Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection
Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
Cụm động từ tiếng Anh
Ví dụ
Account for: - form the total of st
- to explain
- chiếm bao nhiêu
- The Japanese market accounts for
35% of the company’s revenue.
- giải thích
- The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
Exercise 1: 1. Recent pressure at work may ______ his strange behavior. A. look for
B. account for
C. ask for
D. come in for
2. High-tech companies ______ 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the area. A. go in for
B. ask for
C. look for
D. account for
Act as st: - do a particular job
- have a particular effect
- làm một công việc cụ
- He was asked to act as an adviser
on the project.
- có tác dụng/vai trò
- The launch of the new investment
nhất định
trust will act as a support for this market.
Act for sb/st = on behalf of
- đại diện cho ai/ cái gì
- The Council of Mortgage Lenders claims to act for 98% of lenders.
Act on/upon st = do st
- làm việc gì theo chỉ
- The Board of Directors will act on
following (advice/
dẫn/lời khuyên của ai
the findings in the report.
instructions, ect.)
Act up: - behave badly/ wrongly
- cư xử tệ, phá đám
- Sophie got bored and started acting up.
- not perform as well as it
- không hoạt động tốt
should Act out = behave badly 3
- My car always acts up in cold weather.
- quấy, nhiễu
- These kids act out because their 4
because of unhappiness
lives are a mess.
Act st out
Agree to st = accept st - đóng kịch
- role-play
người khác
agree on very much.
- chấp nhận điều gì đó
- I should never have
- Jennifer did a superb job acting
agreed to her appointment.
out the role of Auntie Marne in the
Agree with st = think that something is
- tán thành cái gì (xét
morally acceptable
về góc độ đạo đức)
Agree with sb = be good for health
- có lợi cho sức khỏe
- You look well - the
mountain air must agree
- express one’s negative
- bộc lộ cảm xúc
- I got tired of Mark constantly
(thường là tiêu cực)
acting his anger out on me, so I ended our relationship.
with you. Agree with sb about/ on st
Exercise 2: 3. My son is always so happy at home, so I can’t understand why he’s suddenly ______ at school. A. acting out
B. acted on
C. acting as
Agree to do st
B. up
C. for
B. out
C. for
B. has acted on
C. acts as
A. to D. up
B. on
C. for
A. to
B. on
C. for
B. on
C. for
B. act upon
C. acting up
C. with
B. on
C. with
B. on
C. for
A. to pay
A. to - on
D. as
B. to paying
C. paying
B. with - on
C. on - about
D. pay
D. with - to
16. I don’t agree ______ hitting children as a punishment. A. to
D. as
B. on
C. with
D. about
C. to
D. on
17. Too much meat does not agree ______ me. A. about
B. with
D. acted as ASK D. as
Ask about = try to get
- hỏi về cái gì
information AGREE 3
D. about
15. Although we like his plan in general, we don’t agree ______ him ________ every issue.
11. The children were acting ______ the story of the birth of Jesus. A. out
D. about
D. as
10. Children’s negative feelings often get ______ in bad behavior. A. acted out
B. on
14. In settling the dispute, he agreed ______ $60,000 in damages.
9. There have been concerns as to why the Board didn’t act ______ a recommended pay raise. A. out
- He agreed to help us.
D. is acting out
8. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act ______ both seller and buyer. A. out
about the need for change.
- đồng ý làm gì
13. After discussion, we all agree ______ that point.
7. She was authorized by the Commission to act ______ its behalf. A. out
vấn đề gì
12. They are unlikely to agree ______ these plans unless the cost is reduced.
6. Some people say that capital punishment ______ a deterrent. A. acts for
- He agreed with them
Exercise 3:
D. as
5. “Don’t act your aggressions ______ on me!”, she cried. A. upon
- đồng tình với ai về
D. acted for
4. Abraham was able to act ______ interpreter and interlocutor for our group. A. out
- I don’t agree with hunting.
Ask after = ask for news
Agree on/upon st:
- The interviewer asked me about my future plans.
- hỏi thăm ai
about sb (especially about
- He always asks after you in his letters.
- discuss and come to the same decision
- đồng ý sau khi thảo
- We couldn’t agree on what
their health)
about st
to buy.
Ask around = ask several
- hỏi nhiều người khác
- I don’t know of any vacancies in
- have the same opinion
- có cùng ý kiến với
- My father and I don’t
people in various places
the company but I’ll ask around.
- move backwards away from st
Ask back:
- lùi lại phía sau vì sự
- She saw that he had a gun and
- ask sb to come back for a
- mời ai quay lại buổi
- I made a mess of the interview
or sb, usually because of fear
second interview for a job
phỏng vấn thứ hai
and I wasn’t asked back.
- not support a plan or idea any
- không ủng hộ kế
- The government has backed
- invite sb to come back to
- mời ai quay trở lại nhà
- I hoped he wouldn’t ask me
hoạch/ý tưởng nữa
away from plans to increase
your house when you are
bạn khi cả hai đang cùng
both out together
nhau ở ngoài
Ask for = speak/write to sb
- xin cái gì
because you want them to
backed away.
taxes. Back down:
- He’s always reluctant to ask for
- admit that you were wrong or
- thừa nhận mình đã
- Eventually, Roberto backed
anyone’s help.
that you have been defeated
sai/thất bại
down and apologized.
- give up one’s opinion
- bỏ, chùn lại, thoái lui
- She backed down in the face of
give you st Ask sb out = invite sb to go
- mời ai đó đi ăn/đi chơi
- She asked Steve out to the
(nhất là khi mói bắt đầu
cinema this evening.
strong opposition. Back off: - rút lui, nhượng bộ
một mối quan hệ)
- choose not to take action, in
Ask in = invite sb to come
- mời ai vào trong
- I’d ask you in for a coffee if I
order to avoid a difficult
into st
(nhà, phòng)
did not have to get up early for
work in the morning.
- stop threatening, criticizing or
- ngừng đe doạ, chỉ trích,
- The press have agreed to back
annoying sb
làm phiền ai
off and leave the couple alone.
Exercise 4:
Back out = decide not to do st
- rút lại lời hứa
- You agreed to come. You can’t
18. I spoke to James today. He was ______ you.
that you had said you would do
A. asking around
B. asking back
C. asking for
D. asking after
B. ask out
C. ask after
B. ask - back
C. ask - round
D. ask around
B. ask round
- ủng hộ
- support D. ask - after
- I’ll back you up if they don’t believe you.
- make a copy of information C. ask for
- The traffic is starting to back up on the M25.
21. I called them to ______ more details. A. ask out
back out now!
- đình trệ, trì hoãn
- delay
20. After the way you behaved, they’ll never ______ us ______ A. ask - in
from a confrontation.
Back up:
19. I have no idea, but I’ll ______ at work and see if anyone can help. A. ask in
- The government backed off
D. ask back
- sao lưu (dữ liệu)
stored on a computer
- It’s a good idea to back up your files onto a memory stick.
22. It took Juan a long time to build up the courage to ______ Mariella ______ ,but at last he did and she said yes. A. ask - out
Exercise 5: B. ask - round
C. ask - back
D. ask - after
25. Local residents have forced the local council to _______ from its plans to build a nightclub on their
23. They’re Bill’s friends, so I ______ them ______. A. ask - after
B. asked - in
C. ask - back
street. D. ask - for
A. ask around
24. First I’d like to ______ you a few questions ______ your childhood. A. ask - out
B. ask - about
C. ask - back
C. account for
D. act as
26. The United States had no intention of _______ in its bitter row over farm subsidies. D. ask – after
A. backing down
B. backing away
C. backing out
D. backing up
27. She ______ the menacing look on his face.
B. back down
Back away: 7
A. backed down from
B. backed up
C. backed away from
D. backed out of 8
28. The government has backed ______ its nuclear weapons strategy. A. down
B. out
- hurt sb or damage st
C. up
D. away from
C. up
D. away
- làm bị thương/ làm hư
- I got really banged up in that car
29. Back ______! There’s no need to yell at me. A. down
B. off
Exercise 6:
30. She proved her plan was practical, therefore, he had to ______. A. back off
B. backed down
35. My parents are always ______ about how much better life was 20 years ago.
C. back out
D. backed up
A. banging up
31. They ______ the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract. A. backed away from
B. backed out of
C. backed down from
D. backed down on
A. about
B. off
B. down
D. away
A. bang down
B. back down
B. on
C. down
D. up
B. bang on
C. bang out
D. bang about
38. He banged himself ______ on the bed and fell asleep.
C. out
D. up
A. about
34. There was an accident, so the traffic was starting to ______ in both directions. A. back up
D. banging down
next period.
C. up
33. Back all your files ______ onto a storage device or Cloud. A. off
C. banging about
37. I totally forgot that paper was due today, so I’m just going to ______ something to give the teacher
32. The writer doesn’t back ______ his opinions with examples. A. down
B. banging on
36. I could hear her in the kitchen banging ______.
C. back off
B. down
C. up
D. out
39. I sat down and banged ______ some funny songs to entertain my friends.
D. back away
A. out
B. on
C. down
D. up
40. You become a rebel if you are ______ in a cell 23 hours a day. BANG 6
Bang about – move around
- làm ầm ĩ
A. banged down - We heard children banging about upstairs.
B. banged on
A. out
B. on
Bang down = put st down
C. down
- nói đi nói lại, nói mãi
- He is always banging on about
Bear on - affect/ relate to
- ảnh hưởng, liên quan
Bear out = support/ confirm
- ủng hộ/ xác nhận
his quarrel with his wife. - đánh vào cái gì một
- Please stop banging on that
cách liên tục
- đặt mạnh cái gì xuống
- He banged the book down on the
violently and loudly
Bear up = deal with
- xử trí, giải quyết
- play a tune on the
- chơi dở
- I think your sister is trying to
piano very loudly and badly
(đàn, nhạc)
bang out Hot Cross Buns on the
Bear with = be patient with
- mang/đưa đi
- I got a bad mark because I had
banged out my writing.
- The baby was bear away to be bathed.
- kiên nhẫn với
piano. - làm qua loa cho
- What did you do to bear up the shock?
Bear away = take/ carry st/sb
- If you tell them what happened I will bear you out (on it).
table and went to the door.
- complete a task quickly or
- I don ‘t see how that information bears on this case.
Bang out:
- Just bear with me while I finish downloading this file.
Exercise 7:
Bang up: - be in prison
D. up
to others - strike st repeatedly
D. banged up
41. He was drunk, crashed his car into a tree and banged ______ it.
Bang on: - keep talking about st boring
C. banged out
42. The bride kisses her parents goodbye and is ______ by her young husband. - bị đi tù
- He was banged up for ten years.
A. borne on
B. borne away
C. borne up
D. borne out
43. These are matters that ______ the welfare of the community. 9
A. bear on
B. bear out
C. bear with
D. bear up
A. out
44. If you’ll just ______ me for a moment, I’ll find you a copy of the drawings. A. bear on
B. bear out
C. bear with
B. bearing out
D. bear up
C. bearing up
B. bear out
D. down
A. beat down
B. beat out
C. beat off
D. beat on
C. beating off
D. beat on
49. I could feel the sun ______ on my head. D. bearing with
A. beat down
46. The other witnesses will ______ what I say. A. bear on
C. up
48. Virgin Airlines must ______ stiff competition to win the contract.
45. "How has she been since the funeral?" - "Oh, she’s ______ " A. bearing on
B. out of
B. beating down
50. It’s time you stopped beating yourself ______ over this. C. bear with
D. bear up
A. out
B. off
C. up
D. down
51. He wanted £4,500 for the car, but I beat him ______ to £3,850. A. out
Beat down: - shine very brightly/ rain hard
B. off
C. up
D. down
C. beat off
D. beat on
52. His brother ______ the flames with a blanket. - toả nắng, mưa to
A. beat down
- The sun beat down,
B. beat out
parching the already dry BLOW
fields. - reduce the price of st by
- giảm giá của thứ gì đó
- The original price was
Blow down = knock st to the
- làm đổ, làm sập, thổi
- A big tree had blown down
nhờ mặc cả
£100,000, but we beat them
in the storm.
down to £95,000.
Blow in = arrive or enter a
- bất chợt đến/ bước vào
- Look who’s just blown in!
- lờ đi, không quan tâm
- Just blow off his comments,
Beat off = succeed in
- thành công trong việc
- The company was awarded
place suddenly
vượt qua/ngăn cản
the contract after beating off
Blow off
fierce competition
- ignore
he’s only joking.
Beat (up) on sb/Beat sb up: - hurt sb by hitting them a lot
- đánh đấm liên tục (vào
- Kids used to beat up on him
of times
- criticize sb unfairly
- trách mắng vô cớ
- She didn’t like being beaten
- move st off a surface
- thổi bay cái gì khỏi bề
- That wind today blew off all
of the clothes I’d hung on the clothesline.
up on by the press.
- make st explore
- làm nổ
side of the building.
Beat out: - stop a fire from burning by
- dập lửa bằng cái gì
hitting it with st - make sounds by drumming
Beat st out of sb = make sb tell you st by hitting them
- The bomb blasts blew off the
- đánh trống
- đánh ai đó bắt khai ra
- She beat out the flames with
Blow out:
a branch.
- extinguish/put out by blowing - thổi tắt
- The children were beating
- He blew out 60 candles on his birthday cake.
out on tins.
- disappoint sb by not meeting
- làm ai đó thất vọng vì
- She was supposed to go to
- The men claimed that the
them or not doing something
không gặp hay không
that party with me, but she
police had beaten the
that you had arranged to do
làm việc cả hai đã định
blew me out.
confession out of them.
together - đánh bại ai một cách dễ
- They’ve blown out every
team they’ve played this
- defeat sb easily Exercise 8: 47. They threatened to beat me ______ if I didn’t give them my wallet. 11
58. They ______ the door with a small charge of explosive.
season. Blow down = knock st to the
- làm đổ, làm sập, thổi
- A big tree had blown down
in the storm.
Blow in = arrive or enter a
- bất chợt đến/ bước vào
- Look who’s just blown in!
A. blew off
B. blew down
C. blew over
D. blew out
59. It is inevitable that tyres like that will ______ when travelling at a high speed. A. blow off
B. blow over
C. blow out
D. be blowing out
C. blew over
D. blew out
60. My dad ______ at me when he saw the bill.
place suddenly
A. blew up
Blow off - lờ đi, không quan tâm
- ignore
- fust blow off his comments,
A. blow down
he’s only joking. - move st off a surface
- thổi bay cái gì khỏi bề
- That wind today blew off all
of the clothes I’d hung on the
B. blew down
61. Tell the students to ______ the balloon and then tape the straw to the balloon. B. blow off
C. blow out
D. blow up
62. The storm raged all night but by morning it had ______. A. blown in
B. blown over
C. blown off
D. blown down
clothesline. - make st explore
- làm nổ
- The bomb blasts blew off the 10
side of the building.
- escape
- trốn thoát, thoát khỏi
his birthday cake.
- stop being member of a
- rời nhóm, tổ chức vì bất
- The people of the province
Blow out: - extinguish/put out by blowing - thổi tắt
Break away: - The prisoner broke away from his guard.
- He blew out 60 candles on
- disappoint sb by not meeting
- làm ai đó thất vọng vì
- She was supposed to go to
group because of a
đồng ý kiến và để gia
wished to break away and form a
them or not doing something
không gặp hay không
that party with me, but she
nhập nhóm khác
new state.
blew me out.
- end a relationship or
- kết thúc mối liên quan,
- The small racial faction broke
quan hệ
away from the independence
that you had arranged to do
làm việc cả hai đã định
together - đánh bại ai một cách dễ
- defeat sb easily
- They’ve blown out every team they’ve played this
Break down
- stop working
- (máy móc, phương tiện) - The telephone system has bị hư hỏng, không hoạt
Exercise 9: 53. My brother always just ______ with no warning and expects me to entertain him. A. blows down
B. blows out
C. blows up
D. blows in
- fail/be unsuccessful and so
- (hệ thống, mối quan hệ,
- Negotiations between the two
come to an end
thảo luận) không thành
sides have broken down.
54. The leaves of the trees ______ in the strong wind. A. blew off
B. were blown off
C. blew out
D. were blown up
- become upset
D. blew out
Break in:
55. A sudden gust of wind ______ the fence. A. blew off
B. blew down
C. blew over
- interrupt or disturb st/sb
56. He decided to sleep in and blow this class ______ A. out
B. up
C. off
B. blew down
C. blew over
- buồn bã và bắt đầu
- He broke down and wept when
he heard the news.
- ngắt lời, cắt ngang
- She longed to break in on their conversation but didn’t want to
D. down
appear rude.
57. The wind ______ the candle, so we couldn’t see anything. A. blew off
broken down.
D. blew out 13
- enter illegally
- đột nhập, xông vào trái
- Burglars had broken in while
stop being connected with
we were away.
Break through:
- bắt đầu làm gì
- He felt so happy that he broke
through the barriers despite
into song.
warnings from the police.
Break into: - suddenly begin to do st
- pass over st
quan hệ
years ago.
- vượt qua
- Several demonstrators broke
- enter a building or car by
- đột nhập vào (để trộm
- Someone broke into my car and
- find a way to deal with
- tìm hướng giải
- He’s a very talented young
using force, in order to steal st
stole the radio.
actor who’s just ready to break through.
Break off: - end a relationship
- suddenly stop talking
- chấm dứt, cắt đứt quan
- The US has broken off
diplomatic relations with the
Exercise 10:
63. The printing machines are always ______, which causes us a lot of troubles.
- đột ngột dừng lại, thôi
- She started to speak, then broke off while a waitress served us coffee.
A. break off
A. break out
C. break into
D. break away
- Several prisoners broke out of
67. Someone had ______ through the bedroom window.
A. broke away
- trốn thoát (khỏi tù)
a rash etc)
eating some strawberries.
A. broken up
B. broke down
B. broken off
C. broke out
C. broken down
D. broke off
D. broken in
68. They ______ to work independently and become their own masters. A. broke away
B. broke down
C. broke out
D. broke off
69. She ______ their engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be married.
Break up: - chia tay, chia lìa, chia li
- Their marriage has broken up.
- bắt đầu kì nghỉ ở trường - We broke up for the holidays in khi kết thúc năm học
- không nghe thấy (do
- I can’t hear you, you’re
điện thoại sóng yếu, bị
breaking up.
A. broke away
B. broke down
C. broke out
B. break off
C. break out
D. break into
C. broke out
D. broke off
71. I left London when my marriage ______ A. broke down
B. broke up
72. I ______ the conversation and answered the phone.
- dứt bỏ, không tuân theo
73. They ______ of prison and fled the country.
A. broke in - We decided to break with
A. broke out
tradition and not spend
B. broke away
B. broke down
C. broke into
D. broke off
C. broke in
D. broke with
74. I was consoling Liz on having broken ______ with her boyfriend.
Christmas with our family. - cãi cọ và do đó cắt đứt
D. broke off
70. There’s a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute ______. A. break up
Break with:
- quarrel with and therefore
B. break off
66. She ______ in tears when she heard the news of her mother’s death.
- She broke out in a rash after
- depart from/cease to follow
D. break in
out in 1939.
- become suddenly covered (in - nổi ngứa, nổi mụn
- stop being heard
D. breaking in
C. break up
phát (chiến tranh, bệnh
the jail.
- stop classes
B. break out
- The second World War broke
- come to an end
C. breaking out
- nổ ra, bùng nổ, bùng
dịch) - escape from a place/
B. breaking down
65. He grabbed her, but she managed to ______.
Break out: - appear/happen suddenly
A. breaking up
64. Dad would occasionally ______ with an amusing comment.
- She had broken with her family 15
A. through
B. up
C. with
D. out
75. The country’s leadership is determined to ______ past practices and to solve urgent economic
problems. A. break up
12 B. break off
C. break out
D. break with
Bring down: - make sb lose power
76. It is possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in ______ into parliament. A. breaking out
- make sb fall over B. breaking away
C. breaking through
D. breaking up
77. Detergents make my hands ______ A. break out
B. break off
C. break through
D. break into
B. break in
C. break up
- The scandal may bring down the
- làm ai ngã (trong thể
- He was brought down in the
penalty area.
- reduce the level/rate/
- làm hạ, tụt giảm mức
- We aim to bring down prices on
amount of st
độ/số lượng/ tỉ lệ của
all our computers.
78. He was on the subway when he called and started to ______ before I could answer. A. break down
- đánh bại, hạ bệ ai/cái
cái gì
D. break into
- land
- hạ cánh
79. Sales have finally broken ______ the $1 million barrier. A. through
B. up
C. with
plane down safely. D. out
Bring forward:
80. That was the year he broke ______ the Labour Party. A. through
B. up
C. with
- cause to happen earlier
B. break in
C. break up
- diễn ra sớm hơn
D. out
- The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.
81. He wanted to ______ the advertising business. A. break down
- The pilot managed to bring the
- suggest st for dicussion
- đề ra, nêu ra, đề xuất
D. break into
- Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.
Bring in: BRICK 11
Brick in/up = build a wall of
- xây tường gạch bít
bricks to fill or enclose st
lại/ bao quanh
Brick over = cover st with
- lát gạch
- The windows were all bricked up.
- They bricked the road over.
- ask sb to do a particular
- nhờ ai đưa lời
- Experts were brought in to advise
job/be involved in st
khuyên/giúp đỡ việc gì
the government.
- bring sb to a police station
- (cảnh sát) bắt giữ ai/
- Two men were brought in for
to ask/arrest
đưa về đồn để tra hỏi/
bricks Brick st off = separate an area
- xây tường ngăn cách
from a larger area by building
- introduce a new law
- Some of the rooms had been bricked off.
a wall of bricks
Exercise 11: 82. To avoid being muddy, the surface of the road has been bricked ______. A. up
B. in
C. over
B. bricked up
C. bricked of
B. brick in
C. brick up
limit arms exports.
- làm ra tiền hoặc được
- His freelance work brings him in
amount of money
nhận tiền
about $20,000 a year.
- give a decision in court
- đưa ra phán quyết tại
- The jury brought in a verdict of
- thu hút khách hàng
- We’ve got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive.
D. bricked over Bring off = succeed
84. It’s better to ______ this room from the house. A. brick over
or business
83. The doors and windows had been ______ to prevent squatters from getting in. A. bricking in
- They want to bring in a bill to
- make/earn a particular
- attract customers to a shop
D. off
- ban hành một luật lệ
D. brick off
- thành công (trong việc
- It was a difficult task but we
gì khó khăn)
brought it off.
Bring on: 17
- cause st (bad)
- help to develop/ improve
- bring a player onto the field
- gây ra, gây nên (điều
- I think the loud music brought my
tệ, xấu)
headache on.
- giúp phát triển, cải
- Her new piano teacher has really
thiện - đưa vào sân
to play during a game
- remind sb of sb/st
- gợi nhớ
brought her on.
Bring before = bring st
- giới thiệu cái gì để
- The matter will be brought before
- The manager brought him on in
before sb/st
thảo luận
the board at a meeting on Monday.
- The band has just brought out
ra thị trường
their second album.
- to make a particular quality
- tôn lên, làm bật lên
- That dress really brings out the
or detail noticeable
một giá trị hoặc điểm
colour of your eyes.
85. A huge amount of environmental damage has been ______ by the destruction of the rainforests. A. brought about
A. over
nổi bật nhất - He’s bringing his new girlfriend
from one place to the place
chỗ này đến chỗ kia,
over to our house tonight.
where someone else is,
nhất là mang về nhà
especially their home
người nói
A. brought about
(somebody’s house)
đưa ai về nhà
evening. We’d love to meet them.
- make sb become conscious
- làm ai tỉnh lại sau khi
- We threw water in his face to try
ngất, bất tỉnh
and bring him round.
B. Bringing on
C. Bringing in
D. Bringing over
B. when
C. during
D. before
B. brought round
C. brought down
D. brought back
A. to
B. up
C. on
D. around
91. The government has ______ new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime. A. brought about
B. brought forward
C. brought forth
D. brought back
- She won’t listen to me. Let’s see if
92. An outside adviser has been brought ______ to arbitrate the dispute between the management and
Sue can bring her round.
the union.
- Maddie brought forth a new line
A. off
B. round
C. in
D. out
ra/ được trông thấy/ biết of clothes. đến
help bring prices ______.
- giúp ai đó vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn
A. down
- Thanks to her supports, I have brought through extremely difficult
B. forth
C. in
D. on
C. brings off
D. brings around
94. That music always ______ happy memories. A. brings back
times when my mother died.
B. brings out
95. I’m sure I can ______ him around to our point of view.
time - gây ra, đem lại
A. get
- How can we bring about a
C. make
96. The government hopes these measures will help to ______ inflation.
- The city council has decided to
97. He agreed to ______ deadlines for reducing phosphates in the lake.
A. bring about - giới thiệu lại
B. bring
change in attitudes? Bring back: - reintroduce
D. out
93. The Clinton administration would not release oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to
difficult event or period of
Bring about = cause
C. through
90. If I had a place of my own I’d have to bring Louisa ______ here.
- Bring the family round one
successfully deal with a very
A. Bringing forth
A. after
- đưa ai đi chơi cùng,
Bring through = help sb
B. round
89. He was ______ by the defender and awarded a penalty.
- bring sb to somewhere
happen or be seen or known
D. brought off
88. The Prime Minister will bring the crisis ______ the cabinet meeting.
Bring round (around):
- khiến cho cái gì xảy
C. brought up
87. ________ the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.
- mang ai hoặc cái gì từ
- thuyết phục
B. brought round
86. I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him ______.
Bring over = take sb or st
Bring forth = cause st to
happy memories.
Exercise 12: - đưa ra, làm ra để bán
- persuade
- The trip brought back a lot of
the second half.
Bring out: - to produce/publish st to sell
bring back the old electric trams.
A. bring out 19
B. bring to
B. bring down
C. bring down
C. bring in
D. put
D. bring forward
D. bring forward 20
98. Harsh anti-trade union laws were ______ in the early 1980s. A. brought about
B. brought in
in order to have more space
C. brought on
D. brought to
to make it larger.
99. They managed to ______ the most daring jewelry robbery in history. A. bring on
B. bring out
C. bring off
small but we built two new rooms on
Build up: D. bring around
- gia tăng
- become greater, more
100. Teachers have to ______ the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who
- AU the pressure built up and he
powerful or larger in number
was off work for weeks due to stress.
need it. A. bring on
- The play was built up to be a B. bring up
C. bring in
D. bring to
- speak with great enthusiasm
101. The spices really ______ the flavour of the meat. A. bring out
B. bring round
C. bring down
B. forth
C. through
B. bring up
C. bring back
- You need more protein to build
D. out
B. bring up
C. bring on
B. forth
D. bring over
B. out
yourself up.
- She has built up a very successful
- create or develop st
- sáng tạo/phát triển cái business.
Build over = construct st so
- xây cái gì để nó che
that it extends over something
kín cái khác
C. in
D. on
C. back
D. in
Exercise 13: 107. You must ______ some way to cancel this contract if things don’t work out. A. buildup
- dựa trên một ý tưởng
- Successful businesses are built
idea or thing and develop it
hoặc sự vật và phát
around, good personal
from there
triển nó từ đó
A. built around
D. build over
B. built on
C. built in
D. built up
109. We must ______ our reputation to expand the business. A. build up
permanent fixture in
C. build on
common language.
Build in: - thêm vào, gắn vào
B. build in
108. The independence movement sought to unify the country with a national identity ______ a
Build around = base st on an
- make/include st as a
- We built a deck out over the pond.
106. They’ve just brought ______ a new record. A. down
- làm ai đó khỏe mạnh
105. The sale of the house only brought ______ about £45,000. A. down
- make sb/yourself healthier or
D. bring before
104. Stress can ______ an asthma attack. A. bring about
D. bring back
103. I’d like to ______ Doctor Hall here and ask him his views. A. bring in
masterpiece but I found it very
102. Both my children have brought me ______ extremely difficult times since my husband died. A. about
- tâng bốc
- You could build in a wardrobe
B. build in
C. build on
D. build over
110. He has ______ the family firm into a multinational company.
with mirrored doors.
A. built around
- make st a part of something
- biến thành một bộ
- They have built an extra clause in
phận của cái gì
the contract.
- base st on an idea or thing
- dựa trên cái gì
- Our relationship is built on trust.
- use your achievements as a
- dựa vào thành công
- The new plan will be built on the
base for further development
đã có để tiến xa hơn
success of the previous programme.
- add more room to a building
- xây dựng thêm phòng
- At first the flat we bought was very
B. built on
C. built in
D. built up
111. The house is famous for building an outdoor area out ______ a waterfall. A. on
B. around
C. over
D. up
112. If you don’t express your feelings, frustration and anger can ______
Build on:
A. build up
B. build in
C. build on
D. build over
Bump into = run into
- tình cờ gặp
- We bumped into Amy when we were in 22
= come across = meet
town last week.
out! - stop working properly, often
- ngừng hoạt động (vì
- Unfortunately, I think the motor in
- They think someone bumped him off.
through overheating
quá nóng)
your lawn mower has burned out.
- Prices were bumped up by 10 percent
- overwork/be exhausted
- làm việc quá sức, kiệt
- The relentless pressure to make
money means traders burn out fast.
- bị sốt cao
- "You’re burning up!" she said,
accidentally Bump off = kill
- giết, thủ tiêu
Bump up = increase
- tăng lên
last week. Burn up: - have a high fever
Exercise 14:
touching his forehead.
113. They tried to bump her ______,but she was too clever and got away. A. off
B. of
C. into
D. up
- make sb very angry
- làm ai tức giận
- be destroyed by fire
- bị cháy trụi
- use a lot of st in a careless
- phung phí
- He just burns up money!
- tiêu hao năng lượng
- As we get older, our body
me up.
114. I bumped ______ Jean in town when I was going shopping with my mother. A. off
B. of
C. into
D. up
B. bump up
C. bump off
- Most of the woodland has now been burnt up.
115. The distributors will probably ______ the price of the software when the next version is released. A. bump into
- The way he treats her really burns
D. bump over
way - use energy that is stored in
Burn away: - continue burning
- tiếp tục cháy
- The candles on the birthday cake
your body, by being physically (cơ thể)
becomes less efficient at burning up
burned away while Molly made a
- be destroyed by fire
- bị cháy trụi
Exercise 15:
- All her hair had been burnt away.
116. Andrew must be really insecure because he’s always trying to burn other people ______ with snide comments.
Burn down: - be destroyed by fire
- bị cháy trụi (toà
- They weren’t injured, but their
(building, ect.)
house burned down.
- embarrass sb
- làm ai phát ngượng
- You just want to burn down
A. away
and it produces less heat
A. burn away
A. burned through
- The flame burned down and then
- loại bỏ cái gì bằng
- The plastic is removed by burning
burning it
cách đốt nó
it off a process that creates a haze
C. burn off
D. burn up
B. burned into
C. burned out
D. burned off
B. off
C. up
D. down
120. It looks like the starter motor on the car has ______. A. burned down
B. burned up
C. burned out
D. burned away
121. Women tend to ______ calories less efficiently than men.
of toxic smoke.
A. burn away
Burn out: - ngừng cháy
B. burn down
119. If you keep staying up so late working on this report, you’re going to burn yourself ______. A. out
went out.
Burn off = remove st by
- stop burning
D. down
118. It’s getting cold in here again because all the logs in the fireplace have ______.
better. - (ngọn lửa) tắt dần
C. on
117. I decided to go for a run to try and ______ a few calories.
everybody to make yourself seem
- (the flames) become weaker
B. off
B. burn down
C. burn off
D. burn up
- Get the birthday girl in here
122. Gossip like that just burns me ______ I can’t believe people would say such awful things about
before the candles on her cake burn
me! A. out
B. off
C. up
D. down 24
123. Jenny has been lethargic all day, and she’s ______ now, so I’m taking her to the doctor. A. burning down
B. burning up
C. burning out
A. caught out
D. burning off
A. catch up
- trở nên hợp mốt, phổ
- He invented a new game, but it
never really caught on.
- to understand after a period
- hiểu, thông suốt (sau
- He didn’t catch on at first.
of time
một thời gian)
C. catch on
D. catch up on
A. up
B. with
C. on
D. out
127. I wonder if the game will ever ______ young people? A. catch on with
B. catch up with
C. catch on to
D. catch up in
128. The interest rate is very competitive and fixed for the term, so borrowers won’t get ______ by rising interest rates.
Catch out: - to show that sb is doing
- bắt được ai đang làm
- He asked her casual questions to
gì sai, tra hỏi để tìm ra
see if he could catch her out.
- lừa, bẫy
A. up with - The interviewer may try to catch
B. caught on
C. caught with
D. caught up
- A lot of people were caught out by the sudden change in the weather.
B. up to
C. up on
D. on to
130. I have been on business for a week and now have to ______ my work. A. catch on with
you out with trick questions. - đặt ai vào thế khó
A. caught out
129. Would you mind catching me ______ the latest news of the epidemic?
cái sai
B. catch up with
C. catch on to
D. catch up on
131. The examiner will try to catch you ______ so stay calm and think carefully before you speak. A. up
B. with
C. on
D. out
132. Will Western industry ever ______ Japanese innovations?
Catch up: - reach same standard as sb/st
B. catch out
letters he’d written.
- to become fashionable or
- cause sb difficulty
D. caught up
126. I suspected he wasn’t telling me the truth, and one day I caught him ______ when I found some
Catch on:
- to trick sb into making a
C. caught with
125. He doesn’t take hints very easily, but he’ll ______ eventually.
B. caught on
- đuổi kịp, bắt kịp ai/
- He was off school for a while and
cái gì
is finding it hard to catch up.
- do st you did not have time to - làm bù để kịp công
A. catch on with
B. catch up with
C. catch on to
D. catch up on
- She’s staying late at the office to
Call out:
do earlier
việc đã lỡ
catch up on/with some reports.
- shout/speak loudly
- hét, la lớn để ai chú ý - He called out, but she didn’t hear.
- learn/discuss the latest news
- thảo luận các tin tức
- Let’s go for a coffee - I need to
- criticize sb/st publicly
- chỉ trích ai/ cái gì
- People were calling him out for
công khai
his negative comments.
- yêu cầu ai đến, đặc
- The governor called out the
biệt là trong trường
National Guard to prepare for the
hợp khẩn cấp
- yêu cầu, đòi hỏi ai
- They called on the company to
làm gì
reverse its decision.
- đề nghị ai nói/ phát
- The teacher called on me, and I
didn’t know the answer.
- visit sb for a short time
- ghé thăm, tạt qua (để
- Small booksellers often don’t have
(especially to sell st)
bán thứ gì)
time to see all the reps who call on
catch up on all the gossip. Catch sb up on st = give sb
- cung cấp cho ai thông
- Can someone catch me up on the
- ask sb to come, especially to
the latest news or information
tin mới nhất về cái gì
latest developments?
an emergency
- I have to catch up on my reading.
Call on/upon
about st Catch up on st = do st that
- làm điều mà bạn gần
you have not been able to do
đây không thể làm
- officially ask sb to do st
- hiểu
- ask sb to speak
recently Catch on to st = understand
- He is very quick to catch on to things.
Exercise 16:
124. By the time coffee came, R.J. and Angelo had ______ a little bit. 25
- make use of st, especially a
- tận dụng cái gì đó,
- Companies across the country
see sb or collect st
gặp ai hoặc lấy thứ gì
pick up the report.
đặc biệt là một thứ
have called on her expertise in
- telephone again
- gọi lại
- He called her three times but she
chất lượng
designing marketing programs. Call by = visit somewhere for
- tạt qua thăm nơi nào
- I just thought I’d call by on my way into town.
never called the guy back.
Call for: - need or deserve a particular
- cần hoặc xứng đáng
- ‘I’ve been promoted.’ – ‘This
a short while on your way to
trên đường tới chỗ
action, remark, or quality, ect.
với một hành động,
calls for a celebration!’
somewhere else
nhận xét hoặc chất
Call up:
lượng cụ thể
- phone sb
- gọi điện cho ai
- Nancy had called up to invite him.
- make sb join the army
- gọi nhập ngũ
- Two of her brothers had been
- invite sb to play in a team
- mời, tạo cơ hội cho
- demand publicly that st
- đòi hỏi công khai
- The opposition have called for
should be done
rằng cần phải làm điều
him to resign.
called up.
gì đó - pick sb up
- đón ai
- I’ll call for you at 7 o’clock.
Call at = (of a train, etc.) to
- dừng lại, đỗ lại
- This train calls at Didcot and
stop at a place for a short time
- He was called up for our team.
ai vào đội chơi - bring st back to one’s mind
- gợi nhớ lại cái gì
- The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.
Call in:
- find and show information on - tìm và chiếu thông
- I called his address up on the
- visit a place/person
a computer screen
- ghé thăm, viếng
- I called in to see Jeff yesterday.
tin trên màn hình máy tính
thăm - telephone a radio/TV
- gọi điện cho chương
program asking for
trình phát thanh/truyền ask the governor a question.
information from the public
hình để hỏi thông tin
- Call in to this radio station and
từ công chúng
Call over = ask one to come to - yêu cầu ai tới đâu
- I will call her over to us, and you
a particular place
can ask her what you want to know.
Exercise 17: 133. I knew about the public outcry against my article, so I was not surprised when the editor called
- telephone the place you work
- gọi điện nơi bạn làm
- She hasn’t called in with her
schedule yet.
- demands sb to pay back the
- đòi lại tiền đã cho
- He needs to make the business
work before the bank calls in the
me ______ to chat. A. in
A. called up
B. called in
C. called on
D. called out
135. It would be unusual for a company going into receivership not to ______ Loans to settle creditors.
- The game was called off because
136. It’s the sort of work that ______ a high level of concentration.
of bad weather.
A. calls at
- tell an animal/person to stop
- dừng hành động tấn
- I yelled to the man to call off his
attacking people
B. call in
B. calls in
C. call up
C. calls for
D. call back
D. calls off
137. She ______ local employers to commit themselves to equal opportunities. A. called at
B. called in
C. called on
D. called out
138. People were ______ to report suspicious activity.
Call back: - return to a place in order to
D. up
A. call for -huỷ
C. over
134. He was ______ at the beginning of the war.
Call off: - cancel
B. on
- quay lại nơi nào để
- She said she’d call back later to
A. calling up
B. calling at
C. calling in
D. calling out
139. You can use the search facility to ______ all the occurrences of a particular word in a document. 27
A. call for
B. call in
C. call up
D. call back
have been carrying on?
