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Bai t�p .



TIENG fiNtt 10 (Sach tham dl.f Cu<)c thi Viet sach bai t(lp va sach tham khdo cua B<) Giao dl!,C va Dao t(JO) Mil so di/ thi: TA 10 -1 (Tai bdn · z&n thu bdyJ

LOI GIOI THl�U Huang img Cu<)c thi Viet sach bai tt;ip va sach _tham khd� difa theo chucmg trinh m6i Tieu h9c, Trung h9c C(J sii va Trung h9c ph6 thong cua B<) Giao di!,C va Dao f(JO, cac tac gid ii m9i mien dat nuuc da giti ve'.Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!, C Vift Nam nhieu bdn thdo d',f thi c6 n<)i dung phong phu, da d(:lng. Thifc hifn Slf chi d<;10 cua B<) Giao dl!, C va Dao· t(JO, Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!, C Vieft Nam tran tr9ng gioi thiefu vui d<)c gid cuo'n sach dlf thi nay da duqc dua vao di�n xet gidi di' cac tha'y, co giao va cac em h9c sinh trong cd nuuc c6 thi dung lam tai liefu tham khdo trong qua trinh gidng d(Jy va h9c tt;ip theo sach giao khoa mui tit nam h9c 2005 - 2006.

Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!, C Vieft Nam mong nht;in duqc nhieu y kien d6ng g6p cho n<)i dung cuo'n sach nay. Thu tit g6p y xin giti ve' Ban T6 chitc Cu<)c thi Viet sach bid tt;ip tua B<) Giao dl!,C va Dao !<JO theo dja chi : Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!,c Vieft Nam, 187B Gidng Vo-f!a N<)i. Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!,C V ieft Nam xin tran tr9ng cdm cm. NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DlJC VI�T NAM


· Unit 1






chu de:

Cu¢c song VO cong vi�c hang ngay Ngiiam: Nguyen am /i/ va /i:/ Ngii ph6p va CCU true: On t¢p thoi hi�n t9i don va qua khO don (The present simple and past simple): Students in Vietnam have summer holidays in June and July. Last year I spent my summer holiday at the seaside. Tu


- Tu vvng ve cong ViE?C VO ho9t d¢ng hang ngay - Tr9ng tu chi tan suat (Adverbs of frequency)


Choose the .word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1.

A. routine

B. literature

C. decisive



A. peasant

B. appeal

C. reason

D. teapot


A. �xactly

B. imrrt�diate

C. pr�tty

D. b�come


A. field


B. ready

C. three

D. people

A. typical

B. family

C. bicycle

D. cycling 5

II. Put the verbs. in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. 1. What he (do)___'_ in the evening?


He usually (play) 2. When I (be)

cards or (watch) ____ television. small, I always (want)

to be a pilot.

3. I always (offer)

to help my older neighbour carry her groceries into her house every time I see her return from the store. She (be) to al�ays very grateful. Yesterday she (offer) pay me for helping her, but of course I (not accept) _ the offer. 4. Stop! You (not see)____ the notice? I (see)____ it b ut I can't read it. What it (say)____? 5. You .(hear)____ the thunder last night? - No.I (not hear)

anything all night.I (be) ____ asleep.

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences. �-

1. Every time Bob rents a video, he chooses a comedy; it means Bob chooses a comedy to rent. A.always




2. How ---- to work as a rule?

A. are you getting

B. do you get .

C.d�d you get

D. will you get

3. I ____ a glass of milk before ·class this morning. A.have·

B.am having


D. was having



4. Are you ---- with what we did ? A.interested


5. The alarm clock ____ off, which woke everyone up. A. rang'




6. Mr.· Vy pumps water ____ his wife does the transplanting. A.while

7. 6



"____ do you go swimming?" - "Twice a week."

D.-t hu s

A.What time

D. How often



8. Yesterday I ____ at the bus-stop ju$t in time to catch the first bus .. A.came


C. arrived


9. I often ____ my bicycle to school. A.drive




10. Choose a correct sentence. A.Jane is seldom late for class. B.Jane seldom is late for class. C.Jane is late seldom for class. D.Seldom Jane.is late for class. IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

I have to get up �very day about seven because work really begins about an hour before surgery (1) the phone calls start to come in.My wife helps me with that because she usually (2) the phone and that gives me time the paper. We open waiting-room about to have breakfast and (3) 8.30, and there are often a dozen people there when I (4) surgery at nine. On an average day, I can finish surgery by 10.30 or so, and start my rounds. My wife (5) a list of the visits I have to make from the phone calls during the morning and often helps me by working out the best route (6) one patient's house to another. I usually try to get (7)____ · for lunch by 1.30, though I sometimes have to continue my visits in the afternoon. On a good day, I have a courle of hours surgery begins again at six when I can catch up (9) (8) the paper work, completing forms for the health authorities, and sometimes read· an article in one of the medical journals to (10) up with the latest developments. till about eight, but often goes on Evening surgery usually (1 1) share much longer. I belong to a group of five doctors in the area (12) night duty between us.· That · means that we are on call once a week Monday and Friday and every · fifth weekend. As a (13) 7

r , my wife and I normally have dinner about nine, I have time to (14) talk to the children, and we sometimes ( 15) TV before going to bed around eleven. V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.

1. He is


the rope instead of loosening it.

2. The number of


in traffic accidents is alarming.

3. I am afraid I was very


with your service.

4. Nowadays, more and more young people want to have a university


5. It was one of the most witnessed.


accidents I had ever

VI. Complete each sentence with an appropriate frequency ad:v�rb from -the list and the present simple of the given verbs.


often/ usually


seldom/ rarely


E.g.: Tom watches TV in the evening five or six times a week. � Tom (watch) often/ usually watches TV in the evening. 1.

I let my roommate borrow my bike only one time last year. � I (let) ________ my roommate borrow my bike.


Maria eats cereal for breakfast seven days a week. � Maria (eat) ---------- cereal for breakfast.


Four out of five visitors to the museum stay for three hours or longer. -+ Museum visitors (stay) ________ for at least three hours.


We occasionally have quizzes in Mr. Cuong's English lessons. � Mr. Cuong (give) English lessons.


qmzzes in his

5. If the teacher is on time, the class begins at 8 a.m. Once in .a while, the teacher is a few minutes late. � The class (begin) __________ at 8 a.m. 6. The train from Chicago has been late ninety percent of the time. � The train from Chicago (be)

on time.

7. In the desert, it rains only two or three days between May and September every year. � It (rain) ____________ in the desert in the summer. 8. James asks me to go the sailboat race every year, but I don't accept his invitation because I think sailboat racing is boring. � I (go) --------------- to sailboat races with James. 9. Every time I go to a movie, I buy popcorn. � I (buy) ________________ popcorn when I go to a movie.. 10,. Andy and Jake work in the same office and are fyiends. They go to lunch together four or five times a week. � Andy and Jake (go) each other.


out to lunch with

VII. Complete the sentences by using the past simple of the verbs below. Use each verb only once.











I. Nam didn't want to go. on vacation with us, so he ---- at home alone all week. 2. Since I hurt my knee, I can't go jogging. Yesterday I ____ in the pool for an hour instead. 3. I was terrified just standing over the pool on the high diving board. into the water. Finally, I took a deep breath, held my nose and 9

4. The climber, who was fearful of falling, ____ the rope tightly in both-hands. for a

5. John pushed Alan down on the floor, and the two boys few minutes. Neither boy was hurt. 6. Before Carol started her own company, she university.

economics at the

7. It was extremely cold last night, and the water we put out for the cat ---- solid. 8. Before l made my decision, I ____ about it for a long, long time. I


9. Carlos at your house three times to ask you to go to the movie with us, but there was no answer, so we went without you. 10. Paul ____ the soft drink-so hard thafit sprayed all over his clothes. VIII. The following sentences describe a day in the life of a farming family, but the paragraphs ( A - D) and the sentences (a - d) within each paragrapb are out of order. Put the paragraphs and the sentences in the correct ord¡er.

A. a.

She works very hard in the fields until four o'clock.

b. As soon as the children have left, Mrs. Brown feeds the hens and picks up the eggs which they have laid. c. Then she has lunch with him before helping him to work on the farm. d. She makes some tea and sandwiches for her husband. B. a.

He begins work at half-past six every morning as soon as it is light. '

b. After breakfast, Mr. Brown-leaves home to work in the fields nearby. c.

He then spends the first part of the morning feeding his calves, and at about nine o'clock he begins to plough the fields with a small, modern tractor.

d. Mr. and Mrs. Brown get up at quarter to six in the morning, and Mrs. Brown makes breakfast for her husband. 10


a. Kim, Joe and May go to bed at nine o'clock, and their parents go to bed an hour and a halflater. b. Mr. Brown returns home.at six o'clock, and the family have their evening meal half-an-hour late. c. When Mrs. Brown returns home, her three children help her to prepare the evening meal. d. After the meal, Mr. Brown plants some vegetables, while the children do their homework. D.

a. ¡ At eight-thirty they set off for school, which is over two miles away. b. They travel to school by bus every day. c. Then, they have breakfast and help their mother to wash up. d. Mr. and Mrs. Brown's three children get up at half-past seven every morning. IX. Finish the second sentence so that it¡ has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.

1. Mr. Vy often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field. It often takes --------------------2. Quan always walks to school. Quan always goes _____________.;._______ 3. You still remember the flight of July 14, 1995, don't you? You don't -----'------------------4. Whose handbag is this? Whom ----------------------5. I found it a bit difficult to get into work this morning. Getting----------------------11

X. Use the suggestions to complete each sentence of the following narrative.

1. We/drive along / narrow road/when/car/break down. 2. David/I /want/go off/search/help/but/Bill/insist I stay/near/car. 3. He say / it I best I stay I until/help/arrive/rather/go/jungle/and/risk/ get/ lose. 4. However I David / I / not agree / and / David / point / path / which / probably I lead/village. 5. We/follow/path/but soon/we/be/hopeless/lose. 6. After I hour/or so/we/begin/feel/very frightened. 7. Then/David/fall/and/cut/arms/legs. 8. I /decide/climb/tree/see/where/we/be. 9. Sudden/we/catch sight/car/some/man. 10. After/hear/story/they/take/us/back/car/ and/help/repair.



QUESTIONNAIRE Do the following questionnaire about everyday activities and check your scores in -the answer keys.

ARE YOU NICE TO LIVE WITH? OR ARE YOU A PAIN IN THE NECK? FIND OUT WITH YOUR FUN QUESTIONNAIRE. j..,, 1. How do you feel when you get up in the morning? A. fantastic


B. good, usually

D. awful

� 2. What do you do first in the morning? A. brush my teeth

B. have a shower

C. turn on the TV

D. go back to sleep

� 3. How often do you help in the house? A. every day B. often- two or three times a week C. occasionally - when Mum and Dad ask me D. They don't want my help- I break things! j..,, 4. What housework do you do most? (Choose one only.)

r I

I I I:


, »

A. I wash up.

B. I make the bed.

C. I tidy my room.

D. I don't do anything!

5. How often do you have arguments with your family? A. never

B. occasionally- once or twice a month

C. once or twice a week

D. every day

6. Which bad habits do you have at home? (Choose more than one if you need to.) A. I play loud music.

B. I'm very messy. (I don't tidy up.)

C. I shout at my brother/ sister.

D. I eat all of the biscuits. 13

Unit 2



chu de:

Giao. tiep hang ngay Nguam� Nguyen am /A/ va /a:/ Ngu phap va cau true: - On t¢p eae d<;mg eau h6i t1m thong tin ( Wh-questions) -Cau true voi d¢ng tu nguyen the (terinfinitives) . va d¢ng danh tu (Gerunds) I expect to hear from you. Why don't you consider visiting me?

TU Vlµlg:

- Tu vvng ve chao h6i, giao tiep hang ngay - Coe. d¢ng tu e6 eau true voi terinfinitives va gerunds



Choose the word in each group that bas the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. dis�ster

B. f�st

C. s�tisfy

D. p�sture

2. A. honest

B. honey

C. harvest

D. harder

3. A.CQmfort




4. A.guitarist




5. A.CQmplain




II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

·1. I wonder ____ your brother looks like. A.what




2. I hope you'll concentrate ____ your pronunciation. A.for improving

B.on improving C.to improve·

D.to improving

3. I don't blame you for not ____ outside in this awful weather. A.wanting to go

B.wanting go

C.want to go

D.to want go

4. He ____ to give the explanation why he was late. A.denied




5. Every means ____, but without good result. A.have been tried B.have tried

C.has been tried D.has tried my homework.

6. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped A.reading to do

B.to read to do

C.to read for doing

D.reading for do

7 � He'd like to ____ the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every day. A.fill




8. Our neighbours are very ____ on camping holidays. A.eager





9. Before he left school, his father told him to start thinking about choosing a ---A.profession



· D.occupation

10. We are ____ him to arrive at any moment. A.wishing



D.waiting 15

III. Fill each blank . with an -ing. or to + infinitive form of the verbs in brackets to complete the foilowing conversation.

John: Do you enjoy (be/

at university? my old school friends.

Mike: Yes, I do, although I often miss (see/ John: Don't you mind (travel/

so far every day?

Mike: No, it only takes me an hour or so (get/____ there. Sometimes I manage (work/ on the bus. John: Don't you . find all the noise and people prevent you from ? (concentrate/ Mike: Not really. I usually do a bit of reading. Are you still at school or have you got a job? John: I'm still at school. I hope (go/ haven't applied anywhere yet.

to university next year, but I

Mike: You should apply soon- it's getting late. John: Where would you advise me (apply/____? Mike: What subjects are you studying? John: Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I want (study/____ Physics at university. Mike: I would recommend (apply/ 0____ to Newton University first c;>f all, but why don't you apply to one or tw� other universities as well? IV. Usin¡g the information in brackets, complete the questions for the given answers.

1. A:------------------- a new bicycle? B: Next week. (I'm going to buy a new bicycle next week.) 2. A: ---------------------- for it? B: With my pocket money. (I'm going to pay with my pocket money.)

3. A: __________________ your old bike? B: Five years. (I had my old bike for five years.) 16


your bike?

4. A: B: Every day. (I ride my bike every day.)

5. A:

to school?

B: I always ride my bike. (I always get to school by riding my bike.)

6. A: school tomorrow?

your bike to

B: Yes. (I'm going to ride my bike to school tomorrow.) 7. A: school today?

your bike to

B: It had a flat tyre. (Because it had a flat tyre.) 8. A: a comfortable seat? B: Yes, it does. (My bike has a cqmfortable seat.) 9. A:--------------'--------------? B: A five-speed._ (I have a five-speed bicycle.) 10. A: -------------------- his new bike? B:Two weeks ago. (Nam got his new bike two weeks ago.) V. Read the following passage and then fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. Do not use the same word more than once.









lessons uniforms

Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state (1) school when she was five. She enjoyed her reading and writing (2) , but there were so many pupils in-the (3) that the teacher found it difficult to control them. When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better . He sent her to an job, a�d d�cided to spend some money on her (4) 2A- BO TAO TA1.0


I I 60




,expensive ( 5) . school, where the girls wore dark green (6)____ every evening. Chant_al liked her new school, and did two hours' (7) all her exams, and went and did well. Because she studied hard, she (8) and was an excellent to university at eighteen. She chose a history (9) , and returned to her "·. student. In the end she decided to become a (10) · old .primary school to teach. VI. Match the words and phrases in A with their meanings in B. B



primary school

A. paid for by the parents


secondary school

B. a person, usually over 16, who is studying at college/university


private school

C. usually for pupils up to 11 years old


state school

D. to be successful




usually for pupils over 11 years old




what is being studied (e.g. Maths)


a class

G� paid for by the state or government


a pupil

H. the marks you get in your exams


a student


a number of pupils who study together

10. pass (an exam)


a person, usually under 16, studying at school

VII. Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick fV) the right ones, and correct the wrong ones.




Nga spent three hours to revise for her exams. ,


Since Tam's been in England, he's got used to drive on the left. 2.


Edw�d tends to do things at the last possible moment.



These shoes need to mend, don't you think?



We encouraged him applying for the job.


2B-B6 TAC) TA10


Nam didn't finish writing the letter until midnight.



He risked to offend her by telling her what he thought.


8.. Roger has always hated living in a town. 9.

Pedro enjoys to have a coffee after breakfast.

10. Would you consider to work for a different company?

8. 9. 10.

VIII. Read the conversation and answer the questions that .follow. T: Mr. Toma? I'm glad to meet you. I'm Miss Hanson, Mario's teacher. P: Thank you for sending me this note. I'm sorry to hear Mario is being a problem. T: I'm not sure what's happening to Mario. He's usually an excellent student. He completes all his work and he's quiet in class. Then, last month, he just changed. He fools around in class. And he doesn't pay attention. He talks to the children who sit near him when he should be reading and writing. P: Mario? I'm surprised. What's about his work?

T: He doesn't do it. When I ask the class to do an exercise, he sits and looks out the window. Sometimes he draws pictures on his papers. And he doesn't bring in any homework. P: I don't know what to say. I don't understand what's happening to him. T: Is there anything different at home?

P: Well, yes. You know that I'm a widower and Mario is my only child. I have a new job and I need to take a lot of business trips. While I'm away, I leave Mario at his grandmother's. T: Does Mario like staying at his grandmother's? P: Not too much. She lives in an apartment building, s_o Mario doesn't go out and play after school. He doesn't have any friends in her neighbourhood.

T: Do you have any brothers or sisters? P: Yes, my sister lives a few blocks from me. Mario wants to stay with her. She loves children, but she has three of her own. Now I'm not sure what to do.

T: Why don't you talk with your mother and your sister? Then talk with Mario. Mario is telling us that he's unhappy. 19

P: I agree. Thank you for talking with me. And I'm very sorry about my son's behaviour. I'll give you a call next week. T: Thank you, Mr. Toma. Goodbye. 1. Why did Mr. Toma come to see Mario's teacher? 2. What does Mario often do when the teacher gives an assignment? 3. Who takes care of Mario when his father is away? 4. What does Mario do after school? 5. Who does Mario want to stay with? IX. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it bas a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 .. 5 words in total).

E.g.: 0. Whose bag is this? belong

Who does this bag belong to?

1. Trung didn't lock the door when he left the room. wuhout Trung ________________ďż˝


2. I will make an effort to get there on tiine. try I will -----------------there on time. 3. "Why were you late yesterday?" asked the teacher. /tad The teacher asked me why__________ revious day.

4. It took me two hours to do my homework. spent I __________________ my homework. 5. "I'll bring the book back tomorrow," said Philip. promised Philip._____________ back the next day. 20

X. Fill in the following form.

STUDENT STUDY HABITS QUESTIONNAIRE Full name: (1) Home address (including country): (2) Nationality: (3) What study materials do you use when you study English? (4)

How many hours a week do you study English by yourself? (5) In which part of the day do you prefer to study? (6) When you study, where do you prefer to sit? (7) What disturbs you most when you are studying? (8) What do you like best about learning English? (9) Signature: (10)



School crossword The clues for this crossword are jokes. In each joke a teacher is talking fo a student, and each joke takes place in a different lesson. Take the letters in italics and put them into the correct order. They wi!I spell the subjects of the lessons. Write the subjects in the grid. G) Stephen, I asked you to draw a cow eating grass, but you've only drawn a cow. - Yes. The cow's eaten all the grass.

® �dw�rd, you've written

rabbit' with two Ts en d. There should at th e oniY be one. - Which T is the w rong one?

hat )s e @ Graham. w , Nein:�. opposite of -Six? (Z) Who c an tel/ somethin i. me m or that did n·i p tant hundred

_ Me I

eXJst a

Years ago?

What is the short form of Sub1ect 2? 22



chu de:

Tieu SU / chem dung cac nhon v¢t Nguam:

Nguyen om /e/ va /-;·/ Ngu phap VO CCU true:

- Thai qua khu hoan thanh (The past perfect): They said it was the loveliest city they had ever seen.

- Thai qua khO hoan thanh so sanh voi thoi qua khO don After her husband's death, Marie Curie took up the position which he had obtained at the Sorbonne. Tuvvng:

- Tu vvng ve tieu SU, CUQC song cac nhon v¢t - TTnh tu chi d<)c diem, tinh ·each con nguai


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. b�nch 2. A. romwitic

B. att�nd . B. m�ture

C. �ducate

D. subj�ct

C. mathem�tics

D. humwiity 23


3. A. s�s

B. said

C. saint

D. s�lad

4. A. breathe

B. breakfast

C. already

D. dreamt

5. A. m�rried

B. m�ny

C. c�lculate

D. Jap�n

IL Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the foilowing sentences. 1. The doctor medication.

the patient thoroughly before he prescribed the

A. examined

C. was examining

B. has examined

D. had examined

2. He

the dream of a scientific career when he was small.

A. sailed

B. landed

3. Marie Curie A. found

B. founded

C. organized

B. humane

C. humanitarian

B. After

C. As soon as

6. Take the medicine and it will help A. ease

B. lower

She was a illness and poverty.

C. drop

D. pause

woman; She continued to study well despite her

A. short-sighted

C. strong-willed

B. two-faced

D. narrow-minded for it for half an hour.

A. was waiting

C. has been waiting

B. has waited

D. had been waiting

With very little money to realize her dream. A. do with

D. While

the pain.

8. By the time the bus came, George


D. humanism

Ali went to sleep; he had called his family. A. Before


D. set off

person the old woman was!

A. human


D. obtained

the Radium Institute in 1914.

4. What a 5.

C. harboured

B. workwith

, Marie Curie came to Paris to C. stay on

D. live on



10. After Nga

her clothes, she

to study.

A. washed-had begun

B. had washed·-began

C. had washed - has begun

D. has washed-had begun

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past perfect. 1. Carol (miss)_ her plane yesterday because of a traffic jam on to the airport, her her way to the airport. By the time she (get) plane already (leave)____ 2. I (have)____ a shower before breakfast this morning. 3. Last Sunday when we (visit)____ our uncle, he (go)____ on business abroad. 4. A: I (see) you m the school play last night. You on a play (do) a terrific acting job. You ever (act) before this one? B: Yes. I (start)--

acting when I was in primary school.

abroad to study, I never (live).____ 5. When I first (travel) a in a dormitory before. During the first year, I (have) roommate from Viet Nam who (become) a very good friend. Prior to that time, I never (live)____ with anyone from another culture. · IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, on ?1h November, 1867. Her was not happy. Her older sister died when she was nine and her (1) of her mother died when she was eleven. Four years later after the (2)_ mother, she left school. That was a difficult time, too. She couldn't go to university (3) universities in Poland were not open to women, so she taught herself. very well and In 1891 Maria went to Paris to study Physics. She (4) got her degree in 1893. A year after she got a degree in Physics she got a degree in Maths, too. This was only a. (S) ___ weeks before she met a clever young man called Pierre Curie. They got (6)_· ___ in 1895 and Maria became


Marie Curie. The Curies had two daughters: Irene, born in 1897, and Eve, born in 1904. Before the (7) of Irene, Marie started working with Pierre. Together they (8) radium in 1898. the Nobel Prize for Physics and they In 1903 · Marie and Pierre (9) became very famous. Then, three years (10) , Pierre died and Marie's world changed forever. V. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. A POPULAR WRITER Emma Harte, in Barbara Taylor Bradford's novel, was a poor lonely girl who became the (I) owner of an international chain of stores. Like the woman she write about, . She left school at Ms Bradford is beautiful and (2) . After twenty-three years of sixteen and became a (3) this work, she made the (4) to start writing ·novels. -paid novelists in the She is now one of the most (5) world. Was Emma Harte's story based on Ms Bradford's own (6) successful life? �'I'm afraid not," she said with · (7) . "My life has been quite different from Emma Harte's. She was (8) to be born into a poor family. I married came from a middle-class home and I'm (9) to a rich American film producer. The only thing I share with my to work hard." heroine is her (I 0)


VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. A FAMOUS EXPLORER Captain James Cook is remembered today for being one of Britain's most famous explorers of the 18 century. Cook was (I)__ most other explorers of the same period as he did not come from a rich family and had to work hard to (2)__ his position in life. He was lucky to be (3)__ by. his father's employer, who saw that he was a bright boy and paid for him to attend the village school. At sixteen, he started (4)__. in a shop in a fishing village (5)__ on the coast and this was a turning (6)__ in his life. He developed. an interest in the sea and eventually joined the Royal Navy (7)__ to see more of the world. 26

q p p O d h


Cook was (8)__ by sailing, astronomy and the production of maps, and quickly became an expert (9)__ these subjects. He was also one of the first people to (1O)_¡_ that scurvy, an illness often suffered by sailors, could be prevented by careful (11)__ to diet. It was during his (12)_¡ __ to the Pacific Ocean that Cook made his historic landing in Australia and the (13)__ discovery that New Zealand was two (14)__ islands. He became a national hero and still (15)__ one today. 1. A.different




2. A.manage



Dďż˝ fulfill

. J. A.remarked

B. viewed



4. A.trade




5. A.held




6. A.moment



1. A.in view

B.in order


D.mark ' D.due

8. A.keen




9. A.from




10. A..regard




11. A.attention

B.organization C.observation

12. A.travel




13. A.serious




14. A.shared




15. A.keeps





VII. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.

1. Before I went to bed last night I have already finished my homework. A B C D 2. Jane had sent a letter to her university after she had received her A



scholarship check. D 27

3. Mrs. Hoa had worked at the primary school for twenty years after she C



retired. D 4. Minh told me yesterday that he had studied English from 2004. A




5. Joan's party had already started in the time I gQ1 there. A




VIII. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. When he was at school, his teacher considered him to be a slow student. Because of hearing problems, Edison had difficulty in following the lessons. But with only three months of formal education he became one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. Edison's most famous invention was the electric. light bulb. He also invented the phonograph, and made improvements to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology. Edison had a special life. He married twice with five children. He loved books, had excellent memory, and always showed curiosity about science. Although he had hearing problems, he refused to have an operation for his deafness. He said that silence helped him concentrate. He always worked very hard and often had only four hours of sleep every day. He used to say, "Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." When he died on October 18, 1931, he wad still working on new ideas. 1. Why did Edison find it hard tďż˝ follow his lessons? 2. What was Edison's most famous invention? 3. How many children did he have?



4. How long did he use to work every day? 5. How old was Edison when he died?

IX. Finish each of the foilowing sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word.

E.g.: 0. Whose bag is this?


Who does this bag belong to?

1. He graduated from the National University and then worked as a HAD physicist. 2. After John had done his homework, he went to bed.


3. Peter regrets not studying hard at university.


4. '"I saw our former teacher yesterday afternoon," said Mai.


5. We had lived in Ha Noi for ten years before moving to Ho Chi Minh City.


X. Write between 120 and 150 words about Katherine Mansfield. Use the information given below.

Born: 1888 Place of birth: New Zealand Came to England in he_r twenties, rest of life spent in Europe Married twice First marriage unsuccessful 29

1915: death of younger brother in France. Made deep impression on her 1918: married John Middleton Murry, critic, who encouraged her writing Works: short stories, some about her childhood and her brother, all describe everyday life 1920s: her best known collections ofstories published, e.g. "The Garden Party", 1922 Died: 1923, Fontainebleau, France, after long illness



FUN CORNER Did Marie Curie do crossword puzzles? Did she have the time? Here's one for science students and puzzle fans.





1. Blue light in Marie Curie's bedroom.

1. Competitor with Marie Curie, --- ford. 2. Source of all radioactivity (singular)


Wound from exposure.


8. Postal code for Utah


You are (singular} 31

9. Out from 11. Chemical Polonium

4. Furniture: Danish ___ symbol


7. Curie family won 5 of these prizes

12. Forward

I 0. He built first reactor in football field.

13. Maria Goeppart-Mayer, author of shell of nucleus.

15. French for "the"

16. Initials of lawyer Melvin Beli

20. This radiation killed Irene Curie

1 7. �edical corporation (abbreviation)

23. United Transportation (abbreviation)

18. She discovered Francium

24. Energy released fr0m split atoms


19. Tasty sound Assn.

21. Room (abbreviation)

25. Energized electrons jump_ to higher state.

22. Address on the WWW

26. T-shirt size (abbrev.)

23. Radioactive ore purified by Marie Curie.

27. Creator of quanta theory of atoms, Planck.

26. Sharp pain in the leg



27. Do-re-

28. Won Nobel radioactivity

29. Cancer clinic in midwest.

30. Palestinian Institute (abbreviation)

31. Chemical symbol for Argon

32. Atom's shape

nucleus 33. Atomic extremely ___

34. Mts.(singular) where Einstein & Cw-ie hiked together .


35. A noble gas (abbreviation) 38. Leukemia, cancer of the 40. He said electrons move in orbitals like planets. 41. Collaborator with Marie Curie.


6. Revolutions-per-minute

35. Gay military leader, Lawrence of England (abbrev.) 37. Chemical formula for hydroxide; postal code for Ohio 39. Street name abbreviation


WRITTEN TEST l (Total: 100 points)

Time: 45 minutes

PART I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined pronounced differently from the rest. (10 points)

1. A. p�dal

B. d�velop

C. sem�ster

D. exp�nse

2. A. peace

B. repeat

C. threaten

D. easing

3. A. b�sket

B. ex�mine

C. pr�ctice

D. progr�me

4. A. s_ydden

B. b_yffalo

C. interr_ypt


5. A. sixteen

B. career

C. receive

D. �qual



PART II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences. (20 points)

1. The government has sent ____ aid to the refugees. A. human

B. humane

C. humanitarian D. humanity

2. "Are you single or married?" is to ask about one's ____ A. occupation

B. marital status C. address

D. nationality

3. When he graduated from university he got his ---A. diploma

B. certificate

C. degree

D. bachelor

4. "____ do you borrow this science book?" - "To read more about Marie Curie's life." A. What

B. Why

C. When

D. Which

5. �he likes her children ____ to the dentist every six months. A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. to going

6. We were not hungry. We ____ a big breakfast. A.just had

C. were just having

B. have just'had

D. had jµst had



7. Please don't ____ to stamp on the letters I gave you to post. B. realize

A. remind

C. forget

D. remember

8. He will ring us up when he ____ in Paris. A. arrives 9.

B. will arrive

C. arrived

D. would arrive

Your windows need ____ at least once a year. A. cleaning

B. to clean

C. being cleaned

D. have cleaned

10. I ---- much better after I ---- the medicine. A. felt - had taken

C. felt- took

B. had felt- took

D. had felt - had taken


Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. (20 points)

very Sally Ride, America's first spacewoman, doesn't (1) different from a lot of other American professional women. She is attractive, curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a bright smile. She likes to (2) comfortable but colourful clothes, like many dress simply: she (3) people from California. But in 1983 Sally Ride (4) America's first woman astronaut. She was one of the five astronauts on the space shuttle Challeger, (5)____ completed a successful six-day voyage in space in June 1983. What (6) a woman want to go in space? Sally Ride grew up in Los Angeles, California. Her father is a professor (7) Santa Monica College, and her mother is a housewife. At Wetlake an excellent student and tennis High School for. girls, she was (8) player. Today she still looks like a sportswoman. She is 1.6 metres (9)____ weighs 52 kilos, and very fit. When she was still a student, she became a very successful tennis player. She thought about becoming a professional sportswoman with her studies at college, and later at but she decided to (10) university. PART IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (20 points)

1. My father usually (drink)___ tea but today he (drink)___ coffee. 34


s6 TAO TA1 O

2. After the air-hostesses (serve)---- lunch to the passengers, they down. (sit) 4

this form.

; I'm trying (finish)

3. Do stop (talk)

at the age of five and (compose) more than 600 pieces of music..

Mozart (start) (write)

to Mr. Brown before the lecture yesterday;

5. I (speak)

PART V. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. (10 points)

1. I advise you starting looking for a flat at once. A




2. Mr. Phong was teaching for 30 years beforďż˝ he retired last month. A




3. He postponed to make a decision till it was too late to do anything. B




4. When living in the countryside, Tom usually goes swimming with his A




friends. 5. Maria entered the university after she graduated from the community college. A PART VI.




Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.or phrases. (10 points)

1. I would rather cycle than travel by motorbike to work. I prefer-----------------------2. He left school and then joined the army. After he ------------------------

3. What is your date of birth?



4. What is wrong with this computer? \\Thy------------ďż˝---------ďż˝ 5. She is pleased to meet her cousin again. She looks---------------------PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (10 points)

1. By I time/ we/ arrive/ party/ everything/ already/ eat//. 2. Every / morning / when / alarm / go off / 4 .30 / Mrs. Tuyet / get up / prepare/ breakfast//. 3. Yesterday/ we/ see/ accident/ while/ we/ walk/ school//. 4. \\Thy/ you/ not/ apply/ job/ which/ I recommend II? 5. By/ work hard/ he/ succeed/ finish/ job/ time//.


Unit 4


chu de:

Giao d�c chuyen bi$t

Nguom: Nguyen am /o/ va /o /

Ngu ph6p VO ceiu true: - Cau true used to+ infinitive: Dennis used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. - Cau true the + adjective tQO thanh c�m danh tu:

young have the future in their hands. Tu vvng: The

- Which lam tu noi trong. m$nh

de tinh ngQ:

Jill isn't on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her. - Tlnh tu c6 the ket hQp voi the de t90 danh tu: young, poor, rich, jnjured ...


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. prQper

B. Qpposite

C. biQlogy

D. CQntinue

2. A. quarter

B. !!lthough

C. W!!llt

D. t!!II



3. A. aunt




4. A.airport

B. forty



5. A.Wf!tching



D. w�der

II. Choose the best answer.for each of the following sentences. 1. The disabled ____ an association to help eaeh other. A.is going to found

C.was founding

B.have founded


2. When I tell Tom something he always does the A.objection 3. We A.not used



on purpose. D.opposite

to get up early when we lived in the countryside. B.didn't use

C.were used

D. hadn't used

4. The student next to me kept cracking his knuckles, ____ bothered me a lot. A. which




5. Poverty prevents many children ____ having proper schooling. A. for



D. of

6. ____ were taken to the nearest hospital by ambulance. A.Injuries

C.Injured person

B. The injured

D.The injury

7. My brother.used to ____ all his spare time collecting stamps. A.spend




8. Please ____ your hand if you have any question. A. rise



D. set

9. The ____ are those who cannot speak. A.blind

B. deaf



10. Children in Ms.Thuy's class are dump, deaf and ____ retarded. A.normally 38

B. totally



III. Complete each of the following sentences by using the + adjective. Use each adjective only once. blind









young .

1. ____ of the town gather there once a month to get the dole. 2. ____ should share some of their possessions with ____ 3. ____ are .those who can see nothing, and ---'---- are those who can't hear. 4.

There will be a great shortage of workforce in our country. The number of is increasing. ____ is decreasing while the number of


are the happiest people and have millions of wishes while ____ have only one wish; that's to be healthy.

6. ____ always say "sorry" and "thank you".


IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. HOW DO DEAF PEOPLE TALK? Deaf people cannot hear sounds. How do they "hear" words and talk? American Sign Language (ASL). They talk with Deaf people (1) other. They both use their hands. Sometimes two deaf people talk to (2) ASL. Sometimes a person (3) can hear interprets for deaf people. The hand signs. person listens to someone talking, and then he or she (4) There are two kinds of sign language. One kind has a sign for every in the alphabet. The person spells every word. That is finger (5) spelling. The (6) kind has a sign for every word. There are about 5,000 of (7) signs. They are signs for verbs, things and ideas. (8)

Some of the signs are very easy, for example, eat, milk and house. You can see they mean. Others are more difficult, for example, star, egg or week.


People from any country can learn ASL. They use signs, not words, they can understand people from other countries.

ASL is almost like dance. The (10) Language is a beautifuLand useful language.

body talks. American Sign


V. You are an interviewer who is talking to Mr. Emmons. Ask questions which would produce the answers below.

Interviewer: (1) -------,------------------? Mr. Emmons: No, my blindness is not a new problem. I've been blind since I was a child. Interviewer: (2) -----------------------? Mr. Emmons: I earn money by selling mops and brooms. Interviewer: (3) ---------------------- ? Mr. Emmons: In this part of the city. Interviewer: (4) -----------------------? Mr. Emmons: My dog Buster leads me where I want to go. Interviewer: (5) -------------------------? Mr. Emmons: Every day except Sunday. Interviewer: (6)___________________visit each house? Mr. Emmons: Every four months. Interviewer: (7) ------------------------? Mr. Emmons: People like my brooms because they last so long. Interviewer: (8) ----------------------- ? l'vfr. Emmons: Blind people do. Interviewer: (9) ------------------------ ? Mr. Emmons: Yes, I like my job very much. Interviewer: (10) --------------------- ? Mr. Emmons: It keeps me busy and I can stay outside most of the time. VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Louis Braille was born in France in 1809. His father had a small business. He (l)__ shoes and other things from leather. Louis liked to help his father in the store even (2)__ he was very small. One day when Louis was three years old, he was cutting some leather. Suddenly the knife (3)__ and hit him in the eye. Louis soon became completely blind. When he was ten years old, he (4)__ the National Institute for the Blind in Paris. One day his class went to visit a (5)__ exhibit by a captain in the army. One thing in �he exhibit was very interesting for Louis. It showed messages 40

in code. Armies send messages in (6)__ codes so no one else can .read them. The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper. Louis thought a lot about this code. Then he (7)__ to write in the same way so blind people could "read" (8)__ their fingers. It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters. (9)__ of letters, Louis used a "cell" of six dots. He ( 1O)__ the dots with two dots across and three down. 1. A. did C. manufactured D. created B. made D. until C. when B. because 2. A. so D. went off C. cut B. broke 3. A. slipped D. entered C. reached B. arrived 4. A. went D. suddenly C. unusual B. special 5. A. truly D. confident C. secret 6. A. personal B. private D. considered C. encouraged B. enjoyed 7. A. decided D.on C. of B.by 8. A. with D. In spite C. Instead B. Because 9. A. In case D. arranged C. put. 10. A. collected B. set VII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Robert Edwards was blinded in an automobile accident nine years ago. He was also partially deaf because of age. Last week, he was strolling near his home when a thunderstorm appro_ached. He took refuge under a tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked to the ground and woke up some 20 minutes later, lying face down in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later, he awoke; his legs were numb and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered, he saw her for the first time in nine years. Doctors confirm that he has regained his sight and hearing apparently from the fJash of lightniag, but they are unable to explain the occurrence. The only possible explanation offered by one doctor was that, since Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by another trauma. 1. What caused Robert Edwards's blindness? A. He was struck by lightning. B. He was very old.

C. He was in a car accident. D. He fell down in his yard. 41

2. What was the first thing that he saw after being struck by lightning? A. his wife 3.

B. a clock

D. lightning

C. a tree

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Edwards had been blind for nine years. B. Edwards was unconscious for twenty minutes after the lightning had struck him. C. Doctors believe that Edwards was never really blind or deaf. D. Edwards awoke with his face in a puddle of water.



What was Edwards doing when he was struck by lightning? A. hiding from the storm under a tree.

C. driving a car.

B. climbing a tree.

D. lying on the ground.

What was the reason given by one doctor that Edwards regained his sight? A. He gained his sight from a head injury when he fell from a tree. B. He was happy after his wife entered his room for the first time in nme years. C. The lightning took the feeling from his legs and gave feeling in his eyes. D. Because the blow that blinded him was very severe, it took another very severe blow to restore his sight.

VIII. Combine each pair of the following sentence, using which. I.

Sally lost her job. That wasn't surprised.


She usually came to work late. It upset her boss.


So her boss fired her. That made her angry.


She hadn't saved any money. That was unfortunate.


So she had to borrow some money from me. I didn't like that.


She has found a new job. This is lucky.


She can earn enough for her living. That makes her family happy.


She has repaid the money she borrowed from me. I appreciate that.


She has apologized for causing some trouble. It is acceptable.

10. She has promised herself to be on time to work every day. That 1s a good idea. 42

IX. Using the given information, complete the sentences. Use used to. 1. When James was young, he hated school. Now he likes school. � James 2. Ann was a secretary for many years, but now she owns her own business. � Ann---------------, but now she owns her own business. 3. Rebecca had a pet rat when she was ten. The rat died, and she hasn't had another rat as a pet since that time. as a pet.

� Rebecca

4. Before Adam got married, he went bowling five times a week. five times a week.

, � Adam

5. When we raised our own chickens, we had fresh e�gs every morning. every morning when we raised

� We our own chickens. 6.

When Ben was a child, he often crawled under his bed and put his hands over his ears when he heard thunder. �Ben


when he heard thunder.

7. When I lived in my home town, I went to the beach every weekend. Now I don't go to the beach every weekend. � I weekend, but now I don't.

to the beach every

8. Adam has a new job. He has to wear a suit every day. When he was a student, he always wore jeans. � Adam

a suit every day, but now he does.

9. Sara has two cats that she enjoys as pets. In the past, she hated cats. These are her first pets. � Sara _____ cats. She ______ pets, but today she enjoys her two cats.IO. Now you have a job every summer. Have you always worked during summers? � What ---------------- in summer? 43

X. Use the suggestion to complete the letter of complaint below. Dear sir, 1. I / write/ complain/ condition/ cassette recorder/ which/ I buy/ shop/ Yd March. 2. Although I outer box/ be I perfect condition/ I find/ when I arrive home/ that/ player/ itself/ obviously/ use/ before. 3. Headphone cable/ badly twist/ and/ I/ not think/ it/ be/ long. 4. Addition / neither / two free cassettes I which / come / machine / be/ the beginning. 5. I/ sure/ they/ must/ play/ before/ by I previous customer, 6. or/ perhaps/ machine/ be use/ demonstration purposes. 7. There/ be I nothing/ wrong/ sound quality/ player, 8. but / as / I / pay/ full price / have / right / expect/ receive/ brand new equipment. 9. I/ therefore/ grateful / if/ you/ replace/ player/ new model/ same type. l 0. I/ look forward/ hear/ you/ due course. Yours faithfully,


FUN CORNER Look at the Braille Alphabet and interpret its sentence.

Braille Alphabet and Numbers

.• e ..• :: g • a • •• • • m .. •. •. . . . • • . •• • •••• .• s . • • • .•. . ••• w ... . � . '. . . • ... • ... . . . ? sign • What does this sentence say ? ..... .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. ... ... . .. . ... .. . .. .. . . . .. . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. ... .... .• . • . .. ... ... . . .. .... .. . . . . . . . .. . .. ••

• a 1

b 2

•• J




:. t

•: y

• i




•: d 4






' •• t


•• h



• fl

• 0






American Sign Language

A� &�

c(r ot£ effl

F� � �

I� J�Kf)r

M� ��

0� P�Qj

S� T�

u� v� wt/ x�




Unit 5


chu de: Khoo h9c ki thu¢t va Ong dL;Jng cua ki thu¢t hiEfm dQi trong CUQC song

Nguam: Nguyen am /u/ va / u:/

Ngu phap VO CCU true: - Thoi hiEfm tQi hoan thanh. Computers have become part of our daily lives. - Thai hi�n t9i hoan thanh

bi d9ng:

A new hospital for children has been built in our city. - M$nh de tTnh ngQ voi who, which va that: A fridge is a machine which is used for keeping food fresh.

Tuvvng: - Tu vl)ng ve khoa h9c va cong ngh$



Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. I. A. pgsh

B. bgtcher

C. pgll

D. flgte

2. A. cook

B. cool

C. understood

D. wood

3. A. grew

B. threw

C. knew

D. blew

4. A. WQlf

B. prQve

C. tQmb

D. lQse

5. A. juicy


C. group

D. wounded

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences. 1. The teacher ---- was ill cancelled her maths class. A. who


D. whose

C. which

2. Is it the third time in the month that you ____ your television? A. change

D. have changed

B.are changing C. changed

3. I'm not quite ready ¡to leave.. I haven't finished packing my suitcase A. already

B. still

D. any more

C. yet

4. I've had a toothache ____ yesterday morning. A.since



5. We saw many cars and people countryside. A:who

B. that

C. which

D. last were movmg to the D. whom

by the time I got up this morning.

6. The coffee A. was already made

C. had already been made

B. has already been made

D. would have already been made

7. A computer can do sums with ____ speed and perfect accuracy. A. quickly


C. thunder

D. windy

8. The magazine ____ I read on the plane was interesting. A.who


C. which

D. where

9. A computer is also an ____ storage device which manages large collections of data. A. electric

B. electrical

C. electronic

D. electricity 47

10. Active:

Harvard University has awarded Nam a scholarship. a scholarship by Harvard

Passive: Nam University. A. has is awarded

C. has be awarded

B. has was awarded

D. has been awarded

III. Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs (in the passive or the active) in the box and any words in parentheses. Use each verb only once. eat










1. Leather _____ to make shoes for hundreds of years. 2. I (never)

golf, but I'd like to. It looks like fun.

3. Our team is great. They They haven't lost a single game.

all of their games so far this year.

4. Amy must be mad at me. -She (not) evening. I wonder what I did to make her angry. 5. The cat must be sick. He (not)_ We'd better call the vet.

one word to me all any food for two days.

6. We _______ a lot of tests and quizzes since the beginning of the term. 7. We put a little money in our savings account every month. We want to buy a car, but we (not) enough money yet. We'll have enough in a few more months. 8. ( You, ever) outdoors for an entire night? I mean without a tent, with nothing between you and the stars? a lot since he s�arted eating the right 9. Paul's health kinds of food, exercising regularly, and handling the stress in his life. He's never felt better. 10. I can't find my keys. I everywhere in all my pockets, in my briefcase, in my desk. They're gone. 48

IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTERS Many of the things we do, depend on· receiving information from other people. Catching a train, making a phone call and going to the cinema all involve is stored, processed and communicated. In the past · information (1) this information used to (2). · kept on paper in (3) form of, for example, books, newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is put on computers. Computers play a in our everyday lives, sometimes computers. in us even realizing it. Consider the use (6) ( 5) both shops and offices. Big shops especially chain stores with branches over the country, have to deal with very large amounts of (7) information. They have to · make (8) there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy, they need to be able to re-order before stocks on. , ____ out, to decide which things are selling well and (10) performed All these processes (11) quickly and efficiently by computers. A (12) of office work in the past involved inforµiation on paper. Once it had been dealt (13) by people, the paper was put (14) ,for future reference. This way of working was (15)____ . particularly easy or fast. A computerized system is much more'efficient. V9 Put the following sentences into the passive or the active.. 1. The city attorneys have discovered new evidence. 2. The wheel was invented thousands of years ago. 3. I have been using this computer for two years.. 4. Is the Mediterranean Sea surrounded by three continents? 5. They will not provide pencils at the test, so please bring· your own.



6. Has Mai been offered the opportunity to study abroad? 7. Is that airplane being flown by a student pilot? 8. All the delicious food had already been eaten by the time we caine. 9. Alan's knowledg;e about science and technology doesn't impress me. IO. They are going to build a new hospital just outside of town. 4A-B6TR0TA10



VI. Some lines of the following passages. ·are correct, and some have an unnecessary word. If a line is correct, put a tick ). If a line has an unnecessary word, underline and write it in the space provided. WHY I DISLIKE COMPUTERS Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and that th.ey are •'


changing our own lives for the better by making everything faster and

00/ own

more reliable, but I'm not so much sure that this is the case.


The other day I was standing in a large department store ttntil


waiting to pay for a couple of films for my camera when the assistant


announced that the computer which controlled the till it had stopped


working. I didn't think this was a big problem and I set myself off to


·find another counter, but of course, all the machines are one part.of


the same system. So there we were: a shop full of customers, money

7 /-�--

at the ready, waiting to make our purchases, but it was quite clear that


none out of the assistants knew what to do. They weren't allowed to


take our money andcgive to customers a written receipt because the


sales wouldn't then have been recorded on the computer system.


In the end, like with many other people, I left my shopping on the


counter and walked out. Don't you think so that's ridiculous? It would


never have happened before computers, and that, for me, is all the


problem: we- are beginning to depend on these machines for so


completely that we simply can't manage without them any more. VII. Fill in the blanks with who, whom, which, that, whose, or fJ. 1. What do you say to people ____ ask you personal questions that you don't want to answer? 2.


People ____ live in New York City are called New Yorkers. 4B-

s6 TAO TA10

I gave her for her birthday.

3. Tina likes the present 4. George Washington is the president 5.

picture is on a one-dollar bill. is playing at the Fox Theater?

Have you seen the movie

6. Do you know the woman

Michaeli s engaged to?

7. That's Tom Jenkins. He's the boy 8. A thermometer is an instrument

pare'nts live in Switzerland. measures temperature.

9. A high-strung person is someone

is always nervous.

10. The man ____ I told you about is standing over there. VIII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Please follow these procedures in order to make a machine withdrawal from your City Bank checking or savings accounts: 1. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine teller. 2. - 3.

Enter your digit identification number on the numbered buttons. Press the withdrawal button for checking or the button for savings.

4. Enter the amount'of withdrawal, either fifty or one hundred dollars, on the numbered buttons, and wait for your receipt to be printed. 5. Remov:e your card from the slot. The drawer will open wi�h receipt and your cash withdrawal in fifty-dollar packets. All customers are limited to t�o withdrawals in one twenty-four-hour period. If you attempt to withdraw more than. the limited number of times, your card will _ be retained in the machine, and you will have to reclaim it in person at your main branch bank. 1. What is the main idea ofthis passage? A. How to open an account at City Bank. '


B. Bow to use the City Bank machine teller. C. How to get a City Bank card. D. How .to make deposits and withdrawals at City Bank. 51

2� What happens when you remove your card. from the machine? A. Your identification number appears on a screen. B. The drawer opens with your cash·in it. C. The process stops.immediately. D. Your receipt is printed. 3. All of the following steps must be performed in order to withdraw money from your accounts EXCEPT ____;.__ A. The identification number must be entered. B. Your card must be inserted in the machine. C. The amount of the withdrawal must be entered. D. The card must be reclaimed in person from" a bc;mk teller. 4. The word "slot" in this passage is closest in meaning to ____ A. envelope

B. drawer

C. opening

D. box

5. It may be. concluded. from this passage that ____ A. a fifty-dollar withdrawal would be received in two packets. B. a typical identification number would be 10227. C. the maximum amount of money that may be withdrawn in one day is $200. D. withdrawals may be made from checking accounts only. IX.. Finish the second. sentence so that it has a similar· meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. 1. Our teacher was sick a week ago, and he is still sick .. Our teacher has -------------------2. I last received my brother's e-mail five months ago.. · I haven't


3. The last time I talked to him was one year ago. It has --------------------------52

4. I have never used a laptop before. It is


5. H'1;s anyone ever operated this TV with a remote control before? Has this TV ---------------------X. Use the prompts below to build up a set of written instructions.

HOW TO OPERATE A WASHING MACHINE 1. First/sort/dirty washing / piles. 2. Then/put/clothes/machine. Take care/not/overload/machine. 3. Select/programme/ require. 4. Fill (appropriate/compartment I washing power. 5. Make sure/not/use I too I powder! 6. Close/ door/careful/press/red button. 7. Not/ attempt/ open/door/until/programme/be/completed! 8. As soon I machine i'stop, /remove/clothes/ prevent/creasing.




There is a computer error in each of the eight sentences. In the first one, for example, the :omputer has printed P instead of L. Correct the .)entences, and then put them in the pictures.





..,,..-=------' \ \ s


.. j




Unit 6



chu de: Giai trr vo thorn quan do ngoQi Nguam: Nguyen am/ a /vo / 3: / Ngu phap VO CCU true: - Thai hi$n tQi tiep dien chi honh d9hg tuong lai: What are you doing this Saturday evening?

- Cau true to be going to + infinitive: There are black clouds in the sky. It is going to rain. Tuvvng:

- Tu vvng ve danh lam thong canh VO thorn qu9n do ngo9i


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. sgrvive

B. f!!miture

C. ch!!rch

D. exc!Jrsion

2. A. wat�rfall

B. t�rminal

C. work�r

D. clev�rer

3. A. �other

B. bananf!

C. bot�y

D. orf!nge

A. bird

B. pQrtrait

C. earth

o·. int�rpret

5. A. chick�n

B. �ccept

C. territQiy

D. C!Jrrent


55 .


. I

II. Choose the best answer A� B, C or D for each of the following sentences.

to Hue for his summer holiday.

1. My brother A. is going 2. I'm not A. having

B. is going to go

D. goes

C. will go

the car this evening, so you can have it. D. needing

C. wanting

B. using

3. Oh, Sue! Welcome back! You've got a nice A. sunburn

. B. sunshine

D. suntan

C. sunlight

4. When I_·____ in Hanoi, I ____ the One Pillar Pagoda. A. will be - am ·visiting

C. am being·- am visiting

B. am - am going to visit

D. ani going to be- am going to visit


5. What time A. will the train leave

C. is the train going to leave

· B. is the training leaving

D. does the train leave

6. We are thinking of taking a short ____ to the mountains. A. trip

C. journey

B. travel

D. voyage

7. Please share your fruit and cakes ____ others.' A. to

B. for

D. among

· C. with

8. We are going to ____ good weather with lots of sunshine. A. like

D. delight

C. enjoy

B. play

9. I don't think it's going to rain this afternoon, ____? A. do I

B. don't I

D. isn't it

C. is it

10...I hope that you--�- a good time tomorrow. A. shall have

C. are going to have

B. are having

D. will have

III. Complete the sentences with the present progressive. Use eacb verb in the list only once.












l. My father ____ to Ho Chi Minh City next Friday to attend a conference. 2. A: Your apartment is so neat! Are you expecting guests? B: Yes. �y parents

tomorrow for a two-day visit:

3. A: Do you have any plans for lunch today? B: I Tom at the New Wind Cafe in an hour. Would you like to join us? 4. A: I a bicycle for my son for his birthday next month. Do you know anything about bikes for kids? 5. Mrs.· Brown likes to take her two children with her on trips whenever she can, but ,she not them with her to Paris next week. It's strictly a business trip. 6. A: What are your plans for the rest of the year? English in London this coming summer. Then B: I back here in school in the fall.

rn be

7. A: Why are you packing your suitcase? for Hai Phong in a couple of hours. B: I 8. My regular dentist, Dr. -Jordan, ____ a conference in New York next week. 9. Trung's sister and her husband tomorrow night.

over to his house for dinner

10. A: I'm going to call the doctor. You have a fever, chills, and stomachache. B: No, don't call a doctor. I'll be okay. A: I'm worried. I ---- the doctor! And that's it! IV. Fil� in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

THE LAKE DISTRICT One of the most beautiful parts of Britain is the Lake District. The Lake high 'District is situated in the north-west of Englan� and co1;1sists ( 1). hills, mountains and, of course, lakes. In . all there are sixteen lakes of (2) the largest is Lake Windermere. 57

Over the years many writers have (3) associated with this region was William but. there can be no doubt that the most famous of (4) was born and lived almost the whole of Wordsworth (1770-1850), (5) the village of Grasmere, his life there. He had close connections (6) where he lived . (7) some thirteen years. He loved (8)---particular of England and _many of his poems speak of the joy he felt when beautiful ·countryside. surrounded (9) Every year more than fourteen million people (1O)____ Britain and abroad visit the Lake District to (11 )____ the fresh air arid the scenery. Some go to walk in the mountains while others . sail boats on the lakes i ( 12) si�ply sit admiring the magnif cent views. Unfortunately, the region is becoming a victim of (13). own success in attracting visitors; (14) many people come to the Lake District that they threaten to searching for there. destroy the peace and quiet which many (15) V. Put the verbs in brackets in the progressive or be going to. 1. It's very cold. I (light)____ a fire. 2. I've bought a piano; it (be)_· ____ delivered this afternoon. 3.

You (go)____ to Michigan tomorrow?

4. I've reminded you once; I (not do)____ it again. 5. My niece (come) , 6. I (spend)

to stay with me next weekend. a few days in Da Lat next week.

7. The Town Council (build)---- a new school here. 8.

We (take)---- the children to the seaside this summer.

9. I (compete)____ in the bicycle race tomorrow. 10. I (read)


you his answer to. my letter of complaint.

VI. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. 1. We've recently studied rock ____, so we want FORM to visit some caves. to PERMIT

2. All the pupils must have their parents' go for the picnic.

weather during our SUN

3. We hope to have holiday.

4. Tim is one of the Michigan.

on a boat trip on Lake PARTICIPATE

5. I received a letter of

from the airport.


VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. ADAY OUT For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing (l)__ exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling (2)__ with this and. so last week I thought I would do something (3)__. I rang up several ofmy friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I (4)___ to London since I was ten. · We decided to go by coach as this was ( 5)__ the cheapest means of transport that_ was available ( 6)__ it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we. decided to take a (7)__._ tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour. we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us. went shopping and (8)__ went to the theatre. We met up again at 6.30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it (9)__ much longer than w� had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there (1O)__ two minutes before our coach left. 1. A. much

B. more

C. most

D. as

2. A. bore

B: bored

C. boring

D. boredom

3. A. distinct

B. typical

C. changeable

D. different

4. A. didn't go 5. A. by f ar

B. hadn't gone B. very

C. haven't been C. almost

D. hadn't been D. far too



': ·\'·,

6. A. even 7_. A. holiday 8. A. another 9. A. took 10. A. like '


B. though B. business B. other B. got B. as

C. despite C. sightseeing C. the other C. spent C. just

D. in spite D. camping D. the others D. gained D. yet

VIIL Read the following passage and answer the questions.

HALONGBAY If you have been in Viet Nam without visiting Ha Long Bay, it means you know nothing about the beauty of this country yet. This is a remark made by m�ny tourists from all across the world on returning from their Ha Long trips. Ha Long Bay is situated near Ha Long city in Quang Ninh Province, 180 km from Ha Noi. Ha Long Bay covers an area of around 1,500 square kilometres with. more than 1,000 named islands and several thousands more unnamed islands. Ha Long Bay is not only beautiful because of its big and small islands but also because of sets of natural caves and grottos. From as early as the late 19th century,· many Westem tourists have set foot in these. caves. Astonished at the wonder of nature, they have given these caves and grottos strange and astounding names: Sung Sot (Startled) and Ngac Nhien (Amazing). Ha Long Bay also attracts tourists from around the world because of its beautiful beaches. In the months of summer, there are always thousands oftourists swimming, sun-bathing and relaxing on the beach. 1. In foreign tourists' opinion, what does it mean if you are in Viet Nam without visiting Ha Long Bay? �. When; is HaLong Bay situated? 3. Approximately how many islands in HaLong Bay were named? 4. · Why did Western tourists give caves and grottos names? 5. Give three main things in HaLong Bay that attract tourists.


IX. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total).

