GIÁO ÁN DẠY THÊM Môn Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm GV Nguyễn Đoàn Ngọc Anh Năm học 2019-2020

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GIÁO ÁN DẠY THÊM Môn Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm GV Nguyễn Đoàn Ngọc Anh Năm học 2019-2020 WORD VERSION | 2021 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594



KẾ HOẠCH DẠY THÊM ANH 7 Họ và tên: Nguyễn Đoàn Ngọc Anh

Năm học 2019 – 2020 KẾ HOẠCH DẠY THÊM TIẾNG ANH 7 THÍ ĐIỂM A. Cơ sở xây dựng kế hoạch: - Căn cứ vào nhiệm vụ năm học 2017 – 2018. - Căn cứ vào văn bản hướng dẫn về giảng dạy bộ môn. - Căn cứ vào định mức, chỉ tiêu được giao. B. Đặc điểm tình hình: I. Vị trí bộ môn: - Tiếng Anh là môn học khó và mới đối với học sinh THCS. Môn tiếng Anh đòi hỏi người thầy phải đầu tư nhiều thời gian vào môn dạy. - Học sinh muốn học tốt môn tiếng Anh phải không ngừng học bài và làm bài tập cũng như chuẩn bị bài trước khi đến lớp. Qua nhiều năm giảng dạy và qua khảo sát cho thấy đa số học sinh học yếu môn tiếng Anh là những học sinh lười làm bài tập ở nhà, ngại giao tiếp. II. Biện pháp thực hiện kế hoạch: 1. Đối với giáo viên. Nhìn vào thực tế việc học và kết quả học tập của học sinh địa phương, cũng như qua nghiên cứu chỉ tiêu chất lượng bộ môn của phòng GD&ĐT, nhà trường đặt ra, bản thân tôi cần phải có biện pháp thích hợp trong quá trình giảng dạy và giáo dục để có kết quả ngày càng cao. Trước hết phải nghiên cứu phương pháp, chương trình soạn giảng chu đáo, bởi chương trình là pháp lệnh. Dạy bám sát chuẩn kiến thức, chuẩn kĩ năng, trong quá trình dạy phải phân phân hóa đối tượng học sinh Tham gia bồi dưỡng thay các chuyên đề đầy đủ. Tham gia hội thảo về chuyên môn do phòng GD&ĐT huyện, cụm tổ chức. Trong quá trình giảng dạy phải biết kết hợp nhuần nhuyễn 4 kỹ năng trong 1 Unit, phải tạo điều kiện cho học sinh hoạt động tích cực, tự khám phá tìm tòi, phát hiện cái mới, đem lại kết quả cao trong học tập. Luôn kiểm tra vở ghi, vở bài tập thường xuyên. Kiểm tra chấm chữa kịp thời, chính xác và khách quan. Luôn quan tâm đến từng đối tượng học sinh để có biện pháp giảng dạy thích hợp. Nhằm ngày càng nâng cao chất lượng bộ môn. Thường xuyên trò chuyện với học sinh về bộ môn tiếng Anh, về đất nước - con người Anh, về những điều mới mẻ, thú vị để giúp các em ngày càng có ý thức, hứng thú với môn học. Luôn cải tiến phương pháp giảng dạy, kết hợp linh hoạt các thủ thuật vừa đem lại hiệu quả cho tiết dạy lại hứng thú cho học sinh. Hướng dẫn học sinh cách học từ mới, cách học ngữ pháp, cách học phát âm làm cho dễ nhớ và nhớ lâu và cách tự học bài ở nhà. Luôn phải biết trau dồi, tích luỹ kiến thức để tự bồi dưỡng, nâng cao trình độ chuyện môn nghiệp vụ.

Cuối cùng là thường xuyên dự giờ đồng nghiệp, đăng ký giờ dạy tốt để trau dồi và học hỏi kinh nghiệp lẫn nhau. 2. Đối với học sinh. - Để học tập tiếng Anh có chất lượng và hiệu quả trước hết phải có đầy đủ sách vở, SGK, SBT, vở BT, vở nháp, ... - Phải làm bài tập đầy đủ, chuẩn bị bài cũ, bài mới đầy đủ trước khi đến lớp. - Trong giờ học phải tập trung chú ý vào bài giảng, hăng say xây dựng phát biểu ý kiến. - Luôn tự giác học hỏi, rèn luyện khả năng giao tiếp với bạn bè. - Tích cực tự học tập, hoạt động cặp và nhóm. 3. Đối với cha mẹ học sinh. - Quan tâm đến con em, tạo mọi điều kiện cho các em có thời gian để học. - Chuẩn bị cho con em đầy đủ dụng cụ, sách vở học tập, … - Theo dõi, nhắc nhở con em làm bài tập, học bài đầy đủ, ... 4. Các lực lượng giáo dục khác. - Có sự quan tâm đến học sinh. - Tạo mọi điều kiện về cơ sở vật chất, đồ dùng dạy học cho cả thầy và trò.

Buổi 1 2 3 4

Nội dung The present simple and future simple (Review) Verbs of liking + V-ing; sound /ə/ and /ɜ:/ Exercises on workbook Compound sentences; imperatives with more and less


Thời gian

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Exercises on workbook The past simple (Review) The present perfect (Review); sound /g/ and /k/ Exercises on workbook Comparisons: (not) as…as; the same as; different from Express agreement: too/ either; sounds: / ʃ/ and / ʒ/ Exercises on workbook Nouns (Countable / uncountable); How much/ How many; a/an, some, any…; sounds: /ɔ:/ and /ɒ/ Exercises on workbook Passive voice Passive voice (cont); sound /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ Exercises on workbook It indicating distance; used to; sounds: /e/ and /ei/ Exercises on workbook -ed and –ing adjectives; connectors: although, despite / in spite of, however, nevertheless; sounds: /t/, /d/, /id/ Exercises on workbook H/Wh questions (Review); adverbial phrases; word stress (two syllables) Exercises on workbook The future continuous; word stress (three syllables) Possessive pronouns Tag questions; word stress (Review) Exercises on workbook Revision + Test Revision + Test

……………., ngày Xét duyệt của TTCM


Người lập kế hoạch




Date of preparing: ............................... Date of teaching : ............................... Unit 1. my hobbies. I.The aims and objectives. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words: doll, hobby, challenging, climb, skating, arranging flowers,….. + Grammar: - revise simple tense and how to express Sts' ideas. *By the end of this period, students will know more about hobbies and give their opinionsabout hobbies. 2.Skill : Listening and speaking. 3.Attitude: Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content - Sts know more about other hobbies. II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Checking up( 3’): Interview Sts some : a. What do you often do in your free time? b. Which sports do you like best? c. How often do you do it? 3.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. THE PRESENT SIMPLE - Thì hiện tại đơn 1. Cấu trúc thì hiện tại đơn với động từ "To be" 1.1 Câu khẳng định S + is/ am/ are + ... - Trong đó: S (subject) = Chủ ngữ ∗ CHÚ Ý: - Khi S = I + am - Khi S = He/ She/ It + is - Khi S = We/ You/ They + are Ví dụ: I am a student. 2

1.2 Câu phủ định S + is/ am/ are + not + ... ∗ CHÚ Ý: - am not: không có dạng viết tắt - is not = isn't - are not = aren't Ví dụ: He isn’t my little brother. 1.3 Câu nghi vấn Am/ Is/ Are + S+ ...? Trả lời: Yes, I + am. - Yes, he/ she/ it + is. - Yes, we/ you/ they + are. No, I + am not. - No, he/ she/ it + isn't - No, we/ you/ they + aren't. Ví dụ: Are you Jananese? 2. Cấu trúc thì hiện tại đơn với động từ thường 2.1 Câu khẳng định S + V(s/es) Trong đó: - S (subject) = Chủ ngữ - V (verb) = Động từ ∗ CHÚ Ý: - S = I, We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều thì động từ ở dạng nguyên thể - S = He, She, It, danh từ số ít thì động từ thêm "S" hoặc ES" Ví dụ: We go to school by bus everyday. 2.2 Câu phủ định S + don't/ doesn't + V(nguyên thể) Lưu ý: • don't - do not

• doesn't - does not CHÚ Ý: - S = I, We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều - Ta mượn trợ động từ "do" + not - S = He, She, It, danh từ số ít - Ta mượn trợ động từ "does"+ not - Động từ (V) theo sau ở dạng NGUYÊN THỂ không chia. Ví dụ: I don't usually go swimming. She doesn't like football.

2.3 Câu nghi vấn Do/ Does + S + V(nguyên thể)? 3

Trả lời: Yes, I/we/you/they + do./ Yes, he/she/it + does. No, I/we/you/they + don't/ No, he/she/it + doesn't. CHÚ Ý: - S = I, We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều - Ta mượn trợ động từ "Do" đứng trước chủ ngữ - S = He, She, It, danh từ số ít - Ta mượn trợ động từ "Does" đứng trước chủ ngữ 3. Cách sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc diễn ra thường xuyên, lặp đi lặp lại hay một thói quen. Ví dụ: They drive to the office every day. She doesn’t come here very often. Diễn tể một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý Ví dụ: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. 4. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại đơn ∗ Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: - always:

luôn luôn

- usually: - normally:

thường thường thường thường

- often: - frequently:

thường xuyên thường xuyên

- sometimes:

thỉnh thoảng

- rarely:

hiếm khi

- seldom:

hiếm khi

- every day/ week/ month/ year: hàng ngày, hàng tuần, hàng tháng, hàng năm

- once:

một lần (once a month: một tháng 1 lần)

- twice:

hai lần (twice a week: hai lần 1 tuần)

- three times: - never: - first..., then...:

ba lần (three times a day: 3 lần 1 ngày) không bao giờ trước tiên ..., sau đó ... (khi yêu cầu mô phỏng, đưa ra chỉ dẫn cụ thể để thực hiện một việc nào đó

Chú ý: từ “ba lần” trở lên sử dụng:số đếm + times Ví dụ: She sees grandparents four times a month.

Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tuần suất trong câu: 4

- Các trạng từ: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom...- đứng trước động từ thường, đứng sau động từ "to be" và trợ động từ. 5. Quy tắc thêm "s" hoặc "es" sau động từ − Thông thường ta thêm "s" vào sau các động từ. Ví dụ: work - works read - reads like - likes dance - dances − Những động từ tận cùng bằng: -s; -sh; -ch; -z; -x; -o ta thêm "es". Ví dụ: miss - misses watch - watches wash - washes buzz - buzzes − Những động từ tận cùng là "y": + Nếu trước "y" là một nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u) - ta giữ nguyên "y" + "s" Ví dụ: play - plays; buy - buys; pay - pays + Nếu trước "y" là một phụ âm - ta đổi "y" thành "i" + "es" Ví dụ: fly - flies; cry - cries; fry - fries − Trường hợp đặc biệt: Ta có: have - has Động từ "have" khi đi với chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ 3 số ít sẽ không thêm "s" mà biến đổi thành "has". Ví dụ: She has three cats. (Cô ấy có 3 con mèo.) II. THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE (THI TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN) 1. Cấu trúc 1.1 Câu khẳng định S + will + V (nguyên thể) Trong đó: S (subject): Chủ ngữ will: trợ động từ V (nguyên thể): động từ ở dạng nguyên thể ∗ CHÚ Ý I will = I'll; They will = They'll; It will = It'll He will=He'll; We will = We'll She will = She'll; You will =You'll Ví dụ: My mother will help me care for my babies tomorrow. She will bring you a cup of tea soon. 1.2 Câu phủ định S + will not + V(nguyên thể) CHÚ Ý: 5

will not = won't 1.3 Câu nghi vấn Will + S + V(nguyên thể)? Trả lời: Yes, S+will./ No, S + won't. Ví dụ: Will they come here tomorrow? Yes, they will./ No, they won't.(Đúng, họ sẽ đến. / Không, họ không đến.) 2. Cách sử dụng của thì tương lai đơn Nói về một hành động hay một sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. Ví dụ: She'll be twenty on Sunday. Diễn tả một quyết định, một ý định nhất thời xảy ra ngay tại thời điểm nói. Ví dụ: What would you like to drink? I'll have a mineral water. Diễn tả một lời hứa hay lời yêu cầu, đề nghị. Ví dụ: I promise I will return school on time. Sử dụng trong điều kiện loại một, diễn tả một giả định có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và tương lai. Ví dụ: If it stops raining soon, we will go to the cinema. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai như: In + thời gian: trong... nữa (in 2 minutes: trong 2 phút nữa) Tomorrow: ngày mai Next day: ngày hôm tới Next week/ next month/ next year: tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới The day after tomorrow: ngày kia Soon: chẳng bao lâu nữa Someday: một ngày nào đó Trong câu có những động từ chỉ quan điểm như: think/believe/ suppose/...: nghĩ/ tin/ cho là perhaps: có lẽ probably: có lẽ III. VERB FOLLOWED BY GERUND (ĐỘNG TỪ THEO SAU BỞI V-ING) Cấu trúc:S + like/ love/ enjoy/ hate +V-ing Ví dụ: I like swimming. She hates washing clothes. 6

My father doesn't like mountain - climbing. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II.

Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. A. bird B. girl C. first D. sister A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return A. neighbor B. favorite C. culture D. tourist A. hobby B. hour C. hotel D. hot Put the word into the correct column according the underlined part. camera culture signal yesterday

bird natural birthday neighbor

learn heard again turn

first sir word third


III. Choose the correct answers A, B, C or D. 1. Nowadays people hours sitting in front of computers. A. spend B. last C. set

final girl world assistant /ɜː/

D. take

2. I think you should take up swimming it is suitable for your health condition. A. so B. because C. although D. but 3. My family enjoys because we can sell vegetables and flowers money. A. garden - to B. gardening - for C. gardening - with D. garden - of 4. If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your to your friends as presents. A. hobby B. money C. greetings D. products 5. My sister’s hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the magazines. A. fashion B. cooking C. sports D. science 6. My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is . A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. endangered 7

7. My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three a week. A. time B. a time C. times D. timings 8. We often read the instructions carefully in order to make of the things we like best. A. meanings B. models C. copies D. uses 9. You need to be to follow eggshell carving because it may take twoweeks to complete one shell. A. careful B. interesting C. fit D. patient 10. If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will your own clothes. A. do B. make C. take D. get 11. There are many why it is important to have a hobby. A. answers B. reasons C. details D. facts 12. Will you making models in the future? A. pick up B. look for C. take up D. find and boring? 13. Do you think that hobby is A. easy B. difficult C. danger D. interesting 14. I love my sister’s paintings because she is very in using colors. A. careless B. care C. creative D. imagine 15. A hobby helps you to connect with people. A. other B. others C. another D. the other 16. I join a photography club, and all members love . A. take B. taking C. make D. making 17. What does your father do his free time? A. in B. at C. on D. while and help you . 18. I think a hobby will always give you A. pleased - relax B. pleasure - relaxed C. pleased - relaxing D. pleasure - relax 19. You can share your stamps other collectors. A. with - at B. to - at C. with - in D. to - in you need is time. 20. I think this hobby does not cost you much, and A. most B. all of C. some D. all IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Sally and her family love (go) to the park in the summer. 2. Her mum likes (lie) on the blanket and loves (read) her favourite magazines. 3. Anna’s family (like) the park because they love (be) outdoors. 4. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure. 5. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend. 6. My brother hates (do) the same things day after day. 7. Our uncle (play) badminton once a week. 8

8. I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far. 9. In 2100, people (travel) in flying cars. 10. I’m so hungry, Mum. - I (make) you some sandwiches. V. Read the text and choose the correct answer. If you enjoy cycling for pleasure, doing it in London can be a shock. There are not enough lanes especially for bikes, and making your way through the traffic can be very risky. But if you have great passion, cycling in London can be exciting, and it is an inexpensive way of keeping fit if you live there. Some cyclists don’t mind spending a lot of money on expensive bikes. However, if you just want a basic bike that is only for occasional use, there are many cheap choices. Several markets have cheap bikes on sale which may not be impressive to look at but should be satisfactory. You should buy a cycling helmet if you want to cycle in London. Wearing a cycling helmet is not compulsory in Britain, but it is a good idea to wear one for protection. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Cycling helmets B. Cheap bicycles C. Bicycle markets D. Cycling in London 2. According to the passage, cycling in London is A. easy B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 3. The word “it” in line 3 refers to A. cycling B. passion C. excitement D. doing exercise 4. The difficulty of cycling in London is described in lines A. 2 B. 5 C. 5-6 D. 8-9 5. According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT that A. It is compulsory to wear a helmet when cycling in Britain. B. Some bikes in London are cheap. C. There are not many lanes especially for bikes. D. Some cyclists don’t want to buy expensive bikes. VI. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the list. like (2) sing

live read

be go

travel write


This is my favourite singer. He (1) a famous rock star. He (2) in America. He (3) all around the world and (4) in rock concerts. He (5) his songs and(6) his own video dips. In his free time, he (7) staying at home listening to expensive restaurants with his friends. He to his CDs. At weekends, he usually (8) also (9) a lot of books about strange things. I can’t wait to see him perform live. I (10) him so much. VII. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. when/ I/ ten/ begin/ play football. ............................................................................................................................................... 2. in/ future/ my father/ go abroad. 9

............................................................................................................................................... 3. read/ books/ free time/ is/ favourite/ hobby. ............................................................................................................................................... 4. I/ think/ skate/ more/ interesting/ mountain - climbing. ............................................................................................................................................... 5. I /not/ know/ why/ my mother/ cook. ............................................................................................................................................... 6. He/ collect/ books/ whenever/ have/ money. ............................................................................................................................................... 7. How many/ paintings/ she/ paint? ............................................................................................................................................... 8. I/love/ flowers/ so/ I/ plant/ around/ house. VIII.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. What is your hobby? → What hobby ________________________________________________________________ 2. We all find painting interesting because it’s a creative activity. → We all think ________________________________________________________________ 3. His hobby is collecting toy cars. → He collects _________________________________________________________________ 4. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today. → You don’t __________________________________________________________________ 5. When did you start your hobby? → How long __________________________________________________________________ 6. It took me three hours to make this pottery jug. → I spent ____________________________________________________________________ 7. My father likes to do gardening at the weekend. → My father enjoys ____________________________________________________________ 8. Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon? → What about _________________________________________________________________ KEYS I. 1. D

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. B


II. /É™/ /ÉœË?/ final; assistant; neighbor; culture; natural; heard; turn; girl; third; first; bird; camera; again; yesterday; signal learn; birthday; word; world; sir

III. l.A 6. C 11. B 16. B

2. B 7. C 12. C 17. A

3. B 8. B 13. B 18. D

4. D 9. D 14. C 19. C

5. A 10. B 15. A 20. D

IV. 1. going / to go 2. lying - reading 5. watching (/ to watch) - will go 8. have collected 9. will travel

3. likes - being 6. doing 10. will make

4. collecting 7. plays

V. l.D VI. 6. makes

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. A

2. lives 7. likes

3. travels 8. goes

4. sings 9. reads

5. writes 10. like

VII.Make up sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. When I was ten years old, I began to play football. 2. In the future, my father will go abroad. 3. Reading books in the free time is my favourite hobby. 4. I think skating is more interesting than mountain-climbing. 5. I don't know why my mother likes cooking. 6. He collects books whenever he has money. 7. How many paintings does she paint? 8. I love flowers so I plant them around my house.