140. Can you ask John to call me ______ when he gets in? A. out
B. back
C. in
B. called out
C. called for
B. call in
C. call out
D. called off
B. called up
C. called for
B. called up
C. called for
- tiến hành
were carried out by nationalists.
Carry over = move to or
- chuyển sang
come from a place or time
B. call in
C. call out
D. called upon
life. Carry through:
D. called upon
- complete
- hoàn thành
B. called up
C. called for
- help to continue
- giúp tiếp tục
B. calls in
C. calls up
D. called upon
unemployment. Carry back:
D. calls off
- My savings account really carried me through that difficult time of
147. Something about her manner ______ an old school teacher I used to have. A. calls at
- We are determined to carry our plans through to completion.
D. call back
146. The police have ______ the search for the missing child until dawn tomorrow. A. called off
- I try not to let my problems at work carry over into my private
145. People were asked to if they wanted further information on the proposal. A. call upon
- Police say they believe the attacks
activity = fulfill D. call back
144. They ______ an investigation into how the investments were made and who is responsible. A. called off
Carry out = conduct = perform or complete a job or
143. Social institutions are often ______ to assist the poor. A. called off
- You’ve got to carry on as though nothing happened.
142. I knew the task would ______ my every resource. A. call on
- tiếp tục
D. at
141. The army was ______ to help fight fires. A. called up
- continue
Carry forward:
- make sb remember a time in
- làm ai nhớ lại khoảng
- The smell of the sea carried her
the past
thời gian trong quá khứ
back to her childhood.
- take st back to where it came - mang trả lại
- Please carry back the empty box
after you take out all the books.
- add on
- cộng vào
- I forgot to carry them forward.
- succeed in making progress
- thành công trong việc
- The new team have to carry the
Exercise 18:
with st
tạo ra tiến bộ với cái gì
work forward.
148. The championship game was so intense that I really had to rely on my mental toughness to carry
- succeed
- thành công
- I will try to carry your wishes off.
- remove
- loại bỏ, mang đi khỏi
- Thieves broke the store window
Carry off:
me _______. A. through
B. over
C. back
D. forward
149. I am very upset because I have just discovered that my daughter _______ with a married man.
and carried off jewelry worth thousands of dollars. - win
- chiến thắng
- He carried off all the prizes.
- cause to die
- giết chết
- He was carried off by pneumonia.
- behave badly
- cư xử không đúng
- The children have been carrying
- have a sexual relationship
- dan díu
A. has been carrying through
B. is carrying on
C. has carried over
D. is carrying forward
150. I wouldn’t dare wear anything that outrageous, but Michelle _______ wonderfully.
Carry on:
A. carried it off
B. carried out it
C. carried it back
D. carried it over
151. Stresses at work can often be _______ into your home life. on all day.
A. carried through
B. carried over
C. carried back
D. carried off
152. The average assets _______ from season to season varied from minus $630,000 to plus $770,000.
- Is it true that Rachel and Marcus
A. carry back
B. carried forward
C. carry off
D. carried out
153. Everyone was shocked when that little-known band ______ the night’s biggest award. 29
A. carried on
B. carried out
C. carried back
D. carried off
154. Dianne _______ the family tradition by becoming a lawyer. A. carry over
B. was carrying back
C. is carrying on
D. is carrying out
B. carry back
C. carry though
cái gì/ở chỗ nào
junk in the attic.
- impel or force someone to leave a
- buộc ai đó rời khỏi đâu
- The fire alarm cleared the
155. We don’t have the confidence that the UN will ______ a sustained program. A. carry up
from a container or region
building out in a hurry.
Clear up:
D. carry on
- become brighter
D. forward
- become better/ healthier
156. This carries me _______ to the times of knights and jousting. A. through
B. over
C. back
157. Good quality, well integrated staff will carry the company _______. A. out
B. over
C. on
D. forward
- make st clear or understandable
- trời quang đãng, thời
- I hope it clears up in time
tiết đẹp
for the picnic.
- trở nên tốt hơn, khoẻ
- If my cold doesn’t clear
up, it will ruin my vacation.
- làm rõ, sáng tỏ
- How did two teens clear
158. Ethel forgot to put that expensive necklace in the safe, and one of the party guests _______. A. carried it forward
B. carried it off
C. carried it through
up a murder mystery that
D. carried it over
stumped the police?
159. A survey is now being carried ______ nationwide. A. out
B. over
C. on
D. forward
Exercise 19:
160. Unfortunately, the injuries from the accident were so severe that they _______ him off. A. carried
B. put
C. took
161. I opened up the old cabin and cleared the cobwebs ______ with a broom.
D. called
A. out
Clear away: - remove st to leave a space
A. out - dọn đi, cất di
- I want you to clear all
A. cleared away
bedtime. - tránh xa cái gì
- The sound of approaching
B. up
C. off
D. away
B. cleared off
C. cleared out
D. cleared up
A. out
B. up
C. off
D. away
165. The staff cleared ______ when they saw the boss asking for volunteers to work on the weekend.
parties to clear away.
A. out
B. up
C. off
D. away
166. If we call the cops, they’ll ______ that raucous house party immediately.
Clear off: - xéo đi, bỏ đi, biến đi
- Clear off or I’ll call the
A. clear away
B. clear off
C. clear out
D. clear up
167. “______, both of you!", she shouted at them angrily.
- remove st that is covering some
- dọn sạch các thứ đang
- She cleared off the papers
để la liệt
that were cluttering her
A. Cleared off
B. Clear off
C. Clear out
D. Cleared out
168. The police ______ the crowd in preparation for the celebrity’s arrival.
A. cleared off
B. cleared away
C. clears away
D. clear out
169. He ______ the worktable to make room for the new equipment.
Clear out:
A. cleared away
- leave a building or other place, esp.
- rời khỏi toà nhà hay nơi
- Her landlord gave her a
without much warning
khác mà không có thông
week to clear out of her
- dọn sạch thứ bên trong
- We finally cleared out the
- remove some contents or occupants
D. away
164. The doctor thinks this new allergy medicine will clear my symptoms right ______.
sirens caused most of the
- go away/leave
C. off
163. Now that I’ve ______ those overgrown bushes, our living room gets so much more sunlight!
these toys away before
- move away from st
B. up
162. They’ve all cleared ______ and left me to clean this mess up.
B. cleared off
C. cleared out
D. cleared up
170. It sure became a beautiful, sunny day once the sky ______! A. cleared away
A. cleared up 31
B. cleared off
C. cleared out
D. cleared up
171. That tutoring session really ______ my confusion about sine and cosine. B. clear up
C. have cleared up
D. cleared out 32
- arrive (at a hotel/the airport) and
- đăng kí khách sạn/sân bay
- You can save time by
sign the register
(lúc đến)
checking in online.
- The driver changed down to third
- contact sb by making a phone
- báo cáo tình hình thường
- My son checks in
gear coming into the turn.
call, short visit, etc., usually in
xuyên (qua điện thoại/cuộc
regularly with me when
order to make sure there are no
viếng thăm ngắn
he’s travelling.
- báo là ai đó đã đến
- Ask the guard to check
Change down = move to a slower
- về số xe
gear Change into: - become a different thing
- dress oneself in different clothes
Change over = go from one thing
- chuyển thành, biến
- An affection gradually changed
problems or to tell them that there
đổi thành
into real love.
are no problem
- thay quần áo khác
- I’ll change into an old pair of
- Check sb in = record the arrival
of sb
- We’ve just changed over from gas
- Check st in = leave bags or
- để lại đồ đạc, hành lí để được
- We checked in our
central heating to electric.
cases with an official to be put on
sắp xếp trên tàu hoặc máy bay
luggage and went through
- chuyển đổi
to another thing
you in when you get there.
Change up:
a plane or train
- improve
Check off = Mark st ()
- cải thiện
- If something’s not working, they
to the departure lounge. - đánh dấu tích
the guests arrive.
change up. - shift to a higher gear in a motor
- lên số xe
- You’ll probably need to change
Check out:
up once you get on the highway.
- leave a hotel after paying and
- trả tiền và rời khỏi khách sạn
returning your room key
just checking out. - test/examine (information/facts)
172. The farm has _______ to organic methods. B. changed up
C. changed into
- kiểm tra thông tin/sự thật
B. into
C. up
putting your mother in it. - borrow st from an official place
D. off
- mượn đồ từ một nơi nào đó
B. change into
C. change up
Check up on:
D. change over
175. You’ll probably need to _______ to first gear to climb this steep hill. A. change down
B. change up
C. change over
D. change into
B. change into
C. change up
- Check up on sb = make sure
- chắc chắn rằng ai đó đang làm - My parents are always
that sb is doing what they should
những việc mà họ nên làm
checking up on me.
- kiểm tra, kiểm chứng
- I need to check up on a
be doing
176. At what point does boiling water _______ vapor? A. turn down
- Check up on st = find out if st
D. come over
is true
177. The cafeteria _______ the menu after people complained that they were tired of macaroni and
few things before I can decide.
cheese. A. changed down
- The book has been checked out in your name.
174. As soon as I get home from work, I want to _______ comfy clothes immediately. A. change down
- You have to check out the nursing home before
D. changed down
173. When you accelerate, you have to change _______ or the car will stall. A. on
- Could you ask the taxi driver to wait? - We’re
Exercise 20:
A. changed over
- Check the names off as
B. changed up
C. changed into
D. changed over Exercise 21: 178. The commissioner sent an investigator to _______ the rumors.
A. check up
Check in:
B. check out
C. check in
D. check off
179. Passengers are requested to _______ two hours before the flight. 33
A. check on
B. check off
C. check in
D. check up
- come closer together
- tiến lại gần
180. As I packed my case I _______ everything on my list. A. checked - up
B. checked - out
closing up behind each other.
C. checked - off
D. checked - in
- dần đóng lại, trở nên
- Every time he tried to speak, his
hẹp hơn
throat closed up with fear.
- hide your thoughts or
- giấu đi những suy
- She closed up when I asked about
nghĩ và cảm xúc của
her family.
- become narrower
181. What books did you _______ from the library this week? A. check up
B. check out
C. check in
D. check off
182. Hi mom, I’m just _______ to see if you’re feeling any better. A. checking in
B. checking up
C. checking out
D. checking off
bản thân
183. We _______ of the hotel at 5 am to catch a 7 am flight. A. checked out
B. checked on
Close with:
C. checked off
D. checked in
184. My mum _______ on me most evenings to see that I’ve done my homework. A. checks out
B. checks up
C. checks off
- (event, performance)
- (sự kiện, buổi biểu
- For the talent show, let’s close
conclude st with sb/st
diễn) kểt thúc với cái
with a choir performance.
D. checks in
- have a very friendly
- có mối quan hệ thân
- I was very close with Patty when
relationship with sb
thiết với ai
we were kids, but I haven’t talked to her in years.
Close down: - (company, shop, ect.) stops
- phá sản/ngừng hoạt
- The local factory closed down in
operating as a business
động (công ty, cửa
Exercise 22:
185. Why do you _______ every time I mention your father?
- (radio, TV) stops
- (đối với radio hay
- BBC 2 closes down at 12:45
broadcasting at the end of the
tivi) ngừng chiếu vào
cuối ngày
A. close in
C. close up
D. close off
A. close - down
B. close - up
C. close - in
D. close - off
187. The hunt chased the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then _______ for the kill.
- Close in (on sb/st) = move
- tiến gần để tấn công
nearer to sb/st, to attack them
- (night) get darker
- (đêm) tối dần
- The lions closed in on their prey.
- They huddled around the fire as
- (thời tiết) trở nên tệ
- The weather closed in when we
hơn, xấu hơn
arrived here.
- (ban ngày) ngắn lại
- In the autumn the days begin to
shorter - đóng cửa, cách li,
phong toả
B. closed with
C. closed up
D. closed off
A. closing down
B. closing in on
C. closing up
D. closing off
189. Half of the museum was _______ while they made the changes. A. made up
B. closed off
C. closed down
D. put up
190. It felt as though the walls of the room were closing _______ her. A. out for
close in.
Close st off = stop people from
A. closed in
188. Don’t use cold water as it shocks the blood vessels into _______.
the night closed in.
- (days) become gradually
B. close down
186. A spokesperson denied that they had bought the company in order to _______ it _______.
Close in:
- (weather) get worse
- Traffic was heavy and cars were
B. up off
C. in with
D. in on
191. As the storm approached, everyone began _______ their businesses. A. closing up
- Police quickly closed off the area.
B. closing down
C. closing out
D. closing with
192. The show is almost over and we will _______ Sarah Miles, who will announce her own song title. A. close down
Close up: - (shop, building, ect.) shut for
- (cửa hiệu...) đóng cửa
- Why don’t we close up and go out
a short time
tạm thời
for lunch?
C. close with
D. close up
B. close in
Count against = be a
- là bất lợi cho ai đó
- For that job her lack of
disadvantage to sb
A. count - against
experience may count against her.
Count (sb/st) among
- tính cả ai trong một
- I count her among my closest
= include sb or st in a group
Count for = be worth st
B. count - among
C. count - for
D. count - out
198. If I fail the test after weeks of studying, all of that effort will _______ nothing. A. count for
- có giá trị/ý nghĩa/
- Your promise counted for nothing
quan trọng
to me.
B. count among
C. count in
D. count on
199. After the boxer collapsed to the mat, the referee counted him _______ and ended the bout. A. in
B. out
C. among
D. on
200. I hear you’re organizing a trip to the game next week? _______ me _______.
Count in = include sb/ st in an
- bao gồm cả ai đó, vật - Count this old tray in with the
activity or plan
nào đó trong một hành
other things to be sold at the yard
động hoặc kế hoạch
201. I’m _______ the meeting ending on time, or I’ll miss my bus.
- I can count on my parents to help
202. Don’t _______ our dream of buying this home just yet - we still have time to make a
A. Count - against
A. counting in
Count on: - Count on sb = rely on sb
- dựa dẫm vào ai
- Count on st = expect st to
- tính toán điều gì sẽ
- Sorry I’m late, I didn’t count on
xảy ra
being held up in the traffic.
A. count out
B. Count - among
B. counting on
C. count in
- không cho ai/ tính ai
- Scuba diving? Oh no, count me
in an activity
tham gia vào một hoạt
out - I hate being under water!
D. count with
- bị tuyên bố đo ván
- Cooper was counted out in the
because he can’t get up within a
do đếm đến 10 mà
final round.
count of ten seconds
không dậy nổi
- eliminate a possibility
- loại trừ khả năng
- Count st out = count st one
Come about = happen
- xảy ra, xảy đến
- đếm từng cái một
by one
-meet sb/find st by chance
- tình cờ gặp, bắt gặp
- make a particular - We’ll have to count out the
possibility of his being elected.
- be understood
- gây ấn tượng
Exercise 23:
you need it
193. If you’re going to watch the football, you can count me _______ It’s not my cup of tea.
Come apart: - break into pieces
D. on
194. He is a reliable man, so you can count _______ him for his support. C. among
- be unsuccessful
D. on
- cung cấp cái gì khi bạn cần - I hoped she’d come across with some more information.
- tách lìa ra, bung ra thành
- The book just came apart in my
từng mảnh
- thất bại
- The global economy is showing signs of coming apart.
195. He has a criminal record but we hope that prospective employers won’t _______ it _______ him. B. count – among
C. count - for
Come at:
D. count - out
- move towards sb to attack
196. She pulled out her wallet and slowly _______ what money she had. B. counted on
C. counted out
- He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come
- provide or supply st when
B. out
- She comes across as very selfconfident.
- được hiểu
- She counted the cookies out, one
C. among
- She came across some old photographs in a drawer.
by one.
B. out
- Can you tell me how the
Come across:
- say that (a boxer) is the loser
A. counted in
D. counting out
accident came about?
A. count - against
D. Count - on
- Count sb out = not include sb
A. in
C. counting among
B. count on
Count out:
A. in
C. Count – in
- tiến đến tấn công ai
- He came at me with a knife.
D. counted among
197. I certainly _______ my daughter _______ my life’s greatest blessings. 37
- think about a problem,
- nghĩ về một vấn đề/ một
- to enter a room
- đi vào (nhà, phòng...)
- Come in and sit down.
question, etc. in a particular
câu hỏi theo một cách cụ thể come at it from another angle.
- (fashion/products) becomes
- (thời trang, sản phẩm) trở
- It was a time when short hair
nào đó
Come out at st = add up to
- lên tới, tăng tới
Come away = become
- bong ra khỏi cái gì
separated from st
- We’re getting nowhere let’s
available or popular
nên phổ biến, thành mốt
for men was just coming in.
- The whole trip, including fares,
- be received (news/
- nhận (tin tức/ tiền)
- Reports are just coming in of a
comes out at $900.
- The plaster had started to come
- be involved
away from the wall. - when the sea gets higher
Come back: - return to a place
- quay trở lại
this point?
- (biển, thuỷ triều) dâng
- The tide comes in very quickly
yourself stranded.
- Long hair on men seems to be
Come in for = to receive
coming back into fashion.
blame or criticsm
Come back (at sb) (with st)
- Would you like to come in at
kế hoạch, câu chuyện...
here and you can soon find
- (thời trang) quay lại mốt
- liên quan, là một phần của
- We’ve just come back from
- (fashion) becomes popular
- remember st you had
major accident on the motorway.
- nhận chỉ trích, phê phán
lot of criticism over his handling of the affair.
- Once you’ve been here a few - nhớ lại cái gì đã quên
days, your French will soon
Come into
come back.
- inherit st from sb
- thừa kế tiền, tài sản
- st influences st
with some sharp questions.
- She came into a fortune when her uncle died.
- đáp trả ai một cách giận dữ - She came back at the speaker
= reply to sb angrily or with
- The director has come in for a
- là quan trọng, thích hợp
- She married for money - love didn’t come into it.
force Come off
Come between: - can thiệp, xen vào mối
- Don’t let one little quarrel
- happen as planned, or to
quan hệ hai người
come between you.
- cause disagreement or
- gây tranh cãi, bất đồng
- He didn’t want this to come
argument between people
giữa người, nhóm người
between them.
- end up in a particular
- kết thúc bằng một vị trí
- The team played hard and
- stop sb from doing st that
- ngăn ai làm điều mà họ
- Nothing comes between Jim
nào đó
came off with a victory.
- bong, rời ra, có thể gỡ ra
- That mark won’t come off.
- (máy móc,...) bắt đầu, vận
- All the lights came on.
- harm a relationship
- theo kế hoạch, thành công
- They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn’t come off.
they like doing
and his food.
- to be able to be removed
- distract sb
- làm ai mất tập trung
- She never let anything come
Come on
between her and her work.
- to start, to operate
hành - (illness) starts gradually
Come by: - to make a short visit to a
- I think I’ve got a cold coming on.
- ghé thăm, thăm ai
- She came by the house.
- nỗ lực làm được cái gì
- Jobs are hard to come by these
- encourage sb
place, in order to see sb - to manage to get something
- bị bệnh
- (person) to work onto the
Come in 39
- khích lễ, cổ vũ, hối thúc ai
- Come on! We don’t have much
bằng lời nói
- (người) bước lên sân khấu
- There was a great applause when the Russian ballerina came
him today.
Come out - to go somewhere with sb for
Come (a) round - đi với ai đến tiệc, sự kiện
a social event - (book, record film, ect.) be
- xuất bản (phim, sách...)
- to achieve/be in a certain
- xảy ra lần nữa, lặp lại
- When is her new novel coming
- to change your mind
- The clouds parted and the sun
- to become conscious
- thay đổi suy nghĩ, tâm
- He’ll never come round to our
trạng, ý định
way of thinking.
- tỉnh lại
- Your mother hasn’t ye come
came out.
round from the anesthetic.
- công khai cái gì, được biết
- After her death, it came out that
- to visit someone at their
she’d lied about her age.
place (at their house)
- đạt được gì, kết quả là
- The figure has come out wrong!
- to be sent to several people
condition at the end of a
- thăm ai tại nơi họ ở (nhà)
- Do come around and see us some time.
- được gửi, đưa tới ai
I don’t understand it.
- A note came out asking for new ideas.
Come up
- be removed (dirt/ mark)
- loại bỏ bụi, vết
- photo can be seen clearly
- phần hình ảnh rõ ràng
- Did the red wine stain came
- unexpectedly happen
- bỗng xảy đến
- The photo didn’t come out
- to be mentioned or talked
- được đề cập, nhắc tới
because the room was so dark.
about in conversation
- I tried to say ‘I love you,’ but
- to (job/ opportunity)
the words wouldn’t come out.
become available
- words are spoken
- Christmas comes round so quickly!
out? - (trăng, sao...) xuất hiện
appear - become known publicly
- to happen again
a drink sometime?
published - (moon, stars, sun, ect.)
- Would you like to come out for
- từ ngữ, lời nói ra
- I’m afraid something urgent has come up. - The question is bound to come up at the meeting.
- (công việc, cơ hội) sẵn có
- A position has come up in the accounts department.
- workers stop working
- người làm nghỉ làm vì bất
- The postal workers have come
Come up with
because of disagreement
đồng công việc...
out in support of their pay claim.
- to find a new thought
- nảy ra ý tưởng, suy nghĩ
- ai đó nghĩ ra một cái tên
Come over
- I came up with a thought to help the man out.
- to appear to be a certain
- có vẻ là người, tính cách ra - I watched the interview and felt
- usually referred to ideas and
type of person
he came over as quite arrogant.
referred with the name of the
who comes up with a name for
- travel to place far away
- du lịch đến một nơi xa
- Why don’t you come over to
person who produced it
the baby.
England in the summer?
Come up to
- It is usually the father’s sister
- to suddenly feel st
- bỗng có cảm giác gì đó
- A fit of dizziness came over her.
- be good as you want, need,
- đạt tới những điều mong,
- Their trip to France didn’t
- to visit sb’s home
- đến thăm ai, nhà ai
- Ron came over for dinner the
or expect st to be
muốn, hi vọng
come up to expectations.
other night.
- get nearer to st in a process
- đến gần cuối, chạm cái gì
- The water came up to my neck.
- We must try to convince him to
(khoảng thời gian, giai đoạn
- As we come up to the end of the
come over to our side of the
quá trình...)
first half the score remains
- change opinion to another
- thay đổi suy nghĩ, ý kiến
argument, he will see that we are
France 3, Italy 3.
right. - to affect sb
- tác động, ảnh hưởng đến ai - I do not know what has come over her, she was very rude to
Exercise 24: 203. I _______ my home town to see if I could find out more about my parents.
A. came up to
B. came up with
C. came back to
D. come down with
change in leadership.
204. His public life began to ________ early in 1987. A. come apart
B. come between
C. come at
D. come on
Exercise 25:
205. How did the problem _______ in the first place? A. come over
B. come round
C. come about
213. Women’s rights groups have ________ the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers. D. come off
A. cried out against
206. She _______ well in interviews. That is why she was chosen for the post. A. came into
B. came across
C. came by
C. off
D. between
B. came apart
C. came back
A. crying off for
D. came across
B. back
C. on
A. Crying Out
D. by
B. came apart
C. came back
B. crying for
B. Crying For
A. cried out against
B. came apart
C. came back
B. came apart
C. came back
D. crying out against
D. Crying Out For
C. cried out
D. cried out for
D. came across CUT
D. came across
212. I turned some of the pages and they ________ in my hand. A. came away
C. crying out for
C. Crying Off
B. cried off
211. The dog ________ me but luckily I was able to escape from its attack. A. came at
D. cry out
217. She _______ in pain as the bullet grazed her shoulder.
210. I picked up the book and it ______ in my hands. A. came at
C. cry for
216. " ________ Your Name" is a song performed by Swedish pop singer and music producer Loreen.
209. As soon as she entered the school, childhood memories came rushing _______. A. into
B. cry out for
215. This room is _______ some new furniture.
208. When she was walking, she ________ children sleeping under bridges. A. came at
D. cried out for
minute. A. cry off
B. back
C. cried out
214. Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to ______ at the last
D. came away
207. I’d hate anything to come _______ us. A. away
B. cried off
D. came across
Cut across: - to take a shortcut over or through - đi tắt (đến nơi nào)
- It’ll be quicker if we cut across
(a place)
the park.
- to pass in front of
- cắt ngang phía trước
- The lorry cut across the little car.
CRY 25
- to affect different groups of
- tác động, ảnh hưởng
- The law cuts across all social
Cry off st/doing st = to decide
- quyết định không làm
- We’d arranged to go together but
đến các nhóm khác nhau
not to do st that you have
điều gì mà bạn đã sắp
Luiz cried off at the last moment.
Cut back st = reduce
- giảm đáng kể
- The firm cut back production
arranged to do
xếp hay đồng ý làm
trước đó
Cut st back = cut
Cry out = shout or make a
- la hét lớn vì sợ hãi
- She cried out in/with pain.
off parts of a tree or other plants
loud noise because you are
so that it becomes smaller
frightened, hurt, etc.
Cut away = remove by cutting off
Cry out st = shout st loudly
- gọi to cái gì
because sales were sluggish. - tỉa bớt, cắt bớt
- She could hear a voice crying out
- We cut the tree back every winter.
- cắt bỏ
or away
- Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the skiff and let it fall
her name.
Cry out against = complain
- phàn nàn, bàn tán xôn - People have been crying out
Cut down:
loudly about st
xao về việc gì
against this abuse for years.
- reduce an amount of st
Cry out for st = need st very
- rất cần
- The country is crying out for a
- cắt giảm, giảm bớt
- How can you cut down the risk of cancer?
- start doing less of st
- cut through the trunk of a tree
- giảm (làm gì đó)
- chặt cây
- The doctor advised him to cut
young mother off from the adult
down his working hours.
- In Haiti alone, about 30
- isolate or sequester sb or st
- cách li, cô lập, chia cắt
million trees are cut down every
- kill sb
- giết ai đó
and cut off a number of villages.
Cut out:
- So many of our young women
- suddenly stops working
have been cut down by this
- đột nhiên ngừng hoạt
- One of the plane’s engines cut
out, so they had to land with
needless war. - cut sb down to size
- làm cho ai đó bớt ảo
= show sb they aren’t as important
tưởng về bản thân/làm bẽ down to size!
as they think/humiliate sb
mặt ai
only one.
- Someone should cut that man
- xen vào, ngắt lời
- start operating automatically/turn - bắt đầu vận hành (một
- eliminate or remove sb or st
- bỏ lại, loại bỏ ai/ cái gì
- He felt that he was being cut
- be well-suited in a particular
- phù hợp (lĩnh vực cụ
- I don’t think that I’m cut out
for studying any more.
Cut in: - interrupt sb or st
- The snow has blocked roads
- I’m sorry to cut in, but I have
Cut through:
some information that might
- quickly understand the problem
- nhanh chóng nắm bắt
- She always manages to cut
or deal with it
vấn đề và xử lí nó
through the complex theory and
- The fans cut in when the
get at the facts.
cách tự động), bật lên
engine starts getting too hot.
- move into a line of people or
- cắt hàng
- It’s rude to cut in while other
enough to cut through the fruit’s
people are queuing.
tough rind.
things out of turn
- penetrate its surface
- xuyên qua
- I don’t think that knife is sharp
- cut sb in = allow sb to get part
- chia lời, lãi (trong kinh
- They wouldn’t cut me in on the
- to move across an area, often as
- đi xuyên qua, băng qua,
- He decided to cut through the
of the profits
a shortcut
tắt qua
- overcome
- vượt qua (khó khăn)
- She always manages to cut
Cut into: - slice or carve st
- interrupt an activity or process
- khắc, chạm, cắt bằng
- The outlines of animals were
through the complex theory and
cut into the rock.
- cắt ngang, đứt quãng
- His voice cut into her
- make a path through st by
- tạo lối đi (bằng cách
- Our footprints cut a path
through the freshly fallen snow.
- cắt thành nhiều mảnh
- She cut up the carrots and put
get at the facts.
- reduce an amount of st that is
- giảm bớt (thời gian,
- The teaching days I do really
Cut up:
available (time or money)
cut into my time at home.
- cut st into several pieces
them in the pot.
Cut off: - remove st from st else
- stop providing st such as
- loại bỏ cái gì từ cái gì
- cắt điện/ga
electricity, gas - prevent sb
- ngăn cản ai
- Remember to cut off the fat
- behave in anger or become
before you fry the steak.
angry, violent
- The telephone’s been cut off
- joke or play around
- cư xử tệ, nổi điên
- When Steve cut up rough, she realized she’d gone too far.
- làm trò hề/ lơ đãng
- Steven! Do not cut up and
because we didn’t pay the bill.
focus on the things your mother
- Having a new baby can cut a
has said.
Exercise 26:
234. That vegetable has a tough skin, so you’ll really need to apply some pressure in order to cut
218. With her speed and agility, Cage _______ all her competitors in the hurdle race.
_______ it.
A. cut out
B. cut up
C. cut down
D. cut off
A. up
219. Follow the river to where it _______ to the left and then you’ll see the picnic area. A. cuts through
B. cuts across
220. I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut A. in
B. away
C. cuts off
D. cuts down
A. down
B. into
B. across
B. through
B. into
C. back
A. across D. up
B. cut up
C. down
C. out
C. back
C. cut down
B. off
C. into
D. in
A. up
B. across
B. back
C. into
D. up
B. down
C. out
A. up
D. cut off
A. up
D. into
A. away
D. out
B. into
C. back
B. away
C. back
B. away
B. off
C. out
B. off
C. out
D. in
B. into
C. through
D. up
D. up
A. through
B. off
C. out
D. in
243. The woman cut _______ the watermelon and shared it out among the four children.
D. in
B. across
C. down
D. Out
244. We need to cut _______ the political rhetoric and see what really lies behind the policy. A. away
B. into
C. through
D. up
D. up DIE
D. in
233. You have taught me that I’m not cut _______ for this kind of work. A. away
D. across
C. off
232. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut _______ A. into
D. in
242. The investigators plan to cut the suspect _______ from his bosses, in the hope that he will
231. Boys! Stop cutting _______ and focus on these math problems! A. away
C. down
241. He cut his way _______ the jungle with a machete.
A. up C. off
B. across
only a few items.
_______ from my house. B. up
D. in
240. The customers queuing at the check-out would not let anyone cut _______ just because they had D. out
230. I had to take a detour because the water department had blocked a bunch of streets, cutting me
A. out
C. down
239. He cut _______ the old branches from the tree.
229. What did they say when they were cutting _______ the last palm tree? A. through
B. away
B: "I know! It’s time to cut him ________ to size."
228. For example, try cutting down on less-healthful foods, rather than cutting them _______ A. down
D. away
some genius.”
A. out C. out
C. out
238. A: "That guy always dominates the class discussion with his rambling, inane thoughts like he’s
D. back
227. If we cut _______ the field, it’ll save time. A. away
B. through
226. A loud rap on his office door cut _______ his thoughts. A. back
D. out
237. With this new thermostat, the heat will cut _______ once the temperature drops below 70
225. A lot of soldiers were _______ by grenade as they stormed the airport. A. cut into
C. away
224. I don’t like doing the shopping on Saturday afternoon because it cuts _______ my weekend. A. away
B. across
236. Many things were regular and patterned, and cut _______ contours of the country and the flow of
D. down
223. I’m sick of all these kids cutting _______ my yard to get to the school down the street. A. away
D. back
_______ on our conversation.
222. His teaching cut _______ all human cultures and races. A. up
C. into
C. on
221. We’ve had to cut _______ on staff to save money. A. in
B. away
235. I won’t have a cigarette, thanks - I’m trying to cut _______
D. into
Die away = become quieter or
- biến mất, mờ dần, bặt
- The sound of his footsteps
weaker and finally stop
gradually died away.
Die down = lose strength
- giảm dần/ tắt dần
-The wind died down during the
gradually; subside 47
night. 48
252. The prevalence of cell phones today has caused the use of landlines to die _______.
Die for: - die in order to save or help sb - chết để cứu ai đó
A. off
- I would die for my wife if it would
B. down
C. out
D. away
253. I’m just _______ a nap. I can hardly keep my eyes open.
save her from danger. - to die for a particular cause
- chết vì điều đặc biệt,
- Soldiers who die for their country
or thing
cao cả
have made the supreme sacrifice.
- to desire excessively or long
- khao khát, cực kì
- I’m dying for the weekend - this
for sb/st
mong muốn
week’s been so hard.
Die of = die as a result of
- chết vì nguyên do,
- The doctors did all they could, but
st/perish from an injury or a
(bệnh tật...)
he finally died of cancer.
Die off = stop living, one by
- kiệt sức đến chết,
- The veterans of World War II are
one, until there are none left
chết dần chết mòn (một now old and gradually dying off.
A. dying for
B. dying off
C. dying down
D. dying of
DO 28
Do away with = abolish/get
- xoá bỏ, thủ tiêu, loại
- The company had to do away
rid of/kill
bỏ/giết người
with free lunches in order to save money.
particular disease
Do down: - humiliate/denigrate/ belittle
- chỉ trích/hạ bệ/ sỉ nhục ai
- They do not have to do down rivals in order to benefit
themselves. - deceive or cheat
Die out: - become extinct
- tuyệt chủng
- become outdated or obsolete
- lạc hậu, lỗi thời
- gian lận
- That jerk did me down, selling me a car that doesn’t even work!
- These species of birds will die out if we keep destroying their habitat.
Do for:
- Nowadays, this technique is
- seriously damage, hurt, ruin
- phá huỷ nặng nề thứ
- Driving on those rough roads
rather die out.
or kill so/st
gì/làm ai bị thương, giết ai
has really done for my car.
- do the cleaning for (a person - dọn nhà (cho người thân,
- Mrs Bradley used to come in
Exercise 27:
or private household)
twice a week to do for us.
245. When my girlfriend dumped me, I thought I would _______ a broken heart.
Do in: - thủ tiêu, giết
- I reckon someone did her in to
A. die for
B. die of
C. die off
D. die out
- kill sb
246. Dinosaurs died _______ about 65 million years ago. A. off
B. down
get her money.
C. out
D. away
C. died down
D. died of
- do sb in: to make so
247. The sound _______ and silence reigned. A. died away
B. died off
extremely tired Do out = make tidy or clean;
248. We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die _______ it. A. out
B. down
- làm ai đó mệt mỏi
C. away
really did me in. - dọn dẹp, tân trang, trang trí - They did the room out with
D. for
- Playing basketball all day
balloons to ready for the party.
Do out of = prevent from
- ngăn cản ai không có được
- Pensioners have been done out
249. As sensitive organisms _______, resistant strains may come to dominate, and over time an
obtaining st of value by
thứ họ nên có (gian lận)
of millions of pounds as a result
antimalarial drug can lose its ability to cure infection.
A. die for
B. die away
C. die off
D. die out
Do over:
250. It was on the front pages of all the papers for a few days, but the interest gradually died _______ A. off
B. of
C. away
D. down
B. die of
C. die off
- do st again from the
- làm lại từ đầu
251. I’m willing to _______ the woman I love. I just want to take 75 years to do it. A. die for
of the changes.
- decorate a room or part of a
- OK, we’ll do it over, but try to sing the right words this time.
- trang trí phòng theo một
- Can we afford to have the
D. die out 49
A. with
house in a new way
kiểu mới
house done over?
- attack and beat sb severely
- tấn công và đánh trọng
- He was done over by a gang of
thương ai đó
B. without
C. up with
D. away with
261. He held a small parcel _______ in colored paper and ribbon. A. done out of
B. done with
C. done for
D. done up
262. That no-good rotten lawyer did me _______ thousands of dollars from my grandfather’s will!
Do up: - fasten st or become
- cài, thắt (quần áo, dây bảo
- These trousers must have
shrunk - I can’t do them up.
- repair or paint st so that it
- sửa lại, trang trí lại (toà
- We spent our weekends doing
looks attractive
nhà, ô tô...)
up a 1934 Rolls Royce.
- wrap st in paper
- gói gì đó (thành quà)
- She always does her presents
A. out of
B. out
C. off
D. in
263. If you put any more in that suitcase you won’t be able to ________ it ________! A. do - over
B. do – up
C. do – for
D. do - off
264. Most of the articles have to ________ America’s role in the world since the end of the Cold War. A. do away with
up beautifully in gold and silver
B. do with
C. do up
D. do for
265. People thought that the use of robots would do ______ boring low-paid factory jobs. A. do away with
B. do with
C. do up
D. do for
266. We plan to do _______ the kitchen next year.
Do with: - be related/connected
- có liên quan tới
A. over
- I think there is nothing to do
- muốn/cần cái gì
A. for
- I could do with a nice cup of
- xoay xở mà không có cái
- There’s no more milk, so I
succeed without having st/sb
gì/ ai
guess well just have to do
D. in
B. out
C. in
D. over
268. Reynolds has always claimed that he had nothing to do _______ her disappearance.
tea right now. Do without = manage or
C. out of
267. Should they be slowing down because sooner or later their hectic pace will do them _______?
with him; he is a newcomer. - want/need st
B. off
A. over
B. with
C. off
D. in
269. They’ve had their kitchen _______ in light wood and blue tiles. A. done off
B. done in
C. done with
D. done out
C. away with
D. do over
270. I could do _______ a few days off work. A. without
Exercise 28: 254. He does _______ old houses and sells them at a profit. A. in
B. with
C. without
A. done over
D. up
B. off
C. down
A. for
D. up
B. do with
C. do up
C. done down
D. done up
B. out
C. off
D. in
C. do up
D. do for
273. I’m sure James could _______ some help.
256. What are you going to _______ all that junk, Larry? A. do away with
B. done for
272. It was the flu that did _______ her in the end.
255. I know you don’t like him, but there’s no need to keep doing him _______ in front of the boss. A. over
B. with
271. Joe had been ________ by his teacher so often that he had lost all confidence.
A. do away with
D. do out of
B. do with
257. It was climbing that last hill that really did them _______ A. out
B. off
C. over
D. in 29
258. The alternative is to sue the school, which parents regularly _______ matters of questionable significance. A. do over
B. do for
C. do in
B. out
C. off
- kéo ai đó sang một bên
- The teacher drew Bob aside to
(để nói chuyện/thì thầm)
have a word with him.