1. We've arranged to start the trip at 6 a.m. tomorrow. are We ------------- at 6 a.m. tomorrow. 2. I am considering visiting my uncle in Nha Trang this summer. thinking, l my uncle in' Nha Trang this summer. 3. The train arrives in half an hour. due The train ------------ half and hour. 4. Her baby will be born in November. is She _____________ a baby in November. 5. We intended to visit the museum, but we didn't have the time. were �We ------------ the ¡¡museum, but we didn'r have the time. X. Complete each sentence of the following letter of confirmation.

Dear Trung, 1. Thank you / letter / invite / me / go / Tuan Chau / you / family / next weekend; 2. I I love/ go/ but/ here/ recommendations/ I / like/ make. 3. You/ remember I Aunt Nga/ who/ my father/ younger sister?. 4. She/ now/ live/ Ha Long Bay I and/ own/ small hotel/ there. 5. You/ want/ me/ telephone/ her/ arrange, I accommodation/ us? 6. Moreover/ think/ we/ start / trip/ early/ morning.


7. Why/ you/ not /pick me/ 5.30 a.m. / Saturday? 8. Then/ we/ stop/ the way/ and/ breakfast/ roadside restaurant. 9. Let/ hope/ weather /be fine/ during/ holiday. 10. I look/ forward/ hear/ you/ soon. Yours,, Minh









WRITTEN TEST 2 (Total: 100.points)

Time: 45 minutes PART I.

Choose the word in each groµp that has the underlined pronounced differently from the rest. (10 points)

1. A.w�ter

· B. �lter



2. A. spoon


C. noon

D. bamboo

3. A. demQnstrate


C. flQppy

D. CQnsume

4. A. Thursday

B. purpose

C. Saturday

D. burst

5. A. ought

B. should


D. could


PART II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. (10 points)

1. A. locate

B. decide

C. statement

D. unfair

2. A. programme

B. device


D. student

3. A. different

B. opposite

C. technical

D. excursion

4. A. photographer B. destination

C. participant

D. professional

5. A. prepare

C. educate

D. calculator

B. question

,, PART III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following senfences. (20 points)

1. We

enough food for the trip to Huong Pagoda yet.

A. don't prepare

C. didn't prepare

B. aren't preparing

D. haven't pre.pared

2. The---� are those �ho don't have jobs. A. unemployers · B.·unemployed 3.

C. unemployment

D. unemployees

to watch TV a lot when you were small? A. Were you used

J?. Did you get used

.c. Did you use

D. Were you using


4. The lift is out of order, ------- is too bad.

c. where

B. which

A. that

5. She ---- on a cruise next summer. A. goes B.is going C. is going to go

D.who D. will go·

6. The student ____ sits next to me·is fromEngland. A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. whose

7. Writing is a special kind of_·.---A. accorru:nodation

C. transportation

B. communication

D. publication

8. Are you

on the excursion to Hue today?

A. coming

C. booking

B. taking

D. setting

9. ____ the police the truth about the accident? A. Do you tell

C. Are you going to tell

B. Will you be telling

D. Will you tell

10. Active: They have already opened the museum. Passive: A. The museum is already been opened. B. The museum have been already opened. C. The mu�eum was already be opened. D. The museum has already been opened. PART IV. · Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. ( 10 points)

1. The yo�g is very active and they can continue our unfinished work. A




2. Bob wasn't out of his house since he was given a computer. A D C 3. My father has hired a car and he will learn to drive. A B c· D 64

4. The windows are cleaned today and then we'll be able to see out. A




5. Mr. Ba isn't on the phone, that makes it difficult to contact him. A




PART V. Fill in each numbered blank of the following p�ssage with a suitable word. (20 points)

A lot of (1)____ (2) (3)

people like to play their records as loudly as possibl�. The is that the rest of the family and the neighbo�s often complain they don't like. the music. One answer to this problem is to headphones, but headphones are usually uncomfortable.

An armchair (4) has a record-player system built into it has just designed by a British engineer, Stephen Court. (5) The armchair looks like an ordinary armchair (6)____ a high , back. However, each of the two sides of the chair has three loudspeakers inside to reproduced by a reproduce middle and high sounds. Low sounds (7) pair of loudspeakers in a hollow space under the seat. Anyone (8)____ sits in the chair hears sounds coming from all around his/her head. Becau�e we cannot tell the exact source (9)____ which low sounds come, it doesn't matter that.they come from underneath or behind. It is the higher (10) coming from the sides of the chair that create a stereo effect. PART VI.

Finish �e second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the-first oq.e, beginning with the given words or phrases. (20 points)

1. When Minh was small, he usually slept with his brother. . Minh used -,----------------------2. It's three years since I started using tbis bicycle. I have


3. No one has ever answered these questions. ,•;.� '"of&.'

. These question�--------------------5A-B6TR0TA10


4: Julia is talking with a dump man. The man who


5. I've arranged to meet Mr. Trung tomorrow·evening. I'm


PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words I given. ( 10 points)

1. Lot / modem equipment· / have / use / house I make I life / more comfortable. 2. You I classmates/ go/ visit/ Ha Long Bay/ next weekend? 3. Man/ who/ p�ay/ piano / concert/ last night/ be/ blind. 4. Tom I just I buy I new computer I which/ surprise/ all/ us. 5. I/ not used/ wear / bright colours/ when / young.


, 5B-B6TR0TA10









Coe phuong ti�n thong tin d9i· ch(mg Nguam: Nguyen om doi / 00/, /t-+o/ va / o/ Ngu phap VO cau true:

- 6n t¢p thoi hi$n tQi hoan thanh - Cau true voi because of va in spite of Because·· -of his illness he had to cancel the appointment. In spite of his illness he managed to come to school.


Tu vvng ve cac phuong ti�n gioo tiep va thong

tin dQi chung


I. · Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. I. A. decision

2. A. great 3. A. voice 4. · A. n�ture · 5. A.shyness

R excite B. steak B. noise B. chW,lllel B. reply

C. alive C. feature C. destroy� C. ch�ge C. multiply

D. spite D. br�akable D.join� D. newspm,er D� syllable . 67

II. Complete the sentences with present perfect of the appropriate verb from the list. Use each verb only once. Include any words given in parentheses. know










1. A: How about some more pie? B: No, thanks. I can't swallow another �it. I (already) ______ too much. 2. Jane is expecting a letter from me, but I (not)______ to her yet. Maybe I'll call her instead. 3. Jack is living in Spain now. His Spanish used to be terrible, but it ________ greatly since he moved there. to talk yet. My friend's baby, who is 4. Our baby (not) several months older, can already say a few words in English and a few words in French. 5. 1A: I hear your parents are coming to visit you. Is that why you're cleaning your apartment? the floor, but Lstill need B: You guessed it! I (already) to dust the furniture. Want to help? 6. A: I understand Tom is a good friend of yours? How long (you) -----------¡ him? B: Since we were kids. lots of mistakes 7. Everyone makes mistakes in life. I in my life. The important thingis to learn from one's mistakes. Right? 8. A: I (never) on the subway in New York City. Have you? B: I've never even been in New York City. in the Atlantic Ocean? 9. A: (You, ever) B: No, only the Pacific - when I was in Hawaii. I even went snorkeling when I was there. 10. Little Freddie a lot since I last saw him. He's going to be tall just like his father, isn't he? 68

III. Give the correct form of the· given words to complete the following sentences.

1. There are many good ---- programmes on VTV2.


and present magazmes 2. Newspapers information---3. Advertising ____ us to buy things that we don't really need.


4. One disadvantage of the Internet is that it takes such as watching TV time away from and reading. 5. TV can make things more brings both· sounds and pictures.

because it


6. The media help increase the and.games. 7. Do you know what the behaviour is?


of sports POPULARY for your bad PUNISH

8. It is a good book because it is very_·____ 9. Reading funny · stories is an to r�lax.



10. Watching Wildlife World programmes· makes us more aware of our global ____


IV. Fill the each gap with one suitable word.

British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much other activities time glued to the telly and not enough time (1) (2) _ sports and reading. A survey recently carried out on people's viewing habits (3). not disprove this. It shows that young people in Britain spend on (4) 23' hours a week in front of tli.e televisiop, . l* �· . . (5) works out at oyer three hours every day. . p

(6) · is surpnsmg,. however, is the fact that · the average adult watches (7) to more: an incredible 28 hours a week. We (8) household in the have become a nation of addicts. Just about. (9) 69

country has a television and (10) half have . two or more. watch to the survey, people nowadays don't (12) (11) television sitting in (13)____ living-rooms, they watch it in the kitchen and in,bed as (14)---The Education Minister said a (15) weeks ago that Britain's pupils spend more time reading. Unfortunately, parents are not ¡setting a (16) reading than young people. In fact, good example: adults do (17) reading is (18) the bottom of their list of favourite pastimes. They would (19) listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to on their television at home. (20) V. Choose the correct completion for each of the following sentences.

1. Because ofmy hunger, ____ A. I ate a lot at dinner B. I ate less than usual C. I waited my roommates for lunch D. I didn't eat anything at all 2. In spite ofthe fact that ____, the hungry man ate every bit ofit. A. an apple is both nutritious and delicious B. the cheese tasted good to him C. the bread was old and stale D.. the meal was cheap 3. In �piteofhis wet and muddy shoes, Brain ____ A. took them off at the front door B. walked right into the house and across the carpet C. wore wool socks D. washed them immediately 4. Although , John got on the plane. A. his fear offlying B. he is married C. the flight attendant welcomes him aboard. D. he is afraid of flying i.


5. Foxes can use their noses to find their dinners because ____ A. they have a keen sense of smell B. mice and other small rodents move very quickly C. of their noses smell good D. they have keen vision VI. Look at the following radio programmes for Saturday afternoon, then write True (T) or False (F) for each sentence. RADIO 1



1.30 2.00 Record Review News Building a library 2.00. of classical 1.45 Tennis music The Business Becker V Programme McEnroe 3.15 The Natural 2.30 World 3.30 The Afternoon Athletics Sharks: Are all Play Track events sharks The Short from Centration dangerous? Summer:an exciting mystery 4.15 4.00 by Alan Wright Dave Law Dreams More pop music How do dreams 4.15 from America ¡help us? Music for Tea with Mabel Stern 5.45 4.40 The Shore The Money 5.30 Show programme Gardener's Pete Shore Starting a small World introduces business? Want Help and advice some new to earn a million from Don Smith singers dollars? 1.25 Sailing

RADI04 1.45 Nin hao Beijing Lesson 1 in a Chinese course for beginners 2.15 City Safari. Interesting wild animals and birds which live in cities 3.10 The New Arts Show This week:Ken More's latest book 4.45 The Big Laugh Another programme in this popular comedy series 7f


The programme on Radio I at twenty-five past one is chiefly for people who are keen on sailing.


There is an exciting mystery on Radio 4 on Saturday aft(?moon. _


People can listen to Radio 3 at half past five if they want advice on growing plants and flowers.

4. 5.

There are two comedy programmes on Saturday afternoon. There is a programme at four o'clock for people who are interested in helping others.


There is a programme about birds in the Natural World series ¡on Saturday.


The:re are two programmes for businessmen on Saturday afternoon.


You cannot listen to the whole of Dave Law's and Mabel Stem's programmes because they 'both begin at the same time.


People listen to "City Safari" and "The Natural World" because they are interested in wild life.

10. People listen to Radio 4 at a quarter to two because they want to learn Chinese.

¡ VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each blank.

In the modem World, there is a wealth of leisure activities to choose (O) __ . Entertainment industries (I)__ for your leisure time. You can watch TV, listen to music, go to an - art gallery or concert or, of course, read a book. . Sometimes it seems that reading is (2)__ because, (3)__ you're a fast reader, it can take a (4)__ amount of time to _finish a_ novel, for example. But in the (5) __._world, time is something that can be in short supply. . Book publishers haven't been (6)_. _ to realize this and are now selling a product which needn't (7)__ as much of your time_ but still tells you an excellent story. The new product is the audiobook - cassette recordings of shortened novels, often read by well-known personalities or the authors ' themselves. Audiobooks are (8)__ new but people are becoming more aware ,of them and sales are increasing (9)__. One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they're (IO)__ listening to the radio, only better. You can listen to what you want and when you want, and you 72

won't ever (11)_·_ anything. Much of their appeal (12)__ in their flexibility. They (13) you to do other things while you're listening, such as driving.or (14)__ the housework. For some people, audiobooks can be a much more enjoyable way of ( i 5)__ knowledge than reading. D. out ©. from 0. A. among B. with 1. A. chase B. compete D. pursue C.oppose 2·. A. neglected B. declined D..disposed C. lessened D. even if 3. A. in spite B. no matter C.regardless of 4. A. plentiful B.broad D. lasting C.considerable 5. A. current B.new D. modem C.present B.slow D. overdue 'C.delayed 6. A. behind 7. A. take up· B..fill out D. pass by C.go through B.approximately C.roughly 8. A. partly D. relatively 9. A. ever since then C.up until now B. all the time D. from then on 10. A. as B. same C.like D. both ·11. A. pass B. lack C. miss D. lose 12. A. stands B. belongs D. lies C.bases 13. A. grant B. allow C.spare D. afford 14. A. doing B.running C.making D. cleaning 15. A. grasping· . B.catching C.gaining D. raising . VIIL Complete the following sentences by using because, because of, though or in spite of.

her toothache. l. Lan went to the dentist his toothache. 2. Nam didn't go to.the dentist she didn't have a toothache. She just 3. Nga went to the dentist wanted a check-up. 4. the fact that Dan is fairly tall, he can't reach the ceiling. Matt is very tall, he can reach the ceiling. 5. 6. Tim can't reach the1 ceiling he isn't as tall as Matt. 7. ____ not being tall, Nick can reach the ceiling by standing on· a chair. 73

8. Eric's brother didn't iron his shirt ---- it was wrinkled. its wrinkle. 9. My brother ironed his shirt 10. I would like to raise tropical fish it's difficult.to maintain a fish tank in good condition. IX. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. 1. We didn't buy the colour TV because of its high price. Because the colour TV 2. Although the Internet has some bad effects. more and inore people use it. In spite -------------------------------­ �. In spite of a heavy snowstorm. the reporters went out to do their tasks. Even though ___ _____ _ ______________ 4. The weather was very bad. so they had to cancel the live show. Because 5. He bought a newspaper to read about the football match though he saw it on TV last night. In spite _______ X. Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of radio. Using the suggesti_ons below. Advantages of radio �

Cheap to buy; Only cost some hundred thousand VND..


Radio waves are strong, easy to handle, so we can listen to radio anywhere, any time.


There. are many good programmes on radio. They entertain and educate us.

Disadvantages. of radio


Only provides information through mouth


There are few live programmes on radio.


We cannot watch interesting programmes (films, football matches, quiz shows etc.)



Which of the words in each headline can be replaced by one of the words below. Mark them both. for e;y,arnp!e;

I. a@).

b -continue c succeed d d�l�y�d ' ·/··-·

4. r-----��­

2.· a stops b 'votes c �ncourages d prevents 3. a finished b increased c refused d begun 4. a changes b improves . c influences d decreases S. a disaster



b destruction c escape d answer


6. a chooses b sacks c pays

d criticises 7. a agreement b fight c· discussion d inquiry


8. a wa:nt b expect c express d lose


9. a players b supporters c managers d families

10. a risk b win c opportunrty d prize




chu de:

Lang que VO


song nang than

Nguam: Nguyen am dai /au/ va /au/ Ngu phap va CCU true: - On t¢p cau dieu ki$n IOQi 1: If you go to medical college, you will become a doctor.

- cau gian tiep: "Our lives have changed a· lot." -> An old farmer said (that) their lives had changed a lot.


- Tu vvng ve long que VO CUQC song a nang than - ,D(>ng tu dung trong cau gian tiep

BAIT!P I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced . differently from the rest.


I. A. mouth

B. fountain

C. loudly

D. poultry

2. A. potatQ

B. rQse

C. mQtor

. D. intrQduce

3. A. knowledge

B. arrow

C. bowl

D. throw

4. A. roast

B. foam

C. abroad

D. toad

5. A. towel

B. crow

C. drown

D. brow

II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D for each of the following s.entences. 1. Jack will miss his bus ---- he leaves now. A. if

B: unless

D. until

C. when

2. If it ____ tomorrow, we'll stay at home. A. rains

B. will rain

D. would rain

C. rained

3. Peter told me that he �as leaving for the capital ____ A. tomorrow

C. tonight

B. the following week

D. next Sunday

4. The villagers have tried a lot to A. better

their lives.

B. further

D. longer

5. He -----'- his eyes if he reads in bad light. A. ruined

B. would ruin C. ruins

D. will ruin

6. He said that he_· ___ on the farm all day the previous day. A. worked

C. had worked·

B. has worked

D. would work

7. My family will go.to the beach ____ summer comes. A. if

B. unless

C. when.

D. because

8. If I ---- Joe this afternoon, I ---- him your news. A. see -·tell

C. will see - tell

B.- see - will tell

D. will see· .. will tell

9. ____ are those for export, not for use by the people who grow them. A. Bumper crops

C. Lost crops · ,

B. Cash crops

D. Ruined .crops



10. Direct speech: "I don't return to my village very often,"·�aid'.Nam. Reported speech: A. Nam said that I don't return to my village very often;: B. Nam said tha,. he doesn't return to his village very often., . ' C. Nam said that he didn't return to his village very often. D. Nam said that he wasn't return to his village very o.ften. III. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase ifrom. the. list . l>elow. Use each item once only. hedge


main crops

quiet suburb

rural life

spoil the view

roake wayfor tiny village ·. · ·

outskirts wander

1. When they had nothing to do, they would ____ around the shopping center. 2. Our house is in a

about 2 miles from the city center.

3. The hall has been demolished to 4. As they live on the walk in the country. 5. The pace of


the newsports center. j

, ' •

of town, they can ·quite easily go for a seems much slower to people from.the city.

6. We don't want tourists leaving everywhere as this area has · been designated as one of outstanding natural beauty. 7. Rice is one of the



grown in this region.··

8. The that used to separate ·the two fields has'been replaced by a barbed-wire fence. 9. Those electricity pylons completely ____ over �e valley. 10. She dreamed of retiring to a



with a beautiful'garden�

IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a s��ta_ble word.

Let's take a (1) at a modem farm of the Smiths.·Life.on the farm is very different from farm life (2)____ many city people.·could. imagine. ,



their Good roads and· cars mean that they can get to town, (3) a short time. If they buy food in great shopping, and be back home (4) in a home freezer. amount, it can be (5) For Mr. Smith's children, modem farm life is diffe�ent from the life parents knew. Today a big· yellow bus (7)_- ___ them to a (6) a lot city children, they (9) large school miles away. Just (8) the of time watching television or talking to their friends ( 10) telephones. V. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts A, B, C or D of each sentence and correct it.

1. Should I tell you the secret, did you promise not to tell it to anyone else? D ' A B C 2. I said to Helen that if she works hard, she'd pass her exams. D A C B 3. They told him that they had seen him go with.a stranger last night. A




4. The farmers had to work hardly in the fields all day. A D B C 5. When you come out of the station, go straight then take the two turning A



on the right.

D VI. Put the following sentences into the reported speech.

1. "It isn't so foggy t�day as it was yesterday," I remarked. 2 .. "Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun," she said. 3. ''If you put on the kettle, I will make the tea," said Jane. 4. "I came back to my home town last Sunday," said Mr. Pitt. 5. "Our village has changed a lot for the last ten years," said the f�rmer. 6. "I don't know what to do with all my fruits," said Tom. 7. "I wish my children would eat vegetables," she said. 79

8. "We weren't in the city on Friday night," they said. 9. "I'm not going with you to the park tomorrow,'' _saiq Julie to Mary� _ 10. "We can't reach the top untilthis afternoon," said the l�ader.· VII. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. An Italian village in Wales

The scenery in North Wales is magnificent and so this area is very popular wit� tourists. Situated on a dramatic p�k of the rocky co�tline· is a villager' (1)__ in Britain, called Portmeirion. The dream of the architect Clough Williams-Ellis, its construction began in 1925 and he finally · (2)__ in finishing the (3) __ in 1973. The result is a copy of a small, and very beautiful, Italian village. As you wander down the (4)__ paths towards_the 'village you can (5)__ the sea through the trees; and there is a marvelous· (6)_' __ - _ of the whole coastline from the top of the church tower. (7)____ the�ouses,' shops and restaurants, there is a luxury hotel, which seems, at (8)_· _-_•·_ t- ide, almost to float on the Water. Most of the houses are (9)__ to visitorsin the.sU111IIler months,. . It is (10)_· __ a few people do liv� in Portmeirion all year (11) possible for (12)__ ', to visit the village for the day (13)_. ___ payment of a small entrance (14)__ . Late spring and early autumn are the best times.to visit, ( 15)__ in the early morning when the only sound that cflri be heard is the splashing of the water in the fountains. 1. A. single B. unique .D� only C.particular 2. A.succeeded .D.achieved B. managed C. resulted 3. A. task B. attempt D.labour· C.effort 4. A. curling B. winding .D.waving C.rolling 5. A. glimpse B. glance C.look · ·D. catch 6. A. display B. view C.sight D. outlook 7. A. As well B.More than D.Apart. C.In addition · 8. A· complete B. big C.maximuni -D.high 9. A. charged B. paid C. let D.borrowed 10. A. although B. otherwise D.despite C.even 80

11. A.by 12. A.spectators 13. A.in 14. A.ticket 15. A.particularly

B.·along B.onlookers B. over B.fee B.exactly

C.round C.observers C.from C.fare C. precisely

D.down D.sightseers D.on D.subscription D.distinctly

VIII. �ead the passage and answer the questions that follow. THE HOPI INDIANS OF ARIZONA

The Hopi Indians live in the northeastern part of Arizona in the United States. The United States is a very modem country.Tall buildings, highways, computers,, . and hundreds of other .modem things are part of every American's life. �omehow, with modem things all around them, the Hopis keep their tradit�ons. There are about 5,000 Hopis and-they live in thirteen village in th� desert. The weather is very hot in summer, but in winterit freezes.Farming is difficult. Com is the HQpis' main food, but they plant vegetables tod: They raise sheep, goats, and cattle. They also eat hamburgers and ice cream and drink soft drinks. They live in traditional stone houses, but many cf them have telephones, radios, and televisions.They have horses butther have pickup trucks too. The children attend school and learn English and other subjects.A few Hopis go to university. Some of the·adults live and work in nearby towns. The .children attend school, but they also ·1earn the language, dances, and stories because· but they don't want to lose their traditions. 1. Where do the Hopis live? 2. What is the weather like in the Hopi villages? 3. What is modem about some of their houses? 4. Where do Hopi children learn English? 5. Why do they teach �eir childrentheir language,-dances and stories?



IX. Read the situations, then complete each sentence.

0. You want to leave the party now because you are worrie� abqut missing the last bus. You say: Ifwe don 't leave the party now. we will miss the last bus� 1. A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom; You are worried about breaking the windows. You say: lfwe


2. Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog, so you say: Ifyou���������������������3. It's raining. You want to stand under a tree because you·are worried about getting wet. You say: lfwe ------------------------

4. You want to take the bus to the city center. Yo� friend wants· to walk.. You are worried about getting tired. You say: Ifwe ---------------'-----------

5. You are walking to school with a friend. You don'.t warit to beJate. You suggest hurrying. You say:. ·Ifwe


X. Use the words given to coi:nplete each sentence of the.following]etter..

Dear Sean,


1. I/ write/ invite/ you l party/ we I have/ flat/ February 22 . 2. As I know/ it/ Ann/15th birthday/ next week/ sp/ we think /celebrate it. 3. I/ not remember/ if/ you/ be / round/ flat/ befor�, 4. but I anyway/ if/ follow/ directions b�low / not get lost 5. Take/ bus number 15 / bus-stop/ get off/ Star Hotel.-


. · "6B-B6TR0TA10

6. Walk down / Cromwell Road/ past/ Odeon Cinema I then / take/ first turning I right. . 7. Tum left / first junction / then / straight / past· I church / as far I next crossroads. 8. Right/ and/ block/ flats/ second/ right. 9. Of course/ welcome/ bring / someone/ you/ if/ want. I 0. i / look forward/ see/ you/ soon. Love, Sue

FUN CORNER Sageworth

Direction• 1 Read these directions, following them on the map of �ageworth. Write the letter Z where you think the writer lives. When yov leave the bus station, turn right iind walk to the junction of Elm Avenue and Hanover Road. Turn left and walk up Hanover Road, passing the Bank of Asia on your left ane a

small park ju� opposite. Cross

Woodlawn Lane and continue up Hanover Aoad ..On your left you will see the new Ford Supermarket and on your right the ABC Cinema. Cross ,tlanover Road at the zebra· crossing· just before the·. Street Lane junction end k"p straight on until the road forks. Then bear right and walk along Ash Grove, crossing it at the zebra crossi� in front of the t.rust.Hotet. Take the first turning left ·after the hotel and walk some distance- up this .street. rake the fourth turning ·teft. and you will see my house at the end of the street the right-hand side just opposite a travet··agen�.


2 Now direct someone back from the writer's house to the bus station. Use the paragraph above as the basis for your directions.


FIRST TERM TEST Time allowed: 60 min. · Part I.

(Tt>tal: .100 points)

Decide the word which is pronounced diHerently · in the part underlined in each line. (10 points)

1. A. comp�te

B. �limination

C. v�ssel

D. ·d�lightful

2. A. arouse

B. house

C. mouse

D. shoulder

3. A., b!!tterfly

B. S!!btropical

C. f:yrious

4. A. emhassy·

B. cham]2er

C. hanyan

D. P!!JllP D. climhing

5. A. thus

B. weather

C. ethnic

D. therefore

Part II.

. .

Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the. following sentences. (10 points)

1. Opposite our house there is a large park, __ . ·.· there·· are. beautiful trees and flowers. A. that


B. which

·o� in'that

2. My uncle drank a lot of beer,__ made him fat. A. that

B. which

C. that'� why

,· D. it ..

3. Peter, __'_ I played tennis yesterday, was much fitt�r than me. A. who

B. whom

C. with whom

·D. ·withwho

4. Modem machines make man's work A. less easy

B. easier

C. more easily

D. more difficult

5. She is going to finish her homework, __ ?' A. is she

B. will she

C. doesn't �he

D. isn't she-·

6. Please don't'__ to put stamps on the letters I gave y�uto post. A. forget

B. refuse



7. There is only one student in the classroom __·_ his lesson . A. prepares 84

B. to prepare

C. was preparing·o. preparing

8 . Susan

as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.

A. has worked

C. was working

B. has been working

D. had been working

9. __ another cup of tea, Janet? A. Do you like

C. Would you like

B. Are you like

D. Will you like

10. __ you were all sitting at your desks working hard last week, we were sitting on a plane bound for Hawaii. A. Despite

Part III.

C. As soon as

. B. While

D. Whenever

Choose the best conjunction from the box to fill each: gap in the following sentences. There are one or two that you don't need to use. (20 points)

unless if because

so so that since

because of in spite of although

as or while

1. Mary works hard ____ her poor health. 2. Shall I phone him

do I have to write him a ietter?

3. He had to run as fast¡ as possible _____ he could catch the last bus home. 4. He couldn't take part in the game _____ he had been injured a few days earlier. 5. I didn't go to school today___

I haven't been feeling well.

6. I haven't been out for an evening______ we went to live here. 7.

She looked at a magazine

she was waiting for a bus.

8. Theweather wasn't very nice

we didn't go camping after all.

9. We'11 go to the sea tomorrow _____ it rains. 10. He said I could borrow his cat ---

I wanted.


Part IV. Fill each of the blanks wi�h an article or nothing (<I>). (10 points)·

Once a mopth, the moon travels in (l)__ complete circl�aroupdthe·earth. And as it moves in its circle, it seems to change (2)._·-. · shape.. T!iisis.because we on earth see only that section of the moon that catches (3) __. sun's ligljt: When the sun, the moon and the earth are in (4) __· · straight _line with the . moon in {5) __ middle, it is impossible for us to see the moo�. At this point, the moon is said to be new. We are unable to see it in this position because (6)'__ side facing the earth is in shadow. As the new moon begins to circle the earth, however, we begin to see that part of its surface that catches the sun'slight. After (7) __ some days, it reaches the position where we can se� a half moon. When it moves further around the position where the earth is between-the sun and the moon, we see (8) __ full .moon. Later it again becomes ,(9) _:,_._. \half moon, becoming smaller and smaller until it disappears again to become (10) __ new moon.This cycle takes 28 days or a month. Part V. Circle the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to ·complete the pa�sage. (20 p) .

In our daily life we need to .communicate with ( 1) _,._. We do this mostly by speaking· to other people and l,istening to (2) __ they hav� to· say t() us; and when we are close (3) __ them we can do this very easily. However, our voices will not travel very ( 4.) __ even when we shout. - _.) The man who (5) this possible was Alexander· Graham Bell, a · Scotsman. Born in Edinburgh in 184 7, Bell, a teacher of visible speech who later moved to Canada, (6) __ all his spare time experimenting. (7) __ enthusiastic a means of sending speech (9) _· _. electricity was he in his research (8) that he left (10) time for his day-to-day work and atone time was almost penniless.


1. A. you

B.one another

C. them-

2. A. that 3. A.with

B.this B.to

C.what C.from


4. A. far 5. A.had

B. fast

C. quickly

D. distantly


C. made


6. A.took


C. cost

D. spent

7. A. So

B. Very


D. Such

D. pther

--o� which,

8; A. at 9. A. in 10. A. some Part VI.

B. for B. with B. much

C. to C. by C. little

D. by D. enough D. enough

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each questions. ( 10 points)

A popular theory explaining the evolution of the universe is known as the Big Bang Model. According to the model, at some time between ten and twenty billion years ago, -an present matter and energy were compressed into a small ball only a few kilometers in diameter. It was, in effect, an atom that contained in the form-of pure energy all of the components of the entire universe. Then, at the moment in time that astronomers refer to' as T=O, the ball exploded, hurling the energy into space. Expansion occurred. As the energy cooled, most of it became matter in the form of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These original particles combined to form hydrogen and helium, and continued into galaxies with stars and planets. 1. Which sentence below best summarizes this passage? A. The Big Bang theory does not account for the evolution of the umverse. B. According to the Big Bang Model, an explosion caused the formation of the universe. C. The universe is made of hydrogen and helium. D. The universe is more than ten billion years old. 2. According to this passage, when were the galaxies formed? A. Ten billion years¡ ago B. Fifteen billion years ago C.At T = 0 D. Twenty billion years ago 3. The environment before the Big Bang is d�scribed as all of the following EXCEPT ...... . - A. compressed matter B. energy C. all the components of the universe , D. protons, neutrons, and electrons 87

4. The word "compressed" in_ line 3 could best be replaced by·�····. A. excited

B. balance

C. reduced

·o. controlled

5. It may be inferred that ...... . A. energy and matter �e the same B. protons, neutrons, and electrons are not matter C. energy may be converted into matter D. the galaxies stopped expanding as energy cooled Part VII. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that their meaning stays the same, using the words given at the beginning of each. (10 points)

1. Did they ask you any questi,ons about it?

· Were you______________________ ?

2. He was in the habit of getting up very late.· He used 3. , He is talking.to the girl with long hair. The girl whom ---'---..--------------4. "You had better go to see the doctor immediately". She advised 5. They want to buy a bigger house butthey don't have enough money. If they -------------------------Part VIII. Write a thank ..you letter from Linh to Michael, using the cues giv�n below. (10 points)

1. Thank / see off/ Heathrow Airport / last night 2. have pleasant flight / but tired / when / land / Noi Bai airport / this morning 3. I pick / lot / English / my stay I you/ arid also/ learn much/ English people / culture 4. have / get back / school / soon / but / be / confident / English / now. 5. Thank / again / your hospitality/ everything / do/ me 88

Unit 9



DQi duong va doi song sinh v¢t bien Nguam: Nguyen am doi /ia/, /ea/ vo /ua/ . Ngu phap VO cau true:

- Cau true vai d(>ng tu khuyet thie11 should We should place rubbish in the dustbins.

- Cou dieu ki�n loQi 2: What would happen if I pressed that red button?


Tu. vvng

ve doi song sinh v¢t bien VO boo V$ d9ng'v¢t bien


Choose the w:ord in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from. the rest.

1. A. fairly ·

B. square

C. beard

D. dare

2. A. tearing 3. A. swear

B. appear B. bear

C. 'clearly C. pear

D.·rear D. spear

4. A. sure 5. A. engineer

. B. poor B. where

C. gradual C. Austriia

D. sour D. pier .89



II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

1. I ____ go to class, but' I don't feel good. I think l'd',better stay athome. B.must




' 2. Sally ____ the phone if she were)n the room now._

A.will answer


B. shall answer '.c ansWel" . . �ould /

3. Marine plants and animals fall A. don

B. in


B. attempt


· 4. This pie is very·good. You should -5. I language.

D. answered

three major g;��

, C.with \�into . · . a piece. D.win


my native

a student in this class if English C.won't be - were

.A. won't be - is

D.wouldn't be - is

,� wouldn't be - were

6. Whales and sharks are still ---- for food and medicine. .·





A. �hould

B. will


A. would go

B. went

C.had gone_

B. camp


7. I don't think you _- ___ to work for him this summer.


'\..,....pi : ought .,.....

8. W�:re>the weather nice today, we ____, to the sea. 9.

p. cooked

are used to catch fish and other sea creatures.,,--"'--;/·n}Explosives _./Ai:.-�?(plodes B. Explosion C.Explosive \ I \,--__./ · . 10. ''We should tell.people not to the beach. ·A.threaten




/b} litter \._,,/

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If she (leave)____ the fish there, the cat (get)___,__ i,t. 2. If you slept under a mosquito net, you (bite)____ so often. 3. Ifwe (have)____ more rain, our crops (grow)_·___.;,.....___ faster.


4. Ice (turn)

to water if you (heat)


5. If we (work) all night, we (finish) have no intention of doing it.

in time; but we

it to 6. If we (have) a submarine now, we (use) investigate the seabed. - 7. Were he �en years younger, he (take)____ part in the voyage around the world. 8. Should ,you come late, they (not let)____· you in. 9. He might get rid of his cough ifhe (not smoke)____ so much. 10. If someone (give)____ you a boat what you (do)____? IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable wor�. The shark is a meat-eating fish and one of the most feared animals of the sea. Scientists (1) about 259 species of ,fish as sharks. These fish live in common in warm seas. · oceans throughout the world, but they are (2) Sharks Vary greatly in (3) and habits. Whale sharks, the- largest kind of shark, may grow 60 feet long. A whale shark (4) up to 15 tons more than _twice (5) much as an African elephant. The smallest sharks may measure only 4 inc?es (6) and weigh less than I ounce. Some kinds of near the sharks live in the depths of the ocean, but others are (7) surface. Some species live in coastal waters, but others dwell far out at sea. A (8) species can even live in fresh water. All sharks are carnivores (meat-eaters). Most of them eat live fish (9) other sharks. A shark's prey whole, or only natural enemy is a larger shark. Sharks eat ( I 0) they tear off large chunks of flesh. They also feed on dead of dying anim�ls. J----

V. Giveadvice to these people� Use I think ... should or I don't think ... should. , E.g.: My hair is too long. (get it cut) I think you should get it cut.

1. Nga has gota very bad cold. (go to bed) 2., Jenny and Tonny are only sixteen, b�t they say they want to get married. (get married) 91

3. I've ·lost checkbook and credit card. (phone your bank) 4. Mr. Phong wants to drive ho�e, but he hasn't goth�s'glasses. (drive) 5. My tooth hurts. (go. to the dentist) 6. There is a hole in my shoe. I only bought them last week! (take them:back to the shop) 7. Ann's phone bill was enormous! $300! (check the bill with the phone company) 8. My children spend all their pocket money on sweets. (spend it all on sweets) 9. Mai's crying because I-pushed her. It was an accident. (apologize to her) 10. Mary would like to make some new friends. (join some clubs)


VI. Five sentences have been removed from the article below. Cboose'from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. There is an .unnecessary sentence. .


UNDERWATER WORLD If you want to_ dive in clear blue waters, find rich marine life and swim over the remains thrown away-by ancient sailors, the tiny island of Ustica. is the place to go. This island; 60km from the Italian coast, is the, site of Europe·'s only underwater museum. (l)____ .The clear waters attract some of the world's best underwater divers. The International Academy of Underwater Sciences, which was set up to encourage underwater exploration, is based in Ustica. (2) _____. Dr Honor Frost, a British underwater archaeologist and Golden Trident winner, believes that Ustica shows that some underwater remains are best left in the surroundings where they have been preserved for centuries. (3) ____ According to Frost, the establishment of the underwater museu:in has made an interesting area of sea floor, together with the objects which fell to it in antiquity, safe for future study. (4) The charm of Ustica's underwater world, though, is not only in its· historical objects.. The sea of Ustica, as far as five kilometers from the coast, is considered 92


to possess Italy's best underwater reserves, as well as some of the clearest waters in the Mediterranean. (5) . You dive into a world of wonderful archaeological remains and fantastic colours: bright coral, an astonishing variety of seaweeds and colonies of sponges. A. Many questions remain to b� answered about the museum site. B. Above these, within �5 metres ofthe surface, divers can see octopus and all kinds of fish. C. This excellent visibility - often up to 20 metres - makes it a great place for underwater photography. D. This gives divers the experience of underwat�r archaeology with�ut disturbing important sites. E. This month it · presented its G�lden Trident awards, the underwater equivalent of the Nobel prizes, which have been awarded annually since 1960. F. Only here can divers· explore, labeled exhibits such as anchors, pots and millstones, which fell to the sea floor centuries ago.

VII. Each sentence below contains. an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided.

1. I wouldn ;t mind living in Alaska if the weather �ould 1. be better. 2. Sperm whales are the most . bigge.r animals that have 2. teeth on earth. ··�.,·��

3. · The smallest dolphin is . about 50 kilograms in weight 3. and 1.5 metres in tc;mg. 4. Were I_tC> have a ship, I will travel around the oceans on 4. earth. 5. 5. I'm feeling sick. I shouldn't eat so much chocolate. 93

VIII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

The whale is the largest mammal in the world. Since the Whale is shaped like a fish, why is it still considered a mamnial? The fact is that the whale did live on land a very long time ago. However, during its thousand of years of living in water, the whale gradually become structured like a fish. Thus, the whale has adapted to marine }ife. Nevertheless,. though the whale resembles the fish externally, it still has the characteristics of a mammal. One important difference between the whale and a fish is that the baby whale is born alive. It is not hatched from an egg. Furthermore, the baby whaJ'e is fed on its mother's milkjust like other mammals. Unlike other sea creatures, the whale is a warm blooded �imal. It keeps itself warm in the cold water with a layer of blubber. 'Blubber' is a layer of oily tissue that protects the internal organs and retains heat. 1. What does the word "mammal" mean? A. An animal that lives on land. B. An animal that lives in the sea. C. An.animal that eats meat. D. An animal that drinks milk from its mother. 2. What does the word "it" at the¡ end of the first paragraph refer to? A. a fish

B. the whale

C. a mammal

3. What is the purpose of 'blubber'? A. It protects the internal organs.

C. It gives milk.

B. It retains heat.

D. Both A and B.

4. Which sentence ts NOT true about the whale? A. The baby whale is hatched from an egg. B. It is the largest animal on earth. C. The baby whale is fed on its mother's milk. D. The whale is a warm blooded animal. 94

D. milk¡

5. Which sentence is TRUE about whales? A. They don't look like fish. B. They are only the largest animals in the sea. C. They used to live on land. D. They only live in warm water.


IX. Rewrlte each of the following sentences using an IF condition.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8. 9. 10.

She's very thin; perhaps that's why she feels cold so much. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart. He can't park near his office; that's why he doesn't come by car. My house is guarded by two big dogs. That's the only reason it isn't broken into every night. The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone. I don't know her e-mail address, so Tcan't tell you. I can't play football this afternoon because I feel tired. She works in the evening. She has no time to play with her children. He hasn't got a watch. He is always late for work. I am not tall enough to join the basketball team.

X. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given.

1. Whales/ say/ be I most I intelligent animals./ oceans. 2. Whales/ like / feed l cold ocean I where/ there/ be I lot I krill. 3. Blue whale/ grow (30 metres} length/ and / over 200 tons/ weight. 4. Although I sperm whales / can / fjnd / all oceans / they / prefer I waters I high squid/ populations. 5. Some wh�les / know / move/ warm waters / give birth.

95 I ,

6. Female/ spe� whale/ give birth / one calf/ five / seven years. 7. Dolphins / be / mammals / that / live / water / and / eat/ main (fish. 8. Dolphin/ can/ normal/ live/ from/ twenty-five/ sixty".'five years. · 9. Dolphin populations / be/ risk/ due I pollution / habitat. IO. What/ happen / if/ we/ not take/ ·measures/ protect / whales / dolphins?



. Six people in this park are doing something wrong. The park keeper is going to tell them off.··

What d04:9s he say? • r:�


�� · �('!""d�




Yoe{ �lAat<ld"11t-dvhte-�. · • . ca.v- ""' tke. pca,yk.. · . -· .

Unit lO





chu de:

Bao V$ moi truong Ngliam: Ph,� am /b/ va /p/ .


Ngli phap VO CCU true:

On t¢p cau bi d¢ng: The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad. Where are these coconut trees planted?

Tuv1,1ng: D¢ng tu Tuv�mg ve �oi truong vabao V$ moi truong

BAIT!P I. Choose the .best answer for each of the following questions. . I. Choose a word that letter b is not pronounced. A. breed

B. doubt

C. valuable

D� mobile

2. Choose a word that letter bis pronounced. · A. climbing

B. debt

C. bomb

D. lab

3. Choose a word that letter p is pronounced. A. pneumonia 7A-B6TR0TA10

�. psychology

C. provisio�

b. receipt . 97

4. · Choose a word that letter p isn't pronounced; A. cupboard

B. special

C. imprison

D. camper

5. Choose a word that letter o is pronounced differently from the rest. A. body

B. bottle

C. ·postage

D. polish

II. Choose the best answer for each of the follo�ing sentences. fib)' fire? · 1. Have you ever seen a forest · A. destroy B. destroyed 2. Zoos don't want A. to see


-<c. was destroyed '


b. which destroyed as places where animals are imprisoned. C. to be seen D. being se�n B. seeing 3. Plants play an important in the natural circulation of water. A. role D. area B. section c� act 4. John Aspinall is famous for his performance· of ____ endangered ,animals. · A·g,r.owing R br�eding C. rising. D. planting 5. All the plants and animals need a constant ____ of w;1ter to live. A. offer B. borrow D. provide C. supply

6. no you know when ----;;.,?-· A. penicillin was discovered

C. was penicillin discovered B. did penicillin discover D. penicillin discovered 7. Be sure to wash these vegetables thoroughly. A lot of pesticide residue ---- on unwashed produce. A. can find C. can be found B. can found D. can be finding . 8. A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world. In some from the ground faster than nature can replenish areas, water �the supply. . A. is being taken C. is taking · B. has been taking


D. has taken 7B-B6TR0 TA10

9. Vitamin C quickly.

by the human body. It gets into. the blood stream

�- absorbs easily. ·- B. is easily absorbed

C. is easily absorbing D. absorbed easily

IO. Hundreds of species of plants and animals ____ A. are already be eliminated

C. have alreaqy been eliminated

·B. have already being eliminated

D. are already been eliminated

IIL Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Some of the _ sentences are active and som� are passive. I. At _the present time, the oldest house in town (restore)____ by the Historical Society. 2. A: What a beautifµl old wooden chest! B: It (build)____ by my grandfather over fifty years ago.

3. Many of u� take water for granted iri our daily lives, but people who live· in the desert (not use)____ water carelessly. To them, each drop is precious. 4. I (not agree) with people who say space exploration is a waste of money. What do you think? 5. Do you really think that we (invade)____ by· creatures· from outer space in the ·near future? 6. The common housefly (live)____ from 19 to 30 days. 7. You already (accept)____ by this university when you heard about the other scholarship? 8. I got into a taxi quickly because I (follow)____ by.two strange men. As soon as I got into the taxi, I felt a little safer.. 9. The impact of the earthquake yesterday (feel) lived hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter.

by people who

a lot by his friends, isn't he? He should be 10. Mark ·(influence) more independent and think for himself. 99


IV. Fill in. each numbered .blank of the following passage with a suitable word. Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of ( 1)_______ resources, so that they can continue to be used and enjoyed. In the. p�st, most people that the world's resources could never be (3)____ of up. Today, we know that this is not true. An important (4) waste · - waste of forests, soil, conservation is the prevention wildlife, minerals and human lives. As important is the fight (6)_·___ pollution of our environment, in (7)____ , the dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is also concerned the reclaiming of land (9) ___ irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea .. Farmers can protect (1 land.by yearly rotation of crops that is, growing (11 crops on the same land from year to year. In this_ way, ·elements: different ekments of the soil have time to replace (12) Farmers can help enrich the soil by adding fertilizers. They c� (13)____ up erosion by ploughing along the contours of a hill rather (14) and down. In this way water does not run off and (1 ---- the soil with it.

V. Use the passive in.· the correct tenses of the given verbs ·to complete the sentences . Use ·each verb only one time. breed










1. The Clarks' living room . in blue and white. They want it to· look nice for their daughter's wedding reception. 2. The logging industry in that country still uses animal power. After the trees are cut down, the logs to the. central camp by elephants. 3. On your trip to Tahiti, you ---------'- to' many interesting customs, delicious food, and delightful people. · . Someone 4. The old clock wasn't ticking because it ________ forgot to do it. 100

5. The news ofthe victory throughout the country over the radio and television. Everyonďż˝ heard about it almost as soon as it happened. 6. The bus was extremely-crowded. I _______ this way and that by the other passengers every time the bus turned a comer. 7. Oil exploration costs a lot ofmoney. The explorations inthe southern part ofthe country by the government. 8. Gold ------- in several countries. The nugget that Elena is wearing came from Brazil. 9. , We couldn't enter the street. A rope _______ across the street. 10. Arabian horses _______ at the Bar X ranch. They are quite expensive. VI. Use the ,word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

THE ENVIRONMENT: OUR RESPONSIBILITY These days it is, impossible -to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being and the future looks bad. What can each ofus do?rivers and seas We cannot clear up our ofplants and animals. overnight. Nor can we stop the search But we can stop adding to the pr�blem while _ for answers, and laws are passed in nature's ____ It may not be easy to change your lifestyle ____ , but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of ____ you do, or use as little plastic as possibfe. It is also easy to save bills. We must all make a energy, which also reduces to, work for the future of ou,r planet if we personal want to ____ a better world for our grandchildren.




Choose from the list A-F the most suitable heacjing for each part (1-5) of the extract. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

LOOKING AFTER THE COUNTRYSIDE - THE NATIONAL TRUST The National Trust is an organization whose aim is to conserve the British countryside. Gill Page visits the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales and talks to 9,ne of the wardens employed by the Trust to look after the beautiful areas it owns. I .




Common sense. That's what a National Trust Warden rieeds, according to Gareth Roberts. 'And you definitely need to be good at handling people, because you're continually dealing with fanners' visitor, conservationists. and building firms.' (2)___

Gareth was born and bred on the Lleyn Peninsula and worked on his parents' farm _until he married. About 80 people applied for the post as National Trust Warden for the Lleyn Peninsula. In the end, Gareth's local knowledge and fanning experience won him the job, despite his lack of formal training. (3)___ ' I find it particularly helpful that I still farm with rriy parents and that I can. deal with farmers on the same level and be aware of their problems. Also, they can't take me in about anything!' he says. His farming life also means he is well able to cope with the physical -demands of the job - erecting fences, pl�ting trees, building walls. (4)___ · Gareth says that, wl,ien he started his job, farmers and conservationists were set against each other. Both sides wanted things done their way. Now they are talking and can see each other's point of view. 'We're at the cro�sroads and there's just a small step needed to join them together,' says Gareth. (5)___ Cons.ervation is one of the main aspects of Gareth's work, along with public entry to the Trust's tenant farmers. ' My role is to make sure jobs get' finished, with as little fuss and as economically as possible. What I enjoy most is seeing .projects completed, although about half my time is spent on reports, signing bills_and so on.' • '



A. What makes him good at the job B. Towards '1:greement C. Getting things done D. Changes the environment E. The most suitable candidate F. The right qualities for the job_ VIII. Put the following sentences into the.passive voice.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The keepers feed the animals at the zoo twice a day. People say that the loss of forests has caused a lot of natural disasters. No one has watered the plants in th� garden for a long time. Did a monkey attack him when he was standing near the bars? A forest fire is destroying valuable wood, wildlife and good soil. We should use earth to put out the campfire. They want' someone to take care of the abandoned cats. Mr ! Aspinall is going to build another zoo._ Who owns Howletts Zoo in·Kent? They made him open the handbag.

IX. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. CONSERVING THE WORLD'S NATURAL RESOURCES

In the decade of the 1970s, the United Nations organized several important meetings on the human environment to study a very serious problem. We humans are destroying the· world around us. We are using up all of our natural resources. We 1:11ust learn to conserve them, or life will be very bad for our children,and,our grandchildren. There are several major parts to this problem. Distribution. Scientists say there is enough water in the world for everyone, but some countries have a lot -of water ·and· some have only a little. Some areas get , all their rain during one season. The rest of the year is dry. There are huge forests _ in the Amazon area of Brazil. In other parts of the world there is only desert. 103

Petroleum. We are using up the world's petroleum. We u�e it in our cars and to heat our buildings in winter. Farmers use petrochemicals to make the soil rich. They use them to kill insects t�at eat plants. These chemicals go into rivers and lakes and kill the fish there. Thousands of people also die from these chemicals , every year. Chemicals also go into the air and pollute it. Winds carry this, polluted air to other countries and other continents. Poverty. Poor farmers use the same land over and over. The land needs a rest so it will be better next year. However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down trees for firewood. In some areas when the trees are gone, the land becomes desert. However, people need wood to cook their food.· Poor people cannot save the environment for the future. '


We now have· the information an_d the ability to solve these huge problems. However, this is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for all humans. The people and the nations of the world must work together to conserve the world's resources. No one controls the future, but we all help make it. 1. We humans are destroying our ____ A. environment

B� farms

_C. decade

D: deserts

2. Good distribution means ---A. having things in the right places at.the right time B. cutting down forests and selling them to other countries C. building water system to carry water to farms D. conserving our natural resources 3. Petrochemicals help. make the ____ rich. A. insects

B. air

C. soil

D. water

4. Poor farmers don't give their land a rest because ____ A.,they don't have petrochemicals to kill insects B. they don't have enough land to let some of it rest each year C. they need more water D. they need firewood 104

5. Which one of these statement is NOT true?

A. People must work. together to save the environment. 8. We have the ability to solve environmental problems. C We control the future. D. We help make the fufure.

X. Complete each sentence of the following letter, using the words given. Dear John, I. Thank you/ much/ letter/ arrive/ few days ago. 2. It/ be I lovely/ hear/ you. 3. I I be sorry/ I/ not write l such / long time/ but/ I I very busy. 4. As I you I know I we l buy I new house/ September. 5. It/ be / very b,ďż˝.d condition/ and/ it/ need/ lot/ work. 6. We I finish/ most/ it/ now / and/ look/ very nice.. 7. Peter I I/ decide/ give/ house-warming party/ May 3rd. 8. You think/ you/ able/ come? 9. Please/ give/ ring/ let/ know/ you/ make it. . I 0. I/ really/ look forward/ see/ you/ again. Love, Tom 105


Find the link between the first 2 words and then find a similar link to complete the sentence. For example:

I. Pound is to pence as dollar is to: a· note b coin

c gram

2. Elephant is to hide as bird is to: a feather b wing

c beak


3. Petrol is to tank as wine is to: a label b grape

c cork

d barrel

4. Man is to foot as dog is to: a collar b nail

c paw

d tail

5. Heaven is to holy as hell is .to: a devil b evil

c murder

d violence


6. Directory is to phone number as dictionary is to: a book b translation c word



7. Video is to video-cassette as computer is to: a tape b program c screen


calculation \

8. Saucer is to crockery as paper is to: a· stationery b · envelope c office

d file

, • Lung is to breathe as throat is to: a taste b tongue

d cough

I 0. Bread is to baker as clothes are to:


@ cent

c swallow

Unit 11






chu de:

Vuon qu6c gia VO boo v� d9ng thvc v¢t hoang do

Ngii Oil): /t/ ·vo /d/ Ngu phap VO cau true: PhL;J am

Cau dieu ki�n loQi 3:

The dog wouldn't have died if you had taken greater care of it. If Mary hadn't been wearing the seatbelt, she would have be.en injured.

Tuvvng: Tu vvng ve d9ng thvc VQt hoang do VO boo v� thien nhien


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the re�t.

1. A. .recognized

8) increased

2. A. enganger 3. A. acciden!al

B. hangkerchief C. congition B. res!aurant C. foqunate

D. gefeat D. sen!ence

4. A. stayed 5. A. d�pend

B. injured B. t�mperate

D. finished D. tel�phone

C. attacked

C. arrived C. d�ntal

D. hoped


II. Choose the best answer for each of the foHowing sentences. 1. IfI ____ you were coming, I'd have met you at the station. A. knew

B. has known

C. had known · D. woula'know

2. But for your help, we ____ in trouble. A. will be

B. would be

C. had been

D, would have been

3. One species is dependent on another for ____ A. survival

B. arrival

C. national

D. approval

4. A lot of ____ animals are taken care ofin our zoo. A. empty

C. orphaned

B. lost

D. childlike

5. , The National Park has plants and animals from ____ zone. 6.

A. heat

B. coldest

If I

the competition, I

·1i. won - would go 8.

on a world cruise. ·


D. won -- would have gone

Cuc Phuong National Park was ,A ·,officially

D. temperate

( Ci 'had won - would have gone

A. win - will go


C. complete

B. potentially

opened in 1960. C. monthly

D. woodenly

This is the first national park to be----· in our country. A. organized

C. established

B. set

D. found

9. It would have been a good crop ________ through. A. ifa storm didn't sweep

C. would a storm not have swept

B. had a storm not swept

D. didn't a storm sweep


l 0. Ifit

the match.

for their good goal keeper, Liverpool

A. weren't - would lose B. hadn't been - would have lo.st

C. weren't - would have lost D. hadn't been - would lose

III. Put each·verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form. 1. Now we'ye lost! If you this (not/ happen) 2.



_ (write) down Mary's directions,

Why don't we emigrate? If we least the weather (be) better!

(live) in Australia, at

3. If my uncle (not miss)----------- the train, he (be) -------hereby now. 4. Thanks to Dr Jones, · I'm still alive! If it ______ (not/ be) for her, I (be)dead for certain. 5. I'm sorry I can't lend you, any money. You know that if I ______ (have)it I (lend)it to you. (touch) the dog, it 6. Don't be afraid. If you ______ (not/bite). (have) a job, 7. In those days, if you you (be)lucky. 8. It's always the same! If I early, my boss

(decide) to leave the office (call)me after I've left!

9. What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we _______ (kill)in the crash. (not/ miss)the plane, we 10. Did you enjoy your meal? If you _______ (finish) eating, I _______ (clear away)the plates. IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following pa�sage with a suitable word.

SAYING THE TIGER In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set ( 1)____ ''Operation Tiger" - .a campaign to save this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (2) that tigers could live in safety. The · first was at Ranthambhore, a region which was quickly turning into a desert (3) too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people's cattle. At the time there (4) just fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which mean moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land (5) be handed back to nature. Today, Ranthambhore is a ,very different place, with grass tall (6)____ forty of them in the for tigers to hide in, and there are now at (7) park, wandering freely about. Other animals h�ve also benefited. For example, there are many (8) deer and monkeys than before. The people were moved are now living in better conditions. They live in (9) new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water 109

supplies. - There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal's future little safer. looks (10) V.' Each sentence below contains an' error. Underline it arid write the correct answer in the space provided.

l. Yesterday if you didn't lend me the money, I'd have 2. gone to the bank. Mr. Phong would work in London if he speaks 3. English better. If it hadn't been raining, we would have been home 4. by now. Had I been late to �ork this · morning, I missed the 5. regular meeting.

1. If it hadn't been for David, we would mi_ss the bus. 2. 3. 4. 5.

VI. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the· following sentences.

1. The best time to visit Cuc Phuong National Park is RAIN season is over. from Octoberto April when the ' 1

2. There is a large ____ of animals that live in VARY Nairobi National Park. 3. The 1 -,. )<. · is the place yvhere parentless children ORPHAN are taken care of. 4. The ____· has threatened the park and animals CONTAMINATE that live in it. 5. The National Park is in the ____ part of the· SOUTH country. 6.

December is an

7. Don't eat that fruit. It is 8. Muong ethnic National Park. 9. Th� country is very is difficult. 10. Thank you for your 110

time to visit the park.


live m Cuc Phuong MINOR so traveling by road MOUNTAIN to dinner tomorrow.


VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

zoos J\4any people remember being taken to the zoo as a child. They remember especially the excitement of (1)__ seeing animals for the first (2)__, when before they had - only read about them in books or seen them on television. However, there is (3)__· _ discussion today ab�:mt the future of zoos and what their role should be. Supporters of zoos claim that they have an educational (4)__ and represent a good way for people of (5)__ ages to learn more about the natural world. Also, zoos provide (6)__ for important research and frequently (7)__ scientists to. help save those animals which are becoming (8)__ rare in the wild. Oppo�ents, however, criticise zoos for a number of reasons. Firstly, they say that it is (9)__ to keep animals in cages. Even in the best zoos, animals may (10)__ because the places in which they have to live are both restricted and (11)__ . This can cause them to (12)__ stress and can affect their health. Secondly, they believe that money would be (13)__ spent on protecting animals in their (14)__ environment. Finally, opponents (15)__ out that most people nowadays can see well�made nature documentaries on television' and that this is a much more valuable experience than going to a zoo. 1. A. actually

B. genuinely

C. positively

D. truly

2. A. moment ,

B. event

C. occasion

D. time

3. A. deep

B. considerable

C. large

D. important

4. A. activity

B. function

C. situation

D. occupation

5. A. several

B. both

C. all

D. every

6. A. ways

B. reasons

C. methods

D. opportunities

7. A� make

B. arrange

C. allow

D. let

8. A. completely

B. increasingly

C. totally

D. greatly

9. A. violent

B. severe

C. heavy

D. cruel

10. A. suffer

B. injure

C. fail

D. hurt

11. A. designed

B. manufactured

C. artificial

D. false

12. A. experience

B. have

C. create

D. bear 111

13. A. further

B. rather



14. A. standard

B. daily

C. typical

D. natural

15. A. pick

B. point

C. show


VIII. Five sentences have· been removed from the article below. Choose from the sentences A-F the 'one which fits each gap. There is an unnecessary sentence.