VIII. 1. What hobby do you have? 2.We all think painting is interesting because it’s a creative activity. 3.He collects toy cars as a hobby. 4.You don’t need to finish the work today. 5.How long have you had your hobby? 6. I spent three hours making this pottery jug. 7.My father enjoys doing gardening at the weekend. 8.What about going swimming this afternoon.

Date of preparing: ............................... Date of teaching : ............................... Unit 2: Health A- The aims and requests: 1.Knowledge : - Students know, understand and practice with + Vocabulary: health issues, advice and health problems + Pronunciation: Sound / f/ and /v/ + Grammar: Imperative with more and less Verb: have/ get + Noun - By the end of the lesson sts will be able to read , listen and talk specific information about health issues and health problems corectly and fluently.They also can create some advices to have a good health. 2.Skill: Develop all four skills 3.Attitude: Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content B. Preparation: 1. Teacher: Lesson plan, cassette, CD, textbook,…. 2. Students: Prepare the lesson at home C. Procedures: I.Organization: (1’)-Greetings - How are you ? - What is the weather like? - Who is absent today? II. Checking up : (4’) 12

- Asks sts to introduce their project. - Teacher listens and gives comments T asks : - How heavy are you? - Do you have a good health ? -> lead in the new lesson III. New lesson A. I. 1. 2.

GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP IMPERATIVES WITH MORE AND LESS (Câu mệnh lệnh với more và less) Cấu trúc:VERB + MORE/LESS + NOUN Cách sử dụng Câu mệnh lệnh dùng để hướng dẫn, ra lệnh, yêu cầu hoặc gợi ý. Ví dụ: Watch less TV! Do more exercises! Spend less time playing computer games.

II. COMPOUND SENTENCE (Câu ghép) Câu ghép là câu có hai hay nhiều mệnh đề độc lập được nối với nhau bằng liên từ. Cách thành lập câu ghép: 1. Dấu chấm phẩy (semicolons) − Dấu chấm phẩy (;) được dùng nối hai mệnh đề độc lập để tạo thành câu ghép − Nếu không dùng từ nối như cách 1 thì cần dùng dấu "chấm phấy", không được dùng dấu phẩy Ví dụ: The bus was very crowded; I had to stand all the way. 2. Từ nối (conjunctions) − Các mệnh đề độc lập được nối với nhau bằng các từ nối: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so để tạo nên câu ghép − Đặt dấu phẩy trước từ nối Ví dụ: The bus was very crowded, so I had to stand all the way. 3. Trạng từ nối (conjunctive adverbs) − Cách thứ 3 để nối hai mệnh đề độc lập tạo thành câu ghép là dùng trạng từ nối − Trạng từ nối phải được đứng sau dấu ";"và trước dấu "," Ví dụ The bus was very crowded; therefore, I had to stand all the way. Một số từ nối thông dụng:


; accordingly, ; also, ; as a matter offact, ; clearly, ; consequently, ; finally, ; first, ; for instance,

; for example. ; furthermore, ; hence, ;however, ; in addition, ; in fact, ; in general,

; in other words, ; in short, ; moreover, ; nevertheless, ; obviously, ; of course, ; otherwise,

; similarly, ; still, ; then, ; therefore, ; thus, ; unfortunately

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. A. of B. coffee C. leaf D. fault 2. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. through B. knife C. king D. knitting 3. A. knee 4. A. daughter B. weigh C. rough D. thought 5. A. knives B. draught C. flu D. tough 2. Put the words in the box into two groups. knife

















3. Fill in the blank with a word in the box. put on



sun hat




tooth decay


bright eyes

1. If you brush your teeth regularly you will not have . 2. You look tired. You should more. 3. Today the weather is cold, so you should your warm clothes. 4. Some people are to crab. 5. If you want to be healthy, you should eat less fast food and do more . 6. Today it is very hot. Please wear a when you go out. 7. Eating too many sweets and fast foods causes health problems such as tooth decay, . 8. Eating carrots regularly will help you have . 9. You can avoid some diseases by keeping your hands . 14

10. more time on computer games may lead to sore eyes. 4. Complete the sentences using more or less. 1. You should eat fruits and vegetables because they are good for your health. 2. She looks very tired after coming back from work. She should rest . 3. We should spend time on computer games. green tea and coffee. 4. Drink 5. Smoking can lead to lung cancer, so smoke . 6. If you wash your hands than you will be less chance of having flu. 7. Eat high-fat food keep you from getting fat. calories, walking or riding a bicycle? 8. Which activity burns 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. It is important (eat) well. very cold today. You should wear your warm clothes when you (go) 2. It (be) out to prevent cold. 3. Do morning exercise every day and you’ll (feel) better. 4. I have a lot of homework to do this evening, so I (not have) ________ time to watch the football match. 5. (Eat) junk food and inactivity (be) the main causes of obesity. 6. I (have) a headache and I need to rest more. 7. I (have) a toothache so I (have to/ see) the dentist. 8. I have to take medicines because I (be) sick. 9. Japanese (eat) more fish instead of meat, so they (stay) more healthy. a fever, you (should/ drink) more water and 10. When you (have) rest more. 11. A healthy diet (help) us feel healthier. 12. Watching TV much (hurt) your eyes. 6. Fill in each blank with the correct conjunction: if, so, and, but, or, when. 1. Do more exercise you want to lose weight. 2. I have a lot of homework to do this evening, I don’t have time to watch the football match. 3. Eat more vegetables, you will feel healthier. 4. Take up a new hobby you’ll have some new friends. 5. Eat more fish, you will be smarter. 6. He has toothache he still eats a lot of sweets and cakes. 7. Try to talk less you have a sore throat. 8. Smoke less give it up. 9. Sunbathe less, you’ll get sunburnt. 10. If you spend less time on computer games television programmes, you will have more time for outdoor activities. 7. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. 15

It’s important to (1) well, especially when you are studying. If you are at primary (2) , you may not go home for lunch and have a cooked meal of meat or (3) and vegetables. A chicken and lettuce sandwich, with some (4) fruit would be a light but (5) lunch. Many people around the world eat plain, boiled (6) two or three times a day. Pupils and students often don’t eat (7) when they’re revising for an exam – they eat chocolate and (8) lots of black coffee! And by the way, doctors say everybody should start the day with healthy (9) . It’s also good for you to drink a lot of (10) through the day. 1. A. launching B. emitting C. eat D. peaking 2. A. school B. weapons C. spaceships D. rockets 3. A. to B. towards C. with D. fish 4. A. as soon as B. fresh C. as well as D. such as 5. A. burnt B. explored C. went off D. healthy 6. A. rice B. audience C. observatories D. watcher 7. A. sent back B. returned to C. well D. except for 8. A. weightlessness B. drink C. wavelengths D. length 9. A. space B. atmosphere C. vacant D. breakfast 10. A. scientists B. drivers C. water D. astronauts 8. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1. We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Doctor/ asking/ Mai/ questions/ about/ health problems. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. Write a paragraph (100 - 150 words) to talk about HOW TO KEEP A HEALTHY LIFE? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... KEYS 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 2. Put the words in the box into two groups.




Stephen, live, of, knife, leave, vase, very

life, laugh, knives, phone, cough, flower, fruit, food

3. Fill in the blank with a word in the box. 1. tooth decay

2. rest

3. put on

4. allergic

5. exercise

6. sun hat

7. obesity

8. bright eyes

9. clean

10. spending

. 4. Complete the sentences using more or less. 1. You should eat more fruits and vegetables because they are good for your health. 2. She looks very tired after coming back from work. She should rest more. 3. We should spend less time on computer games. 4. Drink more green tea and less coffee. 5. Smoking can lead to lung cancer, so smoke less. 6. If you wash your hands more than you will be less chance of having flu. 7. Eat lesshigh-fat food keep you from getting fat. 8. Which activity burns more calories, walking or riding a bicycle? 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. It is important to eat well. 2. It is very cold today. You should wear your warm clothes when you go out to prevent cold. 3. Do morning exercise every day and you’ll feel better. 4. I have a lot of homework to do this evening, so I do not have time to watch the football match. 5. Eating junk food and inactivity are the main causes of obesity. 6. I have a headache and I need to rest more. 7. I have a toothache so I have to see the dentist. 8. I have to take medicines because I am sick. 9. Japanese eat more fish instead of meat, so they stay more healthy. 10. When you have a fever, you should drink more water and rest more. 11. A healthy diet will help us feel healthier. 12. Watching TV much will hurtyour eyes. 6. Fill in each blank with the correct conjunction: if, so, and, but, or, when. 1. if 6. but

2. so 7. when

3. and 8. and

4. and 9. or

5. and 10. or

2. A 7.C

3. D 8. B

4. B 9. D

5. D 10. C

7. l.C 6. A


8. 1. We should keep our bodies warm to avoid flu or a cold. 2. Getting enough rest helps you (to) concentrate well at school. 3. Vitamins play an important role in our diet. 4. You should not play more computer games in your free time. 5. The doctor is asking Mai some questions about her health problems. 9. Health is so undeniably important that everyone wishes to have a healthy life. First of all, it is important to stay physically active. Doing exercises is the best way to keep fit and to prevent some diseases such as heart ailment, high blood pressure, lung disorder and so on. This also helps build up our muscle and strengthen the immune system. Moreover, a suitable and nutritious eating habit is of great necessity if one wants to stay healthy. In addition, a healthy mind is part of a healthy body. When people are in a good state of mind, they make good decisions for themselves about their jobs, their lifestyle, and their health. It is advisable to reduce stress, make time for things that are fun and get enough sleep every day. Finally, regular health care visit is essential for a healthy life. The practice ensures timely diagnosis and treatment of potential diseases. In conclusion, it requires a combination of practices to maintain good health.

Date of preparing: ............................... Date of teaching : ............................... Period 15 - Unit 3: COMMUNITY SERVICE Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED I.The aims and objectives. 1.Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words: community service, benefit, provide, donate, non-profit, encourage, … Grammar: - revise simple tense and how to express Sts' ideas. *By the end of this period, students will know more about community service and give their opinions about community service .Sts know more about the activities of community service. 2. Skill : Listening and speaking. 3.Attitude: : Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content and active II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Checking up( 3’): Interview Sts some : a. What do know about community service? b. Have you ever joined any activities of community service? c. How often do you do it? 18

3.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. SIMPLE PAST(THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) 1. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ "TO BE" Động từ "to be" ở thì quá khứ đơn có 2 dạng là "was" và "were" 1.1 Thể khẳng định S + was/ were Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ CHÚ Ý: S = I/ He/ She/ It (số ít) + was S = We/ You/ They (số nhiều) + were 1.2. Thể phủ định S + was/were + not Đối với câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm "not" vào sau động từ "to be". CHÚ Ý: was not = wasn't were not = weren't 1.3 Thể nghi vấn Were/ Was + S ...? - Yes, S + was/ were. - No, S + wasn't/ weren't 2. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ THƯỜNG 2.1 Thể khẳng định S + V-ed Trong đó: S: Chủ ngữ V-ed: Động từ chia thì quá khứ đơn (theo qui tắc hoặc bất qui tắc) 2.2 Thể phủ định: S + did not + V (nguyên thể) Trong thì quá khứ đơn câu phủ định ta mượn trợ động từ "did + not" (viết tắt là "didn't"), động từ theo sau ở dạng nguyên thể. 2.3 Thể nghi vấn Did +S+ V (nguyên thể)? Trong thì quá khứ đơn với câu hỏi ta mượn trợ động từ "did" đảo lên trước chủ ngữ, động từ theo sau ở dạng nguyên thể. 3. CÁCH SỬ DỤNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ. Ví dụ: They went to the cinema last night. (Họ đã tới rạp chiếu phim tối hôm qua.) 4. DẤU HIỆU NHẬN BIẾT THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ: 19

- yesterday (hôm qua) - last night/ last week/ last month/ last year:tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ năm ngoái - ago: cách đây. (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ/ two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày ...) - when: khi (trong câu kể) 5. CÁCH CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ Ở THÌ QUÁ KHỨ 5.1 Ta thêm "-ed" vào sau động từ - Thông thường, ta thêm "ed" vào sau động từ. Ví dụ: watch - watched; turn - turned; want – wanted ∗ Chú ý khi thêm đuôi "-ed" vào sau động từ + Động từ tận cùng là "e" → ta chỉcần cộng thêm "d". Ví dụ: type - typed; smile - smiled; agree - agreed + Động từ có MỘT âm tiết, tận cùng là MỘT phụ âm, trước phụ âm là MỘT nguyên âm → ta nhân đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm "-ed". Ví dụ: stop - stopped; shop - shopped; tap - tapped NGOẠI LỆ: commit - committed; travel - travelled; prefer - preferred + Động từ tận cùng là "y": - Nếu trước "y" là MỘT nguyên âm (a,e,i,o,u) ta cộng thêm "ed". Ví dụ: play - played; stay –stayed - Nếu trước "y" là phụ âm (còn lại) ta đổi "y" thành "i + ed". Ví dụ: study - studied; cry - cried 5.2 Một số động từ bất quy tắc không thêm "ed" Có một số động từ khi sử dụng ở thì quá khứ không theo quy tắc thêm "ed". Những động từ này ta cần học thuộc. Ví dụ: go - went; get - got; see - saw; buy – bought


CHÚ Ý : - S = I/ We/ You/ They + have - S = He/ She/ It + has 1.2 Thể phủ định S + haven't / hasn't + VpII 20

Câu phủ định trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành ta chỉ cần thêm "not" vào sau "have/has". CHÚ Ý: - haven't = have not - hasn't = has not 1.3 Thể nghi vấn Have/ Has + S + VpII? - Yes, S + have/ has. - No, S + haven't/ hasn't 2. CÁCH SỬ DỤNG CỦA THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH 2.1 Diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra và hậu quả của nó vẫn còn ảnh hưởng đến hiện tại: Ví dụ: I have broken my watch so I don't know what time it is. 2.2 Diễn tả hành động mới diễn ra gần đây. Chúng ta thường dùng các từ như 'just', 'already' hay 'yet': Ví dụ: She hasn't arrived yet. 2.3 Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và vẫn còn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại. Với cách dùng này, chúng ta sử dụng 'since' và 'for' để cho biết sự việc đã kéo dài bao lâu: Ví dụ: I haven't seen Mai since Friday. 2.4 Diễn tả sự trải nghiệm hay kinh nghiệm. Chúng ta thường dùng 'ever' và 'never' khi nói về kinh nghiệm: Ví dụ: Have you ever been to Japan? 2.5 Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ: Ví dụ: He has been to Thailand a lot over the last few years. 3. DẤU HIỆU NHẬN BIẾT THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH Trong câu cócác trạng từ: already (đã) - never (chưa bao giờ) - ever (đã từng) yet (chưa) - just (vừa mới) -so far (cho đến bây giờ) recently (gần đây) - lately (gần đây) several times (vài lần) many times (nhiều lần) up to now, up to the present, up to this moment, until now, until this time (đến tận bây giờ) never... before (chưa bao giờ)


I. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. near B. learn C. dear D. clear 2. A. knocked B. needed C. founded D. wanted 3. A. volunteer B. collage C. community D. doctor 4. A. provide B. individual C. situation D. children 5. A. tutor B. student C. university D. discuss 6. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. high 7. A. collect B. clean C. city D. cracker 8. A. blanket B. donate C. calorie D. allergy II. Put the word into the correct column according the underlined part. school chemical garden call

green classroom kitchen clean


sick community cold clothes

get group chemistry cancel

colour culture game traffic


III. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences 1. He ate a lot of fried food so he fat quickly. A. get B. got C. gets D. will get 2. The Japanese eat a lot offish and healthy food, they live for a long time. A. so B. because C. or D. but 3. Lan English for more than a year but she can speak it very well. A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned 4. You should watch less TV because looking at screens in a long time your eyes. A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurting D. to hurt 5. Go Green people to recycle rubbish, such as glass, cans and paper. A. to encourage B. encourage C. encouraged D. has encouraged 6. Be a Buddy has education for street children. A. given B. spent C. provided D. helped 7. He books for poor children for years. A. has collected B. collects C. is collecting D. collected 22

8. Linh often uses her headphones when she listens to music her parents don’t like loud noise. A. so B. but C. because D. and 9. Ngoc loves outdoors with trees and flowers. A. to be B. be C. being D. A & C 10. I think 10 years from now more people going to work by bicycle. A. to enjoy B. will enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoy IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 1. A: (you/ ever/ meet) anyone famous? B: Yes, last summer I (sit) next to Brad Pit on a plane to LA. 2. A: How long ago (you/ start) painting? B: Ten years ago. I (recently/ complete) a painting that the National Gallery (ask) me to do a year ago. 3. A: Last night, I (see) the latest James Bond film. B: Oh, I (already/ see) it twice. 4. A: Do you know that Mrs Janet (work) here for sixteen years? B: I thought she (start) working here ten years ago. V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form. 1. I (have) dinner when his friend called. 2. Joan (travel) around the world. 3. We (not begin) to study for the test yet. 4. Don’t get on a bus while it (run) . 5. I (invite) them to my birthday party yesterday, however, they (not come) . 6. Look! Somebody (clean) the room. 7. My brother (begin) looking for a job in January. 8. Timson (make) 13 films and I think her latest is the best. 9. She (cook) at the moment. That’s why she can’t answer the phone. out in the evening. 10. She doesn’t mind (go) 11. I (not see) him since we (leave) school. 12. Football (be) my favourite sport. I like (play) it in my free time. 13. Jane (leave) just a few minutes ago. 14. She (be) extremely quiet since her husband died. VI. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage. (1) January 17th, 1995, a powerful earthquake hit the city of Kobe, Japan. Many buildings (2) or collapsed. Soon after the earthquake, people in Kobe (3) working together to save their city. Neighbours collapsed buildings. Ordinary people (5) out fires even pulled each other out (4) before the fire trucks arrived. Volunteers in Kobe organized themselves into (6) . They worked out a system to send (7) to people who needed. Other teams searched forbelongings in damaged stores and homes. Some people (8) food, water, clothes, and electric generators to different part of the 23

city. Some volunteers took (9) of children who had lost theirparents. Teams of volunteers from outside Japan helped, too. Today, Kobe has been built. But people there still remember the outpouring of support they (10) from all over the world back in 1995. 1. A. in B. at C. on D. from 2. A. is burning B. burned C. burning D. burn 3. A. to begin B. are beginning C. begin D. began 4. A. into B. of C. on D. with 5. A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put 6. A. teams B. pair C. group D. friends 7. A. helped B. helping C. help D. to help 8. A. brought B. bringing C. brings D. brought 9. A. part B. care C. caring D. note 10. A. received B. is receiving C. have received D. receiving VII. Read the passage, and then choose the best answers. Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, someof students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping. For boys who don’t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things those boys usually learn from their fathers. Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trip to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls. 1. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes? A. They do the shopping, and repair or clean up their house. B. They tell them stories and sing dance for them. C. They cool, sew, and wash their clothes. D. They take them to basketball games. 2. What do they help boys whose fathers do not live with them? A. To learn things about their fathers. B. To get to know thing about their fathers. C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers. D. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers. 3 .Which activities are NOT available for the students at the clubs? A. playing games B. learning photography C. going to interest places D. watching films 4. Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because . 24

A. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls. B. they have a lot of free time. C. they know how to do the work. D. they are good at playing games and learning new things. 5. Where don’t students often do volunteer work? A. hospitals B. orphanages C. clubs for the elderly VIII.Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect. 1. I/ buy/ a laptop/ but I/ not use/ it. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. I/ write/ a blog/ but I/ not upload/ any photos to it. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. We/ start/ the game/ half an hour ago/ hut we/ not finish/ it. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. My dad/ be/ to London/ but he/ not see/ Big Ben. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. I/ read/ my English book/ but I/ not do/ my English homework. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. They/ have/ lunch/ but they/ not have/ dinner. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. I/ download/ some songs/ but I/ not listen/ to them. _______________________________________________________________________

KEYS I. 1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. D


8. B

II. /g/


get; group; game; kitchen; cold; chemistry; call; clean; clothes; cancel; traffic; garden; green school; sick; colour; chemical; classroom; community; culture

III. l.B 6. C

2. A 7. A

3. D 8. C

4. B 9. D

5. D 10. B

IV. 1. Have you ever met – sat

2. did you start - have recently completed – asked 25

3. saw - have already seen

4. has worked – started

V. 1. was having 4. is running 7. began 10. going l2. is playing

2. has travelled 5. invited- didn’t come 8. has made 11. haven’t seen- left 13. left

3. haven’t begun 6. is cleaning 9. is cooking 14. has been

VI. l.C 2.B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A VII. l.C 2.B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A VIII. 1. I have bought a laptop, but I have not used it. 2. I have written a blog, but I have not uploaded any photos to it. 3. We started the game half an hour ago, but we have not finished it. 4. My dad has been to London, but he has not seen Big Ben. 5. I have read my English book, but I have not done my English homework. 6. They have had lunch, but they had not had dinner. 7. I have downloaded some songs, but I have not listened to them.