- sử dụng hết nguồn dự
- I went out to chop more firewood
since we’ve drawn down our
Draw down:
D. do up
- use up an available resource
259. He sees himself as the little man being done _______ by the powerful. A. down
Draw aside = pull or steer sb
D. in
supply this winter.
260. You’ll be gone for six days? I think we can do _______ you for that long. 51
- reduce/deplete
- giảm/cạn kiệt
- During the next 50 years, US
- đỗ xe, dừng xe
- (a vehicle) stop
coal reserves will draw down
- prepare and write st
Draw in: - thu hút ai/cái gì
- engage in
- dính líu vào
- move closer
- You need a bright new sign to
- xúi giục tham gia
- Guidelines have been drawn up for dealing with emergencies.
- dịch chuyển tới gần
- He drew up a chair and sat down.
draw people into your store.
- induce to enter or participate
- chuẩn bị, ghi chép kĩ
(document, plan, ect.)
- attract sb or st
- The cab drew up outside the
- I refuse to be drawn into a fight, no matter what passive-aggressive
Exercise 29:
thing Addison says to me today.
274. She waved to me and called out my name as I ________ .
- They tried to draw in as many
A. drew on
B. drew up
C. drew down
D. drew in
new members as possible.
275. ________ my experience speaking in front of my class definitely helped when I had to give a
- trời trở nên tối (thường
- The days draw in and the
speech to the whole school.
vào thu, đông)
mornings get darker.
Draw off = remove a small
- chắt, đổ vào, hút ra
- Doctors drew off a pint of his
amount of liquid from a larger
(lượng chất lỏng)
- becoming darker earlier
A. Drawing on
B. To draw out
C. Drawing up
D. Drew off
276. The government worries about drawing ________ our oil reserves. A. down
B. up
C. on
D. in
277. The beginning of this book was so good that it just drew me ________
Draw on:
- I haven’t been able to put it down since!
- access and use a helpful
- sử dụng một nguồn
- She had a wealth of experience to
A. down
B. up
C. on
D. in
278. To ________ someone’s horoscope, you need to know their date and exact time of birth.
hữu ích
draw on.
- to approach or come closer
- tới gần hơn (thường là
- My anxiety level grew as the
thời gian)
exam’s start time drew on.
- xảy ra/trôi qua một
- As the lecture drew on, most of
cách chậm chạp
the students started to doze off.
280. The steward drew some wine ________ from the cask.
- The director drew the meeting
281. Fund managers drew ________ on cash reserves and bet that the bull market would continue
out for another hour.
through the summer.
- happen or pass by slowly
A. draw up
A. off
A. on - kéo dài điều gì
usual - encourage/make so feel less
- động viên, an ủi ai đó
nervous - take money from a bank
- Her mother tried every approach
- Suddenly he drew out a gun.
- become lighter in the
- tối muộn hơn (khi thời
- The days are drawing out.
B. up
B. off
B. up
C. on
C. down
C. out
D. in
D. up
D. off
B. down
C. in
D. out
283. Depositors drew so much money ________ of the bank that it was forced to close down.
£500 a week. - rút ra, lấy ra
A. down
A. aside
- The bank allows us to draw out
- take out
D. draw in
282. I drew the nurse ________ so that I could ask a few more questions about my dad’s surgery.
to draw her out. - rút tiền ra
C. draw out
279. We do not want to get drawn ________ a long and expensive conflict.
Draw out: - make st continue longer than
B. draw aside
A. aside
B. down
C. in
D. out
284. The days begin to ________ after the summer solstice. A. draw up
evening as summer gets nearer tiết vào hè)
B. draw down
C. draw out
D. draw in
285. As the journey was drawn ________, he started to feel tired.
Draw up:
A. on 53
B. up
C. out
D. in 54
286. Just when I thought the professor couldn’t ________ this lecture any more, he droned on about
A. at
torts for another half hour. A. draw over
B. draw on
C. draw out
D. draw in
A. back
A. at
B. out
C. over
D. aside
B. draw up
A. drive off
C. draw out
D. draw off
C. out
D. at
B. back
C. off
D. away
B. drive back
C. drive out
D. drive away
295. He has tried his best efforts to _______corruption.
289. She was good at drawing ________ young people and getting them to talk about their fears and
A. drive out
B. drive away
C. drive off
D. drive in
296. What exactly are you driving _______with a critical statement like that? If you have a problem B. off
C. down
D. out
with my work, just tell me.
290. He drew ________ his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme. A. up
B. off
294. Without a shotgun you cannot _______the wolves and jackals.
288. Well then, ________ a seat and tell us what you think.
A. in
D. out
293. The campers drove the cows _______before the animals trampled the tents.
London Metal Exchange warehouses.
A. draw on
C. away
292. The police drove the crowd _______to give the rescue workers more space.
287. Consumers continue to draw ________ inventories of aluminum, copper, and other metals at
A. down
B. back
B. out
C. off
A. at
D. on
B. back
C. away
D. out
297. She slammed the car door shut and drove _______without saying a word. A. off
B. in
C. at
D. back
Drive at = try to explain or
- cố nói, giải thích; ý
- I can’t understand what she’s driving
say st; mean or intend
định, có ý
Drive away = make sb (or
- xua đi, đuổi đi, làm
animal) want to go away
ai không muốn tới đâu
Drop away = become weaker
- nhỏ dần, yếu dần (về số
- Support for him has begun to
- Rising prices are driving customers
or smaller in amount
lượng, con số)
drop away.
Drop back = move back;
- bị bỏ lại, bị đánh bại, tụt
- He got tired and dropped back
retreat, drop behind
lại phía sau, bước lùi
as the race went on.
- Hey, will any of you be driving back
Drop by = visit sb
- tạt vào thăm, tiện ghé
- He dropped by my home on his
way home from work.
- làm rơi cái gì vào ai
- The bricklayer dropped some
Drive back: - return to some place by
- lái xe quay lại đâu
to campus soon?
informally/make a short visit
- force so or st to move away
- đẩy lùi, ngăn chặn ai
- This tactic should help us to drive
from so or something else
khỏi đâu
back the enemy troops.
Drop on: - let st fall (on sb)
Drive off: - leave some place by driving
- repel or chase away sb or st
- rời đi bằng xe, đi đâu - Once my parents had driven off, I
mortar on me.
bằng xe
called my friends and invited them over.
- đẩy lùi, đuổi đi (khi
- Men drove off the dogs with stones.
bị tấn công) Drive out = make sb or st
- làm ai/cái gì biến
disappear or stop operating
mất, dừng hoạt động
- mang sự khó chịu đến
- Sally dropped some really bad
cho ai
news on Walter.
- become less, lower in level,
- ít hơn, giảm (mức độ, giá
- Business dropped off a little
value, price, etc.
during the summer.
- fall asleep quickly
- ngủ gật
- I dropped off during the play
- deliver st unpleasant to sb
Drop off: - He cut his rates to drive out rivals.
and woke up when it ended.
Exercise 30: - leave sb/st in a place they
291. It only took us an hour to get here, but with all of this traffic, how long will it take us to drive
- thả khách
- Let’s drop off Tom and Jerry at
_______ ? 55
want Drop out = leave st (an
- bỏ giữa chừng, bỏ học
activity, school, or
the hamburger joint.
instead of in restaurant
- Too many students drop out of
Eat into = use or take away a
- dùng dần dần thứ gì
- The high cost of living in
college after only one year.
large part of something valuable
đó có giá trị (dù không
London is eating into my savings.
competition) before finishing
so we will eat in tonight.
Drop round = visit
- tạt vào thăm, tiện ghé
- The kids drop round and see her
Eat out = eat away from home,
somewhere for a short period
from time to time.
esp in a restaurant
- ăn ởngoài/ăn hàng
- I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat
(= drop by)
out tonight? Eat up:
Exercise 31:
- eat all of st
- ăn hết, ăn sạch
- use large amounts of available
- tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ, sử
time, money or resources
dụng (đồ có giá trị,
298. Can you drop the kids _______ at school this morning? A. back
B. round
C. off
you won’t get any dessert. D. away
299. She let the sewing _______ to her lap and her shoulders drooped a little. A. drop out
B. drop off
C. drop on
- If you don’t eat up your greens,
D. drop by
- This car eats up much petrol.
thời gian...)
300. Sometimes, you have to drop _______ a few steps when a particular design decision doesn’t
- be very jealous, angry, guilty,
- cảm thấy ghen tị/tức
- Paula was eaten up by guilt for
make sense.
etc. so that you cannot think
giận/hối lỗi... đến mức
about anything else
không thể nghĩ được
A. back
B. round
C. off
D. away
301. I must have dropped _______ during the show, because I don’t remember how it ended. A. away
B. off
C. out
việc gì khác
D. by
302. I’m sorry to drop all of that ______ you, but I had to tell someone about my mom’s illness. A. out
B. back
C. off
Exercise 32:
D. on
307. She was eaten _______ by jealousy, so she couldn’t congratulate Mary on her success.
303. I’m going back to school because I always regretted _______ of college. A. dropping away
B. dropping off
C. dropping on
A. away
D. dropping out
B. round
C. by
D. away
A. eat out
go over everything step by step. B. drop on
B. back
C. off
- ăn dần ăn mòn, phá
damage or destroy st
huỷ dần
Eat in = have meal at home
- có bữa ăn tại nhà
B. into
C. away
D. up
D. away
311. The acid began to eat _______ at the edge of her tunic, the bottom strands of her curly hair.
A. ate up
EAT Eat away (at st) = gradually
D. eat away
310. We didn’t like going to a restaurant so we _______
A. away
C. eat into
D. drop away
306. The daily toll of casualties has dropped _______ sharply. A. out
B. eat up
309. Then they will sit straight and _______ all their nourishing gilt-edged stock. A. out
C. drop back
D. up
305. If you still have questions on the material, why don’t you _______ my office sometime, and we’ll
A. drop by
C. into
308. One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can _______ At almost any time of
304. The attendance has dropped _______ in recent months. A. out
B. out
B. ate on
B. out
C. ate in
C. into
D. ate into
D. up
312. This is not cheap: housing costs _______ 44% of a typical wage-earner’s income, as opposed to - Jealousy is eating away at him.
14% in the 1950s. A. eat out
- Neither of us felt like going out,
C. eat into
D. eat in
313. Unfortunately, the cost of selling can really eat _______ your profits. A. out
B. eat up
B. into
C. away
D. up 58
Fall apart: - break into pieces
Face about = turn and face in
- quay đằng sau; trở
- The soldiers faced about and
the opposite direction
mặt, thay đổi hẳn
started marching south.
Face down = defeat sb or st
- đánh bại, hạ gục
- He admired the President’s ability
Face up to = cope with
- stop working effectively
to face down critics.
- experience serious emotional
- đương đầu với/ chấp
- Many people find it hard to face up
to the fact that they are getting old.
Fall away:
Face with: - have to handle or deal with
- install st on the surface of st
- đối mặt, giải quyết,
- She’s faced with a difficult
xoay xở
- bao phủ, che phủ, lợp
- We faced the kitchen walls with
- My poor old boots are falling
thành từng mảng
- thất bại, dừng hoạt
- The deal fell apart because of a
lack of financial support.
- trải qua nỗi đau
- After his wife died, he began to fall apart.
- (land) slope down
- (đất) sạt lở
- become separated from st
- bị tách khỏi vật gì
- fade away
- phai mờ
- When I faced him with the
cái gì cho ai xem
evidence, he confessed immediately.
as a young boy. - giảm
Fall back:
B. faced with
C. faced down
- move backwards a short
D. faced about
B. faced with
C. faced down
D. faced about
316. You could _______ eight years in jail for spreading rumors considered prejudicial to security. B. face with
C. face down
D. face about
317. The house was faced _______ blue stucco. B. about
C. up to
D. down
318. My meditation practice definitely helps me whenever I’m _______ a stressful situation at work. A. faced up to
B. faced with
C. faced down
- lùi lại
distance away from sb/st
315. She drew an apple on blackboard, next _______ asking a student: "What is this?"
A. with
- (army) withdraw
- (quân đội) rút lui
- The infantry fell back in disarray.
- become lower in amount,
- giảm về lượng, mức
- Profits fell back slightly this
level, value
độ, giá trị
Fall back on = use st else after
- phải cầu đến, phải
- She always has her teaching
other things have failed
cần đến
experience to fall back on.
- be slower than sb else
- tụt lại, chậm hơn
- She hurt her ankle and had fallen
- become less successful than
- không thành công
- After her time in hospital, Jenny’s
bằng người khác
parents are afraid she has fallen
- fall behind schedule
- thanh toán quá hạn
Fall behind:
D. faced about
leaders. B. about
C. up to
- The congregation fell back from them slightly as they entered.
319. She faced _______ a mid-career crisis and emerged with a high position with one of the industry
A. with
- The quality of his work has fallen away a little.
314. The CEO was _______ the problem of bringing the bankrupt firm back to profitability.
A. face up to
- As she looked at him, the years fell away, and she saw him again
- đưa bằng chứng của
Exercise 33:
A. faced up to
- On the bathroom ceiling, some pieces of plaster had fallen away.
- decrease
A. faced up to
- On the other side of the hill, the land falls away sharply.
yellow tile. - present evidence of st to sb
- vụn vỡ, bong ra
D. down
behind the others.
behind educationally. FALL 34
Fall about = laugh
- cười nghiêng ngả
mortgage after losing his job.
- We fell about when we saw him. - fall behind with/ on = fail to
uncontrolledly 59
- He had fallen behind with his
- trễ thời gian hoàn
- He was ill for six weeks and fell 60
make payments on time
thành công việc
behind with his schoolwork.
Fall off: - decrease
- giảm
- (part of st) become separated
- rụng rời
- The door handle keeps falling off.
- Our apple tree fell down in the
from the main part
Fall on/upon:
- Many buildings in the old part of
- (eyes) see, notice st
- nhìn, để ý
- Her gaze fell on a small box at
Fall down: -fail
- thất bại
- fall to the ground
- rơi xuống đất
be falling down = be in a very
- trong tình trạng xấu
bad condition fall down on st = not be good
- Where do you think the plan falls
the city are falling down. - không giỏi cái gì khi
the back of the shop.
- I’m quite good at speaking
at st in comparison with another so sánh với thứ khác
Chinese, but I fall down on the
written work.
- start to eat st eagerly
- The burden of caring for elderly
dồn hết lên đầu ai
parents often falls on women.
- (teeth, hair) become loose
- (răng, tóc) rụng, gãy
- Her baby teeth are starting to fall
fall out with sb =
- cãi nhau với ai
- mê tít, yêu ai
- They fell for each other instantly.
Fall out:
- be tricked into believing st not
- bị lừa
- I’m surprised you fell for that trick.
Fall in: - (roof, ceiling) drop to the
- (mái nhà, quạt trần)
- Part of my bedroom ceiling has
argue with sb
ground because of damage
rơi xuống đất
fallen in.
- (soldiers) move out of a line
- (soldier) form a line or move
- (quân lính) đứng
- "Company, fall in !" shouted the
in a line, on behind the other
thành hàng ngũ
Fall into:
- become into a bad condition
- They fell on the bread as if they hadn’t eaten for days.
- fall in love with sb
- start doing st by chance
- ăn ngấu nghiến
- be one’s responsibility to do st - trách nhiệm làm gì
Fall for:
- Sales have been falling off
- He left home after falling out with his parents.
- (quân lính) tách hàng
- "Fall out, men!" shouted the sergeant-major.
Fall over:
- Tommy fell over and cut his knee
- (sb) fall to the ground
- rơi về một bên
- bắt đầu làm gì một
- I fell into my job quite by
- (st) fall onto its side
- dừng hoạt động
- Her bike fell over.
cách tình cờ
- (computer program) stop
- phá sản
- The program falls over on
- trong tình trạng tồi
- The old school fell into disuse (=
complicated drawings.
people stopped using it).
- (business) go bankrupt
- Her company is likely to fall
as a result of not being taken
tàn do không được
care of
chăm sóc
- fall into one’s hand
- dưới tầm kiểm soát
= come under one’s control
over. - All the western provinces had
Fall through = (agreement,
- thất bại, không đi đến - The studio planned to make a
fallen into enemy hands.
plan, sale) fail or come to
đâu cả
Fall in with:
movie of the book but the deal fell through.
- accept one’s ideas, decisions,
- đồng tình với ý kiến,
- Once she explained her problem,
Fall to:
- chịu trách nhiệm
- It fell to me to give her the bad
quyết định của ai
he was happy to fall in with her
- if a duty or job falls to
- bắt đầu làm gì
sb, they are responsible for
- She fell in with the wrong crowd
doing it
in her teens.
fall to do st = start
- become friendly with sb
- thân thiện với ai
- They fell to work with a will.
A. falling down
doing st Fall under = be listed
- xếp loại, phân loại
or classified as
B. falling in
C. falling through
D. falling away
335. Companies that are not market-driven risk ________ the competition.
- These scores fall under choral
A. falling up with
B. falling behind
C. falling back on
D. falling down
336. The company can always ________ its core business if any of the subsidiaries fail. A. fall back on
Exercise 34:
B. fell apart
C. fell down
A. falling down
D. fell away
B. fell over
C. fell down
A. fell over
D. fell away
B. fell down
C. fell through
D. fell into
C. fallen up
D. fallen off
A. fall apart
B. fallen into
A. falling down
B. fell behind
C. fell about
A. fell on
D. fell on
B. fell in
C. fell into
A. falls up
D. fell apart
B. fall into
C. fall apart
B. fell through
A. fall off
C. fell in
B. fall down
A. fall down
C. fall back on
B. falling down
C. falling about
A. fall down on
A. fall back C. fallen down
B. fall to
B. fell into
C. fell over
B. fallen off
C. fallen into
C. fell in
D. fell down
B. falls on
C. falls off
D. falls in
B. fall on
C. fall to
D. fall under
B. fall through
C. fall back
D. fall to
B. fall in with
C. fall back on
D. fall back
B. fall on
C. fall in with
D. fall behind
D. fall under
A. fallen through
B. fallen to
B. fallen over
C. fallen down
D. fallen away
C. fallen behind
D. fallen for
C. falls down
D. falls down on
349. That’s where the whole argument ________.
D. fell away
A. falls up
333. We’ve ________ the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings. A. fallen up
B. fell off
348. His mother was chatting and didn’t notice that he had ________.
332. He started to march away, and the others ________ behind him. A. fell in
D. falling up
347. The view from the top was so wonderful that our tiredness ________ A. fallen apart
C. fall out
C. falling over
D. fallen off
331. He is too smart to ________ that trick. A. fall for
B. falling away
346. Small firms that ________ technologically can be rapidly wiped out.
promoted. B. fallen down with
D. fall on
ask for your help. D. falling back
330. Countless advanced communications projects have ________ schedule after being heavily
A. fallen behind
C. fall out
345. Where I need practical advice and have only theoretical data to ________ I won’t be ashamed to
D. fall under
329. He faces losing his home after ________ with the payments. A. falling behind
B. fall under
344. Stocks rallied in the first hour of trading only to ________ sharply by noon.
D. fell off
328. When the business failed, we had to ________ our savings. A. fall on
D. fell about
D. fall down
327. He ________ embarrassment when he saw that Ross had no hair at all. A. fell back
C. fell off
343. Keep the napkin square on your lap or it will _______, and you may not drop anything on the
326. Some men would ________ if their wives left them. A. fall up
B. fell to
342. A lot of pressure ________ Hutchinson, who did all the right things in the final drive last week.
325. He bought some cheap shoes that ________ after a couple of months. A. fell for
D. falling out
341. He was the last person to see the woman alive, and suspicion immediately ________ him.
324. When they saw what their father had done, they both ________ laughing. A. fell off
C. falling off
340. The building looked as though it was ________, because of the strange angles of the walls.
323. Since you resigned, the office has ________. A. fallen apart
B. falling away
339. Yet once they reach 18, they ________ the adult sentencing regime.
322. Officials say that one or two engines ________ from the plane shortly after take off. A. fell away
D. catch up
338. It ________ him to change the look of advertising for a well-known brand of cigarettes.
321. From where we stood, the ground ________ sharply to the valley floor. A. fell into
C. keep up with
337. The paint was _______ into patches.
320. Their marriage ________ when she found out about her husband’s affair. A. fall apart
B. fall through
B. falls in with
350. That was the summer when I worked at the fairground, met and ________ Lucy.
D. fallen away
A. fell up
334. The bridge is ________ and will need a million dollars to repair it. 63
B. fell for
C. fell in
D. fell down 64
351. Ten miners were trapped underground when the roof of the tunnel ________. A. fell out
B. fell about
C. fell up
D. fell in
352. Over the years, the house had ________ disrepair. A. fallen into
B. fallen down
C. fallen through
D. fallen up
Fill in: Fill in for sb = do the work of
- tạm thời đảm nhiệm
- I asked Agnes to fill in for me
sb else for a short time
công việc cho ai đó
while I went out for lunch.
353. We don’t want this information to ________ the wrong hands. A. fallen into
B. fallen in
C. fallen down
trong một thời gian D. fallen in with
354. Sometimes agreement is apparent rather than real because of the tendency to conform and
- type information on a
- điền thông tin vào tài
- Companies will encourage
________ majority opinion.
document in spaces
customers to fill in questionnaires
A. fall in with
B. fall back on
C. fall down on
D. fall behind with
about themselves.
355. Audience figures ________ during the second series of the programme. A. fell off
B. fell to
C. fell out
D. fell through
Fill sb in on st = tell sb st they
- tiết lộ, nói cho ai biết
- I haven’t seen the latest report, so
don’t know
điều gì mà họ không
perhaps you could fill me in?
356. He greeted her, his eyes ________ her again for an instant and then skittering away. A. falling out
B. falling away
C. falling on
D. falling to
Fill out:
357. Demand for our more theoretical courses has ________. A. fallen away
B. fallen up
C. fallen by
- complete a form by writing D. fallen apart
on it
358. If the program ________ on complicated drawings, it is of no use to us professionally. A. falls on
B. falls down
C. falls over
- điền vào mẫu đơn
filled it out.
- become rounder or fatter
D. falls away
- mập ra (trở nên béo
- When John is older and fills out
tốt, khoẻ mạnh)
some, he’ll be an outstanding
359. They ________ the sandwiches with alacrity. A. fell off
B. fell over
C. fell on
athlete. D. fell out
Fill up = make st full/ become
360. Hotels and catering companies have been ________ at an increasing rate lately. A. falling over
B. falling off
C. falling around
- I got the membership form and
- làm đầy, đầy
- Too many spam emails are filling up our inboxes.
D. falling up
361. It was unbelievable - it took two years to set the whole thing up and it ________ At the last
Exercise 35:
367. Please print off a copy of the agreement, _______, sign it and send it back.
A. fell up
B. fell down
C. fell through
D. fell out
A. fill it in
362. Maria ________ with some of her colleagues and decided to look for a new job. A. fell off
B. fell over
C. fell on
B. fall behind
C. fall apart
A. in
B. fall apart
C. fall into
B. fell back on
C. fell down on
A. Filling in
D. fall over
A. filled me in for
B. fell out
C. fell by
C. for
D. out
B. Fill out
C. Fill up
D. Filling up
B. fill me in
C. filled me in on
D. filled me out
371. The sales pipeline for his facility is starting to _______ clients.
D. fell in with
A. fill up with
366. There was a lot of work to do, so they ________ immediately. A. fell to
B. up
370. Josh _______ what had been agreed at the meeting.
365. We ________ them, as the wheels turned and we made our way to the river bank. A. fell down with
D. filling in it
369. _______ the application carefully, and keep copies of it. D. fall back
364. I was frightened that Granny would ________ on the ice. A. fall through
C. fill it out
368. When I saw her again, I couldn’t recognize her. She filled _______ and looked beautiful.
D. fell out
363. A side effect of the treatment is that your hair starts to ________ A. fall out
B. fill it up
B. fill in for
C. fill in on
D. fill up
372. She will _______ for him while he’s at the conference. D. fell off
A. fill up
B. fill out
C. fill in with
D. fill in
saying it directly
GET 36
Get about/around:
ngụ ý
Get away:
- travel to a lot of places and
- tham quan, du hành, đi
- He’s got an old van which he
- leave or escape from a place
- trốn thoát, rời khỏi, đi
- The robber is getting away!
visit different people
nhiều nơi
uses for getting about.
or person; move away
ra, rời đi
Stop him!
- move
- di chuyển
- She was finding it increasingly
- go somewhere to have a
- nghỉ ngắn hạn, đi nghỉ
- We should get away this
difficult to get about.
summer, maybe to Aruba.
- become popular as a result of
- lan truyền
- How did the rumours get about?
Get away with:
being told to lots of people
- succeed in doing st wrong
- thoát được sự trừng
- Do you think we could get away
Get across:
without being criticized
phạt (khi làm sai)
with using the cheaper product?
- I just couldn’t get my message
- receive only a small
- chỉ bị phạt nhẹ
- The charge was reduced to
across at the meeting.
punishment for st
- succeed in making other
- truyền đạt, giải thích
people understand st - traverse st
- băng qua, vượt qua
- Don’t worry, I’ll get you across
- push, encourage sb about
- do st successfully although it
is not the best way of doing it
- rượt đuổi ai/ cái gì
- thúc ép, cổ vũ
- Don’t just stand there talking.
- return to a place, a person or
Get after them!
- receive or have st again
- nhận lại
- xử lí xong
successfully - rời đi, đi khỏi
- Don’t lend him any money; you’ll never get it back.
Get back at = have revenge for
- trả thù, trả đũa
st unpleasant - có quan hệ tốt với ai
- The train was held up so we didn’t get back home until
- It’s tough for a woman to get ahead in politics.
mutually friendly way
- leave a place/depart
- trở lại, quay lại
Get along:
- deal with a situation, usually
- The colour’s not quite right, but I think you’ll get away with it.
- You should get after them to finish the work.
- thành công, tiến bộ
- interact (with sb) in a
- làm/dùng tàm tạm
Get back:
doing st Get ahead = make
with three years in prison.
the river, even if I have to carry
Get after: - chase sb or st
manslaughter, and she got away
- Part of me wanted to get back at him for what he’d done.
- It’s impossible to get along with
Get by = have just enough of
- chỉ có đủ (để làm gì
- Melville managed to get by on a
something to manage to live or
small amount of money.
- It’s late; we must be getting
do things
Get down:
- You’d better be getting along
- make sb feel sad or lose hope
- làm ai đó buồn, thất
- The miserable weather in winter
really gets me down.
- ghi chép lại
- Here, get down my number. You
now. - write st down
Get at: - criticize sb in an unkind way
- chỉ trích, châm chọc
him for arriving late.
- manage to swallow food or
- cố nuốt trôi (thức ăn,
- Here, get this tea down. It will
- manage to reach or touch st
- tiếp cận, đạt tới, với
- I keep the sweets up here where
đồ uống)
help your nerves.
the children can’t get at them.
Get down to = start doing st
- bắt đầu làm việc gì
- It’s difficult to get down to
- có ý, ý định, ý muốn,
- What do you think she’s getting
một cách nghiêm túc
doing any revision for
- try to suggest st without
- His boss is always getting at
can call me anytime you like.
Get on: - continue doing st
- tiếp tục làm
likely to raise taxes.
- get into a bus, plane, or train,
- lên xe, tàu, máy bay...
Get in: - be elected to a political
- trúng cử, được bầu
- The teacher asked the pupils to get on with some work quietly.
- If Archer gets in as mayor, he’s
- We got on the train at Plymouth
- arrive/enter a place
- đến nơi, tới nơi, đến
- Her plane gets in at 2 am.
car, ect./ board
- xoay xở, thực hiện tiến and went up to London.
- deliver or send st to a person
- đệ trình, nộp, gửi
- I must get the forms in by the
- manage or deal with a
bộ, đối phó (thành
- He is prepared to do anything in
end of this Monday.
situation, especially
order to get on.
- We need to get some coffee in;
- có quan hệ tốt
we’re completely out.
- have a good relationship
or place - buy or collect things that you
- mua đồ (tiếp tế)
need Get into: - start enjoying st
- trở nên hứng thú
- She’s getting into the Internet.
- succeed in being chosen or
- trúng cử, được chọn
- He got into the first football
- enter a place, especially when
- be getting old; be late
Get on to = speak or write to
- dính vào (thứ gì đó
- Those kids are always getting
someone in order to ask them
into trouble.
for help
- đi vào một nơi
- The door was locked and we
Get out:
couldn’t get into the house.
- leave
this is difficult - fit into a particular article of
- mặc vừa, làm gì đó
- I couldn’t get into the shoes;
they were too tight.
Get in with = become friendly
- hoà thuận, cởi mở
- I tried to get in with them as I
with sb (cause their benefit in
daughter. - I must get home now; it’s getting on.
elected - become involved in st bad
- He doesn’t get on with his - già đi; muộn, trễ
- visit places
- yêu cầu giúp đỡ
- I’ll tell him to get on to the broker first thing.
- rời khỏi, ra khỏi (nhà,
- I’ll get out when you stop at the
traffic lights.
- đi thăm nhiều nơi
- We don’t get out much since we had the children.
thought it would help me at work.
- become known
- bại lộ
- I don’t want it to get out that
some way)
I’m leaving before I’ve had a
Get off:
chance to tell Anthony. Get out of:
- stop bothering or touching st
- dừng động chạm,
or sb
ngưng làm phiền
- leave bus, train, ect./ leave the
- rời tàu, xe; kết thúc
place you work
công việc
- give up or stop a habit or a
- dừng một thói quen,
-If you get out of a routine, it’s
- receive less punishment or
- giảm án, giảm phạt,
- He got off on a technicality and
regular activity
hoạt động
very hard to get back into it.
avoid punishment
trốn phạt
left the court a free man.
- get pleasure or a benefit from
- tạo niềm vui, lợi ích từ
- He gets a lot of satisfaction out
- send st
- gửi đi
- Has he gotten off that email yet?
- She got off with a bloke at the
- leave some place
Get off with = begin a sexual relationship with sb
- cặp với ai
- Get off the grass right now!
- avoid doing st
- né, tránh
- I said I wasn’t feeling well to get out of the extra work.
- What time do you get off work?
of being a teacher. - rời khỏi
- We got out of the taxi and paid the driver.
party. Get over: - recover or heal/feel better
- bình phục, chữa khỏi;
- It can take weeks to get over an
after st bad
trở nên tốt hơn
illness like that.
- find a way to solve or deal
- vượt qua, giải quyết
- How would they get over that
with a problem or difficulty
- annoy or irritate sb
- làm phiền, tức giận
- Don’t let her get to you; she’s in a bad mood.
problem, he wondered?
- have an opportunity to do st
- có cơ hội
- Last June I got to visit
- giải thích, làm ai đó
- He makes jokes to help get his
message over.
- (= get about) spread among a
- lan rộng, phổ biến
- I don’t want this to get round, so
Get together:
number of people
(thường mang nghĩa
please keep it to yourself.
- meet sb (having arranged
- gặp mặt, dành thời
- We got together in the pub for a
before); spend time together
- start a romantic relationship
- hẹn hò
- She got together with Paul two
- make sb understand st
Stonehenge. - bắt đầu
- begin to do or be
your mother.
Get round:
xấu) - solve difficulty, problem, or
- giải quyết
- We’re nearly ready, but there are few little problems we have to
- gently persuade sb to do what
- nhẹ nhàng/từ từ thuyết
you want by being nice to them
phục ai
Get around to = do st after you - làm (sau nhiều lần dự have intended to do it for some
- You’re getting to be just like
years ago.
get round.
Get up:
- thức dậy (rời khỏi
- I know how to get round Chris.
- get out of bed after sleeping
- rise to a standing
- vươn lên vị trí; đứng
- I got up and walked over to
- I meant to call you, but
position/stand up
where he was.
somehow I never got ground to it.
- organize st
- tổ chức
- Local people got up a petition
- He never gets up before nine.
against the factory closure.
Get through:
Get up to = do st without
- làm, tạo gì đó (không
- They get up to all sorts behind
- overcome, manage to deal
- xoay xở, đối phó,
- It is hard to see how people will
approving of it
được chấp thuận)
your back.
with a difficult situation
thành công, vượt qua
get through the winter.
Get with = be knowledgeable
- nắm bắt được thông
- You need to get with the project
- finish dealing with some
- hoàn thành
- There was a lot to get through
and engaged with something
and start helping us.
work, a subject, etc.
in the meeting.
- contact
- liên lạc
- reach a good enough standard
- thi đỗ
to pass a test
- I tried phoning her, but I
Exercise 36:
couldn’t get through.
373. I managed to ______ him by saying he could borrow my car on Saturday.
- How did he ever get through his driving test?
- have a new law accepted by a
- được chấp thuận/thông - Getting a bill through Congress
qua (đạo luật)
is a long process.
understand or believe st - be connected by telephone
A. off
A. get away with - làm ai đó hiểu ra
- I explained it carefully, but I
C. get about
D. get through
B. in
C. across
D. out
B. get in with
C. get off with
D. get along with
376. I wonder how Michael is getting ______ in his new job?
just couldn’t get through to him. - liên lạc (điện thoại)
B. get down
375. She spent the whole evening trying to ______ Phil.
Get through to: - succeed in making sb
A. get round
374. We don’t get ______ much, as we have a young baby.
-I finally got through to Warren on his mobile.
A. over
B. along
C. through
D. back
377. The salesman’s obsequious manner was beginning to ______ me. A. get with
B. get to
C. get into
D. get round
378. I’d love to play rugby again. I’ll play it when getting ______ a broken ankle.
Get to:
A. back 71
B. into
C. down
D. over 72
379. We walked to the next beach to ______ from the crowds. A. get away
B. get on
C. get over
A. over D. get in
B. along
C. through
A. off
D. back
B. in
C. across
A. in
D. to
B. got through
C. got out
A. get in
B. on to
C. back
B. gets around
C. gets about
B. getting along
A. ahead
A. getting up to D. gets together
B. get around
C. get away
B. at
C. along
B. through
C. up with
B. down to
C. out of
B. across
C. down
A. over
A. get across
D. around
B. into
C. by
A. after
B. getting about
C. getting at
B. together
C. down
B. get on
C. get in with
B. through
C. up with
C. down
B. after
B. get back
D. over
C. across
D. on
C. get with
D. get by
B. along
C. through
D. back
407. Will you get uncle Joe ______ the bus? He isn’t sure where the stop is.
A. Get off
A. out of
D. over
B. Get away
B. on to
C. Get through to
C. back
D. Get about
D. on
408. We can’t get ______ the government just how serious the problem is! A. through to
D. after
B. up to
C. away with
D. back at
409. I can’t believe that known criminal ______ with such a light sentence. A. got away
D. getting about
B. got off
C. got over
D. got round
410. They must have got ______ through the bathroom window. A. off
D. into
B. in
C. away
D. at
411. The boss is going to want us to know exact figures in the meeting, so you better ______ it. A. get with
D. get on to
B. get out of
C. get off
D. get through
412. The medicine tasted horrible and it was difficult to get it ______
395. I’ve got a lot of routine paperwork to get ______ A. with
B. off
D. in with
394. You need to ______ your landlord about that leaky roof. A. get along
D. getting down to
406. ______ me an e-mail when you have any news.
393. I don’t want to get ______ an argument with him because he’s an aggressive man. A. back
C. getting around to
D. off
D. at
392. So you’re ______ a bit again? Not shutting yourself away? A. getting down
D. get around
405. I couldn’t get ______ - the line was engaged.
391. Nowadays, you need IT skills if you want to get ______. A. ahead
B. getting through to
C. up
404. My arithmetic isn’t very good, but I ______.
390. The campaign had clearly failed to get its message ______ to the public. A. away
B. into
D. get together
389. I must get ______ the habit of finishing people’s sentences for them. A. through to
C. get on
403. It’s impossible to get ______ the road with all this traffic.
388. Shall we get ______ on Friday and go for a drink or something? A. together
B. get over
D. getting in
387. As my grandmother is older, she is finding it harder and harder to get ______ days. A. on
D. back
402. If we can get ______ by seven o’clock, the roads will be clearer.
386. She’d gladly have gone anywhere to ______ from the cottage. A. get with
C. with
401. The children are always ______ some trouble or others.
A. back C. getting round
B. up
D. up
385. It’s late; we must be ______ A. getting up to
D. over
400. They got ______ a list of two hundred people who were opposed to the local council’s plans.
384. Spain last week and Germany this week - he ______, doesn’t he? A. gets with
C. about
D. got away
383. The whole audience got ______ and started clapping. A. out of
B. in
399. It’s important that you ______ with your colleagues.
382. There was a huge public outcry when the news ______. A. got up
D. out
398. I have to get this homework ______ to my teacher by the end of the week.
381. I think he’s genuinely left wing - and will act as such if he gets ______ A. off
C. down
397. Kara’s friends are coming at the weekend, so get lots of chocolate _______.
380. You’ll have to break the branches away to get ______ the thick forest. A. over
B. to
A. back D. by
B. into
C. down
D. over
C. get on at
D. get along with
413. I don’t really ______ my sister’s husband.
396. I hope you get a lot of good experience ______ of your internship here.
A. get away with 73
B. get in with
414. We’ve had to ______ a lot of technical setbacks, but our new website is finally up and running. A. get over
B. get back
C. get with
431. I’ll ______ my brother - Tom about going to this interview, it’s too important an opportunity to
D. get along
415. We would have come straight here, except our flight got ______ too late. A. ahead
B. into
C. up
A. get along with
D. in
416. We have got to get the message ______ to the young that smoking isn’t cool. A. out of
B. into
C. back
A. at
D. over
B. got around
C. got round to
A. back
D. get back
B. after
C. across
B. Get away
C. Get through to
A. get with
B. into
C. down
D. Get after
B. with
C. in with
A. over
D. over
A. getting across
B. down to
C. away to
A. back
B. by
C. up
D. about
B. got on to
C. got around to
A. get at
D. at
A. off
B. Get on
D. Get back
B. out of
C. into
B. get back
C. get in
D. to
B. by
C. about
A. get across
D. get along
A. by
B. get away
C. get along
A. round
B. into
C. up
B. getting on
C. getting round
D. A & C
B. into
C. down
D. over
B. get to
C. get into
D. get round
B. back
C. across
D. along
B. got away
C. got along
D. got into
B. get back at
C. get around to
D. get down to
B. out of
C. into
D. to
B. to
C. down
D. out
444. I think her backache was just a way of ______ the housework. D. get through
430. You have 14 days in which you can cancel the contract and get your money ______. A. ahead
D. back
443. We can get ______ the problem of space by building an extension.
D. in
429. I like to ______ from London at the weekend. A. get with
C. through
442. The only way of getting ______ swimming lessons is to have a note signed by a parent.
428. When news of this tax scandal gets ______, your career in politics will be finished! A. round
B. along
427. I don’t know how she managed to ______ those trousers. A. get into
D. get through
441. The meeting’s not due to start for another five minutes but we’re all here, so let’s ______
426. I’d like to get ______ know you better - could we have dinner sometime? A. by
C. get off
in. A. got with
C. Get off
B. get out of
440. I still can’t believe she ______ office after all the scandals and controversies she’s been involved
D. got away with
425. ______ your butts and do some work! A. Get away
D. over
439. Oh, I need to get ______ now, or else I’ll miss the train!
424. At school he had always ______ doing the bare minimum amount of work. A. got on at
C. down
438. Hand me the broom so I can ______ that spider on the ceiling.
423. A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get ______ the leaves. A. ahead
B. into
437. The thought of working for a faceless corporation really gets me ______.
D. around to
422. You’ll have to break the branches away to get ______ the thick forest. A. through
D. in
436. Officers felt their point of view was not ______ to ministers.
421. We have to get ourselves ______ here before the whole building collapses! A. out of
C. up
435. I wonder how Michael’s getting ______ in his new job? It’s not his major in university.
420. She’s been getting ______ yoga recently - she does three classes a week. A. back
B. up to
to ______. D. on
419. ______ her and give her the letter before she leaves the building. A. Get on at
D. get to
434. If we give love, we get love. And even in the most difficult times, we find there is always a way
418. Stop playing around and get ______ with the job. A. over
C. get after
433. I forgot my key, so I can’t get ______ the building.
417. It’s been at the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven’t ______ it yet. A. got off
B. get up
432. They don’t like my moustache and my long hair, they get ______ me whenever they can.
D. back
A. getting away with
B. getting on well with
C. getting out of
D. getting through to
445. I think he’s trying to ______ her for what she said in the meeting. A. get back at 75
B. get down to
C. get away with
D. get along with 76
446. If I thought I could ______ it, I wouldn’t pay my taxes at all. A. get away with
B. get on well with
C. get out of
- accept that you have been D. get through to
447. Experience like that is sure to help you ______ with the board of directors. A. get in
B. get over
C. get on
B. get to
C. get back
- finally agree after refusing
B. get in with
C. get on at
- đồng ý (sau khi từ chối) - He nagged me so much for a new bike that eventually I gave in.