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK What exactly is Yosemite? Is it Bridalveil Fall thundering and pouring in early June? Is it a long summer's day at Tuolumne Meadows? Is it the ice-carved, rocky world of the high Sierra seen from Glacier Point? . It is an �nergetic walk over the Four Mile Trail. It is the smell ( 1) of pine trees at Hogdon Meadow camp-ground. It might also be a walk among some of the largest trees in the world. Our list could go on and on. . Roaring waterfalls. Falling hundreds of feet, fascinate even (2) the most bored traveler. Shining walls of towering rockface challenge the skills of. hundreds of mountain climbers and capture the eyes and minds of thousands of visitors. Yosemite's rushing mountain streams, �lpine landscape, forests and all the rest of its natural features combine to make this national park unique in the opinfon of nearly every observer. . These earlier inhabitants of the region left traces of a lifestyle (3) which depended upon the use of local plants and animals. Remains of that culture, on display in museums and books sometimes seen in the surfaces of rock, recalled mainly in names upon the land, show us people's lives which were directly connected to this region. . From. the earliest Spanish explorers who gave names to the (4) genera, to the fur trappers, miners and others who came seeking paths through the Sierra Nevada or hoping for personal gain, Yosemite displays an exciting past which helps us understand the present. It is a story filled with characters who were impressive enough to stay, advertise, exploit and preserve. · . While preserved for all to enjoy, perhaps not everyone can (5) enjoy_it at once. Occasionally crowded conditions disturb many first-time visitors. 112

Yosemite Valley does not seem like , · the quiet place . generally shown in photographs. An ever-increasing, demanding public raises the question - can any national park be all things to all people? A.. Yosemite recalls a history, rich with colorful personality and filled with dramatic events. B. Because ofthat,'Yosemite is more than a.park, it is an ideal. C. Yosemite. contains natural features which cfilll)ot fail to attract human attention. D. Yosemite might also be an example of a nationa}park that is .too successful, that has become too popular. E. Yosemite also shows us howthe original native American people lived. . F. Obviously, Yosemite is all ofthese things and. much, much more. o

IX. Use the given infrmation to :make conditional sente�ces. Use IF.

1. I was sick yesterday, so I didn't go to class. 2. Because Alan never eats breakfast, he always overeats at lunch. 3. · Pete� didn't finish unloading the truck because John didn't help him. 4. Jack wasJate to his own wedding because his watch was ten minutes slow. 5.. I don't take the bus to work every morning becaus� it's always so crowded. 6. I didn't bring extra money with me because you didn't tell me we were going to dinner after the movie. 7. Sam didn't know that highway 57 was closed so he didn't taken an alternative route. 8. Because I lost my key, I had to pound on the door to wake my roommate when I got· home last night. 9. I'm tired today because I went to bed late last night. 10. The wind is blowing hard, so I won't take the boat out for a ride. 8A-B6 TAO TA10



X. Complete each sentence of the following letter.

Dear. Mr. Black, 1. Thank you/ le�er/ I receive/ this morning. 2. Thank you/ invite .me/ come /interview/ Tuesday next week. 3.

Unfortunately/ I/ not able/ attend/ time/ suggest.

4. Be I possible / rearrange / interview/ Wednesday morning? 5. 1/ be/ office /8.30/ morning: 6.

I/ be/ most ,grateful/ you/ contact¡/ confirm/ time.

7. I / look forward/ hear/ you/ and meet / week. Yours. sincerely, _Terry. Carter



e6 TRO TA 10


FUN CORNER Join the picture to the


A� IE�

F. sea and


very A strong. It is grey. ft big. It's


in Africa. It D "ives eats leaves. It has got four legs.


smaU. It has got a long tail. It lives in nearty all­ countries. It likes It's very


It can run very D. fast. has got a



long. It It is C has not got any D legs. It eats sman E very

animals. It is sometimes



neck. It very long . eats leaves. It has got four long legs.

Jt can fly. It can swim. Jt's usually 11 white. It eats fish i---.J and lives by the sea.


It can swim in the walk on the land. It cannot

fly. ft eats fish. It lives in very cold countries.

It looks like a G Africa. horse. ft iives in It eats



grass. It has got black and white stripes. It has got fingers. It can climb trees. It is brown. It lives on nu.ts and fru;t. It lives in Africa and Asia. 115

WRITTEN TEST 3 (Total: 100 points)

Time: 45 minutes PART I. ,

Choose the word . in each. group that has the underlined pronounced differently from th� rest. (10 points)

1. A.clear


2. A.plumher


· C.bear

3. · -A. photographed B.organized

p. year

C ahroad

D. henefit

C. happened

D. filled

4. A. scien!ist

B. na!ural


5. -A.spreag




. J)i plan! D.solger

PARTU. Choose the- best answer for ·each of the following sentences. (20 points).

1. P�Qple have s�rtt ____ to investigate the seabed.

·>/ A..sqbmarines. · /.-:;·-,__.,


B. airplanes


2. Many sea animals are at ________ , due to hunting and water pollution. A. loss


· C.risk.


3. Approximately 5,000 species of plants and animals are being ____ each.ye�. A..entrapped




4. There are --�-· levels of chemicals in the water of this l_ake. A. liquid




5. There are about.450 species of ____ in Cuc Phuong-National Park. A. ·carnivores


· ·c.- fauna

D. flora

• ,,

6. If the oceans of fresh water, there ____ plenty of water to irrigate all the deserts on earth.


·A.is -will be

C.had been� would have' been .

B. wer.e ;_, would be

D.would be - were


have e�o�gh apples, she'll bake an apple.pie this afternoon. A f Should she ..

B. lf she

C. Will she

D. Unless she

8. If you ----'---/to me, you wouldn't have got so much trouble. A. listened

C. had listened

B. would listen

D. would have listened

9. If you don't know how. to spell a word, you ___...,.. look it up in the dictionary. A. must

B. will

C. should

lO. The child's arm was swollen because he A. stung PART III.

B. had stung

D. ought by a bee.

C. had being stung D�: had been stung

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (20 points)·

l. If the sun (shine)__.. --'-----' we (go)_______ for a walk. 2. The campfire (not cancel)

·if.it (not rain)____ last night.

3. I'm so confused that I don't know what should (doj--'---4·. But for our parents, we (never be)____ succe.ssful in life. 5. If I (not leave) my wallet at home this morning, I money for lunch now. (have) 6. It is too bad Lam isn't here. If he (be)___ here, he (know)____ what to do. PART IV.

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. (20 points)

Wild animals� wild plants and ·the wild places (I)____ they live are extinct in seriously threatened almost everywhere. One species has (2) . now in danger. Lack each year of this century, but manyhund_reds (3) to the rapid advance of the process of of attention would (4) extinction. Already many kinds of wild animals have been (5)____ reduced in number that their role in the ecosystem is forgotten. 117

Animals like the great apes, the whales,, seals etc. are thought to be m (6)____ of extinction. individual kinds of animals But even more important, perhaps, (7) and plants, (8) habitats are in danger of vanishing: marshes are being drained; and the world forests, especially the tropical forests are being (9)____ down to satisfy man's need of timber and pap�r. What would our (10)____ be like if all the wild animals and wild plants vanished? Would our life still exist then? PART V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. ( 10 points)


1. Sharks are swimming animals that . move of water currents.

2. It's forbidden to hunt that kind of bird. It has been, DANGER listed as o·ne of the species. 3. Dolphins are

sometimes are killed when : e,ntrapped in fishing nets.


4. Do you .agree with the idea that zoos are places PRISON against their will? where animals are 5. The ---- are concerned about the oil leak in ENVIRONMENT the sea. PART VI.

Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. ( 10 points)

1. I would bring you another unless you lik� this one.


A 2.




Were I to know her address, I gave it to you. A



If it hadn't been for his encouragement, we would give up it. A

· 3.





4. · · You sh�utd·,g�'with your classmates to the National Park·the day before B

. A



yesterday./ 5. · What kinds of animals do take care of in the Orphanage? . -�-.., ·B




· PART VII. Finish the second sentence, so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. ( 10 points)

1. Our heating isn't working and I feel cold. If our heating ------------------,------,-.


2. You can'tmake a cake without flour.


. U:nless ------------------..__-

3. She is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night. She wouldn't


4. The fire destroyed the forest completely. The forest ----------------------5. ldidn't go to school on time this morning because the bus was late.'. If the bus -----------------------


Unit 12


chu de:

Am nhQC VO giai trr Nguam: Phl:J om /s/ va /z/

Ngu phap VO cau true:,

- Cau true d9ng tu nguyen the chi ml:Jc dich:

(to + infinitive)

To feel relaxed, I listen to classical music. - cau h6i tim thong tin (Wh-questions): W�en do you listen to music?


Tu vyng:

Tu vvng ve om nhQCVO giai trT



Choose the word in each group that has the underlined . part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. classical

B. compo§.er

C. an§.wer

D. §.eribus

2. A. zoos

B. zoology

C. zoom

D. soon

3. A. human§.

B. dream§.

C. concert§.

D. song§_

4. A. arouse

B. practise

C. mouse ·

D. loose

5. A. telephones

B. styles

C. describe·s

D. cassettes



II. Choose.the best answer for each of the following sentences.

I. Music can ____·_ one's anger, love or hate. A.express 2."




did you get to the theatre?" - "I walked." A. How

B. What

C.How by

D.On which

3. I need to get a part-time job ---- earn some money for my school' expenses. C.in order

B.so as to


D.for to

4. It's difficult to �--- what our lives would be without music. A.remember · 5.

B. expect



are you going to buy a new cassette recorder for? \ A.Why

B.How often

6. Do you know who ___

the violin in the concert last night?

B. was played

A. did play

D.What purpose


D.were playing


7. Jane stayed after class ____ a meeting with other students. B. for

A. to

C.as to

D.so that

8. ____ is serious and traditional Western European music. A. Folk music

B.Rock 'n' roll C.Pop music

9. Music is very much a/an A.internal 10.

D.Classical music

part of our life.




is our national anthem composed? A.Whom

B.By who

C.With whom

D.By whom

III. Complete the following sentences with to + one of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once. cure


g� t









an appointment.

1. Yesterday I called the doctor's office

2: Last Tuesday Lan stayed after class 3.

help from the teacher. wru:m.

We wear <;oats in the winter

4. Mark contacted a lawyer

a legal problem.

5. Sam went to the hospital

an operation.

6. I hired a cab

me to the boat dock.

7. Minh went to the library ____ for the test. 8. I play football twice a week ____ 9. Jennifer used some medicine ---- an infection on her arm. I 0. I borrowed Mai some money ____ for the dictionary. IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. MUSIC - WHAT IS IT? Can you think of a day without music? "Oh,,that's not possible!" you may say. Yes, you are right. There is music (1) : at home, in a concert hall, in parks, at the seaside and even in the forest. But in the forest, of (2)____ it is better to listen to birds (3) and other natural sounds like the wind in the trees. People cannot live (4)____ music. They listen to music� they dance to music, they learn to play musical (5)------Musical education at (6)____ 1s very important: There¡ is special literature for music teachers and for all people (7)____ are interested in it. But what is music? Specialists explain it very well, and we (8)---- understand everything, . especially .if music is performed (9) illustrate their talks. Music isn't a reflects life. combination of pleasant sounds only. It is an art (10) Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. 122

V. Complete the foilowing dialogue with appropriate questions.

· You: (O)__What is your name, please?__ Anna: Anna. You: (I) _____________________? Anna: A-N-N-A You: Let me make sure I have that right. Your name is.Anna, A-N-N-A. Anna: That's right. You: (2)_· ---------------'---------? Anna: Poland. You: (3) ____;___________;______________? Anna:. Warsaw. My hometown is Warsaw. You: (4)-'--___________________? Anna: Tw� weeks ago.I came to this country two weeks.ago. You: (5) _____________--'-_______? Anna: To study.I came here because I wanted to study at this school. You: (6) _____________________? Anna: Biochemistry. You:(?) _____________ --:-----�---? Anna: .I'm going to stay here for fol.Jr years, or until I graduate. You: (8)--,----�--- -- ------ --- ---? Anna: I'm living at my aunt and uncle's house. You: (9) _____________________? Anna: No, it's not far from school. You:(10) -----------------------? Anna: I'd say about ten blocks. 123


VI. Each line of the following passage .contains one mistake. Underline the mista�es and write the correct answers in the spaces provided..

In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the more famous pop group 0. -mostin the whole world: Since then, there was a great many,groups that 1. ---have achieved enormous famous, so it is perhaps difficult now to 2. ---imagine what sensational The Beatles were at the ·time .. Tuey were 3. ____ four boys from the nor.th of England and no�e of them had some 4. ___ training in music. They started by performing and recorded songs by 5. ---black Americans and they had some succeed with these songs. Then 6. ____ they started writing them own songs' and that was when they became 7. ____ real�y popular. The Beatles exchanged pop music. They were the first 8. ___ pop group to achieve great success from songs they have written 9. ---themselves. After that it .became commonly for groups and singers to IO. ---write their own songs.

VII. Read the following passage a:8d choose the best answer for ·each blank.

FILM MUSIC In the early days of the cinema, befor� sound was introduced, silent films were ( 1 )_'_ by a pianist, or even a small orchestra playing_in .the .cinema itself. One reason for this was to (2) up the noise of the projector. However, a more impqrtant role was to provide (3) for what was going on in.the film, and (4) the audience through the story. Different kinds of· music were (5) with different situations, such as fights, chases, romantic scenes and so on. Music was also used to identify the geographical location or historical setting of the story. In (6) , individual characters often had their own tune, which what sort of person they were .. could also (7) . Music (8) something extra to what was happening on the flat screen. the involvement of the audience, one It could create atmosphere and (9) of tension. moment encouraging them to relax, thenext developing a (10) And all this was done without any words_ being spoken. 124

Audiences at that (11) with the musical · would have been (12) language connected with the traditions of popular· theatre, and many of these were the films (13) to the hew medium of the cinema. Today, (14) produced may be technically very different from before, much of the musical history still (15)__ D. accompanied C.taken B.pursed 1. A.chased D.make C. cover B.put 2. A.tie B. description C.suggestion D.comment 3. A.support D.send C.follow 4. A. persuade B. guide D. collected C.joined· 5. A.associated B. united C.plus D. total 6. A. measure· B.addition D.draw C.paint B. indicate· 7. A. point C. added D.put B.made 8. A. placed C.grow D. lift B. rise 9. A.increase C.sight D.sense B. meaning 10. A. look D. p�ntury B. spell C. occasion 11. A. time C.familiar D. experienced B.educated 12. A.popular C.transporteq · D.carried 13. A.transferred B. moved .. D. although C. despite B.however 14. A. instead C.keeps B.stays D.rests 15. A. remains VIII. Combine the given p�rases in italics to create sentences using to + infinitive. · E.g.: wash his clothes + go to the Laundromat

· Every.weekend Martin goes to the Laundromat to wash his clothes. · 1.watch the news + turn on the TV After he got home from work, Jack _______________ 2.study in peace and quiet + go to the library Some evenings 1 _____________________ 3. let i�t some fresh air + open the bedroom windows

Every night she------------------------125

4. ask them for some money + write a letter to his parents Sometimes Pierre ---------------�----'--5. listen to music +·have the radio on Some afternoons at work, my co-worker-----------�IX. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not ·change .the words given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total). 1. Did anyone see you yesterday evening? who I want to yesterday evening. 2. There are a lot of old people who, need looking after. take Many old people need someone __________ them. 3. Why did you phone him, Mai? what I want to know ----------------, Mai. 4. I called my uncle for some advice. order I called my uncle _____________ some advice. 5. When did you start working as a professionaLsinger? been How long as a professional ::,inger? X. Use the prompts below to write about Contessa, a pop star. Contessa 10.5.1963 Born in Leeds 1968 - 1979 School J 973 Begin singing in church choir (leave 1978) 1978 Have already made 3 records (for church). 1980 Begin singing with local group (The Pebbles} (Leave group 1982) 4.8.1981 Sing in show i n Brighton. Mammoth Records producer in audience Two weeks later: sign contract with Mammoth Records. Still under contract with Mammoth. 1986 + 1987: Golden discs. Says: "Sing for other people 15 years, but really sing for myself." Plans to make third golden disc (not late than 25th birthday!) 126


All the answers are connected with entertainment. 4.





,2.>·y . .. � 00 railililiil::::.


. •.. · .. ·. 2J. .

i., . . 127






chu de:

Oi�n anh Ngiiam: · Pht,.1 am /f/ vo /v/ Ngii phap' VO CCU true:

It was not until ... that...: It was not until 1915 -that the cinema really

- Cau true nhan mc;mh f

became on industry.

- each dung cac tTnh tu chi thai d¢ duc;,c thanh 1¢p tu d¢ng tu: We were disappointed at the movie. - each dun� cac quan tu

a, an, the

Tuvvng: - Tu vvng ve phim anh, giai tri -Quan tu - Tinh. tu duoi -ed vo -ing thonh 1¢p tu d¢ng tu



Choose.the word in each group that has the underlined. part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. tough

B. though

C. rough

D. laughter

2. A.of

B. off

C. calf

D ..·safe

3. A. Phillip



D. Step.hen

4. A.fj_nest




5. A.cliff




II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 1. I watched an ____ film on TV last night. A.interest




2. Young children shouldn't see the new horror film. They would become too A.fright


4. It was 5.

B.a - an

· D.frightened

easy chair.

sofa and

3. I'd like.to get A.a- a

C.frightening C. the - an

D.an- the

2005 that he became an actor. D.until when


B.not when

C.not until


:a. existence

C.-achievement D. fame

T� the first two decades of its ____·_, the cinema developed rapidly.

6: In the 1900s films used changes of ____ and camera positions to tell a story. A.scene




7. The baby is ____ about his new toy. A.excited




8. Not until he was 16 ____ English. A.that he learned

C.did he learn

B.when he learned

D.would he learn

9. The paper has A.a

good news today. B.an



10. The ---,--- was introduced in the films at the end of the 1920s. A.sound 9A-B6 TR(;) TA10

B. picture


D. word 129

III. Complete the following sentences with the adjective ending -ing or -ed form of the italicized word.

E.g.: The trip tin�d everybody. (a) Everybody was_tired_. (b) The trip was _tiring_· .

1. The book interests me. (a) It is an_�-- book. (b) I am ____ in it.

2. That chemical irritates your skin. . (b) Your.skin is ----

(a) The chemical is

3. The instructions on the box for assembling the tool confuse me. (a) They are

. (b) I

am thoroughly ____


4. Bob's grades disappointed his parents. . (b) His parents were�---

(a) His grades were 5. My father often reassured me.

6. I waited for two hours to see the doctor, and it really frustrated me! . (b) I was ____

7. Anna has a noise in her car that disturbs her. (a) It is a ____ noise. (b) She 1s ____ when she· hears it. 8. Jessica's argument convinced us. (a) She presented ____ arguments. (b) We were ____ 9. The tender love story moved the audience. (a) It was a

story. (b) The audience felt ____

10. The sad movie depressed me. (a) I was____. (b) lt was a ____ movie. IV. Fill in. each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

The cinema is today a favourite place of (I)____ to most people, young and old. Hundreds of people visit the cinemas today. 130

c l


(a) He was a very ____ person. (b) I always felt ____ when I was around him. (a) Long waits such as that can be very


98-86 TRO TA10


our visits to the There are many things that we can learn (2) in the cinema often show us many cinema. The pictures we can (3) lands live and think. useful things. They show hoďż˝ people in (4) Sometimes they also show how people in the past lived and died. There of (5) also pictures which show many things about the (6) birds and animals. Some pictures, (7) , sometimes spoil the minds of many people especially (8) of small boys and girls. Pictures which show how people steal, kill or kidnap, for example, have done a lot of harm, but the criminals pictures also show how, in the (10) these (9) the law, are caught and punished, and many people have learnt to (11) as a result. Thus, whether _ such pictures are good or bad depends on (12) lesson the person has learnt from them. many useful lessons. The On the whole, most pictures try to (13) cinema may therefore be described as a school (14) people can learn a lot of good lessons. It is for all these reasons that cinema is still the favourite place of entertainment. (15) V. Fill in each space of the following sentences with a, an, the or 0.

1. It is water boils. 2.


scientific fact:

steam rises when ----

newspapers are ____ important source of ____

sandwich. 3. Alice is in ____ kitchen making 4. Your bag is on ____ floor over there, in comer next to ---- sofa. 5. vegetarian doesn't eat ---- meat.

6. Only one of Which one?

continents in ---- world is uninhabited.

easy exam. It was in my economics class. I 7. Last week I took had right answers for all of questions on ____ exam. My score was 100%. 8. Anyone who goes to job interview should wear nice clothes. 9. Karen is exceptionally talented person. 10. ---"'-- chalk is necessity in a classroom. 131

VI. The following passage contains 11 errors. Find and correct them.

I d?n't like the cinema very many, but my friends all love it, and so I often find mineself sitting in the dark trying to follow the conversation on the screen while sweet papers and crisp packets are being opened enthusiasm all around me. It is thts sort of annoying disturbance at the cinema which means that I'd prefer hiring a video and watch it at home. Then there is no risk of getting cross because it's unable to hear what is going on. Another problem is that I always make my best t� find a seat with a good view of the screen during the advertisements. Then, two minutes before the main film is due to begin, the sit in front of me will be taken by a heavyweight boxer which blocks out most of the screen and, by this time, it's too lately to move. I know this isn't really the point. Cinema fans talk about the extra pleasant of an experience shared with others. I must admit there's often a very good atmosphere in the cinema, and I'm probably too sensitive to this things: it only takes one person making stupid comments to spoil the whole occasion. On balance, I think I'll stick to my video! Your answers:

0. many-+ much


1 _____


----- --------- ----- 1

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

THE PATHE FILM COMPANY In 1885, a Frenchman, Charles Pathe, created what later became France's enormously most successful film· studios. By 1970, · the company had (0) and had studios in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain and the USA. What seems surprising now that Hollywood dominates the film (l)__ is that a French company (2)__ itself so well in the USA. Pathe was one of the main film companies there at that (3)__, hiring out its studios to other fi�m-making· companies (4)__ distributing its own films. However, (5)__ Pathe was big in the USA, it was a giant in Europe. In 1913, the year before the First·World War (6)__, it made no fewer than three hundred films. But the war affected the company (7)__. Shortages of staff and equipment led to big (8)__ in production, and by 1918 output had (9)__ to 132

sixty-three films. From then on, Pathe (10)__ on making fewer films of (11) __ length and better quality. Pathe was the first company to put out regular news films, which it started doing in 1903. Each film lasted fifteen minutes and (12)__ of six news items. From (13)__ on, Pathe's news department had branches all over the world. By the 1970s, TV news had completely (14)__ the role of cinema news films and so the company stopped making them. Today, Pathe is chiefly (15)__ in TV, cinema and new video technology. 0. A. widened

B. swollen


1. A. life

B. world

C. area

D. channel

2. A. established

B. set

C. founded

D. placed

3. A. date

B. phase

C. age

D. time

4. A. in addition

B. together

C. as well as

D. also

5. A. so

B. whether

C. despite

D. if

6. A. burst out

B. broke out

C. set off

D. went off

7. A. badly

B. extremely

C. largely

D. highly

8. A. chops

B. slips

C. cuts

D. dips

9. A. descended

B. shortened

C. fallen

D. subtracted

10. A.. thought

B. engaged

C. occupied

D. concentrated

11. A. further

B. greater

C. higher

D. bigger

12. A. consisted

B. featured

C. included

D. composed

13. A. soon

B. firstly

C. early

D. initially

14. A. brought off_

B. turned into

C. caught on

D. taken over

15. A. involved

B. connected

C. linked·

D. tied


D. stretched

VIII. Read the following film advertisements then choose the correct s�ntence for them.

A. ODEON Today and next week: CATCH THE KILLER 3.10, 5.35, 8.20. No bookings. "Frightening- terrifying". For adults only. No one under 18 admitted. 133

B. BBC Today and next week: JOURNEY TO THE GREAT WALL 1.30, 4.30, 7.30. "An excellent film about China and the way people live there." C.. REGENT Today and tomorrow: ATTACK AT MIDNIGHT Starring Rock Shaw, Heidi Gisburn and Ken Cole 3.00, 6.00, 9.00. Late night show tomorrow: 11.30 War drama about 12 soldiers. "Very exciting a good story." D. STUDIO ONE Today only: LES DEUX ENFANTS 6.10 and 9.10. Beautiful French film starring Jean Garbon and Christine Mantillet. All seats bookable. "A sad love story you will never forget." French dialogue with English sub-titles." E. ROCY Today and next week: THE PERFECT HOTEL Starring Alex Hay, Tom Long and Susie Webb 1.20, 3.30, 4.40, 6.50, 9.00. "Full of laughter and jokes." "You'll laugh from beginning to end!" 1. This cinema is showing a very frightening film. 2. There is a comedy at this cinema. 3. The film at this cinema is not in English. 4. This cinema shows a film at half past one. 5. Don't take children to see this film. 6. The film at this cinema finishes tomorrow. 7. This cinema is showing a travel film. 8. This cinema has a very late show on one night. 9. Rock Shaw is appearing in this film. 10. This cinema shows at the earliest time. IX. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.

1. He¡ didn't go to Hollywood until he was 50. It was not


2. The cinema wasn't opened until 7 o'clock. It was not 134


3. We didn't find out about the meeting until he phoned us. It was not


4. I didn't notice that I had the wrong umbrella until I got home.· Not until ---------------------5. It was only when I asked another audience that I knew the name of the film. ·Not until ---------------------X. Use the words given to complete the following description of the film "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial".

1. One / favorite movies / E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial I touching science · fiction story/ friendship/ young boy/ creature/ outer space.

2. It I place/ 1980s I small American towp. 3. When / E.T. / spaceship leave / him / meet Elliot I boy I become I friend. 4. E.T. I like/ Elliot/ but/ very homesick/ so Elliot decide/ help/ contact/ friends. 5. This/ not easy/ because/ scientists search/ E.T./ order/ study him. 6. Elliot/ E.T./ escape/ from/ scientists/bicycle. 7. They go/ woods I meet I spaceship/ take E.T./ home.



������------ --­

�r:�-1����� Imagine that A and B are pieces of glass. If you placed one on top of the other, you could read the words SPY FILM.

Do the same with these other 'pieces of giass', �nd you will find six more types of film. Wnte them under the correct pictures.


I I- 'h


Bl A \ ") I


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-_ 1 \J :) -_ A 1Ai -B1 \

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Unit 14


Cup bong da quoc te (The World Cup)

Ngiiam: Phďż˝

am /g/ VO /k/

Ngii phap va cau true: - Thoi tuong lai: will vo going to+ inf.: + Don't worry. I will lend you some money. _+ I'm going to watch the news on N. - Cau true voi Will chi dV doan ve tuang¡ lai: Mary has been studying very hard. I'm sure she will pass the exams easily.

- Cau true vai Will chi sv son long giup do (offer): It is so hot. in here. - I will open the window.


Tu vl)ng ve bong da vo cup bong da quoc te


Choose the word in each group that has the italicized part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. match

B. toothache

C. orchestra

D. chorus

2. A. guard

B. figure

C. gamble

D. gentle 137

3. A. count

B. circle

C. victory

D. club

4. A. goalkeeper

B. golf

C. golden

D. goat

5. A. kettle

B. krill

C. knob

D. weak

II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 1. I think England

A. won 2.

this match.

B. will win

Brazil defeated Italy


A. by-to

C. to-by

B. by-by

3. Italy became the A. witness

1 in the 1970 World Cup.

C. runner-up

4. Only 13 football teams in 1930.

D. champion

in¡ the first World Cup in Uruguay

A. paid attention

C. took part

B. connected

D. linked

A. regarded

D. to-to

in the 2006 World Cup.

B. host

5. World Cup is

D. is going to win

C. shall win

the most popular sporting event on earth. B. considered

C. expected

D. thought

6. Up to 2006, the world has witnessed 18 World Cup A. competitions

C. games

B. plays

D. tournaments

7. The sun is shining; It A. is being

B. shall be

8. Their best player is

C. is going to be to leave for Chelsea.

A. about

C. on the point

B. looking forward

D. planned

9. "The phone's ringing."-"I


a lovely day.


A. shall answer

C. am going to answer

B. am answering

D. go to answer

D. will be going

10. A: Why did you tum on the TV? B: I

a football match at six.

A. will watch

C. am going to watch

B. shall watch

D. am being watched

III. Complete the following sentences with either be going to or will+ one of .the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once. buy










1. A: Can I borrow this book? B: Sure. But I need it back soon. A: I 2. I

it to you tomorrow. Okay? a dark suit to the wedding reception. How about you?

3. A: What are you doing with that picture? B: It doesn't look good in this room. I ____ it in our dining-room. 4. A: Can you meet me for dinner after work? B: I'd like to, but I can't. I ____ late tonight. 5. It's grandfather's eighty-fifth birthday next Sunday. What ____ you ____ him for his birthday? 6. A: Gee, I'd really like an ice cream cone, but I didn't bring any money with me. B: That's okay. I ____ one for you. 7. A: Why are you looking for a screwdriver? B: One of the kitchen chairs has a loose screw. I¡---- it. 8. A: Why is Linda going to work early today? B: She

up her sister at the airport.

9. "Tom! Your cat is making me sneeze." - '"I ---- her outside."


A: Do you have any plans for Saturday? B: I

some friends move to their new home. 139

IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

wmners. Since 1930, the 18 tournaments have seen only seven (1) However, the FIFA World Cup has also· been punctuated by dramatic upsets that have helped (2) football history - the United States defeated England of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in in 1950, North Korea's (3) (4) 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup­ holder in 1990.... its Today, the FIFA World C�p holds the entire global public (5) over 50 billion people watched the spell. An accumulated audience (6) Germany 2006 tournament, (7) approximately 2 billion for the final alone, while over· 5 million people flocked to watch the 64 · (8)---- in the French stadiums. After all these years and so (9) changes, however, the main focus of the FIFA World. Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, (1 O)____ is the embodiment of every footballer's ambition. V. Complete the following sentences with will or won't + one of the verbs in the box. Also use probably. l)se each verb only once.











I. The clouds are leaving, and the sun is coming out. It _____ rain any more. 2. The weather is cold today. There's no reason to expect the weather to cold tomorrow too. change. It 3. Sam and Carl worked hard on this project. They ____ in the best work. The other students didn't work as hard. 4. Ronald is having a very difficult time in advanced algebra. He didn't understand anything that happened in class today, and he ---tomorrow's class either. 5. Loan skipped lunch today. She ____ as soon as she gets home. 140

6. I ¡don't like parties. Mike really wants me to come to his birthday party, but I . I'd rather stay at home. 7. We are using up the earth's resources at a rapid rate. We ____ to do so for years to come. 8. At the doctor's office: "I feel hot." - "I ____ your temperature." 9. At a restaurant: "You paid the bill. I

the tip". - "Thanks:"

10. At a fast-food restaurant: - "I don't have my glasses. I can't read the menu board." - "I ____ it to you." VI. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.

1. Anna didn't come to class today, and she won't probably come tomorrow



A either. D

2. I watched TV last night, and I probably going to watch TV tonight too.





3. I ask my brother for some money, but I know he shall not lend me B

A . because he's very mean.



4. After the rain stops, I will going to grow some vegetables. B




5. Stop making so much noise or the neighbours is going to get rn. A





VII. Some lines of the following passages are correct, and some have an unnecessary word. If a line is correct, put a tick ( ,/ ). If a line has an unnecessary word, underline and write it in the space provided. MY FIRST MATCH


I'II never forget the first time fwent to a football match. I wasn't very


interested in sport at all at that time but for my dad came home with some

00. _for_

tickets that a friend had been given him. He asked me whether I'd like to go

1. ---

with him and I said that I would, even though I thought it was going to be

2. ---

really boring. Every one time he was watching football on television at home, 3. --1 was used to read a book or leave the room. However, as I found out,

4. ___

watching it on TV is nothing like than actually being there. The match we

5. ---

went to was playing between our local team and the team from a nearby city. 6. --They two have always been rivals. When we got into the stadium, I was

7. ---

amazed because I had never seen such an enormous crowd before. The noise -8. --¡ they were making was incredible and this was before that the game had even

9. ---

started! When it did start, it was really exciting. The supporters have shouted

10. ---

the whole time and when our team scored after ten minutes long, there were

11. ---

wild celebrations. Unfortunately since, the other team scored twice after that. 12. --1 soon got to know the names ofour players and by the end I was shouting

13. ---

too. We lost the match but I had a great time and I've become myselfa fan.

14. ---

I'll certainly be going to the next one and I'm really looking forward to see it. 15. ---


VIII. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.

1. National football teams must compete m ---- within their own regions. 2. The 2002 World Cup was held ____ by Japan and South Korea.


3. Pele was famous for his ____ kicking and controlling the ball.


4. . After his retirement, Pele became an international ____ for the sport.


5. Some famous football players continued working to promote peace and through ·friendly sport activities.


IX. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Diego Armando Maradona was born on October 30, 1960, in Villa Fiorito, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was (l)__ in an underprivileged family and sperit his adolescence playing football in the streets of his (2)__. He made his debut at the (3)____ of 16 and throughout his professional career he played 692 (4)__ games scoring 352 goals. He played 90 games for the Argentina National Team and scored 33 goals, 8 of (5)__ were in world cups. His first team was called Estrella Roja (Red Star) and was (6)__ by his father for the neighborhood boys. One of the players was Gregorio "El Goyo" Carrizo, (7)__ played in the lower divisions of Argentinos Juniors, and who helped Diego to be part of the team called "Los Ceb�llitas" (the small onions). With only 14 years of age, he (8)__ the public at his_ first game with the team and gained (9)__ and respect as a player. With "Los Cebollitas" he (1O)__ a winning spree of over one hundred games. 1. A. risen

B. raised

C. grown

2. A. neighbourhood

C. friendship

B. colleagues

D. popularity

D. shown


3. A. old

B. oldest

C. elderly


4. A. office


C. official

D. officially

5. A.it

B. that


D. what

6. A. found

B. founded

C. set

D. fixed

7. A. who


C. he

D. whom

8. A. enjoyed

B. fascinate

C. interested


9. A. famous

B.¡ reputation

C. achievement


10. A.kept

B. played


D. napped

X. Use the suggestion to complete each of the following announcements.

1. Management / Youth Football Club / wish / announce / club/ seek I new players/ new football season.

2. School football team/ play/ friendly match/ Ngo Sy Lien High School football team/ 4.30/ Sunday afternoon/ March 26th.

3. ¡ First meeting/ new football players/ be/ 9 a.m. I Monday/ March 4th / school playground.

4. AH/ money/ collect/ match/ use/ help/ orphans/ city.. 5. Buy/ ticket/ enjoy/ good football match/ and/ make/ small contribution/ parentless children.



THE WORLD CUP..: The diagram shows the quarter-finals. the semi-finals and the final of tre World Cup football competition in l 990. With the help of the clues. write in all the missing teams and scores. (You don't have to remember what happened in the matches - you can work out all the missing teams and scores from the clues.) I










I i--1



__, I ,,__....

I I""' . I 11/


rgentina beat Yugoslavia by three goals to two in uarter-final B.

-�(• ; • { , (\{\_·,

In Quarter-final C. Cameroon lost to England by two goals to three. In the Semi-finals, the team who won Quarter-final B beat the team who won Quarter-final A oy five goals to four. And, by the same score, the team who won Quarter-final D beat the team who won Quarter-final C.

}� � t .\: . ·:• ') )\ ')

'. t -::!=:(t"· . --

The score m the final was one-nil: the winning team had beaten Czechoslovakia and England on the,r way to the final.

WRITTEN TEST 4 (Total: 100 points)

Time: 45 minutes


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined


pronounced differently from the rest. (lO·points)

1. A. film§.

'B. football§.

C. event§.

D. violin§.

2. A. magazine

B. programme

C. villager

D. integral

3. A. above

B. dove

C. lovely

D... improve

4. A. leaf

B. if

C. defeat

D.. after

5. A. change

B. character

C. echo

D. chaos

10A· B6TR0 TA10


PART II. Choose the best answe!" for each of the following sentences. (20 points)

1. In the early days films were little more than moving ____ D. photographs C. sounds A. noises B. portraits 2. World Cup is every four years. D. held C. found B. set A. played 3. Music babies sleep at night. A. lulls D. push B. wake C. make English songs. 4.· I'm learning English D. for sing C. to sing B. to singing A. singing 5. "____ football club do you like best, Van?".- "Chelsea, of course." D. Whom B. Which C. Why A. Who 6. There will be ____ good film at ____ cinema next week. D. the - the A. a - a C. the - a B. a - the 7. His old story made me ____ A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom 8. It was 1998 that.France became the champion of a World Cup. B. until in C. not when D. after year A. not until 9. We find the new fame very ____ A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. �xcitement · 10. A: Why did you buy this paint? B: I my bedroom tomorrow. C. will be painting A. shall paint D. am going to paint B. will paint PART III.

Find a mistake in the ·four und�rlined parts of each sentence. and correct it. (10 points)

1. The teacher gave us a challenged assignment but we all enjoyed doing it. A




2. I would rather watch detective films to horror films. .A 146



D 10B- B6 TAO TA10

3. The teacher opened the window for getting some fresh air in the room. D A B C 4. Not until I talked to her that I knew she was an actor. B · D C A 5. He isn't going to write to you unless you write to him. B C D . A PART IV.

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable �ord. (20 points)

Charlie Chaplin was born in a very poor part of London. His father a comedian and his mother worked as a dancer and singer. (1) · (2) ·of them was very successful, however, and the family had very poor that he and his. money; at one time they were (4) (3) them and they had to take turns brother had only one pair of shoes (5) dancing and wearing them. The first time he himself earned money (6) singing he was only five years old. He did many kinds of jobs, but what he loved was working in the theatre. ( 7) When he was about 15 he joined a traveling theatre company and went on trips to.America. On (8) such tour he was offered a part in a film, _so he went to Hollywood, (9) he eventually became both an actor and a film the director. He was known to be a perfectionist, and sometimes (10) other actors repeat a scene many times until he was finally satisfied with it. PART V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. (10 points)

1. Folk music is ____ music of a country.


2. Music can express ideas, ____ and feeling.


3.. In the first two decades of its cinema developed rapidly.

, the


4. The World Cup is regarded as the world ____ of the sport.


5. Jack Dawson in 'Titanic' is a young and ---- man.




Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar· meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases·. ( 10 points)

1. When did you start playing· for the national football team? How long ------------------------2. I didn't find the new movie amusing. I wasn't


3. Brazil is likely to win the 2010 World Cup. It's likely


4. He plays the· guitar for a small group so that he can. earn some extra money. To -----------------------5. He didn't becQme a famous film director until he was 55. It was not


PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. ( 20 points)

l ·. Organizer I wish / announce / match / this afternoon / postpone / · until / 4 p.m ! I Sunday/ April 1st. 2. . Of I films/ I/ see/ "Gone With The Wind"/ be/ one/ like best. 3. Michael Jackson/ born/ Indiana/ America/ August 29th / 1958/ musical black family. 4. It I not until/ sunset/ that/ football match/ finish. 5. Argentina / defeat / Germany / 3 / 2 / finai match / 1986 World Cup / Mexico.


Unit 15



Thanh pho VO CUQC song thanh pho Ngiiam:

Phu am /8/ va /X/ Ngu ph6p VO cau true: - M�nh de tTnh ngu khong xac djnh (Non­ defining relative clause): '

+ There are many temples in Toyko, which used to be the capital of Japan. - Lien tu although: Although New York is not the capital of _the USA, it is the home of the United Nations. Tuvvng:

Tu Vl)ng ve thanh ph6 VO CUQC song do thj BAIT!P I.

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. thief

B. thus

C. these

D. their

2. A. strength

B. smooth

C. truth

D. fiftieth

3. A. thirteen

B. thirsty

C. thermometer

D. thermal

4 .. A. mathematics B. any!hing·

C. author

D. southern

5. A: bath

C. although

D. clothing

B. bathe


II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

is the

1. One of the largest cities in the Middle East is Baghdad, capital of Iraq. A. that

B. which

C. where

D. 0 2. New York is ____ by its hundreds of tall offices and apartment buildings. A. characterized B. founded

C. renamed

D. constructed

3. ----' Thomas refused the water. A. Though being thirsty C. Despite he was thirsty B. Even though his thirsty

D. Although he was thirsty

teaches linguistics at the university received an 4. A woman award for outstanding research. A. who

B. whom

C. she

D. which

5. New York developed at the point where Hudson and Passaic rivers ---- at the water of the Atlantic Ocean. A. join D. connect C. link B. mingle 6. Although London is a favourite tourist ____ for many people, it has its own problem. A. ¡station¡

B. coming

C. destination

D. departure

7. That book is by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa ____ for three .years. A. that he lived

C. among whom he lived

B.that he lived among them

D. when; he lived among them

8. Do you have the book ____ the teacher? A. that it belongs to

C. to which belongs

B. to which belongs to

D. that belongs to

9. I have three brothers,


are working in Ho Chi Minh City.

A. that all of them

C. all of whom

R who they all

D. who all of them

.10. Although lwas dead tired, ____ A. but I walked all way home

C. however I walked all way home

B. I walked all way home

D. so I walked all way home

III. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided.

1. The villagers refuse to leave m spite of the drought 1/____ seriously threatens their food supply. 2. Lan Huong was born in Can Tho that is a city in the 2/____ south of Vietnam. 3. Football is the only sport in which I am interested in it.


4. The people who we met them on our trip last month are 4/____ going to visit us next week. 5. Even though his fear of-heights, Carl climbed to the top 5/____ of the Eiffel Tower. 6. Diane Jones, that used to teach Spanish, has organized a 6/____ tour of Central America for senior citizens. 7. Although my uncle had practised for many hours, but he 7/____ failed his driving test for the third time. 8. Nha Trang, where is located in the centre of Vietnam, 8/____ has long beautiful beach. 9. He went to the conference in London though having a 9/____ broken leg. 10. My favourite place in the world is a small city is located 10/___ on the southern coast of Vietnam. IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

it London is a big city, but many of the people who live there (1) as a number of small towns put together. Each district . has its (2)____ identity and atmosphere and some parts are even described by their inhabitants as 'villages'. Much of the center of the city con�ists (3) shops and. 151

many ¡ businesses and the majority of people live in the suburbs. A (4) train, bus, tube or car; of them travel to work in the city every day (5) this is called commuting. Commuters might spend as (6) as two hours every morning getting to work and (7) two hours getting home again. in most other parts of The cost of living in London is higher (8) Britain, and many people are (9) extra money on top of their salaries because of this. Millions of visitors (10) to London every year from all over the world to see the famous sights, such as Buckingham Palace, (11 the Queen lives, and many (12) historic buildings. its theatres, red buses and black London is also very famous (1 taxis. Some people find (14) a noisy, dirty place but it has many large, pleasant parks where everyone can (15) some peace and quiet. London has many attractions, both for people from overseas and for people from other parts of Britain. V. Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun.

1. I have always wanted to visit Moscow, ____ is the capital city of Russia. 2. The town ---- I was born and grew up was destroyed in an earthquake. 3. Ti1e award was won by Dennis Johnson, ____ the coach highly respects. 4. I'm looking for an electric can opener ____ also can sharpen knives. 5. People ____ live in glass house shouldn't throw stones. 6. The problems

Linh has seem insurmountable.

7. The man I introduced you to last night may be the next president of this city. 8. Cathy is trustworthy. She's a person upon ____ you can always depend. is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the 9. The earth, third planet from the sun. 10. I read about a girl ____ life was saved by her pet dog. 152

VI. Read the description of six cities then decide which city would be most suitable for each of the following people. CITIES TO VISIT A. Kadia This busy city has developed beside the main river which divides the central commercial district into two parts. Although you will find the main offices of many international companies, you . can still ride on a water taxi and visit the side streets which sell colourful locally made clothes and crafts. C. Noien This is a cultural centre with 33 museums and galleries, many attached to colleges and universities. It is not a historical city but it contains some interestiµg buildings, including the Post Office, which has a . silver roof. It has noisy markets selling everything from antiques to plants. E. Haristor This famous city has been on the same site for �)Ver a thousand years. Old and new exist together and there isn't the fast pace of most cities. The streets are wide and well-kept with plenty, of trees. Search carefully and you will find some outdoor markets and food stalls in this peaceful environment.

B. Polatika The streets of this city are full both day and night. It is built on a river and the best way to see it is on a tourist boat which passes the beautiful old buildings. The city is starting to grow and has just opened its fir�t department stores. D. Lotten This is a regional centre for trade and. tourism and is completely 'up-to­ date'. People who live in this city come from many different parts of the world and so there is an excellent choice of restaurants. There 1s · a wonderful transport system, and modem department stores. F. Foforon There are plenty of tours taking from the city and visitors can go to mountains, farms and villages. This small city has changed little over time and its streets and markets are still crowded and noisy.


1. Anna has just finished her business degree. She would like to relax in a clean, qui�t city which has a long history. 2. Kevin has just finished his economics degree. He would like to visit a city that has a , big business centre and also offers traditional goods for the tourist to buy.

3. Mandy and her seventy-year-old aunt share an interest in painting and buying valuable, old objects. They would like to go to a city where they can shop easily and look at art. 4. David is studying international business. He would like to go to a city ' where the inhabitants come from many different countries, which will give him the opportunity to try a variety of food. 5. Jenny and Mavis want to escape from modem life and go somewhere more traditional. They would like to go on some long trips outside the city as well. VII. Join the sentences, using the words in brackets. 1. Florida is known as the Sunshine State. It attracts many tourists every year. (which)

2. Every neighbourhood in Brussels has a small cafe. Customers drink coffee and eat pastries there. (where) 3. The city is polluted and noisy. Many people want to live there. (despite) 4. Tobacco is a plant. Its large leaves are 'used for smoking and chewing. (whose) 5. Twenty people were killed in the accident. Three of them were foreigners. (whom)


6. I'm going horseback riding with Tom this afternoon. I'm afraid of horses. (although) 7. I took a picture of the rainbow. It appeared in the sky after the shower. (that) 8. His doctor warned him. John continued to smoke.- (spite) 9. The secretary didn't know where the meeting was. I talked to her five minutes ago. (who) 10. Next summer I'll visit Hai Phong City. My brother is studying in this city. (where) VIII. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. CAMERON PARK At first light, there is nothing (O)_unsual_ about the USUAL town of Cameron Park in California but, as the day begins , you can't help LIVE and the town comes to (I) (2) that, among the cars, there are light NOTICE aeroplanes moving along the roads towards the airport. When the town was (3) built, a small airport is included for the (4) of people flying in to look at the prpperties which were for (5) , but it soon became clear to the development that this was an attraction so that planes could in itself. The streets were (6) use them, mailboxes near the road were made to avoid passing wings, and all the (7) electricity cables were buried (8) Now, �ere is every likelihood that the (9) will have a private plane in their garage and use it with the same (10) other people enjoy with their car.


IX. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total)o 1. Despite knowing the city well, I got lost. even I got lost ________________ the city well. 2.

No one apart from my mother thoughtI would win the race. person My mother thoughtI would win the race. 3. In spite of working until very late,I couldn't complete the task. fact

Despite the task.

until very late,I couldn't complete

4. Williamson, the policeman, lived next door. whoseThe policeman, 5.

next door.

Andrew set off for the supermarket although it was raining heavily. spite Andrew set off for the supermarket


X. Use the suggestion to write about Sydney.

Sydney I be I Australia/ most/ excite I city. II History I Australia/ begin/ here. II 1788 / Captain Arthur Phillips I arrive / Sydney / 11 ships I 1624 passengers I Britain (include 770 prisoners).// T ¡ oday/ there / be I about 3.6 million people I Sydney. //It/ be/ biggest I city/ Australia I busiest port I South Pacific I one I most beautiful city/ world.// There/ be/ over 20 excellent beaches/ close I Sydney I and I warm climate/ cool winter/ make I favourite city/ immigrants/ overseas. //There/ be/ three things / make/ Sydney famous: / beautiful harbour/ Sydney Harbour Bridge / build/ 1932/ Sydney Opera House I open/ 1973.//



Missin9 Letters In each group of three words, the same letter is missing from all three words. Add the missing letters. (The pictures are there to help you.)




Finally... put the letters in these squares, to spell the name of a famous city.


Unit 16



chu de:

Coe di tTch· ljch su

Nguom: Phl;l

am /3/ va /J/

Ngu phap·va cau true: So sanh tTnh tu va trc;mg tu: Which is older, Van Mieu or Quoc Tu Giam? The Concord is the fastest passenger plane in the world.

Tuvvng: Tu vvng ve cac di tTch ljch su Trnh tu va trc;mg tu



Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. anfient

B. re£Ycle

C. sofial

D. Confufius

2. A. ensure

B. closure

C. measurement

D. pleasure

3. A. machine

B. chef

C. chevalier

D. chamber

4. A. question

B. tradition

C. function

D. situation

5. A. u�ual

B. Per�ian

C. compari�on

D. inva�ion

II. Choose the best answer for each. of the following sentences. 1. Hanoi Flag Tower is a famous historical ____ A. culture B. relic C. centre D. part 2. Quoc Tu Giam educated thousands of ____ men for the country. ¡ D. smart C. valuable B. possible A. talented 3. Hue Imperial City was ____ as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1993. D. read C. listed B. written A. said 4. Hoi An is ---- for its old, small and tile-roofed houses. A. well-dressed C. well-done D. well-known B. well-organized 5. We need A. farer

information about historical places in Hanoi. D. farthest B. further C. farther

6. His car doesn't cost so much ____ yours does. A.. like

B. as

C. 'Same

D. such

7. That watch is ____ more expensive than this one. A. very B. lots C. much D. many 8. This is

the most beautiful place of interest in this country. D. furthest A. by far C. slightly B. a lot 9. The Historical Museum is becoming crowded. A. much and mote C. much and much D. more and more B. more and much 10. Peas are ____ to beans, but they have several differences. A.¡ the same

B. alike

C. like

D. similar

III. Complete the following sentences with comparatives and superlatives. Use the words in brackets and add any other necessary words. I am, and 1. Sometimes I feel all of my friends are (intelligent) yet, sometimes they tell me that they think I am (smart) ____ the class. person 159

2. One of (popular)


Vietnam is New Year's.

planet to the sun. It moves around the sun 3. Mercury is (close) (fast) any other planet in the solar system. 4. In terms of area, (large) state ____ the Unit�d States is all populations Alaska, but it has one of (small) the states. 5. Nothing is (important)____ good health. Certainly, gaining wealth enjoying good health. is much (important) 6. You can trust her. You will never meet a (honest)______ person ------ she is. 7. Both Bangkok and Venice are famous for their waterways, but Bangkok has (extensive) canals Venice has. . I do in a car. in a plane 8. I feel (safe) 9. My friend has studied many languages. He ·thinks Japanese is (difficult) all the languages he has studied. 10. One of (bad) at Chernobyl in 1986.

nuclear accidents ____· the world occurred

IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

WESTMINSTER Royal Westminster is the heart of London, for here are the Houses of Parliament, and (1) country's administration c��ters·around Whitehall and St. James. You will be (2) Parliament Square and the front the Palace of Westminster with its twin towers of St. Stephens and (3) strikes hours in the Victoria. Big Ben is strictly the name of the bell (4) 320-ft. tower near Westminster Bridge - it has become famous throughout the ( 5) as a symbol of London. Look out for Downing Street as you go at No. 10. (6) Whitehall - the Prime Minster of the day (7) Nearby at Horse Guards, mounted soldiers on sentry duty can be seen. (8) are foot guards outside St. James's Palace and afterwards you (9) revisit both places with your camera. Facing the Trafalgar Square fountains (10) the National Gallery- and the inevitable London pigeons. 160

V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.

I. Van Mieu was ---- of Confucian ways of thought and behaviour. 2. Van Mieu became a place to ___ brilliant scholars of the nation.

the most


3. Van Mieu was ____ built in 1070 in the Ly dynasty.


of President Ho Chi Minh's 4. The Mausoleum started in 1973.


5. Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam is a ____ of Vietnamese people.


VI. Read the following passage¡ and choose the best answer for each blank.

HOAN KIEM LAKE Right in the middle of the city of Hanoi, Hoan Kiem Lake, or locally the place for (I)__ as Bo Ho that means 'the shore of the lake', is (2) morning exercises, leisure and recreation activities. It is the heart and the beats of the city - thousands of local folks (3) together on the Liberation Day the and the photographers snap photos of brides and grooms (4) wedding season. The lake has the legend way back in the mid-15th century (5)__ Emperor Ly Thai To (Le Loi) got a magical sword from heaven to fight (6)__ the Chinese, the Ming aggressors, out of Vietnam. After that one day when he was out (7)__ in the lake, a giant golden tortoise suddenly grabbed the sword and (8)__ into the water. The lake is also known as 'Ho Hoan Kiem', the Lake of the Restored Sword, (9)__ it is believed the sword was taken to its original divine owners. On an islet in the middle of the lake towards its south (10)-- the Tqrtoise Tower or the Thap Rua on the top of which¡a red star is often held as an emblem of Hanoi. .

11A-B6 TAO TA10


1. A.believed




2. A.so as

B.much as

C.more than

D.more or less

3. A.gather




4. A.during

B. on



5. A.which




6. A.above·




7. A.diving




8. A.disappeared




9. A.although




I 0. A. sits




VII. Each sentence below contains ·an error. Underline it and write- the correct answer in the space provided.

1. Yesterday the temper�ture was enough hot to turn on the 1.____ air conditioning. 2. My sister types slowlier than· two other secretaries in . 2.____ her office. 3. As we continued traveling north, the weather got cold 3.____ and colder. 4. He doesn't work harder than he used to do one year ago.


5. The Historical Museum 1s the farthest of the two 5.---' buildings. 6. A hand-made postcard costs twice more than a 6.____ normal one.


7. He has less friends in his class than he had last year. 8. The director felt badly about not giving Jack the job.


9. The harder h� tried, the worst he danced before the large 9.---audience. 10. Henry's new sports car costs much more than his 10: ____ friend Peter .. 162

11 B- 06 TAO TA 10


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

THE HO CHI MINH MUSEUM (NHA RONG HARBOR) Nha Rong Harbor, or Uncle Ho's Museum is situated on the junction of the Saigon River, at the end of Nguyen Tat Thanh Street. On June 5 th 1911, it was here that President Ho Chi Minh boarded the ship "Latouche Treville Admiral" to . set out on a long journey to find a solution to liberate the country. Nha Rong was formerly the representative office of the French Maritime Transport Company (a subsidiary of the French shipping company "Messageries Pharitimes"). The office was built in 1862 and used as the residence for the general manager as well as the place for selling boat tickets. It has been called Nha Rong (The Dragon House) because there are two statues of dragons on its roof. It was in November 1862 that the first ship left Nha Rong Harbor. On September 3 rd 1979, the HCMC People's Committee made a decision of converting Nha Rong Harbor to ''Uncle Ho's Museum'' (The Ho Chi Minh Museum at Nha Rong Harbor). Plenty of pictures and items relating to President Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary life are shown inside. Since then, the museum has greeted millions of visitors from all over the country as well as from foreign countries. 1. Where is Nha Rong Harbor situated? 2. When did Nguyen Tat Thanh set out from Nha Rong Harbor to find a solution to liberate the country? 3. Why has this building been called Nha Rong (The Dragon House)? 4. What happened in Nha Rong Harbor in November 1.862? 5. What can visitors see when they visit Nha Rong Harbor?


IX. Finish each of the foilowing sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. E.g.: 0. Whose bag is this?


__ Who does this bag belong to?__ 1. My Thuan is the longest bridge that I've even seen.


2. She liked Paris very little and Rome less.


3. My brother can't play football as well as he used to.


4. I don't visit Van Mieu as often as Hoan Kiem Lake.


5. Have you got any pictures which are prettier than this one?


X. The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. Study the chart, then use the words given to describe it. You should write at least 60 words. Expenditln on fnt foods br Income groupt Pence �r person perweek



40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Fish and Chips

ID1II . Pizza

High Income



. Awrage Income

Low Income¡


. U!Jl!J(ij(b(D (](!JU�

} For each question, choose the correct answer. (If you are in . ., doubt, look at the Clues.) Write the six letters at the bottom 'of the page, and then answer the Extra Question. Which is the largest ocean in the world? A The Atlantic Ocean. .� � B The Indian Ocean. � � C The Pacific Ocea�. 2 Which is the longest river in the world? � D The Amazon. E The Nile. F The Mississippi. 3 Which is the oldest university in the world? G The University of Bologna, Italy. H The University of Oxford, England. t The University of Karueein, Morocco. 4

L Annapurna. 5 Which is the biggest country in the world? M Canada. N TheUSA.

o Russia

6 Which is the heaviest animal in the world? P The African elephant. Q The Indian elephant. R The blue whale.


The answer indudes the sixteenth letter of the alphabet. ._____________., 2 The answer does not indude the letter O or the letter P. 4 2 5 3 6 3 The answer is not in Europe. 4 The- answer does not end with a vowef. I� · 1 I I I 5 There are two words in the answer: the second word is longer than @ra Question}} the first word. One of those six letters is the commonest 6 The words of the answer have three letters, four letters and five letters. letter in the English language. Which one?




FINALTEST l Time allowed: 60 min.

Choose the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced in each line. (10 points)

Part I.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(Total: 100 points)

A.crown A.advife A.excursion A.recognized A.§pecies

Part II.

B. powerful


B.£Omposer B. further B. endangered B. re§erve

C.browse C.£itadel C.burial C.weighed C.po§tpone

D.slow D.canfer D.turtle D.flourished D.re§urface

Choose the correct option to ·finish the following mini . talk. (10 points)


The new neighbours (1) _ their house. It looks really nice! Those colours (2) well together. Kate: Fred told me yesterday that they are professional painters.· Bill: How (3) _ ? Kate: Apparently, he (4) _ them since he was a child. They (5) _ to the same school. 1. A. paint B. is painting C.have painted · D.have been painting 2. A.go. B.are going C.have gone D.have been going 3. A.does he know C.has he known B.is he knowing D.has he been knowing 4. A.knows C.has known B.knew D.has been knowing 5. A.goes B. went C.has gone D.has been going Part III.