Preparing date :..................... Teaching date: ...................... UNIT 4. MUSIC AND ARTS. I.The aims and objectives. - Knowledge: By the end of this period, ss will be able to know what they will study in this unit: vocabulary, pronunciation, Grammar, ... + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to the topic " music and arts". Grammar: + how to express sts' opinion. - Skill : Listening and speaking. - Living skill: Sts can talk about music and art. By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get information about traditional arts anf some kinds of music. II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, CD. - St: Textbook, sts' book. III. Procedures: 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.The new lesson : GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. COMPARISONS: (NOT) AS ... AS, THE SAME AS, DIFFERENT FROM

1. as... as và not as... as (so sánh ngang bằng và không ngang bằng) 1.1 Cấu trúc S + V + as + adj +as + noun/pronoun S + V + not + as + adj + as + noun/pronoun 1.2 Cách dùng - Được dùng để so sánh 2 người, 2 vật có tính chất gì đó tương đương nhau. Ví dụ I am as tall as my brother. Chú ý: - Sau "as" thứ hai nhất thiết phải là đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ, không được là tân ngữ. - Danh từ cũng có thể dùng so sánh trong trường hợp này nhưng đảm bảo danh từ đó phải có tính từ tương đương. - Nếu là câu phủ định, "as" thứ nhất có thể thay bằng "so".


- Danh từ cũng được dùng để so sánh, nhưng trước khi so sánh thì cần xác định danh từ đó là đếm được hay không đếm được và sử dụng công thức so sánh sau: S + V + as + many/much/little/few + noun + as + noun/pronoun Ví dụ: He earns as much money as his wife. 2. Cấu trúc the So sánh ngang bằng cũng có thể được diễn đạt bằng cấu trúc S + V + the same + (noun) + as + noun/ pronoun Ví dụ: Your house is the same height as mine. 3. Cấu trúc different from Dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật,... khác nhau ở một mặt nào đó. S1 + V + different from + S2 Ví dụ: Life in city is different from life in countryside. II. LỐI NÓI PHỤ HỌA 1. Phụ họa câu khẳng định Khi muốn nói một người hoặc vật nào đó làm một việc gì đó và một người, vật khác cũng làm một việc tương tự, ta sử dụng lối nói phụ họa. Để tránh lặp lại các từ của câu trước, ta dùng liên từ and và thêm một câu đơn giản có sử dụng từ so hoặc too. Hai từ này mang nghĩa là "cũng thế". Cụ thể: Mệnh đề chính

Mệnh đề phụ họa

Động từ tobe:

S + tobe + ...

and + S + tobe + too and so + tobe + S

Động từ thường:

S+V+ ...

and + S + trợ động từ + too and so + trợ động từ + S

I am happy, and so are you. = I am happy, and you are too. They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too. = They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you. Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too. = Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.


2. Phụ họa câu phủ định Phụ họa câu phủ định cũng giống như phụ họa câu khẳng định, chỉ khác một điều là ta thay so, too bằng either và neither. Cụ thể: Mệnh đề chính

Mệnh đề phụ họa

Động từ tobe:

S + tobe + not + ...

and + S + tobe + not + either and neither + tobe +S

Động từ thường:

S+V + not + ...

and + S + trợ động từ + not + either and neither + trợ động từ + S

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. A. conclusion B. ensure C. rush D. mission 2. A. student B. study C. dust D. must 3. A. father B. date C. hard D. last 4. A. chapter B. rich C. cheese D. chemist B. boxes C. buses D. tables 5. A. watches 2. Put the words with the underlined part in the box into two groups. 1. A. conclusion B. ensure C. rush D. mission 2. A. student B. study C. dust D. must 3. A. father B. date C. hard D. last 4. A. chapter B. rich C. cheese D. chemist B. boxes C. buses D. tables 5. A. watches /ʒ/


3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. His life (be) so boring. He just (watch) TV every night. 2. I late for school yesterday (be). 3. My father (be/ not) at the office the day before yesterday. 4. Mr. and Mrs. James (come) back home and have lunch late last night? 5. How you (get) there? 6. John (study) hard in class, but I (not think) he'll pass. 7. It (be) cloudy yesterday. 8. Where your children (be) ? 9. The telephone (ring) several times and then (stop) before I could answer it. 10. The bank (close) at four o'clock. 29

11. The little boy (spend) hours in his room making his toys. 12. Jamie passed the exam because he (study) very hard. 13. My mother (fry) eggs for breakfast every morning. 14. Mozart (have) more than 600 pieces of music. 15. My father (not watch) TV last night but I (do). 4. Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box. exhibition








1. William Shakespeare was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English . of 2. Picasso was one of the greatest and most influential century. 3. "Circus" is the song I love . 4. My brother can play a variety of . 5. Last week I came to see a of the farmer's lives. 6. Piano is more than viola. 7. Titanic is a movie by James Cameron. 8. It is his to become a musician.



5. Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box. earned


music charts


best selling




. He became a superstar at the Michael Jackson (born 1958) is truly a music (1) age of eleven as a member of his family band The Jackson 5. His solo career (2) him the title "King of Pop". His studio albums have all become classics. Jackson is equally (3) for his high energy and complicated dance techniques such as the (4) . He died in 2009 at the age of 50. Jackson dominated the (5) throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s. His distinctive vocal style, rhythm and fashion were perfect for the new music video age. MTV enthusiastically (6) his videos to the world. His 'Thriller' video had all the excitement of a major movie release. Jackson became a true icon of pop culture and influenced dozens of today's top stars. His awards and (7) are proof of the phenomenal success he achieved. He won World Music Award's Best-Selling Pop Male Artist of the Millennium, and was the American Music Award's Artist of the Century. 'Thriller' remains the (8) album of all time. 'Vanity Fair' magazine named him the "Most popular artist in the history of show business". 6. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel written by the American author Ernest Hemingway in 1951 in Bimini, Bahamas, and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction by Hemingway that was published during his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it tells the 30

story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Florida. In 1953, The Old Man and the Sea was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and it was cited by the Nobel Committee as contributing to their awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Hemingway in 1954. 1. Where was Ernest Hemingway from? ................................................................................................................................................ 2. When was The Old Man and the Sea published? ................................................................................................................................................ 3. What genre does The Old Man and the Sea belong to? ................................................................................................................................................ 4. What is the content of The Old Man and the Sea? ................................................................................................................................................ 5. When did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize in Literature? ................................................................................................................................................ 7. Complete the sentences by using;; different ...from. 1. Your house is my house. (far) 2. The black car is the red one. (cheap) 3. That dog it looks. (not dangerous) 4. Vietnam coffee is Brazil coffee.(delicious) 5. Many people think that history math. (not important) 6. Opera is pop music. (different) 7. French foods is Vietnam foods. (different) 8. This room is that room.(wide) 8. Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. This/ painting/ is/ made/ traditional paper/ with/ natural colours. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. Last week/I /see/ interesting/ portraits/ art gallery. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. Piano/ be / much/ heavy / than /other / instruments. ................................................................................................................................................ 4. Which/ musical/ instrument/ you / have? ................................................................................................................................................ 5. Who/ compose/ this/ song? ................................................................................................................................................ 6. villagers/ be/ friendly/ they /be/ years/ ago. ................................................................................................................................................ 8. This/ film/ not/ long /I /watch/ yesterday. ................................................................................................................................................ 9. Classical/ music/ not/ interesting / rock music. ................................................................................................................................................ 31

10. I/ never/ watch/ drama / my /mother/ either. ................................................................................................................................................ 9. Complete the sentences by using too, so, neither and either. 1. Teenagers like K-pop, and they like Korean foods . (too) 2. He's not very good at painting walls, and she . (either) . (either) 3. William doesn't work there, and John 4. My wife can't play the trump, and her sister. (neither) 5. Alice has finished her homework, and Mickey. (so) 6. Trang does morning exercise, and her brother . (too) . (too) 7. He is going to see that film, and we 8. “Chèo” is considered a kind of traditional opera in Viet Nam, and "Cải lương" . (too) . (either) 9. I don't know how to use a computer, and my best friend 10. I haven't been to Africa, and my mother. (neither) 11. Lan doesn't like rock music, and Huong. (neither) 12. Cuong didn't know the answer to the teacher's question, and Mai . (either) 13. Mr.Nam didn't win the race, and Mr Bac. (neither) 14. My car doesn't work, and your car . (either) 15. Nobody knew why he was absent, and I . (either) 16. Susie has passed her driving test, and Peter. (so) 17. They mustn't stay up late, and their friends . (either) . (too) 18. They stayed at home last night, and their children 19. They've been waiting, and she. (so) 20. We'd like to watch the football match, and he . (too) 10.Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets. 1. Mr Pike teaches history of arts. Mrs May teaches history of music.SAME SUBJECT _____________________________________________________________________ 2. This bike is 800,000 VND. That bike is 600,000 VND (PRICE ... DIFFERENT) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Linda didn’t go to the concert show last night. Susan didn’t go to the concert show last night. (EITHER) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Classical music is interesting. Folk music is interesting. (AS ... AS) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Mr. Owen speaks English. Mrs. Phan speaks English. (SAME LANGUAGE) _____________________________________________________________________


KEYS 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D 2. Put the words with the underlined part in the box into two groups /Ę’/ /Ęƒ/ leisure, television, pleasure, vision, treasure, machine, nation, musician, special, chef, casual, measure, division, casual, television show, physician, social, efficient, pressure, luxury

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form 1. His life is so boring. He just watchesTV every night. 2. I waslate for school yesterday. 3. My father was notat the office the day before yesterday. 4. DidMr. and Mrs. James comeback home and have lunch late last night? 5. How didyou getthere? 6. John is studyinghard in class, but I don't thinkhe'll pass. 7. It wascloudy yesterday. 8. Where areyour children? 9. The telephone rangseveral times and then stopped before I could answer it. 10. The bank closesat four o'clock. 11. The little boy has spent hours in his room making his toys. 12. Jamie passed the exam because he studiedvery hard. 13. My mother fries eggs for breakfast every morning. 14. Mozart has more than 600 pieces of music. 15. My father didn't watch TV last night but I did. 4. Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box. 1. language 2. artists 3. most 4. instruments 5. exhibition 6. popular 7. classic 8. pleasure 5. Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box. 1. legend 2. earned 3. famous 4. Moonwalk 5. music charts 6. played 7. record 8. best selling 6. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. 1. He came from America. 2. It was published in 1952. 3. It belongs to fiction genre. 4. It tells the story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Florida. 5. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. 33

7. Complete the sentences by using;; different ...from. 1. Your house is as far from school as my house. 2. The black car is as cheap asthe red one. 3. That dog isn'tdangerous as it looks. 4. Vietnam coffee is as delicious as Brazil coffee. 5. Many people think that history isn't as important as math. 6. Opera is different from pop music. 7. French foods is different from Vietnam foods. 8. This room is as wide as that room. 8. Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. This painting is made on traditional paper with natural colours. 2. Last week, I saw many interesting portraits in the art gallery. 3. Piano is much heavier than other instruments. 4. Which musical instruments do you have? 5. Whocomposed this song? 6. The villagers are friendly as they were years ago. 8. This film isn't as long as the film Iwatched yesterday. 9. Classical music isn't so interesting as rock music. 10. I have never watched drama, my mother hasn't either. 9. Complete the sentences by using too, so, neither and either. 1. Teenagers like K-pop, and they like Korean foods too. 2. He's not very good at painting walls, and she isn't either. 3. William doesn't work there, and John doesn't either. 4. My wife can't play the trump, and neither can her sister. 5. Alice has finished her homework, and so hasMickey. 6. Trang does morning exercise, and her brother does too. 7. He is going to see that film, and we are too. 8. “Chèo” is considered a kind of traditional opera in Viet Nam, and "Cải lương" is too. 9. I don't know how to use a computer, and my best friend doesn't either. 10. I haven't been to Africa, andneither has my mother. () 11. Lan doesn't like rock music, and neither does Huong. () 12. Cuong didn't know the answer to the teacher's question, and Mai didn't either. 13. Mr.Nam didn't win the race, andneither didMr Bac. 14. My car doesn't work, and your car doesn't either. 15. Nobody knew why he was absent, and I didn't either. 16. Susie has passed her driving test, and so has Peter. 17. They mustn't stay up late, and their friends mustn't either. 18. They stayed at home last night, and their children did too. 19. They've been waiting, and so has she. 20. We'd like to watch the football match, and he would too. 34

10.Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets. 1. Mr. Pike teaches history of arts and Mrs. May teaches the same subject. 2. The price of this bike is different from that bike. 3. Linda didn’t go to the concert show last night and Susan didn’t, either 4. Classical music is as interesting as folk music. 5. Mr. Owen speaks English and Mrs. Phan speaks the same language.

Preparing date : .......................... Teaching day: ............................. Unit 5. VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK I.The aims and objectives. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to the topic “ food and drink”, countable and uncountable nouns +Grammar: How much/many * By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:use the lexical items related to Vietnamese food and drink and appearance and taste of different food and drink.And use How much/many to ask about quantity and verbs of cooking correctly and appropriately. 2.Skill : Listening and speaking. 3.Attitude: Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, CD. - St: Textbook, sts' book. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. COUNTABLE NOUN AND NON-COUNTABLE NOUN 1. COUNTABLE NOUNS (DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC) • Danh từ đếm được là những từ chỉ những vật thể, con người, ý niệm... có thể đếm được. •

Danh từ đếm được có cả hình thức số ít và số nhiều.

• Chúng ta có thể dùng mạo từ "a" hoặc "an" với danh từ đếm được ở số ít. Ví dụ: one horse, a man, three books, ten apples.... Chú ý: Một số danh từ đếm được có hình thái số nhiều đặc biệt. 35

Ví dụ: person - people; child - children; tooth - teeth; foot - feet; mouse – mice... 2. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC) • Danh từ không đếm được là những từ chỉ những thứ mà ta không thể đếm được Đó có thể là những khái niệm trừu tượng hay những vật quá nhỏ, vô hình mà ta không thể đếm được (chất lỏng, bột, khí, v.v...). •

Danh từ không đếm được dùng với động từ số ít. Chúng thường không có hình thức số nhiều.

• Không sử dụng a/an với những danh từ này. Ví dụ: tea: water, tea, coffee, milk, fruit juice, beer, wine, soup, butter, cheese, meat, bread, rice, sugar, salt, pepper, flour, help, homework, housework, information, news, music, work, advice, luck, peace, happiness, sadness, silence... Chú ý: Để nhấn mạnh số lượng của một danh từ không đếm được, ta sử dụng: some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of,... hoặc sử dụng một phép đo chính xác như: a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of...