D. get round
449. If you want to be elected to the club, she’s the person you need to ______ A. get away with
Give off = emit, produce,
- sản xuất, thải ra, phát
- That tiny radiator doesn’t give
discharge or release st
ra, toả ra
off much heat.
- phân phát
- The office gives out financial
Give out:
D. get along with
- give st to several people
450. Uncle Meade’s getting ______ in years - he’s 76. A. over
B. after
C. across
advice to students. D. on
- no longer last/work
451. Many people try ______ their taxes in one way or another, but most of them end up paying even more in fines. A. get round
- announce or publicize st B. get on to
C. get to
- You’ll never guess the answer do you give in?
D. get around
448. Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must ______ from first principles. A. get with
- đầu hàng, bỏ cuộc
D. get over
- ngừng làm việc, ngừng
- Food supplies will give out by
hoạt động
the end of the week.
- tuyên bố, công khai,
- Please don’t give out news of
thông báo
our engagement just yet.
- They were making a lot of noise
452. We spent a long time trying to understand the answer. I can’t understand what you’re trying to get
Give over:
- stop doing st
- dừng làm gì
- give sb the responsibility for
- chuyển giao, ủy thác,
- We gave the house over to my
để lại, nhượng quyền
uncle when we went to live
(trách nhiệm)
A. at
B. to
C. down
D. out
so I told them to give over.
453. I always try to get my dreams ______ as soon as I wake up, or else I forget them altogether. A. around
B. down
C. away
D. about
454. The only thing to do was knuckle down and ______ with some serious hard work! A. get away
B. get on
C. get over
D. get in
Give up: - surrender/stop doing st you do - đầu hàng, từ bỏ (việc
Give away: - tell a secret or show your
- tiết lộ bí mật (một cách
- The look on her face gave her
feelings unintentionally
vô ý)
bags. - nhường phần thắng
because you make a mistake - betray someone
Give back = give sb st that they owned or had before
- lừa dối, phản bội
- trả lại
đã làm thường xuyên)
you’re lying.
- pledge or devote oneself to st
- cống hiến, hi sinh
- I gave up all my free time to the project.
- supply something at no charge - cung cấp, phát miễn phí - They’re giving away shopping
- allow an opponent to win
- Oh, give it up already - I know
Give up to (give yourself up
- dành hết thời gian,
- After her death he gave himself
to) = spend all your time and
công sức làm gì đó
over to grief.
energy doing st
- They gave away two goals in the first half.
Exercise 37:
- The gang gave him away to the
455. I wanted my acceptance to Harvard to be a surprise, but I gave myself ______ when I mentioned
about moving in the autumn.
- I gave the money back that
A. out
she’d lent to me.
B. up
C. over
D. away
456. After her death, they gave control of the estate ______ to her niece.
Give in:
A. over
B. out
C. off
D. back
457. Somebody was giving leaflets _______ in front of the underground station. 77
A. in
B. to
C. away
D. out
or event
458. The company had to _______ all the money customers had paid. A. give back
B. give up
C. give off
D. give away
459. In this issue of the magazine, they are giving _______ a free DVD. A. out
B. up
C. off
D. away
460. After a heated debate, the employers _______ to the union’s demands. A. gave off
B. gave up to
C. gave in
B. up
C. over
D. away
B. given up
C. given off
D. given out
B. off
phát triển
fine until she turned up!
Go along with = be in
- chấp thuận, đồng ý, hoà
- The G7 will decide the matter,
harmony with st or to
and the IMF is expected to go along with the decision.
- attack
- tấn công, công kích
- The two dogs went at each other.
- use all of your energy
- nỗ lực hết sức
- Mary went at the task with great
and effort to succeed Go away = leave/
463. The purple wild ginger flowers give _______ a faint fragrance. A. out
- Everything was going along just
Go at:
462. Military advantages should not be _______. A. given away
- tiếp diễn, tiếp tục hoặc
agree with sb
D. gave over
461. After I had graduated I continued to give _______ myself to research. A. out
- continue to happen or
C. over
enthusiasm. - rời đi, biến mất
disappear D. back
Go back = to return
went away. - quay lại, làm lại, trở lại
464. They gave the names of the winners _______ last night. A. in
B. to
C. away
B. gave up to
D. out
Go back to (go back) =
C. gave in
D. gave up
- tồn tại, có nguồn gốc từ
B. up
C. away
goes back to the 11th century.
particular time
- Our association with him goes back four years.
D. over
Go back over = redo/
GO 38
- You should go back over all your calculations before you hand them
to me.
- bắt đầu làm/giải quyết việc
- How should I go about telling her
Go back on = fail to keep
do/deal with st
the bad news?
a promise/ change a
Go after:
- làm lại/ xem lại lần thứ hai
look at st for a second Go about = begin to
- follow/chase
- The feud between the two sects
have existed since or for a
466. I tried to pass for a local resident, but my accent gave me _______ A. back
- I’m never going back that terrible restaurant again!
465. I’d been having trouble with my laptop and it finally _______ at the weekend. A. gave out
- It was weeks before the bruises
- thất hứa, nuốt lời, đổi ý
- The government have gone back on their promise not to raise taxes.
decision or agreement - theo đuổi
- The cat went after the pigeon, but
Go beyond = be more
it flew away.
than st
- cố gắng để có/ giành được
-Are you planning to go after
Go by:
cái gì
Paul’s job when he leaves?
- pass by, as of time/
Go against = oppose/
- phản đối, không đồng tình,
- If the decision goes against me,
disagree with sb or st
chống lại
I’ll go bankrupt.
Go ahead = proceed/
- tiến bộ, tiếp tục, tiến hành
- The event will go ahead as
- base an opinion or
- phụ thuộc, dựa vào (có căn
- What features do you go by when
planned in Sheffield next summer.
analysis on a specific
picking out a car?
- try to get/win st
move ahead Go along: - attend or visit to a place
- vượt quá, nhiều hơn
- Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.
- trôi qua (thời gian)
- You can’t let an opportunity like that go by - it’s too good to miss.
piece of information - tham dự, ghé thăm
- I went along to the meeting.
Go down: 79
- become less/be reduced
- giảm đi, bé hơn
- The price of scanners has gone
- take part in a
down recently.
- tham gia (cuộc thi)
100 metres race?
- move down to a lower
- hạ xuống, chìm xuống, lặn
- He went down on his knees and
Go into:
level or place
(Mặt Trời)
begged for forgiveness.
- discuss/examine/ explain - thảo luận chi tiết, giải thích
- occur/happen/unfold
- xảy ra, diễn ra
- We need to figure out what went
st fully or in detail
cặn kẽ, điều tra
- be remembered/
- được biết, được ghi chép
- It went down as the worst day in
- be used or spent in order
- được dùng, sử dụng
the history of the company.
to do st (money, time,
down here.
recorded - be defeated in a
- bị đánh bại
- Are you planning to go in for the
- This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work. - Over 50% of the budget went into the design of the equipment.
- Canada went down 3-1 to the
Russian team.
Go in with = join or
- tham gia, hình thành liên
- She’s gone in with an ex-
Go down to = be defeated - thua bởi ai/ cái gì
-A professional player went down
combine with a person or
colleague on a new restaurant
by sb/st
to an amature one.
group of people
- Half of Martha’s class has gone
Go off:
down with flu.
- explode
- nổ bom
- The bomb went off at midday.
- đổ chuông
- Didn’t you hear your alarm clock
- I’ll go for the soup of the day,
- stop working or
- hư, hỏng, mất chức năng
followed by the duck.
- There were 200 people going for
- expire, as of food or
just three jobs.
- I don’t go for war films in a big
Go on:
- continue happening or
- His dog looked as if it was about
doing st as before
to go for me.
- happen/exist/ proceed
- diễn ra, xảy ra, tiến hành
- He likes to know what’s going on.
- pass time/be
- trôi qua (thời gian), đạt tới
- Tomorrow will start cold but it
approaching some age
should get warmer as the day goes
Go down with = start to
- suy nhược, mắc bệnh
suffer from an infectious disease
Go for: - choose st
- try to have/achieve st
- like/admire a particular
going off this morning? - lựa chọn
- cố gắng, giành được
- thích, mê đắm, ngưỡng mộ
type of person or thing - attack sb physically
- tấn công
Go in: - to enter some place or
- đi vào, bắt đầu
thing - (of the Sun) become
- Let’s go in before the ceremony
- được hiểu ra, được nhớ về
-The sun has gone in.
- start operating
forgot to put it in the fridge.
- tiếp tục
- Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
- bắt đầu hoạt động
- When does the heating go on? - My mum keeps going on at me
- I explained to her what to do, but
again and again
about the way I dress.
I could tell it hadn’t really gone in.
Go on about = talk
- nói mãi về cái gì
endlessly about st - thích thú
- The milk went off because I
Go on at = complain to sb - cằn nhằn với ai
Go in for: - enjoy a particular thing
- thiu, thối, hỏng (thức ăn)
hidden behind a cloud - be understood/
villages because of the storm.
starts. - biến mất, bị che khuất
- The lights went off in several
- I don’t go in for golf much.
- I just wish he’d stop going on about how brilliant his daughter is.
Go out:
or activity
- leave your house and 81
- rời nhà, ra ngoài (đi chơi)
- She likes to go out at the 82
go/do st enjoyable - have a romantic
- hẹn hò
relationship - stop burning or shining
- stop working, as of
- use/spend/eat all of st
- dùng hết
- practice
- luyện tập
sáng, bị dập tắt
- đình công
- The workers went out for more
- được dành cho ai
- không còn tồn tại
- hẹn hò
romantic relationship with
- She went through all the money from her paycheck in one day.
- The candle went out and left us in
present in st Go out with = have a
- They’ve only been going out for six weeks.
sb Go out of = be no longer
- ngừng cháy, ngưng chiếu
employees on strike Go out to = be offered to
- Let’s go through it once more to make sure you know what to say.
- examine
- kiểm tra
- I’m going through my clothes and
throwing out all the stuff I don’t
- Our thoughts go out to the
wear any more.
victims of yesterday’s earthquake.
Go through with = do st
- hoàn thành, thực hiện kế
- He did promise, but I doubt that
- All the excitement had gone out
that you have planned or
hoạch/thoả thuận
he won’t go through with it.
of living in the city.
agreed to do
- I once went out with a French
Go towards = be used to
- đóng góp mua cái gì
- That money went towards my
help to pay for st
university fees.
Go under:
Go over:
- be unsuccessful and has
- phá sản, sụp đổ, ngừng làm - Thousands of companies went
- I’ve gone over the problem
to stop doing; fail
under during the recession.
several times, but I can’t think of a
- sink
- chìm
- The ship went under in a heavy
- examine/look at st in
- xem xét kĩ lưỡng
detailed way
- study/explain st
- be received
- giải thích, nói lại, học
- được đón nhận
- Could you go over that point again, please?
Go up:
- Do you think my speech went
- move higher/rise/
over OK?
increase - be built/fixed
Go round: - be enough for everyone
- có đủ
- visit sb in their home
- experience a difficult or
10%. - A factory is going up at the site of
the old airport.
- bị cháy, bị phá huỷ
- The whole building went up in
- be destroyed in a fire or
- It must be broken. The CD’s not
going round.
Go with:
- đến thăm
- I’ll go round later and see how
- be provided/offered
- kết hợp, đồng hành, gắn
he is.
together with st
liền với, đi cùng
- seem good/natural/
- phù hợp, thu hút
Go through: - chịu đựng
unpleasant situation
- I’ve been going through a bad
attractive in combination
patch recently.
- accept an idea/agree
- be officially accepted or
- được thông qua, được chấp
- The proposals for new taxes are
with sb
approved (law, plan, deal,
unlikely to go through.
Go without = not have 83
- Her salary will go up by a hefty
- được xây dựng, được sửa
- quay, xoay quanh, lưu
in a group of people - spin like a wheel
- Are there enough pencils to go
- tăng lên
just a few minutes.
- Does this tie go with my shirt?
- Which shoes go best with this dress?
- chấp thuận, ủng hộ, đồng ý
- I think we can go with the advertising agency’s suggestions.
- đối phó mà không có, xoay
- I had to go without lunch today 84
st/manage to live despite
xở mà không có
482. I’m unable to _______ detail at this stage because I still have very little information about how
because I didn’t have any time.
the accident happened.
not having st
A. go into Exercise 38:
A. over
467. The police thought that the burglary was _______ that night. A. going off
B. going up
C. going down
A. gone with
B. in
C. down
B. go without
C. go out with
B. into
C. back
A. at
D. go out of
A. away
B. in
C. through
A. go in with
B. going under
C. going on
B. down
C. out of
A. off
A. goes against
B. went against
C. went about
A. for
B. into
C. with
B. went in
C. went by
A. went back
A. over
A. gone up
B. in
C. by
A. down with
D. round
D. for
B. go out
C. go without
D. go ahead
B. back
C. on
D. across
B. goes down with
C. goes with
D. goes out of
B. into
C. by
D. after
B. went down
B. in
C. went about
C. by
D. went ahead
D. round
B. gone out to
C. gone under
D. gone back
B. went with
C. went over
B. into
C. up
B. went about
C. went in
A. go about
D. went towards
C. out with
C. out with
D. for
B. go beyond
C. go on
D. go against
496. Their relationship _______ when they were at college together. A. goes back to
D. beyond
B. went back
C. went through
D. went ahead
497. There were no further reports of violence in the town, and most people went _______ their daily activities as usual.
D. went down
A. down to
481. How long have you been going _______ him? B. through with
B. through with
495. Under the new approach more money will _______ improving the standard of training.
480. I was nowhere near here when the robbery _______ .
A. down with
C. along
494. She tells Tony she can’t go _______ the wedding.
479. The district board will vote today on whether to go _______ the plan.
A. went off
B. after
493. The price of oil has _______ by over 50 percent in less than a year.
D. went along
478. Todd seemed pretty upset when he ran out, so I _______ him and see how he was doing.
A. ahead
D. away
492. No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go _______ .
A. went after
C. down
D. over
477. I can only go _______ the details she gives me, but I have a feeling I’m not getting the whole
A. over
B. in
491. Hardly anyone in the town escaped the slaughter when the rebels _______ .
476. I _______ for cycling to work at the beginning of the summer, and I haven’t been healthier! A. went off
D. gone back
D. went after
475. A fair amount of stress seems to go _______ jobs like this. A. back
C. gone under
490. The Russian relay team will again be going _______ the gold medal at the Olympic Games.
D. out
474. The power _______ hours ago - what’s taking them so long to get it back on? A. went off
B. gone out of
489. I can’t take money from a charity like that, it _______ all of my core principles.
D. going around
473. We’re prepared to go _______ if management doesn’t agree to our contract demands. A. through to
D. against
488. Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes
D. up
472. Many small shops are _______ because they cannot compete with the supermarkets. A. going in
C. through
487. We’d better make sure we buy enough food, we don’t want our guests to _______ .
D. in
471. The wind was so strong, the house went _______ in flames almost immediately. A. off
B. along
486. When you go _______ on holiday, you need to take extra security precautions.
470. The nail went _______ with a few taps of the hammer. A. away
D. go around
485. She went _______ with her childhood friend to open an organic bakery in their neighborhood.
D. round
469. People tried to persuade him to _______ a more gradual reform programme. A. go for
C. go on
484. You made a commitment to support our project, and now you’ve _______ on your word!
D. going on
468. There aren’t enough jobs to go _______ for the numbers of pupils graduating nowadays. A. over
B. go over
483. We’re hoping that the proposal for the new mall won’t go _______
B. out with
C. about
D. out of
498. A dynamo on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are _______ .
D. in with 85
A. going round
B. going through
C. going down
D. going on
515. If you’re going to the party, can I _______ ?
499. Remember to go _______ your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me. A. over
C. along
D. on at
A. back
B. with
C. at
D. through
A. go in with
B. go for
C. go back
D. go towards
A. go out
B. go across
C. go ahead
B. go beyond
C. go on
A. down
B. about
C. down
D. go against
B. gone through
C. gone in for
A. go in for
D. into
A. off
B. up to
C. in
B. go about
C. go in for
D. go for
B. go round
C. go through
D. go back
B. after
C. away
D. ahead
B. go down with
C. go out of
D. go in with
B. down with
C. on at
D. along with
522. We will _______ ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.
D. gone with
A. go without
506. Unfortunately, the information we learned does not go _______ with the doctor’s claims. A. along
D. on at
521. My parents always go _______ us about having a baby.
505. He’d _______ all his money by the end of the first week of his holiday. A. gone into
C. with
520. More and more people in Wuhan _______ a Corona virus.
504. Average life expectancy went _______ from about 70 to 67. A. back
B. into
519. On summer evenings, we would sit on the veranda and watch the Sun go _______ .
D. go back
503. The cost of the new prison should not _______ £12 million. A. go about
D. go after
518. After six months of chopping and changing, we’ve decided to _______ to our old system.
502. The spotlights _______ automatically when an intruder is detected in the garden. A. go on
C. go along
517. Thank you for the invitation, but I don’t really _______ experimental jazz.
501. He’s not really my type. I don’t usually _______ guys with blonde hair. A. go after
B. go over
516. A considerable amount of time and effort has gone _______ this exhibition. B. in
500. The candidates went _______ each other during the debate. A. for
A. go back
B. go with
C. go in with
D. go round
523. Could you go _______ the main points of your argument again, Professor?
D. On
A. on at
B. into
C. under
D. over
507. The crowd showed up to see the two golfers _______ it the final day of the tournament. A. go round
GROW B. go off
C. go about
D. go at
508. I’ll just turn the car round and _______ the way we’ve come. A. go through
B. go across
C. go ahead
- develop and become a D. go back
B. in
C. for
- become big enough to wear D. round
B. down
C. round
B. went off
C. went about
- become progressively more
B. over
C. in with
D. went ahead
- have a gradually increasing
B. went against
C. went about
B. down
C. up to
- The new house slowly began to grow on her.
- dần ảnh hưởng
- The plan sounded strange at first, but it have grown on me.
Grow out of: - become so tall or big that it
D. went by
- quá lớn để vừa (quá cỡ)
no longer fits clothes
514. You will go _______ in history as the most stubborn woman who ever lived. A. through with
- trở nên ưa thích
effect on D. into
513. My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years _______ . A. went off
- The jacket’s a bit big, but she’ll grow into it.
acceptable or pleasant
512. Please go _______ what you’re doing and don’t let us interrupt you. A. on with
- lớn lên (để mặc vừa đồ)
Grow on: D. over
511. The whole building had to evacuate because the smoke alarm _______ A. went back
- She’s has grown into a lovely girl.
510. Sue’s going to help me go _______ my lines for the play. A. in
- trưởng thành, trở thành
particular thing or person
509. Pantieri went _______ him, gripping him by the throat. A. over
Grow into:
- develop from something/exist
- He grew out of those shoes in no time at all.
- phát triển (từ nền tảng),
- Other issues grew out of the
D. out with 87
as a result of it
tồn tại
policy review.
- stop liking
- hết thích
- He wants to be a rapper, but I
think he’ll grow out of it.
Hand back = give st
- trả lại
- "No, I’ve never seen him
back to sb
before," I said, handing her back the photograph.
Grow up: - gradually become an adult
- lớn lên, trưởng thành
- start to exist st then becomes
- nổi lên, phát triển thành
larger or more important
- She wants to be a doctor when
Hand down:
she grows up.
- make a legal decision
- quyết định, tuyên bố,
- The appeals court handed down
- The city grew up originally as a
known to the public by
tuyên án
its decision yesterday.
crossing point on the river.
making an official statement - truyền lại, kế thừa, để lại
- The jewelry has been handed
- pass on
Grow up on: - be used for talking about
- từng làm gì nhiều (khi
things that you did a lot when
còn trẻ con)
- We grew up on these stories.
down in my family for generations.
you were a child
Hand in = give st to an
- become more liked and
- dần thích (trở nên được
- I didn’t like her bubbly new
authority or responsible
appreciated by sb
ưa chuộng)
assistant at first, but she grew up
on me in time.
Hand on = give sb st that
- nộp, đệ trình công việc
a first draft of my dissertation.
- đưa cho ai đó, trao lại
was given to you Hand out = give things to
524. Lucas says he wants to join the army when he turns 18, but I hope he’ll ______ the idea.
different people in a group
B. grow up
C. grow out of
D. grow on
B. grow up
C. grow out of
- hand in) give sb else control D. grow on
B. on
C. into
B. grew up on
C. grew on
- trao quyền/ trách nhiệm
- đưa, trao
- give st to sb
- The founder handed the company over to his sons. - He also handed over a letter of
D. up
apology from the Prime Minister.
527. Linda Chan was born in Hong Kong but ______ in New York and quickly became Americanized. A. grew up
- The teacher handed out the worksheet to the class.
of/ responsibility for st
526. Living in a small town was tough at first, but the place grows ______ you. A. out of
- phân phát, ban phát
Hand over:
525. These shoes are a little too big for him, but he’ll ______ them. A. grow into
- I decided not to hand this information on to the police.
Exercise 39:
A. grow into
- I’m supposed to have handed in
D. grew into
Hand off = give a football
- đưa bóng trực tiếp cho
- Roger handed the ball off to
directly to another player
cầu thủ khác
528. I wasn’t sure about this album when I bought it, but it’s really grown ______ me. A. into
B. up
C. out of
D. on
Exercise 40:
529. If problems are ignored, they often grow ______ emergencies. A. out of
B. on
C. into
532. The quarterback handed the ball ________ to his teammate, who scored a touchdown. D. up on
A. over
530. Protests have ______ all across the nation in response to that incident. A. grown into
B. grown up on
C. grown on
D. grown up
A. over
531. The idea for the story grew ______ a strange experience I had last year. A. out of
B. on
C. into
B. out
C. on
D. off
533. Insist on a legally binding contract before handing ________ a deposit. B. in
C. back
D. down
534. When someone in the street ________ him a leaflet, he just handed it straight back!
D. up
A. handed out
B. handed back
C. handed on
D. handed in
535. My grandmother handed ________ this necklace to my mother. A. over 89
B. out
C. down
D. back 90
536. My advice to anyone who finds anything on a bus is to hand it ________ to the police. A. in
B. over
C. back
telephone at the end of a
D. A & B
you hang up.
537. The suspects have now been ________ to the French authorities. A. handed over
B. handed out
C. handed down
D. handed in
Exercise 41:
538. Sam’s mum handed ________ sweets, birthday cake and balloons to everyone at the end of the
541. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to hang my washing _________ .
A. up
A. in
B. back
C. over
D. out
539. The government is criticized for not immediately ________ information about missing funds. A. handing on
B. handing out
C. handing back
A. hang up
D. handing down
B. down
C. in
A. in
D. off
A. hung up
Hang about/around/ round
- đi la cà, đi loanh quanh
= spend time in a place
- They hang about the station most of the day.
A. hanging around
- do dự, không sẵn lòng
- There’s no need to hang back -
unwilling to do st
làm gì
you can sing as well as anyone.
D. hang onto
B. back
C. on
D. together
B. hung about
C. hung around
D. hung out
B. hanging round
C. hanging about
D. All are correct
B. out
C. onto
D. up
547. I _________ my old records even though I never played them. A. hung off
B. hung up
C. hung around
D. hung onto
C. on
D. back
548. He urged his supporters to hang _________.
Hang on:
A. out
- wait for a short time/ be
- chờ chút, chờ một tí,
- Hany on a minute - I’ll be with
kiên nhẫn
you in a moment!
- hold or continue holding
- giữ chặt, tiếp tục giữ
- The driver told the passengers to
onto st
B. together
549. He was driving so fast I had to hang _________ tight whenever he turned. A. on
B. back
C. onto
D. about
hang on as the bus pulled off. - gìn giữ
keep st
- You should hang onto that Have against = dislike sb or
- không thích, không
- I have nothing against him. - I
not approve of them for a
đồng ý, có ác cảm (vì lí
just don’t have much in common
- We can just hang out and have a
do nào đó)
with him.
good time.
Have back (have one’s back) - sẵn sàng che chở, giúp
- My job is to hang out the clothes.
= be ready to defend or help
painting it might be valuable.
Hang out: - dành thời gian ra ngoài
place or with sb - hang clothes outside in
C. hang back
546. I don’t know why he hangs _________ with James, they’ve got nothing in common. A. back
Hang back = hesitate/ be
- spend a lot of time in a
B. hang down
545. I spent most of my youth _________ the bars of Dublin.
waiting or doing nothing
Hang onto = retain or to
D. round
544. Don’t _________ -there’s something else I want to say.
C. onto
543. If Elise would just hang _________ a little longer she’d certainly get the promotion.
540. The family believes that the sentence handed ________ by the judge is too lenient. A. back
B. out
542. I saw him step forward momentarily but then_________, nervously massaging his hands.
- phơi quần áo
- You can always rely on your
đỡ ai
parents to have your back.
order to dry them Hang together = help each
- giúp đỡ lẫn nhau, đồng
- We have to hang together if we’re
Have a down on sb = dislike
- ghét/có ấn tượng xấu về
- She always had a down on me for
other and work together to
hành cùng
going to finish this project.
or have a bad opinion of sb/st
ai/ cái gì
some reasons.
- mời, cho phép ai vào
- I had our new neighbor in for a
achieve st Hang up = stop using a
Have in: - cúp máy, tắt máy, dập
- invite or allow sb to enter
- Let me speak to Melanie before 91
nơi ở
one’s home
- have a supply of st
- có nguồn, cung cấp
cup of tea today - she seems very
557.I had to have it ________ with my roommate because he never does his share of cleaning in the
house. A. in
- Do we have any beer in?
B. against
C. out
D. on
558. We’ve had the health and safety inspectors ________, asking all sorts of questions.
Have on: - be wearing particular
- mặc, mang vào
559. We’ve nothing
have my glasses on.
- deceive or fool or joke sb
- chọc ai, lừa dối ai
A. out
- I couldn’t see properly. I didn’t
A. back
- He’s having you on: don’t take
B. on
C. back
D. in
him personally: It’s just that we don’t trust politicians. B. out
C. against
D. on
any notice of him. - have arranged to do st at a
- sắp xếp
- I have a lot of meetings on next
particular time
week. 43
Have out:
Head back = start moving back
- quay lại, trở lại
- They headed back to the shore.
- They’re heading for disaster if
- have st removed from your
- gỡ bỏ, nhổ, cắt... (từ cơ
- Yeah, I had my tonsils out when I
to some place
was seven.
Head for st:
- have it out with sb = settle
- giải quyết tranh chấp,
- I’d been worried for ages, so I
- seem likely to happen to sb
- sắp xảy ra với ai
a disagreement or a
khiếu nại
decided to have it out with them. - proceed or move toward sb or
- tiến về phía, đi về
- Head for the center of town, and
- He’s been had up for dangerous
I’ll meet you there.
driving once or twice before.
Head off: - ngăn cản điều gì xảy
- He headed off efforts to replace
him as leader.
- intercept sb, seize sb
- chặn ai đó lại
- We’ll head them off at the bridge!
- leave a place or start a journey
- rời đi, khởi hành
- What time are you heading off?
- đi theo hướng đã
- Sharon headed towards the
parking lot, hoping to get home
they’re not careful.
complaint Have up = take sb to court
- đưa ai ra toà (xét xử)
for a trial
- stop st from happening Exercise 42: 550. For some reason, Malcolm had ________ the whole teaching profession. A. against
B. back
C. a down on
D. up
551. Stay for lunch, we’ve got plenty of food ________. A. in
B. against
C. out
Head towards: D. on
- start moving towards sb/st
552. Your letter came as a timely reminder that we need to have a meeting ________. A. out
B. on
C. back
D. up
553. We’ve got your ________ so don’t worry, we’re here for you. A. back
B. out
C. against
- develop into st D. in
- trở thành, phát triển
- Calle doesn’t know that her crush
is secretly dating someone? Oh
554. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, you’ll have to have them ________ sooner than later. A. on
B. back
C. out
boy, this situation is headed
D. in
towards disaster.
555. There was no answer when I called; someone must be having me ________. A. out
B. on
C. back
Head up:
D. up
- lead a team, an organization
556. The CEO was ________ for embezzling nearly $18 million of company money. A. had back
B. had in
C. had up
D. had out
- (share prices, currencies) 93
- lãnh đạo một nhóm,
- He headed up a Miami- based
tổ chức
legal team in 2006.
- tăng giá trị
- Prices are heading up fast. 94
569. I haven’t _______ them since we left university.
increase in value
A. heard out
A. heard of
560. Louise just _______ to the store, but you can probably still catch her, if you leave now. C. headed off
B. headed up
B. head - up
C. head - towards
B. heading off
C. heading up
B. heard about
A. hear - from
B. hear - of
C. hear - out
A. heard - about
B. heard - from
B. heading up
C. heading for
B. head off
D. heading off
C. head for
B. head up
C. heard - out
C. head off
- ngăn cản ai tiến lên
forward - prevent the progress of sb/st
B. back
- cản trở sự phát triển
D. head back
C. off
B. headed back
better students?
D. for
C. headed for
- not speak or state an opinion - không nói hay phát biểu gì
B. head back
C. head towards
were too controversial. - hide thoughts/ feelings
- che giấu suy nghĩ/cảm xúc
- He bravely held back his tears.
- hesitate to act or speak
- do dự
- In the current situation many
D. head for
investors are holding back.
- I held back during the meeting because I knew that my opinions
D. headed up
568. This problem will _______ a solution when you stop making the situation worse than it is. A. head off
- Do you think that mixedability classes hold back the
567. I walked to the end of the street and then _______ home. This is far enough. A. headed off
- The police were unable to hold back the crowd.
566. Claire immediately headed _______ her parents when they arrived at day care. A. towards
D. heard - up
Hold back: - prevent sb/st from moving
D. head up
565. I’m calling the editor now to _______ this story before they print it. A. head towards
D. hear - about
564. He was approached to _______ Barclays’ investment banking business. A. head towards
D. heard from
D. heading towards
563. I’m _______ the west entrance because I thought that’s where you are. A. heading towards
C. heard out
572. I’ve _______ a lot _______ you from my sister and am glad to meet you.
D. head - for
562. Newcastle seemed to be _______ disaster until a late goal saved the day. A. heading for
D. heard to
571. I know you’re furious with me, but please _______ me _______.
D. headed for
561. Can you _______ Mom _______ before she comes home and catches us having a party here? A. head - off
C. heard from
570. She disappeared and was never _______ again.
Exercise 43:
A. headed towards
B. heard about
Hear about sb/st = be told or
- được thông báo về
informed about st
điều gì
Hear from sb/ hear st from
- nhận được thông tin
- I look forward to hearing from
so that they cannot move
sb = receive a letter, gmail,
từ ai
- limit st/keep st at a low level - giới hạn cái gì ở mức thấp
- The rate of inflation must be
- I hadn’t heard about that.
Hold down: - hold sb who is lying down,
- đè chặt, đè xuống
held down.
phone call, etc. from sb Hear of sb/st = know about
- It took three men to hold him
- được biết về ai, cái gì
- be able to keep a job
- I’ve never heard of the place.
- có thê giữ được công việc
- He’s never been able to hold down a steady job.
sb/st because you have been Hold forth = talk st for a
- nói chuyện suốt trong một
- She held forth all through
Hear sb out = listen until sb
- lắng nghe đến khi họ
- I heard them out before I
long time
thời gian dài
lunch on a variety of subjects.
has finished saying
nói xong
Hold st in = not express your
- không bộc lộ cảm xúc ra
- Hold in your anger.
told about them
Exercise 44: 95
Hold of: - Eventually, we got hold of Dan
from falling down
stone pillars.
- delay the progress of sb/st
- hoãn lại
- An accident is holding up
- present sb/st as an example
- lấy làm ví dụ
- get hold of sb = contact sb
- liên lạc với ai
- get hold of st = find st that
- tìm thấy thứ gì mà mình
- I need to get hold of Tom’s
you want
- dùng để bảo ai đó chờ
- Hold on! This isn’t the right
to the level of st
Hold with st [negative
- survive in a difficult
- sống sót trong hoàn cảnh
- They managed to hold on until
sentences] = agree with st
khó khăn
the police arrived.
- used on the phone to ask sb
- [nói chuyện điện thoại]
- Can you hold on? I’ll see if
Exercise 45:
to wait
yêu cầu người kia giữ máy
he’s here.
573. She just managed to _______ her anger.
- hold st on = keep st in
- giữ cái gì ở đúng vị trí
- The knob is only held on by
in New York.
Hold on: - used to tell sb to wait
Hold sb up to st = lift sb up
position - hold on to st/sb = keep
A. hold down
sticky tape. - cầm, giữ chắc
holding st/sb
- It’s very windy, you’d better
A. hold back
hold on to your hat.
- continue in a difficult
- tiếp tục tồn tại, hoạt động
- The sensors are designed to
trong tình cảnh khó khăn
work as long as their batteries
- hold out on sb = refuse to give information to sb - hold out for st =demand st
- Doctors hold out little hope of
- hoãn lại
- làm ai giữ lời
a promise
- The weather held us over in
A. hold of
A. holding out
- We’ll hold him to the exact
B. hold out
C. hold on
D. hold down
B. holding up
C. holding down
D. holding over
B. held up
C. held forth
D. held with
B. over
C. back
D. out
B. hold - up
C. hold - down
D. hold - over
B. hold - with
C. hold - on
D. hold - of
B. hold out
C. hold to
D. hold up
B. holding back
C. holding down
D. holding on
582. They won’t be able to _______ much longer under this sort of bombardment. B. hold in
C. hold forth
D. hold out
583. She’s always _______ her children as models of good behavior.
- She’s holding up well under
A. holding out
the pressure. - chống đỡ và ngăn nó rơi
D. hold back
581. The union negotiators are _______ for a more generous pay settlement.
A. hold on - còn sống, còn hoạt động
C. hold with
580. Of course she’ll _______ her convictions - have you ever known your sister to change her mind?
terms of the contract.
effectively - support st and prevent it
A. with
A. hold - up
Hold up: - remain strong and working
579. These nuts and bolts _______ the wheels _______ .
- The workers are holding out
Denver for 2 days. Hold sb to st = make sb keep
A. held down
A. hold - in
for a pay increase. Hold sb/st over = delay sb/st
B. hold forth
- I don’t hold with the use of
578. I was trying desperately to _______ my tummy _______ .
- Don’t hold out on me, I need to know who did it.
- yêu cầu thứ gì
- đồng ý
577. He admitted that something had gone wrong, but he held _______ the details.
her recovering. - giữ bí mật với ai
so she could see out.
576. She _______ all afternoon about government incompetence.
hold out. - giữ hi vọng, đưa ra
- I held Mary up to the window
575. The administration had several reasons for _______ . A. holding back
of st
- nâng ai lên
574. She had three children and still managed to _______ a full-time job.
Hold out:
- hold out st = offer a chance
- His ideas were held up to
- The roof is held up by massive
A. hold over 97
B. holding up
C. holding to
D. holding forth
C. hold forth
D. hold on
584. Can you _______ ? I’ll try to connect you. B. hold to
585. He was struggling so much that it took three officers to _______ him _______ . A. hold - down
B. hold - with
C. hold - on
A. hold of
B. hold forth
C. hold up
D. hold - out
586. He _______ to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. A. held on
B. held over
C. held back
KEEP D. held to
587. They felt the British economy was being _______ by excessive government controls. A. held of
B. held to
C. held back
D. held with
B. Hold - up
C. Hold - over
B. held up to
C. held up on
B. Hold up
C. Hold in
B. held down
C. held up
B. held of
C. held down
B. holding out
C. holding up
Keep away = not go to
- tránh xa nơi nào hoặc
- Keep away from the edge of the
somewhere or near st
vật gì
- not use the whole amount of
- không dùng hết, giữ lại
- We need to keep back some
một ít
budget for travel later.
