ____ last longer than an hour. A. do tornados B. tornados C. tornados that D. tornados do - Khi Rarely hay Barely ở đầu câu thì ta đảo ngữ giữa chủ ngữ và trợ động từ 30. Your picture is ____ to the picture in my bedroom. A. same B. identical C. familiar D. resembling - to be identical to = to be similar to = to be the same as = to resemble V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. New technology helped cities grow. Elevated trains carried passengers over (1) ____ streets. In 1887, the first (2) ____ streetcar system opened in Richmond, Virginia. Ten years later, the nation's first electric subway trains began running beneath the streets of Boston. Public transportation gave (3) ____ to suburbs, living areas on the outskirts of a city. People no longer had to live in cities to work in cities. Steel bridges also (4) ____ suburban growth. The Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, (5) ____ the city center in Manhattan to outlying Brooklyn. As a result, New York City was able to spread out to house its growing population. Cities began to (6) ____ upward as well as outward. In 1885, architects in Chicago constructed the first 10-story building. People called it a “skyscraper” because its top seemed to touch the sky. By 1900, (7) ____ skyscrapers up to 30 stories high towered over cities. Electric elevators whisked office workers to the upper floors. As cities grew outward from their old downtown sections, living patterns changed. Many cities took on a (8) ____ shape. Poor families crowded (9) ____ the oldest sections at the city's center. Middle-class people lived farther out in row houses or new apartment buildings. The rich built fine homes on the (10) ____ of the city. 1. A. filled B. crowded C. crammed D. packed - crowded” mang nghĩa “đông đúc, nó đi theo cụm từ với “streets”, "crammed” hoặc “packed” thường dùng cho một không gian kín, ví dụ "a restaurant packed/crammed with customers") 2. A. electronic B. electrified C. electrocuted D. electric - (electric" mang nghĩa "liên quan đến điện, có sử dụng điện”, bổ nghĩa cho “streetcar system", mang nghĩa “hệ thống xe công cộng") 3. A. rise B. raise C. place D. way - (“give rise to something" là một collocation, mang nghĩa “làm cho cái gì phát triển”) 4. A. sped B. urged C. discouraged D. accelerated - ("accelerate something” có nghĩa “làm cho cái gì đó nhanh hơn”, ở đây đi một cụm với danh từ “growth...) 5. A. related B. associated C. connected D. linked - (“linked” ở đây, có nghĩa là "nối”, ý là cây cầu thì nối khu trung tâm với khu ngoại ô) 6. A. expand B. extent C. lengthen D. widen - (“cities” “thành phố" mà mở rộng, bành trướng ra thì phải dùng chữ "expand") 7. A. steel-framed B. steel-framing C. frame-steeled D. frame-steeling










- ("steel-framed” là một tính từ, mang nghĩa “khung thép ) 8. A. alike B. same C. similar D. close - ( "shape” -“hình dáng” thì tương tự nhau, chọn “similar", lưu ý same” phải là “the same shape”) 9. A. out of B. into C. at D. with - (“Crowd into” là một phrasal verb, mang nghĩa “đổ về, tràn về) 10. A. suburbs B. corners C. banks D. outskirts - (on the outskirts of the city là khu vực ngoại ô thành phố, lưu ý, nếu chọn A thì phải là “in the suburbs") VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. If “suburb” means an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior, the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. Before that period the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse and cart. But the early factories built in the 1830's and 1840's were located along waterways and near railheads at the edges of cities, and housing was needed for the thousands of people drawn by the prospect of employment. In time, the factories were surrounded by proliferating mill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older, main cities. As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases, the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors. In 1854, for example, the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County. Similar municipal maneuvers took place in Chicago and in New York. Indeed, most great cities of the United States achieved such status only by incorporating the communities along their borders. With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress conditions that began to approach disastrous proportions when, in 1888, the first commercially successful electric traction line was developed. Within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected every major urban area, fostering a wave of suburbanization that transformed the compact industrial city into a dispersed metropolis. This first phase of mass-scale suburbanization was reinforced by the simultaneous emergence of the urban Middle class whose desires for homeownership in neighborhoods far from the aging inner city were satisfied by the developers of single-family housing tracts. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The growth of Philadelphia B. The Origin of the Suburb C. The Development of City Transportation D. The Rise of the Urban Middle Class - ("The Origin of the Suburb” mang nghĩa “Nguồn gốc của khu ngoại ô", khi đọc bài ta thấy ý chính của bài là lịch sử hình thành của các khu ngoại ô) 2. The author mentions that areas bordering the cities have grown during periods of ____. A. industrialization B. inflation C. revitalization D. unionization - (Đoạn 1, dòng thứ 2 "the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city") 3. The word "encroachment" is closest in meaning to ____. A. the smell of the factories B. the growth of mill towns C. the development of waterways D. the loss of jobs - ("encroachment” mang nghĩa là “sự che phủ, bành trướng”, ví dụ “urban encroachment", mang nghĩa là “sự phát triển đô thị”). 4. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the passage as a factor in nineteenth-century suburbanization? A. Cheaper housing B. Urban crowding C. The advent of an urban middle class D. The invention of the electric streetcar - (Câu A không được đề cập; câu B ở đoạn thứ 2, dòng 1, “With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban ...”; câu C ở đoạn thứ 2, dòng thứ 3 dưới lên, “emergence of the urban Middle class whose desires for homeownership in neighborhoods”; câu D, đoạn thứ 2, dòng thứ 4 "electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected...")










5. It can be inferred from the passage that after 1890 most people traveled around cities by ____. A. automobile B. cart C. horse-drawn trolley D. electric streetcar - (Đoan 2, dòng 3, "Within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected every major urban area, ...”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1860 the United States was predominantly rural. Most people were engaged in agriculture, and about 80 percent of the population actually resided on farms or in small villages. Only 20 percent lived in towns and cities of 2,500 or more, the census definition of an urban area after 1880. New York alone in 1860 had more than 1 million people, and only 8 cities could boast about a population of more than 100,000. Thereafter the transition from a rural to a predominantly urban nation was especially remarkable because of its speed. By 1900, urbanization, with all of its benefits, problems, and prospects for a fuller life, became the mark of modern America. The changing physical landscape reflected the shift to an urbanized society. Railroad terminals, factories, skyscrapers, apartment houses, streetcars, electric engines, department stores, and the increased pace of life were all signs of an emerging urban America. Indeed, the vitality, dynamic quality, variety, and restless experimentalism in society centered in the urban communities where the only constant factor was change itself. Urbanization did not proceed uniformly throughout the nation. New England and the Middle Atlantic states contained the highest percentage of city dwellers. In the Middle West, the growth of cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and St. Louis showed the importance of urbanization in that region. The three West Coast states also experienced rapid urban growth. In the South, urbanization developed much more slowly, although by 1910 the expansion of transportation, commerce, and industry had greatly increased the population of older cities such as New Orleans and stimulated the growth of new urban centers such as Birmingham. However, the South remained predominantly rural. Only somewhat more than 20 percent of the population in that region was urban by 1910. In some regions the urban impact had a depressing effect upon the surrounding rural communities. Much of New England in the late nineteenth century presented a discouraging picture of abandoned farms and sickly villages as people forsook the countryside and rushed to the larger towns and cities. In the Middle West, particularly Ohio and Illinois, hundreds of townships lost population in the 1880's. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The benefits brought about by urbanization in the 1800's B. The population of large urban areas in the 1800's C. The problems associated with urban areas in the United States D. The history of the urbanization of the United States - (Ý chính của bài là về lịch sử quá trình đô thị hóa ở Mỹ) 2. According to the passage, which of the following was the census definition of an urban area after 1880? A. An area with a population that had recently increased by 20 percent B. A city with a population of 1 million or more people C. A town or city with a population of at least 2,500 D. An area or region with a population of at least 100,000 - (Đoạn 1. dòng 2, "Only 20 percent lived in towns and cities of 2.500 or more, the census definition of an urban area after 1880”) 3. It is implied in paragraph 1 that people were attracted to urban because of ____. A. the existence of public transportation B. the possibility for a fuller life C. the lack of agricultural work D. the availability of housing - Đoạn 1 câu cuối, "By 1900, urbanization, with all of its benefits, problems, prospects for a fuller life, became the mark of modern America”) 4. The word "shift" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.










A. position B. resource C. change D. returns - (shift = change = sự thay đổi) 5. Which of the following are mentioned in the passage as a sign of urbanized society in the United States in the late 1800's? A. Streetcars B. Schools C. Cultural activities D. Roads and highways - (Đoạn 2, dòng 1, 2, "Railroad terminals, factories, skyscrapers, apartment houses, streetcars, electric engines, department store, and the increased pace of life were all signs of an emerging urban America) 6. In paragraph 2, life in urban communities is characterized as ____. A. dangerous B. competitive C. increasingly expensive D. constantly changing - (Đoạn 2, dòng cuối, "only constant factor was change itself” → "constantly changing") 7. Which of the following areas of the United States can be inferred to be the most urbanized at the end of the 1800's? A. The states in the Middle West B. The three states on the West Coast C. The New England and the Middle Atlantic states D. The states in the South - (Đoạn 3, dòng 1, "highest percentage of city dwellers") 8. The author's main purpose in paragraph 4 is to ____. A. establish that urban areas were important in contributing to the economic growth of the United States B. demonstrate that the population of the United States increased dramatically during the late nineteenth century C. prove that the Middle West was the most adversely affected by large shifts in population D. knowledge that urbanization had a negative impact on some communities in the United States - (Đoan 4, dòng 1, "In some regions the urban impact had a depressing effect upon the surrounding rural communities”. Đây là câu chủ đề (topic sentence) của đoạn 4) 9. The word "forsook" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. left B. forewarned C . used D. populated - (forsake/forsook=leave/left, mang nghĩa “rời một nơi nào đó") 10. Which of the following does the passage support? A. The percentage of the population of the United States engaged in agriculture decreased between 1860 and 1900. B. The economic factors that caused large population shifts in the 1800's were unique to the United States. C. The changing physical landscape that resulted from urbanization created more disadvantages than advantages. D. The number of people who lived in the southern region of the United States in 1900 was significantly less than in 1860. - (Phần trăm dân số của nước Mỹ làm nghề nông thì giảm từ năm 1860 đến năm 1900, chú ý câu 1, đoạn 1 “In 1860 the United States was predominantly rural” và câu 2, đoạn cuối, “Much of New England in the late nineteenth century presented a discouraging picture of abandoned farms...") VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. Some managers require that the secretary is responsible for writing all reports as well as for balancing the A B C D books. - (cấu trúc subjunctive với động từ “require”, sửa “is” thành “be”) 2. It is essential that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure. A B C D - (cấu trúc subjunctive "it is essential that ...", sửa "is" thành "be") 3. It was suggested that Oscar studies the material more carefully before attempting to pass the exam.










A B C D - (cấu trúc subjunctive "it is suggested that ...", sửa "studies" thành "study") 4. It is imperative that a graduate student maintains a grade point average of “B” in his major field. A B C D - (cấu trúc subjunctive “it is imperative that ...", sửa “maintains" thành "maintain") 5. It is necessary that one met with a judge before signing the final documents for a divorce. A B C D - (cấu trúc subjunctive “it is necessary that ...", sửa “met” thành “meet”) 6. The famous Jim Thorpe won both the pantaloon or decathlon in the 1912 Olympic Games. A B C D - (cấu trúc “both...and..” sửa “or” thành “and”) 7. Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the learned behaviours of groups. A B C D - (“knowledge” là danh từ không đếm được nên sửa “knowleges” thành "knowledge") 8. The most bulkiest of the poisonous snakes is the diamond backed rattler, which reaches 8 feet 8 inches long. A B C D - (so sánh nhất của “bulky” là “bulkiest” nên sửa “most bulkiest" thành "bulkiest") 9. Trees are designed as neither hardwoods or softwoods. A B C D - (cấu trúc “either ... or ... do từ por" không gạch chân nên sửa “neither thành “either”) 10. Copper was the first metal used by man and is still of strong demand because it is a good conductor of A B C D electricity. - (“in strong demand” là đang có nhu cầu cao - sửa "of” thành “in”) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. How about having these exercises finished before playing games? A. I suggest you play games before finishing these exercise. B. I suggest these exercises be finished before we play games. C. Let's play games before having these exercises finished. D. Why not finish these exercises after playing games? - (cấu trúc subjunctive với “suggest”, chia nguyên mẫu với dang bị động) 2. Because the weather was nice, we decided to go on a camping trip. A. Because of the nice weather, we decide to go on a camping trip. B. It was such nice weather that we decided to go on a camping trip. C. In spite of the nice weather, we decided to go on a camping trip. D. The weather was too nice for us to go on a camping trip. - (lưu ý, câu A sai do sai thì) 3. Although he felt very sleepy, he tried hard to finish the exercises. A. Sleepy as he feels, he tries hard to finish the excises. B. He felt so sleepy that he tried hard to finish the exercises. C. He felt very sleepy, but he tried hard to finish the exercises. D. He tried hard to finish the exercises, which made him feel sleepy. - (lưu ý, câu A sai do sai thì) 4. Because his parents encouraged him a lot, he passed all the exams. A. If his parents did not encourage him a lot, he wouldn't pass all the exams. B. Had it not been for his parents' encouragement, he wouldn't have failed all the exams. C. Thanks to his parents' encouragement, he passed all the exams.










D. If his parents had encouraged him a lot, he would have failed all the exams. - (lưu ý, câu A sai do sai loại câu điều kiện) 5. "Do you still remember Darin, our childhood friend?" Mary asked me. A. Mary asked me to remember Darin, our childhood friend. B. Mary reminded me of our childhood friend, Darin. C. Mary wanted to know if Darin, our childhood friend, still remembered me. D. Mary asked me whether I still remembered Darin, our childhood friend. - (dạng câu tường thuật với câu hỏi Yes-No) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. Şunny Hills is close to public transportation. Sea View is near a beautiful park. A. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, so Sea View is near a beautiful park. B. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, but Sea View is near a beautiful park. C. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, for Sea View is near a beautiful park. D. Sunny Hills is close to public transportation, or Sea View is near a beautiful park. - (dùng “but" để chỉ mối quan hệ so sánh giữa 2 cái trong ngữ cảnh này) 2. I haven't got any milk left. I must go and buy some. A. I haven't got any milk left, but I must go and buy some. B. I haven't got any milk left, or I must go and buy some. C. I haven't got any milk left, for I must go and buy some. D. I haven't got any milk left, so I must go and buy some. - (dùng "so” để chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân, kết quả) 3. We couldn't get a seat. We arrived quite early. A. Because we arrived quite early, we couldn't get a seat. B. If we had arrived early, we could have got a seat. C. Although we arrived quite early, we couldn't get a seat. D. We arrived too early to get a seat. - (dùng "although” để chỉ mối quan hệ tương phản) 4. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights. More people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. A. If many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people will be flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. B. Although many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. C. As many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. D. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, or more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. - (dùng "as" để chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân, kết quả) 5. Minh had a terrible headache. He went to school. A. If Minh hadn't had a terrible headache, he would have gone to school. B. Because Minh had a terrible headache, he went to school. C. Minh had a too terrible headache to go to school. D. Despite having a terrible headache, Minh went to school. - (dùng "despite” để chỉ mối quan hệ tương phản)






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Assimilation (the ending sound of one word blending into the beginning sound of the following word): clean beach, earth science, ... Grammar - Simple, compound, and complex sentences Scientists are becoming more and more concerned about climate change. (Simple sentence) There was a strong wind at the beach, but we managed to have a good time anyway. - Relative clauses with which referring to the whole clause Young people are starting to carry out 3R activities, which will help to save our planet. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the advantages and disadvantages of a 'green' lo lifestyle: Go green, climate change, eco-friendly products ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. lifestyle B. product C. friendly dents D. campaign - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 2. A. natural B. disposal C. habitat D. neighborhood - (Nhấn ấm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 3. A. technology B. conservation C. initiative D. environment - (Nhấn âm tiết 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 4. A. deplete B. delay C. climate D. remove - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 5. A. clutter B. pathway C. asthma D. effect - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. carbon B. environment C. respiratory D. disposal - (âm /əʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 2. A. emission B. pesticide C. surface D. soot - (âm /ʃ/, các từ còn lại âm /s/) 3. A. damage B. regional C. growing D. energy - (âm /ɡ/, các từ còn lại âm /dʒ/) 4. A. depleted B. wasted C. reduced D. affected - (âm /t/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪd/) 5. A. width B. healthy C. breathing D. throat - (âm /ð, các từ còn lại âm /θ/) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Scientists are experimenting on ways to dispose of waste safely. A. eliminate B. conserve C. deal with D. get used to - (conserve” là bảo tồn, trái nghĩa với "dispose of" là tiêu hủy, xử lý) 2. The burning of fossil fuels has led to air pollution and deforestation caused land erosion.










A. resulted in B. resulted from C. brought about D. caused - ("result from” là có nguồn gốc từ trái nghĩa với “led to” là dẫn đến, gây ra) 3. The air in this city contains a lot of harmful gases, which may do harm to the citizens. A. dangerous B. beneficial C. toxic D. wasted - (“beneficial” là có lợi, mang lại lợi ích, trái nghĩa với “harmful" là có hại) 4. Stockholm dwellers are fortunate to live in one of the greenest capitals in the world. A. lucky B. wealthy C. unlucky D. unhealthy - (“unlucky" là không may mắn, trái nghĩa với "fortunate” là may mắn) 5. Regular exercise is essential to prolonging longevity. A. Frequent B. Bodily C. Occasional D. Heavy - (“occasional” là thỉnh thoảng, trái nghĩa với "regular” là thường xuyên) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The city council is discussing a detailed ____ plan for maintaining clean beaches and parks. A. activity B. action C. measure D. approach - (action plan" là một collocation, mang nghĩa “kế hoạch hành động") 2. To ____ green is to practise simple green lifestyles, which helps save the planet for further generation. A. go B. act C. make D. get - ("go green": sống một cách thân thiện với môi trường) 3. It is advisable that people start using ____ products. A. environment-friendly B. friend-of-environment C. friendly to environment D. friendly environmentally - ("environment-friendly": thân thiện với môi trường) 4. The kids often forget to turn off the lights when getting out of the room, ____ wastes a lot of electricity. A. that B. where C. which D. what - (Which đứng sau dấu phẩy thay thế cho cả mệnh đề trước đó, dịch nghĩa là "điều đó”). 5. People should ____ a green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources. A. adapt B. adjust C. adopt D. adjoin - (adopt a green lifestyle: có lối sống “xanh”, vì môi trường) 6. It is important to keep ourselves clean ____ germs can cause infections in parts of our body. A. although B. unless C. while D. because - (liên từ “because” chỉ nguyên nhân) 7. Organic vegetables are considered healthier ____ their high price. A. although B. despite C. in spite D. regardless - (despite + N/ N-phrase: cho dù là ...) 8. Environmentalists are worried that our natural resources will ____ if we don't take initiative to go green. A. run B . deplete C. deprive D. end - (end: nội động từ có nghĩa là hết, cạn kiệt) 9. Many companies do not want to spend too much on waste ____ as the cost is really high. A. discharge B. release C. rid D. disposal - (“Waste disposal”: xử lý chất thải) 10. ____ we stop deforestation, a lot of species will lose their habitats. A. If B. Because C. When D. Unless - (nếu không dừng việc phá rừng, nhiều loài sẽ mất môi trường sống) 11. Animals that are raised on ____ organic pastures provide organic meat. A. verified B. certified C. varied D. censored - (“certified”: có đăng kí, có giấy chứng nhận). 12. People should use bicycles instead of motorbikes ____ it will help to reduce exhaust fumes and pollution. A. unless B. although C. since D. while










- ("since” để chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-hậu quả) 13. We reuse bags, old clothing and scrap paper at home ____ we can reduce waste. A. lest B. in order to C. for fear of D. so that - (“so that” để nối 2 mệnh đề, mang nghĩa “để mà”) 14. The local university has recently introduced to students several ways to go green, ____has had huge impact on the community. A. that B. where C. which D. what - (which” để thay cho cả mệnh đề trước, lưu ý "that” không dùng với dấu phầy) 15. Sometimes people just focus on the ____ benefits without thinking of the environmental risks of certain economic activities. A. long-term B. short-lived C. immediate D. potential - (“immediate benefits": lợi ích trước mắt) 16. The large carotid artery ____ to the main parts of the brain. A. carrying blood B. blood is carried C. carries blood D. blood carries - (“carries blood”: mang / di chuyển máu đi ...) 17. ____ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. A. Above tundra plants B. Tundra plants C. Tundra plants are found D. For tundra plants - (phân tích cấu trúc câu, thấy cần một danh từ/cụm danh từ đóng vai trò chủ ngữ, chọn “tundra plants") 18. Polluted air in the factory ____ the workers' respiratory illnesses. A. results from B. brings up C. causes of D. accounts for - (“account for something": giải thích, là nguyên nhân của việc gì) 19. Soot emissions might be ____ for the melting of the Arctic. A. responsible B. response C. responsive D. responsibility - (“be responsible for something": Có trách nhiệm với việc gì) 20. Soot comes from the ____ combustion of fossil or other fuels. A. completion B. complete C. incompletion D. incomplete - (“incomplete combustion" là một cụm, mang nghĩa "quá trình cháy không hoàn tất”, “soot” hoặc “bồ hóng tinh thể than (chính chúng làm cho khói đốt có màu đen) được sinh ra từ quá trình này.) 21. Many people tend to be unaware ____ the dangers from soot emissions. A. to B. of C. about D. over - ("be unaware of something": không nhận thức được, không có ý thức về việc gì) 22. In some cities of developed countries, buses and other means of public transport run ____ renewable energy. A. to lend B. on C. by D. over - (“run on something”: sử dụng nhiên liệu gì) 23. - X: “Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?" - Y: “____” A. As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all. B. I do. I've been excited about it now. C. However. My parents and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii. D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too. - (“Chứ sao. Mấy đi, mấy cậu mang mấy đứa con theo nữa, “you bet" mang nghĩa chứ sao, trả lời khì chắc chắn về việc gì) 24. - X: "Would you do me a favour?" - Y: “____” A. I would. B. With pleasure. C. I don't know if I can. D. What is the favour? - (“with pleasure" mang nghĩa “vinh dự của tôi", dùng khi chấp nhận giúp đỡ ai đó) 25. - X: “It's a beautiful day today! How about a little trip out into the country?" - Y: “____”










A. That sounds great. What should I do for the preparation? B. I don't know. I really haven't thought about what we'd do. C. Well, would you like me to pack picnic or to buy something? D. It's all right. That sounds like a good idea. - ("Nghe đã đó. Giờ chuẩn bị cái gì đây?”) 26. I have ____ to see such a rude receptionist. A. never B. yet C. forever D. not - (cấu trúc “have/has +yet + to inf” cùng ý nghĩa với cấu trúc “have/has + past participle + yet”) 27. Child Care is the ____ child care manual ever written, and its author is a famous pediatrician. A. widely most read B. most read widely C. most widely read D. read most widely - (cấu trúc “the most + adverb + adjective” ở đây "read” là past participle dùng như tính từ) 28. The relative size of an insect's wing is much greater than ____. A. of a bird's wing B. that of a bird's wing C. a wing of a bird is D. that wing of a bird - (so sánh độ lớn của cánh côn trùng với cánh chim, “that” ở đây dung thay cho “the size” để tránh lặp từ) 29. My brother is an authority ____ Chinese cuisine. A. over B. at C. in D. on - ("an authority on" = "an expert on") 30. The building ____ walls are made of glass is the place where I used to work. A. whose B. which C. that D. of which - (“whose walls" là những bức tường của tòa nhà đó, câu D “of which” thiếu mạo từ, lẽ ra phải là “of which the”) V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A NEW APPROACH TO DESIGNING BUILDINGS Some experts fear that many people are becoming overweight. Adults are encouraged to exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes, five times a week, and the average person is (1) ____ to take 10,000 steps per day to maintain basic (2) ____, but it is a fact that few office workers manage to take more than 5,000. Now architects have (3) ____ 'fit' office buildings which encourage employees to become healthier because they have to walk while they are at work. In these buildings, meeting rooms and car parks are placed a long way from office desks so that workers have to walk to (4) ____ them. In one building the cafe is (5) ____ in the furthest section so that some workers have to walk as (6) ____ as half a kilometer to and from lunch. There is special emphasis on (7) ____ people to use stairs instead of lifts, and long staircases are broken into flights of no more than nine stairs, so that they don't look so difficult to climb. There are also large windows which provide attractive (8) ____over the city. (9) ____, the lifts are not easy to get access to, and in some buildings, they only stop at one floor in three. It's a design policy for a fitter environment which encourages people to walk without making it appear to be (10) ____ work - but will it be successful? Only time will tell. 1. A. recommended B. suggested C. proposed D. approved - (to be recommended to do something: được khuyến khích/khuyến cáo/khuyên nên làm gì; chú ý "suggest” thì phải là “It is suggested that…” ) 2. A. condition B. fitness C. shape D. size - (“fitness”: sự cân đối) 3. A. invented B. modelled C. schemed D. designed - (ở sau có chữ “buildings", nên chọn “design”, mang nghĩa “thiết kế") 4. A. arrive B. get C. reach D. come - (°reach something": rướn tới/đi tới cái gì) 5. A. located B. settled C. discovered D. set