Ví dụ: a bit of news: một mẩu tin a grain of sand: một hạt cát a pot of jam: một hũ mứt a slice of bread: một lát bánh mì a loaf of bread: một ổ bánh mì a bowl of soup: một bát súp a cake of soap: một bánh xà phòng a litre of petrol: một lít xăng a sheet of paper: một tờ giấy a glass of beer: một ly bia a drop of oil: một giọt dầu a group of people: một nhóm người a piece of advice: một lời khuyên II. HOW MUCH & HOW MANY (BAO NHIÊU) Khi muốn hỏi về số lượng, ta dùng How muchvà How many 1. How many "How many" được dùng khi ta muốn hỏi về số lượng của thứ gì đó, áp dụng cho danh từ đếm được. Trong trường hợp này, danh từ ở dạng số nhiều luôn nằm sau"How many". How many + danh từ đếm được số nhiều + are there? How many + danh từ đếm được số nhiều + trợ động từ + S + V? Ví dụ: How many days are there in November? (Tháng mười một có bao nhiêu ngày?) How many books have you got? (Bạn có bao nhiêu quyển sách?) Chú ý: 36

Để trả lời cho câu hỏi How manyta sử dụng There is/ are: Nếu có 1, ta trả lời: there is one... Nếu có từ 2 trở lên ta trả lời: There are + số lượng + .... 2. How much "How much" được dùng khi ta muốn hỏi về số lượng của danh từ không đếm được. Vì chủ thể của câu hỏi là danh từ không đếm được nên những sự vật này được đo đếm theo đơn vị như lít, kg, giờ, năm. How much + danh từ không đếm được + is there? How much + danh từ không đếm được + trợ động từ + S + V? Ví dụ: How much butter is there in the fridge? There is a little butter. III. A, AN, SOME, ANY 1. a và an A và an được dùng cho danh từ số ít đếm được. + A đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng 1 phụ âm (tính theo cách phát âm chứkhông phải cách viết) Ví dụ:a dog, a cat, a horse... + An đứng trước danh từ bắt dầu bằng 1 nguyên âm (tính theo cách phát âm chứ không phải cách viết) Ví dụ: an hour, an apple, an umbrella... 2. some vàany Some vàany được dùng cho cả danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được. Some được dùng trong câu: + Câu khẳng định: Ví dụ: There is some water in the bottle. + Câu hỏi diễn tả lời mời: Ví dụ: Would you like some coffee? Any được dùng trong câu: + Câu phủ định Ví dụ: There isn't any food left in the fridge. + Câu hỏi thông thường Ví dụ: Are there any chairs in the room? 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 37

1. A. apple B. candle C. eat D. breakfast 2. A. diet B. fish C. dinner D. chicken 3. A. sauce B. daughter C. cost D. port 4. A. food B. noodles C. bamboo D. flood 5. A. talk B. water C. match D. caught 2. Put the words with the underlined part in the box into two groups. bottle



























3. Fill in each blank with the correct word: A /AN /SOME/ ANY. bowl of fried rice. 1. I'd like 2. My father planted trees in the garden yesterday. 3. Do you have brothers or sisters? 4. Would you like ice-cream? rice and port for lunch. 5. We have 6. Are there vegetables? 7. He eats apple after his dinner. 8. Would you like egg for breakfast? 9. Can you bring me water, please? 10. There aren't noodles. 11. There are apples on the table. 12. Can I help you? Yes, I'm like wine, please. 13. Are there tomatoes in the fridge? 14. I have TV and computer. 15. Would you like cup of tea? box of chocolates would be fine. 16. Thank you. And 17. Are there potatoes in the basket? 18. I buy some fruit, but I don't buy vegetables. 19. Children have rice, but they don't have 20. I don't have free time today. 5. Supply the correct verb form. 38


1. How many subjects you (learn) last year? 2. Wait for me a minute. I (have) breakfast. 3. there any butter in the refrigerator? 4. This is the most delicious dish I (ever/ eat) . 5. Noodle (be) very popular in all regions of Vietnam. you (save) last year? 6. How much money 7. Last week, my dad (buy) a lot of candy for my birthday party. 8. This morning my dad (not/drink) tea as usual. 9. How many bottles of oil your family (need) in a month? Bun Bo Hue before. 10. I (never/ enjoy) 6. Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box. available








The main features of Vietnamese Cuisine Cuisine in the country with more than 90,000,000 people differs strikingly between the north, south and central regions, but two key (1) stand out. Firstly, (2) plays an essential role in the nation’s diet as it does throughout Southeast Asia. Humorous speaking Vietnamese is noodle-crazy. You have seen regularly the (3) of noodle in their breakfast, lunch and dinner, in homes, restaurants and at roadside stands. Noodles are eaten wet and dry, in soup or beside soup, and are made in different shapes and thicknesses of wheat, rice and mung beans such as bun cha, Cao Lau, Hue beef noodle, bun for making banh chung, banh bao, banh xeo, banh rieu... Rice also a main (4) beo, xoi... Secondly, no meal is complete without fresh vegetables and (5) . Thanks to the tropical climate, fresh vegetables are (6) all the year round. As the result, dishes with fresh vegetable become (7) with every family, especially with poor people in the old days. Some popular dishes are canh, goi ngo sen, nom du du, rau muong, ca phao...Vietnam can also be considered as a tropical paradise of (8) and beverage with che, sugarcane, fruit smoothies, bubble tea... 7.Read the passage and do the tasks below.

Viet Nam is famous for many delicious kinds of food such as spring rolls, seafood, Pho and Che as well. Of all, I like Pho the most. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, usually served with beef or chicken. The soup includes noodles made from rice and is often served with Vietnamse basil, mint leaves, lime, and bean sprouts that are added to the soup by the person who is dining. Vietnamese people love Pho and so do foreigners. I have a friend from England. Her name is Anna. She has come to Viet Nam for three years. Anna works as an English teacher in Ha Noi. She likes Pho so much that she eats Pho three times a day. Normally we eat Pho in a restaurant, but sometimes my mother cooks at home. I think Pho in a restaurant is more delicious than that at home because it has a special smell. 1. Is Viet Nam famous for seafood? 39

………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Is there any beef or chicken in Pho? ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Where is the writer’s friend come from? ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. How long has Anna come to Viet Nam? ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. What does Anna do? ………………………………………………………………………….. 8. Write an email to a foreigner friend and introduce to him about one special dish in Vietnam. You should base on some suggestions below: - What is the dish? - How popular is it in Vietnam? - What are the ingredients to cook it? - How is it cooked and eaten? - What do you think about the dish?

Dear……………, ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Love, …………………….(Your signature)

KEYS 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 2. Put the words with the underlined part in the box into two groups /ɒ/


bottle, box, shock, cost, dog, coffee, hobby, water, autumn, sauce, short, ball, saw, pour, sorry, chocolate, yogurt, holiday, hobby, fall, fork, sport, pause, or, abroad because

3. Fill in each blank with the correct word: A /AN /SOME/ ANY 1. I'd like abowl of fried rice. 40

2. My father planted sometrees in the garden yesterday. 3. Do you have anybrothers or sisters? 4. Would you like some ice-cream? 5. We have somerice and port for lunch. 6. Are there anyvegetables? 7. He eats anapple after his dinner. 8. Would you like someegg for breakfast? 9. Can you bring me somewater, please? 10. There aren't anynoodles. 11. There are someapples on the table. 12. Can I help you? Yes, I'm like somewine, please. 13. Are there anytomatoes in the fridge? 14. I have aTV and a computer. 15. Would you like acup of tea? 16. Thank you. And abox of chocolates would be fine. 17. Are there anypotatoes in the basket? 18. I buy some fruit, but I don't buy anyvegetables. 19. Children have somerice, but they don't have anymeat. 20. I don't have anyfree time today. 4. Supply the correct verb form 1. How many subjects did you learnlast year? 2. Wait for me a minute. I am having breakfast. 3. Isthere any butter in the refrigerator? 4. This is the most delicious dish I have ever eaten. 5. Noodle isvery popular in all regions of Vietnam. 6. How much money didyou savelast year? 7. Last week, my dad boughta lot of candy for my birthday party. 8. This morning my dad didn't drinktea as usual. 9. How many bottles of oil doesyour family needin a month? 10. I have never enjoyedBun Bo Hue before. 6

Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box. 1. features 2. rice 3. appearance 5. herbs 6. available 7. familiar

7.Answer the questions

1. Is Viet Nam famous for seafood? Yes, it is. 2. Is there any beef or chicken in Pho? Yes, there is. 3. Where is the writer’s friend come from? She comes from England. 4. How long has Anna come to Viet Nam? 41

4. ingredients 8. dessert

She has come to Vietnam for three years. 5. What does Anna do? She is an English teacher.

Preparing date : ............................. Teaching date: ............................. Unit 6: the first university in viet nam I.The aims and objectives. 1.Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words: Temple of Literature, historic, cultural, definitely, contain, … + Grammar: - Passive voice. - Preposition of position. * Sts know more about the activities of community service. By the end of this period, students will know how to give advice about going on trips and write about historic place. 2.Skill : Listening and speaking. 3.Attitude: Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: -

T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. St: Textbook.

III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Warm- up( 3’): Interview Sts some : a. Do you know the name of the first University in Vietnam? b. Have you ever visited it? 3.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. PASSIVE VOICE (CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG) 1. PHÂN BIỆT CÂU CHỦ ĐỘNG VÀ CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG 1.1 Câu chủ động 42

Câu chủ động là câu có chủ ngữ là người hoặc vật gây ra hành dộng. Ví dụ: My father waters this flower every morning. (Sáng nào bố tôi cũng tưới nước cho cây hoa này.) Dạng thức thông thường của câu chủ động: S+V+O Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ V (verb): động từ O (object): tân ngữ 1.2 Câu bị động: Câu bị động được sử dụng khi bản thân chủ thể không tự thực hiện được hành động. Ví dụ: My money was stolen yesterday. (Tiền của tôi bị trộm mất ngày hôm qua.) Ta thấy chủ thể là "tiền của tôi" không thể tự "trộm" được mà bị một ai đó "trộm" nên câu này ta cần sử dụng câu bị động. Dạng thức của câu bị động: S + be + VpII Trong đó: be: động từ "to be" VpII: động từ phân từ hai 2. Cấu trúc biến đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động Cấu trúc Câu chủ động:


Câu bị động:

S + be + VpII + (by + O)

Điều kiện để có thể biến đổi 1 câu từ chủ dộng thành bị động: − Trong câu chủ động phải là Transitive Verb (Ngoại động từ: đòi hỏi có O (tân ngữ) theo sau) − Các O (trực tiếp, gián tiếp) phải được nêu rõ ràng Quy tắc: Khi biến đổi 1 câu từ chủ động sang bị động, ta làm theo các bước sau: Xác định S, V, O và thì của V trong câu chủ động. Lấy O trong câu chủ động làm S của câu bị động. LấyS trong câu chủ động làm O và đặt sau by trong câu bị động. Biến đổi V chính trong câu chủ động thành PP2 (Past Participle) trong câu bị động. Thêm Tobe vào trước PP2 trong câu bị động (To be phải chia theo thời của V chính trong câu chủ động và chia theo số của S trong câu bị động). Chú ý: 43

a. Trong câu bị động by + O luôn đứng sau adverbsof place (trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) I và dứng trước adverbs of time (trạng từ chỉ thời gian). Ví dụ: The chair was broken by my brother yesterday. b. Trong câu bị động, có thể bỏ: by people, by us, by them,by someone, by him, by her... nếu chỉ đối tượng không xác định. c. Nếu tân ngữ trong câu bị động chỉ sự vật, sự việc thì nguời ta dùng giới từ"with" thay vì dùng "by" trước S. Ví dụ: The room was filled with smoke. d. Nếu câu chủ động có 2 tân ngữ trong đó thường có 1 tân ngữ chỉ người và 1 tânngữ chỉ vật) như give, show, tell, ask, teach, send... muốn nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ nào người ta đưa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ của câu bị động. Do đó, ta có thể viết được 2 câu bị động bằng cách lần lượt lấy O1 và O2 của câu chủ động ban đầu làm chủ ngữ để mở đầu các câu bị động. Ví dụ: I gave him a book. → He was given a book (by me). Or A book was given to him (by me). e. Nếu động từ trong câu chủ động có giới từ đi kèm thì ta đặt giới từ đó ngay sau V trong câu bị động. Ví dụ: Someone broke into our house. (Ai đó đã đột nhập vào nhà của chúng ta.) Our house was broken into. (Nhà của chúng ta đã bị đột nhập.) 3. Cấu trúc câu bị động với các thì trong tiếng Anh Các thì 1. Hiện tại đơn

2. Hiện tại tiếp diễn

3. Quá khứ đơn

Chủ động

Bị động

S + V(s/es) + O S+ is/am/are + VpII + (by + O) - Mary studies English every - English is studied by Mary day. everyday. S + is/am/are + V-ing + O - He is planting some trees now.

S + is/am/are + being + VpII + (by + O) - Some trees are being planted (by him) now.

S + V-ed + O - She wrote a letter yesterday.

S + was/were + VpII + (by + O) - A letter was written (by her) yesterday.


4. Hiện tại hoàn thành

5. Tương lai đơn

S + have/ has + VpII + O - My parents have given me a new bike on my birthday.

S + have/ has + been + VpII + (by + O) - A new bike has been given to me by my parents on my birthday.

S + will + V(nguyên thể) + O - She will do a lot of things tomorrow.

S + will + be + VpII + (by 0) - A lot of things will be done tomorrow.

6. Modal verb: can, S + Modal Verb + V + O could, may, might, - You should open the wine must, have to, will, about 3 hours before you use it. would, shall, should, ought to...

S + Modal verb + be + VpII + (by O) - The wine should be opened about 3 hours before using.

II. CÁCH SỬ DỤNG CỦA "WOULD LIKE" Would likeđược dùng diễn đạt một lời mời, ý muốn, sở thích. Thể khẳng định: S + would like

+ sth: muốn cái gì + to do sth: muốn làm gì

Thể phủ định: S + would not like

+ sth: không muốn cái gì + to do sth: không muốn làm gì

(Wh ) + would + S + like? Lưu ý: would like = 'd like would not like = wouldn't like Động từ đi sau would like luôn ở dạng "to V"

I. Put the words into two group /tʃ/ or /dʒ/ manager creature generous heritage age feature watch sandwich witch June jealous juice chimpanzee marriage bridge fridge check chance furniture cheek village chocolate chin major /tʃ/ /dʒ/ …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. raincoat B. bookshop C. apply D. toyshop 45

2. A. somewhere B. anyone C. teacher D. confirm 3. A. bedroom B. mistake C. typewriter D. pretty 4. A. homesick B. believe C. remark D. control 5. A. brother B. behave C. noodles D. curtain III. Circle the word which does not belong to each group. 1. A. blanket B. tent C. clothes D. drink 2. A. university B. church C. temple D. pagoda 3. A. behind B. between C. of D. on 4. A. necessary B. important C. school D. intersting 5. A. house B. gate C. door D. window 6. A. pavilion B. temple C. literature D. pagoda 7. A. known B. seen C. travelled D. met 8. A. teacher B. professor C. school D. tutor 9. A. building B. tomb C. temple D. pagoda 10. A. visited B. played C. cooked D. spoken IV. Put the following verbs into the correct tense. 1. People in Viet Nam as well as in the world (visit)………………….Huong pagoda every year. 2. At the end of this month we (go)…………………to the Temple of Literature. 3. Hoan Kiem lake (be)……………… the centre of Hanoi. 4. They (erect) ………………stone tables in the Temple of Literature many years ago. 5. The gardeners always (take)………………care of trees and flowers in the Temple. 6. Last summer holiday, we (visit)……………..many historical places in Hanoi. 7. My sister and I often (pray)……………… the church on Saturday. 8. The Temple of Literature (be)……………….the very first stop-over of any foreign tourists in Hanoi. V. Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. One-pillar pagoda (build)………………….in winter of 1049. 2. The Doctors’ stone tablets (erect)………………by King Le Thanh Tong. 3. My house (surround)……………… many trees and flowers. 4. Ha Long Bay (consider)…………………as a world heritage. 5. Great Wall (locate)……………….in China. 6. South America (discover)……………….by Cristoforo Colombo. 7. Huong Pagoda (visit)…………………by thousands of tourists every year. 8. The Imperial Academy – the first university in Vietnam (build)…………… 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. 9. Hue Imperial City (locate)…………………….in Hue city in centre of Vietnam. 10. Many souvenirs (sell)…………………..every year. VI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. The Temple of Literature……………….by thousands of people every year. A. is visit B. is visited C. was visited D. were visited 2. Emperor Ly Nhan Tong is the person who constructed……………….. A. The Imperial Academy B. Great Wall 46

C. One-pillar Pagoda C. Ha Long Bay 3. Doctors’ stone tablets were made of…………………. A. sand B. brick C. stone D. cement. 4. The Temple of Literature is one of the historic and…………….sites in Vietnam. A. cultural B. culture C. old D. new 5. It’s a great idea to take some medicines………………….you have a fever now. A. so B. because C. but D. and 6. There is a pond……………..the garden and the house. A. in B. among C. between D. on 7. You’d better……………… umbrella because it is going to rain. A. to take B. taking C. take D. took 8. Thien Quang well was………………as a world heritage. A. met B. recognized C. seen D. watched 9. The Imperial Academy was regarded………….the first university in Vietnam. A. to B. for C. as D. with 10. The Imperial Academy was……………in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. A. construct B. construction C. constructing D. constructed 11. Stone tablets were erected on the………………of the tortoise after each Royal examination. A. back B. stomach C. head D. arm 12. The………………of this pagoda lasted 2 years. A. instruct B. instruction C. instructing D. instructed

VII. Read the passage and answer the questions below. The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Swordlake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built it as the first university of Vietnam.

