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Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594




Tác giả: ………..



THÔNG TIN CHUNG VỀ CHUYÊN ĐỀ 1. Tên chuyên đề: Teaching vocabularies through collocation (Dạy từ vựng qua collocation- cụm từ cố định) 2. Đối tượng dạy chuyên đề: Học sinh lớp 12 3. Thời gian dạy chuyên đề: 2 buổi (3 tiết/ buổi) 1 tiết= 45 phút 4. Người thực hiện: Họ và tên: ............ 6. Đơn vị áp dụng dạy chuyên đề: Tên đơn vị:.............. 7. Thực trạng: Do những yêu cầu ngày càng cao đặc trưng môn Tiếng Anh và theo kịp những đổi mới về kì thi Quốc gia trung học phổ thông năm 2019. Bên cạnh đó, do thực trạng dạy và học phần từ vựng Tiếng Anh đang gặp rất nhiều khó khăn nên tôi xây dựng và thực hiện dạy chuyên đề này sẽ giúp giáo viên dạy ôn thi nâng cao vốn từ vựng cho học sinh lớp 12 ôn thi THPT Quốc Gia để các em chuẩn bị tốt tham dự kỳ thi.




PART I: Introduction


I. Name of the topic


II. Rationale


III. Aim


IV. Scope


V. Problems




I. An overview of English collocations


II. Methods of teaching collocations


III. Listing collocations


IV. Exercises


V. Test


PART III: Conclusion and suggestion 1. Conclusion


2. Suggestion





PART I. INTRODUCTION I. Rationale. Nowadays, English is playing a very important role in the global development. Besides, English has become one of the major and compulsory subjects at schools in Vietnam. Together with the expansion of teaching and learning English, many great efforts have been made to help students learn English more effectively. Vocabulary has been regarded as a fundamental element of learning English. It is one of the elements that link the four skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and writing together. Richards and Rernandya (2002, p. 255) stated that “Vocabulary is one of the core components of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. Therefore, without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learners often achieve less than their potencial and may be discouraged from making use of language learning opportunities around them such as listening to the radio, listening to native speakers, using the language in different contexts, reading or watching television�. In fact, students, at Tran Hung Dao High School, they found it difficult to master vocabulary because they have not paid enough attention to vocabulary learning even though they realised how important they are. In any course books, vocabulary is considered as the most boring part, in both teachers and students’ opinions. Whenever I asked my students to tell me how they learn vocabulary, they mostly answered that they tried to learn but they could not memorize words, and while reading they found some words familiar but they could not remember their meanings. In addtion, materials in textbooks, sometimes, are not interesting and suitable for all students. They cannot provide enough vocabulary sources. In order to motivate students to learn vocabulary effectively, therefore, I think it is necessary to provide students with collocations that help students get 4

a pleasant and less stressful atmosphere to learn vocabulary and infer word meaning in context. As far as I am concerned, the major problems students encountered are: 1.

They cannot express exactly what they really mean.


They find it difficult to have good word choices, so it is common to

repeat familiar words such as good, nice or help. II. Aim: In view of what have been mentioned earlier, I carry out this little study with an aim to: 1.

Help students get an overview of English collocations.


Help them improve their range of vocabulary through doing

exercises through topics. III. Scope: Learning English collocations are part of learning English vocabulary. It is difficult to cover so many collocations here. Therefore the study will focus on only the collocations related to the national exam. IV. Problems English Learners Have with Collocation One of the biggest problems with collocation is its arbitrary nature: there is no “rule” or reason that it’s “in regard to” and not “on regard to”—it just is. 1. Lack of awareness: students need to have a problem brought to their attention before they even know it is a problem. They may be unaware that some words go together better than others, especially as this doesn’t tend to be emphasized in language instruction. 2. First language transfer is another ESL problem with collocation—students transfer the appropriate collocation from their first language. “Make” and “do” confusion is common, for example, among students of Latin language backgrounds: e.g., “make my homework” rather than “do my homework.”


PART II: CONTENT I. An overview of English collocations. 1. Definition of collocation. Collocation means a natural combination of words; it refers to the ways English words are closely associated with each other. For example, do and homework go together, as do make and mistakes; tall goes with man/ woman and high goes with mountain. 2. Distinction between a collocation and an idiom. Idioms are groups of words in a fixed order that have a meaning that cannot be guessed by knowing the meaning of the individual words. For example, a storm in a tea cup is an idiom meaning “a lot of anger or worry about something that is not important” The meaning of collocations can be easily guessed by the meaning of the individual words, which is different from idioms. Collocations are pairs or groups of words that often go together naturally. 3. Importance of learning collocations. An appreciation of collocation will help you to: • use the words you know more accurately. In other words, you’ll make (NOT do) fewer mistakes. • sound more natural when you speak and write. • vary your speech and, probably more importantly, your writing. Instead of repeating everyday words like very good or nice, you will he able to exploit a wider range of language. • understand when a skilful writer departs from normal patterns of collocation 4. Types of collocations. Students should know that there are many different types of collocations. Type 1:

Adjectives and nouns.

For example: Jean always wears red or yellow or some other bright color. We had a brief chat about the exams but didn’t have time to discuss it properly. Type 2: Nouns and verbs. 6

For example:

The economy boomed in the 1990s. (the economy was very

strong) The company has grown and now employs 50 more people than last year. The company launched the product in 2002. (introduced the product) Type 3: Noun and noun. For example: I felt a pang of nostalgia when I saw the old photos of the village where I was born. Every parent feels a sense of pride when their child does well or wins something. Type 4: Verbs and expressions with prepositions. For example: I was filled with horror when I read the newspaper report of the explosion. When she split juice on her new skirt, the little girl burst into tears. Type 5: Verbs and adverbs. For example: She smiled proudly as she looked at the photos of her new grandson. “I love you and want to marry you�, Derek whispered softly to Marsha. Type 6: Adverbs and adjectives. For example: They are happily married. I am fully aware that there are serious problems. Harry was blissfully unaware that he was in danger. II. Methods of teaching collocations: Apart from classroom lessons, teachers should to learn collocations by themselves. Students should get the habit of finding, recording and afterwards learning them. How to do this well ought to be instructed by teachers as follows. a. Finding collocations: There are two ways in which collocations can be found: - Students can find them in any text in English they read or hear and then make a note of good collocations. In the short text below, there are 12 collocations. 7

After giving Mark a lift to the airport, Cathy made her way home. What an exciting life he led! At times, Cathy felt desperately jealous of him. She spent her time doing little more than taking care of him and the children. Now her sister was getting divorced and would doubtless be making demands on her too. Cathy had promised to give her sister a call as soon as she got home but she decided to run herself a bath first. She had a sharp pain in her side and hoped that a hot bath might ease the pain. - Students can also find collocations in a good learner’s dictionary, like Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English. For example, when they look up the word use , they will find many combinations with it, some of which are: considerable/ extensive/ great/ full use make use of/ come into use/ ban the use of medicinal / intended/ potential use b. Recording collocations. When students record a collocation, it is a great idea to do it in a phrase or a sentence showing how it is used. Then, highlight the collocation by underlining it or by using a highlighting pen. For example: I don’t have access to that kind of secret information. Jim gave me a very useful piece of advice c. Learning collocations. Learning collocations is not so different from learning any vocabulary item. Teachers should remind students to: - Regularly revise what they want to lean. - Practise using what they want to learn in contexts that are meaningful for them personally. - Learn collocations in groups to help fix them in students’ memory. Students might together collocations relating to the same topic. Or they can group collocations based on the same word, for example: I must find a way to help him 8

Can you find your way back to my house? I learnt the hard way that Jack can’t be trusted. Please tell me if I’m getting in your way. You must give way to traffic from the left. You’ve tried every possible way to get him to change his mind. III. Listing collocations. 1. Common collocations used in Textbook 10,11,12 A. Adverb + adjective No. 1

Collocation Extremely

Example Meaning On my birthday my father gave me Cực kì vui


some money, so that I could buy a sướng hat for myself, which made me extremely excited.