Complete the following passage by using the correct form of the words given in brackets. (20 points)

GOING GREEN There· is an (1. argue) __ that recycling may have some (2. foresee) __ negative effects. Of course, it would be a major achievement if we were able to of the threat to the environment caused by pollution and increase (3. aware) the (4. bum) of fossil fuels. However, if the public's only involvement in 166

(5. ecology) __ issues is taking their newspapers and bottles to a recycling point, we may only be creating the (6. appear) __ of improvement. If they have to drive any (7. distant) __ to the recycling point, for example, it might mean the consumption of more energy than is (8. save) __. Also, if people feel that they are making their contribution to the environment, they might not put so much (9. press) __ on large organizations to encourage the development �f (I 0. safe) __, less damaging forms of production. Part IV.

Insert a suitable preposition in each numbered gap to finish the . following argument. ( 10 points) AN ARGUMENT ON COMPUTER GAMES

Computer games have been popular for decades now and many households have (1) __ least one. However it can be seen that playing these games causes problems of several kinds both (2) __ youngsters and society. Firstly, youngsters who spend much of their time (3) _._ front of a monitor do not have enough time (4) __ studying, playing sport, socialising or learning about life. The skills which they need in order to interact (5) __ others and succeed in the real world are not being nurtured. Moreover, studies have shown that this generation of youths is actually growing less than previous generations due to lack of exercise. (6) __ a result, they are more likely to be overweight and less healthy, so more prone (7) __ diseases such as diabetes. (8) __ addition, the games themselves are often quite violent. For example, there are games which show graphic fighting scenes where the most brutal is most applauded. The language also tends to be violent and sexist, which has a negative influence on youngsters. It is easy to imagine the effects of such games (9) __ young minds. If we wish our children to grow up to become well-adjusted members (1O)__ the . society, these games should be more tightly controlled. Part V.

Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to be used for each of the blanks to complete the following pa�sage. (20 points)


The world's first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and · Auguste Lumiere. Although it only (1) __ of short, _simple scenes, people loved 167

it and films have been (2) __ ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to (3) __ the story. Soon the public had (4) __ favourite actors and actresses and, in this (5) __ the first film stars appeared. In 1927, the first "talkie", a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public (6) __ only accept this kind of film. Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7)__ produced 95% of all films. With the arrival of television in the 1950s, (8) __ people went to see films, but in recent (9) __ cinema audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produced films that influence film-making and there are (IO) __ many national film industries. 1. A. consisted

B. contained

C. held

D. belonged

2. A. common

B. popular

C. liking

D. everywhere

3. A. join

B. read

C. explain

D. perform

4. A. his

B. our

C. your

D. their

5. A. way

B. reason

C. result

D. method

B. should

C. would

D. might

7. A. who

B. that

C. where

D. which

8. A. less

B. fewer

C. more

D. any_

9. A. time

B. months

C. years

D. periods

10. A. soon

B. currently

C. presently

D. modernly


A. will

Part VI.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions. ( 10 points)

One mystery about elephants that seems to have been solved is how elephants communicate with each other. Humans have heard a whole variety of sounds coming from elephants, but these sounds are not the only way that elephants communicate. A new explanation about elephant communication is being proposed. Elephants vibrate the air in their trunk.s and foreheads. The sound that is. created during this vibration has an extremely low pitch; the pitch, in fact, is so low that humans cannot hear it. However, it seems that other elephants can and do hear and understand these low rumblings. 168

1. The passage mainly discusses __ . A. the answer to a question about how elephants communicate B. how elephants vibrate the air in their trunks C. communication between animals and humans D. the sounds that elephants make 2. According to the passage, people __ . A. cannot hear any elephant sounds B. are not interested in elephant sounds C. hear only one elephant sound D. can hear numerous elephant sounds 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the elephant sounds that humans hear are A. one of the ways that elephants communicate B. not part of elephant communication, C. how elephants communicate with �umans D. the only sounds that elephants make 4. Which of the following is NOT true about the extremely low sound created by elephants? A. Humans cannot understand it. B. Humans hear it. C. Elephants hear it. D. Elephants understand it. 5. The word "rumblings" in the last line is closest in meaning to __ . A. words

B. ears

C. vibration

D. melodies

Part VII. Rewrite the following sentences, so that they have the same meaning as the ¡ original ones, using the words given at the beginning. ( 10 points)

1. We will have to make him work harder. He will 169

2. We breathe a lot of-polluted air: wďż˝ get weaker. The more ------------'-----------------3. If she had seen him waving, she would have waved back. She didn't ---------------------4. The flat is very noisy but we enjoy living there. Although ______________________ 5. "I am leaving tomorrow," she said, "by 4.30 from Nha Trang station." She said ----------------------Part VIII.

Write a paragraph of 120 - 150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car. ( 10 points)

You can use the following ideas: - freedom of use - make you feel independent - carry heavy things - help friends - expensive - difficulty with parking ...

FINAL TEST 2 Time allowed: 60 min. Part I.


- (Total: 100 points)

Decide the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in each line. ( 10 points)

1. A. forest

B. ignore

C. hardware

D. passion

2. A. origin

B. disabled

C. assemble

D. important

3. A. glorious

B. mentally

C. romantic

, D. leftovers

4. A. organism

B. communicate

C. ambassador

D. emotional

5. A. contaminate

B. championship

C. minority

D. convenience

Part II.

Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences. (10 points)

_ l. The aquarium ___ we wanted to visit was shut when we got there. A. that

B. where


D.at which

2. The librarian gave us a lot of information, __ was very useful. A. this

C.which most of it

B.most of that

D.most of which

3. The TV program I watched last night was so ___ that I turned it off. · A.boring

B. bored



4. __ it is getting dark, we will not wait for him any longer. A.Unless

B. While

C. Since


5. By the time you re.ceive this letter, I __ for Ho Chi Minh City. C.will be leaving

A.will leave

· D.will have left

B.have left

6. I felt sorry about breaking my friend's glasses. Afterwards, I offered for them. A.pay

B.to pay

C. paying

D.to paying

7. Men and women should be given the same job opportunities. ___ they should be paid equal salar�es for the same work. A.Although

B. Furthermore


D. However

8. My classmate told me to watch movies in English __ learn spoken English better. A.so as

B.so that

C.in order to

D.in order that

9.· The Icelandic. language ___ very little over the past 800 years. A.is changing

B.was changing

C.has changed


10. Dogs are good travelling companions. They will go __ you take them. A.where

B. whatever

C. wherever

D.whichever 171

Part III.

Use the correct form of the words given to complete the following film review. ( 10 points)

Velocity is the (1. late) film from director James Cox. If you make your way to the cinema to see this, (2. prepare) __ for an adventure! It starts when Matt, a powerful executive, leaves on a business trip for Japan, after almost (3. miss) _._ his plane. Once in the air, a passenger with a gun forces a change of route, and when they cross the border into Iraq and land at the airport, the real action begins. The passengers are .taken.to a hotel at full speed, where Matt learns that he is (4. set off) __ on a journey to certain death. Great action. Great (5. act) __ . Don't miss it! Part IV.

¡ Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each numbered space. (20 points)

AARDVARKS When the Boer settlers first arrived in South Africa from Holland, they found a strange animal. Its ears resemble those of a donkey and its body is (l) __ with stiff hair. It has a long snout, (2) __ longer than that of a pig, and long eyelashes. It is also equipped with yery short, powerful legs, with (3) __ it digs into the ground. The Boers named it the '"aardvark", which means "earth pig" in the (4) __ Dutch. The favourite food of the aardvark is termites. Termites are insects that live in large colonies, ( 5) __ ants. The aardvark uses its (6) __ legs to break the termite mound open and get at the insects inside. There are sp�cial termites known as soldiers, who try to protect the colony. Aardvarks, (7) __, have thick skin to protect themselves from bites. Females only (8) __ birth to one baby a year, so aardvarks are quite rare. When they are (9) __ threat, they use their tough legs to quickly dig underground to escape from their attackers. ¡ Aardvarks are not often seen (10) ___ they are nocturnal, sleeping in their burrows during the day and coming out to hunt at night. 1. A. covered

B, full

C. decorated

D. surrounded

2. A. very

B. more B. which

C. much

D. as D. these

3. A. them 172

C. those

4. A.primary




5. A.as




6. A.top


C. front


7. A.although




8. A.give




9. A.in




10. A. but




Part V.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions. ( 10 points)

The Pacific Ocean is a body of water of immense size and power. Its name, however, does not reflect the incredible size and force of this body of water. In size, the Pacific Ocean is unequaled. The ocean covers an area of 64 million square miles and is by far the largest of the world's oceans. It covers a · third of the surface of the Earth, it is double the size of the Atlantic, and it contains more water than all the world's othei: oceans combined. As a force of nature, the Pacific Ocean can be very powerful indeed. The westerly winds produce areas of stormy precipitation in some parts of the ocean. Tropical cyclones, with winds ·that can be as high as 200 miles per hour, pi'oduce much of the rainfall in the Pacific. In view of the extreme size and power of the Pacific, the name that it carries is unexpected. The Pacific Ocean was given its name by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who sailed around the world in the early sixteenth century. The word pacific actually means "peaceful." Magellan named this giant of an ocean the Pacific because he found its waters to be so much more p�aceful than the rough and stormy waters of the Atlantic that he had crossed earlier in his voyage. 1. The �ain idea of the passage is that _______ A.the Pacific and the Atlantic are comparable oceans B.there is a contrast between.the name and the reality of the Pacific C.the Pacific is quite a peaceful ocean D.Magellan overestimated the size and strength of the Pacific 173

2. Look at the word unequaled in paragraph 2. This word could best be replaced by ____ A. unknown

C. average

B. the most measured

D. the biggest

3. The powerful winds mentioned in the passage come from which direction? A. From the north

C. From the.south

B. From the west

D. From the east

4. Based.on the information in the passage, which of the following might be the dates of Magellan's voyage around the world? A. 1489-1492

C. 1589-1592

B. 1519-1522

D. 1619-1622

5; It is implied in the passage that Magellan ___ A. did not understand the true nature of the Pacific B. never actually crossed the Atlantic C. really thought the Atlantic was quite calm and peaceful D. never actually sailed on the Pacific Part VI.

Combine these pairs of sentences into single ones by following the instructions given in brackets. (20 points)

1. He went out of the room. He did not say anything. (Use without) 2. My parents got up very early this morning. They wanted to pack the car for our journey. (Use to + irifinitive) 3. She had computer lessons. She did not go to the cinema. (Use instead of) 4. The computer does not work properly. Some of the parts are missing. (Use because) 5. He tried hard. He couldn't set up a new world record. (Use although) 6. The football match was put off because of the rain. This was very disappointing. (Use which) 174

7. I always enjoy studying mathematics. I have decided to major in it in university. (Use so) 8. The rice will be done in about 10 minutes. Immediately after that, we can eat. (Use as soon as) 9. Bill's mother was ill. He had to do all the cleaning and cooking. (Use as) 10. I djdn't know the fact. That's why I didn't phone the police to tell them. (Use if) Part VII. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the original ones, using the exact words given in bold. (10 points)

1. Will you take care of the parrot while I am away?


2. Why are you lying to me? 3. I am very excited about seeing you next week.

truth looking

4. People say he was in the French Foreign Legion.


5. My sister can't knit as well as my mother does.


VIII. The table shows student expenditure over a five-year period in Riverland. Write a report describing the information shown below. You should write at least 120 words. (10 points)

Percentage of total expenditure: Items

Accommodation Food, household goods Essential travel Non-essential travel Course. expenditure Entertainment Others*





20 2

5 10

26 12

17 5


4 7



* include non-essential consumer items 175


A DAY IN THE LIFE OF ... I. 1. C. decisive 2. A.peasant 3. B.immidiate 4.B.ready 5. D.cycling II. l.does he do - plays-watches 2.was wanted 3.offer-is-offered-didn't accept 4.Don't you see-see-does it say 5. Did you hear-didn't hear - was III. 1.A







8. C






6. from


2. answer-s

7. back/ home

12.who/ that


8. before


4.begin/ start

9. with





V. 1.fastening 2.deaths 3.dissatisfied 4.education 5. frightening VI.

1.seldom/ rarely let

6.is seldom/ rarely

2.always eats

7.seldom/ rarely rains

3.often/ usually stay

8.never go

4. sometimes gives

9.always buy

5.often/ usually begins

10.often/ usually go

VII. I. stayed








5. fought


VIII. B.d-b-a-c D.d-c-a-b. A. b-d-c-a C.c-b-d-a

IX. 1.

It often takes Mr. Vy fifteen minutes to lead the buffalo to the field.

2. 3.

Quan always goes to school on foot. You don'tforget the flight of July 14, 1995, do you?

4. Whom does this handbag belong to? 5. Getting into work this morning was a bit difficult for me. 12A- B6 TRO TA10


X. 1. We were driving along a narrow road when the car broke down. 2. David and I wanted to go off in search of help but Bill insisted on staying riear the car. 3. He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather than go in the jungle and risk getting lost. 4. However, both David and I did not agree and David pointed to a path which would probably lead to a village. 5. We followed the path but soon we were hopelessly lost. 6. After an hour or so we began to feel very frightened.


7. Then David fell and cut his arms and legs. 8. I decided to climb a tree to see where we were. 9. Suddenly we caught sight of a car and some men. 10. After hearing our story, they took us back to our car and helped us repair it.


ARE YOU NICE TO LIVE WITH? Add up your scores. �


A. 1


C. 3


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. 1

-B. 1



A. 1



A. 1

B. 1

C. 3 C.2


A. 1 A. 2


C. 3 C.2

D.4 D.2

� � � �


What do your scores mean?



You're perfect! Do the quiz again but be honest this time!


You're a great person. to live with!

13-20 21-28

You're a normal, nice teenager. Ugh! You're a real pain in the neck! 12B- B6 TAO TA 10



t C. s�tisfy 2.A. honest 3.D. stydious 4.A. guitarist 5.B. WQn

II. I.A 6.A

2.B 7.D

3.A 8.D

4.C 9.B

5.C (10. C

III. 1. being 2. seeing 3. traveling 4. to get 5. to work

6. concentrating ¡7. to go 8. to apply 9. to study lO. applying

IV. 1. When are you going to buy 2. How are you going to pay 3. How long did you have 4. How often do you ride 5. How do you get

6.Are you going to ride 7. Why didn't you ride 8.Does your bike have 9. What kind of bike do you have 10. When did Nam get

1. primary 2. lessons 3. class 4. education 5. private

6. uniforms 7. homework 8. passed 9. course 10. teacher



VI. . 1. C






7. I



10. D



1. to revise � revising


.2. to drive � driving ·

7. to offend � offending




4. to mend� mending

9. to have � having

5. applying � to apply

10. to work� working

VIII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Because his son's teacher sent him a note. He sits and looks out the window. His grandmother He does nothing./ He stays at home. He wants to stay with his aunt.

IX. 1. left the room without locking 2. try my best to get 3. I had been late the 4. spent two hours doing 5. promised to bring the book X. (Possible answers) I. NGUYEN AN SON 2. 137 Xu� Thuy street, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Viet Nam 3. Vietnamese 4. books, tapes, computer 5. 20 (hours) 180

6. morning 7. near the window in my room 8. traffic noise 9. I can listen to and sing English songs. 10. Nguyen An Son FUN CORNER School· crossword 1. ART 2. MATHEMATICS 3. GEOGRAPHY 4. SCIENCE 5. ENGLISH 6. GERMAN 7. HISTORY


PEOPLE'S BACKGROUND I. 1. C.�ducate 2. B.m�ture 3. C.saint 4. A. breathe 5. B.m�y

II.. l.D


3. B







10.B 181


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

missed- got- had already left had had visited- had gone saw- did- Had you ever acted- started traveled - had never lived - had- became- had never lived


I. childhood 2. death 3. because/ as 4. did/ studied/ learned 5. few

6. married 7. birth 8. discovered 9. won 10. later


1. wealthy 2. ambitious

3. journalist 5. highly 7. amusement 4. decision 6. incredibly 8. unlucky


l.D 6.C 11. A

2.C 7.B 12.B

3.D 8.C 13.C

4.B 9.C 14.D

5.D 10.D 15.D

VII. 1. C4had 2. A 4sent 3. C ďż˝ before 4. D 4since 5. C4by the VIII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 182

Because he had hearing problems. / His ears were not good. It was the electric light bulb. He had five children. He used to work 20 hours a day. He was 84 (years old).

9. happily IO.ability

IX. 1. After he had graduated from the National University, he worked as a physicist. 2. John had done his homework before he went to bed/ going to bed. 3. Peter wishes (that) he had studied hard / harder at university. 4. Mai said that she had seen their former teacher the previous afternoon. 5. After we had lived in Ha Noi for ten years, we moved to Ho Chi Minh City. X. (Possible answer)

Katherine Mansfield was born in New Zealand in 1888. She left her native country when she was in her twenties and emigrated to England. She never returned to New Zealand and spent the rest of her life in Europe. After her first unsuccessful marriage, she married in 1918, the critic, John Middleton Murry, who encouraged her writing. Three years earlier, her younger brother had died in France, and this sad event made a deep impression on her. The memories of her childhood and of her brother are described in some of her short stories. In all of her works, there is an emphasis on everyday life. Her most famous stories were those published in the 1920s, like those in the collection "The Garden Party", published in 19_22. She died, aged 35, in Fontainebleau in France after she had been ill for a long time. (138 words)



WRITTEN TEST l Time: 45 minutes

(Total: 100 points)

Part I. 5 x 2p = 1 Op

1. B. d�velop 2. C. threaten 3. A. b�sket 4. D. occypy 5. B. career Part II. 10 x 2p = 20p

1. C 6. D


3. C


5. B

7. C




Part III. 10 x 2p = 20p

l. look

3. wears

5. which

7. at

9. tall

2. with

4. became

6. makes

8. both

10. continue

�art IV. 10 x 2p = 20p

1. drinks - is drinking 2. had served - sat 3. talking - to finish 4. started - composing/ to compose - wrote 5. had spoken Part V. 5 x 2p = 1Op

1. A� to start 2. A � had been 3. A� making 4. C � went 5. B � had graduated 184

Part VI. 5 x 2p = lOp

1. I prefer cycling to traveling by motorbike to work. 2. After he had left school, he joined the army. 3. When were you born? 4. Why isn't this computer working? 5. She looks forward to meeting her cousin again. Part VII. 5 x 2p = lOp

1. By the time we arrived at the party, everything had already been eaten. 2. Every morning when the alarm goes off at 4.30, Mrs. Tuyet gets up and prepares- breakfast. 3. Yesterday we saw an accident while we were walking to school. 4. Why didn't you apply for the job which I (had) recommended? 5. By working hard he succeeded in finishing the job in time.

Unit 4

SPECIAL EDUCATION I. 1. D. CQntinue 2. C. WW)t 3. A. aunt 4. C. sorrow 5. C. sm�llest II.

1. B

2. D

3. B







10. D 185

III. I. The unemployed 2. The rich - the poor 3. The blind - the deaf 4. The young - the old 5. The healthy - the sick 6. The polite IV. I. use 2. each 3. who / that 4. makes 5. letter

6. other 7. these 8. what 9. so 10. whole

V. (Possible answer) 1. Is your blindness a new problem 2. How do you earn money/ What do you do to earn money 3. Where do you sell them 4. How can you go 5. How often do you work 6. How often do you 7. Why do people like your brooms 8. Who make them/ your brooms 9. Do you like your job io. Why do you like your job VI. l.B 6.C

2.C 7.A

3.A 8.A



4.D 9.C

5.B 10.D

VII. l.C 186



VIII. 1. Sally lost her job, which wasn't surprised. 2. She usually came to work late, which upset her boss. 3. So her boss fired her, which made her angry. 4. She hadn't saved any money, which was unfortunate.

5. So she had to borrow some money from me, which I didn't like. 6. She has found a new job, which is lucky. 7. She can earn enough for her living, which makes her family happy. 8. She has repaid the money she borrowed from me, which I appreciate. 9. She has apologized for causing some trouble, which is acceptable. 10. She has promised herself to be on time to work every day, which is a good idea. IX. 1. used to hate school 2. used to be a secretary

3. used to have a rat 4. used to go bowling 5. used to have fresh eggs 6. used to crawl under his bed and put his hands over his ears 7. used to go 8. didn't use to wear 9. used to hate ... didn't use to have 10. did you use to do

X. 1. I am writing to complain about the condition of the cassette recorder which I bought from your shop on 3 rd March. 2. Although the outer box was in perfect condition, I found when I arrived home that the player itself had obviously been used before. 187

3. The headphone cable was badly twisted and I do not think it will be long. 4. In addition, neither of the two free cassettes which came with the machine was at the beginning. 5. I am sure they must have been played before by a previous customer, 6. or perhaps the machine had been used for demonstration purposes. 7. There is nothing wrong with the sound quality of the player, 8. but, as I had paid full price, I have a right to expect to receive brand new equipment. 9. I would therefore be grateful if you would replace the player with a new model of the same type. 10. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

FUN CORNER No one controls the future, but we all help make it.

Unit 5


1. B. bytcher 2. B. cool 3. C. knew 4. A. WQlf 5. B. tuition




3. C


5. B

6. C

8. C


10. D

III. 6. have been given 7. haven't saved 8. Have you ever slept 9. has improved 10.have looked

1.has been used 2.have never played 3.have won 4.hasn't spoken 5.hasn't eaten IV.

1.that/ which 2.be 3.the 4.part/ role 5.without

6.of 7.all 8.sure/ certain 9.run/ sell 10.so

11.are/ get 12.lot 13.with 14.aside/ away 15.not/ never


1. New evidence has been discovered by the city attorneys. 2. People/ Someone invented the wheel thousands of years ago. 3. This computer has been used for two years (by me). 4. Do three continents surround the Mediterranean Sea? 5. Pencils will not be provided at the test, so please bring your own. 6. Have they offered Mai the opportunity to study abroad? 7. Is a student pilot flying that airplane? 8. They had already eaten all the delicious food by the time we crone. 9. I run not impressed by Alan's knowledge about science and technology. 10. A new hospital is going to be built just outside of town. VI. 1.much 2.until

6.one 7. y




4.it 5.myself


9.out 10.to

11. y 12.with 13.so 14.all 15.for 189


6. who/ whoin/ ·that/ 0 7. whose 8. which/ that 9. who/that 10. who/ whom/ that/0

1. who/that 2. who/that 3. which/ that/ 0 4. whose 5. which/ ·that VIII. l.B






1. Our teacher has been sickfor a week/ since last week. 2. · I haven't received my brothe�'s e-mail for five months. 3. It has been a year since I last talked to him. 4. It is the first time I have (ever) used a laptop. 5. Has this TV ever been operated with a remote control (by anyone) before?, X.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

First/Firstly, sort the dirty washing into the piles. Then put clothes into the machine. Take care not to overload the machine. Select the programme that is required. Fill appropriately the compartment with washing powder. Make sure not to use too much powder! Close the door carefully then press the red button. Don't attempt to open the door until the programme is completed. As soon as the machine stops, remove clothes to prevent them from creasing.

FUN CORNER Computer error!

1. I'll cut the tomatoes - you wash the lettuce. 2. Who shall we invite to the wedding? 190

3. Shall I open the door for you? 4. Why don't we go to the cinema this evening? 5. Shall I call a doctor? 6. Shall we take a taxi? 7. Where shall I put this chair? 8. Let's go for a walk.



1. A. syrvive 2. B. t�rminal 3. D. or�ge 4. B. pQrtrait 5. D. cyrrent II.












I . is traveling

6. am studying

2. are arriving

7. am leaving

3. am meetjng

8. is attending

4. am getting

9. are coming

5. is not taking

10. am·calling 191


1. of

6. with

11. enjoy

2. which

7. for

12. or

3. been

8. this/ that

13. its

4. them/ all/ these

9. by

14. so

5. who

10. from

15. are

I. am going to light 2. is"being 3.Are you going 4. am not going to do 5. is coming

6. am spending 7.· is going ·to build 8. are taking 9. am competing 10. am going to read



1. 2. J. 4. 5.

formations permission sunny participants confirmation


1.B 6.B

2.B 7.C

3.D 8.D

4.D 9.A

5.A 10.C


1. It means you know nothing about the beauty of VietNam. 2. It is situated near Ha Long City in Quang Ninh Province, 180 km from HaNoi. 3. More than 1,000 islands were named. 4. Because they were astonished at the wonder of �ature/ their beauty. 5. Its beautiful islands; its natural caves and grottos; its beautiful beaches. 192

IX. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


are starting the trip am thinking about visiting is due to arrive in is going to have were going to visit

1. Thank you for your letter which invites me to go to Tuan Chau with you and your family next weekend. 2. I would love to go but here are some recommendations I would like to make. 3. Do you remember Aunt Nga who is my father's younger sister? 4. She is now living in Ha Long Bay and she owns a small hotel there. 5. Do you want me to telephone her to arrange accommodation for us? 6. Moreover, I think (that) we should start our trip early in the morning. 7. Why don't you pick me up at 5.30 a.m. on Saturday? 8. Then, we can stop on the way and have breakfast at a roadside restaurant. 9. Let's hope the weather will be fine during our holiday. 10. I look/ am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

FUN CORNER Holiday photos




• This is the first line of a. lot of jokes. For example:

Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! - Don't $peak too loud, sir. I haven't got one for everybody. Waiter there's a fly in my soup! · I'm sorry, madam. Are you a vegetarian? 13A-B6 TAO TA10






WRITTEN TEST.2 Time: 45 minutes

(Total: 100 points)

Part I. 5 x 2p = 1 Op


o� w�sn't

2. B. wool 3. · C. flQppy 4. C. Saturday

. 5. A. ought _ Part II. 5 x.2p = _ lOp

1. . C. statement · 2. B. device 3. D. excursion 4. B. destination 5. A. prepare · . .Part UL 10 x 2p =20p 1.D


·3. C







10. D

Part IV. 5 x 2p = lOp

1. B � are 2. ·A-� hasn't been 3. C � is going_ to.Jeam 4. A � are being 5. B �which Part V. 10 x 2p = 20p


1. result

3. wear

5. been

7. are

9� from

2. if

4. which/ that

6. with

8.who/ that

10. sounds

Part VI. 5 x 4p = 20p

1. Minh used to sleep with his brother when he was small. 2. I have used/ been using this bicyclefor three years. 3. These questions have.never been answered (by anyone). 4. The man who Julia is talking with is dump. 5. I'm meeting Mr. Trung tomorrow evening. Part VII. 5 x 2p = lOp

1. A lot of modem equipment has been used in our house to make our lives more comfortable. 2. Are you and your classmates going to visit Ha Long Bay next weekend? 3. The man who played the piano in the concert last nightis blind. 4. Tom had just bought a new computer, which surprised all of us. 5. I didn't use to wear bright colours when I was young.

Unit 7


1. A.decision 2. C.feature 3. A.voice 4. B.ch�el 5. D.syllable

II. 1.have already eaten

6.have you known

2.haven't written";:\


3.has improved

8.have never ridden

4.hasn't started

9. Have you ever swum

5.have already swept

10.has grown 195

III. 1.documentary



7. punishment







IV. 1.doing/ on 2.like

6. What 7.even

12.only/ just

16.should/ must 17.less

3.does/ did 4. average



18.at/ near









V. 1.A





























VII. 1.B 6.B 11.C

VIII. 1.because of



2.in spite of

7. In spite of



4. In spite of

9.because of



IX. 1.

Because the colour TV was expensive, we didn't buy it.

2. In spite of (its) having some bad effects, more and more people use. the Internet. 3.

Even though

the snowstorm was heavy, the reporters went out to do their tasks. there was a heavy snowstorm, the reporters ...


Because of the bad weather, they had to cancel the live show.

5. In spite of seeing the football match on TV last night, he bought a newspaper to read it. X. (Possible answer) Radio is a good means of communication. However, it has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly a lot of advantages about radio. First of all, it is cheap to buy. We can own a good radio with only some hundred thousand Vietnam dong. Secondly, we can listen to the radio at any time and in any place because it is easy to handle and the radio waves are very strong. Thirdly, there are a lot of good programmes on the radio which entertain us, as well as educate us. Besides its advantages, radio also has some disadvantages. First of all, radio provides information only through mouth, so we cannot see real pictures. Secondly, there e few live programmes on the radio, so we cannot get rapid information. Las ly, we can only hear, not watch important programmes on .the ! radio such as fil s, football matches, quiz shows, which reduces our interest. In spite of its disad antages, radio is still an important means of communication for us to get information and to entertain. FUN CORNER . Headlines 1. break down = a 2. urges = c 3. over = a 4. affects = c 5. solution = d 13A-B6TR0TA10

6. picks = a 7. struggle = b 8. give up = d 9. fans = b 10. chance = c 197



THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

D.poultry D.intrQduce A.knowledge C.abroad B.crow

II. 1.B 6.C

2.A 7.C

3.B 8.B


4.A 9.B

5.D 10.C

III. 1.wander 2: quiet suburb 3.make way for 4.outskirts 5.rural life


7.main crops 8.hedge 9.sp(?il the view 10.tiny cottage


I.look 2.as

3. do 4. in

5. kept 6.their

7.takes 8.like

9.spend IO.on


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C � will you promise B �worked D �the night before/ the previous night B �hard C �the second

VI. 1. I remarked that it wasn't so foggy that day as it had been the day before. 2. She said that nothing grew in her garden because it never got any sun. 3. Jane said to me that if I put on the kettle, she would make the tea. 198


s6 TAO TA10

4. Mr. Pitt said that he had come back to his home town ·the previous Sunday. 5. The farmer said that their village h�d changed a lot for the last ten years. 6: Tom said that he didn't know what to do with all his fruits. · 7. She said that she wished her children would eat vegetables. w��ili� 8. They said that they hadn't been in the city on Friday night.· 9. Julie said to Mary that she wasn't going with her to the park the next day. 10. The leader said that they couldn't reach to top until that afternoon.




l.B 6.B 11. C


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


2.A 7. C 12.D

3.A 8.D 13.D

4.B 9. C 14.B

5.A 10.A 15.A

They live in ilie northeastern part ofArizona in the United States. It is very hot in summer, but in winter it freezes/ is very cold. They have telephones, radios,. televisions, and pickup truc_ks. They learn English at schools. Because they �t want to lose their traditions/ they want to keep their traditions. �

1. If we play basketball in the classroom, we will break the windows. 2. If you touch my dog, it will bite you. 3. ·- If we stand under a tree, we won't get wet. - If_we don't stand under a tree, we will get wet. 4. If we walk, we will get tired I be tired 5. If we don 't hurry, we will be late.

X. 1. I am writing to invite you to the party we are having at my/our flat on February 22°d . 2. As you know, it is Ann's 15th birthday next week, so we tho�ght we · would celebrate it. 199

3. I can't/ don't remember if you have been round to the flat before, 4. but anyway, if you follow the dir�ctions below, you won't get lost. 5. Take the bus number 15 from the bus-stop and get off at the Star Hotel. 6. Walk down Cromwell Road, past the Odeon Cinema, and then take the first turning on the right. '¡

7. Turn left at the first junction, then go straight past the church as far as the next crossroads. 8. Turn rightand our block of flats is the second on the right. 9. Of course you are welcome to bring someone with you if you.want to. 10. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. FUN CORNER



FIRST TERM TEST Part I. (2p x 5 = lOp)






Part II. (lp _x 10 = lOp)











Part III. (2p x 10 = 20p)

1.in spite of

3.so that









Part IV. (lp x 10 = lOp)






6. the

. 7.<I>


8. the-


Part V. (2p x 10 = 20p)

1. B

3. B



9ďż˝ C





10. B

Part VI. (2p x 5 = lOp)






Part VII. (2p x 5 = lOp)

1. Were you asked any questions about it? 2. He used to get up very late. 3. The girl_ whom he is talking to has long hair. 4. She advised me to go to see the doctor immediately. 5. If they had enough money, they would buy a bigger house. 201

Part VIII. (2p x 5 = lOp) Dear Michael,

Thank you for seeing me off at Heathrow Airport last night. We had a pleasant flight but I was tired when we landed at Noi Bai airport this morning. I picked up a lot of English during my stay' with you, and I have also learned much about English people and culture. I have to get back to school soon but I am. quite confident about my English now. Thank you again for your hospitality and everything you have done for me. Best wishes, Yours, Linh

Unit 9

UNDERSEA WORLD I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C. beard A. tearing D. spear D. sour_ B. where .

II. 1. C 6. B

2. C 7.D

3.D 8.A

4.A 9.D

5. B 10.D

III. 1. leaves - will get 2. wouldn't be bitten 3. had - would grow 4. turns/ will tumďż˝ heat 5. worked - would finish


6. had - would use 7. would take 8. won't let 9. didn't smoke 10. gave - would you do

IV. 1. classify

3. size

5. as

7. found

9. including

2. most

4. weighs

6. long

8. few

10. their

V. 1. I think she should go to bed. 2. I don't think they should get married. 3. I think you should phone your bank. 4. I don't think he should drive. 5. I think you should go to the dentist. 6. I think you should take them back to the shop. 7. I think she should check the bill with the phone company. 8. I don't think they should_spend it all Qn sweets. 9. I think you should apologize to her. 10. I think she should join some clubs. VI.


1. F



5. C


5. C

VII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

would be� were/ was most bigger � biggest in long � long/ in length will travel � would travel eat � have eaten




IX. 1. 2. 3. 4.

If she weren't so thin/ were fatter, she wouldn't feel cold. If he polished his shoes, he would look smart. If he could park near his office, he would come by car. If my house weren't guarded by two big dogs, it would be broken into every night. 203

5. If the flats were clearly numbered, it would be easier to find someone/ people. 6. If I knew her e-mail address, l would tell you. 7. If I didn't feel tired, I would play football this afternoon.


8. If she didn't work in the evening, she would have time to play with her children. 9. If he had a watch, he wouldn't be late for work. 10. If I were taller, I would join the basketball team. 1. Whales are said to be the most intelligent animals in the oceans.

2. Whales like to feed in the cold ocean where there is a lot of krill. 3. The blue whale grows to 30 metres in length and over200-tons in weight.

4. Although sperm whales can be found in all oceans, they prefer the waters with high squid populations. 5. Some whales are known to move into warm waters to give birth. 6. A female sperm whale gives birth to one calf every five or seven years. 7. Dolphins are mammals that live in the water and they eat mainly fish. 8. A dolphin can normally live from twenty-five to sixty-five years. 9. Dolphin populations are at risk due to the pollution of their habitat. 10. What would happen if we didn't take any measures to protect whales and dolphins?

FUN CORNER Observation You shouldn't play ball games I with a ball. You shouldn't pick the flowers. You shouldn't walk on the grass. You shouldn't feed the ducks. You shouldn't fish in the lake. 204

Unit 10


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. doubt D.lab C.provision A. cupboard C.postage


1. B 6.A

2.C 7.C

3.A 8.A

4.B 9.B

5.C 10.C I


1.is being restored 2.was built 3.don't use 4. don't agree 5.will be invaded


6.lives 7.Had you already been accepted 8.was being followed 9.was felt 10.is influenced


1.natural 2.believed 3.used 4.part 5.of


1.is being redecorated 2.are dragged 3..will be exposed 4.hadn't been wound 5. was broadcast

6.against 7. particular 8. with 9.by 10. their

11. different 12.lost 13.prevent 14.than 15.take

6.was shoved 7. are being financed 8.is mined 9. had been stretched 10.are bred 205


1. threatened 2. polluted

6. completely 7. driving 8. household 9. decision 10. ensure

3. disappearance 4. scientists 5. defense/ce VII. 1. F




5. C


1. The animals at the zoo are fed twice¡a day (by the keepers). 2. - It is said that the loss of forests has caused a lot of natural disasters. - The loss of forests is said to have caused a lot of natural disasters. 3. The plants in the garden haven't been watered for a long time (by anyone). 4. Was he attacked by a monkey when he was standing near the bars? 5. Valuable wood, wildlife and good soil are being destroyed by a forest fire. 6. Earth should l;,e used to put out the campfire. 7. They want the abandoned cats to be taken care of. 8. Another zoo is going to be built by Mr. Aspinall. 9. - Who/Whom was Howletts Zoo in Kent owned by? By whom was Howletts Zoo in Kent owned? 10. He was made to open the handbag. IX. I.A



1. 2. 3. 4.


3. C



Thank you very much, for your letter which arrived a few days ago. It was lovely to hear from you. I am sorry I haven't written for such a long time, but I have been very busy. As you know, we bought a new house in September.

5. It was in very bad condition and it needed a lot of work. 6. . We have finished most of it now and it looks very nice. 7. Peter and I have decided to give a house-warming party on May 3rd. 8. Do you think you will be able to come? 9. Please give me a ring and let me know if you can make it. 10. I am really looking forward to seeing you again. FUN CORNER Links 1. d


5. b








Unit 11 I.

NATIONAL PARKS 1. A.recognized 2. B.han,4kerchief 3. C.fortunate 4. D.finished 5. A.d�pend

II. 1.C 6. B

2.D 7.A

3.A 8. C

4.C 9.B

III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

had written - wouldn't have happened lived would be hadn't missed - would be hadn't been/ weren't - would be had - would lend

5.D 10.B/

I ďż˝-


6. touch- won't bite 7. had-were 8. decide-calls 9. hadn't missed -would have been killed I0. have finished-will cl�ar IV.

I.up 2.so 3.because/ as /since/ for 4. were 5.could/ might

6.enough 7.least 8.more 9.who/that 10.a


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

would miss·� would have missed didn't lend� hadn't lent speaks� spoke would have been� would be missed� would have missed


I.rainy 2.variety 3.orphanage 4.contamination 5.southern

6.unsuitable 7.poisonous 8.minority 9.mountainous 10.invitation


LA 6.D 11. C VIII. I.F 208

2.D 7. C 12.A 2.C

3. E

3.B 8. B 13. C 4.A

4.B 9.D 14.D 5.D

5.C IO.A 15.B

IX. 1. If I hadn't been sick yesterday, I would have gone to class. 2. If Alan ate breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch. 3. Peter would have finished unloading the truck if John had helped him. 4. Jack wouldn't have been late to his own wedding if his watch hadn't been ten minutes slow. 5. I would take the bus to work every morning if it weren;t always so crowded. 6. I would have brought extra money with me if you had told me we were going to dinner after the movie. 7. If Sam had known that highway 57 was closed, he would.have taken an alternative route. 8. If I hadn't lost my key, I wouldn't have had to pound on the door to wake my roommate when I got home last night. 9. I ,wouldn't be tired today if I had gone to bed early/ hadn't gone to bed late last night. 10. If the wind weren't blowing hard, I would take the boat out for a ride.


1. Thank you for :your letter which I received this morning. 2. Thank you also for inviting me to come for (an) interview on Tuesday next week. 3. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend at the time you suggest/ have suggested. 4. Would it be possible to rearrange the interview for Wednesday morning? 5. I can/ could be at your office at 8.30 in the morning. 6. I would be most grateful if you could contact me to confirm the time. 7. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you next week.

FUN CORNER Animal quiz A. 8 E. 7

B. 3 F.2

C.4 G.5

D.6 H. 1


WRITTEN TEST 3 Time: 45 minutes Part I. (2p x 5 = lOp)

1. C.bear 2.· A.plumJ2er 3. A.photographed 4. B.na1ural 5. D.solger Part II. (2p x 10 = 20p)











Part III. (2p x 10 = 20p)

1. shines � will go 2. wouldn't have been cancelled-hadn't rained 3. should be done 4. would have never been 5. hadn't left-would have 6. were-would know Part IV. (2p x 10 = 20p)




2.become/ been








(Total: 100 points)

Part V. (2p x 5 = lOp)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

independently endangered accidentally imprisoned environmentalists

Part VI. (2p x 5 = lOp)

1. A�will

2. D � have given up 3. C � would give 4. A � should have gone 5. B � are taken Part VII. (2p x 5 = lOp)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If our heating were working, I wouldn.'t feel cold. Unless you have flour, you can't make a cake. She wouldn't be exhausted today if she had got some sleep last night. The forest was destroyed completely by the fire. If the bus hadn't been late, I would have gone to. school on time this morning.

Unit 12

MUSIC I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. compo�er B. zoology C. concert� A. arouse D. cassettes 211


I.A 6. C

2.A 7.B

3.B 8.D

4.D 9.C

5.C 10.D


1.to make 2.to get

3. to keep 4. to discuss

5. to have 6.to take

7. to review 8.to relax

IV. 1.everywhere 2.course 3.singing 4.without 5.instruments


6.schools 7.who/ that 8.can 9.to 10.which/ that

1. How do you spell it? 2. Where are you from? 3. What is your hometown? 4. When did you come here? 5. Why did you come here?/ What did you come here for? 6. What are you studying?/ What is your major? 7. How long are you going to stay here? 8. Where are you living? 9. Is it far from school? 10. How far is it?

VI. 1.was-) have been 2ďż˝ famous-) fame 3.what-) how 4.some-) any 5.recorded-) recording 212

6.succeed-) success 7.them-) their 8.exchanged ďż˝ changed 9.have-) had 10.commonly-) common

9.to cure 10.to pay












11. A






1. After he got home from work, Jack turned on the TV to watch the news. 2. Some evenings I go to the library to study in peace and quiet. 3. Every night she opens the bedroom windows to let in some fresh air.

4. Sometimes Pierre writes a letter to his parents to ask themfor some money. 5. Some afternoons at work, my co-worker has the radio qn to listen to music. IX. 1. know who saw you 2. to take care of 3. what you phoned him for 4. in order to get 5. have you been working X. (Possible answer) Contessa was born in Leeds on May 101h, 1963. She went to school in 1968 and stayed until 1979. In 1973 she began singing in a church choir, and stayed there for five years.By 1978 she had already made three records for the church. In 1980 she began singing with a local group called The Pebbles, and stayed with them until 1982. On August 4t\ 1981 she sang in a show in Brighton. A Mammoth Records producer was in the audience. Two weeks later, she signed a contract with Mammoth Records. She has been still under contract with Mammoth since then. In 1986 and_ 1987 she had two golden discs. Contessa says, "I have been singing for other people for 15 years, but I really sing for myself." She plans to make a third golden disc by her 25th birthday. 213




R E 0







C £




e: T


Unit 13

FILMS AND CINEMA I. 1. B:though 2. A. of

3. D. Ste}ilien 4. C. vinegar 5. A. cliff










8. C



III. 1.(a) interesting

(b) interested

6.(a) frustrating

(b) frustrated

2.(a) irritating

(b) irritated

7. (a) disturbing

(b) disturbed

3.(a) confusing

(b) confused

8.(a) convincing

(b) convinced

4.(a) disappointing

(b) disappointed 9.(a) moving

(b) moved

5.(a) reassuring

(b) reassured

(b) depressing


















2.0-an-0 3.the�a

7.an-the -the-the





10.(a) depressed





1.mineself� ·myself 2.enthusiasm·� enthusiastically

6.sit � seat 7.which� who/ that

3.hiring � to hire 4� unable� impossible

8.lately� late 9.pleasant �pleasure

5.make·� do/try

10.this� these

VII. l.B






11. B


8. C 13.C

9.C 14.D

.,�_··'6.- D

10.D 15.A 215










10. E

IX. 1. It was not until �e was 50 that he went to Hollywood. 2. It was not until 7 o'clock that the cinema was opened. 3. It was not until he phoned us that we knew about the meeting. 4. Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella. 5. Not until I.asked another audience did I know the name of the film. X. 1. One of my favorite movies is E. T: The Extra-Terrestrial, a touching science fiction story about the friendship of a young boy and a creature from outer space.

2. It takes place in the 1980s in a small American town. 3. When E.T.'s spaceship le_aves without him, he meets Elliot, a boy who becomes his friend. 4. E.T. likes Elliot, but he is very homesick, so Elliot decides to help him contact his friends. 5. This is not¡ easy because some scientists are searching for E.T. in order to study him. 6. Elliot and E.T. escape from the scientists by bicycle. 7. They go to the woods to meet the spaceship-that will take E.T. home.



r, �-�·· ._._. :, .. .. -












Unit 14


I. A. match 2. D. gentle 3. B. circle

4. B. golf_ 5. C. knob II.


1. B




5. B






s6 TRO TA10



1.will return 2.am going to wear 3.am going to hang 4.am going to work 5.are you going to give

6.will buy 7.am going to fix 8.is going to pick 9.will put 10.am going to help

1.different 2.create 3.defeat 4.the 5.under

6.of 7.including 8.matches 9.many 10.which

1.probably won't rain 2.will probably be 3.will probably tum 4.probably won't understand 5.will probably eat

6.probably won't go 7.will probably continue 8.will hold 9.will leave 10.will read



VI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C �probably won't B �and I am B �will not/ won't B �am going C �will

VII. 1.been 2. ....; 3.one 4.was 5.than 218

6.playing ·7.two 8 . ....; 9.that IO.have

11.long 12.since 13.....; 14. myself 15.see 148-86 TAO TA10

VIII. l. r elimination 2. jointly

3. powerful

4. ambassador

5. understanding


1. B

6. B




3. D

8. D


9. B

5. C


1. The management of the Youth Football Club wishes to announce that the·· club is seeking new players for the new football season.

2. Our school football team will play a friendly match with Ngo Sy Lien High School football team at 4.30 on Sunday afternoon, March 26th.

3. The first meeting for the new football players will be at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 4th in the school playground.

4. All the money collected from the match will be used to help the orphans in our city.

5. Buy a ticket to enjoy a good football match and make a small contribution to parentless children.



i A.,��:._..



I"r-:1-rr.-�-y---1 .,-1

_____�_,-....,,, -· .-j....

·IB ,� 1�i,-A-. :,r..,

l�l'IOl6IJIID !Icl� '


CztOfOSLOV,a,aAloj}war�s f

D w,:.sr GONN'I r f


Note for football enthusiasts: The ,scores in some.· matches (those marked *) inctuded penalties after ·extra time. 219

WRITTEN TEST 4 Time: 45 minutes Part I. (Sp x 2 = lOp) I. C. event§ 2. C. villager 3. D. improve . 4. B. if 5. A. change Part II. (1 Op x 2




2. D

3. A


5. B




9. B


Part III. (5p x 2 = lOp) l. B � challenging 2. C � than 3. B � to get 4. C � did I know 5. A� won't Part IV. (lOp x 2 = 20p) 1. was

6. by/ through / from/ for

2. Neither

7. most/ best/ doing

3. little


4. so

9. where

5. between

10. made/ insisted / demanded

Part V. (5p x 2 = lOp) 1. traditional 2. thoughts 220·

(Total: 100 points)

3. existence 4. championship 5. adventurous Part VI. (Sp x 2 = lOp)

1. - How long have you played/ been playing/or the national football team? - How long is it since you started playing for the national football team? 2. I wasn't amused at the new movie. 3. It's likely that Brazil will win the 2010 World Cup. 4. To earn some extra money he plays the guitar for a small group. 5.

It was not until he was 55 that �e became a famous film. director.

Part VII. (Sp x 4 =20p)

1. The organizer wishes to announce that the match this afternoon will be postponed until 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 1si_ 2. Of all films I have seen, '"Gone With The Wind" is the one I like best. 3. Michael Jackson was born in Indiana," America on Augu�t 29th , 1958 into a musical black family. 4.

It was not until the sunset that the football match finished.

5. Argentina· defeated Germany by 3 to 2 in the final match of the 1986 World Cup in Mexico.

Unit 15

CITIES I. 1. A. thief 2.

B. smooth

3. C. thermometer 4. D. southern 5. A bath 221

II. 1.B


3. D



6. C

7. C

8. D

9. C


HI. 1. in spite of � although

6. that � which

2. that � which

7. but

3. in it � 0

8. where � which

4. them� 0

9. though � in spite of

5. Even though � Despite

10. city � city which/ that



IV. 1. regard

4. great

7. another

10. come

13. for

2. own

5. by

8. than

11. where

14. it


6. much

9. paid

12. other

15. enjoy

V. I. which

6. which/ that

2. where

7. who/ whom I that

3. who /_whom

8. whom

4. which / that

9. which

5. who / that

10. whose

VI. 1. E


3. C

5. F


VII. 1. Florida, which attracts many tourists every year, 1s known as the Sunshine State. 2. Every neighbourhood in Brussels has a small cafe where customers drink coffee and eat pastries.


3. Despite being polluted and noisy,


its pollution and noise


many people want to live there.

4.. Tobacco is a plant vyhose large leaves are used for smoking and chewing. 5. Twenty people, three of whom were foreigners, were killed in the accident. 6. I'm going horseback riding with Tom this afternoon although I'm afraid of horses. 7. I took a picture of the rainbow that appeared in the sky after the shower. 8. In spite of his¡ doctor's warnings, John continued to smoke. 9. The¡ secretary who I talked to five minutes- ago didn't know where the meeting was. 10. Next summer I'll visit Hai Phong City, where my brother is studying. VIII. 1. life 2. noticing

3. originally

5. sale

4. convenience 6. widened

7. shorter

9. residents

8. underground 10. freedom

IX. 1. I got lost even though I knew the city well. J

2. My mother was the only person who/ that thought I would win the race. 3. Despite the fact that I worked until very late, I couldn't complete the task. 4. The policeman whose name was Williamson, lived next door. 5. Andrew set off for the supermarket in spite of the heavy rain. X. Sydney is Australia's most exciting city. The history of Australia begins here. In 1.788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in 'Sydney with 11 ships and 1624 passengers from Britain (including 770 prisoners). Today there are about 3.6 million people in Sydney. It is the biggest city in Australia, the busiest port in the South Pacific and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are over 20 excellent beaches close to Sydney and its warm climate and cool winter have made it a favourite city for immigrants from overseas. There are three things that make Sydney famous: its beautiful harbour, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was built in 1932 and the Sydney Opera House, which was opened in 19TJ. 223

FUN CORNER Missing letters l

5 .· CHESS



2 R 3 E












6 D

0 L

10 N



The famous.dty is




L 0 N




v· 0

. Unit 16 HISTORICAL PLACES I. I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. refycle A. ensure D. chamber A. question C. compari§on

II. . 1. B 6.B

2.A 7.C

3. C 8.A

4. D 9.D

HI. 1. more intelligent than - the smartest - in 2. the most popular - in 224

5. B 10.D



3. the closest - faster than 4. the largest-in - the smallest - of 5. more important than - less important than 6. more honest-than 7. more extensive - than 8. safer - than 9. the most difficult of l 0. the worst - in



2.shown 3.of

6. down 7.lives/ resides 8.There

4.which/ that 5.world

9. can/ should 10. is


1. representative 2. memorialize 3. originally 4. ' construction 5. pride

VI. 1. B


2. C 7.C

3.A 8.A

4.A 9. D

5.B 10.B

VII. 1.enough hot -? hot enough

6.more·than � as much as

2. slowlier -> more slowly

7. less � fewer

3.cold � colder

8.badly� bad

4.harder than -> as hard as

9.worst -> worse

5.farthest � farther

10. Peter -"?'Peter's


VIII.. I. It is situated on the junction of the Saigon River, at the end of Nguyen Tat Thanh Street. 2. He set out on June 5 th 1911. 3.

Because there are two statues of dragons on its roof.

4. The fir�t ship left Nha Rong Harbor. 5. They can see plenty of pictures and items relating to President Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary life.

IX. 1. I have never seen a longer bridge than My Thuan (bridge). 2.

She thought Rome was even worse than Paris.

3. My brother used to play football better than he can/does now. 4. I visit Van Mieu less often than I visit Hoan Kiem Lake. 5. Is this the prettiest picture (that) you.have (got)?

X. (Possible answer) The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favoured hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza.

FUN CORNER World quiz 1 C

2 E

3 I



The commonest letter in the English language is E.


5 0

6 R

FINAL TEST l I. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1.D







5. B

II. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1.C


III. (2p x 10 = 20p) ! ..argument









10. safer

IV. (lp x 10 = lOp) 1. at





6. As


8. In



V. (2p x 10 = 20p). I.A






7. D

8. B


10. B




VI. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1.A


' VII. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1. He will have to be made to work harder. 2. The more polluted air we breathe, the weaker we get. 3. She didn't see him waving, so she didn't wave back. 4. ¡ Although the flat is very noisy, we enjoy living there. 5. She said that she was leaving the next day by 4.30 from Nha Trang station. 227

VIII. (Sample answer) Owning a car has several advantages. First of all, you can go wherever you want and wheneve_r you want. You don't have to depend on public transport and consequently you feel more independent.Besides this, you are able to give lifts to friends, or carry heavy loads of shopping. However, there can be problems, especially if you live in a city. Running a car can be expensive, and you have, to spend money on items such as petrol, servicing the car, and repairs. You might also have problems with parking, as everywhere is becoming more and more crowded with cars. On balance, most people feel that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages. In spite of all these, cars have become an essential means of transport in cities.

FINAL TEST 2 I. (2p x 5 = 1 Op) 1.B


3. C




4.C 9.C

5. D

II. (lp x 10 = lOp) I.A 6.B

2. D 7. B


III. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1. latest

2. be prepared

3. missing

10.C 4. to set off

5. acting

IV. (2p x 10 = 20p) 1.A 6. C

2. C 7. C

V. (2p x 5 = 1 Op) 1. B

2. D

3; B

4. D

8.. A

9. B

5. B 10.C




VI.-(2p x 10 = 20p)

I . He went out of the room without saying any1h�ng.

2. My parents got up very early this morning (so as) to pack the car for our Journey. 228

3. She had computer lessons instead of going to the cinema. 4. The computer does not wcrk properly because some of the parts are missing. 5. Although he tried hard. he couldn't set up a new world record. 6. The football m�tch was put off because of the rain, which was very disappointing. 7. I always enjoy studying mathematics, so I have decided to major in it in university. 8. As soon as the rice is done in about 10 minutes, we can eat. 9. As Bill's mother was ill, he had to do all the cleaning and cooking. 10. · If I had known the fact, I would have phoned the police to tell them. VII. (2p x 5 = lOp) 1.

Will you look after the parrot while I am away?


Why aren't you/ are you nottelling me the truth?

3. I am looking forward to seeing you next week. 4.

It is said that he was in the French Foreign Legion. / He is said to have been in the French Foreign Legion.

5. My mother knits/ can knit better than my sister (does/ can).

VIII. (Sample ansirer) The table shov\S the·. changes which took place in student spending in Riverland over the tive year period from 2000 to 2005. Students spent 5% less on accommodation, which fell from 25% to 20% of total expenditure. and there was a 3% decrease in spending on food and household goods, which fell from 20% to 17%. At -the same time, course expenditure went down by 3%, from 10% to 7%. On the other hand, there was a 5% growth in sp�nding on entertainment, which stood at. 26% of total expenditure in 2000 but rose to 31% in 2005. Spending on essential travel went up by 3% while non­ essential travel underwent a 1% fall. Spending on all the other items grew by 4% to make up 16% of total expenditure. Overall, with the exception of expenditure on travel, the most significant general change was a shift from spending on essential items to spending on non­ essential items. 229

MUC LUC • • Trang Lili giiri thiefu

























76 84










107 116































1r�rnrm@ LM� 1111 (Tai bdn la'n thit ba)


LOI·GlOI THitu Huong ung Cu<)c thi Viet sach bid tf:lp va sach tham khdo dlfa theo chuang trinh moi Tilu h9c, Trung h9c ca so va Trung h9c ph6 thong vua B<) Giao dl!,C va Dao t(JO, cac tac gid o m9i mien d(i't nu6'c dii giti ve' Nha xudt bdn Giao dl!,c Vi¢t Nam nhie'u bdn thdo dlf thi c6 n<)i dung phong phu, da d(Jng. Thlfc hi¢n Slf chi d(J O cua B<) Giao dl!,C va Dao t(J O, Nha xudt bdn Giao dl!,C Vi¢t Nam trdn tr9ng gioi thi¢u v6'i d<)c gid cuon sach dlf thi nay dii duqc dua vao di¢n xet gidi dl cac tha'y' co giao va cac em h9c sinh trong cd nul!c c6 thl dung lam tai li¢u tham khdo trong qua trinh gidng d(Jy va h9c lf:lp theo sach giao khoa Tieng Anh 11. Nha xuat bdn Giao dl!,C Vi¢t Nam mong nhf:ln duqc nhieu y kien dong g6p cho m)i dung cuon sacn nay. Thu tit gop· y xin giri vi Ban t6 chuc cu<)c thi Viet sach bai lf:lp cua B<) Giao dl!,c va Dao t(JO theo dja chi: Nha xudt bdn Giao dl!,c Vi¢t Nam,'187B Gidng Vo -Ha N<)i. Nha xudt bdn Giao dl!,C Vi¢t Nam �in tran.tr9ng cdm <Jn. NHA XUAT BAN GIAO D{JC VI�T NAM





Chu de:

Bc;tn be va tlnh bc;tn Ngfr am: Ph1:1 am /t/ va /d/ Ngu phap va cau true: - D9ng tu nguyen the c6 to: We have a lot of homework to do. - D9ng tir nguyen the khong c6 to: They made her stay there for the weekend. Tir v1;tng: - D9ng tir - Tinh tir mieu ta d�c diem ngoc;ti hlnh va tinh each con nguai


Choose the word in each group that has the italic, underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. gossip A. mu.tu.al A. jgmp A. change A. cheaper


Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. brighten A. acquaintance A. relationship A. quality A. pleasure

B. generous B. quesfion B.jgnior B. character B. treatment

B. friendship B. constancy B. enthusiasm B. interest B. believe

C. origin C. fea[.Ure C. jgstice C. cheek C. jealous C. rumour C. suspicious C. unselfishness C. incapable C. pursuit

D. gymnastic D. confidential D. jgdgment D. chilly D. jeans D. concern D. uncertain D. sympathetic D. personal D. describe • 5


Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.


Friendship is a ____ affair, it lives by give-and-take. B. two-handed C. two-sided D. two-stepped A. two-faced


I don't trust Bob. He seems to be ___,____ of a lifelong friendship. B. incapabl� A. unable . C. disabled D. impo_ssible


People who are easily ____ by rumours can never be good friends. A. influenq!d B. attracted· C. purchased D. occurred


There must be a perfect A. pleas�re B. deceit

5 .. 6. 7. 8. 9.