The temple is divided into five courtyards, each with its own significance and history. There are a total of 82 tombstones, with names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. If you visit the temple at the beginning of the year or in May when many important examinations take place, you will 47

catch sights of numerous students who come and rub the tortoise head. Such an action is believed to bring them luck to pass the test. If you are keen on architecture, Temple of Literature has one of the most typical architecture style for centuries in Vietnam, composed of wood and tiles. Along the pass way are hundred-year-old trees that have witnessed ups and downs of history. Answer the following questions. 1. When was the Temple of Literature constructed? ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Who continued the worked and built it as the first university of Vietnam? ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Is the temple divided into four courtyards? ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. How many tombstones are there ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. When do important examinations take place? …………………………………………………………………………………

VII.Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago. → Thewheel.................................................................................................. 2. My father waters these flower every morning. → These flowers ........................................................................................... 3. People use computers all over the world. → Computers ................................................................................................ 4. Are they building a statue of Chu Van An? → Is............................................................................................................. ? 5. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. → Fiona ........................................................................................................ 6. They keep many ancient things in museums. → Many ancient things................................................................................. 7. Do four busy streets surround the Temple of Literature? → Is............................................................................................................. ? 8. People make many famous films in Hollywood. → Many famous films .................................................................................. 9. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. → The dinner ................................................................................................ 10.I do all my homework on my computer. 48

→ All my homework KEYS I. Put the words into two group /tʃ/ or /dʒ/ manager creature generous watch sandwich witch chimpanzee marriage bridge furniture cheek village

heritage June fridge chocolate

age jealous check chin

feature juice chance major

/tʃ/ /dʒ/ Creature, feature, watch, sandwich, witch, Manager, generous, heritage, age, June, chimpanzee, check, chance, furniture, jealous, juice, marriage, bridge, fridge, cheek, chocolate, chin village, major II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. raincoat B. bookshop C. apply D. toyshop 2. A. somewhere B. anyone C. teacher D. confirm 3. A. bedroom B. mistake C. typewriter D. pretty 4. A. homesick B. believe C. remark D. control 5. A. brother B. behave C. noodles D. curtain III. Circle the word which does not belong to each group. 1. A. blanket B. tent C. clothes D. drink 2. A. university B. church C. temple D. pagoda 3. A. behind B. between C. of D. on 4. A. necessary B. important C. school D. intersting 5. A. house B. gate C. door D. window 6. A. pavilion B. temple C. literature D. pagoda 7. A. known B. seen C. travelled D. met 8. A. teacher B. professor C. school D. tutor 9. A. building B. tomb C. temple D. pagoda 10. A. visited B. played C. cooked D. spoken IV. Put the following verbs into the correct tense. 1. People in Viet Nam as well as in the world visit Huong pagoda every year. 2. At the end of this month we will go to the Temple of Literature. 3. Hoan Kiem lake is in the centre of Hanoi. 4. They erected stone tables in the Temple of Literature many years ago. 5. The gardeners always take care of trees and flowers in the Temple. 6. Last summer holiday, we visited many historical places in Hanoi. 7. My sister and I often pray in the church on Saturday. 8. The Temple of Literature is the very first stop-over of any foreign tourists in Hanoi. V. Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. One-pillar pagoda was built in winter of 1049. 2. The Doctors’ stone tablets were erected by King Le Thanh Tong. 3. My house is surrounded by many trees and flowers. 49

4. Ha Long Bay is considered as a world heritage. 5. Great Wall is located in China. 6. South America was discovered by Cristoforo Colombo. 7. Huong Pagoda is visited by thousands of tourists every year. 8. The Imperial Academy – the first university in Vietnam was built in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. 9. Hue Imperial City is located in Hue city in centre of Vietnam. 10. Many souvenirs are sold every year. VI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. The Temple of Literature……………….by thousands of people every year. A. is visit B. is visited C. was visited D. were visited 2. Emperor Ly Nhan Tong is the person who constructed……………….. A. The Imperial Academy B. Great Wall C. One-pillar Pagoda C. Ha Long Bay 3. Doctors’ stone tablets were made of…………………. A. sand B. brick C. stone D. cement. 4. The Temple of Literature is one of the historic and…………….sites in Vietnam. A. cultural B. culture C. old D. new 5. It’s a great idea to take some medicines………………….you have a fever now. A. so B. because C. but D. and 6. There is a pond……………..the garden and the house. A. in B. among C. between D. on 7. You’d better……………… umbrella because it is going to rain. A. to take B. taking C. take D. took 8. Thien Quang well was………………as a world heritage. A. met B. recognized C. seen D. watched 9. The Imperial Academy was regarded………….the first university in Vietnam. A. to B. for C. as D. with 10. The Imperial Academy was……………in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. A. construct B. construction C. constructing D. constructed 11. Stone tablets were erected on the………………of the tortoise after each Royal examination. A. back B. stomach C. head D. arm 12. The………………of this pagoda lasted 2 years. A. instruct B. instruction C. instructing D. instructed VII. Read the passage and answer the questions below. The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Swordlake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built it as the first university of Vietnam.


The temple is divided into five courtyards, each with its own significance and history. There are a total of 82 tombstones, with names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. If you visit the temple at the beginning of the year or in May when many important examinations take place, you will catch sights of numerous students who come and rub the tortoise head. Such an action is believed to bring them luck to pass the test. If you are keen on architecture, Temple of Literature has one of the most typical architecture style for centuries in Vietnam, composed of wood and tiles. Along the pass way are hundred-year-old trees that have witnessed ups and downs of history. Answer the following questions. 1. When was the Temple of Literature constructed? It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. 2. Who continued the worked and built it as the first university of Vietnam? King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built it as the first university of Vietnam. 3. Is the temple divided into four courtyards? No, it isn’t. 4. How many tombstones are there There are a total of 82 tombstones. 5. When do important examinations take place? They take place in May. VIII.

1. The wheel was invented thousands of years ago. 2. These flowers are watered by my father every morning. 3. Computers are used all over the world. 4. Is a statue of Chu Van An being built? 5. Fiona was invited to his birthday party by John last night. 6. Many ancient things are kept in museums. 7. Is the Temple of Literature surrounded by four busy streets? 8. Many famous films are made in Hollywood. 9. The dinner is being prepared in the kitchen by her mother. 10. All my homework is done on my computer.



Date of preparing: ......................... Date of teaching : .........................

UNIT 7: TRAFFIC A. The aims and requests 1.Knowledge: + Vocabulary:

means of transport

+ Pronunciation:

Sound / e/, and /ei/

+ Grammar:- “ It” indecating distance - used to * By the end of this lesson,sts will be able to know and practice with vocab, Sound / e /, and /ei/ and grammar “ It” indecating distance, used to.They also read and understand for specific information about Mai and Oanh dialouge and do some exercises. 2.Skill : Develop all four skills 3.Attitude: Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content B. PREPARATIONS: 1.Teacher: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. 2.Students: Textbook and prepare the lesson at home C. Procedures : I.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? II.Checking up( 3’): Interview Sts some : a. How do you go to school? b. What means of transport is faster/ safer/ …?

c. What mean do you like most? III.The new lesson A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. IT INDICATING DISTANCE – It dùng để chỉ khoảng cách 1. Cấu trúc Câu khẳng định

It + is + (about) + (a number) + unit of length+(from Nplace to Nplace) It + is + adjdistance

Câu phủ định

It + isn’t + adjdistance

Câu hỏi

How far is it from Nplace to Nplace?


Cách dùng Chúng ta có thể sử dụng it như một Chủ ngữ để chỉ khoảng cách từ một địa điểm này đến một địa điểm khác. Ví dụ: o It is about 10 kilometers from my house to my school. o How far is it from your home to your office? It is (about) 1500 meters. o How far is it from Ho Chi Minh City to Vung Tau? It is not very far. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu thường có một số đi kèm một đơn vị chỉ độ dài: a kilometer, 1000 meters, 500 miles, ... Trong câu thường có tính từ chỉ khoảng cách: far, near,... II. USED TO - Đã từng 1. Cấu trúc Câu khẳng định

S + useto +V

Câu phủ định

S + didn't + use to + V

Câu hỏi

Did + S + use to + V?

2. Cách dùng chính Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đã từng được thực hiện trong quá khứ và đã chấm dứt. Ví dụ: o I used to play basketball, but now I like playing video games. (Tôi đã từng chơi bóng rổ, nhưng bây giò tôi thích chơi điện tử.) o He used to be a soccer player. (Anh ấy từng là một cầu thủ bóng đá - Chủ thể của hành động trên ở thời điểm hiện tại không còn là một cầu thủ bóng đá nữa.)

Diễn tả một sự việc chưa từng xảy ra trong quá khứ. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu thường có các động từ: used to, use to, didn't use to. 4. Lưu ý Trong câu hỏi hoặc trong câu phủ định, chữ "d" trong từ "used" sẽ bị bỏ đi. Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. gate

B. sensitive

C. date

D. fate

2. A. rain

B. they

C. bread

D. lake

3. A. anyone

B. many

C. head

D. safe

4. A. translation

B. dead

C. tender

D. measure

5. A. obey

B. leather

C. train

D. paint

6. A. breakfast

B. nation

C. afraid

D. preparation

7. A. stretch

B. jealous

C. neighbor

D. November

8. A. eight

B. invasion

C. play

D. member

9. A. liberation

B. eleven

C. heavy

D. steady

10. A. wait

B. grey

C. pleasure

D. weight

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns: /e/ or /ei/. heavy






































































Exercise 3: Choose the best option to fill in the blank. 1. There used to be fewer people and .................. on the roads. A. roofs

B. helmets

C. helicopters

D. vehicles

2. Do you know the .................. in the UK is to keep to the left? A. traffic light

B. traffic rule

C. traffic jam

D. speed limit

3. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a .................. A. helmet

B. triangle

C. tricycle

D. circle

4. In Hanoi, during rush hour, some road users ride their motorbikes on the .................. A. driving licence

B. lane

C. pavement

D. seat belt

5. Traffic is terrible during the .................. when everyone is in a hurry to get to work or come back home. A. traffic light

B. road sign

C. traffic rule

D. rush hour

6. The ................ for motorcycles is 40 km/h in towns and 60 km/h outside urban areas. A. speed limit

B. driving licence

C. traffic rule

D. traffic light

7. You must .................. the traffic rules in order to avoid accidents. A. park

B. obey

C. reverse

D. warn

8. It takes us more than three hours to drive across those .................. roads.

A. wide

B. safely

C. right-handed

D. bumpy

C. get on the bus

D. get off the train

9. You need a driving licence to .................. A. drive a car

B. ride a bike

10. The large supermarkets in Vietnam often let you .................. free. A. park

B. obey

C. warn

D. find

11. Some vehicles beep when they .................. to warn those behind. A. ride

B. reverse

C. drive

D. sail

12. After school, children queue up and wait for the bus .................. on the pavement in front of the school. A. safe

B. bumpy

C. safety

D. safely

Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions. TRAFFIC JAM For many years, Daniel has been driving to work and back home every weekday. Every morning, on his way to work, especially during rush hours, the highways are usually crowded causing traffic jam. The situation is even worse in the evening when he drives home. If there is an accident or a car has broken down and block the lane, most of drivers have to wait for hours or turn back to go on another route. In the winter, especially when it snows, it is strongly for vehicles to move on thick layer of snow. Many people have to leave their vehicles outside and walk home because they completely cannot move. Daniel feels really tired when he is stuck in a traffic jam, so he usually listens to music and waits until the end of traffic jam. 1. How does Daniel go to work? .......................................................................................................................................... 2. What happen with the highways during rush hours? .......................................................................................................................................... 3. What do the drivers do when the lane is block? .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Why is it difficult for vehicles to move in winter?

.......................................................................................................................................... 5. How is the lawyer of snow? .......................................................................................................................................... 6. What do some people do when their cars are stuck in snow? .......................................................................................................................................... 7. How does Daniel feel when he is stuck in a traffic jam? .......................................................................................................................................... 8. What does Daniel do while waiting until the end of traffic jam? .......................................................................................................................................... Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentences with "used to". 1. They often went to Da Lat in the summer. .......................................................................................................................................... 2. We usually played soccer in the past. .......................................................................................................................................... 3. I got up earlier when I had work. .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Tom did his homework in the evening. .......................................................................................................................................... 5. Lan wrote to Mary twice a month. .......................................................................................................................................... 6. He worked at night when he worked in the supermarket. .......................................................................................................................................... 7. Did they watch TV in the past? .......................................................................................................................................... 8. She played badminton in her free time.

.......................................................................................................................................... 9. They went swimming in the afternoon in 1990. .......................................................................................................................................... 10.

He was a doctor in that hospital. ..........................................................................................................................................

Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: used to + V or simple past. 1. I (see) .................. Marcus at the library working hard. He told me to say hello to you. 2. She (be) ....................... a lot happier, but then she lost her job. 3. There (be) ....................... three restaurants in this town, but two closed down leaving only one. 4. If you look over there, you can see the field where they (fight) ....................... the Battle of Harris Hill in 1509. 5. Did you (take) ....................... a lot of photos when you were in Moscow last year? 6. How many hours a day did you (go) ....................... to school when you were ten? 7. Children never (talk) ....................... so aggressively to their parents. It’s terrible! 8. Soldiers (build) ....................... this bridge near the end of the Second World War. 9. Your mother (have) ............................... a Yorkshire Terrier when she was a young girl, didn’t she? 10. When I was five, I (be) ....................... able to do incredible gymnastics. Now I can’t even touch my toes. Exercise 7: Write in full sentences. 1. It/ be/ about/ two kilometers/ my parents’ offices/ my school. .......................................................................................................................................... 2. be/ your grandfather’s house/ near/ here? .......................................................................................................................................... 3. How far/ your house/ National Library? ..........................................................................................................................................

4. be/ there/ a/ health center/ near/ here? .......................................................................................................................................... 5. What/ be/ distance/ between/ first row/ second row? .......................................................................................................................................... 6. It/ be/ 20 centimeters/ my bed/ my desk. .......................................................................................................................................... 7. How far/ be/ it/ Lan’s house/ Mai Anh’s house? .......................................................................................................................................... 8. you/ live/ near/ here? .......................................................................................................................................... 9. be/ it/ 1000 kilometers/ Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh City? .......................................................................................................................................... 10. Where/ be/ the Summer Restaurant? .......................................................................................................................................... Exercise 8: Write a short paragraph about the traffic in your city. ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

KEYS Exercise 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. C

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns: /e/ or /ei/. /e/

































raise Exercise 3: Choose the best option to fill in the blank. 1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. A

11. B

12. D

Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions. 1. He drives to work. 2. They are usually crowded causing traffic jam. 3. They wait for hours or turn back to go on another route. 4. Because of the snow. 5. It is thick.

6. They leave their vehicles outside and walk home. 7. He feels really tired. 8. He usually listens to music. Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentences with “used to”. 1. They used to go to Da Lat in the summer. 2. We used to play soccer in the past. 3. I used to get up earlier when I had work. 4. Tom used to do his homework in the evening. 5. Lan used to write to Mary twice a month. 6. He used to work at night when he worked in the supermarket. 7. Did they use to watch TV in the past? 8. She used to play badminton in her free time. 9. They used to go swimming in the afternoon in 1990. 10. He used to be a doctor in that hospital. Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: used to + V or simple past. (1) 1. saw

2. used to be

3. used to be

4. fought

5. take

6. used to go

7. used to talk

8. built

9. used to have

10. used to be

Exercise 7: Write in full sentences. 1. It is about two kilometers from my parents’ offices to my school. 2. Is your grandfather’s house near here? 3. How far is it from your house to the National Library? 4. Is there a health center near here? 5. What is the distance between the first row to the second row. 6. It is 20 centimeters from my bed to my desk.

7. How far is it from Lan’s house to Mai Anh’s house? 8. Do you live near here? 9. Is it 1000 kilometers from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City? 10. Where is the Summer Restaurant? Exercise 8: Write a short paragraph about the traffic in your city. My name is Tuan. I live in Ha Noi. Ha Noi is a big and busy city. There are lots of vehicles on the road all day. There are lots of cars, buses, taxis and trucks on high ways. Vietnamese people like moving by motorbike. Almost every family has a motorbike. The traffic is the busiest at about 7 a.m and 5 p.m because it’s the time when people go to work or school and come back home. There are sometimes accidents on the road. We need to obey traffic rules to reduce accidents as much as possible.

Date of preparing: .............................. Date of teaching : .............................. UNIT 8: FILMS Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED I.The OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words: film section, show, frightening, although, female, professor, shipwreck, desert, fall in love with, critics, star … + Grammar: + Connectors: although, despite/ in spite of, … + -ing and –ed adjectives. * By the end of this period, students will know the meaning and how to use –ing and –ed adjectives. Read for specific information about someone’s review of his/ her favourite film. 2.Skill : Listening and speaking.

3. Attitude: Sts know more about films. Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Warm up( 3’): Shows some traffic sighs and asks sts to explain in English. Traffic lights, hospital ahead, no turn right, parking, … -> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson. 3.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP I. ALTHOUGH, DESPITE/ IN SPITE OF- Mặc dù 1. Cấu trúc Câu khẳng định

Câu phủ định

Although + Clause, Clause.

Despite/ In spite of + N/ N phrase, Clause.

Although + Clause (phủ định), Clause Although + Clause, Clause (phủ định)

Despite/ In spite of + N, Clause (phủ định) Despite/ In spite of + N phrase, Clause (phủ định) Despite/ In spite of+not + N phrase, Clause.

2. Cách dùng Chúng ta sử dụng although, despite/ in spite ofđể diễn tả sự đối lập của hai sự việc hiện tượng trong cùng một câu. Ví dụ: o Although he is so young, he performs excellently. (Mặc dù anh ấy rất trẻ, nhưng anh ấy thể hiện rất xuất sắc - Có thể thấy mệnh đề 1 có sự đối lập với mệnh đề 2, tuổi tác trẻ đồng nghĩa với việc thiếu kinh nghiệm và có sự đối lập với việc thể hiện xuất sắc, yêu cầu nhiều kinh nghiệm.)

o Despite/ In spite ofbeing so young, he performs excellently. (Mặc dù còn rất trẻ, nhưng anh ấy thể hiện rất xuất sắc - Có nghĩa tương tự như mệnh đề sửdụng Although, nhưng cấu trúc dạng despite/ in spite of chỉ đi với một cụm Danh từ đi ngay sau nó.) o Despite/ In spite of his young age, he performs excellently. (Tương tự như trên, nhưng đi ngay sau despite/ in spite of là một Danh từ). 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu xuất hiện các trạng từ: although, though, even though, despite, in spite of... Trong câu chỉ xuất hiện phủ định ở một mệnh đề và không xuất hiện liên từ "but". 4. Lỗi thường hay gặp khi sử dụng cấu trúc although, despite/ in spite of Mặc dù có ý nghĩa giống nhau, nhưng cách sử dụng của although là khác so với despite/ in spite of. Chúng ta cần nhớ: ngay sau although (though/ even though)là một Clause, còn sau Despite/ In spite ofthì bắt buộc phải là một N hoặc N phrase. Trong câu sử dụng cấu trúc although, despite/ in spite ofkhông sử dụng liên từ but, cho dù dịch sang Tiếng Việt vẫn là Mặc dù..., nhưng... II. HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS - Tuy nhiên 1. Cấu trúc Clause 1. However/Nevertheless, Clause 2. Clause 1; however, Clause 2. Ví dụ: o I am good at English. However, I study Math so bad. o She used to live in Ha Noi. Nevertheless, she is living in New York now. 2. Cách dùng chính Dùng để diễn tả hai câu có nội dung đối lập nhau. Ví dụ: o John used to be a bully. However, he is the most humorous and generous guy in my company now. o My family is poor. However, my parents always try to earn as much money as possible for my university education. o My grandfather is a strict man. Nevertheless, he is the kindest person I have ever known o I really love animals. Nevertheless, I only like raising loyal ones.

III. “ed” and “ing” adjectives (Tính từ đuôi -edvà đuôi -ing) Tính từ có thể được thành lập bằng cách thêm ed hoặc ing vào sau một số động từ.

Ví dụ: Verb












Ta sử dụng tính từ dạng “V-ed” khi muốn diễn tả cảm xúc của một ai đó. Tính từ dạng “V-ed” thường dùng cho người. Ví dụ: I was surprised a lot when I got ten for the examination. Ta sử dụng tính từ dạng “V-ing” khi muốn miêu tả tính chất người, tính chất này là nguyên nhân gây ra xúc cảm. Tính từ thường được dùng cho vật. Ví dụ: The film is so boring. I was bored by the film.

Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. loved

B. stopped

C. played

D. lived

2. A. laughed

B. selected

C. liked

D. crossed

3. A. crooked

B. finished

C. arrived

D. blessed

4. A. phoned

B. enjoyed

C. boiled

D. cooked

5. A. followed

B. fixed

C. missed

D. talked

6. A. prepared

B. allowed

C. terminated

D. filled

7. A. finished

B. committed

C. laughed

D. worked

8. A. interpreted

B. wretched

C. dogged

D. ordered

9. A. watched

B. pushed

C. washed

D. changed

10. A. purchased

B. staved

C. cleaned

D. arranged

Exercise 2: Divide the words into three columns.




















































Exercise 3: Complete the words: types of film. 1. d_ _ _m_ _ _ _ _ _

4. sci_ _ _ _-fic_ _ _ _ film

7. a_ _ _a_ _ _ _

2. ro_ _ _ _ _ _ co_ _ _ _

5. ac_ _ _ _ film

8. de_ _ _ _ _ _ _ film

3. c_ _ _ _y

6. fa_ _ _ _ film

9. ho_ _ _ _ film

Exercise 4: Choose the best option to fill in the blank. 1. In 1939, this ..................... was made to tell stories about the real life of Abraham Lincoln as a young man. A. biopic

B. science fiction film

C. action film

D. horror film

2. When watching that ....................., we can’t help laughing at the stupid things of the main actor. A. documentary

B. comedy

C. action film

D. horror film

3. My son feels very happy when he sees that ..................... with a lot of cute animals. A. horror film

B. biopic

C. thriller film

D. animation

4. Most ..................... say that this film is worth watching. A. plots

B. settings

C. critics

D. acting

5. He acts very well. I’m sure that yesterday he stayed up all night reading the ...............

A. acting

B. character

C. survey

D. script

6. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read .............. of the film. A. reviews

B. disaster

C. critic

D. character

7. That was a ................ and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end. A. shocking

B. entertaining

C. gripping

D. predictable

8. I didn’t expect the movie to be so interesting and so .....................! I cried at the end of the film. A. moving

B. violent

C. confusing

D. hilarious

9. According to our latest survey, Batman is one of 10 ..................... films this summer. A. must-see

B. violence

C. embarrassed

D. stunt

10. Woody Allen is one of some directors who ..................... in their own films and receive positive reviews. A. set

B. star

C. recommend

D. make

11. The film had such a sudden and ..................... ending that no one can imagine. A. disappointed

B. must-see

C. predictable

D. shocking

12. Watching ..................... films may make people more aggressive. A. hilarious



C. entertaining

D. gripping

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with although, in spite of/despite. 1. ............................. the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip. 2. The children slept well ............................. the noise. 3. ............................. earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents. 4. John rarely sees Paul ............................. they live in the same town. 5. Julie failed the exam ............................. of working very hard. 6. ............................. it was cold, she didn’t put on her coat. 7. Tom went to work ............................. not feeling very well. 8. Anna never learned the language ............................. she lived there for two years. 9. ............................. the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain. 10. I couldn’t eat ............................. I was very hungry.

Exercise 6: Underline the correct answers. 1. He’s such a monotonous speaker. I was bored/ boring stiff. 2. Most sequels are disappointed/ disappointing. 3. I had such a tired/ tiring day I went straight to bed. 4. Everyone’s very excited/ exciting about the news. 5. That lamp produces a very pleased/ pleasing effect. 6. The whole school was saddened/ saddening by the tragic event. 7. I don’t like watching depressed/ depressing films on my own. 8. I was amazed/ amazing when she toid me she’d got divorced. 9. He’s such a bored/ boring guy. He only ever talks about himself. 10. I’m very interested/ interesting in films and theatre. 11. No one knew what would happen next. We were all intrigued/ intriguing. 12. It was a very interested/ interesting situation. 13. There’s been some very surprised/ surprising news. 14. His mother was disgusted/ disgusting by what she found under her bed. 15. Their hamburgers are disgusted/ disgusting. 16. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted/ exhausting. 17. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoyed/ annoying. 18. I think Alex is one of the most annoyed/ annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t keep still for a second. 19. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really embarrassed/ embarrassing. 20. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassed/ embarrassing.

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives. 1. The film wasn’t as good as we had expected. (disappoint) a. The film was .............................

b. We were ............................. with the film. 2. Diana teaches young children. It is a very hard job but she enjoys it. (exhaust) a. She enjoys her job but it is often ............................. b. At the end of a day’s work, she is often ............................. 3. It has been raining all day. I hate this weather, (depress) a. This weather is ............................. b. This weather makes me ............................. 4. Sarah is going to the USA next month. She has never been there before. (excite) a. It will be an .............................experience for her. b. She is really .............................about going to the USA.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives. 1. I do the same thing every day. My job is very .............................


2. I have nothing to do. I’m .............................


3. My job is very varied. I find it .............................


4. Cheer up. Don’t feel so ............................. There are plenty of other jobs.


5. I heard a very ............................. story. It will make you laugh.


6. It’s not ............................. that you failed the exam. You never did any work.


7. I don’t understand this exercise. I’m very .............................


8. The lesson was really ............................. I almost fell asleep.




I was ............................. by her behavior. It was very funny.

10. I was ............................. by the news. I didn’t expect it.


Exercise 9: Read and answer the questions. I’m Nam. As a student, I am very busy with my studies. Although l am very fond of watching television, l can only spend an hour after dinner on my hobby. Of all the TV programs, I like the news and documentaries best.

The news programs shown on all TV channels at 7:00 p.m. help me to know almost everything about different places in our country and important events happening all over the world. Through these programs, l can also know about the main national and international sporting events. The documentary programs at weekends are my favorites. By watching them, I can learn a great deal about human civilizations, the wonders of nature and the amazing inventions and discoveries of great people in the world. Watching television is my hobby. I cannot imagine a day in my life without watching it. 1. Does Nam like watching TV? ..................................................................................................................................................... 2. How long does he watch TV every day? ..................................................................................................................................................... 3. What programs does he like best? ..................................................................................................................................................... 4. What is shown on TV at 7:00 in the evening? ..................................................................................................................................................... 5. Does he find documentaries boring? ..................................................................................................................................................... 6. What programs can make him know about the international sporting events? ..................................................................................................................................................... 7. What programs can make him know about great people in the world? ..................................................................................................................................................... 8. How is his day without watching TV?

Exercise 10: Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form. 1. I was (amaze) ........................... to hear that Simon got married. 2. She said it was not as (interesting) ........................... as she had expected. 3. It’s hardly (surprise) .......................... that you caught a cold. You never wear a jacket. 4. At times, English can be a (confuse) ........................... language to learn. 5. I’m not going to watch it. It sounds really (bore) ...........................

6. I’m (worry) ........................... when reading that economy is getting worse. 7. Aren’t you (exhaust) ........................... after running all that way? 8. Try not to get (annoy) ........................... by the noise. You’ll get used to it. 9. The wet weather can be (depress) ........................... 10. There is nothing more (satisfy) ........................... than a good meal.

Exercise 11: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. In spite of ................................................................................................................................

2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick. Because of .............................................................................................................................. 3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. Despite .................................................................................................................................... 4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick. In spite of ................................................................................................................................ 5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home. Because of .............................................................................................................................. 6. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad. Despite .................................................................................................................................... 7. Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman. Despite .................................................................................................................................... 8. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job. Although ................................................................................................................................. 9. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep. In spite of ................................................................................................................................ 10. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.

Even though ............................................................................................................................

Exercise 12: Write a paragraph to talk about your favourite TV program. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ KEYS Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. B

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. A

Exercise 2: Divide the words into three columns. /t/ checked cooked wiped

/d/ pushed fixed finished

opened pulled stayed repaired paused

maintained charged steamed aged closed

/Äąd/ naked wanted permitted needed

notified molded evaluated divided

Exercise 3: Complete the words: types of film. 1. documentary

4. science-fiction film

7. animation

2. romantic comedy

5. action film

8. detective film

3. comedy

6. family film

9. horror film

Exercise 4: Choose the best option to fill in the blank. 1. A

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. A

10. B

11. D

12. B

Exercise5: Complete the sentences with although, in spite of/ despite. 1. Although

2. in spite of/ despite

3. In spite of/ Despite

4. although

5. in spite of/ despite

6. Although

7. in spite of/ despite

8. although

9. In spite of/ Despite

10. although

Exercise 6: Underline the correct answers. 1. bored

2. disappointing

3. tiring

4. excited

5. pleasing

6. saddened

7. depressing

8. amazed

9. boring

10. interested

11. intrigued

12. interesting

13. surprising

14. disgusted

15. disgusting

16. exhausted

17. annoying

18. annoying

19. embarrassed

20. embarrassing

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives. 1. disappointing; disappointed

3. depressing; depressed

2. exhausting; exhausted

4. exciting; excited

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives. 1. boring

2. bored

3. depressing

4. depressed

5. interesting

6. surprising

7. confused

8. boring

9. amused

10. surprised

Exercise 9: Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form. 1. amazed

2. interesting

3. surprising

4. confusing

5. boring

6. worried

7. exhausted

8. annoyed

9. depressing

10. satisfying

Exercise 10: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning. 1. In spite of being a poor student, Tom studied very well. 2. Because of her sickness, Mary could not go to school. 3. Despite the bad weather, she went to school on time.

4. In spite of being sick, my mother told me to go to school. 5. Because of a big storm, I stayed at home. 6. Despite his bad grades, Tom was admitted to the university. 7. Despite having a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman. 8. Although Tom’s salary is good, he gave up his job. 9. In spite of not having finished the paper, he went to sleep. 10. Even though the prices are high, my daughter insists on going to the movies. Exercise 11: Read and answer the questions. 1. Yes, he does.

2. One hour

3. The news and documentaries

4. The news programs

5. No, he doesn’t.

6. The news program

7. The documentary programs

8. He cannot imagine it.

Exercise 12: Write a paragraph to talk about your favorite TV program. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. I like to watch TV. I love cartoons, movies and craft programs. Among all of them, I love the program named “Craft”. It is on the VTV2 at 6 o’clock every day in the evening. I am very fond of this program because they show how to make decorative items with the help of various things. With waste items like old newspapers, ice cream sticks, damaged plates and glasses, plastic bottles, etc. The time it is on is suitable for me too. I made many things after watching this program such as plastic bottle castle, ice cream stick lamp, etc. Everyone likes my work a lot because it looks cute and colorful. It helps to protect the environment too because it reduces the number of rubbish. I like them and I like the program too.

Date of preparing: .............................. Date of teaching : .............................. UNIT 9: FESTIVAL AROUND THE WORLD Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED( THE FESTIVAL PROJECT) I.The objectives. 1.Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words: choose. chose, choice, harvest, ..... +Grammar: + use adverbial phrases. *By the end of this period, students will know the meaning and how to use adverbial phrases.Read for specific information about some festivals. 2.Skill : Listening and speaking. 3. Attitude: Sts know more about festivals that they attended. Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2. Warm up( 3’): Shows some pictures and asks sts to tell about them: ( Tet, Christmas, Halloween, Middle Autumn,...) 3.The new lesson:


❶ PRONUNCIATION Stress in two syllable words (Trọng âm của từ có 2 âm tiết) - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu khi âm tiết thứ hai của âm tiết đó chứa 1 nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc với ít hơn hoặc bằng 1 phụ âm. - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai khi âm tiết thứ hai của âm tiết đó chứa 1 nguyên âm dài hoặc 1 nguyên âm đôi hoặc kết thúc bằng 2 phụ âm trở lên. Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu

Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai













































2. Wh-question (Từ hỏi Wh) WHO: ai

Who has given you this book? Nam has given me this book.

WHAT: cái gì

What is that? It’s a pencil.

WHOM: ai

Whom are you going shopping with? I’m going shopping with Mai.

WHEN: khi nào

When did you watch star Wars? I watched Star Wars last night.

WHERE: ở đâu

Where can I find fresh vegetables? You can find them at the greengrocer’s

HOW: như thế nào

How do you go to school? I go to school by bike.

WHY: tại sao

Why did you have to tell a lie to your mother? Because I didn’t want her to be sad.

HOW OFTEN: bao lâu một lần

How often do you have Maths? I have Maths twice a week.

3. Adverbial clause (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ) Mệnh đề trạng ngữ được dùng để cung cấp thông tin về thời gian, địa điểm, cách thức của một hành động. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thường bao gồm danh từ, giới từ, động từ nguyên thể. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ dùng để trả lời các câu hỏi có từ để hỏi là “when”, “where”, “how”, “why”, “how often”. Ví dụ: Question


When did your sister graduate?

She graduated on May, 2007.

How often does she visit her grandfather?

She visits her grandfather twice a month.

Where are you going on your summer holiday?

I’m going to Ha Long Bay on my summer holiday.

How do you go to school every day?

I go to school by bus.

Why is he studying so hard these days?

He is studying so hard to take the entrance examination.

Exercise 1: Choose the word which has the different part of syllable stress position. 1. A. cannon

B. chaos

C. culture

D. direct

2. A. Easter

B. festive

C. rename

D. harvest

3. A. highlight

B. enjoy

C. reverse

D. review

4. A. invest

B. major

C. perform

D. machine

5. A. leather

B. account

C. adapt

D. decide

6. A. answer

B. believe

C. rely

D. decrease

7. A. police

B. result

C. correct

D. traffic

8. A. funny

B. pretty

C. lucky

D. alone

9. A. breakfast

B. pepper

C. hotel

D. ticket

10. A. parade

B. copy

C. replace

D. arrive

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns. release








































Stress on the 1st syllable ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................

Stress on the 2nd syllable ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................

Exercise 3: Complete the questions with suitable question words. 1. .................... time is it? – 7 o’clock.

2. .................... old are you? – Thirteen years old. 3. .................... do you live with? – My parents. 4. .................... is your birthday? – April 28th 5. .................... is your favorite subject? – Maths. 6. .................... book is yours? – Mr Tom’s 7. .................... is your name? – Dai Loi. 8. .................... are your parents now? – In Ha Noi. 9. .................... is your best friend? – Linda. 10. .................... is your favorite color? – Blue.

Exercise 4: Put the words in the correct order. 1. she/ go/ How/ yesterday?/ did/ to/ school/ – By/ bike./ ..................................................................................................................................................... 2. buy/ Where/ this/ did/ he/ hat?/ – the/ In/ supermarket./ ..................................................................................................................................................... 3. your/ did/ it/ How long/ finish/ to/ take/ you/ homework?/ – Two/ hours./ ..................................................................................................................................................... 4. do/ need/ a/ Why/ phone card?/ you/ – I/ need/ parents./ to/ phone/ Because/my/ ..................................................................................................................................................... 5. is/ Lai Chau/ How far/ to/ it/ from/ Hanoi/? – 3 kilometres. ..................................................................................................................................................... 6. did/ see/ last/ Who/ night?/ you/ – old/ friend,/ My/ Tom./ ..................................................................................................................................................... 7. neighbor/ What/ give/ did/ her/ her?/ – A/ flower./ bunch/ of/ ..................................................................................................................................................... 8. did/ return/ When/ to/ they/ America?/ – Yesterday. .....................................................................................................................................................

9. Mr. Robinson/ What/ did/ buy?/ – An/ dictionary./ English/ ..................................................................................................................................................... 10. was/ father/ Where/ last/ your/ month?/ – In/ Ha Noi. .....................................................................................................................................................

Exercise 5: Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences. 1. I will call you before I ................... over. A. come

B. will come

C. will be coming

D. came

C. had got

D. get

2. After she graduates, she ................... a job. A. got

B. will get

3. When I ................... him tomorrow, I will ask him. A. saw

B. have seen

C. will see

D. see

C. had stopped

D. stopped

4. As soon as it ................... raining, we will leave. A. stops

B. stop

5. By the time he comes, we will have already A. leave

B. leaving

................... C. left

D. leaves

C. will have seen

D. saw

6. Whenever I ................... her, I say hello. A. see

B. will see

7. The next time I go to New York, I am going ................... a ballet. A. seeing

B. see

C. saw

D. to see

8. I will never speak to him again so long as I ................... A. lives

B. will live

C. am living

D. live

9. By the time Bill ................... to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for sleep. A. had gone

B. will go

C. goes

D. went

10. As soon as I finish my report, I will call you and we ................... out for dinner. A. went

B. will go

C. will have gone

D. go

11. By the time I return to my country, I ................... away from home for more than three years.

A. would be

B. will have been

C. will be

D. am

12. After he ................... breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work. A. will have had

B. has

C. will be having

D. have

13. As soon as he finishes dinner, he ................... the children for a work to a nearby playground. A. will take

B. takes

C. will be taking

D. took

14. When Bill gets home, his children ................... the yard. A. played

B. will play

C. will be playing

D. play

15. He will work at his desk until he ................... to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon. A. went

B. go

C. will go

D. goes

6. Read the passage and answer the questions. Together with Bai Dinh and Yen Tu Pagoda Festival, Huong Pagoda Festival is among the greatest Buddhist festival in northern part of Vietnam. Huong Pagoda is located in My Duc District, 70 kilometers away from Hanoi to the south. This festival lasts for three months from the first to the third month in Lunar Calendar. In fact, the official opening day for the festival is on the 6th day of the first Lunar month. As other festivals in Vietnam, Huong Pagoda Festival is also divided into two parts: The ceremonies and the entertaining activities. Ceremonial rituals consist of incense offering procession and Zen ceremony in which Monks and Buddhists offer incense, flowers, candles and fruits. During the ceremony, there are two monks performing beautiful and flexible dances. On the other hand, entertaining activities include enjoying boat cruise along Yen Stream for watching picturesque scenery, climbing mountain and exploring holy caves. It is believed that climbing up the top of Huong Tich Mountain will bring you fulfillment and great success in life. 1. Where do people celebrate Huong Pagoda Festival? ................................................................................................................................................ 2. How long does the festival last? ................................................................................................................................................ 3. Which part of the festival do people climb the mountain? ................................................................................................................................................ 4. Why do people climb up the top of Huong Tich Mountain?

Exercise 7: Fill in the table with information of Lunar New Year (Tet) in your country. Time:






Preparing activities:


Activities during Tet:


Days off:


Exercise 8: Write a short paragraph about Lunar New Year in your country. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

KEYS Exercise 1: Choose the word which has the different part of syllable stress position. 1. D

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. C

10. B

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns. Stress on the 1st syllable

Stress on the 2nd syllable








































across Exercise 3: Complete the questions with suitable question words. 1. What

2. How

3. Who

4. When

5. What

6. Whose

7. What

8. Where

9. Who

10. What

Exercise 4: Put the words in the correct order. 1. How did she go to school yesterday? - By bike. 2. Where did he buy this hat? - In the supermarket. 3. How long did it take you to finish your homework? - Two hours. 4. Why do you need a phone card? - Because I need to phone my parents. 5. How far is it from Lai Chau to Hanoi? - 3 kilometres. 6. Who did you see last night? - My old friend, Tom. 7. What did her neighbor give her? - A bunch of flowers. 8. When did they return to America? - Yesterday. 9. What did Mr. Robinson buy? - An English dictionary. 10. Where was your father last month? - In Ha Noi. Exercise 5: Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences. 1. A

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. C

10. B

11. B

12. B

13. A

14. C

15. D

Exercise 6. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. in My Duc District (70 kilometers away from Hanoi to the south) 2. three months 3. the entertaining activities 4. Because it is believed to bring people fulfillment and great success in life Exercise 7: Fill in the table with information of Lunar New Year (Tet). Time:

January 01 in lunar month


the whole country


Chung cake, Giay cake, lean pork paste, pickled onion, bamboo shoot

Preparing activities:

Decorate house, cook food, prepare new clothes

Activities during Tet:

Visit relatives and friends, go for tourism, sending and receiving lucky money.