Far better

Life will be far better than it is

Tốt hơn nhiều

today. B. Adjective + noun No. 1

Collocation General

Example Marie Curie received general

Meaning Giáo dục


education in local school and

phổ thông

some scientific training from her father. 2

Tragic death

After the tragic death of Pierre

Cái chết

Curie in 1906, she took up the

thương tâm.

position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne. 3

Heavy rain

Heavy rain during the night will

Mưa to/ mưa

occur all over the country today.





Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By Những động


John Aspinall, who is famous for

vật quý hiếm/

his program of breeding endangered có nguy cơ animals and reintroducing them into tuyệt chủng the wild. 5

True friendship

What is the first quality for true

Tình bạn thực

friendship and what does it tell


you? 6

Mutual friend

How many mutual friends do

Bạn chung

you have with her? 7

A sneaky look

There was a sneaky look on his

1 cái nhìn trộm

face, but I didn’t think much about it. 8

Remote and

During summer vacations, they

Vùng núi,


volunteer to work in remote and

vùng sâu


mountainous areas to provide

vùng xa

education for children. 9


We are a very close-knit family.

knit/close 10

family A noisy party


A slight nod

Khăng khít, bền chặt, gắn

We are at a noisy party

A slight nod will do.

bó Bữa tiệc ồn ào.

1 cái gật đầu nhẹ


Core subject

English, math and science are core subjects.


Môn học chính


Noun + noun No. Collocation 1 Plot of land

Example We repair the banks of our plot of

Meaning Mảnh đất

land. 2

Bumper crop

The scientists introduced new

Vụ mùa bội

farming methods which resulted


in bumper crops. 3

Cash crop

The scientists also helped the

Nông sản

villagers grow cash crops for

thương mại

export. 4


A wad of

Inside his bag, I saw a wad of

1 cuộn tiền

dollar notes

dollar notes exactly like ones


I think we should ask the

Các gia đình


school head- master to provide

có thu nhập

free textbooks for students


from low-income families. 6





Safe birth-control methods are

Các phương


not available to some people in

pháp kiểm

poor nations.

soát sinh đẻ


I try to help with the household

Việc vặt của



gia đình

Night shift

Once a week, she has to work

Ca đêm

on a night shift.

(việc làm)

Body language includes our

Ngôn ngữ cơ

posture, facial expressions and


Body language

gestures. 11



School system

There are two parallel school

Hệ thống

systems in England.

trường học

Lack of +

A person who doesn't look at

Thiếu sự


you is expressing lack of

quan tâm,

interest or is shy

thích thú

D. Verb + noun No. Collocation 1 Have a cold

Example I think I’ve got a cold.

Meaning Bị cảm lạnh



There are some ways of

Tiếp nhận


receiving information,

thong tin qua


including receiving


information aurally. 3

Keep a secret

There are people who cannot

Giữ bí mật

keep a secret, either of their 4

Make a fuss

own or of others’. He had stolen my money; I

Làm ồn lên,

didn’t want to make a fuss, so

làm to chuyện

I decided just to take my


money back from his 5

Blow out the

schoolbag. When everybody finished


singing, Lisa blew out the candles.


Thổi tắt nến


Take photo(s)

I had decided to bring my

Chụp ảnh

camera to take some photos of the happy family. 7

Have a good time

The host and the wife moved

Có thời gian

around to make sure that

vui vẻ

everyone was having a good time. Spend time/money

In the USA, college students

Giành thời

often spend many hours as

gian, tiền bạc

volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes 9



Receive a

I am very happy to have

Nhận được 1


received a donation of $

khoản quyên

500 from your company



I would like to express our

Bày tỏ lời


thanks for the donation.

cảm ơn


By the year of 2000, only 70%

Xóa mù chữ


of the population was able to read and write; this means that more work had to be done to eradicate illiteracy in the



Think of three or four

Đưa ra cách


problems your class is

giải quyết

experiencing; talk about them 13


and offer limit solutions. We must population

Giới hạn tăng


growth because our resources

trưởng dân số


are limited. 13


Win a place

I am now in my final year at

Giành lấy 1

the secondary school, and in


my attempt to win a place at university. 15

Hurry home/get

In the afternoon, after

Nhanh về


hospital, she rushes to the

nhà/ về nhà

market, then hurries home so that dinner is ready on the 16


table by the time Dad gets They also agree that a


wife should maintain


her beauty and

Duy trì vẻ đẹp

appearance after 17


marriage. It is better and wiser for a

Chia sẻ suy


couple not to share

nghĩ, quan


certain thoughts

điểm, ý kiến.


Fall off horse

The cowboy fell off his horse.

Ngã ngựa


Lead a life

Those people led a poor life.

Sống 1 cuộc sống ( giàu


21 22

Remain a

The desert remained a

có/ Vẫnnghèo còn là 1


mystery until Madigan made

bí ẩn

Enact laws

an aerial survey in 1929. Government has enacted laws

Ban hành

Make great

to protect wildlife. The parents realized that the

luật pháp Có những nỗ


young teacher was making great

lực to lớn

efforts to help their poor kids.


E. Verbs and expressions with prepositions.

No. Collocation Example 1 Scream in panic The plane seemed to dip and many 2

people screamed in panic. Make ends meet The villagers had to work hard in the

Meaning La hét trong sự Đủ để sống

fields all day and could hardly make 3

ends meet. Come to an end The party came to an end at about 11

Kết thúc

p.m. 4

Look forward to I went home feeling that it had been

Mong chờ

a delightful evening and looking

1 điều gì

forward to the next day to have the


film developed. 5


Volunteers believe that some of the

Đem lại

happiness to

happiest people in the world are those

hạnh phúc


who help to bring happiness to

cho ai đó

others. 6


Grow in

Although established not long



ago, the Women’s World Cup is

chóng phát

growing in popularity.


Reach the

In 1850, the world population

được yêu Đạt tới con

figure of

reached the figure of 1.3 billion


people. 8


We can communicate not

Giao tiếp

through words/

only through words but also through


body language

body language.




Go out with

I went out with my new friends.

Đi chơi với

someone 10



ai đó

Run on sth

Cars will still be with us, but,



instead of petrol, they will run on

ạt động

anything from electricity to methane

bằng (



Lead a

Three years later Madigan led a

Dẫn đầu


scientific expedition across the sand



dunes on a more northern route.

khảo cứu

across the Plant/animal

Over 8300 plan species and 7200

khoa học Loài


animal species around the globe are


Be threatened

threatened with extinction.

thực vật/

with F.

Bị đe dọa

Verb + adverb No. Collocation 1 Go off

Example The alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m.


Slowly gain

When we had given up all hope, we (máy bay)dần


felt the plane slowly gained height.

lấy lại được độ


In spite of her difficult living

cao ( độ cao an Làm việc cực kì/

extremely hard

conditions, she worked

hết sức chăm


extremely hard. Some are swimming animals such

chỉ.chuyển tự do Di


á fishes and sharks that move



independently of water currents.


Meaning đổ chuông



At present, the number of illiterate


people in the remote and

Giảm dần

mountainous areas is gradually decreasing. 6


While the number of literate males


went up sharply between 1998 and

Giảm mạnh

2007, the number of literate females fell dramatically. 7

Go smoothly

At first, things went smoothly....

Diễn ra êm đềm/êm thấm



Offices, too, will go electronic

Biến mất hoàn


with the result that paper will


almost completely disappear. 9




Be Better

We will also be better looked

Được chăm sóc

looked after

after by a modern medical

tốt hơn

Raise hands

system. We can raise our hands slightly

Khẽ giơ tay.


to show that we need assistance.


John looked anxiously at his

Nhìn một cách lo




Listen carefully You won't know what to do

Nghe chăm chú

unless you listen carefully.