It was very A. courageous

between friends. C. absence

of Uncle Tom to give me $10. B. generous C. stupid

D. sympathy D. cowardly

Yesterday afternoon, John stayed after class ___ a talk with the teacher. D. at , C. on . B. for A. to I overheard them ____ that they would leave in the early morning. A. say B. to say C. saying D. said me go out late in the evening. My parents don't D. allow C. let · A. approve B. agree . I think Sahara Desert is a very hot place ----A. live B. to live C. living

D. for live


I advise ____ her a pa_ir of gloves for her birthday. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to buying


Fill in each· numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. MY BEST FRIEND

I have several good friends but I suppose that my best friend is Ellen. We we were very young because have been friends with each other (I) she used to live next door to me. We hav·e always been in the same class at cleverer than me. I don't school, although she has always beeR (2) mind though, because she often helps me with my homework! Anyway, I've always been (3) at sport than she is. I always beat her at tennis and she doesn't like that. In fact, she hates (4) at anything and gets very annoyed if she does. That's the only thing that I don't like about her. · Otherwise, she has a great (5) of humour and she's always making 6

very well together, although occasionally me laugh. We get (6) silly little things. Ellen and her we've had arguments - usually (7) I still see her a lot. family moved to another district last year (8) We've-Planning to go on a trip around Europe next summer. I'm really looking to it because I think we '11 have a lot of fun and see exciting (9 ) a wonderful places. Of course, it's going to be hard to afford (10) and exciting trip and so we're both going to get jobs and tr)( to save up enough ·· money for it. r ��

V. I.

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. One of the most important qualities SELF of friendship is___ _


Although he's a beginner, he played with ___ _


Everyone was very____ when Anna said that her SYMPATHY gr':1ndfather had died.


My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little____



These people feel a lot of____ to the company.



I have known her so well that there is no ---between us.



I don't know him really well. He's just an___ _



We haven't talked to each other recently because of ----


You should describe her physical____ such as height, hair, eyes, etc.


My closest friend is a warm and ____ person.


9. 10.


VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences, using to+ V-infinitive. Tom took some change from his pocket so that he could buy a newspaper. 1. 2. This box is so heavy that I can't lift it. 3. Eating nutritious food is important for your health. 4. He helped me with my English, which was very kind. 5. We saw him escape in a black car. I'm going to leave the party early because I want to be able to get a good 6. night's sleep.


7. . 8. 9. 10.

It was such an expensive house that we didn't buy it. We wear coats in. winter for warmth. It is necess'ary that airline pilots have good eyesight. I turned up the TV. Therefore, I could listen to the news while I was cooking dinner.


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

I first met Mike when I was looking for someone to share the house I was renting. I put an advertisement in the local student newspaper and he was one of the people who answered it. When we met, we hit it off straightaway and I told him he could move in. Living with Mike was fun. We soon found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became close friends. We always had really good discussions about everything that was important to us at th� time: politics, the environment, literature and other less important things like cooking. We also liked the same music and that's important when you're sharing a house. We fell � out a couple of times about the housework. Mike thinks I'm untidy but I think life's too short to worry about things like that. When we graduated three yea�s ago, we went out separate ways and since then our lives have been very different. I went back to my hometown and got a job as a production assistant for art exhibitions. Mike thinks I'm crazy because money is very important to him now, but he doesn't have time to spend with his family and his friends. I don't see.him very often. When he comes down for the weekend we have a laugh, but our lifestyles are so different that we don't have very much to talk about. I.

Why did the writer put an advertisement in the newspaper?


What happened when the writer and Mike first met each other?


How was the relationship between the writer and Mik� when they shared a house?


What did they sometimes argue. about?


How are their lifestyles now?


VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really joys and sorrows with you and never turn their good friends always ( 1) (2) on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your with. life or someone you have grown (3) There are all sorts of things that can (4) about this special of enjoying the same activities and sharing relationship. It may be the (5) (6) . Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we (7) you years to . them for ages. However, it really (8) to consic.ler your best friend. get to know someone well (9) To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and ( 10) __ understands us better thari anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


A. share A. hands A. through A. bring A. problem A. possessions A. know A. spends A. too A. whom

B. give B. legs B. on B. cause B. result B. savings B.¡knew B. takes B. enough B. which

C. call C. backs C. in C. send C. solution C. personalities C. have known C. reaches C. so C. who

D. have D. heads D. up D. provide D. event D. experiences D. had known D. controls D. very D. whose

Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 ¡ 5 words in total).

Whose bag is this? E.g.: 0. . belong Who does this bag belong to? 1. She has a hard time meeting others at social events. difficult It is .......................................... others at social events. 2. The teacher doesn't permit eating in the classroom. anyone The teacher doesn't................................ in the classroom. 3. They made me stay there for three weeks. was I ........................................... there for three weeks.



We weren't allowed to enter the restricted area. They ............................................ the restric�ed area. let 5. Jane contacted a lawyer for some legal advice. Jane .......................................... some legal advice. to 6. Mike's father used to insist that he washed the car at weekends. make Mike's father used to ........................ the car at weekends. Michael is not usually late. 7. It is not . : ...................................... late. like 8. I would prefer it if nobody else knew what happened last night. want l don't ............L ..................... what happened last night. After the match Peter was so tired that he couldn't eat much. 9. too After the match Peter was .................................... much. 10. Someone walked into the room and I felt it. I .......................................... the room. felt X. Use the suggestions to complete each sentence of the following passage. 1.


I/ meet/ Nga/ best/ friend/ twenty/ years/ ago/ when/ be/ both/ five

I year/ old//.

2. , It / be / first day / school / and / I / be / very unhappy / because / want / mother//. 3.

Nga/ give/ sweet/ and/ become/ friend/ immediate//.


We/ be/ together j near/ every day/ until/ leave/ school/ twelve/ year/ later//.


Then/ go/ university/ but /Nga/ not//. ¡


Father/ start/ own/ business/ Nga/ work/ him//.


I/ study/ five/ year/ because/ want/ be/ economist//.



I/have llot/friend/so/not see/ Nga/very often//.


Sometimes I we I not meet I months/but/often/�alk/telephone//.


Now/I/ be/!9anager/and/ live/ near Nga/ so/we/give/ other/ lot/ advice//.

FUN CORNER Here are 7 prefixes: MID- MIS- OVER- SUPER- TRANS- INTER- UN­ and 7 suffixes: -ETIE -HOOD -ISH -ITY -LY -NESS -SHIP

Can you put them in the correct place? Some can be used twice.



For eAdt11pl�:















Chu de:



Cac giac quan va trai nghi¢m ca nhan Ngfi' am: Ph1=1 am /m/, /n/, va fol Ngfi' phap va cau true: - Thai hi�n tc:li di�n ta hanh d<)ng trong qua khu: The story is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood who lives with her mother. - 6n t�p cac thai qua khu: qua khu don gian, qua khu tiep di�n, qua khu hoan thanh, va SlJ ket hqp cac thai trong cau: They had eaten everytqing by the time I arrived at the party. Tir vtJng: Tu VlJng ke v� nhfrng. trai nghi¢m trong qua khu


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. m�thod mint nQSe dr.!!nk against

C. C. C. C. C.

n�ative minor nQtice C.!!bic seventh

D. D. D. D. D.

l�ngth micro nQvel l.!!ng avenue

A. A. A. A. A.


Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12

A. A. A. A. A.

extr�me mice nQble S.!!ng bank

B. B. B. B. B.

I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

affect attitude appreciate. outlook imitate

B. B. B. B. B.

embrace confidence embarrassment complain dialogue

C. C. C. C. C.

protect experience conversation realize personal

D. happen D. memorable D. discovery D. cottage D. apartment

Ill. 1. 2. 3.



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. In this story, a boy (find) a time machine and (travel) ____ through time. the a street when a truck (turn' Yesterday I (cross) me. corner very fast and almost (hit) four servings of food at the "all-you-can'""eat" Last night I (eat) special dinner at the Village Restaurant. Until that time, I (never eat) so much in one meal. friends with a snake which This story is about a boy who (make) aw�y but he (not in his garden. Then he (go) he (find) the snake and some years later he (return) forget) and (look) for it. at 7.00, and (be) ____ my train (leave) I (think) disappointed when I (arrive) at 6.50 and (learn) that an that I (use) . I (find) it just (leave) out-of-date timetable.


Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. Last Saturday I went to a concert with my friend Julia. The conceit hall was on the other side of the town and so we decided to (1) home ďż˝ the concert was due to early. We caught the bus and arrived long (2) start. There was a cafe nearby so we went in. Julia ordered a hot meal but I decided to have a sandwich and coffee. While we were waiting to (3) ____ my handhag for the tickets to check what time served, I looked (4) begin. the concert (5) dismay, I discovered that the tickets were not there! To (6) left them on the table at home. I told Then I remembered that I (7) Julia (8) had happened and said I would go home to get the tickets. I before the concert started. promised to be (9) of the cafe and went to the bus-stop to catch a bus . I rushed (10) a bus and I back to my house. Unfortunately, I had just (11) to wait a long time for (13) (12) one. I was just beginning to despair .04) 1 saw a taxi, which I signaled to stop. Giving my address to the driver, I jumped (15) , and fifteen minutes later I was the home. "Wait for me," I said and ran into the house. I picked (16) tickets from the table and the taxi driver drove me straight back to the cafe.


Julia had just finished her meal. Together we�hurried out of the cafe and we arrived hot and walked quickly to the. concert hall, (17) of breath. I showed the tickets to the man at the door, (18) them back. looked at them carefully and then (20) (19) "I'm sorry," he said. "These ar�- for next Saturday."

V. Choose the best answer for each of the foUowing sentences. 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10.

the football match by one goal. Our team finally A. win B. won C. were winning D. winned What _ ,·- ,__ ___ between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday evening? ;a B. did you do A. do you do D. had you done C. were you doing This book is about a poor man who ____ a millionaire. A. becomes B. was becoming C. has become D. had become By the time we arrived, the film ____ A. started _ B. was starting C. has started D. had started in a restaurant. him, he When I first B. met - was working A. met - worked C. was meeting - worked D. was working ;._ was meeting When I to visit him, he to the office. B. was coming - went A. came - went C. came - had gone D. had come - went weeks. The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it A. in B. during C. since D. for In days, my biggest dream was a·pair of trainers. A. this B. that C. these D. those My father was very angry when he knew that I had ____ in the exam. A. lied B. cheated C. deceived D. tricked The play last night was a truly performance. A. memory B. memorize C. memorable D. memorial


Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided.


In this chapter the prince is getting married to a poor girl in the village.



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I was meeting Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. After having done his homework, Nam had gone to bed. I burnt my hand while I cooked dinner-yesterday evening. When we arrived at the party, everything has already been eaten. I was very embarrassing when I learned that I forgot my wallet at home. The woman did a fuss when she discovered that her money had been stolen. Minh took a photograph of me while I didn't look. I had waited for John since two hours when he finally arrived. I didn't believe his story that he starts school at the age of three.

2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/


VII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

AN UNLUCKY ¡DAY Last Sunday was definitely not a good day for me. It all started when I got into my car and it refused to start. I immediately realised that I had left the lights on and the battery had gone flat. I telephoned my friend George and he came round and help me start the car. I then drove into town to see a friend. I had arranged to meet him at six thirty, but by the time¡ I got there, it was ten past seven and my friend was not there. I waited for him for an hour despite the freezing weather, but he didn't come. When I returned to my_ car, I saw that someone had broken into it, probably looking for the radio-. Luckily, I never leave the radio in the car! There was nothing I could do but get into my car 'and drive home. Later I spoke with my friend and discovered that he. had waited for only half an hour and left.He didn't even apologise for not waiting for me longer! 'I



Why wasn't the writer's car started? A. Because the lights had gone wrong. B. Because the battery had gone flat. C. Because it hadn't been serviced. D. Because the.'battery had been stolen. What was the weather like when the writer waited for his friend? A. cold B. hot C. rainy D. foggy


3. 4. 5.

In the writer's opinion, what did the thief want to steal? A. money . B. camera C. radio D. wallet What time did the writer's friend leave after waiting for him? D. 7.30 C. 7.10 . B. 7.00 A. 6.30 Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. A friend of the writer's helped him start the car. B. A friend of the writer's lived in town. C. The writer had waited his friend until 7 .30. D. The writer apologised for not waiting his.friend for any longer.

VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

be reach

do swear

have take

live turn

make type

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

All the witnesses ---- to tell the truth in the court of law. This book is about a man who alone on a Pacific Island. a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark. I He died after he ill for a long time. By the time the boss came back, I ____ all the letters. the washing-up, Mr. �rown was watching TV. While his wife the village. After cycling for an hour, l the princess into a fish. In this part of the fairy tale the witch I. a shower before breakfast this morning. the final test. This time last Monday I



Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. E.g.: 0. Whose bag is this? (belong) Who does this bag belong to? This story is about a man called Robin Hood. (name)


After walking for three hours, we reached the top of the hill. (had)



I and Dave tried to ring each other at the same time.



I used to be a student at Oxford University from 2000 to 2004.



Mary made a sandwich and then sat on the sofa to watch TV. (before)


Complete each sentence of the following story.


When I / be / teenager / New York / I buy / tickets / musical / call / "Cabaret"/ with/ famous actress/ Lotte Lenya//.


But I weekend / I / have / visit / friends / town / far away / and / go / fly back/ and arrive/ time/ see/ musical//.


Unfortunate / that night / there be / huge snowstorm / and / when / get / airport/ find out/ flight/ cancel//.


But/ friend/ I/ suppose/ meet/ theatre/ and/ I/ have/ tickets//.



Lucky /. two / the passenger / flight / decide / they will / rent / car / and drive/ so/ join/ them// .


But/ it/ be clear/ I/ will not/ make/ play/ time//.


I/ try/ call / friend/ but/ she/ already/ leave/home//.


I/ get/ theatre/ during/ interval / and/ see/friend/ sit/ seat//.


Friend/ say/ she/ start/ get/ very worried / when/ realize/ I/ be/ late //.


She / think / it / will / stupid / wait/ outside / so / go / box office / and / lucky/ they/ able/ tell her/ which seat/ I buy/ and/ they/ let/ in// .

. ....... . . ............ "rE::�=:;==�TRUONG PHd T 6NG !::""::::' "=:" ":i:i;:'.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• �






as ... as ...

Do you know these expressions? Look at the pictures and then choose the correct noun and adjective to

describe each one.

· 1dry pretty as 1· 1g h t quiet

· a fa feather s la picture

bra�e black hard cold hot sick

a rock .ice · a mouse a dog a lion coal dust. hell


Por e;cample : 1. a.5 dr:J dS dust.


7. ---.:::::.... ,







APARTY KIEN THIJC CAN NHU Chu de: Cac bua ti¢c (each t6 chuc cac bua ti¢c, each ung XU 6 ban ti¢c ... ) Ngii' am:

Ph1;1 am /1/, /r/, va /h/ Ngu phap va cau true: - D()ng tir nguyen the (infinitive) va d()ng danh tir (gerund): Would you like to come to our party? When they finish singing, Lisa blows out the candles on the cake. - Cau bj d¢ng vai d()ng tir nguyen the va d¢ng danh tir : He expected to be invited to �he party, but he wasn't. He wore dark glasses to avoid being recognised. Tu Vl;l'ng: - D¢ng tir

- Tu yVng lien quan den each t6 chuc cac bua ti¢c, each ung XU 6 cac bua ti¢c ...


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from ·the rest.

1. ' 2.

A. cl�p

B. perh@s.

C. -r�cial

D. c�ndle

A. pr£UY

B. r£St

C. impr�ss

D. fr�sh


A. hostess

B. honour

C. hovercraft

D. hostile

4. 5.

A. lQse


C. lQSt

D. lQt

A. travel.§.

B. occur.§.

C. bath.§.

D. sort.§.



1. 路 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ill. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Complete the sentences with the infinitive or gerund form of the words in parentheses. Some of the sentences are active and some are passive. As we don't agree about politics we generally avoid (discuss) ____ the subject. He doesn't get on with the new boss, so he's asked (transfer) to another branch of the company. Please stop (interrupt) me when I'm explaining something to you. You can ask questions at the end. my whole holiday with I must say, I don't really fancy (spend) your cousins. He admits (enter) the house but he says he didn't take anything. to me. I've apologized to her but she still refuses (speak) I don't mind (work) late, if it will help at all. you any longer - you'll just have I simply can't afford (support) to find a job. We had hoped 路 to find the project by the end of the month but we keep (delay) by changes in the plans. You'd better go and see the teacher and say what you've done. If you put off (explain) to her, she'll only be more annoyed. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. Avoid ____ your houseplants too much water. A. giving B. being given C. to give D. to be given 路 breakfast in bed when he wasn't feeling well. Tom appreciated A. serving B. being served C. to serve D. to be served to John's party. Mary didn't expect A. asking B. being asked C. to ask D. to be asked I finally finished at 7.00 p.m. and served dinner. C. to cook D. to be cooked A. cooking B. being cooked Mr. Wilson always remembers ____ in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars. D. to be parked A. parking B. being parked C. to park The nurse suggested ____ two aspirins. D. to be taken 路 A. taking B. being taken C. to take Would you mind not ____ the radio until I've finished with this phone call? D. to be turned on A. turning on B. being turned on C. to turn on


Even though he was much younger than the other children, Bob demanded -�--in the game they were playing. B. being included A. including C. to include D. to be included


Julia's children are used to ____ after school every day. They don't have to walk home. C. to pick up A. picking up B. being picked up D. to be picked up

I 0.

I'm angry because you didn't tell me the truth. I don't like ____ A. deceiving C. to deceive B. being deceived D. to be deceived


A reporter is interviewing Agnes Norris, who celebrated her 1ooth birthday yesterday. Complete the parts numbered (1) to (7) in an appropriate way.


How(1) ..............................................7

Mrs. Norris: Quietly. Just with the family, h�re in the house.

Have(2) ...............................................................-.? Mrs. Norris: Yes, very big. Six children, fifteen grandchildren and I don't remember how many great-grandchildren and great-great­ grandchildren. Reporter: Did you(3) ............................................................... ? Reporter:

Mrs. Norris: Yes, I did; Lots. And I got hundreds of cards too. People have been very kind.. Reporter:

Which(4) .................................................................?

Mrs. Norris: Possibly the one I got· from my great-great-grandson, Stuart. It was a vase he'd made at school. Reporter:

Did(5) ..................-........................................ : .......... ?

Mrs. Norris: Yes, a big one. It had to be for all the candles! Reporter:

You've obviously seen a lot of changes in your lifetime, Mrs. Norris. In your opinion, which(6) .....................................?

Mrs. Norris: That's very difficult to say: there have been so many. But possibly the role of women in society. In my day, women didn't go out to work as they do now or have the vote either. Reporter:

Would(7) ..................................... : ...........................?

Mrs. Norhs: No, I wouldn't. I enjoy my life, don't get me wrong, but 120 is too old, even for me.



Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick (.../) the right ones, and correct the wrong ones. 1. · To take regular exercise is becoming quite a trend 1/____ these days. I don't mind interviewing in the street by market researchers. 2/---2. Excuse my interrupting, but I can give you the directions 3. you want. 3/____ 4. Since he's been in England, he's gpt used to drive on the left. 4/____ 5/_____, Would you like going now or shall we wait till the end? 5. 6 /____ 6. . Don't forget to lock the door before going to bed. 'In addition to lose all my money, I realized my credit card 7. had been stolen. 7 /---8. It's no use to tell me your problems. You'll have to see 8/---the student counselor. 1 regret informing you that your application has been refused. 9/____ 9. 10. Imagine to live with someone who never stops talking. 10/____ VI.

Complete the sentences with v�rbs from the box. Use each verb only once. adopt be

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


cash go

install lower

stay . · take

use write

thank-you notes for gifts beca�se she doesn't Mary puts off know what to say. a new traffic light at its most dangerous The city intends intersection. my paycheck on the way home, but I forgot. I meant Would you mind at the office late tonight so we can finish our budget review? The bus drivers are on strike. They refuse ____ back to work until they get a new contract. a baby The Carters want another child. They are discussing from another country. Sue can't afford a vacation this year because she didn't get a pay raise.

, 8. 9. 10.

frozen My aunt is an old-fashioned cook. She doesn't believe in or canned foods. a monster whenever someone comes to the door. Little Hiro pretends Politicians always promise ____ taxes, but my taxes keep rising.


Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

on the A wedding anniversary is an anniversary which ( 1) month and day a particular wedding (2) place, and which recurs every regard the day of (4)____ subsequent year. Married persons (3) marriage as important may mark the occasion in some special way. Broader groups in society, especially the families (including children) of (5) a couple, may help to (6) such events; this is particularly common (7) the 401h, 5Q1h, and 601h anniversaries. In the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, you can (8) a message from Queen Elizabeth II for the 601\ 651\ and 701h wedding anniversary after the 701h . wedding anniversaries, and (9) This is done by applying to Buckingham Palace, or to the Governor-General's office in Commonwealth countries. In the United States you can receive a greeting ( 10) ____ the President for any wedding anniversary after the 501h .

VIII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. It is thought that the large-scale celebration of birthdays in Europe began with the cult of Mithras, which originated in Persia but was spread by soldiers throughout the ¡,Roman Empire. Before this, such celebrations were not ¡common; and, hence, practices from other contexts such as the Saturnalia were adapted for birthdays. Because many Roman soldiers took to Mithraism, it had a wide distribution and influence throughout the empire until it was supplanted - by Christianity. The Jewish perspective on birthday celebrations is disputed_ by various rabbis. Birthday celebrations were rare during the Middle Ages but saw a resurgence with the advent of the Reformation. During this period, they were seen as a good¡ way to transfer customs from the saint's days to other dates not linked to the newly repudiated veneration of saints. Even today, the celebration of birthdays is not univer.sal in the West. Some. adults loathe celebrating it as it reminds them that they are getting progressively older. And in some activities that are not year-round, birthday 23

acknowledgements may be discouraged because of some birthdays not falling during the season. In most English-speaking countries it is traditional' to sing the song Happy Birthday to You to the honored person celebrating his birthday. The Happy Birthday Song melody is thought to be the most frequently sung melody in the world. Similar songs exist in other languages such as "Lang zal hijzij leven" in butch, "Zurn Geburtstag Viel Gluck" in German, "Cumpleafios feliz" in Spanishďż˝ I. 2. 3. 4.


IX. I. 2.

Who took the great part in spreading birthday celebrations at the early stage? A. 1be Persian B. Roman soldiers C. The Jewish D. Emperor How were birthday celebrations during the Middle Ages? C. flourish D. bad B. good A. rare The word "loathe" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____ D. consider C. hate , B. deny A. like Traditionally, what do people in most English-speaking countries usually do in birthday parties? A. They drink wine. B. They play games. C. They cook meals. D. They sing a song. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. The song HappyBirthday to You has been translated into many languages. B. Some adults don't want to celebrate their birthday. C. Nowadays birthday celebrations are not common in the West. D. It was thought that the celebration of birthdays started in Persia. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. I'm pleased to attend your 251h wedding anniversary. I'm looking ................................................................................................. Eating with chopsticks feels strange to Mr. Pitt.

Mr. Pitt is not used .................................................................................... 3.

We are on the point of organizing a surprise party for Paul. We're about .....................................¡..........................................................


He made an effort to reach the station on time. He tried......................................................................................................



The child said that he hadn't stolen the money: The boy denied...........................................................................................


She never talked to me again after I forgot her birthday. She stopped......................-,.........................................................................


We spent ages preparing for the party on Christmas Eve. It took...................... �................................................................................ .


Smoking is not allowed on the public buses. They don't........................................ .........................................................


I don't intend to invite Tom to my birthday party. I have no................. :..... ,............................................................................


Is it all right if I open the window and turn on the fan? Do you mind..................................-........ :................................................. ?

X. Complete each sentence of the following letter. Dear Janet, 1.

As/ know/ we/ buy/ new house/ April//.


It/ be/ very bad condition/ and/ it/ need/ a lot/ work//.


We / finish/most/ it/ now / and/ look/ very nice//.


Mike/ I/ decide/ give/ house-warming/ party/ July 9 th //.


You I think/ you/ able/ come? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,


Most I our I former classmates/ invite/ and/ they/ all/ agree/ come//.


We/ organize/ barbecue/ garden/ new house//.


We I dance/ sing/ play/ some games/ during/ after/ party//.



Please/ me/ ring/ and / let / know/ you / make/ it //.

10. ďż˝ We/ really/ look forward/ see/ you/ again//. Love, Margaret FUN CORNER

A riddle ,s a question that seems difficult to answer. The answer is usually clever or amusing. For example: Q: What has a hundred legs but canTwalk? A: Fifty pairs of trousers. Here are the answers to eight more riddles. Put them with the correct questions.

1-1. A blackboard.,

A comb.

A hot dog..

"<1,1 ,,ff ' <I <I


A musnroom.

A stamp.

Q: What can get bigger without getting heavier?



5 Q: What doesn't ask questions but often needs to be answered? A:

Q: What travels round the world but always stays in th.e same comer?




Q: A:


7 Q: What kind of dog has no tail? A:

What 1s black when it's clean and white when it's dirty?

Q: What falls but never gets hurt? A:

Q: What has teeth but can't bite?

Q: What kind of room has no walls, no floor and no ceiling?


WRITTEN TEST 1 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest. (10 points) C. chaos D. choice 1. B. childish A. cheat D. sng_g B. frg_gment C. mg_tter 2. A. glg_nce C. h,om D. h,eiress 3. A. h,elicopter B. h,idden B. govern C. ginger D. gypsy 4. A. passenger B. Ch.f'..Ck C. jgJlyfish 5. D. mttre A. h.f'..dge PART II. Choose the best answer for each of th_e following sentences. (20 points) when I'm speaking. I don't appreciate 1. A. interrupting B. being interrupted. C. to interrupt D. to be interrupted 2. The story is about a boy who ____ with a giant. ¡ C. has Iived D. had Ii ved B. was living A. lives We went to sing after we ____. a wonderful party. 3. C. have had D. had had B. were having A. had 4. Their lasted a lifetime. D. friendliness A. friend B. friendship C. friendly The children appear ____ about the trip. 5. C. to excite D. to be excited A. exciting B. being excited My most ____ experience happened a few years ago. 6. A. embarrass B. embarrassing C. embarrassed D. embarrassment 7. When their friends finished singing, Mai out the candles on the cake. D. got C. turned ¡ B. went A. blew We heard a cock ____ in a neighbouring village. 8. A. crow D. to crowing B. to crow C. crowing Most married couples in European countries ______ wedding 9. anniversaries each year. B. compliment C. celebrate D. conduct A. present a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies before lunch. 10. Willy denied D.eaten B. to eat C. eating A. eat 27

.PART Ill. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. (20 points) The birthday cake is traditionally highly decorated, and typically covered ( 1)---- lit candles when presented; the number of candles often equals the (2) birthday it is· makes a of the person. The person (3) silent wish and then (4)---- out the candles; if done in one breath, the , but only if the person keeps the wish to wish is supposed to come (5) himself (or herself). It is also common for the "birthday boy" or "birthday girl" of the cake as a newlywed couple might with a to cut the initial (6) wedding cake. Birthday cakes have been a tradition dating· back as (7) as the Middle Ages when the English would conceal symbolic items (8)____ as gold coins, rings and thimbles inside their cakes. Each item was associated with a prediction. For example, a person (9)____ a wealthy. gold coin in a birthday cake would supposedly ( 10) '

PART IV. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When I arrived at the station, John has been waiting for me for an hour. A B D C I'd like him going to a university, but I can't make him go. D ·C B A Does your brother mind calling at home if his patients need his help? C D A B I like the story telling about a man who had lived in the jungle for ten years. A B C D If you can't remember his number, you'd better to look it up. A B C D

PART V. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. (20 points) I.

"I didn't break the window," the boy said. The boy denied ............................................................ : ..............................


I haven't talked to him since his 15th birthday. The last ......................................................................................................



They made us prepare refreshments for the party. We .............................................................................................................


They had a good meal and then went to dance. After they ................................................................................................. .


I'd rather drive than be driven. I prefer...................................................................................................... .

PART VI. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (20 points)


person / who / concern / only / own / interests / feelings / cannot / true friend//.


fire/ start/ kitchen/ because/ I/ forget/ turn off/ electric cooker//.


Lin_da / seventeen / o�d / today / and / family / friends / be / birthday / party //.

¡ 4. 5. .

Bob I appreciate/ serve/ breakfast/ bed/ when/ not be/ feel/ well//. last Sunday / while/ Mary / clean out/ attic/ come across/ grandmother/ wedding dress//.




KIEN THIJC CAN NHO' Chu de: Nguam:

Ho�t d¢ng tlnh nguy¢n

Hai ban nguyen am /w/ va /j/ Ngu phap va cau true: - D9ng tu d�ng V-ing Volunteers usually help those who are sick or old by cleaning up their houses, doing their shopping and mowing the lawns. - D9ng tu d�ng V-ing hoan thanh: Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again. Tir Vl;fng: - D9ng tu - Tu \f\(ng ve cac ho�t d¢ng tu thi¢n



2. 3. 4. 5.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A.wheat @wiPe A.yearly A. wounded A. !!nit

B. yield B.wisdom B. wear B.young B.!!Sual



'· C.wealth C. witch C.dear '{. . C.)youth C.!!nique ·'

--. ____/

D.yeast D.windy D.fear \p.'yahoo (�!!POn

Ghoose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

A.issue A.charity A. minority A.volunteer A.suffer

B. martyr , B. operate B. disadvantage B. handicap B. believe

C.remote C._gratitude C.education C.organize C.difficult

D.problem D.donation D..appropriate D.natural D.invalid

Ill. 1.

Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. The stockbroker denied ____ of the secret business deal. r, / B.)/ having been informed A. having informed c. to have informed 15. to have been informed Henry mentioned 2. in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details. (B)having been injured A. having injured C. to have injured D. to have been injured The spy admitted ____ som�, highly secret information to enemy agents.. 3. A. having given 'ifaaving been given �· C. to have given D. have been given I'm sure it's not my fault that John found out what we were planning. I 4. do'n 't remember anyone about it. � having told B. being told / C. to tell D. to be told 5. ____ television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child. �A. To be watched B. Being watched -�;)Watching D. Watch that old movie, but maybe I diQ many years ago. 6. I can't recall @having seen B. to have seen C. to see D. having been seen Let's leave early, so we'll be ahead of the rush of commuters. We can't 7. · in heavy traffic during r�A hour. risk A. holding up B. being held up ©aving held up D. to hold up 8. a retirement party for Mr. Lee. The office staff decided A. having had B. to have. had C. to have D. having 9. Mary was upset by ____ her the truth. A. our not having to1d B. us not to tell C. we dido 't tell D. not to tell 10. When"I glanced out the window, I saw Tom ____ toward my house. A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. having walked 1

IV. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. 1. take care Nowadays mote and more people of others. VOLUNTEER 2. After retiring, my aunt works as a volunteer for the local --'---ORPHAN


My brother and his friends spend hours a week helping _____ or handicapped children in the city. The - are helped to overcome difficulties by 4. the volunteers. During summer vacations, many Vietnamese students 5. areas. volunteer to work in- remote or Do you agree with the famous saying "The happiest 6. people are those who bring to others."? 7. We'd like to offer your school a of 2 million dong. with The volunteers also help the 8. 'their housework. We participate in a campaign to provide 9. for poor children. children to read and write. 10. I like helping 3.



Complete each sentence with one of the verbs in the box. Use the -ing form. call help

chase play

climb repair

come throw

finish tell

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO.

to the top of that mountain isn't easy. I'm sure that immediately. There is a hole in our roof. I think it needs I'm angry at him for not me the truth. Mrs. Brown complained about Mary's ____ to work late. for help in the distance? Do you hear someone games at the picnic. We had a lot of fun ____ the poor children learn how to read was a rewarding experience. stone at the neighbour's window. John denied a thief. When I was downtown yesterday, I saw the¡ police ____ the breakfast, he hurried to the office.


Fill_ in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

in a variety of Hospital volunteers work without regular ( 1) the supervision of a nurse. Most health care settings, usually (2) ďż˝ specialized non-profit hospitals train and supervise volunteers (3) 32

organization (4) an auxiliary. The director of the auxiliary is usually a paid employee of the hospital. A female hospital volunteer is sometimes nicknamed a candy-striper. This (5) is derived from the fact that ferriale volunteers traditionally red-and-white striped jumpers. The name and uniform are used (6) less frequently now. Volunteers' services are of considerable importance to individual patients as the health care system in general. Some people volunteer as (7) during high school or college, (8) out of curiosity about the healthcare professions or in (9) to satisfy mandatory community-service requirements imposed by some schools. Others volunteer at later stages in life, particularly after retirement. ( I 0)


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. A YEAR WITH OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERS

I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving univers_ity, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about · 500 kilometers from the country, I got quite a shock, as conditions capital. Coming from a ( 1) . But after a few days I soon got used to � were much harder than I had (2) (3) there. The people were always very friendly and h�lpful, and I soon began to appreciate how (4) the countryside was. One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long a long time every day (6)___ walk away, and the women used to (5) heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted the organization and arranged to (7) some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few (8)____, had never had but it made a great difference to the villagers, (9) did we ·have running water, but in running water before. And not (10) the evenings it was hot, because the pipe had been (11)___ in the sun all day. All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was ·not well-paid, it was well (12) doing, and I would recommend it to working for a charity. anyone who was (13) Finally, there's one more reason why I'll never (14)__ working for OV. A few months before I left, I met and fell in love (15) another volunteer, and we got married when we returned to England. 33

1. A. rich 2. A. felt A. live 3. 4. A. beautiful 5. A. spend 6. A. fetching 7. A. make 8. A. breaks A. which 9. 10. A. hardly 11. A. lied 12. A. worth 13. A. considering 14. A. regret 15. A. at

B. comfortable B. planned B. lived B. good-looking B. spent B. wearing B. let B. leaks B. that B. scarcely B. lay B. value ¡ B. thinking B. feel sorry B. to


C. well-paid C. found C. living C. handsome C. spends C. carrying C. have C. splits C. they C. only C. laying C. cost c: going C. miss C. for

D. luxurious D. expected D. lives D. sweet D. spending D. holding D. allow D. punctures D. who D. also D. lying D. price D. planning D. lose D. with

VIIL Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. 1. When I_ was walking past the p_ark, I saw some children ]2illY football. D A C B 2. I think that you had difficulty to find her house. D B C A . 3. We appreciate to have had the opportunity to work for the volun!filY organization. D A B C 4. Having finished his assignment in time, it was sent to the supervisor. A B D C Tom complained about Bob's borrowed his shirt without asking him first. 5. A B C D IX.

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.


Nam won a scholarship. We are excited about that fact. We're........................................ : ................................................................ Entering the room, I w.as surprised at what I saw. When ...................................................................................... ďż˝ ................. .

2. 34


The volunteers couldn't mow the old lady's lawns because of the rain. The tain prevented................................................ Dave did his homework and then went to bed. After having ·············································�··········....................................... It is easy for anyone to learn how to cook. Learning.............-........................................................................................

u ••••••••••••• � •••••••••••••••••••••

4. 5. X. 1.

2. · 3.

Complete each sentence of the following letter. Dear Sir l Madam, We / happy / receive / donation / ten / million / dong / company / five / day/ ago//. Money/ use/ b11y/ book/ new/ school/ library//. We I certain/ issue/ receipt/ soon/ possible//.


We/like/ express l thank/ donation/ company//.


and/ hope/ get/ more/ assistance/ cooperation/ company/ future//. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o••••"'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


We I look/ for�ard /hear/ you/ _soon//. · John Smith Vice Headmaster of the School



All the answers to this crossword are connec.ted with health and illness. Fore xample:

5 p ACROSS+ O .__...___--+-__,..'--.---+--•

2. PUT CJ<EA.1'-1 ON TWtC£ A DAY ANO iHAI CUT Y'/ILL500N ---7. fftS -rt�MP£R.A111R.E. IS VERY Ht6tl. HE'S 607' A - - - - -


1T1o 8rowrt

zP ,fahltK 4 A,if,".f;iohc.S

3. ,He pocTr;,e_ HAS 6tvetv MR.5 B!?.�WN

A ___ ________ _


n :.

[ � 10 0



. t!� � IN A (J H05P l'f'AL...


� 'THl5 /5 A HDSPtT/'rL





A l<O()M IN A f{05PIT/Jrl-. WHEl!.E:. OPE�ATTONS TAJ<€. PL.ACE.


ILLITERACY KIEN HUJC CAN NHO' Chu de: N�n mu chfr Ngii' am: Cac t�p hqp am /pl/, /bl/, /pr/, va /br/ Ngii' phap va cau true: Cau gian tiep vai dqng tu nguyen the "You'd better ·not swim too far frqm the shore," the lifeguard said. � The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore. Tir VI!ng: Dqng tit dung trong cau gian tiep: promise, warn, encourage... - Tu vvng ve cac ho�t dqpg xoa n�n mu chfr

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group differently from the rest. A.pleasing B.pleasant A.brow B.blow A.pr�cise B.pr�ssure A.bl�ck B.bl�nket A.blind B.pride

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.. A.campaign D.respect B.expand C.survey A.effective B.performance C.promotion D.relevant B.illiterate A.eradicate C.universal D.activity A.consider B.educate C. populous D.mountainous B. technique A.gradual C.ethnic D.province


I t


that has the underlined part pronounced

C.pl�sure C.proud C.pr�tty C.br�ce C.bridge

D.pl�nty D.how D.pr�tend , D.br�nch D.blight.


Ill. I.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.



9. 10. IV. I.

2. 3. 4. 38

Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. The doctor ___ me to have confidence in him. C. suggested D. complained B. urged A. said I warned him bent coins in a slot machine. D. not using A. don't use B. didn't use C. notto use was able to read In Vietnam, by July 2000, only 94% of the and write. A. public B. popularity C. people D. population It is hoped that illiteracy will soon be ___ in our country. A. eradicated B. omitted C. finished D. avoided illiteracy. More and more people are taking part in the struggle D. about C. with B. against A. for Many students spent their .summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write. A. sympathetically B. freely C. voluntarily D. possibly At present the number of illiterate people in the remote and mountainous areas --A. is gradually decreasing B. are gradually decreasing C. have gradually decreased D. had gradually decreased was different from the In the Highlands, the trend of literacy other regions. C. measure D. scale B. number A. rate The number of literate males went up between 2000 and 2007. D. sharply C. fastly B. hardly A. rarely My father me to take part in the campaign. D. insisted B. encouraged C. waited A. hoped Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. We started a campaign for ___ eradication in the summer of 2000. LITERATE Many ethnic minority students from the ___ Highlands took part in the campaign. NORTH way to help people in remote I think this is an and mountainous areas to read and write. AFFECT We consider it an ___ job to help people in our home village. HONOUR

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Are there any people unable to read and write ? in your NEIGHBOUR The number of literate females fell between 1998 DRAMA and 2004. TRANSPORT We should provide ___ to schools. Many children in mountainous areas have ___ in learning to read and write. DIFFICULT The literacy rate of population varied ___ between CONSIDER 1995 and 2000. PRESENT What about a small gift to Mary after her ___?

Write each of the following sentences in reported speech, using advise, beg, introduce, invite, offer, order, promise, remind, tell, warn.

"Remember to write to me soon," she said to me. I. "You'd better spend more time learning 'to write:" I said to the boy. 2. "Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?" Mike said. 3. "flease, please switch off the TV, John," said Tom. 4. "Don't lean your bicycles against my windows, boys," said the shopkeeper. 5. 6. "Open the safe," the robber said to the bank clerk. "Leave this space clear," the notice said. 7. "Mr. Brown, this is Miss White," he said. 8. "Shall I open the door for you?" he said. 9. IO. . "I'll wait for you. I promise," he said to me.


Match each report (1-10) in part I with the actual words spoken {a-j) in part II.

PARTI: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 �8. 9. 10.

John advised me to take a holiday. John expected me to take a holiday. John insisted that-I should take a holiday. John invited me to take a holiday. John agreed that I could take a holiday. John reminded me to take a holiday. John proposed that I should take a holiday. John asked whether I would take a holiday. John reassured me that I could take a holiday. John preferred that I take a holiday. 39



"Would you like to come on holiday with me?" John said. "Don't worry. Of course you can take a holiday," John said. "Don't forget to take a holiday, will you?" John said. "You should take a holiday," John said. "Are you going to take a holiday?" John said. "It's all right by me if you take a holiday," John said. "Actually, I'd rather you took a holiday," John said. "I thought you were going to take a holiday," John said. "Taking a holiday would be a good idea," John said. "You really must take a holiday," John said.


Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

a. b. c. d. e. 'f. g. h. 1.

Literacy means the ability to read and write. Being able to read and write is an important skill in modern societies. Usually, people learn how to read and write � at school. People who can read and write are called literate; those who cannot are called illiterate. According to the United Nations, illiteracy is not being able to write or read a simple sentence in any language. The UN estimated, that in 1998, about 16% of the world's population were illiterate. Illiteracy is highest amongst the states of the Arab p�ninsula, and in Africa, around the Sahara. In those countries about 30% of men, and 40-50% of women are illiterate. One of the causes of illiteracy is that someone who can get by without being able to read and write often does not have the incentive to learn to read and write. Cultural factors, like mostly oral tradition, often also play a role. A tribe that mostly herds livestock, for example, may have no need to read or write. There are two different kinds of illiteracy: • Primary illiteracy: People with primary illiteracy have never learned how to read or write. • Functional illiteracy: People who have learned some reading and writing, but for various reasons, are unable to understand what they read, or cannot write well enough to fill out a form. 1.


Literate are those who ---B. are unable to read and write A. are able to read and write. D. can write but cannot read C. can read but can't write


3. 4. 5.

By the UN definition, illiteracy is "cannot read or write ____ " A. a simple word in any language B. many sentences in English C. some simple phrases in many languages D. a simple sentence in any language The word "oral" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_¡ ___ A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. writing Which of the following countries has the highest illiteracy rate? D. Norway C. Angola B. Brazil A. Vietnam Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Normally, people learn to read and write at school. B. In 1998, about 84% of the world population could read and write. C. In general the number of female illiterate is bigger than that of male. D. Primary illiteracy means people have learned to read and write but can't understand what they are reading.

VIII. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. In 1975, the United Nations organized the Decade for Women. In 1985, it women throughout published a report on the conditions and rights (1) the world. The report has some bad news. Although most countries have official organizations to (2) women's lives, many of these organizations don't . Fifty percent of the world's population are women, but in do (3) nearly two-thirds of all working hours the work is (4) by women. They do most of domestic work, for example, cooking and washing clothes. the home. Women hold 35 percent of the Millions also work (5) world's jobs. For this work, they (6) only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and of course they earn nothing for (7) domestic work. Only 6 percent of places in government (8) held by women. Sixty percent of the people who can't read and write are women. It is these are the most frightened of trying to improve their illiterate women (9) they are not intelligent. It does lives. Being illiterate doesn't (10) mean it is difficult for them to change their lives. IX. 1.

Finish the second sentence so that ¡it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. "Don't to�ch that switch, Peter," I said. I warned: .................................................................................................... 41


"Read it before you sign it," he said to his client. He advised ................................................................................................. "Will you help me, please?" she said. "I can't reach the top shelf." 3. She asked ................................................................................................... "Please do as I say," he said to me. 4. He,begged ................................................................................................. "Don't forget to prune the roses," said my aunt. 5. My aunt reminded ..................................................................................... "Would you like me fo help you with the cooking, Tom?" Laura'said. 6. Laura offered ............................................................................................. "If you don't pay the r�nsom, we'll kill the boy," said the kidnapper. 7. _The. kidnapper threatened ........................................................................... "I won't answer any questions," said the suspect. 8. The suspect refused ................................................................................... "All right, I'll wait a week," Paul said. 9. Paul agreed ................................................................................................ 10. "Would you like to go camping with us next weekend?" said Minh to Phong. Minh invited ..............................................................................................



The table below ,shows personal savings as percentage of personal . inqome for selected countries in 1970, 1990 and 2000. Write a report for a lecturer describing the information in the table. Write at least 150 words. PERSONAL SAVINGS AS A PERCENTAGE OF PERSONAL INCOME

































rl I


All these compounds begin with a part of the body. Can you complete them?


BACK bone









5. c-


















Cac CUQC dua / CUQC thi

Cac t�p hqp am: /tr/, /dr/, va /tw/ Ngu phap va cau true: Cau gian tiep vm cau true V-ing: - Mary: What shall we do on Saturday? Ann: What about having a party? � Ann suggested having a party.

Tir vtJng:

- Peter: I'm sorry I'm late. � Peter apologized for being late. - D9ng. tit di v6'i gi6'i tit - Tit vt;rng v� cac 'cuc)c dua va 16 chuc cac CUQC dua

BAIT�P that has the underlined part -pronounced

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group differently from the rest. B. twin A. twice B. dr�ft A. drM A. dread B. treasure B. trympet A. tr!!,Ck A. dr�ssing B. tr�nd

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A. annual B. announce C. formal A. athletics B. general C. marathon B. competition C. representative A. disappointed A". maximum C. enjoyment B. windowpane B. worksheet A. complete C. explain



C. C. C. C. C.

twinkle dr�matist treatment trythful tw�nty

D. D. D. D. D.

twist dr�nk dreamt trQstful fr�quent D. D. D. D. D.

sculpture stimulate participate organize observe


Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.


His colleagues accused him ____ leaking information to the press. C. on D. to B. of A. for


He denied ____ the cqntest without asking his parents. B. to enter A. entering C. have entered D. have been entering


John ____ me on passing the driving test. A. wished B. proposed C. recommended


The English competition was ____ by the Students' Parents Society. D. supposed C. sponsored A. made B. created


The judges will observe and ____.your performance. D. write B. mark A. score C. grade


a set of CDs for studying English. Minh was the winner and he was A. announced B. awarded C. welcomed D. responded


Firstly, the MC explained the competition's C. decisions A. laws B. rules


The competition's aim is to students. A.,grow B. present


D. congratulated

to the participants. D. pages

the spirit of learning English among C. offer

D. stimulate

" The teacher said "Time is up". It means "Time is C. shortened B. increased D. finished A. started


Group A quickly read the questions and tried to C. discover A. find out B. make out

IV. 1. 2.

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. in the talent contest. There are 50 COMPETE The from three schools took part in the English Speaking Contest. REPRESENT. One of the rules is that each group must complete ACT five¡ in all.

3. 4.

The group that gets the

the answers. D. calculate

score will be the winner. HIGH 45


For me the most important thing was the ____ we ,bad from the competition. ENJOY


Taking part in the competition gave me opportunity to test KNQW . my general


Were women ____ allowed to participate in the Boston . races in 1957? ' OFFi�

8. 9.

been made about the English competition? ANNOUNCE Has any POET My sister regularly writes for newspapers.


The teacher gave a clear ____ of the rules of the competition.


Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a s1;1itable:.word.


THE LONDON MARATHON The London Marathon is one of the best-known long-distance races in the famous long-distance runners have, completed world. Some of the (1) makes it different from many other ,great sporti�g events in it. But (2) is (3) fact that ordinary people can (4) part alongside international stars. The race was the idea of Chris Brasher, a former Olympic athlete. In the 1979, friends told him about the New York Marathon, during (5) · to the end of· the course by the runners are encouraged to carry (6) enthusiastic ·shouts of the spectators. He flew to the USA to run in the race (7) was so impressed by (8) that he decided to organize a similar event in Britain. Many pr�blems (9) to be overcome. before the first London Marathon took place in 1981. Chris Brasher still takes a keen the organizer. · interest in the event, even though he is no (10) total of around 300,000 runners have completedthe race, with the a record of 25,194 finishing in 1984. Numbers are limited (12) would streets of London are too narrow to accommodate all those (13) like to run. Each year more than 70,000 people apply Q 4) the 26,000 .; places in the race. Hundreds of thousands of spectators line the route and at least a the first race. was held, hundred countries televise it. Over the years, (15) an estimated £75 million has been raised for charity by the runners. (11)



Some lines of the following- passages are correct, and some have an unnecessary word. If a line is correct, put a tick ( ďż˝. If a line has an unnecessary word, underline and write it in the space provided. CONGRATULATIONS

Congratulations on winning of the tennis championship! You must be


very pleased, especially since the prize is quite ďż˝ lot of money. What are you doing to spend it on? You could even buy a new car with all that money! You should have be in great shape after all the training you have been doing. It must be so very hard work, practicing all those hours for every day, but it is worth it in the end, isn't it? Perhaps you are thinking of going on holiday so that you can have

00/_v'_ 1/---2/__ __ 3/____

4/___ 5/___ a break from tennis and relax. Can you tell me exactly what is kind of 6/__ __ tennis racquet you chose for the competition? If I would get the same, 7/____ it might help me to improve my game. Anyway, congratulations on 8/____ your great victory! I'm still studying English every single day and the 9/___ course has three months to go. I have moved house, as if you can see 10/___ from my new address. Make sure you reply back to the right address! 11/___ 12/___ Your last letter went to my old address, but it wasn't by your fault because I hadn't told anyone which I had moved then. Did you know 13/___ 14/___ that I have had a job for the last three weeks? I work in a restaurant 15/___ four evenings a week. I like it, but I don't arrive to home until one o'clock in the morning, which is a bit inconvenient.


Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

A music competition is an event in which people compete for prizes by performing music. Music competitions can be for solo performers or for small or large groups such as orchestras, _bands or choirs. Some competitions are for young people who are starting to make a professional career in music. Other music competitions may be for amateurs, which means that professional musicians are not allowed to compete. The person who decides who is the winner is called the adjudicator. Some big festivals have a team of several adjudicators who decide together on the winner.


The British and International Federation of Music Festivals organ1:zes;music competitions for amateurs in many parts of the British Isles. ChU�eif1anar:adults can take part, competing in classes for music, speech . and drama dance. Competitions like these are often called "festivals" because the main reason for taking.part is to enjoy performing rather than just to win..


There are many big international competitions for some of the Hiosttalented musicians from all over the. world. Winning a big competition cat(help i young musician to start a successful career. Some people think it can alsb::Jh:¢:A:i,:ba'd thing to win a big competition, especially for musicians who are still very:ymmg. lt may make them a star for a short time but they still have to get better al.ltd J.natllre. as a musician and a person. 1.

Who are not allowed to compete in competitions for amateu#?:· A. Young musicians B. Old musicians C. Professional musicians D. Famous musicians


The adjudicator is ____ A. the winner in a competition B. the loser in a competition C. the person who observes the competition D. the person who decides who is the winner


Why are some music competitions called "festivals"?. A. Because many competitors want to get enjoyment I"athel"tp�!l:::to)vin. B. Because there are many competitors in each music com��tif!b�; , ·:.,: ·;... ··; C. Because they are well-organized. D. Because people of all ages can take part in the competiti9.� �t - ' ,,... , ,,.:.- -




The word "talented" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning ta::'--=-:·>""-·':·,_· __ B. gifted C. disabled D. wealthy A. clever


Why is it sometimes bad for young musicians to win a big c/�hiJ�tifipn? A. Because they get too little money. B. Because they can be a star for a short time. C. Because they can think they are the best and don't leam.,aµy_l:ll,?t�.D. Because they still grow up and can play better.


VIII. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.

''Why don't you organize an English competition for our student�?" said Mrs. Lien. Mrs. Lie_n suggested ................................................................................... 2. "I'm sorry I'm late," said Mr. Thanh. Mr. Thanh apologized ................................................................................ "Me? No, I didn't take Sue's calculator," said Bob. 3. Bob denied.................................................................................................. "You were cheating," said David to Henry. 4. David accused............................................................................................ "I must see,the manager," he cried. 5. He insisted ................................................................................................. "If you wanted to take my bike, you should have asked me first," said 6. Mike to his brother. Mike criticized ..................................; ........................................................ "You won the scholarship. Congratulations," Mary told me. 7. Mary congratulated.................................................................................... "It was kind of you to help me with my homework," Lan said to Hoa. · 8. Lan thanked ............................................................................................... "Shall we walk there? It's not far," he said. 9. He proposed....................-. ........................................................................... IO. "Turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play the game now," Dick's mother said. Dick's mother prevented ....................................... �···································· I.


I. 2.

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the ori9inal sentence. Use the word giv�n and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. "I'm sorry that I broke the glass," said Peter. APOLOGIZED

"You should have waited for us," the team leader said to John.



3. 4.

"Let's invite Mr. Brown to the party next weekend," he said..�UGQESTED ................................................................................................•.• ................... "You stole the jewels," the inspector said to him. ACCUSED.


"I only borrowed your car for some hours," the man said. ·ADMITIED


Complete each se.ntence of the following letter.

. ,....

. .



Dear Sir/ Madam, I/see /advertisement/yesterday / "Daily Message" .............................................................................................•....................... And/I/be/interest/piano/you/have/sale


I/like /meet /you /see /instrument


······································································································-:·•·········· Before/I/arrange/see/instrument/you/please/send/more/ information?·


I/wish /know /if / piano /be / upright / grand /type



I/also/be / glad /if/ tell /age /instrument ....................................................................................� ....... �-�-·:·...................... And/lowest/price/you /accept/it ..................................................................................................... .........•.. I/free /visit/Thursday/November 20


Kindly /indicate /time /that/most /convenient /you


I/look /forward /see /you /soon





Yours sincerely, 50


The Name Game

Parts of 20 names are shown in the picture clues. Fill in the names beside the correct pictures. The first 12 are boys' names.


i i�� 1

,_..,............ ,,-.-.,,.................-,.--,----i i--,r---,,---r-,-,..--t

Robert Irene Philip Mary Anthony Janice Thomas Pamela Janet - Simon. . Sandra Vera Peter Yvonne Richard Joan Rosemary.. Hugh Rachel Victor


Ruth Stephen Matthew Harold James Keith Wendy Caroline Ernes t Jim Patrick Alison Eric Martin


;. .. A,,

WRITTEN TEST 2 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. Choose the word in each group t·hat has the underlined. partpronounced ) differently from the rest. (10 points)

1. 2. . 3. 4. 5.

A. young A. wh�le A. y�llow A. blood A. drink

B. proud B. pl�ne B. pr�fix B. tr.QQPS B. prince

C. trousers C. dr� C. tw�lfth C. proof C. witness

D. blQ!!Se o� br!!ke b. tr�nch D. br.QQ.m D. btjde

PART II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (2-0points)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 52

me to take part in the contest. My friends A. advised B. suggested C. proposed D. recommended the parcel, he was surprised at what he saw. A. To open B. Opening C. Have opened D. Wbe_n opened buying the tickets in advance. They warned me A. among B. of C. with D. against· on talking to the headmaster. Henry D. agreed· C. insisted A. wished B. hoped the suitcase without asking its own�r. He admitted A. to open B. have opened C. having opened D. to openiµg · take care of the old and disabled. Each year many people A. volunteer B. volunteerly C. voluntary D� volunta,rily My brother spent his summer holiday teaching ·people in our village to read and write. D. irregular A. illiterate B. incapable C. mute I think is not the most important thing in a c·ontest. D. passing A. explaining B. winning C. beating because she couldn't answer the last question. She felt B. embarrassing C. disappointed o� shameful A. sadness They helped handicapped children their difficulties. C. pass by A. finish D. conquer B. overcome

PART Ill. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences� (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4.


The coach ____ to drop him from the team if he didn't train hard. in show business. There's a lot of We started a campaign for illiteracy in the summer of 2000. He is very ____ about the history of the Boston Marathon. We were very impressed by her ____ in the play last night.



PART IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. (20 points) Parents whose children show a special interest in a particular sport have a about their children's career. Should they difficult decision to (1) their children to train to become top sportsmen and women? For (2) starting very ·young and school work, going out many children it (3) have to take second place. It's very difficult with friends and other (4) to explain to a young child why he· or she has to train for five hours a day, even at the weekend, when (5) of his or her friends are playing. Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training from the government for the very best young sportsmen and is ( 6) women. If this help cannot be given it means that it is the parents (7)___ have to find the time and the money to support their child's development - and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment etc. can all be very expensive. that it is dangerous to start Many parents are understandably (8) serious training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young may be damaged by training before they are properly developed. (9) Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by starting young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person. What is clear is that very people reach the top and both parents and. children should be ( 10) prepared for fai_lure even after many years of training. 1. 2. 3.

A. do A. allow A. should

B. plan B. let B. means

C. make C. leave C. helps

D. prepare D. offer D. tries


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. wishes A. much A. enough A. who A. disturbed A. bloods A. little

B. dreams B. lot B. available B. whom B. concerned B. capacities B. few

C. sastisfactions C. most C. possible C. they C. cared C. muscles C. large

D. interests ,. D. plenty D. enormous D. which . D. worriecl D. phys.ks D�- many

PART V. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. (20 points}' · · 1. He drove into the car park and then walked to the office. After having ............................................................................ · ·.......... ;......; 2. "Don't forget to join in the contest tomorrow evening," Lan said. Lan reminded ...................................................... � ........_..... ;......� ...... ; ......... 3. . "How about giving Tom a T-shirt on his birthday tonight?" said Jane.· Jane suggested .............................................................·.� ........................... · .. "I'm sorry I damaged your tape recorder, Mike," said Bob. 4. Bob apologized· .....................................................................� ...� ................. 5. "Would you like me to clean the room for you?" she said. · She offered ................................................................................................. PART Vt Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (�O points) 1. Table / describe / literacy rates / population / different parts / country / Dancy / 2002 / 2007//. 2.

I / interest / practise / English / native / speakers / and/ want / get / information/ contest//.


We/ happy/ receive/ donation/ $1000 / company/ som_e/ day/ ago//.


Number/ people/ receive/ read/ write/ lessons/ reach /over/ 4000 / 2001 //.


Police / accuse / steal / money / but / he / deny / take //.







Chu de:


Dan so the gi6'i Ngfi' am: Cac t�p hqp am: /kl/, / gl/, /kr/, / gr/, va /kw/ Ngfi' phap va cau true: - 6n t�p cau dieu ki�n (lo�i 1, Io�i 2 va Io�i 3) - Cau dieu ki�n trong cau gian tiep: "If I were you, I didn't buy-that coat," she said. � She said (that) if she were me, she didn't buy that coat. Tir Vl;l'ng:

so tu

- Tu Vl!ng ve dan so va thgc tr�ng dan so the gim

BAI TAP I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A.cr!!de B.Cf!!St C.cl!!b D.d!!msy A. gr�ve B.gr�de C.gl�ze D.gl�nce A.clown B.cloud C.crowd D.gr�ing B.quit A.quick C.quite D.quiz A.clean B.gleam C.create D.greasy

"II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 1. If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Cuba. A_. would spend B.would have spent C.had spent D.will spend 2. It would have been a much more serious accident --- fast at the time. B.was he driving A.had he been driving C.he had driven D.he drove



If energy


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. It is .expensive to call across the ocean. However, if transoceanic

inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the· world would be different. D. would be C. were B. will be A. is 4. interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am 5. - the If you can give me one good reason for your acting like _this, incident again. A. I will never mention B. I never mention D. I don't mention C. will I ever mention 6. , Unless you all of my questions, I can't do anything to hel� you. · A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answeting 7. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ___ it. A. hadn't believed B. don't believe D. can't believe C. would never have believed ., 8. a better place if we had known a hundred years ago The world . what we know today about the earth's environment. C. should be D. might be B. was A. will be 9. me, he Tom said that if he some rest before the game the next day. A. is - will get B. was - would get D. were - might have got C. had been - would have got 10. Mary said if John late, she ___ without him. B. will be - goes A. is - will go C. was - would go D. would be - went I.