Days off:

About 10 days

Exercise 8: Write a short paragraph about Lunar New Year in your country. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. In my country, people celebrate many festivals, but the biggest festival is Lunar New Year. There is no school for two weeks. Everybody is busy decorating the house, cook good food, and buy new clothes. One of the most famous foods in Vietnam Lunar New Year is Chung cake. It is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork. I really like fried Chung cake although eating it can make me fat. In Lunar New Year, children receives red envelopes with money inside from older people. In this festival, some people go for tourism because this is the longest holidays in a year. However, most people visits their relatives and friends, have some food or drink, talk and play some games. I do too because I think that this is the best chance for everybody to gather. It is better than going anywhere for tourism.

Preparing date : ..........................

Teaching date:…......................... Period 79 – UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED I.The objectives. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words types of enery and describe sources + Grammar: + future simples passive . + future continuous tense. Read for specific information about different type of footprint 2.Skill : Listening and speaking. Living skill: By the end of this period, students will know the meaning and know enery and describe sources with future simples passive. 3. Attitude: Sts know more about films. Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): Good morning. How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Checking up( No): 3.The new lesson:

1. Future continuous a. Form

(+) S + will be + V-ing (-) S + won’t be + V-ing

(?) Will + S + be + V-ing b. Usage Thì tương lai tiếp diễn được sử dụng để diễn tả hành động sẽ đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong tương lai. Ví dụ: She will be having a piano lesson at this time tomorrow. At 6 a.m. next weekend I will be walking on the beach. My father will be working in the factory at 3 p.m. tomorrow

2. Future simple in passive (Thì tương lai đơn dạng bị động) a. Form (+) S + will be + V3 (-) S + won’t be + V3

(?) Will + S + be + V3

b. Usage Thì tương lai đơn (future simple) được sử dụng để diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. Thì tương lai đơn dạng bị động cũng được sử dụng tương tự, chỉ khác một điều là hành động được thể hiện ở dạng bị động. Ví dụ: Robots will be used much more in the future.

Her physics homework will be done tomorrow morning. 3.

PRONUNCIATION Stress in three syllable words (Trọng âm của từ có 3 âm tiết) 1. Quy tắc nhấn trọng âm của động từ có 3 âm tiết Quy tắc 1: Nếu âm tiết cuối của động từ có kết thúc bằng hơn một phụ âm, thì âm tiết đó được nhận trọng âm hay nói cách khác trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3. Words





giới thiệu, đề nghị






mâu thuẫn



tương tác

Quy tắc 2: Nếu âm tiết cuối của từ gồm nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc với không quá một phụ âm, thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Words





khám phá



phát triển



kiểm tra



thành lập

Chú ý:

Ngoài ra các em chú ý trường hợp cụ thể khi âm tiết cuối của từ kết thúc bằng “-ate/ -fy” thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên. Words





tính toán



tốt nghiệp



làm hài lòng



làm sáng tỏ

2. Quy tắc nhấn trọng âm của danh từ có 3 âm tiết Quy tắc 1: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa 1 nguyên âm ngắn và âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Words





quả chuối



thảm họa



kế toán



sự trả lại

Quy tắc 2: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa nguyên âm ngắn và âm tiết thứ 2 cũng chứa nguyên âm ngắn thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên. Words





cơ quan



công ty



nước Đức



gia đình

Chú ý 1:

Danh từ có tận cùng bằng một trong các đuôi “-ion/ -ian” thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Words emotion

Transcription /ɪˈməʊʃn/

Meaning cảm xúc



sự xâm lược



kỹ thuật viên



nhạc sĩ

Chú ý 2:

Danh từ có kết thúc bằng đuôi “-ee/ -eer/ -ese” trọng âm rơi vào chính âm tiết đó. Words referee

Transcription /refəˈriː/

Meaning trọng tài



người hâm mộ



kỹ sư



người Việt Nam

3. Quy tắc nhấn trọng âm của tính từ có 3 âm tiết Quy tắc 1: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa 1 nguyên âm ngắn và âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Words





to lớn



khó chịu

Quy tắc 2: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa nguyên âm ngắn và âm tiết thứ 2 cũng chứa nguyên âm ngắn thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên. Words





nguy hiểm



hài hước

Exercise 1: Choose the word that has different syllable stress position. 1. A. domestic

B. investment

C. substantial

D. fascinate

2. A. confident

B. influence

C. management

D. remember

3. A. optimist

B. distribute

C. terrorist

D. contrary

4. A. government

B. destruction

C. contribute

D. depression

5. A. institute

B. consumption

C. specific

D. encounter

6. A. tableland

B. apparent

C. atmosphere

D. applicant

7. A. vulnerable

B. satellite

C. eleven

D. element

8. A. arrival

B. technical

C. proposal

D. approval

9. A. empire

B. employer

C. conductor

D. transistor

10.A. celebrate

B. fascinating

C. survive

D. elephant

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns. habitat






























recognize .







decisive Stress on the 1st syllable

Stress on the 2nd syllable

.............................. ... .............................. ...

.............................. ... .............................. ...

.............................. ... .............................. ...

.............................. ... .............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

.............................. ...

Exercise 3: Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. Shall I say hello to Sharon? I ................. to her today. A. write

B. be writing

2. Can I help you? I ................. you that blouse.

C. will be writing

A. will be showing

B. will show

C. won’t show

3. Good Lord! The engine has stopped. - No problem. Bill ................. a look at it. A. is having

B. will have

C. will be having

4. Why don’t you have dinner with us? I ................. anyway. A. will be cooking

B. am cooking

C. cook

5. This time next week we ................. round the Aegean Sea. A. sail

B. will be sailing

C. will sail

6. If you take three cassettes, you ................. one cassette free. A. are going to get

B. are getting

C. will get

7. I ................. my work before they arrive. A. will be finishing

B. finish

C. will finish

8. By the end of this century everyone ................. English. A. will be speaking

B. is going to speak

C. speaks

9. I am busy tonight ................. me take care of my little Tom? A. Will you help

B. Will you be helping

C. Are you help

10.Mr. Smith ................. us French tomorrow as our French teacher is sick. A. will be taught

B. will be teaching

C. teach

Exercise 4: Give the verbs in brackets in simple continuous tense. 1. This time next year I (live) ........................... in London. 2. At 8 p.m tonight I (eat) ........................... dinner with my family. 3. They (run) ........................... for about four hours. Marathons are incredibly difficult!

4. Unfortunately, I (work) ........................... on my essay so / won’t be able to watch the match. 5. She (study) ........................... at the library tonight. 6. (you/wait) ........................... at the station when she arrives? 7. I (drink) ........................... at the pub while you are taking your exam! 8. (she/visit) ........................... her Grandmother again this week? 9. At 3 p.m. I (watch) ........................... that movie on channel four. 10.(they/attend) ........................... your concert next Friday? It would be lovely to see them. 11.They are staying at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) ........................... in Vietnam. 12.When they (come) .......................... tomorrow, we (swim) .......................... in the sea. 13.My parents (visit) ........................... Europe at this time next week 14.Daisy (sit) ........................... on the plane at 9 am tomorrow. 15.At 8 o’clock this evening my friends and I (watch) ........................... a famous film at the cinema. 16.She (play) ........................... with her son at 7 o’clock tonight. 17.He (work) ........................... at this moment tomorrow. 18.They (make) ........................... their presentation at this time tomorrow morning. 19.My father (do) ........................... housework at 9 o’clock tomorrow. 20.We (wait) ........................... here when you come back. Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The New Year (not start) ........................... on 31 December.

2. I’ll be sleeping in the afternoon. I (not do) ........................... housework. 3. We’ll be in beds. We (not drive) ........................... to Nice when the sun rises. 4. I forgot to tell her. But I (call) ........................... her now. It’s too late. 5. My best friend will still be in Sydney tonight. He (not return) ........................... to England. 6. You can’t meet me at the supermarket. I (not shop) ......................... in the afternoon. 7. Is Bill at school? - No, he isn’t. I suppose he (come) ........................... 8. I can’t stand Simon. I hope he (not be) ........................... there. 9. We (not pack) ........................... our luggage this time tomorrow. We’ll already be on the way. 10.lf you are careful, the cars (not knock) ........................... you down.

Exercise 6: Change into passive voice: Future Simple. (1) 1. They will take a picture of the building. ...................................................................................................................... 2. They will charge the man with attempted murder. ...................................................................................................................... 3. Both parties will sign the contract. ...................................................................................................................... 4. They will serve dinner in a minute.

...................................................................................................................... 5. They will not attend the meeting. ...................................................................................................................... 6. He will not accept our proposal. ...................................................................................................................... 7. He will not write another book so soon. ...................................................................................................................... 8. They will not refund the money. ...................................................................................................................... 9. Will they open the restaurant again? ...................................................................................................................... 10.Will they build a new bridge? ...................................................................................................................... Exercise 7: Read and answer the questions. Solar power is energy from the sun. The sun has been producing energy for billions of years, but it is only in the recent past years that this energy is collected and changed into heat and electricity. The energy from the rays of the sun is called solar radiation. The energy from the sun has given power to all living things through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis takes place when plants use the sun’s energy to make its own food, and then of course, all other living organisms eat the plants or animals receiving that energy indirectly from the sun. However, collecting solar power to create electricity and heat is not easy as. Today, the sun’s energy is converted to thermal energy, which can be used to heat water for homes, swimming pools, greenhouses, and other buildings.

Solar energy is changed into electricity in two ways. Solar panels change sunlight into electricity. These panels collect, use and distribute the energy from the Sun. This type of collection is also used to inside part of batteries or calculators, but mainly used for power single homes or large power plants. 1. What is solar power? ...................................................................................................................... 2. When have the sun energy been collected and used? ...................................................................................................................... 3. When does photosynthesis occur? ...................................................................................................................... 4. Is it easy to collect solar energy to create electricity? ...................................................................................................................... 5. What is the sun’s energy converted to? ...................................................................................................................... 6. What can thermal energy do? ...................................................................................................................... 7. How many ways for solar power to change into electricity? ...................................................................................................................... 8. What is used to change sunlight into electricity? ......................................................................................................................

Exercise 8: List some advantages and disadvantages of solar power.

Advantages of solar power

Disadvantages of solar power

................................................................. ................................................................. .... .... ................................................................. ................................................................. .... .... ................................................................. ................................................................. .... .... ................................................................. ................................................................. .... .... Exercise 9: Write a short paragraph to talk about solar power. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Keys Exercise 1: Choose the word that has different syllable stress position. 1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. C

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns. Stress on the 1st syllable

Stress on the 2nd syllable







































Exercise 3: Choose the correct answers. 1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. A

10. B

Exercise 4: Give the verbs in brackets in simple continuous tense. 1. will be living

2. will be eating

3. will be running

4. will be working

5. will be studying

6. Will you be waiting

7. will be drinking

8. Will she be visiting

9. will be watching

10.Will they be attending

11. will be travelling

12. come – will be swimming

13. will be visiting

14. will be sitting

15. will be watching

16.will be playing

17.will be working

18.will be making

19. will be doing

20.will be waiting

Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. will not start

6. will not be shopping

2. will not be doing

7. will come

3. will not be driving

8. will not be

4. will call

9. will not be packing

5. will not be returning

10. will not knock

Exercise 6: Change into passive voice: Future simple. (1) 1. A picture of the building will be taken. 2. The man will be charged with attempted murder. 3. The contract will be signed by both parties. 4. Dinner will be served in a minute. 5. The meeting will not be attended. 6. Our proposal will not be accepted. 7. Another book will not be written so soon. 8. The money will not be refunded. 9. Will the restaurant be opened again?

10.Will a new bridge be built? Exercise 7: Read and answer the questions. 1. It is energy from the sun. 2. In the recent past years 3. It occurs when plants use the sun’s energy to make its own food. 4. No, it isn’t. 5. Thermal energy 6. It can heat water for homes, swimming pools, greenhouses, and other buildings. 7. Two ways 8. Solar panels Exercise 8: List some advantages and disadvantages of solar power. Advantages of solar power

Disadvantages of solar power

- Do not cause pollution or carbon - Inconsistency of sunlight due to the dioxide amount of sunlight will vary - Have little impact on environment depending on location, time of day, - Cost less when completely installing year, and weather conditions the equipment: you just cost money to - Cost for equipment is high build equipment to collect the power. - Never be used up Exercise 9: Write a short paragraph to talk about solar power. The ideas in exercise 7 are suggested for you. Solar power systems are very beneficial. First, they do not cause pollution or carbon dioxide. And they have very little impact on the environment. Solar energy costs less once the equipment is in place. The energy and heat from the sun is basically free but it costs money to build the right equipment to collect the power of the sun. However, there are still some problems we need to solve. One of them is the inconsistency of sunlight, because the amount of sunlight

will vary depending on location, time of day, year, and weather conditions. Also, because it is quite expensive to buy equipment to collect the power of the sun, it is not popular to use solar power. Therefore, we should use solar energy, but we should still try to overcome its problems.

Preparing date : .......................... Teaching date: ........................... UNIT 11: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE I.The objectives. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words about travelling and mean of transport in the future, movement words. + Grammar: + Will forfuture prediction . + Prossessive pronoun. + Pronunciation : rising and falling intonation for questions. Listen and read for specific information about a future means of transport. 2.Skill : All 4 skills. Living skill: By the end of this period, students will know future mean of transport and understand a conversation between Mai Phuc and Veronica. 3. Attitude: Sts know more about future means of transport. Students love English subject, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector.

- St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): Good morning. How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Checking up( No): 3.The new lesson: 1. Will for future prediction a. Form (+)

S + will + V-inf


S + won’t + V-inf


Will + S + V-inf

b. Usage Ta sử dụng willđể đưa ra những dự đoán trong tương lai. Ví dụ: He will travel to England next weekend.

2. Possessive pronouns Ta dùng đại từ sở hữu để tránh khỏi phải nhắc lại tính từ sở hữu + danh từ đã đề cập trước đó. Nó có nghĩa: mine= cái của tôi; yours= cái của (các) bạn;... Do đó chúng thay thế cho danh từ. Đừng bao giờ dùng cả đại từ sở hữu lẫn danh từ. Mặc dù cách viết của his và itsđối với tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu là giống nhau nhưng cần phân biệt rõ hai trường hợp này BẢNG CHỦ NGỮ, TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU VÀ ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU

Subject Pronoun

Possessive adjectives

Possessive pronoun






















Ví dụ: This is my book. That is yours. Chú ý:

Yours = your book; Hers = her house This isn’t my house. This is hers.

3.Rising intonation and falling intonation (Ngữ điệu đi lên và ngữ điệu đi xuống) Đối với dạng câu hỏi yes/no - question:Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi lên (Chúng ta lên giọng ở cuối câu.) Do they like playing football? Are you interested in sports? Can you play chess?

Đối với dạng câu hỏi Wh - question: Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống (Chúng ta xuống giọng ở cuối câu.) What

What are they doing?


When is he going to the cinema?


Where do they live?


Why do you like learning French?


How do you go to school?


Which sport do they like?


Who will take care of the children?

How many How many pencils do you have?

How much How much milk do you need? I. Find the words which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. doctor

B. Hospital

C. pollution

D. tomorrow

2. A. foot

B. scooter

C. shoot

D. food

3. A. champagne

B. parachute

C. cheer

D. machine

4. A. traffic

B. abundant

C. band

D. biogas

5. A. played

B. decided

C. listened

D. enjoyed

II Find the words which has a different stress pattern. 1. A. avoid

B. exist

C. support

D. notice

2. A. spacious

B. hungry

C. disease

D. danger

3. A. available

B. environment

C. electrical

D. volunteer

4. A. appearance

B. pollution

C. personal

D. opinion

5. A. wonderland

B. favorite

C. driverless

D. expensive

Exercise 3: Draw if intonation is raised, if intonation is fallen.

1. How will we travel in the future?


2. Will we go by flying cars?


3. Will there be more traffic accidents?


4. What fuel will environmental friendly cars use?


5. Will there be pilotless planes?


6. Do they have a helicopter?


7. What is a driverless car?


8. Will you disappear in one place and appear in another place? ....................... 9. What kind of bike is it?


10.What technology will driverless car use?


Exercise 4: Choose the correct answers. 1. What’s ............... favorite colour? A. you

B. your

C. yours

D. you’re

c. my

D. I

2. Whose is this? It’s ............... A. mine

B. me

3. We moved into the new house three weeks ago but we still don’t have ............... new phone number. A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

4. John loves Julie but does Julie love ...............? A. he 5. That’s my ball. A. her to me

B. his

C. him

D. he’s

Can you give ............... , please? B. me to it

C. it to me

D. it to my

6. She didn’t have ............... coat so he gave ............... A. his; hers

B. her; his

C. her; him

D. hers; his

7. Have got a dog? Yes, 1 have. What’s ............... name? Bob. A. it’s

B. it

C. its

D. him

8. My friends and I are going to see the match. Would you like to come with ...............? A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

9. We were very lucky to have neighbors like ............... A. they

B. them

C. their

D. theirs

10.We wrote to Emma and Evan but ............... didn’t answer ............... A. they; we

B. them; us

C. theirs; ours

D. they; us

Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets in simple future. 1. If you do that again, I (tell) ......................... your mum. 2. I’m hungry! Well I (get) ......................... you something to eat. 3. I don’t think that we (have) ......................... a barbecue today. 4. In 2300 the world (be) ......................... full of robots. 5. She (not/ stay) ........................., if you’re not here. 6. We (have) ......................... any time to go shopping? 7. We probably (not/ see) ......................... any tigers at the zoo today. 8. In the future air pollution (be) ......................... worse than it is today. 9. I’m sure that we (see) ......................... the Queen today. 10.You (be) ......................... 11 years old next month. VI. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

1. My big brother rode his bike ……………… and had an accident.


2. We couldn’t see the airplane because it ………….. behind the cloud. (appear) 3. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great ………… of water.


4. I don’t think it will come true soon; however, your idea is really ……….(imagine) 5. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest ……………….. in history.


6. The hover scooter is our new ………………….


7. Jonh likes traveling by bicycle, but it is ……………. in bad weather. (please) 8. It is a sky …………….. system; it’s stop everyone from crashing.