2. Expansions 2.1 SỰ KẾT HỢP TỪ VỚI CÁC ĐỘNG TỪ THÔNG DỤNG: • DO: (= accomplish, carry out – hoàn thành, thực hiện một công việc) Do an assignment: làm một nhiệm vụ được giao Do business (with): kinh doanh 17

Do one’s best: cố gắng hết sức Do a crossword: chơi ô chữ Do damage: gây thiệt hại Do a course: theo một khóa học Do history/economics: học lịch sử/ kinh tế học… Do an experiment: làm thí nghiệm Do good: bổ ích Do harm: gây hại Do a job: làm một công việc Do one’s duty: làm nghĩa vụ Do one’s hair: làm tóc Do one’s homework: làm bài tập về nhà Do research: nghiên cứu Do someone a favour: làm giúp ai điều gì Do the shopping: mua sắm Do wonders/ miracles: mang lại kết quả kì diệu Do without: làm mà không có cái gì Do wrong: làm sai • MAKE: (= produce, manufacture- làm ra, chế tạo ra) Make an appointment: thu xếp một cuộc hẹn Make an attempt: cố gắng, nỗ lực Make an announcement: thông báo Make the bed: dọn giường Make a cake: làm bánh Make changes: thay đổi Make a choice: chọn lựa Make a decision: quyết định Make a comment: nhận xét Make a complaint: phàn nàn, than phiền Make a comparision: so sánh Make a contribution: đóng góp vào 18

Make a decision: quyết định Make a differrence: tạo sự khác biệt Make a distinction: tạo sự khác biệt/sự tương phản Make an effort: nỗ lực Make an excuse: viện cớ Make a law: thông qua đạo luật Make a mistake: mắc sai lầm Make money: kiếm tiền Make progress: tiến bộ Make a plan: lập kế hoạch Make a phone call: gọi điện thoại Make preparations for: chuẩn bị cho Make a profit: thu lợi nhuận Make a promise: hứa hẹn Make a speech: đọc bài diễn văn Make noise: làm ồn Make a start: khởi hành Make a suggestion: đề nghị Make a will: làm di chúc Make up one’s mind: quyết định Make use of: sử dụng • TAKE: Take sb/sth for granted: xem ai/ cái gì là tất nhiên Take place: xảy ra Take part in: tham gia vào Take effect: có hiệu lực Take advantage of sth: tận dụng cái gì Take notice of sth: chú ý dến cái gì Take responsibility for sth: chịu trách nhiệm về cái gì Take interest in: quan tâm đến 19

Take offence: thất vọng, phật ý Take powder/office: nhận chức Take a pity on sb: thông cảm cho ai Take a view/ attitude: có quan điểm/ thái độ Take sth as a compliment: xem cái gì như lời khen tặng Take sth as an insult: xem cái gì như lời sỉ nhục • HAVE: Have difficulty (in) doing something: gặp khó khăn khi làm cái gì Have a problem: có vấn đề, gặp khó khăn Have a go/ try: thử • PAY: Pay attention to: chú ý dến Pay a compliment: khen Pay a visit to sb: đến thăm ai Pay tribute to: bày tỏ long kính trọng 2.2 OTHER COLLOCATIONS also / in addition ex: I’m a very sociable person. I prefer team sports. such as basketball and football, in addition, I like going to English club with my friends. I prefer cycling rather than driving a car because it helps me keep fit, in addition, it’s better for the environment and it’s also cheaper. besides postscript: “besides” at the beginning of a phrase means “as well as”, whereas at the beginning of a clause it means “anyway”. ex: I like riding a bike as it’s a very convenient way to travel. Besides, it’s cheap and I can’t afford a car. golden opportunity 20

expand / broaden / widen (sb’s) horizons as opposed to ex: Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books. generally speaking = in most situations = ordinarily as for: còn như, về phần ex: I love playing golf and tennis. As for cooking, I have no real interest in it. as a rule rarely = once in a blue moon be quite into = be keen on = have a strong interest in = be into other countries = faraway places find oneself doing st = suddenly realise that you are doing st unintentionally regarding = in / with regard to = in terms of: về ex: She said nothing regarding your request . I've nothing to say in / with regard to your complaints regardless of: bất kể ex: They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price and to behave as they please. in other words or more precisely = or rather: hay chính xác hơn rather than = instead of take up further education: học lên cao ought to “ought to” có dạng phủ định là “ought not” hoặc “oughtn’t”

get in the way (of st) = prevent (st) from happening ex: We had almost reached an agreement, but some unimportant details got in the way. 21

have difficulty v-ing: khó khăn trong việc burst out: thốt lên, òa lên ex: He suddenly bursts out laughing (Anh ta đột nhiên cười phá lên). shrink from (st / doing st): lưỡng lự (làm cái gì) be dumped by partner: bị người yêu đá grim reaper: thần chết speed up: tăng tốc độ sunbathe topless: cởi trần tắm nắng do + B-I “do” ở đây để nhấn mạnh “B-I” ex: I do know this (Tôi thực sự biết điều này). freeze someone's blood: làm ai sợ hết hồn a chain of: một loạt / dãy ex: a chain of mountains a chain of events far from it ex: Do you think you need a new car? Far from it. The old one is fine. in the region of: trong khoảng ex: This costs in the region of 500 dong. These clouds form in the region of mountains. slow down: làm chậm lại, làm trì hoãn ex: They slow down a process. hail sb / st as: hoan hô, hoan nghênh (ai đó / thứ gì đó) như ex: The crowd hailed him as a hero. chain reaction: phản ứng dây chuyền come under st: be forced to experience st unpleasant ex: We have to come under pressure (Chúng ta phải chịu nhiều áp lực). the embodiment of: hiện thân của ex: She's the embodiment of kindness. 22

physical force: sức mạnh vật chất in form: sức khỏe tốt, sung sức out of form: sức khỏe không tốt moral force: sức mạnh tinh thần down below sharp practice: những chuyện làm ăn không lương thiện ex: The building industry brought in rules to protect customers from sharp practice. a growing tendency: một xu hướng đang phát triển in outline: những nét chính ex: I like your idea in outline but would like some time to study the details. not quite: không hẳn be on the anvil: đang làm / xem xét / nghiên cứu by force of circumstances: do hoàn cảnh bắt buộc force a smile: gượng cười as sharp as a needle: rất thông minh và nhanh trí ex: His response was as sharp as a needle. in force: có hiệu lực ex: The law remains in force (Điều luật đó còn hiệu lực). rarer still: còn hiếm hơn nữa (trạng từ) take a sharp walk: đi bộ rảo bước sharp remark: lời nhận xét gay gắt be shorn of (st): bị lấy đi, bị tước mất (cái gì) a good anvil does not fear the hammer: cây ngay không sợ chết đứng for a long stretch of time: lâu lắm rồi stretch a point: chiếu cố, nhân nhượng stoop so low as to do (st): hạ mình làm (điều gì) from time to time = occasionally hardly ever = almost never all year round: all year; at all times of the year ex: I could tell my grandmother's health all year round wasn't very good because she felt cold 23

all year round. more often than not ex: Businessmen drive cars to work more often than not. depth of winter get into = be able to concentrate on: có thể tập trung vào provide the perfect conditions for express oneself ex: Although I play the music somebody else wrote, I can express myself through the piano, so each time I play it's different.. from scratch: từ đầu, từ bàn tay trắng ex: There were so many spelling mistakes, I had to write the letter out again from scratch. come over: come to a place to visit for a short time (often used with the meaning of come to my/our house) ex: Ever since my boy friend argued with my father, he's been unwilling to come over to our house. keep sb from doing st go to plan = go according to plan = happen in the way you want get to grips with = learn the basics of ex: I found the guitar a little hard at first, but with patience and practice, I got to grips with it. learn by trial and error every other day: ngày có ngày không, cách ngày ex: I go to the gym every other day. be a burden to (someone): là gánh nặng (cho ai) the grown up people inspire sb to st: truyền cảm hứng (cho ai đó làm gì đó) inspire sb with st = inspire st in sb : gây ra những ý nghĩ ex: Our first sight of the dingy little hotel didn’t inspire us with much confidence / inspire much confidence in us (Cái khách sản nhỏ bẩn thỉu ấy mới trông thấy khiến chúng tôi không tin tưởng lắm) a glance at: cái nhìn thoáng qua về 24