2. 3.

4. 56

cheap, I (call) my family every day telephone calls (be) for hours. and (talk) to be if all diseases in the world How old human beings (like) completely eradicated? (be) Hundreds of people became ill from eating contaminated meat during the last two weeks. If the government (respond) more quickly to the crisis, fewer people (suffer) food poisoning. People (be) able to fly if they (have) feathers instead of hair?

5. 6. 7. 8.

If television (invent)___ in the eighteenth century, George Washington regularly on the evening news. (interview) his library books back tomorrow, he (have) If Tom (not take) ___ to pay a fine. My brother said that if there (be)___ no oxygen on earth, life as we know it (not exist)--She said, that if Jack (refuse) __�, we (have)___ to manage without him.


Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick ('V) the right ones, and correct the wrong ones. 1. If you smoked in a non-smoking compartment, the other passengers will object. 1/___ If he doesn't smoke so much, he might get rid of his cough. 2/___ 2. 3. I didn't throw those newspapers away if I had known you 3/___ were still reading them. If a driver brakes suddenly on a wet road, he'd skid. 4. 4/--He would still be alive today if he didn't take that drug. 5. 5/___ He said that if he' were ten years younger, he would learn 6. 6/___ to drive. 7. · Should Tom help us, the job would only take half an hour. 7 /___ 8. Had the chairman not told us, we wouldn't know about 8/___ the meeting: She said that she wiB go to the university that October if she 9. · passed the exam. 9/___ 10. If you told me we had run out of bread I'd have bought them. 10/___ V.

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.


We must limit population because our resources are limited. GROW EXPLODE Many people are not aware of population ___ SHORT There is a ___ of hospital in our area. They still that having many children means happiness. BELIEF We must raise an of the problems of overpopulation. AW ARE areas in the world. POPULA1E Hong Kong is one of the most

2. 3. · 4. 5. 6.



Although her visit was ---� we made her welcome just ' the same. It's a good little car, but it has its ___ 8. We were relieved to reach dry land and ----'-9. 10. You should give proof to support your ideas.


VI. Complete each of the foltowing sentences with a suitable word or phrase. 1. If it hadn't .........................., ......................... gone out for a walk. 2. If you ................................................., then I'd like it back please. .. . 1 n't ·wm 3. ,I ............................................ 1'f Tom d'd . the competition.' 4. But for Sally, Jim .......... .- ....................................... ; ..drowned. If you hadn't really wanted to come, you ............... a fow hours early. 5. 6. .................................the phone bill today, the phone will be cut off. 7. If I ...........................your tools, I wouldn't have been able to fi� the car. If you'd told me you were coming, I .........................something to eat. 8. 9. If you've finished ................................................ , � ...... � ... home. 10. If Mary had known her sister wasn't coming, she....................... to such trouble. VII� Read the passage below and choose one correct answ�r for each question. The human population has grown dramatically this century. In 1900 there were 1.6 billion people on earth. By 1950 this figure, had grown to 2.7 billion. By the end of the 20th century, th� earth's population was about 6.6 billion: For thousand of years, man lived· in a very primitive way. Before the recent developments in agriculture, medicine and industry, life was difficult. It was hard to make a living from the soil without modern farming methods, and a few years of bad crops could mean famine and therefore de,ath -:- as it still does today in some parts of the world. Illnesses as mild and as common as influenza could kill a Stone-Age man weakened by hunger; appendicitis was always fatal before the days of modern surgery. Even childbirth. was a hazardous process. Under these conditions, the human race needed to reproduce at a high rate just to keep in existence. But the size of the population did not change very rapidly, for without modern medicine, many babies and young children <lied. So for a long time, the populati,on grew very slowly. And this is still the case today in some parts of the world where the people live without the aids of modern technology. 58

It was only about two centuries ago - which is less than one-thousandth of man's existence - that the population growth pattern changed. New discoveries in medical science had a dramatic effect on the death-rate. Fewer children died in infancy, and adults lived longer. Consequently, the population began to expand rapidly. And in the 2D1h century, this acceleration of population growth has begun to cause severe social economic problems in many developing countries. I.

The world population in 1950 was ____ A. 1.6 billion B. 1.9 billion C. 2.7 billion

D. 6.6 billion


The word "primitive" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____ B. modern C. negative D. 'difficult A. ancient


Some years of bad crops could lead to ____ B. modern far�ing methods A. agriculture C. famine D. illnesses


In the Stone Age, the population grew very slowly because ____ A. the human race needed to reprodu�e at a high rate B. many children died in infancy C. people lived without the aids of modern technology D. both B and C


Which of the.following sentences is not TRUE? A. People also suffer from famine in some parts of the world today. B. Surgery is the best way to treat people who suffer from appendicitis. C. People in primitive societies developed new method of farming. D. People in the 20th century lived longer than before.

VIII. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

Since man has discovered ways of treating illnesses and diseases, and has is thus reduced the death-rate, the only way to control populati.on (I) by lowering the birth-rate. In fact, as people in modern industrial societies to work in the towns and factories, they found began to move in (2) . So in Western Europe after the that a smaller family was easier to (3) Industrial Revolution, the birth-rate did slow down as parents chose to have children. More importantly, modern birth¡ control measures have (4) made it possible (5) parents to decide how many children to have. 59

But reducing the birth-rate is not as easy as that. There (6)____ many some parents do not want to religious, social economic reasons (7) control the (8) of children they have. For example,- in some of the less developed parts of the world, many children are needed· to help work the land, or (9) wages that supplement the family income. To halt the population of growth in such areas, it will first be necessary to raise the (10) living, so that parents do not need a large family. IX.

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.


We didn't know you were in hospital, so we didn't visit you� If we .............................................................................................................


He's very thin; Perhaps that's why he feels the cold so much� If he ...........................................................................................................


'.'If he pays me tonight, I'll have enough money for the tic�ets," she said. She said that ...................................................................... , ........................


She didn't speak to him possibJy because she was'so shy. .� She would .................................................................................;......... �........

· 5.

He can't buy the car unless he saves from now. If he ................................................................................ · � ..........................

6. 7.

People drive very fast. That's why there are so many accidents. If people .................................................................................... �...............

"If a stranger gave you a lift on the way home would you accept it?" she asked me. She asked me ....................................................................... � ..................... 8. I didn't see the_ signal, so I didn't stop.· Had ................................................................................... : ........................ 9. My friend advised me to sell the car. "If I............................................................................................................. 10. I feel tired now because I stayed up too late last night. I wouldn't ........................................................................................ � .......... 60

X. Writing The two pie charts below show changes in world population by region between 1900 an·d 2000. Write a report for a lecturer describing the information in these charts. Write at least 150 words.

World population 1900: 1,600 million

D !: : :J

Asia -60% Europe (including Russia) -25%

lf{� North America -5%

· 111 II

Africa -4,5% Latin America -3% Other -2,5%

World population 2000: 6 billion DAsia -54%


Europe (including Russia} -14%

fitf) Africa -10%


Latin America -8% Middle East and North Africa -6% North America -5%

• Othe� -3%



Words ending in -TION .

A lot of words in English end in -TION. Here are 12 of them. The pictures and· the number of letters will help you to complete the words.




4 .


11. 12.






3 -�




t E3 62


CELEBRATIONS KIEN THOC CAN NHU Chu de: Le h9i Ngu am: Cac t�p hqp am: /fl/, /fr/, va /8r/ Ngii' phap va cau true: Cac d�i tu: one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone - No one likes snakes, do they? - I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world. Tu Vl;l'ng: - D�i tu - Tu vlJng ve le h9i va vi�c t6 chuc le h9i


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A.fliP B. fridge C. thrill D. thrive A. frMment B. fr!!me C.fr�ction D. fr!!nk B. frowzy A.flow C. throw D. blow A. fl!!Sh B.fl!!te C.fruit D. through A. flQPpy B. frQsty D. flQck C.frQntier

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A.comment B.constant D.parade C. firework D.occasion A. agrarian C.represent B.together C.envelop D. festival A.decorate B. calendar B.entertainment C.activity D. variety A. traditional A. special B. prepare C. throughout D.believe



Complete each of the following sentences with some- or any- + -body/· thing/ -where. 1. I was too surprised to say _· ___ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?· 2. There's 3. mind if I open the window? Does 4. You must be hungry. Would you like to eat? 5. Quick, let's go! There's coming and I don't want ___ to see us. 6. Sally was upset about and refused to talk to ___ 7. We slept in a park because we didn't have to stay._ 8. There was on the beach. It was deserted. 9. "Where did you go for your holidays?" . I stayed at home." " 10. "What did you buy?" " ---. I couldn't find --- I wanted." Ill.

IV. 1. 2. 3. 4; 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

V. 1.


Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick (V) the right o·nes, and correct the wrong ones. Someone who saw the accident should contact the police. 1/___ I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't want to eat anything. 2/___ My umbrella is black and the blue once is my sister's. 3/___ There �as a thunderstorm during the night but I heard something. 4/___ Martin was in hospital for three days but everyone went to see him. 5/--If anyone has any question, I'll be pleased t.o answer him·. 6/ Mai's parents let her choose some sweets, and she took the small ones. · 7/___ Are you thirsty, Michael? Would you like anything to drink? 8/___ I have looked all over the house but I can't find my watch somewhere. 9/__ Hardly someone passed the exam because it was extremely difficult. ' 10/---


Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following·sentences. It rains heavily in my country in September. OCCASION

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VI.

The English language training is a good ____ for any career. of Vietnam. John likes eating pho, which is one of the ! We've been waiting for only Don't be so half an hour. in the sailing club. I forgot to renew my ---�' many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the roads. Children get a great deal of ____ when Tet comes. The countryside looks very ____ now. The tomatoes look very nice. They are ____ The inhabitants in our village enjoy good health and ____


Complete each blank with one of the foUowing words or phrases. Use each item once only . commemorate erected attracts street entertainment sponsored puppet shows stalls dress up opening ceremony colourful procession traditional crafts

held floats lasts local event

Every year a festival is (1) to (2) the founding of our for a week and during that town over 150 years ago. The f�stival (3) in old-fashioned clothes, sometimes even time many local people (4) wearing them at work. is performed by a On the first day of the· celebrations, an (5) visiting celebrity at the band-stand in the town centre. From there a (6)____ makes its way through the streets of the town. We spend weeks beforehand , many of which are (8) by local firms and preparing the (7) , such organisations. In addition to these floats, there are bands and (9) as fire-eaters, juggles and clowns walking stilts. The procession ends up in the park, where a large marquee has been where you . Around the marquee there are various (11) ( 10) can buy -local products or play traditional games.

6 5·

Throughout the week many events are organised to recreate· life 150 years ago. You can have your photograph taken wearing 19th century clothes or ·learn (12) such as basket-weaving. For the children there are ( 13)__ · __ and talent contests. The festival (14) thousands of visitors, and what used to be just a small (15) has now grown into a major tourist attraction. VII.

Fill in each numbered blank of the following .passage with a suitable word.

THE TRINIDAD FESTIVAL Festivals in the Caribbean can be huge, colourful events that stretch the imagination. One of the biggest of these, the Trinidad Carnival, consists of five. a days of non-stop parties and music competitions that · end ( 1) costumed parade through the streets of the capital, Port of Spain. than just The music at the carnival is calypso. Calypso is (2) music for singing and dancing. An evening in "calypso tent" will give you a course in Trinidadian politics and (3) you know all about the island gossip. But entertain. the topic of the songs, calypso's main function is (5) (4) One of the most important parts of the carnival is the calypso competition. two se.ctions. First of all, on the Sunday, the best This is divided (6) crowd song is judged. Ten finalists each sings two songs in front of (7) best to give performances that will of 30,000. The singers all do (8) more, and the winner have the crowd shouting and sc;reaming (9) receives the highly-prized title of Calypso Monarch. Then, on the Monday, there is the Roadmarch · of competition, ( 10) the best dance tune is decided. Dancers in fantastic costumes spill out onto the streets (11) their thousands at 4 a.m. and dance in a the carnival ends the parade with the calypso bands. This goes on (12) tune is being played following night. The winner is the person (13) situated. most often as the bands pass the place where the judges (14) as half a million And the music has to be good, to keep as (15) people dancing non-stop for five days. VIII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each quesUon. Independence Day in the United States is observed annually on the Fourth of July. For most communities throughout the nation, the traditional celebration includes parades down the main streets, picnics with hot dogs and lemonade, 66

and, of course, a fireworks display at night. In some towns across the country, however, special events are planned in honour of the occasion. In Bristol, Rhode Island, fire engine teams from communities throughout New England compete in a contest to squirt water from their fire hoses. Flagstaff, Arizona hosts a huge three-day powwow, including a rodeo, for twenty Native American tribes. The annual Eskimo games with traditional kayak races are held in Kotzebue, Alaska. Two auto races are always scheduled for the Fourth, including a four-hundred-mile stock car event at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida, and an annual auto race up the fourteen­ thousand-foot precipice at Pike's Peak. in Colorado. Several small towns _celebrate in other unique ways, Hannibal, Missouri, the hometown of Mark Twain, invites the chilpren to participate in a fence­ painting contest, reenacting a scene from Twain's novel Tom Sawyer. Lititz Pennsylvania congregates in the Lititz' Springs Park to light thousands of candles and arrange them in various shapes and images. In Ontario, California, the townspeople combine the traditional with the unusual by setting up tables along Euclid Avenue· for what they describe as "the biggest picnic table in the world�" In this' w�y, everyone in town has a front-row. seat for the two-mile parade. 1.




With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned? A. Traditional celebrations for the Fourth of July. B. Holidays in the United States. C. The origin of Independence Day. D. Small towns in America. How is Independel].ce Day observed in Ontario, California? A. By hosting a powwow and rodeo. B. By sponsoring a stock car event. C. By squirting· water from fire hoses. D. By setting up tables along the parade route. The author mentions all of the following as ways the Fourth of July is celebrated EXCEPT ---D. fireworks C. dances A. parades B. races The word "huge" in the first paragraph could best be .replaced by which of the following? B. amusing A. exciting C. complicated D. large 67


It can be inferred from the passage that ___ A. the Fourth of July _is celebrated in Canada as well as in the United States B. towns in the United States celebrated July Fourth in qifferent_ ways because of their regional customs C. although fireworks are not legal, they are displayed on July Fourth D. the Fourth of July is not celebrated in large cities in the United States


Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do. not change the word given. (Use 2 · 5 words in total).


Have you made any arrangements for this weekend? anything Are ............................................. this weekend?


The police want to contact people if they saw the robber.. anyone The police want to talk to ..................... -� ...... the robber.


How should people be punished if they start a fire? someone What should we do with .................................... a fire?


If people deliberately start a f�re, they should be punished. anyone I think .................................... a fire should be punished. Bob couldn't hear what the teacher was saying. something The teacher ....................................... couldn't hear it.




All the people were surprised to see Tom leave the party early. everyone's To .............................................. the party early.


Jane was sure there was no mistake in her homework. nothing Jane was sure ...................................with her homework.


Nobody plays this piece as beautifully as he does. more He plays this piece .................................... � ........ else.

I was the only person who wanted to watch the programme. There was ..............................me who wanted to watch else the programme. 10. While I was driving, I realized that the car wasn't working properly. something While I was driving, I realized that ................................ ... .. .. . .. .. ... the car. 68


X. Complete each sentence of the following passage. I.

Teacher/Day/Vietnam/fall/twenty/November/each year


Gener�l /it/be/mean/schoolchildren/show/appreciation/ teacher/ who/painstaking/guide/in/study


It /a / time /forge t /bad /experience /student /have / teacher /scold / punish


Student I give/teacher/flower/small/gift


Such/gesture/be/small / comparison/teacher/dedication / hard/work


Small / party / hold /and / there / be / atmosphere / fun / amusement / school

69 ,,¡


What do you know about these English festivals and feast-days? Put a 12.{J next to the correct answer.

I. Guy Fawkes· Day is

a always on November 5th.




:·JI. . !·.

b when you eat turkey. c in mid-summer. d to celebrate independence.

2. Box1/1g Day is a on 26th December. b on 2nd January. c different each year. d once a month. 3. New Years Day is · a a public holiday. b only celebrated in Scotland. c an ordinary working day. d a holiday only for schoois. 4. Easter is

a on the same day every year. b when you eat pancakes. c always in April. d when you eat chocoiate eggs.

6. Good Friday is

� a the Friday berore Christmas. 0 b the Friday before Easter. 0 c when you give presents. 0 d to celebrate the Queen's birthday. 0

on!y celebrated in Wales.

0 b only a holiday-for people who work in banks.

0 c when the Queen gives money to the poQr. 0 d a public holiday. 0


0 0

8. Mother's Day is a always on a Saturday. b when mothers give presents. C when mothers get presents. d always 1n May. 9. St Vaientme's Day is

0 a to ce!ebrate the patron sai� of England.

0 b when you send romantic cards to those you love. D 0 c a pubhc hoiiday. d the shortest day of the year.

· 5. Christmas is a always on Sunday. D b when you make good resolutiors. 0 c when you have a decorated tree. 0 d when you eat a leg of lamb. D


7. A Bank Holiday •s


10. A leap year is a when the year ends 1n O ( eg 1990). b every 5 year;s. c a year with 366 days. d when there is a new k,ng or queen.




0 D






'• .

FIRST SEMESTER TEST Time: 60 minutes (Total: 100 points)

PART I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronoun�ed differently from the rest.' (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. cr�ft A. hostess A. blouse A. threat A. twinkle

B. gr�nd B.happy B. trousers B. clean B. pride

C. bl�nk C. honest C. cloudy C. spread C. winning

D. pr�ctice D. harvest D. group D. pleasure D. drink

PART II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. influence A. stimulate A. longevity A. anniversary A. announcement

B. repeat B. similar· B. population ·B. representative B. government

C. sculpture C. confidence C. unselfishness C. eradication C. apartment

D. outlook D. continue D. embarrassing D. inactivity D. development

PART Ill. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (20 points) 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

for the job. in my position, he John said that if he B. were - would apply A. is - will apply D. has been - would be applying C. had been - would have applied I'm so hungry that I could eat ___ A. anything B. something C. nothing D. some thing He proposed a small,party on New Year's Eve. A. to have D. have had B. should have C. having They us not to take part in that competition. D. warned C. insisted B. disliked A. suggested the material before he had quiz. The professor A. reviewed B. was reviewing C. has reviewed D. had reviewed We saw him --- into the abandoned house. A. drive B. to driving C. to drive D. drove for good luck. During Tet holiday, many people go to the pagoda to A. receive B. pray C. wish D. require 71


It took 1750 years for-the world population to C. reach B. get A. catch


Tom apologized B. for A. to


A lot of work must be done to -----'-_ illiteracy in our country. B. complete C. give up D. eradicate A. conquer

625 million. D. come

not being able to answer the last question. C. on D. at

PART IV. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and_ correct it. (10 points) 1.

2. 3. <

4. 5.

After hearing the conditions, I decided not entering for the competition. D B C A I was telephoning you at 9 o'clock last night, but you were not at home. D A B C Minh said to me that if I don't study hard, I'd fail the exam. D C 路 B A If someone phone while I'm out, tell them I'll be back in a few minutes; A B C D The suspect denied to steal the car, but admitted having borrowed it. A C D B

PART V. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. (20 points) This year's annual local festival was one of the best we've ever had. took part in it or watched it. Almost everyone who lives in the town ( 1) The weekend celebrations began with a concert in the main square, at (2)路_路 __ to find the a number of local groups played. This included the annual (3) 路 best song written by a local person. There were eight entries and the judge was on The Right Way by Rosie Dash as the local actor, Henry Turner. He (4) , which winner. After the concert, there was a magnificent firework (5) drew gasps of amazement from the crowd. On the following day, the annual parade was (6) , and this year it was even more spectacular than usual. by bands, and some Hundreds of people marched through the streets, (7) of the costumes were quite extraordinary. There were large crowds on (8) sides of the streets and they cheered as the parade went past. When it , everyone went to the main square, where there was a market was (9) selling almost everything you could imagine, lovely food available at' plenty of 72

and stalls, dancing, and games for the children. Everyone enjoyed ( 10) the many weeks of hard work put in by the organizing committee were well worth it 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.



A.either A.that A.compete A.went A.performance A. made A.accompanied ·A.every A.out A.himself

C.not only B.neither C. where B.which B.competence · C.competition C.decided B.agreed C.explosion B.action B. held C.carried C.included B.gathered C.both B.all C.away B.past C.themselves B.herself

D. and D.there D.struggle D.concentrated D.display D.established D.joined D.several D.over D. ourselves

PART VI. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. (10 points) Orbis is an organization which helps blind people everywhere. It has built an eye hospital inside an aeroplane and flown it all over the world with an international medical team. Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old -schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to Mongolia. Samantha tells the story of Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl. "Last year,when Eukhtuul was walking home from school,she was attacked by boys with sticks and her eyes were badly damaged.Dr Duffey,an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she would never see again. I thought about all the everyday things I do that she couldn't, things like reading schoolbooks, watching television,seeing friends,and I realized how lucky I am." "The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with some Mongolian medical students. I prayed the operation would be successful. The next day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr Duffey removed her bandages. "In six months your sight will be back to normal," he said. Eukhtuul smiled,her mother cried,and I had to wipe away some tears,too!" "Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become· a doctor. Her whole future has changed, thanks to a simple operation. We should all think more about how much our sight means to us."







What is the writer's main purpose in writing this text? B. to report a patient's cure A. to describe a dangerous trip C. to explain how sight can be lost D. to warn against playing with sticks What can a reader learn about in this text? A. the life of schoolchildren in Mongolia B. the difficulties for blind travelers C. the international work of some eye doctors D. the best way of studying medicine After meeting Eukhtuul, Samantha felt B. proud of the doctor's skill. · A. grateful for her own sight. C. surprised by Eukhtuul's courage. D. angry about Eukhtuul's _experience What is the result of Eukhtuul's operation? A. She can already see perfectly again. B. After some time she will see as well as before. C. She can see better but will never have normal eyes. D. Before she recovers, she will need another operation. Which is the postcard, Samantha wrote to an English friend? A. I've visited a Mongolian hospital and watched local doctors do an operation. B. You may have to fly a long way to have the operation you need, but the journey will be worth it. C. I'm staying with my friend Eukhtuul, while I'm sightseeing in Mongolia. D. Make sure you take care· of your eyes because they're more valuable than you realize!

PART VIL Finish the s.econd sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases. (10 points) 1. Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. I haven't .................................................................................................... 2.

"If I were you, I'd join the voluntary team tomorrow, Tom," said Mike.


Mike advised ............................................... .................... ;................ :......... He dido 't try his best; Perhaps that's why he didn't win th� race. If he ...........................................................................................................


"You damaged my camera," said Jane to Henry. · Jane accused .......... ,.................................................................................. .



I would do anything for you. There's....................................... :..............................................................

PART VIII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (10 points) 1.

Tet holiday/ be/ time/ Vietnamese/ people/ celebrate/ beg�n/ spring//.


World/ population/ be/ about/ 6.6 billion/ 2000 / and/ expect/ over/ 7 billion/ 2015 //.


I / very/ grateful/ if/ you/ can/ send/ details / competition //.


While / number / literate males / increase / sharp / 2000 / 2005 / that / literate females/ go down/ dramatic//..


I / like / express / thanks / donation / company / hope / get / more / assistance/ cooperation//.




Buu chinh va djch V\l buu di¢n

Cac t�p hqp am: /sp/, ./st/, va /sk/ Ngfi' phap va cau tnic: - · On t�p: m¢nh de tinh ngii xac djnh (defining relative clauses): An architect is someone who designs buildings. - 6n t�p: m¢nh de tfnh ngu khong xac dinh: yve offer the best services with a team of well-trained staff, who are thoughtful and courteous to customers. Tir Vl;fng:

- D<;ti tu quan h¢ (trong m¢nh de tinh ngii') - Tu Vl;{ng lien quan den buu chfnh vien thong


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. A. A. A. A.

11. I.

ChoQse a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A. bother B. coward C. transfer D. secure A. recipient B. subscriber C. telegram D. proportion A. messenger B. facsimile · D. no!ify C. courteous A. service B. express C. well-trained D. advance A. distribution B. dis.satisfy C. community D. technology

2. 3. 4. 5. 76

sp�ce skies chest speak st!!bborn

B. B. B. B. B.

Sp�nish skier stitch steak St!!Ck

C. C. C. C. C.

st�ke skilful speech steal st!!dious

D. D. D. D. D.

stMe skim scholar steam St!!dY

Ill. 1.

· Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. . A carpenter is a person ____ makes thin.gs of wood. D. whom B. that C. he A. which 2. The medicine ____ is on the shelf is no longer good. B. who A. which C. whom D. it The woman 3. l met in the post office was very nice. C. whom D. whose B. she A. which 4. has a lot of useful Last Monday I went to Thanh Ba post office, . services. D. it C. where· B. that· A. which 5. What's the name of the person bicycle you borrowed? A. who B. who's C. whom D. whose 6. I grew up. I recently went back to the village C. where. D. it B. that A. which 7. Do you still remember the day _you sent that letter? B. why .C._ where D. when A. which 8. My brother, ____you talked to yesterday, works as a postman. D. him A. which B. who C. that Alexander Bell was the man ____ invented the telephone. 9. D. whose C. whom A. which B. who 10. My brother has a lot of stamps,. some of ____ are very expens"ive. D. whom C. them B. that A. which IV. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fill in each space of the follo:Jling sentences with a correct relative pronoun. I saw -the man ____ closed the door of the post office. contain adjective clauses. We are studying sentences we visited yesterday were very nice. The people value is inestimable. Mr. Brown owns a stamp 5. The post office my aunt is working is·very large. Alan and Jackie, ____ didn't come to class yesterday, explained their 6. absence to the teacher. 7. Sunday is the day ____ my grandparents will come. is grown in many countries, is a staple food throughout 8. · Rice, much of the world. is the ancient capital of Vietna�. We enjoyed Hue City, 9. house is opposite the post office, is our English teacher. 10. Mrs. Mai, 77

V. Combine the two sentences, using the adjective clause. The geologist predicted another eartbquake. He lectured at 'Centre Hall 1. last night. 2. I have good memories of my hometown. It is situated in a valley. 3. Mrs. Dark is very happy. Her son won the first prize of the spelling contest. 4. 1945 is the year. The revolution took place then. I enjoyed Mexico City. I spent my vacation there last summer. 5. 6. Kuala Lumpur is a major trade centre in South East Asia. It is the capital city of Malaysia. 7. A barber cut your hair. Did he do a good job? Ye·sterday I ran into an old friend. I hadn't seen him for years. 8. Is that the restaurant? I will meet you at that restaurant tomorrow. 9. 10. Ms Hoa works in the City post office. We met her last Friday. VI.

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

THE BAREFOOT MAILMEN In 1885, the US Post Office had a problem in the southern state of Florida. Lake ·worth to Biscayen Bay was taking six weeks. The delivery service ( 1) They found a solution - a 136-mile route (2) took three days. It meant that the mailmen (3) to walk barefoot along beaches for eighty miles and then cover (4) remaining fifty-six miles by boat. This by mailman Edwin R Bradley. In the difficult job was first carried (5) over deliveries but a .few summer of 1887, James 'Ed' Hamilton (6) him months later his career ended suddenly in circumstances which (7) famous in the Post Office. The Autumn weather (8) year was severe. On 9 October, Hamilton felt unwell as he set (9) . Despite this-, he arrived at his first been at a place called stop, Orange Grove. His next call should ( 10) he was never Fort Lauderdale Refuge. This time he didn't arrive (11) happened to him. seen again. Nobody ever found out ( 12) th

In 1892, a road was built and the days of the barefoot mailmen ( 13) over. However, their story has never been forgotten. ( 14) ____ made · are annual walks along the route, and a book and film have (15) about them. 78

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman who became a US citizen. The word 'telephone' had been (1) ___ existence since the 1830s and had been (2) to a number of inventions • designed to produce sound. Bell had become interested in the possibility of long-distance speech (3) , his work with the deaf. He was twenty-eight and his assistant, their great twenty-one when they (5) Thomas Watson, was (4) 1h associat10n, success on 10 March 1876. Despite their long and (6) Bell's first communication by telephone was not "Tom, come here, I want you", "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you". (7) (8) with excitement, Bell and Watson demonstrated their invention that his to a US telegram company. The company wrote to Bell, (9) invention was interesting. However, after (_10)__ it careful consideration, to the conclusion that it had "no future". Fortunately for they had (11) Bell, others could see the possibilities. (12) four years of its invention, the US had 60,000 �elephones. In the next twenty years that (13)___ increased to over 6 million. of Today, ninety-three per cent of US home have a phone, a (14) phone ownership no other nation come near to equalling. Each US household makes or receives (15) average 3,516 calls per year, an astonishing statistic. � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A. in A. joined A. through A. quite A. managed A. narrow A. but A. Whole A. saying A. regarding A. reached A. Under A. figure A. grade A. on

B. with B. named B. as B. just B. achieved B. attached B. otherwise B. Deep B. informing B. giving B. come B. From B. count B. height B. by

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

to employed because simply succeeded close instead Entire describing taking arrived Within measure level at

D. out D. applied · D. along D. iately D. fulfilled D. near D. although D. Filled D. referring D. bearing D. brought D. About D. extent D. rank D. for 79

VIII. Read the following passage and write T (True)/ F (False) I NI (No Information) for each of the statements. Before the invention of the postage stamp, it was difficult to send a letter to another country. The sender paid for the letter to travel in his or her own country. lben the person in the other country paid for that part of the trip. If a letter crossed several countries, the problem was worse. Rowland Hill, a British teacher, had the idea of a postage stamp which gum on the back. The British post office made the first stamps in 1840. They were the Penny Black and the Two-pence Blue. A person bought a stamp and put it on a letter, the post office delivered the letter. When people received letters, they didn't have to pay anything. The letters were repaid. Postage stamps became popular in Great Britain immediately. Other countries started making their own postage stamps very quickly. There were still problems with international mail. Some countries did not want to accept letters with stamps from another country. Finally, in 1874 a German organized the Universal Postal System. Each country in the UPS agreed to accept letters with prepaid postage from the other members. Today the offices of the UPS are in the Switzerland. Almost every country in the � world is a member of this organization. It takes care of any international problems. ____l. Before postage stamps, two people paid for letters to travel in two countries. ___2. A teacher invented the pos�age stamp. ___3. The person who invented the postage stamp was American. ___4. The first two stamps were coloured black and blue. ___5. A stamp shows that the postag� is prepaid. ___6. The United States was the second country to make postage stamps. ___7. Postage stamps solved all mail problems immediately. ___8. Members of the UPS accept prepaid letters from other countries. ___9. Nigeria is a member of the UPS. ___10. All the UPS officials are Swiss. IX.


Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. E.g.: 0. Whose bag is this? BELONG Who does this bag belong to? THAT I like John. He is my kind of person.


Mr. Phong was the first person I asked for advice.




Not a single house in the street had escaped undamaged.



It is an event I would rather forget.



I have read all of his books but one.


X. Write a complaint letter from the following words and phrases. Dear Sir, I. I just/ return/ holiday in Malaysia/ can say/ it/ nightmare/ start/ finish.


When / choose / Dragon Tourist / I / under / impression / I / dealing / company/ can rely/ but/ quite wrong.


Trouble /start/ even before/ leave/ country.


To begin / plane / overbooked, / which mean / myself / ten / other / passenger/ force/ go on/ another plane/ hour later.


Unfortunate / our luggage / still / fir�t plane / so that / a further delay / sort out I mess/ when/ finally/ arrive/ airport/ Kuafa Lumpur.


"Luxury" hotel / as/ advertise/ brochure I under construction, / mean that / constant sound/ and not peaceful/ relaxing holiday/ look forward to.


My room / much smaller / expected / and throughout / stay / never manage/ get/ shower/ work properly/ - water / either too hot/ too cold.


Another thing/ in brochure/ hotel/ only a few minutes/ the sea/ but 25 / to be exact.


Final / return journey / find myself/ sit/ among group/ smokers /.despite . / I/ specifically ask/ non - smoking seat.

I 0.

This / worst holiday / ever have / my life, / demand / get / money back. If not/ hear/ from/ lawyer. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


FUN CORNER SORT THEM OUT Decide whether ·these words are nouns or verbs, or whether they can be both. Then sort out the- 3 categories.

For e.xa.rnp/e:



. .

'... ... ... : '\,




WRITTEN TEST 3 Time: 45 minutes i:r (Total: 100 points)

PART I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (10 points)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. Cr!!St A. qus?_stion A. stood A.cr�cker A. StillY,

?B.styck B.sks?_tch B.school B.sp�cious B.flower

C.crymb C.sps?_cies C.flood C.cl�ssic C.ground

D.flyte D.frs?_sh D.crook D.gl�dder D.crowd

PART II. Choose the best answer for each of the f�llowing sentences. (20 points) 1.

was already an hour late, broke down again. The train, B. which C.where D.whom A. that 2. I stopped in _Paris, ___ my sister owns a shop. A.that B.which C.where · D.when is taking over my job when I leave. 3. This is Mary, D.whom B.which C.who A.that 4. I apologized to the woman coffee I spilled. A.which B.who C.whom D.whose 5. The student ___ sits next to me comes from Australia. A.that B._which C.whom D.whose in your eye? 6. What's wrong? Have you got A. anything R something "- C.everything D.nothing Minh said that if I 7. forgive me. apologize, he B.won't..:... doesn't A.don't - won't C.didn't - wouldn't D.wouldn't - didn't 8. Your EMS mail will be in the shortest possible time. A.managed B.exchanged C.delivered D. transferred mail. 9. You can· choose to send your. letters by air or B.earth A.dust C.ground t'J. surface 10. Our post office is equipped ___ advanced technology. A.by B.with C.of D.in 83

PART Ill. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. (10 pointi) of aid supplies is slow because of the The 1. bad weather. DISTRIBUTE


We offer ___ and secure services of transferring money. , SPEED


The Messenger Call Service helps you to ___ the recipient of the time and place to receive the call.



Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete ___



The staff in this post office are well-trained and always to customers.


PART IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. (20 points) a postal system for the A post office is a facility authorized (I) posting, receipt, sortation, handling, transmission or delivery of mail. Post offices (2) mail-related services such as post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies. In (3) , , some post offices offer non-postal services such as passport applications¡ and (4) government forms, money orders, and banking services. post-office boxes to people and businesses , Post offices also (5) who (6) not to have mail delivered to (7) home or office, or mail delivery is not available. who live or stay at addresses to (8) mail is The back rooms of a post office are the places (9) processed for delivery. Mail may also be processed in other post offices that are not ( I 0) to the general public. PART V. Find a mistake in, the four underlined parts of each sentence and corre.ct it. (10 points)

1. 2. 3. 84

Hanoi Post Office, that is in the city centre, provides a lot of services. B C D A The accident looked serious but fortunately anybody was injured. A B C D Tom said to me that if he had been in my position, he would act differently. A B C D

4. 5.

They are talking with Lan, who's house is next to mine. A B D C There are several pens on the table; the black one is Mikes, and the green two B C D A are yours.

PART VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a simila_r meaning to the first one,_beginning with the given words or phrases. (10 points) 1. The post office is far from my house,¡ so I have to cycle there.

2. 3. 4. 5.

If.....................................................................................................ďż˝ .......... A man stopped me on the street. He asked for directions. The man ..................................................................................................... If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am. Anyone ...................................................................................................... "Unless I receive her letter tomorrow, I'll phone her," said Nam. Nam said that if ......................................................................................... That girl's father used to work with mine. That's the girl ...... : ................................. .'...................................................

PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (20 points) 1. I/ not/ satisfy / security/ conditi�ns / post office/ because/ there/ not/ anyone / keep / customers / motorcycles //.


There / be / several / national / celebration / Vietnam / but / perhaps / most/ meaningful/ Tet holiday//.-


It/ can / see/ South Asia/ account/ thirty-two per cent/ world/ population //.

4. .

One / Tet / most/ special / food / banh chung I make / sticky rice / yellow mung bean I fatty pork //.


If / you / want / send / document / and / not / lose / original / shape / facsimile/ help//.

.................................................................................................................. 85



KIEN TfflJC CAN NffU Chu de: Bao v¢ moi iruang thien nhien Ngu am: Ccic t�p hgp fim: /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, va /sw/ Ngu phap va cau true: D�i tir quan h¢ vm gioi tir: - There is one person to whom I owe more than I can say.

- It was a service for which I will be grateful. Tu v1;tng: - Gioi tir (di vm cac d�i tir quan h�) - Tir vvng ve moi truang va bao v¢ moi truang

BAI TAP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. B. sm£!ll A. sl�ng C. sn�ck D. swMger A. swift B. slim C. smile D. snjppy ' A. steamer B. sl�y C. sneeze D. sweater A. crown B. snowy C. swallow D. slowly A._slQppy C. snQb. D. sw2llen B. sm.Qg

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A. capture C. discharge B. exist D. extinct A. devastate C. estimate B. endanger D. pesticide A. prohibit B. destruction C� establish D. animal A. interference B. cultivation C. entertainment D. environment A. survive B. respect C. nature D. affect



Ill. 1.


3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. That is the house in I used to live. D. there A. that B. which C. where I spoke on the phone last night, is concerned about Mr. Carter, to the environmental protection. B. who A. that C. whom D. whose They asked me a lot of questions, I couldn't answer. A. most of which B. of which most C. most of that D. of that most I first met you. I'll never forget the day D. on which C. on when A. at when B. at which is over a million dollars. They own an original Picasso painting, A. of which the value B. the value of which D. of the value which C. which of the value I met the boy ___ is the president of the corporation. B. father of whom C. who's father D. of whom father A. whose father The human race _ is only one ___ of beings in the living world. A. means B. existence . C. species D. collection Many rare animals are decreasing s_o rapi�ly that they are in ___ of becoming extinct. D. danger B. threat C. risk A. conclusion Laws have been introduced to --- the killing of rare animals. D. quit C. stop B. prevent A. prohibit The environment ___ animals and plants are living is badly destroyed. C. in where A. in that B. where D. which in .

9. 10. IV.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Fill in each space with a correct relative pronoun. Use prepositions if it is necessary. fitted. him. Tom tried on three jackets, none I have told you. This is Mrs. Brown, we listened last night was good. The music I owe more than I can say. There is one person was unusual for her. Jane was late yesterday, books I like best. Mark Twain is the author we usually have dinner. That is the restaurant nobody was really to blame. It was the_ kind o( accident

87 -�-�-·



9. 10.

Thirty people, three were the !Ilembers of the crew, were killed in the plane crash. This is Julia, I share this flat.

V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. animals 1. Many efforts have been made to protect and plants. DANGER 2. She is the only in the plane crash. All the others were killed. SURVIVE 3. It's hoped that the Earth will be & happy planet where PEACE coexist. human beings and other animals 4. We should cut down the use of and pesticides for cultivation. FERTILE 5. People are discharging a lot of chemical into the environment. POLLUTE 6. The are concerned about the deforestation and killing rare animals. ENVIRONMENT EXTINCT We are trying to save many rare animals from 7. 8. The caretaker is responsible for the of the school building. MAINTAIN 9. It's thought that more than a hundred species of animals has in the last 200 years. APPEAR 10. Many have been set up to protect the environment. ORGANIZE VI.

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.


For anyone who wants to film or study great white sharks, Australian the expert, Rodney Fox, is the first- contact. Fox knows exactly ( 1) sharks will be at different time of the year; a�d can· even predict (2)_. _· __ they will behave around blood, divers and other sharks. He understands. them as else alive. In fact, he's lucky to ,be alive; a 'great ;white' well as (3) to bite him in half. once (4) Three decades (5) this near-fatal attack, Fox still carries the hate for his attackers. Instead he organizes physical scars, but feels (6) year to bring scientists and photographers to the three or four trips (7) main aim of these trips is· to kingdom of the great white shark. (8) evil reputation has improve people's understanding of an animal (9) become an excuse for killing it. 88

Great white sharks are not as amusing as dolphins and seals, (10) ___ their role in the ocean is critical. They kill off sick animals, helping to prevent disease and to maintain the balance in the ocean's food the spread (11) chains. Fox feels a responsibility to ·act (12) a guardian of great white the scientists, film makers and photographers can sharks. (13) other people, he is confident communicate their sense of wonder (14) replace hatred. that understanding (15)


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, it is generally to be (1) dire predictions about its imminent destruction. Some scientists go so (2) as to assert that from now on, the world can no lol)ger be called and all the 'natural', insofar as future processes of weather, (3) interactions of plant and animal life will no longer carry on in their time­ . There will never be such a thing as honoured way, unaffected by (4) · by global 'natural weather' again, say such writers, only weather (5) of doom, warming. It is hard to know whether to believe such (6) possibly because what they are saying seems too terrible to be (7) ___ There are other equally influential scientists who argue that climate, for , and that what w� are example, has changed many times over the {8) experiencing now may simply be part of an endless cycle of change, rather than a disaster on a global (9) . One cannot help wondering whether these underline the extent to which attempts to wisµ the problem away (10) western industrial countries are to blame for upsetting the world's (11) ___ It is not our fault, they seem to be saying, because everything is all right, really! One certain (12) which is chilling in its implications, is that there is no longer anywhere on the earth's (13) , whether in the depths of the oceans or in the polar wastes, which is not (14) by polluted air or (15) ___ with empty cans and bottles. Now we are having to come to terms with understanding just what that means, and it is far from easy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A.made A.much A.change A.beings A.built A.prophets A.stopped A.top A.sense

B.given B.often B.atmosphere B.man B.manufactured B.champions B.true ·Ragain B.form

C.told C.really C.climate C.people C.affected C.warriors C.guessed C.centuries C.scale

D.granted D.far D.even D.humans D.organised D.giants D.here D.world D.existence 89

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


A. simply A. future A. fact A. planet A. full A. even

B. to B. ecology B. must B. atmosphere B. stained B. recycled

C. that C. balance C. fault C. anywhere C. breathing C. littered

D. or D. population D. and D. surface D. only D. bothered

VIII. Each sentence below. contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided. Fortunately, we had a map, without that we would have 1. got lost. 1/___ Two men, neither of who I had ever seen before, 2. 2/____ came into my office. I'd like to live in a country in where there is plenty 3. 3/---of sunshine. December is the month in when the weather is usually 4. 4/---the coldest. 5. I can't remember the name of the garage where we had 5/___ the car repaired there. George has a lot of friends, many of them he was at 6. school with. 6/---Mr. Thanh, who's car had broken down, was in a very 7. bad mood. 7/---We toured a-300-year-old house, the exterior of it consisted 8. of logs cemented with clay.¡ 8/___ The man with whom I was talking suddenly walked 9. into the room. 9/---10. The students whom were absent from class last Friday 10/___ missed the assignment. IX.

Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a .similar meaning to the frrst sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total).


Half past ten is the time. My plane arrives then. which Half past ten is ....................................... my plane arrives. Tom introduced me to his roommates. Both of them are from New York. whom Tom introduced me to ......................... are from New York. I bought a magazine whose title is "Sun Flowers." I bought a .......................................... is "Sun Flowers." of

2. 3.



That person's picture was in the newspaper. whose That is ........................................ was in the newspaper. He gave several reasons. Few of them were valid. 5. which He gave several .............................................. were valid. 6. This is a photograph of our friends. We went on holiday with these friends. with This is a photograph of ............................ went on holiday. 7. We climbed to the top of the hill. We had a beautiful view from there. from We climbed to the top of ............................................had a beautiful view. 8. A man opened the door for you. Did you thank him? who Did you thank ........................................the door for you? 9. The picture was beautiful. We were looking at it. which The picture ................................ � ....._, ....... at was beautiful. 10. The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday. The man to ........·..........................................very kind. was

X. Complete each sentence of the following passage.


Tam Dao/ which/ tourist / area/ Tam Dao/ mountain / run on/ 50 km/ trip


Tam Dao/ locate/ boundary/ three/ province/ Thai Nguyen/ Vinh·Ph�c / Tuyen Quang


Tam Dao town/ about/ 75 km/ north-west/ Hanoi


It I easy/ accessible/ all/ mean/ transport


Tam Dao/ mountainous/ range / easy/ recognize / three peak/ Thien The / Thach Ban / Phu Nghia / which / look / three / island / stand out / cloudy mass


Tam Dao / endow / Silvery Water Falls/ which / beautiful / have / lively / scenery ................................................................................... ..; ................................. Forestall/ resource / Tam Dao / rich / and/ diversify / more/ 620/ flora / species



8. · 9. I 0.

Special / there / be / valuable / wood/ such / Pomu / many / medicinal / herb / and/ number/ valuable/ vegetable ······················'•···························································································· Wild/ animal/ Tam Dao/ mountain/ be/ plentiful ··················································································································· There / be / also / other/ tourist/ spot/ such / Xa Huong lake/ Tay Thien temple / number/ historic/ site ··················································································································


For e;c.i.mple..: l- R-A.-T = r-a/:;.

I . brown tail bite 2 speak gay tropical feathers multi-coloured pet 3. goldefl king roar jungle 4. black forest large · fur 5. hunt striped growl fierce courageous. 6. timid speedy gentle herd


7. ears grass babies burrow field fast 8. carry aggressive jump desert long-necked 9. poison long scales quick tongue I 0. pink dirty greedy I I . small nE!_rvous quiet cheese hole I 2 angora horns hair mountains 13. loud cross stubborn back hooves grey


SOURCES OF ENERGY KIEN THUC CAN NHU Chu de: Cac nguon nang luc;mg va nang luqng thay the Ngii' am: Cac t�p hqp am: /Jr/, spl/, va /spr/ Ngii' phap va cau true: D(>ng tu nguyen th� va d(>ng tu d�ng V-ing/ Ved2 thay the cpo m�nh de tinh ngu: - There are many things which we are to do now. � There are many things for us to do now. - They work in a hospital which. was sponsored by the Government. � They work in a hospital sponsored by the Government. - The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet. � The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet. Tir Vl;l'ng: Tu vt;rng ve nang luqng va cac nguon nang luqng thay the.


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.


A. shrivel

B. shrine

C. shrimp

D. shrill


A. shr!!b

B. spl,!!tter

C. sprQce

D. sprQng

3. 4. 5.

A. sprout

B. shroud

C. spouse

D. through

A. spread

· B. spleen

C. speak

D. sheet

A. shr�nk

B. spl�sh

C. spr�t

D. sh�me


II. I. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. l 0.

Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. The woman ___ next door is a famous singer. D. that living A. lives B. who live C. living in the storm has now been rebuilt. The house A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed mark 10 in English for the first Nam was the only student semester exam. D. who gets -C. to get A. got B. getting Most of the goods ___ in this factory are exported. A. making B. are inade C. which make D. which are made The first person into the room should open the windows. A. going B. who goes C. that go D. gone Do you know the man ___ to Mai? B. talked A. is talking C. that is talking D. who talking in a relatively short time. Many people believe that fossil fuels will be A. worn out B. used out C. damaged D. exhausted The sun is a/an source of energy. A. alternative B. changeable C. nonrenewable D. active pollution. Water power gives energy D. including C. and B. without A. with Geothermal ___ is possible only in a few places in the world. D. wind C. heat B. force A. warmth


Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.


It is important to be polite to people who live in the same building. Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome. In Venezuela, there are plants which eat insects with their roots. The students who did not come to class yesterday explained their absence to the teacher. My friend lives in a small village which is situated on the banks of Red River. Did you get the message which concerned the special meeting? Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page. ¡ The photographs which were published in the newspaper were extraordinary.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


9. 10.

The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries. The experiment which was conducted at the National University was successful.

IV. Change the adjective phrases to adjective clauses. Corn was one of the agricultural products introduced to the European settlers ·by the Indians. 2. The sunlight comi!lg through the window wakes me up early every morning. Two-thirds of those arrested for car theft are under twenty years of age. 3. Any student not wanting to go to the trip should inform the office. 4. 5. , Neil Armstrong· was the first person to set foot on the moon. The road joining ihe two villages is very narrow. 6. There were some children swimming in the river. 7. 8. The police have just found the money stolen in the bank robbery. This is the third person to be offered the job. 9. 10. A lot of people invited to the party cannot come. 1.

V. Rewrite the following sentences, using infinitive phrase. 1. Lan is the first student who entered the classroom this morning. 2. Are you the last person who left the office yesterday? This is the fifth person who is late for the meeting today. 3. Minh was the only student who answered the question correctly. 4. Am I the next person who joins the interview? 5. VI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. for the Nuclear energy can provide enough world's need for hundreds of years. ELECTRIC -----'" if the wind does not blow, there is no wind energy. FORTUNE ' DAY We use solar energy for our life. but also clean and safe. PLENTY Solar energy is not only NEW Grass for animals is a --- resource. in 2005 was· over 150 million tons. COMSUME The total energy Many �re studying the effects of building dams on the local settlers' life. ECOLOGY 95

8. 9. 10. VII.

·EXHAUST That country is facing the ___ of oil supplies. , solar energy is used Although there are some ADVANTAGE in many parts of the wo.rld. all over the world are trying to find other new sources of energy. RESEARCH The following passage contains 11 errors.. Find and correct them.

When man first learned how making a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel he used was probably wooden. As time passed, man eventually discovered that substances such as coal and oil will burn. Coal was not used very wide as a source of energy until the nineteenth century. Wit,h the coming of the industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production would double if coal was using in�tead of wood. Nowadays, much of the huge factories and electricity generating stations would be impossible to function if there was no coal. In the last twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal has declined. As a result, there were changes in the coal industry. It is. believed that � more people would use coal if oil and gas are not so readily available. There is more than coal enough in the world for man's needs for the next two hundred years if our use of coal will not increase. Unfortunately, however, about half of the world's coal may never been· used. Mining much of it would be very expensive even if it was possible fo use _new equipment. Your answers: 3. ---7.

0. making� to make 4. 8.

1. ----

5.---� 9.___

2. ___ 6._· --10.

VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS - ENERGY SOURCE OF THE FUTURE As population increases and countries industrialize, the world's for energy increases. Our supply of petroleum and gas is limited, ( 1) but the photovoltaic cell offers a (2) to the problem o.f a future energy . shortage. This cell can become an important source of energy. In fact, it seems magic. The photovoltaic cell changes sunlight directly almost (3) energy, and energy from the sun is clean, easily available, ( 4) inexhaustible, and free, with the right equipment. 96

Did you ever reach to open the door at a store or hotel and see it open ) of light (5 itself? Does your camera always let in the right (6) for your pictures? These are two (7) of uses of photovoltaic cells: They are also used in calculators and watches, remote telecommunication units, and in central power stations to (8) electricity. Another important use is in without the the space exploration program. This program could not (9) energy produced by photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cell is simple. It has a transparent metallic film at the top. Below this is a (I0) of silicon. A metal base is at the 1Jottom. The the two different types of sunlight falls on the boundary (II) semiconductors in the photovoltaic cell, the silicon and the mental base. A conduc,tor is something (12) electricity can pass through. Water and not. A semiconductor metals conduct electricity, but wood (13) conducts electricity poorly at low temperatures, but when heat or light is (14) , conductivity is increased. As the light falls on this boundary between the two types of semiconductors, it creates an electric (15) . The sunlight is converted directly into electricity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A. charge A.solution A.as A.from A. with A. amount A. data A. make A. like A. level A. between A. who A. is A. added A. shock

B. demand B.price B.similar B. for B. by B. number B. theses B. produce B. exist B.class B. among B. it B. does B. prepared B. chair

C.enquiry C.rule C.suited C. into C.on C. plenty C. answers C.raise ¡ C.fulfill ¡ C. layer C. alike C. where C. will C. reduced C. current

D.wish D.opportunity D. like D.within D.for D.many D.examples D.grow D.operate D.rank D. opposite D. that D. has D. attracted D. light


IX. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosine, home heating oil, residual fuel oil, and lubricating oils, come from one source - crude oil found below the earth's surface, as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth's interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. ·Pressure at the source or p:µmping forces crude oil to the surface. Crude· oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels. Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaqu�, but regardless; their chemical composition is made up of only two elemel}ts: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds' called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joining of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule. The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosine, and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons to produce other products, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types of gasoline. 1.



Which of the following is NOT true? A. Crude oil is found .below land and water. B. Crude oil is always found a few hundred feet below the surface. C. Pumping and pressure force crude oil to the surface. D. A variety of petroleum products is obtained from crude oil. Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because A. the petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance B. complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure C. the two atoms in the molecule assume many positions D. the pressure needed to force it to the surface causes molecular transformation




Which of the following is TRUE? A. The various petroleum products are produced by filtration. B. Heating and condensation produce the various products. C. Chemical separation is used to produce the various products. D. Mechanical ¡ means such as the centrifuge are used to produce the various products. How is crude oil brought to the surface? A. expansion of the hydrocarbons B. pressure and pumping C. vacuum created in the drilling pipe D. expansion and contraction of the earth's surface Which of the follo�ing is NOT listed as a light oil?. D. kerosine A. distillate oil B. gasoline C. lubricatii:ig oil

X. Writing The graph below shows carbon dioxide emission in several areas of the world. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 100 words.

CO2 emissions

Tonnes J)8f person per year, 1995 data.

Non-OECD OECO Central & Eastern Europe Western Europe Latin Amenca & Caribbean North Amenca


Asia/Pacific Middle East & Central Asia Alrica OECD = Organisation for Econormc Co-operation and Development



Words beginning with CAR• Here are 12 words which.begin with CAR-. The pictures and the number of letters will help you to complete the words.


r::ror example:





2 . -"'''It,.,


A R. A V



• I I i 1 I I -1�111 1 7

9. S.




� S.�

WRllTEN TEST 4 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.. (10 points) 1. A. resource B. capture C. fossil D. solar 2. A. infinite B. potential C. pesticide D. energy 3. A. alternative B. ecologist C. geothermal D. unlimited A. consumption 4. B. exhausted D. natural C. prohibit A. release 5. B. reserve C. nuclear D. demand PART II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (20 points) 1. There are five students in my class speak Chinese very well. B. whom A. who C. whose D. which 2. A cafe is a small restaurant -people can get a light meal. A. which B. that C. where D. when 3. Jane has two brothers, are famous footballers. A; both of who B. both of whom C. of who both D. of whom both 4. We live in a small town ____ inhabitants are friendly and helpful. C. of which D. whom A. whose B. who's 5. Your career should focus on a field in ---- you are genuinely interested. D. whom A. that B. which C. where 6. The man ____ I introduced you last night may be the next president of the university. A. who/ whose B. th_at/ which C. that/ whose D. whom/ 0 7. The paintings ____ with a small red dot have already been sold. D. marking A. which mark B. are marked C. marked 8. at the concert last night is internationally famous. The violinist A. played B. playing C. who play D. was playing 9. Who was the first student ---- the math solution? A. finding out B. to find out C. found out D. that find out 10. My brother, ____ you met last night, is working for IBM. D. which C. whose B. that A. who 101

PART Ill. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4, 5.

It's difficult to prove the ___ of life in other planets. EXIST ___ pollution is a big problem in all the countries on·earth. ENVIRONMENT The are concerned about the protection NATURE of environment. Solar energy is not only ___ but also clean and safe. LIMIT CONSERVE Water ___ is necessary for hydro power stations.

PART IV. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. (20 points) A{ the present time, gas and oil are expensive. Developing countries

cannot export ( 1) agricultural products and other raw materials to (2) the fuel that they need to produce energy. At the same time, petroleum supplies are limited, and in a (3) decades they will run out. However, the supply of sunlight is limitless, and most of the poor countries of the world are in the tropics (4) there is plenty of sunlight. a very imp01tant advantage. It is a clean The photovoltaic cell (5) the main source of energy. The fossil fuels that we use today ( 6) source of the pollution in our atmosphere. scientists to know that solar energy It took only a decade (7) that from photovoltaic cell was not just a dream. They have already (8) it can become an important source of energy. By the end of the century, it will from petroleum. be cheaper to produce electricity with solar cells (9) · serious The photovoltaic cell can be the solution to one of the ( 10) problems in the world today.

PART V. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. ( points) 1. 2. 3. 102


· Only a few of the films show at the Gray Theatre are suitable for children. A D B C The person sits next to me is someone I've never met him. A B C D The people about who the novelist wrote were factory workers and their families. A B C D



4. 5.



Viet is the sixth student in my college winning the scholarship to Study in America. D B C A Bogota, that is the capital of Columbia, is a cosmopolitan city. D B C A

PART VI. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. {Use 2 ¡ 5 words in total). (10 points) I. I went to two telephone boxes, but they were both out of order. which I went to two telephone boxes, ................................worked. 2. People not gettirg enough sleep may become short-tempered and irritable. People .......................................... enough sleep may get become short-tempered and irritable. 3. Ten people died in the bus accident, and one of them was the driver. one Ten people, .......................the driver, died in the bus accident. 4. My brother bought a bicycle specially designed for long-distance racing. is My brother bought a bicycle ...........-............................. for long-distance racing. 5. He is the only student in my school who can speak three languages. ,. able He is the only student in my school .. . ................................. three languages. PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (20 points) I. When/ water / move/ high/ place/ lower/ one/ make/ energy //.


Every day / sun / release / large / amounts / energy / can / change / electricity// .


How I make / full / use /' alternative / source / energy / question / researcher/ over/ world//. . . . .. .. . . . .... . .. . . .... . . . ... . . .... . . .. .. ..... ..... .. .... . ..... .... .. .... ... .. ...... ...... . ... . . ..... ..... . .... .... Number I rare / animal / decrease / so / rapid / be / danger / become / extinct// . ¡

4. 5.

Scientist/ make/ list/ endangered/ species/ suggest/ way/ save//.




Chu de: Ngfr am:




KIEN JHUC CAN NHU D<;1i hc)i the, thao Chau A

Cac t�p hqp am: /str/, skr/, va / skw/ �gu phap va cau true: - 6n t�p m¢nh de tinh ngu - Luqc bo d�i tu quan h¢ trong m¢nh de tinh ngfr: The dictionary which you bought _is expensive, but very good. � The dictionary you bought is expensive, but �ery good. Are there the keys that you are looking for? � Are there the keys you are looking for? Tir vt;rng: Tu vvng ve the thao va cac d<;1i hc)i the thao


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each. group that has the . underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A. scream B. squeak C. stream D. steak A. strict C. string D. strip B. strike A. SCr!!tCh D. scr!!mble B. SCr!!PPY C. scr!!pe B. str�ss A. squ�lch D. sc�nery C. .sc�nt B. scrQll C. SCQPe A. strQP D. fQlder

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. D. A. advance B. athlete C. effort A. aquatic D. B. gymnasium C. official B. facility A. appreciate C. preparation D. B. introduce A. advertise C. weightlifting D. A. silver D. B. promote C. attract


freestyle cultural occasional volleyball complete


Choose the correct ANSWER OR ANSWERS for each of the following sentences.