- not tell sb everything you
- giữ lại bí mật, không
- I suspect she’s keeping something
nói ra hết
D. holding over
- not go near st
- giữ khoảng cách an toàn - Barriers were built to keep back
D. holding up
Keep down:
D. Hold of
B. holding forth
C. holding of
D. held out
the flood water.
595. The dam was not strong enough to _______ the flood waters. A. hold down
B. hold back
C. hold forth
D. hold on
596. The police don’t know how the boy _______ the knife. A. got up with
B. got on with
C. got hold of
D. got down to
597. They don’t _______ letting children watch as much TV as they want. A. hold of
B. hold out
C. hold down
D. hold with
B. hold back
C. hold on
D. hold out
599. Few people _______ any hope of finding more survivors. A. hold in
B. hold out
C. hold up
D. hold with
600. I hope the spare tire _______ until we can get to a garage. A. holds in
B. holds on
C. holds up
- prevent st from increasing
- ngăn cái gì tăng lên
- We need to keep down our costs.
- eat or drink st without
- ăn hoặc uống cái gì mà
- I was sick. I couldn’t keep any
không bị nôn
food down.
- make less noise
- không gây ra tiếng ồn
- Keep it down! I’m trying to sleep.
Keep (sb) from st = prevent
- ngăn cản ai làm gì
- I tried to keep from hitting him.
Keep in st = not allow to go
- không cho phép ai ra
- They were kept in after school.
or come outside
Keep in with sb = continue
- duy trì mối quan hệ tốt
- She always keeps in with the
to be friendly with sb
đẹp với ai đó
people with power.
- ngăn cản, tránh hoặc
- Put a cloth over the salad to keep
dừng cái gì lại
the flies off.
- không nói/đề cập về
- She kept off the subject of her
sb from doing st
598. Can you _______ for just a few more minutes? Then you can take a break. A. hold with
Keep off: D. holds to
- prevent or stop st
601. I wanted to tell him the truth, but something _______ me _______ A. held - down
B. held - back
C. held - up
- He kept us at it all day.
Keep back: D. held with
594. Mills have iron pillars all over the place _______ the roof. A. holding back
- I kept at it and finally finished at
- bắt ép ai làm tiếp việc
593. Are you _______ on me? Do you know more details about the merger than you’re letting on? A. holding down
- tiếp tục làm gì
- force sb to continue to work D. held in to
592. The Fed _______ interest rates to encourage growth in the economy. A. held in
bắt ai làm gì
three this morning.
591. The project was _______ by various legal problems. A. held to
again and again to do st
- continue to do or work on st
590. _______ a minute while I get my breath back. A. Hold on
- nhắc nhở thường xuyên, - I’ll keep after you until you do it!
D. Hold - down
589. She was _______ the window so she could have a better view. A. help down to
Keep after st/sb = tell sb
Keep at:
588. _______ that project _______ until I’m able to get some questions answered by the boss. A. Hold - of
D. hold with
D. held - over
- avoid mentioning a subject
602. Do you know where I can get _______ a good plumber? 99
A. kept back
B. kept away
C. kept off
D. kept at
in a conversation
một vấn đề
Keep on doing st = continue
- tiếp tục làm việc gì
- He keeps on being late.
606. I do my best to _______ my fat intake but I do draw the line at those dreadful low-fat spreads.
607. My son doesn’t like to study. I have to _______ him to get down to work.
A. keep to
to do st Keep on at sb/st = say the
- nhắc đi nhắc lại, nói
- She kept on at him to get some
same thing again and again
nhiều lần
Keep out = not allow to enter
- giữ bên ngoài không
- This coat keeps out the wind.
A. keep on
B. keep down
B. keep after
C. keep from
C. keep up
D. keep on
D. keep down
608. Motorists can earn discounts of up to 50 percent on their premiums by _______ Speed limits, braking gently and slowing down for corners.
cho vào Keep out of st = not become
- không can dự vào
involved with st
chuyện gì
- I prefer to keep out of arguments.
A. keeping to
B. keeping up
C. keeping after
D. keeping in
609. Sometimes we love a person so much that we want to give him everything and not _______ anything for ourselves.
Keep to: - do what you have promised
- làm những gì đã hứa
- We should keep to our original
or planned
hoặc làm theo kế hoạch
- stay in a limit
- ở trong một giới hạn
- I can never keep to a diet.
- write or talk only about one
- chỉ tập trung vào một
- I wish he’d just keep to the point.
vấn đề
A. keep under
B. keep in
C. keep back
D. keep at
610. Authorities have kept the man _______ surveillance for his extremist political views. A. back
B. down
C. after
D. under
611. In those optimistic times, the commission thought that if they just _______ It they could eventually eradicate the gypsy moth. A. kept out
Keep under:
B. kept off
C. kept at
D. kept from
- control or oppress sb
- kiểm soát hoặc thống trị
- They are kept under by the army.
612. Everyone tried to keep the noise _______ so that Fred wouldn’t know it was a party when he
- remain beneath st
- giữ ở bên dưới
- I ordered the dog to keep under
came in. A. under
the table.
- continue to do st
- tiếp tục làm gì
- Keep up the good work.
- prevent sb from sleeping
- không để cho ai đi ngủ
- Did I keep you up too late last
D. down
their loud music last night. A. keep - in
Keep up with = move/ make progress or increase at the
- đuổi kịp, bắt kịp ai/cái gì
B. keep - up
C. keep - away
D. keep - off
614. The tour guide told us to _______ from the edge of the cliff in order to keep us safe.
night? - Slow down! I can’t keep up with
A. keep back
B. keep down
C. keep after
D. keep out
615. Be realistic from the outset, so that you don’t become dismayed by your inability to _______ your
own timetable.
same rate as sb/st
A. keep away
B. keep off
C. keep to
D. keep up
616. It would be better if we could _______ the baby _______ falling asleep until we get home.
Exercise 46: 603. This store keeps the peanuts dry, and it also _______ the rodents as well as children who may be
B. keeps at
C. keeps on
A. keep - off
B. keep - from
C. keep - down
D. keep - back
617. We already _______ review financial contributions to the support group, because clearing the
looking for something to eat while Mother is still working out in the field.
arrears to the IFIs is absolutely critical.
D. keeps to
A. keep under
604. Although most of the facts were published, the government _______ certain details that might
B. keep up
C. keep on
D. keep off
618. After her operation, I tried to give her something to eat so that she would not feel hungry but she
prove embarrassing. A. kept under
C. after
613. I don’t think I can keep on my work now. My neighbors _______ me _______ till after 4 am with
Keep up:
A. keeps away
B. from
B. kept on at
C. kept back
couldn’t keep it _______ .
D. kept in
A. up with
605. My mother always _______ me to do my homework, and I’m very grateful to her for that. 101
B. down
C. back
D. out 102
619. The teacher kept the students _______ after school because they were punished for making so
much noise in class. A. in
B. on
C. at
D. down
Knock about/around with sb
- dành thời gian, đi
- On Saturdays I knock around with
= spend time with sb
chơi với ai
my friends.
620. He wrinkled his nose at the smells, thinking that the cowardly little wretches were trying to
Knock at = strike st sharply
- gõ, đập
- Hush for a moment. I thought I
_______ of his way.
and swiftly
A. keep on
B. keep up
C. keep in
D. keep out
621. Ugh, my mom _______ me all the time about my grades, but I just have no interest in the classes
Knock back:
I’m taking this semester.
- quickly drink st
A. keeps in with
B. keeps on at
C. keeps under
heard someone knocking at the
D. keeps out
622. I think you should _______ your ex-employer because you never know when you might need a
- refuse sb/st
- uống nhanh, uống
- He knocked back two double
- từ chối ai, cái gì
- He was knocked back by every
reference. A. keep in with
girl in the school. B. keep up with
C. keep out
D. keep away
- cost sb an amount of money
623. They’ve cordoned off the whole area and _______ all the people from it because of a suspected bomb.
- prevent progressing or
A. keep back
B. keep after
C. keep in
D. keep out
B. keep to
C. keep on
- How much did your holiday knock
you back?
- cản trở, ngăn cản
- Getting knocked back many times,
achieving st
624. For heaven’s sake, I suggest that we should _______ the point or we’ll never reach any decisions. A. keep away
- tiêu tốn một khoản
D. keep from
he stopped trying.
Knock down: - destroy and remove st
- phá đi, ủi đổ
625. In the deep valleys where the mountains _______ the cool winds, it is excessively hot in summer; while on the summits of the mountains snow lies for many months. A. keep down
B. keep back
C. keep under
church. - reduce the price or amount of
D. keep off
- hit or injure sb
meeting for lunch at least once a month. A. keep after
B. keep out of
C. keep up
- cắt giảm chi phí
626. Lele and Laura continued to _______ their friendship through frequent telephone calls and
D. keep to
- They knocked down the old
- The SEC knocked down their $1.5 billion penalty to $500,000.
- đâm ngã hoặc gây
- I accidentally knocked down a
thương tích
child on the street.
Knock off:
627. There’s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is _______ trusting and
- stop working
- dừng công việc
- What time do you knock off work?
just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
- steal st
- ăn cắp cái gì
- They knocked some TVs off from
A. keep off
B. keep on
C. keep out of
D. keep away
that store.
628. A good production person must _______ every development and ideally acquaint the art directors
- produce a cheap copy of st
- sản xuất bản nhái
- She knocked the essay off in an
with every one as well.
(usually illegally)
(thường trái phép)
- reduce a price/ amount
- giảm giá/số lượng
- I’ll knock off £10.
- murder sb
- sát hại người khác
- He hired a hit man to knock off
A. keep up with
B. keep out of
C. keep under
D. keep from
Knock about/around:
Knock out:
- treat in a rough and unkind
- hành hạ, đối xử tồi tệ
- I’ve heard that her husband
với ai
knocks her about.
- wander about aimlessly
- đi lang thang
- Stop knocking around and get to
- make sb unconscious
- đánh gục, đánh cho
- He hit me and nearly knocked me
bất tỉnh
out. 104
- destroy st/stop it working
- defeat a player/team
- impress sb
A. down
B. around
C. back
D. over
- phá huỷ/ngừng hoạt
- The lightning knocked out our
động của cái gì
636. They will be ________ a great deal to publish and they have not a large enough sale to make
- đánh bại
- England had been knocked out of
them profitable to the publisher, but there are several institutions with special funds to pay for
the World Cup by West Germany.
embossed books.
- tạo ấn tượng, thu hút
- We were all really knocked out by
the film.
A. knocked back
B. knocked off
C. knocked over
D. knocked up
637. Her husband often knocked ________ the waitresses and that made her annoyed. Being unable to bear his character, she decided to divorce him last year.
Knock over:
A. over
B. around with
C. back
D. down
- hit sb/st so that it falls down
- xô ngã, làm đổ
- Who knocked over the chair?
- steal st
- ăn trộm, ăn cướp
- Max knocked over two banks in
638. It’s the problem that sometimes people ________ an oil lamp in their home and they burn their
one week.
own house down. A. knock up
Knock up: - make pregnant
- làm cho có thai
- đánh thức ai dậy
- wake sb up
- play before beginning a game - chơi thử trước trận đấu để sẵn sàng
B. knock off
C. knock out
D. knock over
- She was knocked up by a strange
639. Crafty cyber-thieves have found that they can ________ a lot of money in electronic bank thefts
with very little risk.
- He went to knock Rob up at 4.30
A. knock about
B. knock back
C. knock off
D. knock out
640. I would like to spend the weekend just ________ the garden and scrutinize the colorful flowers I
- The teams knocked up for a few
grew last month. A. knocking down
B. knocking back
C. knocking about
D. knocking up
641. I usually try to ________ everything as early as I can on Fridays to avoid the rush hour queues. A. knock off
Exercise 47:
B. off
C. down
B. off
C. up
A. knocked out
C. over
C. knocked over
B. knock down
C. knock up
B. knocked out
C. knocked back
A. knocked about with
B. knocked over
generally thought to have been.
C. knocked off
D. knocked back
B. knock back
C. knock over
646. The cricket team needs to ________ forty-five runs before tea, if they’re to have a hope of
D. knock off
634. It was known that he would knock his wife ________ when he had been drinking. A. about
B. off
C. down
D. knocked up
645. Small companies may see their inventions ________ before they can make any money from them.
D. knocked at
633. Some people believe that Richard III did not ________ his nephews and was not the villain he is
A. knock out
D. knock back
$550. A. knocked down
short of a knockout. B. knocked down
D. knocked off
644. The new stove which we bought from the Anne’s store yesterday was ________ from $800 to
D. back
632. Fifteen seconds earlier he had been ________ and lay on the canvas as the referee counted just
A. knocked around
C. knocked around
squeeze into a bar, drink 12 pints of beer and ________ six shots and go home. A. knock over
________ ., to outdo others, you’re wasting your journey. B. out
B. knocked up
643. In other words, he would spend his weekdays quietly working away and on Friday night he would
D. back
631. Life isn’t a competition. It’s a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to knock others
A. up
D. knock about
to tell people about my pregnancy.
D. at
630. The German team were knocked ________ in the first round. A. out
C. knock out
642. Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was ________ two days before I’d planned
629. I was kept awake by the sound of tree branches knocking ________ the windows. A. about
B. knock over
A. knock over
D. at
B. knock down
C. knock out
D. knock up
635. It seemed as though every time we got rolling something came along to knock us ________ 105
647. The raccoons ________ the rubbish bins in search of food and strew the contents all over the
in detail
laid the bill before parliament last
ground. A. knock back
week. B. knock over
C. knock out
D. knock up
Lay down:
648. In the case of Nimes which was largely a Protestant town, they ________ the wall so the
- officially establish a rule or
- thiết lập quy tắc, luật
- The rules of the sport were laid
Protestants of Nimes could not defend themselves against this all-conquering Catholic monarch.
say how st should be done
lệ; chỉ định
down early in the nineteenth
- put away or stop using st
- bỏ xuống/ cất
- Lay down your weapons and
đi/ngừng sử dụng cái gì
- dự trữ
- They began to lay in extensive
A. knocked over
B. knocked around
C. knocked down
D. knocked off
649. Mrs. Stevenson moodily stirred in several extra spoonfuls of sugar into her coffee that was strong enough to ________ a bull elephant. A. knock back
B. knock off
C. knock about
D. knock out
Lay in = obtain and stock st to
650. Travel agents are knocking £50, and sometimes £100, ________ the total price of holidays. A. about with
B. off
C. up
keep in reserve
D. back
stores of food supplies.
Lay into = attack sb
- đánh, tấn công (thể
- My parents really laid into me for
651. While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike ________ the city’s
physically/criticize sb in an
chất); chỉ trích (thậm tệ)
being so late.
water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.
angry way - cho ai nghỉ việc, đuổi
- They’ve had to cut back production
and lay off workers.
- cung cấp
- They lay on free entertainment at
A. knocked back
B. knocked out
C. knocked up
D. knocked off
Lay off = dismiss
652. What time do you want me to knock you ________ in the morning? A. up
B. out
C. over
D. off
Lay on:
653. But their bid has been ________ by the Government which claimed their independent valuation
- provide st for a group of
was only about half the real value.
A. knocked about
B. knocked off
C. knocked back
D. knocked out
the club every day.
- tell or show st to sb (usually)
- kể, nói, chỉ ra
they did not know) LAY 48
- tấn công ai bằng cách
- He said that his captors had laid
hitting them
đánh họ
about him with whips.
- để dành, tiết kiệm
- She’s trying to lay something aside
- stop doing st temporarily
- abandon or forsake some
- tạm thời dừng làm gì
- từ bỏ, gạt đi
pursuit or goal Lay by (= lay aside) to save st
- để dành, tiết kiệm
for future use
Lay before = present st to sb
- spread st out/arrange things
- truyền bá, sắp xếp
- A display of local history material was laid out on the table.
Lay aside:
use in the future
Lay it on me.
Lay out:
Lay about = attack sb by
- keep st, usually money, for
- Okay, I’m ready for the bad news.
- arrange in a pattern or design
- thiết kế
- The designer laid out the book with
for her retirement.
- explain st carefully and
- giải thích kĩ lưỡng
- Can’t we lay aside the arguing and
have a civil dinner for once?
- spend an amount of money
pictures on every page. - The documents lay out the principles clearly enough. - tiêu (tiền)
- He laid aside all hopes of winning
- It’s not every day you lay out $500 on a dress.
first prize.
Lay up = force sb to stay in
- ép ai đó nghỉ/ nằm trên - She’s been laid up with the flu for
- Well, let’s lay some food by, and
bed (due to illness)
giường (vì bị ốm)
over a week.
we can have it for dinner this
- thuyết trình, thể hiện
Exercise 48:
- The local government secretary
654. Now what we need is definite proof that we can ________ the prime minister. A. lay before
B. lay about
C. lay up
D. lay down 108
655. Extra buses are being laid ________ for late-night shoppers. A. by
B. aside
C. on
D. off
656. Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it ________ A. by
B. aside
C. on
D. out
Leave about/around = put st in
- để bừa bãi
a mess
- Who left all these boxes around? Someone could trip over them!
657. When my kids were younger, I chose to lay my career aspirations ________ and become a stay-
Leave aside = not consider st
- bỏ qua vấn đề, để sang - Leaving aside the question of
at-home dad.
due to considering st else instead
một bên
A. into
B. aside
C. up
on the job?
658. The code of practice ________ very clearly what the duties of the registrar are. A. lays in
B. lays out
C. lays up
cost, how many people do we need
D. off Leave behind:
D. lays into
- forget to take/bring st
- quên mang theo
659. For years my mother laid ________ a small amount from every pay cheque. A. aside
B. about
C. up
behind! I hope they still let me on
D. off
the plane.
660. Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was ________ for a year. A. laid up
B. laid down
C. laid by
- abandon or forsake sb or st
B. by
C. on
B. lay about
C. lay before
in Chile.
D. off
B. about
C. up
- leave sb in a difficult situation
- bỏ mặc ai, để lại ai
- The pager company shut down
without helping
(với khó khăn)
Tuesday, leaving 2,000 customers
D. lay down
in the lurch.
663. In the middle of the meeting she suddenly laid ________ him for no apparent reason. A. into
D. off
- permit sb or st to remain in st
- để nguyên chỗ cũ
- Did you leave the dog in the car?
Leave off = stop doing st
- ngưng, dừng làm gì
- I wish he’d leave off moaning
664. You should always lay a chunk of money ________ in case you ever run into trouble down the line. A. up
C. by
- bỏ rơi/bỏ sót
D. on
B. laid out
C. laid down
- She feels left out because the other children don’t play with her.
665. They had already ________ a substantial sum for the wedding. A. laid up
about everything! Leave out = omit
B. aside
- He had to leave his family behind
Leave in:
662. The drug-traffickers have offered to ________ their arms. A. lay aside
- từ bỏ, bỏ rơi
D. laid out
661. They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay ________ workers. A. into
- I can’t believe I left my passport
D. laid off
Leave over (be left over) = still
- tồn tại, còn lại, đọng
- How much will we have left over
exist from the past
once we’ve paid all the suppliers?
666. The officer laid ________ him with his billy club, fending off the attackers until he had a chance
Leave to = give sb responsibility - chuyển trách nhiệm
- Leave it to me - I’ll sort it out
to escape into an alley.
for dealing with st
A. about
B. into
C. up
D. off
667. She opened her suitcase and laid her clothes ________ on the bed. A. into
B. by
C. on
Exercise 49: D. out
671. We left the children _______ the house while we went out to greet the guests.
668. I hate to be the one to lay this ________ you, but your girlfriend has just left with another guy. A. by
B. aside
C. on
A. over
D. off
B. laid about
C. laid off
A. over
D. laid on
B. about
C. down
D. off
B. aside
C. in
D. off
673. It wasn’t until she was halfway home that she realized that she’d left her purse _______
670. Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid ________ by the police. A. into
C. in
672. We all left _______ eating and stood about with bowed heads.
669. He’s temporarily ________ some quite interesting projects to write the script. A. laid aside
B. aside
A. behind
D. by
B. off
C. to
D. out
674. I’m tired of your constant complaints; go away and leave me _______ peace! 109
A. aside
B. in
C. over
D. to
Let off:
675. How to _______ a good first impression to the interviewer? A. leave off
B. leave behind
C. leave over
D. leave in
676. Some would question the wisdom of leaving her _______ of the team. A. over
B. out
C. aside
D. to
- not punish sb who has
- không trừng phạt ai,
committed a crime or done st
người đã phạm tội hoặc
wrong/not punish them
làm điều gì sai trái/không
trừng phạt họ nghiêm
677. _______ the financial implications, do you really believe your proposal will solve our problem? A. Leaving out
B. Leaving off
C. Leaving aside
D. Leaving in
khắc - làm cho một cái gì đó
- The boys were letting off
nổ tung
- allow sb not to do st or not to
- cho phép ai không làm
- He let us off homework today.
go somewhere
gì hoặc không đi đâu đó
- make st explode
678. I’ll leave setting up the internet and stuff _______ Janet - she’s better with those sorts of things. A. off
B. behind
C. over
D. to
679. Don’t leave your clothes lying _______ Hang them up. A. about
B. in
C. aside
D. to
Let on: - tell a secret
- nói, tiết lộ bí mật
LET 50
- pretend
- giả vờ
- She lets on that she was sleeping.
- I let down all my friends by
Let out:
- end or be finished
- kết thúc
- My history class lets out at 4.15.
- làm cho quần áo dài hơn - This skirt needs letting down.
- suddenly make a loud sound
- đột nhiên phát ra âm
- He let out a cry of disbelief.
- make sb/st less successful or
- làm cho ai/cái gì ít
- McKenzie’s judgement rarely lets
- make a shirt, coat, etc. looser
thành công hoặc hiệu quả
him down.
or larger
- move st or sb to a lower
- đưa cái gì/ai xuống một
- We let the bucket down by a rope.
- allow a person or animal to
- cho phép rời đi hoặc đi
- Would you let the dog out,
vị trí thấp hơn
leave a place
ra ngoài
- allow the air to escape from
- cố ý để không khí thoát
- allow sb to use a room,
- cho phép ai đó sử dụng
- We could always let out the spare
something deliberately
ra khỏi một cái gì đó
building, ect. in exchange for
phòng, toà nhà... để lấy
Let in = allow sb or st to enter
- cho phép ai đó/ cái gì
- She opened the door and let me
vào trong
Let st slip through one’s
- để mất một cơ hội, đề
- Don’t let a chance like that slip
Let in for = become involved
- vướng vào một tình
- I don’t think Carol realizes what
fingers = not take an
through your fingers!
in a difficult or unpleasant
huống khó khăn hoặc khó
she’s letting herself in for.
opportunity, offer
- cho phép ai qua
- I was let through to the front of
Let in on = allow sb to share a
- cho phép ai đó được
- Are you going to let them in on
biết bí mật
your plans?
Let up:
- make a dress, skirt, coat, ect.
- làm ai thất vọng
- I suspect he knows more than he’s letting on.
Let down: - disappoint sb
- They let us off lightly.
thanh lớn
- Some kids had let my tyres down.
Let through = allow sb to
- become less strong or stop
- làm quần áo lớn hơn
- You’ll either have to let that skirt out or lose some weight.
the queue.
- ngừng/ngớt
- When the rain lets up we’ll go for a walk.
- stop doing st that you have 111
- dừng làm việc gì đó mà
- You’re doing really well, but you 112
been doing continuously
bạn đã làm liên tục
A. off
can’t afford to let up now.
B. on
C. in
D. through
696. When does your school let _______ for the summer? A. up
Exercise 50:
A. on
B. in
B. off
B. off
the-scenes secrets.
C. out
D. in
698. When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents _______ .
A. in for
A. down
C. out
B. through
C. out
A. out
B. off
C. in for
B. letting up
C. letting down
B. in
B. let off
C. let in
B. down
C. in
A. in for
A. out
B. through
C. out
B. in on
B. down
B. off
C. in for
C. up
C. off
D. let up
B. on
C. in
D. up
- nhắm vào ai, thứ gì;
- She picked up the gun and
st at another person or thing
buộc tội, tô’ cáo
levelled it at me.
Level down = become
- trở nên tồi tệ, dở hơn
- Many schools are being levelled
worse or less D. in
down, rather than improved.
Level off/out: - stop becoming more or less,
D. in
- ổn định, bình ổn
and remain the same
B. let in
C. let up
levelling off after the steep rises of
- stop rising or falling and
- giữ nguyên
remain level D. let off
- make st flat
B. in
C. up
D. down
- san bằng
Level up = increase or improve st
_______ in spare room in second floor.
Level with = tell sb the truth
B. in on
C. down
D. up
- They intend to level the ground off to put up a new house.
693. Last night, two travelers came to my house and asked for accommodation. My mother let them
A. out
- The plane levelled off at 1,500feet.
692. They let _______ that they didn’t care about not being invited, but I could tell that they were hurt. A. on
- House prices now seem to be
the last few years.
D. through
691. The wind had dropped and the rain gradually _______. A. let in for
D. through
Level against/at = aim or direct
690. You have tried very hard. Don’t let the chance to work abroad slip _______ your fingers. A. off
D. down
689. You’ve worked hard all week, so I’ll let you _______ today. A. down
D. up
D. letting in
688. He let _______ a huge sigh of relief when he heard the results. A. up
C. on
701. The guards at the border refused to let us _______ .
687. Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him _______ . A. on
D. in
D. in
686. I didn’t mean to _______ about the party; I just said it without thinking. A. let on
C. out
D. down
700. I volunteered to help, and then I thought ‘Oh no, what have I let myself _______ !’
685. The police insist that they are not _______ on their campaign against drugs. A. letting off
B. off
C. up
D. in
684. He’s grown so much, we’ll have to let his trousers _______ . A. down
B. in on
699. I’ve put on so much weight that I’m going to have to let my suits _______ .
D. in
683. The door staff didn’t let him _______ the nightclub because he was wearing jeans. A. up
D. in
D. down
682. The convict was let _______ of prison after serving five years of an eight-year sentence. A. down
C. out
C. up
681. One boy had let _______ a firework in class. A. down
B. through
697. Lloyd Grossman shares the fun he’s had in making the series and lets us _______ some behind-
680. She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her _______
about st
- tăng/cải thiện
- The government is levelling up the tax on beer and wine.
- nói sự thật, tiết lộ
- I levelled with him about what happened that night.
694. I’m sorry! I’m late. But it’s not my fault. Someone tricked me, they let my tyres _______ ! A. on
B. in
C. up
D. down
Exercise 51:
695. My mum said I had to do all the ironing as a punishment, but I’m hoping she’ll let me _______ . 113
702. The figures show evidence that murders in the nation’s capital are beginning to _______ 114
A. level up
B. level down
C. level off
D. level with
bed, in order to sleep or rest
703. Several criticisms have been levelled _______ the company’s Board of Directors. A. at
B. off
C. against
Lie in = stay in bed later than
D. A & C
usual in the morning
704. Here are all the tips and tricks you need to know how to _______ your characters quickly. A. level up
B. level against
C. level at
D. level with
705. I’ll level _______ you - the salary’s not particularly good, and there’s little chance of promotion. A. down
B. with
C. at
B. levelled out
C. levelled down
B. off
C. with
B. off
C. against
B. off
- trốn khỏi ai đang tìm
- The next day they lay up in a
looking for you (police
bạn (cảnh sát...)
Lie with = be one’s duty or
- là nhiệm vụ hay trách
- The blame lies with your parents.
nhiệm của ai đó
710. You don’t have to do anything - just lie _______ and enjoy the ride. A. in
D. down
A. back C. against
D. with
A. lay in
A. up
- be left in places where they
- bị bỏ ở những nơi
- Has anyone seen my keys lying
should not be
không nên ở
B. behind
C. down
D. about
B. lay back
C. lay behind
D. lay up
- I spent a week in Spain, lying
lying down
around on the beach.
Lie ahead = be going to
- sẽ xảy ra với ai đó
- We don’t know what lies ahead.
happen to sb in the future
trong tương lai
B. in
C. about
D. ahead
714. There is evidence to suggest that some blame lies _______ the police. A. back
- spend time doing nothing and - dành thời gian thư
B. with
C. ahead
D. about
715. If you leave your shoes lying _______ like that, you’ll trip over them. A. back
B. with
C. ahead
D. about
716. The escaped prisoners lay _______ in a barn for a few weeks, until the search had been called off. A. in
Lie back:
B. down
C. up
D. behind
717. It was a Sunday, so she could lie _______ till almost lunch time. - tựa lưng vào cái gì
- The doctor asked me to lie back on the couch.
- relax and lower yourself from - ngả lưng
- Lie back, relax, and enjoy the
a sitting position so that you
A. up
- là lí do thực sự của
- Do you know what lies behind
reason for a decision or action
một quyết định hoặc
their decision?
A. back
B. behind
B. behind
hành động - nằm xuống
C. about
D. ahead
C. down
D. about
719. We lay _______ all day playing cards and watching television. A. back
Lie behind = be the real
B. in
718. During the day, I get so tired I have to lie _______ on the bed for a couple of hours.
are resting on your back
Lie down = lie, especially in
D. behind
713. We must be prepared for whatever lies _______
Lie about:
- lean back on st
C. up
712. We’d like to know what _______ her decision to change her will. Could you tell us about that?
LIE 52
B. down
711. She lay _______ in the dentist’s chair and tried to relax.
709. The jet levelled _______ at 10,000 feet. A. at
Lie up = hide from who are
Exercise 52: D. down
708. The ground will have to be levelled _______ we can start building. A. at
can lie in.
D. levelled against
707. This shortsighted policy will level _______ university standards. A. at
- It’s a holiday tomorrow, so you
officers, ect.)
D. off
706. The ground will have to be _______ before we can start building. A. levelled up
- ngủ nướng
C. down
D. about
LIVE - Go and lie down for a while.
53 115
Live apart (from sb/st) =
- sống tách xa với ai/cái gì
- Being a man, one can’t live 116
live far away from sb/ st
apart from society.
are happening in the world
Live down = forget about st
- quên về một điều xấu hổ
- She felt so stupid. She’d never
Live (it) up = enjoy
- có khoảng thời gian sung
be able to live it down.
yourself in an exciting way,
sướng nhờ việc tiêu rất
- My son lives for sports.
usually spending a lot of
nhiều tiền
embarrassing you have done bạn đã làm Live for = enjoy st more
- yêu thích một cái gì đó
than anything else
hơn bất cứ điều gì khác
Live in = live at the place
- sống ở nơi bạn làm việc
where you work or study
hoặc học tập
ice is melting. - Sam was living it up in London.
money - They have an au pair living in.
Live up to = do as well as
- đáp ứng mong đợi hoặc
- He failed to live up to his
other people expect you to
tiêu chuẩn
parents’ expectations.
Live with:
Live out: - not live at the place where
- không sống ở nơi bạn làm
- Most students live out in their
- share a home without
- sống trong cùng một nhà
- She’s living with her boyfriend
you work or study
việc hoặc học tập
second year.
being married
mà không kết hôn
- spend the rest of your life
- dành phần cuối đời theo
- He lived out his days alone.
- live in the same house
- sống chung nhà
- I still live with my parents.
in a particular way
một cách đặc biệt
- accept st unpleasant
- chấp nhận điều gì đó
- I just had to learn to live with
- do st that you have
- làm những gì bạn đã lên kế - The money enabled them to live
không thoải mái
the pain.
planned or hoped before
hoạch hoặc hi vọng từ trước
out their dreams.
- If st lives with you, you
- sống mãi
- That episode has lived with me
Live off = receive the
- nhận hỗ trự tài chính
- She’s still living off her parents.
keep remembering it or
all my life.
thinking about it
money you need to live from sb/st
Exercise 53:
Live on: - have a particular amount
- sử dụng tiền cho những
- The job provides enough to live
of money to buy food and
nhu cầu thiết yếu
A. off
A. out
- only eat a particular type
- chỉ ăn một loại thực phẩm
of food
cụ thể
- continue to live or exist
- tiếp tục sống hay tồn tại
- Alice’s memory will live on.
Live through = experience
- trải qua một tình huống
- He has lived through two world
a difficult situation or event
hoặc sự kiện khó khăn
- I more or less live on pasta.
C. down
D. with
B. on
C. in
D. through
722. She _______ the day when she can have a house of her own. A. lives for
B. lives in
C. lives off
D. lives down
723. To continue working as a teacher, you have to learn to live _______ stress. A. on
B. under
C. together
D. with
724. She’s been living it _______ like crazy since she won the lottery.
Live together - sống thử
being married - live in the same house
B. under
721. He could never know the pain and fear this child had lived _______
other necessary things
- share a home without
720. If I fail the test and everyone else passes, I’ll never be able to live it _______ .
- My parents don’t approve of us living together.
- sống chung nhà
A. on
B. up
C. in
D. off
725. He’s been dead for many years, but his name _______ .
- She and her sister live together
A. lives out
B. lives off
C. lives in
D. lives on
in Richmond.
726. This guy lives _______ a rock - he doesn’t even know that George Bush isn’t the president of the United States anymore.
Live under a rock = be
- không biết về những sự
- Unless you’ve been living under
unaware of popular culture
kiện lớn đang diễn ra trên
a rock for the last few decades,
and important events that
thế giới
you’ll be aware that Arctic sea
A. off
C. down
D. with
727. The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live _______ to its obligations. A. in
B. under
B. together
C. up
D. under 118
728. Nowadays many young people _______ before they get married. A. live together
B. live off
C. live down
decide about the future D. live on
how to expand our business.
Look at:
729. Universities are short of accommodation, so in my final year at university I lived _______ with
- direct your eyes towards sb or
- nhìn thẳng, nhìn
some friends in a flat we rented.
st to see
chằm, xem xét
- think about a situation or
- suy nghĩ kĩ càng
A. on
B. out
C. up
D. with
730. The memory of that day would live _______ her for ever. A. on
B. in
subject carefully
C. off
D. with
- read something quickly
B. live with
B. under
C. live in
D. live on
Look back = think about st that
C. down
B. down
C. off
- nghĩ về quá khứ
happened in the past
D. with
733. Because of having no relatives, she lived _______ her final years in a nursing home. A. out
- Can you look at my essay sometime?
732. To save money, she and her sister decided to live _______ in a flat in Richmond. A. together
- We’re looking carefully at all the options.
- đọc lướt, đọc nhanh
731. He loves Shelly, but he doesn’t want to _______ her. A. live out
- He turned and looked at her.
D. on
- It wasn’t such a bad experience when I look back on it.
Look down on = think that you
- khinh thường, coi
- She looks down on anyone who
are better or more important than
hasn’t had a university education.
734. Nearly 5 million of Morocco’s 33 million people live _______ less than $2 a day, according to
Look up to = admire and respect - coi trọng, ngưỡng mộ
- He’d always looked up to his
the World Bank.
A. out
B. on
C. in
D. through
Look for:
735. After graduating from university, I return my hometown to work and live _______ My family. A. on
B. out
C. up
- hope to get st that you want or
D. with
736. She has been living _______ her savings since she lost her job in December. A. off
B. under
C. down
- trông chờ, hi vọng
- search for sb or st
in March. - tìm kiếm
D. with
B. live on
C. live out
- I’ve been looking for all their hidden files, but I can’t find them
737. Many parents try to _______ their dreams through their children. A. live down
- Look for a change of the weather
anywhere. D. live for
Look forward to = hope and
- trông chờ (trong tương - I’m really looking forward to my
738. The university guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for every first year who wants to
excite about st going to happen
lai), chờ đợi
live _______
Look in = visit a person for a
- ghé thăm
- Can you look in on the kids
A. off
B. under
C. down
D. in
short time
before you go to bed?
739. Because we often quarreled with each other, we made a deliberate decision to live _______ for a
Look into = examine the facts
- điều tra, nghiên cứu,
- We’ll look into the problem and
about a problem or situation
kiểm tra
come back to you when we have
A. apart
B. down
C. in
D. off
the information.
740. These fish _______ small sea creatures such as shrimp. A. live for
B. live on
C. live off
Look on = watch an activity or D. live in
Look after = take care of sb or
- trông nom, chăm sóc
st Look ahead = think of and plan,
- nghĩ xa, lên kế hoạch
- đứng nhìn, xem
- I looked on as my friends danced
event without taking part in
around the room.
Look out = warn sb to be careful - cẩn thận, coi chừng
- Look out! There’s a car coming.
Look out for = look carefully at
- cảnh giác, xem chừng,
- We were told to look out for any
- You could tell that the car had
people or things around you
chú ý
suspicious behaviors.
been well looked after.
Look over = quickly examine st
- thanh tra, soát lại, xem - He’d been looking over the
- We need to look ahead to decide 119
Look around/round = visit a
leaflets he’d picked up earlier.
- tham quan
- She spent the afternoon looking
place and look at the things in it
- I’ve looked through some
Look to = hope or expect to get
- trông cậy, tin tưởng
- We have always looked to our
help, advice
vào ai
mother for guidance.
B. through
C. into
A. looked forward
B. looked to
C. looked back
A. forward
B. up
C. out
- cải tiến
754. They _______ their working will instil a sense of responsibility in children. A. look into
A. at
- I hope things will start to look up
B. look up to
C. look for
- tra cứu, tham khảo
B. down on
C. up to
A. up to
- I looked your address up in the
B. ahead
C. looking for
A. ahead
B. over
C. to
B. looking at
C. looking for
D. around
A. look up
C. into
B. look at
A. over
C. looking for
C. after
C. look ahead
C. up
C. out
D. looking on
- đuổi theo, đuổi bắt
- The police made after the thief.
Make at = make sign or signal
- ra dấu hiệu với ai
- Jimmy made an obscene gesture
to a person
D. to
at me!
Make away with: D. look at
- steal st and take it away
- cuỗm đi
- kill/destroy
- giết/phá huỷ
D. over
B. looking into
C. looking for
B. through
C. into
Make for
D. looking after
- move towards somewhere
B. looked to
C. looked in
- đi thẳng đến, tiến về phía
- They made for the center of town.
D. out for - result in or make possible
750. He _______ hiring another secretary, but it would have been too expensive. A. looked into
- We decided to make away with the old horse.
749. I’ve just been looking _______ your cookery books for inspiration. A. around
- The thieves made away with the painting.