ex: A glance at the graph provided reveals some striking similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates. great fertility of mind: đầu óc có sức sáng tạo phong phú be in low spirits: buồn rầu, chán nản be in low water: cạn tiền at a low ebb: sa sút, xuống dốc be low on (st): gần cạn kiệt (cái gì) household chore: việc nhà, viêc vặt trong nhà take the plunge: quyết tâm hành động, liều exponential growth: sự tăng theo cấp số nhân a vast amount of: một lượng lớn plunge to a low of: sụt giảm đến mức thấp ex: China’s birth rate then plunged to a low of just 5% in the 1940. as though: dường như, như thể là ex: He ran as though the devil were after him (Anh ta chạy như thể có ma đuổi). rapid climb = rapid growth = zoom reach a peak of: đạt đến đỉnh cao ex: That rate reached a peak of 20% in 1950 equally importantly: quan trọng không kém by force of = by = owing to = thanks to : nhờ, bằng cách ex: Disputes were sometimes settled by force of arms (Sự tranh chấp đôi khi được giải quyết bằng vũ lực). subject to: tùy thuộc vào, với giả thuyết là ex: Subject to your consent (Tuỳ theo anh có đồng ý hay không). far outweigh: vượt xa, lớn hơn nhiều so với ex: The benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks. come up with (st) = think of an idea / a solution ex: I’ve come up with a perfect plan for the weekend. be subject to damage: dễ / khó tránh khỏi bị hư hại the latter half of: nửa cuối của 25

ex: the latter half of the century in isolation: một cách riêng biệt, một mình ex: examine each piece of evidence in isolation (xem xét riêng từng chứng cớ) sustained decline: sự giảm liên tục every so often = sometimes = not very often = every once in a while object to = oppose = protest = raise objections : phản đối about = approximately = somewhere in the vicinity of come up = happen unexpectedly ex: Something has come up and I must leave. come out = be published /released for sale ex: Their new album came out last month. come on to (sb) = flirt with (sb) = seduce (sb) ex: She tried to come on to me but I blanked her. plunge into: lao vào, chìm vào ex: plunge into darkness (chìm ngập trong bóng tối). plunge into a difficulty (lao vào một công việc khó khăn). it is public/common knowledge that: ai cũng biết rằng at (someone’s) fingertips: trong tầm tay (của ai đó) busy = engaged = over head and ears in tool along: lái xe một cách đủng đỉnh và thư giãn come across (st) = find (st) by chance ex: She came across some old love letters. social unrests: những bất ổn về mặt xã hội outbound tourists: khách du lịch nước ngoài sustainable tourism development: sự phát triển du lịch bền vững human trafficking: tệ nạn buôn người increase / grow by (…%): tăng (…%) by contrast = in contrast 26

increase from (…%) to (…%): tăng từ (…%) đến (…%) increase / grow steadily: tăng đều đặn in my power: trong khả năng của mình confide a secret to (sb): chia sẻ bí mật với (ai đó) make immense progress: tiến bộ vượt bậc conform to the law: tuân thủ pháp luật entice (sb) to (do st): xúi giục (ai đó) (làm việc gì) handset device: thiết bị cầm tay technologically-inclined: nghiện công nghệ tech-savvy: giỏi về công nghệ be over-dependence on technology: lệ thuộc vào công nghệ apply technology wisely: ứng dụng công nghệ một cách khôn ngoan the advent of technology: bước tiến của công nghệ ten a penny: rất phổ biến living environment = living surrounding: môi trường sống eco - products: những sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường green solutions: giải pháp bảo vệ môi trường keep our planet healthy: giữ gìn môi trường sạch đẹp environmental degradation: sự xuống cấp về môi trường master key: bài toán then chốt lights-off event: ngày hội tắt đèn seemingly trivial activities: những hành động tưởng chừng như là nhỏ nhặt make a futile attempt: một sự cố gắng vô ích bite off more than one can chew: ôm đồm quá nhiều công việc fill in for (sb): tạm thay thế cho (ai đó đang đi làm công việc khác) in the black = be profitable >< in the red: hoạt động kinh doanh bị thua lỗ sleep on (st): suy nghĩ kỹ về (vấn đề gì đó) trước khi trả lời get the ball rolling: khởi động một công việc hoặc dự án cause / contribute to climate change /global warming: gây ra/góp phần vào sự biến đổi khí 27

hậu / nóng lên toàn cầu burn a hole in your pocket: tiêu hoang phung phí albeit = notwithstanding = much as = though = although = even though = in spite of = despite fly off the handle: mất bình tĩnh be a charge on (someone): là gáng nặng (cho ai) at all cost: bằng mọi giá for instance: for example behind the times: lỗi thời, hết thời pay through the nose: trả một giá quá đắt in deep water: trong tình thế nguy hiểm/khó khăn put yourself in sb’s shoes: thử đặt mình vào vị trí / hoàn cảnh của người khác be up in arms about (st): tức giận, buồn bực vì (điều gì đó) break the bank: tốn rất nhiều tiền cost an arm and a leg: rất mắc. be a slave to custom: quá lệ thuộc vào tập tục sense of responsibility: ý thức trách nhiệm sense of beauty: khả năng thưởng thức cái đẹp person of sense: người biết lẽ phải do not make sense: không có ý nghĩa gì cả frighten (sb) out of his senses: làm (ai) sợ hết hồn hết vía paradoxically = sadly = ironically: đáng buồn thay, mỉa mai thay, trớ trêu là (adv) speaking: về mặt ex: Politically speaking, this policy can enhance the national security and establish the reputation of governments (Về mặt chính trị, chính sách này có thể củng cố an ninh quốc phòng và tạo dựng uy tín cho các chính phủ). murder on (st): gây tổn hại / khó chịu lên ex: This hot weather's murder on my feet. lose one's senses: mất trí khôn, bất tỉnh nhân sự make a virtue of necessity: bất đắc dĩ lắm phải làm 28

have the honour of doing (st): được vinh dự làm (điều gì) put (sb) on his honour: buộc (ai đó) phải thề danh dự stick in the mud: bảo thủ, chậm tiến, lạc hậu feel honour bound to do (st): làm (điều gì) vì danh dự in a way: theo một cách nào đó get used to another country's customs: quen với phong tục của một nước khác suspect (sb) of (st) / doing (st): nghi (ai đó) làm (gì đó) in the strict sense of the word: theo đúng nghĩa của từ in the extreme: mức độ cao nhất, cực kì ex: This is inconvenient in the extreme (cái này cực kỳ bất tiện) the extreme of: mức độ lớn nhất của ex: He couldn't tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert (Nó không chịu nổi những cơn nóng cực độ của sa mạc). wise as an owl: khôn ranh, tinh khôn connect to root: giữ gìn gốc gác extreme views: quan điểm quá khích adoring fans: people who love a particular band or singer up to the handle: hoàn toàn, đầy đủ, hết sức ex: enjoy (st) up to the handle (hết sức vui thích (về cái gì)) be free of charge: không phải trả tiền be in charge of (sb): phải trong nom (ai) rally (someone) on (st): chế giếu (ai) về (cái gì) sleep like a log: ngủ say như chết feel like (v-ing): muốn (làm gì) ex: Sometimes I feel like running away from everything concentrate on: tập trung vào steel (sb’s) heart: làm lòng (ai đó) trở lên sắt đá all of a sudden = suddenly background music: nhạc nền 29

a catchy tune: một giai điệu lôi cuốn have a great voice: sing well go on tour: go on a planned series of performances around a region or country a huge following: a large number of fans live music = live performance: music that is listened to while it is performed a massive hit: a record that sells lots of copies be/sing out of tune sing along to: join in singing ex: It’s the kind of music you can also sing along to easily … even if you don’t have a great voice. play by ear: play without reading the musical notes a pop group: a small group of people who play or sing pop music together read music: understand and follow written musical notes a slow number: a song with a slow tempo take up a musical instrument: begin learning a musical instrument taste in music ex: Their taste in music is completely different. be tone deaf: be unable to distinguish the different notes in music vital question: vấn đề sống còn vital style: văn phong sinh động musical style = type of music refer to (sb): hỏi ý kiến (ai đó) vital force: sức sống vital part = necessary part : phần không thể thiểu be accompanied by: kèm theo ex: War is accompanied by many natural calamities (Kèm theo chiến tranh là nhiều hiểm hoạ thiên nhiên). Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope (Mỗi lá đơn phải có một phong bì có sẵn tem và địa chỉ kèm theo). arouse emotion: khơi dậy cảm xúc 30