- (“to be located in ..." được đặt ở/có vị trí ở đâu đó) 6. A. well B. far C. soon D. little - (“as far as a kilometer to and from lunch”: cách điểm ăn trưa tầm 1 cây số) 7. A. making B. letting C. persuading D. bringing - (“persuade someone to do something”: thuyết phục ai làm việc gì) 8. A. looks B. sights C. pictures D. views - (“view”: khung cảnh. Chú ý “sight" có nghĩa là thị lực, hoặc những nơi tham quan) 9. A. On the other hand B. Although C. In spite of D. So that - (“on the other hand” mang nghĩa “mặt khác", dùng để giới thiệu mặt kia của một vấn đề) 10. A. tough B. difficult C. hard D. bad - (“hard work": công việc nặng nhọc, khó khăn) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. After years of hype and false starts, the shift to clean power has begun to accelerate at a pace that has taken the most experienced experts by surprise. Even leaders in the oil and gas sector have been forced to confront an existential question: will the 21st century be the last one for fossil fuels? It is early, but the evidence is mounting. Wind and solar parks are being built at unprecedented rates, threatening the business models of established power companies. Electric cars that were hard to even buy eight years ago are selling at an exponential rate, in the process driving down the price of batteries that hold the key to unleashing new levels of green growth. “This clean energy disruption has just started and what is striking is how much of a financial impact it is already having on some companies,” says Per Lekander, a portfolio manager at London's Lansdowne Partners hedge fund, who has tracked global energy markets for more than 25 years. “It hit the electricity sector first, in Europe in 2013 and then the US two years later. Now it has spread to the auto sector and I think the oil industry is next.” The shift has come as increased government efforts to curb climate change and smog have driven down costs and spurred technical advances, creating a green energy industry that looks nothing like it did a decade ago: expensive and sluggish. Today, China and India have picked up the baton and are driving a sector that has spread to every continent. The result was a banner year for green energy in 2016. 1. It is stated in the passage that in the past, green energy ____. A. used internationally with great efficacy B. received huge investment from goverment C. was disfavoured at the beginning D. was the main sources of energy using by humans - (Đoạn 1, dòng 1: After years of hype and false starts, the shift to clean power has begun to accelerate at a pace that has taken the most experienced experts by surprise.) 2. The fear of leaders from oil and gas sector company comes from ____. A. the likelihood of fossil fuel to exhaust by the end of the 21st century B. the sufficiency of enerygy produced by green power C. the changes in manufacturing oil and gas D. green power companies enjoying huge investment from the government - (Đoan 1, dòng 2: Even leaders in the oil and gas sector have been forced to confront an existential question: will the 21st century be the last one for fossil fuels?) 3. The price of electric cars has been ____. A. rising rapidly B. increasing steadily C. falling exponentially D. fluctuating wildly - (Đoạn 2, dòng 2: Electric cars that were hard to even buy eight year ago are selling at an exponential rate)










4. In which year was the electricity sector in US hit by the use of green energy? A. 2013 B.2014 C. 2015 D. 2016 - Đoạn 4, dòng 1: It hit the electricity sector first, in Europe in 2013 and then the US two years later) 5. The word "sluggish" is closest in meaning to ____. A. inactive B. developed C. promising D. ineffective - ("sluggish”: chậm, ùn tắc, không hoạt động) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Scientists believe that something very serious is happening to the Earth. It is becoming warmer. Scientists predict that there will be major changes in the climate during the 21st century. Coastal waters will have higher temperatures. This will have a serious effect on agriculture. Farmers will have trouble producing good crops. In warm regions, the weather will be too dry. The amount of water could decrease by 50 per cent. This would cause a large decrease in agricultural production. World temperatures could increase from 1.5 to 5.6 degrees Celsius by the middle of the 21st century. And the increase in temperature could be even greater in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. A rise in temperature could cause the great ice sheets to melt, which, in turn would raise the level of oceans by one to two meters. Many coastal cities would be underwater. Why is all this happening? The Earth and its atmosphere are kept warm by the Sun. The atmosphere lets most of the light from the Sun pass through to warm the Earth. The Earth is warmer by the sunlight and sends heat energy back into the atmosphere. Much of this energy escapes from the Earth's atmosphere. However, some of it remains. Gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor absorb this energy and create more heat. Then, this heat is sent back down to Earth, and the Earth becomes warmer. Recently, however, an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing serious problems. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents heat energy from escaping. Too much heat is sent back down to the Earth, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase. When oil, gas, and coal burn, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. The destruction of rain forests that absorb carbon dioxide also helps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Some scientists believe that the amount of carbon dioxide in the air will double by the late 2000s. Scientists call this warming of the Earth and its atmosphere “the greenhouse effect”. A greenhouse, made of glass and plastic, is a special place where plants are grown. The sunlight passes through the glass or plastic and warms the air inside. The heat inside escapes very slowly, so the greenhouse remains very warm. This is exactly what is happening on the Earth. Another reason why the Earth is growing warmer is because of the amount of ozone in our atmosphere. Ozone is a form of oxygen. In the upper atmosphere, very far from the Earth, a layer of ozone helps to protect the Earth from 95 percent of the harmful light that comes from the sun. If your skin receives too much of this light, you would develop skin cancer. We need the ozone layer to protect ourselves. But the ozone layer is in trouble. Scientists have observed that the ozone layer is becoming thin, and above Antarctica there is a hole. This allows too much of the sun's dangerous light into our atmosphere and makes the Earth warmer. Scientists say we must start making changes and planning now. We need to continue to do research, so we can predict what will happen in the future. We must burn less coal, oil, and gas. Other scientists believe that the problem is not so serious. They think that the Earth is growing warmer naturally, that we don't need to worry about it now, and that we should just get ready for life in the warmer climate. Most scientists agree that the causes of the world's climate are very complicated. They say that we must continue to measure the amount of carbon dioxide and ozone in the atmosphere. Scientists also encourage people to learn about the changes that are occurring in the world and how we can all help protect our atmosphere. 1. Which of the following will be one of the consequences of a warmer earth? A. Crops will be poor unless they are grown in the green house. B. The amount of water will be decreased by half.










C. Farmer will get into trouble because of the heat. D. There will be no winter on earth. - (Đoan 1, dòng 4: The amount of water could decrease by 50 per cent) 2. A rise in temperature will be more remarkable ____. A. in the Arctic and Antarctic regions B. in the coastal cities C. by the year 2050 D. under the great ice sheets - (Đoạn 2, dòng 2: And the increase in temperature could be even greater in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.) 3. The melting of the polar ice sheets will probably lead to ____. A. a rise in global temperature B. the extinction of many polar animals C. flooding of many coastal cities D. a serve winter all over the world - (Đoạn 2, dòng 4: Many coastal cities would be underwater) 4. The Earth wouldn't become warmer if ____. A. the heat energy didn't escape from the earth's atmosphere B. sunlight didn't pass through the atmosphere C. the earth didn't send heat energy back into the atmosphere D. carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor didn't retain the heat energy - Đoạn 3, 2 câu cuối: Gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor absorb this energy and create more heat. Then, this heat is sent back down to Earth, and the Earth becomes warmer.) 5. When the rainforests are destroyed ____. A. people have to burn coal, oil, gas instead of wood for fuel B. heat energy fails to escape from the atmosphere C. there is nothing to absorb carbon dioxide D. serious problems are caused for the scientists - (Đoạn 4, dòng 4: The destruction of rain forests that absorb carbon dioxide also helps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.) 6. It is obvious that ____. A. greenhouses are responsible for the warming of the earth B. what is happening on the earth is comparable to what happens in a greenhouse C. greenhouses should be banned to prevent the warming of the earth D. things wouldn't be so bad if greenhouses were not made of glass or plastic - (Đoạn 5, 2 câu cuối: The heat inside escapes very slowly, so the greenhouse remains very warm. This is exactly what is happening on the Earth.) 7. How useful is the ozone layer? A. It protects the earth from the harmful radiation from the sun. B. It absorbs much of the carbon dioxide. C. It sends the extra heat energy back into space and thus keeps the earth cool. D. It helps treat skin cancer. - (Đoạn 6, dòng 2, 3: a layer of ozone helps to protect the Earth from 95 percent of the harmful light that comes from the sun) 8. The two factors that directly cause the greenhouse effects are ____. A. the destruction of rain forests and the melting of the polar ice B. the burning of fossil fuels and the changes of the climate C. the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the decrease of the ozone layer D. the ignorance of greenhouse owners and the development of skin cancer - (Đoạn 4, dòng 2, 3: Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents heat energy from escaping. Too much heat is sent back down to the Earth, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere










continues to increase và đoạn 6, dòng cuối: This allows too much of the sun's dangerous light into our atmosphere and makes the Earth warmer.) 9. There seems to be ____. A. a solution to the problem by the middle of the 21st century B. no need to worry about fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas C. other undiscovered causes of the greenhouse effects D. some disagreement among the scientists as to the danger of the greenhouse effect - (Đoạn cuối dòng 1, dòng 2: Scientists say we must start making changes and planning now... Other scientists believe that the problem is not so serious) 10. Which is the best title for the passage? A. The global warming B. The greenhouse effect C. The heat energy D. The change of climate in the poles - (Đọc bài ta thấy ý chính là về sự ấm lên của trái đất - global warming) VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. The prices of organic products are quite high, that may be discouraging to consumers. A B C D - (“that" sửa thành “which” để bổ nghĩa cho cả vế phía trước) 2. The national park carrying out a wide range of conservation activities to save many endangered species from A B C D extinction. - (“carrying” sửa thành “carries" để câu có động từ chính đã được chia) 3. The principal who just signed an approval of the youth union’s plan to recycle waste paper. A B C D - (bỏ “who” để the “principal" làm chủ ngữ của “signed”) 4. To adopt a green lifestyle, people who may face some inconveniences at first. A B C D - (“who” cần phải lược bỏ vì câu này đã đủ các thành phần của mệnh đề chính, nếu có thêm “who” sẽ không đảm bảo trở thành mệnh đề độc lập) 5. All the shopping centers that in the district turn their lights off to celebrate Earth Hour. A B C D - (cần bỏ “that” ở B vì cả câu đã đầy đủ thành phần của một mệnh đề độc lập) 6. Mike used to work for us, but he once argued with my wife or quit his job. A B C D - (sửa “or” thành “and” cho phù hợp ý nghĩa “Mike từng tranh cãi với vợ tôi và sau đó bỏ việc") 7. Ginger is three times as hot as cumin, but not as hot as chili powder. A B C D - (sửa "three time” thành “three times” nghĩa là “gấp ba lần) 8. Children will walk at about the same age whether or no they are taught by their parents. A B C D - (sửa “or no” thành “or not” cho phù hợp cấu trúc “whether or not") 9. Charcoal is odourless and tastelessness, and has the ability to absorb a large quantity of gas. A B C D - (sửa “tastelessness” thành “tasteless" là một tính từ cho phù hợp cấu trúc song song với tính từ "odourless”) 10. Ants find their way by following scent laid down by their previous ants. A B C D - (sửa "their" thành "the” vì “their” sử dụng ở đây sẽ tối nghĩa)










IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. “If I were you, Tony, I wouldn’t lie to Jane again,” said Susan. A. Susan advised Tony not to lie to Jane again. B. Susan offered Tony not to lie to Jane again. C. Susan warned Tony to lie to Jane again. D. Susan suggested Tony should lie to Jane again. - (Cấu trúc "If I were you ..." được dùng khi đưa ra lời khuyên) 2. The last time I went to the zoo was 5 years ago. A. At last I went to the zoo after 5 years. B. I haven’t been to the zoo for 5 years. C. I started going to the zoo 5 years ago. D. I last went to the zoo when I was 5 years old. - (Lần cuối đi sở thú là 5 năm trước/Đã 5 năm chưa đi sở thú) 3. We could not handle the situation without you. A. You didn't help us handle the situation. B. If you had not helped us, we could not have handled the situation. C. If you did not help us, we could not handle the situation. D. We will handle the situation if you help. - (Câu gốc dùng chữ “Could”, nên câu điều kiện phải loại 3) 4. It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight. A. If there were not the earth's gravity, we would be weightless. B. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything. C. The earth's gravity is given weight by people. D. If there hadn't been the earth's gravity, we would have been weightless. - (Câu gốc là một sự thật, nên câu điều kiện phải loại 2) 5. I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend. A. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door. B. I knew it was my friend, but I still answered the door. C. Though I knew it was my friend, I didn't answer the door. D. Had I known it was my friend, I would have answered the door. - (cấu trúc even though/though, chỉ sự tương phản) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment. They are not willing to do it. A. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, but they are not willing to do it. B. Because people know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, they are not willing to do it. C. People know that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, so they are not willing to do it. D. Despite knowing that categorizing trash helps to recycle waste and protect the environment, they are willing to do it. - (dùng “but" để chỉ mối quan hệ tương phản, chú ý tới nghĩa của câu gốc để chọn) 2. The government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago. It doesn't stink any more. A. Before the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it hadn't stunk any more.










B. As the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it doesn't stink any more. C. If the government had initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it wouldn't have stunk any more. D. Although the government initiated a program to improve the water quality of the Nhieu Loc canal years ago, it doesn't stink any more. - (dùng as" như là “because”, chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả) 3. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead. Natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. A. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead; however, natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. B. As renewable sources of energy should be used instead, natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. C. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead since natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. D. Renewable sources of energy should be used instead; therefore, resources are being exploited at an alarming rate. - (dùng "since” như là “because”, chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả, chú ý tới nghĩa của câu gốc để chọn) 4. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations. They don't have to take any actions. A. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations; therefore, they don't have to take any actions. B. Some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, but they don't have to take any actions. C. Unless some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, they don't have to take any actions. D. While some citizens believe that protecting the environment is the responsibility of the government and organizations, they don't have to take any actions. - (dùng "therefore” để chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả) 5. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. They are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. A. While plastic bags are non-biodegradable, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. B. Because plastic bags are non-biodegradable, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. C. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable; nonetheless, they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. D. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, or they are harmful to the environment, especially to the aquatic wildlife. - (dùng "because” để chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả)







LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Pronunciation of verb ending-ed: /id/ after /t/ or /d/ /t/ after voiceless sounds /d/ after voiced sounds Grammar - Prepositions after certain verbs We rely on the mass media to stay connected and informed. Help Desk requests are stored in a historical database, which can be searched for effective answers to future reader queries. - The past perfect vs. the past simple I had already downloaded the information for our project before you reminded me to. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the mass media: medium, subscribe, website, GPS (Global Positioning System), ...ambition, career adviser, drop out of, get to grips with,...





I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1 A broadcast B. advert C. amuse D. instant - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 2. A. educate B. entertain C. influence D. consider - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 3. A. regard B. service C. impact D. programme - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 4. A. popular B. media C. creative D. audience - (Nhấn âm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 5. A. introduce B. develop C. invented D. addicted - (Nhấn âm tiết 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. developed B. introduced C. influenced D. raised - (âm /d/, các từ Còn lại âm /t/) 2. A. bully B. introduce C. amuse D. distribute - (âm /ʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /ju:/) 3. A reduced B. addicted C. distributed D. deleted - (âm /t/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪd/) 4. A. social B. influential C. finish D. mass - (âm /s/, các từ còn lại âm /ʃ/) 5. A. chanced B. believed C. announced D. finished - (âm /d/, các từ còn lại âm /t/ ) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.










1. The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a rapidly changing world. A. widespread B. appearing C. serious D. minor - ("emerge” hoặc “appear" mang nghĩa xuất hiện) 2. Congestion charging is a unique experiment that other UK cities are watching with interest; no other policies receive such public notice. A. normal B. formal C. original D. compulsory - (“unique” hoặc “original” mang nghĩa nguyên bản, độc nhất vô nhị) 3. It was the advent of television which really transformed sportsmen. A. coming B. going C. increase D. falling - ("advent” hoặc “coming" mang nghĩa sự xuất hiện) 4. Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together. A. loosely related B. closely related C. completely different D. quite similar - ("inseparable” mang nghĩa không thể tách ra được, chọn "closely related" mang nghĩa liên quan mật thiết) 5. Educators are complaining that students rely on social media so much that they lose the ability to think critically. A. depend on B. decide on C. insist on D. appear on - ("rely on ..." và "depend on ..." mang nghĩa dựa vào điều gì) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The teacher suspected the student ____ cheating on the test. A. of B. in C. about D. on - ("suspect sb of doing sth” mang nghĩa “nghi ngờ ai làm việc gì”) 2. You really shouldn't boast ____ your success ____ other people on social media. A. with / to B. of / to C. about / at D. over / to - (“boast of sth to sb” mang nghĩa “khoác lác về việc gì với ai”) 3. I don't know why you insist ____ blaming me ____ all my troubles A. on / for B. in / for C. at / on D. over / for - ("insist on doing sth” mang nghĩa nằng nặc làm việc gì, “blame sb for sth" mang nghĩa “đổ lỗi cho ai về việc gì”) 4. You shouldn't rely ____ getting assistance from Frank. A. at B. in C. on D. about - (“rely on sth/doing sth” mang nghĩa “dựa vào cái gì đó”) 5. Mr. Green always worries ____ losing his position. A. in B. at C. on D. about - ('worry about sb/sth” mang nghĩa “lo lắng về việc gì hoặc ai đó”) 6. Our boss objects ____ using any different methods. A. of B. to C. with D. over - ("object to sth/doing sth” mang nghĩa “phản đối việc gì”) 7. My father doesn't approve ____ studying late at night. A. of B. with C. on D. about - (“approve of sth/doing sth” mang nghĩa “đồng tình với việc gì”) 8. Forgive me ____ using these taboo words. A. of B. for C. with D. on - (“forgive sb for doing sth” mang nghĩa "tha thứ cho ai về việc gì”) 9. Why are you laughing ____ me? A. of B. over C. to D. at - (“laugh at sb" mang nghĩa “cười ai đó")










10. I don't want to argue ____ you ____ that matter at this time. A. at / over B. with / at C. with / about D. on / about - (“argue with sb about sth” mang nghĩa là “đôi co với ai về việc gì") 11. Terry always depends ____ his brother for assistance. A. on B. in C. at D. of - ("depend on sb for sth” mang nghĩa “dựa vào ai đó để có cái gì”) 12. Josh ____ televisions for 4 hours since he arrived home. A. has watched B. has been watching C. watched D. had been watching - (lưu ý “for 4 hours", câu này nhấn mạnh tính kéo dài liên tục của hành động, nên dùng hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn). 13. So far Tina ____ in several movies already. It is just the matter of time before she becomes famous. A. appeared B. has appeared C. has been appearing D. was appearing - lưu ý “several movies already”, câu này nhấn mạnh tính hoàn thành, có thành quả, nên dùng hiện tại hoàn thành) 14. The book is so engaging that my sister ____ it for hours the minute she got it from the library. A. had read B. has read C. has been reading D. had been reading - (lưu ý “for hours”, nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động, nên dùng hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 15. Christine ____ in London for a few years before she moved to Ireland. A. has lived B. lived C. has been living D. was living - (lưu ý “before she loved", chọn “lived” ở đây, là quá khứ đơn để chỉ một chuỗi hành động xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ) 16. The benefits of the Internet of social media are ____. A. enormous B. huge C. large D. gigantic - ("enomous benefits” là collocation, mang nghĩa “lợi ích to lớn”) 17. It is quite ____ of young people to vent their anger on social media. A. characteristic B. habitual C. customary D. regular - (“characteristic of sb to do sth” mang nghĩa “điển hình của ai đó mà làm việc gì”) 18. Digital media have a great ____ on people's lives and society. A. decision B. dependence C. opinion D. influence - (“have a great influence on sth” mang nghĩa “có sự ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai”) 19. Mass media have proven to be a(n) ____ part of people's lives as hardly anyone can live without them. A. unique B. popular C. diverse D. inseparable - ("inseparable part” mang nghĩa "một phần không thể tách ra được”) 20. Red is usually the ____ colour in his paintings. A. dominant B. visible C. fading D. often - (“dominant” trong ngữ cảnh này, mang nghĩa “chủ đạo”) 21. Most people rely ____ on the mass media as their main source of information. A. increasingly B. heavily C. remarkably D. considerably - (“rely heavily on sth" là một collocation, mang nghĩa “phụ thuộc, quá dựa vào cái gì ...”) 22. Because of cyber bullying, many Internet users delete their social ____. A. accounts B. nicknames C. passwords D. profiles - (“account” ở đây mang nghĩa “tài khoản”) 23. - X: "You seem to have a lot of work to do in your office. You've always been working overtime." - Y: “____” A. You are right, but don't you know the meaning of work? B. Sorry, I don't think so. I get overpaid for overwork, you know. C. That's right. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. D. That's right, but the work is interesting. I don't mind some extra hours at all.