Mike told me about students ____ have just got the scholarship. B.whom A.who C.which D.that 2. The secretary ---- I talked to didn't know where the meeting was. A.which B.who�_ C.that D.0 3. You need to talk to a person ____ you can trust.You will feel better if you do. B.which C.whom D.0 A.whose 4. Tom is the kind of person to ____ you can talk about anything. D.him C.that B.whom A.who 5. He is a person ____ friends trust him. A.who B.his D.whose C.that also can sharpen knives. 6. I'm looking for an electric can opener · A.who B.which C. that D.0 live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 7. People A.who B.whom C.which D.0 8. The problems ____ Johnny has seem insurmountable. A�wh� B.he C.fu� D.0 9. Julia is trustworthy.She's a person upon ---- you can always depend. C.that B.whom A.who D.0 IO. People ____ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people. A.whose B.whom D.which C.that IV.

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.

I. 2.

Minh's brother is very ____ about the Asian Games. KNOW their It's an opportunity for young people to DEPTH understanding of the world.


The event is an occasion when skills are tested.

4. 5.

The number of ---- in the Asian Games has been increasing. ____ is my sister's favourite sports.



We took part in the game with great ____


and sports




It's sure that Vietnam will receive more medals in a ____ of international sports events. 8. ___ sports have been added to the Asian Games. 9. He felt very happy after he finished his 10. We should provide special services for ____ athletes.



Complete the sentences in PART II with adjective phrases by using the information in PART.I. Use commas as necessary.

PARTI: A. It is the lowest place on the earth's surface. B. It is the highest mountain in the world. C. It is the capital of Iraq. D. It is the capital of Argentina. E. It is the largest city in the United States. F. It is the most populous country in Africa. G. It is the northern most country in Latin America. H. It is an African animal that eats ants and termites. I. They are sensitive instruments that measure the shaking of the ground. J. They are devices that produce a powerful beam of light. PART II: 1. Mt. Everest...................-.............................is in the Himalayas. 2. One of the largestcities in the Middle East is Baghdad ..................... . 3. Earthquakes are reported on seismographs ...................................... . 4. The Dead Sea...................................................... is located in the Middle East between Jordan and Israel. 5. The newspaper reported a minor earthquake in Buenos Aires................'. 6. Industry and medicine are continually finding new uses for lasers ·········,·················. 7. Mexico .....................................lies just south of the Unit�d States. 8. Even though the nation consists of more than 250 different cultural groups, English is the official language of Nigeria ......................... ; .... 9. New York City ..................................faces challenging futures. 10. The aardvark ............................................... live,s underground but hunts for its food above ground. 106


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

THE FOUR•MINUTE MILE It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and¡ their place is , there is a mark which is not taken by others. Yet in many sports (1) to break in itself, but which becomes a legend as athletes (3) (2) of these is the attempt to run the mile in (5) it. The most (4) than four minutes. to 4 minutes, 1.5 seconds. And In 1945, the mile record as (6) Roger there, for nine years, it stuck. Then in 1954, a medical student (7) for this Bannister decided to try and break the record. He had been (8) day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2 .seconds the (9)___ Two other runners set the pace for him, and (10) 250 yards to go he burst ahead for the finish. He wrote (11) . : "My body had exhausted all few its energy, but it (12) on running just the same ... Those (13) seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the finishing tape... I jumped like a man making a desperate attempt to save himself from danger ..." Bannister's time was 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. (14) this record has been broken on many (15) since, Bannister's achievement will never be forgotten. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A. happenings A. central A. try A. known A. smaller A. broken down A. entitled A. trying A. early A. on A. afterwards A. went A. last A. But A. times

B. events B. major B. try on B. public B. less B. lessened B. C'1lled B. studying B. previous B. in B. then B. continued ¡ B. late B. In spite of B. reasons

C. games C. significant C. try out C. noticeable C. lower C. decreased C. nicknamed C. running C. past C. with C. next C. ran C. latest C. However C. occasions

D. matches D. considerable D. try for D. famous D. under D. brought down D. known D. training D. former D. by D. after D. got D. later D. Although D. incidents 107


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. . The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third. Competitors are entered by a¡ National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognised nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the political status of Taiwan. The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December I to December 15, 2006. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 12, 2010 to November 27, 2010. 1. How often are the Asian Games held? 2. 3.

. Who supervises the Asian Ga1n:es? Which medal does a competitor coming in the third place win?

. 4.

What are the medal ceremonies accompanied by?


Where and when were the 15th Asian Games held?

VIII. Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick ("1) the right ones, and . correct the wrong ones. 1. One of the people which I admire most is my history teacher. 1/____ 2. 2/____ Football is the only sport in which I am interested in it. I have some good advice for anyone wants to learn 3. a second language. 3/___ 4. The person to Ann spoke could not answer her questions. 4/___ 5. I enjoyed talking with the man I sat next to on the¡ plane. 5/---6. The cold weather swept in from the north damaged the 6/---fruit crop. 108

7. 8. 9. 10.

l11ey climbed Mount Rainier, that is in the state of Washington. 7/ The police came to question the woman who's purse was 8/ stolen outside the supermarket. Ms. Hoa is the woman responsible for preparing the refreshments. 9/ 10/ Last Sunday we used to map my sister had drawn it for us.

Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases. The teacher whom I like most is Mrs. Lien. The subject about which Dr. Gold spoke was interesting. Nga knows the woman who is meeting us at the airport. The book which is on the table belongs to the teacher. I read about a man who keeps chickens in his apartment. A barrel is a large container which is made -of wood or metal. Isaac Newton, who was a famous English scientist, discovered the theory of gravity. The architect with whom we work is .brilliant. 8. Nam was the third person who got mark 10 in maths. 9, 10 . , Mr. Lee is the person who is in charge of the teamwork. IX. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

X. Complete each sentence of the following passage. 1.

Diamond/ be/ modern / sports/ centre/ which/ ideal/ people/ all/ age


It/ situate/ outskirts/ town/ near/ Pennygold Park/ and /easy /get/ bus


Centre / have / indoor / swim / pool / and / there / be / fully-equipped / gymnasmm


There / large / sports /¡hall / facility / number / team / game / such / volleyball/ basketball/ as/ well/ four/ outdoor/ tennis/ court


Centre / have / six / qualify / member / staf f / who / responsible / \ supervision / and/ offer/ advice/ individual / train/ programme



They/ also/ organize/ full/programme/ competition/ different/ level/ ability/which/all/member/encourage/take/part


There/be / cafe/good/choice/interesting/healthy/food


and/enjoy/full/meal/snack / or/just/relax / refreshing/drink


Centre I open I day/8.00/morning/10.00/evening


With / special / reduce / membership / rate / student / retire / people / Diamond Sports Centre/offer/excellent/value/anybody/ want / keep/ good I shape/make/lots/new/friend




Write the names of the activities under the pictures. They are all gerunds.


; ..�ii I· 1 ,


weightl(fting ...•.•..... . . ......


.... .. ................................


lcfT6 4








.............. ,.......................

10 ... · ..................................









.................................... ..




Chu de: Ngfr am:

Sa thfch ca nhan

Cac t�p hqp am: /pt/, bd/, /ps/, va / bz/ Ngfr phap va cau true: Cau nhan m�nh vai cau true It is: - Nhan m�nh chu ngu (Subject focus): My mother bought me a present on my birthday. � It isl was my mother that bought me a present on my birthday. - Nhan m�nh tan ngu: (Object focus): The boy helped the blind mah cross the road.

� ft isl was the blind man that the boy helped cross the road.


- Nhan m�nh tr�ng ngu (Adverbial focus): The boys played football in the backyard. It isl was in the backyard that the boys played football. Tir v1;mg: Tir vtµig lien quan. den cac scr thfch ca nhAn .


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest.

I. 2. 3.

A. jumped A. stamp� A.12.laster A. places A. travelled



B. grabbed B.· club� B.12.redict B. judges B. occurred

C. finished C. play� C. QYjamas C. teach� C. stopped

D. watched D. fieldf D.12.sychology D. brid� D. robbed


II. Choose a word in.each line that has different stress pattern. B. wonder A. indeed C. avid 1. B. ignorant C. gigantic A. fascinate 2. C. available B. continual _A. accompany 3. B. accomplish C. occupy A. envelope 4. A. discard B. indulge C. exchange 5.

D. D. D. D. D.

practice regular politician different landscape

Ill. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. has never eaten hot Vietnamese food. It's John 1. A. who B. whom C. which D. he It's in 2005 2. my brother started working there. C. which D. then A. when B. that that we had dinner with last Sunday. 3. It was B. him A. he C. his D. he's¡ we gave her on her birthday. It was the teddy bear 4. D. who C. it B. which A. that 5. Tom's hobby is ____ stamps from foreign countries. C. collecting D. to collecting B. to collect A. collect 6. What do you often do ___ your free time? A. for B. at, D. in . C. on I like to do a _,_. ___ things after school. 7. C. number of D. great deal B. much of A. lots of I find a book which is interesting I buy it immediately. 8. A. Whereas B. Whenever D. Whatever C. Whoever is reading detective books. 9. ¡ Another hobby of A. I B. me C. mine D. my 10. I'll try my best to make my stamp collection ____ A. richer and richer B. rich and richer C. more rich and rich D. richer and more rich IV. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. CLASS I. I <. the stamps into different categories. . He learned to play My uncle is a good 2. the guitar. when he was very small. GUITAR UNDERSTAND 3. around the world. Books help us broaden our i' 12

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I 0. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

can be an expensive hobby. · I think stamp I've learned to play the piano for five months but I haven't been very at this. The fish look so swimming about in the tank. My brother is an violin player. in reading fairy tales. Linh is very Books provide the reader with a lot of ___ Bob only collects stamps from ___ envel opes.


Rewrite each of the following sentences, paying at�ention to the underlined part. My father wat ches the news on TV every evening. She sat in a chair because she was tired. We hung the pi cture on the wall of the sitting-room. Hoa's parents bought her a pair of shoes on her 16th birthday. Sally is in her room listening to music. I set your dictionary on the table a few.minutes ago. The teacher is correcting papers at her desk. I am taking four courses next semester. We stood under a tree when it started to rain: Mr. Phong has done a lot of.researches on that subject.


Each line of the following passage contains one error. Find and correct it. Underline the error and write the correction in the space provided. E.g.: Tom have over 1000 stamps in his collection. Of_has_ People collect a large various of objects: stamps, postcards, dolls. Some 1/__ people collect objects which are connected with history events or with famous 2/-people. But one of the most strange collections is that of eggcups. Kevin 3/__ Murphy of Bradford.in Yorkshire has 10,000 of theirs. Not surprisingly, his 4/__ favourite eggcup is once in the shape of a typical Yorkshireman. Kevin's 5/__ hobby began seven years ago, after he lent an elephant eggcup from a 6/__ granddaughter who took such a liking to it she insisted to keep it. Kevin saw a 7/__ few eggcups he liked at a· sell at a local· shop, and started collecting them. 8/__ Others like Kevin's eggcups either. "I have bought a replacement for one of 9/__ 10/__ my favourites, that mysteriously disappeared last week," he said. 113


Read the following passage and ·choose the best answer for each blank. Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting and fun. And every year, more and' more people start a stamp collection of their (1) and discover an interest which can last a lifetime. Starting your stamps are everywhere. Holiday postcards from collection is easy (2) friends, birthday cards from favourite aunts and letters from pen friends can all you with stamps from all over the world. But once you've started (3) , you_ will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors' Club collecting (4) to provide collectors with new British stamps. which (5) As a Club member you order the special (6) of new stamps you want for your collection. You can receive these in three different ways. We can (7) post you a complete set of stamps on an envelope addressed to you, or send you the same stamps in a colourful (8) pack with lots of interesting facts. Or, if you prefer, we can send you the individual stamps for in a special book of your own. you to (9) The Stamp Collectors' Club has about 70,000 members and you could costing just $10. You can become a member too, with a two-year (10) ev�n get a (11) if a group of you join at the same time. We're sure you' 11 agree that this is great value (12) money. And when you join, the Club sends you a Starter Pack at no extra . This contains 100 stamps to begin your collection, (14) with (13) an attractive box to keep them in. You also receive our helpful 4-page guide to collecting, which has further suggestions on how to add to your collection and (15) useful addresses of shops and businesses that sell stamps. 1. A. personal 2. A. because A. give 3. 4. A. attractively A. lives 5. A. sets 6. A. both 7. 8. A. suggestion A. arrange 9. 10. A. association 1 1. A. decrease 12. A. of 13. A. value 14. A. apart 15. A. includes 114

D. individual C. own B. private B. moreover D. furthermore C. addition B. export C. consider D. provide C. competitively D. greatly B. seriously D. arouses C. survives B. exists D. grades C. classes B. groups D. not only C. either B. neither D. information B. recommendation C. advice D. prepare C. make B. order B. relationship C. membership D. organization D. short�ge C. lowering B. reduction D. for C. about B. with D. price C. charge B. cost D. in spite C. together B. besides D. measures C. concludes B. gathers

VIII. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Collectibles have been a part of almost every culture since ancient times. Whereas some objects have been collected for their usefulness, others have been selected for their aesthetic beauty alone. In the United States, the kinds of collectibles currently popular range from traditional objects such as stamps, coins, rare books, and art to more recent items of interest like dolls, bottles, baseball cards, and comic books. Interest in collectibles has increased enormously during the past decade, in part because some collectibles have demonstrated their value as investment. Especially during cycles of high inflation, investors try to purchase tangibles that will at least retain their current market values. In general, the most traditional collectibles will be sought because they have preserved their value over the years, there is an organized auction market for them, and they are most easily sold in the event that cash is needed. Some examples of the most stable collectibles are old masters, Chinese ceran;iics, stamps, coins, rare books, antique jewelry, silver, porcelain, art by well-known artists, autographs, and period furniture. Other items of more recent interest include old phonograph records, old magazines, postcards, baseball cards, art glass, dolls, classic cars, old bottles, and comic books. These relatively new kinds of collectibles may actually appreciate faster as short-term investments, but may not hold their value as long-term investments. Once a collectible has¡ had its initial play, it appreciates at a fairly steady rate, supported by an increasing number of enthusiastic collectors competing for the limited supply of collectibles that come increasingly more difficult to locate.



What is the author's main point? A. Collectibles provide interesting information about culture. B. Collectibles are better than other types of investments. C. New types of collectibles appreciate more rapidly. D. A variety of collectibles have become popular investments in the United States. In comparing new collectibles with more traditional ones, the author observes that --A. newer collectibles hold their value B. more traditional collectibles appreciate faster C. after a rapid increase in value, all collectibles have steady rates of appreciation D. newer collectibles make better short-term investments 115

----J. ··

The_ author mentions all of the following as examples of i:iew types of collectible items EXCEPT --D. autographs C. bottles A. postcards B. dolls


The word "stable" in paragraph 2 could be replaced by ___ A. prevalent B. reliable C. expensive D. exquisite


The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ___ A. how collectors locate and purchase collectibles B. why collectibles are risky investments C. where to buy collectible toys · D. when to sell a collectible item for profit

IX. 1.


Choose the correct sentence �hich was made from the suggested words. it I be I Lan I give I these Iforeign I coin II. A. It is Lan who gives me these foreign coin. B. It is Lan that given me these foreign coins. C. It was Lan that gave me these foreign coins. D. It was Lan whom gave me these foreign coins.


it I be I Ha Long Bay I first I meet I her II. A. It was in Ha Long Bay that I first met her. B. It is in Ha Long Bay where I first meet her. C. It will be at Ha Long Bay which I first meet'her. D. It has been at Ha Long Bay in which I first met her.


It I be I these I book I I I buy I London II. A. It is these book that I buy in London. B. It was these book which I bought on London.. C. It was these books that I bought in London. D. It is these book which I buy on London.


hobby I I I like I much I be I play I piano II. A. Hobby I like much is play piano. B. The hobby I like more is play the piano. C. The hobby I like most is playing the piano. D. That hobby I like the most is to play piano.



you I fond I lie I sun I read I book II? A. Do you fond to lie under sun to read book? B. Do you fond of lying in the sun to read a book? C Are you fond to lie under the sun reading book? D. Are you fond of lying in the sun reading a book?


Complete each sentence of the following passage.


My I hobby/be/collect/sticker

. 2.

It/ be/also/one/most/popular/hobby/children




•,••··············································································································· Hobby/begin/through/influence/neighbour/John








I / keep / first / set / sticker / scrapbook / but / subsequent / collection / keep/beautiful box



By / keep / sticker / box / I / exchange 1· some / sticker / friend / convenient/without/damage During /free/time/I /bring/out / all/lovely /collection /lay/ground /and/admire


FUN CORNER HOBBIES Complete the diagram below by choosing items from the following list. Each item is usually associated with one of the four hobbies. Use each item once only. The first item has been done for you as an example. buttons camera chisel film filters flash flowerpots


fork hammer hoe hose lens light meter nails

needles pattern pms plane rake saw screws

spade tape measure thimble thread tripod trowel vice





---. 118










RECREATl·ON Kl{N THIJC CAN NHO' Chu de: Ngii am:

Cac hlnh thuc giai trf

Cac t�p hqp am: /ts/{ /dz/, tJt(, va /d3d/ Ngii phap va cau true: - Cac c�p lien tit: both ...... and, not only ...... but also. either ...... or, neither ...... nor Helen lost both her passport and her wallet at the airport. - cau nhan m�nh v6'i d�ng bi dqng: It is Tet that is celebrated as the greatest occasion in a year in Vietnam. Tir v1;tng: - Lien tit - Tit Vl!Ilg ve cac ho�t d9ng vui chai giai trf


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. meet§. A. bridged A. weekend§. A. manages A. enjoyed

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5�

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.


A. campground A. athletics A. spectacular A. waterfall A. improve

B. book§. B. marched B. sport§. B. courses B. viewed B. include B. average B. sophisticate B. wilderness B. leisure

C. roof§. C. finished C. offer§. C. reaches C. watched

D. friend§. D. !Jased D. skill§. D. decides D. ranged

D. common C. market C. bricklaying D. solitude C. entertainment D. activity D. undertake C. spectacle D. pursuit C. guitar







Choose the best answer for each of the followiftg sentences.


Ann was late yesterday. Tom was late yesterda:S,. This sentence means Ann ___ Tom were late yesterday. A. both - and B. either - or C. neither - nor D. not onlyďż˝ but


Liz didn't come to the party last night. Robin didn't come to the party last night. This sentence means ___ Liz ___ Robin came to the party last night. A. both - and B. either - or C. neither - nor D. not only - but also


I'm not sure where he is from. He's ___ Spanish ___ Italian. A. both - and B. either - or C. neither - nor D. not only - but also


My brother is here and so is my sister. my brother ___ my sister is here. This sentence means A. both - and B. either - or C. neither - nor D. not only - but also


last Sunday. It was my room that B. was painted C. was painting A. painted

D. had painted


It was John ___ was given a lot of nice presents on his tenth birthday. D. whose C. he B. which A. who


Either my father or my moth.er _____ to the meeting. A. go C. is going D. are going B. have gone


____ Linh ____ his sister like listening to pop music. B. Either - or A. Both - and C. Neither - nor D. Not only - but also


interesting ____ accurate. ¡ I don't like this book. It is B. either - or A. both - and C. neither - nor D. not only - but also


We can go swimming or we can play tennis. This sentence means we can go swimming ____ play tennis. A. both - and B. either - or C. neither - nor D. not only - but also 121


I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

v. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. VI.

Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided. Both the driver and the passengers was injured in the accident. 1/---They neither have a refrigerator nor a stove in their new apartment. 2/____ It was his house which was drawn on the cover of the notebook. 3/---Either Mr. Black or his secretary are meeting you at the airport. 4/____ Not only Mai plays the guitar well but she also sings beautifully. 5/___ 6/____ It was me that was invited to a reception by the President. Yesterday I had both lunch ¡and dinner with my former classmates. 7/____ Neither her husband nor her children can't speak English fluently. 8/____ It was the boy that gave an award by the town for his brave action. 9/____ I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines. 10/__ Combine ¡the following sentences. Use . both... and; not only... but also; either... or; neither... nor.

He does not have a pen. He does not have paper. Tom enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding. You can have tea, or you can _have coffee. Mark is not in class today. David is not in class today. We can fix dinner for them here, or we can take them to a restaurant. He wants to buy a Mercedes, or he wants to buy a Toyota. Th.e leopard faces extinction. The tiger faces extinction. The library does not have the book I need. The bookstore does not have the book I need. Small pox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a dangerous disease. Her roommates don't know where she is. Her brother doesn't know where she is. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

TELEVISION AND READING Many people believe that watching television has resulted in lower , the link between television and reading standards in school. ( 1) , television actually printed-books is not as simple as that. In many (2) encourages people to read: for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, (3) sales often go up. 122

One study of this link examined six-year-old children who (4) ____ viewing a special series of 15-minute programmes at school. The series was as to develop the basic designed to encourage love of books, as (5) mechanical skills of reading. Each programme is an animated film of a children's book. The story is read aloud (6) certain key phrases from the book appear on the screen, beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read, it is also highlighted on the TV screen. watching these programmes was very One finding was (7) seeing a important to the children. If anything prevented them (8) programme, they were very disappointed. What's more, they wanted to read the the different parts of the series were based on. books (9) The programmes also gave the children (10) confidence when looking at these. books. As a result of (11) familiarity with the stories, other. On they would sit in pairs and read the stories aloud to (12) occasion, the children showed great sympathy when discussing a (13) been moved when character in a book because they themselves (14) television. watching the character (15)


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

SEASIDE HOLIDAYS IN BRITAIN British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle " this possible. The on the 191h century. The invention of the railways (1) first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and education. The of illness, and doctors recommended seaside was a place to be (2) their knowledge, bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to (3) families attended concerts and read books from the library. At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (4)____ four 'Bank Holidays' work. However, in 1871, the government (5) people to have a day or two out, which national holiday days. This (6) for leisure and the seaside. At first, they gave them a (8) (7) of special cheap tickets on the railways. ;Vent on day-trips, taking (9) that many. ordinary workers By the 1880s, rising incomes (10) and their families could have a week's holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were them. Holidaymakers reduced and cheap hotels were built to (11) enjoyed being (12) , sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating offer and holidaymakers ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (13) went to (14) fun. 123


Today, the English seaside (15) 18 million holidays taken there each year. B.made A.let 1. B.remedied A. cured 2. B. spread A. raise 3. B.off 4. A. out B.presented A.installed 5. B. provided A.allowed 6. B.here and there A. hardly ever 7. A. taste B.sense 8. 9. A.benefit B.opportunity 10. A. caused B.produced 11. A. accommodate B.board 12. A.idle B.easy B.for 13. A.in 14. A.get Rhave 15. ¡A. remains B.stays

popular, with more than C.got C.recovered C.increase C.away C.introduced C.offered C.seldom .c. favour C.advantage C. meant C.cater C.restful C.to C.take C.continues

D.had D.improved D.add D.from D.brought D.opened D.now and then D.pleasure D.profit D..resulted D.lodge D.spare D.on D.make D.lasts

VIII. Choose one sentence that has different meaning to the root one.


Yesterday it rained. Yesterday it snowed. A.Yesterday it not only snowed but also rained. B. Yesterday it both snowed¡and rained. C.Yesterday it neither snowed nor rained. D. Yesterday it was rainy and snowy.


John didn't go camping last Sunday. Jane didn't go camping last Sunday. A.Both John and Jane went camping last Sunday. B. Neither John nor Jane went camping last Sunday. C.John didn't go camping last Sunday, and neither did Jane. D. John didn't go camping last Sunday, and Jane didn't either. My mother talked to the teacher. My father talked to the teacher. A.Both my mother and my father talked to the teacher. B. Either my mother or my father talked to the teacher. C. Not only my mother but also my father talked to the teacher. D. My father talked to the teacher and so did my mother.




She sent me a •birthday card. A. It was I who was sent a birthday card. B. It was a birthday card that she sent me. C. It was a birthday card that was sent to me. D. It was she who was sent a birthday card..


My father doesn't like coffee._My father doesn't like tea. A. My father likes neither coffee nor tea. B. My father likes either coffee or tea. C. My father doesn't like coffee and tea. D. Coffee and tea are drinks that my father doesn't like.


Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases.


Wheat is grown on our farm, and so is corn.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Both ........................................................................................................... John has that book, or Mary has that pook. Either ......................................................................................................... Mai wasn't at the party last night, and Lan wasn't either. Neither ......- ...................................'.............................................................. His sister is living in London and his cousin is, too. Not only ..................................................................................................... Did Thomas Edison invent the telephone? Was it the ..................................................................................................

X. Complete each sentence of the following passage. 1.

For / last / few / month / I / spent / every / Saturday / flat / and / do / nothing / excite / than / work / home / read / newspaper / watch / television


I/begin/feel/bore/this/and/so/last/weekend/think/will/do/ something / different



I/ririg up/several/friend/and/decide/go/London/day


I/ really/excite/as/not be/London/since/ten/y ear


We I decide / go/ coach / as/ this/ by far/ cheap/ means / transport / that available/even/though/mean/need/get up/early


Once/ London/ we/ decide/ take/ sightseeing/ tour/ as/ want/ see/ some I famous/building¡


After/tour/we/buy /some/ sandwich/and/eat/small/ park




We I meet up/again/6.30 p.m/go/small/restaurant/Soho


Meal/ really/good/ but/fortunate/it/ take/much/long/than / expect


We/ have to/ get/taxi/back/coach/station


Lucky/we/ get/there/just/two/minute/before/coach/leave


FUN CORNER HORRIBLE JOKE TIME Different people find different things funny. Here are some examples of jokes which some people find quite amusing. (Other people think they are just silly.) Match the question on the left with the answer on the right.

1. What do you call a very small mother? 2. What time is it whep an elephant sits on your watch? 3. What kind of umbrella does a teacher carry on a rainy day? 4. Which fish have got their eyes closes� together? 5. What do you call little white things in your head which bite? 6. What's difference between here and there? 7. What's red and goes up and down? 8. Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep? 9. Why did the student sit on his watch? 10. What goes up but never goes down? 11. What t�o things shouldn't you have before breakfast? 12. What do you find all over a house? 13. What has 6 legs, 2 arms and 2 heads?



14. Which is the shortest month?

I I I I I I I I 2







a. A tomato in a lift. b. A roof.

c. The smallest ones. d. A person on a horse. e. A minimum.

f. So that he could be on time. g. A wet one. h. May - it has only 3 letters. i. Lunch and dinner. j. The letter T. k. There are more of them. 1. Your age. m. Time to buy a new one. n. Teeth.

11 12 13 14 1 , , 1 9 1 0 1



WRirrEN TEST 5 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PARTt Choose the word in each group that differently from the rest. (10 points) B. shop§. 1. A. screen§. B: squealed 2. A. aged B. scrfil)e 3. A. str�nge B. ranges 4. A. cycles B. bQnze 5. 'A. StQCk

has the underlined part pronounced C. C. C. C. C.

club.§. bribed squ�sh pitches WQnder

D. D. D. D. D.

kid§. scratched b�se purpos� Qffer

PART II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (20 points) 1. Tom, tell me about the meeting you attended yesterday. A. which/ it/ that B. who/ that/ which D. which/ that/ 0 C. that/ where/ 0 in the accident last week. 2. It was the boy who A. injured B. was injured C. was injuring D. had injured 3. It is next Sunday ____ we are having a picnic in the countryside. B. which , C. when D. while A. that hard-working I don't think Bon can get a job. He is honest. 4. B. not on_ly -_but also A. both - and C. neither - nor D. either - or 5 .. ---- my brother or my sister has taken the book. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. Not only ·6. ____ the students the teacher are in the playground. A. Both - and B. Not only - but also C. Neither - nor D. Either - or that movie. 7. Neither my friend nor I C. have seen B. has seen D. hadn't seen A. didn't see 8. The Asian Games are occasion when strength and sports ___ are tested. D. skills C. events B. practices A. exercises small fish. 9. My cousin's hobby is C. keeping B. to keep D. kept A. keep I 0. Television viewing is ____ the most popular pastime. D. a little A. a lot C. at last B. by far 128

PART Ill. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. (10 points) in Britain have two or more I. Over 50% of HOUSE television sets. in our country are The most common leisure 2. ACT home-based. . They share Both Nam and Hoa are stamp 3. COLLECT the same hobby. th PARTICIPATE. The 15 Asian Games attracted over one thousand 4. are different in different countries. ENTERTAIN Recreation and 5. PART IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. (20 points) Although some groups of people have always lived outdoors in tents, about 50 years ago. camping as we know it today only began to be (I) The increase in the use of cars and improvements in camping (2) have into the countryside and to stay allowed more people to travel longer (3) there in greater comfort. themselves in quiet areas, so they Many campers like to be (4) their tent and food and walk or cycle into the forests or the � (5 ) mountains. Others, preferring to be near people, drive to a public or privately­ hot showers and has up-to-date facilities, (7) owned campsite (6) swimming pools. Whether campers are (8) in the mountains or on a busy site, they the -area clean and �idy. In the forests, they must should remember to (9) animals.· put out any fires and keep food hidden to avoid attracting (10) I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,

A. famous A. tools A.ways A. on A. take A. where A. such A. lonely A. remain A. wild

B. popular B. baggage B. directions B. by B. make B. who B. like B. single ·B. stay B. natural

C. favourite C. equipment C. voyages C. at C. pick C. which C. as C. separate C. leave C. loose

D. current D. property D. distances D. of D. do D. when D. just D. alone D. let D. free 129

PART V. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. (10 points) It was the dictionary which I borrowed from the teacher last week. 1. A B D C Not only my country but also the United States have good universities. 2. B, A D C We're going to give Julia neither a book or a pen for her birthday. 3. A D C B It is the room that cleans every day !2y my sister. 4. A B C · D 5. They don't neither take part in sports nor watch them on TV. ·B A C D PART VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words or phrases., (10 points)

1. 2.

He doesn't play the guitar well and �he doesn't sing well. He neither ........................................................................... ; ..................... . Lan went camping last Sunday and so did Hoa. Both Lan ............................................................................. :......................


My grandfather built the house in 1970. It was the ...................................................................................................


My uncle is working in New York and my brother is too. Not only..................................................................................................... John and Nam got up late this morning. Neither.......................................................................................................


PART VII. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (20 points)


We / have / lot / thing / do I prepare / come / Asian Games //.


Viet. / like / collect / stamp / and / have / hundred / precious / stamp / collection //.



British/ people/ be/ interest/ watch/ take part/ sports//.


Brother/ be/ good/ accompany/ people/ sing/ guitar//.


1 st / Asian Games / which/ hold / New Delhi / India/ 1951 / attract/ near I 500 I athlete/ 11 / country //.



SPACE CONQUEST KIEN HIIJC CAN NHO' Chu de: Chinh ph1:1c.vfi tr1:1 Ngfi' am: Cac t�p hqp am: /nt/, /nd/, /n8/, /ns/, va /nz/ Ngfi' phap va cau true: - Cau true vai can, could va be able to We looked for him everywhere but we couldn 't find him. He didn't want to go at first but we were. able to persuade him. - Cau hoi duoi: You took this photo on holiday, didn't.you? Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the Moon, wasn't he? Tir vl;l'ng: - D9ng tu khuyet thieu - Tu Vlplg ve vU tr1:1 va chinh ph1:1c vU tr1:1

BAIT�P I. I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A. happen§. B. remind§. C. wear§. D. rent§. A. tones B. chang� C. miles D. heroes A. fifteenth B. mouth C. southern D. author A. raise B. tense C. nurse D. increase A. joined B. walked C. stepped D. launched

II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. escape. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody 1. A. ,ean't B. couldn't C. was able to D. able to 132

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

10. Ill. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

We tried hard but we persuade them to come with us. A. can't B. couldn't C. weren't able D. didn't able to Tom might come here tomorrow. B. could C. be able D. be able to A. can with John. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to Hanoi? You A. can stay B. could stay C. could have stayed D. were able Let's go to the cinema tonight, ? A. will we B. shall we C. can we D. could we ? I'm sure Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel in space, D. wasn't he C. was he B. aren't I A. am I Neil Armstrong was the first human to ---- on the moon. B. set feet A. set foot D. put feet C. put foot Nobody cheated on the exam, ? D. didn't he. C. did he B. didn't they A. did they Yuri Gagarin lifted off space abroad the Vostok 1 on April 12t\ ¡1961. A. up B. into C. for D. within its first manned spacecraft into space on October 15th, 2003. China B. drove A. steered C. launched D. sent Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. WEIGH When you travel into space, you can eat and drink in People knew little about life in space before Gagarin's ___ flight. HISTORY The astronaut might never get back to the earth with only a technical ---FAIL The success of Gagarin's flight attracted ____ attention. WORLD SATISFY from helping people learn. She got great tension? - PSYCHOLOGY How would the mind deal with the about life in space. There are still enormous CERTAIN flight of Shenzhou 5 marked a milestone The in China's space project. SUCCEED China was the third country in the world to be able to ___¡ carry out manned space flight. DEPEND , Gagarin died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. FORTUNE



Complete the sentences with can/ can't/ could/ couldn't/ (not) be able to+ one of these verbs. come run

eat sleep

find¡ smell

hear speak

persuade wait

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I am afraid I ___ to your party next week. 100 metres in 11 seconds. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He " "Are you in a hurry?" - "No, I've got plenty of time. I I was feeling sick yesterday. I anything. George has¡ travelled a lot. He four languages. it. I looked everywhere for the book but I them. They didn't want to come with us at first but we I well recently. I was almost sleepless last night. When we went into the-house, we ____ burning. Can you speak up a bit? I you very well.

V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Complete each of the following tag questions. Mary used to be able to sing well, ____? Our grandfather couldn't swim, ____? This is your book, ----? Something is wrong with fames today, ____? Everyone can learn how to swim, ? ? I am invited to the reception, Don't be late next time, ? I don't think Neil Armstrong was born in 1940, ___? There aren't any problems, ____? You've never been to Vietnam, ----?


The following passage contains 11 errors. Find and correct them. Sally Ride, America's first spacewoman, isn't look very different from a lot of another American professional women. She is attractive, with curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a bright smile. She likes to dress simple: she wears comfortable but colourful clothes, as many people from California. But in 1983 Sally Ride became America's first woman astronaut. She was one of the first astronauts on the space shuttle Challenger, that completed a successful six-days voyage in space in June 1983. What makes a woman want to gone into space? 134

Sally Ride grew up in Los Angeles, California. Her father is a professor at Santa Monica College, and her mother is a housewife. At Wetlake High School for girls, she was both an excellent student and tennis player as well. T-oday she still looks like a sportswoman. She is 1.6 metres high, weighs 52 kilos, and is very fit. When she was still a student, she became a very succeed tennis player. She thought about becom_ing a professional sportswoman but ··she decided continuing with her studies at college and later at university. Your•answers: 3. ---7. ____ VII.

0. isn't � doesn't 4. 8.

1. ---5. ---9. ----

2. �--6. ---10. ----

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

MISSION TO MARS The Americans are keen to win the race to send human beings to Mars. In 1992, the new boss of NASA, Dan Goldin, called on the American people to be· the first to send explorers to (1) pl.anet in the solar system. He reminded them (2) the symbolic· gift carried to the moon and back by message intended for the crew of the Apollo 11 mission. It bears (3) is time to begin the first spaceship to visit Mars. Goldin thinks (4) the preparations (5) this historic journey. His speech echoed the promised that 2019,50 years after Neil words of the President, (6) Armstrong (7) the first man to set foot . on the Moon, the first stand on Mars. astronaut (8) (9) the end of the twentieth century, various unmanned spaceships will (10) thoroughly investigated the surface of the planet. But however clever a robot (11) be, it cannot match the type of information (12) can be gained from direct human experience. of The first geologist on the moon, Harrison Schmitt, was (13) humans walk interpreting the story of the landscape on the spot. (14) on the red deserts of Mar�, we will not be able to determine the history of this frozen world (15) any detail. VIII. Read the passage below and choose on·e correct answer for each question. A shuttle is a vehicle that travels back and forth frequently. A space shuttle is a vehicle that travels into space and then back again. It can be used again and again.


On April 12th , 1981 the United States launched the first space shuttle, Columbia. The morning of April 12 th was clear and sunny. Two astronauts, John Young and Robert Crippen, sat at the controls. At 7 :00, they fired the engines. The booster rockets and the space shuttle lifted off into the air. Two minutes later, 28 miles up, the booster rockets and the space shuttle separated. Parachutes took the rockets safely down into the Atlantic Ocean where ships waited to pick them up. Columbia continued to climb to an orbit of 170 miles above earth. The space shuttle circled the earth thirty-six times. During thiS­ time, Young and Crippen tested the equipment on the shuttle. They also opened and closed the large cargo doors. Two days later, on April 14th, Young fired the shuttle's engines. This slowed down the spacecraft. Young, a top pilot, took the controls of Columbia. He entered the earth's atmosphere and headed toward California. At 1:21 p.m. Young made a perfect landing at Edwards Air Force Base. Since this first launch, Columbia has traveled into space more than seven times. The second shuttle, Challenger, is also operating. And the United States is building two more space shuttles. It is planning over sixty more shuttle flights. Some will launch satellites through the cargo doors. Some will try to manufacture drugs and chemicals in space. It is possible that some day in the future, space shuttles will carry passengers to the moon. 1. 2. 3. 4.



What was the weather like on _the morning of April 12th, 1981? A. sunny and hot B. sunny and clear C. hot and windy D. clear and hot How many astronauts were there on board of the first space shuttle? A. 1 ¡ B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 '" What does the word "them ' in paragraph 2 refer to? A. rockets B. engines C. parachutes D. astronauts Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The first space shuttle was made by the American. B. John Young was responsible for controlling the first space shuttle. C. The ships waited in the Atlantic Ocean to collect astronauts. D. Up to now at least three space shuttles was made. It can be inferred from the passage that ____ A. before 1981 the USA didn't send people into space B. parachutes were used to carry space shuttles down into the earth C. the astronauts closed the cargo doors all the time of the first shuttle flight. D. before the space shuttle was invented, all the other spacecraft couldn't be used again


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. X. 1.

Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. {Use 2 • 5 words in total). I couldn't be happier at the moment. could I am as ................................................ at the moment. It's possible that this kind of snake is poisonous. could This snake .................................. the poisonous snakes. Our car needs servicing, doesn't it? be Our car must ................................................? I'm sure this isn't how you get to Norwich. can't This ................................................. way to Norwich. It's just not possible for the c.at to have opened the fridge. possibly The cat .................................................... the fridge. Complete each sentence of the following biography of Yuri Gagarin. Yuri Gagarin / born/ collective farm /region/ west / Moscow / Russia / March 9th/1934


Yuri/attend/local/school/six/year/continue/education/vocational /technical / schools


He/join/Russian Air Force/1955/and/graduate/honours/Soviet Air Force Academy/1957


1959 /he/select/cosmonaut/train/part/first/group/USSR/cosmonaut


April 12th / 1961/become /first/human/orbit / Earth


Yuri Gagarin / spacecraft/ Vostok 1 / circle / Earth / speed / 27,400 / kilometre/hour


Highest/point/Yuri Gagarin/be/about/327 kilometre/Earth


Yuri Gagarin/ eject / after / reentry / Earth / at�osphere / and / land / parachute



Yuri Gagarin/die/March 27th /1968 /when/MiG-15/he./pilot/crash /near/Moscow


I 0.

At/time/death/Yuri Gagarin/be/train/second/space/mission


With the help of the pictures, put the dates beside the correct letters. Write each date in two ways. 1900

�11.. . ... -;; Concorde made its first fliglir (To<.,/ouse, Franee).



. •·.•


. �-."'"7 ........ ,;:�

on the moon. Apollo 1 J landed

If your numbers are correct. these calculations are correct:



f UNIT 16


Chu de:

Cac kl quan the giai Ngu am:

Cac t�p hqp Am: /ft/, /vd/, /fs/, va /vz/ Ngft phap va cau true: Cau true cAu bj d9ng voi It is: - People say that this temple is thousands of years old. -), It is said that this temple is thousands of years old. - It is said that the Great Pyramid was built over a 20- year period. -), The Great Pyramid is said to have been built over a 20- year period.

Tu V1:(ng: Tu V\ffig lien quan den cac thfmg canh va kl quan the gioi


Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. �=-"

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. A. A. A. A.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A. A. A. A. A.

cough§. served lift places weight

treasure belongings discover surpass wonder

B. B. B. B. B.

B. B. B. B. B.

cliff§. buried thick thieves height

purpose dedicate enormous proposal believe

C. gift§. C. ranked C. site C. stones C. fr�ht C. structure C. impressive C. pyramid C. mysterious C. prepare

D. wall§. D. prepared D. visit D. ensures D. �hteen D. suggest D. construction D. consider D. approximate D. transporting 139

Ill. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. I.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is thought ____ by ramps. B. to be built A. was built C. had been built D. to have been built


____ is expected that the strike will end soon; B. That A. It C. This

D; There


The police report that four people in the accident. A. to be injured B. to have been injured C. are injured D. were injured


The weather is expected ____ good tomorrow. C. is B. to be A. will be



7. 8. 9.

I 0.

IV. 1. 2. 140

D. being

One of the purposes of the pyrainid was to ____ the burial chamber from the weather. A. save C. protect D. prevent B. support The Great Pyramid as the tallest structure on earth for more than 43 centuries. D. set C. put B. ranked¡ A. stood The pyramid of over 2 million blocks of stone. A. consisted B. composed C. included D. gathered how the pyramid was built. People have proposed some. D. theories B. hypotheses C ,data A. theses The Great Wall of China is considered one of the greatest ____ wonders in the world. A. man-done C. man-made D. hand-made B. hand-done The police thought that the thief was still in the house. Active: Passive: A. It is thought that the thief was still in the house. B. The thief was thought to still be in the house. C. It was thought that the thief is still in the house. D. The thief is thought to have still beeri in the house.. Put the foUowing sentences into the passive. People say that he works 16 hours a day. It is believed that the boy is wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.


People thought Mike had paid too much.


Everyone knows the portrait was painted by Picasso.


It is predicted that the company will lose money this year..


It is said that she has lived there for ten years.


The police think the criminal is in hiding in the London area.


It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire.


It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.

10. They believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. V.

Complete the text using the phrases from the box. A. was obliged to C. is known to have experienced E. are thought to be G. was packed H. was seen

B. are believed to have been D. is not known F. is thought to have been I. were made to J. was brought

A plane carrying 15 members of the government to a conference in Brussels a small-scale fire earlier this morning. The plane (2) about ( 1) ¡ 20 minutes into its journey when the fire occurred in the luggage area. It ¡ how the plane caught fire, but initial eye-witness accounts confirm (3) coming from the under-carriage. The fire (5)__ that a trail of smoke (4) make an emergency landing. rapidly under control, but the pilot (6) with business treated for shock. The plane (8) Five people (7) people flying to Belgium. All 209 passengers (9) stay behind for questioning after landing at a military airport in northern France. Police (10) treating the incident as being suspicious. VI.

Fill In each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.

To the people of ancient Egypt, life on earth was short. Life (1)---death, however, was eternal. Therefore, they built their tombs of stone and they took their possessions with them (2) another world. the tomb. The Pharaoh's The more important the person, the (3) tombs were the largest. The Pharaohs were the rulers of the country and when they (4) , they became Gods. Many of their tombs remain, some of of the wonders of the world. These are pyramids. them have become (5) 141

the burial The purposes of these huge stone · mountains is· to (6) chamber' from the weather and from thieves (7) might. try to steal the j the dead ruler gold, ewels and precious possessions placed there to (8) into eternal life. Their shape, (9) four triangular sides spreading from a single point, represented the rays of the sun connecting Ra, the god of the sun, with the dead ruler. the west bank of the River Nile was where the Their position (10) into the sun set every day and where they believed it began its (11) other world. All the burial grounds in ancient Egypt (12) on the west bank of the river. At Giza, across the river from Cairo, the ancient Egyptians (13)____ the greatest tomb of all: the Great Pyramid of King Cheops. the ancient Egyptians moved and lifted those huge But (14) blocks of stone (15) a mystery. Some believe that they must have used ramps. Others think that they might have used hundreds of weight arms.

� VII.

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Machu Picchu was constructed around 1450, at the height of the Inca empire, and was (1) less th�n 100 years_ later, as the empire collapsed under Spanish conquest. (2) the citadel is located only about 50 miles from Cusco, the Inca capital, it was never found and destroyed by the Spanish, many other Inca sites. Over the centuries, the surrounding jungle as (3) grew to enshroud the site, and . few knew of its (4) . In 1911, Yale historian and explorer Hiram Bingham brought the "lost" city to the world's . Bingham and others hypothesized that the citadel was the traditional (5) of the Inca people or the spiritual center of the "virgins of the sun," (6) (7) curators of a recent ·exhibit have speculated that Machu Picchu was a royal retreat. It is thought that the site was chosen for its (8) location and geological features. It is said that the silhouette of the mountain range behind upward towards the Machu Picchu represents the face of the Inca (9) sky, with the largest peak, Huayna Picchu (meaning Young Peak), representing his pierced nose. In 1913, the site received (10) publicity after the National Geographic Society devoted their entire April issue to Machu Picchu. On July 7, 2007, Machu Picchu was voted as one -0f New Open World Corporation's New Seven Wonders of the World. 142

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A.left A.Although A.were A.life A.attention A.homeland A.when ¡A.unique A.watching A.minor

B.abandoned B.Despite .B.did B.survival B.expectation B.nationality B.while B.single B.looking B.enormous

C.demolished C.Because C.have C.existence C.thought C.ancestry C.however C.lonely C.glancing C.significant

D.slept D.Whereas D.had D.alikeness D.carefulness D.birthplace D.but D.solo D.seeing D.huge

VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question. The Great Pyramid of Giza, a monument of wisdom and prophecy was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720' B.C. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction make it one of the truly great wonders of the world. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and west - an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astrono�ers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical observations. Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many interesting lines. Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of time line of events - past, present, and future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide, with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for future generations and are presently under investigation. Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior to any known today? 1.

Approximately how long ago was the Great Pyramid constructed? A.665 years B.2,720 years C.4,025 years D.4,725 years


On what did the ancient Egyptians base their computations? A.observation of the celestial bodies B.advanced technology C.advanced tools of measurement D.knowledge of the earth's surface


Why was the Great Pyramid constructed? A.as a solar observatory B.as a religious temple C.as a tomb for the pharaoh D.as an engineering feat 143



Why is the Great Pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the world? A. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and contains many propheGies. B. It was selected as the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. C. It was built by a super race. D. It is very old. The word "computations" means most nearly the same as ____ B. calculations C. calculators D. producers A. computers

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first -one, beginning with the given words or phrases. 1. It is alleged that he kicked a policeman. He is .............................................................................................. : ........... 2. People think that the treasure dates back from the thirteenth century. The treasure ................................................... : ........................................... Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes. 3. People ....................."...._........... :................................................................... 4. They believed that he was in town last night. It ..................... ; ........................................................................................... It is being said that too little money is being spent by the government on road. 5. People ........................................................................................................ People say that early Egyptian and Greek sailors used carried pigeons. 6. Carrier pigeons ...................................................................................... ; ... 7. ¡ It was supposed that the train arrived at 11.30. The train .................................................................................................... For a long time the earth was believed to be flat. 8. People .._...................................................................................................... 9. We know that vitamin C is good for treating colds. Vitamin C .................................................................................................. 1O._ It is thought that the two injured men were repairing overhead cables. The two injured men .................................................................................. IX.


X. Complete the two following passages of the new wonders of the world. 1. Christ Redeemer (1931) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil This / statue / Jesus / stand / some / 38 meter / tall / atop / Corcovado/ mountain / overlook / Rio de Janeiro //. Design / Brazilian / Heitor da Silva Costa/ and / create /French/ sculptor/ Paul Landowski / it/ one/ world / best-known / monument //. Statue / take / five / year / contract / and/ inaugurate/ October 12 / 1931 //. It/ become/ symbol/ city/ and/ warmth/ Brazilian/ people/ receive/ visitor/ open/ arm //.


2. The Roman Colosseum (70 - 82 A.D.) Rome, Italy This / great / amphitheater / centre / Rome / build / give / favor / successful legionnaire / and / celebrate / glory / Roman Empire//. Its / design/ concept/ still/ stands/ very/ day/ and/ virtual/ every/ modem / sports / stadium/ some / 2,000 / years / later / still / bear / irresistible / · imprint / Colosseum / original / design// . Today / through / film / history book/ we/ even/ more/ aware/ cruel/ fight/ game/ take/ place/ arena / all/ joy/ spectators//.



Find the Family

This family of words h�s seven members: MY' 1s the first. What are the six others? Like 'MY', each is hidden in a place name. Can you find them?



I �






Time: 60 minutes (Total: 100 points) PARTI. Choose the word in each group that differently from the rest. (10 points) B. SQft I. A.tQmb B. land§. 2. A.roof§. B.laugh 3. A.tough B.behaved 4. A.grabbed B.speak A. scr�m 5.

has the underlined part pronounced C. CQnquest C. cheat§. C. though C.managed C. threat

D. D. D. D. D.

SQlid step§. rough reached feat

PART II. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (10 points) D. release C. market B.orbit I. A.theory C. messenger 2. A. potential B.prohibit D. apartment D. ordinate B. animal C. stimulate 3. A.represent D. longevity C. universa! 4. A. embarrassing B. minority D.constancy B. affect C. celebrate A.annual 5. PART Ill. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (20 points) I. He is believed by terrorists two months ago. A.was killed B. to be killed D. had been killed C. to have been killed ? 2. He'd never met her before, D. wouldn't he B. hadn't he A.had he C. would he 3. Laura had hurt her leg and ___ to walk very well. C. wasn't able D. didn't able B.couldn't A.can't 4. my father went to the party. They all stayed at home. my mother B. Neither - nor A.Either - or D.Not only - but also C. Both - and 5. Pham Tuan was the first Vietnamese ___ into space. D. who flies A.flew B. flying C. to fly Do you know the woman ___ dinner with fack last night? 6. A.had B. who has C. whom had D. having 147

- -¡ ---7. 8.

9. 10.

We stayed at the Royal Hotel, ,Peter recommended to us. A. that B. which C. where D. whom If the weather so bad, we'd have gone out. B. hadn't been A. wasn't D. wouldn't have been C. wouldn't be Yuri Gagarin was in around the earth for 108 minutes. A. orbit B. space C. atmosphere D. sky Some thieves tried to- steal the ___ in the pyramids. D. treasures A. chambers C. money B. furniture

PART IV. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. (10 points) She is said is living with her aunt in London at the moment. 1. D B A C' 2. Not only the athlete but also his wifeďż˝ going to the party tonight. A B C D 3. I gave my address to a man I met him on the train last Sunday. D B A C A lot of people will be out of work if the factory were closed down. 4. D A B C Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned me don't touch i!5. D B C A PART V. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. (20 points) SAVING ENERGY IN THE OFFICE The amount of energy consumed - and wasted - in commercial buildings in New Zealand is increasing all the time. The (1) in numbers of items of electronic office equipment threatens to reach its maximum in New Zealand's main business centres in the next ten years. Office staff leave equipment (2) on unnecessarily for a number of reasons. These include fear of of knowledge of the actual cost of running ( 3) the machine, (4) the machine, and just plain laziness. to control the energy usage of office equipment is wasteful, and can (5) (6 ) to costs far higher than most managers (7) . The Energy Authority (EECA) is introducing twofold programme Efficiency & (8) 148

the $50m which is wasted every year in New Zealand's aimed at (9) offices. Office machines in New Zealand consume 370 GWh of energy per electricity consumption. year, or about 1 % of the country's (10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. growth A. driven A. hurting A. lack A. Neglect A. come A. decide A. Conservation A. sparing A. same

B. count B. switched B. offending B. need B. Prevention B. take B. realize B. Contract B. controlling B. whole

C. progress C. remained C. damaging C. want C. Loss C. keep C. explain C. Convert C. saving_ C. total

D. result D. stayed D. spoiling D. gap D. Failure D. lead D. produce D. Conference D. removing D. all

PART VI. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to give them the confidence to get out and run. I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many race organizers.. They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse, for not providing separatďż˝ changing facilities. I put up posters and 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined. All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but I don't think they had really thought about running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didn't think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a river.. At first they ran for only a minute - now they can run for thirty minutes. They've also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general. I wanted to do something for women's running and I've had so much pleasure watching their progress - almost as much as_they'vehad themselves. 1.

What is t,he writer's main aim in writing the text? A. to describe her own running career B. to complain about race organizers D. to describe good running methods C. to talk about women runners 149





What would a reader find out from the text? A. the best kinds of places for running B. how runners can avoid injuring themselves C. the progress made by the women in the dub D. the teaching skills of the writer What is the writer'·s opinion of the runners she trained? B. They needed encouraging. A. They were too serious. C. They couldn't develop their skills. D. They were difficult to train. Why did the women join the running club? A. to have a good time B. to meet other people C. to help them lose weight D. to become top runners Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster? A. Discover the pleasures of running B. Riverside Running Club for Women C. Athletics competitions: how to win D. Keep fit by training hard

PART VII. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning w ith the given words or phrases. (10 points) 1.

It is reported that two people were killed in the car accident. Two people································································································ .


Mary likes collecting dolls, ·and so does her sister. Both ...........................................................................................................


The man is a famous athlete. I spoke to him yesterday. The man to .........................................,........................................................


"Don't make too much noise, children," he said. He asked ............................·........................................................................


"You stole the computer," they said to the boy. They accused .............................................................................................

PART VIII. Comp lete each of the following sentences, using the words given. (10 points) 1. 150

Great/ Pyramid/ Giza/ believe./ build/ over/ 20 year/ period//.


Neil Armstrong/ become/ first/ human/ set foot/ moon/ July 20th/ 1969 //.


People/ who / be/ interest / art / there/ be/ ,course / pain / or/ draw//.


Whenever/ brother/ find/ book/ which/ be/ interest/ buy/ immediate//.


It / hope / Vietnam / become / host / country / Asian Games / receive / more I medal/ variety/ sports/ event//.


FINAL TEST (MCQ) Time: 90 minutes

(Total: 100 points) I. I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. A; venture B. enlist C. campground D. B. cosmonaut A. dedicate D. C. average A. alternative B. appreciate C. aspiration D. A. breakthrough B. effort D. C. pesticide A. fertilizer B. proportion D. C. resource


Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14.



gymnast recipient biography official accomplish

We saw two policemen ____ after the thief. A. .run B. ran C. to run D. was running The story is about a man who ____ alone on an isolated island. A. is living B. lives C. has lived D. had . lived We were good friends; We ____ each other for a long time. A. knew B. have known C. had known D. had been knowing I don't mind ____ waiting for a few minutes. A. keeping B. to keep D. being kept C. to be kept The teacher was pleased with our ____ all the exam questions correctly. B. have .answered A. answered C. to answer D. having answered eat all that, he will be ill. A. Should he B. If he D. Shall he C. Unless he fitted her. Linh tried on five pairs of shoes, A. none of that B. none of which C. of that none D. of which none The taxi ____ us to the airport broke down twice on the way. A. took D. that takes B. which taken C. taking It was in London I first met him. D. there C. where B. which A. that ¡ The police reported that neither the passengers nor the driver ____ m the crash. B. have been injured A.. are injured C. was injured D. were injured

16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28.

29. 30.

take any photographs. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I C. wasn't able D. didn't able to A. can't B. couldn't ? The mail scarcely ever arrives before noon, C. doesn't it D. don't they B. does it A. is it The book is believed by a famous American writer. B. to be written A. was written C. be¡ written D. to have been written Yuri Gagarin was the first person to ____ the Earth from space. C. view D. look A. glance B. sightsee Hobbies really keep me ___ and I'm glad I can do them. D. occupation C. occupying B. occupied A. occupy st Only 489 athletes from 11 nations ___ in the¡ 1 Asian Games in New Delhi, India. A. struggled B. concentrated C. joined with D. took part A number of rare animals are ____ danger of being extinct. A. in B. at C. on D. with Our post office offers a very rate for parcels of under 15 kg. A. competive B. competitive C. competition D. competitional It is hoped that illiteracy will soon be in our country. B. postponed C. eradicated D. decreased A. ceased The first human moon landing is one of the most important ___ events in the 20th century. C. historic D. historical A. history B. historian sand. Glass is usually made A. of B. from C. by D. with Don't waste time that broken vase. B. to mend A. mending C. on mend D. for mending He had no of selling the clock - it had belonged to his grandfather. C. meaning D. intention A. happiness B. interest The man ____ we met yesterday was the manager of a car factory. A. that/ which B. who/ whose C. whom/ 0 D. who/ which He is learning English ____ he can study in England. C. in order A. so as to D. in order to B. so that



I hadn't realized he was English ___ he spoke. A. in case B. only after C. when

D. until


If she hadn't been sick, she ___ with me to the party. A. would go B. would h�ve gone C. went D. had gone


He is going to get married ____ the end of this month. B. in A. at C. to D. on


he did not attend the English class, he knew the lesson quite well. D. However C. Despite B. Although A. In spite of


It is said that he has ____ friends of his age. B. little A. a lot C. few


D. plenty

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Every year, the village of Pettineo celebrates it unique arts festival. For a at this village few days each summer, artists from all over Europe (36) the creative atmosphere. During near the north coast of Sicily to (37) with the local people to paint a one-kilometre their stay, they get (38) long picture that runs the (39) the of the high street. (40) painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local family for a big lunch and, (41) of the painting that the meal the family receives the (42) few villagers are rich, almost the artist has painted. As a result, (43) every home has at least one painting by a well-known European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (44) into homes to see these paintings. The festival was the (45) of Antonio Presti, a local businessman a sort who (46) it up four years ago. Since then, Pettineo has (47) of domestic art museum in (48) any visitor can ring a doorbell, go into a painting. In addition to this exhibition of paintings in a house and (49) people's homes, for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to through the display of huge sculptures in the village square. (50) 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

A. A. A. A. A.

group amuse linked size Just

B. B. B. B. B.

154 ----4 -----

crowd enjoy jointly measure Once

C. C. C. C. C.

gather entertain combined length Soon

D. D. D. D. D.

combine delight together area Only

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

A. in addition to C. in common with A. partition A. though A. persuaded A. image A. set A. become A. what A. wonder A. move

B. in place of D. in exchange for B. section B. despite B. invited B. purpose B. put B. advanced B. where B. stare B. step

C. division C. since C. requested C. thought C. got C. grown C. whom C. admire C. wander

D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.

region even attracted idea had increased which delight march


Read the passage below and choose on� correct answer for each question. Traditionally in America, helping lhe poor was a matter for private charities or local government. Arriving immigrants depended mainly on predecessors from their homeland to help them start a new life. In the late 191h and early 201h centuries, several European nations instituted public-welfare programs. But such a movement was slow to take hold in the United States because the rapid pace of industrialization and the ready availability of farmland seemed to confirm the belief that anyone who was willing to work could find a job. Most of the programs started during the Depression era were temporary relief measures, but one of the programs - Social Security - has become an American institution. Paid for by deduction from the paychecks of working people, Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest monthly income and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance to those who need it. Social Security payments to retired persons can start at age 62, but many wait until age 65, when the payments are slightly higher. Recently, there has been concern that the Social Security fund may not have enough money to fulfill its obligations in the 2i s1 century, when the population of elderly Americans is expected to increase dramatically. Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the anticipated deficit, but a long-term solution is still being debated. In the years since Roosevelt, ot�er American presidents have established assistance programs. These include Medical and Medicare; food stamps, certificates that people can use to purchase food; and public housing which is built at federal expense and made available to persons with low incomes.