748. They’re _______ me to help improve sales figures. A. looking to
D. out
Make after sb/st = chase sb/st
747. Would you quickly look _______ these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? B. round
D. look back
746. I’d like a skin specialist to _______ that rash of yours. B. look up to
D. in
D. ahead
745. When you look _______ on this in a year or two, it won’t seem so bad. B. up
C. look over
B. after
744. Police were _______ clues as to the woman’s identity. B. looking at
C. round
760. I didn’t know what ‘loquacious’ meant and had to look it _______ in a dictionary.
D. looking after
743. Looking _______ , I think the company needs to develop some new services. B. through
B. into
759. Would you like me to _______ your essay before you hand it in?
742. I’m going to spend some time _______ my options before I decide to apply for the job.
A. back
D. looking out for
758. When we went to Boston, we only had a couple of hours to look _______
741. One person looks after the stores’ brand image and another looks _______ the advertising.
A. look down on
D. up
757. She was _______ seeing the grandchildren again.
personnel file.
Exercise 54:
A. back
D. out for
C. on
A. looking forward to B. looking down on
A. looking out
D. look after
756. I’d have to wear a costume that’d make people look _______ me.
in the new year. - try to find a particular piece of
A. in
D. over
755. He looks _______ his colleagues because he thinks he’s better than they are.
- get better, improve
A. looking up
D. looked on
753. ‘Look _______ !’ Somebody shouted, as the truck started to roll toward the sea.
Look up
A. after
D. after
752. The crowd just _______ as the old lady was mugged.
around the town. - đọc nhanh, đọc qua
Look through = read st quickly
A. in
- dẫn đến, gây ra
- Fastening computers make for a more efficient system.
D. looked out
751. Promise you’ll look _______ and say hello when you have time. 121
Make st into st = change st
- chuyển đổi thứ này thành
into st else
thứ khác
Make of sb/st = understand or
- hiểu hoặc có ý kiến về
- What do you make of your new
have opinion about sb/st
ai/cái gì
Make up for st/sb
Make off = leave quickly,
- vội vàng bỏ chạy
- The burglars made off before
= act to compensate for st lost,
the police arrived.
missed, or deficient
- They made off with our TV and
Make up to sb = to be too
our stereo.
friendly or to praise someone
usually in order to escape Make off/away with st
- ăn trộm cái gì
= steal st
- I made the silk into a dress.
giờ - work extra time
time this evening. - bù đắp cho
- Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.
- xun xoe, nịnh bợ
- She always makes up to the boss.
to get advantages
Make out: - see, hear, or understand st/sb
- Sorry I’m late; I’ll make up the
- nhìn, nghe, hiểu ai/cái gì
- I couldn’t make out what he said.
Exercise 55:
- They made out at the party last
761. Everyone agreed that filming inside a chocolate factory would _______ good television.
- kiss and hold sb romantically
- ôm hôn ai
- pretend
- giả vờ như thật
- I made out that I could cook
- deal with a situation
- đối phó, xoay sở tình
- How did you make out this
763. She left work early to see her brother off at the airport and _______ the time by staying late the
- viết cái gì
- I made out a list of people to
next day.
A. make over
- write st down
B. make up
C. make for
D. make out
762. He could just _______ a dark shape moving towards him. A. make off
A. made out
B. make for
B. made up
C. make into
C. made after
D. make out
D. made for
Make over = change or
- thay đổi diện mạo, bộ
- The beauty salon really made
764. The student was sent to the principal’s office for making rude gestures _______ the teacher from
improve the appearance/ parts
phận của ai/cái gì
her over.
the back of class. A. at
- làm hoà sau khi cãi nhau
again after an argument - set st in order
- sắp xếp, dọn dẹp
A. make for
- They kissed and made up, as
D. for
D. make up
- The maid will make up our
Rembrandts. A. made off
excuse, explanation, ect.
sáng tác
- form a part of a whole
- chiếm một phần, hình
- Women make up 40 percent of
thành nên
the workforce.
- They made up a little poem.
A. made up
- We need one more person to
- làm thêm giờ, tăng ca, bù
make up a team.
D. made up for
B. made over
C. made for
D. made into
768. Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to _______ I’d already mailed it. A. make over
A. made for
classes. - làm đủ một số lượng
C. made after
B. make off
C. make at
D. make out
769. I _______ the bus, but there was no way I could catch it.
- She always makes up before
- complete a number or an
B. made off with
767. They _______ a little poem and wrote it on the card.
- bịa đặt, dựng chuyện,
- trang điểm
C. make of
766. Thieves disguised as policemen _______ 13 pictures, including three
- invent st such as a story,
your face
B. make into
- use colored substances on
C. into
765. Could you _______ a list of all the things we need?
Make up: - forgive and become friends
B. out
B. made after
C. made over
D. made at
770. I’m paying £500, and Dave is _______ the rest. A. making of
B. making into
C. making up
D. making off
771. Ed Carey has been chosen to _______ the losing football team. 123
A. make over
B. make up to
C. make out
D. make for
Pass away = die
772. Can you make anything _______ this information? A. over
B. at
C. of
D. for
- go past a place
- not to notice or get advantage C. make up
D. make after
B. out
C. into
D. of
775. The thieves busted the ATM and _______ the cash inside. A. made into
B. made after
C. made off
D. made away with
B. make up for
pass us by. - truyền lại cái gì (kiến
- The tales were passed down for
knowledge, ect.) to younger
thức, kĩ năng...) cho thế
hệ sau
- diễn ra, xảy ra
D. make into - make people believe that a
- khiến ai tin rằng cáigì/
person or thing is something
ai là thứ khác/ người
778. Each morning, Laura gets up really early and takes considerable time to _______ before leaving
for work.
Pass on:
A. make into
B. made at
C. made after
B. make up to
D. made over
C. make over
D. make up
C. make out
D. make at
779. I’m going to _______ a receipt for you. A. make off
B. make for
B. make for
C. make into
- die
- chết, qua đời
- My cat passed on last night.
- give st (news, disease, money,
- truyền cái gì cho ai
- No one passed the news on to me.
- become unconscious
- ngất đi một lúc
- I was hit on the head and passed
- give st to each person in a
- phát cái gì cho từng
- The teacher passed out the tests to
- leave a military college after
- tốt nghiệp khoá học
- I passed out from AIIMS, New
successfully finishing the
quân sự
Delhi in 2008.
- bỏ qua
- They passed him over for
Pass out:
D. make at
781. Have you seen the disgusting way Tom _______ the boss with comments about his youthful
appearance in order to get promoted? A. made up to
B. made off
C. made over
D. made after
782. Why don’t you two forget your differences and _______ ? A. make after
B. make at
C. make for
D. make up
783. They’ve _______ the spare room _______ an office. A. made - up
B. made - off
C. made - into
D. made - out
Pass over: - ignore
Pass along = transmit
- truyền tin tức cho ai
information to sb
- He passed himself off as a doctor.
ect.) that you receive from sb
780. It seems that we should _______ home as soon as possible now because it is going to rain. A. make up to
- The pop festival passed off peacefully.
777. The would-be thief _______ like a shot when he saw the security guard approaching. A. made off
- We mustn’t let this opportunity
Pass down st = give st (skills,
- happen
C. make away with
- bỏ qua, lờ đi
Pass off:
776. He bought me dinner to _______ being so late the day before. A. make up to
- A car slowly passed by my house.
from an event/opportunity
774. Boys at that age are only interested in making _______ with girls. A. away
- đi ngang qua một nơi nào
_______ your room. B. make off
- Her father passed away last week.
Pass by:
773. Remember to leave this notice hanging on your door before you go out, asking the servant to
A. make at
- chết, qua đời
promotion. - Please pass along my message
- not talk/mention about st
when you see him.
- không nói, đề cập đến
- Let’s pass over what they said.
vấn đề gì
Pass as/for sb/st = be thought
- được tin, chấp nhận
- My short hair makes me pass for a
Pass round/around =
- phân phát cho từng
- They passed round copies of the
or believed to be sb/st else
như một người/thứ khác
distribute st to each
797. The photos were _______ for each of them to have a look at.
person Pass through = go to a place
- ghé thăm nơi nào đó và - They passed through these green
for only a short period of time
rời đi nhanh chóng
Pass up st = fail to take
- từ chối, bỏ lỡ cơ hội
- She passed up the chance to study
advantage of an opportunity
A. passed up
B. passed off
C. passed by
D. passed round
798. With the right clothes and makeup, I think you could easily _______ an adult. A. pass up
B. pass round
C. pass for
D. pass on
799. Polly is due to _______ from training college at the end of July so we will hold a family party for
her then. A. pass away
Exercise 56:
B. passed away
C. passed through
A. passed along
D. passed off
B. off
C. through
D. pass for
B. passed up
C. passed on
D. passed by
801. I’ll pass these clothes _______ to my nephew when my lads have outgrown them.
785. I’m only passing _______ so I won’t get a chance to do anything as a tourist. A. along
C. pass through
800. Three buses _______ , but none of them was the right one.
784. She’s terribly upset because her father _______ last week. A. passed over
B. pass out
A. off
D. out
B. on
C. down
D. for
786. The new officers _______ Britannia Royal Naval College on Thursday 1 August. A. passed out
B. passed over
C. passed round
D. passed up 57
787. It’s important to remember friends and family who have passed _______ . A. over
B. off
C. on
- give sb the same amount of
D. round
B. through
C. on
- retaliate against/get revenge
D. over
789. Kenzie was asked to go to prom by her school crush but _______ the offer because she wanted to
stay at home with her sick mother.
Pay off:
A. passed off
B. passed along
C. passed over
- result in profit or advantage/
D. passed up
B. pass - on
C. pass - away
D. pass - off
791. I took the day off work because I didn’t want to _______ my flu to everyone in the office. A. pass for
B. pass up
C. pass on
D. pass out
B. pass along
off if this factory closes.
are owed
việc vì không còn cần đến họ nữa
C. pass down
- (= pay back) give sb all the
D. pass round
C. down
C. over
C. passed down
B. passed down
C. passed up
twenty-five years. - The trust is estimated to pay out
tiền, dùng tiền
$4.36 million over her lifetime.
- buy st
- mua, chi trả
- I paid twenty pounds for the book.
- be punished for st/ suffer st
- trả giá
- He tricked me and I’m going to
D. passed as
make him pay for it!
796. The protest march _______ without any serious trouble. A. passed off
- The mortgage will be paid off in
Pay for:
D. along
795. These traditional stories have been _______ from parent to child over many generations. B. passed by
- hoàn thành trả nợ
- chi tiền, đóng tiền, trả
D. for
794. They’re always going to pass you _______ for promotions if you don’t set yourself apart!
A. passed over
pay off when you take the exam.
công nhân rồi cho nghỉ
Pay out = spend money
B. down
- thành quả/ thành công - All those weeks of studying will
give them any money that they
money that you have borrowed
A. up
- Over 1,000 workers will be paid
by to arouse their interest. B. through
- I’m going to pay him back for that
- trả hết lương cho
793. The restaurant assistants are passing _______ free samples of their new food to people walking
A. out
- trả đũa, trả thù
- stop employing workers and
792. Could you _______ my message to Fred? A. pass away
- I paid back the twenty pounds I’d borrowed.
790. He put on an old blue suit, intending to _______ himself _______ as a businessman. A. pass - by
- trả lại số tiền đã vay
money that you borrowed
788. Do you ever feel that life is passing you _______ ? A. by
Pay back:
Pay up = give all the money
- trả hết, thanh toán, trả
- They are willing to pay up to $500
D. passed round 127
that is owed or asked for
more for cars that get better
Pick on = criticize, punish, or
- quấy rầy, làm phiền,
- He gets picked on by the other
be unkind to the same person
trêu chọc
boys because he’s so small.
often Exercise 57:
Pick out = recognize, find,
- nhận ra, tìm kiếm, lựa
- A witness picked out the attacker
802. I don’t think we can afford to pay the full amount _______ now.
choose sb or st from a group
chọn (từ tập thể)
from police photos.
Pick over = examine a group
- khám xét, kiểm tra
- She picked over the strawberries,
A. back
B. off
C. up
D. for
803. Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence _______ . A. paid for
B. paid out
C. paid off
of things carefully
D. paid back
804. He paid _______ the inspectors with bribes of $500. A. back
B. off
C. up
selecting the largest ones.
Pick up: - lift st up/answer the phone
- nhặt lên/ nhấc máy
- increase or improve
- tăng, cải tiến
D. for
- She put her coat on, picked up her bag, and left.
805. The federal government _______ $7.7 billion as a result of damage caused by hurricanes this year.
- His spirits picked up when he got the good news.
A. paid for
B. paid out
C. paid off
D. paid up
- get or bring sb or st from
- đưa, đón ai đó; bắt giữ
- Whose turn is it to pick up the
806. It is an iniquitous system that allows a person to die because they have no money to pay _______
somewhere/ arrest sb
ai đó
kids from school?
- obtain or receive st or buy st
- đạt được, thu nhận, mua - While you’re in town, would you
- learn a new skill or start a
- học lỏm, học qua kinh
- She picked up a few German
habit without intending
phrases while staying in Berlin.
- get an illness
- mắc bệnh, nhiễm bệnh
- Most tourists are worried that
A. out
B. back
C. off
D. for
pick up a book for me?
807. She knew how to pay them _______ for the trouble they had caused. A. up
B. off
C. back
D. for
808. We all pay _______ our mistakes in some way at some time. A. up
B. off
C. back
D. for
they’ll pick up a nasty stomach bug.
Pick up on:
Pick at:
- become aware of, understand,
- cảnh giác, nhận thức,
- I want to pick up on a point that
- eat food in small pieces and
- ăn một cách miễn
- Charles picked at his food in a
notice, give particular attention
chú ý tới, hiểu rõ
Susan made about role models.
without enjoyment
bored fashion.
- understand st that is not
- hiểu hàm ý của cái gì
- He obviously didn’t pick up on
- nag or impeach someone in a
- cằn nhằn, bắt lỗi (không - There were a few problems that
niggling or petty manner
đáng kể)
generally good.
Exercise 58: 809. All the clothes at the sale had been thoroughly picked _______ and there was nothing nice left.
- nhắm vào, bắn vào (từ
- The snipers picked the soldiers off
particular person, animal, or
tập thể)
one by one as they ran for cover.
- bóc ra
- I had to pick away the cat hair
vehicle chosen from a group
picking it, usually with one’s
her lack of interest in the subject.
could be picked at, but it was
Pick off = shoot at one
Pick away = remove st by
communicated directly
A. out
B. over
C. up
D. on
810. Most people _______ with coronaviruses at one point in their lives, but symptoms are typically
from my suit before the interview.
mild to moderate. A. picked up
B. picked off
C. picked on
D. picked up on
811. Sarah picked _______ a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn’t really hungry. A. at 129
B. out
C. up
D. over 130
812. When business _______ he’ll probably offer permanent jobs to the most valued employees. A. picks off
B. picks up
C. picks at
D. picks on
813. The critics picked him _______ as the outstanding male dancer of the decade. A. off
B. up on
C. up
D. out
814. She went over to her parents’ house to _______ some clean clothes. A. pick on
B. pick at
C. pick up
D. pick over
B. off
C. on
B. up on
C. up
B. over
pháp hoặc nhiều thứ
ideas for a new TV show.
things, before deciding which
trước khi quyết định
one to choose
Play along = pretend to agree
- giả vờ đồng ý
- Just play along with what he wants. It’s easier.
- giả vờ là ai, đóng vai
person or to do a particular thing
D. at
C. up
different methods or different
- pretend to be a particular
817. He picked his cap _______ from the floor and stuck it back on his head. A. out
- We’ve been playing around with
Play at:
D. out
816. Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us _______ at random. A. off
- thử nhiều phương
with sb or st
815. At school she was a vulnerable little soul and the other girls picked _______ her. A. over
Play around with = try out
D. on
- He just plays at being a lawyer he never wins a case.
- do st for enjoyment
- làm qua loa, vừa làm
- Quit playing at cleaning the car
and with minimal effort
vừa chơi
and just do it!
Play back = play a message or
- nghe lại, phát lại (cái
- We played the recording back to
818. When it’s ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information, the Profit loss won’t
film that has been recorded
gì được ghi âm lại)
see if it was OK.
_______ the critic.
Play down = make st seem less
- cố gắng giảm tầm
- Military spokespeople tried to
important or less bad than it
quan trọng
play down the seriousness of the
A. pick up
B. pick at
C. pick off
D. pick out
819. You should go to a market where you can _______ some amazing bargains. A. pick off
B. pick on
C. pick up on
really is
D. pick up
820. When I got back from Tokyo I realised that I had picked _______ quite a few Japanese words. A. out
B. over
C. up
D. at
Play in = become accustomed to
- trở nên quen thuộc,
- Fred played in left field for the
or comfortable with a particular
thoải mái với hành động
rest of the game.
action or situation
hoặc tình huống cụ thể
821. Sporting-goods makers were quick to _______ surfers’ innovations like foot straps for leaping
Play off against
- làm hai phía cạnh
giant waves.
= manipulate two opposing sides tranh (để lợi cho mình)
A. pick up
B. pick off
C. pick on
D. pick up on
B. out
C. up
one’s own benefit
D. over
Play on:
823. The bank was robbed at 6 pm. The police had _______ 3 suspects by 9 pm. A. picked off
B. picked up
C. picked at
D. picked on
824. Mary picked the meat _______ from the bones. A. away
B. on
C. up
D. off
825. This is something you would expect a skilled negotiator to _______ A. pick up
B. pick off
C. pick on
Play around = behave in a silly way to amuse yourself or other
- đùa cợt, cợt nhả
- continue to play a game or
- tiếp tục chơi, liên tục
- It looked like afoul, but the
referee told them to play on.
- exploit or take advantage of
- lợi dụng một niềm tin/
- She plays on the fact that people
some belief, attitude, or trend
thái độ/ khuynh hướng
feel sorry for her.
Play out: D. pick up on
other to get the best deal.
of an argument, competition for
822. The victim couldn’t pick _______ her attacker from the photos the police showed her. A. at
- He played them off against each
- happen, develop or end in a
- xảy ra, phát triển, hoàn - The debate will play out in the
particular way
- pretend st it is really happening - giả vờ - Stop playing around and get on with your homework!
media over the next week or two. - Children often play out quite violent scenes.
Play through = continue to
- tiếp tục chơi
- It wasn’t a fantastic performance,
people 131
compete in an athletic even
(khi bị thương)
despite some injury
A. out
but I know he was playing through
- nhấn mạnh, quan trọng - The official report plays up the
people believe it is important
hoá, làm quá
- be naughty or behave badly
- hành xử tệ, lì lợm
A. played up
C. played with
D. played in
A. up to
B. out
C. on
D. at
- The children played up all
834. Julia knows how to _______ the supervisors - she can always get time off work when she wants
evening and drove the babysitter
it. A. play through
B. play up to
C. play in
D. play back
835. The poker game became so intense that we _______ until 3 in the morning.
Play up to: - try to make someone like you
- hành xử theo cách
- He took great pains to play up to
and treat you well by behaving
được mong đợi
loan’s mother.
- try to gain favour with by
- nịnh nọt, tâng bốc
- I’m playing up to my boss
A. played in
B. played around
C. played on
D. played down
836. Management policy seemed to be to play one department _______ another. A. off against
B. through
C. back
D. with
837. The rookie goalkeeper had to enter the game after the starter went out with a hamstring injury,
because I want the promotion.
and he just never had a chance to play himself _______ .
Play with: - consider an idea or plan
- keep touching st, especially due to being bored
- xem xét ý tưởng hoặc
- We played with the idea, but
kế hoạch
decided against it.
- chạm và di chuyển vật
- He can’t stop playing with his
gì (vì cảm thấy chán)
A. off against
B. up to
C. along
D. in
838. I’m exhausted! The children have been really playing _______ this afternoon. A. along
B. up
C. out
D. around
839. The film has eerie parallels with the drama being _______ in real life.
A. played out
B. played down
C. played up
D. played around
840. The message I recorded for the answering machine sounded terrible when I played it _______
Exercise 59:
A. out
826. The pitcher _______ a torn tendon sheath to lead one of the greatest postseason comebacks in the
B. back
C. along
D. with
841. Although I’m excited, I’m _______ my promotion so that the others don’t get jealous.
history of baseball. B. plays through
C. plays out
A. playing with
D. plays along
B. up to
C. along
D. playing down
A. along
B. out
C. on
D. at
843. Why don’t you play _______ with the different fonts on the computer and see which one you
been able to write anything substantive in months. C. play off against
C. playing back
know what his career will be!
D. in
828. Each day I dutifully sit down at my desk, coffee in hand, but I only _______ writing - I haven’t
B. play back
B. playing on
842. Ever since he was able to talk, John has been playing _______ being a firefighter - I guess we
827. She claims she was fired because she refused to play _______ with the coverup.
want to use?
D. play with
A. along
829. You can’t play _______ with this assignment; it’s something that needs to be buckled down to
B. up
C. out
D. around
844. The doctor tried to play _______ the seriousness of my father’s illness, but we weren’t fooled.
seriously. A. along
B. played around
833. I hate marketing strategies that play _______ people’s fears and prejudices.
likely benefits of the plan, but glosses over the costs.
A. play at
D. with
medicinal value.
- emphasize st or try to make
A. up
C. along
832. The ad campaign _______ the refreshing qualities of bottled water, rather than claiming any
a pretty bad shoulder injury.
Play up:
A. plays down
B. up to
B. up
C. out
A. down
D. around
B. out
C. on
D. at
830. She was just _______ her food - she didn’t eat a mouthful. A. playing with
B. playing on
C. playing back
D. playing down 60
831. Patricia and I were playing _______ the idea of moving to Glasgow. 133
Pull ahead: 134
- get in front of sb by moving
- vượt qua, di chuyển lên
- The lorry was going slowly but we
from some place in a vehicle
6:30, so don’t be late.
managed to pull ahead.
- leave or withdraw from
- rút (tiền), rút lui, rời
- Lack of funding leaves us with no
- start to make progress faster
- vượt lên, tiến triển, vượt
- She pulled ahead of her opponent
choice but to pull out.
than sb
in the election.
Pull on:
Pull about = drag sb
- lôi kéo
- The boys were pulling one another
- put on clothes, especially
- mang, mặc (một cách
- Emily pulled on her gloves as she
about and playing very rough.
- manage or deal with a
- xoay xở, giải quyết
- Few of us can ever pull on with
around Pull away: - if a vehicle pulls away, it
- rời khỏi, lăn bánh
- The car pulled away from the
starts moving
(phương tiện)
lights at high speed.
Pull through = become well
- move away from sb trying
- né tránh, di chuyển ra
- She pulled away just as he was
again after a serious illness
about to kiss her.
Pull up = slow down and
to hold you or touch you
- ngưng làm, dừng ủng hộ
Pull up to = drive up
from sending the navy there.
close to st
- tránh xa, di chuyển ra,
-Jim pulled back from her with a
from sb trying to hold you or
né tránh
hurt expression.
A. pulled ahead - phá huỷ
- Many of those old buildings will soon be pulled down.
- kiếm tiền
- She’s pulling down over $100,000 a year.
- When the taxi pulls up to the curb, open the door and get in.
B. pulled through
C. pulled out
D. pulled off
B. off
C. back
D. A & B
847. Their latest product has already _______ nearly $15 million in its first two months on the market. A. pulled in
B. pulled through
C. pulled out
D. pulled up
848. Most top executives pull _______ salaries the rest of us can only dream of. - tấp xe vào, dừng xe
location - kiếm lãi, kiếm tiền
of a stated sum of money
- He pulled in at the side of the
A. away
B. off
C. down
D. A & B
849. The software giant has begun _______ in the video game market thanks to its revolutionary new
- The film has pulled in $30 million
since its release.
A. pulling up
B. pulling ahead
C. pulling out
D. pulling back
850. I was still trying to pull my pants _______ when the police officers barged the door down.
Pull off: - succeed in doing st that is
- thành công (làm gì khó
- Hanley pulled off a surprise last-
minute victory in the semi-final.
- (= pull away) if a vehicle
- lăn bánh, di chuyển
- The car pulled off and sped up the
pulls away, it starts moving
A. through
C. in
D. on
A. back
B. down
C. away
D. A & C
852. The train didn’t _______ until nearly 11pm due to all the delays.
A. pull in - rời, khởi hành, lái đi
B. away
851. But the more she tried to pull _______ , the more hostile Anderson became.
Pull out: - depart from or drive away
- đỗ gần cái gì
846. There was a roar and a cloud of smoke as the car pulled _______ from the traffic light. A. away
Pull in:
- (= pull down) yield a profit
- The car pulled up outside my
845. He won five straight games and _______ one of the tournament’s biggest upsets.
Pull down:
- drive up to and park at some
fight that has pulled us through. - đi chậm và dừng
Exercise 60:
touch you
- earn a stated amount of
- It is only our determination to
house and I got out.
- The government has pulled back
- (= pull away) move away
- destroy st, esp. a building
- bình phục
stop (vehicle)
Pull back: - stop supporting or doing st
such meagre salaries.
- The train will pull out at exactly
B. pull out
C. pull up
D. pulled off
853. Click on a square to pull _______ an overview of the site with name, description, location, and domain.
A. away
B. off
C. down
D. up
Push aside:
854. They’d pulled the registry office _______ which then left an open space. A. away
B. down
C. on
B. pull through
B. off
C. pull back
D. pull away
C. back
D. out
B. pulled through
- buộc ai đó rời khỏi vị trí
- Felix was pushed aside but later
position, taking the job in their
của họ và đảm nhận vị trí
became head of intelligence.
Push back:
857. They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to _______ . A. pulled in
- force sb out of their job or
C. pulled down
- delay st so that it happens
- trì hoãn việc gì để nó
- Projects kept getting delayed and
D. pulled up
later than planned
diễn ra chậm hơn so với
pushed back.
D. out
- opposite or resit a plan, an
- phản đối một kế hoạch,
- Large banks are pushing back
idea or a change
sự thay đổi
against the regulator’s plans to
858. The cab pulled _______ and the driver jumped out. A. back
B. away
- He pushed aside the feelings of fear.
856. I knocked over the mailbox when I was pulling _______ of the driveway. A. away
- tránh nghĩ về cái gì
D. ahead
855. Both parties indicate they will not _______ from a new peace deal. A. pull out
- avoid thinking about st
kê’ hoạch đã lên
C. up
859. The airline was on the verge of collapse last night after a rescue consortium _______ of takeover talks.
toughen rules on these loans.
A. pull out
B. pull ahead
C. pull on
D. pulled off
Push in = rudely join a line of
- chen hàng lên vị trí của
- A couple of boys pushed in at the
860. They were neck and neck during the race, but the Nigerian runner pulled _______ in the final
people who are waiting for st,
những người đã đứng một
head of the queue.
by moving in front of some of
cách thô lỗ
A. away
B. back
C. through
D. ahead
the people who are already
861. It turns out that they had just been pulling me _______ for the last few months, and all of the
money that I had invested was now gone.
Push off:
A. in
B. through
C. down
D. about
862. The police car pulled _______ the group of teenagers and told them to stop loitering. A. away
B. up on
C. up for
D. up to
Push sb around = give orders
- bắt nạt/sách nhiễu/ hạch
to sb in a rude or unpleasant
- My boss likes to push us around.
- be used to rudely tell sb to go
- đuổi ai, bảo ai biến đi
một cách thô lỗ
- leave
- rời đi, rời khỏi một nơi
- I’ll wait ten minutes more, then
nào đó
I’ll push off for home.
Push over = push sb or st so
- đẩy ai/cái gì làm nó
- Yuta pushed me over in the
that they fall to the ground
ngã/rơi xuống đất
Push up = make the price or
- làm cho giá trị, giá cả
- News of the bid has pushed up
value of st increase
của cái gì tăng lên
the group’s share price.
- He told me to push off.
Push ahead: - continue with an activity in a
- tiếp tục kiên định làm gì
- They are pushing ahead with
Exercise 61:
determined and enthusiastic
dù có gặp khó khăn
plans to expand production.
863. Don’t allow yourself to be pushed _______ by that bully.
way, especially when it is
A. up
difficult - increase in value or price
B. over
C. around
D. over
864. She pushed _______ her anger, forcing herself to focus on her work. - tăng lên về giá trị, giá cả
- The shares pushed ahead 7p to 115p.
A. back
B. around
C. in
D. aside
865. The company has tried to push _______ on the claim that it paid no taxes. A. off 137
B. back
C. in
D. over 138
866. Some people wanted to halt the project, but they decided to _______ A. push ahead
B. push around
C. push over
- eat a large amount of food D. push off
B. pushing around
C. pushing aside
D. pushing off
868. He claimed that he had been pushed _______ in favour of a younger person. A. aside
B. off
C. back
B. push in
C. push up
- put sb in a prison or mental
- tống ai đó vào tù/bệnh
- He ought to be put away for a
viện tâm thần
very long time.
- trả thứ gì v’ê đúng vị trí
- Can you put the book back when
Put back:
D. ahead
- return an object to where it
869. There are fears that import price rises will _______ inflation. A. push aside
was before it was moved D. push off
- move st to a later time or date
you’ve finished with it? - lùi lại
870. He told them to push _______ and leave him alone. A. off
B. up
C. over
B. pushed over
C. pushed back
- cause st to be delayed
- cản trở, ngăn cản
B. over
C. in
D. pushed in
D. ahead
- make a clock or watch show
- chỉnh đồng hồ hiển thị
- Remember to put your clocks
an earlier time
thời gian sớm hơn
back tonight.
- treat st as more important than
- coi cái gì quan trọng
- You always put your career
st else
hơn cái gì
before your health.
- đưa ra xem xét, bàn bạc
- We have to put our proposal
Put before:
PUT 62
Put about = tell a lot of people
- truyền bá, đồn đại điều
- Someone’s been putting it about
- formally offer st for sb to
st that is not true
gì không đúng sự thật
that you plan to resign.
consider or accept
Put across = express an idea,
- truyền đạt thông điệp, ý
- He was trying to put across a
Put by = save an amount of
opinion, etc. clearly so that
kiến... của mình khiến
serious point.
money to use later
people can easily understand it
cho người khác có thể
Put down:
hiểu được
- stop carrying or hold sb or st
Put aside:
tiền bạc cho mục đích
- Each month she puts some
- tiết kiệm, để dành tiền
- I try to put by a few pounds every week.
- ngừng giữ ai/ cái gì, đặt
- Put me down, daddy!
- humiliate/snub
- làm bẽ mặt
- write st on a piece of paper
- viết lên giấy
- I put my name down on the list.
- You must put aside your pride
- pay part of the total cost of st,
- trả một phần trong tổng
- We’ve put down a deposite on a
and apologise to him.
so that you can pay the rest later
new car.
- kill an animal without causing
- giết động vật vì nó bị
- We had to have our cat put
it pain, usually because it is old
ốm hoặc đã già
- dừng cái gì bằng vũ lực
- Can you put me down by the
bắt buộc
- dừng xe để ai đó xuống
- The military government is
money aside for her retirement.
đặc biệt - place st to one side
before the committee.
nó xuống đất
- save st, usually money or time, - tiết kiệm thời gian hoặc for a special purpose
- The hurricane put back the completion of the projects.
872. Lucas went wild, pushing _______ tables and chairs. A. up
- The meeting has been put back to next week.
D. in
871. The start of the game was _______ from 2 pm to 4 pm. A. pushed around
- He put away a whole box of chocolates in one evening.
867. I’d better be _______ now - I’ve got work to do. A. pushing back
- ăn nhiêu
- gạt/dẹp sang một bên
Put away: - put st in the place or container
- đặt/cất cái gì vào đúng
where it is usually kept
vị trí
- save money to spend later or
- để dành, tiết kiệm tiền
- She has a few thousand dollars
for a special purpose
để tiêu sau hoặc cho mục
put away for her retirement.
- Put your toys away now.
- He’s always trying to put me down.
or sick
đích đặc biệt
- stop st by force
- stop a car, bus, etc. and let
someone get out of it
determined to put down all
they are doing
Put on:
Put down to = think that a
- cho rằng cái gì xảy ra là
- I put his irritability down to
- cover a part of your body with
problem or situation is caused
do cái gì, quy cho, gắn
a piece of clothing or jewellery
by a particular thing
Put forth = state or offer an
- nêu hoặc đưa ra ý kiến,
idea, opinion, plan, ect.
kế hoạch...
- mặc quần áo
- Dorothy put on her coat and went out.
so that you are wearing it - Arguments were put forth for
- pretend to have a particular
- giả vờ như có cảm xúc
changing some of the rules of the
feeling, opinion, way of
gì để có được sự chú ý
speaking etc. especially in order
- He put on an American accent.
to get attention
Put forward: - suggest a plan, proposal, idea,
- đề nghị một ý kiến, ý
- They put forward a number of
- make a machine or piece of
- bật, làm cái gì hoạt
- Can you put the light on,
ect. for other people to consider
tưởng để mọi người thảo
equipment start working,
or discuss
- arrange for an event to start at
- sắp xếp một sự kiện để
- We’ve put the wedding forward
- organize an event, show,
- tổ chức sự kiện, buổi
- The children want to put on a
an earlier time or date
nó diễn ra sớm hơn dự
by one week.
concert, play, performance etc.
biểu diễn...
- become heavier, especially by
- tăng cân
- He must have put on several
especially by pressing a switch
the amount mentioned
Put in: - fix a large piece of equipment
- sửa chữa để sử dụng
or system into a room or
- We’re having a new shower put
Put st on st:
- do st that affects or influences
- làm gì ảnh hưởng đến
- I feel that too much
sb or st else
cái gì/ai
responsibility is put on teachers.
building, ready to be used - make an official request,
- đề nghị một cách chính
- The company has put in a claim
- bet money on st
- cá cược tiền vào cái gì
- I put $1,000 on him to win.
claim, offer, etc.
for damages.
Put out:
- dập tắt
- Please put that cigarette out.
- đặt cái gì ở nơi nó có
- Have you put out clean towels
- say st that interrupts sb who is
- xen vào khi ai đang nói
- "Why don’t you ask them?" He
- make something stop burning
suddenly put in.
- place st where it will be
thể được chú ý và sử
for the guests?
- Labour had been put in with a
noticed and used
- It would be lovely to stay with
large majority.
- cause sb trouble, extra work,
- làm phiền hoặc gây rắc
you, but I don’t want to put you
- I’m putting in for a pay
rối cho ai
- broadcast/produce/ publish st
- phát sóng chưong trình,
- They put out a half-hour
for people to read or listen to
xuất bản sách, báo...
programme on young refugees.
- kết nối điện thoại với ai
- Could you put me through to
- elect a political party to govern - bầu cử a country Put in for = officially ask for st
- đề nghị cái gì
Put off: - delay
- trì hoãn
- The meeting has been put off for Put through:
a week.
- connect a person using a
- make sb not want to do st, or
- làm ai hết hứng thú với
- Robert’s attitude towards
make sb not like sb or st
ai/cái gì
women really puts me off.
- interrupt sb who is trying to
- làm phiền ai khi họ
- The sudden noise put her off her
give all their attention to st that
đang tập trung làm gì đó
phone to the person they want to
speak to - make sb do or experience st
- làm ai phải thực hiện/
- The team are put through a
difficult or unpleasant
trải qua điều gì khó khăn,
daily fitness programme. 142
khó chịu
Put upon = be treated badly by
- make it certain that st is
- chắc chắn điều gì được
- Production will start up again
sb who takes advantage of your
accepted, approved, or
chấp thuận, đồng ý, hoàn
when these changes have been
wish to be helpful
successfully completed
put through.
Put up with = tolerate
- pay for sb to be a student at a
- trả tiền cho ai đó học ở
- He put all his children through
university, school or college,
trường, đại học, cao
Put sb to sth = cause
- gây rắc rối, khó khăn
- I hope we’re not putting you to
sb trouble, difficulty, ect.
cho ai
too much trouble.
- I don’t mind helping them, but I can’t help feeling a little put upon.
- chịu đựng
- I will not put up with your bad behavior any longer!
Exercise 62: 873. Mary can’t come to dinner tonight. She hopes it won’t put you _______ A. back
Put st to sb:
B. out
C. down
D. upon
C. put forward
D. put in
874. Who will the voters _______ this time?
- suggest an idea or plan to sb so - đưa ra một ý tưởng, kế that they can consider it or
hoạch để cho mọi người
discuss it
xem xét, thảo luận
- ask sb a question
- hỏi ai đó một câu hỏi
- I put the resolution to the
A. put up
B. put about
875. It took several hours to put the puzzle _______ A. up to
- I have a question I want to put to you.
B. together
C. upon
D. aside
876. We’re probably going to have the cat _______ next week. A. put forward
B. put to
C. put in
D. put down
877. After he was fired, he put it _______ that he was fed up with working for such a large company.
Put together: - prepare or produce st by
- bị lợi dụng/ ép buộc
- tập hợp thông tin, ý
collecting pieces of information, kiến để chuẩn bị, tạo ra
- They simply put together a
A. down to
series of guidelines.
B. away
C. about
D. off
878. I had forgotten to put the handbrake _______ , so the car rolled back down the hill.
ideas, ect.
cái gì
A. on
- make st by joining all its part
- tạo ra cái gì bằng cách
- Will you help me put this desk
tập hợp các phần của nó
- form people or things into a
- tập hợp nhiều người,
- She earns more than all the rest
nhiều đồ vật thành một
of us put together.
C. aside
D. down
879. Both sides need to _______ their differences and continue the peace talks. A. put on
B. put forward
C. put by
D. put aside
C. to
D. in
880. He put the notebook _______ and stood up. A. through
B. across
B. away
881. He _______ a whole box of chocolates in one evening. A. put away
Put up:
B. put out
C. put by
D. put forward
882. I’m _______ part of my wages every week to buy a bike.
- build st such as a wall, fence,
- dựng thứ gì đó (hàng
- John was in the garden putting
building, ect.
rào, bức tường...)
a fence up.
- raise st to a higher position
- giơ lên
- Philip put his hood up because
883. I phoned pointing out that there had been no mistake on my account and demanded that the
it was raining.
money be put _______ .