- (“Đúng rồi, nhưng mà công việc ở đây thú vị lắm. Tôi cũng không ngại làm thêm vài tiếng nữa.”) 24. - X: "George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith." - Y: “____” A. How have you been? B. Pleased to meet you, George. C. Mind if call you George? D. The pleasure's mine. - (“Rất vui được gặp bạn, George”, câu này được dùng khi trả lời lại lời giới thiệu ...) 25. - X:"Excuse me. I don't want to interrupt you..." - Y: “____” A. No, no. It's not right. B. Well, never mind. C. It won't bother me. D. Of course not - (“Well, never mind” mang nghĩa “Không có gì, đừng để ý”, dùng để trả lời khi ai đó xin lỗi mình) 26. It is impossible to ____ why so many people go in for that kind of sport. A. account B. explain C. cause D. reason - ("explain" nghĩa là giải thích cho, "account” ở A cần phải là "account for” mới mang nghĩa giải thích) 27. After making a ____ of England, the band is coming again. A. time B. chance C. tour D. date - (“make a tour of” là “thực hiện một tour vòng quanh nơi nào”) 28. In conferences, speakers ____ the audience mainly in English. A. say B. speak C. talk D. address - (“address somebody nghĩa là “nói chuyện với ai”, các từ trong các phương án còn lại cần phải đi với giới từ mới phù hợp về nghĩa và cấu trúc câu) 29. Have you got any ____ to the present system? A. change B. replacement C. altenation D. alternative - ("alternative to" nghĩa là “lựa chọn thay thế cho” - “change” đi với giới từ “of” - “replacement” đi với giới từ “for” còn "alternation” không phù hợp về nghĩa) 30. He may be ____ to penicillin, so you should give him some test before giving him a shot. A. reactive B. allergic C. resistant D. preventive - (“allergic to" có nghĩa là “dị ứng với cái gì”) V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE POPULARITY OF TEXT MESSAGING Why is text messaging so popular, especially with young people? There are two main reasons. One is cost, as many teenagers have to use pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs (1) ____ of contracts, and so it is cheaper to send a text message than (2) ____ a voice call. So texters get better value of (3) ____. But there is a second, less practical reason for its popularity. A generation is growing up happy to communicate (4) ____ by text, and this new form of instant communication is even more relaxed and informal than either email or phone calls. Text messaging has created a completely new language, (5) ____ of abbreviations and unusual spellings. It is a language that is not understood by adults, even though they can buy special dictionaries explaining it, and it has opened up a huge generation (6) ____ between teenagers and their parents. For teenagers, text is convenient and quick, (7) ____ it confuses parents. Text messaging is a teenage (8) ____ to grown up technology and (9) ____ young people with a means of communicating that is always accessible. It is also something that they can call their own, and in spite of some concern in the teaching profession that literacy skills are being (10) ____ text messaging is a form of communication that is certainly here to stay. 1. A. instead B. rather C. other D. afraid - (“instead of sth” mang nghĩa “thay vì cái gì”) 2. A. do B. make C. take D. form - (“make a call” là một collocation, mang nghĩa gọi điện) 3. A. cash B. income C. money D. earnings










- (“value of money" mang nghĩa “giá trị về tiền”) 4. A. almost B. mostly C. completely D. rarely - (mostly mang nghĩa chủ yếu, phần lớn. Lưu ý: “almost” mang nghĩa “gần như”, tương tự chữ “nearly") 5. A. filled B. packed C. full D. fraught - (“to be full of sth” mang nghĩa chứa đầy cái gì”, lưu ý: những chữ còn lại đi với giới từ with) 6. A. distance B. gap C. length D. obstacle - ("generation gap” mang nghĩa “khoảng cách thế hệ”, đây là một collocation) 7. A. and B. for C. so D. but - (chọn chữ “but”, thể hiện sự tương phản. Lưu ý: đọc kĩ vế trước và vế sau để chọn đúng) 8. A. access B. reply C. response D. attitude - (“a response to sth” mang nghĩa “sự phản ứng với cái gì” trong ngữ cảnh này) 9. A. gives B. brings C. carries D. provides - (“provide sb with sth” mang nghĩa "cung cấp cho ai cái gì”) 10. A. forgotten B. beaten C. lost D. overtaken - (“be lost” mang nghĩa “bị đánh mất”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Dear Editor, Why do newspapers carry so many advertisements for electronic equipment? Last Sunday I counted ads for seven kinds of televisions and thirteen kinds of radios in the Atlanta Journal. Besides that, there were pages and pages of ads for tape recorders and CD players. Don't you realize what electronic equipment is doing to our daily life? Everywhere you go you may hear loud music and advertisements over radios; this continual noise is doing harm to our ears. Husbands don't talk to wives anymore; they are always watching the news or a ball game on TV. Children ruin their eyes with endless hours of watching not only the programs for children but those for grownups as well. And worse, hidden microphones find out about our private lives, and computers keep records of personal information about us. Enough is enough! I think you should limit the amount of advertising of electronic equipment in the Atlanta Journal; otherwise it will make life unbearable for us all. 1. What does the writer complain about? A. Noise B. Newspapers C. Advertisements D. Electronic equipment - (Tác giả phàn nàn về thực tế có quá nhiều quảng cáo. Đoạn 1, dòng 1: Why do newspapers carry so many advertisements for electronic equipment?) 2. What problem does the writer think radio causes? A. It gives too much music. B. It has too many programs for advertising. C. Its noise does harm to our ears. D. It changes our daily live. - (Đoạn 2, dòng 2: this continual noise is doing harm to our ears) 3. Why do husbands talk less and less to wives, according to the writer? A. They spend too much time on sports. B. They are always watching TV programs. C. They like to play games on TV. D. They take little interest in their wives. - (Đoạn 2, dòng 2-3: Husbands don't talk to wives anymore; they are always watching the news or a ballgame on TV) 4. What is the writer worried about most? A. Electronic equipment may invade our private life. B. Electronic equipment may harm our health. C. Electronic equipment may affect children's study. D. Electronic equipment may affect family relationship. - (Đoạn 2, câu cuối: hidden microphones find out about our private lives, and computers keep records of personal information about us.) 5. What is implied in this letter?










A. There are too many programs for grownups on TV. B. Reading advertisements is a waste of time. C. Watching TV may hurt children's eyes. D. Some electronic equipment may cause social problems. - (Đồ điện tử có thể gây ra vấn đề xã hội) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Cyberspace, data superhighway, multimedia - for those who have seen the future, the linking of computers, television and telephones will change our lives forever. Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia, little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor. As with all new high technology, while the West concerns itself with the "how", the question of "for whom" is put aside once again. Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communications revolution has affected the world economy. Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries, and transnational corporations take full advantage of it. Terms of trade, exchange and interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets - with destructive impact on the have-nots. For them the result is instability. Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine. As futures" are traded on computer screens, developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies. So what are the options for regaining control? One alternative is for developing countries to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications themselves – so called development communications" modernization. Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries economies Communications technology is generally exported from the U.S., Europe or Japan; the patents, skills and ability to manufacture remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries. It is also expensive, and imported products and services must therefore be bought on credit - credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain. Furthermore, when new technology is introduced there is often too low a level of expertise to exploit it for native development. This means that while local elites, foreign communities and subsidiaries of transnational corporations may benefit, those whose lives depend on access to the information are denied it. 1. According to paragraph 1, the development of high technology is in the interests of ____. A. the rich countries B. scientific development C. the elite D. the world economy - (Đoạn 1, dòng cuối: As with all new high technology, while the West concerns itself with the "how", the question of "for whom" is put aside once again.) 2. The word "utopia" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____. A. unreal perfection B. rapid development C. positive effect D. gloomy prospect - ("utopia” là một nơi mà mọi thứ đều hoàn hảo) 3. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A. international trade should be expanded B. the interests of the poor countries have not been given enough consideration C. the exports of the poor countries should be increased D. communications technology in developing countries should be modernized - (Đoạn 1, dòng 3: little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.) 4. The word "instability” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____. A. steadiness B. certainty C. uncertainty D. impossibility - (“instability" mang nghĩa “sự không ổn định”, “uncertainty" mang nghĩa “sự không chắc chắn”) 5. The word "which" in paragraph 3 refers to ____.










A. instability B. result C. countries D. goods - (chữ “which” thay thế cho chữ ngay trước nó là chữ “countries") 6. The word "constraints" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____. A. limitations B. benefits C. demands D. struggles - ("constraints” và “limitations” mang nghĩa “sự giới hạn") 7. Why is it stated that the electronic economy may have a destructive impact on developing countries? A. Because it enables the developed countries to control the international market. B. Because it destroys the economic balance of the poor countries. C. Because it violates the national boundaries of the poor countries. D. Because it inhibits the industrial growth of developing countries. - (Đoạn 2, câu cuối: ... allows the haves to increase their control on global markets - with destructive impact on the have-nots.) 8. The development of modern communications technology in developing countries may ____. A. hinder their industrial production B. cause them to lose control of their trade C. force them to reduce their share of exports D. cost them their economic independence - (Đoan 4, câu cuối: ... this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries' economies.) 9. The word "it" in paragraph 6 refers to ____. A. development B. new technology C. native development D. level of expertise - ("exploit sth” mang nghĩa sử dụng, khai thác cái gì”, chữ "it" thay thế cho chữ “new technology”, “sử dụng công nghệ") 10. The author's attitude toward the communications revolution is ____. A. positive B. critical C. indifferent D. tolerant - ("critical” mang nghĩa “thái độ phê phán” trong ngữ cảnh này) VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. After many failures, the author has finally succeeded at having his novel published. A B C D - (Sửa “at” thành “in”, “succeed in doing sth” mang nghĩa “thành công làm gì”) 2. I worked on the problem for two days, but I still can't find any solution to it. A B C D - (sửa thành “have been working", nhấn mạnh tính liên tục "for 2 days”) 3. Before he took part in that reality show, Novak has appeared on TV several times. A B C D - (sửa thành "had appeared”, lưu ý, vế trước đã là thì quá khứ đơn, mà trước đó nữa, thì phải là quá khứ hoàn thành) 4. Cameron insisted in getting the contract signed before leaving for the airport. A B C D - (Sửa thành “insisted on ...”, mang nghĩa “khăng khăng làm việc gì”) 5. Mark has never used any social networking sites per him how to create a Facebook account. A B C D - (Sửa thành “had never used”, lưu ý “before ... his brother showed ...) 6. He was so careless that he left the work half doing and went to the cinema. A B C D - (sửa “doing” thành “done” – “half done” nghĩa là hoàn thành dang dở) 7. His irresponsibility is endangered his career as a doctor.










A B C D - (sửa đendangered” thành “endangering” vì ở đây động từ này mang nghĩa chủ động) 8. It was unfair that the new students were given so low marks. A B C D - (sửa “so” thành “too” để phù hợp với nghĩa tiêu cực của từ "unfair”) 9. If not his father's help, Bill couldn't have repaired the roof. A B C D - (sửa “if not” thành “without” với nghĩa “nếu không thì”) 10. As soon as they were seated, the man began to whisper among themselves. A B C D - (sửa “man” thành “men” vì ở phía trước đại từ "they” được dùng để thay cho danh từ số nhiều ở vế sau) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. Joe has not drunk alcohol for two years. A. Joe quitted drinking alcohol two years ago. B. It has been two years since Joe started to drink alcohol. C. Joe started drinking alcohol two years ago. D. It took Joe two years to quit drinking alcohol. - (Chú ý đọc kĩ, hiểu nghĩa câu gốc và caau chuyện “Joe đã không uống bia được 2 năm” bằng với “Joe ngưng uống bia 2 năm trước) 2. The last time Peter saw Mary was two months ago. A. Peter has seen Mary for two months. B. Peter has not seen Mary for two months. C. Peter first saw Mary two months ago. D. Peter saw Mary again two months ago. - (Tương tự. “Lần cuối Peter gặp Mary là 2 tháng trước” tức là “2 tháng rồi Peter không gặp Mary") 3. Jonas came to the party the minute it came to an end. A. Jonas came too late to end the party. B. Jonas came to the party so early that it came to an end. C. Jonas would have ended the party if he came earlier. D. As soon as Jonas came to the party, it ended. - (Tương tự. “Jonas đến bữa tiệc vào cái phút nó kết thúc” bằng với “Ngay khi Jonas đến, thì bữa tiệc kết thúc") 4. Right after the boy got out of his house, it started to rain heavily. A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house. B. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house. C. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily. D. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house. - (Chú ý thứ tự của hành động, thằng bé đi ra khỏi nhà trước, rồi mới mưa) 5. Ursula has been a keen Facebook user for three years. A. It has been three years since Ursula last used Facebook. B. Ursula became a keen Facebook user three years ago. C. Ursula stopped using Facebook three years ago. D. Ursula has not used Facebook keenly for three years. - (Tương tự câu 1,2,3) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. National Geographic is one of the most influential magazines in the world. It came into being in 1899. A. National Geographic came into being as one of the most influential magazines in the world in 1899.










B. National Geographic, one of the most influential magazines in the world, came into being in 1899. C. In 1899, National Geographic became one of the most influential magazines in the world. D. National Geographic is one of the most influential magazines coming into being in 1899. - (Các câu A, C, D đổi nghĩa của câu gốc) 2. Schools need to protect students from dangerous materials. The materials come from the Internet. A. Dangerous materials which come from the Internet need protection from schools and students. B. Schools need to protect students from dangerous Internet from which the materials come. C. Students need to be protected from school against dangerous materials coming from the Internet. D. The Internet from which the materials come need to be protected from students by schools. - (Dùng dạng rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ, “coming from the Internet” bằng với “which come from the Internet") 3. Mobile phones are a form of mass media. The Internet is also a form of mass media. A. Neither mobile phones nor the Internet is a form of mass media. B. Either mobile phones or the Internet is a form of mass media. C. Not only mobile phones but also the Internet is a form of mass media. D. The internet is a form of media, but the mobile phones are not. - (Not only ... but also mang nghĩa “không những ... mà còn”. Các câu còn lại đổi nghĩa câu gốc) 4. Jason has a Facebook account. Ted has a Twitter account. A. Jason has a Facebook account, and Ted has a Twitter account. B. Jason has a Facebook account, so Ted has a Twitter account. C. Jason has a Facebook account, for Ted has a Twitter account. D. Jason has a Facebook account, but Ted has a Twitter account. - (“and” được dùng để nối giữa 2 câu, thành 1 câu có 2 mệnh đề) 5. Parents are concerned about the mass media. Children are excited about mass media. A. While parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. B. Because parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. C. Unless parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it. D. Parents are concerned about the mass media, so children are excited about it. - ('while” được dùng để thể hiện sự trái ngược)






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Assimilation in fast, connected speech: a cheese shop, a good game Grammar - The present perfect vs. the present perfect continuous I think I've lost my sunglasses. I’ve been looking for them since noon, but I cant find them - Repeated comparatives to say that something is changing The practice of using more and more chemicals in agriculture is harmful to people's health and to the environment. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to cultural identity: multicultural, unique, national costume, …






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. feature B. invade C. express D. unique - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 2. A. belief B. culture C. custom D. value - (Nhấn ấm tiết 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 1) 3. A. traditional B. identity C. integration D. variety - (Nhấn âm tiết 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 4. A. establish B. enable C. critical D. successful - (Nhấn âm tiết 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) 5. A. community B. ethnicity C. celebration D. environment - (Nhấn âm tiết 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm tiết 2) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. culture B. custom C. success D. number - (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /ʌ/) 2. A. celebration B. enable C. establish D. invade - (âm /ӕ/, các từ còn lại âm /eɪ/) 3. A. protect B. community C. custom D. becoming - (âm/ʌ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 4. A. enabled B. featured C. valued D. invaded - (âm /ɪd/, các từ còn lại âm /d) 5. A. define B. integrate C. celebrate D. express - (âm /e/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. It's incredible to see him fitting in the new environment such a short period of time. A. creditable B. increasing C. unthinkable D. unbelievable - ("incredible” hoặc “unbelievable” mang nghĩa “thật không thể tin được”, lưu ý nó mang nghĩa tích cực) 2. She was angry because he disregarded her feelings in this matter. A. did not ignore B. discharged C. paid no attention to D. considered










- ("disregard" mang nghĩa “không cân nhắc, không quan trọng chuyện gì”) 3. During the ten years working in Germany he accumulated huge knowledge of German customs. A. made B. expanded C. collected D. increased - (“accumulate” mang nghĩa “thu thập, tích lũy”, “collect” mang nghĩa “thu thập”) 4. He did his work reluctantly because he did not like the culture of this company. A. slowly B. unwillingly C. inefficiently D. successfully - (“reluctantly" mang nghĩa “một cách do dự, “unwillingly" mang nghĩa “một cách không tự nguyện”) 5. You shouldn't expect immigrants to assimilate into an a alien culture immediately. A. become accepted B. get rejected C. be alienated D. be identified - (“assimilate” mang nghĩa “hòa nhập, được chấp nhận”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. "Sorry I'm late. ____ for a long time?" A. Did you wait B. Have you waited C. Have you been waiting D. Did you wait - (hành động chờ bắt đầu từ trong quá khứ, kéo dài liên tục tới thời điểm nói/hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 2. I ____ my finger! It really hurts. A. cut B. was cutting C. have cut D. have been cutting - (hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kết quả trong hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 3. ____ Paul Simon's latest record? A. Have you heard B. Have you been hearing C. Did you hear D. Are you heard - (nói về một trải nghiệm, dung thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 4. Laura's tired because she ____ all day. A. shopped B. shops C. has been shopping D. has shopped - (lưu ý cụm “all day”, nhấn mạnh tính liên tục, dung thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 5. "Sorry. I ____ one of your glasses." A. have broken B. was breaking C. break D. have been breaking - (hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kết quả trong hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 6. Ian ____ the living room, but he hasn't finished yet. A. has painted B. paint C. painted D. has been painting - (lưu ý cụm “hasn’t finished”, hành động này chưa xong, nên không thể dùng hiện tại hoàn thành, nhấn mạnh tính có kết quả được) 7. "Look what Pat ____ me for my birthday! A bike!" A. was giving B. have been giving C. gives D. has given - (hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kết quả trong hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 8. "There's my wallet! I ____ for it for ages." A. have been looking B. looked C. have looked D. look - (lưu ý cụm “for ages”, dù chỗ này đã tìm thấy ví rồi, nhưng nhấn mạnh cái hành động tìm) 9. If the school union does nothing about those students with culture shock, their situation will get ____. A. more and more serious B. more serious and more serious C. more and most serious D. the most serious - (cấu trúc so sánh kép, “serious” mang nghĩa nghiêm trọng) 10. It is getting ____ for teenagers to get along well with their parents. A. the most difficult B. more and more difficult C. as difficult as D. more difficult and more difficult - (cấu trúc so sánh kép) 11. Thanks to globalization, countries around the world are getting ____ to one another. A. the closest B. closer and closer C. as close as D. the closer - (cấu trúc so sánh kép, lưu ý, “close” là tính từ 1 âm tiết, nên không dùng “more and more”)










12. It is important for young people to ____ the identity of our culture. A. remain B. retain C. maintain D. attain - (“maintain” mang nghĩa “duy trì”) 13. Shortage of land and funding is blamed for the city's ____ green space. A. inefficient B. inaccurate C. inadequate D. indispensable - (“inadequate” mang nghĩa “thiếu thốn, không đủ”) 14. Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8 per cent and 46.8 per cent, ____, over February 1995. A. individually B. accordingly C. correspondingly D. respectively - (“respectively” mang nghĩa “lần lượt là”) 15. The largest system serving e-mail messengers is the internet, a ____ of millions of computers linked worldwide. A. unity B. combination C. network D. connection - (“network” mang nghĩa “mạng lưới”) 16. The ____ department is planning a training program for the new members of staff. A. personal B. personnel C. professional D. purchasing - (“personnel” mang nghĩa “nhân sự”, lưu ý, chữ này phiên âm là /pз:rsə’nel/) 17. Jefferson once said that one must be determined and ____ on what he thinks is right. A. stick B. insist C. persist D. keep - (“insist on doing sth” mang nghĩa “nằng nặc làm việc gì”) 18. It is the ____ in that country for women to marry young. A. habit B. action C. condition D. custom - (“custom” mang nghĩa “phong tục, tập quán”) 19. He is considered as a leading ____ in the music industry. A. number B. shape C. figure D. character - (“figure” mang nghĩa “hình tượng, nhân vật nổi tiếng”) 20. We are very glad to see that all the signs ____ to a successful year ahead. A. point B. suggest C. show D. react - (“point to” là phrasal verb, đi với “sign” – “dấu hiệu”, mang nghĩa là “cho thấy cái gì có khả năng xảy ra cao”) 21. "If no one can soon ____ a good solution, we're going to be in trouble,” the board chair warned. A. come up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. check up with - (“come up with sth” phrasal verb, mang nghĩa “nghĩ ra cái gì”) 22. Goodness, economy, and honesty are regarded as some universal ____ a man should have. A. habits B. customs C. characters D. virtues - (“virtue” mang nghĩa “đặc điểm, phẩm chất”) 23. X: "I feel nervous. I've got an exam today." Y: “____” A. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! B. That's great. Have a good time. C. Poor you! That happens to me sometimes. D. Good luck! Do your best. - (cụm này mang nghĩa “chúc may mắn, làm tốt nhất nha!”, dùng để động viên ai đó) 24. X: "I feel really depressed at the moment. Nothing's going right in my life." Y: “____” A. I know. We really need some sunshine, don't we? B. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! C. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he'll be all right. D. That's good. I'm pleased to hear it. - (cụm này mang nghĩa “vui vẻ lên, mọi chuyện không thể tệ như thế đâu”, dùng để động viên ai đó)










25. X: "I'm really excited. I'm going on holiday to Australia tomorrow." Y: “____” A. Good luck! Do your best. B. Why don't you go home to bed? C. That's great. Have a good time. D. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! - (cụm này mang nghĩa “tuyệt! đi chơi vui nha”, dùng để chúc ai đó trước khi họ làm việc gì vui vẻ, ví dụ, du lịch, đi dạ tiệc) 26. I can't tell Peter and Paul apart; they are ____ twins. A. similar B. alike C. resemblance D. identical - (“identical twins” nghĩa là “sinh đôi cùng trứng, giống nhau như đúc”) 27. You are not allowed to drive ____ the influence ____ alcohol. A. under / of B. in / of C. under / by D. by / in - (“under the influence of” nghĩa là “dưới sự ảnh hưởng của ai/ cái gì”) 28. She was overwhelmed with honour ____ recognition ____ her bravery. A. with / of B. on / in C. by / about D. in / of - (“in recognition of” Có nghĩa “nhằm ghi nhận cho”) 29. The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers ____. A. on the spot B. all in all C. beyond the joke D. within reach - (“on the spot" có nghĩa là “ngay lập tức”) 30. The children often make ____ of Charles, which annoys his parents very much. A. allowance B. fun C. way D. consideration - ("make fun of somebody" nghĩa là “chọc ghẹo, mang đi ra làm trò cười”) V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, (1) ____ an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was (2) ____ to begin at 10 a.m. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived (3) ____, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10 a.m. Several arrived after 10:30 a.m. Two students came after 11 a.m. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, (4) ____ apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students' behaviour. The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in (5) ____ an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in university calls, (6) ____. He gave them an example and asked them (7) ____ they would react. If they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the (8) ____ American student showed clearly lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. On the other hand, the average Brazilian student would be 33 minutes late. In an American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. (9) ____, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12:00; many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, (10) ____ is staying late. 1. A. in B. to C. for D. at - (“to be on time/punctual for sth” mang nghĩa “đúng giờ cho việc gì”) 2. A. intended B. scheduled C. meant D. planned - (“to be scheduled to… " mang nghĩa “được sắp giờ, hẹn giờ , lưu ý đằng sau có thời gian rõ ràng) 3. A. at times B. over time C. on time D. in time - (“on time” mang nghĩa "đúng giờ) 4. A. many B. few C. several D. no










- (lưu ý, về đằng trước nói, "Although all the students", thì đằng sau, phải có sự trái ngược với “all the students" là "few") 5. A. neither B. either C. both D. not only - (“both A and B” mang nghĩa cả A và B) 6. A. respectably B. respectfully C. irrespectively D. respectively - ("respectively” mang nghĩa “lần lượt là”) 7. A. what B. how C. why D. when - (“how" để diễn tả “như thế nào”) 8. A. normal B. average C. ordinary D. single - ("average” mang nghĩa “trung bình”, lưu ý, ngữ cảnh ở đây mang tính thống kê, nên "average” phù hợp nhất) 9. A. In addition B. In particular C. In general D. In contrast - (“in addition” mang nghĩa “ngoài ra, thêm vào đó”) 10. A. either B. so C. neither D. nor - ("neither” đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ cho câu, mang nghĩa “cái đó cũng không”. Cả câu được hiểu như sau “việc tới trễ cũng không quan trọng, mà việc ở lại trễ cũng không quan trọng nốt”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Culture shock is the loss of emotional balance, disorientation, or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. When it is a common experience, the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience, and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture. The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation. When an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be, a series of properties have been knocked from under him. This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort: "The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad." Another aspect of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance, and everything becomes irrationally glorified. All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes. These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations; fear of being cheated, robbed or injured: sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more; and a great longing to go home. Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging, of being an outsider. 1. Culture shock is basically caused by ____. A. difficulties in using the language B. being unable to make friends C. feeling desperately homesick D. being away from all that is familiar - (Đoạn 1, câu cuối:. The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.) 2. According to the passage, the degree of culture shock to which one feels varies ____. A. from person to person B. from country to country C. in accordance with a person's age D. in accordance with one's nationality - (Đoạn 1, dòng 3: the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another.) 3. The first response a person tends to have when setting foot on a new land is ____. A. feeling frustrated B. fearing to be cheated C. having a sense of losing something D. having a sense of being abandoned - (Đoạn 2, dòng 1: When an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed.)