Needy Americans can also tum to sources other than government for help. A broad spectrum of private charities and voluntary organizations is available. Volunteerism is on the rise in the United States, especially among retired persons. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Americans over age 18. do volunteer work, and nearly 75 percent of U.S. households contribute money to charity. 51. New immigrants to the U.S. could seek help from ____ A. the U.S. governm�nt agencies B. volunteer organizations C. the people who came earlier D. only charity organizations 52. Public-welfare programs were unable to take firm. root in the U.S. due to the fast growth of ____ A. population B. urbanization C. modernization D. industrialization 53. The word "instituted" in the first paragraph mostly means ____ A. enforced B. introduced C. carried out D. studied 54. The Social Security program has become possible thanks to ____ A. people's willingness to work B. enforcement laws D. donations from companies C. deductions from wages 55. Most of the public assistance programs after the severe economic crisis. B. did not work in institutions A. did not become institutionalized D. functioned fruitfully in institutions C. were introduced into institutions 56. That Social Security payments will be a burden comes from 'the concern that ---A. the program discourages working people B. younger people do not want to work C. elderly people ask for more money D. the number of elderly people is growing 57. Persons with low incomes can access public housing through ____ B. federal expenditure A. state spending C. low rents D. donations 58. Americans with low incomes can seek help from ___ B. federal government A. government agencies C. non-government agencies D. state governments 156

Public assistance has become more and more popular due to ___ A. people's growing commitment to charity B. taxpayers' increasing commitment pay C. young people's volunteerism D. volunteer organizations 60. The passage mainly discusses ____ B. public assistance in America A. immigration into America D. ways of fund-raising in America C. funding agencies in America



61. 62. 63.

64. 65.

VI. 66.



Find a mistake in the four underlined parts (A, B, C or D) of each sentence. Many people have complaint about the dirt from the factory. A B C D We admire Nam for his intelligence, cheerful disposition and he is honest. A D B C Living in big cities, housing is always a big problem for all city dwellers. A B C D Are you sure Tereshkova was the first woman travelling in space? A B C D They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell themďż˝ A B C D Choose the correct phrase or clause to complete each of the following sentences. She will be ill ---B. in case she takes a few d':',ys' rest A. if she takes a few days' rest C. unless she takes a few days' rest D. provided she takes a few days' rest Dr. Pike is the person ____ A. in that I don't have much confidence B. whom I don't have much confidence in him C. I don't have much confidence D. in whom I don't have much confidence Having read the instruction, ____ A. he snatched up the fire extinguisher B. the fire extinguisher was snatched up C. after that he had snatched up the fire extinguisher D. then the fire extinguisher would have been snatched up 157



They would have paid you more _____ A. if they were told of its value B. had they been told of its value C. would they be told of its value D. unless they had told of its value ____ and neither did they. B. He stayed at home yesterday evening A. We weren't at home last night D. Wďż˝ went out last night C. I didn't go out yesterday


Choose one sentence that has thďż˝ same meaning as the root one.


"Shall I make you a coffee? " the girl said to the lady. A. The girl promised to make the lady a coffee. B. The girl offered to make the lady a coffee. C. The girl wanted to make the lady a coffee. D. The girl refused to make the lady a coffee.


It's a pity we don't have a steak to cook over our camp fire. A. If we had a steak, we could cook it over our camp fire. B. If we have a steak, we shall cook it over our camp fire. C. We would have cooked it over our camp fire if we had had a steak. D. We will cook it over our cai;np fire if we had a steak.


John Smith is a farmer. /bought his land. A. John Smith, who is a farmer, bought his land. B. John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer. C. John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer. D. John Smith, who is a farmer, whose land I bought.


"I am sorry I forgot to post your letter," Phong said to me. A. Phong said that he is sorry he forgot to post my letter. B. Phong was sorry that he forgot posting my letter. C. Phong apologized me to forget to post my letter. D. Phong apologized for forgetting to post my letter.


Tom is going to Mary's birthday and I'm, too. A. Both Tom and I are going to Mary's birthday. B. Neither Tom nor I am going to Mary's birthday. C. Either Tom or I am going to Mary's birthday. D. Tom is going to Mary's birthday, but I'm not.



VIII. Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words. 76. he I think I live I Paris I five year II. A. He is thought he lived in Paris for five years. B. He is thought to live in Paris five years _ago. C. He is thought to have lived in Paris for five years. D. He was thought that lived in Paris five years ago. 77. Although I fire I spread I quick I everybody I able I escape II. A. Although fire spread quick, but everybody abled to escape. B. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape. C. Although the fire spreaded quick, everybody were able escaping. D. Although the fire spread quickly, then everybody able escaping. 78. Not I parents I but I son I invite I reception II. A. Not only the parents but also their s�n was invited to the reception. B. Not only parents but also the son have been invited to a reception. C. Not only parents but the son also had invited to the reception. D. Not only the parents but also the son were invited to a reception. 79. It I be I birthday I we I present I him t book II. A. It is at his birthday which we will present him a book. B. It will be on his birthday when we present him a book. C. It was for his birthday and we would present him a book. D. It was on his birthday that we presented him a book. 80. Most I goods I make I this I factory I export II. A. Most of goods that make at this factory for export. B. Most of the goods that made in this factory is for exporting. C. Most of the goods made in this factory are exported. D. Most of goods making at this factory is exported.




FRIENDSHIP 1. A. gossip 2. D. confidential 3. B. fanior 4. B. character 5. C. jmlous II. 1. D. concern 2. B. constancy 3. D. sympathetic 4. C. incapable 5. A. pleasure III. 1. C 2. B 4.D 5. B 3.A 6. B 9. B 7.A 10. C 8. C IV. 1. since 6. on I along 2. much/ far 7. about 3. better 8. but 9. forward 4. losing .5. sense 10. such V. 1. unselfishness 6. suspicion 2. enthusiasm 7. acquaintance 3. sympathetic 8. misunderstanding 4. unfriendly 9. characteristics 10. caring 5. loyalty VI. 1. Tom took some change from his pocket to buy a newspaper. 2. This box is too heavy for me to lift. 3. It is important for your health to eat nutritious food. 4. It was very kind of him to help me with my English. 5. He was seen to escape in a black car. 6. I'm going to leave the party early to get a good night's sleep. 7. The house �as too expensive for us to buy. I.


8. We wear coats in winter to keep warm. 9. It is necessary for airline pilots to have good eyesight. I 0. I turned up the TV to listen to the news while I was cooking dinner. VII. 1.Because he was looking for someone to share the house he was renting. 2. They hit it off straightaway. 3. It was quite good. 4. They sometimes argued about the housework. 5.. �ey are different. 3. D 2. C fA 5.B VIII. 1. A 10. C 9.B �.D 7.D 8.B IX. I . difficult for her to meet 2. perm�t anyone to eat 3. was· made to stay 4. didn't let us enter 5. contacted a lawyer to get/have 6. make him wash 7. like Michael to be 8. want anyone/anybody else to know 9. too tired to eat 10. felt someone ·walk into X. 1. I met Nga, my best friend twenty years ago when we were both five years old. 2. It was my first day at school and I was very unhappy because I wanted my mother. 3. Nga gave me a s�eet and we became friends immediately. 4. We were together nearly every day at school until we left school twelve· years later. 5. Then I went to university, but Nga didn't. 6. Her father started his own business, and/so she/Nga worked for/with him·. 7. I (had)studied for five years because I wanted to be an economist. 8. I had a lot of new friends, so I didn't see Nga very. often. 9. Sometimes we didn't meet for months, but we often talked on the phone. 10. Now I am a manager and I live near _Nga, so we can give each other a lot of advice. 161

FUN CORNER 8.undo 9.transform 10.popularity 11.mid-July 12. motherhood 13. misbehave 14. kindly/ kindness

1.friendship/ friendly 2. goodness 3.tallish 4.international/ nationality 5.superman 6.cigarette 7.overtime



1. A.extr�me 2. B.mint 3. D.nQvel 4. C.cybic 5. A.bank IL 1. D.happen 2. C.experience 3. C.conversation 4. B. complain 5. D.apartment III. 1.finds - travels 2.was crossing - turned - hit 3.ate - had never eaten 4.makes - finds - goes - doesn't forget .:_ returns - looks 5.thought - left - was - arrived - learnt - had just left - found - had used IV. 1.leave 11.missed 12.had 2.before 13.another J. be/ get 14. when 4.in/ inside/ through 15.in/ inside 5. would 162

V. VI.

6. my/ our 7.had 8. what 9.back 10.out 1. B 2.C 6.C 7.D 1.is getting

16.up 17.where/ so 18.out/ short 19.who 20.gave/ handed/ passed 5.B 4.D 3.A 10.C 9.B 8.D -4 gets

2.was meeting -4 met 3.had gone -4 went

4, cooked � was cooking 5.has





. 6.embarrassing




8.didn't look -4 wasn't looking 9� since -4 for 10.starts



VII. 1.B 2.A VIII. 1.swore 2.lives 3.was making 4.had been 5. had typed




3.C 4.B 5.D 6.was doing 7.reached 8.turns 9.had had 10.was taking

1.This story is about a man whose name is Robin Hood. 2.After we had walked, we reached the top of the hill. had been walking, 3.While I was trying to ring Dave, he was trying to ring me. 4.I (had) studied at Oxford University from 2000 to 2004. I for four years. 5.Mary had made a sandwich before she sat on the sofa to watch TV.


1. When I was a teenager in New York, I bought tickets for the musical called "Cabaret" with the ·famous actress Lotte· Lenya. 163

2. But that weekend I had to visit (my) friends in a town far away, and was going to fly back and arrive in time to see the musical. 3. Unfortunately, that night there was a huge s¡nowstorm and when I got to the airport, I found out that the flight had been cancelled. 4. But my friend and I were supposed to meet at the theatre and I had the tickets. 5. Luckily, two of the passengers on the flight decided (that) they would rent a car and drive, so I joined them. 6. But it was clear that I would not make to the play on time. 7. I tried to call my friend but she had already left home. 8. I got to the theatre during the interval and saw my friend sitting in her seat. 9. My friend said (that) she started getting/ to get very worried when she realized (that) I was late. 10. She thought (that) it would be stupid to wait outside, so she went to the box office and luckily they were able to tell her which seats I had bought and they let her in.


As ... as

1. As dry as dust. 2. As hard as a rockďż˝ 3. As pretty as a picture. 4. As hot as hell. 5. As cold as ice. 6. As brave as a lion. 7. As light as a feather. 8. As black as a coal. 9. As quiet as a mouse. 10. As sick as a dog.



A PARTY 1. C. r�cial 2. A. pr�tty 3. B. honour 4. A. lQSe 5. D. SOrtli 6. to speak II. 1. discussing 7. working 2. to be transferred 8. to support 3. interrupting 9. being delayed 4. spending 5. entering 10. explaining 5. C 2.B III. 1.A 3. D 4.A 7.A 10. B 6.A 9.B 8. D IV. 1. How did you spend the dqy I How did you celebrate your (1 OO'h) birthday? 2. Have you got a large I big family? · 3. Did you get I receive a lot of I many presents? 4. Which was your favourite (present) I Which present did you like (the) most I best? 5. Did you have a (birthday) cake? 6. Which is I has been the most important I the biggest? 7. Would you like to live to (be) 120? � Taking V. 1. To take 2. interviewing � being interviewed 3.-V 4. drive � driving 5. going �to go 6. -v 7. to lose � losing 8. to tell � telling � to inform 9. informing 10. to live � living I.


6.adopting 1.writing 7.to take 2.to install 3.to cash 8. using 9.to be 4.staying 10. to lower 5.to go� 6.celebrate VII. 1.falls 7.on 2.took 8.receive 3.who 9.any 4.their 10.from 5.such 4.D 5.C 2.A 3.C VIII.1. B IX. 1.I'm looking forward to attending your 251h wedding anniversary. 2.Mr.Pitt is not used to eating with chopsticks. 3.We're about to organize a surprise party for Paul. 4.He tried to reach the station on time. 5.The boy denied stealing/ having stolen the money. 6.She stopped talking to me again after Iforgot her birthday. 7.It took us ages to prepare for the party on Christmas Eve. 8.They don't allow smoking on the public buses. I people/ anyone to smoke on the public buses. 9.I have no intention of inviting Tom to my birthday party. 10.Do you mind me/ my opening the window and turning the fan? X. 1.As you know we bought a new house in April. 2.It was in very bad condition and it needed a lot of work. 3.We have finished most of it now and it looks very �ice. 4.Mike and I have decided to give a house-warming party on July 9th. 5.Do you think you will be able to come? 6.Most of our former classmates have been invited and they all agreed to come. 7.We will organize a barbecue in the garden of our new house. 8.We can/ will dance, sing and play some games during and after the party. 9. Please give me a ring and let me know if you can make it. 10.We really look/ are really looking forward to seeing you again.



FUN CORNER RIDDLES 5.A telephone 1.A hole 6.A comb 2.A stamp 7.A hot dog 3.A blackboard 8.A mushroom 4. Rain WRITTEN TEST 1 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. 5 x2p = lOp 1. C. chaos 2. A. gl�nce 3. D. heiress 4. B. govern 5. D. m�tre PART II. 10 x 2p = 20p 1.B 2.A 3. D 4.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 6.B PART III. 10 x 2p = 20p 6. piece 1. with 7. far 2. age 8. such 3. whose 9. finding 4. blows 10. become 5. true

5. D 10.C

PART IV. 5 x 2p = lOp 1.B (had) 2.A (to go) 3.B (being called) 4.C (lives) 5. D (look) 167

PART V.5 x 4p = 20p 1. The boy denied breaking/ having broken the window. I ¡ (that) he had broken the window. . 2. Uie last time I talked to him was at his J 5'h birthday. 3. We were made to prepare refreshments for the party. 4. After they had had a good meal, they went to dance. 5. I prefer driving to being driven.

PART VI. 5 x 4p = 20p 1. A person who is concerned only with his own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend. 2. The fire started in the kitchen because I forgot to turn off the electric cooker. 3.Linda is.seventeen years old today and her family and friends are at her birthday party. 4. Bob appreciates/ed being served breakfast in bed when he isn't/wasn't feeling well. 5. Last Sunday while Mary was cleaning out the attic, she came across her grandmother's wedding dress.

. UNIT 4




1. C. wealth 2. A. wiPe 3. B. wear 4. B. young 5. D. ypon 1. C. remote 2. D. donation 3. C. education 4. A. volunteer 5. B. believe


1.B 4.A 2.B 3.A 5. C 6.A 7.B 8. C 10.B 9.A IV. 1. voluntarily 6. happiness 7. donation 2. orphanage 3. disadvantaged 8. elderly 4. disabled 9. education 10. minority 5. mountainous V. 1. climbing 6. playing 2. repairing 7. Helping 3. telling/ having told 8. throwing/ having thrown 4. coming/ having come 9. chasing 5. calling 10. Finishing/ Having finished VI. 1. pay/ payment ¡6. wear 2. under 7. well 3. through 8. either 4. called 9. order 5. name 10. their VII. I.A 2.D 4.A 5.A 3. C 7. C 8.B 6. C 10. C 9.D IL D 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.D VIII. 1. D (playing) 2. C (finding) 3.A (having) 4. C (he sent it) 5.B (borrowing/ having borrowed) IX. 1. We're excited about Nam's winning I having won a scholarship. 2. When / entered the room, I was surprised a.t what I saw. 3. The rain prevented the volunteers from mowing the lawns. 4.After having done his homework, Dave went to bed. 5. Learning how to cook is easy to anyone. X. 1. We are (very) happy to receive a donation of ten million dong from your company five days ago. 2. The / Your money will be used to buy books for the / our new school library. 169

3. We will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible. 4. We would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company, 5. and hope to get more assistance and cooperation from your company in the future. 6. We look forward to hearing from you soon. FUN CORNER

Get Well Soon

¡ UNIT 5




1. A. pleasing 2. B. blow 3. B. pr�ssure 4. C. brf!ce 5. C. bridge 1. C. survey 2. D. relevant 3. C. universal 4. A. consider 5. B. technique

5.B 3.D III. 1.B 4.A 2.C 10.B 8.A 9.D 6.C 7.A 6.dramatically IV. I.illiteracy 7.transportation 2.northern 8.difficulty 3.effective 9.considerably 4.honourable I0.presentation 5.neighbourhood V. I. She reminded me to write to her soon. 2.I advised the boy to spend more time learning to write. 3.Mike invited me to have dinner with them that night. 4.Tom begged John to switch off the TV. 5. The shopkeeper warned the boys not to lean their bicycles against his/ her windows. 6.The robber ordered the bank clerk to open the safe. 7.The notice told us to leave the space clear. 8.He introduced Mr. Brown to Miss White. 9.He offered to open the door for ineďż˝ 10.He promised to wait for me. 5.f 4.a 3.j 2.h VI. 1.d 10. g 7.i 8.e 9.b 6. C 5.D VII, 1.A 3.B 4.C 2.D 6.earn VIII. I.for 7.their / the 2.improve 3.anything 8.are 9.who /that 4.done 10.mean 5.outside IX. I.I warned Peter not to touch the/ that switch, 2. He advised the client to read it before he/she signed it. 3.She asked me to help her as/ because' she couldn't reach the top shelf. 4. He begged me to do as he said. 5.My aunt reminded me to prune the roses. 6.Laura offered to help Tom with the cooking. 7.The kidnapper threatened to kill the boy if they didn't pay the ransom. 8.The suspect refused to answer any questions. 171


9.. Paul agreed to wait a week. 10. Minh invited Phong to go camping with them the next/ following week.


The table shows the percentage of personal income devoted to savings in seven countries in 1970, 1990 and 2000. The most dramatic changes are evident in Italy, Japan, Fra�ce and Canada." In 1970 Italy had the highest savings rate of 29.5%, followed by . France with 18.7% and Japan with 17.6%. Canada had the lowest rate - 5.6%. By 1990 Italy was still the leading country, though its savings rate had dropped to 17.6%. Germany was next with 13.8% (same as 1970) and tbe rates in France and Japan were close behind.· In Canada, the savings rate had almost doubled to 11.5%. The UK and the USA had the lowest rates, 8.2% and 5.5% respectively. By 2000 the savings rates had levelled out considerably across the seven countries. France and Japan led with 13.6%, followed by Germany, Italy and the UK at around 11%. Personal savings in North America dropped sharply, with the USA at 4% and Canada at a very low 1.9%. The overall trend shows a reduction in savings over thisJhirty-year period.


·BODY TALK 1. backbone 2. backyard 3. backache 4. headmaster 5. headquarter� 6. headlines 7. footprints 8. footsteps 9. footpath


10. hairdresser 11. hairbrush 12. hairdryer 13. handwriting 14. handbag 15. handshake 16. eyelid 17. eyelash 18. eyebow



1. A. twice 2. B. dr!!ft 3. C. treatment 4. C. tr!!_thful 5. D. fr�quent


1. B. announce 2. A. athletics 3. D. participate 4. C. enjoyment 5. B. worksheet

III. 1.B 6.B

2.A 7.B

3.D 8. D


I. competitors 2. representatives 3. activities 4. highest 5. enjoyment


1. most 2. what 3. the 4. take 5. which

VI. 1. -v 2. have 3. so 4. for 5.-V

4.C 9.D

5.A 10.'A

6. knowledge 7. officially 8. announcement 9� poems 10. explanation

6. on 7. and 8. it 9. had/ needed/ were 10. longer 6. is 7. would 8. -v 9. '1 10. if

11. A 12. because/ as/ since/ for 13. who 14. for' 15. since

11. back 12. by 13. which ·14. -V 15. to 173

VII. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C VIII. 1. Mrs. Lien suggested organizing an English competition for their students. 2. Mr. Thanh apologized (to me/ us) for being late. 3. Bob denied taking/ having taken Sue's calculator. 4. David accused Henry of cheating. 5. He insisted on seeing the manager. 6. Mike criticized his brother for taking/ having taken his bike without asking him first. 7. Mary congratulated me on winning the scholarship. _8. Lan thanked Hoa for helping her with her homework. 9. He proposed walking there as/ because it was not far. 10. Dick's mother prevented himfrom playing the (computer) game (then).


1. Peter apologized for breaking / having broken the glass. 2. The team leader criticized John ,for not waiting / having waited for them. 3. He suggested inviting Mr. Brown to the party the next/ following weekend. 4. The inspector accused him of stealing / having stolen the jewels. 5. The man admitted borrowing / having borrowed my car for some hours.


1. I have seen¡your advertisement in yesterday's "Daily Message".

2. And I am interested in the piano you have for sale. , 3. I would like to meet you and see the instrument. 4. Before I arrange to see the instrument, would you please send me more information? 5. I wish to know if the piano is an upright or a grand type. 6. I would also be glad if you could tell me the age of the instrument. 7. And the lowest price you would accept for it. 8. I shall/ will be free to visit you on Thursday, November 20th. 9. Kindly indicate the time that will be most convenient for you. 10. I look/ am looking forward to seeing you soon. 174

FUN CORNER THE NAME GAME 1. Stephen 11. Patrick 2. Peter 12. Martin 3. Anthony 13. Alison 4. James 14. Caroline 5. Matthew 15. Wendy 6. Phillip 16. Rosemary 17. Rachel 7. Richard 18. Sandra 8. Robert 9. Harold 19. Janet 10. Ernest 20. Janice WRITTEN TEST 2 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. 5 x 2p = lOp 1. A. young 2. C. dr� 3. B. pr�fix 4. A. blood· 5. D. bride PART II. 10 x 2p = 20p 2. B 3. D 1. A 7. A 8. B 6. D

4. C

5. C

9. C

10. B

PART III. 5x 2p = top 1. threatened 2. competition 3. eradication 4. knowledgeable 5. performance 175

PART IV. 10 x2p=20p 2.A 1. C 3.B 6.B 7.A 8.D

4.D 9. C

5. C 10.B

PARTV.5x4p=20p 1.After having driven into the car park,·he walked to the office. 2. Lan reminded me to join in the contest the next/ following evening. 3. Jane suggested giving Tom a T-shirt on his birthday that night. 4. Bob apologized to Mike for damaging / having damaged: his tape recorder. I for damaging / having damaged Mike's tape recorder. 5. She offered to clean the room for me. PART VI. 5x4p=20p

1. The table describes the literacy rates of population in different parts of the country of Daricy from 2002 to 2007. 2. I am interested in practising English with native speakers and I want to get some information about the contest. 3. We are very happy to receive a donation of $1000 from your company some days ago. 4. The number of people receiving / who received reading and writing lessons reached over 4000 in 2001. 5. The police accused him of stealing / having stolen the money but he denied taking / having taken �t.





1. A. Cf!!de 2. D. gl�nce 3. D. gr�ing 4. C. qyite 5. C. create 1. A 2.A 7. C 6.B

3. C 8.D

4.A 9.B

5.A 10. C


1. were - would call - (would) talk 2. would human beings like - were 3. had responded - would have suffered 4. Would people be - had 5. had been invented - would have been interviewed 6. doesn't take - will have 7. were - wouldn't exist 8. refused - would have

IV. 1. smoked

� smoke

2. doesn't

� didn't

3. didn't throw

� wouldn't have thrown

5. didn't take

� hadn't taken

4. '1

6.-v 7. would

� will

8. wouldn't know �·wouldn't have ·known


9. will go

� would go

10. told

� had told

1. growth

6. populous

2. explosion 3. shortage 4. believe 5. awareness

7. unexpected 8. limitation 9. safety 10. scientific

VI. (Suggested answers) 1. been raining, I'd have 2. have finished with-my ruler 3. would (not)-be surprised 4. would have 5. could have left VII. 1. B


3. C


6. Unless we pay 7. hadn't borrowed 8. would have made 9. you can go 10. wouldn't have gone 5. C


VIII. 1. increase / growth

7. why 8. number 9. earn 10. standard

2. order 3. support 4. fewer 5. for


6. are

1. If we had known you were in hospital, we would have visited you. 2. If he were not thin, he wouldn't feel the cold so much. 3. She said that if he paid her that night, she would have enough money for the tickets. 4. She would have spoken to him if she hadn't been so shy. 5. If he doesn't save from now, he can't buy the car. 6. If people didn't drive so fast, there wouldn �t be so many accidents. · drove (more) slowly, would be fewer accidents. 7. She_ asked me whether I would accept it if. a stra_nger. gave me a lift on the way home. 8. Had/ seen the signal, I would have stopped. 9. "If I were you,/ would sell the car," my friend said. 10. I wouldn't/eel tired now'if I hadn't stayed up too late last night.




(Suggested answer)

These pie charts show changes in world population between 1900 and 2000. The major regions are represented as percentages of the total world population. From 1900 to 2000 Africa's percentage of world population increased from 4.5% to 10% while Latin America grew from 3% to 8% of world population. On the other hand, the percentage of population in Europe and Asia decreased during the same period. Europe dropped from 25% to 14% while Asia's percentage declined from 60% to 54%. North America, however, showed no change, remaining at 5% of world population both in· 1900 and 2000. The Middle East and North Africa, a new category in 2000, represented 6% of world population. The percentage of population in the remaining areas of the world rose slightly from 2.5% to 3%. Overall, this represents a huge increase in ·the number of humans on the planet from 1,600 million to 6 billion in just one hundred years. Most of this population growth has occurred in developing countries. 178


1. reservation 2. qualification 3. question 4. competition 5. direction 6. collection


7. translation 8. operation 9. exhibition 10. pollution 11. population 12. revolution




1. D. thrive 2. B. fr�me 3. B. frowzy 4. A. fl!!,Sh 5. C. frQntier II. 1. D. parade 2. C. represent 3. C. envelop 4. B. entertainment 5. A. special III. 1. anything 6. something - anybody 2. somebody· 7. anywhere 8. nobody 3. anybody 4. something 9. Nowhere 5. somebody - anybody 10. Nothing - anything IV. 1. Someone �Anyone 6. him 2.-Y 3. once



7. -v 8. anyt�ing


4. something


9. somewhere


5. everyone

�no one

10. someone

�anyone 179


1.occasionally 2.preparation 3.specialties/ specialities 4.impatient 5.membership

6.Unluckily 7. excitement 8.colourful 9.ripening 10.longevity

VI. 1.held 2.commemorate 3.lasts 4.dress up 5.opening ceremony

6.colourful procession 7.floats 8.sponsored 9. street entertainment 10.erected

11.stalls 12.traditional crafts 13.puppet shows 14.attracts 15.local event

VII. 1.with/ in 2.more 3.let 4.whatever 5.to

6.into 7.a 8.their 9.for 10.when/ where

11.in 12.until/ till 13.whose 14. are 15.many

• VIII. I. A


3. C



IX. 1.you doing anything 2.anyone who/ that saw 3.someone who/ that starts 4.anyone who/ that deliberately starts 5.was saying something, but Bob 6. everyone's surprise, Tom left 7.there was nothing wrong/ nothing was wrong 8.more beautifully than anybody 9.no one else apart from / except (for)/ but (for) 10.there was something wrong with / something was going wrong with X. 1.Teachers' Day in Vietnam falls on the twentieth of November each year. 2. Generally / In general, it is meant for schoolchildren to show their appreciation to their teachers who have painstakingly guided them in their studies. 180

3. It is a time to forget the bad experiences students may have of their teachers scolding and punishing them. 4. Students give their teachers flowers and small gifts. 5. Such gestures are small in comparison to the teachers' dedication and hard work. 6. Small parties are held and there is an atmosphere of fun and amazement in the school.

FUN CORNER 1.a 6.-b

FESTIVALS.AND FEAST DAYS 4.d 2.a 5.c 3.a 9.b 10.C 8.c 7.d

FIRST SEMESTER TEST Time: 60 minutes (Total: 100 points)

PART I. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. A.cr�ft 2. C.honest 3. D. gr.Q!!P 4. B.clean 5. B.pride PART II. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. A.influence 2. D.continue 3. B.population 4. C.eradication 5. B. government PART III. lOp x 2 = 20p 1. B 2.A 3.C 6.A 7. B 8.C

4.D 9.B

5.D 10.D


PART IV._ Sp x 2 = lOp 1.C (not to enter) 2.A (telephoned) 3. B (didn't) 4. A (anyone/ anybody) 5.B (stealing/ having stolen)

PART V. lOp x 2 = 20p 1.A 6.B

2.B 7. A

3.C. 8.C

4.C 9. D

5. D 10. C



PART VI. Sp x 2 = lOp 1.B



PART VII. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. I haven't really enjoyed myself since your birthday party. 2. Mike advised Tom to join the voluntary ·team the next I following day. 3. If he had tried his best, he could have won the race. 4. Jane accused Henry of damaging I having damaged her camera. 5. Th�re's nothing (that) I wouldn't do for you.

PART VIII. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. Tet holiday is the time · when Vietnamese people celebrate the beginning of spring. 2. The world's population was about 6.6 billion in 2000 and it is expected to be over 7 billion by 2015. 3. I would be very grateful if you could send me the · details of the competition. 4. While the number of literate males increased sharply from 2000 to 2005, that of literate females went down dramatically. 5. I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company and hope to get more assistance and cooperation. 182


THE POST OFFICE 1. B. Sp�nish 2. A. skies 3. D. scholar 4. B. steak 5. C. st!!,dious II. 1. D. secure 2. C. telegram 3. B. facsimile 4. A. service 5. A. distribution 5. D 4.A 3. C III. 1.B 2.A 9.B 7. D 10. A 8.B 6. C ;"' 6. who IV. 1. who / that 2. which / that 7. when 3. who I whom /that 8. which 9. which 4. whose 10. whose 5. where V. 1. The geologist, who lectured at Centre Hall last night, predicted another earthquake. 2. I have good memories of my hometown-which/ that is situated in a valley. 3. Mrs. Dark, whose son won the first pri.ze of the spelling contest, is very happy. 4. 1945 is the year when the revolution took place. 5. I enjoyed Mexico City, where I spent my vacation last summer. 6. Kuala Lumpur, which is a major trade centre in South East Asia, is the capital city of Malaysfa. 7. Did the barber who cut your hair do a good job? 8. Yesterday I ran into an old friend who/ whom I hadn't seen for years. 9. Is that the restaurant where I will meet you tomorrow? 10. Ms. Hoa, who/ whom we met last Friday, works in the City post office. I.


VI. 1. from

2. which/ that 3. had/ needed 4. the 5. out

VII. 1.A 6. C 11.B VIII. 1.T 6. NI

6. took 7. made 8. that 9. off/ out 10. have

11. and 12. what 13. were 14.There 15. been

2. D




7.A 12. C

8.D 13.A

9.A 14. C

10. B 15.A







9. NI

10. NI

IX. 1. John is the kind of person that I like. 2. Mr. Phong was the first person whos� advice I asked for. 3. There was not a¡ single house in the street which had escaped undamaged. 4. It is an event that I would rather forget. 5.There is only one of his b�oks which I have not read. X.

1. I have just returned from the holiday in Malaysia and I can say (that) it was a nightmare from start to finish. 2. When I chose Dragon Tourist . I was under the impression that I was dealing with a company (that) I could rely on but I am quite wrong. 3.The trouble started even before I left the country. 4. To begin with, the plane was overbooked, which meant (that) I myself and ten other passengers were forced to go on another plane an hour later. 5. Unfortunately, our luggage was still on the first plane so that there was a further .delay to sort out the mess when we finally arrived at the airport in Kuala Lumpur. 6. The "Luxury" hotel as advertised in the brochure was under construction, which meant that there was constant sound and we did/ could not have the peaceful and relaxing holiday (which) we had looked forward to. 7. My room was much smaller than (I had) expected and throughout my stay I never managed to get the shower to work properly - the water was either too hot or too cold.


8. Another thing in brochure was that the hotel was only a few minutes from the sea but it was 25 to be exact. 9. Finally, on the return journey I found myself sitting among a group of smokers despite the fact that I had specifically .asked for a non - smoking seat. 10. This is the worst holiday I have ever had in my life, and I demand to get my money back. If not, you will hear from my lawyer. FUN CORNER SORT THEM OUT Verb & Noun: tour, remark, photograph, phone, escape, smile, drop, plan, copy, journey, delay, match, land, guide, quarrel, dress, guess Verb: eat, arrive, learn, deliver, marry, speak, follow, satisfy, collect, teach, lend, entertain, remember Noun: pat�, luck, peace, tent, opinion, middle, crime, enemy,· danger, planet

WRI1TEN TEST 3 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. D. fl!!te 2. C. sp�cies 3. C. flood 4. B. sp�cious 5. A. stow PART II. lOp x 2 = 20p 1. B 6. B

2. C 7. C

3. C 8. C

4.D 9.D

5.A 10. B 185

PART III. Sp x 2 = top 1.distribution 2. speedy 3. notify 4.satisfaction ¡5. thoughtful

--- PARTIV. top x 2 = 20p 6.prefer 7.their 8.which 9.where IO.open

1.by 2.offer/ provide 3.addition 4.other 5.rent

PART V. Sp x 2 = top 1. A (which) 2. C (nobody) 3. B (were) 4. B (whose) 5. D (green ones)


PART VI. Sp x 2 = top


1.If the post office weren 'tfar from my house, I wouldn 't have to cycle there. were near 2. The man who/ that stopped me on the street asked for directions. 3.Anyone who/ that understands this book is cleverer than I am/ me. 4. Nam said that if he didn't receive her letter the next day, he would phone her. 5. That's the girl whose father used to work with mine.

PART VII. Sp x 4 = 20p 1. I am not satisfied with the security conditions of your post office because there isn't anyone there to keep the customers' motorcycles. 2. There are several national celebrations in Vietnam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday. 186

3. It can be seen that South Asia accounts for thirty-two per cent of the world population. 4. One of Tet's most special foods i� banh chung, which is made from sticky rice, yellow mung beans and fatty pork. 5. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original · shape, our facsimile service will help you.·




1. B. sm�ll 2. C. smile 3. D. sweater 4. A. crown 5. D. swQllen 1. A. capture 2·. B. endanger 3. D. animal 4. D. environment 5. C. nature

III. 1. B 6.A

2. C 7. C

3.A 8.D

4.D 9.A

5. B 10. B


1. of which 2. about whom 3. to which 4. to whom 5. w}:iich

6. whose 7. where / in which 8. for which 9. of whom 10. with whom


1. endangered 2. survivor 3. peacefully 4. fertilizers 5. pollutants

6. environmentalists 7. extinction 8. maintenance 9. disappeared 10. organizations 187


1.where 6.no 2.how · 7.a/ per/ each/ every 3. anybody/ anyone 8.The 4.tried/ threatened 9.whose 10.yet/ but/ though 5-.after 4.B 2.D 3.C VII. 1.B 5. B 10.A 7. B 9. C 8.C 6.A 11.B 12.A 13.D 14. B 15.C �·which VIII. 1.that 2.who �whom 3.in where �where / in which 4.in when

�when / in which

·5.there 6.them

�0 �whom


�whose �which

11.of 12.as 13. If/ Provided/ Providing 14.to 15.will/ can

8.!! 9.with whom� about.whom

�who / that 10.whom IX. 1.the time at which 2.his roommates, both of whom 3.magazine,, the title of which 4.the person whose picture 5. reasons, few of which 6.our friends, with whom we 7.the hill, from which we 8.the man who opened 9.which we were looking 10.whom I talked yesterday was X. 1. Tam Dao, which is a tourist area in Tam Dao mountain, runs on a 50 km trip. 2. Tam Dao is located in the boundary of three provinces of Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc and Tuyen Quang. 3.Tam Dao town is about 75 km north-west of Hanoi. 188

I '

4. It is easily accessible by all means of transport. 5. The Tam Dao mountainous range is easily recognized with its 3 peaks: Thien The, Thach Ban and Phu Nghia which look like three islands··standing out of a cloudy mass. 6. Tam Dao is endowed with the _Silvery Water Falls, which are beautiful and have lively scenery. 7. Forestall resources in Tam Dao are rich and diversified with more than 620 flora species. 8. Specially / In special there are valuable woods such as "Pomu'', many medicinal herbs and a number of valuable ·vegetables. 9. Wild animals in Tam Dao mountains are plentiful. 10. There are also other tourist spots such as Xa Huong lake, Tay Thien temple and a number of historic sites.



1. rat 2. parrot 3. lion 4. bear 5. tiger 6. deer 7. rabbit

8. camel 9. snake 10. pig 11. mouse 12. goat 13. donkey



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. shrine C. spryce D. thrQ!!gh A. spread D. sh�me 189


2.A 4.D 1. C 5. B 3. C 7. D 9. B 6. C 8.A 10. C III. 1. It is important to be polite to people living in the same building. 2.Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome. 3. In Venezuela, there are plants eating insects with their roots. 4. The students not coming to class yesterday explained their absence to the teacher. 5. My friend lives in a small village situated on the banks of Red River. 6.Did you get the message concerning the special meeting? 7. Be sure to follow the instructions given at the top of the page. 8. The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary. 9. The psychologists studying the nature of sleep have made important discoveries. 10. The experiment conducted at the National University was successful. IV.

1. Corn was one of the agricultural products which were introduced to the European settlers by the Indians. 2. The sunlight which comes through the window wakes me up early every morning. 3. Two-thirds of those who were arrested for car theft are under twenty years of age. 4. Any student who doesn't want to go to the trip should inform the office. 5. Neil Armstrong was the first person who set foot on the moon. 6. The road which joins the two; villages is very narrow. 7. There were some children who were swimming in the river. 8. The police have just found the money which was / had been stolen in the bank robbery. 9. This is the third person who was offered the job. 10.A lot of people who were invited to the party cannot come.


1. Lan is the first student to enter the classroom this morning. 2.Are you the last person to leave the office yesterday? 3. This is the fifth person to be late for the meeting today. 4. Minh was the only student to answer the question correctly. 5.Am I the next person to join the interview?


6. consumption 1. electricity 7. ecologists 2. Unfortunately 8. exhaustion 3. daily 4. plentiful 9. disadv�ntages 10. Researchers 5. renewable VII. 1. wooden 6. impossible --+- unable --+- wood 2. will burn --+- would burn 1. were changes --+- have been changes 8. coal enough --+- enough coal --+- widely 3. wide --+- does not --+- used 4. using 9. will not 10. been used --+- be used 5. much of --+- many of 4. C 5..B 3. D VIII. 1. B · 2. A 6. A 9.B 10. C 8. B 7. D 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C. 4.B 3. B IX. 1. B 5. C 2. C X. (Suggested answer) · The graph shows that countries in the developed world produce far more CO2 than developing countries. Not surprisingly, North America is the chief culprit producing 19.34 tonnes of CO2 per person per year. This is almost. double all the OECD countries combined. In contrast to this, Latin America and the Caribbean produce the smallest levels of CO2 emission at 2.58 tonnes per person per year. European nations almost emit huge amounts of CO2 with Central and Eastern Europe producing 9.25 tonnes per capital, and Western Europe slightly less. However, this figure is still only half the North American statistics. Countries in Africa and the Asia/Pacific area, on the other hand, are only responsible for considerably smaller amounts. VI.


WORDS BEGINNING WITH CAR• 1. caravan 2. careful 3. carrot 4. cardigan 5. cart · 6. carriage

7. carpenter 8. caramel 9. cargo 10. card 11. C_aribbean 12. carpet


WRI1TEN TEST 4 Time: 45 minutes

(Total: 100 points) PART I. 2p x 5 = lOp 1. A. resource 2. B. potential 3. C. geothermal ¡ 4. D. natural 5. C. nuclear PART II. 2p x 10 = 20p 1.A 4.A 2. C 3.B 9.B 8.B 7. C 6. D PART III. 2p x 5 = top 1. existence 2. Environmental 3. naturalists 4. unlimited 5. conservation PART IV. 2p x 10 = 20p 1. enough 6. are 2. import 7. for 3. few 8. proven 4. where 9. than 10. most 5. has PART V. 2p x 5 = lOp 1.B (showing / that show) 2. A (who sits / sitting) 3.A (whom) 4. C (to win) 5.A (which) PART VI. 2p x 5 = lOp 1. neither of which 2. who/ that don't get 192

5. B 10.A

3. one of whom was 4. which is specially designed 5. to be able to speak/ who is able to speak PART VII. 4p x 5 = 20p 1. When water moves from a high place to a lower -one, it makes eneitg:�c 2. Every day the sun releases large amounts of energy which/ thatcak.b� changed into electricity. 3. How to make full use of alternative sources of energy is a questj:�:ijJ�or· researchers all over the world. 4. The number of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly that they �.e;in<< danger of becoming extinct. . . . .. · 5. Scientists have made lists of endangered species and suggested save them. ,- ,, ,,






1. D. steak 2. B. strike 3. C. scr_fil)e 4. D. sc�nery 5. A. strQP II. I . A. advance 2. D. cultural 3. C. preparation 4. B. introduce 5. A. silver 2.B,C,D III. 1. A,D 7. A 6.B,C IV. 1. knowledgeable 2. deepen 3. strength 4. participants 5. Athletics

4.B 3.C,D 9.B 8.C,D 6. enthusiasm 7. variet,.. 8. Traditional 9. performance 10. disabled

5. D 10. A



1. ......Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is ..... . 2.......Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. 3.......seismographs, sensitive instruments that measure the shaking of the ground. 4.......Dead Sea, the lowest place on the earth's surface, is ...... 5.......Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. 6.......lasers, devices that produce a powerful beam of light. 7. Mexico, the northernmost country in Latin America, lies ...... 8.......Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. 9. New York City, the largest city in the United States, faces ...... I0. The aardvark, an African animal that eats ants and termites, lives


1.B 6.D II.A

2. C 7.B 12.A

3.A 8.D 13.A

4.D 9.B 14.D

5.B 10. C 15. C

VII. I. (They are held) every four years. 2. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) does. 3. He/ She wins bronze medal. 4. (They are accompanied by) national anthems and flags. 5. (They were held) in Doha, Qatar from December' I to December 15, 2006. VIII. I. which 2. in it 3. wants 4.!Q_ 5.-V 6. swept 7. that ..8. who's 9.-V 10. i!


� who/ whom/ that / 0 �0 � wanting / who wants � to whom � sweeping/ which swept � which � whose �0



1. The teacher I like most is Mrs. Lien. 2. The subject Dr. Gold spoke about was interesting. 3. Nga knows the woman meeting us at the airport. 4. The book on the table belongs to the teacher. 5. I read about a man keeping chickens in his apartment. 6. A ·barrel is a large container made of wood or metal. 7. Isaac Newton, a famous English scientist, discovered the theory of gravity. 8. The architect we work with is brilliant. 9. Nam was the third person to get mark IO in maths. 10. Mr. Lee is the person in charge of the teamwork.


I . Diamond is a �odern sports centre which is ideal for people of all ages. 2. It is situated on the outskirts of town near Pennygold Park and is easy to get by bus. 3. The centre has an indoor swimming· pool and there is a fully-equipped gymnasium. 4. There is a large sports hall with facilities for a number of team games such as volleyball and basketball, as well as four outdoor tennis courts. 5. The centre has six qualified members of staff who are responsible· for supervision and they can offer advice on individual training programmes. 6. They also organize a full programme of competitions at different levels of ability, which all members are encouraged to take part in. 7. There is a cafe with good choice of interesting and healthy food, 8. and you can enjoy a full meal, a snack· or just relax with a refreshing drink. 9. The centre opens/ is open every day from 8.00 in the morning to/ until I 0.00 in the evening. I 0. With specially reduced membership rates for students and retired people, the Diamond Sports Centre offers excellent value for anyone who wants/ wanting to keep in good shape and make lots of new friends.


FUN CORNER ACTIVITIES 6. fishing 7. rock climbing 8. hang-gliding 9. water-skiing 10. ice-skating

I. weightlifting 2. motor racing 3. horse riding 4. cycling _5. dancing



. I. B. grabbed 2. A. stampJ:. 3. D.12.sychology 4. D. brid.fI 5. C. stopped


l. A. indeed 2. C. gigantic 3'. D. politician 4. B. accomplish 5. D. landscape


1.A 6. D


1. classify 2. guitarist 3. understanding 4, collecting 5. successful


1. It is my father that watches the news on TV every evening. 2. It was in a chair that she sat because she was tired.


2. B 7. C

3. B 8. B

4.A 9. C

5. C 10.A

6. beautiful 7. accomplished 8. interested 9. information 10. discarded

3. It was the picture that we hung on the wall of the sitting-room. 4. It was a pair of shoes that Hoa's parents bought her on her 16th birthday. 5. It is in her room that Sally is listening to music. 6. It was a few minutes ago that! set your dictionary on the table. 7. It is the teacher that is correcting papers at her desk. 8. It is four courses that I am taking next semester. 9. It was under a tree that we stood when it started to rain. 10. It is Mr. Phong that has done a lot of researches on that subject. �to � variety 6� from VI. 1. various 7. to keen �on keeping 2. history �historical 8. sell �sale 3. most strange � strangest 9. either �too 4. theirs �them �which �one 10. that 5. once 5.B Vii. 1. C 4.B 2.A 3. D 8. D 10.C 9.A 7.C 6.A 12. D 13.B 14.C 15.A 11.B 4.B 5.A VIII. I. D 2. D 3. D 5. D IX. 1.C 4.C 2.A 3.C X.

1. My hobby is collecting stickers. 2. It is also one of the most popular hobbies among children. 3. I started collecting stickers when I was four years old. 4. My hobby began through the influence of my neighbour, John. 5. One day when I was playing in his house, he showed me his stacks of sticker albums. 6. I was amazed to see so many colourful stickers of all shapes· and sizes.. 7. He gave me a few pieces from his collection and my interest in stickers started from that day. 8. I kept my first set ·of stickers in a scrapbook but my subsequent collections were kept in beautiful boxes. 9. By keeping the stickers in boxes, I can exchange some of my stickers with my friends conveniently without damaging. them. 10. Duri�g my free time, I will bring out all my lovely collections, lay them on the ground and admire them. 197

FUN CORNER · Dressmaking: buttons, needles, pattern, pins, tape measure, thimble, thread Gardening: flowerpots, fork, hoe, hose, rake, spade, trowel Photography: camera, film, filter's, flash, lens, light meter, tripod Woodwork: chisel, hammer, nails, plane, saw, screws, vice



1. D.friend§. 2. A.bridged 3. B.sport§. 4. D.decides 5. C.watched II. 1. B.include 2. A.athletics 3. C.entertainment 4. D. undertake 5. B.leisure HI. I.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5. B 6.A 8.A 7.C 10.B 9. C �were IV. 1. was 2.neither have �have neither �that 3.which 4.are �is -) does Mai play 5.Mai plays -) I 6.me -) both had 7.had.both 8.can't �can �was given 9.gave 10.enj�y not only �not only enjoy


1. He has neither a pen nor paper. 2. Both Tom and Bob enjoy horseback riding. - Not only Tom but also Bob enjoys horseback riding. 3. You can have either tea or coffee. 4. Neither Mark nor David is in class today. 5. We can either fix dinner for them here or take them to a restaurant. 6. He wants to buy either-a Mercedes or a Toyota. 7. Both the leopard and the tiger face extinction. - Not only the leopard but also the tiger faces extinction. 8. Neither the library nor the bookstore has the book I need. 9. Both small pox and malaria are dangerous diseases. - Not only small pox but also malaria is a dangerous disease. 10. Neither her roommates nor her brother knows where she is. VI. 1. However 6. and/ while/ as 11. their 12. each. 7. that 2. cases 8. from 3. its 13ďż˝ one 14. had 9. which/ that 4. were 5. well 10. more/ some/ 15. on greater/ increased 5.C 4. B VII. 1. B 2.A 3.C 7. D 8.A 6.A 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.A 13. D 14. B 15.A VIII. 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. B IX. 1. Both wheat and corn are grown on our farm. 2. EHher John or Mary has that book. 3. Neither Mai nor Lan was at the party last night. 4. Not only his sister but also his cousin is living in London. 5. Was it the telephone that was invented by Thomas Edison? X. 1. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspaper and watch television. 2. I had begun feeling bored with this and so last weekend I thought I would do something different. 3. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. 199

4. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten years. 5. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even t�ough it meant that we needed to get up very early. 6. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to s�e some of the famous buildings. 7. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. 8. In the afternoon.two of us went shopping and the others went to the theatre. 9. We met up _again at 6.30 p.m and went to a small restaurant in Soho. I0. The meal was really good but, fortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. 11. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. 12. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our/ the coach left. FUN CORNER


2 m

3 g

4 C

5 n

6 J

7 a

8 k

9 f

WRITTEN TEST 5 Time: 45 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. Sp x 2 = lOp I. B. shop� 2. D. scratched 3. C. squ�sh 4. A. cycles 5. C. WQnder PART II. lOp x 2 = 20p I. D 2. B 3. A 7. C 6. A 8. D 200

4. C 9. C

5. B lb. B

10 1

11 1

12 b

13 d

14 h

PART III. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. households 2. activities 3. collectors 4. participants 5. entertainment PART IV. lOp x 2 = 20p 3. D 1. B 2.C 8. D 7. B 6.C

4.B 9.C

5.A 10.A

PART V. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. B (that) 2. D (has) 3.C (either)_ 4. C (is cleaned) 5. A (0) PART VI. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. He neither plays the guitar nor sings well. 2. Both Lan and Hoa went camping last Sunday. 3. It was the house that was built by my grandfather in 1970. 4. Not only my uncle but also my brother is working in New York., 5. Neither John nor Nam got up early this morning. PART VII. Sp x 4 = 20p 1. We have a lot of things to do to prepare for the coming Asian Games. 2. Viet likes collecting stamps and he has hundreds of predous stamps in his collection. 3. British people are very interest�d in watching and taking part in sports. 4. My brother is very good at accompanying people singing with his guitar. 5. The 1st Asian Games, which was held in New Delhi, India in 1951, attracted nearly 500 athletes from 11 countries.




1. D.rent§. 2. B.changes 3. C.southern 4. A.raise 5. A.joined


1.C 6.D

2.B 7.A

3. D 8.A

III. 1. weightlessness 2.historic 3.failure 4. worldwide 5.satisfaction IV.




6.psychological 7.uncertainties 8.successful 9.independently 10.Unfortunately

1.can't come 2. could/ was able to run 3.can wait 4.couldn't eat 5.can speak 1.didn't she 2.could he 3.isn't it 4.isn't it 5.can't they

5. B 10.C

4.C 9.B

6.couldn't / weren't able to find · 7. were able to persuade 8.haven't been able to sleep 9. could smell 10.can't hear

6.aren't I 7. will you 8. was he 9.are there 10.have you

1.another � other 2.simple � simply 3.as � like 4.that � which 5.six-days� six-day

6.gone 7.as well 8.high 9.succeed 10.continuing

. t



� tall. � successful � to continue

6. who VII. 1. another 11. may/ might 7. became 12. which/ that 2. of 8. would 13. capable 3. a 14. Until/ Till 9.By 4. it 15. in 10. have 5. for VIII. I. B 2.B 5. D 4.C 3. A IX. 1. happy as I could be 2. could be one of 3. be serviced, mustn't it 4. can't (possibly) be the 5. can't possi�ly have opened X. 1. Yuri Gagarin was born on a collective farm in a region west of Moscow, Russia on March 91h , 1934. 2. Yuri attended the local school for six years and continued his education at vocational and technical schools. 3. He joined the Russian Air Force in 1955 and graduated with honors from the Soviet Air Force Academy in 1957-. 4. By 1959, he had been selected for cosmonaut training as part of the first group of USSR cosmonauts. 5. On April 12, 1961 he became the first human to orbit Earth. 6. Yuri Gagarin's spacecraft, Vostok 1, circled Earth at a speed of 27,400 kilometers per hour. 7. At the highest point, Yuri Gagarin was about 327 kilometers above Earth. 8. Yuri Gagarin ejected after reentry into Earth's atmosphere and landed by parachute. 9. Yuri Gagarin died on March 2i\ 1968 when the MiG-15 he was piloting crashed near Moscow. IO. At the time of his death, Yuri Gagarin was in training for a second space m1ss1on.


FUN CORNER FAMOUS DATES 17 th December 1903


24 August 1939


12th April 1961




2 March 1969 th

20 July 1969

21st July 1969

























[gj + � = � + � (14)

l!] + � = � + � (41)

Note: The dates in· numbers (e.g. 17.12.03) are in the British style: day, month, year. In the United States; a different order is used: month, day, year (e.g. 12.17.03)






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


D. wall§. C. ranked C. site A. places B. bright D. suggest B. dedicate C. pyramid C. mysterious A. wonder

Ill. 1.D 3.D 2.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 10.B 8.D 9.C IV. 1. It is said that he works 16 hours a day. - He is said to work 16 hours a day. 2. The boy is believed to be wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. 3. It was thought (that) Mike had paid too much. - Mike was thought to have paid too much. 4. It is known that the portrait was painted by Picasso. - The portrait is known to have been painted by Picasso. 5. The company is predicted to lose money this year. 6. She is said to have lived there for ten years. 7. It is thought that the· criminal is in hiding in the London a�ea. - The criminal is thought to be in hiqing in the London area. 8. The building is reported to' have been badly damaged by fire. 9. There is said to be a secret tunnel between them. I 0.It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. - The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window. V. 1.C 2.F 3.D 4.H 5.J 8.G 9.1 10.E 6.A 7.B VI. 1.after 6.protect 11.journey 2.into 7.who/ that 12.were 3.greater/ larger 8.accompany 13.built/ constructed 4.died 9.with 14.how 5.one 10.on 15.remains/ is 2.A VII. 1.B 3.A 5.A 4.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C VIII. 1.D 2.A 3.C. 4.A · 5.B IX. 1.He is alleged to have kicked a policeman. 2.The treasure is thought to date back from the thirteenth century. 3.People say that Byron lived on vinegar and potatoes. 4.It was believed that he was in town last night. 5.People are saying that the government is spending too little money on road. 6. Carrier pigeons are said to have. been used by early Egyptian and Greek sailors.



7. The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30. 8. People believed tha_t the earth was flat for a long time. 9. Vitamin C is known to be good for treating colds. 10. The two injured men are thought to ·have been repairing overhead cables. 1. Christ Redeemer (1931) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil This statue of Jesus stands some 38 meters tall, atop the Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio de Janeiro. Designed by Brazilian Heitor da Silva Costa and created by French sculptor Paul Landowski,. it is one of the world's best-known monuments. The statue , took five years to construct and was inaugurated on October 12, 1931. It has become a symbol of the city and of the warmth of the Brazilian people, who receive visitors with open arms. 2. J'he Roman Colosseum (70 - 82 A.D.) Rome, Italy This great amphitheater in the centre of Rome was built to give favors to successful legionnaires and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Its design concept still stands to this very day, and virtually every modem sports. stadium some 2,000 years later still bears the irresistible imprint of the Colosseum's original design. Today, through films and history books, we are even more aware of the cruel fights and games that took place in this arena, all for the joy of the spectators.


2. slY}oNEY HARB!ouaj BRIDGE

3. li!]ADRfi}AN,� WALL


5. v@c@oRIA FALL�

6. �T EV�ST


[jm E@pFEL TOWE�

Q)MY @ YOUR ®HIS 206




FINAL TEST Time: 60 minutes (Total: 100 points) PART I. 5p x 2 = !Op 1. A. tQmb 2. B. land� 3. C. though 4. D. reached 5. C. threat PART II. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. D. release 2. C. messenger 3. A. represent 4. C. universal 5. B. affect PART HI. 10p x 2 = 20p 2.A. 3.C 4.B 1.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D PART IV. Sp x 2 = lOp 1.A (to be living) 2.C (is) 3.C (0) 4. B (would be) 5.C (not to) PART V. lOp x 2 = 20p 3.C 2.B 4.A 5.D 1.A 10. C 8. A 9.C 6.D 7.B PART VI. Sp x 2 = lOp 1.C 2.C 3.B 4. C 5.A PART VII. Sp x 2 = 10p 1. Two people are reported to have been killed in the car accident. 2.Both Mary and her sister like collecting dolls.


3. The man to whom I spoke yesterday is a famous athlete. 4. He asked the children not to make too much noise. 5. They accused the boy of stealing I having stolen the computer. PART VIII. Sp x 2 = lOp 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza is believed to have been built over a 20 year period. 2. Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon on July 20th , 1969. 3. For people who are interested in art there are courses in painting or drawing. 4. Whenever my brother finds a book which is interesting he buys it immediately. 5. It is hoped that Vietnam will become a host country of the Asian Games and receive more medals in a variety of sports events.





Time: 90 minutes (Total: 100 points) 1. B. enlist 2. D. recipient 3. C. aspiration 4. D. official 5. A. fertilizer 6. A 16.B 7.B 17.B 8.C 18.D 9. D 19.C 10. D 20.B 11. A 21. D 12.B 22. A 13.C 23.B 14: A 24.C 15.C 25. D

26.B 27. A 28. D 29.C 30.B 31. D 32.B 33. A 34.B 35.C

III. 36.C 37;B 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.D 42.B 43. A 44.B 45.D 46. A 47. A 48.D 49.C 50.C IV. 51.C 52.D 53.B 54.C 55. A 56.D 57.B 58.C 59. A 60.B V. 61.B (complained) 62.D (honesty) 63. A (When they live in big cities) 64.C (to travel) 65.B (happened) VI. 66.C 67.D 68. A 69.B 70.C VII. 71.B 72. A 73.C 74.D 75. A VIII. 76.C 77.B 78. A 79.D 80.C





3 5 12 19 27 30 37


52 55 63 71 76 83 86 93 101 104 111 120 128 132 139 147 152 160

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