- let sb stay in your house
- cho ai đó ở nhờ
A. putting through
A. down to
- Could you put me up for the
B. putting in for
B. back
C. putting by
C. aside
D. putting to
D. away
884. Poor trading figures put _______ our plans for expansion.
night when I come to London? Put sb up to st = encourage sb
- khuyến khích ai làm
- ‘Did Shirley put you up to this?’
to do st, usually st wrong
điều gì đó ngu ngốc hoặc
‘No, it was my own idea.’
A. through
B. across
C. upon
D. back
885. I’d never _______ my work _______ my family. A. put - before
B. put - by
C. put - down to
D. put - off
886. Emma put her bag _______ and went upstairs. 143
A. down
B. up to
C. aside
D. out
903. I’ll put _______ going to Scotland until you’re well enough to look after yourself again.
887. They _______ a deposit on the goods until Christmas. A. put up
B. put down
C. put aside
A. off D. put ahead
B. putting - up with
C. putting - across
A. put in
B. down on
C. down
B. put in for
B. down
C. in
A. Put it across
D. put up
B. together
C. down
A. forward
B. putting together
C. putting out
A. forward
A. up with D. putting on
B. put out
C. put in
D. put forward
B. put up
C. put across
D. put back
A. aside
A. put forward B. away
C. up
D. together
C. away
D. before
D. on
B. aside
C. out
D. on
B. put - in
C. put - ahead
B. through
C. on
B. down
C. in for
B. up
C. in
C. put in
D. put out
C. put in
C. forward
C. up with
D. off
B. put up
C. put out
D. put ahead
A. to
B. off
C. upon
D. down
915. The new Criminal Justice bill is expected to be put _______ Parliament next month.
D. about
916. The switchboard operator refused to put the call _______
A. upon
A. aside D. out
B. before
B. by
C. away
C. up to
D. through
D. through
917. It took firefighters three hours to put the blaze _______ A. out
D. down
B. down
C. up
D. away
918. She did seem rather unhappy, but I just put it _______ the pressure she was under at work. A. down to
D. put out
B. in for
C. up with
D. up to
919. Their huge majority means they can _______ virtually any legislation they want.
902. Over 50 firms have put _______ the building contract. B. in for
B. by
D. put - out
901. The children _______ all the clocks in the house so they could stay up later. B. put down
B. put by
914. Your proposal will be put _______ the board of directors.
900. He put _______ a bid of $1 million for the company.
A. up to
B. before
C. together
913. A company that has _______ several new titles this year.
899. He used tanks to put _______ an armed uprising last June.
A. put back
A. back
A. put aside
898. She worked as a waitress and put herself _______ school.
A. through
B. forth
912. He put _______ his studies in order to pursue a political career.
897. Choose the bathroom you want, and we will _______ it _______ for you within three days.
A. about
D. down
911. I _______ food for the birds in cold weather.
A. off
C. by
910. I put £5 _______ The Whitkirk Wanderer to win the Grand National.
896. Our regular savings account is suited to savers who want to put _______ a fixed amount each
A. put - back
B. up to
909. If you are found guilty, the judge is going to put you _______ for life.
895. I _______ my hand and asked to leave the room.
A. aside
D. ahead
D. through
A. put down
C. on
D. Put it by
908. I think we can put _______ a very strong case for the defence.
894. Many suggestions have been _______ , but a decision is unlikely until after next year’s general
A. put aside
B. up
C. Put it down
D. back
893. We’re _______ a concert to raise money for cancer charities. A. putting up
B. Put it down on
907. The meeting has been put _______ to Monday.
892. I hate the way Dave puts me _______ the whole time. A. off
D. put to
906. I can’t tell whether he’s really upset or if he’s just putting it _______
891. It puts me _______ when _______ you watch me all the time. A. off
C. put about
D. across
A. through C. put on
B. put on
905. The meeting’s on the 22nd _______ in your diary.
890. She looks like she’s _______ weight. A. put about
D. in
D. putting - about
889. He asked the taxi to put him _______ at the end of the road. A. together
C. ahead
904. He took off his uniform and _______ a sweater and trousers.
888. Sue’s never been very good at _______ herself _______ at interviews. A. putting - upon
B. to
A. put up D. down to
B. put forward
C. put through
D. put aside
920. Advertising aimed at children puts a lot of pressure _______ parents. 145
A. off
B. on
C. by
D. away
different things
921. Parents should start early to put something _______ for their children - for college, etc. A. up to
B. in for
C. down to
D. away
Run across sb/st = meet sb or
- tình cờ gặp ai hoặc gặp
- I ran across several old friends
experience st by chance
phải chuyện gì không
when I went back to my
mong muốn
Run after:
- đuổi theo, đuổi bắt ai
- Why do dogs run after cats?
- chase sb or st
hoặc cái gì
- He’s always running after
922. You don’t have to give me a lift. I don’t want _______ put you to any trouble. A. up
B. to
C. ahead
D. in
923. Some of the older boys must have put him _______ it. A. down to
B. up to
C. up with
D. in for
- try to start a sexual relationship - cố bắt đầu mối quan hệ
924. The audience is now invited to put questions _______ the speaker. A. through
B. by
C. forward
D. to
925. All this rain really puts you _______ going out after work. A. together
B. up
B. put in
D. across
C. put upon
D. put down
927. Children shouldn’t be _______ the ordeal of giving evidence in court. A. put through
B. put down
C. put out
B. put by
D. put upon
C. put back
D. put forth
929. We are currently _______ a sales and marketing team. A. putting together
B. putting up
C. putting out
D. putting off
930. The government has put _______ a modest plan to streamline the whole system. A. before
B. back
với người khác giới
Run along = go away (used
- đi ra, xê ra
C. forth
D. together
B. put aside
things to do. - Mark and my sister ran away
- leave a place or person secretly
- trốn tránh trách nhiệm,
together to get married.
- avoid dealing with a problem
tình huống khó khăn
- She accused him of running away from his responsibilities.
Run away with:
- không kiểm soát được
- Her horse ran away with her
- lose control
- dễ dàng giành chiến
and carried her away.
- win a competition or prize very thắng, giải thưởng
- She ran away with four first
Run back:
- vội vàng quay lại
- I have to run back to the office
- return very quickly
- trả lại cái gì cho ai, chỗ
to get some important documents.
- return st to sb or some place
nào đó
- He ran back the ball that had gone into his yard.
C. put in
D. put back
932. I can _______ the house being messy, but I hate it if it’s not clean. A. put down to
B. put in for
C. put before
D. put up with
933. Grants were available to help with the cost of putting _______ new school buildings. A. forward
B. out
C. up
D. in
C. put in for
D. put down to
C. put aside
D. put out
Run down:
- kiệt sức, hết năng lượng
- You should only recharge the
- lose energy, power, or strength
- chỉ trích, phê phán
battery when it fully run down.
- criticize st or sb
- tìm nguồn gốc của cái
- Those people are always
- learn the facts about st
gì đó
running down our country and our values.
934. I think he was _______ it by his friends. A. put up to
B. put up with
- The police are running down several leads related to the crime.
935. Could I _______ a word? A. put in
B. put up to
Run down to st = come or go
Run for = compete in an Run about/around/ round = very busy doing a lot of
- bận rộn, bận bịu
- đi xuống một nơi
down to some place
RUN 63
- Run along now, children! I have
- rời bỏ, chạy trốn
931. Over 50 firms have _______ for the building contract. A. put up
younger women.
Run away:
or difficult situation
928. A ruling had been expected by the end of April, but has been _______ a further month. A. put aside
with sb
typically to address a child]
C. off
926. I’m fed up with being _______ by my boss all the time. A. put aside
the holidays.
that someone had fallen in. - tranh cử
election - I’ve been running about all
Run in = make a brief stop or
- I ran down to the well, fearing
- He’s running for president again this year.
- đến thăm
- We ran in and chatted for an
week getting everything ready for 147
visit at a place
A. run away with
Run into sb/st = run across
- tình cờ gặp một người,
- I ran into my boss at the
sb/st = meet sb/st by chance
chuyện gì
A. run up
- đột nhiên rời bỏ ai/ một
- She ran off before I had a
chance to talk to her.
- sao chép cái gì
- She downloaded it, printed it,
A. run through
and ran off copies for her friends. - dùng hết sạch, cạn kiệt
completely so that nothing is left
- I’m going to the market because
B. run over
C. run out
Run out on sb = leave sb and
- bỏ mặc ai (khiến họ gặp
- Jane’s husband ran out on her
usually causing problems
khó khăn)
when their children were still
A. run through
B. run off
C. run for
D. run down
B. run away
C. run away with
D. run up against
943. I’m exhausted. I’ve been _______ all morning. B. running along
C. running into
B. ran over
C. ran up
- vượt quá thời gian dự
- The meeting ran over by twenty
- continue after the expected
finishing time
- giải thích nhanh gọn
- I’ll just run over what’s been
A. run after
B. run into
C. run over
A. run back
B. run after
C. run off
A. run along
B. run across
C. run down
- tập dượt qua
- Let’s rum through the first scene
- repeat st in order to practise it
- nhìn qua, giải thích
A. running away with
B. running up
- read, look at, or explain st
nhanh gọn
- Briefly, she ran through details
C. running down to
D. running into
949. We _______ the list, but none of the machines seemed any good.
of the morning’s events.
gì đó
Run up against sb/st =
- gặp phải tình
- The plans for the new bridge
experience st or meet sb that is
huống/người khó đối phó
difficult to deal with
D. run up
948. Brazil was _______ the game in the first half.
Run through:
spending more
D. run across
947. They kept disturbing him, so he told them to _______ and leave him alone.
said so far.
- He run up a lot of bills at the
D. run away
946. You can’t _______ home now, just when I need you!
- dành nhiều tiền để làm
D. ran along
945. He has _______ her for ages but never managed to get a date.
Run over:
Run up st = increase a debt by
D. running through
944. The previous presentation _______ and ours had to start late. A. ran in
D. run in
942. He’s the slickest talker I’ve ever _______ .
A. running around
the milk has run out.
- quickly give the main points of
D. run into
941. The cast _______ the play the day before it opened to the public.
- leave somewhere or sb
Run out - use up = use st
C. run about
940. Oil supplies are low, but they have not _______ yet.
Run off:
- make copies of st
B. run up
A. ran down
B. ran through
C. ran in
D. ran back
C. ran about
D. ran off
950. He _______ from his attackers. A. ran away
B. ran over
951. The police _______ all the leads they had and finally caught the murder.
ran up against strong local
A. ran up against
B. ran along
C. ran for
D. ran down
952. The center _______ some financial trouble and had to borrow money. A. ran into
Exercise 63:
B. ran off
C. ran up
A. run in
D. ran for
B. run in
C. run about
A. ran over
D. run through
B. run after
B. run up
C. run off
D. run down
C. run along
B. ran back
C. ran through
D. ran in
955. They’re always _______ me and I am tired of it.
938. We’ve _______ a slight problem with the new invention. A. run away
D. ran away
954. He _______ to give me a note.
937. I’ll just _______ the main points again. A. run over
C. ran in
953. If I have time, I’ll _______ to see Aunt Mary.
936. McKennitt _______ 5,000 copies of her CD and sold them on the streets of Toronto. A. ran across
B. ran about
A. running - up
D. run across
B. running – away
C. running - down
D. running - along
956. Don’t let your imagination _______ you!
939. The company has _______ massive debts and now owes a staggering €850 million. 149
A. run away with
B. run about
C. run for
D. run off
957. You’ve been _______ - You need a vacation. A. running up
B. running over
See through:
C. running back
D. running down
- understand the truth about
958. I _______ to the well to get some water for Ed, who had the hiccups. A. ran down
B. ran in
C. ran across
D. ran into
B. ran after
C. ran into
D. ran along
960. She’s thinking about _______ the President. A. run away
B. run back
C. run off
D. run for
961. I just need to _______ this package to the boss before I can take my lunch break. A. run back
B. run about
C. run through
B. ran out
C. ran into
project through.
See to st = do st that has to be - chăm lo công việc
- Don’t worry, I’ll see to everything
while you’re away.
See sb up to = go with sb to
- đưa ai, đi cùng ai lên
- Ted saw Mary up to her
higher level/ position
chỗ cao hơn
Exercise 64:
D. ran along
963. Her assistant met me at the entrance of the building and saw me _______ her office.
SEE See about st = prepare for or
- chuẩn bị, lo liệu việc gì
deal with st
- It’ll take a lot of effort to see the
A. through 64
- làm, thực hiện đến cùng
D. run into
962. She _______ on him two months ago, leaving him to take care of their two children. A. ran up
- The police quickly saw through her disguise and arrested her.
- continue doing st until it is
959. She _______ me to hand me some papers I’d dropped. A. ran up
- hiểu rõ, thấy rõ bản chất
sb or st
B. up to
C. beyond
D. about
964. They hired an event planner to _______ all of the details of the party. - I’ll see about whether we can
A. see over
manage it.
B. see out
C. see of
D. see to
965. The caretaker ran out and _______ the boys who had been damaging the fence.
See sb across = accompany
- đưa ai qua chỗ nguy
- Timmy offered to see the elderly
sb across a dangerous area
lady across the street.
See beyond sb/st = be able to
- nhìn xa hơn, nhìn ngoài
- I can’t see beyond the end of the
perceive into the distance
road. I think I need glasses.
967. You should _______ getting your hair cut.
- gặp gỡ, liên lạc
- We haven’t seen much of him since
968. It was impossible to _______ the person directly in front of us in the snow storm.
he got married.
A. see to
- tiễn đưa ai lên đường
say goodbye - send away sb/st attacking
- I went to the station to see them
D. saw across
B. over
B. see off
B. see of
C. about
D. out
C. see up
D. see out
C. see beyond
D. see over
- đuổi ai hoặc cái gì đó đi
- A cat came into the garden but the
B. beyond
C. out
D. about
A. off
B. over
C. across
D. to
971. She said she’d like to _______ the house next Sunday morning.
dog soon saw it off. - tiễn khách
A. off
970. Paul saw his mother _______ the field, which contained a number of hazards.
you or not wanted See sb out =
C. saw off
969. My parents saw me _______ at the airport.
See off: - watch sb leave on a trip and
A. through
A. see about
contact with sb/st
B. saw to
966. Having come this far, she was determined to see things _______
beyond sb/st See of sb/st = meet/be in
A. saw of
A. see about
- My secretary will see you out.
B. see off
C. see through
D. see over
972. Would you mind showing me around? I haven’t _______ Paris so far.
accompany a guest when he
A. seen off
or she leaves See over st = walk around
- thăm và xem kĩ một nơi
- I’d like to see over the house
and examine (a building or
(để mua/thuê)
before I decide to take it.
B. seen of
C. seen to
D. seen beyond
SET 151
Set about: - start to do or deal with st
- bắt đầu làm gì
- attack sb
- tấn công ai
- After putting up the tent, she set
- start on a trip
- lên đường, khởi hành
- We set off early the next morning.
- cause st to operate/ explode
- làm cái gì hoạt
- Somebody was setting off
động/phát nổ
fireworks down the street.
- bắt đầu kế hoạch hoạt
- They set out to discover a cure for
- bắt đầu hành trình
- He set out to become chief
about making a fire. - Her attacker set about her with a
Set out:
- begin to a plan of action
- She accused her husband of
- start a journey
Set against: - make sb oppose sb
- khiến ai chống lại ai
setting the children against her. - compare different qualities or
- so sánh, đối chiếu
Set sb/st apart = make sb/st
- Set against the benefits of the new
- arrange or prepare st
- sắp xếp, chuẩn bị
possibility that jobs will be lost.
Set to = start working in an
- làm việc chăm chỉ
- After the party we all set to and
- Her intelligence sets her apart
energetic and determined way
hoặc nhiệt tình
cleared everything up.
from her colleagues.
Set up = organize or plan st
- thành lập, thiết lập, tổ
- They set up a technological
- tấn công
- He set upon me in the dark.
technology, there is also a strong
- làm cho khác biệt
different and special
- The market was filled with fresh vegetables set out on tables.
Set aside: - save st for a particular
- tiết kiệm cái gì cho
- He sets aside some time every day
mục đích nhất định
to read to his children.
- ignore st
- bỏ qua, làm ngơ
- We need to set aside our
Exercise 65:
chuyện gì
differences and begin to cooperate.
973. Such seriousness, intensity, and power in a young man set him _______ and left an impression on
- làm cản trở quá trình
- His illness set him back a bit at
Set back: - delay or prevent a process
others. school. - tiêu của ai một khoản
- It’s a handy gadget and will only
set you back about $15.
Set down st = write down or
- viết, ghi chú lại
- She set all these events down in
print words, ideas, or
A. up
B. apart
C. against
D. down
974. The spending cuts have set the research project _______ several years.
- cost sb a large amount of
A. back
B. apart
C. about
D. to
975. We _______ the cleaning and got it done before lunchtime.
her diary.
A. set about
B. set to
C. set in
D. set back
976. In times of war people tend to _______ political differences.
A. set up
B. set aside
C. set off
D. set down
977. It is a place where a cup of coffee costs $3 and a sandwich for lunch can _______ you _______
Set forth: - explain or describe st
Set upon sb/st = attack sb/st
- phát biểu hoặc phác
- He set forth his ideas in his
thảo một ý kiến
- start a journey
- bắt đầu hành trình
- We set forth at daybreak for the
Set in = begin
- bắt đầu
A. set - back
C. set - to
D. set - up
978. You have to set the advantages of the plan _______ the disadvantages. A. aside
summit of the mountain.
B. set - against
B. against
C. down
D. up
- In winter, darkness sets in so
979. It was during the reign of Queen Isabella that Christopher Columbus _______ on his epic voyage
of discovery. A. set down
Set off:
B. set about
C. set forth
D. set to
980. The gang _______ her as she left the bank. 153
A. set upon
B. set forth
C. set about
D. set against
new clothes.
981. Could you _______ half an hour this afternoon to talk about Emma? A. set in
B. set to
C. set apart
D. set aside
C. set up
D. set in
982. What time do we _______ tomorrow? A. set off
B. set aside
B. set out
- Ask someone in the office to show you out.
Show up:
983. The explorers _______ for the South Pole yesterday morning. A. set to
- đưa ra, dẫn ra
Show out = conduct sb to an
C. set upon
D. setback
- make sb feel embarrassed or
- làm ai đó thấy
- He showed us up when he arrived
ngượng hoặc xấu hổ
drunk and started arguing.
- arrive/turn up
- đến/xuất hiện
- Jack often shows up late for work.
984. Jeff pushed open the front door, which _______ the alarm. A. set up
B. set off
C. set back
D. set to
Exercise 66:
985. The programme will _______ a regional library system. A. set down
B. set in
993. Let me know when you’re coming to Cambridge and I’ll show you _______
C. set up
D. set out
A. around
986. Dr. Mesibov _______ the basis of his approach to teaching students. A. set back
B. set forth
C. set up
B. set about
C. set down
A. show off
D. set out
C. show up
D. show to
A. as
B. into
C. above
D. up
996. The nurse came out to the waiting area and _______ the next patient. B. set against
C. set aside
D. set in
A. showed of
989. If we all _______ , we should be able to finish the job in a week. B. set back
C. set out
B. set back
C. set upon
B. showed in
C. showed off
D. showed to
997. Thank you for coming by for the interview. The receptionist will show you _______ . D. set apart
A. about
990. The contract _______ all the details of the agreement. A. set out
B. show of
995. I wish you wouldn’t show me _______ in front of my parents by getting so drunk.
A. set to
D. to
988. If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the wound is cleaned well, or an infection could
A. set about
C. in
994. Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to _______ their jeweled D. set upon
987. She _______ with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship. A. set to
B. up
B. over
C. out
D. by
998. The villain is foreshadowed early on, but he doesn’t _______ until the very end of the book. D. set to
A. show to
B. show down
C. show on
D. show up
991. We were _______ by about twelve youths and I was kicked unconscious. A. set down
B. set off
C. set upon
D. set in
992. Old Walter is _______ his memories of village life. A. setting forth
B. setting upon
C. setting in
67 D. setting down
Stand about/around = spend
- đứng đâu đó và không
- We stood around in the cold for
time standing somewhere and
làm gì
about an hour, waiting for the
doing very little SHOW 66
demo to start.
Stand aside = stop doing a job
- rời khỏi vị trí để người
- The prime minister should stand
so sb else can do it
khác đảm nhận nó
aside and let a new leader head the
Show around = take sb to a
- đưa ai đó di tham
- We were shown around the school
place to show them certain
by one of the students. Stand back = maintain a safe
- duy trì khoảng cách an
- You had better stand back and let
- đưa vào, dẫn vào
- When she arrives, show her
distance from a hazard
me operate the chainsaw.
straight in.
Stand by:
- Eric is always showing off her
- be ready for action
- chuẩn bị,
- The troops are standing by.
parts Show in = conduct sb into a room or building Show off = boast
- khoe khoang
- help sb or be friends with
sẵn sàng
- We knew they would stand by us
A. stand in
no matter what we’d done.
- not take action when you
- giúp ai/làm bạn với ai
- We can’t just stand by and watch
- để mặc
her die.
- show that you still believe or
- thể hiện là bạn vẫn tin
- We stand by our view that rates
support st
hoặc ủng hộ điều gì
may need to rise to 5% next year.
Stand down = leave a job or a
- rút lui
- He stood down to make way for
1000. I hope we don’t have to _______ for much longer, my legs are getting tired. C. stand off
D. stand up
1001. The picture’s red frame makes it stand _______ against the green wall. A. up
B. against
C. out
D. with
1002. I thought the farm would be fun for the kids, but they all just _______ looking bored. A. stood around
B. stood to
C. stood against
D. stood with
1003. Wow, I can’t believe you stood _______ the boss like that. He’s such a bully to everyone else. A. around
someone younger.
B. stand of
B. up to
C. about
D. down
1004. The governor was forced to stand _______ after the scandal became public.
Stand for: - initials to represent word
- tolerate st
Stand in = take one’s place
A. down
- viết tắt, tượng trưng
- ASAP stands for as soon as
- tha thử
- My mother won’t stand for any
- đại diện, thay thế
Stand up to = resist sb/ not
A. to
B. on
C. up
D. by
1007. The new teacher has a reputation for firmness and is unlikely to stand _______ misbehaviour. A. for
B. to
C. up
D. about
1008. We’ll never make any progress if we don’t have anyone in congress _______ our cause. A. standing up for
B. standing to
C. standing out
D. standing of
- I don’t like you standing over me
while I am cooking.
1009. If a group of people stand _______ on a particular matter, they agree strongly about it and take
- dũng cảm đương đầu
- It was brave of her to stand up to
action together about it. A. before
those bullies.
B. after
C. above
D. together
1010. The stars and stripes of our flag stand _______ liberty afforded to individual state governments. - sát cánh bên nhau
- Politicians form all parties have
A. by
protect our national security. - đứng dậy
feet - ủng hộ
B. for
C. in
D. to
B. to
C. up
D. about
- The children stood up when the
1012. It was decided that I would _______ for my sister at the head of the company while she took her
teacher walked into the room
sabbatical. A. stand on
- You must stand up for your
defend sb or st
A. out
1011. Despite its financial problems, the company is standing _______ the no-redundancy agreement.
promised to stand together and
Stand up for = support or
D. stand to
without complaining
Stand up = get up onto your
C. stand down
- đứng cạnh ai và nhìn
accept bad treatment from sb
Stand together = close to each
B. stand aside
- I’m looking for someone to stand
stands out in a crowd.
Stand over = watch sb closely
A. stand above
1006. We’ve got a fleet of highly skilled engineers standing _______ should you run into any
- She’s the sort of person who
D. of
swearing in her house.
next meeting. - nổi bật
C. upon
1005. The trade secretary has been asked to _______ in favour of her deputy.
in for our company to attend the
Stand out = be easily seen or
B. up
B. stand off
C. stand in
D. stand of
1013. When you stand _______ me all the time, it makes me nervous.
A. over
B. to
C. into
D. onto
1014. How could anyone simply _______ while the man was robbed?
Exercise 67:
A. stand out
999. Police officers are urging onlookers to stand _______ as animal control attempts to sedate the
B. stand up
C. stand by
D. stand in
mountain lion. A. back
B. in
C. for
D. up 157
A. out
B. with
C. upon
D. for
Stay away = not approach sb
- giữ khoảng cách, không
- He said he didn’t like them and
or st
đến gần, tránh xa
wanted them to stay away.
1017. The children always try to _______ from the scary old man who lived on the corner of their
Stay behind = remain
- ở lại (khi người khác đã
- They stayed behind the party to
somewhere after everyone
help clear up.
A. stay on
B. stay away
C. stay of
D. stay above
else has left
1018. I had intended to leave after my first child was born, but I stayed _______ When they offered to
Stay down:
increase my salary.
- remain in the stomach
- trong dạ dày
- ở dưới nước
A. on
- Even with breathing apparatus, you couldn’t stay down for an hour.
Stay in = remain in your
- không ra ngoài
D. up
B. of
C. over
D. out
A. stayed off
B. stayed by
C. stayed behind
D. stayed beside
1021. I have two colleagues who are often arguing and I just try to stay _______ it. - ngăn ngừa, tránh xa
A. outside
- My doctor told me to stay off
- ở lâu hơn dự định
or job longer than planned
B. inside
C. about
D. out of
1022. I didn’t do my homework last night, so I’m staying _______ my teacher like the plague.
sweets. Stay on = remain in a place
C. down
1020. The rest of the group decided to go on a hike, but I _______ to read my book by the lake.
- I think I’d rather stay in tonight.
home for a period of time Stay off = avoid
B. on
1019. Our flight’s been cancelled, so we’re going to have to stay _______ at a hotel.
stayed down. - remain under water
A. away
- She had a piece of toast and that
A. off
- She’s staying on at university to do
B. out
C. of
D. from
1023. She’s so ill that nothing will _______ , not even water.
Stay out = not come home at
- ở ngoài, không tham gia - Our cat usually stays out at night.
night/refrain from being
A. stay up
B. stay down
C. stay through
D. stay from
1024. I can’t believe he decided to stay _______ Margaret after he found out she’d been cheating on him.
involved in st Stay out of = not become
- không tham gia vào
- He hates it when they fight
involved in an argument or
cuộc tranh luận
- he always tries to stay out of it.
A. to
A. out - đi qua đêm
C. with
B. for
C. on
- thức
- I’ll be late home so don’t stay up
than usual
D. up
- We have a spare bed if you want to stay over.
Stay up = go to bed later
D. of
1025. The kids were allowed to stay _______ till midnight on New Year’s Eve.
discussion Stay over = stay overnight
B. on
Take sb aback = surprise or - gây ngạc nhiên hoặc gây
waiting for me.
shock sb so much
- The news really took us aback.
sốc cho ai đó
Stay with = continue doing
- tiếp tục làm gì khó, ở
- How many students stay with the
Take after sb:
st although it is difficult
- look like/resemble
- giống với ai
- He takes after his mother.
- follow sb as an example
- noi gương ai đó
- Don’t take after your brother You’ll just end up in jail like him.
Exercise 68: 1015. My friends love hitting the bars on the weekend, but I’m so tired by the time Friday rolls around
Take st apart:
that I usually prefer to just stay _______ with a good book.
- separate the parts of st
- tháo rời
- analyze and criticize
- phân tích và bình phẩm
A. of
B. to
C. in
- We took the engine apart to see what the problem was.
D. off
1016. I should have stayed _______ of this deal from the very beginning. I could lose my home if this
- My teacher took my essay apart
all goes wrong! 159
by saying all the things that were
wrong with it.
Take sb/st for st =
Take sb apart = defeat sb
- đánh bại ai đó một cách
- He took their defence apart,
very easily in a sport
rất dễ dàng trong thể thao
scoring three goals in the first 20
Take in sb = provide a
place for someone to live or
Take away: - remove st
- xem xét, coi như là
- cho ai đó ở nhờ
stay - mang, vứt cái gì đi
- Take these chairs away - We don’t - deceive or trick someone
- subtract a number
- trừ đi một số
- Four take away two is two.
- take sb to the police
- get a particular message or
- nhận được một thông
- What I took away from his talk is
piece of information
điệp, thông tin
that going to university is definitely
- buy food in a restaurant
- mua thức ăn và mang đi
- His aunt took him in when he first came to the city.
- lừa dối ai đó
need them.
- Do you take me for a complete
- That sales pitch totally took us in.
- đưa ai đó về đồn cảnh sát - Detectives on the murder inquiry have taken in a new suspect for questioning. - hoàn toàn hiểu được ý
- I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.
worth it.
Take in st:
nghĩa hoặc tầm quan trọng
- Is that to eat in or take away.
- completely understand the
của cái gì
meaning or importance of st
- bao gồm cái gì
- include st
- nhận tiền từ việc bán
- The show took in an astonishing
$100,000 in its first week.
- đi xem phim hoặc đi
- I thought we could get something
thăm một nơi nào đó
to eat and then take in a movie.
- sửa đồ cho nó nhỏ lại
- I’ll have to take this dress in at
and eat it somewhere else - make a feeling, sensation
- khiến cho một cảm giác,
- I need something to take away my
or pain disappear
nỗi đau biến mất, chữa
former villages.
lành Take st back:
- The new town takes in three
- receive money from sales
- return st you have bought
- trả lại thứ gì mà bạn đã
- If the skirt doesn’t fit, you can
to a shop
mua từ một cửa hàng
take it back.
- go to watch a film or to
- admit that st you said was
- thừa nhận rằng những
- All right, I take it all back. It
visit a place
điều mà bạn đã nói là sai
wasn’t your fault.
- make a piece of clothing
- nhận công việc làm tại
- She supported her family by
Take sb back:
- nhắc ai nhớ về một
- That song takes me back to the
taking in laundry.
- remind sb of another time
khoảng thời gian
- do paid work for other
- resume a relationship with
- làm lành với ai
- Are you crazy? I’m never taking
people in your home
her back after what she has done.
Take off: - cất cánh
- The plane took off at 8.30 am.
- leaves the ground and
Take down sb:
the waist - it’s too big.
- defeat or kill sb/stop sb
- đánh bại, giết ai đó hoặc
- The Indiana Pacers took down
begins to fly
from causing harm
ngăn ai đó gây nguy hiểm
Cleveland, 80-74.
- suddenly start to be
- trở nên thành công, khởi
- Her singing career had just begun
successful or popular
to take off.
- bring st from a higher
- tháo cái gì xuống, mang
- I took the pictures down.
- suddenly leave somewhere
- đột ngột rời một nơi nào
- When he saw me, he took off in
position to a lower one
cái gì xuống
the other direction.
- tháo cái gì ra, đặc biệt là
- He took off his clothes and got
Take st down:
- write st that another person - viết lại những gì mà has just said
người khác vừa nói
- He took down my address and
Take off st:
phone number and said he’d call
- remove st, especially
quằn áo
into the shower.
Take up st:
- spend time away from
- dành một khoảng thời
- He took two weeks off in
- begin to do st
- bắt đầu làm gì
your work
gian nghỉ việc
- reduce a price by a
- giảm một số tiền nhất
- Being too near a train track could
- discuss or manage st
- bàn bạc hoặc xoay sở
- The school plans to take the
particular amount
take thousands off the price of a
vấn đề gì
matter up with the parents.
- chiếm không gian, thời
- This desk takes up too much room.
- I’m not very good at golf- I only took it up recently.
- fill space or time
Take sb off: - remove a person from a
- loại tên ai đó khỏi danh
- They took the injured player off
place, thing or list
the field on a stretcher.
- imitate or mimic sb
- bắt chước ai đó
- He takes off the Prime Minister to
- shorten clothes
- cắt ngắn đồ
- start a new hobby
- bắt đầu một thói quen, sở - What new sport should I take up
- This skirt is too long - I’ll have to take it up.
perfection. Take up with sb = friendly
Take on:
in my free time?
- trở nên thân thiết với ai
- She’s recently taken up with a
- accept a particular job or
- đảm nhận một công việc
- She took too much on and made
hay trách nhiệm
herself ill.
- employ
- thuê mướn
- Stores often take on extra
Exercise 69:
employees during the Christmas
1026. Can you _______ any international students when they visit us next month?
A. take on
Take over st: - begin to have control of st
- She took over the management of
- Some workers will lose their jobs
hoặc cái gì
as machines take over (their jobs).
- conquer
- chinh phục
- Gibraltar was taken over by a
Take sb round = walk
- dẫn ai đó đi vòng quanh
through a building or visit a
B. take up with
C. take over
D. take aback
A. took - down
B. took - off
C. took - back
D. took - apart
1029. You will be _______ the museum by one of the guides. B. taken on
C. taken in
D. taken round
A. took back
B. took aback
C. took over
D. took off
C. taken apart
D. taken down
1031. Their team was _______ in the final game.
sb to take you round
A. taken on
B. taken over
1032. We had to _______ the curtains so they wouldn’t drag along the ground.
Take to st: - thực hiện một thói quen
A. take away
- He’s taken to staying out very
- bắt đầu thích ai/ cái gì
- The two boys took to each other
hoặc rời khỏi một nơi
C. take up
D. take to
A. took on
B. took in
C. took over
D. took down
1034. That surprising news is a lot to _______ right now.
immediately and started to play. - di chuyển về phía trước
B. take back
1033. I wanted to make a good impression, so I _______ a lot of tasks at work.
a place
D. take apart
1030. The asset management company _______ the bank’s bad loans.
- It’s nice visiting a city if you have
place with sb
- move towards or leave
A. take after
A. taken up
Castilian force in August 1462.
- start to like sb or st
C. take in
1028. We _______ the engine _______ to see what the problem was.
- thay thế vị trí của ai đó
- make a new habit of st
B. take up
strange group of people.
1027. You look sick, you should go home. Don’t worry, I’ll _______ for you. - bắt đầu kiểm soát cái gì
this department last winter. - replace sb or st
with or spend time with sb
- The birds took to the air before
A. take in
B. take to
C. take up with
D. take over
C. take - for
D. take - off
1035. Do you _______ me _______ a fool?
the cat reached them.
A. take - apart 163
B. take - aback
1036. The government was _______ by the rebel force. A. taken away
B. taken down
C. taken in
1053. The teacher has some spots in her classroom and can _______ a few more students. D. taken over
A. take up
1037. Becky is _______ by the friendliness of her new coworkers. A. taken up with
B. taken apart
C. taken aback
B. takes up
C. takes after
A. take to
B. took - up with
C. took - on
D. takes to
B. take back
C. take away
A. takes up
D. took - apart
A. take - back
B. took - on
C. took - over
A. take for
B. take down
C. take on
D. took - back
A. take up with
D. take off
A. took after
campaigns. C. taken aback
B. taken apart
C. taken down
B. take down
C. take on
B. taken for
C. taken round
B. took up
C. took up with
A. take to
B. take in
C. take to
D. take to
B. took back
C. took in
A. take up with
D. taken up with
A. took - off
B. take away
C. take off
A. taken in
B. took round
C. took in
A. in
B. take - away
C. take - in
C. take after
D. take over
B. took apart
C. took on
D. took to
B. take down
C. take apart
D. take in
B. take round
C. take for
D. take back
B. take up
C. take in
D. take back
B. took - up with
C. took - in
D. took - on
B. taken away
C. taken up with
D. taken up
B. apart
C. away
D. on
1066. I took my new phone _______ to the store because the screen was already broken when I opened
D. took to
the box. A. aback
D. take up
B. in
C. on
D. back
1067. Remember to take your shoes _______ before entering the house. A. in
D. took on
B. on
C. off
D. aback
1068. Our club plan to _______ 20 new members.
1052. Can you _______ the book _______ from the top shelf and leave it on my desk please? A. take - apart
B. take round
1065. Can you take your trash _______ ?
D. take up
1051. My boss _______ the budget I had made by saying it was too costly for the company. A. took apart
D. take away
1064. All five teenagers were arrested and _______ for questioning.
D. took off
1050. Sorry, but I have to _______ now since my partner is waiting for me at the restaurant. A. take down
C. take off
1063. I felt sick so I _______ a couple of days _______ work.
1049. Even though he had never played an instrument before, he _______ the piano with ease. A. took up with
B. take apart
1048. I was wondering if you might want to _______ a movie with me this evening. A. take apart
D. take - to
1062. Scientists present evidence of an environmental threat and a pressure group will _______ the
1047. He _______ playing baseball at a young age and now plays for the Boston Red Sox. A. took down
C. take - for
D. taken off
1046. Caleb has really _______ gardening, hasn’t he? A. taken to
B. take - round
1061. Any ill thing I said to you I now _______ , any harm I meant to you I hereby revoke.
1045. Even though we are a small company, I know we can _______ the big ones. A. take over
D. takes after
D. taken in
1044. That new song by Samantha Star has really _______ in the charts. A. taken up
C. takes on
1060. Nothing can _______ the pain of losing a child. A. take away
B. taken on
B. takes in
1059. The passengers _______ the lifeboats when the crew said the ship was sinking.
1043. Many people were _______ by the false promises made by the politicians during their electoral
A. taken round
D. take away
1058. You _______ your grandfather. You both have the same nose and mouth.
1042. Were you able to _______ the license plate of the car that hit you? A. take up
C. take back
1057. The plane was able to _______ once the runway was clear.
D. take off
1041. I had a dream that really _______ me _______ to the scene of the accident. A. took - aback
B. take in
1056. His wife said she would never _______ him _______
1040. There are just two clear messages for people to _______ from this review. A. take to
D. take on
1055. The new sofa _______ too much of my living room space.
1039. Woodward United _______ the other team _______ in last night’s cup game. A. took - away
C. take over
1054. They plan to _______ $1.6 billion. D. taken to
1038. I hope she _______ her aunt and begins volunteering abroad. A. takes in
B. take up with
A. take off
D. take - down
B. take over
C. take on
D. take in
1069. As she is such a pretty woman, many men would like to _______ her. 165
A. take up with
B. take to
C. take for
D. take round
wrong or should not act
1070. If you _______ three from ten, you leave seven. A. take round
B. take aback
C. take away
D. take up
Talk down to = talk to sb as
1071. The store has taken twenty percent _______ all of their products during the sale. A. off
B. away
C. down
B. taken in
C. taken away
D. back
B. take off
Talk out st = discuss st such D. taken apart
C. take away
D. take after
C. take for
D. take off
C. in
D. aback
1074. Beth can _______ Judy Garland brilliantly. A. take to
B. take up with
B. on
talked him down.