4. A home-coming trip will ____. A. draw you back to reality B. make you remember all the good things C. make you forget the troubles D. help you solve the problems - (Đoạn 3, dòng cuối: It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.) 5. Which is NOT a symptom of culture shock? A. Longing to go back home B. Longing to travel C. Having fear of being cheated D. Feeling to be an outsider - (Đoạn 4, cả đoạn không có đề cập đến “longing to travel” mang nghĩa “khát khao đi du lịch”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in three basic patterns: direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion. In direct contact, elements of a society's culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and then gradually spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive diffusion by direct contact. The invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese Ts'ai Lun in A.D. 105. Within fifty years, paper was being made in many places in central China. By 264 it was found in Chinese Turkmenistan, and from then on the successive places of manufacture were Samarkand (751), Baghdad (793), Egypt (about 900), Morocco (about 1100), and France (1189). In general, the pattern of accepting the borrowed invention was the same everywhere. Paper was first imported into each area as a luxury, then in ever-expanding quantities as a staple product. Finally, usually within one to three centuries, local manufacture started. Diffusion by intermediate contact occurs through the agency of third parties. Frequently, traders carry a cultural trait from the society that originated it to another group. As an example of diffusion through intermediaries, Phoenician traders spread the alphabet which may have been invented by another Semitic group, to Greece. At times, soldiers serve as intermediaries in spreading a culture trait. During the Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two ways: they carried European culture to Arab societies of North Africa and brought Arab culture back to Europe. In the nineteenth century Western missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific Islands. In stimulus diffusion, knowledge of a trait belonging to another culture stimulates the invention or development of a local equivalent. A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee syllabic writing system by a Native American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with the English; yet he did not adopt the writing system nor did he even learn to write English. He utilized some English alphabetic symbols, altered others, and invented new ones. 1. The passage mainly discusses how ____. A. cultures retain their unique characteristics B. cultural elements transfer from one culture to another C. paper came into general use D. economies grew through trade and manufacturing - (ý chính của bài là “cách các yếu tố văn hóa chuyển từ một nền văn hóa này qua một nền văn hóa khác”) 2. The word "attributed" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. credited B. presented C. promised D. limited - ("to be attributed/ credited to sth” mang nghĩa được cho là do ai/ cải gì tạo ra") 3. The word "successive" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. specialized B. principal C. prosperous D. subsequent - ("successive" hoặc "subsequent” mang nghĩa “tiếp theo, kế tiếp”) 4. The word "it" in the passage refers to ____. A. diffusion B. contact C. trait D. society










- (“it" đi với “orginate”, mang nghĩa “tạo ra”, cả câu hiểu là “thương lái mang một đặc điểm văn hóa của cái xã hội tạo ra nó tới một nơi khác”) 5. According to the passage, a change that occurred in Africa and the Pacific Islands as a result of the arrival of missionaries was ____. A. an increase in the presence of soldiers B. variation in local style of dressing C. the manufacture of paper D. the introduction of new alphabetical systems - (Đoạn 3, dòng cuối: In the nineteenth century Western missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific Islands.) 6. In stating that the Cherokee writing system is a classic example, the author means that this example is especially ____. A. representative B. understandable C. difficult D. old - ("representative” mang nghĩa “có tính đại diện”) 7. According to the passage, what did Sequoya do? A. Adopt the English writing system for use in Cherokee B. Study English intensively in order to learn to write it C. Teach English to Cherokee Native Americans D. Create a Cherokee writing system based on elements of the English alphabet - (Đoạn cuối, dòng 4: He utilized some English alphabetic symbols altered others, and invented new ones. All the symbols he used represented Cherokee syllables and had a distinctly Cherokee form.) 8. The origins of the Greek and Cherokee writing systems were discussed in the passage because both systems ____. A. underwent identical patterns of development in different parts of the world B. influenced the development of alphabets of other languages C. represented distinct ways in which elements could be introduced into a culture D. were introduced by religious missionaries - (Cụm này mang nghĩa “đại diện các cách khác nhau mà các yếu tố văn hóa được du nhập vào một nền văn hóa khác; đoạn 3, dòng 2: As an example of diffusion through intermediaries. Phoenician traders spread the alphabet, which may have been invented by another Semitic group, to Greece; đoạn 4, dòng 24: A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee syllabic writing system by a Native American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with the English.) 9. Which of the following statements about direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion is NOT true? A. They all cause changes in cultures. B. They all occur in more than one culture. C. They all involve the interaction of cultures. D. They all require the trading of manufactured products. - (Cả 3 cách mà một yếu tố văn hóa có thể được du nhập đều đòi hỏi sự trao đổi hàng hóa. Điều này là không chính xác, ví dụ, ở đoạn 3, dòng 4: "During the Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two ways ...”, tức là không có sự trao đổi hàng hóa) 10. The author organized the discussion in the passage by ____. A. establishing a historical chronology from the past through the present B. illustrating specific categories with examples C. identifying important geographic regions D. ranking categories from most to least significant - (Cả câu có nghĩa: “Tác giả sắp xếp cấu trúc trong bài bằng cách chỉ ra các cách phân loại với ví dụ cụ thể") VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.










1. Ice crystals in a glacier tends to melt and recrystalize within a brief moment of travel on a downhill glide. A B C D - (sửa thành “tend”, lưu ý “ice crystals" là số nhiều) 2. Either the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a figure of Liberty on one side A B C and an eagle on the reverse side. D - (sửa thành “both”, mang nghĩa cả hai, không phải "either… or…” là một trong hai cái) 3. A gene is a biological unit of information who directs the activity of a cell or organism during its lifetime. A B C D - (sửa thành “which”, vì nó thay cho cụm “a biological unit of information”, là một vật) 4. Photograph was revolutionized in 1831 by the introduction of the collodion process for making negatives. A B C D - (sửa thành “photography”, mang nghĩa “nhiếp ảnh nói chung”. “photograph" chỉ mang nghĩa một tấm ảnh) 5. Because of various gift-giving holidays, most clothing stores in the United States do almost as much business A in November and December as they do in other ten months combined. B C D - (sửa thành “the other ten months”, mang nghĩa là “mười tháng còn lại", “other ten months” sẽ mang nghĩa là mười tháng khác, không liên quan) 6. Cross-cultural misunderstandings often happens between people of different cultures. A B C D - (sửa “happens” thành “happen" để phù hợp với chủ ngữ "misunderstandings" ở số nhiều) 7. Don't go out for lunch until you finished typing these letters. A B C D - (sửa "finished” thành “have finished” vì trong mệnh đề thời gian với “until” ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành với nghĩa tương lai) 8. Each star has a predominant colour, which depend on its surface temperature. A B C D - (sửa "depend" thành "depends” cho phù hợp với chủ ngữ "colour" ở số ít) 9. The distribution of copper, like that of gold, does not appear to be related to any particularly type of rock. A B C D - (sửa “particularly" thành "particular” là tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ "type") 10. At no time she could understand what he really wanted to say. A B C D - (sửa “she could” thành “could she” vì sau “At no time” trợ động từ sẽ được đảo lên trước chủ ngữ) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. You used to be more studious two years ago than you are these days. A. You were less studious two years ago than you are these days. B. You study less these days than you did two years ago. C. You aren't so studious these days as you were two years ago. D. You are more and more studious over the last two years. - ("Bạn từng chăm chỉ hơn 2 năm về trước hơn là bạn bây giờ” sẽ bằng “Bạn không được chăm chỉ như bạn đã từng 2 năm trước nữa”) 2. When the robber pointed the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. A. On pointing the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. B. On pointing the gun to his head, she immediately did what he wanted.










C. She immediately did what he wanted when the gun pointed to his head. D. When being pointed the gun to her head, she immediately did what he wanted. - (Dạng rút gọn cùng chủ ngữ, dùng participle. Phải chọn câu D, để đảm bảo cùng chủ ngữ) 3. Driving at that speed is dangerous on this road, whether you are an experienced driver or not. A. No matter how dangerous the road is, you are an experienced driver. B. No matter how experienced you are, driving at that speed is dangerous on this road. C. However experienced you are, driving at that speed on this road is not dangerous. D. As you are an experienced driver, driving at that speed is dangerous on this road. - (“No matter how ..." mang nghĩa cho dù như thế nào”, chú ý đọc kĩ các câu chọn) 4. We couldn't relax until all the guests had gone home. A. Only before all the guests had gone home could we relax. B. Only after all the guests had gone home that we could relax. C. Not until all the guests had gone home could we relax. D. Not until we could relax had all the guests gone home. - (Đảo ngữ dạng “Not until", lưu ý vế được đưa trợ động từ lên phải là vế chính/main clause "we couldn't relax") 5. It was wrong of you not to show any concern for her mom's health. A. You should show concern for her mom's health. B. You should have shown concern for her mom's health. C. It was wrong that you showed concern for her mom's health. D. You shouldn't have shown any concern for her mom's health. - (“should have + V3" mang nghĩa “đáng lẽ ra phải nên làm việc gì trong quá khứ") X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 1. We had prepared for it carefully. The result was quite bad. A. In spite of our careful preparation for it, the result was not bad. B. Carefully as we had prepared for it, the result was quite bad. C. Whether or not we had careful prepared for it, the result careful prepared for it, the result was quite bad. D. Despite our careful preparation for it, the result is quite bad. - (Chú ý câu chọn phải đảm bảo đúng cấu trúc, và thì được sử dụng phải thống nhất với câu mẫu. Để ý câu D đúng cấu trúc, nhưng vế sau sai thì) 2. What a pity that the TV packed up. We cannot watch the word news now. A. Had the TV not packed up, we could have watched the world news now. B. If the TV had not packed up, we could watch the world news now. C. If the TV didn't pack up we could watch the world news now. D. If it hadn't been for the TV packed up, we could watch the world news now. - (Câu điều kiện trộn, về If- của loại 3 (giả định ở quá khứ), vế chính của loại 2 (giả định ở hiện tại), chú ý phải thống nhất về thì) 3. She asked us to leave quietly. In that way, we wouldn't disturb her. A. We were asked to leave quietly so that we wouldn't be disturbed. B. She asked us to leave quietly so that not to be disturbed. C. We were asked to leave quietly so as not to be disturbed. D. She asked us to leave quietly in order not to be disturbed. - (Chú ý, phải đúng cấu trúc (B sai) và phải không đổi nghĩa câu gốc (A và C sai)) 4. His new girlfriend is very lazy. She spends money wastefully. A. Not only was his girlfriend very lazy but she also spent money wastefully. B. His girlfriend is very lazy, but she spends money wastefully as well.










C. His girlfriend spend money wastefully but she is also very lazy. D. Not only is his girlfriend very lazy but spends money wastefully also. - (A sai thì, chia sai động từ, D sai cấu trúc) 5. Alan worked too hard. This led to his illness. A. Alan's illness led to his working hard. B. Alan's hard work resulted in his illness. C. Alan's illness caused his hard work. D. Alan's hard work was the result of his illness. - (Mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả; câu A, C và D bị ngược, nguyên nhận-kết quả bị đảo lại)



LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Linking vowel to vowel in fast, connected speech: In danger of extinction, after a few years, ... Grammar - The future perfect The Americans will have built that huge space station by the end of this year. I will have finished painting the living room by the time Dad comes home. - Double comparatives The more money my father makes, the less time he spends with the family. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to endangered animals and plants: evolution, biodiversity, become extinct, natural habitat...









I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. survival B. natural C. vulnerable D. agricultural - Phát âm là /ʌ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /∂/ 2. A. endangered B. died C. evolved D. stopped - Phát âm là /t/, những từ còn lại phát âm /d/ 3. A. extinct B. evolutionary C. evolve D. rely - Phát âm là /i:/, những từ còn lại phát âm /i/ 4. A. extinct B. species C. special D. ocean - Phát âm là /k/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ʃ/ 5. A. forest B. extinction C. pollutant D. diversity - Phát âm là /ʃ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /t/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. litter B. protect C. global D. wildlife - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 2. A. botanical B. responsible C. vulnerable D. endangered - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 3. A. naturally B. ecosystem C. fertilizer D. conservation - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 4. A. organic B. tropical C. habitat D. predator - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 5. A. biodiversity B. evolutionary C. vulnerability D. responsibility - Trọng ảm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 4 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Efforts are done in the hope of preserving all species and maintaining the ecological balance. A B C D - made 2. Sea turtles have lived in the world's oceans for more than 100 millions years. A B C D










- million 3. Many animal species are becoming endangered or even extinction due to habitat destruction. A B C D - extinct 4. Many nations protect endangered species by forbidding hunting, to restrict land development and creating A B C D preserves. - restricting 5. Over forty percents of the world's species are estimated to be at risk of extinction. A B C D - percent IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. People have always depended on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter and many other ____. A. needs B. demand C. supplies D. provision - Các nhu cầu cơ bản 2. The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain ____ by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge of our shared lands and waters. A. diverse B. biodiverse C. diversification D. biodiversity - Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ + hợp nghia (giữ gìn sự đa dạng sinh học) 3. By the end of this year, the Wildlife Conservation Network ____ $50 thousand dollars. A. will raise B. will be raised C. will be raising D. will have raised - Tương lai hoàn thành (ngữ giới từ by làm trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian + thời gian hoàn thành) 4. We should focus ____ the conservation of vulnerable species at risk of disappearing. A. on B. in C. about D. with - Phrasal verb: to focus on (tập trung vào) 5. Conservationists have been trying to look for ways to protect ____ areas. A. wild B. wildness C. wilderness D. wildlife - Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ + hợp nghĩa (bảo vệ các khu vực hoang dã) 6. Over the past year and a half, the NatureServe Network ____ amazing things such as discovering precious lost species. A. accomplish B. accomplished C. has accomplished D. will accomplish - Hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động, thể chủ động 7. Ecotourism is distinguished by its emphasis on conservation, education, traveler ____ and active community participation. A. responsible B. irresponsible C. responsibility D. irresponsibility - Kết hợp từ (trách nhiệm của du khách) 8. Recycling is a popular way to conserve ____ resources. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured - Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ → tân ngữ (bảo vệ tài nguyên thiên nhiên) 9. The United Nations has recommended that countries ____ all places with more than 20,000 inhabitants living close together as urban. A. regard B. be regarded C. be regarding D. have regarded - Động từ nguyên thể, thể chủ động, trong subjunctive mood (important that + Subject +V_base) 10. It is important that ecotourism ____ the level of education and activism among travelers. A. to help increase B. help increase C. helps increase D. helped increase - Động từ nguyên thể, thể chủ động, trong subjunctive mood (important that +Subject +V_base) kết hợp cáu trúc to help do something










11. It is recommended that proper actions ____ to protect wildlife and wild places. A. to be taken B. be taken C. to be done D. be done - Động từ nguyên thể, thế bị động, trong subjunctive mood (recommend that + Subject + be + past participle) 12. At least 26 species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) ____ as ingesting plastic debris. A. have documented B. had documented C. have been documented D. had been documented - Hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động, thể bị động 13. In 2013, a ____ three-month-old tiger cub was brought to a rehabilitation center in the Russian Far East. A. starve B. starving C. starved D. starvation - Present Participle làm tính từ miêu tả (một con hổ ba tháng tuổi ở tình trạng đói lả) 14. Peru's Bahuaja Sonene National Park, a remarkable protected area, is home ____ 174 species of mammals, including rare animals. A. of B. for C. to D. at - Phân biệt giới từ đi với danh từ home (home to: là nơi sinh sống tự nhiên của, home of: nơi bắt nguồn của, home for: nơi sinh sống xã hội được chọn cho) 15. Many endangered species are moving ____ to extinction, and we are losing our precious places. A. close and close B. closely and closely C. closer and closer D. more closely and closely - Double Comparison chỉ sự tăng tiến (càng ngày càng tiến gần tới) 16. The traffic was terrible. By the time I got to the conference, the chairman ____ the opening speech. A. finished delivering B. finished to deliver C. has finished delivering D. had finished delivering - Quá khứ hoàn thành chỉ hành vi đã được hoàn thành trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ. 17. The more carefully humans mind their daily activities, ____ on the environment. A. the less harmful impact have they B. the less harmful impact they have C. the less impact harmful they have D. the less harmful they have impact - Double Comparison chỉ quan hệ phụ thuộc (càng thế này, thì càng thế kia) 18. 'Different' species ____ by 2050, scientists claim. A. will evolve B. have evolved C. will be evolved D. will have evolved - Tương lai hoàn thành nhấn mạnh kết quả trong tương lai 19. Growth is of very immediate environmental concern because ____ the more pollutants we throw out into the atmosphere. A. the more the world economy grows B. the more economy the world grows C. the more grows the world economy D. the more the world grows economy - Double Comparison chỉ quan hệ phụ thuộc (Càng thế này, thì càng thế kia) 20. Wildlife Conservation Society uses science to discover and understand ____ natural world. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø - Mạo từ “the” xác định sự tồn tại của thế giới tự nhiên (khu biệt với các thế giới khác) 21. He is credited for helping numerous endangered species recover ____ certain extinction. A. from B. off C. out of D. away from - Phrasal verb: Recover from (thoát khỏi) 22. Some reptile skins - such as crocodile, python and monitor lizard - are highly prized ____ exotic leathers. A. for B. with C. as D. by - Giới từ “as” được dùng để chỉ giá trị, vị trí chức năng khu biệt (to be prized as được đánh giá là). 23. Ann and Sophia are close friends. They are talking about their study at the start of the semester. Ann: "Then, I'm taking history this semester. How about you?" Sophia:"____. I'm still wondering whether to take history or geography."










A. I've made up my mind. B. I'm in two minds about this. C. It doesn't matter. D. It's out of my reach. - Mình vẫn đang lưỡng tự (trả lời cho câu hỏi câu đình thế nào?) 24. Peter is talking to his teacher about the upcoming exams. Teacher: "Peter, how have you prepared for the final exams?" Peter: "I've studied for math and English, teacher. I've got literature and history to go. ____.” A. I'm halfway through B. I'm finished C. You're right D. You're telling me - Em đi được một nửa rồi. (Giải thích cho thông tin phía trước, học được 1 trong 2 môn ôn thi rồi) 25. Paula and Paul are husband and wife. They are talking about their daughter, a school girl. Paula: "Our daughter is not doing well at school. She's not very good at math." Paul: "____ that I'm going to help her with this." A. I have it in mind B. Mind your own business C. I'm not sure D. It's your turn - Anh đang nghĩ sẽ giúp con học toán đây (đáp lại sự lo lắng của người vợ về sự việc có con gái học toán chưa tốt) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. A. habit B. exercise C. action D. custom - Action: hành động bảo vệ các loài động thực vật hoang dã 2. Every day there are fewer places left that wildlife can call home. A. habitat B. accommodation C. residence D. house - Habitat: nơi sinh sống tự nhiên của các loài hoang dã 3. Aquatic species' habitat has been seriously broken by dams and changes in direction of water currents. A. growing watery B. drinking water C. happening in water D. relating to water - Relating to water: Các loài sống trong môi trường nước (thủy sinh) 4. Wildlife is under threat from many different kinds of human activities, from directly destroying habitat to spreading invasive disease. A. difficult to stop B. easy to transmit C. easy to stop D. difficult to transmit - Difficult to stop: khó ngăn cản (bệnh lan tràn) 5. Today, illegal hunting still threatens many species, especially large ammals such as tigers, rhinoceros, bears and even primates. A. allowed by law B. forbidden by law C. introducing a law D. imposing a law - Forbidden by law: bất hợp pháp nên bị cấm VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Some animals go extinct because the climate where they live changes. A. Some animals go extinct due to changes in climate where they live. B. Climate changes make some animals go extinct where they live. C. The climate changes where some animals there go extinct. D. That some animals go extinct causes the climate where they live to change. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu dùng ngữ giới từ due to thay cho liên từ because 2. Some biologists believe the best way to save endangered animals is to save their habitats. A. Some biologists believe that saving endangered animals' best habitats can save them. B. It is believed by some biologists that saving their habitats is saving endangered animals. C. Some biologists believe that to save endangered animals' habitats is the best way to save them. D. It is believed that there is no better way of saving endangered animals than saving their habitats. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách đổi vị trí chủ ngữ và bổ tố của động từ nối “be” 3. The more polluted the environment gets, the more animals will have their habitats lost.










A. Animal habitat loss is increased with how polluted the environment gets. B. When the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats. C. Because the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats. D. Increasing environmental pollution have resulted in more animal habitat loss. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách dùng động từ increase thay thế double comparison để diễn đạt cà ý nghĩa tăng tiến và phụ thuộc 4. Governments should take measures to protect wildlife, or more and more animals will become endangered. A. The sooner governments take measures to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. B. Because more governments take measures to protect wildlife, fewer animals will become endangered. C. The more measures governments take to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. D. Governments take measures to protect wildlife, so that fewer animals will become endangered. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách sử dụng double comparison diễn đạt sự phụ thuộc 5. Wildlife conservation network saves endangered species in 37 countries around the world. A. Endangered species in 37 countries around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. B. In 37 countries, endangered species are saved by wildlife conservation network around the world. C. Wildlife conservation network around the world saves 37 countries of endangered species. D. 37 countries of endangered species around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc động từ từ thể chủ động sáng thể bị động VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Fossil fuels come from dead plants and animals. These plants and animals died millions of years ago. A. Plants and animals that died millions of years ago become fossil fuels. B. Fossil fuels come from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. C. Fossil fuels were made from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. D. Plants and animals died millions of years ago to become fossil fuels today. - Kết hợp câu bằng mệnh đề quan hệ. Câu C không phù hợp thì. 2. So many animals are now in danger of extinction. Then, a list of them is kept in a Red Book. A. To keep many animals from danger of extinction, a list has been made in a Red Book. B. So many animals are now in danger of extinction that a list of them is kept in a Red Book. C. Many animals are now in danger of extinction, so a list of them is kept in a Red Book. D. So many animals are now in danger of extinction as to keep a list of them in a Red Book. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng liên từ tương liên chỉ kết quả (so .... that) 3. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries. It is a major source of foreign exchange. A. As Australia's fastest growing industry, tourism serves as a major source of foreign exchange. B. Being one of Australia's fastest growing industries, tourism is a major source of foreign exchange. C. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries, so it is a major source of foreign exchange. D. Tourism is a major source of foreign exchange to be one of Australia's fastest growing industries. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng mệnh để phân từ 1 chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân kết quả 4. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth. This has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. A. Plastic debris which can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. B. Plastic debris which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat can now be found in every marine habitat on Earth. C. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth, which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. D. What has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat is the debris that can be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth.










- Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng đại từ quan hệ “which” trong xây dựng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-restrictive relative clause) 5. "My goal is to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation," said Armiger. A. Armiger taught her students that they should have a goal in conserving wildlife. B. Armiger taught her students how to set themselves a goal in wildlife conservation. C. Armiger said that to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation is her goal. D. Armiger said that her goal was to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng nguyên tắc chuyển phát ngôn từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. According to Vietnamese legend, (1) ____ giant turtle in Hanoi's Hoan Kiem Lake reclaimed a magic sword given to King Le Loi in the 15th century that he used to win independence (2) ____ China's Ming Dynasty. The lake was thereafter named 'Ho Hoan Kiem', or 'Lake of the Returned Sword', and Hanoi has been built up (3) ____ it. Margie Mason of Associated Press wrote: "(4) ____ once was a magic golden turtle that lived in Hanoi's most enchanted lake. The giant turtle was believed so powerful, it snatched a divine sword from a warrior king and returned it to the gods of the depths nearly six centuries (5) ____. That tale has long been a (6) ____ among young and old Vietnamese living in the capital city, but folklorists soon may have to rewrite the story to (7) ____ a very sad ending. In real life, the last giant soft-shell turtle (8) ____ in Hoan Kiem Lake probably will die alone, and at least one biologist says the species (9) ____ then be extinct. The elusive creature - with a shell as big as a desk - occasionally pokes its wrinkled head out of the murky waters of the downtown lake to (10) ____ a breath, but few Vietnamese are lucky enough to glimpse it. And certainly no one knows its age." 1. A. a B. the C. that D. where - Mạo từ bất định đồng thời chỉ số lượng cá thể 2. A. of B. from C. away D. against - independence from: độc lập khỏi. 3. A. above B. over C. around D. along - built up around it: xây dựng quanh hồ. 4. A. What B. That C. It D. There - There + be: chỉ sự tồn tại 5. A. ago B. earlier C. formerly D. previously - Ago trạng từ chỉ quá khứ (trước đây) 6. A. favoring B. favorable C. favored D. favorite - Danh từ chỉ sự yêu thích/ được chú ý/ quan tâm nhất như một sở thích 7. A. inscribe B. create C. include D. develop - To-infinitive làm trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích (to include: để thêm vào đó) 8. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived - Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ (which lives) 9. A. will B. would C. can D. could - Phỏng đoán chắc chắn (certainty with will) 10. A. hold B. take C. make D. catch - Cụm từ cố định take a breath (thở) IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. You have learned about dinosaurs in school. Maybe you have seen them in museum. But how much do you really know about these animals? Not all dinosaurs were just big reptiles. For years, scientists thought dinosaurs were big, dumb, and cold blooded - in other words, just giant reptiles. Some dinosaurs were huge. But many were about the size of










modern-day birds or dogs. Were dinosaurs warm- or cold blooded? Paleontologists are not sure. But they believe some were intelligent. Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey. However, some smaller dinosaurs - like the two-meter (six-foot) Troodon - had fairly large brains. Was Tyrannosaurus rex a powerful predator? Some scientists think the opposite is true. In the movies, T.rex is often a speedy giant, but in fact, this dinosaur could not run very fast. Physically, it was too large. In reality, T.rex probably moved as fast as an elephant. Also, T. rex had very small arms. Without strong legs or arms, this dinosaur probably wasn't a powerful hunter. It may have been a scavenger instead, only eating animals that were already dead. Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? An asteroid hit Mexico's Yucantan Peninsula about 65 million years ago. It created a 180-kilometer (110-mile) wide crater called Chicxulub. Many believe this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But even before this, dinosaurs were already dying out around the world, for many reasons. At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing uc Earth's temperature was getting colder. Dinosaurs completely disappeared about 65 million years ago. However, scientists believe modern-day birds are descendants of certain dinosaurs. If this true, then dinosaurs' relatives are still walking - and flying among us! 1. The best title for this reading could be ____. A. What Really killed the Dinosaurs C. Dinosaurs Discovered in Mexico B. The Facts and Fiction about Dinosaurs D. Our Favorite Dinosaurs - Suy ra từ toàn bài: bài đọc đưa ra những thông tin về đặc điểm sinh học đã được xác thực về khủng long như về loài, về tập tính, về môi sinh, đồng thời cũng đưa ra một số các giả thuyết, các lý do dẫn đến sự tuyệt chủng của loài bò sát khổng lồ này. 2. Which statement about the Troodon is probably true according to the passage? A. It was as smarter as a monkey. C. It was warm-blooded. B. It was a huge animal. D. It was quite intelligent. - Hai câu cuối của đoạn 2: Paleontologists are not sure. But they believe some were intelligent. Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey. However, some smaller dinosaurs - like the twometer (six foot) Troodon-had fairly large brains. 3. Some paleontologists think T.rex was scavenger (paragraph 3). What does this mean? A. It had small arms. B. It was similar to an elephant. C. It was a powerful killer. D. It ate animals that were already dead. - Câu cuối cùng đoạn 3, mệnh đề hai chính là giải thích tương đương, kết hợp với các thông tin từ hai câu kề trước: It may have been a scavenger instead, only eating animals that were already dead. 4. According to the passage, at the end of the Cretaceous period ____. A. some dinosaurs started to fly B. the Earth's temperature was changing C. humans appeared on Earth D. dinosaur numbers were increasing in Mexico - Đoạn 4, câu cuối: At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing: the Earth's temperature was getting colder. 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Dinosaurs were giant reptile and powerful predators. B. Dinosaurs were probably intelligent but less smart than monkey. C. Dinosaurs may have become extinct due to global climate changes. D. Dinosaurs may have become extinct after an asteroid collided with the earth - Suy từ thông tin toàn bài (B: Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey.; C: But even before this, dinosaurs were already dying out around the world, for many reasons. At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing: the Earth's temperature was getting colder.; D: Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? An asteroid hit Mexico's Yucantan Peninsula about 65 million years ago. It created a 180-kilometer (110-mile) wide crater called Chicxulub. Many believe this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.)