be valued over: được đánh giá cao hơn a catchy question: câu hỏi để đưa vào bẫy expose crime: vạch trần tội ác depend upon (sb) to live: nhờ vào ai mà sống refer to (sb) for help: nhờ cậy sự giúp đỡ (của ai) food with a high fat content: thức ăn có hàm lượng béo cao cultural identity: bản sắc văn hóa be given more importance than: được coi trọng hơn on the emotional side: về khía cạnh tình cảm have a taste for music: thích nhạc be endowed with: được trời phú cho ex: She is endowed with intelligence as well as beauty. behave morally: cư xử có đạo đức in short: nói tóm lại express the culture / customs / history for a range of reasons: vì nhiều lý do untold losses: thiệt hại không kể xiết be pregnant with (st): chứa đầy (cái gì), có thể gây ra (cái gì) ex: be pregnant with joy (chứa đầy niềm tin) be pregnant with danger (có thể gây ra nguy hiểm) on second thoughts: sau khi suy tính lại be full of thought for (sb): hết lòng quan tâm lo lắng cho (ai đó) noble thought: tư tưởng cao đẹp at the thought of: khi nghĩ đến expose (sb) to danger: đặt (ai đó) vào tình thế nguy hiểm welcoming smile: nụ cười chào đón as quick as thought: nhanh như chớp a thought: một tí, một chút ex: The colour is a thought dark (Màu sẫm một tí). have second thoughts about (st): suy tính lại (điều gì) 31

untold happiness the facts stare us in the face: sự thật đã rành rành trước mắt chúng ta refer to a documemt: tham khảo một tài liệu take (great) pains to (do st): try (very) hard to (do st) these rules don't always apply: những quy tắc này không phải lúc nào cũng ứng dụng được on your own = by yourself = alone antisocial behaviour: cách cư xử khó gần cũi stage of life: giai đoạn của cuộc sống be accountable for (st): chịu trách nhiệm về (cái gì) after all: sau tất cả, xét cho cùng the upper middle classes: tầng lớp trung lưu refer to (st): có liên quan đến (cái gì đó) break the law = commit crime = carry out crime : phạm tội ex: In general, women tend to commit fewer crimes than men. the chance to hone skills: cơ hội để trau dồi kĩ năng upon those terms: với những điều kiện đó wide disparity in: sự chênh lệch lớn về ex: wide disparity in years (sự chênh lệch lớn về tuổi tác) be accountable to (sb): chịu trách nhiệm trước (ai) IV. Exercises: Design exercise according to the basic and advanced levels. A. BASIC

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank 1.We repair the banks of our……… of land. A. plot

B. piece

C. pie

D. hole

C. on

D. over

C. up

D. down

2. We are contented ……… what we do. A. on

B. with

3. The alarm goes ……….. at 4:30 a.m. A. out

B. off


4. The plane seemed to dip and many people screamed in……….. A. happiness

B. panic

C. afraid

D. exciting

5. When we had given up all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained ………... A. high

B. height

C. tall

D. length

C. have got

D. eat

6. I think I ………… a cold. A. gain

B. obtain

7. Marie Curie received …………. education in local school and some scientific training

from her father. A. general

B. generally

C. generation

D. genetic

8. In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked ……………….. hard. A. extremely

B. absolutely

C. completely

D. perfectly

9.After the tragic………… of Pierre Curie in 1906, she took up the position which her

husband had obtained at the Sorbonne. A. death

B. happiness

C. living

D. life

10. The parents realized that the young teacher was ………… great efforts to help their poor

kids. A. doing

B. making

C. having

D. getting

11. There are some ways of receiving information, including receiving information ………... A. aurally

B. on ear

C. early

D. easily

12. .…………. rain during the night will occur all over the country today. A. much

B. strong

C. heavy

D. heavily

13. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make……… meet. A. end

B. ends

C. ending

D. endings

14. The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in …………. crops. A. bump

B. bumpy

C. bumper

D. large

15. The scientists also helped the villagers grow ………….. crops for export. A. cash

B. cashing

C. money

D. financial

16. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ………………. of

water currents. A. dependent

B. dependently

C. independently

D. independent

17. Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program 33

of breeding ………………..animals and reintroducing them into the wild. A. endangered

B. dangerous

C. normalD. ordinary

18. There are people who cannot …………a secret, either of their own or of others’. A. get

B. remain

C. keep

D. take

19. What is the first quality for …………friendship and what does it tell you? A. true

B. truth

C. correct

D. right

20. How many………………friends do you have with her? A. common

B. mutual

C. separate

D. deliberate

21. On my birthday my father gave me some money, so that I could buy a hat for myself,

which made me ………….. excited. A. extremely

B. perfectly

C. lonely D. correctly

22. There was a sneaky ………… on his face, but I didn’t think much about it. A. sigh

B. look

C. watch

D. glare

23. Inside his bag, I saw a ……… of dollar notes exactly like ones my father had given me. A. wad

B. block

C. pile

D. carton

24. He had stolen my money; I didn’t want to make a …………, so I decided just to take

my money back from his schoolbag. A. fuss

B. angry

C. noise D. sound

25. When everybody finished singing, Lisa blew ………….. the candles. A. up

B. out

C. up

D. over

26. I had decided to bring my camera to …………. some photos of the happy family. A. get

B. take

C. have

D. gain

27. The host and the wife moved around to make sure that everyone was having a good

…………. A. second

B. time

C. times

D. timing

28. The party came to an ……… at about 11 p.m. A. end

B. ends

C. ending

D. finish

29. I went home feeling that it had been a delightful evening and looking forward ……… 34

the next day to have the film developed. A. to

B. too

C. for

D up

30.In the USA, college students often ………….. many hours as volunteers in hospitals,

orphanages or homes for the aged. A. splash

B. spend

C. waste

D. use

ANSWER KEY: 1. We repair the banks of our……… of land. A. plot

B. piece

C. pie

D. hole

C. on

D. over

A. plot of land: mảnh đất nhỏ 2. We are contented ……… what we do. A. on

B. with

B. be contented with: bằng lòng/ thỏa mãn với 3. The alarm goes ……….. at 4:30 a.m. A. out

B. off

C. up

D. down

B. clock goes off: đồng hồ đổ chuông 4. The plane seemed to dip and many people screamed in……….. A. happiness

B. panic

C. afraid

D. exciting

B. scream in panic: la hét trong sự hoảng sợ 5. When we had given up all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained ………... A. high

B. height

C. tall

D. length

B. the plane slowly gained height: máy bay dần lấy lại được độ cao (an toàn) 6. I think I ………… a cold. A. gain

B. obtain

C. have got

D. eat

C. to have/ have got a cold: cảm lạnh 7. Marie Curie received …………. education in local school and some scientific training from her father. A. general

B. generally

C. generation

D. genetic

A. general education: giáo dục phổ thông 8. In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked ……………….. hard. 35

A. extremely

B. absolutely

C. completely

D. perfectly

A. work extremely hard: làm việc cực kì chăm chỉ 9. After the tragic………… of Pierre Curie in 1906, she took up the position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne. A. death

B. happiness

C. living

D. life

A. tragic death: cái chết thương tâm 10. The parents realized that the young teacher was ………… great efforts to help their poor kids. A. doing

B. making

C. having

D. getting

B. make efforts: nỗ lực/ có nỗ lực 11. There are some ways of receiving information, including receiving information ………... A. aurally

B. on ear

C. early

D. easily

A. receive information aurally: tiếp nhận thông tin bằng tai/qua tai 12. .…………. rain during the night will occur all over the country today. A. Much

B. Strong

C. Heavy

D. Heavily

C. Heavy rain: mưa to, mưa rào 13. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make……… meet. A. end

B. ends

C. ending

D. endings

B. make ends meet: làm chỉ đủ sống 14. The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in …………. crops. A. bump

B. bumpy

C. bumper

D. large

C. bumper crop: vụ mùa bội thu 15. The scientists also helped the villagers grow ………….. crops for export. A. cash

B. cashing

C. money

D. financial

A. cash crop: cây trồng thu hoa lợi, (thường dùng cho mục đích xuất khẩu) 16. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ………………. of water currents. A. dependent