- lên giọng kẻ cả
- Secretarial staff are most likely to be talked down to.
- thảo luận một vấn đề
- If you two don’t talk out the
as a problem or plan
differences between you, it’ll be
completely in order to find a
hardtalk for you to continue
solution or an agreement
working together.
Talk over st = discuss st
- thảo luận
- I’d like to talk it over with my wife first.
1075. She has started taking _______ ironing. A. over
không nên làm như vậy
than you
1073. Fish and chips to _______ .,please. A. take on
voiced his dissent, his advisors
if they were less important
1072. After her diet, her dress needed to be _______ A. taken down
anh ấy hoặc cô ấy có lỗi và
Talk sb round: - persuade sb to agree
- thuyết phục ai đó đồng ý
- I’m sure I can talk her round
Talk round st: TALK 70
- discuss st in a general way
- chỉ đề cập tới một vấn đề
- They talked round for hours
Talk about st = think about
- nghĩ về hoặc dự định làm
- They’re always talking about
and without dealing with the
mà không giải quyết nó
without agreeing on anything.
or make plans to do st in the
gì trong tương lai
selling the house and moving
most important issues
Talk to sb: - nói chuyện với ai đó
- I need to talk to the Sales
future Talk away:
- say things or speak to
- continue to talk for a long
- tiếp tục nói chuyện trong
- She could sometimes talk away
thời gian dài
for hours on end.
- reprimand
- pass (a period of time) by
- dành thời gian nói chuyện - We should not talk away our
talking Talk back = answer sb in a
- trả lời một cách hỗn láo
He’s creating havoc in the
- Don’t talk back to your teacher.
Exercise 70: 1076. I _______ my son about his conduct in his class.
- nói về điều gì một cách
- He began his lecture by talking
- talk about st in a way that
không nghiêm trọng
down the initiatives of a rival
makes it seem less important
- I wish you’d talk to your son.
Talk st down:
A. talked about
B. talked over
C. talked to
D. talked round
1077. I wish politicians wouldn’t _______ us as if we were idiots.
or less serious than it really is
A. talk away
Talk sb down:
B. talk out
C. talk over
D. talk down to
1078. We need to _______ the issue with the others before making a decision. - nói chặn họng ai đó
stopping to prevent sb else
- I tried to explain, but he just talked me down.
A. talk round
A. talk over - thuyết phục ai đó rằng
B. talk out
C. talk away
D. talk back
1079. Children who _______ are regarded as disrespectful.
from speaking - persuade sb that he or she is
- khiển trách
valuable time.
rude way
- speak loudly or without
Manager directly.
- Just as soon as the President
C. talk back
D. talk round
1080. As to where we’ll get the money from, we’ll _______ that later. A. talk round
B. talk down to
B. talk back
C. talk away
D. talk about 168
1081. Those design drawings you needed to _______ with colleagues can be cut and pasted directly
similar things or people
them apart.
from whatever programs you’re using.
Tell sb/st from sb/st =
- phân biệt ai/cái gì với
- Because of my color blindness, I
A. talk about
B. talk to
C. talk out
D. talk over
1082. You shouldn’t _______ your own achievements. A. talk away
B. talk round
C. talk over
D. talk down
distinguish st as being distinct ai/cái gì
can’t tell shades of red from
and unique compared to st
shades of green.
Tell off sb = speak angrily to
- nói một cách giận dữ
- The teacher told me off for
1083. You’re _______ then hear the clack of a keyboard and realise that your interlocutor is sending
sb because they have done st
với ai vì họ đã làm sai
wrong Tell on sb = give information
- phát giác, tố giác hành
- If you don’t stop hitting, I’m
1084. If you _______ a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you _______ him in
about one’s bad behavior or
vi xấu của ai đó
going to tell on you.
his language, that goes to his heart. (Nelson Mandela)
A. talking down to
A. talk about
B. talking away
B. talk down to
C. talking over
D. talking to
C. talk out
D. talk to
1085. The company spokesperson made a point of talking _______ the reported side effects of the
Exercise 71:
1091. The two women are so similar that only their husbands can tell them _______ .
A. down
B. out
C. to
D. back
C. talked away
D. talked back
A. about
1086. She stared at it, blankly, _______ A. talked out
B. talked about
B. back
A. tell from
C. over
D. away
C. talk down
D. talk out
A. on
B. talked down to
B. out
B. off
A. tell about
C. talked about
C. to
B. tell against
Tell about sb/st = speak or
D. tell against
C. about
D. apart
- nói về ai đó hoặc cái gì
relate information about sb or
C. tell off
D. tell on
A. apart
B. from
C. off
D. about
1096. The princess dressed so plainly that you couldn’t tell her _______ an ordinary citizen.
D. back
A. from
B. apart
C. tell off
1095. What does the survey tell us _______ the lives of teenagers?
D. talked round
1090. James was so distraught after the breakup that I spent the rest of the night talking him _______ . A. down
B. tell on
1094. He had a chance now to _______ Lee, to get him off his back, out of Jubilee Wood.
B. talk down to
1089. I felt that he just _______ the subject and didn’t tackle the main issues. A. talked over
D. off
1093. Mum told me _______ for slopping water all down her shirt.
1088. Don’t _______ to me. A. talk back
C. apart
1092. I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably _______ me.
1087. She’s not keen on the idea but we think we can talk her _______ A. round
B. from
C. about
D. on
THINK - The police wanted me to tell them about my friends.
Think about sb/st =
- nghĩ về ai hoặc cái gì
remember or imagine sb or st
st Tell against sb/st = make sb
- làm chứng chống lại ai
- His reputation as a troublemaker
or st more likely to fail
hoặc cái gì
told against him when he tried to
- nhớ về cái gì đã xảy ra
- It might help you to understand
that happened in the past
trong quá khứ
Julia if you think back to when you were her age.
Think of st - produce a new idea or plan
- phân biệt sự khác nhau
- As babies, the twins looked so
difference between two very
giữa hai người hoặc hai
much alike that I just couldn’t tell
about the accident.
Think back = remember st
change his job. Tell sb/st apart = see the
- It still upsets him when he thinks
- đưa ra một ý tưởng
- We’ll have to think of a pretty
hoặc một kế hoạch mới
good excuse for being late. 170
- tưởng tượng về tình - imagine an actual or a
- Just think of the expense!
huống thực tế
possible situation
Throw about/ around =
- Tiêu tiền một cách
- He thinks he can make friends by
Think of sb:
- có một suy nghĩ, hình
- I often think of Jane.
throw your money
phung phí, ném tiền qua
throwing his money around.
- have an image or idea of sb
ảnh về ai hoặc cái gì
- I can’t think of her name at the
cửa sổ
in your mind
trong đầu
Throw away:
- remember sb
- nhớ ai hoặc cái gì
Think out = consider or plan
- xem xét hoặc lên kế
st carefully
hoạch chi tiết cho cái gì
Think over st = consider st
- xem xét kĩ càng trước
- He’d like more time to think
carefully, especially before
khi đưa ra quyết định
things over.
- get rid of st - The scheme was well thought out. - waste a skill or opportunity
- vứt cái gì không cần
- I don’t need that - You can throw
it away.
- lãng phí một kĩ năng
- You’ve spent three years working
hay cơ hội
hard in college - Don’t throw it all away.
reaching a decision
Throw back at = remind sb
- nhắc nhở ai đó về
- My behaviour was thrown back at me by my mother.
Think up st = create st in
- sáng tạo ra thứ gì
- Can’t you think up a better
of st they have said or done
những điều họ đã nói
your mind
trong đầu
excuse than that?
in the past
hoặc làm trong quá khứ
Throw down = invite sb to
- thách đấu
fight or compete with you
Exercise 72:
to the newspaper by accusing it of libel.
1097. I couldn’t _______ letting you take the blame. A. think over
B. think of
C. think out
D. think back
Throw in:
1098. Are you sure you’ve thought it _______ properly? A. over
B. out
C. back
- She has thrown down the gauntlet
- join with sb
- tham gia, đồng hành với
D. up
- May I throw in with you? My companions left me behind.
1099. She tried hard to _______ and remember exactly what she’d said that first night in Jarman
- include st with what you
- thêm cái gì vào mà
- I bought a new sofa and they
are selling or offering,
không tăng giá
threw in a chair.
- take off a piece of clothing
- tháo phụ kiện, cởi quần
- They threw off their clothes and
quickly and carelessly
jumped in the sea.
- stop suffering from a cold
- loại bỏ, thoát khỏi
- I can’t seem to throw off this
A. think about
B. think over
C. think of
D. think back
without increasing the price
1100. Can anybody _______ a way to raise money? A. think of
B. think about
C. think over
Throw off: D. think out
1101. When I said that I wasn’t _______ anyone in particular. A. thinking out
B. thinking about
C. thinking back
D. thinking of
1102. I don’t want to go tonight but I can’t think _______ a good excuse. A. over
B. out
C. back
or other illness that is not D. up
1103.I can _______ at least three occasions when he arrived late. A. think of
B. think over
C. think back
D. think out
1104. I’ll think it _______ and give you an answer next week. A. up
B. out
C. over
B. think over
C. think about
Throw on = put on a piece
- mặc quần áo nhanh
- She just threw on the first skirt
of clothing quickly and
she found.
Throw over = stop a
- kết thúc một mối quan
- She threw him over for a richer
relationship with sb
hệ với ai đó
carelessly D. of
1105. I should _______ your suggestion before I give a definite reply. A. think of
D. think out 171
A. thrown up
Throw out: - decide not to accept a
- từ chối
- get rid of st that you no
A. on
proposal out. - loại bỏ, vứt bỏ
longer want
- We usually throw out all our old
- trục xuất (đuổi)
D. thrown around
B. in
C. away
D. down
1113. The idea was thrown _______ by the committee. A. off
- force sb to leave a place
C. thrown back
1112. We are going to go for a picnic. You can throw _______ with us if you like.
- The committee threw the
proposal, an idea, etc.
B. thrown together
B. away
C. in
D. out
1114. He _______ his breakfast all over the back seat of the car.
- The school threw him out for
A. threw up
smoking. - produce st such as ideas or
- đưa ra nhiều sáng kiến,
- Members of the team threw out
questions in large quantities
câu hỏi
B. threw away
C. threw together
D. threw out
1115. We have to pay a lot of things. Don’t throw money _______ . A. up
B. in
C. away
D. about
1116. In that discussion, I _______ some suggestions.
Throw together: - bring people into contact
- làm cho tình cờ gặp
- We were thrown together by
with each other, often
chance at a conference.
A. throw up
B. throw together
C. throw out
D. throw around
1117. I just threw _______ my blouse and skirt and rushed out. A. together
unexpectedly - make or produce st in a
- sắp xếp/ chuẩn bị nhanh
- I threw a quick dinner together
before we left.
B. on
C. off
D. in
1118. You must take the exam - you can’t throw _______ all that work! A. off
B. out
C. away
D. over
1119. You can have the piano for $200, and I’ll throw _______ the stool as well.
Throw up: - vomit food
- nôn, ói
- produce new problems or
- đề xuất vấn đề, ý tưởng
A. threw off
- The meeting threw up some
- She threw up her job to go
cách đột ngột
C. around
D. about
B. threw on
C. threw in
D. threw up
1121. The arrangement may _______ problems in other areas.
interesting ideas. - rời bỏ công việc một
B. in
1120. I _______ my shoes and flopped on the settee.
- leave your job
A. on
- She always throws up on long car
A. throw up
B. throw together
C. throw back
D. throw around
1122. A price war looks likely now that a leading supermarket has thrown _______ the gauntlet to its competitors. A. on
Exercise 73:
A. thrown up
B. thrown together
C. thrown back
A. up
D. thrown around
B. up
C. out
B. threw off
C. threw out
B. together
D. down
C. off
D. in
B. together
C. up
D. around
C. about
D. off
1125. It took me ages to throw _______ the cold. A. away
D. threw in
B. together
1126. You’ll be _______ if you don’t pay the rent.
1109. I threw _______ a quick meal. A. about
B. on
A. in
D. away
1108. I _______ all my old clothes to make some space in my wardrobe. A. threw about
C. up
1124. It was the war that had thrown them _______ .
1107. I threw the alarm clock _______ because it had stopped working. A. over
B. about
1123. She entered the room and threw _______ her wet coat.
1106. He has _______ his job and gone off to Africa to work for a children’s charity.
C. over
D. in
C. on
D. over
A. thrown down
B. thrown out
C. thrown in
D. thrown up
1110. She threw me _______ last year. A. off
B. out
1111. His unwise remark was frequently _______ at him by his colleagues. 173
Turn away: 174
- refuse to allow sb to enter a
- không cho ai vào một - Thousands of applicants are
nơi nào đó
turned away each year.
- move your face so you are
- quay mặt đi chỗ khác
- When they show an operation on
Turn over:
TV, I have to turn away.
- start/continue to run
not looking at st Turn back = return the way
- trở lại con đường bạn
- We’re lost - we’ll have to turn
you have come
đã đi
- be present at an event
- reject/refuse to consider an
- khởi động
then stopped. - change position so that the
- lật úp
- The car skidded and turned over.
- giảm âm lượng, nhiệt
- The room was too hot, so she
the outside or the top
turned the heating down.
Turn to:
- từ chối lời mời
- They offered her the job, but she
- go to sb/st for help, advice
- nhờ vả, trông cậy
- She has nobody she can turn to.
turned it down.
- start to do or use st new
- bắt đầu một thói
- He turned to drink after he lost
his job.
- xuất hiện, đến
- She didn’t turn up for class
Turn in: - đi ngủ
- I usually turn in at about
Turn up = arrive
midnight. - give back st that you no
- gửi đi, trả lại
- She turned in her paper.
- giao nộp
- My wallet was turned in to the
longer need - give st to sb in authority
Exercise 74: police two days later.
- I turned the TV off and went to bed.
- leave a road in order to travel - rẽ, quẹo sang một con đường khác
- Turn off the motorway at the next exit.
D. turned back
A. away
A. turn on
A. turned out - tạo niềm vui, hứng
- khởi động máy móc
gas, water, etc.
B. down
C. in
D. over
B. turn down
C. turn back
D. turn up
1130. He suddenly _______ me and accused me of not supporting him when he needed it. B. turned up
C. turned on
D. turned in
1131. They had nowhere to stay so I couldn’t turn them _______ .
- He really turns me on.
A. out
thú cho ai - start the flow of electricity,
C. turned up
1129. I expect a new job will _______ soon.
Turn on: - make sb excited or interested
B. turned to
1128. The car smashed into the post, turned _______ , and burst into flames. - tắt máy, thiết bị
gas, water, etc.
on another
1127. The Namibian government _______ South Africa for help. A. turned over
Turn off: - stop the flow of electricity,
- The engine turned over twice and
other side is facing towards
offer, a proposal, ect.
- go to bed
- Thousand turned out for the demonstration.
Turn down: - reduce the noise, heat, etc.
- tham gia, đến
- I turned the radio on to get the
- tấn công một cách
- The neighbour’s dog turned on
bất ngờ
- happen in a particular way or
- xảy ra theo một
- As events turned out we were
to have a particular result
hướng không ngờ
right to have decided to leave
C. away
D. back
1132. Don’t forget to turn the lights _______ when you leave. A. in
weather forecast.
- attack sb suddenly and
B. to
B. out
C. off
D. back
C. in
D. over
1133. He turned the lights _______ . A. away
B. down
1134. It looked as if we were going to fail, but it _______ well in the end.
Turn out:
A. turned on
B. turned off
C. turned out
D. turned down
1135. When I put the key in the ignition it _______ but it won’t start. A. turns over
B. turns on
C. turns in
D. turns out
1136. Many people here are turning _______ solar power. 175
A. on
B. away
C. to
D. back
A. down
1137. Thousands of people _______ to welcome the home team. A. turned on
B. turned up
C. turned off
B. turned out
D. turned down
C. turned off
B. turn away
A. down
D. turned down
A. wears out
B. turned on
B. away
C. out
D. off
B. wears down
C. wears off
D. wears away
1150. The leather is starting to wear _______ at the seams.
C. turn back
D. turn down
A. off
1140. When do the library books have to be _______ ? A. turned back
D. off
1149. He travels so much that he actually _______ suitcases.
1139. It’s getting late - maybe we should: _______ . A. turn up
C. out
1148. All the stress and extra travel is beginning to wear him _______.
1138. Jake _______ his computer and checked his mail. A. turned on
B. away
B. out
C. away
D. down
1151. Walking around a museum all day really wears you _______ .
C. turned off
D. turned in
A. down
B. away
C. out
D. off
1141. The scene was so sickening that I had to turn _______ . A. on
B. over
C. off
D. away
1142. You need to turn _______ left just before you get to the village. A. in
B. out
C. off
D. back
1143. He asked her to marry him but she turned him _______ . A. up
B. to
C. away
D. down
1144. I _______ at half past eleven because I had an early start the next morning. A. turned back
B. turned up
C. turned in
D. turned away
C. away
D. on
1145. He decided to turn himself _______ . A. back
B. in
1146. Science fiction just doesn’t turn me _______ . A. on
B. down
C. in
D. over
Wear away = make st become - mòn dần, mất dần
- The inscription on the coin had
gradually thinner or smoother
worn away.
Wear down = make sb/st
- Làm cho ai/ thứ gì đó
- The stress of my job is wearing
weaker or less determined
yếu đi
me down.
Wear off = gradually
- ngừng gây ảnh
- The effects of the drug will soon
disappear or stop
hưởng, hết tác dụng
wear off.
Wear out st = use st so much
- sờn/rách/hỏng
- I read that book over and over till
or for so long that it is no
I wore it out.
longer usable
Exercise 75: 1147. Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears _______ after about an hour. 177
Question 14: I am not sure how old he is but he must be _______ for 70.
PHẦN 2: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Question 1: Nguyen Thi Anh Vien performed so well the 28th Sea Games Women’s 200m butterfly that none of her rivals could _______ her. A. look up to
B. come up to
C. catch up with
D. put up with
B. pave the way for
C. make room for
B. show up
C. pass over
D. take hold
A. clearing up
B. take over
C. catch on
D. hold on
B. get over
C. go through
B. make out
C. take over
B. carried out
C. taken up
B. put off
C. switched off
B. making off
C. putting on
D. given off
A. took on
B. get on
C. get out
B. turning out
C. putting on
B. look down on
C. go down with
B. break up
C. hold up
C. passed by
D. taken over
B. got out of
C. made out of
D. ran out of
B. taken to
C. counted in
D. turned up
B. come up with
C. bring out
D. get down to
D. took up
B. waited for
C. looked up
D. cheered up
B. build - on
C. pass - away
D. work - out
B. stay up
C. take down
D. check in
B. went down
C. put out
D. ran away
B. came back
C. called away
D. left out
Question 27: Through the dense fog in the harbour, the captain and crew were barely able to _______ the lights on the dock. A. look up
D. strike up
C. caught on
Question 26: Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth, Hampshire on 7 February 1812, but relocated to and _______ in Camden Town in London. A. grew up
D. get on with
B. caught up
Question 25: Charles Baudelaire was sent to India on a ship by his stepfather, but he _______ when it landed in Mauritius, and then returned to France. A. passed off
D. taking off
Question 13: If you’re lonely, you should go out and try to _______ a friendship with someone you like. A. take up
B. landed on
Question 24: Because the waiter didn’t _______ what I ordered, he brought me a mutton steak instead of the chicken wings that I’d wanted. A. call on
D. turn away
Question 12: Laura didn’t enjoy her first year at college because she failed to _______ her new friends. A. come in for
D. turning up
Question 23: Although Daisy and Lucille had many problems at the start of their marriage, they soon managed to _______ them _______ A. pick - over
D. bringing down
Question 11: The coastal city is _______ extra buses during the summer because of a considerable increase in the number of tourists. A. making up
C. looking up
Question 22: I _______ my mom by cooking dinner for her. A. felt like
D. turned on
Question 10: Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education will enable them to _______ in the future. A. turn up
B. making up
Question 21: The online game "Dumb ways to die" quickly _______ with young people after being released in 2013.
Question 9: The school drama club is _______ a play for the school’s anniversary, which is due to take place next month. A. turning up
D. run out of
Question 20: You’ll have to _______ a better idea than that if you want to win. A. come in for
D. make up
Question 8: You shouldn’t lose heart; success often comes to those who are not _______ by failures. A. left out
C. get into
Question 18: Peter lost the race because he _______ petrol on the last lap.
A. brought about
Question 7: A lot of research in medical science has been _______ to improve human health. A. made up
B. keep up with
Question 19: The new airport has _______ a lot of changes on this island.
D. come over
Question 6: The company management decided to _______ more workers to meet the production schedule. A. take on
A. handed down
A. put out of
Question 5: Peter is disappointed at not getting the job, but he will _______ it soon. A. take on
D. going off
Question 17: Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho. It has been _______ for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today.
D. hand in
Question 4: When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will _______ that position. A. stand for
C. getting up
Question 16: I’ve just been offered a new job! Things are _______
Question 3: Candidates are requested to _______ the form to the admissions officer by July 25th. A. fill out
B. going by
Question 15: Quite soon, the world is going to _______ energy resources. A. come up against
Question 2: The table in the living room should be moved to _______ the new TV set. A. get rid of
A. getting on
B. make out
C. go ahead
D. see out 2
Question 28: Monica was so angry about the noise that her neighbours were making that she refused to _______ it anymore. A. run away with
B. cut down on
C. put up with
D. get away with
A. sleep off
Question 29: Yvonne was really surprised when Gary _______ at her front door, because she hadn’t seen him for 12 years. A. showed up
B. jumped on
C. turned in
D. brought about
B. pass away
C. kill off
B. held down
C. gave up
B. bring about
C. hold up
D. set off
Question 33: Segolene Royal has decided to _______ the French presidency in the election that will take place next year. A. run for
B. take in
C. go up
D. come out
B. in
C. up
B. take up
C. take in
D. out
B. check out of
C. look out for
B. put up with
C. put off with
B. off well
C. away
B. gone through with C. come for
D. into
B. in
C. down
B. keep at touch
C. keep on touch
D. keep in touch
B. put with
C. put up to
D. putting up with
B. on
C. up
D. away
A. founded
B. dedicated
C. proved
D. dropped
Question 47: While I was waiting for the bus, I fell _______ conversation with a friendly old woman. A. into
B. over
C. in
D. for
B. going through
C. going on
D. going by
B. make over
C. make up to
D. look down on
Question 50: Since more than 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, about half of the children in America must _______ in single-parent homes. B. bring up
C. come out
D. go off
Question 51: Beaches were _______ as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from the damaged ship. B. sealed off
C. washed up
D. kept out
Question 52: I need to check _______ a few things before I can decide. A. up on
B. upon
C. out of
D. on to
Question 53: That cheesecake must have already _______ when you bought it. A. gone off
D. come up against
B. gone through
C. gone down
D. gone over
Question 54: We intend to _______ with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.
Question 40: As a kid, I hated getting shots so much that a nurse usually had to hold me _______ A. off
D. fall through
Question 46: Mark _______ out of college and got a job.
A. cut off
D. put in for
Question 39: She should have been here, but she’s _______ a terrible cough. A. gone down with
C. drop away
Question 45: Pew knew he wouldn’t get _______ with cheating in the exam.
A. grow up
D. kick out of
Question 38: Although Jane is a newcomer, she gets _______ with her colleagues in the department. A. on quite well
A. put up with
A. look up to
D. take on
Question 37: As Joe’s roommate, I find him a fairly nice fellow, even if at times it is not easy to _______ his noisy behavior. A. put down for
B. fade out
Question 49: Being the second child of three, he tends to admire his elder brother and _______ his younger sister.
Question 36: It was the job of the secret service agent to _______ anyone suspicious hanging around the restaurant while the Spanish ambassador was dining inside. A. get away with
A. keep touch
A. going out
Question 35: As it’s sales have risen, that company is going to _______ more staff. A. take over
A. wear off
Question 48: They started _______ a couple of months ago, and now they are inseparable.
Question 34: I broke _______ with my boyfriend because he didn’t like any of my friends. A. down
D. stay over
Question 42: A few hours after the treatment, the pain in your arm will _______ .
A. along
D. put up
Question 32: Such approaches should be supported and mainstreamed in health interventions in order to _______ positive behavior change. A. put off
C. rest on
Question 44: Ann is very temperamental. How do you _______ her?
D. die out
Question 31: During his long life, Trevisan never _______ looking for a way to turn base metals into gold. A. pulled off
B. lie in
Question 43: The Smiths will move to New York. But we hope to _______ with them.
Question 30: Bernard Trevisan was born in 1406 but didn’t _______ until 1490; living to the age of 84 was unusual in the period of the Italian Renaissance. A. set back
Question 41: Linda had been up late finishing her dissertation, so she decided to _______ the next morning.
A. do up
D. over
B. do away
C. do down
D. do in
Question 55: Jim makes a lot of money by buying old houses, _______ them up and then selling them again. 3
A. doing
B. making
C. putting
D. setting
A. check in
Question 56: Mike _______ in for sailing after he made friends with Harry. A. got
B. went
C. put
B. getting on with
D. came
A. ran out C. catching up with
B. cleared off
C. used up
D. going along with
B. paid up
C. passed as
B. paying off
C. saving up
A. stop in
A. drop by
D. came to
Question 60: Kate had been _______ in order to buy a new laptop, but then she decided to use the money on guitar lessons instead. A. working on
B. blew off
C. woke up
D. went off
B. put out
C. get down
D. blow up
Question 73: Jeanne said that she would _______ our place this afternoon if she had enough time before she had to go back to work.
D. wore out
Question 59: The total cost of all of Ms. Harrell’s driving lessons _______ £6,000. A. held out
D. look up
Question 72: Even if a person manages to _______ the eternal flame at Yanartas in Antalya, it will instantly relight itself.
Question 58: Belinda Harrell _______ taking her driving test until she finally passed it on her twenty-first attempt. A. kept on
C. go over
Question 71: I must have set my alarm incorrectly last night, because it _______ an hour too early this morning.
Question 57: Drive faster! They are _______ us. A. keeping with
B. write off
D. giving away
B. give in
C. put up
D. call off
Question 74: We didn’t like John when we first met him, but he has turned _______ to be a good friend to us. A. down
B. up
C. on
D. out
Question 75: "Have you _______ this contract yet?” - "Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.”
Question 61: Hardly a day _______ when I don’t think about her. A. looked over A. goes through
B. goes back
C. goes down
D. goes by
B. went over
C. chased after
A. gave D. bumped into
B. turn out
C. put down
D. throw away
A. interrupted
Question 64: It’s high time decided you’ll _______ the post or not. A. go in for
B. put up with
C. apply for
B. keep up with
C. watch out
A. come
D. stand by
B. moved
C. removed
B. cleaned
C. sorted
B. go after
C. go by
B. back
C. over
A. left out
A. go on with
D. made
C. went
D. intervened
B. get
C. face
D. keep
B. moved over
C. passed away
D. went off
B. get down
C. get off
D. get up
B. catch up with
C. go in for
D. make up for
Question 82: I couldn’t quite _______ what they were doing because they were so far away. A. see off
D. go ahead
B. make out
C. think about
D. try on
Question 83: I think you have to _______ that he’s good deal younger and less experienced than the rest of us.
Question 69: Building a road here would go _______ the wishes of the local community. A. at
B. broke
Question 81: It is late now. I think we should _______ the meeting and stop wasting time.
Question 68: Dreams are something for us to _______ and work for. A. go down
D. handed
Question 79: My grandfather _______ when I was only six years old. He had lung cancer.
A. get together D. grown
Question 67: We did have a terrible quarrel, but we’ve _______ it up now. A. turned
C. held
Question 80: Shall we _______ on Sunday and go for a drink or something? Question 66: Julia has _______ out of playing with dolls. A. developed
B. had
Question 78: She found it hard to _______ up to the fact that she would never be famous. D. make up
Question 65: In an effort to _______ the rate of inflation, many banks have raised their interest rates. A. run out of
D. looked out
Question 77: I was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George _______ in on our conversation.
Question 63: You can _______ the packet; it’s empty now. A. keep up
C. looked up
Question 76: After ten minutes, the students _______ in their quizzes to the instructor.
Question 62: Who do you think I _______ in the library this morning? A. off
B. looked into
D. against
A. take into account
Question 70: My Venezuelan friend has promised to _______ my essay on Elena Quiroga with me before I give it into my literature professor. 5
B. give way to
C. make up for
D. run out of
Question 84: You can always rely on Max’s Garage; they never _______ A. get you down
B. take you down
C. let you down
D. put you down 6
Question 85: A week later, he _______ again on his journey around the world, despite his friends’ attempt to persuade him not to. A. went away
B. leave out
C. came off
D. set out
A. on
Question 86: I could not _______ to the police because the telephone line was down. A. get down
B. get up
C. get through
B. looked out
C. looked up
A. take back
B. up against
C. up to
D. looked into
A. over
B. face up to you
C. back you up
A. cutting down
B. see through
C. see to
D. put you through
A. for
D. see out
B. took
C. got
B. see off them
C. see through them
D. put
A. grow up
B. Carry out
C. Run up
A. in
B. put out
C. given up
D. Hold on
A. ran off
B. pulled away
C. spoke for
D. watched out
B. carried out
C. counted against
D. done for
B. against
C. for
D. to
Question 98: She was very proud of her qualifications and _______ down on people she thought were uneducated. A. looked
B. put
C. took
B. keeping down
C. turning off
D. giving up
B. cross
C. up
D. off
B. get along with
C. keep away from
D. keep up with
B. talk about
C. agree with
D. get up
B. about
C. off
D. back
B. got off
C. gave away
D. made out
B. live up to
C. look back on
D. watch out for
Question 109: Mary was surprised when her guests _______ late for the party. B. came up
C. looked up
D. put up
Question 110: He was completely _______ by her tale of hardship. A. taken away
B. taken down
C. taken in
D. taken up
Question 111: The new manager _______ very strict rules as soon as he had _______ the position.
Question 97: He never expected that he would come up _______ so many problems at the very start of his business. A. with
A. stand in for
A. turned up
Question 96: The first census to be _______ in Ottoman Istanbul in 1477 revealed a total of 16,324 households. A. hung on
D. off
Question 108: The vice-president is going to _______ the president at tonight’s fundraiser, as the president is out of the country.
D. crossed out
Question 95: Harvey didn’t want to tell his boss the real reason why he was late, so he _______ a story about a crash having blocked up the road. A. made up
C. by
Question 107: The boys _______ when they saw the police.
Question 94: Sue has _______ smoking, but now she can’t stop eating junk food! A. closed down
B. through
Question 106: It was very hot in Egypt, so we set _______ at dawn to visit the Pyramids.
D. see them through
Question 93: _______ a minute! I think I’ve left my keys in my other bag. A. Get off
D. get away
Question 105: I really want to become a pilot when I _______ .
Question 92: They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could _______ . A. see them off
C. come back
Question 104: Your grades are coming down. You should try to _______ the other students in your class. A. get out of
Question 91: The smell was so bad that it completely _______ us off our food. A. set
B. get back
Question 103: We’ll have to call the barbecue _______ It’s going to rain.
Question 90: I can’t understand how your father managed to _______ that man. He had deceived all the rest of us. A. see off
D. into
Question 102: I want to lose weight so I am _______ on cakes and sweets. D. round
Question 89: If you need any support, you can rely on me to _______ A. set you down
C. over
Question 101: I don’t think he will get _______ the shock in a short period of time.
Question 88: The concert didn’t come _______ our expectations. A. up with
B. up
Question 100: I’m sorry I offended you. I _______ what I said.
D. get over
Question 87: "Have you _______ this plan yet?" - "Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.” A. looked over
Question 99: Because of an increase in orders, the factory manager took _______ a hundred new workers.
A. laid down - taken over
B. put down - taken over
C. lay down - taken up
D. wrote down - come over
Question 112: I think I should have _______ your mother while I was passing. A. dropped in on
B. come up with
C. got on with
D. run into
Question 113: The electronics company failed to make a profit and was eventually _______ over by a larger one.
D. come
A. brought
B. taken
C. set
D. turned
Question 128: On hearing the news, she fainted and it was half an hour before she came _______ again.
Question 114: Look _______ ! There’s a bus coming! A. on
B. up
C. out
A. round
D. at
B. brought up
C. moved on
A. got out
D. looked after
Question 116: I know that your situation seems very bad at the moment, but your problems will _______ soon. A. take after
B. blow over
C. hang out
B. cut down on
C. put up with
B. up against
C. upon
B. took up
C. cooled off
D. gave in
B. broken up
C. dropped off
D. rung up
Question 131: Behaviorists argue that the ideas of Sigmund Freud are not _______ by scientific evidence, and therefore, they reject them. A. run up
D. take up with
B. added up
C. thought up
D. backed up
Question 132: I couldn’t hear what Angel was trying to tell me over the telephone, so I asked him to _______
Question 118: I haven’t come _______ any name for my little puppy. A. up with
D. forward
Question 130: Since Carl was unable to pay his bill, after a couple of months, his telephone was _______ A. cut off
D. live down
Question 117: Deborah is going to take extra lessons to _______ what she missed while she was away. A. catch up on
C. over
Question 129: We _______ with a swim in the lake.
Question 115: James is now too old to live on his own, so he is being _______ by his daughter. A. found out
B. up
D. away
A. get up
B. do up
C. speak up
D. call up
Question 119: We expected her at nine but she finally _______ at midnight. A. came to
B. came off
C. turned up
Question 133: It took Martha three years to _______ Clarissa, or, The History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson, as the book contains 1,536 pages.
D. turned out
Question 120: Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t _______ as usual. A. ring off
B. get off
C. go off
A. get through
D. take off
Question 121: Sometimes a postman _______ some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where the letter should go. A. ran away with
B. ran up with
C. ran up against
D. run without
B. died out
C. turned down
B. bring back
C. bring about
B. cut off
C. washed up
B. put down
C. had on
B. giving off
C. giving down
B. get off it
C. get on it
D. to
B. run across
C. run out
D. knocked down
B. called
C. turned
D. shouted
B. came
C. went
D. looked
B. give up
C. take over
D. land on
Question 139: The alarm _______ when Lionel passed through the security gate because he was carrying a metal pen in his pocket. A. set on
D. knocked out
B. carried out
C. went off
D. rang up
Question 140: In The Lawless Roads, Graham Greene _______ the people of Mexico by describing them in a highly patronizing manner. D. giving up A. gets through with
Question 127: Learning English isn’t so difficult once you _______ A. get down to it
C. on
Question 138: As Annette had never been to an airport before, she wasn’t sure where she should go to _______ for her flight to Frankfurt. A. check in
D. kept out
Question 126: What chemical is this? It’s _______ a horrible smell. A. giving over
B. off
Question 136: The price they offered my car was so low that I _______ it down.
A. found
D. bring away
Question 125: The trekking expedition on Mount Scott has been _______ as snow has been forecast for the weekend. A. called off
D. end up
Question 137: I _______ across this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
Question 124: Beaches were _______ as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from the damaged ship. A. sealed off
C. make for
Question 135: The child was _______ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
A. brought
D. driven out
Question 123: It is vital that we _______ a change in people’s attitude. A. bring down
A. over
A. knocked
Question 122: When Sarah walked into the room and greeted everyone with a cheery "Hello!” - It seemed as if all the gloom in that place was _______ A. carried away
B. look after
Question 134: The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes _______ for a cup of coffee.
B. runs out of
C. backs out of
D. looks down on
Question 141: We need to send to the conference a representative that we can _______ . D. get down with it 9
A. find out
B. count on
C. catch on
D. stand for
A. figure out
Question 142: We don’t know why she continues _______ all Mr. Nelson’s invitations to dinner. A. turning down
B. passing down
C. closing down
B. closed down
C. saw through
D. looking down
B. taken off
C. given up
D. turned up
D. broken with
B. got on
C. turned up
B. thought over
C. thought about
D. set off
B. work out
C. get at
B. brought up
C. took off
C. thought of
D. led on
B. boost up
C. start of
D. set off
Question 158: It _______ out that the mayor had bribed several councilors to vote for him. B. pointed
C. broke
D. turned
B. up
C. over
D. through
Question 160: The weather was fine, and everyone was _______ the coast.
D. made out
A. going for
B. making for
C. joining in
D. seeing about
Question 161: After failing his driving test four times, he finally _______ trying to pass.
D. account for
A. gave up
Question 148: A few days ago, I _______ a very rare CD while I was looking for a gift to give my friend. A. came across
A. grow up
A. across
Question 147: We have to _______ the total cost before we buy the house. A. put up
B. put off
Question 159: Hello. Is that 22103575? Please put me _______ to the manager.
Question 146: When you have _______ what I have said, you will understand. A. known of
A. left out
A. resulted
Question 145: The weather was perfect when we _______ but it was raining when we got back. A. brought out
D. go out
Question 157: Education aims to give you a _______ on the ladder of knowledge.
Question 144: The tradition of having dinner together on the last day of the lunar year has been _______ from generation to generation. A. passed down
C. take on
Question 156: The United States, China and India are now competing for political influence in ASEAN, and France, a leading European country, does not want to be _______
Question 143: Hundreds of people _______ to see the stone sculpture at the foot of the mountain. A. brought out
B. put off
B. gave away
C. gave off
D. gave in
Question 162: I find that my work _______ so much of my time that I don’t have any free time. A. takes over
B. takes after
C. takes up
D. takes off
D. blew up
Question 149: The manager scolded the new employee so fiercely that he _______ in tears, leaving the room in a hurry. A. got down
B. went on
C. took over
D. broke down
Question 150: The traffic jam is _______ thousands of daily commuters into Hanoi. A. putting back
B. holding up
C. doing up
D. owning up
Question 151: Environmental pollution is one of the primary issues that no single country can _______ alone but requires the collaboration of all nations. A. face up to
B. put up to
C. put up with
D. keep up with
Question 152: We cannot go to the concert because all the tickets have been _______ . A. sold up
B. sold of
C. sold out
D. sold in
Question 153: I cannot _______ his overdependence any more. He is always asking for my help even when he just faces a small problem in life. A. face up to
B. keep up with
C. put up with
D. get on with
Question 154: To _______ new developments and technology, modern people need to implement lifelong learning all the time. A. keep on with
B. get on with
C. face up with
D. keep up with
Question 155: Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to _______ how to walk through this world together. 11