X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Together, the thousands of scientists and conservation organizations that contribute to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and other systems of assessment provide the world's largest knowledge base on the global status of species. The aim of these systems is to provide the general public, conservationists, nongovernmental organizations, the media, decision makers, and policy makers with comprehensive and scientifically rigorous information on the conservation status of the world's species and the threats that drive the observed patterns of population decline. Scientists in conservation and protected area management agencies use data on species status in the development of conservation planning and prioritization, the identification of important sites and species for dedicated conservation action and recovery planning, and educational programs. Although the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels. In contrast, the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat It is likely that many undescribed or unassessed species of plants, animals, and other organisms have become or are in the process of becoming extinct. To maintain healthy populations of both known and unknown species, assessments and reassessments are valuable tools. Such monitoring work must continue so that the most current knowledge can be applied to effective environmental monitoring and management efforts. For many threatened species, large well-protected conservation areas (biological reserves) often play major roles in curbing population declines. Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit. In addition, large biological reserves may harbor several undescribed and unassessed species. Despite the creation of several large reserves around the world, poaching and illegal trafficking plague many areas. Consequently, even species in those areas require continued monitored and periodic assessment. 1. Which could be the best title for the passage? A. Species Assessment and Management B. Species Assessments and Reassessments C. Conservation Status of the World's Species D. Environmental Monitoring and Management Efforts - Suy ra từ toàn bài (Đoạn 1 giới thiệu về IUCN Red List và sự tồn tại của các hệ thống đánh giá và kiểm soát các loài: Together, the thousands of scientists and conservation organizations that contribute to the international Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and other systems of assessment provide the world's largest knowledge base on the global status of species. Sau đó, trong đoạn 1 còn nếu chi tiết về hoạt động của các hệ thống này, điểm giống và khác nhau giữa chúng: Although the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels. In contrast, the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat. 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about the IUCN Red List? A. It is the best way to protect individual species. B. It prescribes species conservation actions. C. It helps to determine conservation priorities. D. It requires landowners to take mandatory actions.










- Đoạn 1 (key words: system of assessment, species-assessment tools, to determine conservation priorities: the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels) 3. According to the passage, scientists do NOT use data on species status in ____. A. developing conservation prioritization B. identifying areas for recovery planning C. designing educational programs D. determining dedicated conservation action - Đoạn 1 (key words: data, species status: Scientists in conservation and protected area management agencies use data on species status in (1) the development of conservation planning and prioritization, (2) the identification of important sites and species for dedicated conservation action and (3) recovery planning, and educational programs.) 4. The word 'they' in paragraph 1 refers to ____. A. categorization systems B. the listing criteria C. conservation priorities D. species-assessment tools - Hồi chỉ: Đại từ they thay thế cho một danh từ số nhiều đứng trước (hồi chỉ) hoặc sau nó (khứ chỉ). Tuy nhiên trong trường hợp này “they” xét theo logic mệnh để thì “they” thay thế cho chủ ngữ (đồng vị trí chức năng với “they” ở mệnh đề trước là “the listing criteria” vì chỉ có criteria mới có nghĩa cùng trường với động từ “require” 5. The acronym CITES in paragraph 1 best stands for ____. A. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species B. The Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species C. The Confession of International Trade in Endangered Species D. The Conservation of International Trade in Endangered Species - Dựa vào nội dung của toàn bài đọc: bài đọc nói về các hệ thống đánh giá và kiểm soát các loài nói chung và đặc biệt các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Thêm nữa, thông tin trong ngoặc đơn chính là đưa thêm thông tin cụ thể về ví dụ các hệ thống sàng lọc - phân loại các loài, đứng trước CITES là một đạo luật thì the CITES phải tương đương như vậy. Chỉ có A chứa Convention (hiệp ước) đáp ứng được yêu cầu. 6. The word "mandatory" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____. A. comprehensive B. important C. reasonable D. compulsory - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu: the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat. 7. The word "curbing" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____. A. stopping B. affecting C. avoiding D. controlling - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu, hạn chế việc suy giảm số cá thể (For many threatened species, large well-protected conservation areas biological reserves) often play major roles in curbing population declines. Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit.) Các khu vực bảo tồn rộng lớn sẽ tăng khả năng các loài được bảo vệ. 8. The word "cited" in paragraph 2 mostly means ____. A. quoted B. mentioned C. described D. defined - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu: được nhắc đến thường xuyên (Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit) 9. It is understood from the passage that ____. A. many animals became extinct before being assessed B. governmental agencies best protect threatened species.










C. every species living in biological reserves is described. D. there is steady decline in species population in biological reserves. - Suy ra từ câu thứ nhất đoạn 2: It is likely that many undescribed or unassessed species of plants, animals, and other organisms have become or are in the process of becoming extinct. (Chưa kịp đánh giá hay mô tả thì đã hoặc đang tuyệt chủng rồi) 10. In general, the passage is ____. A. argumentative B. informative C. inventive D. predictive - Văn bản mang tính chất cung cấp thông tin: Văn bản cung cấp thông tin về sự tồn tại và hoạt động của một số tổ chức, hệ thống, cơ chế bảo vệ các loài nói chung, đặc biệt là các loài đang có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.



LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Sentence stress (stress on the most important words in the sentence): I can't decide yet if I will join your team this summer. Grammar The active and passive causatives The chef wanted the other cooks to prepare all the ingredients before he cooked the dish. → The chef got all the ingredients prepared before cooking the dish. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to artificial intelligence: Automated, cyber-attack, interaction, ...









I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. artificial B. remarkable C. smartphone D. carrot - Phát âm là /æ/, những đáp án còn lại phát âm /a:/ 2. A. robot B. controller C. operator D. global - Phát âm là /ɒ/, những đáp án còn lại phát âm /əu/ 3. A. intelligent B. invention C. image D. survive - Phát âm là /ai/, những đáp án còn lại phát âm /i/ 4. A. automated B. controlled C. invented D. substituted - Phát âm là /d/, những đáp án còn lại phát âm /id/ 5. A. advances B. diseases C. escape D. watches - Phát âm là /is/, những đáp án còn lại phát âm /iz/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. intelligence B. diversity C. automated D. exterminate - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 2. A. navigation B. application C. incredible D. artificial - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 3 3. A. faraway B. combustion C. attitude D. dominant - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 4. A. hacker B. implant C. deplete D. connect - Trọng ám vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 5. A. resurrect B . activate C. talented D. centralize - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Artificial intelligence is also known for machine intelligence. A B C D - as 2. Artificial intelligence (Al) is the ability of a digital computer to perform tasks commonly associated with A B C intelligence beings. D










- intelligent 3. Psychologists generally do not characterize human intelligence by just one trait but by the combinations of A B C D many diverse abilities. - combination 4. There are a number of different forms of learning as applied in artificial intelligence. A B C D - to 5. It is relatively easy to write computer program that seem able to respond fluently in a human language to A B C D questions and statements. - programs IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The earliest substantial work in the field of artificial intelligence was ____ in the mid-20th century by the British logician and computer pioneer Alan Mathison Turing. A. made B. done C. taken D. put - Thời quá khứ đơn, thể bị động, kết hợp từ to do work → work be done 2. The first true Al programs had to await the ____ of stored-program electronic digital computers. A. arrive B. arriving C. arrival D. arriver - Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ, hợp nét nghĩa 3. ____ earliest successful Al program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, later director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford. A. A B. An C. The D. That - Mạo từ xác định chương trình đầu tiên 4. The ability to reason logically is an important aspect of intelligence and has always been a major focus ____ Al research. A. on B. about C. of D. at - focus of: trọng tâm của 5. Researchers at the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology in Tokyo have used PROLOG as the ____ for sophisticated logic programming languages. A. basis B. bases C. basic D. basing - the basis for: cơ sở / nền tảng cho 6. To cope with the bewildering ____ of the real world, scientists often ignore less relevant details. A. complex B. complexion C. complexity D. complexions - Complexity: sự phức tạp của thế giới hiện thực 7. Robots may be equipped ____ the equivalent of human senses such as vision, touch, and the ability to sense temperature. A. by B. of C. with D. for - to be equipped with: được trang bị 8. Nowadays, automobile manufacturers have industrial robots ____ human workers in factory operations. A. replace B. to replace C. replacing D. replaced - (Causative verb) Have Somebody do smth (chủ động, hiện tại đơn) 9. As surgeons become more familiar with using robots for surgery, there will come a day when robots are used in ____ every hospital. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. at most - Trạng từ chi lượng almost bổ nghĩa cho tính từ chỉ lượng 10. Now gardeners find their job easier by getting the grass ____ by automatic lawn mowers. A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. cut










- (Causative verb) get something done (bị động) 11. The Nanda Clocky is the alarm clock that gives users one chance to snooze before it drives away, ____ the user to get up and find it to turn off its alarm A. forces B. to force C. forcing D. forced - Present participle chỉ kết quả 12. Four years ago, the German conglomerate Siemens introduced a robot ____ to iron shirts using hot air. A. design B. designs C. designing D. designed - Past participle thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ bị động (which is designed) 13. ____ computers in the classroom certainly come with many benefits, there are also some disadvantages to keep in mind when incorporating this technology into lessons. A. Despite B. But C. While D. However - Liên từ chỉ sự đối lập, bất đối xứng về ý nghĩa mệnh đề 14. Before computers were common in the classroom, teachers ____ in front of the room and talk endlessly about a subject. A. would have to stand up B. will have to stand up C. would have had to stand up D. will have had to stand up - Would do - Used to do: chỉ tình trạng, thói quen xảy ra trong quá khứ 15. ____, the more dependent we are on computer technologies to communicate, as well as, to create, share, and store information. A. The more "automated" we become B. The more "automated" we have become C. The more "automated" we became D. The more "automated" we had become - Double Comparison chỉ sự phụ thuộc 16. If computers become as smart as humans, ____? A. would they do our jobs better than we can B. will they do our jobs better than we can C. would they do our jobs better than we could D. will they do our jobs better than we could - Câu điều kiện dạng 1 (Câu hỏi phỏng đoán) 17. Last month, we had our representatives ____ a conference on environmental pollution. A. to attend B. attend C. attending D. attended - (Causative verb) Have somebody do smth (chủ động, quá khứ đơn) 18. Global accountancy firm Deloitte has been hit in a ____ that compromised the data of a small number of its clients. A. cyber-attack B. crisis C. battlefield D. network - Dựa vào tình huống của câu liên quan tới data, clients 19. Robert and Cyber are talking with each other about robots. Complete the conversation. Robert: "Do you think robots could ever control the world?" - Cyber: “____” A. Oh, no. None of such a thing. B. No need to ask, just help yourself. C. Are you saying that? D. It'll take a while, but I'm working on it. - Câu trả lời phù hợp nhất với câu hỏi: Có nghĩ tới người máy thống trị thế giới? 20 Two students are talking with each other at a party. Complete the conversation. A: "What year are you?" - B: “____” A. I'm not sure about that. B. I'm a stranger here. C. I'm a junior. How about you? D. I've finished my examinations. - Câu trả lời phù hợp nhất với câu hỏi: Cậu năm mấy? 21. Two friends meet on the first day at school. Complete the conversation. A: "Hey John. I didn't know you were coming to this school." - B: “____. It's good to see you." A. Oh, nice to meet you B. Yeah, what a coincidence C. That's life D. Every now and then - Câu đáp phù hợp nhất với phát ngôn trên: Không hề biết mình lại cùng trường đấy!










22. At companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google, they help to develop long-term plans and digital ____. A. interacts B. interactive C. interactional D. interactions - Digital interactions: tương tác số 23. The seeds of modern Al ____ by classical philosophers who attempted to describe the process of human thinking as the mechanical manipulation of symbols. A. planted B. have planted C. were planted D. have been planted - Quá khứ đơn, bị động 24. The field of Artificial Intelligence research was founded at a workshop held ____ the campus of Dartmouth College during the summer of 1956. A. in B. on C. by D. for - On the campus: ở trong trường … 25. Investment and interest in Al boomed in the first decades of the 21st century, ____ machine learning was successfully applied to many problems in academia and industry. A. while B. where C. which D. when - Trạng từ quan hệ chí thời gian trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Robots are widely used in such industries as automobile manufacture to perform simple repetitive tasks. A. do B. make C. deal D. take - do task: thực hiện nhiệm vụ 2. Instead of replacing people, as some earlier industrial robots have, a collaborative robot, also known as a "cobot", is built to work alongside them. A. helping each other B. working together C. combining with each other D. befriending with each other - Working together: hợp tác 3. Electrolux introduced the Trilobite in 2001. Since then, the company has made 200 improvements to the vacuum, which relies on an ultrasound system to navigate around objects as it cleans. A. understand how to do something B. sail along the area of water C. find which way to go D. surfing the internet for something - Find which way to go: xác định đường đi 4. The Litter-Robot addresses one of the downsides of owning a cat: cleaning its litter box. The device sifts through kitty litter, removing clumps automatically and storing them in a bag. A. benefits B. interests C. concerns D. disadvantages - Disadvantages: bất tiện 5. This type of artificial intelligence would not usurp human team members, but work with them as partners to tackle difficult challenges. A. take someone else's power B. criticize someone strongly C. decide something officially D. determine other's behaviors - Take someone else's power: tước quyền năng của người khác VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the process of human thought can be mechanized. A. Thanks to the assumption that the process of human thought can be mechanized, artificial intelligence is basic. B. Artificial intelligence assumed that the process of human thought can be mechanized. C. That the process of human thought can be mechanized is an assumption in artificial intelligence. D. That the process of human thought can be mechanized is the assumption on which artificial is based.










- Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng đổi vị trí chủ ngữ và bổ tố của động từ nối ‘be’, sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ 2. An electronic brain refers to a large computing machine depending primarily on electronic devices for its operation. A. An electronic brain depends on a large computing machine for its operations with electronic devices. B. A large a large computing machine depending primarily on electronic devices for its operation is known as an electronic brain. C. A large computing machine depends on an electronic brain for its operations with electronic devices. D. Depending on electronic devices primarily for its operations is a large computing machine as an electronic brain. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng thay đổi cấu trúc định nghĩa: refer to → be known as 3. If intelligence is naturally or artificially selected, each new generation becomes smarter. A. Because intelligence is not naturally or artificially selected, no new generation becomes smarter. B. Each new generation becomes smarter as there is no selection of natural or artificial intelligence. C. Thanks to natural or artificial selection of intelligence, each new generation becomes smarter. D. Each new generation becomes smarter when intelligence is naturally and artificially selected. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng thay đổi trật tự mệnh đề và liên từ điều kiện if → when 4. People cannot have computers solve problems in which the rules do not currently exist. A. Problems in which rules do not currently exist cannot be solved by computers. B. People cannot solve computers problems in which rules do not currently exist. C. Problems in which rules do not currently exist have to be solved by computers. D. People have to solve problems in which rules do not currently exist by computers. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng chuyển thể của động từ: chủ động → bị động 5. After the robots have conquered everything, humans will have to do low-skilled physical and highly skilled, complex mental jobs. A. Having conquered everything, the robots have humans do low-skilled physical and highly skilled complex mental jobs. B. Humans will do low-skilled physical and highly skilled mental job after having the robots conquer everything. C. Letting the robots conquer everything, humans will have to do low-skilled physical and highly skilled mental jobs. D. Before doing low-skilled physical and highly skilled complex mental jobs, humans have the robots conquer everything else. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng thay đổi cấu trúc động từ VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Artificial intelligence is a study. It's about how to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. A. Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. B. Artificial intelligence studies how to make computers intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions. C. How to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions is the study of artificial intelligence. D. Making computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions is the study of artificial intelligence. - Kết hợp câu bằng cách triệt tiêu yếu tố lặp dư thừa (bỏ qua biểu thức quy chiếu). 2. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks. These tasks are supposed to require human intelligence and abilities.










A. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks that require human intelligence and abilities. B. Tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities are transferred to computers. C. We are transferring to computers all sorts of complex tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities. D. All sort of complex tasks supposed to require human intelligence and abilities must be transferred to computers. - Kết hợp câu bằng cách sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn (ngữ phân từ 2) 3. We have become too dependent on computers for personal interactions. This makes us spend way too much time on them. A. We have become dependent enough on computers for personal interactions, so we spend too much time on them. B. We have become so dependent on computers for personal interactions that we spend too much time on them. C. We have to spend much time on computers to satisfy our dependence on them for personal interactions. D. We have to spend much time on computers to maintain dependence on them for our personal interactions. - Kết hợp câu bằng cách sử dụng liên từ tương liên chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả so ... that 4. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated. It seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. A. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, and it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. B. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, but it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. C. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated because it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. D. It's true that our jobs and lives are becoming ever more automated, then it seems a sure bet that the trend will continue. - Kết hợp câu bằng liên từ nối hai mệnh đề đẳng lập tạo câu ghép 5. Computers can provide valuable information to doctors. However, they cannot match an experienced doctor's ability to his grasp of the intricacies of a patient's condition. A. Although computers can provide valuable information to doctors, they can never match an experienced doctor to his grasp of the intricacies of a doctor's condition. B. However valuable is the information that a computer provides a doctor, it cannot help the doctor grasp the intricacies of his patients' condition. C. Computers cannot match an experienced doctor to his grasp of the intricacies of a patient's condition even though they can provide him with valuable information. D. Being provided with valuable information by the computer, a doctor can match his own experience and ability to the intricacies of his patients' conditions. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng liên từ chỉ sự đối lập (although). VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A scientist said robots will be more (1) ____ than humans by 2029. The scientist's name is Ray Kurzweil. He works for Google as Director of Engineering. He is one of the world's (2) ____ experts on artificial intelligence (A.I.). Mr Kurzweil believes computers will be able to learn from experiences, just like humans. He also thinks they will be able to (3) ____ jokes and stories, and even flirt. Kurzweil's 2029 prediction is a lot sooner than many people thought. The scientist said that in 1999, many A.I. experts said it would be










hundreds of years (4) ____ a computer was more intelligent than a human. He said that it would not be (5) ____ before computer intelligence is one billion times more powerful than the human brain. Mr Kurzweil joked that many years ago, people thought he was a (6) ____ crazy for predicting computers would be as intelligent as humans. His thinking has stayed the same but everyone (7) ____ has changed the way they think. He said: "My views are not radical any more. I've actually stayed consistent. It's the rest of the world that's changing (8) ____ view." He highlighted examples of (9) ____ -tech things we use, see or read about every day. These things make us believe that computers have intelligence. He said people think (10) ____ now: "Because the public has seen things like Siri (the iPhone's voice recognition technology) where you talk to a computer, they've seen the Google self-driving cars." C. smarter 1. A. intelligence B. intelligent C. smarter D. smartness - Tính từ dài ở dạng so sánh tương đối more + long adjective + than 2. A. loading B. leading C. loader D. leader - Động tính từ leading chỉ vị trí hàng đầu, đi đầu trong công việc 3. A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say - Cụm từ cố định: tell jokes (nói đùa) 4. A. while B. after C. then D. before - Trạng tử before: trước khi 5. A. lengthy B. longs C. long D. longing - Not be long before: chẳng bao lâu 6. A. little B. lot C. loads D. less - Trạng từ chỉ mức độ little bổ nghĩa cho tính từ chỉ trạng thái crazy 7. A. others B. other C. else D. rest - Everyone else (trạng từ else đứng sau các danh từ bất định) 8. A. all B. some C. his D. its - Its (hồi chỉ tới world) 9. A. high B. good C. smart D. app - High-tech công nghệ cao (thuật ngữ) 10. A. differently B. difference C. different D. differential - Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Automated manufacture arose out of the intimate relationship of such economic forces and technical innovations as the division of labor, power transfer and the mechanization of the factory, and the development of transfer machines and feedback systems as explained below. The division of labor (that is, the reduction of a manufacturing or service process into its smallest independent steps) developed in the latter half of the 18th century and was first discussed by the Scottish economist Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). In manufacturing, the division of labor results in increased production and a reduction in the level of skills required of workers. Mechanization was the next step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made possible by the division of labor also made it possible to design and build machines that duplicated the motions of the worker. As the technology of power transfer evolved, these specialized machines were motorized and their production efficiency was improved. The development of power technology also gave rise to the factory system of production, because all workers and machines had to be located near the power source. The transfer machine is a device used to move a workpiece from one specialized machine tool to another, in such a manner as to properly position the workpiece for the next machining operation. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are now










extremely dexterous and are being used to transfer, handle, and index (that is, to position) both light and heavy workpieces, thus performing all the functions of a transfer machine. In actual practice, a number of separate machines are integrated into what may be thought of as one large machine. In the 1920s the auto industry combined these concepts into an integrated system of production. The goal of this assembly-line system was to make automobiles available to people who previously could not afford them. This method of production was adopted by most automobile manufacturers and rapidly became known as Detroit automation. Despite more recent advances, it is this system of production that most people think of as automation. 1. According to the passage, automated manufacture did not result from ____. A. division of labor C. development of transfer machines B. mechanization of factory D. lack of human resources - Đoạn 1: Automated manufacture arose out of the intimate relationship of such economic forces and technical innovations as the division of labor, power transfer and the mechanization of the factory, and the development of transfer machines and feedback systems as explained below. 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Division of labor came from economic forces. B. Division of labor arose out of technical innovations. C. Division of labor led to the reduction of workers. D. Division of labor resulted in simplification of work. - Đoạn 1 và 2 (A, B: Automated manufacture arose out of the intimate relationship of such economic forces and technical innovations as the division of labor, power transfer and the mechanization of the factory, and the development of transfer machines and feedback systems as explained below; C in manufacturing, the division of labor results in increased production and a reduction in the level of skills required of workers.) 3. It can be understood that the key factor of mechanization is ____. A. machine design B. machine efficiency C. power source D. power technology - Đoạn 3: Quá trình cơ khí hoá diễn ra mạnh mẽ nhờ vào quá trình phát triển của ngành Công nghiệp điện, nguồn năng lượng để vận hành máy móc. (As the technology of power transfer evolved, these specialized machines were motorized and their production efficiency was improved.) 4. The word "dexterous" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____. A. intelligent B. skillful C. efficient D. powerful - Suy từ tình huống đoạn 4: Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are now extremely dexterous and are being used to transfer, handle, and index (that is, to position) both light and heavy workpieces, thus performing all the functions of a transfer machine. 5. The auto industry is mentioned in the passage as ____. A. an example of automated manufacture B. a method of automobile production C. an integrated system of production D. an automated system of production - Đoạn 5: In the 1920s the auto industry combined these concepts into an integrated system of production... This method of production was adopted by most automobile manufacturers and rapidly became known as Detroit automation. X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Making robots work well in the home is incredibly difficult. Their sensory apparatus is limited because sensors are expensive and interpretation (especially common-sense knowledge) is still more suited for research than deployment. Robotic arms are expensive to build and not very reliable. This limits the range of possibilities: Mowing and vacuuming? Sure. Sorting laundry? Hard, but doable. Picking up dirty items around the home? Doubtful. How about assistants for the elderly or those who need medical supervision? This is a booming area of exploration, but I am skeptical. Today's devices are not reliable, versatile, or intelligent enough