B. dependently

C. independently D. independent

C. move independently: di chuyển tự do 36

17. Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program of breeding ………………..animals and reintroducing them into the wild. A. endangered

B. dangerous

C. normal

D. ordinary

A. endangered species : những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng 18. There are people who cannot …………a secret, either of their own or of others’. A. get

B. remain

C. keep

D. take

C. keep a secret: giữ bí mật 19. What is the first quality for …………friendship and what does it tell you? A. true

B. truth

C. correct

D. right

A. true friendship: tình bạn thực sự 20. How many………………friends do you have with her? A. common

B. mutual

C. separate

D. deliberate

B. mutual friend: bạn chung 21. On my birthday my father gave me some money, so that I could buy a hat for myself, which made me ………….. excited. A. extremely

B. perfectly

C. lonely

D. correctly

A. be extremely excited: cực kì vui sướng 22. There was a sneaky ………… on his face, but I didn’t think much about it. A. sigh

B. look

C. watch

D. glare

B. a sneaky look: cái nhìn lén lút 23. Inside his bag, I saw a ……… of dollar notes exactly like ones my father had given me. A. wad

B. block

C. pile

D. carton

A. a wad of dollar notes: 1 cuộn tiền đô 24. He had stolen my money; I didn’t want to make a …………, so I decided just to take my money back from his schoolbag. A. fuss

B. angry

C. noise 37

D. sound

A. make a fuss: làm ầm lên/ làm to chuyện 25. When everybody finished singing, Lisa blew ………….. the candles. A. up

B. out

C. up

D. over

B. blow out candle(s) thổi tắt nến 26. I had decided to bring my camera to …………. some photos of the happy family. A. get

B. take

C. have

D. gain

B. take photo (s): chụp ảnh 27. The host and the wife moved around to make sure that everyone was having a good …………. A. second

B. time

C. times

D. timing

B. have a good time: có thời gian vui vẻ 28. The party came to an ……… at about 11 p.m. A. end

B. ends

C. ending

D. finish

A. come to an end: finish/end, kết thúc 29. I went home feeling that it had been a delightful evening and looking forward ……… the next day to have the film developed. A. to

B. too

C. for

D up

A. look forward to s.o/sth : mong chờ, mong mỏi ai/ cái gì đó 30. In the USA, college students often ………….. many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged. A.splash

B. spend

C. waste

D. use

B. spend time/ money : tiêu ( giành) thời gian/ tiền bạc ( thường để làm gì đó) B. ADVANCED 31. It’s great here. Have had …………..ever since we arrived. We’re having a wonderful

time. A. broken sunshine

B. unbroken sunshine

C. unbroken light

D. unbroken clouds

32. In the middle of the day it’s just too scorching……… do anything but lie on the 38

beach soaking up the sunshine. This is the life! A. warm

B. cold

C. freezing

D. hot

33. it’s been …………….with rain all day. In fact, I’ve never seen such torrential rain like

this! A. raining

B. falling

C. pouring D. collapsing

34.It rained heavily all day yesterday but it’s dry at the moment. There’s thick cloud

though, and it certainly looks……….rain. Quite a strong wind is blowing too! A. as

B. as if

C. like D. might

35. Yesterday ……….weather conditions hit the south-west of England. Gale-force caused

a lot of damage to property. A. high

B. freak

C. tricky D. thick

36. We managed to get a ………….flight; it was half the price of the scheduled flight. A. domestic

B. international

C. charter

D. popular

37. The Panorama is a rather run-………………hotel in a back of a street near the city

center. A. over

B. down

C. family

D. through

38. The weather is fine, and we anticipate a ………………..flight to Stockholm today. A. bumpy

B. smooth

C. light

D. heavy

39. Palair Airlines offers excellent…………………entertainment, with the latest movies

and music. A. on-flight

B. during-flight

C. in-flight D. over-flight

40. From my room I look out over the ………………..countryside. It’s very different

from the familiar landscape. A. surrounded

B. surround

C. surrounding D. around

41. Yesterday we followed a path down to the lake. As we turned a corner,

we…………….a glimpse of a kingfisher standing in the water. A. got

B. caught

C. had D. regained

42. A little further on we rounded a………….and St John’s Abbey came into view. A. round

B. turn

C. bend

D. slip

43. The church ………….into ruin about three hundred years ago. 39

A. collapsed

B. fell

C. destroyed

D. destructed

44. The cottage is in some wonderful ………….countryside on the edge of a dense forest. A. far

B. unspoiled

C. great

D. spoilt

45. There is a stream …………….through the forest near the cottage. A. wind

B. winding

C. winds

D. winded

46. From most room there are………………………views of the castle. A. uninterrupted

B. interrupted

C. background

D. snow-covered

47. You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to

the………………..countryside. A. crowded

B. noisy

C. tranquil

D. populous

C. tranquil

D. steep

48. You’ll love the ………………beaches. A. secluded

B. golden

49. The city skyline is a wonderful mix of old and new, and the city itself has a lot of busy,

narrow……………….streets. A. cobbled

B. brick

C. stone D. cement

50. The old town is a conservation area and it has a lot of…………..old buildings dating

back to the city’s foundation in the 1500s. A. acquaint

B. quaint

C. fashioned D. upmarket

ANSWER KEY: 31. It’s great here. Have had …………..ever since we arrived. We’re having a wonderful time.

A. broken sunshine

B. unbroken sunshine

C. unbroken light

D. unbroken clouds

B. unbroken sunshine: trời nắng to, không một gợn mây 32. In the middle of the day it’s just too scorching……… do anything but lie on the

beach soaking up the sunshine. This is the life! A. warm

B. cold

C. freezing

D. hot

D. scorching hot: nóng như thiêu như đốt 33. it’s been …………….with rain all day. In fact, I’ve never seen such torrential rain like

this! 40

A. raining

B. falling

C. pouring

D. collapsing

C. pour with rain: đổ mưa to 34.It rained heavily all day yesterday but it’s dry at the moment. There’s thick cloud

though, and it certainly looks……….rain. Quite a strong wind is blowing too! A. as

B. as if

C. like

D. might

à C. it looks like rain: trời nhìn như có vẻ sắp mưa/ muốn mưa 35. Yesterday ……….weather conditions hit the south-west of England. Gale-force caused

a lot of damage to property. A. high

B. freak

C. tricky

D. thick

B. freak weather condition: kiểu thời tiết quái dị 36. We managed to get a ………….flight; it was half the price of the scheduled flight.

A. domestic

B. international

C. charter

D. popular

C. charter flight: chuyến bay thuê bao Scheduled flight: chuyến bay định kì/ theo lịch 37. The Panorama is a rather run-………………hotel in a back of a street near the city

center. A. over

B. down

C. family

D. through

B. run-down: xuống cấp 38. The weather is fine, and we anticipate a ………………..flight to Stockholm today.

A. bumpy

B. smooth

C. light

D. heavy

B. smooth flight: chuyến bay êm thấm/ êm đẹp 39. Palair Airlines offers excellent…………………entertainment, with the latest movies

and music. A. on-flight

B. during-flight

C. in-flight

D. over-flight

C. in-flight: đã bao gồm trong chuyến bay 40. From my room I look out over the ……..countryside. It’s very different from the familiar

landscape. A. surrounded

B. surround

C. surrounding 41

D. around

C. surrounding countryside: vùng nông thôn/đồng quê xung quanh 41. Yesterday we followed a path down to the lake. As we turned a corner,

we…………….a glimpse of a kingfisher standing in the water. A. got

B. caught

C. had

D. regained

B. catch a glimpse of: bắt gặp (bằng ánh mắt/ cái nhìn) 42. A little further on we rounded a………….and St John’s Abbey came into view.

A. round

B. turn

C. bend

D. slip

C. round a bend: turn a corner: rẽ, quẹo 43. The church ………….into ruin about three hundred years ago.

A. collapsed

B. fell

C. destroyed

D. destructed

B. fall into ruin: biến thành đống đổ nát 44. The cottage is in some wonderful ………….countryside on the edge of a dense forest.