9. He feels very tired after two continuous nights of ………………..


10. Various roads will be …………………. At the beginning of next year.(wide) VII. Read the passage and answer the questions given. It takes you about 16 hours to travel from New York to Beijing. Beside, you also have to wait at the airport, and sometimes you have to transfer onto a different airplane. If you add all of that extra time, the trip will take at least 20 hours. But in the future, this trip might only take 2 hours. Nowadays, a private company is developing something called ET3 which stands for “ evacuated tube transport technology”. Here is how it works. A tube goes all way from New York to Beijing. The tube is only a few meters wide. Capsules use move through the tube. Six people can sit in one capsule. The capsules use electricity instead of gasoline. The capsules can travel about 6.500 kilometers per hour. That is much faster than airplane – most modern airplanes usually only fly at about 800 kilometers per hour. So how is this possible? How can these capsules travel so fast? The answer is that there is no air inside the tube. When airplanes fly, they have to move through the air. The air slows the airplanes down. Because there is no air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at a very high speed. Beside, the capsules are quite light. They only weigh 183 kilograms.

It is exciting to think of how ET3 will change in the future. Maybe someday, you will be able to have lunch in New York and dinner in Beijing. Answer the question: 1. How long will it take to travel from New York to Beijing if you travel by ET3? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What does ET3 stand for? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What does ET3 use to make engine? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. How far does the most modern airplane usually fly is one hour? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Why does ET3 can travel that fast? ………………………………………………………………………………………

VIII.Predict the trend of transportation in Vietnam in the next 10 years. Write within 150 -170 words. You should write: How will Vietnamese transportation be like in the next 10 years? What do you like about it? What don't you like about it? If there is one thing you can change to make it better, what will you do? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ KEYS I.Find the words which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. doctor

B. Hospital

C. pollution

D. tomorrow

2. A. foot

B. scooter

C. shoot

D. food

3. A. champagne

B. parachute

C. cheer

D. machine

4. A. traffic

B. abundant

C. band

D. biogas

5. A. played

B. decided

C. listened

D. enjoyed

II Find the words which has a different stress pattern. 6. A. avoid

B. exist

C. support

D. notice

7. A. spacious

B. hungry

C. disease

D. danger

8. A. available

B. environment

C. electrical

D. volunteer

9. A. appearance

B. pollution

C. personal

D. opinion

10. A. wonderland

B. favorite

C. driverless

D. expensive

Exercise 3: Draw if intonation is raised, if intonation is fallen. 1.










Exercise 4: Choose the correct answers. (2) 1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. D

Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. will tell

6. Will we have

2. will get

7. will probably not see

3. will have

8. will be

4. will be

9. will see

5. will not stay

10. will be

VI. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences. 1. My big brother rode his bike carelessly and had an accident.


2. We couldn’t see the airplane because it disappeared behind the cloud.(appear) 3. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great shortage of water.


4. I don’t think it will come true soon; however, your idea is really imaginative. (imagine) 5. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history.


6. The hover scooter is our new creation.


7. Jonh likes traveling by bicycle, but it is unpleasant in bad weather. (please) 8. It is a sky safety system; it’s stop everyone from crashing.


9. He feels very tired after two continuous nights of sleeplessness.


10. Various roads will be widened at the beginning of next year.


VII. Read the passage and answer the questions given. 1.In the future, it will take only 2 hours to travel from New York to Beijing. 2.ET3 stands for “evacuated tube transport technology” 3.It uses electricity instead of gasoline. 4.The most modern airplanes usually only fly at about 800 kilometers per hour. 5.Because it has no air inside the tube.

Preparing date : .................... Teaching date: ..................... UNIT 12: AN OVERCROWDED WORLD I.The objectives. 1. Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words to describe overcrowded places and words about the effects of overcrowding. + Grammar: + Comparisons of quantifiers . + Review tag questions.. + Pronunciation : Word stress ( review) 2.Skill : All 4 skills. Living skill: By the end of this period, students will know the disadvantages of being in an overcrowded place. 3. Attitude: Sts know more about the disadvantages of being in an overcrowded place, student get ready to receive the lesson, agree and except the content II. Teaching aids: - T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector. - St: Textbook. III. Procedures : 1.Organisation (1’): How are you?/ Who’s absent today? 2.Checking up( No): 3.The new lesson: A. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP


1. CẼu trúc So sånh hƥn So sånh hƥn

S1 + V + more +

N + than + S / Clause N

S + V + less + N + than + S / Clause S + V + fewer + N

2. CĂĄch dĂšng ChĂşng ta sáť­ d᝼ng more, less/ fewer Ä‘áťƒ: So sĂĄnh giᝯa ngĆ°áť?i (hoạc váş­t) nĂ y váť›i ngĆ°áť?i (hoạc váş­t) khĂĄc: II. TAG QUESTIONS – Câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i 1. CẼu trĂşc S +VAuxiliary + (not) + V + O, VAuxiliary+ Pronoun? VĂ­ d᝼: o You haven't bought the ticket, have you? o It isn't a beautiful day, is it? S +( VAuxiliary) + V + O, VAuxiliary + not + Pronoun? 2. Máť™t sáť‘ dấng câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i Câu giáť›i thiᝇu dĂšng "I am", câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i lĂ "aren't I". VĂ­ d᝼: I am a student, aren't I? Câu giáť›i thiᝇu dĂšng Let's, câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i lĂ "Shall we". VĂ­ d᝼: Let's go for a picnic, shall we? Chᝧ ngᝯ lĂ nhᝯng Ä‘ấi tᝍ bẼt Ä‘áť‹nh "Everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody..." câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i lĂ "they". VĂ­ d᝼: o Somebody wanted a drink, didn't they? o Nobody phoned, did they? Chᝧ ngᝯ lĂ "nothing" thĂŹ câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i dĂšng "it". VĂ Nothing lĂ chᝧ ngᝯ cĂł nghÄŠa lĂ mᝇnh Ä‘áť giáť›i thiᝇu Ä‘ang áť&#x; dấng phᝧ Ä‘áť‹nh, câu háť?i Ä‘uĂ´i sáş˝ áť&#x; dấng kháşłng Ä‘áť‹nh. VĂ­ d᝼: Nothing can happen, can it?

Trong câu có các trạng từ phủ định và bán phủ định như: never, seldom, hardly, scarely, little... thì câu đó được xem như là câu phủ định - phần hỏi đuôi sẽở dạng khẳng định. Ví dụ: He seldom drinks wine, does he? ( Sau câu mệnh lệnh cách (Do.../Don’t do v.v...), câu hỏi đuôi thường là ...will you? Ví dụ: o Open the door, will you? o Don't be late, will you? Câu đầu là WISH, dùng MAY trong câu hỏi đuôi Ví dụ: I wish to study English, may I? Chủ từ là ONE, dùng you hoặc one trong câu hỏi đuôi Ví dụ: One can be one's master, can't you/one? Câu đầu có MUST, must có nhiều cách dùng cho nên tùy theo cách dùng mà sẽ có câu hỏi đuôi khác nhau Must chỉ sự cần thiết: dùng needn't Ví dụ: They must study hard, needn't they? Must chỉ sự cấm đoán: dùng must Ví dụ: You mustn't come late, must you? Câu cảm thán, lấy danh từ trong câu đổi thành đại từ, dùng is, am, are Ví dụ: o What a beautiful dress, isn't it? (Chiếc váy thật đẹp, không phải sao?) o How intelligent you are, aren't you? (Bạn thật thông minh, nhỉ?) Câu đầu có I + các động từ sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel+ mệnh đề phụ, lấy mệnh đề phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi. Ví dụ: o I think he will come here, won't he? o I don't believe Mary can do it, can she? (Lưu ý: Mệnh đề chính có NOT thì vẫn tính như ở Mệnh đề phụ) Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ từ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi.

Ví dụ: She thinks he will come, doesn't he? USED TO:từng (diễn tả thói quen, hành động thường lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ). Trường hợp này, ta cứ việc xem USED TO là một động từ chia ở thì quá khứ. Do đó, câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ DID. Ví dụ: She used to live here, didn't she? HAD BETTER: "had better" thường được viết ngắn gọn thành 'D BETTER, nên dễ khiến ta lúng túng khi phải lập câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng. Khi thấy 'D BETTER, chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ HAD để lập câu hỏi đuôi. Ví dụ: He'd better stay, hadn't he? WOULD RATHER:"would rather" thường được viết gọn là 'D RATHERnên cũng dễ gây lúng túng cho bạn. Chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ WOULD cho trường hợp này để lập câu hỏi đuôi. Ví dụ: You'd rather go, wouldn't you? 3. PRONUNCIATION Tổng hợp một số quy tắc nhấn trọng âm tiếng Anh 1. Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất Hầu hết danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Ví dụ: Danh từ: present (/ˈprezənt/), export (/ˈekspɔːt/), China (/ˈtʃaɪnə/), table (/ˈteɪbl/) Tính từ: noisy (/ˈnɔɪzi/), slender (ˈslendər), clever (ˈklevər), happy (/ˈhæpi/) • Đối với động từ nếu âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc không nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì trọng âm sẽ rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Ví dụ: enter (ˈentər), travel (ˈtrævəl), open (/ˈəʊpən/). • Các động từ có âm tiết cuối chứa ow thì trọng âm cũng rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Ví dụ: follow (/ˈfɒləʊ/), borrow (/ˈbɒrəʊ/).

• Các động từ 3 âm tiết có âm tiết cuối chứa nguyên âm dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi hoặc kết thúc nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì âm tiết đầu nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ: paradise (/ˈpærədaɪs), exercise (ˈeksəsaɪz). 2. Trọng âm vào âm tiết thứ hai • Hầu hết động từ có 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Ví dụ:export (/ɪkˈspɔːt/), decide (/dɪˈsaɪd/), begin (/bɪˈgɪn/). • Nếu âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm dài, nguyên âm đôi hoặc kết thúc với nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì âm tiết đó nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ:provide (/prəɪvaɪd/), agree (əˈgri:/). • Đối với động từ 3 âm tiết quy tắc sẽ như sau: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa nguyên âm ngắn hoặc kết thúc không nhiều hơn một nguyên âm thì âm tiết thứ 2 sẽ nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ:determine (/dɪˈtɜːmɪn/), remember (/rɪˈmembər/), encounter (/ɪnˈkaʊntər/). 3. Trọng âm rơi vào âm thứ 2 tính từ dưới lên • Những từ có tận cùng bằng -ic, -sion, tion thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 tính từ dưới lên.

Ví dụ: Những từ có tận cùng bằng -ic: graphic (/ˈɡræfɪk/), geographic (/ˌdʒiəˈɡræfɪk/) Những từ có tận cùng bằng -sion, tion: suggestion (/səˈdʒestʃən/), revelation (/ˌrevəˈleɪʃn/) Ngoại lệ: Televisioncó trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. 4. Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên

Các từ tận cùng bằng -ce, -cy, -ty, -phy, -gy thì trọng âm đều rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên. Ví dụ: democracy (/dɪˈmɒkrəsi/), dependability (/dɪpendəˈbɪlɪti/), photography (/fəˈtɒɡrəfi/), geology (/dʒiˈɒlədʒi/). Các từ tận cùng bằng -ical cũng có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ dưới lên. Ví dụ: critical (/ˈkrɪtɪkəl/), geological (/dʒiəˈlɒdʒikəl/). I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. meat

B. heat

C. health

D. seat

2. A. house

B. overcrowded

C. country

D. town

3. A. slum

B. luck

C. cutting

D. sugar

4. A. smooth

B. toothache

C. footprint

D. wood

5. A. him

B. hunter

C. honor

D. ham

II.Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the other. 1. A. environment

B. eco-friendly

C. renewable

D. abundantly

2. A. homeless

B. describe

C. skyscraper

D. violence

3. A. uncomfortable

B. population

C. overcrowded

D. celebration

4. A. behavior

B. industrial

C. agriculture

D. economy

5. A. wealthy

B. peaceful

C. diverse

D. labor

III.Complete the following tag question. 1. You’re changed your old clothes, ……………………….? 2. There’s a new cartoon, ………………………………….? 3. They don’t want to sell their house, …………………………….? 4. Your parents are on a trip to England, …………………………? 5. We can’t go camping today, ………………………………..? 6. Let’s go to my house, …………………………….? 7. Jonh hardly does his homework, …………………..?

8. the tourists will never be allowed to visit the slum again, ………………….? 9. No one can object, …………………? 10. Your dad used to be soldier, ……………………….? IV .Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. I avoid …….. the car whenever possible, especially in a big city. A. took

B. talking

C. is taken

D. take

2. Overpopulation problems …… both the rich and the poor. A. cause

B. reduce

C. happen

D. affect

3. People move to big cities for better …………. A. standard of living B. standard life

C. standard living

D. life of standard

4. The major cause of death for children living in the slums is ………… A. immigration

B. malnutrition

C. density

D. illiteracy

5. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, …………? A. don’t they

B. does it

C. doesn’t it

D. have they

6. it’s very …….. in the city. Some rich people live in large villas, while many poor people live in small slums. A. spacious

B. healthy

C. diverse

D. equal

7. Some poor people may ……. crime when they need money. A. commit

B. accept

C. involve

D. arrive

8. Diseases ……. more quickly in overcrowded areas. A. move

B. travel

C. spread

D. come

9. The city has to find ……. to homeless people immediately. A. calories

B. solutions

C. earnings

D. systems

10. living in the country is healthier than that in the city because in the countryside, there is ….. traffic. A. higher

B. fewer

C. more

D. less

V. Give the correct form of the word given. 1. In big cities, there are many wealthy people, but ……… is still a problem. (poor)

2. Life must be ………………… in the slums.


3. The kids look …………….. enough to go out now.


4. the air in the city is very ………………..


5. We’ll make this beach clean and ………………. again


VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers given. Australia is the world’s smallest continent, but it is one of the most fascinating. Australia has rainforests, and mountains. Seventy percent of the people in Australia live in citied near coats. the middle of the country is nearly deserted. Australia has 175 million sheep, about a sixth of the world’s total. It produces a third of the world’s wool. It exports ninety – seven percent of its wool to Japan, Europe, and China. Australia also has about 24 million cattle. It export beef to more than 100 countries. Two million tourists visit this beautiful country each year. 1. How much of the world’s wool is produce in Australia, according to the passage? A. 33 percent

B. 66 percent

C. 75 percent

D. 25 percent

2. How many Australians don’t live in cities near the coast? A. 50 percent

B. 20 percent

C. 30 percent

D. 70 percent

3. The word “deserted” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ………. A. old and falling down

B. dangerous

C. dry

D. empty

4. Australia exports wool to ……… A. china

B. Japan

C. Europe

D. Japan, Europe and

China 5. How many tourists do visit Australia each year? A. 2 million

B. 100 million

C. 175 million

VII.Read the passage and answer the questions given.

D. 24 million

The two children have been in London. they were surprised at the crowds everywhere. They decided to travel on the tube railway. they found that they had to be quick and get on the train or it would go off without them. One day they went to Hype Park and walked along on the grass to Kensington Garden in bright autumn sunshine. This was different from the crowded streets, and Mary said that it was like being back home. The leaves of the great trees were turning red, brown and yellow, birds were flying about, there were lots of flowers and ducks swimming about on the Round Pond. Only the noise from the street in the distance reminded them of the town. Answer the question: 1. Where have the children been? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. What made them surprised? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. What did they decide to do? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Where did they go one day? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. What remind them about the town? …………………………………………………………………………………….. VIII.Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about the negatives of over-growing population. You should base on the suggestions below: What are the negatives in terms of: -

the availability food and clothing


the availability or energy resources


healthcare services





……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… KEYS I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 6. A. meat

B. heat

C. health

D. seat

7. A. house

B. overcrowded

C. country

D. town

8. A. slum

B. luck

C. cutting

D. sugar

9. A. smooth

B. toothache

C. footprint

D. wood

10. A. him

B. hunter

C. honor

D. ham

II.Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the other. 6. A. environment

B. eco-friendly

C. renewable

D. abundantly

7. A. homeless

B. describe

C. skyscraper

D. violence

8. A. uncomfortable

B. population

C. overcrowded

D. celebration

9. A. behavior

B. industrial

C. agriculture

D. economy

10. A. wealthy

B. peaceful

C. diverse

D. labor

III. Complete the following tag question. 11. You’re changed your old clothes, haven’t you?

12. There’s a new cartoon, isn’t there? 13. They don’t want to sell their house,do they? 14. Your parents are on a trip to England, aren’t they? 15. We can’t go camping today, can we? 16. Let’s go to my house, shall we? 17. Jonh hardly does his homework, does he? 18. the tourists will never be allowed to visit the slum again, won’t they? 19. No one can object, can’t he? 20. Your dad used to be soldier, didn’t he? IV. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 11. I avoid …….. the car whenever possible, especially in a big city. A. took

B. talking

C. is taken

D. take

12. Overpopulation problems …… both the rich and the poor. A. cause

B. reduce

C. happen

D. affect

13. People move to big cities for better …………. A. standard of living

B. standard life

C. standard living

D. life of standard

14. The major cause of death for children living in the slums is ………… A. immigration

B. malnutrition

C. density

D. illiteracy

15. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, …………? A. don’t they

B. does it

C. doesn’t it

D. have they

16. It’s very …….. in the city. Some rich people live in large villas, while many poor people live in small slums. A. spacious

B. healthy

C. diverse

D. equal

17. Some poor people may ……. crime when they need money. A. commit

B. accept

C. involve

D. arrive

18. Diseases ……. more quickly in overcrowded areas. A. move

B. travel

C. spread

D. come

19. The city has to find ……. to homeless people immediately. A. calories

B. solutions

C. earnings

D. systems

20. Living in the country is healthier than that in the city because in the countryside, there is ….. traffic. A. higher

B. fewer

D. less

C. more

V. Give the correct form of the word given. 1. In big cities, there are many wealthy people, but poverty is still a problem. (poor) 2. Life must be difficult in the slums.


3. The kids look healthy enough to go out now.


4. The air in the city is very polluted .


5. We’ll make this beach clean and beautiful again.


VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers given. 1.How much of the world’s wool is produce in Australia, according to the passage? A. 33 percent

B. 66 percent

C. 75 percent

D. 25 percent

2.How many Australians don’t live in cities near the coast? A. 50 percent

B. 20 percent

C. 30 percent

D. 70 percent

3.The word “deserted” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ………. A. old and falling down

B. dangerous

C. dry

D. empty

4. Australia exports wool to ……… A. china

B. Japan

C. Europe

D. Japan, Europe and

China 5. How many tourists do visit Australia each year? A. 2 million

B. 100 million

C. 175 million

VII. Read the passage and answer the questions given. 1.The two children have been in London.

D. 24 million

2.They were surprised at the crowds everywhere. 3.They decided to travel on the tube railway. 4.One day they went to Hype Park and walked along on the grass to Kensington Garden in bright autumn sunshine. 5.Only the noise from the street in the distance reminded them of the town.

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