- not yet, anyway. Moreover, the social aspects of the interaction are far more complex than the technical ones, something the technology-driven enthusiasts typically fail to recognize. Three likely directions for the future are entertainment, home appliances, and education. We can start with today's existing devices and slowly add on intelligence, manipulative ability, and function. Start small and build. The market for robots that entertain by being cute and cuddly is already well established. The second generation of vacuum cleaners is smarter than the first. Sony's dog gets smarter and less expensive with each new version. We don't get think of washing machines, microwave ovens, and coffee makers as robots, but why not? They don't move around the house, but they are getting better and smarter every year. And when the coffee maker is connected to the pantry and dishwasher, that will be a home robot worthy of the name: same for the coupling of sorting, washing, drying, and storing clothes. Education is a powerful possibility. There is already a solid basis of educational devices that aid learning. Today's robots can read aloud in engaging voices. They can be cute and lovable - witness the responses to the multiple quasi-intelligent animals on the toy market. A robot could very well interact with a child, offering educational benefits as well. Why not have the robot help the child learn the alphabet, teach reading, vocabulary, pronunciation, basic arithmetic, maybe basic reasoning? Why not music and art, geography and history? And why restrict it to children? Adults can be willing and active learners. Now this is a direction worthy of exploration: Robot as teacher. Not to replace school, not to replace human contact and interaction, but to supplement them. The beauty here is that these tasks are well within the abilities of today's devices. They don't require much mobility nor sophisticated manipulators. Many technologists dream of implementing Neil Stephenson's children's tutor in his novel The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Why not? Here is a worthy challenge. 1. It is understood from paragraph one that ____. A. Home robots are still expensive even though they can do various technical tasks. B. Home robots are not reliable and intelligent enough for complex social interactions. C. Home robots have not been commonly used as they are still in research. D. Home robots have been recognized by the technology-driven enthusiasts. - Phần cuối đoạn 1: This is a booming area of exploration, but I am skeptical. Today's devices are not reliable, versatile, or intelligent enough - not yet, anyway. Moreover, the social aspects of the interaction are far more complex than the technical ones, something the technology-driven enthusiasts typically fail to recognize. 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE as discussed in the passage? A. The best home robots are now for entertainment purposes. B. Home robots now are integrated into home appliances. C. Home robots help parents teach their children more intelligently. D. Smart home appliances should be considered home robots. - Phần cuối đoạn 2: We don't yet think of washing machines, microwave ovens, and coffee makers as robots, but why not? They don't move around the house, but they are getting better and smarter every year. And when the coffee maker is connected to the pantry and dishwasher, that will be a home robot worthy of the name: same for the coupling of sorting, washing, drying, and storing clothes 3. The word "skeptical" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ____. A. doubtful B. unbelievable C. terrified D. threatening - Dựa vào tình huống thì câu trả lời tương tự như với ‘doubtful’ khi trả lời các câu hỏi phía trước: This limits the range of possibilities: Mowing and vacuuming? Sure. Sorting laundry? Hard, but doable. Picking up dirty items around the home? Doubtful. How about assistants for the elderly or those who need medical supervision? This is a booming area of exploration, but I am skeptical. 4. The writer mentions Sony's dog as an example of ____. A. robots doing household chores B. robots entertaining in the house C. clean and intelligent pets D. best-selling robots for entertainment










- Đoạn 2: Three likely directions for the future are entertainment, home appliances, and education..... The market for robots that entertain by being cute and cuddly is already well established... Sony's dog gets smarter and less expensive with each new version. 5. The word "They" in paragraph two refers to ____. A. washing machines B. microwave ovens C. coffee makers D. home appliances - Hồi chỉ 6. The word "engaging" in paragraph three mostly means “____” A. satisfying B. attractive C. sweet D. warm - Suy từ cách miêu tả giọng nói và miêu tả robots ở đoạn 3: Today's robots can read aloud in engaging voices. They can be cute and lovable - witness the responses to the multiple quasi-intelligent animals on the toy market. 7. The word "supplement" in the last paragraph can be replaced with “____”. A. strengthen B. add C. assist D. expand - Đầu đoạn 4 (không thay thế thì là cùng hoạt động) Now this is a direction worthy of exploration: Robot as teacher. Not to replace school, not to replace human contact and interaction, but to supplement them. 8. The author of the passage may agree that ____. A. Robots nowadays are most beneficial in the field of education B. Home robots are not popular due to the high cost of manufacture C. Robots to entertain will be marketed more and more to children D. Robots have been becoming an integral part of our home life - Suy từ toàn bài, chủ yếu đoạn số (Đoạn 2, 3, 4): các đáp án khác là nội dung trong bài chứ không cần suy luận, nhưng đáp án D là thể hiện quan điểm của tác giả khi liệt kê các lợi ích và tác dụng của robots trong các khía cạnh của đời sống. 9. The next paragraph following this passage may include more information about robots as ____. A. toys B. home appliances C. tutors D. active learners - Suy từ câu cuối cùng của bài: Many technologists dream of implementing Nell Stephenson's children's tutor in his novel The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Why not? Here is a worthy challenge. Tác giả đã nêu ví dụ và nêu quan điểm nên rất có khả năng ở đoạn tiếp theo sẽ là mô tả chi tiết ví dụ để chứng minh cho quan điểm. 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. conservative B. passive C. skeptical D. radical - Tổi độ và giọng điệu của tác giả thể hiện qua bài đọc có tính cấp tiến: tác giả rất ủng hộ việc sử dụng robots trong các lĩnh vực khác nhau của cuộc sống, đặc biệt là tích hợp trong các tiện ích gia đình.






LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Stressed words (exceptions): stress on auxiliaries in some cases I would have helped you if I could. I wasn't used to the noise, but I am used to it now. Grammar Reported speech: Reporting orders, requests, offers, advice, instructions, ... "Sit down and stop interrupting!" → The woman told the boy to sit down and to stop interrupting. "Come on, children! Use your imagination as well as your knowledge!" → The teacher encouraged the children to use their imagination as well as their knowledge. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to the world of work: Entrepreneur, apprentice, job advertisement, ...






I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. apprenticeship B. importance C. specialize D. office - Phát âm là /ʃ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /s/ 2. A. engineer B. spreadsheet C. employee D. trainee - Phát âm là /i∂/, những từ còn lại phát âm /i:/ 3. A. motivated B. responsible C. robot D. approachable - Phát âm là /o/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ou/ 4. A. baristas B. managers C. employers D. applicants - Phát âm là /s/, những từ còn lại phát âm /z/ 5. A. administrator B. applicable C. candidate D. academic - Phát âm là /æ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ə/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. unique B. recruit C. employ D. shortlist - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 2. A. tuition B. specialize C. relevant D. qualify - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 3. A. advertise B. qualified C. challenging D. impressive - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 4. A. experience B. curriculum C. interviewer D. certificate - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 5. A. qualification B. university C. opportunity D. undergraduate - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 4, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 3 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. A secretary, typical known as personal assistant (PA) or an administrative assistant, has many administrative A B C D duties. - typically










2. Employers offer wages or a salary for the workers in exchange for the worker's work or labour. A B C D - to 3. You can complain if you think you weren't successful because your treatment in the interview or application A B C process is unfair. D - was 4. You should learn about the application process that will really help your application stand out and hopefully A B get you through to the interview stage of the processing. C D - process 5. The best way to get ready for an interview is to take the time to review the most common interview questions A B C you will mostly likely be asked. D - most IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Students can apply ____ an apprenticeship while they are still at school. A. for B. to C. on D. in - Apply for a post/ to an organization 2. In general, the company receives hundreds of for a post they offer. A. applies B. applications C. applicant D. applicability - Applications: hồ sơ xin việc (thuật ngữ) 3. To have the competitive advantage in the lob market, students need to have developed their ____ throughout their time at university. A. employs B. employable C. employment D. employability - Employability: khả năng xin việc (thuật ngữ) 4. One of the main reasons students choose to study at university is to enhance their career ____. A. prospects B. chances C. advantages D. opportunities - Career prospect: triển vọng công việc (thuật ngữ) 5. Office staff need ____ desks and chairs to feel comfortable in their office space. A. good-designing B. good-designed C. well-designing D. well-designed - Tinh từ bị động (Adv +PP) 6. All staffs are not allowed to use their personal mobile phones during ____ hours. A. office B. official C. officer D. officer's - Office hours: giờ hành chính (thuật ngữ) 7. Students' interest is more likely to be maintained if they can see the relevance of their studies ____ their future careers and life beyond university. A. with B. for C. to D. in - Relevance to: liên quan đến 8. When students apply ____ a university, they consider their employability upon graduation from the university. A. for B. to C. at D. in - Apply for a post/ to an organization 9. Most jobs have a dress code, ____ you should adhere to. A. what B. that C. which D. it










- Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định 10. ____, but there's something about the perfect outfit that can really make you feel good at your workplace. A. Not only is it fun to dress up B. It is not fun only to dress up C. Not only it is fun to dress up D. Is it not only fun to dress up - Đảo ngữ với ‘not only … but also’ 11. ____ in a professional phone voice can be tough to get used to, especially if you're working for the first time. A. To talk B. Talk C. Talking D. Talked - Danh động từ làm chủ ngữ của câu 12. A LinkedIn profile is similar to a work resume, ____ you display your past education information, work experience, skills, current work position and profile picture. A. which B. why C. when D. where - Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định với trạng từ quan hệ chi nơi chốn 13. Travis, who oversees the cooking at this restaurant, started ____ with Backer, his grandfather, at the Chicken Coop when he was 19. A. apprentice B. apprenticing C. apprenticeship D. apprenticeships - Danh động từ làm tân ngữ trực tiếp cho động từ 14. As usual, Mr. Jone's current ____ of dancers is diverse, attractive, strong and supple. A. staff B. crew C. band D. group - Crew of dancers: vũ đoàn 15. In UK, if you're practising in someone else's car, you need to make sure their insurance policy covers you as a ____. A. learner driver B. learn driver C. learning driver D. learned driver - Learner driver: lái tập (thuật ngữ) 16. Only 6 percent of American high school students ____ in a vocational course of study, according to a recent Department of Education report. A. is enrolled B. are enrolled C. was enrolled D. were enrolled - To be enrolled in: ghi danh vào 17. The more professionally you practise at the workplace, ____ to create a positive reputation for yourself. A. the better will be your chances B. the better your chances will be C. will the better your chances be D. your chances will be the better - Double Comparison chỉ sự phụ thuộc 18. She ____ at the same company, in increasingly senior roles, for the past 18 years - almost all her working life. A. has worked B. is working C. has been working D. works - Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh kết quả và quá trình 19. In the UK, after finishing secondary education, students ____ the choice to go onto further education or go into the working world. A. have B. take C. make D. select - Hiện tại đơn diễn đạt tình huống thường diễn ra. 20. When he was a student, he ____ part-time as a bartender in a night club. A. worked B. was working C. has worked D. had worked - Quá khứ đơn diễn đạt hành vi đã diễn ra trong quá khứ có xác định tham chiếu quá khứ bằng trạng thái trong quá khứ 21. If his family had not been so poor that he did several part-time jobs when he was at university, ____ now. A. he would not be so experienced B. he will not be so experienced. C. he would not have been so experienced. D. he would be so experienced. - Câu điều kiện kết hợp giữa điều kiện quá khứ, kết quả hiện tại.










22. The company I ____ is owed by much a larger company, which helps me learn a lot about a big organization. A. work for B. work at C. work in D. work on - Phrasal verb: work for (làm việc cho) 23. Two students are talking with each other about the job interview: A: “I didn't think the interview went well.” – B: “____” A. But you got the offer, finally B. Don't worry. You always did well in school. C. Oh, come on. You'll make it. D. What types of questions do you think they will ask? - Phù hợp đáp lại phát ngôn của bạn: cho rằng buổi phỏng vấn ko được ổn 24. Two students are talking about their friend Tim: A: “Tim has a very easy job. He's paid a lot of money to do little.” – B: “____” A. It's a game of luck. B. It's an incredible piece of luck. C. Wish him good luck. D. He crossed his figures for luck. - Phù hợp đáp lại phát ngôn của bạn: anh bạn Tim có một công việc quá nhẹ nhàng, làm ít mà lương tốt. 25. Two colleagues are talking with each other: A: Your day was just like mine. B: “____” A. So was I. B. It sure is. C. Of course it was. We work together! D. We have to work for 30 years! - Phù hợp đáp lại phát ngôn của bạn: Một ngày của cậu sao mà giống của tớ! V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Teenagers may have a few ideas about what jobs they want to do when they leave school. If so, it's important they learn more about them so they can make informed career decisions. A. knowledgeable B. ignorant C. updated D. understandable - không biết gì > < có đủ thông tin 2. One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get a feel for what a job is all about. A. to have an understanding about B. to touch with one's own hands C. to have the faintest idea about D. to do something on purpose - chả biết mấy về > < nắm kĩ về 3. Most young people, independent as they seem, do not feel ready to make big decisions. They may feel immense pressure trying to decide what to do when they leave school. A. strong B. great C. little D. tiny - rất rất ít (hầu như không) > < cực lớn 4. At the start of the course you will get a course overview explaining exactly what is expected of you. A. a general review B. all the details C. a short description D. a brief summary - toàn bộ chi tiết > < tổng quan 5. The secret to remaining in the workforce is to be multi-skilled and to be able to transfer skills from one area of your life and work to another. Continue to learn new skills and keep your employer notified. A. officially tell someone B. formally inform someone C. make unknown to D. miscommunicate with - không cho biết tới > < thông báo VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. He received a letter saying that his application has been rejected. A. The letter he received said that his application had been rejected.










B. His application has been rejected by the letter he received. C. It is said in the letter he received that his application has been rejected. D. That his application has been rejected is why he received with the letter. - Đổi cấu trúc câu bằng đổi phần đề của mệnh đề thứ nhất 2. "Your application must be submitted before the end of the month," said the secretary to applicants. A. The secretary told the applicants not to submit their application before the end of the month. B. The secretary said that the application had to be submitted before the end of the month. C. The secretary asked that the applicants submit their application before the end of the month. D. The secretary reminded the applicants to submit their applications before the end of the month. - Đổi cấu trúc câu theo quy tắc chuyển đổi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp 3. "Have your seat, please," said the interviewer to him. A. The interviewer invited him to sit down. B. The interviewer offers him a post. C. The interviewer asked him where his seat was. D. The interviewer left him a seat. - Đổi cấu trúc câu theo quy tắc chuyển đổi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp 4. “Never leave any gap unfilled in your application form," the student consultant said. A. The student consultant said he never left any gap unfilled in his application form. B. The student consultant advised the students not to leave any gap unfilled in their application form. C. The student consultant told the students to leave any gap unfilled in their application form. D. The student consultant helped the students leave gap unfilled in their application form. - Đổi cấu trúc câu theo quy tắc chuyển đổi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp 5. “You should learn about the company before you come for the interview,” said the teacher to class. A. The teacher suggested that the students learn about the company before coming for the interview. B. The teacher asked the students to learn about the company before coming for the interview. C. The teacher requested that the students learn about the company before coming for the interview. D. The teacher warned the students to learn about the company before coming for the interview. - Đổi cấu trúc câu theo quy tắc chuyển đổi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. It's a big company. It employs two hundred people. A. It's a too big company for two-hundred people employed. B. The company is too big to employ two hundred people. C. Two hundred people are employed by the company. D. The company is big enough to employ two hundred people. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng cấu trúc adj + enough + to-infinitive 2. Sam has a new job title and he gets a higher salary now. This means, she has been promoted. A. Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now, which means she has been promoted. B. Sam has been promoted because she has a new job title to get a higher salary now. C. Getting a higher salary after having a new job title had made Sam promoted. D. Having been promoted, Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định chỉ kết quả 3. Ann can't use her office this week. The painters are working there. A. Ann is not working at her office because the painters are working there. B. Ann can't use her office this week because her office is being painted. C. The painters who are working at Ann's office ask her out during the week. D. The painters are using Ann's office this week as they are working there. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ because tạo mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do 4. The company will read your CV and application letter. If it is interested in hiring you, you will be invited to an interview.










A. If the company, after having read your CV and application letter, is interested in hiring you, you will be invited to an interview. B. If the company is interested in hiring you, your CV and application letter will be read and then you will be invited to an interview. C. If the company invites you to an interview, it is interested in hiring you and reading you CV and application letter. D. If the company reads your CV and application letter, it means it is interested in hiring you and inviting you to an interview. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn trong câu phức có trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện 5. We have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world. People in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. A. Having mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world, people in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. B. We have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world as people in the workplace adapt to changes on a daily basis. C. That we have mostly moved from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world makes people in the workplace adapt to changes on a daily basis. D. After mostly moving from an industrial-based economy to an information-based, service-work based world, people in the workplace have to adapt to changes on a daily basis. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ của câu phức VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Dear Sir or Madam, I am sending you this letter of (1) ____, together with my CV, in view of the possibility of obtaining a job inside your company. (2) ____ very well aware of the fact that you will choose the best, I would be honoured (3) ____ myself among them in order to occupy an intermediary position between your company and your clients. Considering that my experience and my education are appropriate (4) ____ the job you could be offering and for the competence of your company, I decided to (5) ____ my CV to your attention. I have a very high interest in becoming a competent person in a (6) ____ company (7) ____ experience, motivation and ambition will be proven to be the strongest points for the best interest of the company and for my future experience. You will find details (8) ____ my education, my (9) ____ experience and my skills in the attached CV. I would be very glad with the opportunity of an interview, (10) ____ you consider it necessary and useful, in order to analyze the possibility of me being a part of the team. For any explanations that will be necessary please do not hesitate to contact me at the following number: 0723.456.789 Yours faithfully, George Airinei! 1. A. apply B. applicability C. applicant D. application - letter of applications: thư xin việc (thuật ngữ) 2. A. Be B. To be C. Being D. having been - Phân từ một thay thế mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do (Because I am ...) 3. A. to find B. find C. finding D. found - Kết hợp hai cấu trúc to be honoured to do something và to find + O +adj (the best) 4. A. with B. for C. to D. in - Be appropriate for: phù hợp với 5. A. submit B. address C. attract D. draw










- Kết hợp cấu trúc to decide to do something và cách kết hợp của submit a document (nộp hồ sơ/văn bản...) 6. A. good-organizing B. well-organizing C. good-organizes D. well-organized - Cách sử dụng tính từ ghép từ Adv + PP 7. A. that B. which C. where D. what - Trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn 8. A. concern B. concerns C. concerning D. concerned - Phân từ một thay thế mệnh đề quan hệ 9. A profession B. professor C. professing D. professional - Tính từ kết hợp danh từ hợp lý: kinh nghiệm chuyên môn 10. A. will B. would C. could D. should - Thay thế cho ‘if’ trong ngữ cảnh trang trọng. IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Social media can be a way of keeping in touch with people you already know, and can sometimes be used to expand your network. Some people limit who they will connect with using these sites. There are a growing number of professional networking sites that will help you to expand your network. Following are some sites that can help expand your network: Facebook - is a social networking site that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. One third of employers check the Facebook page of potential candidates. Many people use Facebook for private use only, but employers also look at Facebook to get a broader understanding of the people they are considering hiring. LinkedIn - strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts. LinkedIn is a professional networking tool that helps you develop inside connections to a company or sector and is primarily used for professional jobs. On LinkedIn you create a professional profile, similar to a resume that includes employment history, education, and keywords and skills. You can invite people to join your network on LinkedIn or ask a mutual contact to introduce you to someone in your field. You can sign up for sector specific groups and add to the discussion to build your professional profile and develop a broader network. A Working Centre Employment Counsellor can help you to build your profile if you are having difficulty completing this task. Additionally, you can tie your work on the internet into your professional profile. Create a website or blog where you discuss issues related to your profession. Tweet links to articles and events that others in your sector may find useful. You can integrate your blogging and tweeting with your LinkedIn profile to create a more prominent, professional online profile. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Mass media is a helpful tool for people to expand their social network. B. Facebook keeps people staying connected with friends and colleagues. C. LinkedIn helps people develop and expand their professional connections. D. Blogging and tweeting help generate a prominent, professional online profile. - Đọc từ toàn bài, nêu rõ ràng (B: đoạn 2: Facebook - is a social networking site that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them.; C: đoạn 3: LinkedIn is a professional networking tool that helps you develop inside connections to a company or sector and is primarily used for professional jobs. On LinkedIn you create a professional profile, similar to a resume that includes employment history, education, and keywords and skills.; D: đoạn 4: You can integrate your blogging and tweeting with your LinkedIn profile to create a more prominent, professional online profile.) 2. The word "potential" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ____. A. likely B. prospective C. probable D. unexplored - Suy từ mối quan hệ giữa nhà tuyển dụng và người đăng ký tuyển dụng 3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?










A. Facebook users can be able to find good jobs thanks to a broad circle of contacts. B. LinkedIn users are of more professional contacts, helping them develop their profession. C Websites or blogs are the most convenient channels for internet users to stay connected. D. Internet users should never place their personal information onto social networks. - Đọc từ toàn bài, nêu rõ ràng (A: đoạn 2; B: đoạn 3; C: đoạn 3; D: the Internet là nơi tập hợp tất cả những mạng trên: Tham khảo thông tin ở câu hỏi số 1) 4. Which of the following statements would be most likely to occur according to the passage? A. One internet user can join and use more than one social network. B. Internet users are very susceptible to the risk of unemployment. C. Online professional profiles draw more attention from employers. D. Companies can find their potential customers from social networks. - Suy từ toàn bài và các thông tin đã trả lời ở các câu hỏi trên 5. The word "integrate” in the last paragraph mostly means ____. A. join B. combine C. merge D. unite - Suy từ ngữ cảnh có thêm blogging và tweeting thì hổ sơ ở LinkedIn nổi bật hơn (You can integrate your blogging and tweeting with your LinkedIn profile to create a more prominent, professional online profile) X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. There is a natural balance to all things: life and death, good and bad, happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain. The very idea that you should focus on positives and ignore negatives, likewise with strengths versus weaknesses, is not only delusional; it's a recipe for disaster. Let me tell you a couple of stories to show how dealing with reality as openly and genuinely as possible is the path to success and happiness, while focusing only on the positives and strengths can destroy your career and your company. It's no secret that Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1984 because his management style had become toxic to the company. Much later, Jobs would come to realize that getting fired from the company he cofounded "was the best thing that could have ever happened” to him. He called it “awful-tasting medicine" that "the patient needed." He also likened it to life hitting him in the head with a brick. That forced Jobs to look in the mirror and see the truth - that he wasn't as capable or as strong a leader as he could be. And as he addressed the issues that stood in his way, the result was the founding of NeXT and Pixar, his eventual return to Apple, and the greatest turnaround in corporate history that built the most valuable company on Earth. It's easy to miss the obvious connection staring us right in the face, that it wasn’t just Apple that had hit a wall, fallen on hard times, and found itself in need of a turnaround. The same was true of Jobs. And there was an undeniable connection between the two. It's also easy to miss the insightfulness of Jobs' realization that none of his later achievements would have occurred if he hadn't faced reality. That sort of introspection only comes from someone who's had some sort of intervention and gone through gut-wrenching change as a result. Not to compare myself with Jobs, but the truth is I've gotten a couple of those bricks to the head myself. I've been fired more than once and lost my wife early in our marriage. But in every case I looked in the mirror, faced what I saw, made some changes, and bounced back stronger than ever. If I'd just tried to stay positive, focused on my strengths, and searched for the silver lining in the clouds, I never would have figured out what was wrong and become a better person, a better husband, and a better leader. I never would have achieved so much in my career or won my wife back. While life is full of ups and downs, one thing is certain: If you attempt to filter your consciousness and disallow negative thoughts or make believe the weaknesses holding you back don't exist, you'll never get past those hurdles and get to the next stage in your personal and professional development. And neither will your business.