A. far

B. unspoiled

C. great

D. spoilt

B. unspoiled countryside: vùng nông thôn vẫn còn nguyên vẹn (vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, chưa bị tác động ảnh hưởng bởi nhân tố tiêu cực) 45. There is a stream …………….through the forest near the cottage.

A. wind

B. winding

C. winds

D. winded

B. chỗ này ta cần present participle để mô tả sự chủ động/ sự việc đang diễn ra. Winding: uốn lượn. 46. From most room there are………………………views of the castle.

A. uninterrupted

B. interrupted

C. background

D. snow-covered

A. uninterrupted views: tầm nhìn thoáng đãng (không bị che lấn bởi cái khác) 47. You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to

the………………..countryside. A. crowded

B. noisy

C. tranquil

D. populous

C. tranquil countryside: làng quê yên bình 48. You’ll love the ………………beaches.

A. secluded

B. golden

C. tranquil

D. steep

A. secluded beach(es): bãi biển hẻo lánh/ không có nhiều người tới, trông thấy 42

49. The city skyline is a wonderful mix of old and new, and the city itself has a lot of busy,

narrow……….streets. A. cobbled

B. brick

C. stone

D. cement

A. cobbled streets: những con phố được rải đá cuội 50. The old town is a conservation area and it has a lot of…………..old buildings dating

back to the city’s foundation in the 1500s. A. acquaint

B. quaint

C. fashioned

D. upmarket

C. quaint old buildings: những tòa nhà cổ kính cuốn hút du khách lui tới. C. HOMEWOR ASSIGNMENT I. BASIC LEVEL 1. He kindly offered to _ A. explain

me the way to the station.

B. direct

2. It was such a boring speech that I fell A. asleep

B. sleep

C. describe

D. show

. C. sleepy

D. sleepily

3. English is now an effective medium of International . A. communication 4. I wonder if you could A. bring 5. Students can

B. talking

A. heavily

B. make

C. give

D. do

a lot of information just by taking an active part in class. C. appear

D. memorize

so that we couldn’t go out. B. silly

C. strongly

7. Oh, I stayed at home and

my homework. Nothing special.

A. give

C. earn

8. Although Lan is

B. do

D. lazily

D. go

a cold, she is going to partake in outdoor activities.

A. learning B. going

C. making

D. catching

9. The villagers had to work hard in fields all day and could hardly A. do 10. You've been very

D. saying

me a small favor, Tom?

A. concern B. install 6. It was raining

C. speech

B. know

C. make

_ and I would like to thank you. 43

D. fly

ends meet.

A. kind

B. thoughtless

C. grateful

D. appreciative

B. ADVANCED 1.The footballers often sing the national A.version

B. lyrics

at the beginning of a match. C. anthem

D. composition

2. The 22nd South East Asian Games were the first big sports event Vietnam A.owned

B. hosted

C. presented


D. led

3.Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction. B.verge

B. bank

C. limit

4. “What’s Peter’s cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my A. mouth

B. lips

C. tongue

D. edge , but I can’t quite remember” D. memory

5. I decided to visit a fortune- teller. That’s what to do. A.made up

B. made up my mind

6. Don’t have much cash hand

C. minded D. cared

, but I can get some from an automatic teller machine.

B. on hand

C. into hand

D. under hand

7. You can’t get a soda from that machine. There’s a sign on it says that “ ”. A.Out of job

B. Out of hand

C. Out of order

D. Out of mind


8. Everything could be done by

A.a nod and bow B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink 9.The biggest company in our local area is the verge of bankruptcy

B. on

C. at

10. Books are a wonderful A.source

D. to

of knowledge.

B. resource

C. flow

D. provision

ANSWER KEY: A. BASIC 1. He kindly offered to _ B. explain

me the way to the station.

B. direct

C. describe

D. show

Đáp án: D. show smb the way to somewhere 2. It was such a boring speech that I fell A. asleep

B. sleep

. C. sleepy

Đáp án: A. fall asleep: ngủ gật 44

D. sleepily

3. English is now an effective medium of International . A. communication B. talking

C. speech

D. saying

Đáp án: A. a medium of communication: phương tiện giao tiếp 4. I wonder if you could A. bring

me a small favor, Tom?

B. make

C. give

D. do

Đáp án: D. do smb a favor: giúp ai đó (như một ân huệ) 5. Students can

a lot of information just by taking an active part in class.

A. concern

B. install

C. appear

D. memorize

Đáp án: D. Về câu này ta phải xét về ngữ cảnh; memorize information: ghi nhớ thông tin. concern /kən`sɜ:n/ (v.): có liên quan, có ảnh hưởng đến install /ɪn`stɔ:l/ (v.): cài đặt appear /ə`pɪə(r)/ (v.): xuất hiện memorise/ memorize /`meməraɪz/ (v.) ghi nhớ 6. It was raining A. heavily

so that we couldn’t go out. B. silly

C. strongly

D. lazily

Đáp án: A. rain heavily: mưa to, mưa rào. 7. Oh, I stayed at home and A. give

my homework. Nothing special.

B. do

C. earn

D. go

Đáp án: B. do homework: làm bài tập về nhà. 8. Although Lan is A. learning

a cold, she is going to partake in outdoor activities. B. going

C. making

D. catching

Đáp án: D. catch a cold: bị nhiễm/ cảm lạnh 10.The villagers had to work hard in fields all day and could hardly B. do

B. know

C. make

ends meet.

D. fly

Đáp án: C. make ends meet: (idiom) làm chỉ đủ sống. 9. You've been very A. kind

_ and I would like to thank you. B. thoughtless

C. grateful 45

D. appreciative

Đáp án: A. be kind: tốt bụng thoughtless /`θɔ:tləs/ grateful /`ɡreɪtfl/ B. ADVANCED LEVEL 1.The footballers often sing the national at the beginning of a match. A. version

B. lyrics

C. anthem

D. composition

Đáp án: C. national anthem /`ænθəm/: quốc ca. 2.The 22nd South East Asian Games were the first big sports event Vietnam . A. owned

B. hosted

C. presented

D. led

Đáp án: B. hosted: tổ chức (nước chủ nhà đứng ra đăng cai sự kiện lớn nào đó) 3. Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction.

A. verge

B. bank

C. limit

D. edge

Đáp án: A: on/ to the verge of extinction: bên bờ vực tuyệt chủng. Đây là thành ngữ (idiom): on/ to the verge of smth/ doing smth: very near to the moment when somebody does something or something happens 4. “What’s Peter’s cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my

, but I can’t quite

remember” A. mouth

B. lips

C. tongue

D. memory

Đáp án: C. be on the tip of someone’s tongue (IDM): On the verge of being recalled or expressed. Khi chúng ta nói “it’s on the tip of my tongue” có nghĩa là mình không thể nhớ ra được điều gì đó mặc dù chắc chắn mình đã biết về điều đó. 5. I decided to visit a fortune- teller. That’s what I

A. made up

B. made up my mind

to do. C. minded D. cared

Đáp án: B. make up one’s mind = decide = make a decision: đưa ra quyết định. 6. Don’t have much cash

A. in hand

, but I can get some from an automatic teller machine.

B. on hand

C. into hand 46

D. under hand

Đáp án: B. cash on: mang theo tiền mặt. cash on hand; bạn cũng có thể nói: cash on me. Ví dụ: I don’t have cash on me. (Tôi không mang theo tiền mặt.) 7. You can’t get a soda from that machine. There’s a sign on it says that “

A. Out of job

B. Out of hand

C. Out of order


D. Out of mind

Đáp án: C. out of order = not operating properly; in disrepair: bị hỏng 8. Everything could be done by

A. a nod and bow


B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink

Đáp án: D. a nod and a wink. Thành ngữ này có thể được viết theo dạng khác “A nod is as good as a wink”, nó được dùng với ý nghĩa là “đã thông suốt/ hiểu rồi mà không cần nói gì thêm” = nói ít hiểu nhiều. 9. The biggest company in our local area is____ the verge of bankruptcy

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

Đáp án: B. on the verge of: bên bờ vực của ( thường là mang nghĩa tiêu cực); on the verge of bankruptcy /`bæŋkrʌptsi/: có nguy cơ/ bên bờ vực phá sản. 10. Books are a wonderful

A. source

of knowledge.

B. resource

C. flow

D. provision

Đáp án: A. source of knowledge: nguồn kiến thức; resource: thường ám chỉ đến nguồn tài nguyên (thiên nhiên hoặc nhân lực…) flow /fləʊ/ (n.) dòng chảy provision /prə`vɪʒn/ (n.) sự cung cấp


V. TEST Matrix of the test COLLOCATION

Recognition Understanding

From sentence 1 to sentence 5

Collocations in textbook

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25% From sentence 6 to sentence 10 Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25% From sentence 11 to sentence 15 Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25% From sentence 16 to sentence 20 Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25% Total of sentences: 20 Total point: 10 Tỉ lệ: 100%

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5

Low Application

High Total Application

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Collocations in textbook Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5

Number of sentences:5 Point=2,5 Other collocations

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5

Other collocations Number of Number of sentences: 5 sentences: Point: 2, 5 5 Point: 2, 5 Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25%

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25%


Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25%

Number of sentences: 5 Point: 2, 5 Percentage Rate: 25%

Total of sentences: 20 Total point: 10 Tỉ lệ: 100%

Test Time: 20 minutes I. Objectives. 1. Knowledge. - To test and mark the students about using collocation - To get feedback from the students 2. Skills. - To help Ss develop their skills to do tests 3. Educational aims. - To encourage Ss to work harder - To provide Ss with some motivation II. Methods. - Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids. - Teacher: Lesson plan and paper tests IV. Content of the test: Choose the best answer to fill in the blank: 1. I think I ………… a cold. A. gain

B. obtain

C. have got

D. eat

2. .…………. rain during the night will occur all over the country today. A. Much

B. Strong

C. Heavy

D. Heavily

3. The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in …………. crops. A. bump

B. bumpy

C. bumper

D. large

4. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ………………. of water currents. A. dependent

B. dependently

C. independently

D. independent

5. Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program of breeding………………..animals and reintroducing them into the wild. 49

A. endangered

B. dangerous

C. normal

D. ordinary

6. The Women’s World Cup is _______ in popularity. A. competing

B. establishing

C. advancing

D. growing

7. Our class team has won four ______ football matches. A. successful


C. success

D. successive

8. We interviewed a number of candidates buit none of them _______ us. A. enlivened

B. encouraged

C. delighted

D. mpressed

9. ___________ to British univerities depends on examnation results. A. Admission

B. Admittance

C. Permission

D. Permit

10. I prefer _______jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time. A. demanding

B. challenging

C. steady

D. secure

11.If you practice regularly, you can learn the language skill in short of a time. C. period 12.If you

B. aspect

C. arrangement

D. activity

too much on study, you will get tired and stressed.

D. concentrate

B. develop

C. organize


13.Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in


food in developing countries A. supplies

B. surpluses

14. You should read this novel. It has been A. deeply

B. fully

C. shortages

D. failures

recommended by all the critics. C. highly

D. truly

15. In order to _______ their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time, money, and energy in their studies. A. manage

B. catch

C. establish

D. achieve

16. The weather is fine, and we anticipate a ………………..flight to Stockholm today. A. bumpy

B. smooth

C. light

D. heavy

17. From my room I look out over the ……..countryside. It’s very different from the familiar landscape. A. surrounded

B. surround

C. surrounding

D. around

18. A little further on we rounded a………….and St John’s Abbey came into view. 50

A. round

B. turn

C. bend

D. slip

19. The church ………….into ruin about three hundred years ago. A. collapsed

B. fell

C. destroyed

D. destructed

20. The cottage is in some wonderful ………….countryside on the edge of a dense forest. A. far

B. unspoiled

C. great

D. spoilt

ANSWER KEY AND EXPLANATION: 1. I think I ………… a cold. A. gain

B. obtain

C. have got

D. eat

C. to have/ have got a cold: cảm lạnh 2. .…………. rain during the night will occur all over the country today. A. Much

B. Strong

C. Heavy

D. Heavily

C. Heavy rain: mưa to, mưa rào 3. The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in …………. crops. A. bump

B. bumpy

C. bumper

D. large

C. bumper crop: vụ mùa bội thu 4. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ………………. of water currents. A. dependent

B. dependently

C. independently D. independent

C. move independently: di chuyển tự do 5. Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program of breeding………………..animals and reintroducing them into the wild. A. endangered

B. dangerous

C. normal

D. ordinary

A. endangered species : những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng 6. The Women’s World Cup is _______ in popularity. A. competing

B. establishing

C. advancing

D. growing

Grow/ gain in popularity: tăng 7. Our class team has won four ______ football matches. A. successful

B.unsuccessful 51

C. success

D. successive

Successive win: thành công liên tiếp 8. We interviewed a number of candidates buit none of them _______ us. A. enlivened

B. encouraged

D. impressed

C. delighted

9. ___________ to British univerities depends on examnation results. A. Admission

B. Admittance

C. Permission

D. Permit

Gain admission to university: vé vào đại học 10. I prefer _______jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time. A. demanding

C. steady

B. challenging

D. secure

Steady job: công việc ổn định 10. If you practice regularly, you can learn the language skill in short of a time. A. period

B. aspect

C. arrangement

D. activity

Đáp án: A. in a short period of time: trong một khoảng/ quãng thời gian ngắn. 11. If you

too much on study, you will get tired and stressed.

A. concentrate

B. develop

C. organize D. complain

Đáp án: A. concentrate on something: tập trung (sức lực/ tâm trí) vào cái gì đó 13.Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in

of food in developing

countries A. supplies

B. surpluses

C. shortages

D. failures

Đáp án: C. Mệnh đề nguyên nhân - kết quả; dân số quá đông thì dẫn tới “thiếu hụt” thưc phẩm. 14. You should read this novel. It has been A. deeply

B. fully

recommended by all the critics. C. highly

D. truly

Đáp án: C. be highly recommended: được đánh giá cao, được nhiệt liệt đề cử 15.

In order to _______ their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum

amount of time, money, and energy in their studies. A. manage

B. catch

C. establish

Achieve/ attain a goal: đạt được mục tiêu 52

D. achieve

16. The weather is fine, and we anticipate a ………………..flight to Stockholm today. A. bumpy

B. smooth

C. light

D. heavy

B. smooth flight: chuyến bay êm thấm/ êm đẹp 17. From my room I look out over the ……..countryside. It’s very different from the familiar landscape. A. surrounded

B. surround

C. surrounding

D. around

C. surrounding countryside: vùng nông thôn/đồng quê xung quanh 18. A little further on we rounded a………….and St John’s Abbey came into view. A. round

B. turn

C. bend

D. slip

C. round a bend: turn a corner: rẽ, quẹo 19. The church ………….into ruin about three hundred years ago. A. collapsed

B. fell

C. destroyed

D. destructed

B. fall into ruin: biến thành đống đổ nát 20. The cottage is in some wonderful ………….countryside on the edge of a dense forest. A. far

B. unspoiled

C. great

D. spoilt

B. unspoiled countryside: vùng nông thôn vẫn còn nguyên vẹn (vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, chưa bị tác động ảnh hưởng bởi nhân tố tiêu cực).


PART III. CONCLUSION In brief, as discussed earlier, collocation plays a huge role in producing a perfect writing. It contributes to the success of practising the national examination, which then goes smoothly and can express the writer’s point of view in an exact way. In addition to creating effective academic writings, collocations also help a lot in improving students’ speaking naturally and accurately. It has also been mentioned that there are various ways to teach and learn collocations as effectively as expected. In short , I hope to provide readers with an overview of collocation and the importance of teaching and learning collocations in the national examination. However, in difficult timing condition, mistakes are unavoidable. Therefore, any suggestions and remarks from readers will be highly appreciated.


REFERENCES 1. Tiếng Anh 10,11,12 NXB Giáo dục 2. English Collocations in Use- Felicity O’Dell Michael Mc Carthy 3. Nguồn tài liệu trên Internet: 4 FXaIu_XmY




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