1. What could be the best title for the passage? A. Being Successful: Ignore the negatives. B. To Be Successful? Quit Being So Positive. C. Being Successful: Facing with Disasters. D. To Be Successful? Stop Being So Negative. - Suy từ nội dung toàn bài: văn bản bàn luận về việc một người khi thất bại muốn quay trở lại, lấy lại phong độ của bản thân cần phải nhìn vào mặt tiêu cực của chính bản thân mình để hiểu mình hơn, biết đánh giá lại bản thân để từ đó bắt đầu lại từ đầu. 2. The writer uses the phrase “a recipe for disaster” in paragraph 1 to stress that ____. A. focusing on positives can make the worse become the worst B. ignoring negatives can be the key to dealing with any problem C. focusing on positives and ignoring negatives destroy the reality D. ignoring negatives goes against the natural balance to all things - Dựa vào nội dung của cả đoạn 1, mọi thứ phải cân bằng, khi mất cân bằng thì dù nghiêng về bên nào cũng sẽ là chờ đón thảm hoạ (The very idea that you should focus on positives and ignore negatives, likewise with strengths versus weaknesses, is not only delusional; it's a recipe for disaster.) 3. The word “likened” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____. A. link B. associate C. compare D. relate - Dựa vào nội dung tình huống, Steve Jobs ví von việc bị đuổi việc đau như bị đời đập viên gạch vào đầu cho tỉnh ngộ (Much later, Jobs would come to realize that getting fired from the company he cofounded "was the best thing that could have ever happened" to him. He called it "awful-tasting medicine" that "the patient needed." He also likened it to life hitting him in the head with a brick.) 4. The writer uses the phrase "the two" in paragraph 5 to refer to ____. A. strengths and weaknesses B. life and death C. hard times and turnabouts D. happiness and sadness - Hồi chỉ và suy luận (It's easy to miss the obvious connection staring us right in the face, that it wasn't just Apple that had hit a wall, fallen on hard times, and found itself in need of a turnaround. The same was true of Jobs. And there was an undeniable connection between the two.) 5. The writer uses the "bricks" (as Steve Job did) in paragraph 6 to describe ____. A. weaknesses he had at the times of being fired B. hardships he faced with during his professional life C. changes he led in order to make turnabouts D. interventions he made in his own introspection - Suy luận từ trường hợp của Steve Jobs và hiểu cách ví von của Jobs ở câu hỏi 3 6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Steve Job according to the passage? A. He got fired from Apple because of his poor management style. B. He founded NeXT and Pixar to be able to return to Apple. C. He made Apple the most valuable company in the world. D. He considered being fired from Apple the best lesson learnt. - Nêu rõ ở đoạn 3,4 (... Jobs would come to realize that getting fired from the company he cofounded "was the best thing that could have ever happened” to him. He called it "awful-tasting medicine" that "the patient needed." He also likened it to life hitting him in the head with a brick. That forced Jobs to look in the mirror and see the truth - that he wasn't on as capable or as strong a leader as he could be..., the result was the founding of NeXT and Pixar, his eventual return to Apple, ....) 7. What is true about the story teller when facing failures according to the passage? A. He tried to stay positive to bounce back stronger. B. He focused on his strengths as the motivation for turnabouts. C. He looked into the way Steve Job did to find his own solution. D. He examined the situation, making necessary changes to better. - Thông tin đoạn 7, 8 (Not to compare myself with Jobs, but the truth is I've gotten a couple of those bricks to the head myself,..... faced what I saw, made some changes, and bounced back stronger than










ever. If I'd just tried to stay positive, focused on my strengths, and searched for the silver lining in the clouds, I never would have figured out what was wrong and become a better person, a better husband, and a better leader.) 8. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A. Only when you admit the negative as part of your life, you can proceed. B. Positives and negatives can never go along with each other in reality. C. It's our weaknesses that save us in hardships and calamities. D. To earn happiness, one has to experience the feeling of sadness. - Suy từ cà bài, từ các câu hỏi trên. 9. The phrase "filter your consciousness" in the last paragraph mostly means ____. A. release negative feelings from one's heart B. clear one's mind from worries C. push negative thoughts out of one's mind D. stay away from possible dangers - Suy luận từ toàn bài 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. informative B. preventive C. persuasive D. argumentative - Thái độ của tác giả qua giọng văn là muốn thuyết phục người đọc hãy cân bằng và biết nhìn vào mặt tiêu cực của bản thân để điều chỉnh, vượt khó và trưởng thành.




LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Unstressed words: No stress on most function words: articles, prepositions, subject pronouns ... There is a job advertisement column in this newspaper. (The underlined words are not stressed.) Grammar - Phrasal verbs (consisting of a verb, an adverb and a preposition) Some students have to drop out of school and go to work. Looking back on it, I think I had a really happy childhood. - Adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner and results If you want to study abroad, you should think about saving money from now. She spoke with such a heavy accent that we could hardly understand her. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to leaving school and choosing a career: ambition, career adviser, drop out of, get to grips with,..








I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. teacher B. experience C. cashier D. interview - Phát âm là /iə/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ə/ 2. A. astronaut B. salary C. manager D. librarian - Phát âm là /eə/, những từ còn lại phát âm /æ/ 3. A. chef B. machine C. mechanics D. brochure - Phát âm là /k/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ʃ/ 4. A. scientist B. artist C. fireman D. pilot - Phát âm là /i/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ai/ 5. A. hired B. employed C. worked D. offered - Phát âm là /t/, những từ còn lại phát âm /d/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. boring B. workforce C. downside D. mature - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 2. A. rewarding B. demonstrate C. malfunction D. apprentice - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 3. A. fascinating B. professional C. security D. traditional - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 4. A. university B. opportunity C. information D. adventurous - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 3 5. A. unemployment B. efficiency C. capacity D. vocational - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Find out what you like doing the best, and get someone to pay you for doing it. A B C D










- best 2. If students are going to an open day they should familiarize themselves with a range courses in that institution A B C D - range of courses 3. While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers, most A B C of us do not. D - are 4. A career is a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your skills, knowledges and experiences. A B C D - knowledge 5. Apart for college open days, many other types of career events are organized internally within schools and A B C D colleges. - apart from IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will ____ in life. A. do B. make C. take D. solve - Kết hợp từ: make decision: đưa ra quyết định 2. Career ____ is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development. A. plan B. plans C. planning D. planned - Kết hợp từ (thuật ngữ): career planning (lập kế hoạch nghề nghiệp tương lai) 3. Once you ____ about where you are at now and where you want to be, you can work on getting to know your skills, interests and values. A. think B. are thinking C. are thought D. have thought - Hiện tại hoàn thành trong trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian kết hợp với thời hiện tại đơn 4. Those who are engaged ____ an occupation can provide you ____ a truthful account ____what it's really like to work ____ it. A. in/ with/ of/ in B. in/ in/ of/ with C. with/ in/ of/ in D. of/ with/ in/ in - Cụm từ: be engaged in; to provide+O+with; account of, to work in (place) 5. Your personality type, interests, values and aptitude make you ____ for some occupations than others. A. well suited B. better suited C. more well suited D. best suited - Cấu trúc make +0+ adj kết hợp dạng thức so sánh của trạng từ well 6. You should consider ____ before you begin to prepare for it. A. whether does a career have a promising future B. whether or not a career has a promising future C. whether if a career has a promising future D. whether a career has a promising future - Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm tân ngữ cho động từ 7. The two students are talking with each other: A: "I'm not sure whether to accept the offer." – B: “____” A. Why don't you take it off, then? B. You can look it up. C. I think you should turn it down. D. Yes, why don't you try it on? - Phù hợp lời đáp với phát ngôn của bên A: không biết có nên nhận hay không 8. Hellen started a course at college, but she ____ after a few weeks. A. dropped out B. went out C. turned out D. fell out - Phrasal verb: drop out (bỏ học) và thời quá khứ đơn.










9. The club committee is ____ of the president, the secretary and seven other members. A. set up B. made up C. set out D. made out - Thời hiện tại đơn và thể bị động be made up of: tạo nên bởi 10. "Why did you decide not to apply for the job? What ?" A. put you out B. put you off C. turned you off D. turned you away - Hoàn thành phát ngôn thứ hai phù hợp với phát ngôn thứ nhất tại sao lại quyết định không xin công việc ấy nữa 11. All the applicants have to ____ the application form and sign it. A. fill in B. fill up C. fill to D. fill with - Phrasal verb: fill in (điển vào) và kết hợp từ (fill in form) 12. Steve was very happy in his job until he fell ____ with his boss. After that, it was difficult for them to work together. A. out B. down C. away D. over - Phrasal verb: fall out with (cãi cọ với) 13. A computer science degree can be used in ____ number of careers because of the variety of skills that graduates learn. A. а B. an C. the D. no article - Cụm từ chỉ lượng bất định: a number of + danh từ đếm được số nhiều 14. Your network is like gold ____ it comes to your job search. A. when B. while C. as D. since - Cụm when it comes to: khi đề cập tới 15. It's important to move ____ any shame or anxiety you're feeling about losing your job. A. to B. in C. past D. away - Phrasal verb: move past, vượt qua 16. There was a nice atmosphere in the office ____. Everyone gets on with everyone else. A. where I work B. which I work C. I work D. when I work - Mệnh đề quan hệ có trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn 17. If he had done better at the interview, ____. A. he might have got the job B. he may get the job C. he will get the job D. he would get the job - Câu điều kiện dạng 3 18. A: "What shall we do tomorrow?" B: "Well, if ____ a nice day, we can go to the beach." A. it was B. it will be C. it's D. it would be - Câu điều kiện dạng 1 19. "I need a new job because ____ the same job for too long." A. I'm doing B. I do C. I did D. I have been doing - Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn thể hiện thái độ 20. Unemployment is growing. It's getting ____ to find a job. A. as difficult as B. so difficult as C. more and more difficult D. most difficult - Double Comparison chỉ mức độ tăng tiến 21. "I'm working as fast as I can. I can't work ____ faster." A. any B. anymore C. any longer D. no longer - not ...any dùng trong dạng thức so sánh của giới từ để nhấn mạnh 22. The higher a person's income, ____ tax he/she has to pay. A. the much B. the more C. the most D. the - Double Comparison chỉ sự phụ thuộc










23. Applications for the job must be received ____ 15th April. A not later than B. no later than C. as late D. late as - Cụm từ no later than: không thể muộn hơn 24. A: "Sometimes I wish I was back in school." – B: “____” A. Me, too. School was fun. B. I thought school was hard. C. Me, too. I couldn't wait to graduate. D. Life is hard. - Phù hợp phát ngôn phía trước: Rất muốn quay lại hồi đi học V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. It is an ideal opportunity to make yourself memorable with employers for the right reasons by asking sensible questions. A. theoretical B. silly C. practical D. burning - Practical: Có tính thực tế 2. Apprenticeships are one type of workplace training. You can do workplace training in a range of hands-on industries. A. doing by hand B. doing by oneself C. doing what others say D. doing manual work - Tự trải nghiệm, tự thực hiện 3. Whether you recently lost your job or are ready to jump ship from your current one, the chances of your getting a new position through the want ads is next to nil. A. leave an organization for another B. change from a form to another C. convert from one system to another D. turn from this state to another - Nhảy việc 4. Finding a suitable graduate job can be a long process, so discover how to ensure your effort is rewarded and it leads to that all-important offer. A. bring about positive result B. offer high quality C. offer economic prospect D. grasp lucky chance - Mang lại kết quả khả quan 5. It can be easy for a part-time working student to fall into the trap of working all the hours he can, often to the detriment of his degree, because he gets so used to raking in the green. A. earning a fortune overnight B. earning enough for living C. earning money in an easy way D. earn too much money - Cào cỏ VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Before committing yourself to a position, have a talk with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week. A. After having a talk with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week, commit yourself to a position. B. Having talked with your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week, you should commit yourself to a position. C. You should not commit yourself to a position before talking to your potential employer about how many hours you can do per week. D. No sooner have you talked to your potential employer about how many hours per week you can do than you commit to a position. - Đổi cấu trúc từ mệnh lệnh thức sang lời khuyên nhủ 2. The company sent me a brochure containing all the information I needed. A. All the information I needed was sent to me in form of a brochure by the company.










B. All the information I needed was contained in a brochure sent to me by the company. C. The company sent me all the information I needed with a brochure. D. A brochure containing all the information I needed was sent to me by the company. - Đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách đổi thể của động từ từ chủ động sang bị động 3. Having lost his job recently, James is now unemployed. A. After losing his job, James has been an unemployed. B. As he has lost his job recently, James is now unemployed. C. James has lost his job recently to be now unemployed. D. James was an unemployed after he had lost his job. - Đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách triển khai mệnh đề trạng ngữ rút gọn về mệnh đề đầy đủ 4. Students who earn their own money tend to spend it wisely. A. Earning their own money encourages students to spend it wisely. B. As they earn their money by themselves, students tend to spend it wisely. C. Earning their own money tends to make students spend it wisely. D. Students earning their own money tend to spend it wisely. - Đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách thu gọn mệnh đề quan hệ 5. Many students feel that a part-time job will be to the detriment of their studies. A. It is felt by many students that a part-time job will be to the detriment of their studies. B. Many students will think of their part-time jobs as the detriment to their studies. C. A part-time job will be thought of as the detriment to many students' studies. D. Many students feel that it is a part-time job that will be detrimental to their studies. - Đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc bị động sử dụng chủ ngữ hình thức ‘it’. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Never lie in a job interview. It's too easy to get caught out. A. Don't ever lie in a job interview as it's too easy to get caught out. B. It's never too easy to get caught out for lying in a job interview. C. If you lie in a job interview, you'll never get caught out easily. D. Never lying in a job interview is too easy to get caught out. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ as tạo câu ghép đẳng lập 2."Good luck in your new job. It will work out well for you," said his mother. A. His mother wished him good luck and said his new job would work out well for him. B. His mother wanted him to get good luck in his new job as it would work out well for him. C. His mother wondered whether he got luck in his job or it would work out well for him. D. His mother ascertained that his new job would work out well for him and bring him luck. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng nguyên tắc biến đổi câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, 3. "I definitely didn't want to work. Yet, I needed to," said the student. A. The student said that he definitely didn't want to work, but he needed to. B. The student said that he definitely hadn't wanted to work, but he had needed to. C. The student said that he definitely didn't want to work, but he had needed to. D. The student said that he definitely hadn't have wanted to work, but he needed to. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng nguyên tắc biến đổi câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp. 4. Working part-time helps students learn how to budget their money. It also helps them improve their time management skills. A. Students should work part-time to learn how to budget their money and improve their time management skills. B. Learning how to budget their money and improving their time management skills help students work part-time.










C. Working part-time helps students not only learn how to budget their money but also improve their time management skills. D. Besides learning how to budget their money, students improve their time management skills after working part-time. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ tương liên not only .... but also 5. Working part-time is a good way for a student to grow mentally. Working part-time makes the student step out of his comfort zone. A. Working part-time is a good way for a student to grow mentally as it makes him step out of his comfort zone. B. Stepping out of his comfort zone is a good way for a student working part-time to grow mentally. C. Working part-time makes a student step out of his comfort zone as it is a good way to grow his mentality. D. A student should work part-time as it is a good way for him to grow mentally while stepping out of his comfort zone. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ as tạo câu ghép đẳng lập VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. To really figure out what a CV is, we first have to talk about what CV means. The letters CV stand (1) ____ curriculum vitae which is Latin for "course of life." When used in a job (2) ____ context, a CV (also sometimes (3) ____ to as just a vita) is a detailed accounting of not only a person's past history of education, experiences and (4) ____ but also related accomplishments and is generally used when an individual is looking for a job. (5) ____, a CV is a thorough and comprehensive document, detailing not only your education and work history, but also your achievements, awards, any honors you've been (6) ____ and any and all of your publications. A resume, on the other hand, is not so long. Ideally a good solid resume is about one page in (7) ____ and can be submitted for almost any type of job (8) ____ the market. When you type up a resume, you're usually just covering your work and educational history. You might include certain professional affiliations and possibly highlight (9) ____ major awards that relate to the job you're applying (10) ___, but it's usually a concise document. Short and sweet. 1. A. for B. by C. up D. out - Phrasal verb: Stand for (viết tắt của) 2. A. seek B. seeks C. seeking D. sought - Nguyên tắc tạo tính từ ghép sử dụng phân từ hiện tại 3. A. be referred B. is referred C. being referred D. referred - Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ, thể chủ động 4. A. qualifies B. qualities C. qualifications D. qualitative - Danh từ có nghĩa tập hợp tương tự như các từ trong nhóm 5. A. In other words B. In a word C. By word of mouth D. to put it into words - Ngữ cố định làm chức năng trạng ngữ nối có ý nghĩa phù hợp nhất: nói cách khác 6. A. to confer B. confer C. conferring D. conferred - Thời hiện tại hoàn thành, thể bị động 7. A. long B. length C. lengthy D. lengthen - Miêu tả độ dài: in length (về độ dài). 8. A. in B. on C. at D. of - On the market: ở thị trường 9. A. specify B. specifically C. specific D. specifying - Tính từ bố nghĩa cho cụm danh từ 10. A. for B. to C. at D. into










- Phrasal verb: apply for (xin vào vị trí công việc) IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Vocational training in the UK is intended to give people the skills and knowledge they need to perform a particular job, and involves practical instruction as well as theory. Most vocational training takes place not in universities but in colleges of further education and in colleges specializing in art, accountancy, etc. some secondary schools now also offer an introduction to vocational training. NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) are qualifications that can be obtained by people already working in a particular industry. Colleges of further education run courses to provide a theoretical background. NVQs are awarded on the basis of practical work, spoken and written test, and coursework. There are five levels, from Foundation to Management. Since 1992 many students in schools and colleges have been working for GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications), as an alternative to GCSEs and A levels. GNVQs cover similar areas to NVQs and are intended as introductions to a particular field of work and the skills required. Students can choose from over 500 subjects. At the lowest of its three levels. Foundation, a GNVQ is equivalent to a GCSE and from 2002 they are being replaced by new vocational GCSEs. In the US there are no national qualifications like NVQs, though some professional organizations decide on their own qualifications and some of these have become widely accepted. Much vocational training is done by private institutions which are sometimes called proprietary schools. Although many of these are good, in general they have a bad reputation. This is partly because there are no controls over who can operate such a school. Some proprietary schools try to get as many students as possible, including some who will probably not be able to complete their training. Most US secondary schools programs do not provide a choice between an academic and a practical track (a program of study), but most do give students an opportunity to take some practical or vocational classes. Large school districts may have magnet schools, schools that attract students with certain interests, and some of these may have a large choice of vocational courses. 1. The passage provides readers with ____. A. how students in the US earn qualifications to work B. the information about vocational training in the United States C. how vocational training is carried out in the United Kingdom D. the information about vocational training in the UK and the US - Thông tin từ toàn bài (UK: đoạn 1&2; Vocational training in the UK is intended to give people the skills and knowledge they need to perform a particular job, and involves practical instruction as well as theory.; US: đoạn 3&4: In the US there are no national qualifications like NVQs, though some professional organizations decide on their own qualifications and some of these have become widely accepted.) 2. What is true about vocational training according to the passage? A. Vocational training is not applicable for those who are having a job. B. Vocational training focuses only on the practical side of a particular job. C. Vocational training is an integral part of the secondary education program. D. Vocational training is conducted mostly in colleges rather than at universities. - Thông tin từ toàn bài (A: NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) are qualifications that can be obtained by people already working in a particular industry.; B: Colleges of further education run courses to provide a theoretical background.; C: đoạn 2, 4; Most US secondary schools programs do not provide a choice between an academic and a practical track (a program of study), but most do give students an opportunity to take some practical or vocational classes.; D: đoạn 1: Most vocational training takes place not in universities but in colleges of further education and in colleges specializing in...) 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Students taking vocational courses in the UK are awarded with official certificates.










B. Students in the UK can take a GNVQ in replacement of a GCSE or A levels. C. Vocational training have not been conducted as official state training program. D. US Students have no choice in taking vocational courses at state-owned schools. - Thông tin từ toàn bài (A, B, C: đoạn 2: NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) are qualifications that can be obtained by people already working in a particular industry. ..... Since 1992 many students in schools and colleges have been working for GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications), as an alternative to GCSEs and A levels. GNVQs cover similar areas to NVQs and are intended as introductions to a particular field of work and the skills required. Students can choose from over 500 subjects. At the lowest of its three levels, Foundation, a GNVQ is equivalent to a GCSE from 2002 they are being replaced by new vocational GCSES.; D: đoạn 4: Most US secondary schools programs do not provide a choice between an academic and a practical track (a program of study), but most do give students an opportunity to take some practical or vocational classes.) 4. The word "its" in paragraph 2 refers to ____. A. of NVQS B. of GNVQs C. of GCSE D. of A levels - Hồi chỉ 5. It can be inferred from the reading about the vocational training in the US that ____. A. students can take vocational training regardless of their academic records B. vocational schools are not any popular among students for the high course fee C. secondary schools programs have nothing to do with vocational training D. only at magnet schools do students develop interests in a vocational class - Đoạn 3: Although many of these are good, in general they have a bad reputation. This is partly because there are no controls over who can operate such a school. Some proprietary schools try to get as many students as possible, including some who will probably not be able to complete their training. (chứng tỏ chất lượng học viên khi tuyển vào không cao) X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A _ The name of this benefit says it all. By doing an apprenticeship, you get to earn a wage whilst gaining a qualification - the best of both worlds, if you like. It's worth noting that most apprenticeships tend to start on the National Minimum wage for an apprenticeship - which currently stands at £3.40 an hour - but there are plenty of opportunities for you to increase your wage by working hard and building up your skills, be it that you find a job elsewhere afterwards, or are kept on and trained even further by the company you completed your apprenticeship with. B _ By going to both work and college, you'll get double the amount of support than you would get just going to one or the other. The support from both your tutor and your colleagues will have you gain plenty of knowledge, putting in you in a positive position for the future. C _ Apprenticeships are hard work when compared to school or college alone, but they're the ideal way to prepare yourself for the world of work, as well as putting you in the right place to build a successful career in your chosen field. D _ As well as gaining a year or more worth of valuable work experience, you will also get a qualification at the end of it all. This qualification can open up several different career pathways - regardless of the apprenticeship you have chosen - and will always, always look great on your CV. E _ Depending on where you live, there are all manner of apprenticeship courses for you to take part in - you're bound to find a subject that you will be keen to build a career in. F _ You'll find learn-on-the-job apprenticeships for Plumbing, Hairdressing, Customer Service, and Health and Social Care, which are pretty commonplace, but some places may offer more obscure apprenticeships, such as Horticulture, Optical, and even Sea Fishing! G _ There is one benefit that often lures people in! Unlike a university degree, there are no loans needed to undertake an apprenticeship. Seeing as you'll be earning money while you learn, there'll be absolutely nothing to pay back over the next 20 years.










H _ A lesser-known fact is apprentices can benefit from student discounts too! Seeing as you're still a student at college, it only makes sense that you should receive the same benefits that other college students do. The NUS Apprentice extra card - which can be purchased for a one-time cost of £11 - offers you discounts and special rates on everything from fashion websites, to days out, to doing the weekly shop. I _ Just like any other job, apprenticeships offer paid holiday. It may vary by employer and job title, but the general rule is that you will be entitled to at least one and a half days' paid holiday for every month of work. So, if your apprenticeship lasts 12 months, you'll have 18 days of the year to yourself - as well as bank holidays. 1. Which of the followings can be the heading of paragraph A? A. Get qualified B. Earn and learn C. Build a career D. Paid holiday - Nêu rõ trong đoạn A (câu thứ 2): By doing an apprenticeship, you get to earn a wage whilst gaining a qualification 2. The phrase "be it that" in paragraph A is used in replacement of ____. A. if B. either C. unless D. whether - Suy từ ý nghĩa của câu: làm việc chăm chỉ thì sẽ có hưởng lợi cho dù có hay không đổi sang việc khác 3. Which of the following statements is true about the passage? A. The passage provides all necessary information about doing apprenticeships. B. The passage explains how students can derive benefits from apprenticeships. C. The passage clarifies the positive as well as the negative side of apprenticeships. D. The passage gives evidence of how students can benefit from apprenticeships. - Động từ explain (giải thích) là phù hợp nhất với nội dung của cả văn bản 4. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. A qualification in apprenticeship can help students broaden their career pathways. B. Students doing apprenticeships earn enough to support their life while learning. C. Students doing a university degree have no chance to earn money for their study. D. A degree for university study ensures that students take better job opportunities. - Đoạn D (This qualification can open up several different career pathways - regardless of the apprenticeship you have chosen - and will always, always look great on your CV.) 5. The phrase "all manner of" in paragraph E can be best replaced with ____. A. a variety of B. all types of C. all levels of D. a series of - Dựa vào nội dung của đoạn E 6. The word "lures" in paragraph G is closest in meaning to ____. A. enables B. forces C. attracts D. obliges - Dựa vào nội dung đoạn G 7. "Big choice of subjects” can be the best heading for which of the following paragraphs? A. Paragraph B B. Paragraph D C. Paragraph E D. Paragraph F - Dựa vào nội dung của đoạn E (all manner of apprenticeship courses for you to take part in - you're bound to find a subject) 8. The phrase "be entitled to" in paragraph I is closest in meaning to ____. A. to be allowed B. to be offered C. to be enabled D. to be done - Dựa vào nội dung đoạn I 9. This passage is most likely to be taken from ____. A. a magazine B. an advertisement C. a brochure D. a textbook - Dựa vào văn phong và cách sắp xếp các đoạn văn theo các ‘lợi ích của sản phẩm’: đi học nghề có thể giúp người học không phải vay tiền ngân hàng đi học; kinh nghiệm phong phú hơn;có được cấp chứng chỉ chuyên môn nghiệp vụ, từ đó mở ra các đường hướng phát triển sự nghiệp khác nhau;lý lịch xin việc sau này sẽ có giá trị hơn;đa dạng ngành nghề;hưởng ưu đãi giảm giá khi mua hàng hoá, có quyền lợi được đi nghỉ do nơi làm việc chi trả... 10. The tone of the passage is ____. A. informative B. descriptive C. persuasive D. predictive










- Thuyết phục người đọc theo các chuong trình đào tạo việc làm vì nhiều lợi ích




LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Intonation of questions: I hear the Health Centre is expanding. So, is that the new doctor? What invention doesn't get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world? Grammar - Conditionals Type 3 He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the right tools. - Mixed conditionals of Type 2 and Type 3 If you had spent all your money, you wouldn't have enough to buy your air ticket now. He would have a better job now if he hadn't dropped out of the university. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to lifelong learning: e-learning, employable, pursuit, self-motivated, ..








I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. ultimate B. study C. pursuit D. funny - Phát âm là /ju/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ʌ/ 2. A. adequate B. private C. facilitate D. candidate - Phát âm là /eit/, những từ còn lại phát âm /it/ hoặc /ət/ 3. A. interaction B. initiative C. hospitality D. interaction - Phát âm là /ə/, những từ còn lại phát âm /æ/ 4. A. overwhelming B. compassionate C. collection D. opportunity - Phát âm là /əʊ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ə/ 5. A. voluntarily B. prioritize C. potential D. hospitality - Phát âm là /ə/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ɒ/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. probation B. adequate C. talented D. specialize - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 2. A. website B. worship C. unique D. lifelong - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 3. A. directed B. motivate C. confident D. paperwork - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 4. A. interaction B. flexibility C. facilitate D. hospitality - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 3 5. A. certificate B. knowledgeable C. prosperity D. development - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The key competencies to promote lifelong learning don't focus on knowledge acquisition and test score A B results, but in developing skills for longer term learning. C D










- on 2. The development of technology and access to internet has brought huge opportunities to our children and A B C young people but has also brought threats. D - the internet 3. A sense of initiative and entrepreneurship will assist students with becoming creative, proactive and wellA B C D organized young people. - in 4. A recent report in Neurology noted that while cognitive activity can't change the biology of Alzheimer's, A B learning activities can help delay symptoms, preserve people's quality of life. C D - preserving 5. Every person, at every stage of their life should have lifelong learning opportunities to acquire the knowledge A B C and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations and contribute for their societies. D - to IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The entire education system ____ to facilitate lifelong and 'lifewide' learning. A. designed B. designed C. is designed D. is designing - Thời hiện tại đơn, thể bị động diễn đạt một điều luôn được thực hiện đúng 2. A skilled population is the key ____ a country's sustainable development and stability. A. for B. to C. by D. in - the key to: bí quyết dẫn đến. 3. Two ground-breaking reports on lifelong learning by UNESCO ____ in 1972 and 1996 articulated fundamental principles of lifelong learning. A. to publish B. publishing C. published D. having published - Quá khứ phân từ dùng để rút gọn mệnh để 4. Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us ____ more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life. A. for B. of C. with D. by - Phrasal verb: provide + O + With (cung cấp cho ai cái gì) 5. Lifelong learning involves the use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster the ____ development. A. continuing B. continuous C. continual D. continued - Continuous development: phát triển liên tục 6. "Anyone who stops learning is old, ____. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." _ Henry Ford A. either at twenty or eighty B. neither at twenty or eighty C. neither at twenty nor eighty D. whether at twenty or eighty - Cấu trúc với whether ... or (thế này hay thế kia) 7. "The more I live, the more I learn. ____.” _ Michel Legrand A. The more I learn, the more I realize that the less I know B. The more I learn, the more I realize that I know the less C. The more I learn, the more I realize to know the less D. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know










- Double Comparison chỉ sự phụ thuộc 8. "Curiosity is one of permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect." _ Samuel Johnson A. a B. the C. its D. those - Xác định đặc điểm thuộc về a vigorous intellect 9. “Education is the process ____ we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced." _William Glasser A. which B. in which C. that D. by which - Mệnh đề quan hệ có trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn được thay thế bằng đại từ quan hệ which và giới từ 10. Rohit Sharma is digital marketing consultant and ____ on digital media and marketing projects with several major brands. A. works B. is working C. has worked D. worked - Thời hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh kết quả 11. “Educating yourself does not mean that you were stupid in the first place; it means that you are intelligent enough to know that there ____ plenty lent to." _ Melanie Joy A. is B. are C. will be D. would be - Hiện tại đơn diễn đạt một sự thật hiển nhiên 12. “If I ____ and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes." _ Albert Einstein A. have an hour to solve a problem B. had an hour solving a problem C. had had an hour to solve a problem D. had an hour to solve a problem - Câu điều kiện dạng 2 diễn đạt một giả thuyết/giả dụ 13. If he had not spent his youth not learning anything, he ____ himself for his lack of knowledge now. A. will not blame B. would not blame C. would not have blamed D. would blame - Câu điều kiện kết hợp điều kiện quá khứ có kết quả ở hiện tại 14. If he ____ this homework to do, he would have gone out with his friends. A. had not B. didn't have C. had had D. hadn't had - Câu điều kiện kết hợp điều kiện ở hiện tại nhưng kết quả đã có từ trước 15. Uneducated people, the kind ____ lack information about life, themselves, and the world, make poor choices in their life that take away from themselves and society. A. who B. that C. Ø D. whom - Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định 16. If you feel ____ you are easily swayed in life, then education is your answer to become stronger. A. as B. like C. for D. with - Giới từ like miêu tả sự so sánh (trừu tượng) 17. "I strongly suggest ____ yourself on the things that interest you most in all areas of your life." A. educate B. to educate C. educating D. to be educated - Cấu trúc của động từ suggest (suggest doing smth; suggest that smb should do...) 18. I have so much to do that I can't stay on schedule to complete my work. A. carry on with B. put up with C. keep up with D. come up with - Phrasal verb: to keep up with: duy trì được/ chạy theo được/ đảm bảo được 19. She finally finished the backlog of emails that had accumulated over the vacation period. A. put up with B. go on with C. carried on with D. got through with - Phrasal verb: to get through with: xử lý hết 20. Even though English is a hard language to master, you must keep trying! A. stand up to it B. face up to it C. stick to it D. talk back to it - Phrasal verb: to stick to: kiên trì với










21. The Professor ____ his ideas clearly in the lecture. A. ran across B. put across C. cut across D. came across - Phrasal verb: to put across: trình bày/ giải thích 22. Were my grandfather alive, he ____ learning something new. He was really a studious. A. will be B. would be C. would have been D. will have been - Câu điều kiện dạng hai khuyết liên từ if được thực hiện đảo trợ động từ/động từ lên thay thế. 23. Two students are talking with each other. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: A: "I'm going to take a course in first aid skills." – B: “____” A. Welcome you! B. You did it? C. Can I join you? D. Sure it is. - Đáp lời phù hợp nhất với phát ngôn: mình chuẩn bị học một khoá sơ cứu 24. Two teenagers are talking with each other. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: A: "Have you decided on your future job yet?" – B: “____” A. I'm thinking about being a teacher. B. I'm doing well at school now. C. I'm trying my best to fulfil my ambition. D. Definitely good for you. - Đáp lời phù hợp nhất với phát ngôn: cậu quyết định sẽ làm nghề gì rồi? 25. A student is talking with his professor about his missing the midterm. Complete the exchanges with the best answer: Student: "What can I do to make up for the missing midterm test, professor?" – Professor: “____” A. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure to do this. B. Thank you very much for accepting the invitation. C. You are supposed to write a chapter review. D. I agree to some extent with this statement. - Đáp lời phù hợp nhất với phát ngôn: Thưa giáo sư, em có thể làm gì để bù lại bài kiểm tra giữa kỳ bị mất? V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Trying a variety of ways to learn will help you to find the way that sticks. A. being most reliable B. being the most suitable C. being a favorite D. being a secrete - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh: thử nhiều cách để tìm ra cách phù hợp nhất 2. Teachers are in the business of molding our youth into the citizens that will eventually run this country. A. fitting closely to the shape of B. influencing the way one develops C. changing the appearance of someone D. transforming the state of spirituality - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh để hiểu người giáo viên có ảnh hưởng đối với quá trình phát triển của các bạn trẻ 3. Roosevelt was what we might call a "lifetime learner." Learning became, for him, a mode of personal enjoyment and a path to professional success. It's a habit many of us would like to emulate. A. to do in the same manner B. to look up to C. to follow someone's directions D. to come up with - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh để hiểu, việc tốt nhiều người muốn làm theo 4. There are two main reasons for learning throughout life: for personal development and for professional development. These reasons may not necessarily be distinct as personal development can improve your employment opportunities and professional development can enable personal growth. A. contrasting B. separate C. different D. various - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh để hiểu hai quá trình phát triển con người và phát triển nghề nghiệp không phải là hai quá trình riêng biệt 5. Effective learning requires that you acquire information through reading, listening, observing, practising, experimenting and experience. Information is all around you: the trick is to acquire relevant and meaningful information and develop this into knowledge and skills.










A. a habit of doing something B. the most intelligent way of doing something C. the best solution to a problem D. a practice of making a joke to study funnily - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh để hiếu, đối với việc tiếp nhận thông tin qua tất cả những phương pháp đã liệt kê, để làm tốt nhất thì phải ... VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. The security guard looked at me suspiciously and said: "Open your bag". A. The security guard suspected me and opened my bag. B. Opening my bag, the security guard looked at me suspiciously. C. Looking suspiciously at me, the security guard asked me to open my bag. D. Because the security guard looked at me suspiciously, I opened my bag. - Viết lại câu thay đổi cấu trúc sử dụng phân từ 1 thay thế mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do, kết hợp nguyên tắc đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp 2. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. A. Dr. Mercer would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he were not going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. B. Dr. Mercer would accept the research grant at Harvard if he were not going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. C. Dr. Mercer would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he had not been going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. D. Dr. Mercer would accept the research grant at Harvard if he had not been going to take six months off to spend more time with his family. - Viết lại câu sử dụng câu điều kiện kết hợp dạng 2 & 3 3. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal groups. A. Professor Schmitz would not talk so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. B. Professor Schmitz would not have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. C. Professor Schmitz wouldn't have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she were not an expert on African tribal groups. D. Professor Schmitz would have not talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she had not been an expert on African tribal groups. - Viết lại câu sử dụng câu điều kiện kết hợp dạng 2 & 3 4. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow because she is not giving a speech. A. She will be worried about the conference tomorrow if she is giving a speech. B. She will not be worried about the conference tomorrow if she was giving a speech. C. She would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she is giving a speech. D. She would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she were giving a speech. - Viết lại câu sử dụng câu điều kiện 2 5. Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg snowboarding last week. A. Frank would go to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week. B. Frank would be going to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week. C. Frank would not be going to the graduation ceremony if he had broken his leg snowboarding last week. D. Frank would have been going to the graduation ceremony if he had not broken his leg snowboarding last week.










- Viết lại câu sử dụng câu điều kiện kết hợp dạng 2 & 3 VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be. This quote should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. A. That the whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. B. It's the whole point of education that gives students the knowledge to be who they want to be, which is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. C. Because whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, this is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. D. Not only is the whole point of education to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, but also a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ câu phức 2. A teaching career is something that never ends. Teachers themselves continually learn and grow each day. A. If teachers continually learn and grow each day, their teaching career will never end. B. A teaching career never ends because teachers themselves continually learn and grow each day. C. A teaching career would never end if teachers themselves do not continually learn and grow each day. D. That teachers themselves continually learn and grow themselves makes their teaching never end. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ because tạo mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do 3. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy. If I were you, I might do the same. A. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy; however, if I were you, I might do the same. B. I can't believe that you would do something so crazy that if I were you, might do the same. C. If I were you, I might do such a crazy thing that I myself can't believe that you would do. D. If I were you, I couldn't believe you would do something so crazy, but I might do the same. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng liên từ however tạo mối quan hệ đối lập 4. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students. The request is to leave cell phones at home. A. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students that they leave cell phones at home. B. The principal has made one simple request to all the school's students to make sure that they leave cell phones at home. C. The principle made all the school's students at a request of leaving their cell phones at home. D. There has been a request made by the principal that all the school's students leave their cell phones at home. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ sử dụng đại từ quan hệ that 5. She teaches children with special needs. Many of them have severe learning difficulties. A. She teaches children with special needs and whoever have severe learning difficulties. B. She teaches children with special needs and severe learning difficulties. C. She teaches children of severe learning difficulties and with special needs. D. She teaches children with special needs, many of whom have severe learning difficulties. - Kết hợp câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định có sử dụng đại từ chỉ lượng và giới từ VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. A little while ago, the European Parliament recommended a list of 8 key competencies which they believe all (1) ____ institutions should provide their students with, to promote lifelong learning. These key competencies consist (2) ____ knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are central to the development of (3) ____ children, young people and eventually adults.










Finland isn't the first country to recognize the value of ‘lifelong learning’ but Finland is the first country to base their teaching curriculum (4) ____ the eight key competencies. Instead of focusing on classic academic subjects, (5) ____. History or English, Finnish schools will now structure lessons around broader, crosscutting and interdisciplinary "topics". Speaking on why Finland decided to (6) ____ this shift towards lifelong learning. Pasi Sahlberg. Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Education Harvard University, said: “educators in Finland think, quite correctly, that schools should teach what young people need in their lives...(7) ____. Finnish youth need more than before are more (8) ____ knowledge and skills about real world issues”. As Professor Sahlberg explains the key competencies don't focus on knowledge acquisition and test score results, (9) ____ on developing skills for longer term learning, with an (10) ____ on social and emotional development. 1. A. educate B. educating C. education D. educational - Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ 2. A. by B. of C. with D. in - Phrasal verb: Consist of (bao gồm) 3. A. good-rounding B. well-rounding C. good-rounded D. well-rounded - Cách tạo tính từ ghép Adv + P2 4. A. in B. for C. over D. round - Chọn giới từ phù hợp nội dung (xoay quanh) 5. A. like B. as C. either D. whether - Giới từ like dùng để nêu ví dụ 6. A. cause B. push C. make D. pull - Cụm từ: to make shift towards (thay đổi theo hướng) 7. A. that B. it C. what D. which - Tạo mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ của câu 8. A. integrate B. integrative C. integrating D. integrated - Tinh từ miêu tả danh từ knowledge và skills (được tích hợp) 9. A. rather B. instead C. but D. than - Dựa vào ngữ cảnh không tập trung vào ... mà (but) vào 10. A. emphasis B. attention C. investigation D. approach - Danh từ hợp nghĩa và kết hợp với giới từ ‘on’ IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. As a teacher, every day is a new day, you never get bored. When you enter your classroom you have no idea what is going to happen. One minute you can have a parent yelling at you, and the next you can find out that your whole class passed their exam with flying colors. There is always something going on, from lesson plans to field trips, to planning holiday parties and holding teacher conferences. Teaching allows you to express yourself. You can be silly and do things that you would never do in front of other adults. Your classroom is your domain, a place where you are free to show off your personality and craft and create anything that you wish. Now how many jobs allow you to do that? A lot of graduate students like the idea of a teaching profession because most of the time teachers only work about 180 school days a year (notice I said “school days” because we all know we work a lot more than that). Teaching is a very stressful and demanding job, but it also allows for time off over the holidays. This “time” gives you a great opportunity to travel, have fun with friends, and spend time with your family. One of the best reasons to love your job is that it gives you the time off that you deserve. Unlike most careers, a teaching career has the opportunity to inspire students, not only academically but personally as well. If you think back to when you were a child, I'm sure you can recall at least one teacher that










really stood out and made a difference in your life. Teaching is touching the lives of your students, making connections that will last a lifetime, and providing them with inspiration that will take them places in their lives. When you are passionate and compassionate for something that you love, it will shine through. When you love what you do, not only will you make a difference in your students' lives, but you will make a difference in your own as well. 1. The passage could best be written by ____. A. a teacher B. a student C. a professor D. a researcher - Suy từ nội dung của văn bản, cách tác giả miêu tả rất giống với cách miêu tả của người đã trải nghiệm thực sự 2. From the first paragraph, you can understand that ____. A. a teacher's life is full of ups and downs with a lot of pitfalls B. a teacher's life is like an exciting journey with a lot of events C. a teacher can never feel bored because he/she is not allowed to D. a teacher can enjoy a life of peace and relaxation all the time - Nêu rõ trong đoạn 1: One minute you can have..., and the next you can find out that ..... There is always something going on, … 3. The word "domain" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____. A. discipline B. stage C. home D. field - Hiểu trong tình huống và dựa vào hiểu biết của bản thân, chỉ khi ở những nơi thực sự là của mình thì con người sẽ bộc lộ hết bản thân mình 4. Which of the followings can serve as the best heading of paragraph 3? A. It keeps You on Your Toes. B. You Can Express Your Creative Side. C. You Get a Lot of Family Time. D. You are an Inspiration. - Đoạn 3: This "time" gives you a great opportunity to travel, have fun with friends, and spend time with your family. .... it gives you the time off that you deserve. 5. The phrase "stood out" in paragraph 4 describes the teacher who ____. A. performed best among your teachers B. provided you with greatest inspiration C. worked most excellently at your school D. tried his/her best to do anything for you - Hiếu từ ngữ cảnh (keywords: inspire, made a difference, touching the lives, last a lifetime...) X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The old belief was that you had to go to school to get educated, but there are plenty of people who have educated themselves outside of school and become successful. They followed their passion, educated themselves as they went along, and found success despite not actually going to a school where you sit down, learn from a teacher, and take tests. I think that the first 12 years of education are critical. Primary and secondary education teaches you the basics, helps you get into a mindset of learning, exposes you to a variety of areas that you can pursue after school, and gives you some real world experience with socializing and working with other people. All of those things are important, but after that, you can't rely on a school to really educate you in life. You can go to college and learn about whatever field you want to go into. But, that school education isn't going to give you the knowledge you need to really be successful in your career and your life. For example, I have a friend who is an accountant. He hasn't finished all the courses in school that he needs to get his Bachelor's degree, but he has more knowledge and ability than anyone who has finished their courses in school that he works with. He reads up on what he needs to know as he works. He is passionate about what he does. He can figure stuff out that his fully-schooled peers can't. And he is a shining example of why going to school doesn't automatically mean you are more educated. The point is that you can educate yourself in the real world. Obviously, there are some programs that you have to take if you want to be accepted into a specific kind of job. Even though you can educate yourself










outside of school, many professions still require you to finish an education and have a piece of paper proving it so that you can get hired. But, for many other things, you can educate yourself by doing things related to your career or passions. You can educate yourself online by taking courses, learning from experts, buying eBooks, and having discussions with like-minded people. You don't need a school to be educated in life. As Mark Twain said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." 1. It is stated in paragraph 1 that ____. A. It is not always necessary for a person to go to school to be educated B. Most of those who do not go to school are very successfully educated C. Education has nothing to do with a school teachers, classes and tests D. People will no longer go to school to be officially educated and succeed - Nêu rõ ở đoạn 1: but there are plenty of people who have educated themselves outside of school and become successful 2. Which of the following can serve as the title for the passage? A. Schooling Does not Mean Education B. Being Educated Doesn't require School C. Going to School Will Soon Be out of Date D. Being Educated Outweighs Being Schooled. - Suy từ nội dung cả văn bản: Toàn văn bản thuyết phục người đọc bằng cách các luận cứ và luận chứng đầy đủ về việc muốn thành công không nhất thiết cần phải tới trường nhận đào tạo chính thống mà nhờ quá trình tự đào tạo suốt đời. 3. The word "critical" in paragraph 2 mostly means ____. A. having a decisive or crucial importance for B. taking on a considerable importance to C. assuming enormous significance for D. exerting a great influence on - Suy từ nội dung đoạn văn (key words: the basics, mindset) 4. With the phrase "that school education" in paragraph 3 the writer refers to ____. A. the education people receive from primary schools B. the education people receive from secondary schools C. the first 12 years of education people receive D. the education people do for a degree or the like - Hồi chỉ 5. The phrasal verb “reads up on" in paragraph 4 mostly means ____. A. to read a lot about something B. to read something very carefully C. to read only what interests you D. to read closely from beginning to end - Suy từ tình huống được miêu tả về ‘the authors friend': He reads up on what he needs to know as he works. He is passionate about what he does. He can figure stuff out that his fully-schooled peers can't. 6. The word "automatically" in paragraph 4 can be best replaced with ____. A. normally B. necessarily C. definitely D. always - Kết luận của tình huống: And he is a shining example of why going to school doesn't automatically mean you are more educated. 7. The example described in paragraph 3 refers to the fact that ____. A. a person going to school is not always educated B. a person can educate himself in practical life C. courses at colleges are merely for the degree D. knowledge acquired at colleges can be read elsewhere - Kết luận của tình huống (mở rộng): The point is that you can educate yourself in the real world. 8. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. degree-holding person should still go on self-educating for a successful career. B. Many professions require that employees acquire official courses. C. Doing things in relevance to profession or interest is one way of educating yourself.










D. Doing things in passion has nothing to do with taking official degree courses. - Suy từ cả văn bản (A: đoạn 3: All of those things are important, but after that, you can't rely on a school to really educate you in life.; B: đoạn 5: many professions still require you to finish an education and have a piece of paper proving it so that you can get hired; C: đoạn 6: you can educate yourself by doing things related to your career or passions.) 9. This passage is most likely to be taken from ____. A. a magazine for teachers B. a journal of education sciences C. a textbook for university students D. an article for the public - Văn bản có tính đại chúng vì đưa thông tin và lập luận rất gần gũi với tất cả mọi người trong xã hội đang cố gắng phát triển bản thân và sự nghiệp 10. The tone passage is ____. A. descriptive B. affirmative C. negative D. creative - Thái độ tác giả thể hiện qua văn phong rất kiên định và chắc chắn

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